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Malabon National High School

M. Naval St. HulongDuhat, Malabon City

Lesson Plan in health 8

Date: July 9, 2019

Content Standard Performance Standard

The learners…. The Learner….
Demonstrates understanding of human Appropriately manages sexually
sexuality and managing sexuality related issues for related issues through responsible and informed
healthy life. decisions.

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson the learners should be able to:
a. Discuss Gender and Human Sexuality.
b. Value the importance of knowing the difference between Gender and Human Sexuality.
c. Creates a Venn diagram about the topic.

a. Topic: Gender and Human Sexuality
b. Materials: Tarp Papel, Picture, Chalk and Board
c. Reference: MAPEH Book
Teacher’s Guide for Physical Education and Health Pp. 14-19
Learner’s Material’s Physical Education and Health Pp.200-210

A. Preliminary Activities
*Checking of Attendance
“Guess the Picture”
The teacher will post different pictures that are related to the topic. The
learners will guess what those pictures are. Then they will relate it to the topic.

*Discussion (Discussion Approach)

Gender and Human Sexuality
is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act. It refers to
femininity and masculinity of a person’s role and behaviour.

Human Sexuality-
is an integral part of what we do and who we are; it is the way in which we
experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. It is the total expression of an
individual’s self-concept.

“Agree or Disagree”
a) The learners will be divided into 4 groups.

b) The teacher will state the following:

- Teaching is a job for women.
- Men have no right to cry in public.
- Both men and women can be police officers.
- It is the responsibility of both parents to take care of their children.
- Both the father and the mother should share in meeting the financial needs of
the family.

c) The learners will answer by group if they “agree or disagree”. The group will pick 2
members to report their answer in front of the class.

d) The teacher will ask the following:

- Why did you agree with some statements?
- Why did you not agree?
- What did you realize from the activity?
- Why human sexuality is important?

The learners will be making a Venn diagram about Gender and Human

The learners will be asked to fill out the 3-2-1 Exit Ticket.

1. What is Physical Fitness? And identify it’s different components.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Ms. Kate Charity S. Torres Mrs. Jecylin A. Santos

MAPEH Grade 8/9 Teacher MAPEH Coordinator

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