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The Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion Important

makes calls once a year to national or foreign

Law on Labor Inclusion (Law No. 21,015)
companies to participate in the Good Work Contest
to recognize and reward workplaces that implement The validity of this law is from April 1, 2018.
work practices to promote decent work according
to with the laws of the state and pose the following Encourages and expands the employment
requirements: opportunities of people registered with disabilities
or who are assigned disability pensions, companies
1. Promotion of equality of opportunities between with 100 or more workers must have 1% of their PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL
men and women, non-discrimination by creed, endowment for such purposes.
disability, economic condition, race, sex; and OF LAW
equality of vulnerable groups. If it is not possible to comply with this obligation, the
law allows companies to adopt alternative
measures legally established. COURSE: SOCIAL
2. Eradication of the worst forms of child labor and
forced labor. RESPONSIBILITY V

3. Prevention of risks in health and safety at work, PROMOTE GOOD LABOR

sexual harassment and harassment at work. PROMOTES GOOD
4. Liberal union promotion and respect, worker care EMPLOYERS AND WORKERS.
channels and their participation in the management
of the company.

5. Efficiency in the management of salaries, wage

policy and benefits to workers.

6. Promotion of work-family balance.

7. Prevention, management of work stoppages and

preparation for retirement.

8. Professional development and access to training.

9. Promotion of orderly work with clients and

Promote good labor
How do we promote good labor Good labor practices
practices among practices?
employers and workers It is associated with compliance
They create strategies through with labor regulations by the
The implementation of good which the worker feels identified employer, but labor practices go
practices is an opportunity for with his employer, improving his beyond compliance with labor
changes in labor relations within performance, based on motivation legislation in Peru.
institutions and it is expected that and entertainment.
they will be shared by employers
so that they feel involved in Management of human resources It has three dimensions:
providing a better quality of ➢ The personnel linked to the 1. The legal perspective
service to their users and that company. 2. The work climate
these ultimately contribute to 3. Benefit the workers
strengthen the exercise of their ➢ Behaviors and the capacity
labor rights. of relationship between Criteria related to access to
workers depends on the employment are the salary policy
The voluntary implementation of worker's relationship. of the company to provide a safe
good practices in this area reflects and healthy workplace for the
a better management of human ➢ Management of strategies: worker and respecting their labor
resources, the presence of a Design of tasks, rights
positive work environment and responsibilities,
the willingness for a greater entertainment and salary
participation of workers in the system.

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