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Design Document for My Service request:

Step 1: This request (ticket) will be raised by the dealer with the below details:

Ticket No. As functioning today

Customer Name Dealer Name
Customer Code Dealer Code
Sales office ZSIP_CUST_MAST
Request Type As functioning today
Creation date As functioning today
Creation time As functioning today
Assigned To Needs to take from Ztable ‘ZSMDP’ from S4, level 1. (the
field is available, mapping needs to be done based on
sales office, request type with level 1)
Status Tickets will be created with initial status ‘New’
Summary As functioning today
Issue As functioning today
Attachment Needs to be available at create service request screen
Resolution Not part of creation of service request

Step 2: Email notification & status update for service requests

Status Ownership Trigger point Email Notification

In Process Dealer On Creation Email to “assigned to”
(SR should update to status ‘In
process’ as soon as saved and
assigned-Replace New by In
Resolved Crompton Crompton employee should update Email to dealer
the status from dropdown when
resolution is provided to dealer.
Resolved status can be selected at
the first response too if the
zresolution is provided by
Crompton employee.
Re-opened Dealer If dealer is not satisfied with the Email to “assigned to”
resolution provided by Crompton,
he can change the status to Re-
open within 3 days from resolution.
Closed Dealer only Dealer can update status as Email to dealer
closed or the system should auto
close the ticket if dealer does not
update the status in 3 days after
the status is changed to resolved by
Crompton. It should capture user id
of dealer when closed by him or
system id if auto closed.
Step 3: Request types sources:

Request Type: Please pick the request type from the Z table ‘ZSMDP’ maintained in S4. Kindly
display the request type description from domain ‘ZSEREQT’. Refer below screenshot for your
quick reference:

Step 4: Escalation

If resolution is not provided with ‘SLA days’ mentioned in the Z table, workflow should trigger an
email to the level 2 of the same request type. The combination will be sales office, service request
type and level from the table ‘ZSMDP’. Refer below screenshot for the same:

Application for employee

 Employee will be log in to application to respond to the ticket.

 There will be selection option for employee to select the assigned dealers.
 Assigned dealer logic – (the employee to whom ticket is assigned is as per table ZSMDP.
The sales office will be picked, from ZSMDP and this sales office will be passed in
ZSIP_CUST_MAST to get the list of dealers. For these dealers the list of ticket will be
 Employee can search ticket for a dealer based on the status (search should be open for all
parameters e.g. request type, request no., creation date, dealer no., dealer name &
summary. The sorting on left panel should be on the oldest -not equals to closed and
 At a time, one dealer can be selected and based on that respective tickets will be shown.
Ticket number is unique for a dealer.
 Upon selecting one ticket the response by employee can be given.
 The report is not available as of now as per design document (the report which is currently
available for service request please check it should show new statuses and request types
 and to add assigned to in the output. Also check the feasibility of hyperlink to open the
service request from report output)

 Employee gets opportunity to download/upload (in addition to existing attachment),

delete attachment from the ticket
 No tab for CIC link is required for employee
 Make the issue field mandatory and rename it to ‘Detailed Description’
 Increase the box size for Issue field.
 On the request type create screen change the tab ‘SAVE’ to ‘PROCEED’ this will save the
request no and give message as ‘Request no. XX created successfully, please attach
relevant document on next screen’
 The request no created should be invoked in edit mode with default screen of attachment.
 The attachment should be stored in DMS the path will be provided later, till then continue
with the existing storage path.
 Audit trail. ‘Assigned to’ under the tab detail of service ticket should have audit trail with
date and time stamp for the changes made for status. Thus the below trail will be there for
each change in status

Status: XXXXXX

Date/Time stamp: DD.MM.YYY, HH:MM:SS

Changed by – if dealer then, code & name of dealer If employee- employee


7 Dec 2018: email by Kanchan

Please note that the assigned to will always remain level 1. All other levels will only be escalated to.

- Assigned to will always remain same.??

- Do we need escalation level in audit trail?

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