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School of Computing
Higher Diploma in Software Engineering 17.1F|
Robotic Application Development
Time allowed: Three hours 12th January 2018, 0900-1200h
Instructions to candidate:

 Answer all questions of part 01 and Answer Only Three (03) questions including
Question number four (04) of part 02.
 Question number four (04) completely depends on your physical Robot, answers
should vary with each group

Part 01
Answer All Questions
1. What is the main purpose of introducing ROBOTS? (1 Mark)
2. Name major three functions of Robots and briefly explain them. (3 Marks)
3. Write down six (06) simple machines and (3 Mark)
a) Explain why they are called SIMPLE? (1 Mark)
b) There are relationships between some of simple machines, name any two. (3 Mark)
c) Briefly explain any three out of six simple machines. (3 Marks)
4. Name any five (05) different things used to build robots and briefly explain the purpose
of use. (5 Marks)
5. What are the THREE LAWS of robotics? (6 Marks)
6. Name all five (05) main parts of a Robot and briefly explain them. (10 Marks)
7. What are the types of batteries most suitable for light weight robots? Support your
answer with facts. (5 Mark)
01. Differentiate a Machine over a Robot in terms of their capabilities, intelligence level,
construction and control. (15 Marks)
02. What are the social responsibilities when constructing a robot? Explain. (15 Marks)
03. What it means by “Degrees of Freedom (DoF)”? To access a point in 3D space, do you
think how many DoF may enough? Explain. (15 Marks)
04. Imagine, to build a Step Climbing Robot with line following capabilities you have to do
several things first, then build, test and release the robot for tasks.
a) According to your experience what are those things to do first in place?
(2 Marks)
b) You have identified lots of problems in construction phase. What are they?
Explain all. (4 Marks)
c) By the time of delivery/ release, there are so many incomplete things,
malfunctions and some other issues we observed. According to your robot
what are they and explain what reasons for that failures are. (8 Marks)
d) To overcome issues found in design, construction and testing phases what are
the solutions you have taken place? Explain. (6 Marks)
e) After all, what do you think about climbing a staircase in a regular way instead
of any other approach such as use an elevator, flyover? (10 Marks)

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