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Internet and Web Page Designing

Chapter – 1

What is internet?
INTERNET – It is a global network of computers which is
formed by combining several LANs, MANs and WANs. It is
also called network of networks. It is a network which makes
possible global exchange of message or file at minimum
expense. This technology was developed by ARPA (Advance
research project agency) in September 1969. Initially this
technology was used by defence department of USA. Later in
1989 this technology was opened for all countries. The
services of internet are governed by ISOC, IAB and IETF.
ISOC – internet society
IAB – internet architecture board
IETF– internet engineering task force
Internet is based on TCP/IP protocol


1. It is used to collect information about product or
services of any organisation.
2. It is used to do global exchange of message using email
3. It is used to do global business using ecommerce
4. It is used to do face to face talk using video
5. It is used to do online courses
6. It is used to search job also
7. It is used to form a club or forum of the people having
similar interest.
8. it is used to collect research information
9. it is used to publish research information
10. It is used to do entertainment also. Such as music
can be downloaded or video games can be played by using

What is www?
WWW – It stands for World Wide Web. It is a global network
on internet servers which was developed by CERN (Centre
for European Research Network) in 1989 in Switzerland.
WWW is controlled by W3C (World Wide Web consortium).
It works on HTTP protocol. The documents present on
WWW are called websites. Special software is needed to
access information from WWW, such software is called
browser or Internet navigation tool. Commonly used
browsers are Google chrome, Internet explorer, Netscape
navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge etc.

Website – An electronic document which is present on

WWW and which gives information about product or
services of any organisation is called website. A website
uses Text, Image, Audio and Video to explain any topic.
Websites are designed by using HTML/DHTML or XML.
Each page of a website is called webpage. The first page
of any website is called home page.

Differences between internet and www-

1. WWW is collection of webservers while internet
represent collection of servers as well as clients.
2. WWW was developed by CERN in 1989 in
Switzerland while Internet was developed by ARPA
in 1969
3. The services of WWW are governed by W3C while
the services of internet are governed by ISOC, IAB
and IETF
4. WWW uses HTTP protocol while Internet uses
TCP/IP protocol
5. WWW is a part of Internet

Internet and web page designing

1) Trail copy of any software is called shareware
2) There are two types of FTP servers anonymous and
non – anonymous FTP
3) CuteFtp and WSFtp are ftp client software
4) Zonealarm is a free of cost firewall
5) ftp commands should be written in lowercase
6) mailing list is used to send mail to several persons
at a time
7) IRC (Internet relay chat) is a chat client software
8) Net meeting is a video conferencing tool available
in window
9) Meta search engine is used to search information
using multiple search engines
10) Outlook Express is a news reader software
11) ASP stands for Active server pages
12) pwd shows the name of current directory
13) get command is used to download file
14) put command is used to upload file
15) star network is least affected by addition and
removal of nodes

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