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1) Discuss the roll that marketing research can play in helping HP maintain
and build on its position in the personal computer market.

1. Updating customer satisfaction at peak level.

2. Research of marketing should seek market opportunities for HP before entering into
the consumer product market.
3. Planning properly for every stage.
4. Observing the performance of marketing through diagnostic and prescriptive
information research.
5. Identify the existing problems and find a solution.

Q.2) What problem identification research should HP undertake?

One problem HP identified was that customers often faced technical difficulties during the
most unexpected and inconvenient times in the daily course of business. So this could be
categorized under “Image research” and “Market Characteristics” to have knowledge about
the characteristics of the target market as well.

Q.3) What problem solving research should HP undertake?

Problem solving research should be dedicated on:

 Quality of Staff
 Efficiency of Service
 Increase the number of agents
 Product Research

Q.4) How can HP make use of social media to obtain marketing research
1. Using social media to track trends for real-time insights

Several ways are offered by most social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook to
analyze trends and conduct market research. An insight to emerging trends can be
obtained simply by searching the latest posts, popular or in vogue terms to see what
customers are discussing about in real-time.
2. Using Polls/Questions on social media

Questions can be asked directly in social media feeds that would inspire users to
participate with their thoughts and feelings.

3. Listen in the social media

HP can allocate feedbacks from the customers and monitor opinions about their
products, services and solutions to upgrade themselves and outdo the competitors.

Q.5) Would you like to pursue a marketing research career with an organization
such as HP? Why?

Yes, I would like to because from the case it is evident that customer satisfaction regarding
HP products and services are continuing to rate high up. That means HP is successful in their
marketing research operation and knows how to stay committed to customer satisfaction
through numerous ways such as surveying recent purchasers of HP PCs and notebooks, how
consumers use their HP computers, and understand the level of satisfaction that consumers
are deriving from HP products. HP also tries to estimate the probability of repeat purchases.
All these approaches are an indication that HP’s marketing research area monitors and
controls on a constant basis and would be rewarding to pursue a career here.

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