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I noy,'"l Conse rvatory
he Ror al Conservatory Music Development Program provides a recognized national standard of success in music
.: "-1.' :hrough an effectively sequenced course from beginner to advanóed levels. The program inspires excellence
::-r.- -rgh individual student assessments and allows students to track their progress with Àthers the country.
--' s:udents in the United States deserve the opportunity to celebrate theiimusical achievements ".io5
nationally.loin the
:: - '' rng communit,v of teachers, students, and families who are discovering the benefits of the Music Deveiopment
Proqram as it enriches their livesl

- :--: \lusic Development Program offers a flexible program with comprehensive assessments that include:
. Preparatorl'Level(s)
. Ler.els r-to
. .\ssociate Diplomas inperformance and pedagogy
. Licentiate Diploma in performance for piano
>: '.:cnl Certificates are awarded for the successful completion of each level. Certificates of excellence are also
.,'. .: je d tbr outstanding achievement.

- :. \lusic Development Program provides comprehensive publications and tools for music and arts educators and
::-:-: s:udents. íncluding detailed syllabi, repertoire lists, and innovative teaching resources. These resources, published
: ' :::oerick Harris Music, support teachers and students in the study of piano, íute, guitar, violin, and voice, as well as
:-- - :.;adentic subjects of theory, harmony, analysis, history, and pedagogy. ln addition, they publish
related resources
: : :r --sicianship including aural skills, sight reading, and technique. With more than ,oo y."r, of experience in the
':- :--s:n. Frederick Harris Music publications are of the highest quality. Frederick Harris Music's award-winning
:----:-:.:,ais such as Celebratíon Series Perspectives@ have earned a reputation as an internationally proven standard àf
: r _r :r.->

: .:r: lr-rt more at

-- ::-:rr iedlcated efforts in the creation of Celebration Series Perspectíves@, The Royal Conservatory Music Development
. : .:.::- .'r'ishes to thank compilers Carolyn Jones (senior adjudicator for the Music Development Program and former
:- ::-- r.i .'r ith The Royal Conservatory), Aasta Levene (Chief Adjudicator Emeritus for the Music Development program
': : :-'---ir,n member emeritus with The Royal Conservatory), and Andrew Markow (adjunct associate professor-University
-::':::to tàcultv member of the Glenn Gould School-The Royal Conservatory, and senior adjudicator for the Music
'- -':;-t:on. the \'lusic Development Program acknowledges the invaluable advice and suggestions of reviewers Reid Alexander,
: :::-;. Corler'. -\rne Sahlen, Margaret walker, Dianne werner, Dale Wheeler, and Marc widner.

- - :'r: --se:s. authors, and publishers rely on revenue from sales of this book to contribute to their livelihood. Photocopying the
: r:.:-:: of this publication deprives the creators of their due compensation. For this reason, the material in this publication is
-:-:.':ecbr copvrightiaw.Pleasefollowtheintentionofthelawanddonotphotocopy.Reproductionofanypartofthisbook
,,, ::. -,-:: lhe permission of the publisher may lead to proseclltion.

:': 1--(.-Lr\\'ledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) for our pubiishing activities.

- .:. :esígn: H\4&E Design Communications

,::.-.: ' ce-.lgn: First lmage
', i --..: -- :,re-serftng: Simon jutras

-.-:..-.icd à.t The

Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited
:-: 3-tror Street West
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l:-i:e i in Canada
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Celebration Series
We are pleased to present CelebratíonseriesPerspectíves@,the fourth edition of this renowned piano series.
The Celebration Series@ was first published in 1987 to international acclaim. Subsequent editions have
built on this success: Celebration Series@, The Piano Odqsseq@ (2001) in particular tappecl into the wealth
of new repertoire availabie at the dawn of the new millennlum, and took into account the changing
interests and needs of teachers This achievement was recognized when The Frederick Harris Music Co.,
Limited received the 2007 MTNA'Frances Ciark Keyboard Pedagogy Award for the Celebration Series@.

breathtaking in its scope, presenting a kaleidoscopic overview of

Celebration Seríes Perspectives@ is
keyboard music from the last four centuries. The Piano Repertoire books encompass early elementary
to early intermediate levels (Preparatory to 4); intermediate to late intermediate levels (5 to 7); and
early advanced to advanced levels (8 to 10). The repertoire comprises a carefully selected grouping of
pieces from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century style periods. Píano Stud,ies/Etudes
books present compositions especially suited for building the technique and musicality relevant to the
repertoire of each level. StudentWorkbooks and the corresponding Answer Book (Preparatory to 8), as well
as the outstanding recordings of the entire series, are available to assist in the study and enjoyment of
the music. In addition, the comprehensive Handbookt'orTeachers is an invaluable pedagogical resource.

A Note on Editing and Performance Practice

Most Baroque and early Classical composers wrote few dynamics, articulation, or other performance
indications in their scores. Interpretation was left up to the performer, with the expectation that the
performance practice was understood. Even into the 19th century, composers'scores could vary from
copy to copy or edition to edition The editors of Celebration Series Perspectives@ have consulted original
sources wherever possible and have kept editorial additions to a minimum.

Metronome markings include a range to assist the student and teacher in arriving at a suitable tempo
for each piece. Editorial markings, including fingering and the execution of ornaments, are intended to
be helpful rather than definitive.

This edition follows the policy that the bar line cancels accidentals. In accordance with current practice,
cautionary accidentals are added only in cases of possible ambiguity.

Students and teachers should refer to the companion guides-the Stud,entWorftbooks and the Handbook
for Teachers-for further discussion of style and pedagogical elements. For assessment requirements of
The Royal Conservatory and the Music Development Program, please refer to the Ptano Sqltabus, 2008

Dr. Trish Sauerbrei

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Study / Etude no. 1, Relay Race

Jon Ceorge
Running ). =104-116

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D.C. al Fine

poco rit.

Source; Knleidoscope Solos, book 2

O CLrpyright 7973 Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission of Alfred Publishing Co., Inc.
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Study / Etude no. 5 Time Travel

Christine Donkin
Steadily J =184-200

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senza rtt.

Sou:ce: Comics E CardTricks

O Copyright2006 The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
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Study i Etude no.7 Space Fleet

Christopher Norton
(b. 1953)
Allegro moderato ) =gz- too

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Source: The Final Frontier

O Copyright 1992 Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd. Reprinted by permission.
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Study / Etude no. 9 Both Ways

Alexandre Tansman
Moderato ) =132-152

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dim. rall.
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Source: On s'amuse au piano

O i opyrighï 7960 Universal Music Corp. Copyright renewed. This arrangement @ copyright 2007
Unji.ersal Music Corp. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.
Study / Etude no. 1"1 Study in G Major

Franz Wolfahrt
Moderato J =88-96


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Sludy / Etude no. 13 Celebration

Anne Crosby
Lots ofenergy! ) =132-160 (b. 1e68)

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L My Drenms
O Copyrighl 1996 The Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.
Celebration Series Perspectives'
Ce egration Series Perspectives@ is a comprehensive and progressive series presenting a kaleidoscopic
r Ê*'. oí keyboard music from the Baroque era to the present day. Featuring an outstanding selection of
: anc iterature with supporting teaching materials, Celebration Series Perspectives@ is the series of choice
ic':eachers and students seeking a truly enriching learning experience, and for those involved
T're loyal Conservatory Music Development Program.

Fi,an'o Answer Book for Student Workbooks
Freparatory to Level l0 The Answer Book for Student Workbooks is an indispensable
:-z:' z,z cf the Píano Repertoire books introduces students companion to the Student Workbooks (Preparatory to Level 8).
:: ::::-i-a 3aroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contempo rary piano Teachers and parents will find the Answer Book to be a useful,
:.'t:---.. ,i',,'i:h a breadth of composers, style periods, and convenient, and time-saving resource.
::-':i ::rrDlned with pedagogical challenges suitable to each
Ë,: :-:se reperloire books present an intrinsic approach Celebration Series Perspectryes@ serves as the oficial material
':' ::,: :: ng pianists. The Piano Repertoire books are the official for The Royal Conservatory Music Development Program.
-::: *-:3: i:r Royal Conservatory Music Development Program
;!::-s-:-:s. and are equally well suited for recitals, festivals, ïhe Frederick Harris Music Co., Limited received the Music
::-:::: c:s. auditions, and pure enjoyment. Teachers National Association's (MTNA) Frances Clark Keyboard
Pedagogy Award for ïhe Celebration Series' in 2007.
Frano Etudes
[-ev'els I to 10 Technical Requirements for Piano
--+ ) :':,5i-rdes books use engaging pieces to assist in the Preparatory to Level 8
::, Ê ::-eit of technique and the cultivation of expression and The nine Technical Requirements for Piono books offer students
- -: :.a :r. T:e Etudes are a requirement for The Royal Conservatory a progressive and sequential approach to mastering technique.
l*r,: : l:.: opment Program assessments. They can also be used Summary charts provide a helpful overview of the required scales,
::' '2:- :z s competitions, or just for enjoyment. Each piece has a chords, arpeggios, tempos, and patterns at each Ievel.
::=::::ec-rlcal focus that is described in the table ofcontents.
The Royal Conservatory Music Development Program
Student Workbooks Piano Syllabus, 2008 Edition
Flrepàratory to Level 8 This free online resource is essential for teachers preparing
! - : : - :.e principles of discovery learning, the Student Workbooks students for assessments through ïhe Royal Conservatory
:-;: ::::Íoany ïhe Piano Repertoire books offer students an Music Development Program .The Piano Syllabus outlines the
:-i"g -5 ard thorough learning experience. Activities include piano program for Preparatory to Associate Diploma levels.
-;- ::-:.'r;r,rlng and creative exercises, historical and theoretical It includes an extensive listing of repertoire from all eras and
: ::,!! ;-s. and opportunities to reinforce music terminology. a comprehensive bibliography.
Please visit to download
Co,rnpact Discs your free copy.
Freparatory to Level I0
-::= :-a ty recordings offer characteristic interpretations ofthe
::-: =:e r,orks from the Piano Repertoire and Piano Ftudes books.
!:-::-:s -ay use the recordings for reference and as inspiration
t:'z i: sl"ed performance. Teachers will find them to be an
'x= -z.. e resource for stylistically appropriate performance
:'::::e as ihey prepare students íor Royal Conservatory
't*t -: : le relopment Program assessments.

i.rl,andbook for Teachers

rtr'::Ê- r),three of America's leading piano pedagogues-Cathy
"r ::'gr Reid Alexander, and Marvin Blickenstaff-the Handbook
':'-.t:qers is a comprehensive and inspirational teaching resource
:-.:: : -:,,'des a detailed discussion of all of the pieces in the
: :': ?zpertoire and Píano Etudes books. Teachers will welcome
:-: :-a.ts that sequence the pieces in each level by difficulty,
:-: -s:i-r-r practice suggestions, and the creative activities that
::: !: - esson planning. This is an invaluable resource for teachers
-: -3 -"e Royal Conservatory Music Development Program.

c"n*"*"toV The Frederick Harris lYusic Co,, Limited llillililltilililu[[iltl

[zu.,=t www.fred e ri c kh arri sm u s i c. co m

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