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 Understand short texts of some difficulty about other subjects and the
social environment by reading comprehension

Comprende textos cortos de cierta dificultad sobre otras asignaturas y su entorno

social realizando comprensión lectora

1 Read the text

Leer el texto

2 In your reading notebook, write the date in English as you learnt in

En su cuaderno de lectura, escribir la fecha en inglés como aprendió en

9th may 2020

3 Write the text in English in your reading notebook

Escribir el texto en ingles en su cuaderno de lectura


The united states is a large country. It is the third largest in the whole world! It is
located in a continent called north America. Parts of the united states touch three
different oceans. The united states has tall mountains, wide plains deserts, hills,
rivers, lakes, volcanoes, and even rainforests! People from all over the world have
come to live in the united states.

There are 50 states in the united states. The newest states, Alaska and Hawaii, are
not connected to the other states. Alaska is the largest state and Hawaii is a chain
of islands in the Pacific Ocean.

4 Write unknown words from text with the translation

Escribir palabras desconocidas del texto con la traducción (mínimo 10)

 Country – país
 Whole – entero
 Deserts – desiertos
 Largest - mas grande
 Rainforests – selvas tropicales
 Plains – llanuras
 Located – ubicado
 States – estados
 Mountains – montañas
 Chain – cadena

5 Complete information of reading comprehension

Completar información de comprensión lectora

Es la economía nacional más grande del Mundo en términos nominales,

con un PIB estimado en 15,7 billones de dólares El territorio continental
estadounidense estuvo habitando por diversos grupos indígenas durante
miles de años. Esta población aborigen fue reducida por las enfermedades
y la Guerra después del primer contacto con los europeos. Estados Unidos
fue fundado por trece colonias británicas,

Traduccion a ingles

It is the largest national economy in the world in nominal terms, with an estimated
GDP of $ 15.7 trillion. The continental United States has been inhabiting various
indigenous groups for thousands of years. This aboriginal population was reduced
by disease and war after the first contact with the Europeans. The United States
was founded by thirteen British colonies,

6 Write a short sentence in the simple present with each unknown word
from text using the verb to be. They can be affirmative, negative and
interrogative sentences (minimum 10 sentences)
Escribir una oración corta en presente simple con cada palabra
desconocida del texto utilizando el verb to be. Pueden ser oraciones
afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas (mínimo 10 oraciones)

 Mi pais esta muy lejos

My country is very far

 Mi familia esta entera

My family is whole

 El desierto esta lejos

the desert is far

 Mi pais esta grande

my country is big

 Esta las selvas tropicales lejos?

Are the rain forests far away?

 Es una llanura linda

It's a cute plain
 Esta ubicado al norte
It is located to the north

 El estado de America es grande

The state of America is great

 Es una montaña muy lejos

It's a mountain far away

 Esta grande esa cadena

This chain is big

1 the united states is the country in the world

a) Smallest
b) Third largest
c) Second largest
d) Largest

2 parts of the united states touch different oceans

a) Three
b) Two
c) Four
d) Five

3 Alaska is and Hawaii is

a) Connected to other states; a chain of islands

b) A chain of islands; the largest state
c) The largest state; a chain of islands
d) Not connected to other states; the largest state

4 the united states does not have

a) 50 states
b) Mountains
c) Volcanoes
d) Continents

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