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Give Me Deus Ex Community Update:

Perks system configuration notes

Q: How do I turn on perks?

A: 1. You can check the box for perks on the new game screen.
2. You can change "bEnablePerks" to "true" in GMDXv10User.ini, under the header
3. You can force perk status on current saves using a cheatcode.
Use "ForcePerkSystem True" or "ForcePerkSystem False" (without the quotes!)
to change perk system status.
Save your game after using these. Cheats must be enabled to use it. You'll
receive a message in-game confirming it worked

Q: How do I go back to the old perks?

A: You can change "bUseOldPerks" to "true" in GMDXv10User.ini, under the header

Q: How do I change what perks are used in game?

A: Check the file GMDXPerks.ini, and find the skill in question under its according
Change "PerksOld" 0 through 2 for changing what perks are used in the "old
system" mode. 0 is trained, 2 is master.
Change "PerksNew" 0 through 2 for the equivalent of what's used in the "new
system" mode (default)
The number in these values is the perk ID used. Check the transcript of Perk
ID's below for what you might want to change it to.

Q: Can I change unlock level required?

A: Yes. Open your GMDXPerks.ini for this, as well.
Change "PerkLevel" 0 through 2 for what level each perk is unlocked at.
0 is untrained, 1 is trained, 2 is advanced, 3 is master, etc.
This changes the trained/advanced/master requirements... Should you want that,
for some reason.

Q: Can I change perk costs?

A: Yes. Open your GMDXPerks.ini for this, too.
Go to the bottom, find [DeusEx.Skill] header and change "PerkCost" to the skill
point cost you want.
Check the transcript below for default costs per perk. Perks costs are assigned
relative to the ID. PerkCost[36] is perk 36's cost, regardless of where allowed for

Q: Some of the stuff supposed to be under [DeusEx.Human] isn't there! Help!

A: Run GMDX Community Update, and change your sound volume back and forth. Close
the game and check again.

//GMDE: Here are the notes on what each perk is at its core.
//Refer to these number ID's for what to change perks to, to change what perks are

// Perks used in the old perks mode.

//Section A: Computer Skill

(#7) "MODDER"
Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nAn agent improves the STOP! Worm program, doubling its
effectiveness. |n|nRequires: Hacking: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 125
Default Desc: "|nAn agent hacks additional restoration from medical and maintenance
bots. |n|nRequires: Hacking: ADVANCED"
(#33) "NEAT HACK"
Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nAn agent hacks additional credits per credit chit obtained (+50%).
|n|nRequires: Hacking: MASTER"

//Section B: Demolitions Skill

Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nNearby proximity mines emit audible feedback to your infolink,
revealing their location. |n|nRequires: Demolitions: TRAINED"
(#15) "SHORT FUSE"
Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nGrenade detonation time is 1 second shorter. |n|nRequires:
Demolitions: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 400
Default Desc: "|nAn agent modifies the chemical formula of gas grenades, adding a
incapacitating agent to non-lethally knock out organic targets. |n|nRequires:
Demolitions: MASTER"

//Section C: Environmental Training Skill (Enviro)

Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's movement is not stunted when exposed to explosive and
electrical-based hazards. |n|nRequires: Environmental Training: TRAINED"
(#20) "HARDENED"
Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nIf the bloodstream is exposed to toxic poisoning an agent's vision
is not distorted and internal damage is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires:
Environmental Training: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 400
Default Desc: "|nAn agent modifies tech goggle functionality, implementing short-
ranged sonar scanning which enables the user to see potential threats through solid
material.|n An Agent also modifies thermoptic camo output that enables the user to
pass through laser alarms undetected. |n|nRequires: Environmental Training: MASTER"

//Section D: Lockpicking Skill

(#34) "DOORSMAN"
Default Cost: 225
Default Desc: "|nWith advanced lockpicking skill comes knowledge of doors and their
structural vulnerabilities. The damage threshold of all breakable doors is reduced
by 5. |n|nRequires: Lockpicking: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent views most problems much like a mechanical lock and
deduces alternate means of 'unlocking' them. All Trained and Advanced level perks
are available for purchase without the respective skill investment.|n|nRequires:
Lockpicking: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can pick any mechanical lock with a single lockpick. |n|
nRequires: Lockpicking: MASTER"

//Section E: Medicine Skill

Default Cost: 175
Default Desc: "|nAn agent receives additional bioelectrical charge from biocells
(+5). |n|nRequires: Medicine: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 75
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can instantaneously remove poisonous toxins from the
bloodstream by applying a medkit to the torso. |n|nRequires: Medicine: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can carry five additional medkits and biocells each. |n|
nRequires: Medicine: MASTER"

//Section F: Stealth Skill

(#5) "CLARITY"
Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's vision is not impaired whilst drowning. |n|nRequires:
Athletics: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's movement speed is not hindered by damage to the legs,
unless in a critical state. |n|nRequires: Athletics: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 350
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's stamina regenerates at a faster rate (+100%). |n|
nRequires: Athletics: MASTER"

//Section G: Swimming Skill

(#5) "CLARITY"
Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's vision is not impaired whilst drowning. |n|nRequires:
Athletics: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's movement speed is not hindered by damage to the legs,
unless in a critical state. |n|nRequires: Athletics: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 350
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's stamina regenerates at a faster rate (+100%). |n|
nRequires: Athletics: MASTER"

//Section H: Electronics Skill (Tech)

(#10) "SABOTAGE"
Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nBypassed alarm units deliver a non-lethal electric shock to
whoever may attempt to trigger them. |n|nRequires: Electronics: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nMultitools gain considerably increased wireless signal strength,
enabling an agent to hack security systems at range. |n|nRequires: Electronics:
(#31) "CRACKED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can bypass any security system with a single multitool. |
n|nRequires: Electronics: MASTER"
//Section I: Weapons Heavy Skill
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's standing accuracy bonus with heavy weaponry is
accelerated by 30%. |n|nRequires: Heavy Weapons: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nAn agent handles heavy weapon recoil efficiently and sway when
looking through a heavy weapon's scope is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires: Heavy
Weapons: ADVANCED"
(#24) "H.E ROCKET"
Default Cost: 400
Default Desc: "|nThe blast radius of an agent's GEP rockets is increased two-fold.
|n|nRequires: Heavy Weapons: MASTER"

//Section J: Weapons Low Tech Skill

Default Cost: 125
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can clearly see the traversed flight path of airborne
darts and throwing knives. |n|nRequires: Low-Tech: TRAINED"
(#14) "PIERCING"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent is more likely to cause organic targets to flinch in pain
when struck by low-tech weaponry, and an agent deals 20% more damage to bots with
low-tech weaponry. |n|nRequires: Low-Tech: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 400
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can assign melee weapons as a secondary weapon. |n|
nRequires: Low-Tech: MASTER"

//Section K: Weapons Pistol Skill

Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's standing accuracy bonus with pistols is accelerated by
30%. |n|nRequires: Pistols: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nAn agent modifies flare darts with a napalm combustion tube which
ignites upon deep penetration of materials.|n|nRequires: Pistols: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent handles pistol recoil efficiently and sway when looking
through a pistol's scope is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires: Pistols: MASTER"

//Section L: Weapons Rifle Skill

Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's standing accuracy bonus with rifles is accelerated by
30%. |n|nRequires: Rifles: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 75
Default Desc: "|nAn agent aims down a rifle's scope 30% faster.|n|nRequires:
Default Cost: 300
Default Desc: "|nAn agent handles rifle recoil efficiently and sway when looking
through a rifle's scope is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires: Rifles: MASTER"

//Section M: Computer Skill

Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nWith some improvised software, an agent can save emails to their
datavault. |n|nRequires: Hacking: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent receives additional restoration from maintenance bots. |
n|nRequires: Hacking: ADVANCED"
(#38) "OVERKILL"
Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nA slight software tweak allows for an agent's hacked turrets to
turn and shoot faster. |n|nRequires: Hacking: MASTER"

//Section N: Demolitions Skill

Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nNearby proximity mines emit audible feedback to your infolink,
revealing their location. |n|nRequires: Demolitions: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 400
Default Desc: "|nAn agent modifies the chemical formula of gas grenades, adding a
incapacitating agent to non-lethally knock out organic targets. |n|nRequires:
Demolitions: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's grenades are jury rigged to detonate upon contact with
enemies. |n|nRequires: Demolitions: MASTER"

//Section O: Environmental Training Skill (Enviro)

Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's movement is not stunted when exposed to explosive and
electrical-based hazards. |n|nRequires: Environmental Training: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 175
Default Desc: "|nIf the bloodstream is exposed to toxic poisoning an agent's vision
is not distorted and internal damage is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires:
Environmental Training: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nHazMat Suits prevent the user from catching fire. |n|nRequires:
Environmental Training: MASTER"

//Section P: Lockpicking Skill

(#45) "SOFT SPOT"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can use crowbars to force open weak locks, below 10%.
This bonus rises to < 15% on wooden doors. |n|nRequires: Lockpicking: TRAINED"
(#46) "DOORSMAN"
Default Cost: 225
Default Desc: "|nWith advanced lockpicking skill comes knowledge of doors and their
structural vulnerabilities. The damage threshold of all breakable doors is reduced
by 5. |n|nRequires: Lockpicking: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nUnlocked doors can be left clicked with an empty hand to have the
targeted lock jammed and unable to be opened by enemies. |n|nRequires:
Lockpicking: MASTER"

//Section Q: Medicine Skill

Default Cost: 75
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can instantaneously remove poisonous toxins from the
bloodstream by applying a medkit to the torso. |n|nRequires: Medicine: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent receives additional restoration from medical bots. |n|
nRequires: Medicine: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can carry five additional medkits and biocells each. |n|
nRequires: Medicine: MASTER"

//Section R: Stealth Skill

Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's melee weapons always produce distracting noise when
hitting a surface. |n|nRequires: Stealth: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's subtle presence lets animals prefer eating corpses over
attacking. |n|nRequires: Stealth: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 300
Default Desc: "|nThe agent is no longer slowed down by holding bodies and bodies
held can be used as shields. |n|nRequires: Stealth: MASTER"

//Section S: Swimming Skill

Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's familiarity with water lets them take damage from
drowning at 1/3rd less severity. |n|nRequires: Athletics: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's movement speed is not hindered by damage to the legs,
unless in a critical state. |n|nRequires: Athletics: ADVANCED"
(#56) "IRON WILL"
Default Cost: 300
Default Desc: "|nArm health no longer affects aim. |n|nRequires: Athletics: MASTER"

//Section T: Electronics Skill (Tech)

(#57) "SABOTAGE"
Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nBypassed alarm units deliver a non-lethal electric shock to
whoever may attempt to trigger them. |n|nRequires: Electronics: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nMultitools gain considerably increased wireless signal strength,
enabling an agent to hack security systems at range. |n|nRequires: Electronics:
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's extreme familiarity with electronics lets them use
multitools to hack robots, just like any other electronic device. |n|nRequires:
Electronics: MASTER"

//Section U: Weapons Heavy Skill

Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's standing accuracy bonus with heavy weaponry is
accelerated by 30%. |n|nRequires: Heavy Weapons: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 50
Default Desc: "|nWith a slight software tweak, an Agent's GEP guns gain the ability
to lock on cameras, turrets, and alarms. |n|nRequires: Heavy Weapons: ADVANCED"
(#62) "H.E. ROCKET"
Default Cost: 400
Default Desc: "|nThe blast radius of an agent's GEP rockets is increased two-fold.
|n|nRequires: Heavy Weapons: MASTER"

//Section V: Weapons Low Tech Skill

(#63) "LOOSE FIT"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent stores their melee weapons more efficiently. Increases
holster/raise speed of melee weapons by 50%. |n|nRequires: Low-Tech: TRAINED"
(#64) "LOW BLOW"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's experience with sabotaging the human anatomy makes them
exceptionally skilled at disorienting targets. +5 seconds to tear gas and shock
stuns. |n|nRequires: Low Tech: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent can assign melee weapons as a secondary weapon. |n|
nRequires: Low-Tech: MASTER"

//Section W: Weapons Pistol Skill

Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's standing accuracy bonus with pistols is accelerated by
30%. |n|nRequires: Pistols: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 100
Default Desc: "|nAn agent modifies flare darts with a napalm combustion tube which
ignites upon deep penetration of materials.|n|nRequires: Pistols: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 250
Default Desc: "|nAn agent handles pistol recoil efficiently and sway when looking
through a pistol's scope is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires: Pistols: MASTER"

//Section X: Weapons Rifle Skill

Default Cost: 200
Default Desc: "|nAn agent's standing accuracy bonus with rifles is accelerated by
30%. |n|nRequires: Rifles: TRAINED"
Default Cost: 150
Default Desc: "|nAn aftermarket, +P tweak to 20mm HE shells increases their
velocity and maximum range by 35%. |n|nRequires: Rifles: ADVANCED"
Default Cost: 300
Default Desc: "|nAn agent handles rifle recoil efficiently and sway when looking
through a rifle's scope is reduced marginally. |n|nRequires: Rifles: MASTER"

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