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Windows SDK Tools Listing

The Windows SDK tools are designed to make it easier for you to create, deploy, and manage
applications and components that target Windows and the Internet. The Windows SDK includes tools
for both the .NET 3.5 SP1 and 4.0 Frameworks - a managed programming model - and tools for
Win32® - the native (unmanaged) programming model for Windows. Many of the Windows SDK tools
are listed on this page and categorized by target audience: managed, native and "common" (tools that
could be used by either managed or native developers).
Please note that this release does not include .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 however some tools included
in the Windows SDK require it. You may need to install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 to ensure the
complete functionality of all tools.
These tools will be installed on disk under the %Program Files%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0a\Bin
directory or one of its subfolders. For more information on individual tools please visit
Tools for Managed (.NET) Developers
Tools for Native (Win32) Developers
Common Tools for Both Managed (.NET) and Native (Win32) Developers

Tools for Managed (.NET) Developers

Tool Description
AL.exe Assembly Linker.
The Assembly Linker generates a file with an assembly manifest from one or
more files that are either modules or resource files. A module is a Microsoft
intermediate language (MSIL) file that does not have an assembly manifest.

ASPNet_merge.exe ASP.NET Merge Tool.

The ASP.NET Merge tool (Aspnet_merge.exe) enables you to combine and
manage assemblies that are created by the ASP.NET Compilation tool
(Aspnet_compiler.exe). The ASP.NET Merge tool works on assemblies that
have been created by using ASP.NET version 2.0 or later.

AxImp.exe Windows Forms ActiveX Control Importer.

Converts type definitions in a COM type library for an ActiveX control into a
Windows Forms control.

ClrVer.exe CLR Version Detection Technology Sample.

Displays all versions of the .NET Framework installed on the current system.

CorFlags.exe CorFlags Conversion Tool.

Conversion tool allows you to configure the Flags section of the header of a
portable executable image.

Disco.exe Web Services Discovery Tool.

Discovers the URLs of XML Web services located on a Web server, and saves
documents related to each XML Web service on a local disk.

FusLogVw.exe Assembly Binding Log Viewer.

View assembly binding messages from Common Language Runtime. Allows to
interactively explore assembly binding decisions of the Common Language
Runtime, and helps to determine the root cause of assembly binding errors.

FXCopSetup.exe FXCop Tool.

FxCop is an application that analyzes managed code assemblies and reports
information about the assemblies, such as possible design, localization,
performance, and security improvements.
GacUtil.exe Global Assembly Cache Tool.
Allows you to view and manipulate the contents of the global assembly cache
and download cache.

ildasm.exe MSIL Disassembler.

Takes a PE file that contains MSIL code and creates a text file suitable as
input to the MSIL Assembler - ILAsm.exe that ships in the .NET Framework)

LC.exe License Compiler.

Reads text files that contain licensing information and produces a .licenses file
that can be embedded in a common language runtime executable.

Mage.exe Manifest Generation and Editing Tool.

Mage.exe is a command-line tool that supports the creation and editing of
application and deployment manifests.

MageUI.exe Manifest Generation and Editing Tool, Graphical Client.

MageUI.exe supports the same functionality as the command-line tool
Mage.exe, but with a Windows Forms-based user interface (UI). With this tool
you can create, edit, and sign deployment and application manifests.

MDbg.exe .NET Framework Command-Line Debugger.

Provides command-line debugging services for managed applications.

MgmtClassGen.exe Management Strongly Typed Class Generator.

Enables you to quickly generate an early-bound managed class for a specified
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class. The generated class
simplifies the code you must write to access an instance of the WMI class.

PEVerify.exe PEVerify Tool.

Performs MSIL type safety verification checks and metadata validation checks
on a specified assembly.

ResGen.exe Resource File Generator.

Converts text files and .x (XML-based resource format) files to .NET Common
Language Runtime (CLR) binary .resources files that can be embedded in a
runtime binary executable or compiled into satellite assemblies.

Sgen.exe XML Serializer Generator.

Creates an XML serialization assembly for types in a specified assembly in
order to improve the startup performance of a XmlSerializer when it serializes
or deserializes objects of the specified types.

sn.exe Strong Name Tool.

Helps create assemblies with strong names. Sn.exe provides options for key
management, signature generation, and signature verification.

SoapSuds.exe Soapsuds Tool.

Helps you compile client applications that communicate with XML Web
services using a technique called oting.

SqlMetal.exe Code Generation Tool.

SqlMetal.exe generates classes from database tables and a default mapping
for the classes. It can be used for generating either C# or VB.NET code
and .NET attribute-based mapping in the code or separate mapping in an XML

StoreAdm.exe Isolated Storage Tool.

Lists or removes all existing stores for the currently logged-on user.

SvcConfigEditor.exe Configuration Editor Tool.

Used to configure WCF services and client applications.

SvcTraceViewer.exe Service Trace Viewer Tool.

Used to view and analyze WCF trace data and message logs.

SvcUtil.exe Service Model Metadata Utility Tool.

This tool is used to generate service model code from metadata documents
and metadata documents from service model code.

TlbExp.exe Type Library Exporter.

Generates a type library from a common language runtime assembly.

TlbImp.exe Type Library Importer.

Converts the type definitions found within a COM type library into equivalent
definitions in managed metadata format.

Wca.exe Windows Workflow communication activity command-line utility.

This utility is used to generate code files for the strictly-bound
HandleExternalEventActivity activity and CallExternalMethodActivity activity
derived classes from an input assembly that contains one or more
ExternalDataExchangeService interfaces.

Wfc.exe Windows Workflow command-line compiler.

This utility is used to compile both workflows and activities. It takes workflow
markup (.xoml) and C# or Visual Basic source files, validates the workflows
or activities, and generates assemblies or executables.

Winres.exe Windows Forms Resource Editor.

Visual layout tool that helps localization experts localize Windows Forms user
interface (UI) resources used by forms.

Wsdl.exe Web Services Description Language Tool.

Generates code for XML Web services and XML Web services clients from Web
Services Description Language (WSDL) contract files, XML Schema Definition
(XSD) schema files, and .comap discovery documents.

Xsd.exe XML Schema Definition Tool.

Generates XML schemas that follow the XSD language proposed by the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This tool generates common language runtime
classes and aSetclasses from an XSD schema file.

Xsltc.exe XSLT Compiler.

The XSLT compiler (xsltc.exe) compiles XSLT style sheets and generates an
assembly. The compiled style sheet can then be passed directly into the
XslCompiledTransform.Load(Type) method.
Tools for Native (Win32 API) Developers
Tool Description
BETest.exe VSS Backup and Restore Test Tool.
BETest is a VSS requester that tests advanced backup and restore operations.

Checkv4.exe IPv6 Compatibility Check Tool.

Searches for IPv4-specific code in files and suggests changes needed to make
the code IPv6-compatible.

CTRPP.exe Counter Pre-processor Tool.

The CTRPP tool is a pre-processor that parses and validates your counters
manifest. The tool also generates code that you use to provide your counter

Ecmangen.exe ETW Manifest Generation Tool.

Generates an instrumentation manifest that defines the event provider and the
events that the event provider logs to ETW.

EspExe.exe TAPI Economical Service Provider.

The ESP (Economical Service Provider) is a TAPI Service Provider that supports
multiple virtual line and phone devices. It is configurable, requires no special
hardware, and implements the entire Telephony Service Provider Interface.

ExtidGen.exe TAPI Extension ID Generator.

TAPI tool that generates extension identifiers.

FDBrowser.exe Function Discovery Browser.

Displays all resources - such as devices - that can be discovered by Function

Genmanifest.exe Generate Manifest Tool.

This is a command-line tool that generates a manifest.

Graphedt.exe Multimedia Filter Graph Editor.

Graphedt is a development tool for visually building functional multimedia filter
graphs using the DirectShow application programming interface.

MC.exe Message Compiler.

Creates messages that an application or DLL needs.

Midl.exe MIDL Compiler.

Midlc.exe Processes an IDL file to generate a type library and output files.

MuiRct.exe MUIRCT Tool.

Utility for splitting a standard Win32 portable executable file into an LN file and
a .mui file containing language-specific Win32 resources.

PTConform.exe PrintTicket Conformance Test.

PTConform is a conformance tool used to check validity of PrintCapabilities and
PrintTicket documents. PTConform checks that a given PrintCapabilities or
PrintTicket XML document is syntactically and structurally conformant to the
public Print Schema definition.

RC.Exe Resource Compiler.

Utility for compiling a resource definition script file (.rc extension) into
resource files (.res extension). It allows you to build, from a single set of
sources, an LN file and a separate .mui file containing language-specific Win32
sddlgen.exe SddlGen Tool.
Generate SDDL string from GUI based input. Parse a given SDDL string /
access mask. Display them using intuitive GUI elements.

Sporder.exe Protocol Reorder Tool.

Allows the catalog of installed protocols to be reordered interactively after
protocols have already been installed.

TB3x.exe TAPI 3.x Browser Tool.

Test tool for TAPI 3.x.

TraceFmt.exe TraceFmt Tool.

Formats and displays trace messages from an event trace log file or a real-
time trace session.

TracePdb.exe TracePdb Tool.

Creates trace message format (.tmf) files by extracting trace message
formatting instructions from the full or private PDB symbol file for a trace
provider that uses WPP software tracing macros.

TraceWpp.exe TraceWpp Tool.

Runs the Windows software trace preprocessor (WPP) on the source files of
trace providers.

ValidateSD.exe ValidateSD Tool.

Validates if a file contains a valid UPnP service description document.

VSDiagview.exe VSS Diagnostic Tools.

VSSAgent.exe VSSAgent gathers data that can be viewed using VSDiagview and used to
troubleshoot VSS applications.

Vshadow.exe VShadow Tool.

Command-line tool that you can use to create and manage volume shadow

Vstorcontrol.exe VSS Sample Provider Tool.

Shows how to use the VSS interfaces to create a VSS Hardware provider.

VSWriter.exe VSS Test Writer Tool.

The Test Writer is a utility that you can use to test VSS requester applications.
This writer can be configured to perform almost all of the actions that a VSS
writer can perform. In addition, the Test Writer performs extensive checks to
ensure that the requester has dealt with these writer actions correctly.

WSTraceDump.exe Web Services Trace Dump Tool.

Assists with the analysis of web services trace dumps.

WSUtil.exe Web Services Compiler Tool.

The tool supports service model and serialization of data types. It processes
WSDL, XML schema and policy documents documents, and generate C header
and source files. This tool is similar to wsdl compiler tool for managed code
with target to native code instead of managed code.
Common Tools for both Managed (.NET) and Native (Win32
API) Developers
Tool Description
Apatch.exe Patch Application Utility.
The Apatch.exe utility is used to apply binary patches.

Bind.exe Windows NT Image Binder.

Minimizes load time by bypassing looking up exported
DLL function addresses

Cert2Spc.exe Software Publisher Certificate Test Tool.

The Software Publisher Certificate Test tool creates a
Software Publisher's Certificate (SPC) from one or more
X.509 certificates.

CertMgr.exe Certificate Manager Tool.

Command line and GUI tool which configures system
certificate stores.

Consume.exe Consume Tool.

Test tool that can consume various resources, such as
memory, CPU and disk space.

DeviceSimulatorForWindowsSideShow.msi Device Simulator for Windows SideShow.

Allows developers of gadgets for Windows SideShow to
test their gadgets without physical hardware.

Guidgen.exe Create GUID Tool.

Generates a GUID in a specified format.

isXPS.exe isXPS Conformance Tool.

Tests a file's conformity to the XML Paper Specification
(XPS) and the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC)

MakeCat.Exe MakeCat Tool.

Command line tool used for generating Authenticode

MakeCert.exe Certificate Creation Tool.

Command line tool used for generating self-signed and
test certificates.

Make-Shell.exe Make-Shell Tool.

Windows PowerShell provides a tool that is used to
create a console shell that is not extensible. Shells
created with this new tool cannot be extended later
through a Windows PowerShell snap-in.

MSICert.exe MSI Certificate Tool.

A command line utility that can be used to populate the
MsiDigitalSignature table and MsiDigitalCertificate table
with the digital signature information of an external
cabinet file.

MSIDB.exe MSIDb Tool.

Uses MsiDatabaseImport and MsiDatabaseExport to
import and export database tables and streams.
MSIFiler.exe MSIFiler Tool.
Populates the File table with file versions, languages,
and sizes based upon a source directory. It can also
update the MsiFileHash table with file hashes.

MSIInfo.exe MSIInfo Tool.

Uses Database Functions and Installer Functions to edit
or display the summary information stream of a

MSIMerg.exe MSIMerg Tool.

Uses MsiDatabaseMerge to merge a reference database
into a base database.

MSIMsp.exe MSIMsp Tool.

Msimsp.exe is a executable file that calls Patchwiz.dll.
The tool can be used to create a patch package by
passing in the path to a patch creation properties file
(.pcp file) and the path to the patch package that is
being created.

MSITran.exe MSITran Tool.

Uses MsiDatabaseGenerateTransform,
MsiCreateTransformSummaryInfo, and
MsiDatabaseApplyTransform to generate or apply a
transform file.

MSIVal2.msi MSIVal2 Tool.

Msival2 is a command line utility that can run a suite of
Internal Consistency Evaluators - ICEs.

MSIZap.exe MSIZap Tool.

Msizap.exe is a command line utility that removes
either all Windows Installer information for a product or
all products installed on a computer.

MT.exe Manifest Tool.

Generates signed files and catalogs.

OleView.Exe OLE/COM Object Viewer.

Enables you to browse, configure, and test installed
COM classes.

Orca.msi Orca Installer.

Installer for Orca.exe, a database table editor for
creating and editing Windows Installer packages and
merge modules.

Pvk2Pfx.exe SPC / CER / PVK to PFX Conversion Tool.

Command line tools used to convert a PVK file to a PFX

ReBase.Exe Rebase Tool.

Specifies base addresses for the DLLs an application

SetReg.exe SetReg Tool.

Sets the value of the registry keys that control the
behavior of the Authenticode certificate verification
process. These keys are called the Software Publishing
State Keys. After completing the requested action, the
tool displays the current state of the Software
Publishing State Keys.

SignTool.exe Sign Tool.

Command line tool used for Authenticode signing
applications, verifying Authenticode signatures, and
configuring the system catalog database.

TcpAnalyzer.exe TCP Analyzer.

Enables monitoring and diagnosis of individual TCP/IP
connections. The tool enables a user to select any
connection from a list of connections and view the
sending rate, performance bottleneck, losses,
retransmissions and various other detailed TCP/IP
information for that connection in a graphical manner.

UuidGen.exe UUID Generator Tool.

This tool generates Universal Unique Identifiers
(UUIDs) also known as a GUIDs.

WiLogUtl.Exe Windows Installer Log Utility.

Assists with the analysis of log files from a Windows
Installer installation, and it displays suggested
solutions to errors that are found in a log file.

WinDiff.Exe WinDiff Tool.

Compares files and display graphically any differences
between them.

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