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1. The cell derived from B lymphocytes is

a) Mast cell
b) plasma cell
c) Fibroblast
d) Macrophages
2. The connective tissue is characterized by:
a) Avascular tissue
b) contains crowded cells
c) contains abundant intercellular substance
d) all of the above
3. The origin of connective tissue is :
a) ectoderm
b) mesoderm
c) endoderm
d) all of the above
4.Negative Golgi image is seen in:
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
5. Collagen fibers are mainly synthesized by :
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
6. Which one of the following originates from the blood monocytes:
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
7.which one of the following can be stained metachromatically by toludine blue :
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
8. This cell can be vitally stained :
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells


9. plasma cells secrete:

a) Heparin
c) Antibodies
d) both a & b are correct
10. Mast cells secrete:
a) Heparin
c) Antibodies
d) both a & b are correct
11. Which one of the following CT cells is typically an antigen presenting cell:
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
12. which one of the following CT cells, its nucleus has a clock face appearance:
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
13. Which one of the following CT cells has receptors for immunoglobulin E ( IgE):
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells
14.Pericytes of the connective tissue arises from:
a) reticular cells
b) fibroblasts
c) undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
d) macrophages
15. Under certain conditions, Pericytes of the connective tissue can differentiate into:
a) endothelial cells
b) fibroblasts
c) smooth muscle cells
d) all of the above
16.The ground substance of connective tissue is synthesized mainly by:
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) Fibroblasts
d) plasma cells


17. All of the following cells synthesize collagen except:

a) chondroblasts
c) osteoblasts
d) pericytes
18. Yellow elastic fibers are stained:
a) brown by orecin
b) yellow by van gieson
c) magenta red by PAS
d) both a & b are correct
19. The stroma of the organs is formed by
a) collagen fibers
b) elastic fibers
c) reticular fibers
d) muscle fibers
2o. Reticular fibers are composed of type ………… collagen fibrils:
a) II
b) III
c) IV
d) V
21. which type of CT fibers is stained by silver:
a) collagen fibers
b) reticular fibers
c) elastic fibers
d) all of the above
22. which cell is present around blood capillaries:
a) Mast cells
b) Macrophages
c) pericytes
d) plasma cells
23.Which types of adipose cells is a characteristic for newborns:
a) white
b) yellow
c) grey
d) brown
24. Unilocular fat cells :
a) have eccentric flat nucleus
b) have single large fat droplets
c) have thin rim of cytoplasm
d) all of the above


25. The main ultrastructure of macrophage is:

a) lysosomes
b) ribosomes
c) all of the above
26. Mucoid connective tissue is present in
a) mucous membranes
b) pulp of teeth
c) umbilical cord
d) both b & c are correct
27. Irregular white fibrous connective tissue is seen in :
a) umbilical cord
b) capsules of organs
c) Tendon
d) Ligamentum nuchae
28. Brown adipose connective tissue is:
a)responsible for fat storage
b) responsible for heat production
c) formed of multilocular fat cells
d) both b & c are correct
29. Tendon is formed of :
a) regular white fibrous connective tissue
b) irregular white fibrous connective tissue
c) regular yellow elastic connective tissue
d) irregular yellow elastic connective tissue
30. which type forms the dermis of the skin :
a) mucous connective tissue
b) loose irregular connective tissue
c) dense irregular connective tissue
d) dense regular connective tissue
31. yellow elastic connective tissue is present in:
a) capsule of organs
b) Ligamentum nuchae
c) umbilical cord
d) stroma of organs
32. Reticular connective tissue is present in:
a) capsule of organs
b) Ligamentum nuchae
c) umbilical cord
d) stroma of organs


33. ground substance is jelly like and formed mainly of hyaluronic acids in:
a) mucoid connective tissue
b) yellow elastic connective tissue
c) loose areolar connective tissue
d) adipose connective tissue
34. Reticular fibers can be stained by the following except:
a) silver
b) H&E
c) PAS
d) both b & c are correct
35. Type I collagen is present mainly in :
a) reticular connective tissue
b) dense connective tissue
c) mucoid connective tissue
d) yellow elastic connective tissue
36. The following is a free connective tissue cell :
a) pericyte
b) reticular cell
c) fat cell
d) plasma cell
37. fibrocytes are characterized by :
a) having deeply basophilic cytoplasm
b) being spindle shaped with few processes
c) having well developed golgi apparatus
d) being active cells
38. Histocytes have
a) darkly basophilic cytoplasm
b) euchromatic nucleus
c) pseudopodia
d) few lysosomes
39. concerning reticular cells :
a) they are rounded cells with no processes
b) they are antibody forming cells
c) they have pale basophilic cytoplasm
d) they have dark heterochromatic nucleus
40. concerning multilocular adipocytes , they have :
a) cytochrome pigments
b) signet ring appearance
c) single large fat droplets
d) flat peripheral nucleus
41. collagen fibers are formed by:
a) macrophage
b) histocytes
c) chondroblats
d) adipocytes


42. concerning collagen fibers :

a) they are wavy branching bundles formed of non branching fibers
b) they are basophilic
c) they stain with van Gieson dtain
d) both a & c are correct
43. Elastic fibers are formed by :
a) fibroblasts
b) macrophages
c) fat cells
d) mast cells
44. white fibrous connective tissue:
a) have abundant matrix
b) is rich in blood supply
c) contains three types of connective tissue fibers
d) its cells are fibroblasts
45.The main function of histiocyte is
a) secretion of antibodies
b) secretion of histamine
c) phagocytosis
d) exocytosis
46. Metachromatic granules are present in
a) mast cells
b) plasma cells
c) fat cells
d) pigment cells
47. Dermis of skin is formed of :
a) loose aerolar connective tissue
b) dense irregular connective tissue
c) dense regular connective tissue
d) both a & b are correct
48. the function of loose aerolar connective tissue is :
a) gives the skin its shape
b) withstands stretch
c) binds structures together
d) heat insulation
49. Ground substance of the CT is composed of the followings EXCEPT
a) Glycosaminoglycan
b) Proteoglycan
c) Glycoproteins
d) Phospholipids
50. "Signet ring appearance" is a descriptive term for the
a) Fat cells stained with sudan III
b) Fat cells stained with sudan black
c) Fat cells stained with H/E


51. ALL those connective tissue cells are branched Except:

b) Pericytes
c) Fat cell
d) UMCs
52.Which one of the connective tissue cell can differentiate into endothelial cell ?
a) Macrophage.
b) Plasma cell.
c) Pericyte.
d) Mast cell.
e) Fibroblast.
53.The Pulp of teeth is formed from which type of connective tissue ?
a. Mesenchymal .
b. Loose areolar.
c. Mucoid.
d. Adipose.
e. Elastic.
54.Plasma cells
a) Are branched cells.
b) Have cart wheel nucleus.
c) Have electron dense granules.
d) Can be stained by toludine blue.
e) Have receptors for immunoglobulin E.
55.Reticular fibers are
a. Forming bundles.
b. Thick , non branching fibers.
c. Formed of collagen type III .
d. Lacking axial periodicity.
e. Stained by orcein stain.
56. Staining of the macrophage with trypan blue is an example of
a) Vital stain.
b) Supravital stain.
c) Flurescent stain.
d) Histochemical stain.
e) Metachromatic stain.
57. The structural unit of collagen fibers is:
a- Hyaluronan.
b- Tropocollagen
c- Fibrillin
d- Laminin.


58. Collagen type III forms:

a- White fibrous connective tissue.
b- Stroma of parenchymatous organs.
c- Basement membrane.
d- Placental connective tissue
59. Example of non sulphated glycosaminoclycans is:
a- Heparin.
b- Histaman.
c- Hyaluronic acid.
d- Dermatan.
60. Collagen type 5 is present in the following except:
a- Capsule of organs.
b- Fetal connective tissue.
c- Vascular connective tissue.
d- Placenta.
61. Elastic fibers are formed by the following except:
a- Fibroblasts in connective tissue proper.
b- Chondroblasts in elastic cartilage.
c- Smooth muscle cells in arterial blood vessels.
d- Osteoblasts in growing bone.
62. About elastic lamina all are true except:
a- Formed of elastin amorphous protein only.
b- Formed of elastin surrounded by microfibrillar protein.
c- Stained with Orcein & Van Geison stains.
d- Are found in the wall of Large (Elastic) arteries.
63. About mast cell all are true except:
a- Its granules are stained basophilic with H& E
b- Its surface has receptors for IgE.
c- Its surface has receptors for IgA.
d- Its granules are stained metachromatically with toluidine blue.
64. About plasma cell all are true except:
a- It’s the antibody forming cell.
b- It can divide.
c- Develops from activated B lymphocyte.
d- Characterized by cart wheel shaped nucleus.
65. Multilocular fat cell all true except:
a- Its accumulation form brown fat
b- Its mitochondria is rich in thermogenin & cytochrome enzymes.
c- Its mitochondria is rich in ATP synthetase enzyme.
d- Its nucleus is spherical & central in position.


66. The following are forms of embryonic connective tissue except:

a- Wharton's jelly.
b- Mesenchymal tissue.
c- Mucoid connective tissue.
d- Regular white fibrous connective tissue.
67. Protects newborn infants by heat production:
a- White fat. .(adipose tissue).
b- Mucoid c.t.
c- Brown fat.(adipose tissue).
d- Reticular c.t
68. Dense regular white fibrous c.t. forms the following except:
a- Tendons.
b- Ligaments.
c- Aponeurosis.
d- Liver capsule.
69. About proteoglycans one is wrong:
a- Formed of Glycosaminoglycans attached to core of protein.
b- Its carbohydrate portion is more than its protein.
c- May contain sulphated Glycosaminoglycans.
d- Laminin is one of its examples.
70. About glycoproteins all are true except:
a- Formed mainly of protein to which carbohydrates are attached.
b- Act mainly as binding proteins between connective tissue components.
c- Important for adhesion between cells & intercellular substance.
d- Stained metachromatically by toluidine blue.
71. The following are found in basal lamina except:
a- Laminin
b- Collagen type II
c- Collagen type IV
72. About basement membrane all are true except:
a- Its lamina reticularis contains collagen type III & VII.
b- Its basal lamina contains collagen type IV & glycoproteins e.g. Laminin.
c- Can be seen by L.M. and stained with PAS.
d- Its lamina reticularis is divided into lamina densa & lucida.
73. The following are types of macrophages except:
a- Histiocytes in C.T.
b- Kupffer cells in liver
c- Merkel's cells in skin.
d- Microglia in brain & CNS.
74. About macrophages all are true except:
a- They are antigen presenting cells.
b- It originate from B lymphocytes.
c- Stained with Supravital staining using trypan blue.
d- Stained histochemically using acid phosphatase technique


1 B 6 B 11 B 16 C 21 B 26 D 31 B

2 C 7 A 12 D 17 D 22 C 27 B 32 D

3 B 8 B 13 A 18 D 23 D 28 D 33 A

4 D 9 C 14 C 19 C 24 D 29 A 34 B

5 C 10 D 15 D 20 B 25 A 30 C 35 B

36 D 44 D 52 C 60 A 68 D
37 B 45 C 53 C 61 D 69 D
38 C 46 B 54 B 62 B 70 D
39 C 47 D 55 C 63 C 71 B
40 A 48 C 56 A 64 B 72 D
41 C 49 D 57 B 65 C 73 C
42 D 50 C 58 B 66 D 74 B
43 A 51 C 59 C 67 C


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