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Mahogany St., Rabe Subd., Visayan Village, Tagum City

Davao del Norte, Philippines

Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science


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The purpose of this community organizing is to provide a knowledge, skill and value base
underpinning community organizing, planning, development and change. Model of community
organizing is including mass mobilization, social action, grass roots empowerment, leadership
development and advocacy. The objective of community organization is to abolish the
differences among individuals, develop spirit of common interest and sacrifice and also
participate collectively in community programs. To organize the people for the promotion and
progress of community

The establishment of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration is reflected the
recognition that safety in the workplace is a basic expectation for all employees. Originally
addressing concerns in industry and hazards associated with mechanical injury, the field of
occupational health and safety has expanded to almost every workplace.

We face countless environmental hazards every day. To better understand them, we can think of
them as falling into four categories the physical, chemical, biological, and cultural. Physical
hazards are physical processes that occur naturally in the environment.

Essay #1

The importance of community organizing and development is the community empower itself by
working together the needs and to resolve the problem in the community in colletion of manner
of each person. It develop and confidence of each capability of community members to organize
themselves. This facilitated was effectively through the organize work of the community

I will apply my knowledge in organizing and developing program in a certain community thru
voluntary serving of bloodletting, medical laboratory check-up like BP, Hemoglobin, Blood
typing and other medical laboratory check-up. The example of the problem in the certain
community is DENGUE, the only way that I can do in order to avoid/prevent in dengue case in
the community is put use oil in stagnant water, environmental sanitation like proper segregation
of wasting can, plastic, and tires and also fogging in your area. Lastly you can apply 4 o’clock
habit like cleaning the area, burning dry trees leave little and others.

Essay #2

1. In my own words about the importance of occupational safety and health in a certain
workplace is to prevent the certain injuries and illness. Occupational health and safety now is
focusing on the manual labor occupation, such as factory workers, construction workers,
electricians, and others that’s why the importance of this is to careful and love your work it is
because it can help us to keep any risk doings that would harmful in our body and also we will
safe and have a good health.

2. Teacher, bookkeeper, cashier, librarian, Security guard, Human Resource, janitor, Registrar,

3. For Teacher spend much of their time standing, and may have to bend, stretch and lift to use
educational aids and equipment such as blackboard and projector. This puts them at risk for
varicose veins and for injuries, including sprains, strain, pulled muscles, and back injuries. For
teachers who spend a lot of time using a computer, the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome
is also a concern.

My comment to all teachers is very good because they sacrifice them to us and also they teach
well to their students
For bookkeepers is hazardous to record transactions improperly. Decisions that are made on the
performance of the enterprise will be incorrect.

A security guard job is extremely dangerous, this job requires you to stand and walk on a variety
of surfaces for long durations of time. Lack of maintenance, uneven sidewalks and inadequate
lighting are some causes of slip, trip and fall accidents. The property owner should ensure these
surfaces are safe. He or she should place warning signs and conduct a quick repair whenever
hazardous situations arise.

My comment is I salute to all security guard in school because of your brave and strong the
students will respect you and follow and most of all you follow the rules & regulation and policy
of the school .

Essay #3

1. The importance of environmental health hazard is to maintain clean around the surroundings,
don’t burning of plastics, make an proper waste segregation like plastic, bottle, cartoon & can,
don’t drink contaminated water and other it is because it will affect our ozone layer, having a
dengue because of the stagnant water and the mosquito who bring dengue and also it will
damage our stomach if we drink contaminated water. Infectious agents or chemicals can cause
mild to severe illness. Protecting water sources and minimizing exposure to contaminated water
sources are important parts of environmental health, reducing exposure to the toxic substance
and hazardous waste is fundamental to environmental health.

Essay # scores

I learned this topic community organizing is that, there are so much additional things to consider
in our community organization like to organize our barangay and purok members that to help
each other to clean our surrounding even do this is small things that we help but this is big a help
to our community to clean and neat our environment. Both organizations want to improve public
life. One of our leading organizers in our community are finding ways to organize their
community members in order to do so, like the organizations presented, voiced an importance of
understanding and interpreting public policy. Safety in the workplace is all about identifying
risks, and then managing those risks to avoid accidents and incidents. Workplaces that have high
safety records do not necessarily have low risks in operations, and vice versa. High risk
industries tend to appreciate the risks as the penalty for failure is often serious, or fatal. The
common thread that holds workplaces that have excellent safety performance records together is
a management commitment to the safety system. Without management commitment, any safety
system will be doomed to failure. Environmental health hazard is all about pollution, its
concepts, types and causes. They have a comparison in atmospheric pollution between the
developed and on the other hand the developing countries. The paper aims at focusing the light
on the most important problems arising from atmospheric pollution, which includes, among other
things, permanent cloudy sky over cities, acid rain, ozone layer erosion, global warming
phenomenon and its consequences on public health. The environmental health hazard also
tackles the analysis of the effects of the different human factors and activities on the atmosphere
and to what extend do they influence human health particularly the diseases which commonly
infect humans such as (flu, epidermal cancer, low hearing). Also the environmental hazards are
the pollution in closed air places and on the other hand the pollution in open air places and
traffic-related air pollution. The main hypotheses of the environmental health hazard are air
pollution resulting from the combustion of fossil fuel in the atmosphere has impacted human in
the developing world. In fact the developing countries have negligible contribution to air
pollution although they were biggest victims of this phenomenon, which became a dreadful
obsession of the whole globe.


Community organizing has as a core goal the generation of durable power for an organization
representing the community, allowing it to influence key decision-makers on a range of issues
over time. This study has determined that the most expedient way to confront many of our
community member problems is through community organization and developed. Rather than
waiting for the municipal authorities we suggest that the mobilization of residents toward
community projects will provide more immediate benefit in and greater improvements over time.
The diversity of disciplines that contribute to the occupational Health and Safety reinforces the
need to harmonize the terminology used. The development of criteria to ensure a coherent,
complete and synthetic relationship between concept, definition and term must be the

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