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His shoes are dirry. He is cleaning his shoes.

He has cleaned his sho-

(: his shoes are clean r,.:

They are at home. They

r lrey are
:rre going out.
golng out. They have gone out.
(= they are not at hontc

has cleaned / have gone erc. is the present perfeX (have * past participle):

cleaned I cleaned?
we have ('ve)
finished have
we finished? I
you have not (haven,t) tegiltar uctbi
started you started?
lost they I
he has (") done done?
she has not (hasn't) been has she been? l,nnn,,o, ,,,,
it gone gone?
it l
past participle
Regular uerbs The past particlple is
-ed (the same as rhe past sirnple):
clean * I have cleaned finish finished
- we have srârt + she has,r__-'r{
Irregular uerbs The past participle
is not _ed.
Sometinres the past simple and past participle
are the same:
buy * I bought z' r h;rve bought *
have he had / he has had
Somerintes the past simple and past
participle are different:
break _ I broke / I have broken sce + you saw ,/ you have seen
iàn --* it ferl / it has fallen + they weffi ;;;;;".
we use-the,present perfect for an action in
the pa-stwith a resurt nout:
D I've lost nry passport. (: I can,t find
my passport
I '''.s Rebecca?' .She's gone to b"j., (= shenorz)
is in;,ed now)
tr 'Wc've bought â new car. (= we have a
new car now)
n It's Rachel's birthday tomorrow and I haven't
bought her a present. (: I don,t h.
present for her now)
tr'Bob is away on holiday.' ,Oh,
where has_ he gone?, (: where is
D Can I take this newspaper? Ffave you he now?)
finishedîith it? (: do you need. it now?S
40 present perfect units 16-19
- present perfect and past simple
- unit 20 irregular verbs unit j
- 2
I'hwê done,r{presê t perfect 1}


His shoes are dirty. He is cleaning his shoes He has cleaned his shoes.
(: his shoes are clean nor.,)

Thev are at home. They are going out. They have gone out.
(= they are not at home nolr)

has cleaned / have gone etc. is the present peyfect (have + past participle):

I cleaned I cleaned?
we have ('ve) finished we finished?
you have not (haven't) started you started?
they they
lost lost?
he has ('s) done he done?
she has not (hasn't) been has she been?
it gone it gone? l,*,.,,,,,,,
posr plorriciplc

Regular uerbs The past participle is -ed (the san-re as the past simple):
clean * I have cleaned finish -+ we have finished start + she has started

Irregular uerbs -ïhe past participle is not -ed.

Sometimes the past simple and past participle are the same:
buy * I bought ,/ I have bought have
- he had / he has had
Sonretimes the past simple and past participle are diflerent:

- I broke ,/ I have broken see --+
--+ you saw / you have seen
fall --* it lell / it has fallen go they wetl:t / they have gone

W'e use the present perêct for an action in the past with a result nour:
n I've lost nry pâssport. (: I can't find nry passport r?oll)
I 'Where's Rebecca?' 'She's gone to bed.' (: she is rn bed nou)
n We've bought â new car. (- we have â new car now)
n Itt Rachel's birthday tomorrow and I haven't bought her a present. (: I don't have a
present for her n.ow)
n 'Bob is away on holiday.' 'Oh,where has he gone?' (: where rshe now?)
n Can I take this newspaper? Flave you finished with it? (: do you need it now?)

4û present perfect
- Units 16-19 present perfect and past simple
- Unit 2û irregular verbs - Unit 24, Appendii

.'sàueqt 'lr I'oN, ,;eurzr8rru srql lue,e\ nod oq, y1

rulq I 'os >lun{t t,uop I :s
a.{\o-rroruol Surleeur eql tnoqe ,trou>I [[ig seocl :v ç.t
nod cop ol Suro8 nod e.rr 1eq7y1 ZI
'eldoedgo ro1 e eqg 'rq8ruol d1-red e Sur,req sr eng ll
'àurBu làLl
I lnq'ulrruo^\ ltigl ^\oDI J OI
a êqs êrêqlrt 'qrres roJ 3ur1oo1 ru.1 6
.'tuâqt ...
J '.{\ou1 l,uop
1, ,2sesse18 dru e-rr êreql[t, 8
'lr dpoqeruos .ellârqrun dru pug t.uer I L
.'rêrl I'sâ^, ,2de,ut 3uro3 e.r,nod trqt ,rrou>l ESr.l seoq, 9
'.{\opul.rt\ l?q]
^poqâuos iloof ç
érârl Blnrd loJ 3ur1oo1 ru.1 I
,'lno êqs 'êreq tou s,êqs, ,è4a sI êrâq1yt, c
erusrll oes ol lull,&\ no^ oc .seoqs ,&\3u âtuos ... ... .
.'lI qll{\ "VaùA;W I'sêÀ, .2-rededs,ueu rnod 1r >looi ? ê rq I ur3, I
IIêt/tou [â] êlel â3s/tou êes peâr âtI^ul
oE oF qqtrlr âprrâp d.q >le3rq
'xoq Jql uolJ qra^ e q]!M saJualuàs Jt.ll JlalduoJ a.g

&ou an{aq
Jê,{\OLIS E e^Eq u-\\op [-EJ roop êql êsolf
Sururr-r dots {e€qH.ÉrF€êT+ peq o1 o3
'xoq aql uorJ esCIor{J
ip3urddeq seq ]eqM"srjnlild rq] ]B ïool . ,
I t ltun sSsrJlJXl
l've j ust I've already ... r..
lhaven't... yet {prêsent perfect 2l
I've just ...

just : a short time ago

i-l n: Are Diane and Paul here?
B: Yes, they've just arrived.
Are you hungry?
No, I've just had dinner.
i: A: Is Tom here?
B: No, I'm afraid he's just gone
(: he has just gone)
They have just arrived.

ffi I've already...

aheady = before you expected /
before I expected
n A: Whât are l)iane and Paul coming?
n: They've already arrived.
(- before you expected)
It's only 9 o'clock and Anna has already
gone to bed. (= before I expected) Jon, lhLs Ls Emmo-.

R: Jon, this is Emma.

e: Yes, I know. 'We've already tnet.

ffi r haven,r ...yet / Have you ... yet?

yet : until now

use yet in negative sentences and questions. Yet is usually at the end.
yet in negative sentences (I haven't ... yet)
if A: Are Diane and Paul here?
B: No, they haven't arrived Yet.
(but B expects Diane and Paul to arrive soon)
I A: Does James know that you're going away?
e: No, I haven't told him yet.
(but B is going to tell him soon)
tr Siivia has bought a new dress, but she hasn't
worn it yet. The frlm hasn't started yet

Oh, tls nk*,

gou worn it
yet in questions (Have you ... yet?)
rl r R: Have Diane and Paul arrived Yet?
n: No, not yet. 'We're still waiting for them'
t-i A: FIas Nicoie started her new job yet?
S: No. she statts next week.
r n: This is my ner,v dress.
e: C)h, it's nice. Flave lrou worn it yet?

present perfect Units

17-2û word order * Unit g4 still, yet and already - Unit 95
47 -
rnoqt puêIg e >ist no^ ll Pios s€q êq '-rlrr srq
IIês ot Surd:rl sr.{\ ruol i
:uloJ :dtqrêd
ïse no^ rr pred seq eqs sdeq,re4 ;;;; ;;;; r"; ;; ;r;;;;;r;; ;"; ,

;ï;";;;;;; ,
:làr] T\€ no^ .ll prtlnls çrLl
ilrl (cl rvau
;roh Wn11 ùbfr àltf)A
àLls s<irr1,r:6 ,*:u u io8 suq puàt{ lno^ |

'lJA L{}tM suot}sJnb J}UM b'gL

(Surrrrr.r ldotsltr) ,,:;" ; ',,,u, , q. "u n,u,l ,,';;";;;.;;

)wàa)çt I

mou f ofu olr tæuaaw) oS,

f s,ttnurtu ,rDJ'p g 1t1ôu f sJltrutru maJ- a g ,nott f sttnutttr ,uàJ D I

snq êLII 'pF, |nô a .+,uç?4 âqS

(e,rre1 7 ure"rt âq, (oB 7 snq eq) 'uô6
-[Èb re
,trotr f
f s.ttnurtu attf a ç
ts- l4@/

illnunu mat a

7 tll
t salnmw atal- a

'('r1e 1a ." l,useq aqs ...

/ la^ l,ur^eq Âeq1) la r.lilrvr
alurluâs anlle6:u e 'ro {'r1a "' trsnl s,Jt{S / "' }snI ar,Âaq1) ]snI L{}tM arreluîs e a}gM .g

;qol,ueu rârl utls LIerrS seop uâql1 L)

irededs.ueu âql prâJ ol tur?^\ nol. oq ç

2.{r.trr Suro8 urulrry sr
'ruoa euoqd o1
uêqlf! t
1e3-io3 t,uoq t
arulg oqt êês ol lut.{\ spuerg _rnoL oq Z
;8ur,rr.r:e Ined sr êrurl tellly\ I

'1r:yad lutsud + Âpeatle Jsl 'sJJurlurs Jt{} alaJduo3

êrrr êr{J t
d..ll g 'pn:n j1r1 n^t;" î

'arnlrrd qJeJ loJ lsnl qltnn èJuJluJs e JluM


I t llun s3s rJJ 3x!

evêi'll, esênt p

/-n*ryo, .u.r\
lil I |t r,l
r 1
,l,r,,tl',1 l. a time from the past until now -
for example' a petson's life:

F{ave you ever been to JaPan?

time from the Past utttil now


tr 'ÉIave you been to France?' 'No' I haven't''

the United States'
I I've been to Canada, but I haven't been to and has lived in manr
different jobs
ll Mary is an interesting;;;"';- She has had many
n I've seen that woman before, but I can't
remember where'
n Flo'nv many times has Brazil won the'World : two times)
I've read ii twice'' (twice
n 'Flave you read this book?'

+ ever (in questions) and never:

present pefect
(once = one time)
[ 'FIas Ann ever been to Australia?' 'Yes' once''
x 'Flave you ever played golP' 'Yes' I play a lot''
n My sister has never travelled by plane'
n I've never ridden a horse'
r 'Who is that man?' 'l don't knolv' l've nevet seen him before''

gone and been

h.uo uteeks laler

rl{ Bill has been to SPain'
t Bill has gone to SPain' is back)
(= he is in SPain rzorf (: he went to SPain, but now he

(= where is she now?)
il I can't find Susan' Where has she gone?'Where
I have you been?
looking for you'
tr Oh, hello Susan! was

9n (ogz 'oç-gEz sa6ed) It '9 t srsrrrexè leuorlrpps +

Aou' s Tulr{l I lnq 'râIlree erêI{ st,&\ uâleH 8

'sarutt ,{uttu êrâq] qerls 'ile'^À slr€d s't\ou>l erlâqâ;1 /
clr ot no e.tt11 'u. ô.ol uI lu€JnelseJ ,^ô'âu e s,âlêqJ 9
'lno a,l',deqa 'luâluolu âql 1€ eruoq l€ l(uêrll slualed dW ç
.';e.teu'o51, ,aolrxâIN ol ;e.l'e nod â^tH, i'
ot no e,tt11 à noL e'r'eq êrâtllyç 'ânS '.olloH g
aTueq êqt
,'>lueq er{t ol seqs >luql I 'âleq lou s(êI{S' ,2eutf s,aleq4ç, 7
'urcdg ot àuô6 EeH 'luâtûoru âql 1e dtpqoq uo sI [Ig I
'uJ3q ro Juo6 alllM ï Ll,


'A'qof quan;jffi mu"'il ?TL,t 9au| âr4ç I


sstull ââJql pâIJrerLI lêêru Ie^eJl

aldoed 8ur1se;etur30 tol ? âlIJ.\\ op
sSurqt Surtserâtul Jo tol e plro.{\ âlil rê^o [e âq € 8tt

***, q' 6**"*'*' t L'

î ;Ï:::.=**dÏ
1 (1-ro1.tteg) ç

;sburql Jsaql auop no aneq u)Uo A oH';laslno lnoqe à]llM MoN

'?quq 1"101 ùàyr1 o1 ù""q epLlç (1:o1-ale11) 1

('1'11 asn.raxl ut stJMsue lâLl 1e >1oo1) "ualJH ]nûqe sàJuJluas JIUM Z'-

'ecuo'sen (23a1rno.( 7 ryerq) 6

''o51 (2snqe7e.r.1-rp) g
'ecrml'sen (aryoaz'te51) I
'tê,Leu'o51 (;ecert /uIM) 9
'seturl ,ra,eg e 'san (4rerdocrleq eq 1 f,g) g
'.re.teu'o111 (auodssed nof, y esol) ;
'ecuo'se;ç (4eqtrrsny) g
'serurl .f,ueru'sen
-;;; ;;; ;;;;;; â'#H
Juo?uol 0? ù?rq ràÀâ )40fi àÀrog
(dt"8 t Lrtù z
(;uopuol) 1

'suortrstnb JLI] sltlM
c "' le/\a no anepl 6uruur6aq suotlsanb ualag fiul>1se Jle no^

LL llun seslf,lJX:

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