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Performance testing is used to determine the functions of application at a

particular load=false
Stress testing means verifying application’s stability and capabilities=false
We can get Response Time using=ALL

Artillery can be installed on Nodejs v3.=false

What is the help command for artillery=artillery -help
What command can be used to install artillery=npm install artillery
What is the command to verify artillery=artillery dino

If we have defined the priority of execution of three phases as 2,3,7, which of the
following is correct?=none of these(x),3(x),2wl be
arrivalCount is defined as the arrival of the virtual users for the duration of
Priority of the scenarios are defined in _____________.=weight
What argument is used for environment associated target? -e argument
Phase of the script defines the api that we want to test=false
Target is defined in the scenarios section=false
Which of the following is correct=all

Hands ON
vi sample.yml

target: ''


- duration: 60

arrivalRate: 20


- flow:

- put:

url: "/api/users/3"


job: "SE"

command to run the sample.yml=> artillery run sample.yml -o output.txt


target: ''


duration: 120

arrivalRate: 15
name: "Warm-up"

#Create 5 virtual users coming at an

average of 5 minutes of interval.

pause: 10

Q)want to create an account. Which of the following is correct for scenarios

- flow:

- post:

Get request is used for _________________.listing all users

What is the success response for creating new account? 202
What is the success response for GET request=200
Which request is similar to patch request=put
Defined variable are called inside _____________.{{variable}}
If path of the variable is not defined in the script, how you can run the
file=artillery run sample.yml -p data.csv
FollowingFollowing artillery script will error out. Which line is erroneous=line 3
Inline variable is defined under __________.config.variable
How can we call out data path=config.payload.path
What is the command to convert json report to html=artillery report
What does NaN (Not a Number) stand for=there was not sufficient response for this
If sample_report.json is the report generated, how can the report be viewed using
json file=jq .aggregate sample-report.json
Where can we set Header=set header for get and post
How to add loop count=scenarios.flow.count
In the following code snippet, how do we set the timeout=config.http.timeout
Which is the correct syntax for log= -post
How to add pool count=config.http.pool
Where can we define our javaScript file to get the random data=config.processor
What is built-in function for generating random alpha numeric=$randomString()
To send message in socket io, what command should we use?emit
What is the engine value that we need to call in socket io=socketio
Command to debug http _______________.DEBUG=http artillery run sample.yaml
How to debug web socket=DEBUG:ws artillery run sample.yml
Command to debug http capture ______________.=DEBUG=http:capture artillery run
Command to debug http response _____________.=DEBUG=http:response artillery run
How to debug artillery run sample.yml
Which of the following is correct about Little’s law=both the options
What does Scenarios launch stand for _____________. Number of virtual users
generated in the preceding time

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