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Elaine Bueno


1. Why are methods important in teaching? Explain your answer.

Beyond the (best fitting & available) tools needed to achieve desired results,
teaching methods are very much important to gear towards your students’
characteristics and needs (as well as your own personality, though many
instructional design "formulas" forget that the teacher’s s own "design" is an
integral part of teaching). What works marvelously in one setting with one
teacher may feel like a complete failure when there are slight tweaks in the

2. Compare the inductive and deductive methods.

A deductive approach involves the learners being given a general rule, which is

then applied to specific language examples and honed through practice
exercises. An inductive approach involves the learners detecting, or noticing,
patterns and working out a 'rule' for themselves before they practise the

3. Enumerate the five steps used in the inductive method and explain.

The first step in inductive method is preparation. This involves apperception,

motivation and statement of the general objectives. Second is presentation. This
is where specific cases are presented before students. Third is comparison and
abstraction. This step is where common element among the cases is deduced.
Fourth step is generalization. This is where common fact deduced from specific
instances is stated as generalization. Last step is application. This is where
teachers tests the students' understanding of the principles just developed.

4. What is the distinction between a project and a problem?

A project and a problem may have the same steps except at the end. A project
needs to proceed further to have the solution in concrete form whereas a
problem may be considered ended when the mental solution is finally achieved.
A project is more purposeful and a constructive activity and is always a real-life
situation while a problem may only be hypothetical. The result of a project is
usually practical while the outcome of a problem may not be.

5. How is the laboratory method related to experimental method?

An experimental method of teaching is actually a type of laboratory method. This
type of laboratory method aims to train students in solving problems coupled with
acquisition of information and development of motor skills.

6. Identify the classification of projects and be able to explain.

Construction project makes the students develop conceptual ideas and turn them
into concrete form. Enjoyment project enables students to have direct
involvement in an activity that is usually accompanied by satisfaction. Problem
project masters students some intellectual difficulty which originates from the
learners with accompanying interest in the subject matter. Learning projects are
learning activities initiated by the individual towards the acquisition of some
knowledge or development of a skill.

7. What are the steps in project method? Explain.

There are four steps in project method. First is the purposing. This step
determines the nature and the objectives of the project. Second is planning. This
step is crucial for the planning stage as this allows students to give suggestions ,
thus making them very much involved in the activity. Third is executing. Activities
are carried out with cooperative effort from the class at this step. Last but
definitely not the least is evaluating. This is where finished projects are displayed
and judged or evaluated by the teacher or fellow students.

8. What is a unit method? Enumerate its steps.

Unit method, also known as Morrisonian technique, is the process of taking the
contents of a particular subject as big blocks and not as isolated and fragmentary
bits of information. There are five steps to this and they are the following: (a)
exploration; (b) presentation; (c) assimilation; (d) organization and; (e) recitation.

9. How does the demonstration lesson differ from the laboratory method?

A demonstration method is basically a learning method through imitation. The

teacher does the experiment before the class or the learners. Meanwhile,
laboratory method involves first hand learning activities where learners
investigate problems, conduct experiments, observe processes and applied
theories in a simulated setting.

10. How can the expository method be effective. Cite some instructional strategies.
When combined with practice, it is very successful in teaching concepts and
principles. Expository teaching offers the student the best opportunity toobtain an
organized view of the discipline he is studying because the teacher can organize
the field much more effectively for learning than the novice student can.


1. What is the difference between a teaching approach and a teaching strategy?

Teaching approach is a set of principles, beliefs, or ideas about the nature of

learning which is translated into the classroom. On the other hand, teaching
strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal.

2. What is a conceptual approach? Can you prepare a lesson plan utilizing the
conceptual approach?

A conceptual approach is choosing and defining the content of a certain

discipline to be taught through the use of or pervasive ideas as against the
traditional practice of determining content by isolated topics.
You cannot really put this in a lesson plan as conceptual approach is not a
particular teaching method with specific steps to follow.

3. What is team teaching? Explain its important characteristics.

Team teaching involves a group of instructors working purposefully, regularly,

and cooperatively to help a group of students of any age
learn. Teachers together set goals for a course, design a syllabus, prepare
individual lesson plans, teach students, and evaluate the results. The team-
teaching method is flexible.

In team teaching, teachers need to decide their activities by themselves. It is a

collective responsibility. In team teaching, the whole responsibility is on all the
teachers. The requirements of pupils, schools and other things also considered.

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of team teaching?

The advantages of team teaching are the team cuts teaching burdens and boosts
morale. The presence of another teacher reduces student-teacher personality
problems. In an emergency one team member can attend to the problem while
the class goes on. Sharing in decision-making bolsters self-confidence. As
teachers see the quality of teaching and learning improve, their self-esteem and
happiness grow. This aids in recruiting and keeping faculty.

However, team teaching could also have its disadvantages. For example, team
teaching, in reality, makes more demands on time and energy. Members must
arrange mutually agreeable times for planning and evaluation. Discussions can
be draining and group decisions take longer. Rethinking the courses to
accommodate the team-teaching method is often inconvenient.

5. Explain the different aspects of the experiential learning.

Experiential learning has its different aspects. For one, students should be
personally involved in the learning tasks. Knowledge and information must be
discovered by them. Objectives of the learning activity must clearly understood
by the learners. A degree of flexibility in the way the learners pursue the learning
tasks should be there. Learners should be directly involved in the planning stage.
Students are given time sufficient to reflect on the learning situation. Learners
should learn to interact with each other about their experiences. The tools and
materials are readily available to facilitate simple investigation. The learners
should record their observations for their analysis and lastly, the inclusion of a
wide variety of real-life situations in planning the lessons are carefully included.

6. What is cooperative learning approach? Identify its important characteristics.

Cooperative learning approach is an approach that is considered a successful

teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of
ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a
subject. The purpose of this approach is to make each member a stronger
individual in his or her right. Students learn together so that they can
subsequently perform higher as individuals.

7. Explain the principles underlying the planning of inquiry approach.

The principles underlying the inquiry approach consists of (a) learners being in
the center of the entire process, while instructors, resources and technology are
adequately organized to support them; (b) all learning activities revolve around
information-processing skills; (c) Instructors facilitate the learning process, but
also seek to learn more about their students and the process of inquiry-based
learning; and (d) emphasis should be placed on evaluating the information-
processing skills and conceptual understanding, not on the actual content of the
8. What is programmed instruction? What are the principles of learning to be
observed with the use of programmed instruction?

Programmed instruction is a method of presenting new subject matters to

students in a graded sequence of controlled steps. Students work through
the programmed material by themselves at their own speed and after each step
test their comprehension by answering an examination question or filling in a

9. What is a round table conference? How about a panel discussion?

A round table conference consists of a small group of participants agree on a

specific topic to discuss and debate. Each person is given equal right to
participate, as illustrated by the idea of a circular layout referred to in the term
round table.

Meanwhile, in a panel discussion, a group of experts in a specific topic carry on

the discussion in front of audiences, specifically the learners.

10. What are learning modules? Identify the criteria of a good learning module.

Learning modules are tools that provide course materials in a logical, sequential,
order, guiding students through the content and assessments in the order
specified by the instructor. Instructors can insert formatted text, files, weblinks,
discussion topics, assignments, tests and quizzes, and soon assessments.


1. What is the distinction between teaching and instruction?

Teaching is more complex in nature. When we talk about teaching, we are

dealing with different techniques, strategies, and approaches that will facilitate

Instruction makes learners dependent on the teacher. You're told what to do and
oftentimes, there are steps you need to follow. Instructions must be understood
and followed strictly in order to accomplish a particular task. Once you fail to do
so, you won't be able to finish the task correctly. 
2. How should the teacher conduct a good recitation?

A teacher that conducts good recitation makes and asks good questions and
gives interesting and challenging assignments. She must be able to develop the
ability to conduct good and functional recitations.

3. What are the characteristics of a good recitation?

A good recitation is equal to developing wholesome attitude essential to effective

teaching-learning process. For a teacher to be able to conduct this, she should
be able to plan it well, motivate the learners, make sure the recitation is
purposive, make sure all students participate actively, make use of real-life
situations, provide individual difference and mostly, provide for good evaluation.

4. Identify the various factors that influence an effective recitation.

Various factors that produce an effective recitation involves good learning

environment, proper class management, must be interesting and enthusiastic,
and shall have a spirit of cooperation and cordial relations.

5. What are the don’t’s in conducting a recitation?

The students should be aware that they should recite for the class and not for the
teacher only. No one should monopolize the recitation. Corrections shall be
made upon student’s error, teachers should exercise due care and prudence in
handling responses, and lastly teachers should not embarrass any students for
giving wrong response or answer.

6. What are the purposes of recitation?

The purpose of recitation is to help students learn how to apply the information

they've learned in lecture. You can help by giving insights into the reasoning that
you've used to arrive at a solution. It is important, however, for students to be
actively involved in the recitation.

7. Identify the conditions that affect the conduct of effective recitation.

Conditions that affect the conduct of an effective recitation may consist of good
learning environment, proper class management, must be interesting and
enthusiastic, and shall have a spirit of cooperation and cordial relations.
8. What are the socialized recitations?

Socialized recitations is primarily geared to a greater socialization where the

students learn to conform the norms of her social groups and plays a
corresponding role.

9. What is an assignment?

An assignment is a task or piece of work assigned to someone as part of a job or

course of study.

10. How should questions be asked by the teacher?

Questions should always be asked properly and skillfully. A skillful questioning

involves knowledge of the various uses of question, the characteristics of good
question, the techniques of questioning and the manner of handling students'
questions and responses.


1. What is classroom management?

Classroom management is a term teachers use to describe the process of

ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without disruptive behavior from
students compromising the delivery of instruction.

2. What aspects of classroom management affect the teaching process most?

If there would be one aspect affecting the teaching process most in a classroom,
that would have to be the environment. The environment can have both
noticeable and unnoticeable effects on how well you can manage the classroom
and how well the students listen.

3. What is the importance of feedback as a tool for an effective classroom


Feedbacks make great tools in the process of making an effective classroom

management for it guides students to adapt and adjust their learning strategies.
guides teachers to adapt and even adjust teaching to accommodate students'
learning needs. This also guides students to become independent and self-
reflective learners, and better critics of their own work.
4. Why should certain procedures in the classroom routinized?

When routines and procedures are carefully taught, modeled, and established in

the classroom, children know what's expected of them and how to do
certain things on their own. Having these predictable patterns in place allows
teachers to spend more time in meaningful instruction.

5. Describe the Behavior Modification Approach to classroom management.

Behavior modification is based on the idea that good behavior should be lead to

positive consequences and bad behavior should lead to negative consequences.
When behavior modification is used consistently, students slowly change
their behavior.

6. Identify the characteristics of classroom management.

The different characteristics of classroom management are the control of its

physical conditions, proper utilization of materials for instruction, classroom
routine and discipline.

7. What are the key questions about classroom management the teacher should

These key questions are (a) is the classroom climate purposeful, task oriented,
relaxed, warm and supportive?; (b) are the comments particularly freedom on
their progress help students develop self-esteem and self-respect as learners?;
(c) are the learning activities challenging?; (d) does the teacher make a good use
of both intrinsic and extrinsic sources of student motivation?; (e) does the
teacher’s behavior convey positive expectations?; (f) does the teacher convey
personal interest and care for the progress of the students?; (g) is the
relationship with the teacher based on mutual respect and rapport?; (h) do the
measures conveyed by the activities and the way teacher interacts contribute to
sustaining a positive classroom climate?; (i) does the appearance of classroom
convey positive expectations?; and (j) does the teacher take adequate amount of
influence of the composition of class?

8. What is classroom discipline?

Discipline is defined as the practice of teaching others to obey rules or norms by

using punishment to correct unwanted behaviors. In a classroom, a teacher
uses discipline to ensure routine is maintained, school rules are enforced, and
the students are in a safe learning environment.
9. What are the causes of disciplinary problems?

There are many types of disciplinary problems in the classroom, things

like bullying, disrespect, aggression, and defiance. Though some classroom
management issues result from teachers' lack of a plan, many come from issues
students bring with them into the classroom.

10. How should punishment be administered to erring students?

Classroom punishments must be administered through the following ways: (a) know
school guidelines for discipline procedures; (b) be fair, positive and consistent; (c) provide a
list of standards and consequences to parents and students; (d) keep your classroom
orderly; (e) get to know your students; (f) let the students know you care and; (g) treat
students with the same respect you expect from them.


1. What is the primary source of evaluating instructional and learning outcomes?

Formative evaluation is used to monitor the learning progress of students during

the period of instruction. Its main objective is to provide continuous feedback to
both teacher and student concerning learning successes and failures while
instruction is in process.

2. Why should evaluation of instruction be a continuous process?

A continuous and comprehensive evaluation is needed in Mathematics because

the teacher should know that the students are getting the problems of any
particular chapter which can be done through formative type of evaluation. By
this the remedial measures are taken to improve the teaching
learning process by the teacher.

3. Is evaluation important to the parent? Why?

Evaluation is important to the parent because it establishes a baseline (present

level of performance) for measuring a child's educational progress. When the
evaluation is completed, parents must be given a copy of the evaluation report
and documentation that shows how the child's eligibility was determined.
4. What is a diagnostic evaluation?

Diagnostic evaluation is concerned with evaluation of pupils learning difficulties

during instruction. Students are given diagnostic tests to diagnose or to reveal an
individual's weakness and strengths in a certain course of study. 

5. Enumerate the purposes of evaluation.

Purposes of evaluation may be classified to: (a) instructional or the process of

constructing a test that stimulates teachers to clarify and refine meaningful
course objectives; (b) administrative or a kind of test that provides a means for
quality control for the school system and; (c) guidance or a kind of test that can
be of value in diagnosing an individual’s special aptitudes and abilities.

6. What are the different tools utilized for measurement and evaluation?

The different tools used for measurement and evaluation are test scores,
observation and work samples, rating scale, checklist, themes, notebooks,
recitations, reports, experiments and homework.

7. How can we test the validity and reliability of tests?

We could test the validity and reliability of tests by improving the following
factors: (a) increased number of test items; (b) heterogeneity of the learner
group; (c) moderate item difficulty; (d) objective scoring and; (e) limited time.

8. Enumerate some of the uses of grade.

The uses of grades are:

 To determine whether a student shall be promoted to next year level
 To motivate students to study hard
 To guide the planning of students' current school work
 To guide educational plans for future direction of education
 To provide records for the school and researchers
 To provide reports for students' progress for the learners, parents and the

9. How can we identify an effective evaluation program?

To determine what the effects of the program are:

 Assess skills development by program participants.
 Compare changes in behavior over time.
 Decide where to allocate new resources.
 Document the level of success in accomplishing objectives.
 Demonstrate that accountability requirements are fulfilled.

10. Distinguish between criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests.

Tests that measure performance against a fixed set of standards or criteria are

called criterion-referenced tests. On the other hand, norm-referenced
tests cannot measure the learning achievement or progress of an entire group of
students, but only the relative performance of individuals within a group.

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