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Motivational and Inspiring Quotation

Version 1, Dec 2009

Disclaimer statement:
1. This is not a copyrighted material. This is a free booklet and is being circulated only for
information purpose.
2. The purpose of this booklet is only to share our thoughts and experiences of using
quotations for creating a positive impact in training.
3. References for all quotations have been given. However the section of ‘When to Use’, is
a creation of the Whiteboard team.
4. Under the category ‘When to use’ we have stated the use of quotations from the
perspective of a training program. However, like wise men say ‘Intelligence cannot be
bucketed’, the same way these quotations can be used in a much broader sense.
5. You can use these thoughts in you training programs, handouts, materials, website, and

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Whiteboard Consulting Pvt. Ltd.

Somnath Sanganeria Zia Alam

Director Director

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Positive Attitude

1. "Always hold your head up, but keep your nose at a friendly level." – Anonymous
When to Use: This quotation speaks about the importance of being humble & grounded
while maintaining one’s self-respect. This quotation reminds people to be courteous when
you are in a position of responsibility or power. This quotation can be used effectively in an
Assertiveness program; Leadership program; Managerial Development program, especially
while talking about People Orientation Vs Task Orientation.

2. "Peace of mind is not the absence of conflict from life, but the ability to cope
with it." – Anonymous
When to Use: This quotation points out the attitude towards managing conflict rather than
avoiding it. The trainer can share this quotation to emphasize that conflict is unavoidable
and how facing the conflict and taking an appropriate action can be helpful. This quotation
can be effectively used in a Conflict Management program or in a session where the trainer
is speaking about Staying Positive in adverse situations.

3. “You can’t turn back the clock, but you can wind it up again.”
When to Use: On certain occasions in our lives we wish if we could only go back in time and
change some of the events. However, the important thing is to learn from the past and
move on. This quotation can be effectively used in a Self-Management Program or Change
Management program. Especially, when participants have regrets from the past and are
unable to overcome their personal or professional setbacks.

4. “When it is darkest, men see the stars.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

When to Use: Here ‘men’ is symbolic for a mature, confident, and positive spirited human
being. This quotation is similar to the thought that ‘there is light at the end of the tunnel’.
Even in the darkest hours people who have sensed opportunities, have been able to rise up
to the challenge and emerge as winners. This quotation can be powerfully used in trainings
done in the backdrop of business challenges; failures and more recently ‘Recessionary

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5. "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do.
Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz
When to Use: This quotation can be effectively used to demonstrate the power of
‘Attitude’. It is just not enough to possess the right set of skills, it is equally important to
have the right attitude. As they say, “Hire for Attitude and Train for skill”. One can use this
quotation in programs like Creative Problem Solving; Excellence in Execution; Team

6. "Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open." Thomas Dewar
When to Use: This is a beautiful quotation to emphasize the importance of keeping an
Open mind and Attitude. Many people miss out on great opportunities because they fail
to appreciate a new possibility or a new idea. This quotation can be very effectively used
in a Creative Problem Solving; Customer Service; Consulting Approach.

7. "A man without a smiling face must not open a shop."Chinese Proverb
When to Use: A powerful quotation to emphasize the importance of having a cheerful
disposition towards life. This quotation can be very effectively used in a Customer Service;
Client Interfacing and Consulting Skill program. This message is equally applicable to all of
us; for once if we all decide to smile; the world would be a better place to live in.

8. “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference” - Winston Churchill

When to Use: Winston Churchill was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of
the United Kingdom during World War II. In this quotation he brings out the significance of
attitude that can be the difference between winning & losing. We can use this quotation
effectively in a Change Management; Conflict Management; Motivation; Stress Management

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9. "A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a
person with a certain set of attitudes." - Hugh Downs
When to Use: This quotation is very useful while speaking on how we can use our intrinsic
motivation and positivity to be happy and successful in all kinds of situations. As Stephen
Covey says that we have choice to operate either from a ‘Circle of Concern’ or a ‘Circle of
Influence’. People who are in control of their lives are seen to be usually operating from
their ‘Circle of Influence’. This quotation can be powerfully used in programs on Self
Management; Change Management; Motivation; Stress Management.

10. "The only disability in life is a bad attitude." Scott Hamilton

When to Use: This quotation wonderfully summarizes the gist of life that no situation or
physical challenge could make us disable in life except a bad attitude. All of us know the
example of Dr. Stephen Hawking who is known for his research on ‘Black Holes’ and ‘Big
bang theory’. He has a disease that has severely affected his body functions and is
paralyzed since 2009. However, he continues to travel widely and gives lecture at many
institutions across the world. His attitude is so remarkable that he continues to live despite
all the physical and mental disabilities faced by him. This example and the quotation can be
used in programs on Change Management; Stress Management; and Motivation.

11. "It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything
else, will affect its successful outcome." - William James
When to Use: A very powerful quotation to bring out the importance of our attitude while
initiating a task. How do we feel about the task will determine how well we plan; our
approach to any problems; reasoning with people and many other factors which are
responsible for its successful outcome. Our conviction in the task also inspires others to
wholeheartedly participate in the task. We can use this quotation effectively in the
programs like Planning & Prioritization; Time Management; Goal Setting; Stress

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12. “You can disagree without being disagreeable” - Zig Ziglar

When to Use: People at times ‘cling’ to their point of view and are unable to see logic and
reasoning in other’s perspective. This adversely affects their reaction and participation. This
is a powerful quotation that highlights the power of reasoning & logic without letting
personal emotions get in the way. The key message to share is ‘be open’ to others’ point of
view as well. This quotation can be effectively used in a Conflict Management; Stress
Management; Assertiveness; Leadership and Self Management Programs.

13. “The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just
make the most of everything that comes along their way.” – Unknown
When to Use: This is a very profound quotation on making the most of what one gets.
Majority of us lament on what we don’t have while very few of us make the most of what
they have and feel happy about it. This message of living a simple and uncomplicated life
can be used effectively in programs on Stress Management; Self Management; Goal-
Setting; Motivation.

14. “Too many people miss the silver lining because they're expecting gold.” -
Maurice Seitter
When to Use: A number of times we miss out on some great opportunities in life because we
are expecting something spectacular. This ‘spectacular thing’ may not come our way while
we are waiting for it. However, there could be many other things that we might ignore in
this process. J K Rowling the world renowned author of the famous ‘Harry Potter series’
gave an inspiring speech to the graduates of Harvard University on ‘Fringe benefits of
Failure’. In this speech she talks about her painstaking journey from being an unknown
author working for Amnesty International to the popularity she enjoys today. The thing to
note here is that she always took a positive lesson from whatever opportunity she got and
continued with her quest of getting her imaginative writing published. One can use this
example and the quotation in a program on Self Management; Motivation; Career
Counseling; Stress Management.

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