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Intention Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-Based

What is it that you Who? What? Why? How much? How Is it possible to achieve Is it important to your By when will you
want to achieve? Where? often? How many? your goal? ultimate goals? achieve your goal?

Personal My goal is to I will work out I think it is I feel like it is I will achieve my
Well-being work out for 30 minutes possible to important goal by next year
everyday after every day after achieve because because I want of December 1st
school at 6:00. I school. I am starting to be able to feel 2021.
will be working small. confident about
out at home, if I my body.
don’t do it by
6:00 I can just do
it whenever I get

Academic My goal is to do I will study for 1 I think it will be It is important I will achieve
better in school, hour for 3 days, kind of a for my ultimate this goal when I
I will try and depending on challenge for me goals because I go into college,
study every time how many days I since I have want to be so maybe fall of
I have a quiz or have. never studied in prepared when I 2021.
test, at home at my life before. go to college and
4:30. But I think I can be better in
achieve it. school.


Financial I will save my I will only spend I think I can This goal is I will achieve
money every 50 dollars and achieve this, I important this goal when I
time I get paid, the rest I will have done it because I might have saved up
save. before and it was have an 900 dollars. I
easy. emergency or I don’t know what
might need to day that will be.
buy things for
Goal #1
My number one goal is to save my money, I want to be able to have enough money in the future in case of an
emergency or just to save whenever I go to college, once I graduate from high school, I will take a little break from
school, then I will ask to work more days since I won’t be in school anymore, I will be able to work more and have
more money to save.

Goal #2
My second goal is to work out more often, I want to be able to feel confident and be happier with myself, I want to
have a good mindset about myself, I like to work out since I was a kid but then I have gotten lazy, so I am trying to
get back into it, whenever I get home I will try and work out every 3 days at 6:00 pm for 30 minutes.

Goal #3

Goal #4
My last goal is to save as much money as I can, because I want to be prepared whenever there is an emergency,
every time I get paid I will only spend 50 dollars and use some of it to pay my phone bills, I will achieve this by
trying not to buy things I don’t need and only things I will need and use.

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