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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 3

Name: Aoife Fullerton

Group: Year 1
Date: ________

AC 3.1 Examine how attitudes are formed (please provide three examples).

Example 1 attitude:

Your attitude towards someone can be formed as a result of what your

family has taught you when growing up. For Example, a hard-line Catholic
parent may bring their children up not to trust Protestant.
How the above may be formed?

The Catholic may have not had a good relationship with Protestant due to
the Troubles and therefore do not trust them. So, when raising their
children, they inflicted to same hatred onto their children.

Example 2 attitude:

The media can brain wash people with false information therefore making
people have an unfair attitude to certain people. For example, Muslims.

How the above may be formed?

After the 911 that was supposedly cause by Muslims the Media and the
American government has convinced the hole world that all Muslims are
Terrorists. But this is against their religion and the 911 was cause by one
extreme Muslims group. The Media fails to mange this and all religions has
its extremist.

Example 3 attitude:

Due to the coronavirus people are developing a bad option on the Chinse
calling the virus the Chinse Virus. People are now scared to go near chinse
people as they think they caused the virus and will get it for them.
How the above may be formed?

People and countries have had a bad experience with the virus for example
lockdown, death of loved ones and not being allowed to have a normally
life or see people onto its blown over. Since the virus started in the country
of china, people are blame them for the outbreak. But some governments
in other countries did not do enough to protect their citizens.

AC 3.2 Describe THREE ways in which attitudes may be CHALLENGED.

Challenge attitude 1:

To have cross community groups where Catholics and Protestants mix with
each other. This therefore building bonds and developing peace between
the two religious’ groups. By doing this future generations will not have
much a hard hated for each other.
Challenge attitude 2:

To treat Muslim just like every other person and not to assume that their
terrorists for example if a Muslim is on a plane not to think they have a
bomb. Stick up for them when they are being discriminated against.
Challenge attitude 3:

To go near chinse people and not walk away from them. To not blame
them for something that is out of their hands.

AC 4.1 Describe THREE ways in which prejudice may manifest itself (provide THREE examples).

Manifestation of prejudice:
Type of prejudice 1?
People can be prejudice against others based on Classism. This is based on
social class and includes individual attitudes, behavers, systems of policies
and practices that are set up to benefit the upper class at the expense of
the lower class.

A person goes into a Branded shop wearing old cloths and the employees
turn them away as they think the person could not afford the items in the
shop based on the way their dressed. But the person could be millionaires.
Or only valving a person opinion because they are rich and ignoring those
who are not.

Manifestation of prejudice:
Type of prejudice 2?

Xenophobia is the fear or hatred of that which is perceived to be foreign.


Not giving a foreigner a job as you think that your customer will not be able
to understand them. When someone see a foreigner in a good job and
thinking they take that job from the people who were born here. Think all
foreigners should go back to their own country and take their resource
instead of ours.

Manifestation of prejudice:
Type of prejudice 3?

Homophobia encompasses a range of negative attitudes towards

homosexuality or people who are identified as being lesbian, gay, bisexual
or transgender.

A barker refusing to make a wedding cake for a gay couple getting married.
Assuming a person is a lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender based on the
way they look.

AC 4.2 Describe positive and negative consequences of THREE types of prejudice and

Prejudice/discrimination 1:

All women are weak, not as fast and not as smart as mean are.

Positive consequences:
A positive of this Prejudiced/ discrimination which is there are
accomplished women all over the world today proving these Prejudice
thoughts and Discriminated action wrong very today of their lives. This can
inspire other women to do the same thing and make they feel strong and
not a seconded the men anymore.

Negative consequences:

No matter what Women do Man will always doubt their capabilities in life
and the work. For example, say to a woman saying they’re not strong
enough to lift that when she could be or only viewing them as an object
and not a person.

Prejudice/discrimination 2:

To be Prejudice or Discrimination against a person based on their Religion.

Positive consequences:

People can learn that their Prejudice/discrimination was wrong and that
not the judge people on their Race again. An example of this would to a
white person fearing all Muslim thinking that they all are terrorist. But a
Muslim saves their life and the realise that not all of they are bad people
that do bad things.

Negative consequences:

Not matter what Muslims do to show society that not all of they are
terrorists. But the media has brain washed people so much that there will
always be these negative prejudice views.

Prejudice/discrimination 3:

There is a lot of Prejudice/ Discrimination against ageism.

Positive consequences:

Ageism can be helpfully to those who need it for example an elder person
may not be able to lift their groceries. Therefor a shop assistant would help
them by carrying their goods to the car for them.

Negative consequences:

Ageism can be negative for young people thought. I young person may not
be taken seriously as people feel their stop makes them lack maturity. This
could be hard for young and success business owners.

AC 4.3 Describe how discrimination can lead to disadvantage.

Discrimination may lead to disadvantage by:

Discrimination in one generation can negatively affects health, economic

opportunity, or wealth for a group may diminish opportunities in later
generations. For example, parents with poor health or employment status
may limit their ability to monitor or support their child’s education.
Therefore, this turn may lower the child’s educational success and,
subsequently, his/ her socioeconomic success as an adult. The justice
system for different races can be discriminated against. For example, in
black youths it shows high rates of committing serious offenses compared
with white youths as they are not treated the same in their sentences for
the same crime. There is a negative impact on one’s happiness and health
as the sexual harassment increases the chances of employee turnover.
Women are more often than men to leave high paying executive positions,
citing lack of opportunities, inflexible work hours and a lack of female
peers. Every time an employee leaves it costs a company or business
money to recruit and train a new worker. But when another woman is
hired, and gender inequality is still present so the cycle repeats. Religious
beliefs can be lost due to discrimination for example in the Catholic
Religious it does not promote the at from same sex relationships this would
damage a gay Catholic beliefs as they feel they are looked down or
excluded in their religion for being gay.
Learner Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________

Assessor signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

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