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Abstract Algebra

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Good e-book and beneficial one. it absolutely was writtern quite flawlessly and beneficial. I am
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(Pr of. Leona r do Pa r ker )

IMIV34PUGO4N # eBook Abstract Algebra


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have accessibility to additional information which might be highly relevant to ABSTRACT ALGEBRA book.

PHI Learning. Paperback. Book Condition: new. BRAND NEW, Abstract Algebra, I.H. Sheth, taking care to
introduce each notion with su icient number of solved examples that would help readers understand and
master the theories presented. A fine collection of exercises enriches each chapter, challenging the readers to
check their progress in understanding the results and methods of the discipline, as well as motivating them for
more algebra. The book s writing style is intended to foster students instructor discussion. A unique learning
feature of the text is that each concept in abstract algebra is treated in a separate chapter, taking care of the
continuity of the subject matter for easy comprehension by the students. Besides presenting the fundamental
concepts and basic properties of groups, rings, modules and fields, including the interplay between them, the
second edition has been enriched by the inclusion of a new chapter on matrices and their properties and some
special subsets of matrices. In addition, proofs of some of the theorems have been revised and some exercises
have been changed into solved examples. The book provides a pedagogical introduction to the topics of
abstract algebra and is especially suited for an undergraduate course, though it will be of equal value to the
postgraduate students of the subject.

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