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Periodontology 2000, Vol.

8, 1995, 114-124 Copyright 0 Munksgaard 1995

Printed iii Denmark All rights reserved
lSSN 0906-6713

The effect of restorative and

prosthetic materials on dental


Periodontal health requires that the existing good be better controlled by the initial qualities of the re-
adhesion of soft tissue cells to hard tissues be main- storative and prosthetic materials used.
tained. Protection of the intraoral surfaces from ero- As a result of protein deposition and subsequent
sion, corrosion, and wear requires strong binding of bacterial colonization and growth, the tooth sur-
salivary macromolecules. These features also are im- face - especially in cracks, defects and stagnant
portant to restored teeth, prosthetics and implants. interdental regions - accumulates dental plaque and
Since the factors controlling biological adhesion are becomes more susceptible to the development of
uniform throughout nature, it is not surprising that dental caries and periodontal disease. The formation
dental plaque accumulates on most of the same sur- of plaque begins with the rapid nonselective depo-
faces noted for good cell adhesion. The influence of sition of several salivary proteins onto all exposed
various dental materials on dental plaque is mani- intraoral surfaces (10, 59) followed by desorption of
fested almost exclusively through their differences in some and retention of others, to yield an amorphous
the strength of retention of plaque deposits. Such thin layer (less than 1 pm in thickness) known as the
deposits otherwise build up uniformly on all sur- acquired pellicle (45). These pellicle formation steps
faces exposed to the same intraoral conditions. Ob- are similar in pattern to those in which biological
servations that some materials are more plaque- films form on sutures and in artificial organs (10).
prone than others can be rationalized, and reliable This initial stage of plaque formation is followed by
predictions made, with reference to the critical sur- the nonspecific arrival, but generally different ac-
face tension of each material. Critical surface tension cumulation, of several oral bacteria (such as Strepto-
is estimated from a simple series of contact angle coccus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Lactobacillus
measurements. Reference to the materials’ hydro- and Actinomyces viscosus) that may be present in the
philic or hydrophobic properties alone is insuf- intraoral pool.
ficient. Assessment of related factors, such as surface The wide variety of restorative materials available
roughness and moderate changes in chemical com- for use in the oral cavity (such as amalgam, glass ion-
position, also shows these to be of importance. The omer cements, composite resins, acrylic resins, por-
intrinsically higher-energy surfaces of restorative or celains, metals and alloys) experiences these early
prosthetic metals, alloys, glasses and ceramics favor events uniformly, even though their physical and
strong plaque retention. Intermediate-energy sur- chemical properties clearly differ from one to another,
faces such as those of methacrylate-based com- just as the surface roughness and surface chemistry of
posites and dentures foster intermediate plaque re- a single material can differ from one product to an-
tention, which is increased by roughness. Low-en- other. Yet, the end result is that the final composition
ergy and smooth surfaces of silicones, fluorinated and retention of both acquired pellicle and built-up
materials and any deliberately or inadvertently wax- plaque can be different from material to material and
or oil-coated materials of any of the higher-energy product to product. Glantz (28) showed that the initial
types all show lesser bioadhesion. The challenge for surface properties of both teeth and restorative ma-
current and future research is to better understand terials influence the adhesion strength of dental
how the interfacial conformations of salivary glyco- plaque otherwise accumulated to the same amounts
proteins, which are the bioadhesives themselves, can on all these surfaces. Later, Baier & Glantz (10) showed

Effect of restorative and prosthetic materials on plaque

that this result reflected differences in how adsorbed be directly related to biological adhesion. Contact
organic films modify the adhesiveness of experimen- angle data also are used to determine the relative
tal solid surfaces placed in the oral cavity They polarity of a surface (32). Contact angle measure-
showed that the pattern of packing of the molecules ments of only water can be extremely misleading
forming oral films depends on the type of substratum (8). Fig. 4 shows a droplet of one diagnostic liquid
at which the molecules arrive. Fig. 1-3 show oral ap- on denture material (20).
pliances used by Baier & Glantz to study films formed Scanning electron microscopy is used for textural
in vivo. Adamczyk & Spiechowicz (1) demonstrated analysis of the sample, and energy-dispersive X-
that build-up of plaque on different materials under ray analysis - performed in the same instrument -
actual clinical conditions differs in chemical compo- is used for a general elemental analysis. Classical
sition as a function of the variable manner in which cross-sectional techniques (histochemical and/or
plaque accumulates on different materials. These dif- ultrastructural) also can provide important data
ferences emerge, as Jendresen & Glantz (37) demon- about interactions between living matter and ma-
strated, from a situation in which initial differences in terials. Atomic force microscopy and scanning
the apparent surface properties of restorative ma- tunnelling microscopy are likely to provide ad-
terials are diminished after a short time in the mouth. ditional insights to interfacial events in the near
It is important, therefore, to examine the very initial future (26, 38).
physical and chemical surface properties of dental in-
terfaces to better understand the observed influence The techniques described above are performed
of different types of restorative materials on plaque under ambient conditions or moderate vacuum con-
formation in comparison with oral hard tissues. ditions. Some newer analyses for elemental and
chemical composition of surfaces and thin films re-
quire high- and ultra-high vacuum techniques ( 5 3 ) ;
these include X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,
Methods scanning auger microscopy and secondary-ion mass
To follow the interactions of salivary components
with dental and restorative surfaces, it is important
to have methods allowing study of the formation of
biofilms on solid test surfaces from solution. The bi- Dental plaque formation: the
ofilm formation events can be achieved under both effect of surface energy
static and dynamic conditions (21, 46). The coated
and uncoated germanium test plates (Harrick Scien- There have been few detailed studies about the for-
tific, Ossining, NY) used in this research favorably mation of dental plaque on practical restorative ma-
modeled intraoral restorative surfaces and have also terials whose surface properties were known in the
been shown to accurately model the interactions be- exact conditions that are used clinically (20, 49). As
tween saliva and teeth (22). They are ideal for exten- a discussion aid, the term high-energy materials re-
sive in situ analyses of adsorbed films by the follow- fers, in the following text, to solids that are very hard,
ing techniques. have high melting points and strong intermolecular
forces and are basically crystalline in structure.
Multiple attenuated internal reflection infrared When clean (in high temperature, high vacuum en-
spectroscopy is used to obtain chemical compo- vironments), these materials can have specific sur-
sition of covalently bound moieties such as hy- face free energy values as high as 500 to 5000 mN/
droxyl, amine, amide, phosphate, hydrocarbon m. Generally, however, dental restorative materials
and carbonate. The technique is nondestructive and dental enamel are described as high-energy ma-
and can detect monolayers as thin as 1 nm (7, 14, terials when they have composite surface energies
46). above 50 mN/m (7),as indicated by measured criti-
Thin-film ellipsometry is used to measure the op- cal surface tensions. On the other hand, the term
tical thickness and refractive indices of thin inor- low-energy materials describes substances that are
ganic and organic films (2, 44). usually soft, have low melting points and weak inter-
Comprehensive contact angle measurements are molecular forces and also have poor crystallinity.
used to determine a material’s critical surface ten- The surface energies of such materials are usually
sion (64). Baier (5) demonstrated this property to less than 30 mN/m, again as judged by contact

Nassar et al.

Effect of restorative and prosthetic materials on plaque

angles and critical surface tension data. Waxes, poly- pellicle) explains why they actually behave as low-
mers, and many other organic materials are good to-intermediate-energy materials, despite their in-
examples (12, 47). Fluorocarbons, such as common trinsically higher energies when clean. Only the
Teflon@-basedproducts, are in a special very-low- freshly acid-etched enamel surface, briefly devoid of
energy category of their own, with critical surface pellicle and organic constituents, can be considered
tensions less than 20 mN/m. The unfortunate fact is to be a temporarily high-energy mineral surface. The
that most common restorative polymers and metals surface analysis techniques mentioned above were
or alloys under practical clinical conditions express used to investigate the effects of the surface prop-
intermediate surface energies (between 30 and 50 erties of different dental restorative materials on pel-
mN/m) and cannot be so readily compared with one licle formation and plaque retention; this showed
another as either the high- or low-energy groups. that clean cobalt-chromium alloys, stainless steels,
Every fluid, including saliva, rapidly spreads on dental porcelains, silicate and phosphate cements
smooth, clean, high-energy materials at ordinary and corroded silver amalgam also are all high-energy
temperatures unless another film (having a critical materials. When clean upon first exposure to the oral
surface tension value less than the surface tension environment, they display maximum adhesive prop-
of the liquid) has already formed on that solid sur- erties with respect to arriving organic substances
face (64).The fact that tooth and restorative metal or and water (28).
porcelain surfaces rapidly acquire such films (dental It is important to note that specification of just the
degree of hydrophobicity is not a useful discriminant
for dental plaque build-up. In a clinical study using
five different hydrophobic materials, Glantz (28, 29)
Fig. 1. Fixture used by Baier & Glantz (10) to study the found that the maximum weight of plaque capable
initial stages of plaque formation in vivo. Small test plates of remaining adherent to a prosthetic material de-
(germanium plates used for Multiple attenuated internal
reflection infrared spectroscopy are shown here) are pends more directly on the value of the surface free
placed in acrylic pouches. Saliva flows freely through slits energy of the material than on its relative wettability
in the bottoms of the pouches. Test plates are perpendicu- by water or aqueous solutions. Summarizing Glantz’s
lar to the occlusal plane. work, a stronger force per unit area is required to
Fig. 2. Another fixture used for study of early plaque for- remove biofilms from the surfaces of clean metallic
mation. In this device, the test pieces are in the occlusal and ceramic dental restorative materials than from
plane. the surfaces of pellicle-coated enamel or dentin or
Fig. 3. To model the oral cavity more closely, test materials from the surfaces of resins coating an adjacent tooth
(light-coloredregions in this photo) can be inserted in bite surface. The frequency of secondary caries may be
splints. After exposure, bite splint and test pieces are re-
turned to the laboratory and analyzed for differential higher than primary caries because plaque can
plaque accumulation. achieve a larger volume and can adhere more tightly
Fig. 4. Photo of a liquid droplet on denture material. The to the higher-energy surfaces of some restorative
angles of contact between several diagnostic liquids and materials than to pellicle-coated enamel and dentin.
the restorative material are used to determine “critical Glantz et al. (30) developed a clinical method to
surface tensions” and material polarities, as typical sur- measure contact angles directly on living tooth sur-
face-energy characteristics that correlate with plaque faces to determine their adhesiveness in situ. Jendr-
build-up and retention.
esen et al. (35-37) extended this work to selected re-
Fig. 5. ’ b o test plates of different surface energy after storative materials. The results indicated that teeth
side-by-sideexposure to a Streptococcus CC5A culture (48)
for 24 hours. Before exposure, both plates were equally and restorative materials can exhibit similar “clin-
smooth and shiny. After exposure, only the low-energy ical” adhesive properties soon after coverage by the
plate remained smooth, since poor adhesion of the acquired pellicle, despite considerable differences
plaque-forming organisms made it impossible for rough among their initial surface chemical properties. The
deposits to be retained. formation of the acquired pellicle on all solid sur-
Fig. 6. Scanning electron microscopic photo of the same faces in the mouth brings the properties of not only
low-energy test plate shown in Fig. 5. Note absence of tooth surfaces to similar states but also many re-
microorganisms and spontaneous retraction of the “ac-
quired pellicle” from the low-energy surface (original
storative materials that differ originally in their sur-
magnification: x 2000). face chemistry.
The tenacity of biological films’ retention, includ-
Fig. 7. An illustration of a half-denture reline with two dif-
ferent materials for simultaneous exposure to the same ing bacteria and other cells, is not a straight-line re-
clinical plaque-forming environment (20). lationship to the surface energies (again, judged by

Nassar et al.

the initial critical surface tensions) of restorative and substrata were covered by less plaque than the
prosthetic materials. Within the range of materials smooth, intermediate-energy substrata. These find-
available for clinical dentistry, those having initial ings agree with the study of Lindquest & Emilson
critical surface tensions between 20 and 30 mN/m (39), which showed that intrinsically rougher sur-
are the least retentive to protein- and cell-rich films, faces of composite resins tended to be more colon-
such as dental plaque (7, 11, 14, 22, 23, 54). Medical ized by S. mutuns than smoother, intrinsically higher
grade silicones (methyl silicones, in particular) and surface energy amalgam and gold. Lundin & Emilson
silicone and polyurethane copolymers are examples (40) also showed that the proportion of S. mutuns in
of these minimally bioadhesive (that is, “bioabhes- plaque on composite restorations was higher than
ive”) materials. Some polished metal samples, when that in plaque on normal enamel. Thus, an “over-
found to be relatively nonadhesive, were shown to spread” of plaque microorganisms from rougher re-
have been contaminated with low-energy waxy storative materials may actually “inoculate” the
polishing compounds (19). Fig. 5 shows two test smoother surfaces of enamel, gold, or porcelain.
plates exposed in uitro to Streptococcus strain CC5A Dummer & Harrison (25) found that “polished”
(48) for 24 hours. The smooth (shiny) plate had a (rougher) composite restorative material mechanic-
critical surface tension of 22 mN/m and retained no ally harbored more plaque mass than unpolished
cells. The other plate (critical surface tension greater composite and other materials (polished and unpol-
than 30 mN/m) was as smooth as the first before ished amalgam, polished gold and glazed porcelain);
exposure to the cell culture but appeared rough here is a case in which “polishing” does not mean
upon removal due to the thick carpet of adherent the same for all materials. Increased surface rough-
microorganisms it acquired despite its initial ness results from loss and exposure of superficial
smoothness. Thus, surface roughness can be sec- filler particles during the composite polishing pro-
ondary to surface energy when plaque adhesion cess. Gunyakti et al. (33) reached the same con-
dominates. Fig. 6 is a scanning electron microscopic clusion. McCollum et al. (43) showed in vitro and in
view of the low-energy plate after being removed uivo that, when cleaning procedures (avoiding metal
from the CC5A culture; note the poor adhesion be- instruments) do not increase surface roughness on
tween the film and the substratum. Different modes titanium implants, there is no increased surface
of sterilization also can affect the surface properties coverage by plaque (43). McCartney (42) recom-
of dental materials (13, 24). Fluid shear stresses, mended, for this reason, that metallic scalers be
either during biofilm formation or afterward as a avoided on titanium because of the ease of scratch-
rinse, can significantly affect the amount of retained ing the implant surface, making plaque and calculus
mass and its overall structure, but do not change the retention easier. Smales (58) also reported that the
relative strengths of bioadhesion noted above (46). amount of plaque retained on different restorations
correlates with surface roughness in the absence of
other surface chemical differences.
In addition to different levels of surface roughness
serving as confounding variables, the surface charac-
The effect of surface texture and teristics and adhesive properties of a material in the
other factors on plaque oral cavity also may vary due to several other factors,
accumulation such as

In addition to the important effects of differences in fillers (size, proportion and form of particles pres-
surface free energy on plaque accumulation, surface ent);
texture is another important factor in the facilitation porosity;
of plaque accumulation on tooth and material sur- handling (polishing residues, other contami-
faces. After three and six days of plaque formation nation);
on materials having differences in both surface corrosion (due to anatomic considerations, mech-
roughness and surface energy, Quirynen et al. (52) anical forces and chemicals present in the oral
found that rough surfaces usually retained more cavity, or due to oral hygiene procedures by either
plaque than smooth materials. After 6 days, there the patient (18) or the dentist); and
was no significant difference in plaque accumulation leachable components (such as copper, silver,
between rough materials of both low and intermedi- mercury or fluoride) that may inhibit plaque for-
ate surface free energy, but the smooth, low-energy mation.

Effectof restorative and prosthetic materials on plaque

Surface Tension (rnN/rn)

Dummer & Harrison (25) speculated that unpolished
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
amalgam retained less plaque than polished amal- -4 1.000
gam and all other materials studied due to its mer- -- 0.800
cury-rich surface layer. Svanberg et al. (60) reported --0.600
that plaque collected from silver and glass ionomer --0.400 <
cement restorations had a significantly lower per- --0.2002
centage viable count of S. mutans than conventional --0.000 &
amalgam restorations, suggesting that plaque form- -- -0.200 ;
-- -0.400:
ing on the glass ionomer cement might have a lower
0 no coating-- - -- -0.600
potential to induce recurrent caries due to its release 0 hydrophobic, rnethyloted coating- -- -0.800

hydrophilic. PEO coating -.

of silver and, possibly, fluoride (34, 61). On the other
hand, significant differences were not found in
Fig. 8. Contact angle data plots for three materials evalu-
fluoride content in sound or etched enamel before ated by Olsson et al. (50). nYo different coatings (hydro-
and after placement of fluoride-containing glass ion- phobiclmethylated and hydrophilic/polyethylene oxide)
omer cement in the mouth; neither the amount of were applied to ceramic crowns. The controls were unco-
plaque nor the fluoride content of the plaque of ad- ated ceramic crown material; no special procedures were
jacent teeth varied significantly from that of control used to clean the controls, so the substrata did not have
high surface energies. The cosines of the average contact
teeth (55).Similarly, Van Dijken et al. (62,63) showed angles are plotted against the liquidlvapor surface tension
no significant differences among plaque masses ad- of each diagnostic liquid eight different diagnostic liquids
jacent to composite resins, glass ionomer cement were used to characterize the Olsson samples. The critical
and enamel (and the number of S. mutuns and surface tension for each sample is defined by the intercept
Lactobacillus in saliva adjacent to these materials). of the plotted line with the surface tension axis.
Therefore, it becomes clear that differences in clin-
ical plaque accumulations are more fundamentally Chindavanig (20), who used different materials as
related to the balance of retentive and removal forces custom-fabricated, half-denture relines (Fig. 7) to
than to differences in the colonizing populations. study the clinical accumulations of Candida albicuns
This was demonstrated, for example, in the work of in human volunteers.


I I I I 1

very low energy low energy medium energy high energy

1 I
I I metals,

t cerarni cs

Amount of Relative
Plaque Strength of
Retained Connective
Under Tissue
Clinical Adhesion
Conditions (Ref. 14)

I I 1 I I

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Critical Surface Tension (mN/m)
Fig. 9. Graph of the relative strength of biological adhesion as a function of the initial critical surface tensions of dental
prosthetic and restorative materials.

Nassar et al.

Table 1. Summary of studies of effects of materials on dental plaque

Material Conditions Outcome Reference
Porcelain fused to gold 109 patients, 510 teeth, up Porcelain, gold, natural teeth all give Carnivale et al.
to %year follow-up similar plaque & gingival indices (18)
Ceramic crowns: uncoated, 1 patient, no oral hygiene Low-surface-energy coatings, de- Olsson et al. (50)
coated with polyethylene for 5-7 days, plaque spite hydrophobicity, more plaque-
oxide, and methylated samples from natural teeth resistant than natural teeth, clean
and crowns crowns, and hydrophilic polyethy-
lene oxide coatings
Glass: uncoated, coated In vitro incubation in Most retention of protein and bac- Olsson et al. (50)
with polyethylene oxide parotid saliva and in teria on material of intermediate
and methylated S. mutans suspension hydrophobicity and highest surface
Titanium abutments Osseointegrated implant Plaque and calculus more easily re- McCartney (42)
abutments; routine moved from unscratched surfaces
cleaning than from root surfaces
Titanium implants treated 12 patients, 4 abutments Similar plaque coverage on all McCollum et al.
for 30 s with plastic scaler, each, no oral hygiene for 1 surfaces (43)
air-powder abrasive, or week
rubber-cup polishing with
Porcelain, gold, amalgam, 108 in uitro samples; Less plaque mass on amalgam than Dummer &
composite plaque-like on all other materials; most mass on Harrison (25)
polished composite
Porcelain, metal alloy, 20 patients, 1 hour to 1 More plaque mass (closely packed) Adamczyk &
acrylic resin month (plaque accumu- on metal alloy, less on acrylic (more Spiechowicz (1)
lation rate) loosely distributed); least mass (very
loose packing) on smooth porcelain
Gold, stainless steel (6R60), 12 patients, 1-7 days Close correlation between initial Glantz (28)
polyethylene terephthalate surface free energy of material and
polymer, polyethylene, plaque-adhesive properties
Gold, amalgam, composite 114 patients, 14,859 plaque Composite (intermediate surface Lindquest &
samples over a 1-year free energy) retained more plaque Emilson (39)
period than higher-energy materials
Type 111 gold alloys, silver- 11 patients, 5-year study All metal alloy specimens similar in Marzouk et al.
palladium plaque accumulation; substantial (41)
variation among patients
Amalgam, composite 10 patients, dentures, 2 One composite retained more Smales (58)
days plaque than the other two com-
posites and more than the amal-
gams; good correlation between sur-
face roughness and plaque mass
Amalgam, composite 60 plaque samples (30 Composite and unpolished amal- Gunyakti et al.
from patients with metallic gam are more colonized by S. mut- (33)
restorations, 30 from ans than are polished metallic sur-
patients with nonmetallic faces
Composite, glass ionomer 12 patients, 48-hour Both materials retained plaque with Hallgren et al. (34)
cement, tooth enamel plaque sampled, up to 4 increased prevalence of S. mutans
weeks evaluation and Lactobacillus (compared with
enamel), with more around ortho-
dontic brackets attached with com-
posite (areas with low shear stress)

Effect of restorative and prosthetic materials on Dlaque

Table 1. Continued
Material Conditions Outcome Reference
Composite, glass ionomer 16 patients, 2-week plaque Critical salivary concentration to Van Dijken et al.
cement, tooth enamel formation on 1-year-old isolate Lactobacillus and S. mutans (63)
Class V restorations (sub- from glass ionomer cement and
gingival cervical margins) composite was same as for enamel
Composite resin, fresh and 10 patients, 18-hour More plaque accumulated on glass Forss et al. (27)
aged glass ionomer ce- plaque ionomer cement than on composite
ment, silver glass ionomer
Glass ionomer cement, 25 patients, fluoride con- No significant difference in fluoride Seppa et al. (55)
tooth enamel tent in materials and ad- content in sound and etched enamel,
jacent plaque; up to 4 before and after glass ionomer ce-
weeks ment placement; fluoride content of
approximate plaque similar for glass
ionomer cement and control enamel
Composite, glass ionomer 16 patients, 0-14 days Plaque mass and degree of gingivitis Van Dijken &
cement, tooth enamel adjacent to composite were not sig- Sjostrom (62)
nificantly greater than for glass ion-
omer cement and enamel
Amalgam, silver glass ion- 20 patients, 3-5 weeks Percentage viable S. mutuns in Svanberg et al.
omer cement plaque samples from new silver/ (60)
glass ionomer cement was less than
in plaque from new amalgam
Composite resin, tooth en- 48 patients, no oral hy- Number of S. mutuns in plaque from Lundin & Emilson
amel giene for one day composite greater than in plaque (40)
from enamel controls
Acrylic resin: heat-cured, 8 patients, 7-10 days with- Materials with similar surface free Ogle et al. (49)
light-cured, auto-polymer- out denture hygiene energies accumulated similar Chindavanig (20)
ized (all materials shown to amounts of plaque, despite differ-
have similar surface free ences in surface texture and chemi-
energies) cal composition
FEP Teflon@,cellulose ace- 16 patients, 6 days of un- Differences in surface free energies Quirynen et al.
tate; both in smooth and disturbed plaque accumu- are reflected for smooth surfaces; (52)
roughened forms lation roughness obscures these differ-
ences when sufficient mechanical
challenge is applied

Discussion of clinical findings that restorations and prosthetics can exert - through
their differing plaque-retention strengths - on the
Table 1 summarizes the dental restorative material surrounding environment. Similarly, the adhesional
studies mentioned earlier, including the respective bond strengths of calculus to intraoral surfaces must
conditions and types of evaluations applied, and the be addressed (16).
outcomes related to plaque and/or pellicle forma- Regarding the surface quality of a material, critical
tion. Several of the studies ranked plaque formation surface tension is the most accessible descriptor that
as a function of surface roughness but did not in- correlates with the retention of biological deposits
clude any other pre-exposure characterization data on the material (5). Fig. 8 graphs the contact angle
(such as surface free energy, porosity or leachable data plots for the three materials utilized by Olsson
components) for the materials used. The presence of et al. (50) in their in uivo and in uitro studies. Note
a wide variety of dental materials that have different that critical surface tension is defined from the work
characteristics certainly does lead to differences in of Zisman (64) as the intercept, of the line plotted
the accumulation of plaque on those materials, as through the data for a particular sample, with the
frequently noted clinically. Better knowledge of spe- top axis (where the contact angle=O"). Taking these
cific parameters of the surface quality of each ma- critical surface tension values, then, Fig. 9 graphi-
terial is required to assess the wide range of effects cally illustrates how plaque retention and other bio-

Nassar et al.

adhesion results plot out (6,9). Indeed, it is a univer- obvious from noting the equally hydrophilic nature
sal finding in a variety of physiological and environ- of teeth and oral mucosa, which retain plaque dif-
mental systems that the relative strengths of ferently, or the similar hydrophobicities of the acrylic
biological adhesion follow the up-and-down trend il- resin of dentures and of silicone coatings, which also
lustrated (material critical surface tension is ex- support different plaque accumulations. It is found
pressed quantitatively on the x-axisin units of mN/ that, through acquired pellicle formation, all dental
m). Fig. 9 is portioned into four different zones: 1) materials come to similar surface conditions during
materials with a very low surface energy (for ex- salivary protein deposition. They also receive the
ample, such fluorocarbons as polytetrafluoroethy- same arriving microorganisms and other particulate.
lene) that allow marginal adhesion; 2) low-energy,
often methyl-rich materials (such as methyl silicone)
that allow only very weak biological adhesion (the Conclusion
zone of “bioabhesion”); 3 ) medium-energy ma-
terials, the range of most common synthetic poly- Differentiation of surface deposits into those that are
mers, that engage relatively strong biological ad- strongly retained, thicken and mineralize versus
hesive bonds; and 4) high-energy materials (uncoat- those that cyclically delaminate back into the sali-
ed enamel, metals, alloys and ceramics) that sustain vary pool is based on the differing bound confor-
the strongest adhesion with biological macromol- mations of the first deposited salivary molecules on
ecules and cells. Glantz et al. (31) noted that good different materials. The concept of critical surface
boundary lubrication of masticatory surfaces prob- tension is useful for grouping the common restora-
ably requires the high-energy binding of salivary tive and prosthetic materials into presumptive
macromolecules. Thus, the disadvantages of plaque plaque-resistant and plaque-prone categories.
accumulation may be secondary consequences of New dental products are emerging (51) based on
the need for preservation of tooth structure from the surface energy concepts reviewed here, incorpor-
wear-induced loss. Baier et al. (4) noted that cell ad- ating methylsilicone fluids into mouthwash, tooth-
hesion, like that of gingival crest and connective paste, breqth spray and floss. The substantivity of the
tissue cells, also is strongest to materials with a high silicone coatings delivered by these products, how-
critical surface tension and, thus, should insure the ever, may be too low to be effective. A better hygienic
best periodontal integrity. Again, plaque binding approach to dental plaque control, for the short run,
qualities of the same materials follow inevitably. may be use of nonantimicrobial matrix liquefiers
that so weaken the plaque structure that it spon-
taneously collapses and washes away (3, 56, 57). It
remains a task for future work to decipher the influ-
Hydrophobic and hydrophilic ences of the interfacial properties on the first layers
surfaces of salivary macromolecules that provide the “glue
line” for binding of the otherwise uniform depositing
Glantz (28) showed that hydrophilicity and critical debris and microbial masses (15).
surface tension values of amalgam can increase
upon treatment with weak lactic acid solution,
whereas treatments with certain aqueous fluoride Acknowledgements
solutions decrease the wettability of enamel and
dentin. The latter treatments also render these US NIDR Grant No. DE07760 supported the work of
usually medium-energy materials into low-energy Drs. Nassar, Meyer and Baier on this manuscript.
materials, while surface properties of enamel and The IndustryKJniversity Center for Biosurfaces at
dentin were variably affected by the application of SUNY/Buffalo is also acknowledged for support of
lactic acid (depending on the strength of the acid previous, related projects.
and the duration of exposure). Fluoride-treated en-
amel showed increased adhesive properties after
being treated with lactic acid solution for several References
It would be inappropriate to extend these obser- 1. Adamczyk E, Spiechowicz E. Plaque accumulation on
vations to conclusions that all hydrophobic or all hy- crowns made of various materials. Int J Prosthodont 1990:
drophilic surfaces will behave the same (17). This is 3: 285-291.

Effect of restorative and prosthetic materials on plaque

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