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DATA MINING [ reading religious / science texts ]
INFO PROCESSING [ contemplation / meditation / questioning ]
NARRATING [ story-telling ]
PROGRAMMING [ believing / speaking ]
Hi. I'm Randy. My friends call me dik. They're probably right.
So I do Research into Reality. These are My Reports...
Oh, and btw, Resistance is Futile !!!

Once upon a Time; far, far away, long, long ago;

in a Land not of my making : HAPPENSTANCE - BOOM, BAM ... I AM !!!
Matter, Energy, Space, Time, Consciousness is !!!
Life, Cause, Light, Camera, ACTION !!!
Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch !!!
ROBOT. Sensor - Perceptors.
Now !!! Here !!! Everywhere !!! No non-wheres. No non-times.
And the Game begins.

OK. When starting any Adventure, always start at the Beginning.

Cause where else can one start?
You are here. X I am here. X
Where? Universe, Milky Way Galaxy, Earth : BioSphere, EnviroScene.
My Metaphysics Theoretical Philosophy : To Refine one's Internal Subjective First-Person
Perspective Viewpoint as Outlook of Life and Model-of-Reality to Evolve one's Soul and know God as
Creator and Life-Giver as Holy Spirit Commingling w/ self, and understand that External Objective
Reality is a Contextual Backdrop Field or Life Lab for having one's theories tested to increase Joy,
Peace & Love to grow Within, and extends outward toward all life-forms, and Tell our Make-Believe
Pretend Tales of Life's Adventures, consciously adjusting the Self-Programming as we go.
The Matrix : ALL / GOD
past, present, future "times"
physical, spiritual dimensions
biosphere, enviroscene, life-forms

Reality : Outer Objective Environment and Life-Forms.

*** Possibilities & Probabilities
*** Dynamic, Fluid

1) Are we a “Spirit”-mist infused at birth, that causes Consciousness; or
Does Consciousness arise from the body itself?
Self-Awareness - Self-Image - Self-Identity – Self-Development/ Destruction

Virtual Reality : Imagining "future" Situations, Circumstances to Manifesting.

Actuality : Inner Subjective First-Person Perspective Viewpoint of Certainty.


The Hologram : Bio-Mechanical Sensory Machine. [ Robot : Sensors / Perceptors ]

Air, Water, Earth, Fire.

Scan Body for Pain / Pleasure
Scan Enviro for Danger / Safety
Decorate : Hair Styles, Fashion, Jewlery, Paint, Artwork [ADMIRATION]
Maintenance : Hygienics, strength, flexibility, endurance
Collective / BORG : Love the other Robots!
Love the Roboticist!

TIME : the measurement of the rate of CHANGE.
Bio-Rhythms : Natural Body Cycles w/ Nature’s Cycles; not Calendar & Clock Time.
Resonance : Alignment & Vibrations w/ One’s Dharma, heart.
Entanglements : Emotional Interfacings with other life-forms.
Freewill : to Decide from Choices, Pick from Options.
Make-Believe / Pretend
Secular Belief : Goals, Plans, To-Do List
Religious Belief : Origin of Universe / Man, Problem of Evil / Solution, Apocalypse Scenarios.
Believe : To accept an idea as true.
Faithing : to ACT on a Belief.
Truth : Certainty of Data Within.
Wisdom : Insight into How Things Work - of Causes & Effects.
Foresight & Predictions.
Surrender, Flow, Accept, Allow. Create Worlds. Build Worlds.
Illusions : Smoke & Mirrors. Lies.
Enlightenment : To lose one's Illusions.
Carefree. Light-hearted. Buoyant.
Wisdom. Seeing Clearly.
Toy Collector / Star / Popularity Contest / Beauty Contest / Power-Prestige
Kingdom of God : Righteousness, Peace & Joy in the Holy Ghost. Love / Charity.
City of Man : Advertising - Products & Services.
Law of Physics : Cause & Effect.
Law of Being : Outlook.
6-H Club
Holy / Happy / Humor/ Healthy / Hygienics / Homeless
(1) A metaphor for describing the non-physical terrain created by computer systems - within which
people can communicate with one another (via e-mail/chatrooms), do research, or simply window
shop. Like physical space, cyberspace contains objects (files, mail messages, graphics, etc.) and
different modes of transportation and delivery. Unlike real space, though, exploring cyberspace
does not require any physical movement other than pressing keys on a keyboard or moving a mouse.
Some programs, particularly computer games, are designed to create a special cyberspace, one that
resembles physical reality in some ways but defies it in others. In its extreme form, called virtual
reality, users are presented with visual, auditory, and even tactile feedback that makes cyberspace
feel real.
The term was coined by author William Gibson in his sci-fi novel Neuromancer (1984).
Eslavement to Corporation : Calendar & Clock Time Scheduled to Produce Goods / Services.
Obligations : (Expectations/ Demands) Debts, Work, Events,

Feedom to Research Philosophy and “Actuality & Reality”

It's Not what ya see, but How ya look at it, that counts!
The only place we can live is in the present moment. The only thing we ever experience is our
thoughts, emotions, and bodies. May all your experiences be good ones.

Life is a JOURNEY, not a DESTINATION. Enjoy the Adventure as you Travel through this Life
Existence. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Relax, just Ride it out. No stress. No struggle. No strife. No
Resistance. Just FLOW. Life flows. Go with it. Find your pace. No rush. No hurry. No fight. No
compete. Tell God all the things you are... THANKFUL for. Get Happy no matter what! Carefree.
Light-hearted. Free. Buoyant!
Just as Doctors 'Practice Medicine' and Lawyers 'Practice Law'; I as a Christian, 'Practice
Christianity' - following Jesus via the Holy Spirit within. What else would it mean to BE a Disciple?
[Get in the Spirit Vortex - where Life (aliveness) resides]. John 7:38 (Contemporary English
Version) 38 Have faith in me, and... you will have life-giving water flowing from deep inside you, just
as the Scriptures say."

Imagine This ->

Worry is Negative Outcome Imagineering.
Prayer is Positive Outcome Imagineering.
Happiness is ...
Aligning your Bio-Rhythms.
Living your Dharma.
Following your Bliss.

Seeking God-consciousness as Source of your Life!

Opinion = speaking what you don't know is true.

Dogma = speaking what others tell you is true.
Certainty = speaking what you know to be true. Truth is Within.

This one and glorious Life you have; How will you spend it?

Life is Uncomfortable & Inconvenient sometimes ; so is Love.

Love those that Populate YOUR 'Universe' anyway.

I'm "Dangerous", 'cause I will "Blow Your Illusions" about LIFE that THEY told you was True. Could
They be wrong? Example : One's Body IS their Viewpoint. :)

Wisdom = Insight. Foresight. Predictability. How-to of Causes & Effects.

Prudence = good management & efficiency of resources. Frugal = not wasteful. not costly.

Ever Experienced Life Without ANY Expectations or Demands ? Without Debts, Worries, or a
Schedule ? Without Having to Commute Places ? It's Heavenly Bliss ! It's so like Jesus ... Read what
He taught and said about Life. Not what others say He said about Life.

I created a new definition of Time.

Time = the spatial relationship between your body and the environment.
Freedom of Movement = No Obligations.
Where Can you be today?

I'm learning how to Speak to the Matrix we live in and Believe-Power Faith for "it", and use Virtual
Reality of Positive Outcome Imagineering, and Speed up Closing the Gap between Desire and
Manifestation. Srsly.

Joy & Peace is being Centered, but not self-centered.

Animal DNA = Instinct; pre-programmed behavior. Human DNA = Self-programmed Behavior,
Narration & Worldview by Language, Moral Accountability, Situational Outlook, & Future Knowledge
of Death Looming. Let's Play the Game …

And now I have Life SOOOO figured out, and resolved most of my Questions of Reality, that I just
kick back and FLOW easy & lightly, and @ "my" speed and Bio-Rhythms, not Calendar & Clock Time.

My #1 Purpose in Life is to Live Long. My #1 Goal is Have Fun. Anything else kind of Defeats the
Point, doesn't it? [Toy Collecting is not my schtick]

Faith = Reckless Abandonment. I know, I know. Not popular. But revealed to me in prayer.
Remember "faith as a child" ... ?

Do we Travel through Time (velocity), or does Time travel through us (aging)? The Body is always in
the Present "Now". And Body can not be in any "future" or "past". Only the Mind makes up a Time-
line of future and past. Do they exist in Reality? Or only in the Mind? Think about it …

Just another "day" to live in the 'Matrix' Enviro-Scenes, via a hologram 'Robot Perceptor Body',
using 'Virtual Reality' to create the future Experiences to 'Tell a Tale' of to the grandbabies! We
are our own 'Narrators of Life'. We are Cause. Play Nice!

I am really leaning toward the idea - NOT that we are a body born with a spirit (self-awareness
consciousness) infused in it at birth, but that our ground of being, our Self, actually is of the body
existing ... the body spawns SELF. Just an idea, ok? Still pondering this one.

And those who think loved ones are in heaven now, have you considered that the Resurrection of
the Dead hasn't happened do we reconcile that one. And why does no one ever touch on
this idea?

very good Sleuth follows the trail of Evidence, no matter where it leads; even if it blows all prior
Belief Sets to Kingdom Come! May the Force be with you! Prayer is Self-programming unto the
Great Programmer of the Kosmos. He is Source-Code.

Ever feel like Time is speeding up, and your Days feel like they are running together; And they are
no longer separated by Nighttime Sleep? Kinda nice, feels like I'm always in the NOW Present-Time

Just think, God formed Man from dirt (Earth), and breathed THE Breath of Life in his Nostrils,
and man became a Living Soul, a self-aware being. Senses awakened. Perception becomes alive. Wow,
an Environment. Beautiful! Name the Animals. Here is your Help-bot, Adam! Robots from the Great
Robot Maker, and the Creator of the Robot World, the Biosphere!
Life isn't WHAT happens, but the STORY we tell ABOUT what happens; putting Meaning to the
Contextual Backdrop Field of Living as a Body in an Environment. This is FREEDOM.
We are the Collective, brother and sister ROBOTS. We are BORG. Resistance is Futile! Made by
the Master ROBOTICIST. And Creator of the ROBOT WORLD. God says LOVE Him, with all your
Consciousness, Personality, Thoughts, and Body. And Love the fellow Robots too! And Repent, and
Seek the Kingdom of Heaven, which is Here-Now. And Spread THIS Message to all the World. With
Love ~Randy-bot

And the Crown of Creation is the Human Body, housing the Brain, giving rise to Mind. The best Life
Form to date. And ... Self-Awareness -> Self-Image -> Self-Identity. Who are you? What are you?
What is YOUR Story? Have Certainty about WHAT you believe to be TRUE?
Jesus said, "What you bind on earth, is bound in heaven. And what you loose on earth, is loosed in
heaven." And Bind = Contracts. Loosed = Charters. AND "Heaven is within you." So ... What you do on
earth, contract (obligatory agreements) or charter (free treaties) you do WITHIN you. Know the
Truth, and the Truth WILL... set you Free. Certainty Within IS TRUTH!

And it gets Better Everyday. And Every day is ... Everyday. Not Monday, Tuesday, etc. But all days
are now called "Everyday". Life is Eternal Nows stacked back to back, and Time is an Illusion!
Operate in the Space your in, and as the Enviro-Scenes change, Adapt!

Light-Hearted Living = En LIGHT enment.

I think I'm Losing My Mind.

What is the test for Sanity?

Everything is Original, Originally, and then when it's repeated, it's NOT.

Isaiah 55
1 "Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!

Responsibility is just too Demanding. And is a Leading Cause of Stress. And Stress Kills. So I
choose not to Obligate myself to anything. Except Survival.

Life has No Meaning, except that which We Make-up and Pretend it has. Always! No Exceptions.

The Crown of all Creation, is Man. We are in the Image of God Himself. And I mean the BODY of
Man(kind), male & female. Jesus came as a Man, not any other being, but Man, in a BODY. Imagine
how awesome our Physical Form is …

Contrary to Pauline-ism, Jesus didn't preach Himself, but the Kingdom of Heaven, right here, right
now, on Earth. "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." So why did Paul preach Jesus. Jesus
went around doing good. Shouldn't we do the same, Oh fellow Robots?

What is Sentience? (Spirit) Self-Awareness which causes Self-Image which causes Self-Identity.
And this is WHO we are/ become as Personalities (Souls). Self-Expression in Speech , Facial
expression, & Actions. All for one Purpose : To Travel & Communicate with Fellow Beings! Enjoy your
Life! :)

Inner Subjective being is Imagination, Virtual Reality. We travel mentally - backward in "time"
(Remembering) and forward in "time" (Predicting). So we create our Futures, as we "walk into them".
Positive Outcome Imagineering vs. Negative Outcome Imagineering. You Decide & Choose. Pick from
your Options based on Knowledge, People known, & Money as a Tool. And be Kind to others as you
Play your game of Life!

The Mind is a function of the Brain, the "I". Thoughts are self-programming. Prayer is self-
programming projected to a Higher Being, God, using his Programming Language, the Word. And
prayer brings change in Consciousness, as Life Influence : Inspiration, Confidence, Security,
Stability, Happiness. End Result is Change... of Habits of Movement in the Body. Behaviors.
Kindness, Charity, Patience, Discipline/ Restraint.

Does God intervene in the Physical Plane of Reality? Or only Influence in the Consciousness Plane of

True Freedom is Freedom of Body Movement. If one has Responsibilities (Social Obligation
Contracts) like a job, debts, bills, etc. then One can not have their body WHERE they want it
WHEN they want it. Is this not like being a "Slave, or a Cog in the Machine"?

I Propose that most people that WISH / WANT Jesus to return is to ESCAPE having to actually
physically die. It's the Fear of Dying. And of course if Jesus returns for all the saints before one's
life is up, well, they don't have to be afraid of facing Death. "Come quickly, Lord Jesus." Just a
thought. Don't crucify me, please.

Just a check-up? We ALL do STILL BELIEVE in Freedom of Thought, and Speech, and Press, right?
And Freedom of Assembly and Religion, too?

Do you believe that what you think or believe about death and dying changes the facts and outcome
about death and dying? You DO KNOW that the religions are based on this idea, right?

No Part of Life is ever wasted. It all counts!

OK, Wisdom includes many attributes, like : Kindness, Charity, Patience, Frugal (efficient use of
resources), Prudence (efficient use of Time), Problem-solving, but one we ALL lack is > SELF-
CONTROL, which is self-DISCIPLINE (doing what you do NOT want to) & self-RESTRAINT (NOT
doing what you do want to). Have Fun.

Jesus > Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Confucius > Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.
Isocrates > Do not do to others, that which angers you when they do it to you.

LIFE is a Contact Sport. 2 Choices > Participate or Spectate. And no amount of grasping at religion,
clinging to material wealth, attaching to people will stop death. Just Live for Experiences. Store up
for yourself treasures in heaven. Reality is what it is. However, Viewpoint determines Perception of
Reality. Seek Understanding. Balance!
2 Worlds going on at once, External Reality 1, and Internal Reality 2 (Perception of Reality 1), and
the Consciousness Reality is where God is.
Luke 17:21 (King James Version)
21 "Neither shall they say, Lo! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."

We are the Hands & Feet of God. God influences us in our Consciousness, but I'm not sure
intervenes in Physical Reality, -- yet. God leaves that to us. God gave MAN dominion OVER the

Anyone believe in Word Magic? Or that prayers or Speaking to the "Matrix" is magic? How about
Spells? Incantations? Invocations? Charisma? Influence? Suggestions? Self-hypnosis?

The FISHERMAN uses a LURE for BAIT, to get a BITE and a CATCH, and have DIN-DIN.

Sometimes I AMAZE myself, with my IDEAS, and CREATIVITY, and Philosophical THINKING; and
I would like to Praise God for making this Possible with the REVELATION KNOWLEDGE; and
steering me this direction many years ago, for PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT as He wished.
Personality IS the SOUL. Spawned from the BRAIN.

Some days are better than others; or are they? And how long do they matter?

The important things in Life are : How you treat other people, and Enjoying the Journey. And when
we die, Obituaries never care about the job we had, how hard we worked, if we paid bills, if we
exercised, or "looked good", how much money we made, or our possessions - "A man's life does not
consist in the abundance of possessions." & "Store up for yourself treasures in heaven."

Be Kind today. Play with niceness. Don't suppress others self-expression. Assist others with charity
(giving), encouragement ("you can"), edification ("you are doing well"), and help. You weren't put
here to harm, hurt, or hinder!

I am the Guru of Self-Enjoyment! The Tools of Viewpoints is ... VOCABULARY. Imagine your Future;
cause you are headed there as a Future Self! Start Today!

What is the difference between a SITUATION, and a CIRCUMSTANCE? Situation is what we're
ALL in : Earth, biosphere, Collective Man, God-caused. Circumstances are : Personal, micro-managed
scenarios, self-caused, as Individual Bio-Robots.

There is only One GUIDE in Life. One Principle. One State of Being, to know if you are on the right
track === JOY. Think thoughts that produce joy. Anything else is a side road, and a dead end.
Expand your Life today, with JOY as if nothing else matters. What else is there anyway?

Do you know that the Universe, and particularly Life on Earth is PERFECT just as it is? Nothing
needs changed, no boogey-men need cursed. All is designed with your best interest in Mind. To learn
to Love Others. Always.
I really don't think anyone on Earth is more Important than anyone else; or that their Life-essence
has more Value. If you think you do, visit a local Graveyard today! All those peeps were Important
too. And some More so than others! "All animals are Equal. But some are more Equal." ~Animal Farm

Being disliked makes good company - They poisoned Socrates, crucified Jesus, shot Martin Luther
King Jr., John Lennon, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, assassinated Ghandi. Only people that
think outside the box, and non-conform to Society make any real difference. New thought
Paradigms are done single-handedly, not in group-think.

Belief Systems or Belief Sets are filters to Perceiving Reality. Cloaks of what is. And is the leading
cause of Closed-Mindedness. And wars. Along with Political Ideologies.

Lean, Mean, Contoured, Chiseled, Sculpted, Endurance-driven, Strong, Flexible ATHLETIC Bodies
are the BEST! High Fashion & Decoration adorned. Desiring of Admiration of God's BEST handi-
work - the Human Body! Feast on Eye Candy today!

INTERFACE : [1] The point of interconnection between two entities. [2] (computing) The connection
between a user and a machine. [3] the means by which interaction or communication is achieved at
an interface. *** Welcome to the Robot World, fellow Robots! *** It's ALL Physics! Mechanics!

The brain / body is the hardware. The thoughts / imagination is the software. We self-program, as
we think / imagine (future self). Prayer is a form of thinking "higher thoughts" TO a BEING, for
BELIEF-POWER, and change. FAITH is action of the body / speaking of words, that was
programmed. God gave us this power and we are Unconscious of it. Not now!
So for all those wanting to SHARE the Gospel (GOD-SPELL), just INTERFACE w/ fellow Robots of
Mankind, the Bio-Machines; the greatest Creation of God, as far as we know, so far! Share the
SCRIPT-ure, the STORY, the Program Language of Christianity - a viewpoint of Reality!
Love, folks. Love Love Love Love Love. Love ALL people, at all Times. No matter what! No exceptions.
God demands it from us, and basically that's it! And Him too, of course. Nothing else is required!

I joyfully enjoy my joyfulness!

There are 2 Market Places : Products, bought with Money; and the Market Place of Ideas, bought
with Time in Contemplating. Each takes Dedication, Focus, and one's Life. However, Wisdom is more
Valuable, it IS the Pearls.

Are you deceived? How do you know? If you were deceived, would you know it? What is your guide in
Life? Mine is Joy & Peace. By any means necessary ... And you?

All of a Man's Philosophy is to Prepare him for Death ... Knowledge has Value, but All Knowledge
doesn't have Equal Value.

I'm the person your mother warned you about. What's bad - is I'm also the person she warned ME
I'm really glad our God loves Losers - cause I iz one. Sometimes.

I am a thinker, and think myself in the darndest predicaments. And of course, I also think myself
right through them and out of them too, eventually.

I have much Wisdom - the problem is I have no Discipline to actually live by it.
So I seek Balance now - next on the evolutionary chart of my spiritual walk.

Ever wished you could live on your own Bio-rhythms, and not be a Clock-like Scheduled Being where
every move you make is pre-planned to make money, or handle Survival issues?

If you lack HOPE, you have DREAD!

Yesterday is a Memory. Tomorrow is a Dream. Today will be tomorrow's Memory, and was
yesterdays Dream.

What would I Choose to do today if I knew I'd die at Midnight? What would I do if I knew I had 45
more years, and was only 1/2 way through this Grand Adventure? All designed for your Mental
Inconvenience. Have a Great Day!

Only if You Have a Belief System that Doesn't Filter that which is Counter to Your Belief Sets,
that Shuts Down The Ability to Hear New Ideas.
Is anything truly required? Or is it self-imposed?

How come I stand on the edge of Time, and Peer into the Future, in my mind's eye ... and see many
Possible Outcomes to many Circumstances, and feel anxiety over which may Transpire? I hate
Anxiety. I want to Know WHAT is coming ahead of *TIME*. Do we really Create our Futures with
our Imagination - whether by Belief/ Faith OR Worry/ Doubt? Anyone got a Crystal Ball I may

The truth is - I really don't care wth(eck) happens anymore. What happens, happens. And the
System is evil. Jesus told us so. Adapting to any and every circumstance is all I can do. That's my
ability. By not-caring. Emotional Detachment.

Life is; and then it ain't. My mind is running a hundred thoughts a minute. We're born, we die. Does
how we fill the space REALLY matter. We pretend that it does, now. We make it all up as we go
along. We assign Value and Importance to ourselves. Like yesterday.
Did it truly matter in this puny existence we call Life? In a billion years? We really no nothing about
Reasons or Meanings of HERE. We claim we do, yet we Lie to ourselves. It's all about having and
getting the Stimulation we want - comfy, cozy, easy. Then life is "good". Heh.

Carefree is NOT carelessness. And eternal life is just an idea.

Does anyone realize that Happiness and peace and joy and Kindness doesn't take religion at all?
Just asking... Just Thought.
Thoughts is how we Robots self-program our Story of Life, as Self-narration. The Robot body
sensors experience reality, but the Perceptor Mind/ Brain gives the meaning, and that is Make-
believe and Pretend. Think that through.

Back in the REAL world : I decided all my problems are Emotional, or from Feelings. Guess that's
what makes us a lil' bit more than a Mechanical Robot. Now if I can just solve THIS itty-bitty
problem. There must be a Solution. Thinking. *scratch*scratch*

Kindness isn't weakness. Weakness is not having the choice and ability to be Kind. we can't change
the world or other people. All we can do is change and control our own thoughts about the world and
other people. So choose Kindness.

Choose Life! - while you are living. It means thinking thoughts that make you feel good. Imagining
what you DO want. And keep thinking them, building them on top of each other. Kindness always.
Compassion for others. Love, charity. It is THE PATH to Joy and Peace. Everything else is Misery,
aggravation, Frustration. Believe you can!

DREAM! Imagine. It's coming True. Manifestation of Desires will happen. Do it Consciously, and
Purposefully. Be Cause. Dream, dream, dream.

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