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Read the theory and write C for countable or U for uncountable.

Then write
their corresponding plurarl forms.

Singular Pronunciation Plurar Countable / Uncountable

Egg Huevo Eggs Countable
Honey Miel Honey Uncountable
Carrot Zanahoria Carrots Countable
Pear Peras Pears Countable
Yogurt Yogurt Yoghurt Uncountable
Lettuce Lechuga Lettuce Countable
Melon Melón Melons Countable
Tea Té Tea Uncountable
Shelf Estante Shelves Countable
Grape Uva Grapes Countable
Woman Mujer Women Countable
Trolley Carrito Trolleys Countable
Burger Hamburgesa Burgers Countable

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