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10 Pivotal Life Mechanisms

Every man must implement

By Stephen Dull
Table of Contents
1 Take ownership 11 Putting it all together
2 Set goals 12 Summary
3 Exercise 13 Free tools
4 Spend time alone
5 Pay off debt + build wealth
6 Read books
7 Learn manly skills
8 Adventure often
9 Do stuff that scares you
10 Never stop learning
Every man is a leader whether he knows it or not. There is greatness waiting to be released. It’s just a matter of
how bad he wants to claim it. It is very rare that success, fame, fortune, or our dream jobs just land in our lap with
a red ribbon around it.

It is really about working hard and positioning ourselves to be in a place of opportunity. This is done by keeping
an attitude of gratefulness and humility. Both of which are counter to cultural norms.

Within the pages of this short book, there are 10 step by step keys to creating a solid foundation for success in
all aspects of a man's life.
1 Take Ownership
What does it mean to take ownership? It means to take responsibility for yourself and your actions. If you lead a team, it
means you take complete responsibility for everything they do too. If you want to be effective as a man or a leader, you have
to start taking responsibility. There is no one left to blame. You have to treat this responsibility with care. Everything you do
will ripple into the lives of others. That’s heavy, but see it as an honor.

Step into who you are and OWN IT.

Where you are at in life, your circumstances, your successes, your failures, and your pain. OWN THEM.

Part of being a man is using ALL of the things in your life to propel you towards the man you want to become. Men

take responsibility for their actions, they own up to their mistakes.

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man, I gave up childish ways."
1 Corinthians 13:11
Begin with the End in Mind
How do you take ownership? The challenge now becomes, growing from the man you

1. Admit you are wrong and in need of help. are to the man you want to become. It's not okay to stay

• Tell your wife / significant other, your kids. stagnant and riddled with unpleasant circumstances that

2. Ask God for forgiveness and a change of heart. we often get ourselves into. Instead, we have to define the

• This is true ownership. outcome we want. Steven Covey, author of “7 habits of

3. Take responsibility for every aspect of your life. highly effective people” states that, "we must begin with the
The time is now. end in mind". In other words, who do you want to be when
you grow up? Who do you want to be in 1 year, 5 years?

“How do you want your life to look? What have you always wanted to do?
We cannot make any changes in our lifestyle if we don’t know what it is we actually want."

-Michael Hyatt
Hopefully, you have taken some time to think about the person you want to become. It’s not easy to point the finger
at ourselves or stare in the mirror long enough to start seeing flaws. If you do this consistently, you will begin to
create an awareness of who you are. Our character and internal dialogue has everything to do with who we will

The voice that is the loudest always wins. If you tell yourself that you are not good enough, don’t have enough time,
or that you will never get in shape, then I can guarantee that all of those things will be true.

However, if you tell yourself that you can do anything, that you are confident, that you are a warrior, that you are
looking good and feeling good, then all of those things will begin to take shape in your life.

On the next page, we will create a character list. In one column, there will be negative character qualities. In the
other, positive character qualities. After looking at these, create your own list. Take time to go through this exercise.

Begin to notice the character qualities you want, and begin to tell yourself that those are your qualities. Keep them
in the forefront of your mind. Challenge every decision you make against these qualities.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
Against such things there is no law.”
Galatians 5:22-23
character list
10 character qualities
10 negative character qualities
of the man you want to be

1. Untrustworthy 1. Honest
2. Dishonest 2. Integrity
3. Jealous 3. Encouraging
4. Manipulative 4. Leader
5. Distressed 5. Joyful
6. Self Destructing 6. Creative
7. Unfocused 7. Visionary
8. Ungrateful 8. Merciful
9. Selfish 9. Giving
10. Cowardly 10. Warrior
Doing the character exercise creates self awareness. The real purpose is to begin excavating the man you are, the man
buried deep down inside.
“The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water,
but a man of understanding will draw it out."
Proverbs 20:5

How do we become men of understanding? Knowing now what kind of man you want to be and the life you want to live,
determine what is holding you back. What is keeping you from achieving your goals? Is it lack of time, energy, laziness, not
enough money?

I will be honest with you. Do you know what was holding me back? Fear of failure. I let other people control my time. I let
myself be consumed by what everyone else was doing. There was never any time for me to pursue the things that actually
made me feel alive. Knowing that I could fail left me in a state of paralysis.
Worst Case Scenario
How do you push past the fear of failure? You define your worst nightmare. The absolute worst case scenario for you if
you start something new, or begin to make a huge life change.

In his Bestselling book “The 4 Hour Workweek”, Tim Ferris has a list of questions to ask yourself titled: Dodging Bullets.

1. Define your nightmare, the absolute worst that could happen if you did what you are considering.
2. What steps could you take to repair the damage or get things back on the upswing, even if temporarily?
3. What are the outcomes or benefits, both temporary and permanent, of more probable scenarios?
4. If you were fired from your job today, what would you do to get things under financial control?
5. What are you putting off out of fear?
6. What is it costing you – financially, emotionally, and physically – to postpone action?
7. What are you waiting for?
1. Take Ownership: We cannot begin to change unless we ask the one who created us to change us.

Ask God to forgive you and help you.

2. Start Dreaming: Who do you want to become?

3. Work through the Character Exercise.
4. What is your worst case scenario?
• Are you wanting to start a business?
• Change careers/jobs?
• Starting a workout program? (See the beginner bodyweight work out )
• Quit your job?
5. Answer the Worst Case Scenario Questions.
“there are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than
the long range risks of comfortable inaction."
2 Set Goals
Yogi Berra once said, “If you don't know where you are going, you'll end up someplace else.”

The definition of a goal is: the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

What is your desired result? Where are you going? Do you have a plan?

When setting goals, the hardest part is the first step. I created an acronym for the beginning phases of goal setting.
It is ADD– RAD.

Because you are adding something RADICAL to your life.

• Awareness
• Decide
• Define (SMART)
• Record "Do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing,
and you’ll never be criticized."
• Act
• Do Again Elbert Hubbard
Recognize that there is a need in your life for direction.
You need a plan and steps to execute that plan.

Make a conscious decision to do something about it.

Use S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting to do this.

• Specific - Who, What, When , Where, Why?

• Measurable - Can you track the progress and measure the outcome?
• Achievable - Is the goal reasonable enough to be accomplished? How so?
• Relevant - Is the goal worthwhile and will it meet your needs?
• Time-Bound - Your objective should include a time limit. I will complete by this date.

ADD-RAD + SMART = Limitless

“a genuine man goes to the roots.
Radical = rad·i·calˈ, adjective: radical To be a radical is no more than
that: to go to the roots.”
(especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the
Jose Marti
fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.

"a radical overhaul of the existing regulatory framework"

You can’t expect to change anything in your life without being radical in your approach. If you want to
continue to be disappointed when trying to reach your goals, or constantly cover the same ground year
after year, then you might as well put this book down and walk away.

If you want to be limitless and genuine, then you need to ADD-RAD.

Write down your S.M.A.R.T. goals in a notebook or on your phone. Make sure you see it daily.
You can set it up as a meeting in your email that prompts you everyday.

Do one thing everyday that gets you at least 1% closer to your goal.

Do Again:
Repeat this process and you will become unstoppable.

“Write down your goals, make plans to achieve them,

and work on your plans every single day."

Brian Tracy
1. Challenge: Work through the ADD-RAD and SMART goal setting
2. Create a goal for each of these areas:
• Financial
• Physical
• Self Development
• Spiritual
• Relational
• Career
“If you aim for nothing,
you will hit it every time”

Zig Ziglar
3 Exercise

What is Exercise?
“exercIse In the mornIng, before your
Definition: brain figures out what your doIng”

1. bodily or mental exertion, especially for the sake

of training or improvement of health
2. something done or performed as a means of practice or training

What are you doing to improve your health? Is there something you are
training for? Why not?

Are you exercising your mind? Your body? Your faith?

“I really want to start exercising, but I don’t like gyms, running, or sports…”

I hear this a lot and always tell people, “Do what you enjoy then, but just do it!” Some men enjoy running, others are
fascinated by learning a martial art. Some men like hockey. Whatever it is, then do that for your exercise. Do it with
everything you’ve got!

Start seeing every moment as an opportunity to grow, learn, build character, and exercise.

Unique ways to exercise:

1. Mow the lawn with a weighted vest or ruck, while listening to a podcast on
2. When playing a video game, every time you have to start over or respawn, do 10
push-ups or 10 sit-ups.
3. Do sit-ups and push-ups while watching TV.
Exercise is sometimes seen as something negative. Often we get images of running on a treadmill in a smelly gym,
while a gorilla is yelling and beating his chest on the squat bar in the back corner. Trust me, I’ve seen it.

You used to exercise as a kid everyday in the form of bike riding, climbing the monkey bars, playing dodgeball, and
running through the sprinkler.

>>>Bootcamp Story:
When I was in NAVY boot camp, one of the RDC’s (Recruit Division Commander)
used to let me watch WCW while I was in his office, with one stipulation. I had to do jumping jacks, push-ups,
sit-ups and flutter kicks while I was in there.

I was all for it, I love the way that physical exercise makes me feel, and I loved watching The Steiner Brothers
and Harlem Heat beat up on their opponents.
Do I need to change the way I eat?

A better question is, why do I eat the way I do?

I eat extremely fast. It goes back to being in boot-camp and only having a little time to eat. I view food as a source for
everything I need to sustain me and give me energy throughout the day. With that in mind, I try to find the best foods for
those needs. What is it for you? Do you find yourself thinking about it all the time? Do you plan your meals? Do you
eat out?

So again, ask yourself the question. Why do I eat the way I do?

“A wise person is hungry for knowledge,

while the fool feeds on trash.”
Proverbs 15:14
Want to know what happens when men don’t make exercise a priority?

They become destructive, lazy, fat, and begin to look for other things to fulfill them. If you want to think about things on a
different level than everyone else, then start exercising. When you exercise, more oxygen is sent to your brain. More oxygen
in the brain allows for maximum functionality. Doing this on a regular basis stimulates new connections in the brain.

You are essentially building strength and muscle for your body, and at the same time your brain is becoming stronger and
more dynamic. The alternative is not exercising, not making your body and mind stronger. In fact, zero exercise results in the
reverse approach for men.

We become more dumb and look for different outlets. What are some of the outlets? Pornography, acquiring stuff, excessive
alcohol consumption.
1. Challenge: Check out the 360Man beginner bodyweight workout
• Commit to doing this everyday and every night.
• Increase reps for each exercise by 5 every week.
2. Eat at least one salad everyday, no ranch dressing. Use something with low calories and low sugar. I use
vinegar + oil and salt & pepper or a vinaigrette. Use chicken, steak, turkey or just extra veggies and beans
for protein.
3. Start the 360Man Beginner Runner Program.

3 months from now,

you will thank yourself.
4 Spend time alone
You should schedule at least a day once a month where you can just get away and recharge your soul. One
of the biggest things men neglect is their own soul, and just who it is they really are. You always have to stay
connected to that man, especially since our culture is constantly trying to distract you.
1. Find a place that helps you to unwind.
2. Talk to your spouse about planning this.
3. Schedule it.

What items do I need?

1. Journal
2. Book
3. Pen, paper, highlighter.
1. Pick one day this upcoming month and schedule a time to be alone. It doesn’t
have to be a whole day. It can be as little as 2 hours, whatever it takes.
2. This time is not so you can hang out with your friends. It is so you can review
your goals, talk to God, read, write, relax.
3. Don’t waste this time. Plan for it and make it happen. Stay off of social media.
Don’t take your phone if possible

“If you can dream it, you can do it”

Walt Disney
5 Pay off Debt + Build Wealth
What is the fastest way to build wealth? Pay off your debts.

In his NY Times bestselling book “The Millionaire next door” , Thomas J. Stanley spent 20 years interviewing
America's wealthy (defined as people whose net worth is over one million dollars). What he found was that
there are 7 key factors for their success in building wealth. I will give you two of them. If you want to know
all of them, you will have to read the book: (Click here)

Factor #1: They live well below their means.

Factor #2: They allocate their time, energy, and money efficiently,
in ways conducive to building wealth.

"The rich rules over the poor,

And the borrower becomes the lender's slave."

Proverbs 22:7
Live Below Your Means

Average Person Income vs Modified Spending We have a crazy habit of spending and living above our
paygrade. We all know it too, but sometimes it seems we
$63,000 $60,000 can’t do anything about it.

$40,000 The trick is creating margin. There are 2 ways to do this:

$30,000 1. Earn more (Increase the amount of money
coming in).
-$3,000 2. Spend less (Create a budget to see where your

Average Person Create Margin money goes).
Income Spend Margin
If you do both then the margin multiplies.
numbers don’t lie

• Average American Household income is $51,939, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
• U.S. households carry an average credit card balance of $15,706, according to NerdWallet.
• On Jan. 8, 1835, all the big political names in Washington gathered to celebrate what
President Andrew Jackson had just accomplished. A senator rose to make the big
announcement: "Gentlemen ... the national debt ... is P A I D." That was the one time in U.S.
history when the country was debt free.
• Here is our current debt: National Debt Clock YIKES!
Allocate Resources Efficiently
How do you allocate your time, energy, and money? Is it conducive to building wealth?

It takes diligence and hard-work to become financially independent, and that should be the ultimate goal. It means
freedom and the ability to pursue any avenue that you desire. It took me 2.5 years to pay off $55,000 in debt, but I did it
with a plan and constantly watching where my money went.

The biggest take away is this: Opportunity Cost

1. Would it be more beneficial to buy a new car now and get a loan, or wait and save money, and maybe get a better
2. Should I play Call of Duty or work on building a business, earn money selling stuff, or get a second job?
3. Should I pull money out of my 401K or take out a home equity loan to do upgrades to the house, or wait and do a
little bit at a time with money that I budget?
***Taking money out of a 401K is not recommended.***
The time is now
If you lost your job today, do you have enough money in an emergency fund to last you 3-6 months?

Do you have any money invested into a mutual fund? 401K? Other investments?

If it is in a 401K, are you maxing it out (usually 3-15% of your pay)?

A man must take care of his family and himself by being fiscally responsible. Remember, if you’re married, you
are the leader of your family. You need to be on the same page as your spouse.

If you are single, you have to get this right. Your life will become exponentially optimized. If you are buried in
debt and have no idea what to do, do not lose hope. It just means your immediate project will be getting your
finances in order.

This is one of the 3 biggest areas of a man’s life that he has to get right. You will never sleep as soundly until you
know, you have no debt.
1. Challenge:
• Find out exactly how much debt you are in.
• Make a budget.
• Follow through with using a monthly budget.
• Stop spending money you don’t have…on stuff you don’t need.
2. Extra Credit:
Write the number of debt you have down and display it somewhere you will
see it often (the fridge). As you pay it off, keep updating the number to see
your progress. Seeing that number will make you motivated to get rid of it. If
you share finances with somone, you need to be on the same page.

“Interest on debts grow wIthout raIn.”

Yiddish Proverb
Books are for NERDS. Yep, and you probably work for one.

This is exactly why you should read:

1. You gain knowledge, understanding, and guidance.

2. You will increase your sphere of influence and your ability to help others.
3. It will teach you to focus, tune out, and take your time.
4. If you want to lead, you will have to read.
5. It will teach you to think differently.
6. It allows your imagination to run wild, enhancing creativity.
A report by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts), a taxpayer-funded independent federal
agency: The report is based on reading trends data collected from more than 40 sources, including
other federal agencies, universities, foundations, and associations.

1. On average, Americans ages 15 to 24, spend almost two hours a day watching
“It was one thIng to use
TV, and only seven minutes of their daily leisure time on reading. COMPUTERS AS A TOOL,
2. Reading scores for American adults of almost all education levels have thInkIng for you.”

Tom Clancy
deteriorated, notably among the best-educated groups. the hunt for red October

3. In 2002, only 52 percent of Americans ages 18 to 24, the college years, read a
book voluntarily, down from 59 percent in 1992.
1. Challenge: Pick a topic that you are interested in learning about, or learning more “See, the sad thing
about a guy like
about. Do an Amazon search for that topic and see what books come up. you is, in 50 years
you're gonna start
• Read a few reviews of the books that peak your interest, and go by review doin' some thinkin'
scores. (Amazon reviews rarely lie). You can buy the book or… on your own and
you're going to come
• Use your local library or ask a friend before purchasing the book. Check out up with the fact
that there are two
your library’s website. Search, order, and see what else your library offers! certainties in life:
one, don't do that,
and two, you
2. Read for 15-20 minutes daily, and only 7 minutes watching TV. Slowly increase dropped 150 grand on
a freakin' education
your reading by 5 minutes every week until you peak at 2 hours a day. Don’t limit you could have got
for a dollar fifty in
yourself though, read as much as you want. late charges at the
public library!
3. Check out the Book Reading List for recommendations. -will
Good will hunting
7 Learn Manly Skills
One of the greatest books I read about Survival (Post Apocalypse), was a book called “Earth Abides” by
George R. Stewart. It was written in 1950, and still provides great insights into what life would be like in a
depopulated America.

Why are man skills so important? It’s something we overlook daily. The reality is
though, if something did happen (water shortage, blackout, EMP, etc.…), most of us
wouldn’t know what to do.
1. Do you have a one week supply of water?
2. Could you go without electricity for 1 week? In summer? In winter?
3. Do you know how to garden? Can you distinguish edible plants from non-edible?
4. Do you know how to build a fire three different ways?
Learn Manly Skills
What would you do if there was a catastrophic event? Would you be able to protect your
family? Would you be able to keep your family alive? Are you physically fit enough to endure
weeks of being on the move?

I sat down with a US Army Master Sergeant who has been through (SERE-C High Risk),
Arctic Survival, and Jungle Warfare training. I asked him what the Top 10 things that a
person needs to know how to do, make, or have in a survival situation. He told me, that
a person can read books, take courses, and study. However, until they put a few of these
things into practice it won’t really matter.
Survival top 10
Here is a list of the TOP 10 things that he said were critical:
1. Positive Attitude (The will to live).
2. Acquire a knife. Know how to use it.
3. Work and use a flint and stone.
4. Know how to build a shelter.
5. Know how to start a fire.
6. Know what plants are edible.
7. Know how to make baited traps.
9. Know how to navigate using the stars.
10. Positive attitude (The will to live).
1. Challenge: Build a Bug Out Bag (Build the Perfect Bug out Bag )
• Enough for you and your family to survive on for 3 days.
• Make an Emergency Evacuation Plan, so that everyone
knows where to meet-up, your safe location. Any other
2. Make sure that everyone understands what they need to do.

“Every soldier should learn survival on land, sea, and in the air."

Louis zamperini
8 Adventure often
In his book “Wild at Heart”, John Eldredge says, “Deep in a man’s heart are some fundamental questions that simply
cannot be answered at the kitchen table. Who am I? What am I made of? What am I destined for? It is fear that
keeps a man at home where things are neat and orderly and under his control. But the answers to his deepest
questions are not to be found on television or in the refrigerator.”

Why do I need to plan an adventure?

1. Opportunity to build character.
2. Reminds me that it’s not about me.
3. Break through self perceived limitations.
4. Stepping out of my comfort zone builds
Adventure often
It’s crazy that some of our most common issues and hang-ups in life could be reduced from a
little outdoor activity.
Instead ,we settle for prescription drugs, social media, and a remote control.

“the best journeys in life are

those that answer
questions you never
thought to ask.” “there is little faith involved in setting out on a journey

Rick Ridgeway where the destination is certain and every step in between

has been mapped in detail.

“Jobs fill your pockets Bravery, trust, is about leaving camp in the dark, when we
Adventure fills your
soul.” do not know the route ahead and cannot be certain we

Jamie Lyn Beatty will ever return.”

― Bear Grylls, A Survival Guide for Life

1. Challenge: Plan an adventure. What is it that you want to do?
• Go to Comic-Con? Bike across America? Run a Spartan Race?
• Plan it, prepare for it, do it! Gain experience!

2. Invite someone into your adventure! If you think you are alone, you’re not.
Men are naturally drawn to adventure.

"When you least

expect it, the
great adventure
finds you"

9 Do stuff that scares you
What scares you? I’m not talking about spiders, bees and worms.
I’m talking about what’s stopping you from doing what you love, or accomplishing your
goals? For most people, it is the fear of failure.
Do you want to know the best way to deal with the fear of failure is? Doing stuff that builds your
confidence, by pushing you out of your comfort zone.

Challenge: Pick one thing this week that you are going to do that scares you.
It could be: a conversation, an event, a physical fitness challenge.
Whatever it is, do it.

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7
Do stuff that scares you
Here is a list of 10 things you can do that might scare you. Feel free to add to this list. I recommend doing at least
one thing a day. The reason for doing these is so that you build confidence.

• Swim in open water. • Use only cash.

• Leave your phone at home for a whole day. • Ask your wife to point out your flaws and then listen.
• Go to church. • Have that conversation you need to have.
• No social media for a period of time. • Go camping overnight, alone.
• Lead or volunteer somewhere. • Start a blog or website. Put yourself out there.

You will find out how far you can push yourself.
You will gain confidence.
You will learn how to deal with and overcome fear.
1. Challenge: From the list you made, pick one thing to do this week.
• Don’t start too big, just do something small to increase confidence.
• Tackle your list, one by one.
2. As you gain confidence, increase your challenges.
Pretty soon, you will be unstoppable.

Nobody is going to help you overcome your fears. Only you can decide to face them
head on, one at a time.

“Do not fear, for I am with you.”

Isaiah 41:10
10 Never stop learning
As a continuous improvement engineer, my job is to analyze systems, techniques, work cells,
anything that has a process. After doing analysis using certain tools, software and beta
testing, I find the most efficient way to do something.

What I found was that I was able to take these same skills that I have learned as an engineer
and apply them to every area of my life. What can I say, I'm a nerd. The 360ManProject is
devoted to using the same methods to help other men.

The whole idea of continuous improvement is to never stop learning, never stop growing.
Look for an opportunity to be 1% better than you were the day before. NAVY SEAL’s have a
saying “The only easy day was yesterday”. In other words, if you are not growing, your
moving backwards.
Never stop learning
How can I start learning today?

1. Your goals should give you direction. Find someone who is doing what you want to be doing and study
what they do. Learn from them. Implement their good habits and practices.
2. Take advantage of free resources on the internet. Some of my favorites are:
• – Learn to program
• OCW-MIT – Open courseware from MIT
• Coursera – Free or paid college courses from major universities
3. Apply what you learn:
• Find a way to implement what you learn.
• Teach it to someone.
• Question everything.
• Find something today that peaks your interest.
• Devote 30 minutes to one hour of reading about it.
Ask the questions, “Who, what, when, where, why?”
• Continue to learn about that topic everyday until you could give a 20 minute lecture on it.
• Repeat the process for something else, or continue to hone your skills on one topic.

Doing this will give you a broad understanding of most of the things you encounter daily.

“I have no special talent. I am only passionately curIous.”

Albert einstein
Putting it all together
This might seem a little overwhelming, and you might feel the need to try and do all these things at once.
Don’t. Do one thing at a time, and then slowly incorporate all of these things into your life. The goal is
to create awareness and design a plan for your life. You have to know where you are going, and
who you want to be. What’s stopping you?

When you figure out what it is you want from life, who you want to be, and what you want to do, keep it in
your fore-sights. Make a commitment, and do not waver. If you stick to your goals, and commitments, you
will find that other stuff will just be “stuff”. Don’t let anything distract you from your commitment.
Sometimes your progress may be slower than you would like, but stay the course. This is how I paid off
$55,000 in debt, got in the best shape of my life, became an engineer, built a website, created this book.
The list goes on and on. You can do it too!
1. Ownership – Time to take responsibility for your circumstances and your actions. Ask God to help you.
2. Set Goals – Without goals, life can feel directionless. Make a plan and stay focused.
3. Exercise – What good is everything else if you aren’t in good enough shape to enjoy them? Find time for this.
4. Spend Time Alone – Reflect, refresh, recharge.
5. Pay off debt + Build wealth – Enjoy financial freedom. Oh what joy for those who owe no one.
6. Read books – Continue to grow in knowledge.
7. Survival skills – These will come in handy when you least expect it. Be prepared for anything.
8. Adventure – Men need adventure. We always look for something else to fulfill. What we need is the outdoors.
9. Do stuff that scares you – Continue to expand your comfort zone. Make it an outward growing circle.
10. Never stop learning – Learn something new everyday.
Free tools
1. Monthly Budget Forms: 5. Library:
• Excel - Budget Tools • Books – My Favorite Books
• PDF – Budget Printable 6. Survival:
2. Favorite Podcasts: • Bug Out Bag - (Build the Perfect Bug out Bag )
• Podcasts – My Favorite Podcasts 7. Adventure:
3. Goal’s Worksheet: • Planning, guides & more – Nomadic Matt
• Goals – Goals Worksheet 8. Connect:
4. Exercise: • Twitter + Instagram @360manproject
• Workout – Beginner Bodyweight Workout
• Running – 6 week Running Program

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