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4.4.03 D.

Preparation of Standard Curve

AOAC Official Method 968.07 Prepare standard curve of 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 µg nitrate–nitrite N
Nitrogen (Nitrate and Nitrite) by pipetting 5.0 mL aliquots of working standard solutions into
in Animal Feed 30 mL beakers. Add 5 mL buffer solution, B(c), and 15 mL H2O,
Colorimetric Method mix well, and transfer quantitatively to reduction column, using
First Action 1968 minimum H2O. Adjust flow rate through column to 3–5 mL/min.
Final Action 1970 Just as reservoir empties, add 15 mL salt solution, B(g). Collect
A. Principle eluate, including salt wash, in 50 mL volumetric flask (total
volume of eluate should be ca 40 mL). Add 5 mL sulfanilamide
Nitrate and nitrite are extracted with cadmium and barium solution, B(e), mix, and let stand 3 min. Add 2 mL coupling
chloride solution. Bulk of soluble proteins are precipitated in reagent, B(f), mix, dilute to volume with H2O, mix, and let stand
alkaline solution and clarified solution is passed through metallic Cd
20 min for maximum color development. Color is stable ≥2 h.
col umn, re duc ing ni trate to ni trite. Ni trite is mea sured
Determine absorbance (A) in 1 cm cells at 540 nm against reagent
colorimetrically. (Caution: Cd salts are toxic.)
blank. Plot A against µg nitrate–nitrite N.
B. Reagents and Apparatus
E. Extraction
(a) Ni trate ni tro gen stan dard so lu tions.—(1) Stock
(a) Low level nitrate samples (grains, meals, supplements,
solution.—12 µg nitrate N/mL. Dissolve 0.867 g KNO3 in 1 L H2O.
Dilute 25 mL to 250 mL with H2O. (2) Working solutions.—0.6, 1.2, etc.).—Wash 5.0 g finely ground test portion into 250 mL volumetric
1.8, 2.4, 3.0 µg N/mL. Dilute 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mL stock solution flask. Add 100 mL extracting solution, B(b), and 100 mL H2O, and
to 100 mL with H2O. mix. Let stand 1 h with occasional swirling. Add 20 mL 2.5M NaOH,
dilute to volume with H2O, mix, and filter immediately through rapid
(b) Extracting solution.—Dissolve and dilute 50 g CdCl2 and
50 g BaCl2 to 1 L with H2O. Adjust to pH 1 with HCl. paper. Pipet 10 mL buffer solution, B(c), into 100 mL volumetric
flask, dilute to volume with clear filtrate, and mix.
(c) Ammonium chloride buffer solution.—pH 9.6. Dissolve 50 g
NH4Cl in 500 mL H2O and adjust pH with NH4OH. Dilute to 1 L (b) Dry, high level ni trate prod ucts (dried plants, hays,
with H2O. meals, etc.).—Weigh 5.0 g finely ground test por tion into
500 mL vol u met ric flask. Add 100 mL ex tract ing so lu tion,
(d) Sodium hydroxide solution.—2.5M. Dissolve 50 g NaOH in
B(b), and 300 mL H 2O, and mix. Let stand 1 h with oc ca sional
500 mL H2O.
swirl ing, add 40 mL 2.5M NaOH, di lute to vol ume with H 2O,
(e) Sul fa nil amide so lu tion.—0.5%. Dis solve 1.25 g mix, and fil ter im me di ately through rapid pa per. Pipet 10 mL
sulfanilamide in 250 mL HCl (1 + 1). Solution is stable 1–2 months. buffer so lu tion, B(c), into 100 mL vol u met ric flask, di lute to
(f) Coupling reagent.—Dissolve 0.5 g N-(1-naphthyl)ethylene- vol ume with clear fil trate, and mix.
diamine⋅HCl in 100 mL H2O. Store in glass-stoppered dark bottle in (c) Grasses, silages, and other wet materials.—Weigh 100 g test
refrigerator. Solution is stable several weeks. portion into 1 gal. (3.8 L) capacity high-speed blender. Add 100 mL
(g) Salt solution.—Dissolve 100 g NaCl in 500 mL H2O. Add extracting solution, B(b), and 800 mL H2O, including volume H2O
50 mL buffer solution, (c), and dilute to 1 L with H2O. contributed by sample as determined in 934.01 (see 4.1.03) or 925.04B
(h) Re duc ti on tube.—25 mL buret or equiv a lent id (see 4.1.04). Homogenize 1 min, pour into 2 L beaker, and let stand 1 h.
chromatographic tube with stopcock and reservoir. Add 100 mL buffer solution, B(c) (total volume 1 L), mix well, and filter
through Whatman No. 42 paper, collecting portion of clear filtrate.
C. Preparation of Columns
F. Determination
Prepare supply of metallic Cd by placing Zn rods into 500 mL
20% CdSO4 solution. After reaction for 3 h, discard solution and (a) Nitrate plus nitrite nitrogen.—Pipet 25 mL buffered extracts,
scrape moss-like Cd growth from Zn rods. Place Cd in high-speed E(a) or (b), or 5 mL extract, (c), into reduction column and treat as in
blender, add 500 mL H2O, and blend 2 s. Wash fine metal particles D, beginning, “Adjust flow rate through column . . .”. Rinse column
with H2O onto sieves, col lecting only 20–40 mesh size. Fill with 30 mL H2O between test solutions to remove NaCl. Use portion
reduction tube with H2O and add 2 cm plug of glass wool. Press of buffered extracts with equivalent dilution and pH as reference
any trapped air from glass wool as it is pushed to bottom of solution in determining A at 540 nm. Also determine nitrate–nitrite
column with glass rod. Add Cd to depth of 10 cm, using minimum in reagents and correct for this blank value. Calculate total
of very gentle tapping. Wash column with 25 mL 0.10M HCl, two nitrate–nitrite N from standard curve.
25 mL portions H2O, and finally 25 mL buffer, B(c), diluted 1 + (b) Ni trite ni tro gen.—Pipet aliquot clear test fil trate
9. Keep col umn covered with salt solution, B(g), when not in use. (containing <15 µg nitrite) into 50 mL volumetric flask and di lute
Normally columns can be used repeatedly if kept under salt with H2O to ca 40 mL. Mix well, add 5 mL sulfanilamide solution,
so lu tion be tween anal y ses. When suc ces sion of highly B(e), mix, and let stand 3 min. Add 2 mL coupling reagent, B(f),
proteinaceous or other soluble organic containing materials are and dilute to vol ume with H2O. Mix well and let stand 20 min for
treated, flow rate may decrease gradually. Repeating 25 mL 0.10M maximum color development. Measure A in 1 cm cells against
HCl treatment may restore original flow rate; if not, prepare new test extract with equivalent dilution at 540 nm. Correct for nitrite
column. Reproducible flow rate is important. Actual rate can be reagent blank.
3–5 mL/min but once established, it must be identical (±0.1 mL) for (c) Nitrate nitrogen.—Calculate by difference between (a) and
test solutions and standards. (b) above.


G. Calculations

µg/g NO2–N and/or NO3–N = µg NO3–N found

× dilution factor/g test portion

Dilution factors for extracts: E(a), 11.1; (b), 22.2; (c), 200.
Reference: JAOAC 51, 763(1968).


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