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Separación de una mezcla de óxidos metálicos y obtención de compuestos

1.1.- Separación de una mezcla de óxidos de Cu(II), Pb(II) y Cr(III) [CuO,
PbO y Cr2O3].
1.1.1.- Separación en medio alcalino.
1.1.2.- Separación en medio ácido.
1.2.- Aislamiento del ión Cu(II) en forma de cloruro, CuCl 2, y su uso como
reactivo para la obtención del complejo termocrómico
tetraclorurocuprato(II) de dietilamonio [(C2H5)2NH2]2CuCl4.
1.3.- Aislamiento del ión Pb(II) en forma de PbCl2 y su uso como reactivo
para la obtención de PbO, PbO2 y Pb3O4.
1.4.- Disgregación alcalina oxidante del óxido de Cr(III), y aislamiento en
forma de dicromato potásico (K2Cr2O7).
1.1.- Separación de una mezcla de óxidos de Cu(II), Pb(II) y Cr(III)
[CuO, PbO y Cr2O3].
1.1.1.- Separación en medio alcalino (NaOH).

Se tratan 4.5 g de una mezcla de óxidos (que contiene aproximadamente 2 g de CuO, 2

g de PbO y 0.5 g de Cr2O3), con NaOH 5 M, usando una cantidad diez veces mayor que
la teóricamente necesaria para disolver el óxido de plomo, manteniendo una ebullición
suave durante una hora con agitación y reponiendo agua de forma que el volumen de la
suspensión permanezca prácticamente constante. Se enfría externamente con agua y se
centrifuga inmediatamente (no se debe dejar la mezcla expuesta al aire de un día para
otro: carbonatación). El líquido sobrenadante, que contiene a los iones Pb(II) en
disolución, se separa por decantación y se reserva. El residuo sólido restante, mezcla de
CuO y Cr2O3, se lava una vez con NaOH 1M uniendo las aguas de lavado a la
disolución de Pb(II) anterior y después se lava repetidamente con agua hasta neutralidad
de las aguas de lavado.

Sobre la disolución con contiene los iones Pb(II), se añade gota a gota y con
agitación ácido nítrico concentrado, de forma que se observe la precipitación de
hidróxido de plomo, el pH final debería ser neutro o débilmente alcalino. Si llegara a
ser ácido, rectificar con amoníaco hasta medio ligeramente básico. Esta suspensión se
calienta suavemente para favorecer la floculación del precipitado. Posteriormente éste
se filtra o se centrifuga, se lava con agua y se seca en corriente de aire. El precipitado
obtenido, Pb(OH)2, se reserva para reacciones posteriores (véase aptdo. 1.3).

La mezcla de óxidos de cobre y cromo se trata con H2SO4 1 N, usando un exceso

del 50% sobre la cantidad teóricamente necesaria para disolver el óxido de cobre,
calentando durante aproximadamente media hora y reponiendo agua para mantener el
volumen de la suspensión constante. Se enfría en hielo y se filtra, reservando la
disolución con Cu(II) para su tratamiento posterior. El óxido de Cr(III) aislado se seca
en estufa y se guarda cuidadosamente para reacciones posteriores (véase aptdo. 1.4).

Finalmente, para aislar el Cu(II) de la disolución ácida que lo contiene se añade

poco a poco Na2CO3 (al principio en estado sólido y después, cuando la efervescencia
sea más suave, en disolución concentrada) hasta fuerte alcalinidad y se calienta
suavemente (al calentar el hidróxido puede transformarse en óxido). El precipitado se
lava con agua hasta neutralidad de las aguas de lavado. Seguidamente se redisuelve el
sólido usando HCl 1:1, agitando y calentando hasta su completa disolución. Se evapora
en vitrina hasta un pequeño volumen (procurar no llegar a sequedad) de manera que al
enfriar aparezcan las agujas de CuCl2·2H2O (si se llega a sequedad aparece el
compuesto anhidro de color marrón). Se filtran y se dejan secar en corriente de aire o
depositándolas sobre papel de filtro hasta que éste no se manche (Precaución: utilizar
una espátula de plástico y no una metálica ya que ésta se ataca).

1.1.2.- Separación en medio ácido (HNO3).

Se tratan 4.5 g de una mezcla de óxidos (que contiene 2 g de CuO, 2 g de PbO y

0.5 g de Cr2O3), con HNO3 2 M, usando el doble de la cantidad teóricamente necesaria
para disolver los óxidos de plomo y cobre, manteniendo una ebullición suave durante
una hora con agitación. Durante este tiempo se repone el agua necesaria de forma que el
volumen de la suspensión permanezca aproximadamente constante. Se deja enfriar y se
filtra o centrifuga, lavando el óxido de Cr(III) con agua hasta reacción neutra del agua
de lavado y uniendo a la disolución de Pb(II) y Cu(II) solamente la primera porción del
agua de lavado. El óxido de Cr(III) aislado se seca en estufa y se guarda
cuidadosamente para reacciones posteriores (véase aptdo. 1.4).

La disolución resultante, que contiene a los iones Cu(II) y Pb(II) en disolución

en forma de nitratos, se enfría en baño de hielo y sobre ella se añade la cantidad
estequiométrica teórica de cloruro sódico, disuelta en la mínima cantidad de agua
posible, necesaria para precipitar todo el plomo presente en dicha disolución. Dejar
sedimentar el precipitado resultante y, siempre en baño de hielo, añadir sin agitar unas
gotas de una disolución concentrada de cloruro sódico para comprobar que no precipita
más cloruro de plomo (si se observase precipitación, dejar sedimentar de nuevo y repetir
la operación). Posteriormente se separa el cloruro de plomo por filtración, lavando con
pequeñas porciones de agua/hielo (unir a las aguas madres solamente la primera
fracción de aguas de lavado) y el PbCl2 resultante se deja secar en corriente de aire. Se
puede tratar de obtener más cloruro de plomo concentrando la disolución y enfriando a
cero grados.

Finalmente, se procede a aislar el Cu(II) de la disolución ácida que lo contiene.

A pesar de todas las precauciones tomadas, esta disolución puede aún estar contaminada
por iones Pb(II) en disolución, para confirmar o no esto último, se añaden unas gotas de
KI, si se forma un precipitado de color naranja (PbI2 mucho más insoluble que el PbCl2)
se añade más KI hasta que no se forme más PbI2 y éste se separa por filtración o
centrifugación. A la disolución que contiene los iones Cu(II) se añade poco a poco
Na2CO3 (al principio en estado sólido y después, cuando la efervescencia sea más
suave, en disolución concentrada) hasta fuerte alcalinidad y se calienta suavemente (al
calentar el hidróxido puede transformarse en óxido). El precipitado se lava con agua
hasta neutralidad de las aguas de lavado. Seguidamente se redisuelve el sólido usando
HCl 1:1, agitando y calentando hasta su completa disolución. Se evapora en vitrina
hasta un pequeño volumen (procurar no llegar a sequedad) de manera que al enfriar
aparezcan las agujas de CuCl2·2H2O (si se llega a sequedad aparece el compuesto
anhidro de color marrón). Se filtran y se dejan secar en corriente de aire o
depositándolas sobre papel de filtro hasta que éste no se manche (Precaución: utilizar
una espátula de plástico y no una metálica ya que ésta se ataca).
1.2.- Aislamiento del ión Cu(II) en forma de cloruro, CuCl2·2H2O, y su
uso como reactivo para la obtención del complejo termocrómico
tetraclorocuprato(II) de dietilamonio [(C2H5)2NH2]2CuCl4.
El CuCl2·2H2O obtenido tras la etapa de separación se va a utilizar como
producto de partida para la obtención de un complejo metálico de Cu(II) termocrómico,
esto es, que cambia su color en función de la temperatura a la que se encuentra. El
cloruro de cobre obtenido puede presentar un color que varíe entre el verde y el celeste
dependiendo fundamentalmente del tamaño de los cristales. Igualmente puede estar
contaminado con NaCl que es importante eliminar. Para corroborar esta contaminación
se puede disolver un poco del producto obtenido en etanol, si existe contaminación de
NaCl, éste no se disolverá.

- Obtención de cloruro de dietilamonio.

Se mezcla la cantidad apropiada de dietilamina con un volumen igual de agua. A

esta disolución se le añade poco a poco y con agitación (reacción exotérmica) la
cantidad estequiométrica de HCl concentrado. Al acercarnos al punto de equivalencia,
la adición de HCl se hará de manera cuidadosa y controlando el pH, hasta que éste vire.

La disolución se concentra hasta un pequeño volumen de forma que al enfriar se

forme una masa de cristales (si esto no ocurre, se evapora un poco más). Esta masa se
filtra en Büchner, se redisuelve en la menor cantidad posible de etanol y el producto se
precipita añadiendo éter. Se filtra, se seca con un poco más de éter y se recoge
rápidamente en un tubo de ensayo seco previamente pesado que se cierra a continuación
(producto muy higroscópico).

- Obtención del complejo tetraclorurocuprato(II) de dietilamonio.

Se mezclan disoluciones etanólicas de cloruro de cobre y cloruro de dietilamonio
en proporciones estequiométricas. Se evapora hasta que quede un pequeño volumen y se
enfría de manera que se obtenga el producto en forma de agujas verdes. La
cristalización es difícil y a veces se forma un aceite viscoso, en estos casos se puede
ayudar a la cristalización sembrando semillas del producto ya formado o bien raspando
enérgicamente con una espátula en el fondo del vaso o del vidrio de reloj.

Tomar unos cuantos cristales verdes del producto final y colocarlos en un tubo
de ensayo. Introducirlo en baño maría y observar el cambio de color.
1.3.- Aislamiento del ión Pb(II) en forma de PbCl2 y su uso como
reactivo para la obtención de PbO, PbO2 y Pb3O4.
El PbCl2 aislado previamente se redisuelve en la mínima cantidad posible de
agua caliente y se transforma en hidróxido (Pb(OH)2) añadiendo una disolución de
hidróxido amónico hasta fuerte alcalinidad. El Pb(OH)2 obtenido se filtra, se lava con
agua y se seca en corriente de aire. El total obtenido se divide en tres partes iguales cada
una de las cuales servirá para la obtención de los óxidos de plomo que se indican a

- Obtención de óxido de plomo(II),PbO.

El Pb(OH)2 se transforma en PbO por simple calentamiento en estufa a 100ºC

durante varias horas.

- Obtención de óxido de plomo(IV), PbO2.

12 g de PbO se suspenden en 50 mL de agua y se trata con una disolución que contiene

10 g de NaOH en 90 mL de agua. Sobre la disolución resultante se agregan poco a poco
y con agitación 80 ml. de una disolución de hipoclorito sódico. Se calienta y se
mantiene a ebullición durante unos minutos. Se deja sedimentar el dióxido de plomo
formado y se prueba si la oxidación ha sido completa añadiendo unas gotas de
hipoclorito al líquido sobrenadante (si se forma más precipitado, añadir más hipoclorito
sódico y volver a calentar). El precipitado se separa y lava por decantación, primero tres
veces con agua, después una vez con 50 mL de HNO3 3M (para eliminar el Pb2+ que
pueda quedar) y después de nuevo con agua, finalmente filtrándose y lavando en filtro
hasta neutralidad de las aguas de lavado. El producto se puede secar en estufa.

- Obtención de minio, Pb3O4.

Se obtiene calentando en presencia de aire óxido o carbonato de plomo a 460ºC.

También se puede obtener por reducción del dióxido de plomo. En ambos casos,
simplemente se deja en un horno a esa temperatura durante varias horas.
1.4.- Disgregación alcalina oxidante del óxido de Cr(III), y aislamiento
en forma de dicromato potásico (K2Cr2O7).
- Disgregación alcalina oxidante del óxido de cromo.

En este proceso de disgregación, el Cr2O3 previamente aislado se va a oxidar a

cromato, CrO42-. Se pesa el Cr2O3, previamente secado en estufa, y se mezcla con 5
veces su peso de nitrato potásico y 4 veces su peso de hidróxido potásico, molturándose
finamente. Se lleva a un crisol y se calienta enérgicamente hasta que la mezcla funda
por completo, manteniéndose fundida durante unos minutos. El calentamiento se puede
realizar mediante sopletes o, alternativamente, se puede introducir el crisol en un lecho
de grafito y someterlo a radiación de microondas. En este último caso, se programa el
horno de microondas a 800 W, calentando durante periodos consecutivos de veinte
segundos, abriendo el microondas y girando el contenedor mediante unas pinzas entre
un periodo y otro. En el caso de que se estén desprendiendo burbujas de gas, esperar a
que cese el desprendimiento antes de volver a aplicar la radiación.

Se deja enfriar a temperatura ambiente. Si el crisol está manchado externamente

con grafito, límpiese bien para no contaminar la muestra. Se trata la mezcla con agua
caliente filtrando el Cr2O3 que no haya reaccionado. Se obtiene una disolución amarilla
de cromato.


Se está utilizando un horno de microondas en unas condiciones diferentes a aquellas para las que fue

diseñado, por tanto deben extremarse las precauciones en su uso.

- No debe utilizarse durante más tiempo ni a más potencia de la indicada en la receta. No conectar nunca

en vacío. No conectar nunca el grill si el aparato dispone del mismo.

- Alguien debe permanecer siempre junto al aparato mientras está funcionando comprobando que no

ocurre nada anormal. En caso de cualquier tipo de incidencia (olores, humo, chispas, etc.) se debe

desconectar inmediatamente el horno poniendo el reloj a cero o abriendo la puerta. Desenchufar de la

pared y avisar al profesor.

- El contenedor de grafito y el crisol alcanzan temperaturas extremadamente altas, se deben utilizar

pinzas para sacar el contenedor del horno y para sacar el crisol del contenedor y no se deben tocar con

las manos hasta que se hayan enfriado a temperatura ambiente.

- No usar nunca para otro fin que el indicado. En particular no introducir ningún sistema que pueda

emitir ninguna sustancia corrosiva en estado gaseoso.

- En ningún caso se debe realizar este tipo de experiencias en el microondas de casa.

- Aislamiento del cromo en forma de dicromato potásico.

Se trata la disolución amarilla que contiene cromato con ácido acético

glacial hasta alcanzar un pH cercano a 6. Se hierve la disolución para eliminar el exceso
de CO2 generado y se comprueba el pH asegurándonos que no es demasiado básico. A
la disolución se le añade un ligero exceso de nitrato de bario disuelto en la mínima
cantidad de agua, apareciendo un precipitado de cromato de bario (BaCrO4). Este
precipitado se separa por filtración o centrifugación y se lava repetidas veces con agua
El sólido se seca en estufa y se pesa. A continuación se somete a un proceso de
digestión durante al menos una hora con la cantidad estequiométrica de
hidrógenosulfato de potasio disuelto en agua. Se separa por filtración o centrifugación el
sulfato de bario generado, evaporándose la disolución hasta un volumen mínimo (sin
llegar a sequedad). Al enfriar debe cristalizar el dicromato potásico, K2Cr2O7, en forma
de agujas de color naranja.
Síntesis y caracterización del compuesto trans-
1.1.- Síntesis del complejo metálico trisoxalato ferrato potásico,
1.2.- Síntesis del complejo metálico cloruro de trans-
diclorurobis(etilendiamina)Cobalto(III), trans-[Co(en)2Cl2]Cl.
1.3.- Síntesis y caracterización de una sal mixta de Fe(III)- Co(III)
trisoxalatoferrato de trans-diclorurobisetilendiaminacobalto(III)
tetrahemihidratado, trans-[Co(en)2Cl2]3[Fe(ox)3]·4.5H2O.
1.1.- Síntesis del complejo metálico trisoxalato ferrato potásico,

4 g de BaCl2·2H2O (16.4 mmol) se disuelven en 20 mL de agua y se mezclan

con una disolución de 3.2 g de K2C2O4·H2O (17.3 mmol) en 16 mL de agua,
calentándose a unos 70ºC. La mezcla se enfría y se filtra y el precipitado se lava tres
veces con 3 mL de agua. A continuación se suspende en 50 mL de agua que contenga 2
g de sulfato férrico (5 mmol) y 1.9 g de K2C2O4·H2O. Toda la mezcla se somete a
digestión en baño de agua durante tres horas en ausencia de luz directa y agitando de
vez en cuando. El sulfato de bario precipitado se separa por filtración y se lava con 4
mL (aprox) de agua caliente; el filtrado y el agua de lavado se mezclan y, en ausencia de
luz, se reduce el volumen en baño de agua hasta un volumen aproximado de 8 mL y se
enfría en hielo para lograr la cristalización. Los cristales verdes amarillentos se desecan
en la oscuridad una vez filtrados. Tanto el sólido como la disolución acuosa son
inestables a la acción de la luz directa, depositándose oxalato ferroso de color amarillo.
El complejo es una mezcla de las formas dextrógira y levógira, las cuales se ha logrado
obtener aisladas.
1.2.- Síntesis del complejo metálico cloruro de trans-
diclorurobis(etilendiamina)Cobalto(III), trans-[Co(en)2Cl2]Cl.

A una mezcla de 5.2 g de etilendiamina anhidra en aproximadamente 50 mL de

agua se le añaden una disolución acuosa de CoCl 2·6H2O (10 g) en aproximadamente 40
mL de H2O. La solución resultante, de color rojizo se pasa a un matraz de succión de
250 mL (Kitasatos) provisto de un tapón y de un tubo para entrada de gas cuyo extremo
se encuentre casi en el fondo del recipiente. Se hace pasar una corriente vigorosa de aire
a través del líquido durante 3 horas; la mezcla adquiere un color rojo rubí oscuro.

La disolución oxidada se coloca en un recipiente ancho y se agregan 30.2 mL de

HCl(conc), evaporándose hasta un volumen de 50 mL (aprox.). Al enfriar a temperatura
ambiente cristaliza el producto trans-[Co(en)2Cl2]·HCl·2H2O en forma de láminas. El
producto se deja escurrir sobre filtro. Enfriando en hielo las aguas madres se puede
obtener otra fracción de producto así como evaporando posteriormente hasta 300 mL, si
bien estas fracciones tienen cada vez más posibilidades de estar impurificadas por
[Co(en)3]Cl3·3H2O (color amarillo) y (enH2)Cl2 (incoloro).

Los cristales verdes se molturan en un mortero con EtOH eliminando así el HCl y
el H2O de cristalización obteniéndose la sal anhidra.

- Obtención del isómero cis-[Co(en)2Cl2]Cl

Una pequeña fracción del compuesto obtenido anteriormente se puede transformar

en el isómero cis, de un intenso color violeta¸ disolviéndola en la mínima cantidad de
agua, calentando a 90 ºC al baño maría hasta alcanzar casi sequedad y repitiendo varias
veces este proceso hasta completa isomerización.

Es posible obtener de nuevo el isómero trans añadiendo al medio ácido

clorhídrico y calentando de nuevo.
1.3.- Síntesis y caracterización de una sal mixta de Fe(III)- Co(III)
trisoxalatoferrato de trans-diclorurobisetilendiaminacobalto(III)
tetrahemihidratado, trans-[Co(en)2Cl2]3[Fe(ox)3]·4.5H2O.

La síntesis y caracterización de este complejo se llevará a cabo siguiendo los

procedimientos descritos en el artículo J. Chem. Ed., 63(10), 1986, 902-904.
Complete Characterization of
tran~-[Co(en)2C1~]~[Fe(ox)~] 45H20
An Extended Undergraduate Project Involving an Unknown Metal Complex
Graham S. Bull and Graeme H. Searle
Universlty of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia 5001, Australia

In a previous article we briefly reviewed project experi- In our instructions i t is suggested that the following char-
ments involvine the complete characterization of "un- acteristics for the compound he considered and that the
known" inorganic compouuds ( I ) . In these projects the com- various possibilities he progressively limited as the experi-
pounds are of unknown formulation (although the constitu- ments proceed.
ents are presumed to be known, either from the synthetic 1) The likely oxidation states for the two metals. (These are Limited
procedure or from information provided), and from the re- to +2 and +3 with the possible Ligands).
sults of various analyses and measurements the formula- 2) The possibilities of high- and low-spin configurations for each
tions and geometrical structures are required to he deduced. metal ion.
Such experiments require a more critical interpretation of 3) l'hr po~siblenurnhers of unpaired el~ctrons.
experimental results than the more usual experiments in- 4 ) The posrilditier of the complex ions hemg inert or labile.
volving known compounds and require the integration of 51 How,ronsequently.X might observably renrr with acid or alkali.
results from a variety of techniques. Relatively few such Knowledge of the empirical formula and formula weight
exoeriments seem to be available. and our orevious article are required for interpreting the tests and calculating some
descrihed projects with unknown complexes containing the
labile comolex inns ICnC1,I2- and ICuCLl' . -
of the results (conductance.. maenetic moment. and ion ex-
change), so that it is advantageous that the'analyses be
We no; describe'an eGended project of the same type com~letedfirst. Students may be unfamiliar with multicom-
employing the combination complex compound trans-
[Co(en)2Cl2]3[Fe(ox)3] 4%H20 (en = ethane-1,2-diamine,
plex-ion compounds so that we indicate the formula weight
range (1000-1400). However, the correct formula weight
ox = C Z O ~ ~which
- ) , has been specifically devised. This com- should emerge without difficulty from the analysis results,
pound: denoted X, contains six dift'e;ent components in even allowing for errors of about 5% in each analysis.
both inert and lahile contplex ions, and it thus provides for a The project involves the following 10 experiments.
variety of measuremmts. The individual experiments in the
proiect include ion-exchangr separarions of the component 1) Separatlon of the Component ions Uslng Ion Exchange
ioniplex ions, qualitative chemical tests for the components Separate solutions of X (0.1 g in 10 mL of water) are
in each complex ion, analyses for all the components, and passed through small columns of cation-exchange resin
various nhvsical measurements. The individual oarent com- (Dowex 50W-X2, 200-400 mesh, Na+ form; regenerate the
plexes trans-[~o(en)~~l~]~1(2-4) and ~ ~ [ ~ e ( o..Hz0
x j ~ ](2, resin with 1 M NaOH, then wash until the effluent is neu-
5-10) have been popular in undergraduate synthesis and tral) and anion-exchange resin (Amberlite IRA-400, NO3-
characterization experiments, and the new project incorpo- form; regenerate the resin with concentrated H N 0 3 until
rates some of these characterizations. free of C1-, then wash until the effluent is neutral). Columns
Our full projrct is assigned to small numhers of our ad- 1.2 cm diam X 4 cm long of wet-bed resins are suitable. The
vanrrd students (final yrar HSr) working in pairs, and re- respective effluents contain Na3[Fe(ox)s] (pale green-yel-
quires two full days. Thecompound X i s prepared by lahora- low) and trans-[Co(en)zC12]N03 (deep green), and are col-
tory staff, and th? studenu are provided with samples as an lected for measurements (2) and (3) below.
"unknown", though with the six components specified. The
two students apportion the various separate experiments 2) Vlslble Spectra
and collate and interpret the results collaboratively. They The visible spectra of these solutions are measured as
are required t o show how the formulation and structure of X obtained from the columns (neutral solutions) and are re-
are deduced from the exoerimeutal results and to account measured after acidification a s a test for lability (afew drops
for and explain all their bhservations and quantitative re- of concentrated H N 0 3 are added to each solution cell). The
sults from the various determinations on the basis of the spectrum of the green complex cation shows onevisible band
deduced structure. a t 617 nm, and this is essentially unchanged with HN03,
suggesting an inert complex (Co(II1)). The spectrum of the
Information Provlded oale ereen-vellow comolex anion shows no hands in the visi-
About 5.0 g of comoound X is provided for each determi- ble, and the color is evidently due to charge-transfer absorp-
nation (studint air): T h r com~bnentsare given as Fe, Co, tion extending into the visible with a shoulder a t 455 nm.
CI, ox", en, and H20, hut the oxidation states of the metals With H N 0 3 the color becomes more intense yellow immedi-
are not specified. The proportion of hydrate water (as deter- ately, indicating a labile complex, and the shoulder disap-
mined by weight loss at 100 OC) is provided (6.9% wlw) to pears. (The absorbing species is now essentially Feaq3+).
avoid any uncertainty in the water mole ratio which is nouin- These characteristics might suggest that the anion is a d5
tegral (H20/Fe = 4.5). The compound X is stated to be high-spin system, and hence is Fe(II1).
moderatelv soluble in water and conductine. indicatine it to
be "ionic': This and the presence of the t& metals sLould 3) Qualitative Tests to Determine the Components
sueeest the likelihood of two different c o m ~ l e xions in X.
This problem is more complicated than previous "unk-
in Each Ion
The following qualitative tests should provide informa-
nowns", so that we prescrihe the various experiments to he tion on the disoositions of Fe. Co. ox2-, and C1- hetween the
carried out and give some guidance for the methods and two complex ions, on the oxidation states of the metals, and
quantities of materials to be used. on the labile or inert character of each complex ion.

902 Journal of Chemical Education

min. After cooling, the solution is filtered through sintered
Add NaOH. Red-brown,dirty green, or blue precipitates indicate glass (washing with 2 M HzS04). then is titrated again with
Fe(III), Fe(II), or Co(II),respectively. No precipitate suggests an 0.02 M KMnO*. The first titer corres~ondsto the ox2- con-
inert complex. tent [plus Fe(fI) if it were present] A d the second titer to
total Fe, and the theoretical ratio of the titers is 6.
Fdl0 and/or o$ Titrations of the 0x2- and Fe(I1) directly on a solution of
Add HISO,. A n immediate color change indicates a lahile cum- the total compound proved unreliable due t o color interfer-
plex. Warm and add KMnO, dropwisp, when decolorination indi- ences by the complex cation and Co(I1) in the two titrations,
cates Frtll) andlor 0x2-, and C02huhhles indicate ox2-. res~ectivelv.The above orocedure confirms that the Fe and
oxi- are hoih in the com&ex anion.
Oxalate in the Presence of Fe(l0
Add NaOH, and filter off any hydroxide precipitate. To the fil- 7) Analysls for Ethane-1,2-dlamlne
trate add HzSOa and KMnOd. Decolorization and COz bubbles indi- This may he carried out by decomposing the complex with
cate ox2-. sodium sulfide, then removing the en in a continuous distil-
Chlorlde lation with toluene, as described previously (11).About 0.3 g
of X should he used.
Add HNOx.. (an
. immediate color chanee indicates a labile eom- The analytical results for all the components may he cal-
plev and AgNO,. An immediate white precipitate shows Weither
ionic or fnm a lalde complex. A precipitate appearing on warming culated both as % wlw (to check their total) and as mole of
suggrsls hvdrolv~i~uf C1- from an inert complen. component per gram of X. The mole ratios of the compo-
nents are then calculated as multiples of the lowest value (Fe
Oxalate ff Chloride is Absent = I), and give the empirical formula of the compound as
Add AgN03. An immediate white precipitate of Agzoxshows 0x2- FeCo3Cken~ox3(H20)~ ~,z.Theformula weight can then be
either ionic or from a lahile complex. Agzox is confirmed by its calculated (FW = 1151).
solubility in HN03.
8) Conductance
Fe(lN), Fdl0, or Call) Using the formula weight determined as above, solutions
Add HzSOI, then KSCN. A deep red color shows Fe(III), con- in water ol0.016,0.008,0.004, and 0.001 Mare prepared, and
firmed by decolarizatian with SnClz; no color suggests Fe(II), con- the ronductanres at 25 'C are measured. From a plot of A,.
firmed by the temporary appearance of red Fe(II1)with HzOz;apale versus (concentration)'/2, the molar conductance it infinite
pink-mauve color suggests Co(l1). dilution A,0 is estimated, and hence the number of charge
units per formula weight is deduced.
The Am0ohtained is about 420 ~hrn-'cm~mol-~, indicating
Add H2SOCthen KSCN. A deep red color shows Fe(III),which is six charge units ner formula weieht. This information to-
confirmed by decolorization on adding NHIF solid.
gether with the pievious results eiahles X t o he formulated
can) as [CO(III)]~[F~(III)]~-.
Add H2SOs then KSCN solid. A mauve solution indicates Co(I1). 9) Magnetlc Moment
(Add NHaF solid to remove Fe(II1) if present). Add amyl alcohol,
when deep blue Co(II) extracts into the alcohol layer. The magnetic moment is determined by the Gouy method
usina the calculated formula weieht.
CdNI), if Co(l0 is Absent ~ 6 p.nohtained,
e around 6.0 B~M.,indicates five unpaired
Add H&Oc then SnCln and warm. A gradual change to pink electrons per mole, and this is consistent only with Fe(II1)
suggests Co(II1) is being reduced, confirmed on addition of KSCN high-spin and Co(II1) low-spin.
solid and amyl alcohol.
10) Displacement of CI- by Anion Exchange
These tests should show that the pale green anion is lahile
and contains Fe(II1) and ox2-. The green cation is shown to Prepare a column (1.2 cm diam X 5 cm long, wet-bed) of
be inert and to contain Co(II1) and coordinated Cl-. This Amherlite IRA-400 anion-exchange resin, C1- form, and
halide hydrolyzes slowly in acid and rapidly with NaOH. wash the column with water until the effluent is free of C1-.
Pass a solution of X in water (use 0.15-0.20 e) slowlv
4) Analysls for Coban through the column, and collect thekffluent and wishings i;
Cobalt may he determined by atomic absorption a t 304.4 a beaker until essentially all displaced C1- has been removed
nm. Assume 10-20% wlw cobalt in the compound. from the column. Hydrolyze this effluent with NaOH (as
with the chloride analysis above), then acidify with HN03.
5) Analysis for Chloride Titrate the solution potentiometrically with standard 0.05
Transfer asample of X (0.2-0.3 g, accurately weighed) to a M ApNOx. Determine the number of moles of CI- disolaced
250-mL heaker. Add 30 mL of 1M NaOH and antibumoine per mole of compound, and interpret this result.
granules, and heat the solution a t just below boiling for 5 Nine moles of CI- per mole of compound are displaced
min. Cool, add 30 mL of 2 M HN03, and add water to adjust (experimental 8.3). ~ h e s arise
e as three displaced by the 3-
the volume to about 120 mL. Titrate the solution potentio- anion and six hydrolyzed from the green cation that had
metrically with standard 0.05 M AgN03, with the solution passed through the column unchanged. Evidently the
stirred magnetically. [Fe(0x)~]3-ion has high stability' since it does not apprecia-
hlv dissociate on the column: such dissociation would eiveu

6) Analysis for Oxalate and Iron six CI- displaced by three ox; dissociated.
A solution of X in water (about 0.6 g in 30 mL) is passed All the information obtained allows X to be formulated as
throuah a column (1.2 cm diam X 5 cm lone. wet-bed) of [C0(en)~C1~]~[Fe(ox)~] . 4SH20. Finally, the isomer of the
ow ex 50W-X2 cation-exchange resin, 200-400 mesh, inthe
Na+ form. The cation is retained. and the total effluent olus
cobalt(II1) complex cation is identified as trans by its green
'washings (until the effluent becomes colorless) is collected in
a titration flask, H2SOl is added (25 mL of 2 M), and the
solution is titrated.with standard 0.02 M KMn04.
Zinc powder (2 g) is then added t o the flask and contents,
and the solution is maintained a t just below hoiling for 10 ' Ka is about 4, B3 about 20.
Volume 63 Number 10 October 1986 903
dull green powder (16, 17). This product contains a little
This is a challenging project, in which students have to cobalt(II),3and this should be removed to avoid the possible
adapt their experience with measurements on simpler or separation of cobalt(I1) oxalate4 during the subsequent
known complexes previouslv to a new situation. It also draws preparation of the mixed complex. The cobalt(I1) is extract-
on students' knowledge of the various features and types of ed5 by stirring a suspension of trans-[C~(en)~Cl~]CI in etha-
behavior of transition metal complexes, such as high- and nol. then filterine off the comalex. . . washine with acetone.
low-spin configurations, labile and inert complexes, and and air-drying.
thermodynamic stability, and the various possibilities are Solutions are prepared of tran~-[Co(en)~Cl~]Cl (10.0 g in
required to be matched with the experimental results ob- 40 mL of ice-cold water) and K~[Fe(ox)~] .
3H20 (4.9 g i n 35
.-- --- -.
tained mLof warm water, 35OC). The solutions are quickly filtered,
Other educative features of the experiment include the and the iron(II1) solution is then added to the magnetically
following. The students can appreciate in a first-hand man- stirred cobalt(II1) solution. On cooling the mixture in an ice
ner how a variety of measurements may have to he applied t o hath the product separates as fine green crystals. These are
a prohlem if i t is "unknown", as in real research situations. filtered off after 10 min,4 washed with portions of ice water
The necessity for such internation of measurements mav not (until the filtrate is free of C1-), then with ethanol and
he evident in the more usual undergraduate experiments acetone and air-dried. Yield 6.2 g, 54%. Analysis found: C,
with inorganic compounds (2,6,12.13) in which svnthesized 18.7: H. 4.9: N. 14.5: Cl. 18.4: weieht loss a t 100 'C. 6.9%.
or "known" comp&nds are characterized only by selected [ C O ( C ~ H ~ N ; ) ~ C I ~ ] ~ ~ ~4112~~20
( C & ) ~requires
]'. C, 18.8; H,.
analyses or measurements. The usefulness of ion-exchange 5.0;N. 14.6:Cl. 18.5:H70.7.0%.
operations in manipulating complexes in aqueous solution, a .
t r a n s - [ ~ o ( e & ~ l ~ ] ~ [ ~ e ( 4II2H20
o x ) ~ undergoes no ap-
technique infrequently incorporated in experiments in the parent change over some days in subdued light. However,
texts (14,15), is well demonstrated in this project. The nec- .
like K3[Fe(ox)3] 3H20, it is photosensitive and gradually
essary role of chemical tests (2, 6, 12) in investigating un- changes to light brown with strong light, and the compound
known compounds is also made apparent, whereas contem- should thus he stored in the dark.
porary courses seem to have decreased emphasis on qualita- The compound dehydrates a t 100 "C. I t rehvdrates on
tive analvsis. standing inthe atmosphere at room temperature;apparent-
The pioject has been developed to provide the maximum ly to the 4'2-hydrate,and thin precludes the anhydrous com-
benefit in its "unknown" format. However. i t could be ab- pound being used in this project.
breviated if the formula or structure of the'compound were
partly or wholly provided, and students could then be re- (1) C u d s , N. F.;Hay,R.W.; House,0. A.:Sedc, 0.H.J. Chem.Edur., 1986,63,899.
quired to demonstrate how the results of selected measure- (2) Adams, 0. M.;Raynor, J. B. '"Advanced Practical Inorganic Chemistry"; Wiles
ments are consistent with the information eiven. Such an London.1966.
abbreviated format could provide instructivi and interest-
ing work for less advanced students.
Extended projects of this same type could be devised with
other combination complex compounds. Some readily oh-
tained complex ions, all with simple ligands, that could he
incorporated are the following: [Ni(en)J2+, [Al(o~)~]3-,
[Cu(ox)z]- and [ZnCI4l2- (all labile), and [C0(en)~]3+,
[Co(NH&I3+, [Co(en)2oxIf, [Co(en)zC03]+, c i s -
~Co(en)dN02)21+,[Co(NHds(H20)I3+, [Co(edta)]-,
[Co(N02)~l3-and [Cr(o~!~]3-(inert). Ease of preparation
and reasonable solubility ~nwater are requirements for suit- (15) Rc113.p63.
able complex compounds. (16) B a i h , J. C. Inorg Synth. 1946.2.222,
(17) Springvrg. J.; Schaffer. C. E. Inorg. Synfh. 1973.14.68.
(18) Dwer, F. P. In "Aduan~esin the Chemistry of the Cwrdination Compounds":
Preparation ol trana[Co(en)2CI2b[Fe(o~)~]4% H20 (X) Kirshner, S., Ed.; Maanillan: New York, 1961: p 21.
Ks[Fe(ox)a] 3H20 is prepared by a modification of a
previous method (5).Asolution of Fe(N03)3. 9Hz0 (16.2 g i n Product which is not used immediately can be recrystallized from
20 mL water, 0.04 mol) is added slowly t o a stirred hot hot water.
solution of KZOX.Hz0 (2.40 g i n 40 mL water). After cooling Cobalt(l1)apparently arises both from me starting CoCI, and from
in an ice hath the pale green product is filtered off, washed reduction during heating (17, 18).
with ice water, ethanol, and acetone, and air-dried.2 Yield 'If significant cobalt(l1) is present, cobait(l1) oxalate may com-
18.6 g, 94%. mence to separate (as a pale pink insoluble powder) if the crystalliza-
tion of the complex is prolonged.
tran.~-[Co(en)~Cl~]C1-2H~O .HC1 isobtained by oxidation Cobalt(ll)can be tested for by allowinga sample of the compound
of a mixture of CoC12 6 H 2 0 and en with Hz02 (3.4). The to hydrolyze in NaOH. The solution is then acidified. and KSCN is
hydrate water and HCI are subsequently removed complete- added. The solution is shaken wim amyl alcohol to extract and
ly by heating a t 110 OC to give tran~-[Co(en)~Cl~]Cl as a intensifyany blue Co(li)color.

904 Journal of Chemical Education

Síntesis y caracterización del macrociclo de Geodken. Formación de los
complejos de Ni(II) y Cu(II).
1.1.- Preparación del complejo metálico Ni(II)-macrociclo de Geodken,
1.2.- Aislamiento del macrociclo de Geodken, C22H22N4.
1.3.- Preparación del complejo metálico Cu(II)-macrociclo de Geodken,

En esta práctica, los apartados 1.1 y 1.2 se llevarán a cabo siguiendo el

procedimiento descrito en el artículo J. Chem. Ed., 2007, 84(3), 477-479. El apartado
1.3 se llevará a cabo según el protocolo de síntesis descrito en J. Chem. Ed., 1994,
71(1), 75-77. Ambos artículos se incluyen a continuación.


1.- Las cantidades de reactivos consideradas para la obtención del complejo [Ni(C 22H22N4)] se

modificarán con respecto a las que aparecen en el artículo. En nuestro caso utilizaremos las cantidades

de reactivos necesarias para obtener, considerando un rendimiento del 100%, 3.5 g de producto.

2.- En función de la cantidad realmente obtenida de [Ni(C22H22N4)], se conservarán

aproximadamente 150 mg de producto y el resto se utilizará como producto de partida para la obtención

del macrociclo libre.

3.- Para la obtención del complejo [Cu(C22H22N4)], las cantidades de reactivos utilizadas serán
las especificadas en el artículo correspondiente.

4.- Recristalización del reactivo 1,2-fenilendiamina. La recristalización aquí es necesaria ya que

los grupos amina se oxidan en presencia de aire a grupos nitroso que pueden reaccionar con otros
grupos amina formando grupos azo- responsables del color marrón que presenta este reactivo. El

producto rescristalizado es completamente blanco. La recristalización se lleva a cabo disolviendo el

reactivo en la mínima cantidad de EtOH, calentando para evaporar la mayoría del disolvente y enfriando
en hielo. El producto recristalizado se filtra en Büchner y se lava con un poco de éter dietílico. El

rendimiento es aproximadamente del 50%, por lo que si se necesitan 4 g de producto se utilizarán 7-8 g

de producto contaminado. Esta recristalización la pueden realizar varias parejas juntas.

In the Laboratory

Improved Synthesis of Geodken’s Macrocycle W

through the Synthesis of the Dichloride Salt
J. H. Niewahner,* Keith A. Walters, and Ashley Wagner
Department of Chemistry, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY 41099; *

In a continuing effort to improve our third-year inor- titative analysis was performed by Galbraith Laboratories.
ganic chemistry lab course that requires first-semester organic Spectral data are in excellent agreement (when available) to
lecture and lab, we sought the introduction of additional those published (1, 2) unless otherwise noted.
metal complexation reactions. Based on previous reports (1,
2), we chose to have the students prepare the copper and mo-
lybdenum complexes of Geodken’s macrocycle, 1, and acquire
both the emission and absorption spectra. This experiment
(and lab time restraints) required the instructor to prepare
the macrocycle in advance for the students (Scheme I). Ear-
lier reports presented the synthesis of the macrocycle in four
steps utilizing a nickel template complex, 2, with overall yields
of 40% (1) and 22% (2).
We were unsatisfied with this yield and, following some
experimentation, adapted the synthesis to eliminate one step
and increase the overall yield of 1 to 65%. This increase is
largely due to the optimization of the first step (synthesis of
2), which improved from 40% (1) to 88%. Our adapted syn-
thesis also involves the synthesis of the dihydrochloride salt
of the macrocycle, H2C22H22N4⭈2HCl, 3. Following the
preparation of 1, students can proceed with metal complex-
ation as described previously (2). This experiment provides a
more efficient method for the production of Geodken’s
macrocycle and provides an opportunity to teach students
the effect of solvent on the composition of the collected prod-
uct. In this report we present synthetic and characterization
details for the preparation of 1–3, and in the accompanying
Supplemental MaterialW we provide a complete lab handout
for students to prepare these compounds, should the instruc-
tor wish them to prepare both the macrocycle and the subse-
quent transition-metal complexes (1, 2).

Required Materials and Hazards

The following reagents are needed to complete this ex-
periment, with significant hazards also listed (3): 1,2-phe-
nylenediamine (toxic), nickel(II) acetate tetrahydrate (toxic),
acetylacetone (flammable, toxic), anhydrous n-butanol (flam-
mable, harmful), methanol (flammable, toxic), and hydro-
gen chloride gas (highly toxic). The 1,2-phenylenediamine
was obtained from Aldrich and recrystallized from ethanol
before use. The nickel(II) acetate tetrahydrate, acetylacetone,
and n-butanol were used as supplied from Aldrich. Metha-
nol (HPLC grade) was obtained from Fisher and used as sup-
plied. Hydrogen chloride gas was obtained from Linde Gas

Experimental and Results

All syntheses were carried out under normal atmospheric
conditions in a fume hood. Infrared spectra were taken with
a Nicolet Nexus 470 FT-IR using KBr pellets. NMR spectra
were acquired using a JEOL Eclipse 500 MHz NMR. Quan- Scheme I. Synthesis of Geodken’s macrocycle. • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 477

In the Laboratory

Preparation of NiC22H22N4 (2) 1H NMR (500 MHz, D2O, δ): 2.54 (s, 12H, methyl),
4.68 (s, 2H, ⫽CH), 7.32 (m, 8H, arom).1
In a typical preparation for 2, 17.85 g of 1,2-phenylene-
diamine (0.1650 mole, 4 eq), 17 mL of 2,4-pentanedione Quantitative Analysis, Calcd for H2C22H22N4·2HCl:
(0.17 mole, 4 eq), 10.20 g Ni(C2H3O2)2⭈4H2O (0.04100 16.99 Cl, 63.30 C, 6.29 H, 13.43 N; found 18.14 Cl,
mole, 1 eq), and 250 mL of n-butanol were added to a 500- 63.45 C, 6.34 H, 13.35 N. All values are given as per-
mL round-bottom flask equipped with a stirbar. The flask centages.
was attached to a condenser, and the mixture was refluxed
while stirring for 3 hours using a heating mantle and mag- Preparation of H2C22H22N4 (1)
netic stirrer. The mixture was then cooled to room tempera- In a 50-mL beaker, 2.046 g of 3 (0.004902 moles) was
ture, and 50 mL of methanol was added. The solution was added along with enough methanol (5–10 mL) to form a
then cooled to about ᎑5 ⬚C in a salt兾ice bath for about 15 slurry. Triethylamine was added dropwise with stirring until
minutes, during which time a dark purple–blue solid pre- a the mixture had a pH of 9, during which time a bright
cipitated from solution. The precipitate was collected on a yellow precipitate formed. The precipitate was then collected
Büchner funnel, washed with 30 mL of cold methanol, and on a Büchner funnel, washed with cold methanol, and air
air dried, producing 14.38 g of product 2 (87.42% yield). dried to yield 1.349 g (79.89% yield).
As previously reported (2), yields decreased with decreasing
reaction time. For each hour of decreased reaction time, we IR (KBr): 3450 (br) (2⬚ arom NH), 1616 (arom C⫽C),
observed a decrease of between 5–10%. However, even with 1555 (arom C⫽C), 1363 (arom CN), 1183 (arom CN),
the shorter reaction times yields are better than those ini- 1040 (o-disubs arom CH), 741 (o-disubs arom CH) cm᎑1.
tially reported (40% for a three-hour reaction) (2). 1H NMR (500 MHz, CDCl3, δ): 2.13 (s, 12H, methyl),
4.87 (s, 2H, ⫽CH), 6.99 (s, 8H, arom), 12.6 (s, 2H,
IR (KBr): 1549 (arom C⫽C), 1464 (arom C⫽C), 1397
(arom CN), 1271 (arom CN), 1040 (o-disubs arom CH),
744 (o-disubs arom CH) cm᎑1. UV–vis (CHCl3) λ nm: 284 (22,263 M᎑1cm᎑1), 346
1H (37,489 M᎑1cm᎑1).
NMR (500 MHz, C6D6, δ): 1.75 (s, 12H, methyl),
4.67 (s, 2H, ⫽CH), 6.53 (m, 8H, arom). Again, these absorptivity values are higher than those previ-
UV–vis (CHCl3), λ nm: 285 (33,931 M᎑1cm᎑1), 394 ously reported (1), presumably for the same reason described
(39,291 M᎑1cm᎑1), 428 (sh, 12,499 M᎑1cm᎑1), 588 (6,766 previously.
Discussion of Results
While the absorption data are comparable to one previous
report (2), the absorptivities are higher than those in another In the synthesis of 2, previous reports (1, 2) use a (2:2:1)
report (1). This disparity may be due to vacuum sublima- stoichiometric ratio of 1,2-diaminobenzene, 2,4-
tion of 2 conducted in the earlier report (1), which may have pentanedione, and nickel(II) acetate tetrahydrate. However,
removed high absorbing impurities that are possibly present if the ratio is adjusted to (4:4:1) as in the current report, the
in our samples. yield greatly improves. This increased yield can easily be ex-
plained on the basis of Le Châtlier’s principle. Increasing the
Preparation of H2C22H22N4⭈2HCl (3) molar ratio of reactants as described above clearly forces the
equilibrium to the product side of the reaction, thereby in-
A mixture of 5.004 g of 2 (0.01247 moles) in 100 mL
creasing the yield.
of methanol was added to a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. A
A more interesting result was the unexpected solvent ef-
stream of HCl gas was bubbled into the reaction mixture us-
fect upon the addition of HCl to product 2. Previously re-
ing a Pasteur pipet attached to a hose from the HCl cylinder.
ported methods (2) to produce 1 first converted nickel
The mixture changed color from green–blue to green then
complex 2 to a tetrachloronickelate(II) salt
brown, and the flask was very hot. The gas was bubbled
([H4C22H22N4][NiCl4]) by using ethanol as the solvent. Fol-
through the solution for about 20 minutes until the solution
lowing this precipitation, the tetrachloronickelate salt is con-
began to drop in temperature and some white precipitate be-
verted to the hexafluorophosphate salt of the free macrocycle
gan to form. The mixture was then cooled in a 3 ⬚C ice bath
([H4C22H22N4][PF6]2). This protocol was necessary to pre-
for 15 minutes, during which time more white precipitate
vent nickel(II) reinsertion. However, if methanol is used in-
formed. The precipitate was collected on a Büchner funnel,
stead of ethanol, a solution of the dihydrochloride salt
washed with cold methanol, and air dried. A yield of 4.797 g
(H2C22H22N4⭈2HCl) is instead formed. This salt eventually
of 3 was obtained (92.13% yield). Duplicate gravimetric analy-
precipitates when a large quantity is produced or the solu-
sis of chloride in 3 by precipitation of silver chloride resulted
tion begins to cool. Interestingly, the reinsertion problem
in mole ratios of HCl:macrocycle of 2.041 and 1.987.
mentioned above is not encountered here. It is likely that the
IR (KBr): 3430 (2⬚ arom NH), 3140 (CH), 2927 (CH3), more polar methanol solvates [NiCl4]2− along with H+, leav-
2817 (CH3), 1570 (arom C⫽C), 1311 (arom CN), 1046 ing the free macrocycle available for incorporation of the
(o-disubs arom CH), 762 (o-disubs arom CH) cm᎑1. HCl(g). Conversely, in the less polar ethanol solvent as soon

478 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 •

In the Laboratory

as the [NiCl4]2− is formed association with [H4C22H22N4]2+ W

Supplemental Material
occurs and [H4C22H22N4][NiCl4] salt precipitates.
The final isolation of free macrocycle 1 proceeds as pre- Instructions for the students and notes for the instruc-
viously reported (2) with a considerably higher yield. At this tor are available in this issue of JCE Online.
point, our students have a macrocycle that can be complexed
with various transition metals, including copper, molybde- Notes
num, and tungsten (2, 4). 1. The amine hydrogens are presumably in rapid exchange
with the acid protons and, therefore, do not appear.
Literature Cited
In this article, previously reported syntheses for
Geodken’s macrocycle were refined to produce a higher prod- 1. Goedken, V. L.; Weiss, M. C.; Place, D.; Dabrowiak, J. Inorg.
uct yield with fewer steps. Furthermore, the synthesis gives Synth. 1980, 20, 115–119.
instructors the opportunity to discuss how a slight change in 2. Chipperfield, John R.; Woodward, Simon. J. Chem. Educ.
the polarity of a solvent can have quite a radical change on 1994, 71, 75–77.
the resulting product. This experiment has become one of 3. Sigma–Aldrich MSDS Database.
the most popular in our lab, with opportunities for students catalog/search/AdvancedSearchPage (accessed Nov 2006).
to explore coordination chemistry and study the products us- 4. Cotton, F. Albert; Czuchajowska, Joanna. Polyhedron 1990,
ing several spectroscopic techniques. 9, 1217–1220. • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 479

Reliable and Economical Preparation
of Macrocyclic Complexes
Synthesis and Reactivity of a Tetraazaligand
for an Advanced Inorganic Laboratory
John R. Chipperfield and Simon Woodward
School of Chemistry, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull HU6 7RX, UK
Spontaneous self-assembly reactions hold a fascination volve difficult product separations, long reaction times (61,
for chemists a s we attempt to mimic anabolic reactions or require the use of hazardous perchlorate counteranions
without enzymes ( I ) , and synthesize new tailored poly- (7). We sought a preparation to overcome these difficulties
mers with special electrical properties
. . (2). The ability of and yield a variety of macrocyclic complexes.
certain transition metals, especially nickel, to coerce intra-
nlolecular Sch~lrs-basereactions into mncmcvcle forma- and
tion is well known ( 3 , 4 ) .Undergraduates seldom have the Of the many "macrocycle template" reactions available,
chance to carry out experimental work in this important the preparation of Geodken's macrocycle 1' (the figure) is
area of inorganic chemistry because published procedures particularly attractive (61, for the low-cost of the starting
can give low yields of products with poor solubilites (51,in- materials, and the good solubilitylcrystallinity of most of
its complexes. The original inorganic Synthesis prepa-
ration (6) calls for a 48-hour MeOH reflux for the initial

nickel-templating reaction, well beyond the time-span
of most undergraduate laboratory classes. We found
that changing the reaction solvent to n-BuOH reduces
Nitemplate No template the reaction time to only three hours. Even shorter re-
INHz 7 action times are possible, but they give somewhat lower
yields of a n inferior-quality product. Use of n-BuOH re-
duces reaction time because its higher boiling point of
(118 "C) compared to MeOH (65 "C) causes both a faster
rate and preferential evaporation of water from the re-
action medium. Initially all the reactants do not dis-
solve so stirring the reaction mixture gives the best re-
sults. Comparable vields are obtained with simple
refluxing using a heiting mantle and occasional man-
ual shaking.' Stirred reaction mixtures have the advan-
tage that number of color changes are detected-the
initial pale green color of the [Nilo-(H2N)C6H4I3l2+ com-
plex, the formation of the purple-coloured organic 2,
(i) HCI and the final dark green macrocyclic complex 3 are
(ii) 2NHaPF6 readily seen.
Spectroscopic data are obtained readily on the com-
(iii) NEt3
plex 3 and easily assimed by students. I n particular a
clear molecular ion with the u~rrectisotope pattern at
40U mass units is observcd in thc El mass spectrum. As
the nickel complex is diamagnetic, the r&ulting 'H
NMR spectrum affords good teaching opportunities to
demonstrate the reduction in the number of signals pre-
sented by a high symmetry species.
The macrocyclic complex is stripped easily of i t s
nickel template by the published procedure (6). Addi-
tion of HC1 gas results in turquoise [Hylacl[NiClJ, and
then the nickelate anion is replaced by two PFs moie-
ties.3 The presence of a base yields the yellow free

'Because the full name of this compound, S,l4-dihydro-

6,8,15,17-tetramethyldibenzo[[l,4,8,111 tetraazacyciotetra-
decahexene, is torturously long, we call it 'the macrocycle' here
and write it as (H,Mac).
2Some slight contamination with unreacted 1.2-di-
arninobenzene often is encountered , but this is removed when
the free macrocycle is isolated.
3The ditetrafluoroboratesalt is water-soluble so no economies
Synthesis and reactions of Geodken's macrocycle. may be effectedhere by use of NaBF,.

Volume 71 Number 1 January 1994 75

macrocycle [HzMacl 1,with nickel contamination directly Preparation of/H~(Macrocycle)]/NICl~]
orooortional to the ereenness of the samole. Because (up to 1 h depending on experience)
~ H ~ M ~is C quite
] ~ reactive
+ it is best to these spe- The nickel complex (1.10 g, 2.81 mmol) was suspended in
cies and final macrowcle in one laboratory session. The
absolute EtOH (30 mL) in a 100-mL round-bottomed flask
isolated macrocycle gives excellent spectr~scopicresults
for most techniques, offering many possible teaching exer- -~
in a fume hood. A moderate stream of HCI eas (from ,--~~-~a

ledure-bottle fitted with a rubber tube and ~ a s t e upipet,


The ready supply of 1 allows a range of complexation
- 10 bubbles s-'1 was bubbled through the suspension, ag-
itating occasionally.
studies to be undertaken in the laboratory. Reaction of 1
with C U ( O ~ C M ~ ) ~ allows
. H ~ O easy preparation of the cop- Caution: The mixture gets quite warm.
per complex CuIMacl, 4, isostructural with the nickel com-
plex (8).More interestingly, the thermal reaction of 1with Once a copious quantity of turquoise precipitate had
MO(CO)~ yields the unusual species 5, the product of a hy- formed it was filtered off and washed with absolute EtOH
drogen mieration reaction (9). The oresence of a remaining (10 mL) and EtzO (2 x 10 mL) giving 1.43 g (95%)of prod-
~ ~ ~ f u n c t is
r odetected
n i n t h e IR spectrum, VNH (KBrj uct.
3420 ern-'. and bv 'H NMR soectroscoov where a high fre- Isolation of the Free Macrocycle
quency amine is observed, ~"'(cDc~) 12.54. The (about I h depending on experience)
lower svmmetrv of the comolex 5 is also aovarent by the
greatei number of signals bbserved in t h e proton spec- The turquoise tHdMac)l[NiClJ salt (1.43 g, 2.66 mmol)
trum, Srr (270 MHz. CDCl4 1.93 (s. 6 H. Me), 2.05 (s. 6 H, was dissolved in water (10 mL). Occasionally white, water
Me), 3.87 (apparent s, 2 H, CH,), 4.53 (s, 1H, CHI, 6.93- insoluble, impurities were present at this stage and these
7.20 (m, 8 H, aromatics), and 12.54 (s, 1H, NH). In amee- were removed by filtration. (It was most convenient to use
ment with its C, symmetry, four carbonyl stretches a& ob- the glass frit onto which the [H4(Mac)l[NiC141 was isolated
served by vibrational spectroscopy, vco (KBr) 2005, 1897, onto in the previous preparation.) The frit was rinsed
1875, and 1835 em-'. A tungsten analogue of 5, prepared through with further water (5 mL). Solid [NH41[PFs1(1.00
similarly, is structurally characterized (10). g, 6.13 mmol) was added to the filtrate and swirled until a
large amount of white ~ r e c i o i t a t eformed. The
[H~TM~C)I[P was
F ~filtered
I~ iff on;o a clean 20-mm glass
Experimental frit and washed with cooious amounts of water (- 20 mL)
All reagents were used a s supplied except 1,2- until the product was pale green. (In this step the
diaminobenzene (phenylenediamine) that was purified by [NH~ldNiCl~l by-~roductneeds to be washed awav ore-
a single recrystallization from EtOH in the presence of de- venting nickel from re-inserting into the macrocyle b'ba-
colorizing charcoal. The solvents "BuOH and EkO were sification; use of too much water resulted in ~roductloss.)
dried over 4Amolecular sieves. Preparation times and iso- The sticky product was transferred to a 5 b - m ~conical
lated yields represent typical student values. Experienced flask washing any spatulas and the frit off with MeOH into
workers will complete the experiments in less time and the conical flask to maximize the mass of [H4(Mac)I[PF61Z
higher yield. transferred. Enough MeOH should be present in the flask
to cover the salt. In a fume hood Et3N was added drop-
wise to the suspension and swirled until pH 9 was at-
Preparation of the Nickel Macroc clic Complex tained. The free yellow macrocycle was filtered off onto a
(4-6 h depending on experience{
clean frit, washed with MeOH, and air dried yielding 0.54
g (59%).
A 100-mL short-necked round-bottomed flask was
charged with a spinbar, Ni(OzCMe)z.4Hz0(2.00 g, 8.03 Reaction of C u ( Q C M e h M 0 with the Macrocycle
mmol), 1,2-diaminobenzene (phenylenediamine) (1.73 g, (1-2 h depending on experience)
16.01 mmol), dry butan-1-01 (30 mL), and acetylacetone
(2.4-oentanedione)(1.7 mL. -16.6 mmol) added bv svrinae. A 100-mL conical flask was charged with
The flask was set up in an oil bath on a hot pl&esti<er C U ( O ~ C M ~ ) ~ .(0.12
H ~ O g, 0.60 mmol), a spinbar, and
(alternatively a heating mantle may be used instead, but a MeCN (40 mL), fume hood. The flask was equipped with
few boiling chips must be added) &d equipped with a re- a condenser and refluxed until all of the C U ( O ~ C M ~ ) ~ . H ~ O
flux condenser. The mixture was brought to a brisk reflux had dissolved. A suspension of the macrocycle (0.20 g, 0.56
and stirred under reflux (3h),noting any color changes. (If mmol) in MeCN (10 mL) containing NEt3 (0.2 mL), fume
a heating mantle was used, the reaction mixture was hood, was added down the reflux condenser and residual
gently swirled occasionally macrocycle washed in with a extra 1-2 mL of MeCN. The
resulting dark-ereen solution was refluxed (10 mid. al-
Thick nonmelting gloves were used to avoid bums. lowed tocool totoroomtemperature, cooled in ice (20 ;din).
After filtering off, the dark green microcrystalline product
This was esoeciallv imoortant in the initial stage of the was washed with MeCN (2 x 2 mL), EkO (2 x 2 mL) and air
reaction befire a l l i f the reagents were in solutyon.) The dried, yielding 0.16 g (35%)?
flask was removed from the heat source and allowed to cool
until just warm to touch (- 30 C).Methanol (30 mL) was Reaction of Mo(C0)G with the Macrocycle
added and the mixture was cooled in an ice-salt bath for a t (3-4 h depending on experience)
least 15 min to precipitate the nonpolar macrocyclic com-
plex. When filtered onto a 20-mm glass frit and washed The macrocycle (0.25 g, 0.73 mmol) and Mo(CO)G(0.19 g,
with MeOH (about 2 x 10 mL; the washings should be col- 0.72 mmol) were placed in a 50-mL round-bottomed flask
orless to pale green) afforded dark purple microcrystals together with a spinbar, and toluene (15 mL). The flask
1.20-1.30 g (3740%).A 100-mgsample of product was re- was equipped to allow refluxing under a inert atmosphere,
tained. The rest of the product was converted to free brought slowly to the boil and then refluxed (1h), noting
macrocycle as outlined below. all changes. The reaction flask was allowed to cool to room
temperature under nitrogen. The stoppered flask was
cooled in an ice bath (30 min) and then the mother liquors
40vernightcooling at 4 OC gives much higher yields (about65%). were pipeted off. The crude reaction product was purified

76 Journal of Chemical Education

by recrystallization. The yellow-brown solid was dissolved Literature Cited
in the minimum amount of CHzC12(-20 mL), and filtered 1. Ghadul, M. R.;Soares,C.; Choi, C. J Am. Cham. Soe. 1992,114,825-831.
into a 50-mL conical flask. The reaction residue was ex- 2. Marhs, T J.Ang~uiCham., Inr. Ed En&. 1990.29.857-879.
tracted with a further 1-2 mL of CH& and this fdtered 3. Lindoy L. F The Chemistry ofMmmcyclic Lrgond comple%zs: Cambridge u n i v e r
into the conical flask as well. Light petroleum (hp 40-60 sity Press:Cambridge, 1989.
"C) was added to the to the filtrate, with a n occasional 4. sacmni, L.; Mani, F: Benci"i,A. lnComp4he"si"e Coordi~fio"chemistry; Wilkin-
son, G.; Gillsrd, R. D.; McCleverty, J. A . Eds; Pergapaman Press:Oxford. 1981; Vol.
slight swirl, until it became very turbid, slightly cloudy, or 5, Chapter 5, Sed.505.9.
started to crystallize (a volume approximately equal to 5. Merrell, P H.: Urhaeh, F h h d d , M.J Cham. Educ. 1977,M,580-582.
that of the CH2Clz added was normally required). The 6. Goedken. V . L.: Weisa, M.C.: Place, D.: Dabmwiak. J. Inorg. S W h . 1980. 20. 11&
stoppered flask was woled to 0 OC (1 h) during which time
7. Tait, A. M.; Buseh. D. H.; Curtis, N. F. Inorg Synfh. 1978,18,2-9.
yellow crystals appeared. The mother liquor was pipeted
8. W m d d ,W. H.: Pastor, R. W.: Dabmeak, J. C. J. Am. Chem. Sac. 1916,98.799%
away and the crystals washed with a few milliliters of light 8W6.
petroleum. The residual petroleum was evaporated to 9. Bell, L. G.:Oabmwiak, J. C. J Chem. Sor Chem. Commun. 1975,512-513.
yield bright-yellow crystals 0.12 g (30%). 10. canon, F A ; czuchajowska,~.~ o t y h d m nISSO.9. 1217-1220.

Volume 71 Number 1 January 1994 77

Síntesis y caracterización de un complejo termocrómico de transición de
espín de Fe(II).

1.1.- Preparación de una disolución acuosa de bromuro de hierro(II), FeBr2.

1.2.- Síntesis del complejo metálico [Fe(NH2Trz)3]Br2·H2O.

1.3.- Caracterización del complejo y estudio de sus propiedades ópticas,

magnéticas y espectroscópicas.
1.1.- Preparación de una disolución acuosa de bromuro de hierro(II),
4 mmol de sulfato de ferroso heptahidratado se disuelven en 50 mL de agua
destilada y la disolución resultante se calienta suavemente a 80 ºC. Sobre ésta, se
añaden gota a gota y bajo agitación, 10 mL de una disolución acuosa de bromuro de
bario(II) dihidratado (6 mmol). Igualmente se añaden aproximadamente 10 mg de ácido

Completada la adición la mezcla de reacción se mantiene a 80ºC, sin agitación

durante 90 min. añadiendo agua destilada si es necesario a fin de mantener un volumen
cercano a 30 mL (aproximadamente). Pasado este tiempo, la mezcla de reacción se
enfría en un baño de hielo y se filtra cuidadosamente en Büchner. El precipitado de
BaSO4 se lava dos veces con 10 mL de agua destilada.

1.2.- Síntesis del complejo metálico [Fe(NH2Trz)3]Br2·H2O.

La disolución de FeBr2 obtenida en el paso previo se vierte sobre un vaso de
precipitado de 250 mL, se agita y sobre la misma se pasa una corriente de N2(g) durante
aprox. 2 min. A continuación se añaden, poco a poco y manteniendo la agitación, 12
mmol del ligando 4-amino-1,2,4-Triazol. La mezcla resultante se mantiene bajo una
corriente de N2(g) durante aproximadamente 5 min.

La mezcla se enfría en un baño de hielo y se filtra sobre Büchner. El precipitado

obtenido se lava con 10 mL de agua fría desgasificada (previamente se le ha pasado una
corriente de N2(g)).

Finalmente, el precipitado obtenido se seca sobre papel de filtro.

1.2.- Caracterización del complejo [Fe(NH2Trz)3]Br2·H2O: propiedades
ópticas, magnéticas y espectroscópicas.
1.2.1.- Propiedades ópticas: Termocromismo y biestabilidad.

En dos tubos de ensayo, colocar aproximadamente 500 mg del complejo


- Introducir uno de los tubos en una mezcla de hielo/sal. Anotar los cambios

- Introducir el otro tubo en agua caliente (en torno a 80 ºC). Anotar los cambios

- Introducir ambos tubos en agua a temperatura ambiente. Observar los cambios


1.2.2.- Propiedades magnéticas.

Colocar el tubo de ensayo que contiene el complejo de color blanco sobre unas
pinzas y aproximar, sin llegar a tocar el tubo de ensayo, un imán permanente de NdFeB.
Observar qué sucede.

A continuación, colocar el tubo de ensayo en agua fría hasta que el producto

adopte un color violeta. Repetir el procedimiento anterior.

1.2.3.- Caracterización espectroscópica. Espectroscopía infrarroja.

Medir los espectros IR del complejo [Fe(NH2Trz)3]Br2·H2O y del ligando

NH2Trz. Comentar los resultados obtenidos. Espectroscopía Visible.

Se han llevado a cabo medidas de reflectancia difusa sobre el complejo obtenido

entre 800 y 400 nm. Un primer espectro se ha tomado para la muestra con el color
violeta. Esta misma muestra se ha calentado hasta inducir la transición termocrómica y a
continuación se ha medido un nuevo espectro. Comentar las diferencias con la ayuda de
un diagrama de Tanabe-Sugano para una configuración electrónica 3d6.
Señal Reflectancia Difusa / a.u.

Señal Reflectancia difusa / u.a.

T = 400 K

1 1
1 1 A1g T1g
A1g T2g

350 400 450 500 550 600 650

/ nm

T = 280 K

T = 400 K

300 400 500 600 700 800

/ nm
Laboratory Experiment

Synthesis and Properties of a Thermochromic Spin Crossover FeII

Complex: An Undergraduate Coordination Chemistry Laboratory
Anne Vallée,† Cyrille Train,‡,∥ and Cécile Roux*,†

Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris, UMR CNRS 7574, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Collège de France, 11 place
Marcelin Berthelot, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05, France

Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, UPR CNRS 3228, Université Joseph Fourier, F-38042 Grenoble, France

Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), 103, bd Saint-Michel, F-75005 Paris, France
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: In this third-year undergraduate experiment, a coordination

complex [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O (NH2trz is 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole, C2H4N4) was
synthesized and characterized by IR and UV−visible spectroscopies. This
compound exhibits a spectacular reversible purple-white thermochromic transition
upon heating−cooling with a large hysteresis centered at room temperature. The
thermochromic transition is related to the spin crossover (SCO) from the low-spin
state (LS, purple, S = 0, diamagnetic) to the high-spin state (HS, white, S = 2,
paramagnetic). During this experiment, students discovered synthetic methods,
such as anion metathesis and Ostwald ripening, and physical properties, such as
magnetic properties, thermochromism, and bistability phenomenon, altogether
leading to possible applications in optical-data storage and display.

KEYWORDS: Upper-Division Undergraduate, Inorganic Chemistry, Laboratory Instructions, Hands-On Learning/Manipulative,

Coordination Compounds, Crystal Field/Ligand Field Theory, IR Spectroscopy, UV-Vis Spectroscopy

A n important goal in modern chemical education is to

provide students with experiments that reinforce
fundamental concepts learned in the classroom and simulta-
SCO can also present a thermal hysteresis leading to bistable
systems, making these materials of large interest for use in data-
storage devices.13 To our knowledge, only one previous
neously address potential applications. In laboratory experi- experiment has been reported concerning the study of SCO
ments of coordination chemistry, undergraduate students complexes that focused on magnetic measurement.6 Other
synthesize complexes and characterize their properties using experiments deal with thermochromic compounds;1,3,10,11
the general concepts of synthesis, vibrational and electronic however, they do not use SCO compounds and do not discuss
spectroscopies, and ligand field theory.1−11 The objectives are corresponding applications.
generally to study electronic configurations, optical properties, [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O (NH2trz is 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole;
and magnetic properties as a function of metal identity,2,4,8,9 Figure 1A) was selected because of its ease of synthesis and its
ligand field strength, 2,8,9 and geometry of the com- reversible thermochromic SCO transition with a thermal
plexes.1,3,5,7,10,11 However, the potential applications are hysteresis centered at room temperature (RT). These
scarcely discussed. It is worth noticing that introducing conditions are ideally suited (i) to illustrate the general
considerations related to applied science in an inorganic concepts of an advanced undergraduate inorganic chemistry
experimental work requires supplementary knowledge, for course and (ii) to set up this experiment in an inorganic
instance, in reactivity, kinetics, and materials science. General
chemistry laboratory with RT characterizations by usually
concepts are then prerequisites rather than reinforced notions.
available techniques. Following the structure published with the
Spin crossover (SCO) complexes are essentially d4−d7 first-
nitrate as a counterion, the compound should consist of linear
row transition-metal octahedral complexes whose potential
applications can be basically understood using the general chains where the Fe(II) ions are triply bridged by the N(1)−
concepts listed above. These complexes undergo a reversible N(2) atoms of the triazole ligands (Figures 1B and 1C).14
spin change from high spin (HS) to low spin (LS) as a function A new, easy, and inexpensive synthesis of the complex
of external stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, or light.12 [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O was developed that was based on
The spin-state change is associated with modifications of Lavrenova et al. synthesis of similar complexes [Fe(NH2trz)3]-
magnetic properties and often with thermochromic properties.
If there are sufficient interactions between the SCO units, the Published: June 18, 2013
© 2013 American Chemical Society and
Division of Chemical Education, Inc. 1071 | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1071−1076
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

to bypass this problem. The former is a means to easily follow

the SCO, whereas the latter allows both spin states to be
determined at RT for its characterization. Furthermore, these
approaches open the possibility to illustrate experimentally the
principle of optical-data storage.
The objectives of this experimental work were the following:
(a) Synthetize the [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O complex and
characterize it by IR spectroscopy.
(b) Highlight the thermochromic effects by visual observa-
tions upon heating−cooling treatments.
(c) Evidence the bistability effects by visual observations
upon heating−cooling treatments.
(d) Observe qualitatively the magnetic properties of both
colored forms and relate the observed colors to the spin
states of the compound.
(e) Understand the principle of optical-data storage by using
electronic spectroscopy.
(f) Put into practice general concepts of ligand field theory,
electronic configurations, spectroscopic terms, and
electronic transitions to interpret the electronic spectra.
Figure 1. (A) Structure of 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole, NH2trz. (B)
Detailed and (C) schematic structures for [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O, This experiment was developed for the advanced third-year
adapted from ref 14. bachelor level. It has been performed every year since 2005
with groups of 12 students (at most) working in pairs.

X2·H2O (X = I−, NCS−, Cl−).15,16 As the thermally induced
SCO properties (hysteresis position and width) are sensitive to EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
synthetic conditions, solvents, anions, and ligands,15,16
magnetic measurements were performed by the authors on The synthetic details, typical results acquired by students, and
this compound. The thermal variations of the χM·T product, supplementary data are provided in the Supporting Informa-
where χM is the molar paramagnetic susceptibility corrected tion. The entire experiment requires two 3-h lab periods, the
from diamagnetic contributions17 and T, the temperature, are first being devoted to synthesis and the second to product
shown in Figure 2 (right scale). Because the LS form is collection and characterization. This experiment can be
condensed into one 4-h period beginning at the second step
of the synthesis or characterizing the products previously
synthesized by other students. The latter procedure was chosen
so that the students can understand the relationship between
the color and the spin state prior to seeing the numerous color
changes during the second step of the synthesis. Students
record all observations and write the answers to the questions
(available in the Supporting Information) in their laboratory

■ SYNTHESIS OF [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O
The main features of the synthesis are given below. Metathesis
and Ostwald ripening are the important points to discuss with
students. In the first step, an aqueous solution of iron(II)
bromide was obtained starting from iron(II) sulfate, a common
Figure 2. Thermal variations of χM·T (filled squares) for [Fe- iron(II) salt (Figure 3), by performing an anion metathesis
(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O, recorded by the authors at 1 K/min on a SQUID according to the following reaction:
magnetometer available in research units, and calculated γHS (solid
lines); T↑ and T↓ are the temperatures corresponding to γHS = 50% in Fe2 +(aq) + SO4 2 −(aq) + Ba 2 +(aq) + 2Br −(aq)
heating and cooling modes, respectively.
⇌ BaSO4 (s) + Fe2 +(aq) + 2Br −(aq)

diamagnetic, the χM·T product gives a direct access to the HS Barium(II) sulfate precipitated as a very thin powder. It was
molar percentage γHS(%)18 in the sample (Figure 2; left scale). thus necessary to perform an Ostwald ripening prior to
The first-order LS ↔ HS transition occurred with a hysteresis filtration (Figure 3).
of 35 K centered around 297 K for a sweeping rate of 1 K/min In the second step, 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole was added to the
(Figure 2).15,16,19 These accurate magnetic measurements are iron(II) bromide filtrate. The complex was obtained by
not easily accessible with usual teaching laboratory techniques. evaporation of the solution containing the iron(II) bromide
In this experiment, two properties of an SCO complex, its filtrate and 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole using nitrogen gas flow
thermochromic phenomenon and its bistability at RT, are used (Figure 4):
1072 | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1071−1076
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

Figure 3. Preparation of an aqueous solution of iron(II) bromide.

Figure 4. Synthesis of the complex [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O.

Fe2 +(aq) + 2Br−(aq) + 3NH 2trz(aq) + H 2O

⇌ [Fe(NH 2trz)3 ]Br2·H 2O(s)

A small minority of the students, 5%, failed to obtain the
desired SCO product because they used the solid BaSO4
CHARACTERIZATION instead of the FeBr2 filtrate. The other students were able to
The IR spectra of the [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O complex and of obtain the product without complication with a yield ranging
the NH2trz ligand in KBr pellets (2%) were recorded between between 46% and 60%. However, the SCO properties were
550 and 4000 cm−1. The thermochromism and bistability more spectacular if the conditions described in the
phenomena were qualitatively observed by warming or cooling experimental protocol were strictly followed.20
500 mg of the solid complex in a test tube. The magnetic IR Characterization
properties were qualitatively observed by bringing an NdFeB
permanent magnet close to the complex in a test tube The IR spectra showed typical features for aromatic cyclic
suspended to a retort stand. The electronic spectra were amines and their coordination complexes: the stretching
recorded between 800 and 400 nm in the solid state (KBr pellet vibrations bands of the triazole cycles were found in the
10%) at RT after different thermal treatments. 1350−1600 cm−1 range and were shifted to higher wave-

numbers with a broadening of the peaks upon coordination to
HAZARDS iron(II).21 In parallel, the presence of two bands at 620 and 680
cm−1 on both spectra indicated the same C2v symmetry for
Iron(II) sulfate heptahydrate is harmful if swallowed and can
NH2trz in its free and coordinated forms, suggesting that two
cause serious eye irritation and skin irritation. Barium(II) salts
iron(II) ions are linked by N(1)−N(2) triazole bridges.22 No
are harmful if inhaled or swallowed. 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazole,
effect of the SCO is observed in the 4000−550 cm−1 region:
potassium bromide, and iron(II) bromide are irritating to the
the white- and purple-colored solids exhibited the same IR
eyes, respiratory system, and skin. Iron(II) bromide is also
harmful if inhaled. The safety instructions are included in the
Instructors’ Notes in Supporting Information. In line with the Thermochromism
precautionary principle, it is appropriate to lay down added The thermochromism was visually observed during the
safety requirements to cover the unknown potential hazard synthesis. At the end of the evaporation, a white powder was
presented by the synthesized complex [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O. observed. The powder became (slightly) purple when placed in
1073 | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1071−1076
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

an ice bath and remained purple when brought back to RT

(Figure 4).23 Students concluded that the purple complex was
favored at low temperatures, whereas the white complex was
favored at high temperatures.
The color change depended on the thermal history of the
compound, that is, its bistability. Treatment at 273 K was not
sufficient to convert the entire sample to a single color. Use of
liquid nitrogen or a warm water bath (340−350 K) was
necessary to achieve full conversion of the complex either to a
purple color or to a white color, respectively. Typical
observations of students are shown in Figure 5. Both colors

Figure 5. Photographs at RT of student results showing tube

containing the sample [Fe(NH2trz)3]Br2·H2O suspended to a retort
stand (A) after cooling at 77 K and (B) after heating at 353 K. The
white form (B) is attracted to the magnet, whereas the purple form
(A) is slightly repelled by the magnet.

were stable at RT and observable even after numerous thermal

treatments. Students thus demonstrated the hysteretic charac- Figure 6. (Top) Student’s electronic spectra of [Fe(NH2trz)3]-
ter, the reversibility, and the cyclability of the thermochromic Br2·H2O in KBr pellet recorded at RT after different thermal
treatments. (Bottom) Simplified Tanabe−Sugano diagram for d6
transition. octahedral complexes (E, energy of excited terms taking the energy
Magnetic Properties of ground state equal to zero; B, Racah parameter; Δ, ligand field; P,
The formation of both states at RT made possible a qualitative electron pairing energy).
magnetic characterization: students observed that the purple
form was weakly repelled by a permanent magnet (Figure 5A), immersed in liquid nitrogen due to an increased amount of the
whereas the white form was attracted to a permanent magnet purple form. Students thus understood that measuring the
(Figure 5B).23 The purple form was then a diamagnetic optical density at λ = 530 nm was a way to read the information
compound having all of its electrons paired. A ligand field stored in the material after an appropriate thermal treatment to
approach states that the iron(II) center is in its t2g6 low-spin encode the information.
state. On the contrary, a paramagnetic behavior was observed Interpretation of the Electronic Spectra
for the white form due to presence of four unpaired electrons in
The purple color was stronger for the sample immersed in
the t2g4eg2 high-spin state.
liquid nitrogen, though not very intense. A d−d transition was
Optical-Data Storage suggested by students for the band centered at λmax = 530 nm
To quantify the optical response of the system, electronic and a d6 Tanabe−Sugano diagram used for its interpretation.25
spectra were recorded by students at RT after various thermal Assuming B/B0 = 0.75 and B0 = 1058 cm−1, the only possible
treatments (Figure 6). A RT typical spectrum of the iron(II) transition was the first spin-allowed transition in the high-field
compound in a KBr pellet presented an absorption band with a region (right part), that is, 1A1g → 1T1g.
rounded maximum at λmax = 530 nm (medium green). Because Students obtained a value for the ligand field for the LS state,
there was only one absorption band in the visible range, Δo(LS), of ca. 20 790 cm−1. This value was slightly higher than
students quickly concluded that this band was at the origin of the typical pairing energy in iron(II) octahedral complexes (15
the observation of the purple complementary color. When the 000 cm−1). It was in the range expected for compounds
pellet was heated, the absorption at 530 nm decreased, exhibiting thermal SCO properties (Table 1). The values given
indicating a decrease amount of the purple form.24 However, in Table 1 allowed evaluating the wavelength range expected
the absorption at 530 nm increased after the pellet was for the only spin-allowed transition 5T2g(HS) → 5Eg for the HS
1074 | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1071−1076
Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

Table 1. Values of the Ligand Field Expected for a Verdaguer who has largely diffused this work in many
Octahedral Fe(II) Compounds congresses, O. Durupthy for his implementation and helpful
participation, T. Coradin for his corrections, and the reviewers
Compound Δo(HS)/cm−1a Δo(LS)/cm−1a
for their constructive comments.

HS <11000 
SCO ≈ 11500−12500 ≈ 19000−22000
LS  >23000
Data from ref 25. (1) Bare, W. D.; Mellon, E. K. Thermochromic behavior of cobalt(II)
halides in nonaqueous solvents and on filter paper. J. Chem. Educ.
1991, 68, 779−780.
(2) Battle, G. M.; Allen, F. H.; Ferrence, G. M. Teaching three-
state: it was expected in the near-IR region.26 This explained dimensional structural chemistry using crystal structure databases. 3.
why no d−d band was observed in the UV−visible spectra of The cambridge structural database system: information content and
the HS form.

access software in educational applications. J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88,
CONCLUSION (3) Cui, A.-L.; Chen, X.; Sun, L.; Wei, J.-Z.; Yang, J.; Kou, H.-Z.
This experiment was performed by 200 students. The Preparation and thermochromic properties of copper(II)-N,N-
effectiveness of the experiment in achieving its objectives was diethylethylenediamine complexes. J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88, 311−312.
assessed in several ways. First, by direct observation of both (4) de Berg, K. C.; Chapman, K. J. Determination of the magnetic
moments of transition metal complexes using rare earth magnets. J.
colors at RT it was possible to assess the experimental
Chem. Educ. 2001, 78, 670−673.
proficiency of the students (cf. Supporting Information). (5) Gray, H. B. Chemical applications of group theory (Cotton, F.
Second, the students’ ability to report experimental findings Albert). J. Chem. Educ. 1964, 41, 113−114.
in a scientifically acceptable format was directly assessed from (6) Hutchinson, B.; Hance, R. L.; Hardegree, E. L.; Russell, S. A. A
the quality of the laboratory books that must include their simple demonstration of the Curie-Weiss law and a spin-crossover
experimental observations and their answers to questions given compound. J. Chem. Educ. 1980, 57, 830−831.
in Supporting Information. Lastly, student and instructor (7) Linenberger, K.; Bretz, S. L.; Crowder, M. W.; McCarrick, R.;
comments were collected at the end of each semester; in Lorigan, G. A.; Tierney, D. L. What is the true color of fresh meat? A
general, this experiment was well received by students. The biophysical undergraduate laboratory experiment investigating the
thermochromism and the optical-data storage property was effects of ligand binding on myoglobin using optical, EPR, and NMR
always a great astonishment. They discovered the macroscopic spectroscopy. J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88, 223−225.
(8) Pernicone, N. C.; Geri, J. B.; York, J. T. Using a combination of
effect of para- and diamagnetism for coordination compounds. experimental and computational methods to explore the impact of
The instructors noticed that (1) all students were able to metal identity and ligand field strength on the electronic structure of
correlate a color to a spin state for this complex; (2) they no metal ions. J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88, 1323−1327.
longer associated the SCO phenomenon with a redox reaction; (9) Sutton, L. E. Some recent developments in the theory of bonding
(3) they progressed in the understanding of the general in complex compounds of the transition metals. J. Chem. Educ. 1960,
concepts of the course such as the existence of two spin states 37, 498−505.
in octahedral iron(II) complexes, the electronic transitions, the (10) Lavabre, D.; Micheau, J. C.; Levy, G. Comparison of
interpretation and use of Tanabe−Sugano diagrams, and the thermochromic equilibria of Co(II) and Ni(II) complexes. J. Chem.
magnetic properties. It is necessary to note that the spectacular Educ. 1988, 65, 274−277.
thermochromism of this complex facilitated their under- (11) Spears, L. G., Jr.; Spears, L. G. Chemical storage of solar energy
using an old color change demonstration. J. Chem. Educ. 1984, 61,
Finally, the setup for this experiment is simple to implement. (12) Gütlich, P.; Goodwin, H. A. Spin CrossoverAn Overall
It can be adapted to lower levels by shortening the Perspective Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds I; Springer:
characterization work or to the master level by adding Berlin/Heidelberg, 2004; Vol. 233, pp 1−47.
quantitative magnetic measurements27 or by extending the (13) Kahn, O.; Martinez, C. J. Spin-transition polymers: from
study to other related magnetic complexes.

molecular materials toward memory devices. Science 1998, 279, 44−48.
(14) Grosjean, A.; Daro, N.; Kauffmann, B.; Kaiba, A.; Letard, J.-F.;
ASSOCIATED CONTENT Guionneau, P. The 1-D polymeric structure of the [Fe(NH2trz)3]-
S Supporting Information (NO3)2·nH2O (with n = 2) spin crossover compound proven by single
crystal investigations. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 12382−12384.
Student handouts; instructor notes, including IR and UV (15) Lavrenova, L. G.; Shakirova, O. G.; Ikorskii, V. N.; Varnek, V.
spectra; CAS registry numbers of chemicals; manufacturers of A.; Sheludyakova, L. A.; Larionov, S. V. 1 A 1 ⇄ 5 T 2 spin transition in
equipment; IR spectra. This material is available via the Internet new thermochromic iron(II) complexes with 1,2,4-triazole and 4-
at amino-1,2,4-triazole. Russ. J. Coord. Chem. 2003, 29, 22−27.

Corresponding Author
(16) Lavrenova, L. G.; Yudina, N. G.; Ikorskii, V. N.; Varnek, V. A.;
Oglezneva, I. M.; Larionov, S. V. Spin-crossover and thermochromism
in complexes of iron(II) iodide and thiocyanate with 4-amino-1,2,4-
triazole. Polyhedron 1995, 14, 1333−1337.
*E-mail: (17) Bain, G. A.; Berry, J. F. Diamagnetic Corrections and Pascal’s
Notes Constants. J. Chem. Educ. 2008, 85, 532−536.
(18) γHS(%) = 100 × xHS = (χM·T)exp/(χM·T)HS with xHS the molar
The authors declare no competing financial interest.

quantity of iron(II) ions in the HS form per iron center and (χM·T)HS
= 3.3 cm3 K mol−1 with gFe = 2.1 the value of the χM·T product when
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS all the iron(II) ions are the HS form.
The authors wish to thank A. Proust, for implementing this (19) Rotaru, A.; Varret, F.; Gindulescu, A.; Linares, J.; Stancu, A.;
laboratory experiment in the program of her course, M. Létard, J. F.; Forestier, T.; Etrillard, C. Size effect in spin-crossover

1075 | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1071−1076

Journal of Chemical Education Laboratory Experiment

systems investigated by FORC measurements, for surfacted [Fe(NH2-

trz)3](Br)2.3H2O nanoparticles: reversible contributions and critical
size. Eur. Phys. J. B 2011, 84, 439−449.
(20) In the first step, the temperature and the time were the
important parameters to control to avoid BaSO4 impurities in the final
product. In the worst cases, a filtration (Celite) or centrifugation step
was necessary to obtain a clear filtrate. In the second step, the students
who were lacking time could finish the water evaporation using a
rotary evaporator. However, the quality of the final product increased
with the volume of water that was evaporated under N2 flow.
(21) Sinditskii, V. P.; Sokol, V. I.; Fogel’zang, A. E.; Serushkin, V. V.;
Porai-Koshits, M. A.; Svetlov, B. S. The vibrational Spectra and
structure of coordination compounds of metals with 4-amino-1,2,4-
triazole as bidendate ligand. Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 1987, 32, 1950−1955.
(22) Haasnoot, J. G.; Groeneveld, W. L. 1,2,4-Triazole complexses,
III complexes of transition metal(II) nitrate and fluoroborates. Z.
Naturforsch. 1977, 32b, 533−536.
(23) If samples of both colors were not stable at RT or a pink color
rather than purple color was obtained, the sample was dehydrated and
magnetic properties were difficult to observe. To rehydrate the sample,
cotton soaked with a small volume of water was placed in the tube
over the powder.
(24) The pellet heated at 340 K was white but became at RT slightly
pinkish as revealed by an absorbance different from the diffusion
baseline in Figure 6. The KBr pelleting probably induces a
modification of thermochromic properties (position or width of
hysteresis) compared with those obtained for the pure compound in
the solid state. This effect gave the opportunity to speak about
complex limitations for an industrial development
(25) Hauser, A.; Gütlich, P.; Goodwin, H. A. Ligand Field Theoretical
Considerations Spin Crossover in Transition Metal Compounds I;
Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, 2004; Vol. 233, pp 49−58.
(26) The band corresponding to this transition is very broad and not
very intense. It can be observed only by recording a reflectance diffuse
spectra of the solid. The spectra is provided in Supporting
(27) Bower, N.; Yu, A. Exploiting mass measurements in different
environments: density, magnetic susceptibility, and thermogravimetry.
J. Chem. Educ. 2011, 88, 536−539. This publication can be used to
correlate a color to magnetic property (dia- or paramagnetic). In this
case, magnetic data storage could be introduced.

1076 | J. Chem. Educ. 2013, 90, 1071−1076

Síntesis y caracterización de complejos metálicos luminiscentes derivados
de iones lantánidos de Tb(III) y Eu(III).
1.1.- Síntesis de los complejos metálicos [Tb(tmh)3(bipy)] y

1.2.- Caracterización de los complejos. Estudio de sus propiedades ópticas

y luminiscentes. Construcción de un diagrama de energía.
1.1.a- Síntesis del complejo metálico [Tb(tmh)3(bipy)2].
Using a graduated cylinder measure out 7.5 mL of absolute ethanol and place it
in a 250 mL beaker. Weigh out 2.1 mmoles of 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione
(Htmh) and add it to the beaker containing the absolute ethanol. With a graduated
cylinder measure out approximately 2.1 mmoles of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide and add
this drop wise to the Htmh solution. In a separate 25 mL beaker add 7.5 mL of absolute
ethanol, using a graduated cylinder. To this absolute ethanol, add 0.7 mmoles of 2,2’-
bipyridine (bipy) and stir the solution until the bipy is dissolved. Once the 2,2’-
bipyridine is dissolved pour this solution into the Htmh solution, add a stir bar, place the
beaker on a stir plate and mix the solution for 30 minutes. While this solution is stirring
take a 10 mL beaker and add 5.0 mL of distilled water using a graduated cylinder. To
this beaker and 0.7 mmoles of Terbium(III) chloride hexahydrate and swirl gently until
the europium salt is dissolved. After 30 minutes, add the Terbium(III) chloride solution
drop wise using a disposable Pasteur pipette to the stirring ligands solution. A
precipitate should begin to form almost immediately. After all the europium chloride
solution has been added allow the mixture to stir an additional 5 minutes. Vacuum filter
the solution using a Büchner funnel and wash the precipitate three times with 10 mL of
cold water. Transfer the product to a watch glass and allow it to air dry until the next

1.1.b- Síntesis del complejo metálico [Eu(tta)3(bipy)2].

Using a graduated cylinder measure out 7.5 mL of absolute ethanol and place it
in a 250 mL beaker. Weigh out 2.1 mmoles of 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(2-thienyl)-1,3-
butanedione (Htta) and add it to the beaker containing the absolute ethanol. With a
graduated cylinder measure out approximately 2.1 mmoles of 0.1 M sodium hydroxide
and add this to the Htta solution. In a separate 25 mL beaker add 7.5 mL of absolute
ethanol, using a graduated cylinder. To this absolute ethanol, add 0.7 mmoles of 2,2’-
bipyridine (bipy) and stir the solution until the bipy is dissolved. Once the 2,2’-
bipyridine is dissolved pour this solution into the Htta solution, add a stir bar, place the
beaker on a stir plate and mix the solution for 30 minutes. While this solution is stirring
take a 10 mL beaker and add 5.0 mL of distilled water using a graduated cylinder. To
this beaker and 0.7 mmoles of Europium(III) chloride hexahydrate and swirl gently until
the europium salt is dissolved. After 30 minutes, add the europium(III) chloride solution
drop wise using a disposable Pasteur pipette to the stirring ligands solution. A
precipitate should begin to form almost immediately. After all the europium chloride
solution has been added allow the mixture to stir an additional 5 minutes. Vacuum filter
the solution using a Büchner funnel and wash the precipitate three times with 10 mL of
cold water. Transfer the product to a watch glass and allow it to air dry until the next
1.2.- Caracterización del complejo [Eu(tta)3(bipy)]. Estudio de sus
propiedades ópticas y luminiscentes. Construcción de un diagrama de
1.2.1.- Propiedades ópticas y luminiscentes. Espectroscopía UV-Vis de los complejos [Eu(tta)3(bipy)] y

[Tb(tmh)3(bipy)]. En un vaso de precipitado de 50 mL añadir una pequeña cantidad del
complejo previamente sintetizado (aproximadamente 1 – 2 mg) y añadir
aproximadamente 25 mL de metanol. Agitar hasta que todo el sólido se disuelva.
Transferir parte de esta disolución a una cubeta de cuarzo hasta completar
aproximadamente 4/5 de su capacidad. Colocar la cubeta en el espectrofotómetro (en el
que ya se ha medido la línea base) y realizar un espectro en el intervalo de longitudes de
onda comprendido entre 200 – 600 nm. Determinar las longitudes de onda a la que
aparecen los máximos de absorción. Estos valores indicarán la longitud de onda de
excitación que hemos de utilizar para medir el espectro de emisión. Este valor de
absorbancia representa la energía de la transición desde el estado fundamental S0 al
primer nivel excitado S1 en el ligando de tipo dicetona. (nota: no se necesitan conocer
los coeficientes de extinción molar por lo que no es necesario conocer de manera
exacta la concentración de complejo. Puede ser necesario diluir varias veces la
solución preparada hasta obtener un espectro óptico donde el valor máximo de
absorbancia sea inferior a 1.5. Valores de absorbancia superiores a 2 dan lugar a
espectros con mucho ruido de fondo). Luminiscencia de los complejos [Eu(tta)3(bipy)] y [Tb(tmh)3(bipy)].

El espectro de emisión de este complejo se realizará sobre la disolución

preparada en el apartado y también sobre muestra sólida. La longitud de onda de
excitación coincidirá con el máximo de absorbancia medido anteriormente. El espectro
de emisión se medirá en el intervalo comprendido entre 400 y 800 nm. Luminiscencia de los ligandos Htta y Htmh.

Para conocer la energía del estado triplete (3T1) del ligando Htta se disolverán
aproximadamente 1 – 2 mg de ligando en 25 – 40 mL de metanol y se medirá su
espectro de emisión en el intervalo 350 – 500 nm utilizando como longitud de onda de
excitación la misma que para el complejo derivado.
A partir de los datos obtenidos con estos espectros, se construirá el diagrama de
energía correspondiente.
In the Laboratory

Synthesis and Characterization of Europium(III)

and Terbium(III) Complexes: An Advanced
Undergraduate Inorganic Chemistry Experiment
Shawn Swavey
Department of Chemistry, University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio 45469-2357

Descriptions of the f-block metals is typically reserved for

the end of most inorganic courses and often only briefly covered
in a typical one-semester advanced course. There are a limited
number of undergraduate experiments involving lanthanide
coordination complexes (1). This is unfortunate given the ease
with which many of these complexes can be made, the interesting
and instructive photophysical properties, and the relatively
inexpensive starting materials. In the classroom, the term sym-
bols and their use in describing spectroscopic properties is usually
relegated to the d-block metals; however, laboratory illustrations
of the link between theory and experiment are often difficult to
solidify in the minds of the students. Lanthanide coordination
complexes make this link with little need to introduce new Figure 1. Illustrations of the effect of irradiation, using a UV light box of
concepts; students can take what they have learned in the Tb(tdh)3bpy and Eu(tdh)3bpy complexes.
classroom with respect to microstates and term symbols and
apply these principles to the f orbitals associated with lanthanide Scheme 1. Synthetic Scheme of 2,20 -Bipyridine-bis{tris[2,2,6,6-tetra-
complexes. methyl-3,5-heptanedione]}-lanthanide(III): Tb(tmh)3bpy and Eu-
Compared to transition-metal coordination complexes, the (tmh)3bpy
area of lanthanide coordination chemistry is a relatively young field.
A number of advances in this area have been made in recent years
with applications in catalysis (2), biosensors (3), and light-emitting
materials (4) to name just a few. Stabilization of the diffuse 4f
orbitals leads to an open-shell electronic configuration in which the
lanthanides favor the þ3 oxidation state. Lanthanide(III) cations
display typical a-class (hard) properties; therefore, coordination is
accomplished by strong Lewis bases and in particular bidentate
ligands containing oxygen or nitrogen (5). Charged oxygen atoms
favor ionic bonding to lanthanides. Metal-metal charge-transfer Tb(III) complexes. The synthesis of Tb(III) and Eu(III) com-
transitions of the 4f electrons into the 4f* excited state are plexes (7) is illustrated in Scheme 1. In this synthetic scheme,
forbidden by the selection rules. To circumvent these forbidden the β-diketone 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione (tmh), 2,20 -
transitions, “antenna” ligands are used to absorb energy in the UV bipyridine (bpy), and terbium(III) chloride or europium(III)
region of the spectrum transferring that energy to the lanthanide chloride are combined to make the complex 2,20 -bipyridine-bis-
metal inducing a 4f-4f* (ligand field) transition. Relaxation of the {tris[2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione]}-lanthanide(III),
excited 4f electrons to the ground state leads to emission spectra in Ln(tmh)3bpy. Because of the large lanthanide cations, higher
the visible and near-infrared regions of the spectrum. The high coordination numbers are typically observed; for example,
degree of spin-orbit coupling associated with lanthanides leads to Tb(tmh)3bpy and Eu(tmh)3bpy (Scheme 1) are eight coordi-
intense ligand-field emissions. Excellent coordination and energy- nate with six oxygen atoms from three tmh ligands and two
transfer ligands, for example, β-diketonates, have been identi- nitrogen donors from the 2,20 -bpy ligand.
fied (6). Europium(III) and terbium(III) are instructively interest- The addition of 2,20 -bipyridine displaces coordinated water
ing owing to their sharp long-lived emission lines lying in the visible molecules, which deactivate the metal emission through OH
region of the spectrum. For example, terbium(III) complexes vibrations. The presence of C-H bonds leads to vibrational
excited with UV light emit green light, whereas europium(III) quenching of the lanthanide emission. To avoid this mechanism
complexes excited with UV light emit yellow or red light (Figure 1). of deactivation, some of the β-diketones chosen contain heavier
It should be noted that emissions of the complexes in solution are C-F bonds. The β-diketones are stirred in a basic ethanolic
similar to those in the solid state. solution to ensure the enol form before addition of the lantha-
We have identified a series of inexpensive and readily nide salt. In this experiment, the synthesis of two terbium(III)
available reagents that can be used to synthesize Eu(III) and and two europium(III) complexes incorporating 2,20 -bipyridine

_ _ _
r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. Vol. 87 No. 7 July 2010 Journal of Chemical Education 727
10.1021/ed100188m Published on Web 05/03/2010
In the Laboratory

Figure 2. Excitation and emission spectrum of Tb(tdh)3bpy.

and either europium(III) chloride or terbium(III) chloride and

three β-diketones [1,1,1,-trifluoro-5,5-dimethyl-2,4-hexanedione
(tdh), 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione (tmh), and thenoyl-
trifluoroacetone (tta)] are described. Their spectroscopic and
Figure 3. Energy-level diagram for the Tb(tdh)3bpy complex in Figure 2.
fluorescence properties are measured and used to create energy Arrows indicate the course of energy transfer during excitation by UV
diagrams for each complex. radiation and emission of visible light. The ground and excited states of
the bpy ligand are not included because they play a relatively small role
Experiment and Discussion in the energy-transfer process.

The preparation of the Tb(III) and Eu(III) complexes transitions, with 6 lines distinguishable in the emission spec-
[Tb(tmh)3bpy, Eu(tmh)3bpy, Tb(tdh)3bpy, and Eu(tta)3bpy] is trum as illustrated in Figure 2 for a Tb(III)-β-diketonate
accomplished in one 3-h laboratory by the addition of an aqueous complex. For Tb(III), the first excited state can be described as a
solution of the respective lanthanide salt to a basic ethanolic solu- 5
D4 state and its energy corresponds to the transition to the
tion containing the respective β-diketone and 2,20 -bipyridine. lowest ground state, 5D4 f 7F6 (Figure 2). The difference in
(Note: If desired, all three ligands can be used for both Tb(III) and energy between the 5D4 f 7F6 and the 5D4 f 7F5 allows for
Eu(III) giving a total of six complexes.) Precipitation of the calculation of the energy of the 7F5 state. The energies of the
products occurs immediately. After vacuum filtering and air drying other various states can be calculated in a similar manner. Once
until the next laboratory period, the europium complexes can be the electronic states of the terbium(III) center along with the S0
isolated as a pale-yellow powder, whereas the terbium complexes and S1 states of the respective β-diketonates have been deter-
are isolated as a green powder. The π-π* transitions of the mined, the triplet T1 states of the β-diketonates are determined
β-diketonate ligands are measured by dissolving a small quantity of by fluorescence measurements of the lone ligands in solution.
each complex in methanol and scanning from 200 to 400 nm with An energy diagram for each complex, similar to the one in
the UV-vis spectrophotometer. The 4f-4f* (ligand field) transi- Figure 3, can be constructed from the information gathered in
tions of the metals are forbidden and therefore not observed the spectroscopic analyses. It may be instructive for students in
in these measurements; however, the single intense absorption the class to pool their results for comparative purposes.
bands observed in the UV region of the spectrum for each complex To determine the term symbols associated with a particular
can be associated with the S0 f S1 (π-π*) transition of the metal ion one must consider its electronic configuration. For
β-diketonate. The peak absorption wavelength measured is also example, europium(III) has an [Xe]4f 6 ground-state electron
the wavelength at which the associated complex will be excited in configuration that, similar to Tb(III), has six unpaired electrons
the fluorescence experiments. in the 4f orbitals.
Solid-state fluorescence studies of the four metal com-
plexes is accomplished by placing the powder of the complex of
interest into a quartz fluorescence cuvette and photoexciting
the complex at the wavelength that corresponds to the π-π*
transition of the β-diketonate (determined by the UV-vis
experiments). Absorption of the 2,20 -bipyridyl ligand occurs at
The total orbital angular momentum quantum number L and
a higher energy than the β-diketonate ligand and with much
lower intensity considering there is only one bipyridine and therefore the ground-state term for this configuration is the sum
three β-diketones per complex. For this reason, energy transfer of the ml values,
comes primarily from the β-diketonate ligand. Scanning the L ¼ fð þ 3Þ þ ð þ 2Þ þ ð þ 1Þ þ ð0Þ þ ð - 1Þ þ ð - 2Þg ¼ 3
visible region reveals an emission spectrum associated with
the lanthanide metal. For example, Tb(III) has a ground-state and L = 3 corresponds to an F state. The total spin-angular-
momentum quantum number S and therefore the spin state for
electronic configuration of [Xe]4f8 with six unpaired electrons.
This configuration leads to a 7FJ ground state with spin-orbit the ground term are equal to the sum of the ms values,
coupling J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 corresponding to seven possible S ¼ fð1=2Þ þ ð1=2Þ þ ð1=2Þ þ ð1=2Þ þ ð1=2Þ þ ð1=2Þg ¼ 3

_ _ _
728 Journal of Chemical Education Vol. 87 No. 7 July 2010 r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
In the Laboratory

and S = 3 gives a spin state 2S þ 1 = 7. Spin-orbit coupling protection should be worn at all times. 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-3,5-
determines how the ground term splits into different energies heptanedione is a combustible liquid and vapor and causes eye,
and is determined by: skin, and respiratory tract irritation. 1,1,1,-Trifluoro-5,5-dimethyl-
J ¼ L þ S, L þ S - 1, L þ S - 2, :::, jL - Sj 2,4-hexanedione is flammable and is an irritant. Europium chloride
and terbium chloride are hygroscopic and irritants. Sodium hydro-
For L = 3 and S = 3, J takes on the values of 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. xide is corrosive. Ethyl alcohol is flammable.
Therefore, the ground-state septet F term for Eu(III) is split as
follows: Conclusions
The experiments described here are ideally suited to accom-
pany an advanced undergraduate inorganic chemistry course and
would be best performed after microstates, spin-orbit coupling,
and term symbols are discussed in the lecture. From purely a
synthetic point, this laboratory can be easily adapted for the
general chemistry laboratory; however, with very large sections, it
could become expensive. The use of different β-diketonates with
varied absorption maxima gives the student examples of the role
that the ligand plays in the energy-transfer process. It is expected
that this will be discussed in the student's final report. I require
that the students' reports mirror those of an ACS journal with
title, abstract, experimental procedures, results and discussion,
conclusions, and reference sections. Obviously, this example does
not need to be followed for this laboratory to be successful. The
time required for the students to analyze their data is sufficient to
reap the benefits of this laboratory.
This splitting indicates that the Eu(III) complex should have
seven emission lines in the fluorescence spectrum. The first Literature Cited
excited state for the Eu(III) configuration is the 5D0 state with 1. Jenkins, A. L.; Murray, G. M. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 227.
the ground-state configuration of 7FJ (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). 2. Giardello, M. A.; Yamamoto, Y.; Brard, L.; Marks, T. J. J. Am. Chem.
Because the 4f orbitals in Eu(III) are half-filled, the order of the Soc. 1995, 117, 3276. (b) Martin, E.; Dubois, P.; Jerome, R.
ground-state energies is the reverse of the Tb(III) ground-state Macromolecules 2000, 33, 1530.
F term (i.e., 7F0 is the lowest energy in the Eu(III) case, whereas 3. Werts, M. H. V.; Woudenberg, R. H.; Emmerink, P. G.; van Gassel,
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rule, for subshells that are less than half-filled, the state having 2501. (b) Tsukube, H.; Shinoda, S. Chem. Rev. 2002, 102, 2389.
the lowest J value has the lowest energy; for subshells that are 4. Isabelle, B. Handb. Phys. Chem. Rare Earths 2003, 33, 465.
more than half-filled, the state having the highest J value has the 5. Parker, D. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2004, 33, 156.
lowest energy (8). The S0, S1, and T1 states will depend on the 6. (a) Richardson, F. S. Chem. Rev. 1982, 82, 541. (b) Skopenko, V. V.;
β-diketonate used. It is important for the students to recognize Amirkhanov, V. M.; Sliva, T. Yu.; Vasilchenko, I. S.; Anpilova, E. L.;
any difference in emission intensities and see if they can relate the Garnovskii, A. D. Russ. Chem. Rev. 2004, 73, 737.
intensity differences to the energy differences between the triplet 7. (a) Richards, G.; Osterwyk, J.; Flikkema, J.; Cobb, K.; Sullivan, M.;
state of the ligand and the excited state of the metal. The 2,20 - Swavey, S. Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2008, 11, 1385. (b) Swavey, S.;
bipyridyl ligand is not included in the energy diagram because the Krause, J. A.; Collins, D.; D'Cunha, D.; Fratini, A. Polyhedron 2008,
π-π* transitions associated with this ligand are too high in 27, 1061. (c) Jang, H.; Shin, C.-H.; Jung, B.-J.; Kim, D.-H.; Shim,
energy to be involved with energy transfer to the metal; again, the H.-K.; Do, Y. Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2006, 718. (d) Baker, M. H.;
students should be reminded that the purpose of the 2,20 - Dorweiler, J. D.; Ley, A. N.; Pike, R. D.; Berry, S. M. Polyhedron
bipyridyl ligand is to enhance the luminescence intensity by 2009, 28, 188. (e) Irfanullah, M.; Iftikhar, K. Inorg. Chem. Commun.
preventing OH quenching from coordinated water molecules. 2009, 12, 296.
8. Miessler, G. L.; Tarr, D. A. Inorganic Chemistry, 3rd ed.; Pearson
Hazards Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2004; Chapter 11, p 388.
Methanol is flammable and an irritant. 2,20 -Bipyridine and
thenoyltrifluoroacetone are harmful if swallowed and cause irrita- Supporting Information Available
tion to skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. They also have strong odors Student handout; pre- and postlab questions; instructor information;
and should be handled in the fume hood. Although the other answers to the pre- and postlab questions. This material is available via the
reagents may be handled outside of the hood, gloves and eye Internet at

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r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. Vol. 87 No. 7 July 2010 Journal of Chemical Education 729

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