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GM Aleksandar JOLOVIK, GM Emilio CéRDOVA, GM Spyridon KAPNISIS, GM Rafael LEITEO,
GM Mihail MARIN, GM Karsten MÄLLER, GM Michael ROIZ,
GM Sethurman Panayappan SETHURAMAN


Copy editor

Editorial board


FM Josip AêIK


© Copyright 2016 êahovski informator

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means:
electronic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
No part of the Chess Informant system (classification of openings, endings
and combinations, system of signs, etc.) may be used in other publications
without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

ISSN 0351�1375
ISBN 978�86�7297�083�8

êahovski informator
11001 Belgrade, Francuska 31, Serbia
Phone: (381 11) 2630�109
E�mail:, Internet:


GM Spiridon Kapnisis
GM Aleksandar Colovic 123 FAST AND FURIOUS
GM Emanuel Berg
GM S. P. Sethuraman
GM Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant
GM Emilio Cordova


AT ANY COST! GM Karsten Mueller
GM Michael Roiz

159 GAMES 289 Index

159 Classification of Openings
294 COMBINATIONS  by GM Branko Tadic
160 A
296 ENDINGS  by IM Zoran Petronijevic
181 B
299 STUDIES  by GM Yochanan Afek
221 C
244 D
267 E


beli stoji malo bolje • y бeлыx нecкoлькo лучшe • white stands slightly better • Weiss steht
etwas besser • les blancs sont un peu mieux • el blanco estc algo mejor • il bianco sta un
po' meglio • vit stbr nbgot battre • •

crni stoji malo bolje • y черныx несколькo лучшe • black stands slightly better • Schwarz steht
etwas besser • les noirs sont un peu mieux • el negro estc algo mejor • il nero sta un po'
meglio • svart stbr nbgot battre • •

beli stoji bolje • y бeлыx лучшe • white has the upper hand • Weiss steht besser • les blancs sont
mieux • el blanco estc mejor • il bianco sta meglio • vit stbr battre • •

crni stoji bolje • y черныx лучшe • black has the upper hand • Schwarz steht besser • les noirs sont
mieux • el negro estc mejor • il nero sta meglio • svart stbr battre • •

beli ima odlu~uju}u prednost • y бeлыx peшающее npeимущество • white has a decisive advantage •
Weiss hat entscheidenden Vorteil • les blancs ont un avantage dmcisif • el blanco tiene una ventaja
decisiva • il bianco m in vantaggio decisivo • vit har avg}rande f}rdel • •

crni ima odlu~uju}u prednost • y черныx peшающее npeимущество • black has a decisive
advantage • Schwarz hat entscheidenden Vorteil • les noirs ont un avantage dmcisif • el negro tiene
una ventaja decisiva • il nero m in vantaggio decisivo • svart har avg}rande f}rdel • •

jednako • paвнo • even • ausgeglichen • mgalitm • igual • equivalente • lika • •

neizvesno • неизвестно • unclear • unklar • incertain • incierto • incerto • oklar • •

kompenzacija za materijal • компенсация за материал • with compensation for the material •

mit Kompensation f«r den materiellen Nachteil • avec compensation pour le matmriel • con
compensación por el material • con compenso per il vantaggio materiale avversario • med
kompensation f}r materialet • •

razvojna prednost • преимущество в развитии • development advantage • Entwicklungsvorsprung •

avantage de dmveloppement • ventaja de desarrollo • vantaggio di sviluppo • utvecklingsf}rsprbng •

prostorna prednost • преимущество в пространстве • greater board room • beherrscht mehr

Raum • avantage d'espace • ventaja de espacio • maggior vantaggio spaziale • terrangf}rdel •

sa napadom • с атакой • with attack • mit Angriff • avec attaque • con ataque • con attacco •
med angrepp • •

sa inicijativom • c инициативой • with initiative • mit Initiative • avec initiative • con iniciative •
con iniziativa • med initiativ • •

sa protivigrom • c контригрой • with counter�play • mit Gegenspiel • avec contre�jeu • con

contrajuego • con controgioco • med motspel • •

iznudica • цугцванг • zugzwang • Zugzwang • zugzwang • zugzwang • zugzwang • dragtvbng •

mat • мат • mate • matt • mat • mate • matto • matt • •

vrlo dobar potez • oчень хороший ход • a very good move • ein sehr guter Zug • trps bon coup •
muy buena jugada • buona mossa • ett bra drag • •

odli~an potez • отличный ход • an excellent move • ein ausgezeichneter Zug • excellent coup •
excelente jugada • mossa ottima • ett utmarkt drag • •

slab potez • слабый ход • a mistake • ein schwacher Zug • coup faible • mala jugada • mossa
debole • ett dbligt drag • •

gruba gre{ka • грубая ошибка • a blunder • ein grober Fehler • erreur grave • grave error •
grave errore • ett grovt fel • •

potez zaslu`uje pa`nju • xoд заслуживающий внимания • a move deserving attention • ein
beachtenswerter Zug • coup qui mmrite I'attention • jugada que merece atención • mossa degna
di considerazione • ett drag som f}rtjanar uppmarksamhet • •

sumnjiv potez • coмнительный ход • a dubious move • ein Zug von zweifelhaftem Wert • coup
de valeur douteuse • jugada de dudoso valor • mossa dubbia • ett tvivelaktigt drag •

sa idejom • c идеей • with the idea • mit der Idee • avec I'idme • con idea • con I'idea •
med idmn • •

jedini potez • eдинственный ход • only move • der einzig spielbare Zug • le seul coup • unica
jugada • unica mossa • enda draget • •

bolje je • лучше • better is • besser ist • meilleur est • es mejor • p meglio • battre ar •

linija • линия • file • Linie • colonne • linea • linea • linje • •

dijagonala • диагональ • diagonal • Diagonale • diagonale • diagonal • diagonal • diagonal •

centar • центр • centre • Zentrum • centre • centro • centro • centrum • •

kraljevo krilo • королевский фланг • king's side • K}nigsfl«gel • aile�roi • flanco de rey •
lato di R • kungsflygeln • •

damino krilo • ферзевый фланг • queen's side • Damenfl«gel • aile�dame • flanco de dama •
lato di D • damflygeln • •

slaba ta~ka • cлабый пункт • weak point • schwacher Punkt • point faible • punto dmbil • punto
debole • svaghet • •

zavr{nica • эндшпиль • ending • Endspiel • finale • final • finale • slutspel • •

lova~ki par • два слона • pair of bishops • Lauferpaar • paire de fous • pareja de alfiles •
la coppia degli alfieri • l}parpar • •

raznobojni Iоvci • paзноцветныe слоны • bishops of opposite color • ungleichfarbige Laufer •

fous de couleurs opposmes • alfiles de distinto color • alfieri di colore diverso • l}pare med
olika farg • •

istobojni lovci • oдноцветныe слоны • bishops of the same color • gleichfarbige Laufer • fous
de mqme couleur • alfiles del mismo color • alfieri di colore uguale • I}pare med samma farg •

vezani pe{aci • связанные пешки • united pawns • verbundene Bauern • pions lims • peones
unidos • pedoni uniti • garderade b}nder • •

razdvojeni pe{aci • изолированные пешки • separated pawns • isolierte Bauern • pions isolms •
peones aislados • pedoni isolati • isolerade b}nder • •

udvojeni pe{aci • сдвоенные пешки • double pawns • Doppelbauern • pions doublms • peones
dobles • pedoni doppi • dubbel b}nder • •

slobodan pe{ak • npoxoдная пешка • passed pawn • Freibauer • pion passm • peón pasado •
pedone libero • fribonde • •

prednost u broju pe{aka • npeимуществo в числе пешек • advantage in number of pawns • im

Bauernmehrbesitz • avantage quantitatif en pions • ventaja en el nõmero de peones • vantaggio
quantitativo dei pedoni • f}rdel i antal b}nder • •

vreme • время • time • Zeit • temps • tiempo • tempo • tid • •

86/203 [ahovski informator • Шахматный информатор • Chess Informant • Schach�informator •

Informateur d'mchecs • Informador ajedrecistico • Informatore scacchistico • Schack�informator •

E 12 Enciklopedija {ahovskih otvaranja • Энциклопедия шахматных дебютов • Encyclopaedia of Chess

Openings • Enzyklopadie der Schacher}ffnungen • Encyclopmdie des ouvertures d'mchecs •
Enciclopedia de aperturas de ajedrez • Enciclopedia delle aperture negli scacchi • Encyklopedi
}ver spel}ppningar i schack • •

Ë 3/b Enciklopedija {ahovskih zavr{nica • Энциклопедия шахматных oкончаний • Encyclopaedia of Chess

Endings • Enzyklopadie der Schachendspiele • Encyclopmdie des finales d'mchecs • Enciclopedia de
finales de ajedrez • Enciclopedia dei finali negli scacchi • Encyklopedi }ver slutspel i schack •

novost • новинкa • a novelty • eine Neuerung • nouveautm • novedad • un'innovazione • nyhet •

{ampionat • чемпионат • championship • Meisterschaft • championnat • campeonato •

campionato • masterskap • •

me|uzonski turnir • межзональный турнир • interzonal tournament • Interzonenturnier • tournoi

interzonal • torneo interzonal • torneo interzonale • interzonturnering • •

turnir kandidata • турнир претендентов • candidates' tournament • Kandidatenturnier • tournoi

des candidats • torneo de candidatos • torneo dei candidati • kandidatturnering • •

me~ • матч • match • Wettkampf • match • encuentro • match • match • •

olimpijada • олимпиада • olympiad • Olympiade • olympiade • olimpiada • olimpiade •

olympiad • •

dopisna partija • партия по переписке • correspondence game • Fernpartie • partie par

correspondance • partida por correspondencia • partita per corrispondenza • korrespondensparti •

primedba redakcije • примечание редакции • editorial comment • Anmеrkung der Redaktion •

remarque de la rmdaction • nota de la redacción • nota redazionale • redaktionens anmarkning •

razni potezi • paзныe ходы • various moves • verschiedene Z«ge • diffmrents coups • diferentes
movidas • mosse varie • olika drag • •

sa • c • with • mit • avec • con • con • med • •

bez • без • without • ohne • sans • sin • senza • utan • •

itd. • и.т.д. • etc • usw. • etc. • etc • ecc • o.s.v. • •

vidi • смотри • see • siehe • voir • ved • vedi • se • •

128/49. B 29
Stavanger 2016

1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íf6 3. e5 Íd5 4. Íc3 Íc3 5. Êe5 Ëf8 [15... Êf6 16. Êc7#] 16. Ìh4
dc3 Íc6 6. Ìf4 Êb6!? 7. Êc1 [7. b3 Ñ Ëf7 17. Ìf7 Íc6
121/51] f6 8. Ìc4 N [8. a4!? g5 9. a5 Ía5 10.
Ìe3 Íc6 11. ef6 ef6 12. Ìc4î; 8. Ìg3] g5 9. e1rQ 1 1
Ìg3 g4 Yy1yYf1y
e1r1qR E Wt1 1 R
Yy1yY 1y 1 Y S 1
Wt1 Y 1 1 1 1 F
1 Y H 1 1 H 1 1
1f1 1y1 hHh1 HyH
1 H 1gF D 1 A D
hHh1 HhH 18. Êg3! [18. Êh8 Èc7 19. Ëb1 (19. Ëd1
D S A 1d Êb2 20. Ìe7 Íe7 21. Êe5 Èb6 22. Êe7
Êc3 23. Èe2 Êc2 24. Èe1 Êc3 25. Èe2=)
d6 20. Êh7 Ìf4 21. Ëg2¥] Êb2 19. Ëd1
10. ef6!! [10. Íh4 Íe5 11. Ìe5 fe5Õ] gf3 Êc2 20. Ìd5! Êf5 [20... a5 21. Ëg2 Ëa6 22.
11. Êf4 fg2 12. Ëg1 Ía5?! [12... Èd8 13. Ìc6 Ëc6 23. Êe5+»] 21. Ëg2 Ìf4 [21...
0-0-0 e5 14. Êe4 Èc7 15. f7 d6 16. f4î; Íe5 22. Êg8 Ìf8 (22... Èc7 23. Ìe7+»)
12... h5!? 13. Ëg2 Èd8 14. Ëd1 e5 15. Êe3 23. Ëg5+»] 22. Êf3 Èc7 [22... Íe5 23.
Èc7 16. f7 d6 17. Ìh4 Ìg4 18. f3 Ìd7 19. Ëg8 Èc7 24. Êe4 Êe4 25. Ìe4+»] 23.
Ëg8 Ìe7 20. Ìe7 Íe7 21. Ëh8 Ëh8 22. Ëg5 Êf8 [23... Êf6 24. Ëh5+»] 24. Ìg3 e5
Êg5 Íf5! 23. Êg8 Ëg8 24. fg8Ê Íe3 25. 25. Ëh5 a5 [25... h6 26. Ìc6 bc6 27. Ëe5
Ëd3 Íc2 26. Èd1 e4! 27. Ëd2 Êb2! 28. Ìd2 28. Ëd2 Êf3 29. Ëf5 Êg3 30. hg3+»]
Ëc2 Êb1 29. Ëc1 (29. Èd2? e3»+) Ìa4 26. Ëh7 Ëa6 27. Ëf7 Êe8 28. Èf1 Ìg3 29.
30. Ìb3 Êd3 31. Èe1 Êe3 32. Èd1=] 13. hg3 Êh8 30. Èg2 Íd8 31. Ëf8 Êg7 32.
f7 Èd8 14. Ìd5 Ìh6?! [14... d6! 15. 0-0-0 Ëh1 Ëh6 33. Ëh6 Êh6 34. Êf6 Êf6 35. Ëf6
Èc7 16. Ëg2 Ìh3! 17. Ëgg1 Íc6 18. Ìh4 d6 36. Èf3 b5 37. g4 Èd7 38. Ëh6
Íe5 19. Ëg8 Íg6 20. Êe4 Êb5Õ] 15. 1:0 Br. Tadi

128/19 A 33
V. TOPALOV 2780 — F. CARUANA 2794
Moscow (ct) 2016

1. c4 c5 2. Íf3 Íf6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íc6 5. Êd8=] Ìb5 22. cb5 Êf3 23. Ëd2 Ìf6 24.
Íc3 e6 6. g3 Êb6 7. Ídb5 Íe5 8. Ìf4 Ìb4 Èg8 [Ä 24... Èe8!¤] 25. Ìd6 Ëc8 26.
Ífg4 9. e3 [9. Êa4 Ñ 123/22] a6 10. Êa4 Êh3 Êe4 27. Ìd3 Êd5 28. Ìb4?! [Ä 28.
[10. h3 Ñ 78/(34)] Ëa7!? [10... Ëb8 11. Ìe2 Êf1 g6 29. Ìf4 h5 30. g5 Ìg5?! 31. e4 Ìf4
ab5 12. Íb5 g5 13. Ìg5Õ] 11. h3! [11. 32. ed5 Ìd2Õ; 30... Ìg7£] Êf3 29. Ìf1 h5!
Ía7? Êb2»+] 30. Ìg2 [30. gh5 Ëh5 31. Ìg2 Ëh3 32. Ìf3
d5¤; 30. g5 Ìg5 31. Ìg2 Êg4 32. Êg4 hg4
1r1qR E 33. Ëd7 Ëh2 34. Ìb7 Ëd8 35. Ëd8 Ìd8 36.
Ey1y1yYy Ìe1 f5¤] Êg4 31. Êg4 hg4 32. Ìd6 [32.
Ëd7 Ëh2 33. Ìb7 Ëb8 34. Ìe1 Ëb7! 35.
yW 1y1 1 Ëb7 Ëh1 36. Ëb6 Ëe1 37. Èc2 Ëe2»+] Ëc4
1g1 T 1 33. Èa2 Ëh2 34. Ìf1 Ëc1 35. Ìd3 Ìg5 36.
s1h1 Ft1
1 G H Hh 1
1 1q1
hH 1 H 1 1 1y1yY
D 1 Af1d Y 1y1 1
1h1 1 R
11... ab5! N [11... g5 12. hg4 gf4 13. gf4 Íg4
14. Ìh3¢] 12. Êb5 Êc6 13. hg4! [13. Êc6 1 1 Fy1
Íc6! (13... bc6?! 14. hg4 Íg4 15. f3¥) 14. H 1fH H
hg4 e5£] Êh1 [13... Íd3 14. Ìd3 Êh1 15.
Ìf1Õ] 14. Ìe5 [14. Êe5!?Õ] Êc6 15. Ìd4 aH D H E
Ëa8 [15... Ëa6 16. Êh5î] 16. a3!? Ìe7 1 E 1 1
[16... f6 17. g5 Êb5 18. Íb5 Èf7 19. gf6 gf6
20. Ìb6 h5 21. a4î Å Íc7, Ìa7] 17. Êh5!
[17. Ìg7 Ëg8 18. Ìd4 Ëg5 (18... Ëg4? 19. 36... Ìe7?! [36... Ìf4! 37. ef4 Èf8 38. a4
Êh5+») 19. Êb3¢] Èf8 [17... 0»0 18. f4 Å Èe7 39. b4 Ëg1! 40. a5 Ëg3 41. a6 Ëgh3 42.
Ìd3, 0-0-0ï] 18. 0-0-0 [Ä 18. c5! h6 19. a7 Ëh8»+] 37. e4 Ìc5 38. e5 Ëe1?! 39.
Ìb5 Êc7 20. Ìd3î] b6 19. Èb1 Ìa6 20. Ëc2! g5? [39... Èf8¤] 40. Ìg5 Ëe5 41. Ìf6
Íb5 Ëd8 21. Ìc3?! [21. g5 e5 22. Ìc3 Êg6 Ëd5 42. Ìe4 [42... Ëdh5 43. a4 Ëf2 44.
23. Êg6 hg6 24. Ìe5 Ëh1Õ; 21. Íd6!? Ëc5! Ëc5 45. Ìd4 Ëc4 46. Ìf2 Ëa4 47.
Ìd6 (21... Êd6 22. Ìg7 Èg7 23. Ëd6 Ìd6 Èb3 Ëe4 48. Ìb6Õ] 1/2 : 1/2
24. Êg5+») 22. Ìg7 Èg7 23. Êg5 Èf8 24. Z. Stamenkovi

A 33
1. c4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. Íc3 e6 6. g3 Êb6
7. Ídb5 Íe5 8. Ìf4 Ífg4
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
1 Êa4 Ìe5 Èd1 Íc7 Ía8 Èc2 e43 Èb3 Èc4
g51 Êf22 Íe5 Èd8 Êd4 Íc4 Êd24 Êb2 Ìg75 =
2 e3 Êa47 h39 Êb5 hg4!11 Ìd3 Ìf1 Êb313 Íb5
a66 Ëa78 ab5!10 Êc6 Íd312 Êh1 Êc6 f6 Ëa514 Õ

1 e1r1qR E a1112) 15. Íc5!! Ìc5 [15... Íc4 16.

Yy1y1yYy hg4 Íb6 17. Êc2 Êb5 18. Êh7 Èf7 19.
Êh5 Èg8=] 16. cd5 Êb6 17. hg4 Ìf2 18.
W 1y1 1 Êc2 Êb5 19. Êh7 Èf7 20. Ìe5 Êc4 21.
1g1 T 1 Èb1 fe5 22. Êh5 Èf6 23. Êh4 Èf7=;
s1h1 Ft1 a112) 12... Ìf2! 13. Ëd6 Ìe3 14.
1 G 1 H Èb1 Íc6¤;
hH 1hH H a12) 12. e3 a6 13. Íbc3 g5 14. Ìe5
D 1 Af1d fe5£;
a13) 12. f3! Íf2 13. Íf2 Ìf2Õ;
9... Ìe7?! 10. h3 g5 [10... Êf2 11.
Èd2 g5 12. Íe4 Êb6 13. c5¥] 11. hg4 gf4 a2) 11. b4
12. gf4 Íg4 13. e3 Êc6 [13... Èf8 14. Ìe2 a21) 11... Ìf2 12. c5 Êc6 [12... Êd8
Íf6 15. 0-0-0 d6 16. Êc2 Ìd7 17. Íd4 13. Íd6 Èf8 14. Èb1î] 13. e4î;
Ëc8 18. Èb1¥ Kreisl 2420 » Alexa. Don-
chenko 2570, Zalakaros 2015] 14. Ëg1 h5 a22) 11... Ìe7 12. c5 Êc6 13. Ëg1!
15. Ìg2 Êb6 16. Íe4¥ E. Romanov 2547 » a5 (Lushenkov 2425 » Ed. Andreev 2455,
Zherebukh 2445, Voronezh 2008 Ñ 104/(161); Odessa 2008 Ñ 104/(161))
9... Êf2 10. Èd2 Êc5 [10... Êb6 11. e1r1q1 E
Ìh3¥] 11. Íe4 [11. Èc2Õ] Êc6 12. Ìg2
Èd8 13. Ìg5î;
1y1yR Yy
9... Ìc5 10. 0-0-0
1w1yY 1
a) 10... f6
YgH T 1
a1) 11. Íe4 0»0
sH 1 Ft1
a11) 12. b4?
1 G 1 H
a111) 12... Ìe7 13. h3 Êc6! 14. Ìg2
h1 1hH H
d5 1 Ad1fD
a1111) 15. hg4 Êc4! 16. Èb1 [16.
Íec3?! a6!¤ Buhmann 2569 » A. Volokitin 14. Ëd6! Ìd6 15. Íd6 Èf8 16. h3 Íh6 17.
2684, Plovdiv 2008 Ñ 102/35; 16. Êc2 Êb5 Ìe5 fe5 18. Ícb5¥;
17. Íc3 Êc4 18. Ìe5 fe5 19. Êh7 Èf7 20. b) 10... 0»0 11. f3 Ìe3 [11... Íf2
Êh5 g6 21. Êh7 Èe8 22. Êg6 Èd8 23. 12. Ìe5 Íh1 13. Íc7 Ëb8 14. Í7d5 ed5
Êd3 Êd3 24. Ëd3 Ìd7£] de4 17. Ëd4 Êe2 15. Ìb8 dc4 16. Êc4 Íf2 17. Íd5¥] 12.
18. Ìe4 Ìd7 19. Ìh7 Èf7 20. Ëd7 Íd7 21. Èb1 Ìf4 13. gf4 Íf2 14. fe5 Íh1 15. Íe4
Íc7 Íb6 22. Êb3 Ëh8 23. Ìe3 Êc4£; Íf2 16. c5 Êa6 17. Íf6! gf6 [17... Èh8?

18. Êh4 h6 19. Êf2 Êb5 20. Íg4 b6 21. b) 12... Íf2 13. Íc7 Êc7 14. Èf2
Íh6 gh6 22. Êh4ï] 18. Êh4 Íd1 19. ef6 Êb6 15. Ìe3 Êb2 16. Êb3 Íd3 17. Èg2
Íc3 20. Íc3 Èh8 21. Íe4 Êa4 22. b3 Ìb4 18. Ëb1
Êd4 23. Êh6 Êd1 24. Èb2 Ëg8 25. Íd6
Êd4=; e1r1q1 E
9... a6 10. f3 g5 11. Ìg5 f6 [11... 1y1y1 1y
Íe3 12. Íc7 Êc7 13. Ìe3 Íc4 14. Ìd4 y1 1yY 1
Ëg8 15. e4¥] 12. Ìf4
1 1 1 1
e1r1qR E Rh1 1 1
1y1y1 1y 1sGtFhH
yW 1yY 1 hW 1h1aH
1g1 T 1 1d1 1f1d
s1h1 Ft1
1 G 1hH 18... Íe1! 19. Ëe1 Êb3 20. ab3 Ìc3 21.
Ëc1 Ìb4= Iturrizaga Bonelli 2528 » Holzke
hH 1h1 H 2524, Wijk aan Zee III 2009 Ñ 105/(20)
D 1 Af1d
2 10... Íe5 11. 0-0-0 a6 12. e3 Ëb8 13.
a) 12... Íe3 13. Íc7 Êc7 [13... Èf7 Íd4 Êc7 14. Ìe2 Ìe7 15. Èb1 Íc6 16.
14. Ía8 Êb2 15. Ìe3 Êc3 16. Èf2 Êa1 17. Ëc1 Êe5 17. Ëhd1 h5 18. Èa1 g4Õ Aronian
Íb6 Ìe7 18. Êb3 Íc6 19. Ìg2 Êe5 20. 2739 » P. Lmkó 2753, Morelia/Linares 2008
f4¥] 14. Ìe3 Íc4 [14... Êc4 15. Êc4 Íc4 Ñ 102/(35)
16. Ìd4 e5 17. Íd5¥] 15. Ìf4 Êc5 [15...
Êc6 16. Êc6 bc6 17. e4 Íe5 18. Ìe2 Ëb8 3 15. Èb3 Íd2 16. Èc2 Íc4 17. Èb3
19. 0-0-0 d5 20. Èc2¢; 15... e5 16. Ìc1 Ëb8 Íd2 18. Èc2 1/2 : 1/2 M. Carlsen 2776 »
17. e4 b5 18. Íd5 Êc6 19. Êc2¢ Íb6 20. L. Domtnguez Pmrez 2717, Linares 2009 Ñ
Êc6 dc6 21. Íf6 Èf7 22. Íg4] 16. Íe4 105/20
Êb4 17. Êb4 Ìb4 18. Èf2 f5 [18... Ìe7 19.
e3 Íe5 20. Ëc1 d5 21. Íc5¢] 19. b3 [19. e3 4 15... Íe3? 16. Èb3 Êd2
fe4 20. Ìc4 ef3 21. Ìd3! b5 22. Ìe4¥] fe4
20. bc4 b5 21. Ëb1 Ìc5 22. Ìe3 g1rQ R E
e1r1q1 E 1 1y1 1
1 1y1 1y 1 1 1 Y
y1 1y1 1 s1 1h1 1
1yR 1 1 1aG T H
1h1y1 1 hH W 1 H
1 1 FhH D 1 1f1d
h1 1hA H
1d1 1f1d 17. a3! Êc2 18. Èa2 Êa4 19. Ía4
a1) 22... Ìe7 23. Ìg2 0»0 [23... bc4 a) 19... b6 20. Ìb5 Ìb7 21. Í8b6
24. fe4 Ëf8 25. Èe1 e5 26. Ìf3¥] 24. f4 [24. ab6 22. Íb6 Ìe4 23. Ëhe1 Ìd5 [23... Ìc5
Ëhc1?! ef3 25. Ìf3 Ìb7=] bc4 25. Ìe4 d5 24. Íd7¥] 24. Íd5 [24. b3 Íc2Õ] Íd5 25.
26. Ìf3¥ Sargissian 2642 » B. Avrukh 2657 a4¥;
Dresden (ol) 2008 Ñ 104/161; b) 19... Íf1 20. Ëhf1 b5 [20... b6 21.
a2) 22... Ìe3 23. Èe3 bc4 24. Èe4 Ëac1 Ìb7 22. Íc7+»] 21. Í4b6! ab6 22.
Èe7 25. Èd4 d5 26. f4¢; Íb6 Ìb7 23. Ëf7 Ìc6 24. Ëd1

b1) 24... Ìe7?! 25. Ëf3! Êf3 31. Èb4 Êd1 32. Ìe2 Êd2 33. Èb3
b11) 25... Èc7?! Èe7¤;
a2) 25. Èc4 Êc2 26. Èb4 Êb2 27.
1 1 E Èc4 Êa1 [27... Êc2=] 28. Íb6! Êc1 [28...
1 QyR 1y ab6?? 29. Êa8 Èe7 30. Êa3 Èf6 31. Ìg2
Gr1y1 1 Ëc8 32. Èd3 Êb2 33. Êb2 Ìb2 34. Ëb1
1y1 1 Y Ìe5 35. Ìf3¥] 29. Èd3 Êd1 30. Èe3 f4 31.
1 1h1 1 gf4 Êc1 32. Èe2 Êc2 33. Èe1 Êc1=;
H 1 1dH b) 22. Êa7 Êc3 23. Èb5 Êc6 24.
aH 1 1 H Èa6 Êa4 25. Èb7 Êc6 26. Èa6 Êa4 27.
1 1d1 1 Èb7 Êc6 1/2 : 1/2 D. Sadzikowski 2500 »
An. Maksimenko 2495, Polska (ch) 2015
26. Íd7! Ëd8 [26... Ìd7 27. Ëc3 Èd8 28.
6 9... Êc6? 10. h3 Íf3 11. Èe2 Íge5
Ëcd3+»] 27. Ëc3! (1 : 0 Hi. Nakamura
12. b3 g5 13. Ìg2 gf4 14. ef4 a6 [14... Êb6
2776 » Sergey Karjakin 2760, Z«rich 2015
15. Ía4 Êd8 16. fe5 Íe5 17. Êd4 f6 18.
Ñ 123/22) Ëd7 28. Ëdc1 Ëd6 29. e5+»;
Ía7 Íc6 19. Ìc6 bc6 20. Íc8 Ëc8 21.
b12) 25... Èe8 26. Ëfd3 Ìe4 27. c5+» Romero Holmes 2526 » B. Hammar
Ëd7 Ìd5 28. Ë7d5 ed5 29. Íd5 Ìd8¥; 26... 2323, Mona 2009] 15. fe5 ab5 16. Ìf3 Êc5
h5!¥; 17. Íb5 Êe5 18. Èf1 Ìg7 19. a4! d5 [19...
b2) 24... Èe8 25. Ëdd7! Ìd7 26. Ëd7 Êa1 20. Êa1 Ìa1 21. Íc7 Èd8 22. Ía8
h5 27. Ëb7+» Ìd4 23. Èe2 Ëg8 24. b4 b6 25. Ëd1 e5 26.
Ëd4+»; 19... 0»0 20. Ëa2+»] 20. Ëc1
5 17... d5 18. Èd3 Ìg7 19. Íe2 Êa1 Ìd7 21. cd5 Ìb5 22. ab5 0»0 23. Èg2 ed5
20. Ìg2 Êe5 [20... Ìd7 21. Êa5 b6 22. [23... Ëfd8 24. Ëe1+»] 24. Ëe1 Êf6 25.
Íb6 de4 23. Ìe4+» R. Svane 2531 » An. Êd5+» Greenfeld 2560 » E. Liss 2480,
Heimann 2557, Biel 2015] 21. Êa7 de4 22. Rishon Le-Zion 1996 Ñ 68/(35)
Ìe4? f5¤; 22. Èe3¥;
7 10. Íc7 Êc7 11. Êg4
17... Ìg7 18. Êa5 b6 19. Êg5 f6 20.
Êb5 [20. Êg7? Ìa6 21. Èd4 Êf2#] e1r1qR E
g1rQ 1 E 1yWy1yYy
Y 1y1 Ry y1 1y1 1
Y 1yY 1 1 1 T 1
1s1 1 1 1h1 Fs1
1a1h1 1 1 G H H
1 G 1 H hH 1 H H
hW 1 1 H D 1 Af1d
D 1 1f1d a) 11... Êc6? 12. Ìe5 Êh1 13.
20... Ìa6! 21. Êa6 f5= 0-0-0!§;
a) 22. e5 Ìe5 23. Íb5 Êc2 24. Èb4 b) 11... d6 12. Êe2 Ìd7 [12... Íg6!?
Êb2= ^Ìf4] 13. Ìe5ì de5 14. Ìg2 Ìe7 [14...
Ëc8 15. 0»0] 15. 0»0 0»0 16. Ëac1 Ëac8
a1) 25. Èa4? Êa1 26. Êa7 Êa2 27.
Èb4 Êb1 28. Èa4 [28. Èa3?? Ìd6 29. 17. Ëfd1 Ëfd8
Èa4 Êd1#] Êe4 29. Èb3 Êh1 30. Íb6 b1) 18. c5 f5! 19. e4

1eE 1q1 a3) 16... Ëa5 17. a4 Ìd7 18. Ìd6
Ìd6 19. Íd6 Èe7 20. Íc4 Ëa4 21. Ëa4
1yWrR Yy Ìa4 22. e4 Ëc8 23. Èd3 Ìb5 1/2 : 1/2 L. Bo
y1 1y1 1 Hansen 2569 » Cu. Hansen 2618, Danmark
1 H Yy1 (ch) 2000 Ñ 78/(34);
1 1h1 1 b) 15... Ëa5 16. Íd6 [16. a4 Ìd7 17.
1 G 1 H Ëh5 Ìb4 18. Èe2 Èe7£ V. Jeremik 2519 »
hH 1sHfH Al. Kovajevik 2568, Srbija 2011] Ìd6 17.
Ìd6 f5= 18. e4 1/2 : 1/2 Vera Gonzclez-
1 Dd1 A -Quevedo 2444 » Y. Gonzclez Vidal 2481,
Santa Clara 2004
b11) 19... Ìg5?? 20. Ëb1 g6 [20... a5
21. ef5! ef5 22. Íb5! Ìb5 23. Êb5 Ëd1 24. 8 10... g5 11. Ìe5 Íe5 12. 0-0-0 Ìe7
Ëd1 e4 25. c6!¥] 21. b4¥ V. Anand 2725 » 13. Ìe2 0»0 14. Íd4 d6 [14... Êb4 15. Êb4
P. Lmkó 2625, Wijk aan Zee 1998 Ñ 65/38; Ìb4 16. f4 gf4 17. gf4 Íg6 18. h4 b6 19. h5
b12) 19... Ìc5! 20. ef5 ef5 21. Íd5 Íe7 20. Íe4¢ Vachier-Lagrave 2686 » L.
Êd6 22. Íe3 Ìd4 23. Ìb7£; Domtnguez Pmrez 2725, Istanbul (ol) 2012]
15. f4 Íc6 16. Íe4 Ìd7 17. Êb3 Êb3 18.
b2) 18. a3 f5 19. b4 e4 20. Ìf1 Å Íb3 Íb4 19. Íc3 Ëfd8 20. a3 Íc6 21. Íe4
Êa2=; gf4 22. gf4 Ìe8 23. Ëhg1 Èf8 24. Ëg3¢ J.
c) 11... Êc4! 12. Êh5 [12. Êg7?? Timman 2607 » J.-K.Duda 2553, Wijk aan
Êc3»+; 12. Êd1 Êc6 13. Ìe5 Êh1£] Íd3 Zee II 2014;
13. Ìd3 [13. Èd2 Íf4¤] Êd3£; 10... Ëb8 11. Ìe2 ab5 12. Íb5 g5
10. h3 ab5 11. hg4 Íc4 [11... Êc6!? 13. Ìg5 f6 14. Ìf4 Ëg8 [14... Íh6 15. 0-0-0
12. Ìe5 Êh1 13. Íb5 Ìb4 14. Èe2! 0»0 Íhf7 16. b4 Ìe7 17. c5 Ìc5 18. bc5 Êc5
15. a3 Ìe7 16. Ìd6 Ìd6 17. Íd6 b5!? 18. 19. Èb1 0»0 20. Ëc1¥ Bivol 2344 » Krush
cb5 Ìb7Õ] 12. Êb3 d5 13. Ìc4 [13. Êb5? 2468, Doha 2015] 15. h3 Íh6 16. 0-0-0 Èf7
Êb5 14. Íb5 Ìb4¤] dc4 14. Êb5 Êb5 15. 17. g4 Ëg6 18. Ëhg1§ I. Khairullin 2653 »
Íb5 A. Gabrielian 2560, Russia 2015
e1r1qR E 9 11. Ía7? Êb2»+
1y1 1yYy
10 1r1qR E
1 1y1 1
1g1 1 1 Ey1y1yYy
1y1 Fh1 yW 1y1 1
1 1 H H 1g1 T 1
hH 1 H 1 s1h1 Ft1
D 1 A 1d 1 G H Hh
hH 1 H 1
a) 15... Ìb4 16. Èe2 D 1 Af1d
a1) 16... 0»0 17. Ìd6 Ìd6 18. Íd6
e5 19. g5 Ìe6 [19... Ìg4!? 20. f3 Ìe6] 20. 11... g5 12. hg4 gf4 13. gf4 Íg4 [13... ab5
Ëh4 (1/2 : 1/2 B. Lalik 2585 » Emms 2535, 14. Êb5 Êb5 15. Íb5 Íc6 16. Ía7 Ía7
London 1997 Ñ 70/(36)) b5ì 21. Ëah1 h6 17. Ìd3 Ìg7 18. 0-0-0¥ Matlakov 2689 »
[21... Ëa2?? 22. Ëh7 Ëb2 23. Èf3+»] 22. A. Grischuk 2792, Dubai (blitz) 2014] 14.
a3 b4!|; Ìh3¢
a2) 16... Èe7!? 17. Ëhd1 Ìd7 18. 11 13. Êc6 Íc6! [13... bc6?! 14. hg4
Ìd6 Ìd6 19. Íd6 e5=; Íg4 15. f3¥] 14. hg4 e5£

12 13... Êh1 14. Ìe5 [14. Êe5!?Õ] Êc6 1
15. Ìd4 Ëa8 [15... Ëa6 16. Êh5î] 16. a3!?
Ìe7 [16... f6 17. g5 Êb5 18. Íb5 Èf7 19. 1 1y1yYy
gf6 gf6 20. Ìb6 h5 21. a4î] 17. Êh5! [17. Y 1yR 1
Ìg7 Ëg8 18. Ìd4 Ëg5 19. Êb3¢] Èf8 1h1 1 1s
[17... 0»0 18. f4 Å Ìd3, 0-0-0ï] F 1 1h1
e1r1 Q E H 1 HwH
1y1yRyYy H D H 1
1w1y1 1 1a1 1f1
1 1 1 1s 24...Èe8!¤;
1hF 1h1 a2) 21. g5 e5 22. Ìc3 Êg6 23. Êg6
H G H H hg6 24. Ìe5 Ëh1Õ;
H 1 H 1 a3) 21. Íd6!? Ìd6 22. Ìg7 Èg7 23.
D 1 Af1 Êg5 Èf8 24. Êd8=;
a) 18. 0-0-0 b6 19. Èb1 Ìa6 20. Íb5 b) 18. c5! h6 19. Ìb5 Êc7 20. Ìd3î
Ëd8 Z. Stamenkovik
a1) 21. Ìc3?! Ìb5 22. cb5 Êf3 23. 13 16. Ìd3 Êh1=
Ëd2 Ìf6 24. Ìb4 Èg8 25. Ìd6 Ëc8 26.
Êh3 Êe4 27. Ìd3 Êd5 (V. Topalov 2780 14 18. Ìb8 Ìe7 19. 0-0-0 0»0 20. Èb1
— F. Caruana 2794, Moscow (ct) 2016 Ñ Êe4 21. Ìd3 Êg4Õ F. Rambaldi 2554 »
128/19) 28. Êf1 g6 29. Ìf4 h5 30. g5 Ga. Nagy 2439, Wunsiedel 2016
Ìg7£; G. Arsovi



What happens when an established 2700+ player
leaves the comparative security of his accustomed
elite all-play-alls to meet the challenges and
uncertainties of a rough and tumble swiss system
open? Here, even a world class grandmaster may
suddenly find himself out of his comfort zone.

Michael ADAMS

Nevertheless, Michael Adams decided to take just such a “holiday”

from his usual round of super-tournaments and face all-comers in the
large scale British Championship. The question as to whether or not he
would win his fifth British title all depended on the last four rounds,
during which he had to encounter his most dangerous rivals...

I haven’t had a packed schedule recently, and when I sat down to play my
first round game in the British Championship it was three months and 15 days
since my last outing. Probably my longest break from competitive play since
I was at school! I wouldn’t really recommend this approach – arranging some
training games instead of watching cricket pre-tournament would have been a
good idea, but it seemed to work out alright in the end. I reached a respectable
5/6 at the end of the first week, although three of my games were none too
convincing. I began the second with a tough pairing – Black against second
seed David Howell, which, for a Berlin, was quite an eventful game.

Michael Adams
HOWELL 2663 –
ADAMS 2727
• Country: England
Great Britain (ch) (7), 2016
• Born: 1971
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 ¤f6 4.d3 ¥c5
• Rating: 2727
5.¥c6 dc6 6.¤bd2 00 7.£e2
The revolutionary way to treat the Berlin, • Peak rating: 2761
White’s plan of castling on the opposite side
to his opponent certainly changes the nature • Title: Grandmaster since 1989
of the game.

7...¦e8 8.¤c4 ¤d7 9.¥d2 ¤b6N the pawn on e5, but of course b6 is hardly an
[RR 9...¥d6 Perez Candelario 2527  ideal spot for Black’s knight which normally
Sargissian 2677, Villafranca de los Barros heads to e6 via f8.
2010  109/(187)]
XIIIIIIIIY 10.¤e3 [10.¤ce5?! f6 11.¤c4 ¤c4 12.dc4
¥f5 obviously doesn’t work.; 10.¤fe5 ¥d4
9r+lwqr+k+0 11.¥c3 ¥c3 12.bc3 is much more interesting
9zppzp-+pzpp0 but Black has a lot of options here: 12...f6
13.¤b6 ab6 is one reasonable idea.; 10.¤a5!?
9-snp+-+-+0 can be considered but David’s move is more
9+-vl-zp-+-0 compatible with White’s most ambitious plan
to castle queenside.]
9+-+P+N+-0 10...a5 [10...¥f8!? is another idea. I was
trying to avoid playing 10...f6 as this gives
9PzPPvLQzPPzP0 White a target on the kingside, but during
9tR-+-mK-+R0 the game I realised it’s not easy to do
without this move, so perhaps it was better
xiiiiiiiiy to play it now.]
A new move in response. Due to some tactical
points it’s not necessary to lose time defending 11.h4 [After 11.0–0–0 either 11...¥e6 or 11...

Chess Informant 129

a4 starts queenside action quickly. David’s 15.£e3 ¥g4 16.¦dg1

move is craftier, he begins his own play and XIIIIIIIIY
introduces the handy option to play ¤g5.]
XIIIIIIIIY 9r+-wqr+k+0
9r+lwqr+k+0 9+pzp-+-zpp0
9+pzp-+pzpp0 9-snp+-zp-+0
9-snp+-+-+0 9zp-+-zp-+-0
9zp-vl-zp-+-0 9-+-+P+lzP0
9-+-+P+-zP0 9+-+PwQN+-0
9+-+PsNN+-0 9PzPPvL-zP-+0
9PzPPvLQzPP+0 9+K+-+-tRR0
9tR-+-mK-+R0 xiiiiiiiiy
16...¥f3 [I calculated the unimportant line 16...
xiiiiiiiiy f5?! 17.ef5 ¤d5 18.£e4 ¤f6 19.£c4 £d5
11...¥d4 [11...¥e6 12.¤g5! is annoying. I 20.¦g4 e4 21.¦e4 winning for White, but missed
was still trying to avoid playing ...f7-f6 but the relevant 16...¤c4!? 17.dc4 ¥f3 18.£f3 £d2
again the immediate 11...f6 12.0–0–0 ¥e6 19.£f6 £e1! This was the detail I overlooked.
13.¢b1 £d7 looks sensible. If 11...¥f8 12.g4 20.¦e1 gf6 and a few moves have drained an
and White’s attack starts to look worryingly intriguing middlegame of all interest.]
17.£f3 ¢h8 18.£g3
12.0–0–0 ¥e6 13.¢b1 f6 [The other option is to try to treble on the
[13...¤a4 14.c3 doesn’t really go anywhere.] open line, rook first: 18.h5 £d6 19.£g2 ¦e7
XIIIIIIIIY 20.¦h3 (20.f4!?) ¤a4 21.¦g3 ¦g8 which also
looks to provide reasonable compensation.]
9+pzp-+-zpp0 18...¦e7 19.f4
Opening more dark squares is logical but it
9-snp+lzp-+0 allows my knight to get nearer to the kingside.
9zp-+-zp-+-0 19...¤c4 20.¥c1
9-+-vlP+-zP0 [After 20.¥c3 ef4 21.£f4 the handy
9+-+PsNN+-0 intermezzo 21...£d6! is an important detail,
then 22.£f2 ¤e5 23.h5 c5 and the impression
9PzPPvLQzPP+0 is similar  White has play but my position
9+K+R+-+R0 remains solid.]

xiiiiiiiiy 20...ef4 21.¥f4 ¤e5 22.¥e5

14.g4 [Very aggressive and certainly not [I was expecting 22.h5 £d6 but David was
bad, but there were two decent alternatives: already low on time and his move is equally
14.¦dg1!? ¤a4 15.¤d4 (15.¥c1?! £e7; good, as White will gain complete control of
15.¤d1!? leaves little to latch on to on the the only open file.]
queenside.) ed4 16.¤d1 c5 17.g4 leads to
very sharp play; 14.¤f5!? is also complex, 22...fe5 23.¦f1 £d6 24.¦f5 a4 25.a3 b5
but I think White is a little better here.] 26.¦hf1 ¦g8 27.¢c1
[The more direct 27.¦f8 seems better and
14...¥e3 I felt I had to grab the pawn although after 27...h6 28.h5 ¦f8 29.¦f8 ¢h7 30.£f2
obviously it is not without dangers. £e6 a draw is on the cards.]

Michael ADAMS

for White as his king will always feel a little


29.£e3 h6 30.¦g1
[30.¦f8 is met by 30...¦d7.]

30...¦e6 [As the only way to progress is to return

the pawn and try to exploit White’s isolated
pawns and airy king position, the immediate
30...ba3 31.ba3 c4 32.dc4 ¦d8 made sense.]

31.¦f7 ba3 32.ba3 c4 33 dc4 ¦f6 34.c5

34...£d8 [Originally I intended 34...£a6! 35
David Howell. Photo by David Llada
¦f6 (as 35 ¦c7 ¦f1 36.¦f1 £f1 37.¢b2 ¦b8
38.¢c3 £a1 wins) £f6 which looks more
27...c5 28.h5 active than the game.]
35.¦f1!? [I had only considered 35.¦f6 £f6
9-+-+-+rmk0 and this caused a bit of panic.]
9+-zp-tr-zpp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-wq-+-+0 9-+-wq-+rmk0
9+pzp-zpR+P0 9+-zp-+Rzp-0
9p+-+P+-+0 9-+-+-tr-zp0
9zP-+P+-wQ-0 9+-zP-zp-+P0
9-zPP+-+-+0 9p+-+P+-+0
9+-mK-+R+-0 9zP-+-wQ-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+P+-+-+0
David offered a draw here but as the
momentum of the game was positive, and my
clock and board position are somewhat better, xiiiiiiiiy
I was happy to continue. 35...¦f7? [35...¦f1! 36.¦f1 £h4 was
obviously correct as White’s rook is less
28...b4 Practically, now things are not simple impressively placed.]

Chess Informant 129

36.¦f7 c6 40...£e6 41.¢b4 £a2

XIIIIIIIIY [I didn’t consider the best move 41...g5! at
all. Importantly, this leaves White without a
9-+-wq-+rmk0 particularly useful move: 42.¢a5 (42.¢a4?
9+-+-+Rzp-0 £c4 wins immediately) g4 43.¢b6 ¦g7
neutralises the active rook.]
9+-zP-zp-+P0 42.¢a5 £c2 43.£e5 £d3
9zP-+-wQ-+-0 9-+-+-+rmk0
9-+P+-+-+0 9+R+-+-zp-0
9+-mK-+-+-0 9-+p+-+-zp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9mK-zP-wQ-+-0
37.¢b2? [37.¦a7! £h4 38.¦a6 was better, 9p+-+P+-+0
as the rook can block checks on the b-file if 9zP-+q+-+-0
37...£d1! 9+-+-+-+-0
David may have overlooked that this square
was made available by White’s last move. xiiiiiiiiy
44.¢b6? [The counter-intuitive 44.¦b8!,
38.¦b7 £h5 39.£g3 swapping my passive rook, holds the draw:
Although I have two connected passed pawns 44...¦b8 45.£b8 ¢h7 and either 46.e5 £c3
on the kingside, my passively placed pieces (46...£a3 47.£b1 ¢g8 48.£b8=) 47.¢b6
mean they won’t be moving forward very £a3 48.¢c6 £f3 49.¢d7 £d5 50.£d6 £b7
quickly. 51.£c7 or 46 £b4 £d8 (46...h5 47.e5 £d5
48.¢b6) 47.¢a4 h5 48.e5 £d5 look likely to
39...£e8 lead to a draw.]
44...£a3 45.¢c6 £d3
9-+-+q+rmk0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+R+-+-zp-0 9-+-+-+rmk0
9-+p+-+-zp0 9+R+-+-zp-0
9+-zP-zp-+-0 9-+K+-+-zp0
9p+-+P+-+0 9+-zP-wQ-+-0
9zP-+-+-wQ-0 9p+-+P+-+0
9-mKP+-+-+0 9+-+q+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
40.¢c3 [A creative final move before the
time control. Upon 40.¦b4, keeping the xiiiiiiiiy
rook active, I wanted to play 40...£e7 (The 46.¦b8 [The best try but one that is less
fearless machine suggests 40...g5 and it is effective here. 46.¦a7 a3 47.£d5 £h3 leaves
true the black rook is handily placed behind White’s king too exposed; 46.£d5 is another
the g-pawn.) 41.¦a4 £c5] logical line: 46...£a6 47.¦b6 £a8 48.¢b5

Michael ADAMS

a3 49.£e5 ¢h7 50.£f5 g6 is winning but is 52.¢d6 £f5 53.ef5 a2 54.c7 a1£ 55.c8£
not a line that inspired confidence in me at ¢h7
the board.] XIIIIIIIIY
46...¦b8 [I rejected 46...£a6 47.¦b6 £c8? 9-+Q+-+-+0
due to 48.¢b5 with the threat of ¦h6 mate! 9+-+-+-zpk0
However after 47...£c4! White’s king is still
too exposed to set up the mating threat as 9-+-mK-+-zp0
48.¢b7 is met by 48...£f7.] 9+-+-+P+-0
47.£b8 ¢h7 48.£e5 9-+-+-+-+0
[Again the best try as 48.e5 a3 49.e6 a2 9+-+-+-+-0
50.£a7 £e4 wins easily.]
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9wq-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-zpk0 xiiiiiiiiy
Two new queens are on the board, but things
9-+K+-+-zp0 are still not completely clear. If White can
9+-zP-wQ-+-0 give up his pawn but get his king to the right
corner square of the board, without my pawns
9p+-+P+-+0 advancing too far, the position is a theoretical
9+-+q+-+-0 draw. However with little time remaining
there is virtually no chance to carry out this
9-+-+-+-+0 tricky operation.
9+-+-+-+-0 56.¢d5 [56.£e6! is best and might
xiiiiiiiiy save the day with correct play: 56...£f6!
48...£a6 [The strongest move, the geometrical (56...£d4?! 57.¢e7 £h4 58.¢f7 £h5??
48...£f1!, wasn’t easy to spot: 49.¢d7 a3 59.¢f8, when White mates, is certainly
50.£d5 £f2 51.c6 a2 winning.] not a good option!) 57.¢d5 (57.£f6 gf6
58.¢d5 ¢g7 59.¢e4 ¢f7 60.¢f4 ¢e7
49.¢d5 [49.¢d7 £b7! (49...a3? 50.c6 a2 61.¢g4 ¢d6 62.¢h5 ¢e5 wins) £g5!
51.£f5 =) 50.¢d8 a3 again winning.] (57...h5? 58.£f6 gf6 59.¢e4 with a draw,
was a line given by Alexander Baburin in
49...a3 50.£f5 ¢g8 51.c6 Chess Today) 58.¢e4!
9-+-+-+k+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-zp-0 9+-+-+-zpk0
9q+P+-+-zp0 9-+-+Q+-zp0
9+-+K+Q+-0 9-+-+K+-+0
9-+-+P+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9zp-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 A) 58...h5 59.¢f3 £g4 60.¢f2 h4 61.£d5
xiiiiiiiiy £g3 62.¢f1 £g5 63.¢f2 ¢h6 (63...h3
51...£b5! [51...a2? 52.£e6 ¢h8 53.c7] 64.£f3! h2 65 £d1!=) 64.£e6 £f6 65.¢g2

Chess Informant 129

¢g5 66.£e3 ¢f5=; 57...h5 58.£c6 [58.¢f4 £f2 59.¢g5 h4

60.£c6 £g3 61.¢h5 h3 and White is
B) 58...£g2 59.¢e3 h5 60.£f7 £g3 61.¢e2 helpless.]
£g4 62.¢f1 h4 63.f6 £f3 64.¢g1 £f6 is a
tablebase draw but of course defending this 58...£e2 59.¢f4 £g4 60.¢e5
position, especially with little time on the [60.¢e3 £f5 wins.]
clock, is no picnic.]
60...h4 61.£c2 £g5 62.¢e4 £g4 63.¢e5
56...£a2 [This does drive White’s king where h3 64.£f2
it wants to go, so 56...h5 57.£e6 (57.£e8?! [64.f6 £g6 decides.]
£a5!) £g1 was simpler.]
XIIIIIIIIY 64...£h5 65.£h2
9+-+-+-zpk0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-zp0 9+-+-+-zpk0
9+-+K+P+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-mKP+q0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9q+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+p0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-wQ0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
57.¢e5 [57.¢e4 also makes sense but doesn’t xiiiiiiiiy
seem to work: 57...£g2 58.¢e3 h5 65...£h4 [65...g6!? 66.¢f4 £f5? (66...gf5!
still wins) 67.¢g3 is what White is hoping for.]
A) 59.f6!? £g5 60.¢f2 £f6 61.¢g2
XIIIIIIIIY 66.£c2 £g5
9+-+-+-zpk0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-wq-+0 9+-+-+-zpk0
9+-+-+-+p0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-mKPwq-0
9-+-+-+K+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+p0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+Q+-+-+0
Now it appears White has achieved his aim 9+-+-+-+-0
but the threat of a queen exchange means
his king will get displaced again. 61...£g5 xiiiiiiiiy
62.¢f1 £f4 63.¢g2 (63.¢e1 h4  +) 67.£f2 [After 67.£h2 I was intending
£g4 64.£g4 hg4 65.¢g3 ¢h6 66.¢g4 67...£e3 68.¢d5 £d3 69.¢e5 £f3 which
¢g6  +; seems to work: 70.£c2 £g2 71 £d1 £g3
72.¢e6 £e3 73.¢f7 h2]
B) 59.£e8 £g5 60.¢f2 £f5 61.¢g2
(61.¢e2 h4  +) £g6  +] 67...g6 68.¢d4 £f5

Michael ADAMS
9-+-+-+-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-+-+k0 9r+-wq-trk+0
9-+-+-+p+0 9+p+nvlpzpp0
9+-+-+q+-0 9p+-zplsn-+0
9-+-mK-+-+0 9+-+-zp-+-0
9+-+-+-+p0 9P+-+P+-+0
9-+-+-wQ-+0 9+-sN-vL-zP-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-zPP+NzPLzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
With White’s pawn annexed and his king cut
off, the rest is not too difficult. xiiiiiiiiy
This position could be compared with some
69.£h4 ¢g7 70.£g3 g5 71 £c7 ¢g6 6.¥e2 e5 lines where White’s knight lands on
72.£b7 ¢h5 73.¢e3 h2 74.£h1 £f4 b3, I think White has a slightly more flexible
75.¢e2 g4 76.£d5 ¢h4 77.£d8.¢g3 set up here. One advantage is that a black
0 :1 Adams knight on b6 can now be neutralised by White
playing b2-b3.
My co-leader on 6/7, surprise package David [I decided 11.h3 wasn’t essential yet.]
Eggleston, whose Elo rating had sunk much
too low prior to this tournament, was next 11...¤g4 12.¥d2 ¤gf6
up. I quite liked the way I played this game, This means I have gained the “free” move
despite taking two moves to transfer my rook ¥d2, but it doesn’t matter too much.
from d1 to d3.
Michael Adams. Photo by Brendan O'Gorman

ADAMS 2727 –
Great Britain (ch) (8), 2016

1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 d6 3.d4 ¤f6 4.¤c3 cd4 5.¤d4

a6 6.g3 e5 7.¤de2 ¥e7 8.¥g2 00 9.00
[9.a4 is premature due to 9...¤c6.]

[9...b5 is a more popular theoretical line
here, but there is always something to be
said for developing your pieces. RR Adams
2744  Van Wely 2640, Wijk aan Zee 2016
 127/84]

10.a4 ¤bd7
[Now 10...¤c6 can be met by 11.¤d5 ¥d5

Chess Informant 129
[12...£c7 was another option.] 9r+-+-+k+0
13.a5N [RR 13.¤c1 A. Sorcinelli  J. Gesicki, 9+q+lvlpzp-0
Internet 2012]
13...£c7 14.b3 ¦fc8 9+-+-zp-+-0
[Black could play 14...¦ac8 15.¦a2 ¦fe8 when
he is well placed to react to developments, but 9-+-+P+-+0
it’s not easy to see an active plan.; 14...£c6 9+PsN-vL-zPP0
15.¥e3 prevents d5.]
15.¦a2 Covering c2 so the knight can move. 9wQ-+R+-mK-0
15...b5 [Waiting with 15...h6 was also xiiiiiiiiy
possible.] 21...£c8 [21...¦cc8 is well met by 22.g4!
¥c6 (22...h5 23.g5 ¤h7 24.h4±) 23.¤g3±;
16.ab6 ¤b6 17.£a1 £b7 18.¦d1 The correct move was not easy to see: 21...
XIIIIIIIIY a5! 22.¤d5!? (22.¦a5?! ¦a5 23.£a5 ¤c4
24.£a7 I got this far but failed to realise
9r+r+-+k+0 24...£c8 renews the threat to trap White’s
9+q+-vlpzpp0 queen: 25.¦a1 ¤e3 26.£e3 ¥d8÷) ¤bd5
23.ed5 ¦cc8!? (23...¦ca6 24.¤c3²)]
9+-+-zp-+-0 22.¢h2 Now Black’s pieces have lost co-
ordination and it’s not easy to get it back.
9+PsN-+-zP-0 22...¥d8 23.¦d2?!
[Bearing in mind my next move, 23.¦d3!
9R+PvLNzPLzP0 should be considered.]
xiiiiiiiiy 9r+qvl-+k+0
18...¥d7 [18...¤bd7!?, aiming to implement 9+-+l+pzp-0
the same idea with ...¤c5, maintains better
harmony and improves Black’s worst piece. 9psnrzp-sn-zp0
19.h3 ¤c5 (19...h6 20.g4!) 20.¥g5!²] 9+-+-zp-+-0
19.¥g5 [Necessary as 19.¥e3 ¥c6 is 9-+-+P+-+0
disruptive.] 9+PsN-vL-zPP0
19...¦c6 [19...¥c6 20.¥f6 gf6 21.g4! leaves 9R+PtRNzPLmK0
the white squares looking inviting for my 9wQ-+-+-+-0
20.h3 [20.¦d3!? h6 21.¥e3 meets with a 23...h5 [I was expecting Black to give up one
surprising tactical concept, 21...a5!, and of his weak pawns to look for counterplay
if 22.¦a5 ¦a5 23.£a5 ¤c4 24.£a1 ¤e3 with 23...a5 24.¤b5 £b8 25.¤ec3 a4 26.¤a4
25.¦e3 ¥d8 Black is very comfortable.] ¤a4 27.¦a4 ¦a4 28.ba4 although it falls
short of full compensation.]
20...h6 21.¥e3
[The deep 21.¥c1!? has its points as it 24.¦d3 [Originally I was intending 24.¤d5!?
prevents 21...a5 in the next note.] ¤bd5 25.ed5 ¦c7 26.¥b6?! (26.c4! or 26.f4!

Michael ADAMS

keep some advantage) ¦b7 27.¥d8 £d8 27.f4! A good moment to open the kingside
28.¦a6 ¦a6 29.£a6 £c7 but the price paid with Black passively placed.
for winning a pawn is too high  Black has fine
compensation. All the black pieces remaining 27...¥f6 [27...¦c2!? is a radical way to try to
on the board are happily situated.; 24.f4! was change the momentum of the game: 28.£c2
better, then 24...h4 worried me but 25.gh4 (but ¥b5 29.¦d1 ¤d7±]
not 25.g4 ¥g4!) is ugly but quite effective.]
XIIIIIIIIY 28.fe5 ¥e5 29.¤bd4 ¦c8
[If 29...h4 30.¤c6 hg3 31.¤g3 ¥c6 32.¥d4
9r+qvl-+k+0 exchanges Black’s bishop.]
30.¤f3 ¥e6
9psnrzp-sn-+0 [Instead 30...¥b5 looks stronger: 31.¦d2!
9+-+-zp-+p0 (31.c4 ¤c4 32.bc4 ¥c4 and the passed pawn
is useful.) ¤f6 remains a bit better for White.
9-+-+P+-+0 32.¤e5 de5 33.¥g5 ¤h7 (33...¤bd7 34.c4
9+PsNRvL-zPP0 ¥c6 35.¤c3±) 34.¥e7!±]

9R+P+NzPLmK0 31.¤f4 [I originally wanted to play 31.¤ed4!?

9wQ-+-+-+-0 ¤d7 32.¤e6 (32.¤f5!?) fe6 33.¥d4 which
leaves Black with a lot of weaknesses and no
xiiiiiiiiy activity.]
24...¤e8? [24...h4 25.g4 ¤h7 26.£c1 a5
27.£d2 keeps control. Clearly, retreating the 31...¥f4 [31...¤d7!? 32.¤e6 (32.¤g5 h4 is
knight is not helpful, but it is not so easy for less clear cut.) fe6 33.¥d4 transposes to the
Black to find the correct idea: 24...a5! 25.£d1 last note.]
(Amusingly 25.¦d2!? might be best: 25...a4
26.¤b5 £b8 27.¤ec3 ab3 28.cb3²) ¥e7 32.gf4 [32.¥f4!? a4 33.¤g5 is also pretty
26.f4 (26.¤b5 £b8 27.¤ec3 h4 28.g4 d5! good.]
gives good counterplay.) a4 27.¤d5 ¤bd5
28.ed5 ¦ca6 29.fe5 de5 30.d6 ¥d8 with a 32...a4 33.¤g5 ab3 34.¦a8
complete mess.] XIIIIIIIIY
25.£d1 a5 [25...h4 26.g4 a5 27.f4±] 9Rwqr+n+k+0
26.¤b5 [26.f4!?]
26...£b8 9+-+-+-sNp0
9rwq-vln+k+0 9+p+RvL-+P0
9+-+l+pzp-0 9-+P+-+LmK0
9-snrzp-+-+0 9+-+Q+-+-0
9zpN+-zp-+p0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+-+P+-+0 34...¤a8
9+P+RvL-zPP0 [After this, with both knights spectators on
the back rank, Black is swiftly overrun. There
9R+P+NzPLmK0 was an interesting tactical line: 34...bc2
9+-+Q+-+-0 35.¦b8 cd1£ 36.¦c8 £a4™ (36...£d3??
Chess Informant 129
9-+R+n+k+0 and the pieces should eventually overcome
9+-+-+pzp-0 the queen: 39...¥c4 (39...d5 40.¤e6 fe6
41.ed5 £f4 42.¥g3 £c4 43.¦d2) 40.¦d4
9-sn-zpl+-+0 £c7 41.¥g3 f6 42.¤f3 £c5 43.¦d2]
9q+-+PzP-+0 35.cb3 g6 [35...¤f6 36.¤e6 fe6 37.¦d6+ ]
9+-+RvL-+P0 36.f5 d5 [36...¥d7 37.fg6 fg6 38.£f1+ ]
9+-+-+-+-0 37.¢h1
xiiiiiiiiy XIIIIIIIIY
Now there are two roughly equivalent options:
A) 37.¦d8!? is also sensible 37...¤c4 38.¦d4 9+-+-+p+-0
£b5 39.¥f2 ¢f8! (39...¥d7 40.¥f1! £b2
41.¢g1!+ ); 9-+-+l+p+0
A1) 40.¥f1!? £b2 41.¢g1 ¢e7! (41...¤d2 9+-+p+PsNp0
42.¦4d6+ ) 42.¤e6 ¤d2 43.¦e8 ¢e8
44.¤g7 ¢f8 45.¦d2 £d2 46.¤h5 looks 9-+-+P+-+0
less convincing.; 9+P+RvL-+P0
A2) 40.f5! ¢e7 (40...¥d7 41.¦c4 £c4
42.¦d7+ ) 41.fe6 £g5 42.¦e8 ¢e8 43.ef7 9-+-+-+L+0
¢f7 44.¦c4 and White should win. 9+-+Q+-+K0
B) 37.¦e8!? was my intention, which has the xiiiiiiiiy
advantage of simplifying matters 37...gf5 [37...de4 38.fe6 ed3 39.ef7 ¢f8
XIIIIIIIIY 40.£f3 threatens ¤h7 or ¤e6.]
9-+-tRnmk-+0 38.ed5 ¥d7 39.£h5 ¤d6 40.¥f4 £b4
9+-+-+pzp-0 [40...¥e8 41.£h7 ¢f8 42.¦e3+ ]
9+q+-+-sNp0 41.£h7
1 :0 Adams
9+-+-+-+P0 With such a mixed field I was far from the only
9-+-+-vLLmK0 participant with a substantial plus score, and
9+-+-+-+-0 found I was facing Gawain Jones who was only
half a point behind. A draw seemed like a good
xiiiiiiiiy result from my point of view before the game,
37...£e8 38 ¥b6 £b8 39.¥f2 but when Gawain proposed peace in the early
XIIIIIIIIY middlegame, I liked my position so much that
continuing the game was the only choice.
9+-+-+pzp-0 A14
9-+-zpl+-+0 JONES 2650 —
9+-+-+-sNp0 ADAMS 2727
9-+-+PzP-+0 Great Britain (ch) (9), 2016
9-+-+-vLLmK0 1.c4 e6 2.g3 d5 3.¥g2 ¤f6 4.¤f3 ¥e7 5.00
00 6.b3 c5 7.e3 ¤c6 8.¥b2 d4
9+-+-+-+-0 A popular and ambitious way to play. If things
Michael ADAMS

go well there is a considerable upside, but the 15...£c7

number of tempi Black is missing seems a bit XIIIIIIIIY
9.ed4 cd4 10.¦e1 ¦e8 11.d3 ¥c5 9zppwq-+pzpp0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-vl-sn-+0
9r+lwqr+k+0 9+-+-zp-+-0
9zpp+-+pzpp0 9-+Pzp-+-+0
9-+n+psn-+0 9+P+P+-zP-0
9+-vl-+-+-0 9PvLQ+-zPLzP0
9-+Pzp-+-+0 9tRN+-tR-mK-0
9+P+P+NzP-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9PvL-+-zPLzP0 16.¤d2?
9tRN+QtR-mK-0 [16.¥a3! was really required now (when
16...¥a3 17.¤a3 ¥d7 is a good simple
xiiiiiiiiy option) but 16...£a5 17.£c1 ¥a3 18.¤a3
12.¤e5 [The most common option is 12.a3 a5 ¥f5 19.¥b7 ¦ab8 is a more aggressive idea.]
13.¤bd2 (13.¤e5!?) e5 14.¤g5 but swapping
knights directly is certainly logical given 16...¥f5 17.¦e2
White’s space disadvantage. RR Bauer 2658 [White needs a tactical solution to activate
 Fressinet 2708, France (ch) 2014  121/8] his pieces but 17.c5 ¥c5 18.¦ac1 ¦ac8
19.¥a3 ¥a3! 20.£c7 ¥c1 is good for Black.
12...¤e5 13.¦e5 ¥d6 14.¦e1 21.£a5? b6 22.£b4 a5]
[14.¥d4!? ¥e5 15.¥e5]
17...¦e7 18.¦ae1 ¦ae8
14...e5 With all the rooks occupying the same
XIIIIIIIIY file, White’s lack of elbow room grows in
9zpp+-+pzpp0 19.a3 a5
9-+-vl-sn-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-zp-+-0 9-+-+r+k+0
9-+Pzp-+-+0 9+pwq-trpzpp0
9+P+P+-zP-0 9-+-vl-sn-+0
9PvL-+-zPLzP0 9zp-+-zpl+-0
9tRN+QtR-mK-0 9-+Pzp-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zPP+P+-zP-0
15.£c2N [Here or on the next move Gawain 9-vLQsNRzPLzP0
had to commit to 15.¥a3 as in the game his 9+-+-tR-mK-0
dark squared bishop becomes a very sad
piece: 15...¥g4 (RR 15...a5 Breutigam 2380 xiiiiiiiiy
 Gutov 2384, Berlin (rapid) 2015) 16.£d2 20.£b1 [Gawain already has rather serious
¦b8 is a decent reply; RR Szekely 2425  problems due to the sensitive pawns on a3
Makropoulos 2475, Plovdiv 1981] and d3, therefore there was a case for the

Chess Informant 129

Gawain Jones. Photo by David Llada

radical 20.¤e4! ¤e4 21.¥e4 ¥e4 22.de4 good, as it’s very difficult for some serious e4
¦e6 23.£d3 followed by a4 and ¥c1–d2.] breakthrough to be averted: 23.g4 (23.¥c1 e4!
24.¤h4 ¥h7) ¥h7 24.g5 ¤h5 25.¥c1 e4!]
20...¥c5 21.h3
[The most practical approach still seems to be 23.£d1 £d6 24.¥c1
21.¤e4 ¤e4 22.¥e4 ¥e4 23.de4 h5. White’s XIIIIIIIIY
position is not a bed of roses but at least there
is a clear plan.] 9-+-+r+k+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-wq-sn-zp0
9-+-+r+k+0 9zp-vl-zp-+-0
9+pwq-trpzp-0 9-+Pzp-+-+0
9-+-+-sn-zp0 9zPP+P+NzPP0
9zp-vl-zpl+-0 9-+-+RzPL+0
9-+Pzp-+-+0 9+-vLQtR-mK-0
9zPP+P+-zPP0 xiiiiiiiiy
24...e4! [The improving move 24...b6 is
9-vL-sNRzPL+0 also not bad as the tactical try 25.¦e5 ¦e5
9+Q+-tR-mK-0 26.¦e5 ¦e5 27.¥f4 ¤d7 28.b4 ab4 29.ab4
¥b4 30.¤e5 (30.£a4 ¦a5!) ¤e5 31.£a4 f6
xiiiiiiiiy doesn’t work out, but everything is ready for
22.¤f3 [22.g4 ¥h7 23.¤e4 ¤e4 24 ¥e4 this thematic breakthough.]
¥e4 25.¦e4 £d6 hits the pawn and the
queen switches to g6, next probing White’s 25.de4 [The computer, which is obviously not
vulnerable kingside.] too bothered by claustrophobia, suggests 25.¤h2
but 25...e3 26.¤f1 ¥a3 (26...¥g6!?) 27.¥a3 ef2
22...¥h7 [The direct 22...£d6!? was also pretty 28.¢f2 ¦e2 29.¦e2 ¦e2 30.£e2 £a3 31.¤d2

Michael ADAMS

a4 32 £e5 ¥g6 should be good enough.] 33 ¤f1 £d6! 34.¤e3 £g3 35.¢h1 ¥e4!]

25...¤e4 26.¥f4 29...¤d1 30.¦b7 ¥d6

XIIIIIIIIY The simplest, reducing material. [30...£f6
also works: 31.¥d5 (31.¤e4 ¥e4 32.¦b8
9-+-+r+k+0 ¥f8 33 ¥e4 g5) ¥g6 and now the back rank
9+p+-trpzpl0 issues are solved, the game is over: 32.b4 ab4
33 ab4 ¥f8 34.c5 ¤c3]
9zp-vl-+-+-0 31.¥d6 £d6 32.c5 £e5!
9zPP+-+NzPP0 9-+-+-+k+0
9-+-+RzPL+0 9+R+-+pzpl0
9+-+QtR-mK-0 9-+-+-+-zp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zp-zP-wq-+-0
26...£d8 [26...£b6!? also works: 27.b4 9-+-zp-+-+0
(27.¤d2 d3 28.¦e4 ¥f2 29.¢f1 ¥e1  +; 9zPP+-+-zPP0
27.¢h2 g5 28.¥c1 d3 29.£d3 ¦d8 30.£c2
¤g3 +) ab4 28.ab4 £b4 29.¤d4 ¤c3 9-+-sN-zPL+0
30.¦e7 ¦e7 31.¦e7 and here I failed to realise 9+-+n+-mK-0
that I could capture my opponent’s queen as
my bishop covers the back rank: 31...¤d1 xiiiiiiiiy
32.¦e8 ¥f8] The knight on d1 is actually quite useful in
generating threats against White’s king.
27.¤d2 [After 27.£a1 passed pawns must
be pushed: 27...d3 28.¦a2 d2! 29.¦d1 ¥f2 33.c6 [33.¤f3 £e8! is the key move covering
30.¢h2 ¥g3 31.¥g3 ¤g3 32.¦ad2 (32 ¢g3 everything: 34.c6 ¥e4 35.¤d4 ¥g2 36.¢g2
£c7 33 ¢f2 ¦e2 34.¢f1 £g3  +) £c7  +] £e4 37.¤f3 £c2 +]

27...¤c3 28.¦e7 ¦e7 33...£e1 34.¢h2 ¥f5 35.¤e4

XIIIIIIIIY [35.¦b8 ¢h7 36.¦b5 £f2 37.¦f5 £d2 and
¤e3 is coming next (37...£f5?? 38.¥e4)]
9+p+-trpzpl0 35...¥e4 36.¦b8 ¢h7 37.¥e4 £e4 38.c7
¤f2 39.¢g1
9-+-+-+-zp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9zp-vl-+-+-0 9-tR-+-+-+0
9-+Pzp-vL-+0 9+-zP-+pzpk0
9zPPsn-+-zPP0 9-+-+-+-zp0
9-+-sN-zPL+0 9zp-+-+-+-0
9+-+QtR-mK-0 9-+-zpq+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zPP+-+-zPP0
29.¦e7!? An interesting try as the alternative
offers little hope: 29.£a1 ¤e2 30.¢h2 d3!? 9-+-+-sn-+0
(30...g5!? 31.¥f3 £e8 is good enough) could
lead to a pretty finish: 31.¥e3 ¥e3 32.fe3 ¦e3
Chess Informant 129
39...¤h3 9r+l+-trk+0
[I could have forced mate with 39...£e1
40.¢g2 £e2 41.¦h8 ¢g6 42.c8£ ¤g4 but 9zp-zpp+-vlp0
collecting the pawn is plenty good enough.]
40.¢h2 £c2 9+-+-zPp+-0
0:1 Adams
My last round game turned out not to be too 9+-sNL+-+-0
difficult but as winning six games in a row is
not exactly common for me, and the encounter 9PzP-+-+PzP0
has some theoretical interest, I have added a
few comments.
14.ef6?! Capturing has some logic as the pawn
C45 on f5 is useful in preventing any kingside
BROWN 2252 — attack and for controlling the important e4
square. However now my pieces become too
ADAMS 2727 active.
Great Britain (ch) (11), 2016 [My main line ran 14.£e2 d6 15.c5 ¤d5
16.¤d5 cd5 17.ed6 cd6 18.c6 which looks
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.d4 ed4 4.¤d4 ¤f6 clever but after 18...£e2 19.¥e2 ¦b8 the
5.¤c6 bc6 6.e5 £e7 7.£e2 ¤d5 8.c4 ¤b6 advanced pawn will be rounded up and
9.¤c3 £e6 10.£e4 g6 Black’s bishops are more influential.]
9r+l+kvl-tr0 XIIIIIIIIY
9zp-zpp+p+p0 9r+l+-trk+0
9-snp+q+p+0 9zp-zpp+-vlp0
9+-+-zP-+-0 9-snp+-wqp+0
9-+P+Q+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-sN-+-+-0 9-+P+QzP-+0
9PzP-+-zPPzP0 9+-sNL+-+-0
9tR-vL-mKL+R0 9PzP-+-+PzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9tR-vL-+RmK-0
11.¥d3 [In my opinion the critical move is
11.f4, supporting the e5 pawn immediately xiiiiiiiiy
whilst keeping other options open. In 15.¥d2?N [15.f5? d5 rebounds immediately;
particular it’s useful for White to be able 15.¥e3 looks most sensible to me as Black must
to castle on both wings. RR Nabaty 2529  opt for the resolute 15...¥a6! (15...d5 16.£f3
Golod 2582, Israel (ch) 2010  110/157] ¥f5 17.¥f5 £f5 18.cd5 is nothing special)
16.f5 ¦ae8 (16...gf5 17.£f4 £d6 swapping
11...¥g7 12.f4 00 13.00 f5 queens is a safe option) 17.£f4 gf5 when the
[Other reasonable options are the logical compensation is a bit fuzzy.; I was intending to
13...d6, undermining the pawn centre meet 15.¢h1 with 15...d5 (15...¥a6!?) 16.cd5
immediately, or 13...¥a6 14.b3 d5 but ¥f5 17.£f3 ¥d3 18.£d3 as 18...cd5 19.¤d5?
although the game move is rarely played, I fails to 19...£d6; RR 15.£e2 Schneider 2250 
think it may be the best.] Fejzullahu 2323, Marianske Lazne 2008]

Michael ADAMS

15...d5 17...¥c4 18.¥c4 ¤c4 19.¥c1 a5

XIIIIIIIIY [19...¤d6, meeting 20.£a6 with 20...£d4
21.¥e3 £c4, was another good option.]
9zp-zp-+-vlp0 20.£c2
[¹ 20.¢h1 keeping control of the e-file.]
9+-+p+-+-0 20...¦ae8 21.£a4?
[Now 21.¢h1 was definitely required.]
9+-sNL+-+-0 21...£d4 22.¢h1 ¦e1 23.¦e1 £f2 24.¦g1
[24.£d1 ¤b2  +; 24.¦d1 ¤b2 25.¥b2
9PzP-vL-+PzP0 ¦f4  + (25...£b2  +)]
9tR-+-+RmK-0 24...¥d4 25.¦d1 ¦e8 26.h3 ¦e1 27.¢h2
xiiiiiiiiy £g1 28.¢g3
White is already in serious trouble. XIIIIIIIIY
16.£e2 [16.cd5 ¥f5 17.£f3 £d4 wins a 9-+-+-+k+0
piece. 16.£f3 ¥a6 is similar to the game.] 9+-zp-+-+p0
16...¥a6 [16...¥f5 is very comfortable but 9-+p+-+p+0
this simply wins a pawn.] 9zp-+p+-+-0
9r+-+-trk+0 9+-sN-+-mKP0
9zp-zp-+-vlp0 9PzP-+-+P+0
9lsnp+-wqp+0 9+-vLRtr-wq-0
9+-+p+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+P+-zP-+0 28...¤e3 [I thought 28...¥c3 29.£c6 might
9+-sNL+-+-0 allow White some hope as 29...¦d1? 30.£e8
¢g7 31.£e7 ¢h6 32.£g5 is perpetual
9PzP-vLQ+PzP0 check. However 29...¤d6! 30.£d5 ¢g7
9tR-+-+RmK-0 tidies up.
Now White resigned before I gave mate with
xiiiiiiiiy 29.¥e3 (29.¦d4 £g2 30.¢h4 ¤f5#) ¦e3
17.¦ae1 [17.cd5 £d4  +; 17.b3 ¦ae8 18.£f3 30.¢h4 ¥f6 31.¢g4 £g2#]
dc4 19.bc4 ¥c4  +; 17.f5 ¥c4 18.fg6 £d4  +] 0 :1 Adams


The 103rd British Chess Championships
(86 players, 11 rounds)
1. Mi. Adams 10, 2. D. Howell 8½, 3–4. G. Jones, Tan Justin 8, 5–8. Hebden, T.
Fodor jr., Gormally, Emms 7½, 9–15. N. Pert, Ch. Ward, Pe. Wells, Jo. Houska,
Claridge-Hansen, Ch. Duncan, Mart. Brown 7, 16–23. K. Arkell, Palliser, D. Eggleston,
Pe. Batchelor, Kolbus, Ch. Storey, Stev. Jones, J. Moreby 6½, etc.

Bilbao Grand Prix

By GM Spiridon Kapnisis


Greek GM Kapnisis was thrilled to write a piece about
Carlsen’s impressive performance, leading to victory in
the Bilbao Masters, far ahead of Sergey Karjakin.

Carlsen dominated the tournament and finished clear first with 4 wins, 5
draws and 1 loss, while Nakamura was second with 1 win and 9 draws and the
Chinese prodigy Wei Yi was third with 1 win, 8 draws and 1 loss.
The quality of Carlsen’s play was great and consistent throughout the tournament
and most noteworthy, in my opinion, was the evolution of his playing style to one

that is more aggressive. Carlsen is known for his excellent technical skills but in
this tournament we were reminded that Carlsen can be a fierce and very effective
attacking player.
All in all, I believe that the best word to characterise Carlsen’s play in the
tournament is maturity. But enough with all this “analysis of Carlsen’s play”, let’s
get down to the games themselves. I hope you enjoy them!
Things started pretty well for Carlsen in his first round game against
Nakamura. He used an offbeat variation of the Closed Sicilian which seemed to
confuse Nakamura, who didn’t react in the best possible way. After eight moves the
game had transposed to the fianchetto line against the Sicilian Dragon with Black
having wasted a tempo playing a useless ...a7-a6. Carlsen set about constructing a
huge position, Nakamura defended well – and then the world champion somehow
made a couple of serious errors which left his position in ruins.

Spyridon Kapnisis
CARLSEN 2855 —
• Country: Greece
Bilbao (1), 2016
• Born: 1981
1.e4 c5 2.¤e2 d6 3.¤bc3 a6 4.g3 g6 5.¥g2
¥g7 6.d4! Carlsen correctly decides to • Rating: 2451
transpose to an open Sicilian, entering a • Peak rating: 2529
favourable line for White against the Dragon.
• Title: Grandmaster since 2011
6...cd4 7.¤d4 ¤f6 8.00 00 9.b3
XIIIIIIIIY 10.¤c6! bc6 11.¥b2 £a5N
9rsnlwq-trk+0 [RR 11...¤d7 Mads Hansen 2165  Kovchan
2571, Copenhagen 2010]
9p+-zp-snp+0 12.¤a4 ¥g4 13.£e1 £h5?!
[13...£e1 14.¦ae1 ¤d7 15.c3² (15.e5!?²)]
9+-+-+-+-0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-sNP+-+0 9r+-+-trk+0
9+PsN-+-zP-0 9+-+-zppvlp0
9P+P+-zPLzP0 9p+pzp-snp+0
9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 9+-+-+-+q0
xiiiiiiiiy 9N+-+P+l+0
9...¤c6?! I dare say that this is the beginning
of Black’s problems in the first phase of the 9+P+-+-zP-0
[RR 9...¤bd7 Keres – Kavalek, Wijk aan Zee 9PvLP+-zPLzP0
1969  7/388; 9...¥g4 10.£e1 (10.£d2 £a5
11.¥b2 ¦c8 12.h3 ¥d7÷) e5!? 11.¤de2 b5
12.¥e3 (12.h3 ¥e2 13.£e2 ¤c6 14.£d2 xiiiiiiiiy
¤d4 15.¤d1 ¦c8 16.c3 ¤e6÷) ¤bd7 13.£d2 We have reached the first critical position of the
£c7 14.¦fd1 b4 15.¤a4 ¤c5÷] game with Carlsen having to choose between

Chess Informant 129

Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura, Bilbao 2016. Photo by David Llada

two almost equally good continuations. 17...¥g2 18.¢g2 £g6

[14.e5 leads to a nice positional advantage XIIIIIIIIY
for White, mainly due to his better pawn
structure, while 14.f3, the move played by 9r+-+-trk+0
Carlsen, endeavours to exploit the position 9+-+-zppvlp0
of the black queen and will likely lead to a
white pawn storm on the kingside. I would 9p+pzp-snq+0
expect Carlsen to choose 14.e5 since it leads
to a clear, risk-free advantage, whereas
after 14.f3 follows a more complicated 9N+-+P+P+0
position. I guess Carlsen thought that his 9+P+-+P+-0
initiative after f3 and g4 would lead to a
more tangible advantage than the one he 9P+P+-+KzP0
would get after 14.e5.] 9+-vLRwQR+-0
14.f3 [14.e5!? ¤d7 (14...de5 15.£e5 £e5 xiiiiiiiiy
16.¥e5±) 15.ed6 ¥b2 16.¤b2 ed6 17.¤d3 19.h4? Here Carlsen seems to be rather
(17.¥c6? ¦ae8 18.£d2 ¤e5³) ¦ae8 18.£d2 over-confident about his position and allows
d5 (18...¦e2 19.£c3±; 18...¤e5 19.¤e5 Black to generate counterplay in the centre.
¦e5 20.£d6±) 19.¦ae1± Black’s queenside He should have taken some precautionary
pawns will be hard to defend.] measures before proceeding with his attack
on the kingside.
14...¥h3 [14...¥e6 15.c4²] [Carlsen could have brought his knight
immediately into action by 19.¤b6!, not
15.g4 £h6 16.¦d1 allowing any counterplay for Black. After
[16.¥c1?! g5 17.¥h3 £h3 18.¥g5 ¤g4 19...¦ad8 20.¤c4² (20.c4 ¤d7 21.¤d7 ¦d7
19.fg4 £g4 20.£g3 ¥d4 21.¢h1 £e4 22.h3²) Black is denied the possibility of
22.¦f3 ¥a1 23.¥f6 £g6 24.¥a1÷] playing ...d5 and White’s position remains
superior because of the awkwardly placed
16...g5 17.¥c1 [17.¤b6!? ¥g2 18.¢g2 ¦ad8 black queen on g6. Play might then continue
(18...¤g4 19.fg4 ¥b2 20.c3±) 19.¥c3²] 20...h5 21.h3 ¦fe8 22.£e3 ¥h6]


19...gh4 20.£h4 d5! 26...f5µ Nakamura goes for the safest way,
XIIIIIIIIY he fortifies e4 and will slowly organize ...e6-
e5. His position is technically a winning one
9r+-+-trk+0 at this point. Indeed, the American displayed
9+-+-zppvlp0 good technique and won in 50 moves without
ever giving Carlsen any real chances.
9p+p+-snq+0 [There was also 26...¥c3!? 27.¦d1 ¥b4
9+-+p+-+-0 28.¥b2 £f5 29.£d4 f6  +]
... 0 : 1 Kapnisis
9+P+-+P+-0 After losing in the first round with White
against Nakamura in rather upsetting fashion,
9P+P+-+K+0 one might have expected that Carlsen would
9+-vLR+R+-0 try to play it safe with Black against Chinese
prodigy Wei Yi... But no! Carlsen played the
xiiiiiiiiy Modern Defence, showing from the very
21.g5? It is hard to say what Carlsen missed start of the game that he was in a fighting
here. I think that by playing g5 he is trying to mood and intending to go for a win with the
prove that his 19th move wasn’t a mistake. Black pieces. Wei Yi’s reaction to Carlsen’s
[21.ed5 cd5 22.c3÷ followed by £g5 leads opening surprise wasn’t very convincing so
to a roughly equal position, something that the world champion got what he had hoped
Carlsen probably wasn’t ready to accept. After for: a playable position where all three results
21.e5 ¤d7 22.f4 e6!? (22...£c2 23.¦d2 £e4 were on the table. We will catch up with the
24.¢g1 e6 25.¦e1 £g6 26.¦g2°) 23.¦de1 game at the 29th move and see how Carlsen
f6÷ Black’s position looks easier to play.] poses problems for Wei Yi in an almost equal
ending and eventually breaches the defences
21...de4 22.f4 e6 23.c4 of his young opponent.
[23.£g3 ¤d5 24.c4 ¤e7µ]

23...¦fd8 24.¦de1 WEI YI 2696 —

[24.¤b6 ¦d1! 25.¦d1 e3! 26.¥e3 (26.¤a8 CARLSEN 2855
£c2 27.¢h3 £d1 28.gf6 £h1 29.¢g3 £e1
30.¢h3 £f1 31.¢g3 e2µ) £e4 27.¢h2 Bilbao (2), 2016
(27.¢f2 £c2 +) £e3 28.gf6 £e2 29.¢h3 XIIIIIIIIY
£d1 30.¤a8 £d3 31.¢g2 £c2 32.¢h3
£c3µ] 9-+k+-+r+0
24...¤e8 25.¤c5 ¤d6 26.£f2
XIIIIIIIIY 9ptR-+-+p+0
9r+-tr-+k+0 9+p+-vL-+-0
9+-+-+pvlp0 9-+-+-+-+0
9p+psnp+q+0 9+Psn-+N+-0
9+-sN-+-zP-0 9P+P+-+PzP0
9-+P+pzP-+0 9+-mK-+-+-0
9+P+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
29...¦d8! Carlsen activates his rook, creating
9P+-+-wQK+0 mating threats against White’s king, whilst
9+-vL-tRR+-0 keeping the game alive.
[Perhaps most people would have played
Chess Informant 129

29...¤a2 30.¢b2 ¤b4 31.¥c7 ¢c7 32.¦f6 35.¤e5? Finally Wei Yi cracks under the
¦f8 33.¤g5= when the game would have pressure and allows Carlsen to obtain a very
ended in a draw soon afterwards.; Also 29... dangerous passed c-pawn. Time pressure was
b4 30.¢b2 ¤d1 31.¢c1 ¤c3 is equal.] surely one of the reasons for Wei Yi’s mistake.
XIIIIIIIIY [35.b4!, activating the rook, was the right way
to continue: 35...¤d5 (35...¤g2 36.¦c3÷)
9-+ktr-+-+0 36.¦a5!÷ keeps the position unclear and
9+-tr-+p+p0 balanced.]
9ptR-+-+p+0 35...¦d2 36.¢c3 ¦c2 37.¢d4
9+p+-vL-+-0 [Upon 37.¢b4 ¤d5 38.¢b5 (38.¢c5 c3!
39.¤c6 ¦d2! + and White cannot prevent
9-+-+-+-+0 the promotion of the black pawn.) White’s
9+Psn-+N+-0 pieces are not in a position to weave a mating
net around the black king so 38...c3 will gain
9P+P+-+PzP0 the full point for Black.]
9+-mK-+-+-0 37...¤f5 38.¢d5
xiiiiiiiiy [38.¢e4 ¦e2 39.¢f4 c3 40.b4 c2 41.¦c3
30.¢b2! Wei Yi reacts in the best possible way. ¤d4 42.¤d3 g5! 43.¢g5 ¦e3 +]
[Not 30.¥c7? ¢c7 31.¦a6 ¦d1 32.¢b2
b4  + when White is forced to give up his 38...c3 39.¢c5 ¤d6!
knight to save his king from mate.] Carlsen shows some excellent calculating
skills and nips White’s counterplay in the bud.
30...¤d5! [Carlsen sacrifices a pawn to keep [Not 39...¦d2? 40.¤c6 ¢c8 41.¦a7! ¤g7
the game alive instead of forcing a draw by 42.¦e7! with the idea of ¤a7. Then 42...¤e6
playing 30...¤d1 31.¢c1 ¤c3=] 43.¢c4 ¤d8 44.¤a7 ¢b8 45.¢c3=]

31.¥c7 ¢c7 32.¦a6 ¢b7 33.¦a3 ¤e3 40.¤c6 [40.¢d6 ¦d2 is hopeless.]
Carlsen has full compensation since White’s XIIIIIIIIY
rook on a3 looks silly and his king might be
threatened with a mating attack from Black’s 9-+-+-+-+0
remaining pieces. 9+k+-+p+p0
34.c4! Wei Yi correctly decides to give back 9-+Nsn-+p+0
the pawn. [Not 34.g3? ¤d1 35.¢c1 ¤c3 +] 9+-mK-+-+-0
34...bc4 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-tr-+-+0 9P+r+-+PzP0
9+k+-+p+p0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+p+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-+-+-+-0 40...¤e4?! This is quite good but not the best.
[40...¢c7!+ followed by ¦d2, ¤b7 and
9-+p+-+-+0 c2 was the simplest road to victory. But not
9tRP+-snN+-0 40...¦d2?? 41.¦a7 ¢c8 42.¢b6 and suddenly
it is Black who must resign.]
41.¢b5 ¢c7 42.¦a7 ¢d6 43.¦a4
9+-+-+-+-0 [43.¤b4 ¦g2 (After 43...¦f2 44.¦a6 ¢d7

45.¦a7 ¢e6 46.¦c7 ¦g2 47.a4 ¦h2 48.a5 48.¢c7 [48.b4 ¦d2! (48...c2? 49.¦c4 ¢d5
¦h5 49.¢b6 ¤d6 Black has a great advantage 50.¦d4=; 48...¤d6 49.¦d3! c2 50.¦c3 ¢f6
but the game is not over yet.) 44.¦f7 c2 51.a6 f4µ) 49.a6 ¤d6 50.a7 ¤c8 51.¢b7
45.¦f1 (45.¤c2 ¦c2 46.¦h7 ¦a2 +) ¤c3 ¤a7 52.¢a7 ¦d4 53.¤d4 ¢d5 54.¤e2 ¢c4
46.¢c4 ¤b1! 47.¦c1 (47.¦e1 ¦g4 +) ¦g4 55.¤c3 ¢b4 56.¤d1 ¢c4 + is hopeless for
48.¢b5 ¤c3 49.¢a5 ¦b4 +] White.]

43...f5 44.¢b6 ¦g2 45.¦d4 ¢e6 46.a4 48...¤c5! Another point in the game where
XIIIIIIIIY Carlsen displays excellent calculation. The
black knight must deal with White’s passed
9-+-+-+-+0 pawn.
9+-+-+p+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9P+-tRn+-+0 9+-mK-+-+p0
9+Pzp-+-+-0 9-+N+k+p+0
9-+-+-+rzP0 9zP-sn-+p+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+R+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+Pzp-+-+-0
46...¦a2?! A strange move by Carlsen and
one which doesn’t make much sense to me. 9-tr-+-+-zP0
It might have been a slight mistake due to the 9+-+-+-+-0
fact that the position is completely winning
anyway. xiiiiiiiiy
[Correct is 46...¦b2! 49...¤a6! [49...¤b3?? 50.a6± and suddenly
Black is in a world of trouble since his pieces
A) 47.¢c7 ¢f6  + (47...¦b3? 48.¦e4 fe4 will not be able to halt the advance of the a6
49.¤d4 ¢d5 50.¤b3 e3 51.¤c1 ¢e4 52.a5 pawn.]
50.¢b6 ¦b3! 51.¢a6 ¢d5
B) 47.b4 ¦d2! 48.a5 (48.¦c4 ¢d5! and the [When he played 48...¤c5, Carlsen had
rook is trapped!) ¤d6  +] calculated up to this position. Black is totally
47.a5 ¦b2
XIIIIIIIIY 52.¦b4 c2 + 53.¤e7 ¢c5 54.¦b3 c1£
55.¦b6 £c4 56.¢b7 £e4 57.¤c6 £d5!
9-+-+-+-+0 58.¢c7 £d6 59.¢b7 £d7 60.¢b8 f4
9+-+-+-+p0 An excellent endgame performance by
Carlsen who was rewarded for his persistence.
9-mKN+k+p+0 0 :1 Kapnisis
9zP-+-+p+-0 In the third round we witnessed one of the
9-+-tRn+-+0 most important games of the tournament. It
9+Pzp-+-+-0 was the first time Carlsen had met Karjakin
after the latter had become the official
9-tr-+-+-zP0 challenger for the world title. Following a
9+-+-+-+-0 slightly offbeat opening, as is not unusual
for Carlsen, there arose an interesting and
Chess Informant 129

balanced middlegame with chances for both [10...¤a5 11.¦e1 (RR 11.¤c3 Palit 2421 
sides. However Karjakin’s handling of the Gopal 2558, Kolkata 2014) ¥g4 12.¤bd2
position wasn’t very accurate and allowed ¦fc8÷]
Carlsen a strong attack against his king. The
world champion had no problem proving 11.¤c3 ¥g4 12.h3 ¥f3 13.£f3 ¤bd7
what an excellent attacking player he is and The position is more or less balanced with
left Karjakin with no chance to get back into White having the two bishops and greater
the game. This was an important victory with space, whereas Black has good control of the
regard to the outcome of the tournament and dark squares and no weaknesses.
also sent a clear message to Karjakin that
the upcoming world title match will be a 14.¦b1 ¦fc8
much tougher challenge for him than was the XIIIIIIIIY
Candidates tournament.
CARLSEN 2855 —
KARJAKIN 2773 9+-+P+-+-0
Bilbao (3), 2016 9L+-+P+-+0
1.e4 c5!? A small surprise by Karjakin who
occasionally plays the Najdorf, but 1...e5 is 9PzP-+-zPP+0
his main response against 1.e4. 9+RvL-+RmK-0
2.¤f3 d6 3.c3 ¤f6 4.¥e2 g6 5.00 ¥g7 xiiiiiiiiy
6.¥b5 ¤c6 7.d4 15.¥c2?! [This isn’t very accurate. Calrsen
XIIIIIIIIY wants to protect the rook on b1 so he can play
£e2 and organize play against the centre and
9r+lwqk+-tr0 the kingside. The only problem is that ¥c2
9zpp+-zppvlp0 permits a timely ...£a6, giving Black good
9-+nzp-snp+0 [15.¥g5 ¤e5 16.£e2÷; 15.¥e3 £d8 16.£d1
9+Lzp-+-+-0 a6 17.a3 (17.f4 b5 18.¥c2 ¤e8÷) b5 18.¥c2
¤b6 19.¥d4÷]
9+-zP-+N+-0 15...¤e5 16.£e2 ¤fd7 17.¥g5
[17.¢h2 £a6!„]
9tRNvLQ+RmK-0 9r+r+-+k+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zpp+nzppvlp0
7...£b6 [RR 7...¥d7 Hnydiuk 2432  Dziuba
2587, Poland (ch) 2010  108/218; 7...cd4 9-wq-zp-+p+0
Malakhov 2716  Mamedov 2640, Bursa 9+-+Psn-vL-0
2010  108/60]
8.¥a4 cd4 [8...00 9.d5 (9.dc5 dc5 10.£e2 ¦d8 9+-sN-+-+P0
11.h3 h6 12.¤a3 ¥e6÷) ¤a5÷ followed by ...e6
is another reasonable way to continue with Black.] 9PzPL+QzPP+0
9.cd4 00 10.d5 ¤b8N

Magnus Carlsen and Sergey Karjakin, Bilbao 2016. Photo by David Llada

17...h6 [17...¥f6!? 18.¥f6 (18.¥e3 £a6!„ A) 22.¥e2 ¥c3 23.bc3 £a2 24.¦a1
offers Black good counterplay along the (24.¥g4 ¤d2 25.¦a1 £b2 26.¦e1 ¤ce4
c-file.) ¤f6 19.¢h2 £a6! 20.£e1 £a5 (20... 27.¥c8 ¦c8³) £b3 25.£d4÷;
g5!?) 21.f4 ¤c4 22.¦f3 a6 and the position
remains more or less balanced.] B) 22.¥c4 £c4 23.¦e1 b5 and Black’s
position is fine.]
18.¥h4 g5 Karjakin’s play meets the needs of
the position. Black obtains a firm grip on the 21.¢h1! [Carlsen prepares f4 and doesn’t
dark squares at the cost of a slight weakening allow ...¦d4 which was one of the ideas
of his king’s defensive structure. behind ...¦c4.]

19.¥g3 £a6 20.£d1 [20.£h5 ¤g6] 21...¦ac8 22.f4 gf4 23.¥f4

9r+r+-+k+0 9-+r+-+k+0
9zpp+nzppvl-0 9zpp+nzppvl-0
9q+-zp-+-zp0 9q+-zp-+-zp0
9+-+Psn-zp-0 9+-+Psn-+-0
9-+-+P+-+0 9-+r+PvL-+0
9+-sN-+-vLP0 9+-sN-+-+P0
9PzPL+-zPP+0 9PzPL+-+P+0
9+R+Q+RmK-0 9+R+Q+R+K0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
20...¦c4? This is the start of a mistaken plan 23...£b6! Karjakin rightly senses that his
by Karjakin, who fails to find the best way to queen will be needed for the defence and
organize his queenside counterplay. hurries to transfer it to d8.
[20...¤c4 21.¥d3 ¤c5 [After 23...b5 24.¥b3 ¦4c5 25.¤e2±

Chess Informant 129

Black’s control of the c-file is not of much to help with the defence of the king.
use, whereas White will be able to develop a
strong attack against Black’s king.] 34...¢h8
[34...¦g6 35.¦fg1 doesn’t change much.]
24.£h5 [24.£d2!?]
35.¦fg1 f5 [35...¦g6 36.¥a4 £c8 37.¦h2!
24...¤f6 25.£f5 £d8 26.¥b3! ¦d4 27.¥e5 £d8 38.£f5 £b6 39.¥d1±]
de5 28.¦bd1 XIIIIIIIIY
[28.¦bc1!? £d7 29.£d7 ¤d7 30.¤e2 ¦c1
31.¦c1 ¦d2 32.¦c8 ¢h7 33.¤g3²] 9-+-+-tr-mk0
28...£d7 29.£f3 ¦b4?
For the second time in the game Karjakin’s 9-tr-+-+-zp0
judgement seems to be off the mark. He
underestimates White’s attacking potential on
the kingside and overvalues his own play on 9-+-+P+-zP0
the queenside. 9+LsN-+Q+-0
[29...¦d1 was a safer option though White
keeps a small advantage. 30.¥d1²] 9PzP-+-+R+0
9-+r+-+k+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9zpp+qzppvl-0 36.£h3!+ Carlsen once again displays great
precision. He pins the f5 pawn and threatens
9-+-+-sn-zp0 to open the g-file and mate the enemy king.
9+-+Pzp-+-0 Black is helpless.
9-tr-+P+-+0 36...¦b4 [36...h5 37.¦f1 is hopeless too.]
9+LsN-+Q+P0 37.gh6 ¥h6 38.£g3! ¤f6 39.£g6 ¤g4
9PzP-+-+P+0 40.¦g4
9+-+R+R+K0 A superb attacking game by Carlsen who
managed to make it all look so simple.
xiiiiiiiiy 1 :0 Kapnisis
30.¦d2! An excellent move by Carlsen, who
plans an attack on the kingside by means of The important third round was over and
g4 and ¦g2. Moreover the rook on the second Carlsen was now leading the tournament as
rank keeps an eye on b2, thereby limiting he went into his next game with White against
Black’s counterplay. So. Faced with the Berlin Defence, Carlsen
chose the Chinese variation (d3 followed by
30...¦f8 [30...a5 is met by 31.¥c2! followed ¥c6) which has been quite fashionable and
by ¥d3, when White has a free hand on the brought some degree of success for White.
kingside, whereas Black has little or no play Carlsen, as usual, tried and indeed succeeded
on the other flank.] in avoiding a deep theoretical discussion and
from early on both players were out of their
31.g4 a5?! [31...¤h7 32.h4 ¦b6 33.¦g1 ¦g6 preparation. So’s handling of the position was
34.¦dg2± and Black will have a very difficult not optimal and Carlsen was able to detain
defensive task.] Black from castling, whilst developing an
enduring initiative on the queenside. We will
32.¦g2 ¤h7 33.h4 ¦b6 34.g5± take a look at the final stage of the game
Black has problems dealing with White’s where Carlsen once again shows us his great
attack, mainly because of his queen’s inability attacking skills.


CARLSEN 2855 —
Bilbao (4), 2016

Spyridon Kapnisis. Photo by Andreas Kontokanis

17.£e1! A very nice move by Carlsen, who
finds the right moment to untangle his pieces
from the annoying pin on f3. 24.¥c5 ¥g4 25.£d1 ¥h3 26.¥d6! £d5
27.¥g3 leaves a highly complex position)
17...b6? [So fails to sense the danger and very 24.¤d4 ¥d5 (24...¥c4 25.a5! ¥f1 26.£f1
quickly ends up in a dead lost position. ...¦a6 ¦a5 27.¤c6 ¦a3! 28.¦a3 £c7 29.£c4
or ...¦a4 were safer options, though White ¢h8 30.£d5 is uncomfortable for Black
would still have a pleasant initiative.] but probably manageable.) 25.¥c5 bc5
[17...¦a6 26.c8£ ¦fc8 27.¤f5 ¦c7! 28.£e3 £e6
29.£c5 £e4 30.f3 £f4°;
A) 18.¤d2 00 19.¤c4 ¤e6! 20.¥e3 A2) 19.¤3d4 ¥g6 20.¤d6 cd6 21.¥f4
is pleasant for White but nothing more. £e7 22.a5²;
Alternatively 20.¤cd6 cd6 21.¤d6 £d7
22.¤f5 ¦fa8 is close to equal. B) 18.¤d2 ¤a4 19.¤c4 ¥f8 20.¤a5²
(20.¤b2!? b5 21.¤a4 ba4 22.¥a3²);
B) 18.d4! ¤e6 (18...ed4?! 19.g4! ¥g6 20.e5
¥f5 21.ed6 ¥e6 22.dc7 00 23.£b4± Black 17...¦a4? 18.¦a4 ¤a4 19.£a5+]
has finally castled but that’s not the end of his
problems, since c7 will prove to be another 18.¤d2 ¦a4 19.¤c4!
source of trouble for Black. After 18...¤d7 XIIIIIIIIY
19.de5 ¤e5 20.¤e5 ¥e5 21.¦b1± followed
by f4 and g4, White’s advantage is almost 9-+-+k+-tr0
decisive.) 19.de5 fe5 20.¤g5 (20.g4 ¥g6
21.£c3 h5 gives Black some unnecessary
counterplay.) ¤g5 21.¥g5 00 22.£c3²; 9-zppvl-zp-+0
17...¦a8 is probably the best.
A) 18.d4!? ed4 9+-+P+-+P0
A1) 19.g4 is not as good as it is in the
variation 17...¦a6 18.d4 ed4 19.g4. Play 9-+P+-zPP+0
might continue 19...¥g6 20.e5 ¥f5 21.ed6
¥e6 22.dc7 00 23.¥a3 b6 (23...¦fe8!? 9tR-vL-wQRmK-0
Chess Informant 129

19...¥f8? An inexplicable mistake by So. in catching his opponent off guard. Carlsen
[After 19...¥e7 20.¥e3 ¢d7 21.¦a4 ¤a4 equalised quite easily and after a couple of
22.f4 ef4 23.¦f4° Black’s king on d7 inaccuracies by Giri he already stood better in
shouldn’t feel very comfortable. White’s an ending with queens and minor pieces. Here
initiative more than compensates for we will examine Carlsen’s attempt to break
the sacrificed pawn. Black’s position is down Giri’s defences.
unenviable but it is certainly better than it was
in the game.]
GIRI 2785 —
20.¥e3 ¢d7 21.£c3! The position is already CARLSEN 2855
winning for White since the black pieces are
unable to defend their king. Bilbao (5), 2016
21...¤e4 [21...¥g6? 22.¤b6! cb6 23.¥c5
¦a1 24.¦a1+ shows the threat behind 9-+-+-+k+0
21.£c3] 9+-+-wqpzp-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9p+p+-snp+0
9-+-+-vl-tr0 9+p+-vl-+-0
9+-zpk+qzpp0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-zpp+-zp-+0 9+PsN-zP-zPP0
9+-+-zpN+l0 9PvL-+-zP-+0
9r+N+n+-+0 9+-+Q+-mK-0
9+-wQPvL-+P0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+P+-zPP+0 22...c5³ Black has a mobile pawn majority
9tR-+-+RmK-0 on the queenside which gives him an edge.
Let’s see if Giri is up to the task of defending
xiiiiiiiiy this slightly inferior endgame or if Carlsen
22.¤b6!+  Carlsen keeps playing the most will score his fourth full point in a row by
accurate moves. The game is over. squeezing out a win in familiar fashion.

22...cb6 23.de4 £c4 24.£d2 ¢c7 25.g4 23.£d3 ¢h7 24.¤d1 ¥b2 25.¤b2 £e6
¥g6 26.¦fd1 and So threw in the towel. 26.g4
[26.£c2 £h3 27.£c5 ¤g4 28.¤d1 £h2
This was another very nice victory by Carlsen, 29.¢f1 £h1 30.¢e2 ¤h2³]
who thereby showed his great attacking ability XIIIIIIIIY
in two successive rounds. However, So clearly
had an off day. 9-+-+-+-+0
1 :0 Kapnisis 9+-+-+pzpk0
Round five and it was time for Carlsen to 9p+-+qsnp+0
face Giri with the black pieces. After three 9+pzp-+-+-0
consecutive and quite impressive wins
Carlsen must have felt that the time had come 9-+-+-+P+0
for him to score the full point against the only 9+P+QzP-+P0
top grandmaster he had never beaten before,
Anish Giri. Yet again Carlsen chose an offbeat 9PsN-+-zP-+0
variation, this time in the Queen’s Gambit
Accepted against Giri’s 1.d4, and succeeded 9+-+-+-mK-0
Anish Giri. Photo by David Llada

26...£c6 Threatening £f3, forcing White’s 32.£g2 £d6 33.h4 Played so as to avoid
queen to abandon the d-file. Carlsen is trying a future ...g5 by Black. Though White deals
to exploit the weak squares on White’s with this threat, pushing his kingside pawns in
kingside by piece manoeuvres and waiting for this way leads to new weaknesses. [33.£e2]
the right moment to play ...c5-c4.
[26...¤e4 27.¢g2 f5!? was another interesting 33...¤c7
way for Carlsen to pose problems for Giri. XIIIIIIIIY
28.gf5 (28.f3 £e5! Maybe this move was
missed by Carlsen. 29.fe4 £b2 30.¢g3 fg4 9-+-+-+-+0
31.hg4 £c1³ followed by ...c4. Black has 9+-sn-+pzpk0
the upper hand in this queen endgame.) gf5
29.f3 £g6 30.¢f1 ¤g5 31.¢g2 ¤f7 32.¢f2 9p+-wq-+p+0
¢h6³] 9+pzp-+-+-0
27.£e2 ¤e4 [27...£e4!?; 27...¤d7!?] 9-+-+-zPPzP0
28.£c2 [28.f3?! ¤f6 29.e4 ¤d7³]
28...¤g5 29.f4 ¤e6 9+-+-+-mK-0
[29...¤e4?! 30.¤d3 £d5 (30...f6?! 31.¤b4!
£e6 32.¤a6 £a6 33.£e4 £a2 34.f5! is xiiiiiiiiy
equal) 31.¤e5 f6 32.£d3! probably leads to 34.h5?! Giri understandably wants to
an equal knight endgame.] exchange pawns and open up Black’s king
but I find it difficult to believe that the pawn
30.£g2 £d6 31.£e2 £d5 on h5 won’t be a major problem for the rest
[31...g5 32.£d3 £d3 33.¤d3 c4 34.bc4 bc4 of the game.
35.¤b4 leads to an equal knight endgame;
31...¤c7!?; 31...¢g8, threatening g5, was 34...gh5 35.gh5 £e7
interesting, then 32.g5 £d5³] [35...£d5 36.£d5 (36.£e2 ¢h6µ) ¤d5 37.¢f2

Chess Informant 129

A) 37...¤c3 38.¤d3! (38.a4?! ¤e4 39.¢e2 51.¢c3 ¢h5 52.¢b3 ¤b5 53.¢c2 ¤d6
¢h6µ; 38.a3?! ¤e4 39.¢e2 ¢h6µ) ¤e4 54.¢d2 and White should hold.]
39.¢e2 ¢h6 40.b4! will likely be a draw;
44.£d3! The only move.
B) 37...¤b6 38.¢f3 ¢h6 is better for Black
but maybe his advantage is not enough for 44...¤e7 45.£c4 £h5 46.£c2 ¤f5 47.¢g2
a win.] £g6 48.¢h2 £g3 49.¢h1 g6 50.£e2!
Absolutely forced as it is important for White
36.£f3 [36.¤d1!?] to control the f3 square.

36...£d7 37.¤d1 £d5 50...¤e3 [50...¤h4 51.¤e4 £h3 52.¢g1 and

[After 37...c4!? 38.bc4 bc4 Black has a passed White’s king is safe.]
c-pawn, a safer king and an easy target, the XIIIIIIIIY
pawn on h5. I think that he has good winning
chances.] 9-+-+-+-+0
38.£e2 £f5
[38...¤e8!?, redeploying the knight on f6, is 9-+-+-+p+0
another way to improve Black’s position.] 9+-+-+-+-0
39.¤f2 ¤d5 40.¢g2 c4 9-+-+-zP-+0
[40...¤f6 41.£d3! £d3 42.¤d3 ¤e4 43.¢f3 9+-+-sn-wq-0
f5 44.¢e2 ¢h6 45.b4! cb4 (45...c4 46.¤c5=)
46.¤b4 ¤c5 47.¢d2 ¢h5 48.¢c3 and the 9P+-+QsN-+0
game will likely end in a draw; 40...¢h6!? 9+-+-+-+K0
followed by ¤f6 was worth considering.]
41.bc4 bc4 42.¢g3 c3 51.¤e4! Here Giri displays an excellent
XIIIIIIIIY understanding of the position by sacrificing
the f4 pawn to reach a drawn knight ending.
9-+-+-+-+0 [51.¤d3?! ¤g4 52.a4 £d3 53.£g4 £e4
9+-+-+pzpk0 54.¢h2 £a4 is objectively a draw but I am
sure that Carlsen would have kept on playing.]
9+-+n+q+P0 51...£f4 52.£h2 £h2 53.¢h2 ¤c4 54.¢g3
¢g7 55.a4
9-+-+-zP-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-zp-zP-mK-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9P+-+QsN-+0 9+-+-+pmk-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+p+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
43.£a6! Giri calculates accurately and is not
afraid of ghosts. The c3 pawn is not going to 9P+n+N+-+0
become a queen any time soon. Carlsen might 9+-+-+-mK-0
have underestimated this move before playing
40...c4. 9-+-+-+-+0
43...c2 [43...¤b4 44.£c4 c2 45.a3 ¤d5
46.£d3 £d3 47.¤d3 ¤e3 48.¢f3 ¤c4 xiiiiiiiiy
49.¢e4 (49.a4? ¤b2+) ¤a3 50.¢d4 ¢h6 The a4 pawn gives White enough counterplay


to secure the draw, since the black knight ¤e8! followed by ...¤d6 would give Black a
will be reduced to a passive role on the normal position;
B) 17.¥f4 ¦a1 18.¦a1 ¤h5 19.¥e3 ¤hf6
55...f5 56.¤g5 ¢f6 57.¢h4 = ¤a5 58.¤h7 20.h3 ¤b6 is close to equal.]
¢g7 59.¤g5 ¤c6 60.¤e6 ¢f6 61.¤g5 ¢e5
62.¤h3 17.¥f4N
Carlsen must have felt rather disappointed with White provokes ...e5 so as to further weaken
the draw as at some point his winning chances the light squares, and especially d5.
were pretty real. On the other hand kudos to [17.¤d2!? ¤b6 18.¥b2, followed by ¤a4,
Giri for defending such a difficult ending! would have been another interesting plan
1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis for White. White’s position is preferable
but proving a real advantage would still
The first half of the tournament was now need a lot of work. 17.¦b1!?, with the idea
over and Carlsen had taken a clear lead with of playing b6 and ¥f4, was another option
3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss. His game against worth considering. RR 17.h3 Nyzhnyk 2499 
Nakamura from the sixth round would now Aghasaryan 2249, Moscow 2009]
reveal if he had any real competition for first
place. Carlsen’s choice against Nakamura’s 17...e5
Catalan was the solid closed variation and XIIIIIIIIY
this led to an interesting middlegame where,
for the first time in the tournament, he had 9-+r+-trk+0
to defend a slightly worse position. However 9+lwqnvlpzpp0
he still managed to draw without any major
problems. 9-+-+-sn-+0
NAKAMURA 2787 — 9-+p+PvL-+0
CARLSEN 2855 9+-sN-+NzP-0
Bilbao (6), 2016 9-+Q+-zPLzP0
9-+rwq-trk+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+l+nvlpzpp0 18.¥g5 [18.b6!? is a Stockfish proposal, but
one which is rather strange to the human eye.
9-+-+psn-+0 18...£b6 (18...£b8 19.¥g5 ¤b6 20.£b2
9+Pzp-+-+-0 ¥a8 21.¦ab1ƒ and White has a nice initiative
for the two sacrificed pawns.) 19.¥e5 £e6
9-+p+P+-+0 20.¥f4 ¤e4 21.¦d7 £d7 22.¤e4 £d3
9+-sN-+NzP-0 23.¤e1² White can claim a small advantage
but nothing too serious.]
9tR-vLR+-mK-0 18...¤b6 [Carlsen focuses on defending the
important d5 square.]
16...£c7 [16...¦a8!?, challenging White’s 19.¤d2 [19.¦a7!? with the idea of ¤xe5
control of the a-file, was another interesting might have been a better way to fight for
way to fight for full equality. the advantage. After 19...h6 20.¥e3 ¦b8!
(20...¦a8?! 21.¦b7! £b7 22.¤e5 ¦fd8
A) 17.¥b2 ¦a1 18.¦a1 (18.¥a1 £a8! and 23.¥d2± White’s initiative is real and the
Black doesn’t seem to have any problems.) position quite dangerous for Black.)

Chess Informant 129
A) 21.¤e5?! £e5 22.¥f4 £e6 23.¥b8 ¦b8
24.e5 ¥g2 25.ef6 ¥f3! 26.fe7 ¦e8! 27.¢f1!
¥d1 28.£d1÷;

B) 21.¤h4 ¥e4! 22.¦c7 ¥c2 23.¦c1

(23.¦e7? ¥d1 24.¤d1 ¦fd8+) ¥d8!
24.¦a7 ¥d3÷;

C) 21.¤d2 ¤g4 22.¤d5 ¤e3 23.¤e3 ¥g5

24.¤dc4 ¥e3 25.¤e3 c4 26.¥f1 £c5÷]

9+Pzp-zp-vL-0 Magnus Carlsen. Photo by David Llada

9-+p+P+-+0 ¤e4 23.¥e4 ¥g5³; 21.¤c3 c4÷) £b6

9+-sN-+-zP-0 22.£c3 h6÷]

9-+QsN-zPLzP0 20...¥f6 21.¤d5

xiiiiiiiiy 9-+rtr-+k+0
20.¥f6 Nakamura decides that ...¦d4 is a serious 9+lwq-+pzpp0
threat so he decides to simplify the position into
a drawn ending. I am sure that Carlsen was quite 9-sn-+-vl-+0
relieved to face ¥f6 on the board.
[20.¥f1?! ¦d4; 20.¤a4!? would have been
a more fighting choice, though with accurate 9-+p+P+-+0
play Black can solve all his problems. 9+-+-+-zP-0
A) 20...¤a4 21.¦a4 c3! 22.¤b1 c4 9-+QsN-zPLzP0
(22...¦d1 23.£d1 ¦d8 24.£c2²) 23.¤c3 9tR-+R+-mK-0
¦d3 24.¦b1÷;
B) 20...c3! 21.¤b6 (21.£c3?! ¤a4 22.¦a4 21...¥d5! Maintaining the blockading


knight on b6 is important, so as to reduce the improve his worst placed piece, whilst at the
importance of White’s passed b5 pawn. same time making way for his queen to go to
the a5 square.
22.ed5 e4 23.¦ab1 ¦d5 24.¤c4 ¦d4 25.¤b6 XIIIIIIIIY
£b6 26.¥e4 ¦d1 27.¦d1
[27.£d1 c4! 28.£d7 ¦d8 29.£c6 ¥d4 9-+rwqr+k+0
30.£c4 ¥f2 is about equal.] 9+p+nzppvlp0
27...£b5 28.¥h7 ¢f8 29.¥f5 ¦d8 30.¦d8 9p+-sn-+p+0
¥d8 31.£d3 £d3 32.¥d3 ¥f6 9+-+P+-+-0
1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis
Going into the seventh round, Carlsen had a 9+PsN-+LzPP0
clear lead over the rest of the field. Moreover,
having the white pieces against Wei Yi must 9P+-wQ-zP-+0
have seemed a good opportunity for him to 9+-tR-tR-mK-0
extend his lead in the tournament.
20.¤a4N Carlsen prevents ...£a5 but
CARLSEN 2855 — this comes at a price, since he is forced to
WEI YI 2696 exchange a pair of rooks.
[After 20.g4!? £a5 21.¤b1 £d2 22.¤d2 ¦c1
Bilbao (7), 2016 23.¦c1 ¥d4² White is marginally better but
XIIIIIIIIY Black’s fortress will be a tough nut to break.
20.¤e4 ¥e5÷ (RR 20...¤e4 Matveeva 2454
9r+-wqr+k+0  Huang Qian 2380, Russia vs. China (m)
9+p+-zppvlp0 2006)]
9psn-sn-+p+0 20...¦c1 21.£c1
9+-+P+-+-0 [21.¦c1 ¥e5 22.¥e5 ¤e5 23.¥g2 ¤d7
9+-sN-+LzPP0 21...¥d4 22.£d2 ¥g7 23.h4
[23.g4!?², grabbing more space on the
9PzP-+QzP-+0 kingside, was an interesting alternative.]
9+-tR-tR-mK-0 23...h5 24.¤b2
xiiiiiiiiy [24.¥g2!?, slightly improving the bishop
After a quiet opening we have reached a before deciding what to do with the knight on
typical Gruenfeld middlegame where White a4, could be a possible improvement.]
has more space and the two bishops, while
Black has good control of the dark squares 24...¤b5 25.¦e3 ¤d4 26.¥g2 e5!?
and a strong knight on d6. Though my Wei Yi decides that no longer wants to
preference is for White, as Black’s position is wait and therefore opens the position. His
slightly passive, breaching Black’s fortress is calculation proves to be accurate and he
not at all easy. equalises the game completely.
[26...¤f5 27.¦e1 ¤f6 followed by ...¤g4
18.b3 Carlsen correctly tries to restrict was another reasonable setup for Black.]
Black’s knights by denying them access to the
important c4 square. 27.de6 ¤e6 28.¤c4
[28.¦d3!? had to be calculated precisely
18...¦c8 19.£d2 ¤d7 Wei Yi tries to by Wei Yi. 28...¤f4 29.¦d7 ¤e2 30.¢h2

Chess Informant 129

£f6 31.¤d1 b5 32.¥d5 ¦e7 33.¦d6! £f5 38.¢f2 [38.¢h3 ¢d7 39.g4 ¢e6 (39...
34.¦a6 ¢h7! leaves Black with good enough hg4 40.fg4 ¢e6 41.g5 and Black hasn’t fully
compensation and he does not stand worse. equalised yet.) 40.gh5 gh5 41.f4 ¤d7 42.¢g3
28.¥b7?? ¤dc5+] ¤f8 43.¤e3 ¥b4 44.¥c8 ¢d6 45.¥a6 (45.¤f5
¢c7=) ¢c5 46.¥c8 ¥e1 47.¢h3 ¥f2 48.¤d1
28...¤f4 29.¦e8 £e8 30.£f4 b5 ¥e1 49.¥f5 ¢d4 should end in a draw.]
[30...£e1!? 31.¥f1 b5 32.¤e3 ¤e5=]
38...¢d7 39.¤f4 ¢c7 40.¥d5 ¥f4! 41.gf4
31.¤e3 £e5 [31...£e7=] ¢d6 42.¥f7 ¤c6 43.a3 ¤e7=
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+k+0 9+-+-snL+-0
9+-+n+pvl-0 9p+-mk-+p+0
9p+-+-+p+0 9+p+-+p+p0
9+p+-wQ-+p0 9-zP-+-zP-zP0
9-+-+-+-zP0 9zP-+-+P+-0
9+P+-sN-zP-0 9-+-+-mK-+0
9P+-+-zPL+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-mK-0 xiiiiiiiiy
Carlsen tries hard to breach Wei Yi’s fortress
xiiiiiiiiy but to no avail.
32...¥e5?! Probably feeling that he had easily
equalised, Wei Yi made a couple of rather 44.¢e1 ¢d7 45.¢d1 ¢d6 46.¢d2 ¢d7
hasty moves which have handed Carlsen 47.¢d3 ¢d6 48.¢c2 ¢d7 49.¢b3 ¢d6
a tiny edge and prompted him to play on. 50.a4 ¤c6 51.ab5 ab5 52.¢c3
[32...¤e5=] [52.¥g6 ¤d4 53.¢c3 ¤f3 54.¥h5 ¤h4=]

33.b4! Carlsen fixes a weakness on a6 but his 52...¤e7 53.¢d2 ¤d5 54.¥g6 ¤b4 55.¥h5
opponent will defend stubbornly and never ¤d5 56.¥e8 ¤f4 57.¥b5 ¢e5 58.¥f1 ¤g6
allow him any real winning chances. 59.h5 ¤h4 60.¢e2 ¤f3
1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis
33...¥d6 34.¥b7 ¤b8 35.¤d5 ¢f8 36.¢g2
¢e8 37.f3 f5! [Black correctly prevents g4.] Round eight had arrived and it was the time
XIIIIIIIIY for Carlsen to meet Karjakin again! This game
was eagerly awaited because it would be
9-sn-+k+-+0 their last encounter before their forthcoming
9+L+-+-+-0 world title match in New York in November.
Would Karjakin try to avenge his loss in the
9p+-vl-+p+0 third round or would Carlsen be able to beat
9+p+N+p+p0 Karjakin with Black and go into the world
championship match with a big psychological
9-zP-+-+-zP0 advantage? Neither happened... Carlsen
9+-+-+PzP-0 was well prepared in his favourite Ragozin,
equalised without much effort and probably
9P+-+-+K+0 missed a chance to press for the win. After
only 19 moves the two players agreed on a
9+-+-+-+-0 draw due to a threefold repetition of moves.

D38 White doesn’t seem to have any appealing

way of stopping it.
KARJAKIN 2773 — [10...h6 had been played in a couple of
CARLSEN 2855 previous games, one of which was Nakamura
Bilbao (8), 2016 2790  Aronian 2786, Moscow (ct) 2016]

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 d5 4.¤c3 ¥b4 11.cd5 Karjakin correctly releases the tension in
5.£a4 ¤c6 6.e3 0–0 7.£c2 ¦e8 8.¥d2 a6 the centre in order to develop without problems.
[RR 8...¥f8 Prusikin 2545  Khenkin 2655, [11.¦d1, retaining flexibility in the centre,
Germany 2012  116/144] doesn’t promise any advantage. After 11...e5
12.cd5 (12.de5?! ¤e5 13.cd5 ¤f3 14.gf3 ¦c8°
9.a3 ¥d6 10.h3 and White will have trouble finding a safe
place for his king. Black’s position is at least
XIIIIIIIIY preferable and definitely easier to handle.) ed4
9r+lwqr+k+0 13.dc6 dc3 14.cd7 cd2 15.¦d2 £d7 is equal.]
9+pzp-+pzpp0 11...ed5 12.¥d3 ¤a7
9p+nvlpsn-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+p+-+-0 9r+-wqr+k+0
9-+PzP-+-+0 9snpzpl+pzpp0
9zP-sN-zPN+P0 9p+-vl-sn-+0
9-zPQvL-zPP+0 9+-+p+-+-0
9tR-+-mKL+R0 9-+-zP-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zP-sNLzPN+P0
10...¥d7!N [A good novelty that immediately 9-zPQvL-zPP+0
equalises the game. Black threatens to open
the position in the centre by playing ...e5 and 9tR-+-mK-+R0
Sergey Karjakin, Bilbao 2016. Photo by David Llada

Chess Informant 129

13.£b3?! Karjakin could not have liked his After an uneventful second game against
position, and so went pawn hunting in the Karjakin, it was time for Carlsen to face Giri
hope that Carlsen had nothing more than a again, this time with the white pieces. The
threefold repetition of moves. tournament was coming to an end, so the
[13.00 £e7÷ (13...¤b5 14.¤a4 ¤e4 world champion took the pragmatic decision
15.¤c5 ¥c5 16.dc5 £f6÷).] to play it safe with White and choose...the
London system. What else? This was a very
13...c6 14.£b7 sound opening decision, in my opinion, as
[By playing £b3 White effectively committed Carlsen was playing against a struggling
himself to capturing on b7. After 14.a4 ¦b8 opponent who had just lost a rather bad
Black’s position is already preferable; 14.00 game and might well have been eager to
¤e4³] prove himself.

14...¤b5 15.¤b5
9r+-wqr+k+0 CARLSEN 2855 —
GIRI 2785
Bilbao (9), 2016
9+N+p+-+-0 1.d4 d5 2.¥f4 ¥f5
[RR 2...¤f6 G. Kamsky 2665  M. Muzychuk
9-+-zP-+-+0 2554, Gibraltar 2016  128/(133)]
9zP-+LzPN+P0 3.e3 e6 4.¥d3
9-zP-vL-zPP+0 [4.g4 ¥e4 5.f3 ¥g6 6.h4 h5 7.g5 c5 leads to a
9tR-+-mK-+R0 more entertaining game but one which would
be a lot riskier for White than Carlsen would
xiiiiiiiiy have liked.]
15...ab5 [15...cb5! 16.00 (16.¦c1? ¦e7!
17.00 ¥e8+; 16.¤e5 ¦e7 17.¤c6 ¥c6 4...¥d3 5.£d3 c6 6.¤d2 ¤f6 7.¤gf3 ¥e7
18.£c6 ¦c7+) ¥c7! Black threatens ...¥b6, [7...¥d6!?]
¦a7 trapping White’s queen. (16...¦e7?!
17.¥a5! £e8 18.¥b4 ¥b4 19.ab4 ¥f5 8.00 00 9.h3 ¤bd7 10.a4
20.£a8 £a8 21.¥f5÷) 17.¤e5 ¦b8 18.£a7 [10.c4 c5 is about equal.]
(18.£a6 ¦e6 19.£a7 ¥b6µ) ¥b6 19.£a6
¦a8 20.£a8 £a8 21.¤d7 ¤d7 22.¥b5 10...c5!? An interesting effort by Giri to spice
¦d8³ with a rather strange position that I find things up. [10...a5 would be a safer option and
difficult to evaluate precisely. Black should be would likely lead to an uneventful draw.]
slightly better but nothing more than that.]
11.a5N [RR 11.b3 H. Brus  Joa. Alvarez,
16.¤e5 ¦b8 Internet 2011]
[Upon 16...¥e5 17.de5 ¦e5 Carlsen could
have played on but that doesn’t mean that he 11...c4!? Giri decides to close the centre
would have any advantage. The position is and grab some space on the queenside,
about equal.] thereby forcing Carlsen either to find some
counterplay on the kingside or to accept a
17.£a6 ¦a8 18.£b7 ¦b8 19.£a6 ¦a8 slightly worse position.
Carlsen naturally preferred to take the draw,
thereby maintaining his clear lead in the 12.£e2 b5 13.ab6 Carlsen has to take en
tournament. passant otherwise his pawn on a5 would end
1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis up being a serious weakness.

13...ab6 14.¤e5 9-+-+r+k+0
9r+-wq-trk+0 9+-wqnvl-zpp0
9+-+nvlpzpp0 9-zp-+p+-+0
9-zp-+psn-+0 9+-+pzPp+-0
9+-+psN-+-0 9-+P+-vL-zP0
9-+pzP-vL-+0 9+-+-zP-+Q0
9+-+-zP-+P0 9-+PsN-zPP+0
9-zPPsNQzPP+0 9tR-+-+-mK-0
9tR-+-+RmK-0 xiiiiiiiiy
21...¤e5? A blunder by Giri that will however
xiiiiiiiiy go unpunished.
14...¤e5 [21...dc4 22.g4 ¤e5 23.gf5 ef5 24.£f5
[14...£c8!?, not letting White develop ¥f6÷]
his initiative on the kingside, is a decent
alternative: 15.e4 (15.g4) ¦d8!? (15...¤e5 22.£g3 ¥d6
16.de5 ¤e4 17.¤e4 de4 18.¦a8 £a8 19.£c4 [22...¥f6? 23.¢h1!+ and after ¤f3 White
¦c8 20.£e2 b5 should be equal) 16.c3 will simply collect the pinned ¤e5.]
(16.¤d7 £d7 17.e5 ¤e8³) b5÷ with an
interesting fight ahead in which Black has at XIIIIIIIIY
least equal chances.] 9-+-+r+k+0
15.de5 ¤d7 16.£g4 ¦e8 9+-wq-+-zpp0
[16...£c7 seems to be a decent improvement 9-zp-vlp+-+0
on Giri’s play. Then after 17.¤f3 ¦fc8 Black’s
position is preferable to the one he obtains in 9+-+psnp+-0
the game.] 9-+P+-vL-zP0
17.h4 f5 [17...¤c5 18.¥g5÷] 9+-+-zP-wQ-0
18.£h3 [18.ef6 ¥f6 19.¥g5÷] 9-+PsN-zPP+0
18...¦a1 19.¦a1 c3!?
Giri again chooses the riskier continuation, xiiiiiiiiy
making the position quite sharp. In my 23.cd5?
opinion, this is not the best strategy to follow [23.c5! is a nice tactical shot that was
when you are rather off form. probably missed or maybe underestimated by
[19...¥h4 20.g4 g5!? (After 20...fg4 21.£g4 both players. Then 23...bc5 24.¦a6 h6 25.¦d6
¤f8 22.¤f3° White has good compensation £d6 26.¥e5± leaves good winning chances
for the pawn and in my view even the for White.]
preferable game.) 21.gf5!? (21.¥h2 fg4
22.£g4 ¢h8 23.¤f3 ¤c5÷) is an interesting 23...ed5 24.¤b3
piece sacrifice that gives White a dangerous [24.¤f3?! ¤f3 25.£f3 ¥f4 26.£d5 £f7
initiative: 21...gf4 22.ef4 ef5 23.¤f3 ¥e7 27.£f7 ¢f7 28.ef4 ¦c8 and Black should be
24.¦a7°; 19...¤c5 20.g4 fg4 21.£g4 £d7 able to hold this rook ending without much
22.¤f3÷] trouble.]

20.bc3 £c7 21.c4 24...£c2 25.¤d4

Chess Informant 129
9-+-+r+k+0 26.h5 £d7 27.¦b1! Nice play by Carlsen.
9+-+-+-zpp0 Before improving his position he focuses on
Black’s b-pawn, his only source of worry.
9+-+psnp+-0 27...¥c7 28.f3 £f7 29.¦a1! ¥d6 30.¦a6
£h5?! Giri goes for what he must have
9-+-sN-vL-zP0 thought to be a slightly worse ending.
9+-+-zP-wQ-0 [30...£b7! was the best move but a very
difficult one to calculate over the board.
9-+q+-zPP+0 31.¤f5 ¤f3! 32.gf3 ¥f4 33.ef4 ¦f8!=]
9tR-+-+-mK-0 31.¦b6 ¤c4 [31...¥c7? 32.¦b7+ ]
25...£c8?! [25...£d3! was the best square 32.¦d6 ¤d6 33.¥d6 ¦e3 34.¥e5? £g6
for the black queen. Black would be able to 35.£f4 ¦e1 36.¢f2 ¦a1! 37.£d2!
generate counterplay by pushing his b-pawn [After 37.¤f5 ¦a2 38.¢e1 £e6! the position
after, say, 26.£h3 ¦f8 27.h5 b5÷] is close to equal.]

Summarizing Carlsen’s
tournament, I would like
to point out some of the
reasons behind his success:
a) Good/great opening
preparation. Only in his
game with the black pieces
against Nakamura did he
face some minor problems,
whereas in all the other
Black games he either easily
equalised or managed to
catch his opponents not
so well prepared. In all his
White games he managed
to obtain nice playable
positions whilst avoiding his Wei Yi, Giri, Magnus Carlsen, Juan Carlos Fernandez, Bilbao 2016. Photo David Llada
opponents’ preparation.
b) Good fighting chess. Carlsen is known to set his opponents problems even in the
simplest positions and that’s what he kept on doing in this tournament.
c) Strong character: After a rather bad game against Nakamura in the first round
many would prefer to continue with a safe draw in their next game – but not the world
champion! He was determined to get back on track in the chase for first place.
d) Excellent tournament management: After Carlsen gained the lead in the tournament he took
no unnecessary risks which might have endangered his claim as the winner of the tournament.

9-+-+-+k+0 D39
9+-+-+-zpp0 WESLEY SO 2770 —
Bilbao (10), 2016
9-+-sN-+-+0 1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 d5 4.¤c3 ¥b4
5.¥g5 h6 6.¥f6 £f6 7.e3 00 8.¦c1 dc4
9+-+-+P+-0 9.¥c4 c5 10.00 cd4 11.¤d4 ¥d7 12.£b3
9-+-wQ-mKP+0 ¤c6 13.¤c6 ¥c3 14.£b7
[RR 14.¤a7 Bareev 2670  Al. Aleksandrov
9tr-+-+-+-0 2660, Polanica Zdroj 1997 - 70/(392)]
xiiiiiiiiy 14...¥c6 15.£c6 ¥b2 16.¦c2 ¦ac8
37...¦a8?? In time trouble, Giri blunders XIIIIIIIIY
badly into a pretty much lost position.
[Instead 37...f4! is a very nice move that would 9-+r+-trk+0
have upset the coordination of White’s pieces: 9zp-+-+pzp-0
38.¥f4 (38.¤e2!? £b6 39.¥d4 £a5 40.¤c3
£a6! 41.£f4 £f1 42.¢g3 £e1 43.¢g4 h5! 9-+Q+pwq-zp0
44.¢h5 ¦a6!) £b6 39.¥e5 £a5 40.£e3 ¦a2 9+-+-+-+-0
41.¤e2 £d2 and the chances should be equal.]
38.¤f5! £e6
[38...£f5 39.£d5+ ; 38...¦e8 39.£f4+ ] 9+-+-z
The 103rd British P-+-0
Chess Championships
(86 players,
9PvlR+-zPPzP011 rounds)
39.£g5+  g6 40.¤h6 ¢f8 41.¤g4 ¢e8 1. Mi. Adams 10, 2. D. Howell 8, 3»4. G. J
42.¤f6 ¢f7 43.¤h7 ¦a4 44.£d8! ¦a2 45.¢g1 9+-+-+Rm
Fodor jr., Gormally,KEmms
-07, 9»15. N. P
1 :0 Kapnisis Claridge-Hansen, Ch. Duncan, Mart. Brown 7
17.£a4N Pe. Batchelor, Kolbus, Ch. Storey, Stev. Jones
After his important win in the ninth round, [RR 17.£b7 Fourie  Pietruske, corr. 2008]
Carlsen had already secured first place with a
round to spare. His final gameVII–VIII 2016
in the tournament 17...¦c7 18.¥d3VII ¦c2 19.¥c2 ¦c8 20.¦d1
The 103rd British VII–VIII
Chess 2016
Championships BILBAO, 2016
was with Black against So. Was it going to be £c3The 21.¥b3IX £c5
Bilbao 22.g3 ¥f6 23.¦d7
Masters Final ¦c7
an 103rd
interesting British
battle? Chess
...As Championships
a matterChampionships
of fact, no! 24.¦c7 £c7 25.£e8 ¢h7 26.h4 g6 27.£a8
So players,
(86was no11
1.inMi. 11
Howell 8, 3»4. G.
Carlsen’s Jones, Tan Justin Hy 8, a55»8. Hebden, T.1
¢g7 28.¢g2 h5 29.£e4 30.¥a4 £c5 2
Ragozin,1. Mi.
1. Mi.
Fodor Adams
choosing a 10,
very D.
D. Howell
Emms 8,8,
line 7,with 3»4.
no N.G.
G. Jones,
Pert, Tan
Ch.Tan Justin
Ward, Hy
31.£b7 £b4 32.£b4 ab4 33.¢f3 ¥c3 8,
Wells, Hebden,
Jo. Houska, T.
hope of Fodor
Fodor jr.,
jr., Gormally,
putting Carlsen Emms
Ch. Duncan,
under any 7,7, 9»15.
pressure. N.
The Pert,
34.¢g2 M.Ch.
116»23.Ch. Ward,
¥e1K. Pe.
35.¢f1 Wells,
¥c3 Jo.
gD. Houska,
¥e1 ó ó 0 á
Pe. Batchelor, Ch.
Kolbus, Duncan,
Ch. Mart.
result of the game was never in doubt and both 37.¢f1 Brown
Stev. 7,
Jones, 16»23.
J. Moreby
2 HI.¥c3 K.K.Arkell,
38.¢g2etc. Palliser,
Palliser, D.
g 2787 1 á ó ó
opponents Pe.Batchelor,
Batchelor, Kolbus,
seemed satisfied Ch.
an Stev.
effortless 1/2 :3J.
Jones, Moreby
1/2 Moreby YI 6,6,etc.
etc. g 2696Kapnisis 0 á áá
draw and a peaceful end to their tournament. 4 W. SO g 2770 0 á áá
cat. XXII (2778) 0 á áá
VII 2016
The IX Bilbao Masters Final 6 A. GIRI cat.
2785 (2778)
á 0 áá
TheIX IXBilbao
BilbaoMastersMastersFinal Final
1 2 3 * 3 points
4 for5 a win 6and 1 for a draw
11 22 33 44 55 66
1 M. CARLSEN g 2855 ó ó 0 á 1 á 1 á 1 á á 1 17* 1
NAKAMURA ggg 2855
2855 ó1ó óá
2787 ó 0ó0 áá 1á
ó SAINT1á á 1á
á 1á á 1á
á 1á á á
á á 1á
á 1 17* 17* 121
NAKAMURA ggg 2787
2787 101 á á óá ó óá
ó áá áá á LOUIS,
áá á á áá VIII
á á á2016
áá 1212 3»4 22
WEI YI 2696 á ó ó
Theó 4th á á á
Sinquefieldá á 1
Cup 11
YI ggg 2696
2696 000 á
2770 á á
á áá
á á óá
á óá ó áá ó ááó á áá
á á á
á á 111 11
á 11 3»4
11 3»4
SERGEYSO KARJAKIN gg 2770 2770 000 á
2773 á á
á áá
á á á
á áá
á áThe
á óthird
óá óá
ó á stage
áó áá
ó á
of á
á 1á
911 3»43»4
Chess Tour
A. KARJAKIN ggg 2773 2773 0á
2785 0 áá0 á áá
á á á
á ááá
á 0 áTimeááá
á Control:
0 óá ó óá 120
ó áá minutes
ó ááó 979 for 40
565 moves + 60
A. GIRI g 2785
g 2785 á 0 á á á
á 0 áá á 0 á 0 áá ó ó 0 second
á 0 increment
á á ófrom
ó move
7 7 41.
* 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw 51
and11for foraadraw
draw 1 2 3
Wesley So Sinquefield Cup


By GM Aleksandar Colovic


“Slow and steady” were the words Garry Kasparov used
to describe the winner’s way to victory and it describes
perfectly Wesley’s manner of keeping things under control
— a style which Macedonian GM Colovic dissects from
round to round.

In the first round he got a very important boost of self-confidence when

he beat Hikaru Nakamura for the first time. Thanks to his superior opening
preparation (we will see more of this later in the tournament) and Nakamura’s
failure to remember his own, Wesley started the tournament on a high.

Aleksandar Colovic
WESLEY SO 2771 — Aleksandar Colovic
Saint Louis 2016 • Country: Macedonia
• Born: 1976
1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 d5 4.g3 ¥e7 5.¥g2
0–0 6.0–0 dc4 7.¤e5 ¤c6 8.¤c6 • Rating: 2432
In the popular variation of the Catalan, So
goes his own way. • Peak rating: 2516
[8.¥c6 is the massively theoretical main line,
made popular by Vladimir Kramnik] • Title: Grandmaster since 2013

[The novelty.15.¦ab1 was played before.
9r+lwq-trk+0 Then 15...¦b6 16.¥c5
A) 16...¦d8 17.¥b6 cb6 18.£c3 ¤d5 was
9-+p+psn-+0 fine for Black in Kohlweyer 2440 – Grochal
9+-+-+-+-0 2170, Vlissingen 2013;
9-+pzP-+-+0 B) 16...¦d5!? 17.¥d5 cd5 18.¥b6 ab6 and
9+-+-+-zP-0 now
9tRNvLQ+RmK-0 9+-zp-+pzpp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9lzp-+psn-+0
9.¤a3 Instead of capturing a pawn as in the
line with 8.¥c6, here White sacrifices a pawn 9wQ-+p+-+-0
for the bishop pair and the initiative. 9P+p+-+-+0
9...¥a3 10.ba3 ¥a6 11.£d2 9P+-+PzP-zP0
[RR 11.¥g5 Antunes 2510  Karpov 2780,
Tilburg 1994 – 61/525; 11.¥c6 Vladimirov 9+R+-+RmK-0
2565 – Vaganian 2605, Moscow 1990  49/573] xiiiiiiiiy
B1) 19.£b4?! ¤d7 is okay for Black: 20.a5
11...¦b8 12.£a5 £c8 13.a4 ¦d8 14.¥a3 ¦d4 b5 21.£e7 (21.a4? c5! shows why b4 is
XIIIIIIIIY an unfortunate square chosen for the white
queen) c5 22.f4 d4 23.f5 e5 24.f6 gf6 25.g4
9-trq+-+k+0 h6 26.¦f5 Efimenko 2689 – Sakaev 2607,
9zp-zp-+pzpp0 Vrnjacka Banja 2010;
B2) White should play instead 19.£c3!
9l+p+psn-+0 with the idea of a5, and if 19...¤e4 20.£e3;
9wQ-+-+-+-0 C) 16...¦d7 is probably best, by analogy
9P+ptr-+-+0 with our main game, with the idea of 17.¦fd1
9vL-+-+-zP-0 £d8!, when we can understand So’s idea of
not having a rook on b1 as 18.¦d7? ¦b1! is
9P+-+PzPLzP0 a check!]
9tR-+-+RmK-0 15...¦b6 16.¥c5 ¦d7 17.¦d1
Chess Informant 129
This is So’s idea – Black cannot exchange his
remaining rook on the b-file.
XIIIIIIIIY 9zp-+-+pzpk0
9-+q+-+k+0 9lzp-+psn-zp0
9zp-zpr+pzpp0 9+-zp-+-+-0
9ltrp+psn-+0 9P+p+-+-+0
9wQ-vL-+-+-0 9+-+-+-zP-0
9P+p+-+-+0 9P+-wQPzPLzP0
9+-+-+-zP-0 9+-+R+K+-0
9P+-+PzPLzP0 xiiiiiiiiy
9tR-+R+-mK-0 25.£d8!
Now there is no second chance for Black.
17...h6? Nakamura said he had forgotten his 25...£d8 26.¦d8 c3 27.¢e1 ¥c4 28.¢d1
preparation. And indeed this vague move ¥a2 29.¢c2 ¥c4 30.e3 b5 31.¢c3 a6
cannot be good. 32.¦a8 ¤d5 33.¥d5 ed5 34.a5!
[17...¤d5! is what he had forgotten and it Black cannot defend all the pawns on the
appears that Black is fine: 18.e4, forcing queenside.
the exchange of the rook on d7, but this
weakens d3. There can follow 18...¤f6 34...b4 35.¢d2 ¥f1 36.¦c8 c4 37.¦b8 b3
19.¦d7 ¤d7 20.¥b6 cb6 21.£d2 ¤c5 and, 38.¢c3
with a monster knight about to be planted XIIIIIIIIY
on d3, Black is at least equal. On the other
hand 18.¥b6 cb6 is no longer that good for 9-tR-+-+-+0
White: 19.£d2 h6 (now Black has time for 9+-+-+pzpk0
this) 20.e4 ¤f6 and Black has the d3–square
at his disposal. 9p+-+-+-zp0
18.¦d7 ¤d7 19.¥b6 cb6 20.£d2
Black is in trouble now, as without the d3– 9-+p+-+-+0
square for the knight he has problems with 9+pmK-zP-zP-0
20...c5 21.¦d1 ¤f6 22.¢f1 9+-+-+l+-0
Defending e2 in advance and drawing the
king closer to the c-pawn as Black doesn’t xiiiiiiiiy
have many useful moves. A picturesque position! Black will lose the
d5–pawn after ¦d8, because if he defends it
22...¢h7 23.£c2?! An imprecision, but with a bishop there follows ¦d6 and the a6–
Black doesn’t take advantage of it. pawn will fall.
[23.£d8! transposes to the game.] 1 :0 Colovic

23...¢g8? [23...g6! 24.£c3 ¢g7 and White But after such an important win, there followed an
cannot really exploit the pin along the a1–h8 unexpected slump. In the following three games
diagonal, e.g. 25.a5 b5 or 25.h4 £c7 26.g4 Wesley had to show all his defensive mastery and
£f4.] strong nerves in order to remain undefeated.

24.£d2 ¢h7 In Round 2 he made the risky opening choice to

Aleksandar Colovic

repeat Aronian’s opening against Ding Liren 10.0–0 cd4 11.¤d4

from Round 1. This time the Chinese player [RR 11.ed4 Novikov – Tal 2565, USSR 1985
was well-prepared and got an advantage, but – 39/548]
then missed a simple counter-combination.
11...¤b6 12.¥b3 ¤bd5 13.¤d5 ¤d5
DING LIREN 2755 – 9r+lwq-trk+0
Saint Louis 2016
1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 d5 4.¤c3 ¤bd7 9+-+n+-+-0
5.¥g5 h6 6.¥h4 ¥e7 7.e3 0–0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-sN-+-+0
9r+lwq-trk+0 9+L+-zP-vL-0
9zppzpnvlpzp-0 9PzP-+-zPPzP0
9-+-+psn-zp0 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
9+-+p+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
Black is playing for simplification, but White
9-+PzP-+-vL0 retains the initiative – as usual in these
9+-sN-zPN+-0 positions it is the ¥c8 that causes Black
9tR-+QmKL+R0 14...¥f6N [RR 14...¤f6 Stoeckmann 2149 –
Peterwitz 2100, Senden 2011]
This whole setup for Black, with the idea 15.¦c1 ¤b6 The bishop cannot develop
of simplifying the position by playing yet, as 15...¥d7?! 16.e4 ¤b6 17.¥d6 ¥e7
...c5, was played extensively by my friend, 18.¥c7 £e8 19.£g4 is bad for Black.
the late Grandmaster Julian Radulski. XIIIIIIIIY
He played it continuously in the period
2009-2012 but at that time it largely went 9r+lwq-trk+0
unnoticed. Only when Kramnik started 9zpp+-+pzp-0
using it in 2015 did it receive due attention.
It is very difficult for White to achieve 9-sn-+pvl-zp0
anything in the symmetrical position that
8.¥e2 Deviating from his game against 9+L+-zP-vL-0
Aronian, played the previous day.
[8.¦c1 c5 9.dc5 dc4 10.¥c4 ¤c5 and Black 9PzP-+-zPPzP0
drew without problems: Ding Liren 2755 – 9+-tRQ+RmK-0
Aronian 2792, Saint Louis 2016]
8...dc4 9.¥c4 c5 16.£e2?! Timid. Now Black gets a chance
[9...a6 is an alternative, forcing White to to complete his development. Probably this
weaken the b4–square: 10.a4 c5 11.0–0 cd4 move was based on a miscalculation as we
12.ed4 ¤b6 Naiditsch 2710 – Adams 2740, will see later in the game.
Dortmund 2013] [Better is 16.£h5! ¥d7 (16...¥d4 17.¦fd1)

Chess Informant 129

Ding Liren. Photo by Alina L'Ami

17.¥d6 ¦e8 (17...¥e7 18.¥c7 £e8 23.¦d1 £e7 24.¤a5, keeping the pressure.
19.¥e5±) 18.¦c7 and Black is suffering a However, 20...¦fd8!? may be better: 21.e5
lot!] ¥h4 22.¥h4 £h4 23.g3 £b4 and even
though White has a big knight on d6 Black
16...¥d7 17.¤b5 a6 has no weaknesses.]
[17...¥b5 18.£b5 ¦c8, giving away the
bishop pair, is a decision very difficult for a 19...¥b7 20.¥c7 £e7 21.¥b6
human but easy for an engine, which evaluates XIIIIIIIIY
it as dead equal!]
18.¤d6 ¥c6 9+l+-wqpzp-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9pvL-+pvl-zp0
9r+-wq-trk+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+p+-+pzp-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9psnlsNpvl-zp0 9+L+-zP-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9PzP-+QzPPzP0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-tR-+RmK-0
9+L+-zP-vL-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9PzP-+QzPPzP0 21...¥g2! A nice shot, missed by the Chinese
9+-tR-+RmK-0 player. After this the position is a draw.

xiiiiiiiiy 22.¢g2 £b7 23.£f3 £b6 24.¦c6 £b7

19.¤b7? Here is the miscalculation. 25.¦c2 £f3 26.¢f3 ¦fc8 27.¦fc1 ¦c2
Resolving the tension prematurely is usually 28.¦c2 ¦b8 29.¦c6 a5 30.¦c5 ¦a8 31.¦b5
a sign of nerves. ¦a7 32.¥c2 ¢f8 33.a4 ¢e7 34.b4 ¥c3
[Correct is 19.¦fd1 £e7 20.e4 e.g. 20...¤c8 35.ba5 ¦a5
21.¤c4 (21.e5 ¥h4) ¦d8 22.¦d8 £d8 1/2 : 1/2 Colovic

Aleksandar Colovic

In Round 3, So was again caught in the 10.¦f2 d6 11.ed6 £d6 12.¥b3 ¥f2 13.¢f2
opening, this time very early – on move 9 he £f6
was already on the defensive! An imaginative XIIIIIIIIY
opening idea by Aronian, but So displayed
true grit by defending stubbornly. Curiously 9r+l+-trk+0
enough, it was a weak move on his part that 9zppzp-+pzp-0
saved the game for him!
WESLEY SO 2771 — 9-+-+-+-+0
ARONIAN 2792 9+LzP-+N+-0
Saint Louis 2016 9PzP-+-mKPzP0
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥c4
[As I predicted after the Candidates (see my xiiiiiiiiy
Opening Reports of the Candidates from the 14.£d2?! The move that probably saved the
Chess Informant 128), the Giuoco Piano is the game for So! It is a dubious move, but one that
new way to play for a minimal edge after 1. took Aronian out of his preparation. Thinking on
e4 e5.] his own, he didn’t manage to find a refutation.
[14.¥e3 is what the engines suggest and
3...¥c5 4.c3 ¤f6 5.d3 0–0 6.0–0 what Aronian must have expected; 14.¢g1 is
XIIIIIIIIY another decent move.]
9r+lwq-trk+0 14...g5? This allows White to consolidate.
9zppzpp+pzpp0 [14...¤e5! is correct when, after a series of
only moves by both sides, a better endgame
9-+n+-sn-+0 for Black is reached: 15.£d4 ¦e8 16.¥f4
9+-vl-zp-+-0 £f4! 17.£f4 ¤d3 18.¢g3 ¤f4 19.¢f4 ¦e2
20.¢g3 ¦b2 and Black is better here.]
9+-zPP+N+-0 15.¢g1 ¥g4 16.£f2 On f2 the queen secures
a safe square for the bishop on e3.
9tRNvLQ+RmK-0 16...¦fe8
xiiiiiiiiy 9r+-+r+k+0
6...h6 [Rare, compared to the more usual 6...
d6 (RR M. Muzychuk 2563 – Hou Yifan 2667, 9zppzp-+p+-0
Lviv (m/1) 2016 – 127/115) and 6...d5 (RR
Antipov 2538 – Van Foreest 2541, Khanty- 9-+n+-wq-zp0
Mansiysk 2015 – 126/103)] 9+-+-+-zp-0
7.d4 [7.b4 is a major alternative.] 9-+-+-+l+0
7...¥b6 8.de5 ¤e4 9.¥d5
[9.£d5 ¤f2!? with the same motifs as in the 9PzP-+-wQPzP0
game 10.¦f2 d6.] 9tRNvL-+-mK-0
9...¤f2!N [RR 9...¤c5 Gelfand 2720 – xiiiiiiiiy
Eljanov 2716, Moscow 2008] 17.¥e3 Curiously enough this allows Black

Chess Informant 129

to draw by force, but it is understandable that against Nakamura in Round 1, Wesley sticks
White wanted to complete his development as to the Catalan.
soon as possible.
[The engine promises an advantage for 4...¥b4 5.¥d2 ¥e7 6.¥g2 0–0 7.0–0 c6
White after 17.¤bd2, but in over-the-board 8.£c2 ¤bd7 9.¦d1 b6 10.b3 a5
play things are easier for Black here, as [18 days earlier, So himself played 10...¥a6
psychologically it is very difficult for the 11.a4 c5 Nakamura 2787 – W. So 2770, Bilbao
White player to keep on playing with his 2016]
queenside so hamstrung.]
11.¥c3 [RR 11.¥f4 – E 08]
17...¥f3 18.¤d2 ¦e3! 19.£e3 ¥h5 20.£h3
¥e2 (preventing ¦f1) 21.¦e1 ¦e8 22.¥c4 11...¤e4
9-+-+r+k+0 9r+lwq-trk+0
9zppzp-+p+-0 9+-+nvlpzpp0
9-+n+-wq-zp0 9-zpp+p+-+0
9+-+-+-zp-0 9zp-+p+-+-0
9-+L+-+-+0 9-+PzPn+-+0
9+-zP-+-+Q0 9+PvL-+NzP-0
9PzP-sNl+PzP0 9P+Q+PzPLzP0
9+-+-tR-mK-0 9tRN+R+-mK-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
22...£d8! Defending the ¦e8 and attacking The transposition to the Stonewall probably
the ¤d2. Now the game ends in a perpetual surprised So, as this structure isn’t very
check. popular among the elite, with the exception
of Carlsen who has used it several times  but
23.£h6 ¥c4 24.¦e8 £e8 25.£g5 ¢f8 then he can play pretty much anything!
26.£c5 ¢g8 27.£g5 ¢f8 28.£h6 ¢g8 [11...¥b7; 11...¥a6]
1/2 : 1/2 Colovic 12.¥b2 f5N [RR 12...¥b7 Svidler 2735 –
Jakovenko 2725, Astrakhan 2010 – 109/311]
After yet another opening surprise in Round
4, against Giri, So again found himself 13.e3 ¥a6
defending with the White pieces. He was XIIIIIIIIY
patient and managed to survive, although Giri
could have posed more serious problems. 9r+-wq-trk+0
E01 9lzpp+p+-+0
WESLEY SO 2771 — 9zp-+p+p+-0
GIRI 2769 9-+PzPn+-+0
Saint Louis 2016 9+P+-zPNzP-0
1.¤f3 To avoid the Gruenfeld. 9PvLQ+-zPLzP0
1...d5 2.d4 ¤f6 3.c4 e6 4.g3 After his success
Aleksandar Colovic

14.¥a3?! A common theme in the Stonewall,

this exchange usually favours White, but
here Black is already fully developed and he
obtains an initiative on the queenside.
[14.¤c3; 14.¤e1!? … ¤d3]

14...¥a3 15.¤a3 b5! 16.¦ac1 £e7

17.cb5 cb5 18.¤b1 b4 and though White
is under pressure, So managed to defend
1/2 : 1/2 Colovic

A common theme in these three games was

that So didn’t manage to utilise his preparation,
whereas his opponents managed to get in
theirs. It is psychologically difficult to play in
such situations, but So showed his tenacity in
defence admirably. However, things were about
to change, starting with his next game in Round
5 against Anand. Here So got his opening right
and he drew without any problems.

ANAND 2770 —
Saint Louis 2016
Viswanathan Anand, Berlin 2015. Photo by Harald Fietz
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥c4 ¥c5 4.0–0 ¤f6
5.d3 0–0 6.c3 d5 [8...a6 9.a5 b5 Karjakin 2773 – Giri 2785,
This more active move than 6...d6 has recently Bilbao 2016; 8...a5 was So’s choice against
gained in popularity. the same opponent only a month and a half
earlier: 9.¤bd2 ¤b6 (RR 9...h6 Heimann
7.ed5 ¤d5 8.a4 2551 – Kociscak 2474, Zillertal 2015 – 125/
XIIIIIIIIY (93)) 10.¥b5 ¥d6 11.¤e4 (11.¦e1 ¥g4
12.¤e4 Giri 2782 – Aronian 2792, Leuven
9r+lwq-trk+0 (blitz) 2016) ¥g4 12.h3 ¥h5 13.¦e1 Anand
9zppzp-+pzpp0 2770 – W. So 2770 Leuven (blitz) 2016]
9-+n+-+-+0 9.¥b5 ¤e7 [RR 9...a5 Demchenko 2589 –
9+-vlnzp-+-0 Georgescu 2475, Iasi 2015 – 125/93]
9P+L+-+-+0 10.a5 The ¥c4 is short of squares, so this is
9+-zPP+N+-0 more or less forced.
[10.¤e5?! is not a very tasty pawn since
9-zP-+-zPPzP0 after 10...c6 11.¥c4 ¥d6 12.¤f7 (practically
9tRNvLQ+RmK-0 forced as 12.¤f3 ¤c4 13.dc4 ¥f5 is excellent
for Black) ¦f7 13.¥f7 ¢f7 Black must be
xiiiiiiiiy better, as White is still largely undeveloped.]
8...¤b6 As we have seen, it is always better to
deviate first, thus gaining a psychological edge. 10...c6 11.ab6 cb5 12.¦a7 ¦a7 13.ba7 ¥a7

Chess Informant 129

14.¤e5 ¥f5 23.¦d3 ¥c7 24.b3 ¥c6 25.f3 ¦d8 26.¦d8

Black has compensation as in the Marshall ¥d8 27.b5 ¥d7 28.¢f2 ¥e7 29.¢e2 ¥a3
Attack. But the preparation doesn’t end here. 30.¥a3 ¥b5
1/2 : 1/2 Colovic
15.¦e1N [RR 15.¥e3 Milliet 2346 – Hammer
2689, France 2016] As if building momentum, So was again
very well prepared for his next game in
15...¥b8 16.¤a3 Round 6 against Topalov. In his own words
[16.¤d2 is an alternative, but after 16...¥e5 he was in his preparation until move 20
17.¦e5 ¥d3 the position is equal.] and yet he got absolutely nothing. Topalov
found all the best moves over the board!
16...b4 17.cb4 £d5 And now an interesting psychological
XIIIIIIIIY battle ensued: So felt sure he wasn’t worse,
but Topalov got over-ambitious and,
9-vl-+-trk+0 believing he was better, played recklessly
9+p+-snpzpp0 at the decisive moment. This was even
more strange, as Topalov was leading the
9-+-+-+-+0 tournament by half a point at this stage so on
9+-+qsNl+-0 principle he should have been happy with a
draw with Black. But now, by winning the
9-zP-+-+-+0 game, So not only leapfrogged over him
9sN-+P+-+-0 but went on to win the tournament as well,
since nobody managed to catch him in the
9-zP-+-zPPzP0 remaining three rounds.
xiiiiiiiiy A29
18.¤ec4 Simplifying to a draw. WESLEY SO 2771 —
[18.d4 has been played before, but Black has
compensation after 18...¦d8 19.¤f3 ¤c6 TOPALOV 2761
20.b5 ¤b4.] Saint Louis 2016

18...¥d3 19.¦e7 ¥c4 20.£d5 ¥d5 21.¦d7 1.c4 e5 2.g3

¥c6 22.¦d1 [Avoiding the other main line with ...¥b4.]
XIIIIIIIIY [2.¤c3 ¤f6 3.¤f3 ¤c6 4.g3 ¥b4 has been
played by Topalov before: 5.¥g2 0–0 6.0–0
9-vl-+-trk+0 d6 7.d3 h6 Aronian 2786 – Topalov 2780,
9+p+-+pzpp0 Moscow (ct) 2016]
9-+l+-+-+0 2...¤f6 3.¥g2 d5 Topalov always goes for
9+-+-+-+-0 this and So could be certain that it would
happen again in the game. He blitzed out his
9-zP-+-+-+0 moves until move 20.
9sN-+-+-+-0 4.cd5 ¤d5 5.¤c3 ¤b6 6.¤f3 ¤c6 7.0–0
9-zP-+-zPPzP0 ¥e7 8.d3 0–0 9.a3 ¥e6 10.¥e3 ¤d5
9+-vLR+-mK-0 [10...£d7 was Karjakin’s choice at the
Candidates: 11.b4 f6 12.¤e4 ¤d5 Aronian
xiiiiiiiiy 2786  Karjakin 2760, Moscow (ct) 2016 
22...¥a4 128/14]
White cannot hope to make use of the doubled
b-pawns. 11.¤d5 ¥d5

Aleksandar Colovic

13.¦ac1 a6 14.¤d2
[14.¦c3 was played against Topalov in the
previous Candidates tournament: 14...¥f6
15.¦c5 ¤e7 Karjakin 2766 – Topalov 2785,
Khanty-Mansiysk (ct) 2014 – 120/13]

14...¥g2 15.¢g2 ¤d4 16.¥d4 ed4 17.£b3

¦b8 18.e4
18...de3N [18...c5?! has been played in a
correspondence game, J. Hinz – Betker, corr.
2010, and Black drew, but this is not a good
move as it gives White a pawn majority in the
centre and on the kingside, whilst restricting
Veselin Topalov. Photo by Andreas Kontokanis
his own bishop.]

XIIIIIIIIY 19.fe3 ¦f8 20.¤e4 £d7

9r+-wq-trk+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9zppzp-vlpzpp0 9-tr-+-trk+0
9-+n+-+-+0 9+pzpqvlpzpp0
9+-+lzp-+-0 9p+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9zP-+PvLNzP-0 9-+-+N+-+0
9-zP-+PzPLzP0 9zPQ+PzP-zP-0
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 9-zP-+-+KzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-tR-+R+-0
12.£a4 [12.¦c1 was what So played against xiiiiiiiiy
Navara in the second game of their match in 21.¦f3
2015: 12...¥d6 13.£a4 £e8 14.¦fe1 W. So Probably around here So’s preparation ended.
2778  Navara 2751, Prague (m/2) 2015] He knew what he would do next, double on
the f-file and play d4, in order to constrain
12...¦e8 There are many alternatives here. Black’s bishop. Though this doesn’t offer
[12...a6; 12...f5; 12...¥f6.] much, what else is there for him to do?!

Chess Informant 129

21...¦bd8 22.d4 [22.£b7?! £d3 is too messy 28...b6 A double-edged decision. It keeps the
and the weakened state of the white king may ¤a4 at bay but weakens his structure. We
tell later on.] already know that Topalov was playing for a
win here, so his decision to sharpen the game
22...c6 23.¦cf1 £d5 is understandable.
29.¦c1 c5 30.dc5 b5 31.¤c3 £c6 32.£d2
9-+-tr-trk+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+p+-vlpzpp0 9-+-vlrtrk+0
9p+p+-+-+0 9+-+-+p+p0
9+-+q+-+-0 9p+q+-+p+0
9-+-zPN+-+0 9+pzP-+-+-0
9zPQ+-zPRzP-0 9-+-+-+P+0
9-zP-+-+KzP0 9zP-sN-zPR+P0
9+-+-+R+-0 9-zP-wQ-+K+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-tR-+-+-0
24.£c2 A dynamic decision, which was criticised
by Topalov. It is a key moment to understanding xiiiiiiiiy
the game, as from here onwards Topalov thought 32...¦e5?? Topalov must have missed
he was better so continued to press for a win. something very simple.
Losing objectivity is always punished in chess, [32...£c5 33.¤d5 £a7 34.¦c6 £b7 is still
but otherwise White is quite okay here. dynamically balanced – the ¥d8 keeps the
[24.£d5 ¦d5 is equal.] ¤d5 at bay, which compensates for White’s
worse structure and weakened king.]
24...g6 25.g4 [Preventing ...f5.]
33.b4 ¥g5 34.¦d1
25...¦de8 26.h3 XIIIIIIIIY
White can only sit and wait, but if he does
then Black will not be able to do much either. 9-+-+-trk+0
This solidity of White’s position probably 9+-+-+p+p0
irritated Topalov, who tried to break it down
by violent means later on. 9p+q+-+p+0
26...¥d8 27.¤c3 £e6 28.¤a4 En route to c5.
9-+-vlrtrk+0 9zP-sN-zPR+P0
9+p+-+p+p0 9-+-wQ-+K+0
9p+p+q+p+0 9+-+R+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9N+-zP-+P+0 [34...¦e3 is met by 35.£d5. Perhaps he
9zP-+-zPR+P0 missed this?.]

9-zPQ+-+K+0 35.£d7 White has got rid of the weak pawn on

e3 and created a protected passed pawn on c5,
9+-+-+R+-0 so every endgame is easily winning for him.
Aleksandar Colovic
35...£a8 36.¤d5 ¥g5 37.c6
XIIIIIIIIY 9r+-wq-trk+0
9q+-+-trk+0 9+pzp-vlpzpp0
9+-+Q+p+p0 9-sn-+l+-+0
9p+P+-+p+0 9zpP+-zp-+-0
9+p+Ntr-vl-0 9-+-sn-+-+0
9-zP-+-+P+0 9zP-sNP+NzP-0
9zP-+-+R+P0 9-vL-+PzPLzP0
9-+-+-+K+0 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
9+-+R+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
xiiiiiiiiy This avoids the exchange of the knights on
Total domination by White. d4 and seems like an easier way to play for
37...¥h4 38.¦d2 [12...f6 is the alternative. Then 13.¤d4 ed4
[Preventing ...¦e2, although it wasn’t really 14.¤b1 ¥d5 15.¤d2 and White will try to
necessary.] play on the light squares after the exchange of
[38.c7 ¦e2 39.¢g1 ¦c2 40.¦df1.] the bishops.]

38...¦e1 39.¦c2 ¢g7 40.¤b6 £b8 41.£d4 13.¦b1 f6 14.¤d2 ¤d2 15.£d2 ¤c4 16.£c1
1:0 Colovic ¤b2 17.£b2 ¦b8
After taking the lead, So continued to play
in his customary slow and steady manner. 9-tr-wq-trk+0
In Round 7 he used the same line in the 9+pzp-vl-zpp0
English that Topalov had played against him
in the previous round to successfully defuse 9-+-+lzp-+0
Svidler’s attempts. 9zpP+-zp-+-0
SVIDLER 2751 —
Saint Louis 2016
1.c4 e5 2.g3 ¤f6 3.¥g2 d5 4.cd5 ¤d5 5.¤f3 18.e3N
¤c6 6.0–0 ¤b6 7.¤c3 ¥e7 8.a3 0–0 9.b4 A novelty by Svidler, but Black is doing fine
[The other main plan in this position, 9.d3 anyway.
¥e6 10.¥e3, was So’s choice in the previous [18.¦fc1; 18.¤e4; RR 18.a4 Mednis 2455 –
round.] Ivanov 2515, Brighton 1983 – 36/37]

9...¥e6 10.d3 a5 There are many options for 18...f5

Black here. The general assessment is that he [18...£d3 19.¥d5 is the cute trick, so as
is doing fine. to gain compensation on the light squares:
[10...¤d4; 10...f6.] 19...¥d5 20.¦fd1 £f5 21.¤d5.]

11.b5 ¤d4 12.¥b2 19.¤a4 ¥d6

Chess Informant 129

[Defending e5 and planning ...£e7, attacking a3.] C67

20.b6 [20.¦fc1 £e7] c6 21.d4 £e7
Saint Louis 2016
9+p+-wq-zpp0 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 ¤f6 4.0–0 ¤e4
5.d4 ¤d6 6.¥c6 dc6 7.de5 ¤f5 8.£d8 ¢d8
9-zPpvll+-+0 9.h3 ¢e8 10.¤c3 h5
9zp-+-zpp+-0 This is probably the safest line of all.
9zP-+-zP-zP-0 9r+l+kvl-tr0
9-wQ-+-zPLzP0 9zppzp-+pzp-0
9+R+-+RmK-0 9-+p+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-zPn+p0
22.¤c5 [22.de5?! ¥a3 23.£c2 ¥b4 can only 9-+-+-+-+0
be better for Black.] 9+-sN-+N+P0
22...ed4 23.¤e6 £e6 24.ed4 f4 9PzPP+-zPP+0
This is already drawish as White has to push 9tR-vL-+RmK-0
d4-d5 in order to activate his ¥g2 and rid
himself of the isolated pawn. xiiiiiiiiy
25.d5 cd5 26.£b3 ¢h8 27.¥d5 £f6 28.£b5 [11.¥f4 Vachier played this in his Round 7
¥a3 29.£a5 ¥b2 30.¥f3 ¦a8 31.£d5 game against Nakamura: 11...¥e7 12.¦ad1
1/2 : 1/2 Colovic ¥e6 13.¤g5 ¦h6 14.¦fe1 ¥b4 15.g4 hg4
16.hg4 ¤e7 17.f3 (RR 17.¤e6 Anand 2770
With only two rounds to go, So reverted to – Karjakin 2766, Khanty-Mansiysk (ct) 2014
even more pragmatic choices and in Round 8 – 120/116) ¥c3 18.bc3 ¤d5N improving on
played strictly for a draw with White against Carlsen’s play (18...¥a2 19.¤e4 Vachier-
Caruana. Caruana had a tough 95–move draw Lagrave 2788 – Carlsen 2851, Stavanger
the previous day so he was also happy to draw. 2016) 19.¥d2 ¤b6 20.¤e6 ¦e6 21.¢f2 ¦d8
In the Berlin with 5.¦e1 they followed the Vachier-Lagrave 2819 – Nakamura 2791,
games Svidler – Topalov from the Candidates Saint Louis 2016]
and So – Aronian from the recent blitz in
Leuven, all ending in quick draws. 11...¥e6 12.¦ad1 ¥e7 13.b3 a5
A rare move, possibly intended to take Vachier
In the last round So needed a draw to out of his preparation.
secure shared first place and there is no [13...h4 has been played by Kramnik:
safer haven than the Berlin when Black 14.¤e4 b6 (RR 14...a5 Caruana 2781
wants safety. Vachier Lagrave entered – Karjakin 2780, Wijk aan Zee 2013 –
the endgame, but as Nakamura said: “All 117/99) 15.c4 a5 Aronian 2815 – Kramnik
Berlin endgames are drawn, no matter how 2795, London 2012]
they look.” So was confident in holding
the endgame and, as it turned out, not one 14.¦d3 ¦d8 15.¦d8N
of his pursuers managed to win and catch [RR 15.¦fd1 Alsina Leal 2549 – Glud 2496,
him and force a tie-break – even though Spain 2011]
Topalov was winning against Aronian for
a long time. 15...¥d8 16.¦d1 ¥g5 17.¤g5 ¢e7

Aleksandar Colovic
After 20...¢e6? Black cannot establish a
good blockade on the white squares: 21.f4
c5 22.¢f2 ¤e7 23.¤c3 ¤f5 24.¤b5 ¦c8
25.¢f3 with g4 to come.]

21.f4 ¦f8 [Now Black threatens ...h4.]

[An immediate 21...h4 was also possible, as
the attack on f4 ties White down. Then could
follow 22.g4 ¦f8 23.¦d4 c5 24.¦e4 b6.]

22.¦d4 c5 23.¦e4 ¦d8 24.¢f2 ¦d1

Maxime Vachier Lagrave, Berlin 2015. Photo by Harald Fietz XIIIIIIIIY
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-tr0 9+pzp-mk-zp-0
9+pzp-mkpzp-0 9-+-+p+n+0
9-+p+l+-+0 9zp-zp-zP-+p0
9zp-+-zPnsNp0 9-+-+RzP-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+P+-+-zPP0
9+PsN-+-+P0 9P+P+NmK-+0
9P+P+-zPP+0 9+-+r+-+-0
9+-+R+-mK-0 xiiiiiiiiy
The active rook assures Black that he will not
xiiiiiiiiy have any problems.
18.¤e2 [18.¤e6 ¢e6! Here Black already has
the blockade – compare the note to Black’s 25.g4 hg4 26.hg4 b5
20th move. Then 19.f4 b6 20.¢f2 h4.] [Black can play in different ways, e.g. 26...¢f7
27.f5 ef5 28.gf5 ¤e7 29.¤g3 ¦d2 30.¦e2
18...¤h4 Liberating f5 for the bishop. ¦e2 31.¢e2 g6 eliminating the danger.]

19.g3 [19.¤f4 ¥f5.] 27.f5 ¤h4 28.¤g3 ¦a1 29.a4 ¦a2 30.ab5
¦c2 31.¦e2 ¦e2
19...¤g6 20.¤e6 [31...¦c3 32.¦e3 ¦c2 is a repetition.]

Chess Informant 129

32.¢e2 c4! 33.bc4 a4 34.¢d3 ¤f3 41.¢b4 ¤d3 42.¢c4 ¤e5 43.¢c5 ¢h6
XIIIIIIIIY 44.¤e2 c6 45.bc6 ¤c6 46.¢c6 ¢g5 47.¢d6
9-+-+-+-+0 1/2 : 1/2 Colovic
So’s triumph is fully deserved. From the
BOURNEMOUTH, VII–VIII 2016 games in this tournament we saw that when
103rd British P P+-0
Chess Championships he gets in his preparation he is unbeatable
(86 players, 11 rounds) and he only encounters problems when he
1. Mi. Adams 10, 2. D. Howell 8, 3»4. G. is caught
Jones, Tanin his opponent’s
Justin preparation.
Hy 8, 5»8. Hebden,ButT.
9+-+K+ns N-0
Fodor jr., Gormally, Emms 7, 9»15. N. Pert, Ch. Ward, Pe. Wells, Jo. defensive
then in such situations his excellent Houska,
Claridge-Hansen, Ch. Duncan, Mart. Brown technique
7, 16»23. is K.
there to keep
Arkell, him D.
Palliser, safe, making
9-+-+-+-+0 him incredibly difficult
Pe. Batchelor, Kolbus, Ch. Storey, Stev. Jones, J. Moreby 6, etc. to beat.
9+-+-+-+-0 In a tournament where Carlsen isn’t playing,
xiiiiiiiiy “slow and steady” is the only way to go. An
lone king 2016
cannot run in two directions, so even field with no favourites cat. promotes
XXII (2778)a
White is unable to Masters
The IX Bilbao keep an eyeFinal
on the a-pawn “safety first” policy and grinding out wins
and at the same time defend the e5–pawn. is a primary requisite. So’s conduct of play
1 2 Saint3Louis 4is a model
in 5 example
6 of how to
35.f6 ¢f7
1 M. CARLSEN36.fg7 ¤e5 37.¢c3 a3
g 2855 38.c5 ¤d3!
ó ó win such events.
0 á 1 á 1 á 1 á á 1In the present tightly-packed
17* 1
The threat is ...a2, so White loses the c5–pawn. group of elite grandmasters, we now have
2 HI. NAKAMURA g 2787 1 á ó ó á á á á á á á á 12 2
another player who can win tournaments and
3 WEI YI g 2696
39.¢b3 ¤c5 40.¢a3 ¢g7 and soon enough 0 á áthis
á bodes
ó ó well
áá á á á 1 11 3»4
for some exciting contests in
4 W. SO
all the pawns will disappear. g 2770 0 á áthe
á future.
áá ó ó áá á 1 11 3»4
5 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2773 0 á áá áá áá ó ó áá 9 5
6 A. GIRI g 2785 á 0 áá á 0 á 0 áá ó ó 7 6
* 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw

SAINT LOUIS, VIII 2016 cat. XXII (2779)

The 4th Sinquefield Cup
The third stage of the 2016 Grand Chess Tour
Time Control: 120 minutes for 40 moves + 60 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30
second increment from move 41.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GCT
1 W. SO g 2771 ó á á á 1 á 1 á á á 5á 13
2 V. ANAND g 2770 á ó á á á 1 á á á á 5 7.75
3 ARONIAN g 2792 á á ó á á 0 1 á 1 á 5 7.75
4 F. CARUANA g 2807 á á á ó á á á á á 1 5 7.75
5 V. TOPALOV g 2761 0 á á á ó á á 1 1 á 5 7.75
6 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2819 á 0 1 á á ó á á á á 4á 4.5
7 HI. NAKAMURA g 2791 0 á 0 á á á ó 1 á 1 4á 4.5
8 DING LIREN g 2755 á á á á 0 á 0 ó 1 á 4 3
9 SVIDLER g 2751 á á 0 á 0 á á 0 ó 1 3á 2
10 A. GIRI g 2769 á á á 0 á á 0 á 0 ó 3 1
* GCT » Grand Chess Tour Points

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Chess Openings
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Asian Champion 2016

S. P. Sethuraman
The Asian Continental is always a prestigious tournament
which gathers together a host of strong players from
all over Asia. In addition it provides an opportunity for
the top five placed players to qualify for the following
year’s World Cup. Therefore competitors are all the more
motivated to fight for one of the top placings — reports the
winner, Indian GM Sethuraman.

Last time, thanks to the tiebreak rules, which reward a higher number of wins,
I won the bronze medal after a thrilling last round victory with the black pieces. So
this year I entered the contest with even higher hopes, even though the competition
was far stronger this time, with the participation of former world title holder Rustam
Kasimdzhanov, Vietnamese No. 1 Le Quang Liem, rated over 2700, Chinese prodigy


Wei Yi, and a host of 2600+ grandmasters, a few of whom were from my own
country. In fact if you take the top ten seeded players you can see they are mostly
from China and India  no wonder these countries are superpowers.
Also noticeable this year was the high percentage of draws, which seemed to
increase day by day, as more very strong and evenly matched opponents were paired
against each other, which made it difficult to score the full point in a tightly packed
field. Funnily enough, I was the only player in the top ten final placings to have few
draws  only two in fact.
When I arrived at the tournament, held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, I found
that I was 9th seed and duly won my first two games pretty convincingly. But this
was followed by two consecutive hard fought draws in Round 3 and 4 against my
compatriot, the talented 16 year old Arvinth Chithambaram, and the Chinese Gao Rui.
Then, in round five, I was paired against the second highest rated Indian, my good
friend Deep Sengupta. Some players dislike playing against their fellow countrymen
in official tournaments but this is almost inevitable if you are from China or India,
bearing in mind that there were more than 15 Indians and Chinese taking part overall.
I was on 3/4 after two consecutive draws against the young talented Aravinth
Chidambaram in the third round and Chinese Gai Rui in the fourth, so was now
thirsting for another win. In the fifth round I was paired against my good friend Deep
Sengupta with the white pieces. The opening choice for this game was quite difficult
since we have worked with each other quite a lot in recent years and shared a lot of
our opening analysis. Nevertheless chess is such an inexhaustible game that at the
end of the day you can always find something different to play. I had recently played
a game against Deep at Dubai, where I only managed to win after escaping from a
virtually lost position. But this time I took more care and employed my favourite
Meran against his Slav, from which I obtained a slight edge and thanks to a cute little
tactic won a nice game.

S. P. Sethuraman
• Country: India
Tashkent (5), 2016
• Born: 1993
1.d4 [A few months earlier in Dubai, April
2016, faced with the same tough choice of • Rating: 2649
what to play, I tried something offbeat and • Peak rating: 2658
we reached a different kind of Slav with a
rare move order, starting 1.¤f3. However, • Title: Grandmaster since 2011
I slipped into a very bad position out of
the opening and was lucky to survive into
the middlegame: 1...d5 2.c4 c6 3.e3 ¤f6 ¦c3 19.¦d1 ¤d7 20.00 ¤c5 21.¤d4²
4.¤c3 e6 5.b3 ¥d6 6.£c2 00 7.¥b2 Sethuraman 2658  Sengupta 2554, Dubai
e5 8.cd5 cd5 9.¤b5 ¤c6 10.¤d6 £d6 2016. So, after this experience, this time I
11.¥b5 ¤b4 12.£c1 ¥d7 13.¥e5 £b6 went for a proper Slav Meran which is a
14.¥e2 (RR 14.a3 Hovhannisyan 2526  favourite of mine.]
Yagupov 2393, Cappelle-la-Grande 2014 
120/(6)) ¦ac8 (14...¦fc8  +) 15.¥c3 ¥b5 1...d5 2.c4 c6 3.¤c3 ¤f6 4.¤f3 e6 5.e3
16.£b2 (½:½ Roeder 2412  Zimina 2337, ¤bd7 6.¥d3 dc4 7.¥c4 b5 8.¥d3 ¥d6
Cesenatico 2013) a5N 17.¥b4 ab4 18.d3 9.00 ¥b7 10.a3 00 11.£c2

Chess Informant 129

The topical line which has become so popular, 14.de5 ¤e5 15.¤e5 ¥e5 16.¥e3
especially after Anand’s fantastic win against XIIIIIIIIY
Aronian at Wijk An Zee.
XIIIIIIIIY 9r+-wqr+k+0
9r+-wq-trk+0 9zpl+-+pzp-0
9zpl+n+pzpp0 9-+p+-sn-zp0
9-+pvlpsn-+0 9+p+-vl-+-0
9+p+-+-+-0 9-+-+P+-+0
9-+-zP-+-+0 9zP-sNLvL-+P0
9zP-sNLzPN+-0 9-zPQ+-zPP+0
9-zPQ+-zPPzP0 9tR-+-+RmK-0
9tR-vL-+RmK-0 xiiiiiiiiy
16...¥d4?! A slightly dubious exchange
xiiiiiiiiy which allows free play and kingside expansion
11...h6 for White.
[Quite a solid reply to this system. It’s a [16...£c7 is the main option, which has been
clever waiting move which also avoids played in tons of games.]
numerous forced variations arising after
11...¦c8. For example, then 12.b4 c5 is 17.¥d4N [RR 17.¦fe1 Ganguly 2631  Le
Vishy Anand’s fascinating idea which has Quang Liem 2699, Al-Ain 2015]
given rise to a lot of discussion and in fact
a little later, at a tournament in Edmonton, I 17...£d4 18.¦ad1 £b6 19.¦fe1 ¦e7
won a theoretical debate in this line against XIIIIIIIIY
Alexey Shirov. In that game I didn’t even
have to think about any of my moves, which 9r+-+-+k+0
proves how deadly opening preparation can 9zpl+-trpzp-0
be if the opponent doesn’t remember the
specific lines on a particular day! 13.bc5 9-wqp+-sn-zp0
¥f3 14.cd6 ¤d5 15.gf3 £g5 (RR 15...¤c3
Ganguly 2619  Zherebukh 2627, Fujairah
City 2012  116/(150)) 16.¢h1 £h5 9-+-+P+-+0
17.¥e2 ¤c3 18.¦g1 ¤f6 19.¥b2 ¤a4N 9zP-sNL+-+P0
(RR 19...¤ce4 Bacrot 2711  Ter-Sahakyan
2580, Jerusalem 2015) 20.£d2 ¦fd8 21.e4 9-zPQ+-zPP+0
¦d6 22.e5 1:0 Sethuraman 2653  Shirov 9+-+RtR-mK-0
2682, Edmonton 2016]
12.e4 e5 13.h3 20.¦e3 My intention was to carry out f4–e5
By not releasing the tension with de5, I am after £e2, but 20.¢h2! was a more logical
effectively asking Black where he intends to way of implementing this plan, rather than my
place his pieces. sophisticated approach.]
[RR13.de5 Topalov 2777  Ivanchuk 2781, [20.¢h2! ¦ae8 (20...¦d8 21.e5) 21.f4 ¤d5
Bilbao 2008  104/(273)] (21...a5 22.e5 ¤d5 23.¤d5 cd5 24.£e2±)
22.¤d5 cd5 23.e5 f6 24.¥h7 ¢h8 25.¥g6
13...¦e8 and Black is really in an unpleasant situation
[13...a6 14.de5 ¤e5 15.¤e5 ¥e5 16.¥e3 ¦e8 with weaknesses all over the board.]
(16...c5 17.¥c5 ¦e8 18.¦ad1 £c7 19.¤d5)
17.f4 ¥c3 18.bc3 c5 19.e5 c4 20.¥f5] 20...¦ae8 21.£e2

9-+-+r+k+0 28...gh6 29.¤f6 ¢f8 30.¤e8 ¤c4 31.¦e4
¥f5 32.¦f4 ¥g6 33.¤f6
9zpl+-trpzp-0 The rest is just a matter of technique.
9-wqp+-sn-zp0 33...£e7 34.£g4 £e6 35.£d1 £e7 36.¤d7
9+p+-+-+-0 ¢e8 37.¤f6 ¢f8
9zP-sNLtR-+P0 9-+-+-mk-+0
9-zP-+QzPP+0 9+-+-wqp+-0
9+-+R+-mK-0 9-+p+-sNlzp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zpp+-+-+-0
21...a5? My opponent missed one concrete 9-+n+-tR-+0
detail when allowing my subsequent pawn 9zP-+-+-+P0
push to e5.
[21...a6 22.e5 ¤d5 23.¤d5 cd5 24.£h5 9-zP-+-zPP+0
(24.£e1!? d4 25.¦e2 ¥d5 26.f4 f6 27.¥g6 9+-+Q+-mK-0
¦d8 28.¥d3 ¦de8 29.£g3) is given by the
computer as equal, but I would prefer White xiiiiiiiiy
here after, for example, 24...d4 25.¦e2 g6 38.b3! ¤e5 [38...¤a3 39.£d4 and the knight
26.£h6 ¦e5 27.¦e5 ¦e5 28.¥f1] on a3 is completely locked in.]

22.e5 ¤d7 [22...¤d5 23.¤d5 cd5 24.f4!² 39.¤e4 ¢g7 40.£d4 h5 41.b4 a4 42.¤f6
(24.¥b5 d4 25.¦g3 ¦e5 26.£g4 ¦g5 27.¥e8 1 :0 Sethuraman
¦g4 28.¦g4²)]
This win took me to the top board where I had
23.¥f5 ¤e5 [23...¤f8 24.¤e4±] the white pieces against one of the co-leaders,
XIIIIIIIIY GM Le Quang. I thought how lucky I was to
receive two Whites in a row, a desirable state
9-+-+r+k+0 of affairs for any chess player, but in no time at
9+l+-trpzp-0 all I suffered the realisation that I had thrown
it all away by making a simple blunder whilst
9-wqp+-+-zp0 trying too hard to break down his Berlin
9zpp+-snL+-0 defence. Indeed, a wall is a wall! After beating
me, Le Quang remained joint leader, along
9-+-+-+-+0 with Wei Yi and by a margin of half a point.
9zP-sN-tR-+P0 With the field being very strong and tightly
9-zP-+QzPP+0 packed, there were lots of draws in every
9+-+R+-mK-0 round and in order to come back and fight for
one of the top places I now had to score at
xiiiiiiiiy least 2½/3, which would mean qualification
24.¥d7! [This cute little tactic was what my for the World Cup. So the following game
opponent missed while playing 21...a5.] was very important for me, especially after
losing in the previous round.
24...¦d7 25.¦d7 ¥c8 26.¦d6 £c5 27.¤e4
£a7 28.¦h6 In the next round the two leaders drew their
[28.£h5 was simpler and in accordance with top board encounter, while my good friend
the old dictum “The threat is stronger than the Adhiban joined them with an incredible win
execution.”] over Peter Kostenko.

Chess Informant 129

In the meantime I won a nice positional game opponent had only played 1.d4 followed by
against Indonesian GM Susanto Megaranto ¤f3–¥f4 or ¥g5–e3–c3 against any system.
with the black pieces, which left me only half With the white pieces he is habitually solid as
a point behind the pack of four leaders. This a rock, so I was really surprised by his shift to
win was a much needed comeback, especially 1.e4. Nevertheless I was really happy to see
after my previous round loss to Le Quang, and this surprise rather than the boring London
gave me new hope to fight for a top spot again. system  even if nowadays the London system
is becoming more fashionable and interesting...
Well, perhaps... Times have changed!!!
MEGARANTO 2527 — 1...c5 2.¤f3 d6 The Najdorf!!?
SETHURAMAN 2647 3.c3 No thanks!! Such quiet systems can make
Tashkent (7), 2016 you feel uncomfortable if you dont know how
to react to them.
1.e4 A surprise! Over the past ten years, my

I suggest readers take a look at this game, as it is a great example of why you should
never give up hope! I also advise any player, who has had a really bad day and needs
consolation after spoiling a winning position, also to play through this game. I should
add that this scenario is nothing new for my good friend Adhiban, who has survived
so many lost positions in the past, but his game will nevertheless inspire many people.
Adhiban Baskaran, Berlin 2015. Photo by Harald Fietz

ADHIBAN 2665 —
Tashkent (7) 2016
[32...¦f2! 33.¢f2 d2 34.¦d1 c2  +]

33.¦f3 d2? [33...¦f8 34.£d3 £e5 35.£a6

(35.£c3 £c3 36.¦fc3 ¦a2 37.¦c4 ¦d8 +)
¦d2 36.¦fc3 ¦fd8µ]


3...¤f6 4.¥d3 ¤c6 5.¥c2 g6 6.h3 ¥g7 8...d5!? [8...cd4 9.cd4 d5 10.e5 ¤e4 11.¤c3]
7.00 00 8.d4
XIIIIIIIIY 9.ed5 [9.e5 ¤e4 (9...¤d7 leads to a sort of
French Defence position) 10.¥e3 (10.¦e1
9r+lwq-trk+0 £b6) £b6]
9...£d5 10.dc5 [10.¥b3 c4 (10...£h5)
9-+nzp-snp+0 11.¥c2 ¥f5]
9+-zp-+-+-0 10...£c5 11.¤bd2 [RR 11.¥e3 Melia 2371 
9-+-zPP+-+0 Grigorov 2460, Kavala 2007  100/(116)]
9+-zP-+N+P0 11...¥f5N [RR 11...¦d8 Backelin 2304 
9PzPL+-zPP+0 Ulybin 2556, Stockholm 2004/05]
9tRNvLQ+RmK-0 12.¤b3 £d5 [12...¥c2 13.£c2 £f5]
34.£f7? [34.¦f7 ¢d6 35.£d3 £d5 36...£f2! 37.£f2 d1£  +]
(35...¢c6 36.£a6 ¢d5 37.£d3 £d4 38.£b5
¢d6 39.£a6 =) 36.£a6 £c6 37.£d3 =] 36.£f3 ¦d5 37.¦cc3 ¦e1 38.¢h2 d1£
39.¦d1 ¦ed1 40.¦c5 ¢c5= 41.£f8 ¢c4
34...¢d6 35.¦d3 42.£h6 ¦e1 43.g4 ¢b3 44.f4 gf4 45.£f4
XIIIIIIIIY ¦ee5 46.¢g3 ¦c5 47.¢h2 ¦ed5 48.£e4
9-+-tr-+-+0 ¢a3 49.¢h3 e5?! [49...¦e5=; 49...¢b3=]

9+-+-+Q+-0 50.g5 ¦d4 51.£e3 ¢a4 52.g6

9-+-mkp+-zp0 9-+-+-+-+0
9zp-wq-+-zp-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9P+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+P+0
9+-zpR+-zP-0 9zp-tr-zp-+-0
9-+-zprzPP+0 9k+-tr-+-+0
9+-tR-+-mK-0 9+-+-wQ-+K0
35...¢c6? [35...¢e5! 36.¦cc3 (36.£g7 ¢e4 9-+-+-+P+0
37.£h7 £f5  +)
XIIIIIIIIY 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-tr-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
52...¢b4? [52...¦c7 53.£e5 ¦dd7 54.¢g4
9+-+-+Q+-0 ¦a7 55.¢f5 ¢b4=]
9zp-wq-mk-zp-0 53.g7 ¦d8 54.£e4 ¢b5 55.£b1+   ¢c4
56.£a2 ¢b4 57.g8£ ¦g8 58.£g8 a4
9P+-+-+-+0 59.£b8 ¦b5 60.£d6 ¦c5 61.£b6 ¦b5
9+-tRR+-zP-0 62.£f2 a3 63.g4 ¦c5 64.g5 ¦c3 65.¢g2
9-+-zprzPP+0 ¦c4 66.g6 ¢b3 67.£g3 ¢b2 68.g7 ¦c2
9+-+-+-mK-0 69.¢h3 a2 70.g8£ a1£ 71.£8b3
Chess Informant 129

13.¥f5 [13.£d5 ¤d5 14.¥f5 gf5 would 17...¥h6 18.¦e5

leave Black with a very comfortable game.] XIIIIIIIIY
13...£f5 9r+-+-trk+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9zpp+qzpp+p0
9r+-+-trk+0 9-+-+-+pvl0
9zpp+-zppvlp0 9+-+ntR-+-0
9-+n+-snp+0 9-+-sN-+-+0
9+-+-+q+-0 9+NzP-+-+P0
9-+-+-+-+0 9PzP-+-zPP+0
9+NzP-+N+P0 9tR-+Q+-mK-0
9PzP-+-zPP+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 18...¦ad8 [18...¥g7 19.¦e1 ¦ad8 was more
accurate with the idea of an immediate ...e7-
xiiiiiiiiy e5, expanding on the kingside! 19...e5 at once
14.¤fd4?! can be met by 20.¤f3 ¦fe8 21.c4.]
[14.¤bd4 was the right knight sortie to d4.
The knight on f3 is already perfectly placed, 19.£f3! e6 20.¦ee1
so why disturb it? 14...£d7 15.£e2 followed Now the e5 advance is made rather difficult,
by ¦d1 is just equal.] but because of the srong knight on d5 Black
still has a number of ways to generate pressure.
14...£d7 15.¥g5
[15.£e2 ¦fe8 16.¦d1 ¦ad8 17.¥e3=] 20...¥g7 21.¤c2
[After 21.¦ad1 £c7 22.¤c2 Black has
15...¤d5 16.¦e1 ¤e5 several options to make progress, e.g. 22...
XIIIIIIIIY a5!?, 22...£c4!? or 22...h5!? as in the game.]
9r+-+-trk+0 21...£c7 [¹ 21...£a4 22.¤e3 (22.¦e4 £a6;
9zpp+qzppvlp0 22.£e4 £a6) ¤e3 23.£e3 ¦d5 24.¤c5 £c6
25.¤b3 a5 26.a4 ¦fd8]
9+-+nsn-vL-0 22.¤e3 ¤f4 23.¦ed1
9-+-sN-+-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+NzP-+-+P0 9-+-tr-trk+0
9PzP-+-zPP+0 9zppwq-+pvlp0
9tR-+QtR-mK-0 9-+-+p+p+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
I felt greatly relieved after playing ...¤e5 9-+-+-sn-+0
which retains pieces on the board and offers 9+NzP-sNQ+P0
more practical chances.
17.¥h6?! Giving away the dark squared 9tR-+R+-mK-0
bishop represents a major concession to Black.
[17.¤c5 £d6 18.¤d3 ¤c4; ¹17.£e2 ¦ac8 xiiiiiiiiy
18.¤d2] 23...h5! A nice positional move. Such moves


26...b5! Another strong positional move. I am

playing on both sides of the board, fixing the
b2-c3 pawn structure and gaining space on
the queenside.

27.¦d8 £d8 28.£d1 £g5 29.¢h1 £f6

30.¢g1 £g5 31.¢h1 ¥c7
Setting up a battery along the b8–h2 diagonal.
32.¤e2? Both players were in time trouble
and under pressure my opponent makes a
Susanto Megaranto. Photo David Llada
huge blunder. You are about to see the point
spring to mind as a consequence of not of ...h5 and how useful it is now.
knowing what to play, but end up being an [Upon 32.¤d3 I intended 32...¤d3 33.£d3
effective way to improve your position. The £e5. However, instead 32...a6! would have
text makes room for the black king and also been a very subtle response, making it difficult
threatens ...h5–h4 at some point, which will for White to decide which move to play next.]
also reduce the scope of the e3 knight!
32...¤e2 33.£e2 £e5 34.g3 h4!  + 35.£f3
24.¦d8?! ¦d8 25.¦d1 ¥e5! hg3 36.¤g4 £e1 37.¢g2 gf2
Coordinating all my pieces. XIIIIIIIIY
26.¤c1 [26.¦d8 £d8 27.£e4 £d6; 26.¦d2
¦d2 27.¤d2 b5] 9zp-vl-+p+-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+p+p+0
9-+-tr-+k+0 9+p+-+-+-0
9zppwq-+p+-0 9-+-+-+N+0
9-+-+p+p+0 9+-zP-+Q+P0
9+-+-vl-+p0 9PzP-+-zpK+0
9-+-+-sn-+0 9+-+-wq-+-0
9+-zP-sNQ+P0 xiiiiiiiiy
9PzP-+-zPP+0 38.£f2 [38.¤h6 ¢g7 39.£f7 ¢h6 40.£f8
9+-sNR+-mK-0 ¢g5 (40...¢h5 41.£f3 ¢g5 42.£g4 ¢f6
43.£h4 ¢f7  +) 41.£e7 (41.h4 ¢g4 42.£f3
Chess Informant 129

¢h4  +) ¢f4  + (41...¢f5  +) 42.£c7 D45

e5 43.£f7 ¢e3 44.£f3 ¢d2 45.£f2 £f2 WEI YI 2694 —
46.¢f2 e4  +]
38...£f2 39.¤f2 f5 40.¤d3 ¢f7 41.a4 ba4 Tashkent (9), 2016
42.¤c5 a3 The final finesse.

This victory gave me a big boost and increased In my game, Wei Yi played the aggressive
confidence and I scored two more wins in the Shabalov system in the Meran, which I
next two rounds, thereby passing my initial countered with a new idea causing my
target of 2½/3 to score a run of 3/3 and put me opponent to spend a great deal of time on
on the road to winning the tournament itself! the clock and land in a difficult position.
0 :1 Sethuraman Meanwhile Ganguly rejected Le Quang’s
draw offer in a slightly better position.
In the penultimate round, Adhiban
had the white pieces against Le Quang, 1.d4 The first surprise. Throughout the whole
Wei Yi was Black against Kasimdzhanov, tournament my opponent had preferred 1.e4
followed by Ganguly and myself on the and indeed he can be considered to be a
third and fourth boards, half a point behind. dangerous king’s pawn player, especially if
Le Quang played a nice positional game you study his breathtaking wins against the
to outwit Adhiban and Wei too won in Sicilian. However, in his last three or four
impressive style. Ganguly drew against the tournaments he has started to adopt different
rock solid Chinese Wen Yang. On the fourth setups and openings. Nevertheless, taking
board I won against the local upcoming into account the crucial nature of this round,
grandmaster, Jahonigir Vakhidov, in a well
Wei Yi, Bilbao 2016. Photo David Llada
contested game.
Now a draw would guarantee me a
place in the World Cup, once again thanks
to my high number of wins. If you take
the last two Asian championships, I drew
only three out a total of 18 games, which
clearly shows that this is the ideal tiebreak
for someone like me who tries so hard
to win games. On the other hand, quite a
few players were complaining about the
unfairness of the tiebreak rule, but then
again there is no perfect system, everything
has its own flaws.
So, a tense final round got underway,
which was to end in a totally unexpected way
which no one would have thought possible,
including yours truly! I was paired against
one of the leaders, Wei Yi, with the black
pieces, while Le Quang was up against my
compatriot Ganguly. In fact both leaders
had the white pieces and were obviously
ambitious and not about to make short draws.
Ganguly too was in a tense situation, as he
needed to win with Black to give him a good
chance of qualifying for the World Cup.

And now for my crucial last round encounter.

it came as a surprise to me, and I asked myself 9r+lwqk+-tr0
“Perhaps he has found something special
against my customary opening repertoire?” 9zpp+n+pzpp0
1...d5 After a couple of minutes thought I
decided to stick to my favourite Slav Defence, 9+-+p+-+-0
which had brought me some good wins in the
2.c4 c6 3.e3
[Probably my opponent wanted to avoid 9PzPQ+-zP-zP0
3.¤c3 dc4 or 3.¤f3 ¤f6 4 ¤c3 dc4, although 9tR-vL-mKLtR-0
I have never used such systems in practice.]
3...¤f6 [With White’s particular move order 8...£f6 [8...¤h2 9.¤h2 ¥h2 10.¦g7 ¤f8
Black also has the option of playing 3...¥f5. 11.¦g2 ¥d6 12.e4 ¤g6 13.¥g5 ¥e7
But I didn’t want to play it over the board 14.¥e3N (RR 14.¥e7 Morozevich 2788 
without proper study and preparation.] Kramnik 2788, Moscow 2008  103/310) de4
15.0–0–0 f5÷ Rapport 2671  Eljanov 2723,
4.¤c3 e6 5.¤f3 ¤bd7 6.£c2 ¥d6 Biel 2015]
Now we transpose into the Meran system.
XIIIIIIIIY 9.¦g4 £f3 10.¦g7 ¤f6 [10...¤f8 11.¦g1]
9r+lwqk+-tr0 11.¦g5
9zpp+n+pzpp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+pvlpsn-+0 9r+l+k+-tr0
9+-+p+-+-0 9zpp+-+p+p0
9-+PzP-+-+0 9-+pvlpsn-+0
9+-sN-zPN+-0 9+-+p+-tR-0
9PzPQ+-zPPzP0 9-+PzP-+-+0
9tR-vL-mKL+R0 9+-sN-zPq+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9PzPQ+-zP-zP0
7.g4!? The second surprise. This move has 9tR-vL-mKL+-0
gone out of fashion over the past few years.
I was expecting 7 ¥d3 but my opponent, xiiiiiiiiy
true to himself, was clearly in an aggressive 11...£h1 A new direction! In tournament
mood which explains his choice of this practice  which of course means testing
pawn thrust. the opening line against computers  I
had prepared this entire concept one year
7...¤g4!? This was the main line in older previously. Luckily enough, I revised it during
times but it has become very rare nowadays this tournament, since I had considered the
due to 7...h6. Nevertheless there are lots possibility of trying the 7.g4 Meran myself,
of resources and unexplored territories in with the white pieces, a few rounds before and
7...¤g4, which is why I chose it. was looking at all kinds of options for Black.
[7...h6 is the main move leading to a different And this idea crossed my mind once again!
path] That’s the advantage of preparing an opening
from a general point of view, then you can
8.¦g1 employ it from both sides of the chessboard

Chess Informant 129
rather than sticking to one colour. 9-+ktr-+r+0
12.¥d2 Developing the bishop is quite 9zpp+l+p+p0
normal, yet my opponent spent quite a lot of
time over his next few moves. 9-+pvl-sn-+0
[12.f4 ¥b4 13.¦g2 (13.¥d2 £h2) ¥d7 9+N+p+-tR-0
14.¥d2 0–0–0 15.0–0–0 ¦dg8]
12...¥d7 13.0–0–0 9+-+LzP-+-0
9r+-+k+-tr0 9+-mKR+-+-0
9zpp+l+p+p0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+pvlpsn-+0 Here I faced a tough choice and made the
9+-+p+-tR-0 wrong one, underestimating White’s attacking
9+-sN-zP-+-0 17...¥b8?! [17...¥e7! 18.¦e5 (18.¤a7 ¢b8)
¢b8! 19.¦e7 cb5µ was simplest.]
9+-mKR+L+q0 18.£c5 b6 19.¤a7
[19.¤d6 ¢c7 20.£a3 ¦g5 21.¤f7! ¦gg8
xiiiiiiiiy 22.£d6 ¢b7 23.¤d8 ¦d8 24.£f6 ¥c7÷]
13...£h2 When it is on offer, why not grab
a pawn? After all, a pawn is a pawn! After 19...¢b7
the 12th move I was on my own, nevertheless XIIIIIIIIY
I was playing quite quickly in order to put
my opponent under pressure. In any event my 9-vl-tr-+r+0
replies were logical compared to his, since he 9sNk+l+p+p0
had to make some crucial decisions in order
to pose problems for me before I consolidated 9-zpp+-sn-+0
my position. 9+-wQp+-tR-0
14.f4N White’s main idea is usually to 9-+-zP-zP-+0
establish the f3–e4 pawn centre, but after this 9+-+LzP-+-0
advance he loses control over the e4 square,
making Black’s life easier. 9PzP-vL-+-wq0
[14.¦g2 £h4 15.f3 0–0–0 16.e4 ¥f4 (RR 16... 9+-mKR+-+-0
de4 Ingersol 2392  Noble 2375, Internet
2009) 17.e5÷] xiiiiiiiiy
My aim was simply to play good moves
14...¦g8! 15.¥d3 0–0–0 rather than spend too much time looking
Up to this point all my moves were very for the absolutely best ones which would
logical and ideal. only give my opponent extra time to think
whilst I was pondering over my moves.
16.cd5 ed5 This strategy worked well and Wei Yi came
[¹16...¦g5 17.fg5 ¤d5 18.¤e4 ¥e7 and under severe time pressure with only two
White does not have enough compensation minutes for twenty moves in a position
for the pawn.] with hanging pieces all over the place.

17.¤b5 20.£e7“ £h6 21.¤c6 ¢c6?!


[¹ 21...¦de8 An intermezzo. 22.£a3 ¥c6 32.¥b4 ¥d6 33.£c7 ¢e8 34.¥d6 ¦c8
23.£a6 ¢c7 24.¢b1 and it’s hard to make a 35.£b6 £d5 36.¥c5÷)
correct evaluation.] XIIIIIIIIY
XIIIIIIIIY 9Qvl-tr-+-+0
9-vl-tr-+r+0 9+-mk-+p+p0
9+-+lwQp+p0 9-zp-+-+-+0
9-zpk+-sn-wq0 9+-+-+-wq-0
9+-+p+-tR-0 9+-+-zP-+-0
9-+-zP-zP-+0 9PzP-vL-+-+0
9+-+LzP-+-0 9+K+-+R+-0
9PzP-vL-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-mKR+-+-0 B1) 28.¦f7 ¥d7 (28...¦d7? 29.¦f1 ¦d8
30.¥b4+  ) 29.d5 £g6 30.¥c3 ¦c8
xiiiiiiiiy creating an escape route for the king.
22.¢b1 [White has instead 22.£a3! but this 31.¥e5 (31.¦g7 £f5 32.£c6 ¢d8 33.£b6
is not an easy move to see in time pressure. ¢e8 34.¦g8 ¢f7 35.¦g7 ¢e8 36.¦g8 ¢f7
My opponent’s ¢b1 looks more natural, as it 37.¦c8 £f1 38.¢c2 £d3=) ¢d8 32.¦f8
brings the rook on d1 into play, but the queen ¢e7 33.¦c8 ¥e5;
move looks very strong because it prevents B2) 28.¦c1 ¢d7 29.£c6 ¢e7 30.¥b4
Black’s king going to b7, so leading to a lack ¥d6 31.£c7 ¢e8 32.¥d6 ¦c8 33.¥f4!
of coordination between the black pieces. The £d5 34.£e5=;
variations analysed below are hard to imagine
for a human mind, but just to show how full C) 24.¦d5 ¤d2 25.£a8 ¢c7;
of resources and complications this position
really is, I will mention a few mind-blowing D) 24.¦g8 ¦g8 25.£a8 ¢c7 26.£d5 ¤d2
variations. 22...¥g4! 23.¦f1!! The only move 27.£f7 ¥d7 28.¢d2 ¦g2;
to fight for an advantage. (23.¦e1 ¦g5 24.fg5
£g5 25.e4 ¥f4 26.£a4 ¢b7 27.£a6 ¢c7 E) 24.¥b4!!
28.£a7 ¢c6 29.£a4=) ¤e4 XIIIIIIIIY
XIIIIIIIIY 9-vl-tr-+r+0
9-vl-tr-+r+0 9+-+-+p+p0
9+-+-+p+p0 9-zpk+-+-wq0
9-zpk+-+-wq0 9+-+p+-tR-0
9+-+p+-tR-0 9-vL-zPnzPl+0
9-+-zPnzPl+0 9wQ-+LzP-+-0
9wQ-+LzP-+-0 9PzP-+-+-+0
9PzP-vL-+-+0 9+-mK-+R+-0
9+-mK-+R+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
xiiiiiiiiy Completely unhuman-like play! However,
A) 24.£a8 ¢c7 25.¥e4 de4; there is a sound and deep positional idea
behind it in that the bishop controls the
B) 24.¥e4 de4 25.£a8 ¢c7 26.¢b1 ¦g5 enemy king’s escape square. Now the black
27.fg5 £g5 (27...£e6 28.¦c1 ¢d7 29.d5 king is in great danger of being trapped.
£g6 30.¥c3 The only move otherwise
White stands worse: 30...£g5 31.£c6 ¢e7 If now 24...¤g5

Chess Informant 129

E1) 25.£a8 ¢c7 26.¢b1 ¦c8! (26...£c6 22...¢b7 Now everything is under control.
27.¦c1 £c1 28.¢c1 ¤e4 29.¥a6 ¥c8 The king is safe and my pieces are coming
30.¥c8 ¢c8 31.£c6 ¥c7 32.£a8 ¥b8=) out!
27.f5!! (27.¦c1 ¢d8   +; 27.£d5 ¥d7
28.¥a6 ¦ge8!! 29.¦c1 ¥c6 30.fg5 £g6) 23.¦c1 ¥c7 24.¦f5 ¤e4
£c6™ (27...¢d8 28.£d5 ¥d6 29.f6+  ) Played instantly, which brought me immediate
28.¦c1 £c1 29.¢c1 ¥f3÷; relief in that there now follows the exchange
E2) 25.fg5 £g5 and here White has two of one of White’s bishops.
options, both of which are promising: [24...£g6 25.£f6 ¥f5 26.£f5 £f5 27.¥f5
9-vl-tr-+r+0 Only now did I begin to realize that I could
9+-+-+p+p0 actually win the tournament by scoring a
9-zpk+-+-+0 full point and so I started to focus even
9+-+p+-wq-0 more intently on my game. The more moves
we played, the more complicated became
9-vL-zP-+l+0 the position, in contrast to Ganguly who
9wQ-+LzP-+-0 was content to slowly but surely outplay Le
9PzP-+-+-+0 Quang. Mind you, I was exerting pressure on
9+-mK-+R+-0 my opponent too, but in a different manner,
by playing quickly in his time pressure.
E2a) 26.¢b1! A cool, calm and collected 25.¥e4 de4 26.¦f6 ¦g6
move in a position where he is simply a [¹ 26...£f8 27.£e4 ¢b8 28.£h7 £g7µ]
full rook down! After all this is modern
chess. 26...¢d7! 27.£a4 ¢e6 28.£c6 27.¦f7 ¦c6
¥d6 (28...¦d6 29.¥d6 ¥d6 30.e4 ¢e7 XIIIIIIIIY
31.e5 ¥e5 32.de5 £e5 33.£b6±) 29.e4 f6
30.¢a1!! Mind-blowing prophylaxis 9-+-tr-+-+0
whilst conducting an attack (30.e5 fe5 9+kvllwQR+p0
31.de5 £e3! 32.¥h7 ¢e5 33.¥c3 d4
34.£b6 ¥f3÷; 30.ed5 ¢f7 31.¥d6 ¥d7) 9-zpr+-+-wq0
¢f7 31.¥d6 de4 32.¥e4ƒ;
E2b) 26.£a8 ¢c7
9Qvl-tr-+r+0 9+-+-zP-+-0
9+-mk-+p+p0 9PzP-vL-+-+0
9-zp-+-+-+0 9+KtR-+-+-0
9-vL-zP-+l+0 xiiiiiiiiy
28.¦h7 A strange decision. Capturing the e4
9+-+LzP-+-0 pawn instead would have made Black’s task
9PzP-+-+-+0 of converting his advantage more difficult.
9+-mK-+R+-0 [28.£e4 £g6 29.£g6 hg6 30.e4 and it is still
not clear how to convert my advantage into a
xiiiiiiiiy win. Perhaps there is no way!]
27.¢d2!! Who would see this!! The beauty
of computer analysis and still it is not clear, 28...¦c1 29.¥c1 £c6 30.¦h2 ¦c8 31.¦h7 ¥e6
although at the end of the day White should [¹ 31...¥g4  +]
be better: 27...¦c8 28.¦c1 ¢d7 29.¥b5
¢d8 30.¦c8 ¥c8 31.£b8±] 32.b3 ¢b8

9-mkr+-+-+0 Fixing the white pawns.
Finally, after I had passed the 40 move
9+-vl-wQ-+R0 time control, I got up and looked at
Ganguly’s game. By now he was definitely
9-zpq+l+-+0 winning yet still I did not allow myself
9+-+-+-+-0 to become overjoyed or complacent but
continued to concentrate fully on my game.
9+P+-zP-+-0 42.b4 ¥c7 43.¦g6 ¥d5 44.¦g5 ¥c4 45.¦g1
¥d3 46.¦a1 ¥d6 47.¦g1 ¢c7 48.¦g7 ¢c6
9P+-+-+-+0 49.¦g1 ¦f2 50.¦h1 ¦g2 51.¦a1
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-+-+-+0
Here I suddenly noticed that I only had three 9+-+-+-+-0
minutes for eight moves, although of course
that should be quite sufficient for the present 9-+kvl-+-+0
position. Nevertheless I was still a little
nervous about converting it without spoiling
the nuances of the position. 9-zP-zPpzP-+0
33.¢b2 ¥f5 34.¦f7 ¥e6 35.¦h7 ¦g8
36.¦g7 ¦e8 9-+-vL-+r+0
So I began to repeat moves a few times in 9tR-+-+-+-0
order to get to the 40 move time control.
37.£b4 ¦h8 38.£c3 ¦h2 39.¥d2 51...¢d5 Now comes a king walk to the other
XIIIIIIIIY side of the board, targeting the e3 pawn.
9-mk-+-+-+0 52.¦h1 ¥e7 53.¦a1 ¦h2 54.¦g1 ¢e6
9+-vl-+-tR-0 55.¦a1 ¦h8 56.¢b2 ¢f5 57.a4 ba4 58.¦a4
¢g4 59.¦a7 ¥h4 60.¦b7 ¢f3 61.b5 ¦h5
9-zpq+l+-+0 62.b6 ¦b5 63.¢a3 ¥d8 64.f5
9+-+-+-+-0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-zPpzP-+0 9-+-vl-+-+0
9+PwQ-zP-+-0 9+R+-+-+-0
9PmK-vL-+-tr0 9-zP-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+r+-+P+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-zPp+-+0
39...£c3 Exchanging queens was a very 9mK-+lzPk+-0
important decision. I was sure that the
endgame would be won for Black because of 9-+-vL-+-+0
the strong pawn on e4, as it is established in 9+-+-+-+-0
such a way that it cannot be exchanged. And
in fact my intitution proved to be right, even xiiiiiiiiy
though some might have thought it better to Creating some counterchances but two
keep queens on the board. bishops make a very strong team indeed.

40.¢c3 b5 41.a3 ¥a5! 64...¦f5 65.¥b4 ¢e3 66.¥c5 ¦f1 67.¦b8


¦a1 68.¢b2 ¦b1 69.¢a3 on my victory in the tournament. I have to

[69.¢a2 ¥g5 (69...¥h4 70.b7 ¥e1+) 70.b7 say, I was very touched by this sportsmanlike
¢d2+] and gentlemanly gesture!
0 :1 Sethuraman
69...¥g5 70.d5 ¢e2 71.¥b4 ¥c1 72.¢a4
¥d2 73.¥d2 ¢d2 74.b7 e3 I admit I was rather nervous in the final
XIIIIIIIIY stages of my game as there was so much
at stake and I did not want to throw away
9-tR-+-+-+0 my chances of victory. As it turned out, by
9+P+-+-+-0 making a series of accurate technical moves
I was able to convert my advantage smoothly
9-+-+-+-+0 into a win, by which time Ganguly had also
9+-+P+-+-0 won his game, and to my astonishment
it finally hit me: I had now become Asian
9K+-+-+-+0 Champion! In fact it was a double delight for
9+-+lzp-+-0 me to know that India had now won both the
men’s and women’s championships.
9-+-mk-+-+0 On the other hand, Ganguly was not
9+r+-+-+-0 so fortunate. After winning so impressively
in the last round, a little later he received
xiiiiiiiiy the heartbreaking news that the tiebreak had
By this time my compatriot Surya Ganguly conspired against him and he had failed to
had already won a nice game with the black achieve the desired qualification. This really
pieces in impressive fashion against the top was a pity since he had played wonderful
seed Le Quang, which meant I had won the chess throughout the tournament and was
championship. At first I couldn’t believe what one of the few players who had remained
had just happened but after resigning the game undefeated. Chess, like any competitive sport,
my opponent immediately congratulated me can be so brutal. Sethuraman


The 15th Asian Continental Championship
(91 players, 9 rounds)
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest
of the game with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. S. P. Sethuraman* (IND) 7, 2»9. Le Quang Liem* (VIE), Wei Yi* (CHN),
Kazhgaleyev* (KAZ), D. Sengupta* (IND), Lu Shanglei (CHN), Nguyen Ngoc Truong
Son (VIE), S. Ganguly (IND), T. Batchuluun (MGL) 6á, 10»13. J. Vakhidov (UZB), B.
Adhiban (IND), A. Begmuratov (UZB), Ghaem Maghami (IRI) 6, 14»25. Hafiz (INA),
Mur. Karthikeyan (IND), Fang Yan (CHN), S. Vidit (IND), Ch. Aravindh (IND), P.
Kostenko (KAZ), Tin Jingyao (SIN), Mohammad Minhaz Uddin (BAN), Wen Yang
(CHN), Kasimdzhanov (UZB), Xu Yinglun (CHN), Bai Jinshi (CHN) 5á, etc.
* Qualified for the next World Cup in Tbilisi 2017.


The 11th American Continental Chess Championship
(81 players, 11 rounds)
American Champion 2016


The 11th American Continental Championship took place in
San Salvador. "When the final curtain came down I was in
heaven" says the winner, Peruvian GM Emilio Cordova.

This 11–round Swiss tournament resulted in four qualifiers for the 2017 FIDE
World Cup. Besides myself, Alexander Lenderman from USA, Anton Kovalyov
from Canada and Diego Flores from Argentina, who took the fourth place after
winning a playoff against four contenders.
How did I win the tournament? I ask myself that question on a daily basis and
still find my victory hard to believe! It was my fifth attempt at this event since my
first appearance in Buenos Aires 2005. Back then, Cuban GM Lázaro Bruzón, whose
playing style and spirit for struggle I greatly admire, was the clear winner. From that

Chess Informant 129
first tournament I also have to mention Walter Arencibia, another Cuban grandmaster.
The last round game against him gave me the chance to achieve my first GM norm. But
it didn’t happen. It didn’t back then, as it also didn’t on my three other attempts to qualify
for the World Cup. Not even in Brazil 2015, where I took part after thorough training.
I even considered not taking part in any future run for the Continentals. But
those of us who truly love this game know our goddess Caissa and how elusive and
tricky she can be, how her rewards are scarce and scant despite our diligent efforts.
With that in mind and the 2016 ACC date approaching, I kept my focus on training.
This training included taking part in Aeroflot Open, one of the world’s toughest open
tournaments. And even if my performance wasn’t that good  to say the least  the
whole Moscow-trip allowed me to acquire experience and knowledge by virtue of the
relentless competition against fierce and well-trained players, and without taking the
accustomed “breaks” after defeats.
In turn, playing in the blitz tournament with elite players filled me with new
confidence and energy. Having competed in Aeroflot, losing 13 Elo points in my
classical chess rating, yet gaining more than 60 on my blitz, I was back home with
mixed emotions. And while the positive results that certain blitz games can bring do
not necessarily have any relevance to classical games, beating some of my idols, such
as Grischuk, provided me with great motivation for serious work.
Following that experience in Moscow, I took part in the National Open in Mexico,
where I came second. Considering that I was the first seed, rated more than 50 Elo
points higher than the second one, my result bordered on disappointment. The life of
a chess player is a world of its own. Travelling and staying abroad, always looking for
TASHKENT,better opportunities
V–VI 2016to improve, the individual struggle, the lonely preparation... All
these elements
The 15th Asian Continental make for anChampionship
introverted world, always liable to emotional upset. And
that state
(91 players, 9 rounds)of mind can often lead us to take wrong decisions.
I am sufficiently blessed to have someone who stays by my side and helps me
Time Control:
to remain 90 minutes
balanced for thetofirst
and down 40inmoves
earth pursuitfollowed by 30my
of my goals: minutes for the That
own Caissa. rest
of the game with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from
person is my wife Wendy, to whom I owe a lot when it comes to maintaining that move one.
1. continually
S. P. Sethuraman*
sought-after(IND) 7, 2»9.
mental Le which
stability, QuangisLiem* (VIE),
so helpful Wei Yi*
to endure the (CHN),
ups and
downs of a chess(KAZ), D. Sengupta*
player’s (IND),
life. Thanks to Lu
her Shanglei
support I(CHN),
was able Nguyen Ngoc training
to continue Truong
(VIE), S. Ganguly
a positive (IND),
attitude T. Batchuluun
whilst on my path (MGL) 6á, 10»13.
to qualification J. Vakhidov
for the World Cup. (UZB), B.
AdhibanSo (IND),
it wasA. time
to go: my (UZB), Ghaem
luggage, Maghami
books (IRI) 6, 14»25.
and magazines Hafiz (INA),
were packed. Many
Mur. Karthikeyan
professional (IND),
players useFang Yan computers
personal (CHN), S. but
I’m(IND), Ch. Aravindh
old fashioned. Even(IND),
travel with(KAZ), Tin Jingyao
a laptop, which is(SIN),
very Mohammad Minhaz
helpful, I prefer Uddinfrom
to study (BAN), Wen Yang
magazines and
books,Kasimdzhanov (UZB), Xu
which create warmth andYinglun (CHN),
familiarity whilstBai Jinshi in
staying (CHN)
hotel 5á, etc.
* Qualified for the next World Cup in Tbilisi 2017.


The 11th American Continental Chess Championship
(81 players, 11 rounds)
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of
the game with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. E. Córdova* (PER) 9, 2»3. Lenderman* (USA), Ant. Kovalyov* (CAN) 8á, 4»8. S.
Mareco (ARG), A. Pichot (ARG), Moróvic Ferncndez (CHI), Di. Flores* (ARG), W. Cu
Hor (GUA) 7á, 9»17. Erenburg (USA), Aw. Liang (USA), Y. Gonzclez Vidal (CUB),
D. Arenas (COL), Pmrez Gormaz (CHI), S. Barrientos (COL), Quintiliano Pinto (BRA),
R. Scnchez Clvarez (CUB), Gi. Leiva (PER) 7, 18»25. Oliva Castayeda (CUB), Ortiz
Sucrez (CUB), B. Gonzclez Acosta (CRC), S. Duran Vega (CRC), Gemy (BOL), C.
Jucrez Flores (GUA), D. Arias (ESA), Madeira (BRA) 6á, etc.
Playoff (rapid):
Time Control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move
1 2 3 4 5
The tournament venue and all the amenities provided were excellent: hotel,
games room and the kind and respectful way we were treated made our stay
On the first day of the tournament I was full of doubts, fuelled by the
inconsistencies of my recent performances. Blueish devils haunted me and I kept
asking myself, “Will I make it this time?” The first rounds of a tournament can give
us confidence to trust in our capabilities. However my hopes of gaining the title
in this tournament were in fact quite low. I had a bad start when my second round
game against the Salvadorian IM Lemnys Arias ended in a draw. Not that this is
a bad result, of course, as Lemnys is a strong and experienced player, a hard nut
to crack, but the truth is that he took pity on me and offered me a draw when my
position was hopeless.
Nevertheless this result somehow freed me from all the pressures and tensions
I felt towards this tournament in which I had almost always gone very wrong, as
I did in the Montevideo edition where I lost after being a queen up against the
Argentinian WGM Carolina Lujan. On the one hand, it was at that moment after
the draw that my worst fears were increasing. On the other hand, at the same time I
had filled my mind with so many doubts that I was telling myself that things could
not get any worse and I had nothing to lose. And that was the way I went into the
remaining games: without fear of losing and just taking one day at a time.

PICHOT 2532 — Emilio Córdova
San Salvador 2016 • Country: Peru
• Born: 1991
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.¤c3
So once again my opponent was the talented • Rating: 2627
young Argentinian GM Alan Pichot whom
I respect very much for his desire to go for • Peak rating: 2633
a win in every game  an excellent attitude
if one wants to progress and become a very • Title: Grandmaster since 2008
strong player. In 2015, at the Carlos Torre
Memorial, we faced each other for the first
time and although I lost it was not because 3...h6!?
of my choice of opening. Only an error at a XIIIIIIIIY
critical moment caused me to lose control
of the position and thereby the game. So 9rsnlwqkvlntr0
this time I decided to play the always well
respected French Defence. I wanted to test
Alan’s psychological attitude towards the 9-+-+p+-zp0
game, to see if this time he would switch to 9+-+p+-+-0
3.¤d2 or 3.e5. However, as he again chose
3.¤c3, I gathered that he was putting great 9-+-zPP+-+0
trust in the result of our previous encounter 9+-sN-+-+-0
and perhaps trying to reach a similar position.
[That earlier game had seen 3...¤f6 and 9PzPP+-zPPzP0
continued with 4.e5 ¤fd7 5.f4 c5 6.¤f3 ¤c6
7.¥e3 a6, etc.] 9tR-vLQmKLsNR0
Chess Informant 129

This move was received jokingly by my development of ¥d3, ¤f3 and 00, upon
colleagues. Nevertheless I think that it is very which the bishop sacrifice on h7 is always a
playable, as it poses the question of what kind latent threat.
of structure will emerge?! If 4.¤f3 then we [RR 4.¥d3 Zeller 2445  Meister 2411,
are no longer in the Steinitz structure, which Germany 2014  123/99]
gives us a psychological advantage as we can
draw our opponent into unknown terrain after 4...c5 Now you can clearly notice the
4...¤f6 5.¥d3 ¥b4 6.e5 ¤e4. To be honest, difference between a white pawn being on c3
I did not remember the theoretical order instead of a knight. One of the general rules
of moves very well, but I thought that my we learn in chess states that “a pawn should
opponent would not know everything either. defend another pawn”. Quite frankly, I advise
Sometimes in chess, as in life, we cannot keep you not to adhere too strictly to such rules.
everything under control. As Leonid Stein Take them as advice rather than rules.
once said: “If I take a risk, I can lose. If I do
not take a risk, I am going to lose”. After all, 5.dc5 ¤c6 6.¤f3 ¥c5 7.¥d3 a6
we call it a game. So just play, take a risk, XIIIIIIIIY
enjoy the contest.
4.e5!? 9+p+-+pzp-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9p+n+p+-zp0
9rsnlwqkvlntr0 9+-vlpzP-+-0
9zppzp-+pzp-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+p+-zp0 9+-sNL+N+-0
9+-+pzP-+-0 9PzPP+-zPPzP0
9-+-zP-+-+0 9tR-vLQmK-+R0
9+-sN-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9PzPP+-zPPzP0 As every French player should know, Black’s
9tR-vLQmKLsNR0 dark-squared bishop is vitally important, so it
is always a good idea to provide it with shelter.
xiiiiiiiiy On the other hand we can see that White’s
I put the puncuation mark for an interesting centre is gradually falling apart and his bishop
move because such a natural reply cannot be on d3 lacks targets to attack. This does not
bad. However I feel that it can only strengthen mean that Black has managed to gain the
Black’s faith in the French Defence, as a advantage or the initiative, but it is clear that
position is obtained in which his plans are the development of the black pieces is simpler.
quite clear and natural, whereas White must
endeavour to find a forceful course of action 8.00 ¤ge7 9.a3N
so as not to lose the initiative. Let me briefly [RR 9.¦e1 Sinz 2226  Hovhannisyan 2482,
point out some of the dynamic and strategic Maastricht 2010]
elements of the position: the pawn structure
that arises is the one from the Advance 9...¥a7 As GM Julio Granda once taught me:
Variation (d4–e5 vs e6–d5) with the obvious “Keep your bishops at a distance: the further
difference that here the white knight on away the better.”
c3 makes it impossible for the c-pawn to
maintain White’s space advantage in the 10.h3 00 Here note the difference if Black’s
centre by supporting d4. In turn, here there is pawn were on h7  the strike power of
a black pawn is on h6  something I consider White’s bishop against this square would be
quite useful against White’s classical piece absolutely lethal!


maintain the dark-squared bishop and establish

the French centre e6–d5. The bishop on c8
is not so bad at all, because it has a path of
development path by means of the well known
manoeuvre ...¥d7–e8–h5, or it can simply stay
where it is, ready for the fight. As Mihail Suba
once said: “Bad bishops defend good pawns!”
It is clear that the e6 and d5 pawns are quite
flexible and allow Black to manoeuvre quite
freely. In my childhood, the first time my
former trainer Georgy Castaneda showed me
the French Defence, he told me that the e6 and
d5 pawns are often worth as much as a piece.

13...¤f5 14.¥h2 ¥d7 15.¤e2 ¦f7!?

Emilio Cordova, Torino (ol) 2006. Photo by Harald Fietz
11.¥f4 f5 At this point I quite liked my xiiiiiiiiy
position. I felt there was no danger to my king It is time to fight for the initiative. The bishop
and that my bishop on a7 was keeping its eyes on a7, although seemingly far away, actually
firmly on the white king. feels pretty close to the action and if we clear
the f-file, the f2–pawn would become an
12.ef6 ¦f6 13.¥g3 immediate target of attack. I put the symbol
XIIIIIIIIY for “interesting” after 15...¦f7, because it is a
multi-purpose move: it frees the d8–h4 diagonal
9r+lwq-+k+0 for the black queen, protects the seventh rank
9vlp+-sn-zp-0 and prevents any possible attempt by White to
check along the a2–g8 diagonal.
9+-+p+-+-0 16.c4? A very optimistic move.
[Better was 16.¥f5 ¦f5 17.¤ed4 ¤d4 18.¤d4
9-+-+-+-+0 ¥d4 19.£d4 ¦c8 when Black retains a minimal
9zP-sNL+NvLP0 initiative, although objectively such positions
have a tendency to be drawish. Even if after
9-zPP+-zPP+0 18.¤d4 Black decides to retain the bishop pair
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 and plays ...¦f7, then following 19.¥e5 White
would have no problems, because the central
xiiiiiiiiy structure is blocked and he enjoys clear control
As I remarked a few moves back, in the of the dark squares. Perhaps Alan acted on
purest and truest style of the French Defence: impulse, overestimating his chances.]

Chess Informant 129

16...dc4 17.¥c4 ¤h4! 20.g3?? [Very few players would like to get
Finally the cavalry has arrived! It is evident into a position in which the opponent’s bishop
that after this knight jump the road has on a7 is still pointing so menacingly against
been cleared and everybody is invited to their f2 pawn, but objectively speaking 20.¥f4
the party at the f2–square  “the doorstep £f4 21.£d7 £c4 22.£b7 ¦b8 23.£d7 was
of the white king”. the best option for White. Alan’s choice of
20.g3 just loses by force.]
18.¤h4 £h4
XIIIIIIIIY 20...£h3 21.gf4
Although previously neither ...¤d4 nor ...¤e5
9r+-+-+k+0 had been possible, I had not considered the
9vlp+l+rzp-0 possibility of capturing the exchange in this
way. Perhaps it’s because I don’t usually win
9p+n+p+-zp0 the exchange, I sacrifice it!
9+-+-+-+-0 21...¤d4
9-+L+-+-wq0 XIIIIIIIIY
9zP-+-+-+P0 9r+-+-+k+0
9-zP-+NzPPvL0 9vlp+l+-zp-0
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 9p+-+p+-zp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
19.¤f4? “A mistake never comes alone.”
[I was very pleased with my position after 9-+Lsn-zP-+0
18...£h4, but at this point I noticed with 9zP-+-+-+q0
great disappointment that after the simple
19.¦c1 ¦f2 20.¦f2 £f2 21.¢h1, or 9-zP-+-zP-vL0
19.¥a2 ¦f2 20.¦f2 £f2 21.¢h1, in both 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
cases White’s position is not as bad as I
expected. Nevertheless I said to myself: “A xiiiiiiiiy
pawn is a pawn...”] While making this move I was still amazed. I
checked the position several times looking for
19...¦f4 19...¦e8, followed by ...¤e5, a mistake in my calculations, because I found
is the computer’s suggestion. However it hard to believe that the game was quite so
19...¦f4 seemed to me the most human-like simple. But when Alan offered me his hand as
continuation and the one which makes the
​​ a gesture of resignation, I gave a deep sigh of
task simpler. relief. It was an important victory with the black
XIIIIIIIIY pieces against a strong opponent. Not an easy
task nowadays! Thus began my ascent to the
9r+-+-+k+0 summit of the tournament standings. My next
9vlp+l+-zp-0 game was to be with the white pieces, against
whom I did not yet know, but the adrenalin
9p+n+p+-zp0 rush in my body and the self-confidence in my
9+-+-+-+-0 mind, brought about by this victory, were to
prove decisive for the rest of the tournament.
9-+L+-tr-wq0 0 :1 Cordova
9zP-+-+-+P0 So after a slow start I now felt that things could
9-zP-+-zPPvL0 only get better as I had no more doubts but only
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 self-belief and above all I was eager to play chess
and enjoy the tournament. As chess players we

must learn to enjoy each and every game we 20...¥a8 21.¦fe1 ¤c6 22.£c1
play without any fear. After a very flexible Directed towards the black king. A machine
opening, though with couple of inaccuracies, would defend itself without any problem and
we got to the following position. It is clear that most likely it would end up winning by an
neither Black nor White have problems here. attack. But in practice these positions are often so
I decided to take some risks. After all, if one confusing  after all, chess is a game for humans!
wants to get a position with winning chances,
one also has to accept the possibility of losing. 22...¦d7 23.¤f4 ¦fd8 24.h5
A37 9l+-tr-+k+0
CORDOVA 2602 — 9zp-+rwqpsnp0
LENDERMAN 2614 9-zpn+p+p+0
San Salvador 2016 9+-zp-+-+P0
1.¤f3 c5 2.c4 ¤c6 3.¤c3 g6 4.g3 ¥g7 9-+P+PsN-+0
5.¥g2 e6 6.a3 ¤ge7 7.b4 d6 8.0–0 0–0
9.bc5 dc5 10.¥b2 b6 11.d3 ¥b7 12.e3 ¤f5
13.£d2 £e7 14.¦ad1 ¦ad8 15.£c1 ¤a5 9-+-+-zPL+0
16.¤e2 ¥c6 17.¥g7 ¤g7 18.£b2 £b7 9+-wQRtR-mK-0
9-+-tr-trk+0 xiiiiiiiiy
The moment of truth has arrived. This pawn
has to go forward!
9-zpl+p+p+0 24...¤d4 25.¤e5 ¦c7 26.hg6 hg6 27.¤h3
At this point I felt that nothing could go
9sn-zp-+-+-0 wrong. I said to myself: if something does go
9-+P+-+-+0 wrong, at least I will have some fun!

9zP-+PzPNzP-0 27...¤h5 28.g4 £f6? 29.f4±

In the post-mortem my opponent told me that
9-wQ-+NzPLzP0 he had not considered this move. Maybe instead
9+-+R+RmK-0 of ...£f6 it would have been better to try ...¤f6,
maintaining the balance, but for practical
xiiiiiiiiy purposes it is clear that White has the easier play.
19.e4 Not a bad move, but it leaves White
with a weakness on d4. 29...¤g7 30.¤g5!
19...£e7 I consider that 19...¥a4 20.¦d2
¤b3, with a very messy game, was perhaps 9l+-tr-+k+0
the best option for Black to fight for the
initiative. I do not see a concrete way to gain
an advantage for White in this position, but 9-zp-+pwqp+0
from a practical point of view the black king 9+-zp-sN-sN-0
might suffer from a combined assault by the
white queen and knight  a very powerful duo 9-+PsnPzPP+0
when attacking an opponent’s king. 9zP-+P+-+-0
20.h4 A typical move in such positions. If 9-+-+-+L+0
you have no other ideas, advance the h-pawn,
maybe your opponent will panic! 9+-wQRtR-mK-0
Chess Informant 129

A funny position. Both of White’s knights hinder only get better made ​​me optimistic about the
a possible escape attempt by the black queen. rest of the tournament. I think that is one of the
Here I felt I should just let go as almost all of great secrets in both chess and life. Enjoy what
White’s forthcoming moves are quite natural. you do and live for the present. With two more
games to play I was very excited, overflowing
30...¤e8 31.¢f2! with happiness, and that feeling is priceless!
This is the most enjoyable move I made 1 :0 Cordova
throughout the whole tournament  making a
king move in the middlegame on a board full
of pieces! Usually this is a very difficult task E15
and it gave me so much pleasure! The more so
after I realized that Black’s king cannot escape MARECO 2610 —
the siege of White’s rooks along the h-file... CORDOVA 2602
San Salvador 2016
31...£g7 32.¦h1
XIIIIIIIIY The longed-for last round had arrived. The
9l+-trn+k+0 final lap! Having already secured my ticket
to the World Cup for the first time in my life,
9zp-tr-+pwq-0 I was in a frame of mind where nothing could
9-zp-+p+p+0 have bothered me. Well, maybe losing this
game would have bothered me a little. So, I
9+-zp-sN-sN-0 was sitting across the board from Argentinian
9-+PsnPzPP+0 Sandro Mareco, Baku (ol) 2016. Photo by Andreas Kontokanis
32...¤f6?? [The better try was 32...f6 and
after 33.¦h7 £h7 34.¤h7 fe5 35.¤g5 it is
clear that White is virtually winning. However,
after Lenderman’s choice of ...¤f6, Black’s
position just collapses completely.]

33.¦h4 ¤c6 34.¤c6 ¥c6 35.e5

Ensuring full control over the f6–square!

35...¥g2 36.ef6 £f6 37.¢g2 ¦d4 38.¦dh1

£f4 39.¦h8 ¢g7 40.¤e6 fe6 41.¦1h7 ¢f6
42.£f4 ¦f4 43.¦c7

The curtain comes down. I was in heaven!

But as is so typically the case in chess
tournaments, sometimes you just have to
swallow all these emotions and simply
celebrate inside, as a scream or a jump could
disturb the concentration of other participants.
This victory put me one point away from my
goal  qualifying for the World Cup. The task
was not easy, but my faith that things could


GM Sandro Mareco, a great player with more classical positions.

great fighting spirit and excellent theoretical [RR Topalov 2803  Bacrot 2716, Nanjing
knowledge. A draw would be enough for me 2010  110/281]
to secure the title, but Sandro needed a win
in order to get his direct pass to the World 7.¥d2 a5 8.00 ¤a6 9.¥f4
Cup. From the point of view of the opening, XIIIIIIIIY
I wasn’t sure about the best approach to this
game, as I usually choose my repertoire 9r+-wqk+-tr0
on the basis of ideas, whereas memory is 9+lzpp+pzpp0
actually not my strongest point, so I decided
not to innovate but to keep the opening on 9nzp-+psn-+0
familiar ground. 9zp-+-+-+-0
1.d4 e6 Basically the idea of playing the 9-vlPzP-vL-+0
Nimzo-Indian via this move order was to 9+-+-+NzP-0
avoid the Trompowsky and to see if my
opponent was encouraged to go in for 2.c4 9PzPQ+PzPLzP0
b6 3.e4 ¥b7 4.¤c3 ¥b4, which leads to very 9tRN+-+RmK-0
unclear and confusing positions.
2.c4 ¤f6 3.¤f3 b6 4.g3 ¥a6 5.£c2 ¥b7 9...¥d6!?N At first sight this looks an ugly
6.¥g2 move, but by allowing doubled pawns Black
XIIIIIIIIY is able to gain control over the e4–square by
playing ...d6–d5. At the same time, the pawn
9rsn-wqkvl-tr0 on d7 is ready to take control of the e5–square
9zplzpp+pzpp0 by advancing to d6. I have played against this
line in the past and could not find a way to
9-zp-+psn-+0 prove that it is bad.
9+-+-+-+-0 [RR 9...¥e7 Torres 2321  Cordova 2616,
Bogota 2014]
9+-+-+NzP-0 10.¥d6 cd6 11.¤c3 d5 12.¤d2 00 13.¦ac1
¦c8 14.£d1
9tRNvL-mK-+R0 9-+rwq-trk+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+l+p+pzpp0
6...¥b4 It is known that the best move here
is 6...c5, but after 7.d5 ed5 8.cd5 ¤d5 9.00 9nzp-+psn-+0
¥e7 10.¦d1 we enter a theoretical discussion
where White sacrifices a pawn that is
compensated by his temporary control of the 9-+PzP-+-+0
e4 and d5 squares and strong pressure along 9+-sN-+-zP-0
the d-file. Personally I like this line for White,
but Karjakin and Leko have shown how to 9PzP-sNPzPLzP0
equalize without much difficulty. Although 9+-tRQ+RmK-0
I knew about these lines, I was afraid of
running into some novelty prepared by my xiiiiiiiiy
opponent or, as has happened to me on many During the game I was quite worried about
occasions, not being able to remember the 14.£b3 and could not see how I should
main theory. I tend to mix up opening lines continue. Although the position is balanced,
and so I concluded that 6...¥b4 would lead to I considered that White’s control of the a4,


b5 and c4 squares would allow him to exert a remain passive, although I’m not so sure if
certain amount of pressure on the queenside. I that is a weakness or a virtue. Perhaps ...h7–h6
am not sure if it is really true, but back then I would also maintain a fairly healthy position.
felt quite uncomfortable about this possibility.
22...¤fe4 23.¤f3 ¤c5 24.dc5 ¤b5 25.¤e5 a4
14...¤c7 15.¤a4 b5!? After removing White’s strong knight from
XIIIIIIIIY c5 and having liberated my queenside, I had
the impression that I was on the right track.
9-+rwq-trk+0 My position had no obvious weaknesses
9+lsnp+pzpp0 and my chances of counterplay were quite
9zpp+p+-+-0 26.b4 a3 I simply didn’t like the idea that
White could place his pawn on a3 and
9N+PzP-+-+0 establish a very healthy pawn formation. In
9+-+-+-zP-0 the long term the pawn structure plays a very
important role.
9+-tRQ+RmK-0 27.¦b1 ¤c7 28.e4 ¥a4 29.£c3 f6 30.¤g4
xiiiiiiiiy 9qtr-+-+k+0
After regrouping and gaining absolute control
of the e4–square, thanks to the d5–pawn, I 9+-snp+-zpp0
felt that things were on the right track. It is
true that doubled pawns often play a decisive 9-+-+pzp-+0
factor in long-term plans but, considering the
dynamic elements of Black’s position, it is
clear that quite a lot of play remains before 9lzP-+P+N+0
there is any question of entering a purely 9zp-wQ-+-zP-0
technical endgame.
16.cb5 ¤b5 17.¦c8 £c8 18.e3 ¤d6 9+R+-+-mK-0
Ensuring control over the e4–square.
19.¤c5 ¥c6 20.£c2 £a8 21.b3 ¦b8 22.¦c1 Here my opponent offered me a draw and I
XIIIIIIIIY could not see any reason why I should reject
it, but to be honest, after 30...¥c6 I think
9qtr-+-+k+0 Black runs very little risk of losing.
So this was my journey through the prestigious
9-+lsnpsn-+0 American Continental Championship. I want
9zp-sNp+-+-0 to thank my family and my wife Wendy, my
greatest motivation, and especially I want to
9-+-zP-+-+0 give my thanks to God. As the saying goes
9+P+-zP-zP-0 “God squeezes, but does not strangle.” I hope
you all enjoyed the story. Blessings to all!
9P+QsN-zPLzP0 1/2 : 1/2 Cordova
I do not see how White can make progress in
this position. Then again it is not my style to


In all the following games White didn’t mind sacrificing a

lot of material in order to put the opponent’s king under
pressure — Israeli GM Michael Roiz leads us through
various chess battlefields.

Chess Informant 129

Michael Roiz
WESLEY SO 2773 —
• Country: Israel
USA (ch), Saint Louis 2016
• Born: 1983
1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.¤c3 de4 4.¤e4 ¤d7
This system has a solid reputation, but it • Rating: 2605
does not provide Black with any real winning • Peak rating: 2680
chances, even against a lower-rated player.
• Title: Grandmaster since 2003
5.¤f3 ¤gf6 6.¤f6 ¤f6 7.c3 c5 8.¥e3 cd4?!
Varuzhan deviates from the main theoretical
paths, but this exchange is a serious concession 11...h6 12.0–0–0 Black’s kingside pawn structure
 White’s bishop obtains excellent attacking is somewhat exposed, so White has a clear plan
prospects! [8...£c7 is far more popular.] of advancing the pawns on this side of the board.
[RR 12.¦g1!? Roiz 2593  Farago 2499,
9.¥d4 Benasque 2005  94/205]
12...£a5 It was necessary to remove the
9r+lwqkvl-tr0 queen from d-line.
9zpp+-+pzpp0 [Hardly better is 12...¤d5 13.¢b1 ¥f6
14.¤e5 ¥e5 15.¥e5 £a5 16.£e2± and
9-+-+psn-+0 White was clearly on top in Ehlvest 2605  M.
9+-+-+-+-0 Muzychuk 2471, Gibraltar 2013; The modest-
looking 12...£c7 13.¢b1 ¥d7 14.¦hg1‚
9-+-vL-+-+0 also offers White a powerful attack.]
9+-zP-+N+-0 13.¢b1
9tR-+QmKL+R0 9r+l+-trk+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9zpp+-vlpzp-0
9...¥e7 [The alternative 9...£c7 10.¥b5
¥d7 11.¥d7 (Also deserving consideration is 9-+-+psn-zp0
11.£e2!? ¥e7 12.¥d3, followed by 0–0–0.)
£d7 12.¤e5 £b5 13.a4 £d5 14.£e2 £e4
15.a5² led to a somewhat inferior position in 9-+-vL-+-+0
Anand 2801  Pelletier 2609, Kemer 2007  9+-zPL+N+-0
101/192. However, it still looks like a safer
way of handling the position!] 9PzPQ+-zPPzP0
10.¥d3 00 Alas, castling doesn’t really
solve the problem of the king here. xiiiiiiiiy
[After 10...£c7 11.00 00 12.¥e5 £b6 The most natural reaction.
13.£c2 h6 14.a4 a5 15.¦ad1ƒ Black was [At the same time, possible was 13.g4!?
suffering from a lack of development in £a2 14.£e2 ¦d8 15.¦hg1‚ the extra pawn
Salgado Lopez 2624  Cheparinov 2672, doesn’t really change anything  the black
Camarinas 2013] king on g8 is under strong pressure!]

11.£c2! Attacking the pawn on h7 allows White 13...¦d8?! Akobian’s slow play invites more
to gain one more tempo for developing an attack. trouble.

Michael ROIZ

[More in the spirit of position was 13...b5,

and then after 14.¤e5 (14.h4 ¥b7 15.¥f6
¥f6 16.¥h7 ¢h8 17.¥e4 ¥e4 18.£e4 ¦ad8
19.g4 ¦d1 20.¦d1 ¦d8=) ¥b7 15.¦hg1
¦ad8 16.g4 ¦d4! 17.cd4 ¤d5² Black
would obtain definite compensation for the

14.¤e5 ¥d7
15.£e2N White is not in a rush  it definitely
makes sense to improve the placement of his
pieces before starting a direct attack. Wesley So. Photo by David Liada
[The previously played 15.g4 also looks
very dangerous for Black. For instance, after
15...¥b5 16.¥b5 £b5, in Karpatchev 2460 ¤e8 23.£f4 ¤f6 24.¦g7 ¢g7 25.¦g1+ )
 Anne Mueller 2179, Saint-Chely d’Aubrac 22.¤d3 £c4 23.£h6 ¤e8±]
2008, White missed 17.g5! hg5 18.h4 g4 19.h5
with a decisive attack.] 19.¦g1
15...¥c6 16.¦he1
Finally mobilizing all his forces. 9r+-tr-+k+0
16...¥d5 Desperately trying to develop some
counterplay on the queenside. 9-wq-+psn-zp0
[The exchange sac would be premature: 9+-+-sN-+-0
16...¦d4? 17.cd4 ¥g2 18.f3 ¥h3 19.f4 £d5
20.£e3 ¥f5 21.¥f5 ef5 22.£h3+ ] 9-+P+-+-+0
17.c4 ¥g2 Of course, Akobian wasn’t happy
with opening up the g-file, but there was no 9PzP-+QzPlzP0
choice! 9+K+R+-tR-0
18.¥c3 £b6 xiiiiiiiiy
[Possibly, it was better to simplify matters 19...¥c6? A decisive mistake  Black
by means of 18...¥b4 19.¥b4 £b4 20.¦g1 couldn’t afford losing one more tempo in this
¥c6 21.£e3, although here Black is forced to position!
give up material: 21...¦d3 (21...¢f8? 22.£g3 [It was necessary to release the tension by

Chess Informant 129

means of 19...¥h3 20.£d2 ¦d3 21.¤d3 ¢f8 days earlier it was seen in Svidler  Karjakin,
22.¢a1 ¥f5±; Or 19...¦d3 20.¤d3 £c6 where both sides had missed their winning
21.¤e5 £e4 22.£c2 ¦d8±] chances.]

20.¤f7! A decisive piece sac. 10.¤f3 d5 11.d4 dc4

20...¢f7 [The most stubborn was 20...¦d3

21.¤h6 ¢f8 22.¦d3 ¥e4 (22...gh6 9r+lwqr+k+0
23.¦dg3+  is completely hopeless.) 23.¤g4 9zppzp-+pzpp0
¦d8 24.¤e5+ , though converting the extra
pawn into a full point doesn’t seem a difficult 9-+n+-sn-+0
task here.]
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+pzP-+-+0
9r+-tr-+-+0 9+-zP-+NzP-0
9zpp+-vlkzp-0 9P+-+P+LzP0
9-wql+psn-zp0 9tR-vLQ+RmK-0
9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+P+-+-+0 12.£c2!?N This innovation was properly
9+-vLL+-+-0 analysed by Caruana and his seconds. White is
ready to connect his rooks and exert pressure
9PzP-+QzP-zP0 along the f-file.
9+K+R+-tR-0 [In a prevous encounter, Vishy was able to
solve all his problems by 12.¥g5 h6 13.¥f6
xiiiiiiiiy £f6 14.e4 ¥g4 15.£a4 £d6 16.¦ae1 ¦ab8
21.¦g7! The second temporary sac completely 17.£c4 b5 18.e5 bc4 19.ed6 cd6= Aronian
exposes the opponent’s king. 2765  Anand 2816, Saint Louis 2015  126/
21...¢g7 22.£e6+  £f2
[Or 22...¦e8 23.£f5 ¢f8 24.¥d2 £c5 12...h6! This prophylactic move is the best
25.£g6+ ] reaction. Now White’s attacking ideas are
23.£e7 ¢g8 24.¥h7 [Instead, 12...£e7 13.¦e1 ¤e4 (Too passive
Well, I think we can say that this game can is 13...¦b8 14.e4 ¥g4 15.¥f4 and White
be fully considered as “an opening disaster”! obtains more than sufficient compensation for
[Good enough was also 24.¥f6+ ] the pawn.) 14.¤e5 (Upon 14.¦b1 ¥f5 15.¤h4
1:0 Roiz ¥c8 16.¥a3 £a3 17.¥e4 g6 White hardly
gets more than sufficient compensaton for the
pawn.) ¤e5 15.£e4 ¤c6 16.£f3 ¦b8 17.e4
A29 looks a bit scary for Black  White’s bishops
are quite powerful, whereas the central pawns
CARUANA 2794 — severely restrict Black’s pieces.]
ANAND 2762
Moscow (ct) 2016 13.¥f4 A natural way of handling the position
 the e5-square is now vacant for the knight.
1.c4 e5 2.¤c3 ¤f6 3.¤f3 ¤c6 4.g3 ¥b4 [Nothing special is promised by 13.¦b1 ¦b8
5.¥g2 00 6.00 e4 7.¤g5 ¥c3 8.bc3 ¦e8 14.¤h4 ¥g4 15.¦f2 (The natural-looking
9.f3 ef3 15.e4?! is well met by 15...¤e4! 16.¥e4
[9...e3 is a well-known alternative. A few ¤d4 17.£f2 ¤e2 18.¢h1 £d7 19.¥f3 ¤c3

Michael ROIZ

20.¥g4 £g4 21.£f7 ¢h7 and Black is out of [Correct was 15...¤g3! 16.e4 ¤f1 17.ef5.
danger.) 15...£e7 16.¤f5 £e6„ and Black’s Black’s knight is trapped, but 17...¤h2
setup looks quite harmonious.] 18.¥h2 (18.¥c6?! bc6 19.£h2 f6 20.¤c4
£d5 21.¤e3 £e4³) ¤e5 19.¥e5 £g5!
13...¤e4N The position is full of dynamic (Weaker is 19...f6 20.¥g3 c6 21.d5²)
play: Black has an extra pawn and temporarily 20.¦f1 c6 21.f6 ¦e5 22.de5 ¦e8„ offers
takes control of the important e4-square, Black sufficient compensation for the
whereas White relies on his slight space piece as White’s king is exposed. However,
advantage and the great potential of the finding all the precise moves was a tough
bishop on g2. task even for such a great player as
[Vishy reasonably deviates from 13...¤d5 Vishwanathan Anand!]
14.e4 ¤f4 15.gf4 b5 16.d5 ¤e7 17.f5
White’s attacking potential looks great, even 16.e4 ¥h7 17.£e2
though the engines like Black’s position Black is still a pawn up, but the presence
here.; RR 13...¤e7 Capraro 2282  Schafer, of the knight on e5 makes his position very
Lugano 2000] unpleasant. Now it’s hard to recommend any
adequate idea for him.
14.¦ad1 Fabiano mobilizes all his forces.
[Another logical continuation was 14.¤e5 17...¤e7 Vishy hopes to release the tension
¤e5 15.¥e5 ¤d6 16.e4 £g5 17.¥f4 £g6 by pushing the knight on e5 away with
18.¦ae1 b6„, but here Black manages to ...f7-f6, but his position looks even more
consolidate his position.] shaky now.
[Possibly, the lesser evil was: 17...¦b8,
14...¥f5 [The alternative 14...£e7!? 15.d5 allowing White to choose between several
(15.¤d2 ¥f5 16.£b2 ¤d2 17.¥d2 ¥e4 tempting possibilities. For instance, 18.£g4
18.¥e4 £e4 19.£b7 ¦ab8 20.£c7 ¦e7 (The quiet 18.¦fe1!? also seems promising.)
21.£f4 ¦b2„ offers Black excellent £c8 19.¤d7! ¥g6 20.e5 h5 21.£h3 ¥f5
counterplay.) ¤d8 16.¦d4 ¥f5 would lead to 22.£h5 £d7 23.ed6 ¥g4 24.£h4 cd6
a very complex, double-edged game.] 25.¦d2ƒ]
XIIIIIIIIY 9r+-wqr+k+0
9r+-wqr+k+0 9zppzp-snpzpl0
9zppzp-+pzp-0 9-+-sn-+-zp0
9-+n+-+-zp0 9+-+-sN-+-0
9+-+-sNl+-0 9-+pzPPvL-+0
9-+pzPnvL-+0 9+-zP-+-zP-0
9+-zP-+-zP-0 9P+-+Q+LzP0
9P+Q+P+LzP0 9+-+R+RmK-0
9+-+R+RmK-0 xiiiiiiiiy
18.¥h6!? Quite frankly, this piece sacrifice
xiiiiiiiiy doesn’t seem the best way of handling the
This move was still part of Fabiano’s home position. However, it does lead to a spectacular
preparation. Black is invited to enter into wild struggle and poses serious practical problems
complications. for Black.
[The quiet 18.¥c1 f6 19.¤c4 ¤d5 20.¤d6
15...¤d6?! This passive retreat is a clear £d6 21.¦de1 ¢h8 22.£f3± would allow
concession. White to regain the pawn and finally achieve

Chess Informant 129

a big positional advantage.]

18...gh6 Absolutely forced.

19.£h5 Almost all White’s pieces are joining

in the attack! Now Black is at a crossroads.
19...¤ef5! Black is ready to return the piece
in order to close the f-file.
[Worthy of consideration is 19...¤d5!? after
which White should reply 20.ed5! (The
tempting 20.¤f7 is well met by
XIIIIIIIIY Fabiano Caruana. Photo by Andreas Kontokanis

9zppzp-+N+l0 23.£c6 ¦b8 24.£c4 ¢g7 25.£e2 yields
9-+-sn-+-zp0 White an indisputable advantage.]
9+-+n+-+Q0 20.ef5 £g5 Exchanging queens is an
9-+pzPP+-+0 undeniable achievement, but Anand’s
9+-zP-+-zP-0 position is not good from the positional point
9P+-+-+LzP0 of view.
9+-+R+RmK-0 21.£g5 hg5
xiiiiiiiiy XIIIIIIIIY
20...¤f6!! 21.¤h6 ¢h8 22.£h3 ¦e4 23.¥e4
¤fe4 and Black is OK.) £g5 21.£f3 b5 9r+-+r+k+0
(Nothing is changed by 21...¥e4 22.£f2 9zppzp-+p+l0
¥g2 23.¢g2ƒ, and exchanging the bishop
doesn’t help Black.) 22.¦de1ƒ, maintaining 9-+-sn-+-+0
the initiative. At the same time, the “greedy” 9+-+-sNPzp-0
19...¦f8? 20.£h6 ¤g6 would allow White to
decide the game in nice style with 21.h4! £e7 9-+pzP-+-+0
22.¦f5! ¤f5 23.ef5 ¦fd8 24.fg6 ¥g6 25.¦f1 9+-zP-+-zP-0
¦d6 26.¤c4+ ;
Another way of releasing the tension at the 9P+-+-+LzP0
cost of material, 19...f5!? 20.£h6 ¤c6!, was
also possible, but 21.¤c6 bc6 22.e5 ¤f7
Michael ROIZ

22.f6! This move liberates the bishop on h7, 26...¤d4 27.¥e8 ¦e8
but puts Black under strong pressure on the
kingside: the pawn on f6 is really annoying,
whereas the pawn on g5 can be attacked by 9-+-+r+k+0
White’s pieces.
[Dubious would be 22.g4?! ¦ad8 23.¥d5 9zp-zp-+p+l0
¢f8 24.¤c4 ¤b5 25.¥b7 ¤c3 26.¦d3 9-+-+-zP-+0
¤e2 27.¢f2 ¤d4 with only a minimal
advantage.] 9+-+-sN-zp-0
22...¤e4? Weary of tough defence, Vishy
fails to put up resistance. 9+-+-+-zP-0
[In fact 22...¦ad8! 23.¦de1 (23.¥d5 ¥e4 9P+-+-+-zP0
24.¥c4 ¤c4 25.¤c4 c5² is far from clear
either.) ¥d3! 24.¦f3 ¤b5 25.¤d3 (25.¦c1 9+-tR-tR-mK-0
c5 26.¤d3 cd4„) cd3 26.¦e8 ¦e8 27.¦d3 xiiiiiiiiy
¤d6² would offer Black good drawing 28.¢f2! Avoiding any tricks.
chances due to the limited remaining
material.] 28...¤c2 29.¦ed1 The knight is untouchable.

23.¦fe1?! A serious inaccuracy. 29...¥e4 [29...c3 30.¦d7+ ]

[Much stronger was: 23.¥e4! ¥e4 24.h4 gh4
25.¦f4+  with a decisive attack.] 30.¤c4 ¦e6 31.¦d8 ¢h7 32.¢g1 ¦f6
1:0 Roiz
9+-+-sN-zp-0 WEN YANG 2609 —
Moscow 127/47, 2016
9P+-+-+LzP0 1.e4 c5 2.¤c3 a6 3.g3
The Chinese Grandmaster deviates from the
9+-+RtR-mK-0 main theoretical paths and goes for a Closed
xiiiiiiiiy Sicilian.
23...¤c3? Returning the favour.
[It was possible to stay in the game by 3...b5 4.¥g2 ¥b7 5.d3 e6 6.¤h3 d6
23...¤f6 24.¥b7 ¦ab8 25.¥a6 ¥d3 26.¤d3 The most solid developing move.
cd3 27.¥d3 ¢g7± when the activity of [Premature seems 6...b4 7.¤a4 ¥c6 8.b3
Black’s pieces leaves some hope.] ¥a4 9.ba4 ¤c6 10.00 ¤f6 11.a3 ¥e7
12.ab4 cb4 13.¥b2² and White was better
24.¦c1! ¤b5 in Anton Guijarro 2634  Andreikin 2720,
[Hopeless was also 24...¤a2 25.¦c4 c6 Berlin (blitz) 2015]
26.¦a1 ¥f5 27.¦a2 ¥e6 28.¦a5 ¥c4
29.¤c4+ ] 7.00 ¤f6 8.f4 ¤c6 9.¥e3
[9.¤f2 ¥e7 10.¢h1 £c7 11.¤e2 b4 12.¥e3
25.¥b7 ¦ad8 26.¥c6+ - h5„ Wang Chen 2524  Chu Wei Chao 2318,
Black cannot avoid loss of material. Al-Ain 2015]

Chess Informant 129
9r+-wqkvl-tr0 12...g6?
It’s hard to believe, but this mistake already
9+l+-+pzpp0 makes Black’s position lost! Once again, Vlad
underestimates the danger of his position.
9p+nzppsn-+0 [It was necessary to solve the problem of his
9+pzp-+-+-0 centralised king at any cost: 12...00 13.¥h6
g6 14.¥f8 £f8 15.£f4 £g7 16.¦ae1 ¦f8±.
9-+-+PzP-+0 White is clearly better, but there is a lot of
9+-sNPvL-zPN0 complex play ahead.]
9PzPP+-+LzP0 13.¦f7! A brilliant sacrifice which allows
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 White to detain the opponent’s king in the
9...¥e7? This natural developing move turns out 13...¢f7 [Black’s position would also collapse
to be a big mistake, which invites serious trouble. after 13...¤de5 14.£e6 £d7 15.£d7 ¢d7
[It was necessary to protect the bishop on b7, 16.¦e7 Not the only, but the most convincing
after which 9...£c7 10.¤f2 ¥e7„ leaves a way! 16...¢e7 17.¥c5 ¢d7 18.d4+ ]
long struggle ahead.]
10.e5!N Opening up the diagonal poses Black XIIIIIIIIY
serious concrete problems.
[10.a4 Egreteau 2025  N. Gerard 2272, 9r+-wq-+-tr0
Avoine 2013] 9+l+nvlk+p0
10...de5 [The following alternatives didn’t 9p+n+p+p+0
look attractive either: 10...¤d5 11.¤d5 ed5
12.¥d5 de5 13.£f3 £c7 14.£g2 0–0–0
15.¥e4ƒ; 10...¤d7 11.ed6 ¥d6 12.f5 ef5 9-+-+-+Q+0
13.¦f5 00 14.¤g5ƒ] 9+-sNPvL-zPN0
11.fe5 ¤d7 The lesser evil. 9PzPP+-+LzP0
[Completely hopeless was 11...¤d5 12.¤d5 9+-+-+RmK-0
ed5 13.e6! f6 (13...fe6 14.¤f4 00 15.£g4+ )
14.¥h6! g6 15.¤f4+ ] xiiiiiiiiy
14...¢e8 [Possibly, Vlad’s initial idea was
12.£g4 Suddenly, almost all of White’s 14...¢g7 15.¤f4! (15.£e6? ¦f8 16.¥c6
pieces are joining in the attack! ¥c6 17.£c6 ¤e5 18.£e4 £d6„ leads to an
XIIIIIIIIY unclear position.) ¤f8 16.¤h5 ¢g8, but here
White’s attack is unstoppable: 17.£f4 £e8
9r+-wqk+-tr0 18.¤f6 ¥f6 19.ef6 £f7 20.¤e4+ ]
15.£e6 ¤de5 [Also hopeless is 15...£c7
9p+n+p+-+0 16.¤d5! £e5 17.¤f6 £f6 18.¦f6 ¤d8
9+pzp-zP-+-0 19.¥b7 ¤e6 20.¦e6+  and Black cannot
avoid futher material losses.]
9+-sNPvL-zPN0 16.¤e4 Another white piece joins in the
attack with great effect.
9PzPP+-+LzP0 [Good enough was also 16.¥c6 ¤c6
9tR-+-+RmK-0 (16...¥c6 17.£e5 ¢d7 18.¤d5+ ) 17.¤e4
£c7 18.¥f4+ ]
Michael ROIZ

16...£c7 Black was forced to protect the pawn on d4,

XIIIIIIIIY but now he has a shortage of pieces on the
9+lwq-vl-+p0 10.d3 g6 [Black’s position also seems shaky
after 10...¥c5 11.f4 £h4 12.¥d2 ¥b7 13.¢h1
9p+n+Q+p+0 £e7 14.£e1ƒ Movsesian 2751  Radjabov
9+pzp-sn-+-0 2761, Wijk aan Zee 2009; RR 10...£b6 Da.
Stojanovic 2495  Mrkonjic 2380, Bijeljina
9-+-+N+-+0 2015  126/42]
9+-+PvL-zPN0 11.¥f4
9+-+-+RmK-0 9r+lwqkvl-tr0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+p+p+p0
17.¤f4 [Even simpler was 17.¤hg5! ¥c8
18.¤f6 ¢d8 19.£d5 ¥d6 20.¥c5+  but the 9p+n+p+p+0
text move doesn’t spoil anything.] 9+p+-+-+-0
17...¥c8 Allowing White to win the game in 9-+-zpPvL-+0
the most beautiful way! 9+L+P+-+-0
[The most stubborn was 17...¢d8 18.¤c5
¥c5 19.£f6 ¢c8 20.£h8 ¤d8 , but after 9PzPP+NzPPzP0
21.d4 ¤ef7 22.£h7 ¥g2 23.¤g2 ¥d6 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
24.£g6+  White collects a lot of pawns,
while Black’s king is still under fire.] xiiiiiiiiy
The main idea behind this move is to prevent
18.¤f6 ¢d8 19.£d5 £d6 20.¥c5! Black from completing his development in
[Black resigns in view of 20...£d5 21.¥b6#] the most harmonious way.
1:0 Roiz
B30 After this move White’s idea is fully justified.
[However, 11...d6 12.£d2 ¥g7 13.¥h6 00
DUBOV 2634 — 14.¥g7 ¢g7 15.f4 also leads to an unpleasant
MOISEENKO 2668 position in which White has a clear attacking
Moscow 2016 plan on the kingside.]

1.e4 c5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 Alexander 12.¥d6N [RR 12.£d2 Kuczynski 2450 -
Moiseenko has rich experience in this complex Sveshnikov 2490, Varna 1987]
system. Apart from his reply here, 3...g6 and
3...d6 have also been seen in his practice. 12...¤a5 The transfer of the knight to b7
looks awkward, but it is the only adequate
3...e6 4.00 ¤ge7 5.¤c3 ¤d4 way of releasing the tension.
Even though this move has been tried by many [A previous game saw 12...£b6, but then
strong players, it looks rather risky  Black’s after 13.£d2 ¤e5 14.¥e5 ¥e5 15.£h6ƒ
development is somewhat delayed now. Black’s monarch would find himself in an
[The main continuation 5...a6 6.¥c6 ¤c6 uncomfortable situation.]
7.d4 cd4 8.¤d4 £c7 seems somewhat safer
for Black.] 13.£d2 ¤b7 14.¥f4 h5 A sad necessity.
[The natural-looking 14...00 15.¥h6 £b6
6.¤d4 cd4 7.¤e2 a6 8.¥a4 b5 9.¥b3 ¤c6 16.¥g7 ¢g7 17.a4± led to a very passive

Michael ROIZ

¤a5 18.¥g7 ¢g7 19.¥c2 d6  Black’s

position is clearly worse, but quite playable.]

16.¥g5 f6 The bishop is trapped, but...

17.f4! dc3 18.¤c3!

As in the previous game, White is ready to
sacrifice some material in order to keep the
opponent’s king in the centre!

18...fg5 19.fe5
Black’s extra piece has little value, because
most of his pieces are out of play!

19...¥e5 20.¤d5! ¥d4

[After 20...d6 21.d4 ¥f4 22.¤f4 gf4
23.¦f4+  Black would be unable to do
anything against the decisive penetration of
White’s pieces.]

Danil Dubov. Photo by David Llada 9p+-+-+p+0
position, where Black has serious problems
with protecting the weak pawn on d4.] 9-+-vlP+-+0
15.c3 Daniil reasonably provokes Black’s
next move. 9PzP-wQ-+PzP0
9r+lwqk+-tr0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+n+p+pvl-0 21...¤c5 Black’s position is already lost, but
this move makes White’s task much easier.
9p+-+p+p+0 [However, even the most stubborn continuation
9+p+-+-+p0 21...d6 22.¦ac1 ¤c5 23.£b4! ¤b3 24.¤c7
¢e7 25.£b3 ¦f8 26.£d5! (Only not 26.¤a8?
9-+-zpPvL-+0 ¥e6 27.£b4 ¥e3 28.¦f8 £f8 29.¦c7 ¥d7
9+LzPP+-+-0 30.£e1 ¥d4÷) ¥e3 27.¤a8 ¥c1 28.¦c1
¥d7 29.£g5 ¢f7 30.£d8 ¦d8 31.¤c7+ 
9PzP-wQNzPPzP0 would lead to an endgame in which White
9tR-+-+RmK-0 should be able to convert his extra pawn into
a full point.]
15...e5? Aleander underestimates the danger 22.¤c7 £c7 23.¥f7 ¢f8 24.£g5 £e5
of leaving his king in the centre for a long 25.¥g6 ¢g8 26.¥f7
time and accepts the challenge!
[Much better was 15...dc3 16.bc3 00 17.¥h6 1:0 Roiz

There is seemingly a new approach among pro players — to study
an apparently harmless opening and create their own theory. In
fact, they are all following in Magnus Carlsen's footsteps.

How to play for an advantage with White? This is a question that keeps puzzling
chess professionals.
There are different approaches: some will try to play the most critical and
concrete variations, analysing them for hours with the help of a strong computer.
This demands a lot of time and energy, both to prepare and to remember all the lines.
And there are no guarantees: your opponent can be equally well versed in the critical
variations, in which case the most natural result would be a draw. We have proof of
that from several top level over-the-board and correspondence games.
But there is another approach that is becoming quite trendy  to study a ‘lesser’
opening with the computer, creating your own theory. This has several advantages
and may be more suitable for many players. You don’t risk entering long, forcing
theoretical variations where the game is sometimes decided at home. Instead, the
idea is to look for a playable position to fight in the middlegame. Actually, Magnus
Carlsen has been playing like this for some time. But now many more players are
following the same idea. And even in the most harmless looking lines!

Chess Informant 129
In my youth I always saw the
London System as an innocuous opening, Rafael Leitão
played only by those who wanted a draw.
Little did I know. Now this mode of • Country: Brazil
development is a weapon in the hands
of such dynamic fighters as Carlsen, • Born: 1979
Kramnik, Nisipeanu, Robson and many
more. • Rating: 2616
In this article we are going to
investigate some recent developments in • Peak rating: 2652
this variation and try to understand why • Title: Grandmaster since 1998
the London is so popular right now.

Classical setup
D02 This modern move has been disturbing Black
NISIPEANU 2679 — lately. I guess we will see many more games
with this position in the near future.
Germany 2016 8...a6 Obviously this is not forced, but it is
the most fashionable move.
1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 e6 3.¥f4 c5 4.e3 ¤c6
5.¤bd2 d5 6.c3 ¥d6 9.¥d3!? A curious retreat, but surprisingly
A classical setup for Black. Many ideas have in some positions it is useful for White to
been found for White recently. provoke ...a7-a6.
[9.¥c6 is more natural. 9...bc6
7.¥g3 00 XIIIIIIIIY
[7...£e7  see Robson  Onischuk] 9r+lwq-trk+0
8.¥b5! [RR 8.¥d3 Sedlak 2556  Tadic 2506, 9+-+-+pzpp0
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012  115/120] 9p+pvlpsn-+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+-zpp+-+-0
9r+lwq-trk+0 9-+-zP-+-+0
9zpp+-+pzpp0 9PzP-sN-zPPzP0
9-+nvlpsn-+0 9tR-+QmK-+R0
9+Lzpp+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
A) 10.¤e5 this was played in a preview of
9-+-zP-+-+0 the next World Championship, although it
9+-zP-zPNvL-0 was only a blitz game. 10...£c7 11.¤d3N
(RR 11.00 Kreindl 2205  Kreisl 2289,
9PzP-sN-zPPzP0 Austria 2007) c4 12.¥d6 £d6 13.¤c5 e5
9tR-+QmK-+R0 14.b3 cb3 15.ab3÷ Carlsen 2850  Karjakin
2762, Berlin (blitz) 2015;

B) 10.£a4!N ¦b8 (10...cd4 11.¥d6 £d6 13.00 cd4 [13...¤e5 14.de5 ¤e4 15.¥e4
12.cd4 a5 13.00 ¥a6 14.¦fc1 ¥b5 15.£c2 de4 16.¦e1²]
a4; RR 10...¥g3 Vuilleumier 2366  Tari
2553, Reykjavik 2016) 11.£a3 ¥g3 12.hg3 14.¤c6 ¥c6 15.cd4²
£b6 13.00 ¤d7 (13...cd4 14.cd4 £b2
15.£d6²) 14.¦fb1 cd4 15.cd4 c5 16.¤b3 XIIIIIIIIY
c4 17.¤c5= Andreikin 2736  Sethuraman 9r+-wq-trk+0
2658 Stockholm 2016]
9...b6 9pzpl+-sn-+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+-+p+-+-0
9r+lwq-trk+0 9-+-zP-+-+0
9+-+-+pzpp0 9+-+L+-vL-0
9pzpnvlpsn-+0 9PzP-sN-zPPzP0
9+-zpp+-+-0 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
9-+-zP-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-zPLzPNvL-0 White has a small advantage. Nisipeanu goes
9PzP-sN-zPPzP0 on to win a beautiful game.

9tR-+QmK-+R0 15...¥b5 16.¥b5 ab5 17.£b3 b4 18.¦fe1

¤h5 19.¥e5 £d7 20.¤f1! ¦fc8 21.¤e3
xiiiiiiiiy ¦a5 22.¦ac1 ¦c6?
10.e4! ¥e7 11.ed5!?N
[11.dc5 bc5 12.00 ¤h5= Grischuk 2774  Dieter-Liviu Nisipeanu. Photo by Astrid Fietz
Karjakin 2762, Berlin (blitz) 2015]

11...ed5 [11...£d5?! 12.¤c4! Here we see

why it can be useful for White to provoke
...a7-a6. 11...¤d5 12.dc5 ¤c3 (12...bc5
13.£e2²; 12...¥c5 13.£e2²)
Now White has some promising moves.
13.bc3 (13.£c2 ¤d5 14.¥h7 ¢h8÷; 13.¥h7
¢h7 14.£c2 ¢g8 15.bc3 ¥c5 16.00²)
£d3 14.cb6²]

12.¤e5 ¥b7 [12...¤e5 13.de5 ¤d7 14.00²]

Chess Informant 129

[22...¦c1 23.¦c1 £e6²]

23.¤f5! ¥f8 24.£h3! [24...g6 25.¤h6]
1: 0 Leitao

ROBSON 2663 —
Ray Robson. Photo by David Llada
USA (ch) 2016
player as Ray Robson would be using this
1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 e6 3.¥f4 c5 4.e3 ¤c6 variation? Let’s take a look at his convincing
5.¤bd2 d5 6.c3 ¥d6 7.¥g3 £e7 8.¤e5 win in the American Championship.
¥e5 [8...00 9.f4²]
15...¦g8? [15...00²]
9.de5 ¤d7 10.¥b5 a6N
[10...00 11.f4² Prie 2510  Gozzoli 2547, 16.00± h5 17.£d1 [17.£a5ƒ]
France (ch) 2012]
17...¦g4 [17...0–0–0]
11.¥c6 bc6 12.£a4! ¥b7 13.¥h4! f6 14.ef6
gf6 15.c4 18.¥g3 £h7 19.¦c1 a5 20.¦e1! ¥a6 21.cd5
9r+-+k+-tr0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+l+nwq-+p0 9r+-+k+-+0
9p+p+pzp-+0 9+-+n+-+q0
9+-zpp+-+-0 9l+-+pzp-+0
9Q+P+-+-vL0 9zp-zpp+-+p0
9+-+-zP-+-0 9-+-+-+r+0
9PzP-sN-zPPzP0 9+-+-zP-vL-0
9tR-+-mK-+R0 9PzP-sN-zPPzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-tRQtR-mK-0
Who would say that this position came from xiiiiiiiiy
the “dull” London System? And again, who 22.e4! d4 23.£a4 ¥b7? 24.£b3
would say that such an aggressive and dynamic 1:0 Leitao


Without 2...e6

Black can try to accelerate the game and play without ...e6. This
leads to sharp positions.
D02 Another trendy variation. 8.h3N (RR 8.¥e2
KAMSKY 2678 — Diamanteas  Dorfanis 2194, Greece 2009;
ONISCHUK 2664 8.a4 Van Foreest 2557  Igonin 2470, Moscow
2016) ¥f3?! I don’t see a good to reason to part
USA (ch) 2016 so easily with the bishop’s pair. (8...¥h5) Now
White’s position is quite comfortable. 9.£f3 e6
1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 d5 3.¥f4 c5!? 4.e3 ¤c6 10.c3 ¥e7 11.¥d3² 00 12.00 £d8 13.¦fe1
5.¤bd2! ¥d6 14.¥g5 h6 15.¥h4 ¥e7 16.¥f6!? ¥f6
XIIIIIIIIY 17.¥c2! White had the initiative and Nisipeanu
won another good game. Nisipeanu 2669 
9r+lwqkvl-tr0 Khismatullin 2609, Djakovica 2016]
7.c3 e6 8.£b3 £c8 9.¤h4!
9-+n+-sn-+0 A typical move and the only way to fight
9+-zpp+-+-0 for an advantage. Both Kramnik and Carlsen
have played this position with White  I guess
9-+-zP-vL-+0 this means something.
9+-+-zPN+-0 9...¥e4 [9...¥g6 10.¤g6 hg6 11.¥d3 ¤h5
9PzPPsN-zPPzP0 12.¥e3 ¥d6 13.0–0–0!? This looks a little
9tR-+QmKL+R0 strange coming from Vlad. Usually he would
try to grind the position with the bishop-
xiiiiiiiiy pair in an endgame. But here he is ready for
A precise move order. a sharp game with opposite sides castling.
13...a6 14.¢b1 b5 15.£c2 ¤a5 16.¤f3 ¤c4
5...cd4 The solid approach. 17.¥c1 £c7 18.¤g5 ¤f4 19.¥f1
[5...£b6  see N. Pert  D’Costa] XIIIIIIIIY
6.ed4 ¥f5 [6...£b6 7.¤b3 ¥g4 9r+-+k+-tr0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+-wq-+pzp-0
9r+-+kvl-tr0 9p+-vlp+p+0
9zpp+-zppzpp0 9+p+p+-sN-0
9-wqn+-sn-+0 9-+nzP-sn-+0
9+-+p+-+-0 9+-zP-+-+-0
9-+-zP-vLl+0 9PzPQ+-zPPzP0
9+N+-+N+-0 9+KvLR+L+R0
9PzPP+-zPPzP0 xiiiiiiiiy
19...0–0–0? (19...¥e7 20.¤f3 with a balanced
9tR-+QmKL+R0 game.) 20.a4!± £b7 21.ab5 ab5 22.b3 ¤a5
Chess Informant 129

23.£a2 ¤c6 24.g3 ¤h5 25.¥d3 and White D02

won a beautiful positional game in Kramnik N. PERT 2569 —
2796  Sjugirov 2646, Doha 2015  127/135]
D’COSTA 2420
10.¤e4 ¤e4 [10...de4!? 11.g3²] Great Britain 2016
11.¥d3 [11.¤f3 ¥d6 12.¥d6 ¤d6 13.¥d3 1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 d5 3.¥f4 c5!? 4.e3 ¤c6
£c7 14.£c2N (RR 14.00 Sandipan 2594 5.¤bd2! £b6 6.dc5!
 Kasimdzhanov 2700, Dubai (rapid) 2014)
0–0–0 A bold move, but perhaps unnecessary.
15.00 h6 16.a4 ¢b8 17.¦fe1 ¦c8 18.£d1 9r+l+kvl-tr0
¦he8 19.¥f1 9zpp+-zppzpp0
9-mkr+r+-+0 9-wqn+-sn-+0
9zppwq-+pzp-0 9+-zPp+-+-0
9-+nsnp+-zp0 9-+-+-vL-+0
9+-+p+-+-0 9+-+-zPN+-0
9P+-zP-+-+0 9PzPPsN-zPPzP0
9-zP-+-zPPzP0 9tR-+QmKL+R0
9tR-+QtRLmK-0 xiiiiiiiiy
An important move that poses problems
xiiiiiiiiy for Black. White sacrifices a pawn for the
with a complicated middlegame fight, initiative. This is an important point  in
something Magnus usually welcomes. Carlsen the old days the London System was seen
2850  Wojtaszek 2748, Reykjavik 2015] as a solid way to play with White, its main
goal was usually to play for a draw. But the
11...¥d6 times have changed: now it can be played in
XIIIIIIIIY dynamic fashion.
9r+q+k+-tr0 6...£b2 [6...£c5?! 7.a3 ¥f5 8.c4 e6 9.b4±
9zpp+-+pzpp0 Kramnik 2777  Cheparinov 2681, Berlin
(blitz) 2015. Even in blitz games we shall pay
9-+nvlp+-+0 close attention to what Kramnik plays.]
7.¦b1 £c3 8.¥b5
9+QzPL+-+-0 9r+l+kvl-tr0
9PzP-+-zPPzP0 9zpp+-zppzpp0
9tR-+-mK-+R0 9-+n+-sn-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+LzPp+-+-0
12.¥e4?! A strange move by Gata Kamsky,
the principal modern expert in the London 9-+-+-vL-+0
System. [Better is 12.¥d6] 9+-wq-zPN+-0
12...¥f4 Black has no problems. 9P+PsN-zPPzP0
13.¥d3 g5!? 14.¤f3 g4„ 9+R+QmK-+R0

15.¥a8 ¦a8÷ Black has compensation but I

prefer White.]

10.¥e5 £a5 11.c4 ¥e7N

[RR 11...00 Donmez 2076  Kansal 1879,
Turkey 2014]

12.¤b3 £d8 13.cd5 ed5 14.¤bd4 ¥d7

Nicholas Pert. Photo by Brendan O'Gorman xiiiiiiiiy
and White already has a big advantage.
White has quite good compensation in this
complicated position. A few modern examples 15...¦c8 16.¤c6 bc6 17.¥a6 c5 18.£c2 ¦c6
demonstrate that it is not easy to play with 19.¥b7 ¦e6 [19...¦b6 20.¥f6±]
8...e6 [8...¥d7N 9.00 £c5 10.c4© Sedlak [20.¥d5 ¤d5 21.¦b8 ¥c8 22.¥g7+]
2544  Blagojevic 2498, Cetinje 2016;
8...£c5 9.00©] 20...¦f6 21.¥d5± 0-0 22.¦fd1 ¥d6 23.
¤g5 ¥f5 24.¥e4 ¦h6 25.f4 ¥e4 26.£e4
9.00 £f6 27. ¦b7+ £c3 28.¦d7 ¥b8
9r+l+kvl-tr0 9-vl-+-trk+0
9zpp+-+pzpp0 9zp-+R+pzpp0
9-+n+psn-+0 9-+-+-+-tr0
9+LzPp+-+-0 9+-zp-+-sN-0
9-+-+-vL-+0 9-+-+QzP-+0
9+-wq-zPN+-0 9+-wq-zP-+-0
9P+PsN-zPPzP0 9P+-+-+PzP0
9+R+Q+RmK-0 9+-+R+-mK-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
9...¥c5? [9...¥e7! 10.¤e5 £c5 11.c4 00! 29.¦f7
12.¤b3 £a3 13.¤c6 bc6 14.¥c6 ¥a6 1 :0 Leitao

Chess Informant 129


This is another classical approach to the London System. I must admit that it
loses some of its charm in this version, since some of the resulting positions
are a little dull. Still, it has been used regularly by Gata Kamsky with moderate
success. Let’s take a look at some of his recent examples.

A48 11.¥e2 d6 12.00 ¥d7 13.¤fd2 ¥c6 14.¥f3

£f5 15.¦e1 ¤a6³ White’s pawn sacrifice
KAMSKY 2678 — is hardly justified. Kamsky 2670  Grischuk
SHANKLAND 2656 2752, Russia (team-ch) 2016]
USA (ch) 2016
5...d6 6.h3 ¤bd7
1.d4 ¤f6 2.¤f3 g6 3.¥f4 [6...c5 is an invitation to an endgame that
XIIIIIIIIY White should probably accept. 7.dc5 dc5
8.£d8 ¦d8 9.¤bd2 Kamsky has played
9rsnlwqkvl-tr0 this position a few times before. In his latest
9zppzppzpp+p0 example he was close to an advantage. 9...b6
(RR 9...¤c6 Kamsky 2680  Arun Prasad
9-+-+-snp+0 2520, Las Vegas 2015  126/28, A 48)
10.¥c7N (RR 10.¥e2 Janjos 2173  Srdjanov
9+-+-+-+-0 2130, Serbia 2014) ¦d7 11.¥h2 ¥b7 12.¥b5
9-+-zP-vL-+0 ¤c6 13.¤c4 ¤e4 14.00 ¤d6 15.¥d6 ed6
16.¦fd1 ¦ad8 17.¦d2 d5 18.¦ad1
9PzPP+PzPPzP0 9-+-tr-+k+0
9tRN+QmKL+R0 9zpl+r+pvlp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-zpn+-+p+0
3...¥g7 4.c3 00 5.e3 9+Lzpp+-+-0
[5.h3 c5 6.e3 cd4 7.cd4 £b6 8.¤bd2!?
9rsnl+-trk+0 9PzP-tR-zPP+0
9zpp+pzppvlp0 9+-+R+-mK-0
9-wq-+-snp+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-+-+-+-0 White’s position is slightly more pleasant,
9-+-zP-vL-+0 although Black was able to defend. 18...
9+-+-zPN+P0 f6 19.e4! d4 20.cd4 cd4 21.e5 fe5 22.¥c6
9PzP-sN-zPP+0 ¥c6 23.¤fe5 ¥e5 24.¤e5 ¦d6 25.¤c6
¦c6 26.¦d4 ¦d4 27.¦d4 ¦c1 28.¢h2 ¦c2
9tR-+QmKL+R0 and Black managed to escape this endgame.
xiiiiiiiiy Kamsky 2670  Sjugirov 2674, Russia (team-
A surprisingly bold move. As I wrote before, ch) 2016;
London System players are not so solid 6...b6 is similar to the main move. 7.a4 a6
anymore. 8...£b2 9.¤c4 £b5 10.a4 £d5 8.¥e2 ¥b7 9.00 ¤bd7 10.¥h2 ¦e8 11.¤bd2

Grunfeld Defence? 12.b4 ¤e4 13.¤e4 ¥e4
14.£b3 £e7 15.¦fd1 ¥b7 16.¦ac1 ¦ab8N
(RR 16...h6 Biolek jr. 2399  Walek 2350,
Czech Republic 2012) 17.£a2 ed4 18.cd4
¤f6 19.b5² White had a small positional
advantage in Kamsky 2673  Demchenko
2583, Moscow 2016]

7.¥e2 b6!
The best plan for Black but one that does
not suit every taste. The position is solid
and without too many adventures. Positional
players will feel at home here. In a recent
example, Kamsky failed to demonstrate an
advantage here.

8.a4 a5 9.00 ¥b7 10.¤a3 ¤e4 11.¥h2

Gata Kamsky, Dresden 2008. Photo by Harald Fietz
¢h8 12.£b3N
(RR 11.¤a3 Ye Rongguang 2545  Donguines [RR 12.£c2 Hryhorenko 2268  Ushenina
2435, Bacolod 1991  53/72, A48) e5 2297, Ukraine 2002]
XIIIIIIIIY 12...e6 13.¤b5 ¦c8 14.¦ad1 £e7 15.¤a7
9r+-wqr+k+0 ¦a8 16.¤b5 ¦ac8 17.£a3 ¦fe8 18.¦fe1 f5
9+lzpn+pvlp0 19.¤d2 ¤d2 20.¦d2 e5 21.¥f1=
9pzp-zp-snp+0 Leitao
A typical position for this system. Both players
have an extremely solid position. A long
positional battle lies ahead. But is this really
worse than playing the Main Lines of the




The Benoni Defence can indeed be a blessing when winning but

also a reason for the deepest sorrow when the opposite is the
case! During my long and by now distant years as a Benoni
player, offering me an abundance of “blessings”, I have also
had my share of sorrow... reveals GM Mihail Marin.

It is hard to imagine a more intriguing opening than the Modern Benoni. Whilst
accepting a chronic weakness on d6, Black also allows his opponent to obtain an impressive
space advantage, with the ever-present possibility of breaking in the centre with e4–e5. In
doing so he hopes to make the best of the activity of his fianchettoed bishop and advance
his not too mobile queenside majority, either systematically or by tactical means.

Mihail MARIN
The name of the opening is quite suggestive. Benoni (son of my sorrow) is the
Biblical name given to the last born child by Jacob’s wife Rachel, shortly before she
died in labour. Later, Jacob changed his name to Benjamin (son of my blessing).
The Benoni opening can indeed be a blessing when winning but also a reason for
the deepest sorrow when the opposite is the case! Black needs to play very creatively to
gain an advantage, but if his ideas fail, the consequences can be dreadful. This article
highlights a closely related aspect. Step by step, Black needs to take concrete decisions as
the significance of every move tends to be very high. No matter how well you have played
or how lucky you have been in the previous phase of the game, you need to maintain 100%
accuracy until the scoresheets have been signed. More than in any other opening, one false
step is enough to convert a promising or close to winning position into one that is miserable.
During my long and by now distant years as a Benoni player, offering me
an abundance of “blessings”, I have also had my share of sorrow, a victim of the
circumstances mentioned in the previous paragraph. But recently I happened to be on
the opposite side of the board in a decisive last round game of a strong open.

Mihail Marin
MARIN 2576 —
• Country: Romania
Helsingor 2016
• Born: 1965
1.d4 g6 2.e4 ¥g7 3.¤f3 d6 4.c3
• Rating: 2576
I will not argue with you that this does not
look like a Benoni at all. [But in fact after • Peak rating: 2616
nine moves the game will transpose to a
Benoni hybrid, usually arising after 4.c4 c5 • Title: Grandmaster since 1985
5.d5 e6 6.¤bd2 (RR 6.¤c3 S. Atalik 2560 
Yermolinsky 2570, San Francisco 2005  93/
(30), A43) ed5 7.cd5 ¤e7 8.¥d3 ¤d7 9.¤f1] [My main idea was to meet 7...00 8.¤g3 h6
9.00 f5 with 10.ef5 gf5 11.de5 de5 12.¤h5±.
4...¤d7 5.¥d3 e5 6.¤bd2 Saving a tempo by refraining from ¦f1–e1 is
[RR 6.00 V. Kozomara  Ivkov, Sarajevo essential in this line.]
1968  5/120]
8.cd4 c5 9.d5
6...¤e7!? Quite an original setup, aiming at XIIIIIIIIY
playing ...f7–f5 as soon as possible.
7.¤f1!?N [I was slightly worried that if I 9zpp+nsnpvlp0
developed normally Black would generate
a strong kingside initiative. A closer look 9-+-zp-+p+0
reveals that things are not entirely clear: 7.00
00 8.¦e1 h6 (8...f5 9.¥c4 ¢h8 10.¤g5)
9.¤f1 f5 10.ef5 gf5 11.de5 de5 12.¥c4 ¢h7 9-+-+P+-+0
13.¤g5! I did not see this far. 13...hg5 14.£h5 9+-+L+N+-0
¥h6 15.¥g5 ¦f6 16.¥f6 ¤f6 17.£f7 ¥g7
18.¦e5²; RR Pelikian 2387  Rodriguez Vila 9PzP-+-zPPzP0
2493, Santos 2001] 9tR-vLQmKN+R0
7...ed4! The logical reaction to White’s xiiiiiiiiy
sophisticated plan. For a few moments I was hoping that I had

Chess Informant 129

reached the above-mentioned Benoni hybrid 18.f4 [18.¥e5!? de5 19.f4 ef4 20.£f4 f5?!
line, a tempo ahead, but after double-checking 21.d6 fe4 22.£e3ƒ קd6]
the position I realised this was not the case.
But though White usually plays b1–c3 in the 18...¥d4 19.£d4 a4 20.a3 ¦ab8
Benoni, the knight’s presence on g3, in the same XIIIIIIIIY
spirit of the Ruy Lopez main lines, surely makes
sense as it offers White attacking chances. 9-tr-+-trk+0
[9.¥e3 00 10.¤g3 £b6ƒ] 9+-+-snp+p0
9...b5 10.¤g3 9-wq-zp-+p+0
[10.a4 c4 11.¥e2 ¤c5 12.ab5 c3 13.bc3
10...c4 11.¥c2 ¤c5 12.00 9zP-+-+-sN-0
[I didn’t want to waste a tempo on 12.h3 since
the black bishop can easily find another good 9-zPL+-zP-zP0
diagonal: 12...00 13.00 a5 … ...¥a6] 9+-+R+RmK-0
12...¥g4 13.¥e3 00 xiiiiiiiiy
[13...¥b2 14.¦b1 ¥g7 (14...c3 15.£d4±) My initial evaluation of the position as
15.¦b5²] promising for White was correct but now I
started playing without a clear plan.
14.¥d4 ¥f3 15.gf3
XIIIIIIIIY 21.¢h1 [21.£f6 £d8; 21.e5 ¦fd8 (21...¤d7
22.£c3 f5 23.¤e2; 21...¦bd8 22.¤e4+  )
9r+-wq-trk+0 22.e6 fe6 23.de6 ¦f8 (23...¤e6 24.£f6)
9zp-+-snpvlp0 24.f5ƒ]
9-+-zp-+p+0 21...¤d7 22.£d2 £c5 23.¦g1
9+psnP+-+-0 [23.f5! f6 (23...c3 24.bc3 £a3 25.e5 de5 26.d6
¤c8 27.¦g1; 23...b4 24.¥a4 ¤f6 25.£g5
9-+pvLP+-+0 ¢g7 26.e5 de5? 27.£f6 ¢f6 28.¤e4) 24.¦g1
9+-+-+PsN-0 ¤e5 25.fg6 hg6 26.£e2‚]

9PzPL+-zP-zP0 23...¢h8 24.e5

xiiiiiiiiy 9-tr-+-tr-mk0
This was the position I was aiming for. Far 9+-+nsnp+p0
from being weak, the doubled pawns can
become threatening, while I also hoped to 9-+-zp-+p+0
exploit the g-file for my attack. 9+pwqPzP-+-0
15...¥e5!? This came as a slight surprise. 9p+p+-zP-+0
[I had calculated something like 15...¤c8 9zP-+-+-sN-0
16.f4 £h4 17.¥g7 ¢g7 18.£d4 f6 19.£e3
¤b6 20.¢h1 ¦ae8 21.¦ad1 …¦g1] 9-zPLwQ-zP-zP0
16.£d2 £b6 17.¦ad1
[17.f4? ¤e4!; 17.¥e5 de5 18.f4 ef4 19.£f4 f5„] xiiiiiiiiy
I played this with great confidence but almost
17...a5 [17...¥d4!? 18.£d4 a5] straight away received a cold shower.

Mihail MARIN

24...f5!÷ [I had counted on 24...de5 25.fe5 30...¢g8? Here it is, the fatal “natural” move,
¤e5 26.¤e4 £b6 27.£c3 f6 28.d6 ¤7c6 losing control over the d6–square.
29.f4 ¤d7 30.¤g5ƒ] [30...¦bb6÷ was necessary, with a probable
After the last move I understood that despite positional draw as neither player can make
my massive centre I already risked being any progress.]
worse. My main problem was the lack of
activity of my minor pieces, combined with 31.¦d6 £d6 32.¦e6 £c5 33.¦c6 £a7
the threatening black queenside majority. 34.¢g1 £b7 35.£d4 ¢f7
Under pressure, I now started to play with a XIIIIIIIIY
clear plan. While avoiding the loss of the d5–
pawn, I needed to transfer my knight to c3 9-tr-+-+-+0
and the bishop to f3. This sounds complicated 9+q+n+k+p0
but it is not impossible. On the other hand, my
strong opponent was already getting into time 9-+R+-snp+0
trouble and seemed rather to lose track in the
coming phase.
25.ed6 ¤g8 Unnecessarily sophisticated. 9zP-sN-+-+-0
[The simple 25...£d6 forces White to display
accuracy in order to maintain the balance. 9-zPL+-zP-zP0
26.¤e2 ¤f6 27.¤c3 ¦bd8 28.¦ge1 ¤ed5 9+-+-+-mK-0
29.¦e5 ¤c3 30.£d6 ¤d1 31.£c5 (×f2)
¤d7 32.£b5 ¤f2 33.¢g2 ¤e5 34.£e5 xiiiiiiiiy
¢g8 35.¢f2 ¦d2 36.¢g3 ¦c2 37.£d5 ¦f7 White has made huge progress and the time
38.£d8 ¦f8= (38...¢g7? 39.£d1!! ¦b2 has come to complete the aforementioned
40.£d4)] regrouping.

26.¦ge1 ¦b6 27.¦e6 ¦d6 28.¤e2 ¤gf6 36.¥d1!± b4? A serious time trouble mistake
[28...¦e6 29.de6 £c6 30.£d5±] in a difficult position.

29.¤c3 White has accomplished the first part 37.ab4 £b4 38.¥a4 £b2 39.¦c7 ¦b7
of his regrouping plan, and can already count 40.d6+   ¦c7 41.dc7 ¤b6 42.¥b5
on a safe position. [42.c8£ ¤c8 43.£c4 ¢g7 44.£c8 £c1
45.¢g2 £f4±]
[29...¦e6 30.de6 £c6 31.¢g1 £e6 32.¤b5²] 42...£a1 43.¢g2 £a8
[I had only calculated 43...£a5 44.¥c4 ¢g7
30.¦de1 45.¤d5+   and was disappointed to notice
XIIIIIIIIY that the ¤d5 trick no longer works.]
9-tr-+-+-mk0 44.f3 £b7 45.£b6?!
9+-+n+-+p0 I was becoming slightly impatient since I
knew that a win would allow me a share of
9-+-trRsnp+0 first place in the tournament.
9+pwqP+p+-0 [45.¥c4 ¢g7 46.£d8 ¤c8 47.¤e2+  …¤d4]
9p+p+-zP-+0 45...£b6 46.c8£ ¢g7
9zP-sN-+-+-0 [I was secretely hoping for 46...£e3 47.£c7
¢f8 48.£d8 ¢g7 49.£f6 ¢f6 50.¤d5]
47.£c4 £d6 48.¤e2 ¤h5 49.£d4
9+-+-tR-+K0 I have to admit that when playing this I was
Chess Informant 129

convinced that my bishop was of the same the reverse order there, since in the critical
colour as the h8–square! This would avoid the position where I lost control of the centre
problem of the ¥ + h§ vs ¢ ending. White already had his knight on c3 and bishop
[True, it is not easy to prove a clear winning on the long diagonal.
plan after 49.£c3 ¢h6 50.£e5 £d1]

49...£d4 50.¤d4 ¤f4 51.¢f2 ¢f6 52.¥c4 A62

h6 53.¤e2 ¢e5 DRASKO 2505 — MARIN 2495
It was only now that I realized my mistake.
Tallinn 1989
54.¥f7 [54.¤f4 ¢f4 55.h3 g5 56.¥e6 h5=]
1.¤f3 ¤f6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 ¥g7 4.¥g2 00
54...g5 55.¤g3 5.00 c5 6.d4 d6 7.d5 ¤a6 8.¤c3 ¤c7 9.a4
XIIIIIIIIY e6 10.¥f4 ed5 11.cd5 ¦e8 12.¤d2 ¤h5
13.¥e3 b6 14.¦c1 ¥a6 15.¦e1 f5
9-+-+-+-+0 I assume at this time I had not yet got around
9+-+-+L+-0 to studying Petrosian’s games, otherwise
I cannot explain why I refrained from
9-+-+-+-zp0 15...¦e3!?. Nevertheless, objectively, my
9+-+-mkpzp-0 move is at least as good.

9-+-+-sn-+0 16.¤f1
9-+-+-mK-zP0 9r+-wqr+k+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9zp-sn-+-vlp0
xiiiiiiiiy 9lzp-zp-+p+0
55...g4? The losing move in a position where 9+-zpP+p+n0
he could have probably survived.
[According to Timman 55...¤h3 56.¢g2 ¤f4 9P+-+-+-+0
57.¢f1 g4 should be drawn but probably
White still has practical chances.]
56.fg4 fg4 57.¥h5!+   ¤h5?! Accelerating 9+-tRQtRNmK-0
his defeat.
[After 57...¤d3 58.¢e3 White will win the xiiiiiiiiy
g-pawn and with some technical accuracy he 16...£f6?! [16...£d7! (פc7) 17.£d2 b5
will do so with the h-pawn, whilst retaining 18.b4 (18.ab5 ¤b5 19.¦a1 ¥b7 20.¦a5 a6³)
knights on the board.] cb4 19.¤a2 b3 20.¤b4 ba4 21.¦c7 £c7
22.¤a6 £c4 23.¤b4 a3 24.¦c1 £c1 25.£c1
58.¤h5 ¢f5 59.¢g3 a2  +]
[Upon 59.¢g3 I imagine that Julio hoped
to save the game with 59...¢g5 60.¤f4 h5 17.£d2 b5 [17...¦ac8 18.b4²]
61.¤g2 ¢f5 62.¢h4 ¢e4 63.¢h5 ¢f3 but
then noticed 64.¤e1! or 64.¤h4 winning.] 18.b4 c4 [18...cb4 19.¤a2± פc7]
1 :0 Marin
19.a5 After my inaccuracy, Milan has
Black’s fatal carelessness on move 30 and his managed more or less to stabilise his position,
uncertain play in the previous phase reminds and somewhere around here he offered me a
me strongly of a painful Benoni experience draw. However, in those years my results with
from my youth. True, things happened in the Benoni were so good that I preferred to

Mihail MARIN

29...¥a8? Though it was too late to settle for
neutrality, it was still possible to commence
promising and concrete play.
[29...¤a8! would have placed the queen
in grave danger. 30.£a7 £g7 (Freeing the
rook from the task of defending the bishop
in order to threaten ...¤e3) 31.¥f3 (31.e4 fe4
Milan Drasko. Photo by Josip Asik 32.¤e4 ¥d5) ¤e3 32.¤e3 ¦e3 (Suddenly
most of White’s pieces are hanging on dark
play on. Objectively, Black has little to fear squares.) 33.¤b5!? (33.¦c1 ¦8e7 34.£b8
but later on I came to realise that this was a ¢f7 wins material.) ab5 34.a6 ¥c8 35.£a8
practical mistake. I had arrived in Tallinn only ¦a3 36.£c6 £d7µ]
shortly before the game, after a 14 hour train
journey, so it would have been so much wiser 30.e4!± At a single stroke, turning Black’s
to accept the draw and start fighting the next excellent position into a lost one.
day, after recovering from travel tiredeness.
30...¦d7 [30...fe4 31.¤e4+   ×d6]
19...¥b7 20.¥h6 ¥h6 [20...¥h8!?]
31.h3 ¤h6
21.£h6 £f7 22.¦ed1 ¤f6 23.£d2 ¦e5 [31...£f8!? 32.¦4d2! (32.hg4 ¦b8 33.ef5
24.f4 ¦e7 25.£d4 a6 26.¦d2 ¦ae8 27.¦cd1 gf5 34.gf5 ¦b6 35.ab6 ¤e8 36.g4÷) ¦b8
Black has regrouped perfectly and the pressure (32...¤f6 33.e5 de5 34.d6 ¤e6 35.fe5+  )
on d5 causes White problems in carrying out 33.£d4 ¤h6 34.e5±]
the desired e2–e4. In principle, White cannot
aim for more than maintaining equality, since 32.e5 £d8 33.e6+   The rest is silence.
his king’s knight is miserably placed. But for
Black it is also wise to maintain a neutral 33...¦g7 34.¦4d2 ¢h8 35.£d4 g5 36.fg5
policy, since he does not have any clear £g5 37.¦f2 ¤g8 38.£f4 £f4 39.¦f4 ¤e7
targets. 40.¢f2 ¦eg8 41.¥f3 ¦g6 42.g4 fg4 43.hg4
¦g5 44.¤e3 ¦e5 45.¥e4 ¦gg5 46.¦h1 h5
27...¤g4 Playing with fire! [27...¥c8!?] 47.¦f8 ¦g8 48.¦f7 ¦g7 49.¤f5 ¦f7 50.ef7
¦f5 51.gf5 ¢g7 52.f6
28.£b6 [28.e4 fe4 29.¤e4 ¦e4 30.¥e4 ¤f6 This game affected me to such an extent that
31.¥g2 ¥d5 32.¤e3 ¥g2 33.¢g2 d5°] I ended the very strong Keres Memorial on a
painful 5.
28...£f6 [פc3] 1 :0 Marin

Chess Informant 129

Since I mentioned the positional exchange

sacrifice on e3, it makes sense to continue
with a classical game in which Black actually
played it.

Zurich (ct) 1953

1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 e6 4.¤c3 ed5 5.cd5

d6 6.¤f3 g6 7.g3 ¥g7 8.¥g2
In those days the fianchetto system was
becoming increasingly popular in the King’s
Indian, so White’s choice in this game should
not surprise us.

8...00 9.00 a6 10.a4 ¤bd7 11.¤d2 ¦e8

12.a5 b5 13.ab6 ¤b6 14.¤b3 £c7?!
This allows White to exert strong queenside
[Later it was discovered that Black can
maintain equality by 14...¤c4 15.¦a4 ¤b6 Max Euwe. Caricature by Jovan Prokopljevic
16.¦a2 ¤c4, since if 17.£d3 ¦b8 18.£c4,
then 18... ¦b4 retrieves the knight with very
comfortable play.] ¦e3 24.£a6
[Both sides have made progress on “their
15.¤a5 ¥d7 16.h3 ¥b5 17.¥e3 ¤fd7 flanks” but, with his queen far away from
18.£b3 ¤f6 19.¦fc1 ¥d7 20.£d1 the kingside, Black seems unable to generate
XIIIIIIIIY concrete threats. Moreover, his queen is likely
to find itself in serious danger after ¤c6,
9r+-+r+k+0 £b5, ¦a7.]
9+-wql+pvlp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9psn-zp-snp+0 9-+-+-+k+0
9sN-zpP+-+-0 9+-wql+p+p0
9-+-+-+-+0 9Qsn-zp-snpvl0
9+-sN-vL-zPP0 9sN-zpP+-+-0
9-zP-+PzPL+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9tR-tRQ+-mK-0 9+-sN-tr-zPP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-zP-+P+LmK0
White has built up an impressive positional 9tR-tR-+-+-0
attack on the queenside. If allowed to invade
on the c6–square and carry out b2–b4 he would xiiiiiiiiy
win effortlessly. But things are not entirely 24...¦e5? Black chooses the wrong target 
safe for him on the kingside: the d5–pawn. Curiously, in his world famous
book on Zurich 1953, Bronstein does not
20...¦e3! 21.fe3 ¥h6 22.£d3 ¦e8 23.¢h2 comment on this move.

Mihail MARIN

[In his far less known but nevertheless very as we have seen. Also he may have had
valuable tournament book, 15 Aspirantes exaggerated fears about White’s queenside
al Titulo Mundial, Najdorf rightly points initiative. Then again, Kotov was basically
out that Black should have continued with a classical player, and pursuing an attack
his attack on the dark squares, yielding him initiated by an exchange sacrifice was not
good winning chances: 24...¤h5!. Here is a quite in his usual style.
combination of the analysis given by Najdorf
and computer engines: 25.¦f1 ¥c8 26.£b5 ¥d7 27.¤c6+  
A) 25.¤c6 ¦g3 26.¦f1 ¥c6 27.dc6 d5  +
Najdorf; 9-+-+-+k+0
B) 25.g4 £d8! 26.¦f1 (26.gh5 £h4) £h4
27.¤c4 ¦h3 28.¥h3 £g3  +; 9-snNzp-snpvl0
C) 25.£b7 £d8  +;
D) 25.¤b5 £d8 26.¦c3 (26.¤c4 £g5) ¦g3 9+-sN-+-zPP0
27.¦g3 ¥f4  +;
E) 25.¤c4 ¤c4 26.£c4 ¦g3 27.¦a8 ¢g7 9tR-+-+R+-0
28.¦f1 ¦e3³;
F) 25.¥f3 Only a few moves earlier Black had winning
XIIIIIIIIY chances but now he is as good as lost. His
attack has been extinguished even before it
9-+-+-+k+0 got started and White’s initiative will now
9+-wql+p+p0 shortly assume decisive proportions.
9sN-zpP+-+n0 27...¢g7 28.¦a6 ¤c8 29.£b8 £b8 30.¤b8
¥f5 31.¦c6 ¦e8 32.e4 ¥d7 33.e5 ¦e5
9-+-+-+-+0 34.¤d7 ¤d7 35.¦c8 ¦e3 36.¦c6 ¤e5
9+-sN-trLzPP0 37.¦d6 ¦d3 38.¦d1 ¦e3 39.¦c6
9-zP-+P+-mK0 1 :0 Marin
9tR-tR-+-+-0 The next game shows that the contours of the
xiiiiiiiiy “Modern Benoni” had already taken shape
25...¤g3! 26.¢g3 £d8! 27.¦h1 (27.¦g1 long before so-called modern times.
£g5 28.¢f2 £h4 29.¦g3 ¥h3 30.¤c6
¥f4‚; 27.¤e4 ¦e4! (Najdorf) 28.¥e4
£g5) ¥f4! 28.¢g2 (28.¢f4 £h4 29.¢e3 A61
£d4#) £h4  + 29.¦ag1 (29.¦a3 £g3 NIMZOWITSCH — MARSHALL
30.¢f1 ¦f3 31.ef3 ¥e3  +; 29.¤d1 ¦e5
30.¢f1 ¥d2  + 31.£d3 ¥h3 32.¦h3
  New York 1927
£e1 33.¢g2 ¦g5) ¥f5!! …...¥d3, …
...£g3, ...¦f3] 1.c4 ¤f6 2.d4 e6 3.¤f3 c5 4.d5 d6 5.¤c3
ed5 6.cd5 g6 7.¤d2
Why didn’t Kotov play 24...¤h5 ? Most This move order bears Nimzowitsch’ name
likely because he thought that his attack and has never really gone out of favour.
would not be strong enough without the
participation of his queen, even though its 7...¤bd7 8.¤c4 ¤b6 9.e4 ¥g7 10.¤e3 00
absence would have been only temporary, 11.¥d3 ¤h5 12.00

Chess Informant 129
9r+lwq-trk+0 18.f4? White must have been happy to force
the exchange of this bishop, whilst retaining
9zpp+-+pvlp0 his active c4–knight, but his last move allows
Black to muddy the waters.
9-sn-zp-+p+0 [His desire to keep the active knight is
9+-zpP+-+n0 understandable since after 18.¤e5 ¤e5
19.£g3 b5! Black gets some counterplay.
9-+-+P+-+0 True, White should still be better in view of the
9+-sNLsN-+-0 weakened enemy kingside: 20.ab6 (20.¤b5
¥a6µ) £b6 21.f4 ¥a6 22.¦d1 Defending d3.
9PzP-+-zPPzP0 22...¦af8 23.h3². The strongest continuation
is 18.¤e4!±, attacking d6 and creating such
9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 threats as g2–g4 followed by g5 or simply
xiiiiiiiiy f2–f4.]
12...¥e5?! So far Black has done everything
right, but now he unnecessarily exposes his 18...¥d4! An important tactical finesse which
bishop, as well as wasting a tempo. will deny White’s knight use of the e3–square.
[Invading the f4–square at once was better: [18...¥g7 19.¤d6±; 18...¥c3 19.bc3 ¤f6
12...¤f4 13.a4 f5 14.ef5 ¤d3 15.£d3 ¥f5 16.¤f5 20.¤e3±]
¦f5 17.a5 ¤d7 with a comfortable game.]
19.¥e3 [19.¢h1 ¤f6³]
13.a4 ¤f4 [Initially, Marshall might have been
hoping to launch an attack with 13...£h4, but 19...¥c3 20.£c3
then noticed that after 14.g3 sacrifices on g3 don’t [If 20.bc3 ¤f6³ White no longer has ¤e3.]
really work. The extravagant 13...a5, weakening
the b5–square but keeping control of the c4– 20...¤f6 21.£b3
square. might have been a better try. In later years XIIIIIIIIY
Black occasionally adopted this weird queenside
structure in order to stabilise the knight on b6.] 9r+lwq-+k+0
14.a5 ¤d7 15.¤c4 With the d6–pawn hanging, 9zpp+-+-+p0
Black cannot save his bishop from exchange. 9-+-zp-snp+0
Besides, his other active minor piece, the f4–
knight, is also effectively hanging. 9zP-zpP+r+-0
15...¤d3 16.£d3 f5 17.ef5 [17.¤e5 ¤e5
18.£g3±, preventing ...f5–f4, is also quite strong.] 9+Q+-vL-+-0
9r+lwq-+k+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9zpp+n+-+p0 The pawn is obviously doomed and with
a stable position on the light squares and
9-+-zp-+p+0 no immediate problems on the dark ones,
9zP-zpPvlr+-0 Marshall might have thought he had a free
hand which way to capture on d5.
9+-sNQ+-+-0 21...¦d5? This move quickly ruins his
game. Marshall must have forgotten what
9-zP-+-zPPzP0 his opponent had written in My System: that
mobile pawns have a natural tendency to
9tR-vL-+RmK-0 advance.
Mihail MARIN

[21...¤d5 …...¥e6 22.¥d2 ¥e6÷; It also and he might have felt that he could allow
made sense to play around the weak pawn by himself all kinds of tactical experiments.
21...£c7!? 22.¥d2 ¥d7 23.¦ae1 ¦e8.] However, the text move gives up a pawn for
22.f5! gf5?! [As dangerous as it looks, [14...¥f5 15.e4 ¥d7 16.a5 ¤c8„ M. Tal]
22...¥f5 23.£b7ƒ was a better choice for
Black.] 15.¥f6 ¥f6 16.a5 ¤d7 17.¤ce4 ¥e5
18.£c4 £d8 19.£a2 f5 20.¤c3 g5
23.¥g5+   [23.¥h6+  ] Nevertheless we cannot but admire him for
the serenity with which he launches a not very
23...¦d4 [23...¢h8 24.¤e3 ¦e5 25.£f7+  ] promising attack a pawn down.

24.¤b6 c4 25.£c3 ab6 26.£d4 ¢g7 27.¦ae1 21.¤c4 g4 22.¥e2 £f6 23.¤a4 ¢h8 24.g3
ba5 28.¦e8 £e8 29.£f6 ¢g8 30.¥h6 h5 25.f4 ¥d4 26.£a3
1 :0 Marin [26.ed4 £d4 27.¦f2 ¦e2]

The Benoni would not have been the same 26...¦b8 27.¤ab6 h4 28.¦ad1 ¥b6 29.ab6
opening if Mikhail Tal had not played it ¤c5
intensively in the 50s and 60s. He made it look XIIIIIIIIY
like an entirely viable weapon and most of
his combinations and dynamic tricks remain 9-trl+r+-mk0
essential knowledge for any player adopting 9+p+-+-+-0
this opening today. And yet sometimes he too
fell victim to the syndrome of “ruining the 9pzP-zp-wq-+0
game in one move”. 9+-snP+p+-0
A61 9wQ-+-zP-zP-0
Moscow (m/8) 1960
1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 c5 4.d5 ed5 5.cd5 g6 xiiiiiiiiy
6.¤c3 ¥g7 7.¥g5 00 8.e3 ¦e8 9.¤d2 d6 In his comments Tal displays obvious
10.¥e2 a6 11.a4 ¤bd7 12.00 £c7 13.£c2 optimism, considering that White does not
¤b6 14.¥f3 have a clear plan, whereas Black’s initiative
XIIIIIIIIY develops naturally. However, things are rather
different from that.
9+pwq-+pvlp0 30.gh4?!
This and the next move, two important
9psn-zp-snp+0 strategic concessions, suddenly turn the
9+-zpP+-vL-0 tables. [30.¦c1! (… ¤d6) hg3 31.hg3 ¤e4
32.¥d3!? (32.¢g2 is also good.) ¤g3
9P+-+-+-+0 33.¦f2 The d6–pawn is doomed and it will
9+-sN-zPL+-0 soon be White who will attack along the
9tR-+-+RmK-0 30...¥d7 31.£c3?! £c3 32.bc3 ¥b5°
33.¦fe1 [… §e3]
14...c4? Tal had an excellent start in the match 33...¤e4 34.¦c1? [34.¦d4 M. Tal]

Mihail MARIN

keep the other rook on the e-file.

[However, the winning move was 34...¦ec8!
as it is essential to keep the b7–pawn defended:
35.¤a5 ¥e2 36.¦e2 ¤c3 37.¦c3 ¦c3 38.e4
¢g7!?  + This is one of the most dramatic
cases in which one of the players gave the
wrong answer to the question “which rook?”.
And it once again highlights the importance
of every single move in the Benoni.]

35.¤a5 ¥e2 36.¦e2 ¤c3?

Going all the way.
[36...¦e7! 37.c4÷ remains unclear.]

37.¦c3! ¦c3 38.¤b7 ¦ee3 39.¦e3 ¦e3

40.¤d6 ¦d3
Mikhail Botvinnik and Mikhail Tal.
Photo from British Chess Magazine archive 9+-+-+-mK-0
XIIIIIIIIY At this point the game was adjourned and
Botvinnik sealed his move. Tal started his
9-tr-+r+-mk0 home analysis in a good mood, thinking he
9+p+-+-+-0 was winning, but it was not long before he
discovered the opposite was true.
9+l+P+p+-0 41.¤f7! And on the day of resumption of
play, after checking that Botvinnik had sealed
9-+N+nzPpzP0 the winning move, Tal resigned at once.
9+-zP-zP-+-0 [Initially he had calculated 41.b7 ¦b3
42.¤f7 ¢h7! 43.¤d8 a5 44.d6 a4 45.d7
9-+-+L+-zP0 a3 46.¤e6 a2  +; 41.¤f7! forces the king
9+-tR-tR-mK-0 to step on to an exposed square: 41...¢g7
(41...¢h7 fails to attack the knight and loses
xiiiiiiiiy to 42.d6) 42.b7 ¦b3 43.¤d8 a5 (43...¢f6
34...¦bc8? Feeling the course of events to be 44.d6 a5 45.d7 ¢e7 46.¤c6 ¢d7 47.b8£
turning in his favour, Tal had already started to ¦b8 48.¤b8 ¢d6 49.h5 Marin) 44.d6 a4
play quickly some moves earlier, even though 45.d7 a3 46.¤e6 gaining a tempo on the line
it was Botvinnik who was in time trouble. He above. M. Tal]
saw that by attacking the c4–knight he would 1 :0 Marin
win the exchange and it was only natural to


What happens when White burns his bridges in an immediate

effort to seize the initiative on the queenside? Is such early
aggression against the King's Indian justified or is it a road to
ruin? — Swedish GM Emanuel Berg is looking for answers.

I will investigate the sharp Bayonet Attack 9r+lwq-trk+0
against the Classical King’s Indian. This
occurs after the moves 9zppzp-snpvlp0
1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 g6 3.¤c3 ¥g7 4.e4 d6 9-+-zp-snp+0
5.¥e2 0–0 6.¤f3 e5 7.0–0 ¤c6 8.d5
¤e7 9.b4 9+-+Pzp-+-0
Apart from 9.¤e1 this is the clearly the
most popular choice for White here. Now
mainstream theory continues with a huge 9+-sN-+N+-0
amoount of theory on 9...¤h5. However,
instead of that we will take a look at the 9P+-+LzPPzP0
old main line following... 9tR-vLQ+RmK-0
Chess Informant 129

Emanuel Berg
BACROT 2697 —
PICHOT 2517 • Country: Sweden
Gibraltar 2016
• Born: 1981
9...a5 A strategically logical move designed • Rating: 2567
to damage White’s pawn structure on the
queenside and to prevent the intended c4-c5 • Peak rating: 2627
• Title: Grandmaster since 2004
10.¥a3 [The most popular choice, although
the alternative 10.ba5 played by World
Champion Magnus Carlsen among others also 12.£d3!?N White sees Black’s idea and now
deserves serious attention.] gets ready to answer ...¥f8 with ¦fd1, which
prevents ...c5 due to the hanging pawn on d6.
10...ab4 11.¥b4 Here Black has tried a large [RR 12.a4 Mahia 2366  Perez Ponsa 2521,
number of moves with 11...¤d7 and 11...b6 Argentina (ch) 2014]
being clearly those that are most favoured.
However we will instead take a deeper look at 12...¤d7?!
the fairly unusual move... XIIIIIIIIY
11...¦e8!? 9r+lwqr+k+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+pzpnsnpvlp0
9r+lwqr+k+0 9-+-zp-+p+0
9+pzp-snpvlp0 9+-+Pzp-+-0
9-+-zp-snp+0 9-vLP+P+-+0
9+-+Pzp-+-0 9+-sNQ+N+-0
9-vLP+P+-+0 9P+-+LzPPzP0
9+-sN-+N+-0 9tR-+-+RmK-0
9P+-+LzPPzP0 xiiiiiiiiy
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 Black now heads for a passive defence which
prevents c4-c5 but on the other hand makes
xiiiiiiiiy the rook move to e8 look pretty useless.
...after which we reach the starting position [Instead 12...¤f5! would be a nice shot,
of our mirror. Black’s main idea is to follow exploiting the tactical opportunities offered
up with ...¥f8 and ...c5, so as to stabilize the by White’s last move.]
situation on the queenside before proceeding
with his own kingside attack. 13.a4 White seizes the initiative on the
[RR 11...¤d7 Tihonov 2443  Kovalev 2482, queenside, challenging Black to demonstrate
Belarus (ch) 2013  117/200] his counterplay.

Emanuel BERG

13...h6 Ruling out ¤g5 for White, so he can whereas Black is still struggling to complete
play ...f5 next move, but Black’s attack is not his development.
particulary dangerous.
15...¢h8 16.¤b5 Eyeing the d6-pawn, where
14.¤d2 f5 15.¦fd1 a sacrifice might become possible.
16...¤f6 17.f3! Stabilizing the centre before
9r+lwqr+k+0 proceeding with any action on the queenside.
17...b6 18.a5 ba5 19.¦a5 ¥d7
9-+-zp-+pzp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+Pzpp+-0 9r+-wqr+-mk0
9PvLP+P+-+0 9+-zplsn-vl-0
9+-sNQ+-+-0 9-+-zp-snpzp0
9-+-sNLzPPzP0 9tRN+Pzpp+-0
9tR-+R+-mK-0 9-vLP+P+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+Q+P+-0
White now has all his pieces well coordinated,
Etienne Bacrot. Photo by Josip Asik 9+-+R+-mK-0
Black has now developed his pieces but they
are poorly placed and so he has a difficult
defensive task ahead.

20.£a3 ¦a5 21.£a5 ¥b5 22.cb5

Nailing the c7-pawn as a permanent weakness.
22...fe4 23.fe4 h5
Black is now about to wake up his sleeping
bishop on g7 but even so there is not much
action in prospect on the kingside.

24.¥f3 Protecting e4 in order to allow the

Chess Informant 129

knight to move away from d2. Threatening a mate in two, but apart from that
Black has nothing.
24...¥h6 25.¤c4 g5
31.¤e3 £f2 32.¢h1 £e3 33.£h6 ¢g8
XIIIIIIIIY 34.£g6 ¢h8 35.£h6 ¢g8 36.£g6 ¢h8
9-+-wqr+-mk0 37.h3
9+-zp-sn-+-0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-zp-sn-vl0 9-+n+-tr-mk0
9wQP+Pzp-zpp0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-vLN+P+-+0 9-zp-zp-+Q+0
9+-+-+L+-0 9+-+Pzp-zp-0
9-+-+-+PzP0 9-vL-+P+-+0
9+-+R+-mK-0 9+-+-wq-+P0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-+-+P+0
26.b6! With some tactical help, White now 9+-+R+-+K0
forces a won position. He could also play the
simple 26.g3 but the text move is stronger. xiiiiiiiiy
Providing some air for the king on h1 and
26...cb6 27.£a3 leaving Black almost without any moves.
The idea behind b5-b6. Now White targets the
d6-pawn, while the queen also has intentions 37...£b3 38.£h6 ¢g8 39.£g6 ¢h8 40.£h5
on the queenside as we will see. ¢g8 41.£g5 ¢h8 42.£h5 ¢g8 43.£g4
9-+-wqr+-mk0 9-+n+-trk+0
9+-+-sn-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-zp-zp-sn-vl0 9-zp-zp-+-+0
9+-+Pzp-zpp0 9+-+Pzp-+-0
9-vLN+P+-+0 9-vL-+P+Q+0
9wQ-+-+L+-0 9+q+-+-+P0
9-+-+-+PzP0 9-+-+-+P+0
9+-+R+-mK-0 9+-+R+-+K0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
27...¤c8 43...¢h7
[27...g4 28.¤d6!+  gives White a crushing [43...¢h8 44.¦c1 does not change much, e.g.
position. Black has to cover himself against 44...£b4 45.¦c7! and mate is unavoidable.]
the knight fork on f7, after which White can
move back his bishop to e2 while the knight 44.¦c1 The threat of ¦c7 decides the game.
on d6 defends the e4-pawn.] 1:0 Berg

28.¥h5! Black’s position is falling apart.

28...¤h5 29.£h3 £f6 30.£h5 ¦f8

Emanuel BERG

E97 9r+lwqr+k+0
LANDA 2618 —
BERG 2575
Germany 2016
9r+lwq-trk+0 9-+-+P+-+0
9zppzp-snpvlp0 9+-sN-+N+-0
9-+-zp-snp+0 9P+-+LzPPzP0
9+-+Pzp-+-0 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
9-zPP+P+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-sN-+N+-0 14.dc6
[The most natural reply since 14.d6? £a5
9P+-+LzPPzP0 simply leads to a clear advantage for Black.]
14...£a5! The most ambitious move after
xiiiiiiiiy which Black is pushing for the advantage.
9...a5 10.¥a3 ab4 11.¥b4 ¦e8!? 12.c5 [The solid 14...¤xc6 results in a fairly
XIIIIIIIIY balanced game.]
9r+lwqr+k+0 15.¥e7 ¦e7
9+pzp-snpvlp0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-zp-snp+0 9r+l+-+k+0
9+-zPPzp-+-0 9+p+-trpvlp0
9-vL-+P+-+0 9-+P+-snp+0
9+-sN-+N+-0 9wq-+-zp-+-0
9P+-+LzPPzP0 9-+-+P+-+0
9tR-+Q+RmK-0 9+-sN-+N+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9P+-+LzPPzP0
The straightforward and most common 9tR-+Q+RmK-0
continuation for White. If he can carry out this
simple idea undisturbed, it’s usually a good xiiiiiiiiy
idea. However a surprise is waiting... 16.£b3N A novelty.
[16.¦c1 ¥h6 17.¦c2 bc6 was played in
12...dc5 13.¥c5 c6! Breaking in the centre Van Wely 2693 – Berg 2533, Germany 2013
while also introducing the threat of ...£a5. where Black had a comfortable position out

Chess Informant 129

of the opening.; The other previously tried 19.¦fb1 A slightly surprising rook move. I
move is 16.£d2 bc6 which also gives Black was expecting 19.¦fd1 which I also planned
a pleasant position, Dhanush 2221 – Djukic to meet with 19...¥f8.
2566, Skopje 2016]
19...¥f8 Improving the King’s Indian bishop
16...bc6 17.¤d2 which is now ready to be mobilised in case of
XIIIIIIIIY a massive exchange of pieces on b6.
9r+l+-+k+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-trpvlp0 9r+l+-vlk+0
9-+p+-snp+0 9wq-+ntrp+p0
9wq-+-zp-+-0 9-+p+-+p+0
9-+-+P+-+0 9+-+-zp-+-0
9+QsN-+-+-0 9-+N+P+-+0
9P+-sNLzPPzP0 9+QsN-+-+-0
9tR-+-+RmK-0 9P+-+LzPPzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9tRR+-+-mK-0
17...¤d7 Re-routing the knight towards the xiiiiiiiiy
d4 square (via c5-e6). 20.¤d6 Though this move looks very nice
Another option which might well be even for White, the knight does not do much harm
stronger is 17...¥e6, intending 18.¥c4 ¥h6! here. In fact it might rather end up in trouble
with a good game for Black. as the game shows.
[20.¤b6 ¤b6 21.£b6 £b6 22.¦b6 ¦c7,
18.¤c4 £a7! Exerting pressure along the intending ...¥c5, would give Black a
diagonal leading to f2. favourable endgame.]


Mirroring is about two carefully selected annotated games played from the same
opening tabiya  a popular and important opening position, from where play
branches out to several topical paths.

The goal is to present and explain the main plans and ideas of both sides, conducted
in a manner as close as possible to their ideal form. These concepts should serve as
a compass for readers, providing an essential tool to help navigate a way through
the dense forests of opening theory.

Looking for the “ideal plan” or recipes for quick, “guaranteed” success? Such things
do not exist. But our author will do his best to convey his grandmaster knowledge
and top-level experience to you, and be your guiding light.

But there is a catch... At first, our author supports White’s cause without any
reservations  he is the first player’s best buddy, his guardian angel. And then, in a
sudden twist of fate, he switches sides and becomes a dedicated advocate of Black’s
position, as if he’s playing the game against his reflection in the mirror...

Emanuel BERG

I still prefer Black, who has a potentially very

strong bishop.]

21...¥c4 [21...¤c5!]

22.£c4? [22.¤c4 would have been the lesser

[22...¤f6!, with the idea of ... ¤g4, seems even
stronger. On the other hand, the opponent’s
knight on d6 is very loose. If White continues
23.£b3 (23.£e2?? loses on the spot due to
Konstantin Landa. Photo by Harald Fietz 23...£d4 +) then 23...¤g4 24.£b6 ¦d7
25.£a7 ¦aa7 26.¤c4 ¥c5µ]
[20...¤c5! was a good alternative when the 23.£e2 ¤e6
contininuation 21.¤c8?? (21.£c2 ¥e6³) At the same time as Black manoeuvres his
loses for White after 21...¤b3 22.¤a7 ¤a1 knight towards the d4 and f4 squares, he also
23.¤c6 ¦c7 +] has the deadly threat of ...£d4 in mind.
24.¤c4 £d4!
9r+-+-vlk+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9wq-+ntrp+p0 9r+-+-vlk+0
9l+psN-+p+0 9+-+-trp+p0
9+-+-zp-+-0 9-+p+n+p+0
9-+-+P+-+0 9+-+-zp-+-0
9+QsN-+-+-0 9-+NwqP+-+0
9P+-+LzPPzP0 9+-sN-+-+-0
9tRR+-+-mK-0 9P+-+QzPPzP0
xiiiiiiiiy 9tRR+-+-mK-0
[White should have settled for 21.¥a6 £a6 xiiiiiiiiy
22.£b7 although after 22...¤c5 23.£a6 ¦a6 A paralyzing move which upsets White’s

Emanuel BERG

piece coordination even further.

[25.¤d1 ¤c5µ drops the e4-pawn.]

25...¤f4 26.£f1 ¤d3 27.¦d1 ¦d8 28.¤b2

[Suddenly White collapses and makes a
blunder. However the position was already
beyond salvation, although 29.¦d3 would
at least keep the game going with some
practical chances for White. In this case I
intended to continue 29...¦d3 30.¤d3 ¦d7
31.¦d1 £c2! with total domination, e.g.
32.¤b2 ¦d4! +]

29...¦ed7 30.¦ac1
30...¦d3! And White resigned in view of
31.¦c3 ¦d1 winning back the queen with an
extra bishop in the endgame.
0:1 Berg


When dealing with a knight or rook pawn, the
defender’s king is best placed near the corner that is
diametrically opposite to the promotion square —
Scottish-Georgian GM Keti Arakhamia-Grant has
confirmed Dvoretsky's advice in practical play.

Earlier this year I participated in a closed tournament in Nancy, category

VIII, with two rounds per day and a time control of 1 hour and 30 minutes
for the whole game with 30 second increments. I’d like to show the
conclusion of my second round game and then explain the key points to

Chess Informant 129
watch out for in this type of queen ending. My morning game lasted 99
moves so my head was spinning with the prospect of an afternoon game
to follow! I grabbed a sandwich and went for a short stroll to clear my
head. My opponent, a young French IM, was one of the hopefuls aiming
for the desired GM norm.

BAILET 2509 — Ketevan

ARAKHAMIA-GRANT 2346 Arakhamia-Grant
Nancy 2016
• Country: Scotland
• Born: 1968
9+-+-+-+-0 • Rating: 2381

9-+-+-zp-+0 • Peak rating: 2506

9+-+-+K+-0 • Title: Grandmaster since 2009
9+-+-+-+-0 then running with the king to the safe corner!
60...£c2 61.¢e6 £b3 62.¢e7 £b7 63.¢e8
9-+p+-+-+0 £a8 64.£d8 £c6 65.¢f8 £f3 66.¢g8 £b3
9+-+-+-+-0 67.¢h8 £b2 68.£f6 £h2™ 69.¢g8 ¢b4!)
¢c6 61.g5 Now Black’s king is on the wrong
xiiiiiiiiy side of the board and White wins by shielding
After a complex strategical battle, I had made himself from checks with the queen.]
mistakes in a knight ending which led to a
hopeless looking pawn endgame where White 60.g5? [White could take the advantage of the
promoted first. The best I could do was to aim for poor placement of Black’s pieces by giving
this position where I’d fight to hold £ v £ + §. a check and forcing the exchange of queens:
60.£a6! ¢d4 61.£d6+]
58...c1£ 59.£f6
The transformation from knight to pawn to 60...£c5= I was very surprised to learn after
queen ending happened in time trouble so I the game that this position is now drawn, as
had little time to adjust to the new situation the king can now safely escape to the right
and collect my thoughts properly. I vaguely corner.
recalled something about the safe corner for XIIIIIIIIY
the defending king being on the diagonally
opposite side from the passed pawn. However I 9-+-+-+-+0
could not see a way of getting there on time and
without exchanging my queen in the process.
Both players assessed this position as winning 9-+-+-wQ-+0
for White during the game, which is correct, 9+-wq-+KzP-0
however the execution is far from trivial.
59...¢d3 [The most resilient is 59...¢c5 9+-+k+-+-0
60.£e5 It is important for White to centralise
the queen before pushing his passed pawn. 9-+-+-+-+0
(Immediately pushing 60.g5 would allow Black
to improve the queen by giving a few checks and 9+-+-+-+-0

61.¢g6 [After the more logical centralisation 63.¢h6!+ ¢d3 64.£f3?

of the white queen, 61.£e5, Black has only [White should push his pawn closer to
one check that keeps within the drawing promotion as Black’s king is not in time to
margin. 61...£c8! (61...£f8 62.¢g4 £b4) reach his safe corner. 64.g6! ¢c2 65.g7 £e3
62.¢f4 £c1 63.¢f3 (63.¢g4 £d1!) £f1 66.£g5 £h3 67.£h5 £e3 68.¢h7+ The
64.¢g4 £d1! I am curious how one could king gets in the way on c2, depriving Black’s
understand during the game, especially queen of checks along the b1–h7 diagonal,
playing more or less only on increments, because of the interposition £g6.]
the difference between the two checks? To
use the comparison method to work out the 64...¢c2™= The only way! Actually my
differences between 61...£c8 and 61...£f8 opponent unwittingly helped me to evacuate
under such conditions, without strategical my king from the danger zone!
markers, is very difficult. I wonder if the
reason why the check from c8 is better than 65.g6 ¢b1? [I am really failing to fully
that from f8 has something to do with being comprehend the difference why, but after
the same colour square as the one that White’s 65...¢b2!= the position is drawn! 66.g7 £d6
king is placed on? As a rule of thumb, diagonal 67.¢h7 £h2 68.¢g6 £g1 and White’s king
checks typically work better than vertical.] is unable to successfully escape perpetual
check. Note the pawn on g7 constantly
61...¢e4 [I cannot remember my reasoning requires its king’s protection.]
behind this move other than the fact that White
was threatening £f5 exchanging queens. XIIIIIIIIY
I don’t think I realised at this point which
course of action I should take as I thought I 9-+-+-+-+0
was losing regardless. However had I known 9+-+-+-+-0
clearly what to do, I would have taken my king
immediately in the right direction: 61...¢d2! 9-+-+-+PmK0
62.£b2 ¢d1= Luckily and surprisingly the
move played in the game is not losing.]
62.¢h5 9+-+-+Q+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+k+-+-+-0
9-+-+-wQ-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
66.£e4? [White could take advantage of
9+-wq-+-zPK0 the unfortunate placing of Black’s king
and advance his pawn before Black can
9-+-+k+-+0 improve her king: 66.g7!+ £c1 67.¢h7
9+-+-+-+-0 £c2 68.¢g8 £c4 69.¢f8 £c5 70.¢e8
£b5 71.¢f7 £d7 72.¢g6 £d6 73.£f6
9-+-+-+-+0 £g3 74.£g5 £d6 75.¢h7 £h2 76.£h6
9+-+-+-+-0 £c7 77.£d2 ¢a1 Although Black’s king
has reached the safe corner White is still
xiiiiiiiiy winning! 78.£d4 The key position for White
62...¢e3? [Nevertheless now there is only to aim for. 78...¢b1 (Would the a2 square be
one route of escape: 62...¢d3™=. Black’s safer? 78...¢a2 79.¢g6 £c6 80.¢f5 £c2
king has to run to the safe corner: 63.¢h6 81.¢e6 £c6 82.¢e5 Apparently not! White
¢c2! 64.g6 £e3 65.£g5 £h3 66.£h5 £e3 now demonstrates an instructive method
67.¢h7 ¢b2 68.g7 £e4 69.¢h8 £d4™= of bringing the king from the centre to the
and Black has reached the dream setup.] ranks adjacent to those on which Black’s

Chess Informant 129

Mark Dvoretsky. Photo by David Llada

king is placed! 82...£e8 83.¢f4 £f7 84.¢e3 has improved his queen and can advance
£e6 85.¢f2 £f7 86.¢g1 £g6 87.¢f1 £b1 his pawn now: 67.g7 £d6 68.¢h7 £d7
88.¢e2 £b5 89.¢d2 £b3 90.£f2!+) 69.£e5 ¢a2 Why this position is a draw
79.¢g6 White’s queen occupies a dominant is tricky to understand. White’s queen
position in the centre, protecting the pawn. occupies a central position, defends the
The king is free to march on to the verticals pawn, so surely the king should be able to
adjacent to the one on which the opposing king find refuge again on the queenside? 70.¢g6
is situated! 79...£c2 80.¢g5 £g2 81.¢f5 £g4 71.¢f6 £f3 72.¢e6 (72.¢g5 £g2
£f3 82.¢e5 £g3 83.¢d5 £g5 84.¢c4 £g2 73.¢h4 £f2 74.¢h3 £f3) £c6 73.¢e7
85.¢c5 £g5 86.¢b6 £g6 87.¢a5 £g5 £b7 74.¢d8 £a8 75.¢c7 £a7 76.¢c6
88.¢a6!+ I have to admit that I find all £a8 77.¢b5 £b7 78.¢a5 £a7 79.¢b4
these variations extremely confusing. I was £b7 80.¢a4. However it is not working
under the impression that when the defending this time. Black’s queen is able to keep
king reaches the safe zone it should get easier checking at close proximity to the white
but one wrong step can ruin everything!] king. So, what is the difference? I can only
see it in the position of Black’s king. The a1
66...¢a1 and a2 squares seem the best for him to stop
XIIIIIIIIY White’s queen interposing with counter-
checks. Had it retreated to b1 on move 69,
9-+-+-+-+0 the position would be lost!]
9+-+-+-+-0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-+-+PmK0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-wq-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+Q+-+0 9-+-+-+PmK0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-wq-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-wQ-+0
9mk-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-+-+-+0
67.£f4 [Let’s try to use the same method 9mk-+-+-+-0
as on the previous move. After all, White

67...£d5? I believed that the hard work was 72.£e6 £f3 73.¢e7 £b7 74.£d7 £e4
done and Black is safe with the king in the 75.¢f8 £f4 76.£f7 £b8 77.£e8 £f4 78.£f7
corner. In order to understand why this move £b8 79.¢e7 £c7 80.¢f6 £f4 81.¢g6 £g3
is losing we need to know that in this position 82.¢h6 £e3 83.¢h5 £h3 84.¢g5 £g3
with the king on b1 Black is losing and with 85.¢f5 £f3 86.¢e6 £b3 87.¢e7 £b7
the king on a2 Black is drawing! 88.¢f8 £c8 89.£e8 £c5 90.£e7 £f5 91.¢e8
[On b1 the king is more vulnerable, as it allows £c8 92.¢f7 £c4 93.£e6 £c7 94.¢f6 £f4
White to use the g6 square for covering his king 95.£f5 £d6 96.¢g5 £g3 97.¢h6 £d6
from checks. 67...¢b1? 68.g7+ £c6 69.¢h5 98.¢h7 £h2 99.¢g6 £g3 100.¢f6 £d6
£e8 70.¢g5 £e7 71.£f6 £e3 72.¢g6 £g3 101.¢g5 £g3 102.£g4 £e5 103.¢h6 £d6
73.£g5 £d6 74.¢h7 £h2 75.£h6 £c7 104.¢g5 £e5 105.¢g6 £d6 106.¢h7 £h2
76.£d2! ¢a1 77.£d4 and White wins as in 107.¢g8 £b8 108.¢f7 £c7 109.¢f6 £d6
my comments to White’s 66th move. 67...¢a2! 110.¢f5 £d7 111.¢f4 £d4 112.¢g3 £g1
68.£f7 ¢a1 69.£f6 ¢a2 70.g7 £e3 71.¢g6 113.¢f4 £d4 114.¢g3 £g1 115.¢f4 £d4
£g3 72.£g5 £d6 73.¢h7 £h2 74.£h6 £c2!
(With the king on a2 Black can play this only In a few moves I would claim a draw under the
move that saves him. In case of 74...£c7 White 50 move rule. My opponent was not making any
achieves his ideal setup 75.£d2! ¢a1 76.£d4 progress and reconciled himself to a draw. We
¢a2 77.¢g6 and now wins as I demonstrated in shook hands but evidently we had not fought
the notes to White’s 66th move.) 75.¢h8 £c3! hard enough for the arbiter who explained
and White is unable to improve his position.] the tournament rules, designed to produce
XIIIIIIIIY combative chess, meant draws by agreement
could only take place with his permission.
9-+-+-+-+0 Fortunately we were let off with a warning!
9+-+-+-+-0 1/2 : 1/2 Arakhamia-Grant
9+-+-+-+-0 of chess endings
68.g7? Jumping ahead I can tell you that this is
the last moment where White could have won.
Giving an intermediate check, White could force
Black’s king to the unfavourable square b1, after
which the win is a piece of cake!: 68.£f6+ ¢b1
69.g7 £h1 70.¢g6! £g2 71.£g5! £c6 72.¢h7
£h1 73.£h6 £b7 74.£g6 ¢a1 75.£g1! ¢a2
76.£h2! ¢a1 77.¢h8+ I find this queen
transfer to h2 very instructive!]
68...£e6! From here on I knew that it should ROOK ENDINGS
be a draw with the king on a1. I just needed to
keep finding good checks! Black’s task is quite
easy since most of the time there is no choice.
69.¢g5 £d5 70.£f5 £g2 71.¢f6 £c6

Chess Informant 129

In achieving a draw in this difficult game I At least this is correct. “The stronger side
was greatly assisted by my experience from a should place the king on the same file or rank
game I played in 2007 where a similar ending where the defender’s king is standing, or on
occurred. Then I was on the side with the extra an adjacent file or rank.” Dvoretsky.
pawn and managed to win. I analysed it in de-
tail for Scottish Chess Magazine, consulting the 76.¢c7 g3 77.£c1 ¢f2 78.£d2 £e2
Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual and spent lots of 79.£f4! ¢g2
time trying to understand the subtleties. Little XIIIIIIIIY
did I suspect that this knowledge would ever
be directly relevant again! Here I would like to 9-+-+-+-+0
show the related fragment from this game. 9+-mK-+-+-0
NAKAMURA 2655 — 9+-+-+-+-0
ARAKHAMIA-GRANT 2437 9-+-+-wQ-+0
Gibraltar 2007 9+-+-+-zp-0
9-wQ-mK-+-+0 9-+-+q+k+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
80.¢d6? One of the critical decisions that
9+-+-+k+-0 has to be made. White has more chances to
survive by tucking the king in the corner.
9+-+-+-+-0 of chess endings
68...f1£ With the most resourceful defence
White has achieved a theoretically drawn
position, but it is very difficult to play in practice.

69.£c8 During the game my knowledge of

this ending consisted of a few ideas. There are
more chances for the stronger side to win than
for the weaker one to draw.The best place for
the defender’s king is in the far corner.

69...¢f4 I believed that was the right way

forward. Being able to consult theoretical
material like Averbakh’s Comprehensive ECE I
Chess Endings and Dvoretsky’s Endgame
Manual I learned a few things. For example PAWN ENDINGS
Dvoretsky says “You should not place your
king in front of your pawn.”

70.£c7 ¢f3 71.£f7 ¢g2 72.£d5 £f3 ECE II ECE III ECE IV ECE V
73.£d2 ¢f1 74.£c1 ¢e2 75.£c2 ¢e1

[80.¢b8 £b2 81.¢a8 £f2 82.£e5
Dvoretsky: “When dealing with a knight or
rook pawn, the defender’s king is best placed 9+-wq-+-+-0
near the corner that is diametrically opposite
to the promotion square.” It is interesting that 9-+-+-+-+0
opinions on this matter have changed over 9+-+-+-+-0
time with the use of tablebases. In the 1950s
Keres published analysis suggesting that the 9-+-+-+K+0
defender’s king should be kept on a4 and
a5 in similar positions, but it isn’t correct.
In fact I searched for this type of position at 9-wQ-+-+pmk0
grandmaster level and I was amazed how many 9+-+-+-+-0
mistakes were commited by strong players
while defending. Even when the king is in the xiiiiiiiiy
correct corner and computer tablebases give 96...£c8 [A few players after the game were
it as a draw, the defender has to find a series happy to point out to me a pretty win by
of precise moves and in most cases they fail.] temporarily sacrificing the queen. 96...£g7!
97.£g7 g1£ 98.¢h4 £g7. In my defence I
80...£a6? [This is also a typical mistake. can only say that I was absolutely exhausted
Instead of cutting off the king from the and once I managed to work out that by
drawing zone with 80...£c2+ Black invites reaching the key squares a8 or h7 with my
the white king back to safety.] queen I can win, nothing else was going to
XIIIIIIIIY distract me from achieving my goal!]
9-+-+-+-+0 97.¢f3 £a8 98.¢f4 ¢h1 99.£b5 g1£
9+-+-+-+-0 Here I spent nearly spent all of my last three
minutes trying to choose between promotion
9q+-mK-+-+0 and the more pragmatic immediate check on f8.
9+-+-+-+-0 100.£d5 £g2 Of course not 100...£d5 stalemate.
9-+-+-wQ-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-+-zp-0 9q+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+k+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+Q+-+-0
81.¢c5? [Black declines the invitation. It
was not too late to return with his king to c7: 9-+-+-mK-+0
81.¢c7=] 9+-+-+-+-0
81...£a5? 82.¢c6= £c3 83.¢d6? 9-+-+-+q+0
[For the last time missing the opportunity to 9+-+-+-+k0
save the game. 83.¢b6!=]
83...¢g1+ From now on White is given no Now after 101.£h5 Black replies £h2 with
more chances. check. The final position is rather attractive,
with three queens on one diagonal.
84.¢e6 g2 85.¢f5 £h3 86.¢g5 ¢h1 87.£e4 0 :1 Arakhamia-Grant
£g3 88.¢f5 ¢g1 89.£b1 ¢h2 90.£b2
£h3 91.¢f4 £g3 92.¢f5 £d3 93.¢f4 £d6 Two years later I would again encounter
94.¢g4 £d7 95.¢f4 £c7 96.¢g4 queen v queen and pawn.

Chess Informant 129

ARAKHAMIA–GRANT 2500 — 71.£b4?

GRABUZOVA 2335 [A piece of advice learned the hard way
St. Petersburg 2009  give checks whenever you can, the best
XIIIIIIIIY ones are often those along the diagonal!
9+-+-+-mK-0 71...£b3
9p+-wq-+-+0 [Black misses her chance. It is very
instructive to see the winning method.
9zP-+-+-+-0 71...£h2!+ 72.¢g8 £g3 73.¢h8 £h3
9-mk-+-+-+0 74.¢g7 £d7 75.¢h8 £c8 76.¢g7 £b7
exchanging the queens and the a-pawn will
9+-+-+-+-0 promote to a new queen.]
72.£e4 ¢c5 73.£e5 ¢c4 74.£e4 ¢c3
9+-+-+-+-0 75.£e5 ¢c2 76.£e2 ¢b1 77.£e4 ¢a2
xiiiiiiiiy 78.¢g7 a3 79.¢h8 ¢a1 80.£e1 £b1
57...¢a5 When I reached this position the 81.£e3 a2 82.¢g8 £b8 83.¢h7 £c7
knowledge I had gained from the Nakamura 84.¢g8 £c4 85.¢h8 ¢b2 86.£b6 ¢c3
game was still fresh in my mind. Although 87.£e3 £d3 88.£c5 ¢b3 89.£b6 ¢c2
here I had a rook pawn instead of a knight 90.£f2 £d2 91.£f5 ¢b3 92.£b5 £b4
pawn, the principle is the same. If anything the 93.£d5 £c4 94.£b7 ¢c2 95.£g2 ¢b1
defence is even easier. I was quite confident 96.£b7 ¢c1 97.£h1 ¢b2 98.£b7 £b3
that I knew the theoretical assesment of the 99.£g2 £c2 100.£b7 ¢a1 101.¢g8 £g6
position and that I should make a draw. The 102.¢h8 £b1 103.£d5 £b2 104.¢g8
rest went according to plan apart from one £f2 105.£c4 ¢b1 106.£b3 ¢c1
slip. Luckily my opponent failed to seize 107.£c3 £c2 108.£e3 ¢b2 109.£e5
the provided opportunity and the game was ¢b3 110.£b5 ¢a3 111.£a5 £a4
eventually drawn: 112.£c5 £b4 113.£c1 ¢a4 114.£c6 £b5
115.£a8 ¢b3 116.£f3 ¢b4 117.£f8 £c5
58.£e1 ¢b6 59.£e3 ¢b7 60.£e4 £c6 118.£b8 ¢c4 119.£f4 £d4 120.£c7
61.£b4 ¢a7 62.£d4 £b6 63.£c4 a5 ¢b3 121.£b7 ¢c2 122.£g2 £d2
64.¢h7 £b4 65.£e6 a4 66.£e3 £b6 123.£c6 ¢d3 124.£d5 ¢e3 125.£g5
67.£a3 £c6 68.£e3 ¢b7 69.£a3 £c2 ¢e2 126.£g2 ¢d1 127.£f1 ¢c2
70.¢h8 ¢c6 128.£c4 ¢b1 129.£b5 ¢c1 130.£f1
XIIIIIIIIY £d1 131.£f4 ¢b2 132.£f2 £c2
9-+-+-+-mK0 1/2 : 1/2 Arakhamia-Grant

9+-+-+-+-0 Recently I played through the follow-

9-+k+-+-+0 ing game because I was interested to see
how the rising Russian star Alexandra Go-
9+-+-+-+-0 ryachkina dealt with the knowledgeable
9p+-+-+-+0 grandmaster and respected writer Mihail
Marin. When the game reached move 50 I
9wQ-+-+-+-0 experienced a sense of deja vu. Where had
9-+q+-+-+0 I seen this position before? I still had that
marathon queen ending from Nancy fresh
9+-+-+-+-0 in my memory.

GORYACHKINA 2451 — 56.¢f5 £f8 57.¢g4 £d8! 58.g6 £d1?

MARIN 2603 [Unfortunately this time he fails. Black had
to continue the king’s journey: 58...¢a3!=.
Jerusalem 2015 After checking he has no time to bring his
XIIIIIIIIY king to a1 because White is threatening to
advance the pawn.]
9+-+-+-mK-0 59.¢g5+ £d2 60.¢f6 £f4 61.¢e7 £c7
62.¢e8 £b8 63.¢f7 £f4 64.£f6 £c4 65.¢g7
9-+-+-zp-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+k+-+P+0 9+-+-+-mK-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-wQP+0
9-zp-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-mkq+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
50...b1£ 51.£c8 ¢d4 52.¢f6
I was curious to find out how events 9-+-+-+-+0
unfolded, since from my experience and with 9+-+-+-+-0
confirmation from the engine I knew this to
be a draw. By now I am expecting you to be xiiiiiiiiy
an expert in this queen ending. So I’ll avoid Aleksandra Goryachkina. Photo by David Llada
lengthy variations and restrict myself to
highlighting key moments.

52...£b6 53.£e6 £d8 54.¢g6

54...¢c5 [The first alarm bell. Does Marin
know where the king should hide? His move
is still within the drawing margin but surely
it is easier to head straight away to the safe
corner with 54...¢d3.]

55.g5 ¢b4! So far so good. Black finds the

only move that keeps the game balanced.

Chess Informant 129

65...¢a4? A critical moment. It clearly The rest is history. No more chances were
indicates that Marin has knowledge of this given and White conducted the remaining
theoretical position. The problem is that it moves with sufficient accuracy. Of course
is outdated! He believes, like Keres in his with the aid of the engine we can see shorter
1950’s analysis of Botvinnik  Ravinsky, ways to victory but under playing conditions
that the setup with keeping the defending Alexandra did remarkably well.
king on a4 and a5 allows Black to draw.
However as explained by Dvoretsky, “the 68...£d7 69.¢f6 £d6 70.£e6 £d8 71.¢e5
defender’s king is best placed near the corner £b8 72.£d6 £h8 73.£f6 £b8 74.¢e6
that is diametrically opposite to the promotion £c8 75.¢d5 £d7 76.£d6 £f5 77.¢c6
square”. 65...¢a3!=] £b5 78.¢c7 £c4 79.¢d7 £g4 80.¢d8
£g5 81.¢c7 £c1 82.¢d7 £g5 83.£a3
66.£e5 £c8 ¢b5 84.£b3 ¢a5 85.£c3 ¢a4 86.£d4
XIIIIIIIIY ¢a5 87.g7 £f5 88.¢d8 £g5 89.¢c8 £f5
90.£d7 £c5 91.£c7 ¢a6
9-+q+-+-+0 One last stalemate trick!
92.g8£ £f5 93.£d7
9-+-+-+P+0 1 :0 Arakhamia-Grant
9+-+-wQ-+-0 Endgame expert Karsten Mueller annotated
9k+-+-+-+0 the finale of the following game. I only want
9+-+-+-+-0 to draw out the key points in relation to what
I discussed above.
9+-+-+-+-0 GELFAND 2729 —
xiiiiiiiiy JOBAVA 2651
67.£e4? [Without realising it, White offers
Black a hand to safety. By playing 67.£e3!+ Dortmund 2006
White would cut off the opponent’s king from XIIIIIIIIY
the safety zone.]
67...¢a5? [Black misses the last opportunity 9+-+-+-+-0
which proves the point. At least he was
consistent! 67...¢b3!=] 9-+-+-+K+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-mk-+0
9-+q+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+K+-0 9-+-+p+P+0
9-+-+-+P+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9mk-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
62...e1£ How do we assess this position?
9+-+-+-+-0 63.£b8! ¢g4 64.£c8 ¢g3 65.£h3 ¢f4
66.£f5 ¢g3 67.£h3 ¢f4 68.£f3 ¢e5 69.g4!
9-+-+-+-+0 With exemplary play White has succeeded
in edging Black’s king out of the way of the
9+-+-+-+-0 white pawn. Black’s king is unable to stop the

white pawn advancing and is outside the safe read the same endgame book as Marin!
zone. Does that mean Black is losing? [85...¢a2 would have reached the safe zone.
Of course not 85...¢b2? as it allows the
69...¢d4 70.g5 £e8 71.¢g7 £e7 72.¢h6 exchange of queens by: 86.£f6+]
¢c4 73.£f4 XIIIIIIIIY
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-wQ-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-wq-+-0 9-+-+-+P+0
9-+-+-+-mK0 9+-+-+-mK-0
9+-+-+-zP-0 9k+-+-+-+0
9-+k+-wQ-+0 9+-wq-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
xiiiiiiiiy 86.£a8? [The only move leading to a
73...¢b5 Delayed transfer of the king into theoretical win is 86.¢g4!. We have too
the safe zone was still the most resilient limited space to explain the very long and
defence. Boris Gelfand, Berlin 2015. Photo by Harald Fietz
[White would have to demonstrate fantastic
technique and the method is worth
remembering: 73...¢b3 74.g6! ¢b2 75.£d4
¢b1 76.g7 £e6 77.¢g5 £e7 78.£f6 £e3
79.¢g6 £g3 80.£g5 £d6 81.¢h7 £h2
82.£h6 £c7 83.£d2 ¢a1 Now you should
be able to recognise this key position from
my notes to White’s 66th move in my game
against Bailet. 84.£d4! and White wins as we
saw in the first game.]

74.g6 £e6 75.¢g5 £e7 76.¢g4

White brings his king to the files adjacent to
those the opposing king is on.

76...£g7 77.£d6 ¢a4 78.¢f5 £c3 79.£e5

[This position is similar to the game Botvinnik
 Minev, 1954, which is analysed in depth by
Dvoretsky in his Endgame Manual.]

80.¢g5 £g2 81.¢f5 £h3 82.¢f6 £f3

83.£f5 £c3 84.¢g5?
[Although the position is theoretically
winning it is not easy at all. The best move
here was 84.£e5+; or 84.¢f7 with the
threat of advancing the pawn.]

84...¢a3! 85.£f8 ¢a4? It seems Jobava


narrow path. If players like Gelfand don’t find 95.£h3!? This cuts off the king from the
it over the board, I rest my case!] drawing zone. From here on Gelfand is back
in the driving seat and and conducts the rest
86...¢b4 87.£b7 ¢a5? of the game flawlessly.
[Again 87...¢a3 brings the king close enough
to the drawing zone.] 95...£d4 96.£e6 £h4 97.¢g8 £f4
98.£d5 ¢a3 99.¢h7 £h4 100.¢g6 £g3
88.g7 £e5 89.¢g6 £e6 90.¢h7 £f5 101.¢f7 £f4 102.¢e8 £b8 103.£d8 £b5
91.¢g8 ¢a4 104.£d7 £h5 105.¢f8 £f3 106.¢e7
XIIIIIIIIY £e4 107.£e6 £b7 108.¢f6 £f3 109.¢g5
£g3 110.£g4 £e5 111.¢h4 £f6 112.£g5
9-+-+-+K+0 £d4 113.¢h3
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+q+-0 9+-+-+-zP-0
9k+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-wQ-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-wq-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9mk-+-+-+K0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-+-+-+0
92.£h1? We can see how extremely 9+-+-+-+-0
difficult it is to play these positions over the
board. Once more White gives his opponent xiiiiiiiiy
a chance for survival. But even from general White has succeeded in placing his king
considerations decentralising the White queen on the rank where the defender’s king is
to h1 looks a bit suspicious. standing. As Dvoretsky explains “This tactic
[92.£a7 ¢b4 93.£f7 would be still winning.] enables counter-checks when the queen
provides protection from a defender’s check
92...£c8? [Once more 92...¢a3! 93.¢h8 by interference.” Now Black is helpless
£e5! would suffice for a draw. The following against the promotion of the white pawn
line demonstrates one of the perpetual check and resigns.
ideas: 94.£g2 £h5 95.¢g8 £e8=] 1 :0 Arakhamia-Grant

93.¢h7 £f5 94.¢h8 £e5 To end my article I would like to quote

XIIIIIIIIY Dvoretsky one more time: “Practical players
should not delve too deeply into this jungle
9-+-+-+-mK0 (queen and pawn vs. queen), for these endings
9+-+-+-zP-0 occur quite seldom.”
9-+-+-+-+0 So how did I manage to get it three times?
9+-+-wq-+-0 Arakhamia-Grant
VE t.o
U R an

EX O info




Viktor Korchnoi passed away earlier this

year. He had fine endgame technique and A) The right exchange
always fought to the end. From the many B) Rook endgames
high level games he played, a whole C) Knight endings
endgame book could be written, so endgame
expert, German GM Karsten Mueller, here
concentrates on just a few particular topics.

A) The right exchange

Pawn endgames have very low drawing tendencies, so simplification into

them is an attacking technique.

KORCHNOI 2580 — Karsten Mueller zamena

LUKIN 2431
Stockholm 2004 • Country: Germany
XIIIIIIIIY • Born: 1970
9-+-wQ-+-+0 • Rating: 2532
9+-+-+pmk-0 • Peak rating: 2558
9-+-+q+p+0 • Title: Grandmaster since 1998
9-+-+-zP-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+p+-0
82.£f6! £f6 83.ef6 ¢f6 84.¢f4 9-+-+k+p+0
White is only slightly further advanced, but 9+-+-+-mKp0
this factor is enough to win, as he can advance
further after which the f-pawn can open the 9-+-+-+-zP0
gates. 9+-+-+-zP-0
84...¢e6 [84...¢g7 85.¢e5 f6 86.¢e6 g5 9-+-+-zP-+0
(86...f5 87 f4+) 87.f4 gf4 88.gf4 ¢g6 89.f5
¢g7 90.¢e7+] 9+-+-+-+-0
Chess Informant 129

85...¢e5 [85...¢e7 86.f3! ¢f8 87.¢f6 ¢g8

88.f4 ¢f8 89.f5 gf5 90.¢f5 ¢g7 91.¢g5 f6
92.¢h5 ¢h7 93.¢g4 ¢g6 94.¢f4 f5 95.h5
¢h5 96.¢f5+]

86.f3! ¢e6 87.f4 and Black resigned due to

87...¢e7 88.f5
This battering ram undermines Black’s
structure. [88...gf5 89.¢f5 f6 90.¢g6 ¢e6
91.¢h5 ¢f5 (or 91...¢f7 92 ¢h6+) 92.g4
¢f4 93.g5+]
1 :0 Mueller Karlsten Mueller, Berlin 2015. Photo by Adam Roe

Precise calculation is also required in the next solution for a strong calculator like Korchnoi,
case. but the minor piece endgame is also won
for White. [41.¥e2 ¤d6 (41...h6 42.h5 ¢g7
43.gh6 ¢h6 44.¥d1 ¤c3 45.¥f3+) 42.h5
KORCHNOI 2670 — ¢g7 43.¥f3 h6 44.gh6 ¢h6 45.¢e5+]
Odessa (m/3) 17/34, 1974 9-+-+-+-+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-zp-sn-+-mk0
9+-+-+-+p0 9zp-zp-mKp+P0
9-zp-+-+k+0 9P+P+-+-+0
9zp-zp-+pzP-0 9+P+-+L+-0
9P+P+nmK-zP0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+P+L+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-+-+-+-0 41...fe4 42.¢e4
[42.¢g4 e3 43.h5 ¢f7 44.¢f3 wins as well.]
41.¥e4!? This wins by force and is a typical 42...¢h5

9-+-+-+-+0 The decisive zugzwang.
1 :0 Mueller
Usually queen endings are much more
9-zp-+-+-+0 difficult than pawn endings.
Leipzig (ol) 1960
9-+-+-+-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
43.¢f5! [43.¢d5?? ¢h4 44.¢c6 ¢g5 9-+-+-zp-zp0
45.¢b6 h5 even loses.] 9+-+Q+-+-0
43...¢h4 44.g6 hg6 45.¢g6 9-+-+-zP-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-wq-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-mK-+-0
9-zp-+-+K+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9zp-zp-+-+-0 63...£d4!? [Good technique, but 63...¢c2
64.£d1 ¢c3 65.£f3 ¢d4 wins as well.]
9+P+-+-+-0 64.£b3 £c3 65.£c3 ¢c3 66.¢f2 f5
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-+-+-zp0
and Korchnoi’s king wins the race to the
queenside: 9+-+-+p+-0
45...¢g4 46.¢f6 ¢f4 47.¢e6 ¢e4 48.¢d6 9-+-+-zP-+0
¢d4 49.¢c6 ¢c3 50.¢b6 ¢b3 51.¢b5! 9+-mk-+-+P0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-mK-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
9-+-+-+-+0 [And White resigned due to 67.¢g3 ¢d3
9zpKzp-+-+-0 68.¢h4 (68.¢g2 ¢e3 69.¢g3 ¢e4 70.¢g2
¢f4 71.¢f2 h5 72.¢g2 ¢e3 73.¢g3 f4
9P+P+-+-+0 74.¢g2 ¢e2+) ¢e3 69.¢h5 ¢f4 70.¢h6
9+k+-+-+-0 ¢g3 71.¢g5 f4+]
0 :1 Mueller
Rook endings are often drawn, pawn endings
9+-+-+-+-0 not so.
Chess Informant 129


KORCHNOI 2650 USSR (ch) 1955
Jerusalem 1986 XIIIIIIIIY
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9R+-+-zp-+0 9+-+-+p+-0
9+-+-zp-+-0 9R+-trk+p+0
9-+-+P+p+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-mk-+-zP-0 9-+-+-zPK+0
9p+-+KzP-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9tr-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
xiiiiiiiiy 65.¦d4!? ¢d4 66.f3!
47...¦b1 48.¦a2 ¦b2 49.¦b2 ¢b2 50.f3 [66.¢g3? ¢e4 67.¢g2 ¢d3 68.¢g3 (68.f3
[50.¢d3 does not help because of 50...¢c1 ¢e2 69.fg4 f4 70.g5 f3+) ¢e2 69.¢g2 f4
51.¢c4 ¢d2 52.¢d5 ¢e2 53.¢e6 ¢f2 70.¢g1 f3+]
54.¢f6 ¢g3 55.¢e5 ¢f3+]
50...¢c3 51.fg4 [66...¢e3 67.fg4 f4 68.¢f1=]
[51.¢e3 gf3 52.¢f3 ¢d3 53.g4 ¢d4+]
67.¢g3 ¢e3 68.f4 ¢e4 69.¢g2
51...¢d4 52.¢f3 ¢d3 53.¢f2 ¢e4 54.¢e2 1/2 : 1/2 Mueller
¢d4 55.¢d2 e4 56.¢e2 e3 57.¢d1
White resigned due to the triangulation
57...¢d5 58 ¢e1 ¢e5 59 ¢d1 ¢d4 60.¢e2
¢e4 61.¢e1 ¢f3+ Korchnoi of course
knew such techniques as he had studied
classical chess games and literature.
0 :1 Mueller

Of course sometimes the defender can draw

by simplification.


B) Rook endgames

These occur very frequently and there are many well-known examples in Korchnoi’s games.
He even wrote a book on rook endgames.

B1) Rooks vs Pawns Black’s king continues to give bodychecks.

By the way: without the f4 pawn this position
In the next position the bodycheck is the most would be drawn.
important motif.
LASZLO SZABO — KORCHNOI [Now 78.¢g7 ¢e7 79.h7 ¦g1 80.¢h8 is
no longer stalemate and so Black wins with
Leningrad 3/57, 1967 80...¢f6 81.f5 ¦e1 82.¢g8 ¦e8.]
XIIIIIIIIY 78...¦g1 79.¢h6
9+-+-+-+-0 XIIIIIIIIY
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+P0
9-+-+K+-zP0 9-+-+k+-mK0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+k+-zP-+0 9-+-+-zP-+0
9+-+r+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-+-+-+0
72...¢c3 The king must come first! 9+-+-+-tr-0
[72...¦h1? 73 f4 ¦h4 74 ¢e5=] xiiiiiiiiy
73.h5 ¢c4 74.f4 79...¢f7!
[74.¢f5 ¢d5 75.¢g6 ¢e6+] This trick is well worth remembering and
Korchnoi of course knew it.
74...¦e1 75.¢f5 ¢d5 76.h6 ¦h1 77.¢g6 ¢e6
9-+-+-+-+0 [80.h8£ ¦h1 81.¢g5 ¦h8+]

9+-+-+-+-0 80...¢f6 81.¢h7 ¦g7 82.¢h6 ¦g4 83.¢h7

¦f4 84.¢g8
9-+-+k+KzP0 [84.¤g6 ¦g4 85.¤f8 ¢f7+]
84...¦a4 85.¢h7 ¦g4
9-+-+-zP-+0 0 :1 Mueller
9-+-+-+-+0 The following pawn race leads to a very
deep fourth phase of the game after opening,
9+-+-+-+r0 middlegame and endgame:
Chess Informant 129

KORCHNOI 2670 — 67.¢c2 £c6 68.¢d2

Moscow (m/19) 18/89, 1974 9-+-+-+R+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-tR-+0 9-+q+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+K+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9zp-+-+pmk-0 9+-+Q+-zp-0
9P+-+-+-+0 9-+-mK-+k+0
9+-+-+-zp-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-+-+-+-0 It is good if the king is on a dark square
because then no diagonal check can attack
xiiiiiiiiy king and rook on a light square.
52.¦g8! ¢f4 53.¢b5 ¢f3 54.¢a5 f4
55.¢b4 ¢g2 56.a5 f3 57.a6 f2 58.a7 f1£ 68...£h6 69.£e3 £h4 70.¦b8 £f6 71.¦b6
59.a8£ £f3 60.£a2 £f2 61.£d5 [71.£e2 wins more quickly.]
71...£f5 72.¦b2
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+Q+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-mK-+-+-+0 9+-+-+q+-0
9+-+-+-zp-0 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+-wqk+0 9+-+-wQ-zp-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-tR-mK-+k+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+-0
61...£f3?! [61...¢g1 is more tenacious:
62.£d1 ¢g2 63.£g4 and White mates in 53 xiiiiiiiiy
moves.] Now a king move will give check.

62.£d2?! [62.£e5 wins more quickly.] 72...¢h2 73.£h6 ¢g1 74.£b6 ¢h2
[74...£f2 75.¢d1 £b6 76.¦b6 ¢f2
62...£f2?! [62...¢f1!? loses in 56 moves 77.¦f6 ¢e3 (77...¢g1 78.¢e2 g2 79.¦g6
starting with 63.£c1!+] ¢h1 80.¢f2+) 78.¢e1 g2 79.¦g6 ¢f3
63.¢c3 ¢g1 64.£d1 ¢g2 65.£d3 £c5
66.¢b3! White must be sure not to lose the 75 £b8 ¢h3
rook of course. [75...£e4!? was worth trying, e.g. 76.£h8
(76.¢d1? ¢h1 77.£g3 £e2 78.¢e2
66...£b6 [66...£f2 67.¦c8 £f7 68.¢c2 £f3 stalemate) ¢g1 77.£f6 g2 78.¦b5 ¢h2
69.£d2 ¢f1 70.£d1 ¢g2 71.¦c4+] 79.£d6 ¢g1 80.¦a5 ¢f2 81.£c5 ¢f3

82.£c3 ¢f2 83.¦f5 ¢g1 (83...£f5 84.£e3 9-+-+-+-+0
¢f1 85.£e1) 84.£c5 ¢h2 85.£d6 ¢g1
86.¦f4 £h7 87.£d4 ¢h1 88 ¦h4+] 9+-+-+-+r0
76.£h8 ¢g4 77.¦b4 ¢f3 78.£h1 ¢f2
[78...g2 79.¦b3 ¢f2?! 80.£e1] 9+-+-+K+-0
79.¦b2 [And Black resigned because of 79...
g2 80.¢c1 ¢e3 81.£g2 £c5 82.£c2+] 9+-+-+-+-0
1:0 Mueller 9-+-+-+-+0
B2) Rook and Pawn
Endgames 75 ¢e6 [75.¢g6 ¦h1 76 f5 ¢d5 77.f6

The following technique of placing the 75...¦h6! [The all important deadly
zwischenschach to avoid a bodycheck and
attacking rook behind the passed pawn is
White resigned due to 75...¢c5? 76.f5
worth knowing. (Bodycheck) 76...¦h6 77.f6 ¢c6 78.¢e7
¢d5 79.f7=]
ALBAREDA — KORCHNOI 76.¢e5 ¢c5 77.f5 ¢c6 78.f6 ¢d7+
Oberhausen 1961 0:1 Mueller
XIIIIIIIIY In the next famous example Korchnoi misses
9R+-+-+-+0 one point.
9-tr-+-+-+0 KORCHNOI 2610 —
9+-+-+p+P0 KASPAROV 2690
9-+-+-zP-+0 London (m/6) 36/464, 1983
9+k+-+-zP-0 XIIIIIIIIY
9p+-+-mK-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+K+-0
xiiiiiiiiy 9-+-tr-+-+0
67...¦b4! The threat ...¦a4 saves a lot of time. 9+-+-+-+k0
[67...¢b2? 68.g4 fg4 69.¦a2 ¢a2 70.¢g3 9-+-+-+-+0
¢b3 71.¢g4 ¢c4 72.¢g5 ¢d5 73.h6 ¢e6
74.h7 ¦b8 75.¢g6= Bodycheck!] 9+-+P+-zp-0
68 ¦a2
[68.h6 ¦a4 69.¦a4 ¢a4 70.h7 a1£+] 9+-+-+-+-0
68...¢a2 69.h6 ¢b3 70.h7 ¦b8 71.g4 fg4 58. ¦d2 ¢g4 59.d4 ¢f5!?
72.¢g3 ¢c4 73.¢g4 ¦h8 74.¢f5 ¦h7 [59...¢f4 60.¢e7 ¦g6 61.¦g2! ¢e4 62. ¢f7

Chess Informant 129

¦g4 63.¢e6! ¢d4 64.¢f5= (Kasparov in

Chess Informant 36/464)]

60.¢e7 ¦d5 61.¦d3! ¢f4 62.¢e6 ¦g5 63.d5?

[63.¦d1! g2 64.¦g1 ¢e4 65.d5 ¦g6
66.¢f7= (Kasparov)]

63...¦g6! [Not, however, 63...g2? 64.¦d4!

¢e3 65.¦d1= (Kasparov).]

64 ¢e7 g2 65 ¦d1
65...¢e5! This powerful retreat is Kasparov’s
point. Now the d-pawn must advance to be
saved and then Black can force the endgame
queen vs rook.

66.d6 [66 ¦g1.¢d5+]

Viktor Korchnoi, Berlin 2015. Photo by David Llada
66...¦e6 67.¢d7 ¦d6 68.¦d6 g1£ and
Kasparov breaks the third rank defence 72.¦g6 [After 72.¦c6!? ¢d5 73.¦g6 £f7 74.
relatively quickly: ¦b6 White would have a typical third rank
defence with his king in the middle (on d8 or
69.¦e6 ¢f5 70.¦d6 £a7 71.¢d8 ¢e5 e8) and his rook on the 6th rank. This is not
XIIIIIIIIY easy to break down. John Nunn recommends:
9-+-mK-+-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9wq-+-+-+-0 9-+-mK-+-+0
9-+-tR-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-mk-+-0 9-tR-+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+k+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy

An idea worth knowing! 75.¢d7 (75.¦g6?! KORCHNOI 2665 —

£f8 76.¢d7 £f7+; 75.¦a6?! £b8 76.¢d7 KARPOV 2725
£b7+; 75.¢e8?! £e3+) £a4 76.¢c7 Baguio City (m/31) 26/550, 1978
(76.¢c8 ¢c5 77.¦h6 £g4 78.¢d8 £g5+) XIIIIIIIIY
£a7 77.¦b7 £c5 78.¢b8 ¢d6 79.¦g7 £b4
80.¦b7 £d4 81.¢a8 ¢c6 82.¢b8 £h8 9-+-+-+r+0
83.¢a7 £d8 9+p+-+k+-0
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+p+-zp-zp0
9mKR+-+-+-0 9zPpzP-+P+-0
9-+k+-+-+0 9-+-zP-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+K+-+P0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-+R+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
49 ¢c3!? With this original idea Korchnoi
xiiiiiiiiy wants to take Karpov out of his analysis of
and White is in zugzwang and will lose the the adjourned game. In the long run, White’s
rook sooner or later, e.g. 84.¦h7 £a5 85.¢b8 king plans to invade on the queenside after
£e5 86.¢a7 £a1 87.¢b8 £b1+] opening the door with a5-a6.
[49 d5 is answered by 49...¦d8 50.d6 ¦e8=]
72...£a5 73.¢d7 £a4 74.¢e7 £h4
49...¦e8 50.¦d2 ¦e4 51.¢b4 ¢e8 52.a6
XIIIIIIIIY This opens the door for White’s king.
52...ba6 53.¢a5 ¢d7 54.¢b6 b4 55.d5 cd5
9+-+-mK-+-0 56.¦d5 ¢c8 57.¦d3 a5 58.¦g3
9+-+-mk-+-0 9-+k+-+-+0
9-+-+-+-wq0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-mK-+-zp-zp0
9-+-+-+-+0 9zp-zP-+P+-0
9+-+-+-+-0 9-zp-+r+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-tRP0
Now the second rank defence is broken as the 9-+-+-+-+0
king can no longer stay in the middle.
75.¢f8 £d8 76.¢f7 ¢f5 77.¦h6 £d7 xiiiiiiiiy
0:1 Mueller 58...b3? Karpov overlooks Korchnoi’s reply.
[58...¦c4? also loses due to 59.c6 ¢d8 60.c7 ¢e7
The next rook endgame is also very famous 61.¦e3 ¢d6 62.¦d3 ¢e5 63.¦d8 b3 64.c8£
as a win for Korchnoi would level the score in ¦c8 65.¦c8 a4 (65...b2 66.¦c5 ¢d4 67.¦b5 ¢c3
the match to 5:5. However in the end Karpov 68.¢a5 ¢c2 69.¢b6+) 66.¦c5 ¢d4 67.¦b5
won nevertheless and retained his title as ¢c4 68.¢a5 a3 69.¦b4 ¢c3 70.¢a4 a2 71.¦b3
world champion: ¢c2 72.¦a3 ¢b2 73.¢b4+ (Kasparov).

Chess Informant 129

The only way to draw is 58...¦d4!! (61...¦f4 62.¦a5 ¢b8 63.¢d7 ¦f5 64.c6!+)
XIIIIIIIIY 62.¦a5 ¢b8 63.¢d7 ¢b7 64.¢e6+]
9-+k+-+-+0 60.¦b3 ¢a7 [60...¦b4 61.¦b4 ab4 62.¢d7
9+-+-+-+-0 b3 63.c6 b2 64.c7 ¢a7 65.c8£ b1£ 66.£c7
¢a8 67.£c6 ¢b8 68.£f6+]
9zp-zP-+P+-0 61.¦b7 ¢a6 62.¦b6 ¢a7 63.¢b5 a4
64.¦f6 ¦f4 65.¦h6 a3 66.¦a6 ¢b8 67.¦a3
9-zp-tr-+-+0 ¦f5 68.¦g3 ¦f6 69. ¦g8 ¢c7 70.¦g7 ¢c8
9+-+-+-tRP0 71.¦h7
9-+-+-+-+0 XIIIIIIIIY
9+-+-+-+-0 9-+k+-+-+0
xiiiiiiiiy 9+-+-+-+R0
So as to shelter Black’s king with the rook. For 9-+-+-tr-+0
example: 9+KzP-+-+-0
A) 59.¢a5 ¢c7 60.¢b5 ¦d7 61.¢b4 (61.h4 9-+-+-+-+0
h5 62.¦b3 ¦d5 63.¦b4 ¦f5=) ¢c6 62.¦g6
¦d4 63.¢c3 ¦h4= 9+-+-+-+P0
B) 59.c6 b3 60.¦g8 ¦d8 61.¦g7 b2 62.¦c7
¢b8 63.¦b7=; 9+-+-+-+-0
C) 59.¢c6 ¦d7 60.¦g8 ¦d8 61.¦g7 And Karpov resigned as White can advance
(61.¦d8 ¢d8 62.¢b7 b3 63.c6 b2 64.c7 his pawn to h7. [For example, 71...¦f3 72.
¢e7=) ¦d2 62.¦a7 ¢d8 63.¦a5 b3=] ¦h8 ¢c7 73.h4 ¦h3 74.h5 ¦h1 75.h6 ¦h2
76.h7 ¦h1 77,¦a8 ¦h7 78,¦a7+]
59.¢c6! ¢b8 [59...¦d4 60.¦b3 a4 61.¦b5 ¦h4 1 :0 Mueller

C) Knight endings

Botvinnik’s law claims that knight KORCHNOI 2625 — TORRE 2560

endings are like pawn endings. The Bad Homburg 73/21, 1998
points to note are that zugzwang
plays a large role, an outside XIIIIIIIIY
passed pawn usually is a major 9-+-+-+-+0
advantage and the margin of the
draw is relatively small: 9+-+-+-+-0
In the following game White
should be winning, but it is not as 9+kzp-+-+-0
easy as it would be without knights 9-+NsnP+-+0
in a pawn ending.

56.¤a3? This retreat just wastes time. [56.¤e5! 9.¥b2 c5 10.£e2 a6?!
is called for, so as to play for domination, e.g. [10...¦c8; 10...¤e4 and 10...cd4 are the main
56...¤e2 57.¢d2 ¤d4 (57...¤f4 58.¢e3 ¤e6 moves.]
59.a3 ¤d4 60.¢d2 ¤b3 61.¢c3 ¤d4 62.a4
¢a4 63.¢c4+) 58.a3 ¤b3 (58...¤e6 59.¢c3 11.cd5 ed5 12.¦fd1 ¦e8 13.¥f5 b5 14.dc5
a5 60.¤c4 ¢a4 61.e5 ¢b5 62.¢d2+) 59.¢c3 ¤c5 15.£e1 £b6 16.¦ac1 b4 17.¤e2 a5
¤a5 60.¢c2 ¢a4 61.¢b2 ¤b7 62.¤f7 ¢b5 18.¥d4 g6 19.¥b1 ¦ac8 20.¤f4 £a6
63.¢c3 ¢c6 64.a4 ¢c7 65.d4 cd4 66.¢d4+] 21.¥f6 ¥f6 22.¤d5
56...¢c6 57.¢d2 ¢d6 58.¤c4 ¢c6 59.¤a5
¢b5 60.¤b3 ¤e6 61.¢c3 9-+r+r+k+0
XIIIIIIIIY 9+l+-+p+p0
9-+-+-+-+0 9q+-+-vlp+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9zp-snN+-+-0
9p+-+n+-+0 9-zp-+-+-+0
9+kzp-+-+-0 9+P+-zPN+-0
9-+-+P+-+0 9P+-+-zPPzP0
9+NmKP+-+-0 9+LtRRwQ-mK-0
9P+-+-+-+0 xiiiiiiiiy
9+-+-+-+-0 22...¥d5?! [22...¥b2 23.¦c4 £e6 offers
better practical chances as in the game White’s
xiiiiiiiiy long term initiative on the light squares is
61...¤d8? Torre misses White’s answer. very dangerous.]
[61...¤f8! 62.¤d2 ¢c6 63.¢c4 ¢d6 64.¤b3
¤d7 was the last chance to fight on.] 23.¦d5 ¥c3 24.£f1 £f1 25.¢f1
“Now it’s a matter of technique, although not
62. a4! Korchnoi seizes the moment to improve so simple at all. However, Victor Lvovich is
his king. one of the best in the business.” (Gershon in
ChessBase Magazine)
62...¢c6 [62...¢a4 is met by 63.¢c4! ¤e6
64.¤c5 ¤c5 65.¢c5 ¢b3 66.e5+] 25...a4 26.ba4 ¤a4
63.¢c4 ¤b7 64.e5 a5 65.d4 cd4 66.¤d4
¢b6 67.¤e6 Black’s knight is now 9-+r+r+k+0
completely dominated. 9+-+-+p+p0
67...¢c6 68.¢d4 ¢b6 69.¢d5 ¢a7 70.¤c5 9-+-+-+p+0
1 :0 Mueller 9+-+R+-+-0
Finally one complete game to demonstrate 9nzp-+-+-+0
Korchnoi’s excellent technique.
KORCHNOI 2659 — PIKET 2633 9+LtR-+K+-0
Wijk aan Zee 2000
1.d4 ¤f6 2.c4 e6 3.¤f3 d5 4. ¤c3 ¤bd7 27.g4! A typical advance to mark Black’s f7
5.e3 ¥e7 6.b3 00 7.¥d3 b6 8.00 ¥b7 and h7 pawns as weaknesses.


27...¢g7 28.¢g2 ¦ed8 29.¦cd1.¥f6 67.¥c8 ¢d6 68.¢f5+]

30.¦d8 ¦d8 31.¦d8 ¥d8 32.¥c2 ¤c3
33.¥b3 ¥e7 34.¤e5 f6 35.¤c6 ¥d6 36.h3 55.¢c4
¢f8 37.¢f1 ¥c5 38.¢e1 ¢e8 XIIIIIIIIY
XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0
9-+-+k+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-+-+p0 9-+-+-zp-zp0
9-+N+-zpp+0 9vl-+-mkLzpP0
9+-vl-+-+-0 9P+K+-+P+0
9-zp-+-+P+0 9+-+-zPP+-0
9+Lsn-zP-+P0 9-+-+-+-+0
9P+-+-zP-+0 9+-+-+-+-0
9+-+-mK-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy
xiiiiiiiiy 55...¥d2 [55...¢d6 56.¢d4 ¥b6 57.¢e4
39.¥e6! Korchnoi stops the activation of ¥a5 58.¥c8 ¢e7 59.¢f5 ¢f7 60.¥b7 ¥d2
Black’s king. 61.¥d5 ¢g7 62.¢e6+]

39...¤e4 40.h4 ¤c3 41.¢d2 ¤e4 42.¢e2 56.¢c5 ¥e3 57.¢c6 ¥d2
¥d6 43.f3 ¤c5 44.¥c4 ¤d7 45.¥b5 ¢f8 XIIIIIIIIY
46.¤b4 ¥b4 47.¥d7
Opposite coloured bishop endings have very 9-+-+-+-+0
large drawing tendencies, but here White has 9+-+-+-+-0
two extra pawns and can play on two wings,
so he should be winning. 9-+K+-zp-zp0
47...¢e7 48. ¥c8 h6 49.a4 ¢d6 50.¢d3
¢e5 51.¥d7 g5 [51...f5 52 g5+] 52.h5 ¥a5 9P+-+-+P+0
53.¥c8 ¥b6 54.¥f5 9+-+-+P+-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-vl-+-+0
9+-+-+-+-0 9+-+-+-+-0
9-vl-+-zp-zp0 xiiiiiiiiy
58.¢d7 Now White’s king heads for the
9+-+-mkLzpP0 weak h6 pawn.
9P+-+-+P+0 58...¢f4 59.¢e6 ¢f3 60.¢f7
9+-+KzPP+-0 1:0 Mueller

9-+-+-+-+0 Korchnoi worked very hard on chess and had

9+-+-+-+-0 an excellent memory and fine intuition. He
played many very instructive endings and will
xiiiiiiiiy be sorely missed by the chess world.
54...¥a5 [54...¢d5 55.¥h7 ¢e5 56.e4
¢d6 57.¢c4 ¥f2 58.¢b5 ¢c7 59.a5 ¢d6
60.e5 fe5 61.¥e4 ¥e3 62.¢c4 ¥a7 63.¢d3
¢e6 64.a6 ¢d6 65.¥b7 ¥d4 66.¢e4 ¢e6

Karlsten MUELLER

Encyclopedia of
by Velimirovic & Valtonen

"I didn’t know any chess book that merited the

word ‘Definitive’; now I do. Big claims need big
justification, but this book is extraordinary. It
attempts to describe all the themes, the ideas,
that chess problems use, and it succeeds in that
formidable task."
Ian R. Watson, UK
Chess Informant 129

The Encyclopedia of Chess Miniatures

presents a rich collection of short games
that will evoke a sense of surprise,
sensation and even shock in the mind of
the chess playing reader.




A » R _ 1. d4, 1. e4
» 1. d4 R _ 1... Íf6, 1... d5
» 1. d4 Íf6 R _ 2. c4
» 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 R _ 2... e6, 2... g6

B » 1. e4 R _ 1... c5, 1... e6, 1... e5

» 1. e4 c5

C » 1. e4 e6
» 1. e4 e5

D » 1. d4 d5
» 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 ‘ 3... d5

E » 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6
» 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 _ 3... d5


1. A 06 30. Êc3 Êe2¤; 29... Ëe8¤] Ìa8 [29... a5!?]

30. Ìa6 Ëc5 31. Êd3 Èg7? [31... Êc7 32.
A. STEFANOVA 2507 Ëa3 b5»+] 32. h3 Ëe8 33. Ëf3 Èh6 34.
— USHENINA 2450 Èh2 Íe4 35. d6 [35. Ëc4 Íc3 36. Êc3
Mamaia 2016 Ìd5¤] Íd6 36. Ëg3 Ëc3 [36... Íe4»+] 37.
Êc3 Íe4 38. Êe1 Íg3 39. Êg3 Ëd8¤ 40.
1. Íf3 Íf6 2. b3 d5 3. Ìb2 c5 4. e3 e6 5. Ìe2 Ëd2 41. Ìf3 Ìf3 42. Êf3 a5 43. Êg3
Íe5 Íbd7 [5... Ìe7 Ñ 31/2] 6. f4 Ìe7 7. Êc7 44. Ëa3 Ëd4! 45. Ëf3 Èg7 46. h4 h5
Ìd3 Êc7 8. 0»0 b6 9. Êf3 0»0 10. c4!? N 47. Êf2 Êd6 48. a3 Èh7 49. Êe3 b5 [49...
[10. Êh3] Ìb7 [10... dc4 11. Êa8 Ìb7 12. Ëe4!?] 50. Èg3 b4 51. ab4 ab4 52. Êe8 Êc7
Êa7 Ëa8 (12... Íe5 13. fe5 cd3Õ 14. ef6?? [52... Èg7!?] 53. Èh3 Ëe4 54. Êf8 Êe7 55.
Ìd6!»+; 12... cd3 13. Êa4 Ëa8Õ) 13. Êa8 Êc8 [55. Êe7 Ëe7 56. Ëb3 Ëe4»+] Ëe1 56.
Ìa8 14. Ìc4 Íe5 15. fe5 Íg4£; 14. Ìe2Õ] g3 Êe2 57. Êb7 Èh6 58. Ëb3 Êd1
11. Êh3 dc4 12. bc4 Ìe4 [12... Íe4!?] 13. 0:1 Dembo
Ìe2 Íe5 14. Ìe5 [14. fe5 Íd7 15. d4î]
Êd7 15. d4 cd4 16. ed4? [16. Ìd4£] Ìb7? 2. A 09
[16... Ìf5! 17. Êg3 (17. g4 Íg4 18. Ìg4
Ìg4 19. Êg4 f6¤) Íe8¤] 17. Íc3 g6 18. F. CARUANA 2810
Ëad1¢ Ëfd8 — BUHMANN 2653
Dortmund 2016
e1 E 1q1 1. Íf3 d5 2. g3 c5 3. Ìg2 Íc6 4. 0»0 e5 5.
Yr1wRy1y c4 d4 6. d3 Íf6 7. e3 Ìd6 [7... Ìe7 Ñ 53/7]
8. ed4 cd4 9. Ìg5 h6 10. Ìf6 Êf6 11. Íbd2
Y 1yTy1 Ìc7 12. Êa4 0»0 13. b4 Ìf5 14. Êb3
1 1 F 1 Ëab8 N [14... Ìg4 15. Ëfe1 Ëac8Õ] 15.
Ëfe1 a6 16. Ëac1 Ëfd8 17. a3
1hH H 1
1 G 1 1s E E 1q1
h1 1f1hH 1yR 1yY
1 1d1dA y1t1 W Y
19. Êh6? [19. d5! ed5 (19... Ìc5 20. Èh1
1 1 Yr1
Êe7 21. Ìf3¥) 20. f5!¥; 19. Ëd3!?] Íe8! HhY 1 1
20. d5 Ìf8 21. Êh4 Êe7 22. Êg3 f6 23. Hs1h1gH
Ìd4 Ìg7? [23... Íg7!?] 24. Ìf3? [Ä 24.
Êe3¥] Íd6! 25. Ìg4 [25. Êe1!? Íc4 26. 1 G HfH
Êe6 Êe6 27. de6Õ] f5 26. Ìe2 ed5 27. cd5
Ìd4 28. Ëd4 Ëac8¤ 29. Ëa4 [29. Ëdd1 Ëc3
1 D D A
17... Êe7?! [17... Íe7!? 18. c5 Ìg4 19. Íe4 7. Êe4 Ìg7 8. Ìe3 Íc6?! [8... 0»0 9. 0-0-0
Êg6 20. Íh4 Êe6 21. Êe6 Ìe6 22. Íd6Õ] d6!? Å 10. f4 Ía6Õ, Å 10. ed6 cd6 11. c5
18. b5 Ía5 19. Êb4 Êf6 20. Íe4 [20. Íe5 Êa5|] 9. f4 0»0 10. 0-0-0î d6 [10... f6 11.
ab5 21. Êb5 Íc6 22. f4 Ìe5 23. fe5 Êe7 Íf3 fe5 12. fe5 Êe8 13. c5î] 11. c5 Íe7 12.
24. Êb3 (24. e6 Ìe6 25. Íb3 Êa3 26. Ëa1 cd6?! [12. g4!î] cd6 13. Ëd6 [13. ed6? Íf5¤]
Êd6 27. Íc5Õ) Êc7 25. Íf3 Ëe8=] Êc7| 14. g4 [14. Èb1 Íf5 15. Ëd1 b6 16.
Íd5 Ìb7!§] Íc5 15. Êc4 b6 16. Ìc5 bc5
E E 1q1 17. h3? [17. Êe2 Ëb8 18. Ìg2 f6 19. Íh3
1yR 1yY fe5 20. Ëhd1 ef4 21. Íg5Õ] Ëb8î 18. Êe2
Ëb4 19. Êd2 [19. Íf3 Ìb7 20. Ìg2 Íc8
y1 1 W Y 21. Íd5 (21. Ëdd1 Íb6¤) Êa5 22. Íb4
Th1 Yr1 Íd6¤]
ShYg1 1 1r1 Eq1
H 1h1gH Y W TyRy
1 1 HfH 1 D 1y1
1 D D A 1 Y H 1
20... Ìe4? [20... Êb6 21. Íh4 Ìe6 22. a4 E 1 Hh1
Êa7 23. Íg6!¥ Å 23... fg6 24. Êe7+»; 1 G 1 1h
20... Êe6 21. Íc5 Êf6 22. Íh4 Ìh7 23.
Ìe4î] 21. Ëe4¥ [^Ía5] ab5?! [21... Ëe8 hH S 1 1
22. Ëce1¥] 22. cb5 Êb6 23. Íe5 Ìd6 24. 1 A 1fGd
Êb2 Ëbc8 25. a4 [25. Ëc8! Ëc8
1e1 1q1 19... Ëd4! 20. Ëd4? [20. Íb5 Ëd2 21. Íc7
1y1 1yY Ëf2 22. Íe2 g5!¤] cd4 21. Êd4 Ëd8! 22.
Êf2 Íd5 23. Íge2 Íb4 24. Èb1 Íd3 25.
W R 1 Y Êh4 Ìb7 26. Ëh2 Ëb8 [26... Íb2 27. Èb2
Th1 G 1 Ëd2 28. Èc1 (28. Èa1 Êb6) Ëa2 29. Êf2
1 Yd1 1 Ìf8»+] 27. b3 Íf4! 28. Íf4 Êc3
H 1h1 H 0:1 Z. Stamenkovi
S 1 HfH
1 1 1 A 4. A 11
26. Íf7! Èf7 27. Êa2 Èf8 28. Êe6 Êc7 — W. SO 2770
(28... Ëc1 29. Ìf1 Êd8 30. Ëd4+») 29.
Ëe1!+» Å Ìd5] Ëc1 26. Êc1 Êc5 27. Êc5 Leuven (blitz) 2016
Ìc5 28. h4 h5? [28... Ìb6¥] 29. Ìf3 g6 30.
Ëf4 1:0 Z. Stamenkovi 1. Íf3 d5 2. c4 c6 3. g3 Íf6 4. Ìg2 dc4 5.
0»0 Íbd7 6. Êc2 Íb6 7. Ía3 Ìe6 8. Íe5
h5!? [8... Êd4 Ñ 120/7] 9. Íac4 Íc4 10.
3. A 10 Íc4 h4 11. Íe5 hg3 12. hg3 Ëc8 N [12...
V. TOPALOV 2761 Êd4] 13. d4!? [13. Êa4!?] Ìd5? [13... Êd4
— W. SO 2770 14. Ìf4 g6 15. Ëfd1 Êb6 16. Ìe3 Êb5 17.
Leuven (rapid) 2016 Ìd4 c5 18. Ìc3 Ìg7 19. a4 Êa6 20. Êd3
Êd3 21. Íd3 b6 22. a5 0»0 23. Íe5§] 14.
1. c4 g6 2. e4 e5 3. d4 Íf6 4. de5 Íe4 5. e4! Ìe4? [14... Ìe6 15. Êa4¥] 15. Ìe4
Êd4 Íc5 6. Íc3 N [6. Íf3 Ñ 15/132] Íe6 Êd4

1e1qR E Èf7 30. Êg7#; 26... Êf4 27. ef4+») 27.
Ëf8 Êf8 28. Êe4+»] Èe5
Yy1 YyY
1y1 T 1 W 1e1 1
1 1 G 1 1 1 1 1s
1 Wf1 1 1e1y1 1
1 1 1 H 1yY Q 1
hHs1 H 1 1 1 D 1
D F 1dA 1h1 H H
1 Hh1 H
16. Íf7! Èf7 17. Ìg6 Èg8 18. Ëd1+» Êe5
19. Ìf4 Êa5 20. Ìf5! g5 21. Ìc8 Èg7 1 1 1 A
[21... gf4 22. Êg6 Ìg7 23. Ìe6 Èf8 24.
Êf7#] 22. Ìe3 1:0 Br. Tadi 26. Ëf7! Ëa6 [26... Èd5 27. e4 Èd4 28. Ëd7
Ëd6 29. e3 Èe5 (29... Èd3 30. Ëd6 Êd6 31.
e5+») 30. Êh5 Èe4 31. d3 Èe3 (31... Èd3
5. A 13 32. Ëd6 Êd6 33. Êd1+») 32. Êc5+»; 26...
O. NIKOLENKO 2505 Ëd8 27. Ëb7 Êc8 28. Êg7 Èd6 29. Êe7
— PONKRATOV 2595 Èd5 30. d4 Ëcd6 31. Ëc7+»] 27. d4 [27.
Ëd7!? Ëa1 28. Èg2 Êa8 29. Ëb7! a) 29...
Russia 2016 Ëb8 30. Êc7+»; b) 29... Ëa7 30. Êg7 Èd5
1. c4 Íf6 2. g3 e6 3. Ìg2 d5 4. Íf3 dc4 5. (30... Èd6 31. Êc7 Èd5 32. Ëa7+») 31.
Êc2 a6 6. Íe5 c5!? [6... Íbd7 Ñ 82/6] 7. Ëa7+»; c) 29... Ëd8 30. Êg7 Èd6 31. d4+»]
Ía3 Ëa7 8. Íac4 b5 9. Íe3 Ìd6 10. Íc6 N cd4 [27... Èd6 28. Êe4 Ëa1 (28... cd4 29.
[10. Íf3] Íc6 11. Ìc6 Ìd7 12. Ìg2 0»0 ed4 Êb6 30. Êe5 Èc6 31. Èg2+» Å d5)
[12... h5!? Å 13. b3 h4 14. Ìb2 Êc7 15. Ëc1 29. Èg2 Êa8 30. Ëb7+»] 28. Êh5? [28.
Ìc6Õ] 13. b3 Ëe8 14. Ìb2 Ëc7 15. 0»0 Ëb7! Êd8 29. Ëd7 Ëa1 30. Èg2 Êa8 31.
Ìc6 16. Ìc6 Ëc6 17. a4 Íd5 18. ab5 ab5 Ëb7 Ëd1 32. Êc7 Èe4 33. Ëa7 Êb8 34. Êc2
19. Êd3 Íe3 20. fe3 Êb8? [20... Êc7=] Èe5 35. Ëf7! Êa8 36. Ëf3 Ëa1 37. Êc5 Êd5
38. ed4 Èe4 39. Êc2 Èd4 40. Êc3 Èe4 41.
W 1e1q1 Ëf4#] Èd6 29. ed4 Ëa1 30. Èf2
1 1 1yYy W
1e1 1
1eRy1 1 1 1 1d1
1yY 1 1 1 Qy1 1
1 1 1 1 1y1 1 1s
1h1sH H 1 H 1 1
F Hh1 H 1h1 1 H
D 1 1dA 1 1hA H
21. Ìg7!! Èg7 22. Ëf7! Èf7 23. Êh7 Èf6 E 1 1 1
24. Ëf1 Ìf4 [24... Èe5 25. Êh5 Èe4 26.
Êf3 Èe5 27. d4 cd4 28. Êf6 Èd5 29. Êd4#] 30... Ëc1 [30... Êb6! 31. Êe5 (31. Êh4 Ëa7
25. Ëf4 [25. Êh4! Èg6 26. Ëf4 Ëf8 (26... 32. Êf4 Èc6 33. Êe4 Èd6=) Èc6 32. Èg2
Êd8 27. Ëg4 Èf5 28. Êh5 Èf6 29. Êg5 Ëd1!=] 31. Êe5 Èc6 32. Êe3 Ëd1 33. Êc3

Èb6 34. Êc5 Èa6 35. Êa3 Èb6 36. Êc5 1 1e1q1
Èa6 37. Ëc7 Ëf8 38. Èg2 Ëf5 [38... Êa8
39. Ëc6+»] 39. Ëc6 Èb7 40. Êb6 1y1 EyYr
1:0 Br. Tadi
1 W T Y
6.** A 14 Y R Y 1
G. JONES 2650 — 1hY 1 1
MI. ADAMS 2727 Hh1h1gHh
Great Britain (ch) 2016
1 1dHf1
1. c4 e6 2. g3 d5 3. Ìg2 Íf6 4. Íf3 Ìe7 5. 1 FsD A
0»0 0»0 6. b3 c5 7. e3 Íc6 8. Ìb2 d4 9.
ed4 cd4 10. Ëe1 Ëe8 11. d3 Ìc5 12. Íe5
[12. a3 a5 13. Íbd2 (13. Íe5!?) e5 14. 24... e4! [24... b6 25. Ëe5 Ëe5 26. Ëe5 Ëe5
Íg5Õ Ñ 121/8] Íe5 13. Ëe5 Ìd6 14. Ëe1 27. Ìf4 Íd7 28. b4 ab4 29. ab4 Ìb4 30.
[14. Ìd4!? Ìe5 15. Ìe5§] e5 Íe5 (30. Êa4 Ëa5!) Íe5 31. Êa4 f6»+] 25.
de4 [25. Íh2 e3 26. Íf1 Ìa3 (26... Ìg6!?)
27. Ìa3 ef2 28. Èf2 Ëe2 29. Ëe2 Ëe2 30.
e1rWe1q1 Êe2 Êa3 31. Íd2 a4 32. Êe5 Ìg6¤] Íe4
Yy1 1yYy 26. Ìf4 Êd8 [26... Êb6!? 27. b4 (27. Íd2 d3
28. Ëe4 Ìf2 29. Èf1 Ìe1»+; 27. Èh2 g5 28.
1 R T 1 Ìc1 d3 29. Êd3 Ëd8 30. Êc2 Íg3»+) ab4
1 1 Y 1 28. ab4 Êb4 29. Íd4 Íc3 30. Ëe7 Ëe7 31.
Ëe7 Íd1 32. Ëe8 Ìf8»+] 27. Íd2 [27. Êa1
1hY 1 1 d3 28. Ëa2 d2! 29. Ëd1 Ìf2 30. Èh2 Ìg3 31.
1h1h1 H Ìg3 Íg3 32. Ëad2 (32. Èg3 Êc7 33. Èf2
Ëe2 34. Èf1 Êg3»+) Êc7»+] Íc3 28. Ëe7
hF 1 HfH Ëe7 29. Ëe7!? [29. Êa1 Íe2 30. Èh2 d3!?
Dg1sD A (30... g5!? 31. Ìf3 Êe8»+) 31. Ìe3 Ìe3 32.
fe3 Ëe3 33. Íf1 Êd6! 34. Íe3 Êg3 35. Èh1
15. Êc2 N [15. Íd2 a5 16. a3 Ëb8 17. Êc2 N Ìe4!»+] Íd1 30. Ëb7 Ìd6 [30... Êf6 31.
(17. Íe4) b6 18. Íe4 Íe4 19. Ìe4 Ìb7= Ìd5 (31. Íe4 Ìe4 32. Ëb8 Ìf8 33. Ìe4
Betaneli 2226 — J. Colas 2387, Philadel-
g5»+) Ìg6 32. b4 ab4 33. ab4 Ìf8 34. c5
phia 2016; RR 15. Ìa3 a5 N (15... Ìg4 16. Íc3»+] 31. Ìd6 Êd6 32. c5 Êe5! 33. c6
Êd2 Ëb8Õ) 16. Ìd6 Êd6 17. Íd2 Ìg4 18. [33. Íf3 Êe8! 34. c6 Ìe4 35. Íd4 Ìg2 36.
Ìf3 Ìf3 19. Êf3 Ëe7 20. Ëe2 Ëae8 21. Èg2 Êe4 37. Íf3 Êc2»+] Êe1 34. Èh2
Ëae1= Breutigam 2380 — A. Gutov 2384, Ìf5 35. Íe4 [35. Ëb8 Èh7 36. Ëb5 Êf2 37.
Berlin (rapid) 2015] Êc7 16. Íd2? [16. Ìa3! Ëf5 Êf5?? 38. Ìe4+»; 37... Êd2»+] Ìe4
Êa5 (16... Ìa3 17. Ía3 Ìd7Õ) 17. Êc1 36. Ëb8 Èh7 37. Ìe4 Êe4 38. c7 Íf2 39.
Ìa3 18. Ía3 Ìf5 19. Ìb7 Ëab8î] Ìf5 17. Èg1 Íh3 [39... Êe1 40. Èg2 Êe2 41. Ëh8
Ëe2 [17. c5 Ìc5 18. Ëac1 Ëac8 19. Ìa3 Èg6 42. c8Ê Íg4»+] 40. Èh2 Êc2
Ìa3! 20. Êc7 Ìc1¤ 21. Êa5? b6 22. Êb4 0:1 Mi. Adams
a5»+] Ëe7 18. Ëae1 Ëae8 19. a3 a5 20.
Êb1 [20. Íe4! Íe4 21. Ìe4 Ìe4 22. de4 7. A 14
Ëe6 23. Êd3£ Å a4, Ìc1-d2] Ìc5 21. h3 G. OPARIN 2597 —
[21. Íe4 Íe4 22. Ìe4 Ìe4 23. de4 h5î] h6 IV. POPOV 2648
22. Íf3 [22. g4 Ìh7 23. Íe4 Íe4 24. Ìe4
Ìe4 25. Ëe4 Êd6 Å Êg6î] Ìh7 [22... Êd6!?
Russia 2016
Å 23. Ìc1 e4! 24. Íh4 Ìh7»+, Å 23. g4 1. Íf3 Íf6 2. g3 d5 3. Ìg2 e6 4. 0»0 Ìe7 5.
Ìh7 24. g5 Íh5 25. Ìc1 e4!»+] 23. Êd1 c4 0»0 6. b3 b6 7. Ìb2 Ìb7 8. e3 c5 9. Íc3
Êd6 24. Ìc1 Êc8!? [9... Íc6 Ñ 119/4] 10. Êe2 Ëd8 11.

Ëfc1 N [11. Ëfd1] dc4 12. bc4 Íc6 13. d3 Èf7 35. Êa8 Ëe1 36. Ëe1 Êe1 37. Èg2
Ìf8 14. Ëd1 g6 15. Íg5 Ìg7 16. Íce4 [16. Êe2=) Èf7 35. c5! Íb5 36. Êg7 Èe6 37.
f4!?] Íe4 17. Íe4 e5 18. f4 f5 19. Íc3 [19. Êh6 bc5 38. d8Ê Ëd8 39. Ëd8 Êd8 40.
Íg5 h6 a) 20. Ìd5? Ëd5 21. cd5 hg5 22. dc6 Íc5 Èd5 41. Íe4 Èe4 42. Êf4 Èd3 43.
Êc6 23. e4 gf4 24. gf4 ef4 25. Ìg7 Èg7 26. Êf1 Èe3 44. Ìc1 Èe4 45. Êe2+»] 34.
Êb2 Èh6 (26... Êf6 27. Êf6 Èf6 28. ef5 Êh8 Èf7 35. Êh7 Èe8 36. Êg8 Èe7 37.
g5¤) 27. Êe5 (27. Ëe1 Êe6¤) fe4 28. de4 Êa8+» Íc4 38. Êh8 [38. Ìg7!+»] Êd3
(28. Êf4 g5»+) Êe4 29. Êe4 Ìe4¤; b) 20. 39. Êg7 Èd6 40. Êg6 Ëe6 41. Êg5 Íb2
Íf3 Ëe8=] Íe7 [Ä 19... ef4 20. Ìd5 (20. 42. Êd8 Èc6 43. Êd3 Íd3 44. Íd4 Èd5
gf4 Íe7 21. Ìb7 Êb7=) Èh8 21. gf4 Íe7 45. Íe6 1:0 Br. Tadi
22. e4 Íd5 23. Íd5 Êd7Õ] 20. fe5 Ìg2 21.
Èg2 Ìe5 22. d4 Êb7 23. Èg1 Ìg7 24. d5 8.** A 15
Íc8! 25. e4 Ëe8 [25... Êe7 26. Ëe1 Ìd4 27.
Èg2 Êe5 28. ef5 Êe2 29. Ëe2 Íd6 30. fg6 BOLOGAN 2654 — SMIRIN 2676
hg6 31. Íb5 Íb5 32. cb5 Ìb2 33. Ëb2 Ëd5
34. a4=] 26. d6 Ìd4? [26... Êd7 27. Íb5!?
Poikovsky 2016
Ëe4 28. Êd2 Ìb2 29. Êb2 Ëb8 30. Ëd2 1. Íf3 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. b4 Ìg7 4. Ìb2 0»0
Ëe6 31. Ëad1 a6 32. Íc7 Ëd6 a) 33. Ía6 5. g3 d6 6. Ìg2 e5 7. 0»0 a5 [7... Ëe8 Ñ
Ëa8 34. Ëd6 Íd6 35. Êb6 Íc4 36. Êb3 88/9] 8. a3?! [8. b5 a) 8... c6 N 9. Íc3 h6 10.
Êe6 37. Íc5 (37. Íc7? Êe3 38. Êe3 Íe3 d3 Ìg4 (10... Íh5 11. Ëb1 f5 12. e3 Èh7
39. Ëe1 Ëc8¤) Êe3 38. Êe3 Íe3 39. Ëd3=; 13. bc6 bc6 14. Ía4 Íd7 15. c5 dc5 16. Êc2
b) 33. Íd5 Êg7 34. Êa3§] Ìa6 17. Ëfd1 Êe7 18. Ìa3î Di. Flores
2588 — G. Montoro 2001, Mar del Plata
e1t1e1q1 2016) 11. Íd2 Êc7 12. Ìa3 Íbd7 13. Ëb1¢;
Yw1 1 1y b) 8... a4 9. d3 Íbd7 10. e4 N (10. Íbd2)
Íc5 11. Íc3 h6 12. Ìa3 Ífd7 13. Ìh3 c6 14.
Y H 1y1 Ëb1Õ Rohcjek 2330 — Miesbauer 2321,
Jeskm Budsjovice 2016] e4 9. Íg5 Ëe8 10.
1 Y 1y1 d3 ed3 11. ed3 Ìg4?! N [11... Íh5! 12. Ìg7
1hRh1 1 Íg7£ ^Íg5, b4] 12. f3?! [12. Êb3] Ìf5
13. Êd2 d5 14. g4 Ìc8 15. b5 Íbd7 [Ä
1 G 1 H 15... h6 16. Íh3 Íbd7]
hF 1s1 H
D 1d1 A e1rWe1q1
27. Ëd4! cd4 28. Êd2! Êg7?! [Ä 28... Íd6 1 1 Ty1
29. Êd4 Íf7 30. Ëf1 Íe5 31. ef5 Êf7 (31...
Íf3? 32. Ëf3 Êf3 33. Íe4+») 32. fg6 Êc4 Yh1y1 G
33. gh7 Èh7 34. Íd5 Êd4 35. Ìd4¥] 29. 1h1 1h1
Íb5? [29. d7! Êd7 30. Íd5 Êd6 31. Ìd4
Ëe4 (31... Ëf8 32. Ìb2 Íe7 33. Íe7 Êe7 H 1h1h1
34. Êd5 Êf7 35. Êe5+») 32. Íf6 Èf7 33. F S 1fH
Íe4 fe4 34. c5! bc5 35. Êf2 Èe6 36. Ìc5
Êe5 37. Ëd1+»] Ëe4? [29... Íd6! 30. Íd6 Dg1 1dA
Ëe6 31. Íb5 Ëe4Õ] 30. Íd4 Êe5 [30...
Íd6!? 31. Íf5 Íf5 32. Ìg7 Èg7¥] 31. d7 16. Íc3? [Ä 16. cd5 Íc5 17. Íc3 Íb3
[31. Íf3! Êc5 32. Èh1 Íd6 33. Êc3+»] (17... h6 18. Íge4 Ífe4 19. fe4 Íb3 20. Êf4
Íd6 32. Íb3 Êe6 [32... Íc4 33. d8Ê Ëd8 Ía1 21. Ìa1§) 18. Êf4 a) 18... Ía1 19.
34. Êd8 Êe8 35. Êe8 Ëe8 36. Ìc3+»] 33. Íce4 Ìf5 (19... Ëe4?! 20. fe4¥) 20. Ìf6
Êc3 Êd7 [33... Êe7 34. Ëd1! (34. Êh8? Ìf6 21. gf5 Ëe4 22. Íe4 Ìd4 23. Èh1Õ; b)

18... h6 19. Íce4 hg5 20. Íf6 Ìf6 21. Êf6 52. Íf8 Èh6 53. Ëd7 Ìc4 54. f4+») 52. Íe5
Êf6 22. Ìf6 Ía1 23. Ëa1§] h6 17. Íh3 Èf6 53. Íd7 Èg6=] 51. Íe5 a4 52. Ëd7
dc4 18. dc4 Íe5¤ 19. Êd8 Ëd8 20. Ëad1 Ìe6 53. Ëb7 [53. c6 Ìf6! (53... bc6 54. Ëa7
[20. Íd5 Íd5 21. cd5 Íf3 22. Ìf3 Ìb2»+] Ìb3 55. Íc6¥) 54. cb7 Ìe5 55. f4 Ìb8 56.
Ìe6 21. Íd5 Íd5 22. cd5 Ëd5 23. a4 [23. Ëd8 Ìc7 57. b8Ê Ìb8 58. Ëb8 a3 59. Ëa8 a2
Ëd5 Ìd5 24. Íf4 Ìf3 25. Ìf3 Íf3 26. Ëf3 60. f5 Ìd5 61. Ëa7 Èh6 62. Èf4 f6 63. Ëa6
Ìb2»+] Ëd1 24. Ëd1 Ìb3 0:1 Èg7 64. g5 fg5 65. Èg5 Ìc4 66. Ëa7
Z. Stamenkovi
1 1 1 1
9. A 20 D 1 Q1
B. GELFAND 2734 — 1
1 1 1
E. INARKIEV 2730 1 1 1hA
Magas (m/4) 2016 1r1 1 1
1. c4 e5 2. g3 Íf6 3. Ìg2 h6 4. Íf3 [4. Íc3 1 1 1 1
Ñ 115/8] e4 5. Íd4 d5 6. d3 ed3!? N [6... y1 1 1 1
Ìb4 7. Íc3 c5 8. Íc2 Ìc3 9. bc3 dc4 10.
de4¢] 7. cd5 Ìb4 8. Íc3 Íd5 9. Êd3 0»0
1 1 1 1
10. 0»0 Íc3 11. bc3 Ìc5 12. Ëb1 c6 13. 66... Ìf7! 67. f6 Èg8 68. Èh6 a1Ê (68...
Ìf4 Ía6 14. Ëfd1 Êf6 Ìc4?? 69. f7! Èf8 70. Èg6 a1Ê 71. Ëa1
Ìf7 72. Èf6+») 69. Ëa1 Ìc4=] a3 54. f4
e1r1 Eq1 a2 55. Ëa7 Ìe7 56. Íd3 Ìf6 57. Íe5 Ìe7
Yy1 1yY 58. Íd3 Ìf6 59. Íe5 Ìe7 60. Íd3
1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadi
t1y1 W Y
1 R 1 1 10. A 21
— BAKLAN 2614
1 Hs1 H France 2016
h1 1hHfH
1. c4 e5 2. Íc3 Ìb4 3. Íd5 Ìc5 4. Íf3 c6
1d1d1 A 5. Íc3 d6 6. e3 Êe7 7. Ìe2 [7. d4 Ñ 92/(7)]
e4 8. Íd4 Íf6 9. d3 ed3!? N [9... d5] 10.
15. Êe4?! [Ä 15. e4 Ìb6 16. a4 Íc5 17. Êd3 0»0 11. 0»0 Íbd7 12. Ëd1 [12. b3
Êc4!? Ìe6 18. Íe6 Íe6 19. Ìd6! Êf2 20. Íe5 13. Êc2¢] Íe5 13. Êc2 Ëe8 14. b3
Èh1 Ëfd8 21. Ëf1 Êe3 22. e5î] Ìb6 16. [14. a3 Ìb6 15. Íf5¢; 14... Ífg4!?Õ] Íg6
Ìe5 Êe7 17. Ìf4?! [Ä 17. Íf5 Êg5 18. 15. Ía4
Íd6 Íc5 19. Êf4 Êf4 (19... Ìg4!?) 20.
Ìf4 Ëd8 21. Íc8 Ëac8=] Êe4 18. Ìe4
Ëe8 19. Ìf3 Íc5£ 20. h4 Íe4 21. Ëbc1 g5 e1r1e1q1
22. hg5 hg5 23. Ìe3 g4 24. Ìe4 Ëe4 25. Yy1 WyYy
Ëd3?! [Ä 25. c4] Ìd7 26. c4 c5 27. Íb5
Ìc6 28. Íd6 Ëe5 29. f3 Ëd8 30. Èf2 Ëh5 1yY Tt1
31. Èg2 Ìc7 [31... Èg7! 32. Ëcd1 Ëdh8 33. 1 R 1 1
Ìg1 Ìc7£] 32. Ëcd1 Èg7 33. Íb5 Ëd3 34.
Ëd3= Ìb6 35. Íc3 Ìa5 36. Ìf4 gf3 37. g1hG 1 1
ef3 Ëh8 38. Íe4 Ëe8 39. Ëe3 Ëd8 40. g4 1h1 H 1
Èg6 41. Íc5 Ëd2 42. Èg3 Ëa2 43. Íd3
Ëc2 44. Ìd6 Èg7 45. c5 Ìd2 46. Ëe7 Ìg5 h1s1fHhH
47. Ëc7 a5 48. Íe5 Ìd5 49. Íd7 Ëe2 50.
Ìe5 Ëe5? [50... Èg6 51. Ìd4 Ìe3 (51... a4?
D Fd1 A
15... Ìd4?! [15... Íh4!? 16. Íc5 dc5 17. Êa5 19. Íd5î] Ìb4! 17. Ìf5 [17. Ìf2
Íf3 Ìf5Õ] 16. Ëd4 c5 17. Ëd1 Íh4 18. f3! Íc4|] Ìf5 18. ef5 Íc4 [18... Ëd7? 19.
Íf5 19. Ëd3 [19. e4!? Íd4 20. Êd2¢] b6 Êb3] 19. Êd3
20. Íc3 Ìa6? [20... Ìb7!|]
e1 W 1q1
e1 1e1q1 1y1 1eYy
Y 1 WyYy 1y1 1 1
rY Y T 1 Y 1 1h1
1 Y 1t1 RtF H 1
1h1 1 1 1 Gs1 H
1hGdHh1 hH 1 1 H
h1s1f1hH 1d1 1dA
D F 1 A
19... c5?! [19... b5! 20. Ëfd1 Ëd7 a) 21. f6
21. g4! Íh4 22. e4¥ d5?! [22... Íd7 23. Íb2! 22. Ëb2 Ëd4 23. Êd4 Êd4 24. Ëd4
Íd5 Êd8 24. Ìb2¥] 23. Ìg5 [23. ed5¥] Ìc3 25. Ëbd2 Ìd4 26. Ëd4 gf6 27. Ëd6 c5
de4? [23... dc4 24. bc4 Íg6 25. Íd5¥] 24. 28. Ëc6 c4 29. a4 b4 30. Ëc4 Ëd8!¤ Å 31.
Ëe3! Êe5 [24... Íg6 25. Íe4+»] 25. Ìh4 Ëc5 Ëd2 32. Ëb5 (32. Ëa5? b3 33. Ëb5
Êf4 26. Êc1 1:0 Dembo b2»+) Ëa2»+; b) 21. Êe4!? Íb2 22. Êe6
Ëf7 (22... Èh8 23. Ìg7!+») 23. Ëd2 Íc4
11. A 29 24. Ëdd1 Êd7 25. Íe4 Ëe8 26. Íg5! Êe6
27. Íe6 g6 28. fg6 hg6 29. Íg5 Ëd7£] 20.
A. GIRI 2769 — ARONIAN 2792 Êc4 Êd4 21. Êd4 cd4 22. Íe4 Ëe8 23.
Saint Louis 2016 a3!? [23. Íf2 Ëf5 24. Íd3 Ìd2= Å Ìe3]
Ëe4 24. ab4 ab4 25. Ëbe1= Ëe1 26. Ëe1
1. c4 Íf6 2. Íc3 e5 3. Íf3 Íc6 4. g3 d5 5. Ëf5 27. Ëd1 Ëc5 28. Ëd4 Ëc1 29. Èg2 Ëc2
cd5 Íd5 6. Ìg2 Íb6 7. 0»0 Ìe7 8. Ëb1 a5 30. Èh3 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadi
9. d3 0»0 10. Ìe3 Ìe6 11. d4!? [11. Ìb6 Ñ
99/(14)] ed4 12. Íd4 Íd4 13. Ìd4 c6 14. f4
f5 15. e4!
12.* A 29
W. SO 2771 —
e1 W Eq1 V. TOPALOV 2761
1y1 R Yy Saint Louis 2016
Ty1r1 1 1. c4 e5 2. g3 Íf6 3. Ìg2 d5 4. cd5 Íd5 5.
Y 1 1y1 Íc3 Íb6 6. Íf3 Íc6 7. 0»0 Ìe7 8. d3
1 FhH 1 0»0 9. a3 Ìe6 10. Ìe3 Íd5 [10... Êd7 11.
b4 f6 12. Íe4 Íd5Õ Ñ 128/14] 11. Íd5
1 G 1 H Ìd5 12. Êa4 [12. Ëc1 Ìd6 13. Êa4 Êe8
hH 1 1fH N (13... a6) 14. Ëfe1 Íe7 15. Êe8 Ëfe8
16. Ìc5 Íc6 17. b4 a6 18. Íd2 Ìg2 19.
1d1s1dA Èg2¢ W. So 2778 — D. Navara 2751,
Praha (m/2) 2015] Ëe8 [12... a6; 12... f5;
15... Ëf7 N [15... fe4] 16. Ìh3?! [16. Ìf2! 12... Ìf6] 13. Ëac1 a6 14. Íd2 [14. Ëc3 Ñ
Íc4 (16... Êd1 17. Ëfd1 Íc4 18. e5¢) 17. 120/13] Ìg2 15. Èg2 Íd4 16. Ìd4 ed4
Êc2 a4 (17... Êd2 18. Êb3!¥) 18. Ëfd1 17. Êb3 Ëb8 18. e4!

E We1q1 Íd2 15. Êd2 Íc4 16. Êc1 Íb2 17. Êb2
1yY RyYy
y1 1 1 1 E W Eq1
1 1 1 1 1yY R Yy
1 Yh1 1 1 1rY 1
Hs1h1 H Yh1 Y 1
H G HaH 1 1 1 1
1 D 1d1 H Gh1 H
S 1hHfH
18... de3 N [18... c5?!] 19. fe3 Ëf8 20. Íe4 1d1 1dA
Êd7 21. Ëf3 Ëbd8 22. d4 [22. Êb7?! Êd3Õ]
c6 23. Ëcf1 Êd5 24. Êc2 [24. Êd5 Ëd5=]
18. e3 N [18. Ëfc1; 18. Íe4; 18. a4 Ñ 36/37]
g6 25. g4 Ëde8 26. h3 Ìd8 27. Íc3 Êe6 28.
f5 [18... Êd3 19. Ìd5 Ìd5 20. Ëfd1 Êf5
Ía4 b6 29. Ëc1 c5 30. dc5 b5 31. Íc3 Êc6 21. Íd5§] 19. Ía4 Ìd6 20. b6 [20. Ëfc1
32. Êd2 Êe7£] c6 21. d4 Êe7 22. Íc5 [22. de5?!
Ìa3 23. Êc2 Ìb4£] ed4 23. Íe6 Êe6 24.
ReEq1 ed4 f4= 25. d5 cd5 26. Êb3 Èh8 27. Ìd5
1 1 1y1y Êf6 28. Êb5 Ìa3 29. Êa5 Ìb2 30. Ìf3
Ëa8 31. Êd5 1/2 : 1/2 A. olovi
y1w1 1y1
1yH 1 1 14. A 30
1 1 1h1 SR. CVETKOVIK 2323
H G Hd1h — V. YEMELIN 2574
H S 1a1 Arad 2015
1 D 1 1 1. c4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. b3 e5 [3... Íf6 Ñ
47/2] 4. d3? [4. Íc3]
32... Ëe5?? [32... Êc5 33. Íd5 Êa7 34. Ëc6
Êb7=] 33. b4 Ìg5 34. Ëd1 Ìe3 [34... Ëe3 e1rWqRtE
35. Êd5¥] 35. Êd7 Êa8 36. Íd5 Ìg5 37. Yy1y1yYy
c6 Ìh4 38. Ëd2 [38. c7 Ëe2 39. Èg1 Ëc2
40. Ëdf1+»] Ëe1 39. Ëc2 Èg7 40. Íb6 1t1 1 1
Êb8 41. Êd4 1:0 A. olovi 1 Y Y 1
13. A 29 1h1 1 1
SVIDLER 2751 — W. SO 2771
Saint Louis 2016
h1 1hHhH
1. c4 e5 2. g3 Íf6 3. Ìg2 d5 4. cd5 Íd5 5.
Íf3 Íc6 6. 0»0 Íb6 7. Íc3 Ìe7 8. a3 0»0 4... e4! [4... g6!?] 5. de4 [5. Íg5 Êf6 6. d4
9. b4 Ìe6 10. d3 a5 [10... Íd4; 10... f6] 11. (6. Íe4 Êa1 7. Íec3 Ìe7 8. Êd2 Ìf6»+)
b5 Íd4 12. Ìb2 Íb3 [12... f6 13. Íd4 ed4 cd4 7. Íe4 Êe5¤] Êf6 6. e5 Íe5 7. Êc2
14. Íb1 Ìd5 15. Íd2¢] 13. Ëb1 f6 14. Íd2 Íf3 8. gf3 [8. ef3 Êa1 9. Íc3 Ìe7!? 10.

Èe2 d5 11. Ìb2 Ìf5 12. Êd2 Ìg5 13. Ìa1 1 E Eq1
Ìd2»+] Êa1 9. Íc3 g6? N [9... d5!
e1r1qRtE Yt1 Ty1
Yy1 1yYy
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 Yy1 1 1 1 1 S
1h1 1 1 1hG HgH
1hG 1h1 hF 1 HfH
h1s1hH H
W F Af1d 1 1d1dA
14... Êc8! 15. Íb5 a6?! [15... Ëd1 16. Ëd1
a) 10. cd5 c4 11. Èd2 Ìb4 12. Ìb2 Êa2»+; a6 17. Íc3 (17. Íd6 Êd8»+) Ëd8=] 16.
b) 10. Èd2 d4 11. Ìb2 (11. Íd5 Ìd6 12. Íbd4?! [16. Íd6!
Ìg2 d3»+) Ìf5 (11... dc3 12. Ìc3 Êc3 13.
Êc3 Ìe6¤) 12. Ìa1 Ìc2 13. Íd5 Ìf5 14. 1wE Eq1
Íc7 Èd7 15. Ía8 Íf6 Å Ìe7»+; c) 10. 1r1 YyRy
Ìg2! d4! (10... dc4 11. bc4 Å 0»0¥) 11. yYtG Ty1
Íb5 d3! (11... Ìf5 12. Íc7 Èd8 13. Êd1¤) 1 1 1 1
12. Êd2 Êe5¤] 10. Èd2! Ìg7 11. Ìb2
Êb2 12. Êb2¥ Íe7 13. Êc2 0»0 14. Êe4
1 1 1 S
Íc6 15. h4 h5 16. Ìh3 d6 17. Íd5 Ìh3 18. 1h1 HgH
Ëh3 Ëae8 19. Êb1 Íe7 20. Íe7 Ëe7 21. f4 hF 1 HfH
Ëfe8 22. Ëe3 [22. e3] Ëe3 23. fe3 Ìf6 24. 1 1d1dA
Êh1 Ëe7 25. e4 Èf8 26. e3 Èe8 [Ä 26...
Èg7] 27. Èe2 Èd8 28. e5 [28. b4 cb4 29. 16... Ëd6 17. Ëd6 ed6 18. Ìf6 Íe5 19. Ìg7
c5+»] de5 29. fe5 Ìe5 30. Êd5 Èe8 31. Èg7 20. Êd4¢] Êa8 [16... Íd4 17. Ìd4
Êc5 Èf8 32. Êa7+» Èg7 [32... Ìf4 33. Êa8£] 17. Íc6 Ìc6 18. Ëd8?! [Ä 18. Ìf6
Ìf6 19. Íg5 Ìg5 20. Ìc6 Ìh4 21. Ìa8
Êd4; 33. e4] 33. Èf3 Ìf6 34. Èg3 b5 35.
Ìg3 22. hg3 Ëd1 23. Ëd1 Ëa8 24. Ëd7 Èf8
Êb6 bc4 36. bc4 Ëe4 37. a4 Ëc4 38. a5 Ëa4 25. Ëb7 b5 26. Ëb6 Èe8 27. a4£] Ëd8 19.
39. a6 Ìe5 40. Èf3 Ìb8 41. Êb2 Èh7 42. Ìf6 Ìf6 20. Êf4 Èg7¤ 21. Íe1 Ëd2 22.
Êb3 [42... Ëa6 43. Êf7] 1:0 Êb4 Ëa2 23. Êb6 Ìd5 [23... Ìg2 24. Íg2
Sr. Cvetkovi Êe4¤] 24. Êb4 Ëb2 25. Êb6 a5 26. Êb5 e6
27. Ìd5 [27. h4 h5¤] Êd5 28. Êd5 ed5 29.
15. A 30 Íf3 Ëb3 30. Ëd1 Ëb5 31. Íd4 Ëb6 32.
Íc2 [32. Ëa1 Ìd4 33. ed4 Ëa6 34. Èf1 a4
MAGHSOODLOO 2576 35. Ëa3 Èf6 36. Èe2 Èe6 37. Èd3 Èd6 38.
— JEF. XIONG 2633 Èc3 Ëc6 39. Èd3 Ëc4»+ Å Èc6-b5-b4]
Ëc6 [32... Ëb2 33. Íd4 a4 34. Ëa1 Ëb4»+]
Bhubaneswar 2016 33. Íd4 Ëa6 34. Íb5 a4 35. Íc7 Ëc6 36.
1. Íf3 Íf6 2. b3 g6 3. Ìb2 Ìg7 4. g3 b6 5. Íe8 Èf8 37. Íf6 Ëf6 38. Ëd5 [38. Èf1 a3
Ìg2 Ìb7 6. 0»0 0»0 7. c4 c5 8. e3 d5 9. cd5 39. Ëa1 Ëa6 40. Èe2 Èe7 41. Ëa2 Èe6 42.
Èd3 Èe5»+] Ëa6 39. Èf1 a3 40. Ëd1 Èe7
Êd5 10. Íc3 Êd7 11. d4 cd4 12. Êd4 [12. 41. Èe1 a2 42. Ëa1 Èd6»+ 43. Èd2 Èd5
Íd4 Ñ 91/(14)] Íc6 N [12... Êd4 13. Íd4 44. Èd3 Ëa3 45. Èd2 h5 46. h3 g5 47. g4 h4
Ìg2 14. Èg2 Ëc8 15. Ëac1 Íbd7=] 13. Êh4 48. Èd1 Èe4 49. Èe2 f6 50. f3 Èd5 51.
[13. Êd7 Íd7 14. Íd4 Ëac8 15. Ëac1=] Èd2 Èc4 52. Èc2 Ëe3 0:1
Ëad8 14. Ëad1 Z. Stamenkovi

16. A 30 1 1 1 1
Y. GONZCLEZ VIDAL 2555 1r1 1 1
— JEF. XIONG 2627 h1 1 1 1
Varadero II 2016 1hA 1 1
1. Íf3 c5 2. c4 Íf6 3. g3 b6 4. Ìg2 Ìb7 5. 1 1 Y 1
0»0 g6 6. Íc3 Ìg7 7. d4 cd4 8. Êd4 d6 9.
Ëd1 Íbd7 10. Ìe3 Ëc8 11. Ëac1 a6 12. b3 1 1 Q 1y
0»0 13. Êh4 Ëc7 14. g4 Ëc8! 15. Ìh3 b5 1 1 1 H
16. cb5 ab5!? N [16... Êa5!? Ñ 120/(15)] 17.
g5 [17. Íb5 Ëc1 18. Ëc1 Êa5 19. a4 (19. 1 1 1 1
Íc3 Ëc8î) Ìf3 20. ef3 Íd5§]
49... Ìc8! [49... Ìe4 50. b6 f3 51. b7 f2 52.
1eW Eq1 b8Ê f1Ê 53. a7¤] 50. Èb6 Ìf5! 51. Èa7 f3
52. b6 f2 53. b7 f1Ê 54. b8Ê Êf2 55. Êe5
1r1tYyRy Èd3 56. Èb7 Ìe4 57. Èc7 Êa7 0:1
Z. Stamenkovi
1 Y Ty1
1y1 1 H 17. A 30
1 1 1 S SH. HEMANT 2299 —
1hG Fg1f P. CARLSSON 2435
h1 1hH H Pardubice 2016
1 Dd1 A 1. Íf3 Íf6 2. c4 c5 3. g3 b6 4. Ìg2 Ìb7 5.
b3 e6 6. 0»0 Ìe7 7. Ìb2 0»0 8. Íc3 d6 9.
17... Ëc3! 18. Ëc3 Íd5 19. Ëcd3 [19. Ëc2 d4 cd4 10. Íd4 Ìg2 11. Èg2 a6 12. Êd3
Íc3 20. Ëdc1 Íe2 21. Ëe2 Ìf3 22. Ëec2 Êc8!? [12... Êc7= Ñ 22/80] 13. Êf3 Ëa7
Íe5§] Íc3 20. Ëc3 [20. Ë3d2 Íe2 21. Ëe2 14. Ëac1 Ëc7
Ìf3¤] Ìc3 21. Íd4 b4 22. Íf5!? [Ä 22.
Íb5 Êc8 (22... Íe5 23. a4¢) 23. f3¢] Íe5 Tw1 Eq1
[22... gf5? 23. Ìf5+»] 23. Íh6 Èg7 [23... 1 E RyYy
Èh8!?] 24. f4 Íd7 25. f5 Êc7 [Ä 25... Íe5
26. Êf2Õ] 26. f6 ef6 27. Íf5! Èh8 [27... yY YyT 1
gf5? 28. Êh6 Èg8 29. Ìf5+»] 28. Êh6 [Ä 1 1 1 1
28. Íd6 f5 29. Êc4 Êc4 30. Íc4Õ] fg5 29.
Ëd4 [29. Ìd4 Ìd4 30. Ëd4 Ëg8 31. Íd6 1hG 1 1
Êc1 32. Èf2 Íe5! 33. Íb7 Ëe8 34. Íd6 1hG 1sH
Êc5 35. Íe8 Êd4 36. Èf1 Êd1 37. Èf2
Êd4=] Ëg8 30. Íd6 Íf6! 31. Êg5 Ìd4 32. hF 1hHaH
Ìd4 Êd6 33. Êf6?! [33. Ìf6 Ëg7 34. Ìe5 1 D 1d1
Êc5 35. Èf1 Êf8 36. Êf6 h5 37. Ìe6 Èg8
38. Ìc4 Ìe4=] Êf6 34. Ìf6 Ëg7 35. Èf2 15. Íc2?! N [15. Ëfd1 Íbd7Õ] Íbd7 [15...
h5¤ 36. Èe3 Èh7 37. Ìg7 Èg7 38. Èd4 f5 b5?! 16. cb5 ab5 17. Íd4 b4 18. Ícb5
[38... g5!?] 39. Èc5 Èf6 40. Èb4 g5 41. Ìf1 Ëc5Õ] 16. Íe4 d5! 17. Íd2 b5! 18. Íe3
g4 42. e3 [42. Èc5 Èe5 43. b4 f4 44. b5 dc4 19. bc4 b4! 20. Íc2 Ëc5?! [20... a5 21.
h4»+] Èe5 43. Èc5 h4 44. b4 h3 45. Ìh3 a3 Ëd8£] 21. Íd4? [21. Íb4! Ëf5 22. Íd5!
[45. b5 g3»+] gh3 46. b5 Èe4 47. a4 Èe3 Íd5 23. cd5 Ëf3 24. Ëc8 Ëf2 25. Èf2 Ëc8
48. a5 f4 49. a6 26. de6 fe6 27. Ëc1=] Íe5 22. Êb3 Êa8

23. Èg1 Ëb8 [23... a5!£] 24. Êc2 Íeg4!? Ìe4 18. Ìb6 Êb6 19. Êe4 Ëfd8Õ; 15...
25. Í4f3 Ëfe8; b2) 15. Íd4 Íed7 (15... Ëfe8=) 16.
Ëfd1 h6 (16... Ëfe8=) 17. Ìe3 (17. Ëc2)
wE 1 1q1 Ëfe8=] Íb4 N [10... Ìe7 11. Ëd1 0»0 12.
Ìb2 d5 (12... Íb4 13. Êd2¢; 12... Êc7 13.
1 1 RyYy Ëac1=) 13. Êb1¢] 11. Êb1 h6 [11... d5?
y1 1yT 1 12. Ëd1¥; 11... b5? 12. a3¥; 11... Ìe7 12. a3
Íc6 13. Ìe3 0»0 (13... Ìc5 14. Ìf4¢)
1 E 1 1 14. Ía4 b5Õ; 14. Ëd1=; 12. Ëd1] 12. Ëd1
Yh1 1t1 [12. a3 Íc6 13. Ìe3 Ìc5 (13... Ìe7?! 14.
Ía4¥) 14. Ìf4 Ìe7=] Ìe7 [12... d5? 13.
1 1 1gH e4¥; 12... b5? 13. a3¥; 12... d6? 13. Ìa3¥]
hFsGhH H 13. Ìb2 [13. e4! 0»0 14. a3 (14. e5 Íg4!|)
Íc6 15. e5¢; 13... Ìa8¢] d6 14. a3 Íc6 15.
1 D 1dA Íd4 [15. Íe4!?] Íd4 [15... Êc7; 15... 0»0;
15... Ía5 16. Íe4 0»0] 16. Ìb7 Íb3 17.
25... Ëh5! 26. h4 [26. e4 Ìc5 27. e5 Íf2! 28. Ìc8 Êc8 18. Íe4 [18. Ëa2?! Êc4|] Íe4
Ëf2 Íg4 29. Ìd4 Ìd4 30. Íd4 Íf2 31. [18... Ía1 19. Íd6 (19. Íf6 gf6!£; 19.
Èf2 Ëh2 32. Èe3 Êg2 33. Í2f3 Êc2 34. Ìf6 gf6 20. Íd6 Ìd6 21. Ëd6=) Ìd6 20.
Ëc2 Ëc2 35. Íc2 b3 36. ab3 Ëb3 37. Èe4 Ëd6=] 19. Êe4 f5 [19... Ía1 20. Ìg7! Ëg8
Èf8¤] Ëc8 27. Ìf6?! Íf6 28. Íb3 a5! 29. 21. Ìa1¢] 20. Êf3 [20. Êd3 Ía1 21. Ìg7
Íbd4 Ëhc5 [29... Íe4¤] 30. Êa4 Ëc4 31. Ëg8 22. Ìa1¢] Ía1 21. Ìg7 Ëg8 22. Ìa1
Ëc4 Ëc4 32. Íb3 Íd5! 33. Íe5 Ëe4 34. Èd7 [22... Êc4 23. Êh5 Èd7 24. Ìf6§
Íc6 Ìf8 35. Íba5 Íc3?° [35... Ëe2»+] ^Èd7] 23. Êe3 [23. Ëb1 Êc6 24. Êh5¢]
36. Êb3 Íe2 37. Èh2 Êa6! 38. Ëd1 Íd4?
h5 [23... Êc4 24. Êb6 Ëc8=] 24. Êb6 Êc4
[38... Íc3! 39. Ëd8 g5! 40. hg5 Êf1 41. Ëd2
25. Ìe5 [25. Êb7 Èe8 26. Êf3¢ ^Èe8] Êc6
Ëe1»+] 39. Íd4 Êa5 40. Êf3?! [40. Ëd2¤]
Êd5 41. Íc2?? [41. Êd3! e5 42. Íb3 Êd3 26. Êd4 h4?! [26... Ëb8 27. Ìf6 Êe4!=] 27.
43. Ëd3 Ëe2 44. Ëd2 Ëd2 45. Íd2¤] Ëh4! Ìf6 h3 [27... hg3 a) 28. Êa7 Èc8 29. fg3 (29.
[42. Èg2 Ëh2! 43. Èh2 Êf3»+] 0:1 hg3? Ìf6 30. Êf7 Êc5 31. Èf1 Ëh8»+)
P. Carlsson Ìf6 30. Êf7 Êc5 31. Èf1 Ëh8 32. Êf6 Ëh2
33. Êe6 Èc7 34. Êe7=; b) 28. hg3¢ ^Èd7]
28. f3 Ìf6 29. Êf6 Ëe8 30. Êg7 Ëe7 31.
18. A 30 Êh6 Êc2 32. Ëe1 Êc5 33. Èf1 Êa3 34.
SR. CVETKOVIK 2293 — Êh3 [34. Ëb1!¥] d5? [34... Êb2! 35. Êh4¢
Veliko Gradi¿te 2015
1 1 1 1
1. c4 c5 2. Íf3 Íf6 3. Íc3 e6 4. g3 b6 5. 1 1qE 1
Ìg2 Ìb7 6. 0»0 a6 7. d4 cd4 8. Êd4 Íc6
9. Êd3 [9. Êf4 Ñ 114/13] Ëc8 10. b3 [10. e4 y1 1y1 1
Êc7 11. Ìf4 d6 12. Êe2 a) 12... Íe5 13.
Ëac1 a1) 13... Íc4? 14. Íb1!¥; a2) 13... 1 1y1y1
Êc4 14. Íe5 (14. Êe3 Êc5=) de5 15. Ìe5 1 1 1 1
Êe2 16. Íe2 Ìc5 17. b4 Ìe7 (17... Ìb4?!
18. Ìf6 gf6 19. e5 Ëc1 20. Ëc1 Ìg2 21. W 1 1hHs
Ëc8¥) 18. Ëc8 Ìc8 19. Ëb1 0»0 20. Ìd4¢; 1 1h1 H
a3) 13... Ífd7 14. b3 Ìe7 15. Íd4 0»0 16.
Ìe3 Íf6 17. h3 Ëfe8 18. f4 (18. Ëfd1) 1 1 Da1
Íed7 19. Èh2 Êb8=; a4) 13... Ìe7 Ñ 12...
Ìe7; b) 12... Ìe7 13. Ëac1 Íe5 14. b3 0»0 35. Êh8!¥ Ëe8 36. Êg7 Êe7 37. Êd4 Ëa8
b1) 15. Ëfd1 Íg6 16. Ìe3 Íe4 17. Íe4 [37... Ëc8 38. Êa4 Èd8 39. Êa6] 38. Ëb1+»

Èe8 [38... Ëc8 39. Êa4 Èd8 40. Êa6 Êd7 1 1 1 1
41. Ëb7] 39. Êh8 Êf8 40. Êe5 Êe7 41. Ëc1
Ëd8 42. Ëc7 1:0 Sr. Cvetkovi 1 1 1qY
1 1y1 Y
19. A 33 1 1 Hy1
R. WOJTASZEK 2733 D 1 1 H
Poikovsky 2016
1h1 1 1
e1 1 Hh1
1. Íf3 c5 2. c4 Íf6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íc6 5.
Íc3 e6 6. Ìg5 Ìe7 7. e3 0»0 8. Ìe2 d5
1 1 A 1
[8... Êa5 Ñ 96/(17)] 9. cd5 Íd5 10. Íc6
30... g5? [30... Ëa5! 31. f4 (31. Ëb7 Èg6 32.
bc6 11. Ìe7 Êe7 f4 Ëa2 33. Èf1 Ëb2) g5 32. g3 Ëa1 33. Èe2
Ëa2 34. Èe3 Ëg2 35. Èf3 Ëd2 36. Ëb7
e1r1 Eq1 Èg6=] 31. h5 Ëa5 32. Ëb7 Èg8?! [Ä 32...
Y 1 WyYy Èe8 33. b4 Ëe5 34. Èd2 Ëe4 35. b5¥] 33.
b4 Ëe5 34. Èd2 Èf8 35. Ëh7 g4 36. Èd3 f4
1y1y1 1 37. Ëh6 Ëd5 38. Èe4 Ëb5 39. Èf4 Ëb4 40.
1 1t1 1 Èg5 Ëb2 41. Ëe6 1:0 Br. Tadi

1 1 1 1 20.* A 33
1 G H 1 R. RAPPORT 2731
hH 1fHhH — D. NAVARA 2744
D 1sA 1d Praha (m/3) 2016

12. Ëc1 N [12. Êc2] Ëb8 13. Êc2 Êb4 14. 1. Íf3 c5 2. c4 Íc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 e6 5.
Íc3 Íf6 6. a3 Ìc5 7. Íb3 Ìb6!? [7... Ìe7
b3 Ëb6 [14... Êa5 15. Êd2 (15. 0»0 Íc3 Ñ 125/13] 8. Ìf4 d5!? 9. c5 Ìc7 N [9... e5!?
16. Êc3 Êa2 17. Ìc4 Êa3Õ) Íb4 16. 0»0 10. Ìg5 d4! 11. Íb5 (11. cb6 dc3 12. Êd8
Ëd8 17. Êb2 Ìa6=] 15. Êd2 Íc3 16. Ëc3 Íd8 13. bc3 ab6=) Ìc7=] 10. Ìc7 Êc7 11.
Ìa6 17. Ëc2 c5 18. Ìa6 Ëa6 19. Êb4 cb4 Íb5
20. Èe2 Ëd6 [20... Ëa3!? 21. Ëd1 a5 22.
Ëd4 g6= Å Ëb8, a4] 21. Ëd1 Ëd1 22. Èd1 e1r1q1 E
a5 23. Ëc5 Ëa8 24. e4 h6 25. h4 a4 26. Ëb5
ab3 27. ab3 Ëa2 28. Èe1 f5 29. Ëb4 Èf7
YyW 1yYy
[29... fe4!? 30. Ëe4 Ëb2 31. b4 h5! (31... 1t1yT 1
Èf7 32. h5! Èf6 33. Ëg4 e5 34. f3¥) 32. g3 1gHy1 1
Èf7 33. Èd1 Èe7 34. Ëf4 e5 35. Èc1 Ëe2
36. Ëf5 Ëe4 37. Ëh5 (37. Èd2 g6 38. Ëg5 1 1 1 1
Èf6 39. Èc3 Ëe2=) Èf6 38. b5 Ëb4 39. Hg1 1 1
Èd2 Ëb5 40. f4 Ëb2 41. Èc3 Ëe2 42. Èd3
(42. Ëe5 Ëe5 43. fe5 Èe5 44. Èd3 Èf5 45. H 1hHhH
Èe3 Èg4 46. Èf2 g5=) Ëe1 43. Ëe5 Ëe5 D 1sAf1d
44. fe5 Èe5 45. Èe3 Èf5 46. Èf3 g6 47. g4
Èf6 48. Èe3 Èe7! 49. Èd4 Èd6 50. Èe4 11... Êb8 [11... Êe5 12. Íd6 Èe7 13. Êc1
Èe6 51. Èf4 (51. Èe3 Èe7=) Èf6 52. g5 d4 14. f4!? (14. e4?! Íe4 15. f4 Êd5 16. Ìc4
Èe6 53. Èe4 Èd6=] 30. e5 Íc5! 17. Ìd5 Íd3 18. Èd2 Íc1 19. Ëac1

Èd6¤ D. Bocharov 2595 — E. Inarkiev e1rW Eq1
2677, Moscow 2016) Êe3 15. Êe3 de3 16.
g3 a5Õ] 12. Íd6 Èe7 13. Íd2 [Ä 13. e3 b6 Y 1 YyRy
14. Ìb5 Ìd7 15. Ìc6 Ìc6 16. Íd4 Ìd7 Yt1 1y1
17. b4¢] b6 14. b4 a5!| 15. b5 Ía7 16. cb6
Êd6 17. ba7 Ëa7 18. a4 [18. e3 a4£] d4 1 Y 1 G
[^e3] 19. Êb3 Ëc7 20. Íc4 Êc5 21. e3 1s1 1 1
Ëd8?! [21... de3! 22. Íe3 Ëd8 23. Ìe2 Íe4
24. Êa3 Ëd4£] 22. b6 de3!? 23. bc7 ef2 24. 1 H 1 H
Èe2 Ëd4 hH 1hHfH
1r1 1 1 D F 1dA
1 H QyYy 11... Êe8 N [11... Ìb7? 12. Íe6!¥ Ñ 32/(82);
1 1yT 1 11... Êc7] 12. Êh4 h6 13. Íf3 Èh7 14. Ìe3
[14. Íg5 Èg8=] Ìa6 15. Ëfe1 [15. Íg5!?
Y W 1 1 Èg8 16. Íe4 a) 16... Ìe2? 17. Ëfe1 Ìd3
h1gE 1 1 18. Ìh6¥; b) 16... f5? 17. Íc5! bc5 18. Êa4
Íb4 (18... Ìb7 19. Êb3+») 19. Êb3 Èh7
1s1 1 1 20. cb4¥; c) 16... Èh7 17. g4!?Õ] Ëc8 16.
1 1aYhH Ëad1 Ía5 17. Ìc1 Ìb7 18. Íg5 Èg8 19.
Ìb7 Íb7 [19... hg5 20. Êe4¢] 20. Íf3
D 1 1f1d Èh7 21. e4 Ëd8 22. Èg2= f6 23. Ëd8
Íd8 24. e5 Êc6 [24... fe5 25. Íe5 Íf7 26.
25. Êa3 [25. Ëc1 Ìa6 26. c8Ê a) 26... Ëe4? Íd3 Êc6 27. Êe4 Êe4 28. Ëe4 Ìf6 29. f4
27. Èd2 Ìc8 28. Ìd3 Ìa6 29. Êa3! (29. Ëd8=] 25. ef6 ef6 26. Êc4 Ëf7 27. h4 h5 28.
Êb6 Êb6 30. Íb6 Ëd4 31. Ëc3 e5 32. Èc2 Ìf4 [28. a4 Ìf8 29. Ìf4 Ëe7=] b5 [29.
Ëd3 33. Ëd3 e4 34. Íd5 Èd6 35. Ëd2 Íd5 Êe2 Ëd7 30. Èg1 a5 31. Êe8 a4 32. Íd2
36. Ëf2 f5§) Êa3 30. Ía3 Ëd4 31. Íb5+»; Ëd5 33. Ëe7 Êe8 34. Ëe8 Íf7=]
b) 26... Êc8 27. Èf2 Êc5 28. Êa3 Íe4 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi
(28... Ëf4 29. Èg3+») 29. Èe1 Ëc4 30.
Êc5 Ëc5 31. Ëc5 Íc5 32. Ìa6 Ía6§] 22. A 37
Ëc4 26. Êc5 Ëc5 27. Èf2 Ëc7 28. Ìd3
Ìd7 29. Ëhc1 Ëc1 30. Ëc1 Ìa4 31. Ëc5 BR. TADIK 2464 —
Ìb3 32. Ëa5 Ìd5 33. Ëa7 Èf8 34. Ìe2 g6 N. NIKJEVIK 2439
35. Ìf3 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadi Crna Gora 2016
1. Íf3 c5 2. g3 Íc6 3. Ìg2 g6 4. c4 Ìg7 5.
21. A 34 Íc3 d6 6. d3 Ìd7!? [6... e5 Ñ 105/(192)] 7.
MATLAKOV 2684 — a3 Êc8 8. h3!? [8. 0»0 Ìh3Õ] Íf6 N [8...
IG. KOVALENKO 2667 Ëb8] 9. Ëb1 Íd4!? 10. e3 [10. b4 Íf3 11.
Ìf3 Ìc6 (11... cb4 12. Ëb4 Ìc6 13. e4 b6
Poikovsky 2016 14. h4 h5 15. d4¢) 12. e4 b6Õ] Íf3 11. Êf3
Ìc6 12. e4 Íd7 [12... 0»0 13. 0»0 (13. h4
1. Íf3 Íf6 2. g3 g6 3. Ìg2 c5 4. c4 Ìg7 5. h5=) Íd7 14. Íd5 Ëe8 15. Ìg5 Ìd5 16.
Íc3 0»0 6. 0»0 d5 7. cd5 Íd5 8. Êa4!? ed5 b5Õ] 13. 0»0 Íe5 14. Êd1 Ìd7 15.
Íc6 [8... Íb6] 9. Êc4 Íc3 [9... Íb6 10. Èh2 Íc6 16. f4 Ëb8 [16... 0»0 a) 17. f5 gf5
Êc5 Ìg4 11. d3 Ëc8 12. Êg5 Ìf3 (12... 18. Êh5 fe4 19. Ëf4 ed3 20. Ëh4 Ìf5 21.
Êd7) 13. Ìf3 Íd4 14. Ìb7 Ëc3 15. bc3 Ìe4 Íd4 22. Êh7 Ìh7 23. Ìh7 Èh8 24.
Íe2 16. Èg2¥ Ñ 102/(41)] 10. dc3 b6 11. Ìf5 Èg8 (24... Ìh6 25. Ëh6 Èg7 26. Ìc8
Íg5 d2 27. Ìd2 Íf3 28. Èg2 Íd2 29. Ëh4! Íb1

30. Ëg4 Èh6 31. Ëh4 Èg5 32. Ëg4 Èf6 33. 23. A 37
Ëf4 Èe5 34. Ëe4=) 25. Ìh7 Èh8=; b) 17.
Ìe3 Êd8 18. Êd2 a5 19. f5î] E. CéRDOVA 2602
Ew1q1 E San Salvador 2016
Yy1rYyRy 1. Íf3 c5 2. c4 Íc6 3. Íc3 g6 4. g3 Ìg7 5.
1tY 1y1 Ìg2 e6 6. a3 Íge7 7. b4 d6 [7... b6 Ñ
102/(43)] 8. 0»0 0»0 9. bc5 dc5 10. Ìb2
1 Y 1 1 b6 11. d3 Ìb7 12. e3 Íf5 N [12... Êd7] 13.
1h1hH 1 Êd2 Êe7 14. Ëad1 Ëad8 15. Êc1 Ía5 16.
Íe2 Ìc6 17. Ìg7 Íg7 18. Êb2 Êb7 19.
H Gh1 Hh e4 [Ä 19. Íh4 Ìg2 20. Íg2 f6 21. Íc3
H 1 1fA Íf5=] Êe7 [Ä 19... Ìa4 20. Ëd2 Íb3î]

1dFs1d1 1 Eq1 E
17. f5!î Ìe5 [17... Íe5 18. Íd5î] 18. Íd5
Y 1 WyTy
[18. Ìf4 Ìf4 19. Ëf4 f6; 18. Ìh6!?] gf5?! Yr1y1y1
[18... b5 19. b4î] 19. Êh5 e6 20. Íc3 [20.
Íe3! Å 20... Ëg8 21. Íg4!¥] Ëg8 [20...
T Y 1 1
0»0 21. ef5 ef5 22. Ìh6ï] 21. Ìf4¥ Ìc3?! 1h1h1 1
[21... Êd8 22. ef5 ef5 23. Ëbe1ï] 22. bc3
e5 23. Êh7?! [23. Ìg5 Íe7 24. h4+»] H 1h1gH
Íe7 24. Ìh6 [Ä 24. Ìe3 Ìe6 25. Ëb2¥ S 1gHfH
Å Ëbf2] f4! 25. Ëf3?! [Ä 25. gf4 Ëg2 26.
Èg2 Ìh3 27. Èf2 a) 27... Êg4 28. Ìg5! 1 1d1dA
Êg2 (28... Ìf1 29. Ëf1 ef4 30. Ëg1+») 29.
Èe3 Ìg4 30. Ëbe1+»; b) 27... Ìf1 28. Ëf1 20. h4!? Ìa8 21. Ëfe1 Íc6 22. Êc1 Ëd7
ef4 29. Ìf4¥] Ëg3 26. Ëg3 fg3 27. Èg3 [22... f6Õ] 23. Íf4 Ëfd8 24. h5 Íd4?!
Ìe6 28. Ìg5 Èd7 29. h4 Êf8 30. Ëf1 b5?° [24... Íh5 25. Íh5 gh5 26. Êh6 Êf8 27.
[30... Êg8 31. Êg8 Ëg8 32. Èf2¢] Êh5 a) 27... Êg7 28. Ìf1 (28. e5 Êg6¤)
Ìb7Õ; b) 27... Ëd3 28. Ëd3 Ëd3 29. e5
1 W 1 Êg7 30. Íg5§] 25. Íe5 Ëc7 26. hg6 hg6
27. Íh3 Íh5 28. g4 Êf6? 29. f4¥ Íg7 30.
Y 1qTy1s Íg5! Íe8 31. Èf2! Êg7 32. Ëh1 Íf6??
1 Yr1 1 [32... f6 33. Ëh7 Êh7 34. Íh7 fe5 35.
1yY Y F
1h1h1 H r1 E 1q1
H Hh1 A Y E 1yW
1 1 1f1 Y 1yTy1
1 1 1d1 1 Y G G
31. Ìh3!+» Ìh3 [31... Èc6 32. Ìe6+»; H 1h1 1
31... Êg8 32. Ëf7+»] 32. Ëf7 Êc8 33. Èh3
Èc6 34. Èg3 bc4 [34... Íg8 35. cb5 Ëb5 36. 1 1 Af1
Ëa7+»] 35. Ëe7 cd3 36. Êf7 Êg8 37. Ëc7
Èb6 38. Ëb7 1:0 Br. Tadi
1 Sd1 1d
33. Ëh4+» Íc6 34. Íc6 Ìc6 35. e5 Ìg2 Ëc5 Èg6 39. Ëc4 Èg5 40. Ëc5 Èh4 41.
36. ef6 Êf6 37. Èg2 Ëd4 38. Ëdh1 Êf4 39. Èg2 Ìd2 42. Ëc7 Ìe1 43. Ëh7 Èg5 44.
Ëh8 Èg7 40. Íe6 fe6 41. Ë1h7 Èf6 42. Ëg7 Èh5 45. h3! Ëf2 46. Èg1 gh3 47. Ëh7
Êf4 Ëf4 43. Ëc7 1:0 E. C rdova Èg4 48. Ëg7=] Ëc8 36. Ëc7 Ëc7 37. Íc7
c4»+ 38. Èf1 Èg5 39. Íd5 Ìe5 40. Èe2
24. A 37 Ìh2 41. Èe3 Ìe5 42. Íb4 Ìd6 43. Íd5
Ìc5 44. Èe2 Èf5 45. Íc3 Èe5 46. Íb5
ARONIAN 2792 — Ìb4 47. Èe3 g5 48. Íc7 Ìc5 49. Èe2 c3
VACHIER�LAGRAVE 2819 0:1 Br. Tadi
Saint Louis 2016
25. A 45
1. Íf3 c5 2. c4 Íc6 3. Íc3 e5 4. g3 g6 5.
Ìg2 Ìg7 6. 0»0 Íge7 7. a3 0»0 8. b4 [8. I. BALOG 2559 —
Íe1 Ñ 125/18] d5 9. cd5 Íd5 10. Íg5?! N A. ISTRGìESCU 2582
[10. Íd5 Êd5 11. Íg5 (11. Ëb1?! cb4 12. Arad 2016
ab4 e4 13. Íe1 Êa2 14. Êc2 Ìe6!¤) Êd4
12. Ëb1Õ; 10. e4] Íc7 11. Íge4 [11. d3!? 1. d4 Íf6 2. Ìg5 e6 3. e4 h6 4. Ìf6 Êf6 5.
cb4 12. ab4 Íb4 13. Íge4§] c4!? 12. d3 Íc3 d6 6. Êd2 c6 7. 0-0-0 e5 8. Íf3 Ìe7 9.
[12. Íc5 f5 13. Ìb2Õ] cd3 13. Ìg5?! [13. Èb1 Ìg4 [9... Íd7 Ñ 48/(78)] 10. Ìe2
Êd3 Êd3 14. ed3 f5 15. Íc5 e4 16. Ìb2 b6 Ìf3 N [10... Íd7?! 11. Íe5 Ìe2 12. Íd7
17. Í5a4Õ; 14... Íe6£] f6 14. Ìe3 f5 15. Êf2 13. Íe2 Èd7 14. Êb4; 14. Êd3¥] 11.
Ìg5 Êd4 16. Ìe3 Êd8 17. Ìg5 Êd7! 18. Ìf3 Íd7 12. d5 c5 13. h4 [Ä 13. Ìg4 a6
Íc5 de2 19. Íe2 [19. Íd7 ed1Ê 20. Ëfd1
(13... 0-0-0 14. Íb5 a6 15. Ía3 Èb8 16.
Ëf7 21. Ìc6 bc6 22. Íc5 a5¤] Êd1 20.
Ëfd1 f4 [20... e4! 21. Ëac1 (21. Ëab1 Íb5¤) Íc4¢) 14. g3 Ìd8 15. f4 Ìa5 16. Ìd7 Èd7
Ìb2¤] 21. gf4?! [21. Íc3 h6 22. Ìc6 bc6 17. Ëhf1 Ëhf8 18. Êd3¢] Ìd8 14. Íe2 h5!
23. Ìe7 Ëe8 24. Ìd6 Íe6¤] h6 22. b5 Íb5 15. c4 g6 16. Ëdg1 a6 17. Êd3 Ìa5 18. Ëh3
23. Ëab1 Ía3 24. Ëb3 hg5 25. Ëa3 ef4 26. 0-0-0= 19. Íg3 Èb8 20. Íf1 Èa7 [20...
Ìd5 Èh7 27. Íe4 Èh6 28. Íd6 Ìf6 29. Êf4 21. Íe3 Íf6 22. Ëhh1 Íg4 23. Ìg4
Ìc6 bc6 30. Íc8 Ëac8 [30... Ëfc8 31. Ëd7 hg4=] 21. Êc2 Êe7 22. Ìe2 Ëdf8 23. Íe3
Èh5! 32. h3 (32. Èg2 Èg4 33. h3 Èf5»+) Íf6 24. Ëgh1 Êd7 25. Ë3h2 Íg8 26. g4
Èh6!»+] 31. Ëd7! [31. Ëa7 Ëfd8»+] g4 hg4 27. Ìg4
[31... Èh5 32. h3 Èh6 33. Ëaa7 Ëh8 34.
Èg2£] 32. Íf4 Ëcd8 33. Ëaa7 Ëd7 34. 1 1 EtE
Ëd7 c5
1 1 E 1 y1 Y 1y1
1 1d1 1 R YhY 1
1 1 RyQ 1h1h1fH
1 Y 1 1 1 1 G 1
1 1 Gy1 hHs1 H D
1 1 1 1 1a1 1 1d
1 1 H H 27... f5! 28. ef5 Íh6 29. Ìh3 gf5 30. Ëg2
1 1 1 A Êf7 31. Ëhg1 Ëhg8 32. Êd1?! [32. Ëg8
Ëg8 33. Ëg8 Êg8 34. Íf5 Íf5 35. Êf5
35. Íe6? [35. Ëd6! Ìe5 (35... c4 36. Ëc6 c3 Êg1 36. Èc2 Êe1 37. Ìg4 Êd2 38. Èb1
37. Íe2=) 36. Ëg6 Èh7 37. Ëg5! Ìf4 38. Êd4 39. Ìe2 Êh4 40. a3=] Ëg2 33. Ëg2 e4

34. h5 f4 35. Íc2 Êe7 36. Ìe6 Êh4 37. eT 1q1 E
Y 1y1yYy
1 1 E 1 W 1y1 1
Qy1 1 1 1y1 1 1
y1 Yf1 T 1 H 1 1
R Yh1 1h 1 1 1 H
1h1yY W hH GhHaH
1 1 1 1 D 1s1d1
hHg1 Hd1
14. d5! 0»0 [14... ed5?! 15. Íf3 Íc6 (15...
1a1 1 S Êe6 16. Íd4¥) 16. Êd5¥] 15. Íf3 Ía6 16.
Êd4¢ Ëfc8 17. Ëac1 h6 [17... Êd4 18. Íd4
37... e3 [37... Êh5! 38. Ëh2 Êe2 39. Ëh6 e3 b4 19. de6 fe6 20. f4¢] 18. Ëfd1 Êd4 19.
a) 40. Ëh2 Êd3 41. Ìg4 e2 42. Ìe2 Êe2 Íd4 Ëc1 [19... b4 20. de6 a) 20... de6 21.
43. b3 Ëg8! 44. Êh1 (44. Êg8 Êd1 45. Íc6 Ëc7 22. b3 Èf8 23. Ëc2 Ëac8 24. Ëdc1
Èb2 Ìd2»+) f3 45. Èb2 Êd3»+; b) 40. (Å Íb4) Ëb7 25. e4¥; b) 20... fe6 21. f4 Èf7
fe3 fe3 41. Ëh1 (41. Íe3 Ëf2 42. Êc1 Ìd2 22. Èf3 Èe7 23. e4¢] 20. Ëc1 Ëb8 21. de6
43. Êd1 Êe3»+) b1) 41... Ëf2 42. Êd1 fe6 [21... de6 22. Èf3 Èf8 23. a3 b4 (23...
(42. Ìf5 Ëf5 43. Êe3 Êc4»+) Êc4 43. Ëb7 24. b4¥) 24. a4 Ëb7 25. Ëc6 Íc7 26.
Íe3 Êe4 44. Íc2 Ëc2 45. Êc2 Êh1¤; b2) e4¥] 22. f4 Èf7 23. e4 Èe7 24. Èf3 Èd8 25.
41... Ìd2 42. a3 (42. b3 Êd3 43. Ìg4 e2 h4 Ëb6 [25... b4 26. f5 Íc7 (26... e5 27.
44. Ìe2 Êe2 45. Êd1 Êd3»+) Ëf2 43. Íb3¥) 27. Ëc5 ef5 28. ef5¥] 26. a3 Íc7
Ìg4 Êc4»+] 38. Ëh2 [38. fe3?! fe3 39. [26... b4 27. a4 b3 28. Ëc4 Íb4 29. Èe3
Íe3 Êe4 40. Ëc2 Êd3 41. a3 Ëf3»+] ef2 Íc2 30. Íc2? bc2 31. Ëc2 Ëb3 32. Èf2
39. Êf2 [39. Ëf2 f3¤] Êg3 40. b4?! [40. a4 Ëb4=; 30. Èd3¥] 27. g4¥ b4 28. a4 b3 29.
Ìd8! 41. Êg3 fg3 42. Ëg2 Ëf1 43. Èa2 Ëc4 d5 [29... a5 30. Èe3 Ía6 31. e5¥] 30.
ed5 Íd5 [30... ed5 31. Ëc3+»] 31. a5+»
Ìh4£] Ìb4 41. Íb4 Êf2 42. Ëf2 cb4 43.
Ëa6 32. Íb3 Èe7 33. Íd4 Èd7 34. b4 Íc7
Èc2 Èb6 44. Èd3 Èc5 45. Èe4 a5 46. Èf3
35. g5 hg5 36. hg5 Íe8 37. Íb5 1:0
a4»+ 47. Ìd7 a3 48. Ìa4 Íf5 49. Èg4 Z. Arsovi
[49. Èf4 Íg7»+] Íd4 50. Ëf4 Ëg8 51.
Èh4 b3 52. Ìb3 Íb3 53. h6 Íc1 54. Ëf3
Ëa8 55. Èg5 Ía2 56. h7 Èb4 57. c5 Íc3
27.** A 48
0:1 G. Arsovi J. CORI TELLO 2601
— A. VOVK 2637
26. A 46 Escaldes 2016
A. ISTRGìESCU 2582 1. d4 Íf6 2. Íf3 g6 3. Ìf4 Ìg7 4. e3 d6 5.
— L.�C. MIRON 2495 h3 0»0 6. c3 c5 7. dc5 dc5 8. Êd8 Ëd8 9.
Arad 2016 Ìc7 Ëf8 10. Íbd2 Íc6 11. Ìb5 N [11.
Ìc4 N b6 12. 0»0 Ìb7 13. Ëfd1 Ëac8 14.
1. d4 Íf6 2. Íf3 e6 3. g3 b5 4. Ìg2 Ìb7 5. Ìh2 Ía5 15. Ìe2 Ëfd8 16. Íe5 Íd7 17.
Ìg5 c5 6. c3 cd4 7. cd4 Êa5 8. Íbd2 Íe4 Íd7 Ëd7= Zhurikhin 2334 — D. Yevseev
9. Ìf4 [9. 0»0 Ñ 46/75] Íd2 10. Ìd2 Ìb4 2526, Russia 2016; 11. Ìh2 b6 12. Ìb5
11. 0»0 Ìd2 12. Íd2 Ìg2 13. Èg2 Êb6 N Ìb7 13. 0»0 Íd7 N (13... Ëfd8 Ñ 126/28)
[13... Íc6] 14. Íc4 a6 (14... Ëfd8 15. a4¢) 15. Ëfd1!

ab5 16. Ëd7 Ía5 (16... Ìc8 17. Ëc7 bc4 Êb3 Êb6?! [10... Ía6 11. a3 (11. Êb7?!
18. Ëc6¢) 17. Ía5 Ìf3 18. gf3 Ëa5 19. Íb4£; 11. cd5 cd5 12. f4 ef3 13. Íf3 Ìd6Õ;
Ëe7 b4 20. cb4 cb4 21. Ëb1 Ëa2 22. Ëe4¢ F. 11. h4!?) Ëb8 12. cd5 cd5 13. h4 Íc7Õ] 11.
Berkes 2636 — D. Harika 2514, Zalakaros cd5 cd5
2016] Ìd7 12. Ìe2 Ëac8 13. Ìh2 Ía5
[Ä 13... Ëfd8 14. 0»0 h6 (14... Ìf5=) 15. eT 1qR E
Ëfd1 Ìe6=] 14. Íb3 Íb3 15. ab3 a6 16.
Íe5 Ìe6 17. Ìc4 Ìc4 18. Íc4 Ëfd8 19.
0»0 [19. Èe2 b5 a) 20. Íb6?! Ëc6 21. Ëa6 W 1r1 1
Íe4 22. Ëd1 (22. f3?! Ëd2 23. Èe1 Ëb2¤)
Ëd1 23. Èd1 Ìf8!£ ^Íb6; b) 20. Íd2 b4
1 1y1 H
21. c4 Ëc6 22. Ëa2¢] b5 20. Íb6 Ëc6 21. 1 Hy1 1
Ëa6 Íe4?! [21... h5 22. Ëfa1 Ëd2 23. c4 b4
24. Ëa8 Èh7 25. Ía4 Íe4 26. f3 Íg5§; 1sG H 1
26... Íd6§] 22. Ëfa1¢ Ìf6 [Ä 22... Ìf8 hH GfH H
23. f3 Íd2 24. e4 Íb3 25. Íd5! Ëcc8 26.
Ë1a3¢] D F A 1d
1 E 1q1 12. f3! Êb3 13. Íb3 ef3?! [13... f5 14. gf6
Íf6 15. fe4 Íe4 16. Íe4 de4 17. Ìd2 Íd7
1 1 Yy1y 18. Ëc1¢] 14. Ìf3 Ìb4 [14... Íb6 15. e4
Ìb4 (15... de4 16. Ìe4 Ìb3 17. ab3 Íc6
dGe1 Ry1 18. 0»0¥) 16. 0»0 de4 17. Ìe4 Ìb3 18.
1yY 1 1 ab3 Íc6 19. Ìf4¥] 15. 0»0 Ìc3 16. bc3
Íc6 17. e4¥ de4 18. Ìe4 Ìc4 19. Ìc6
1 1t1 1 [19. Ëf3 0»0 20. Íd2 Ìa6 21. Ìa3 Ëfd8
1hH H 1h 22. Ëe1¥] bc6 20. Ëe1 Ìe6 21. Ía5 Ëc8
[21... 0»0 22. Íc6 Èh8 23. Ìd2¥] 22.
H 1 HhF Íb7 Ëb8 23. Íd6 Èd8 24. Ìf4 Ëf8 25. c4
D 1 1 A Ëb4 26. a4 [26. Ëac1! c5 (26... Íb6 27.
Íb7 Èc8 28. Ìd6+») 27. Ìd2 Ëa4 28. d5
23. f3! Íd2 24. Ëa8 Ëa8 25. Ëa8 Èg7 26. Ìg4 29. Ëb1+»] h6 27. g6! Ëb2 [27... fg6
Íd5 Íb3 27. Ëa7 Ëc8 [27... e6? 28. Íc7+»] 28. Ìd2 Ëb2 29. Ìa5 Èe7 30. d5 cd5 31. cd5
28. e4 b4?! [28... Ëd8 29. Ìf4 g5 30. Ìc7 Èd6 32. de6 Íf6 33. e7 Ëe8 34. Ëad1+»]
Ëd7 31. Ëb7¥] 29. Íe7 bc3 30. bc3 Ìe7 31. 28. a5 [28. d5 cd5 29. cd5 Ìd5 30. Ëac1
Ëe7 g5 32. Ìe5 Èg6 33. Ëd7 f6 34. Ëd6 Ëg2 (30... Íb6 31. Íf7 Ìf7 32. Ìc7 Èd7
Ëf8 35. Ëc6 Íc1 36. Ìd6+» Ëd8 37. Ìe7 33. gf7 Ëf7 34. Ëed1 Èe7 35. Ìb6 ab6 36.
Ëd2 38. Ìf6 Ëc2 39. h4 Íe2 40. Èh2 gh4 Ëc7+») 31. Èf1 Íb6 32. Íf7+»] fg6
41. Ìh4 Èg7 42. Ìf6 Èf7 43. Ìe5 Íc1 44.
Ëc5 Íd3 45. Ëc7 Èe6 46. Ìg3 1:0 1 Q E 1
G. Arsovi Y 1t1 Y
28. A 54 1yGr1yY
I. IVANIêEVIK 2646 —
H 1 1 1
Zalakaros 2016 1 1 1 1
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 d6 3. Íc3 e5 4. Íf3 e4 5. E 1 1 H
Íd2 Ìf5 6. e3 c6 [6... c5 Ñ 83/46] 7. Ìe2
d5 8. g4 Ìe6 9. g5 Ífd7 N [9... Íg8] 10.
D 1 D A
29. Ìc1!+» Ëbf2 30. Ìa3 Ìh3 31. Íb7 1Eq1 1
Èc7 32. Ìf8 Ëf8 33. Ëa3 Ìg4 34. a6 Ëf4
35. d5 Íf6 36. d6 Èc8 37. Ëe7 Ìd7 38. 1 1 1y1y
Íc5 1:0 G. Arsovi 1 Yw1y1
29. A 61 1 Y 1 1t
1 1d1 1
DANIIL DUBOV 2644 1 H Th1h
Lakovica 2016 1 1 1 F
1. d4 e6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 ed5 4. cd5 d6 5. Íc3
1 S 1d1a
g6 6. Íf3 Ìg7 7. Ìf4 Íf6 8. h3 0»0 9. e3 30... Íg3!»+ 31. Èg1 [31. Ìg3 Êh3 32.
Ía6 10. Ìc4 [10. Ìe2 Ñ 111/(28)] Íc7 11. Èg1 Êg2#] Íe2 32. Èf2 Íc1 33. Ëe6 Íf1
a4 a6 12. 0»0 Ëb8 13. a5 b5 14. ab6 Ëb6 0:1 D. Pikula
15. Ëa2 Ëb4 N [15... Ëe8] 16. Íd2 [16.
Êd3 Íh5 17. Ìh2 f5Õ] Íb5 17. Êc1?! [17.
Ìh2 Íe8 18. Êc2 Íec7 19. Êd3 Ëe8Õ] 30.* A 61
Íh5 18. Ìh2 HI. NAKAMURA 2791
— F. CARUANA 2807
1rW Eq1 Saint Louis 2016
1 1 1yRy 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 c5 4. d5 d6 5. Íc3
y1 Y 1y1 ed5 6. cd5 g6 7. Ìf4 Ìg7 8. Êa4 Ìd7 9.
1tYh1 1t Êb3 b5 10. Ìd6 Êb6 11. Ìe5 0»0 12. e3
c4 13. Êd1 b4 14. Íb1 Ëc8 15. Íbd2 [15.
Ef1 1 1 Ìe2 N Ìf5 16. Íbd2 c3 17. Íc4 Êd8 18.
1 G H 1h bc3 Íbd7 19. cb4!? (19. Ìd4 bc3 20. Ìc3
Íb6! 21. Íb6 ab6 22. Ìf6 Ìf6 23. Íd4
dH G HhF Êd5 24. 0»0 Ìd4 25. Ìf3 Ìe4= 26. Ìe4
Êe4 27. ed4 Ëd8 28. Ëe1 Êd5 29. Ëe2 b5
1 S 1dA 30. Ëd2 1/2 : 1/2 Mchedlishvili 2604 —
Idani 2560, Bandar-e Anzali 2016) Íe5 20.
18... Ìh3! 19. gh3 Ìc3! 20. bc3 Êg5 21. Íce5 a) 20... Íd5 21. 0»0 Ìe4 22. Ìc4
Èh1 Ëc4 22. Íc4 Êd5 23. f3 [23. Èg1 Êc4 Ëc4 (22... Ìf3? 23. Êf3 Ìe5 24. Ìd5+»)
24. Êd2 Íc3 25. Ëa3 (25. Ëc2? Íe4¤) Íb5 23. Íc4 Ìa1 24. Êa1 Ìf3 25. gf3 Êg5 26.
26. Ëc1 (26. Ëa6? Íd4»+) Êe6 27. Ëa6 Èh1 Êf5 27. Íd2 Íb4 28. Êd4 a5 29. a3
Êh3§] Êc4 24. Ëa6? [24. Ëff2 d5 25. Ëa6 Íc6 30. Êe4¢; b) 20... Êd6 21. 0»0 Íe4
Íc3 26. Ëa5 Êh4 27. Ëg2 d4 28. ed4 cd4 22. Íc6 Íc3 23. Êe1 Ìe4 (23... Íd5 24.
(28... Íd5 29. dc5 Êh3 30. Ëa4 Êf3 31. Ícd4¢) 24. Ífd4 Íe2 25. Êe2 Ìd5 26.
Ëa3 Êe4§) 29. Êg5 Êg5 30. Ëag5 Íg7§] b5¢] Ìb5 16. a4 [16. Ëc1 Ñ 42/(84)] ba3
Íd4!¤ 25. Êa1 [25. cd4 Êa6 26. dc5 dc5¤; 17. Ëa3 Ìf8!? N [17... Íbd7] 18. Ìd4 [18.
25. Ëd6 Íf5 26. Ëdd1 Íhg3¤] Íc2 26. d6 Íbd7 19. Ìd4 Êd6Õ] Êb7 19. Ëa1 [19.
Ëa4 Êb5 27. Ëa5 Êc4?! [27... Êd3! 28. Ìf6 Ìa3 20. Íe4 (20. ba3 c3 21. Íe4 c2 22.
Êb1 Êc3 29. Ìd6 Êa5 30. Ìf8 Èf8 31. Êc1 Ìf1 23. Ëf1 Êd5 24. Íc3 Êd3 25.
Êc2 Íg3¤] 28. Ëa4 Êe6! [28... Êb5=] Êd2 Êa6 26. Ìd4 Êa3¤) Ìb4 21. Ìc3
29. Êc1 Íe3 30. Ëe4? [30. Ëe1 Êd7 31. Ìc3 22. bc3 Êb6Õ] Íd5 20. Ìe2 Íc6 21.
Ëh4 (31. Ëa1 Íf5¤) Íf5 32. Ëh5 gh5 33. 0»0 Íd4 22. Íd4 a6 23. Ìf3 Ëd8 24. Íe4
Êg5 Íg7 34. Êf6 Êd8 35. Êd6 Êd6 36. Êb6 25. Íc3 Íc3 26. bc3 Ëac8 [26... Ëab8
Ìd6 Ëc8£] 27. Êc2 h5 28. Ëfb1 Êf6Õ] 27. Êc2 Êf6

28. Ëfb1 Ëc5 29. Ìd1 Ìg7 30. Êe2 Êe7 Êb6 18. Êc4 Íb3 (18... Ëac8!?) 19. Ëad1
31. Ëb2 Êe8 32. Ëba2 h5 33. Ìa4 Ìa4 34. Ëac8 a1) 20. Êf4 Ëe5! 21. Íf3 Ëc3! 22.
Ëa4 Ìd4 35. cd4 Íe5 (22. bc3 Ëe4 23. Êg5 h6»+) de5 23.
Êe5 Ëc2£; a2) 20. Êd3 Íc5 21. Êd2 Êb4î;
1 Ew1q1 b) 17. Ëa3 Ëc8 18. Íf3 Íb3 (18... Íce4 19.
Íe4 Íe4 20. Êc2Õ) 19. Êf4 Êb6 20. g4Õ]
1 1 1y1 16. Êf4 Íc5 17. Êc4 Ëc8 18. a5 [18. Êf4
y1 1 1y1 Íh5 19. Êb4 a5 20. Êa3 Íf6 21. Ëac1
Êb6§] Íce4 [18... Ífe4! 19. Íe4 (19. Êb4
1 E 1 1y Ìc3 20. bc3 g5 21. Êd4 f6¤) Íe4 20. Êb4
d1yH 1 1 Ëc2 21. Ìe4 Ëb2 22. Êd6 Ëe4 23. Íf3
Ìf6Õ] 19. Êb4 Ëc3 [19... Íc3 20. bc3 Ëe2
1 1 H 1 21. Ëfc1 Ëc5 22. Êb7¢] 20. bc3 Íd5 21.
1 1sHhH Êb7 Ídc3 22. Èh2 g5 23. Íf3 Ìb5 24.
Êa7¥ Ìe2 [24... Êf6 25. Êb6! Êh6 26.
D 1 1 A a6¥] 25. Ëfe1 Êf6 26. Ìg5 [26. Ëe2!? Íe2
(26... Êh6 27. Ëee1+») 27. Ëe1 Êh6 28.
35... Ëd4! 36. ed4 Êe2 37. dc5= c3 38. Ëc1 Ëe2 d5 29. Êb7+»] Íg5 27. Íg5 Êg5 28.
c2 39. Ëd4 Êb5 40. Ëd2 Êc5 41. Ëdc2 a6+» Íb5
Êa3 42. h4 a5 43. g3 a4 44. Ëe1 Êb3 45.
Ëce2 Êc3 46. Ëe3 Êb2 47. Ë1e2 Êb4 48. 1
Èh2 Èg7 49. Ëf3 g5 [49... Êg4 50. Ëee3
g5 51. hg5 h4 52. gh4 Êh4 53. Èg2 Êc4=] S 1 1y1y
50. hg5 h4 51. Ëee3 hg3 52. Èg3 Èg6 53. h1 Y 1 1
Èh2 Êc4 54. Ëg3 Êf1 55. Ëef3 Êc4 56.
Ëf6 Èg7 57. Ëff3 Èg6 58. Ëf6 Èg7 59. 1t1 1 W
Ëff3 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovi 1 1 1 1
31. A 62
1 1 1 Hh
1 1rHfA
— E. CéRDOVA 2610 D 1 D 1
Moscow 2016 29. Ëe2! Ía7 [29... Ëe2 30. Êb8 Èg7 31.
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 c5 4. d5 ed5 5. cd5 Ëa4 h5 32. Ëf4 Ëe5 33. Ìf1+»] 30. Ëe8
g6 6. Íc3 d6 7. g3 Ìg7 8. Ìg2 0»0 9. 0»0 Èg7 31. Ëb1 [31. Ëa4 h5 32. Ëf4 f5 33.
Ëe8 10. Ìf4 Ìf5 [10... Ía6 Ñ 124/26] 11. Ëb4+»] Êc5 32. Ëbb8 Êf2 33. Ëh8 Íc6
Íh4 Ìc8 12. Êd2 Ía6 13. h3 N [13. Ìh6 34. Ëhg8 Èh6 35. Ëb1 [35. a7 Êa7 (35...
Ìh6 (13... Ëb8 14. Ìg7 Èg7 15. a3 b5Õ) Ía7 36. Ëb4+») 36. Ìc6+»] Íe5 36. Ëf1
14. Êh6 b5 15. Íb5 Ëe2 16. Êf4 Íe8Õ] Êb6 37. Ëf6 Íg6 38. Ëd6 Êf2 39. Ëf6 Êa2
Ìd7 [13... b5! 14. Íb5 Íe4 15. Ìe4 (15. 40. Ëf8 1:0 G. Arsovi
Êc1 Ëb8 16. a4 Íc7£) Ëe4 a) 16. Ìd6 Ëb4
(16... Ìh3 17. Ëfb1 Êd7£) 17. a4 Ëb2£; b) 32. A 84
16. Íd6 Ëd4 17. Êc1 Ìh3 18. Íf3 Ëd5 19.
Ëd1 Ëd1 20. Êd1 Ìe6Õ; c) 16. Íf3 Ëb8 IG. KOVALENKO 2667
17. a4 (17. Íg5 Ëf4! 18. Êf4 Ëb5 19. Êf7 — A. KOROBOV 2656
Èh8 20. Êf4 Èg8 21. Êf7=) Ëb6 18. Ìh6 Poikovsky 2016
(18. Èg2 Êd7 19. Ëh1 Íc7£) Ìh3? 19.
Ìg7 Èg7 20. Íg5+»; 18... Íc7§] 14. a4 1. c4 e6 2. Íc3 d5 3. d4 c6 4. e3 Íd7 5.
[14. Ìd6 Ìh3 15. Ìh3 Êd6£] c4 15. Ìh6 Êc2 [5. Íf3 f5 6. Ìd3 Íh6 7. b3 Ìd6 8.
Ìh8 [15... Íc5! 16. Ìg7 Èg7 a) 17. Êf4 Ìb2 0»0 9. 0»0Õ Ñ 116/27] a6!? [5...

Ígf6] 6. Íf3 f5!? [6... Ígf6 Ñ D 45] 7. b3 Êd3 25. f3 Êe3 26. Èf1 Ìf5 [27. Ëd1 Íg4
[7. Ìd3!?¢] Ìd6 N [7... Ígf6 8. Íg5 (8. 28. Êg3 Ëae8»+; 26... Íe4 27. Ìe1 Íe5
Ìb2 Íe4 9. Ìd3¢) Íb8 9. Ìb2¢] 8. Ìd3¢ 28. de5 Ìf3»+] 0:1 Petronijevi
Íh6 [8... Ígf6 9. 0»0 0»0 10. Ìb2¢] 9.
Ìb2 [9. 0»0!?¢] Êe7 10. h3 [10. 0»0 0»0 33. A 88
11. Íe2¢] 0»0 11. c5?! [11. 0»0 Íf7 12.
Ëfd1¢] Ìc7 12. Ía4 [12. 0»0 Íf7Õ] Íf7 BR. TADIK 2464 —
13. Íd2?! [13. 0»0 Ëb8 14. Íd2=; 13... N. SEDLAK 2537
Crna Gora 2016
e1r1 Eq1 1. Íf3 f5 2. d4 Íf6 3. g3 g6 4. Ìg2 Ìg7 5.
1yRtWtYy c4 0»0 6. 0»0 d6 7. Íc3 c6 8. Ëb1 a5 9. d5
e5 10. de6 Ìe6 11. b3 Ía6 [11... h6 Ñ
y1y1y1 1 108/(28)] 12. Ìb2 Êe7 13. Êd2 Íc5 14.
1 Hy1y1 Ëfd1 N [14. Ëbd1] Ífe4 15. Íe4 fe4 [15...
Íe4 16. Êe3 Ìb2 17. Ëb2 Êf6 18. Ëc2
g1 H 1 1 Ëad8 19. Íd4¢] 16. Ìg7 Èg7 17. Íd4
Ëf6?! [17... Ìd7 18. Íc2 Ëf6 19. f4!¢; 17...
1h1fH 1h Êf6 18. Íe6 Íe6 19. Êb2¢]
hFsG Hh1
D 1 A 1d e1 1 1 1
1y1 W Qy
13... e5!£ 14. Ìf5 e4 15. Íe4? [Ä 15. 0-0-0 1yYrEy1
Íh6 16. Ìd7 Ìd7£] de4 16. Êe4
Y T 1 1
e1r1 Eq1 1hGy1 1
1yRtWtYy 1h1 1 H
y1y1 1 1 h1 ShHfH
1 H 1f1 1d1d1 A
g1 Hs1 1
18. f4! Ìf5 [18... ef3 19. ef3 Ìd7 20. Ëe1
1h1 H 1h Êd8 21. Ëe2¢] 19. Ëbc1 Êc7 20. Íc2 [Ä
hF 1 Hh1 20. a3 Êb6 21. Êe3 Å Ëb1, b4î] Ëaf8 21.
Íe3 Èg8 22. Êd4 h5 23. Ëc3 [Ä 23. Ëb1]
D 1 A 1d Êg7 24. h4 [24. a3!? a4 25. b4 Íb3 26. Êa7
Ëe6 27. Ëc2 Ëee8 28. b5 (28. Ëd6? Ëa8 29.
16... Êg5! [16... Êe4 17. Ìe4 Íf6 18. Ìd3 Êb6 Ëa6; 28. Êa4 Íd4¤ Å Ëae8) Ëa8
Ëe8 19. 0»0 g6£] 17. Ìh7 Èh8 18. h4? [Ä (28... c5? 29. Íf5 gf5 30. e3¥ ^d6) 29. Êb6
18. Êc2 Íf6 19. Ìd3 Íd5 20. 0-0-0 Íb4¤] Êd7Õ] Ëe6 25. Íc2 Ìg4 26. Êg7 Èg7 27.
Êh6! 19. Ìg6 [19. Ìf5 Íf6 20. Êc2 Ìf5 21. Èf2 Ëa8 28. Ëd4 Ìf5 29. Ëd2 Èf7 30. Èe3
Êf5 Íd5 22. Êd3 Êf6 23. Êe2 Ëae8»+] Èe7= 31. Íd4 Ëf6 32. a3 Èd7 33. b4 [33.
Íf6 20. Êe7 [20. Êc2 Íg4»+] Ìa5 [20... Èf2=] Ía4 34. Ëc1 ab4 35. ab4 Íb6 36.
Èg8 21. Êc7 Êg6 22. 0»0 Ìf5¤] 21. Ìc3 Èf2 Ëa3 37. e3 Ëf8 38. Ìf1 [38. c5 Íd5 39.
Èg8!!»+ [21... Ìe6? 22. Êe6 Ìc3 23. Íc3 Íb5 Ëb3 40. Íd6 Ëb4 41. Ëc4 Ëc4 42.
Êg6 24. Íe2 Êg2 25. Êh3 Êe4£] 22. Ìa5 Íc4 Èc7=] Ëfa8 39. Íf5 gf5 40. Ìe2 Ëa2
Êg6 23. Íb6?! [Ä 23. Êc7 Êg2 24. 0-0-0 41. Ëcd1 Ëd2 42. Ëd2 Èe7 43. Ëb2 Ëa3 44.
Êf2 25. Ìd2 Íd5 26. Êh2 Êf3 27. Ëhf1 b5 c5 45. Ëc2 Ëa4 46. Èe1 Èf6 47. Èf2
Êe4»+] Ìg4 24. Êc7 [24. Ía8 Íd5!»+] Èe6 [47... Èg6 48. Ëd2 Íc8 49. Ëd5 Ëa2

50. Èf1 Ëa1 51. Èf2 Ëa2=] 48. Ìh5!? [48. 64. Ìd5 Èf6 65. Èe3 Èe5 66. Ìe4 Èe6
Èe1=] Ëc4 [Ä 48... Íc4 49. Ìe2 Íb6 50. 67. Èf4 (67. Ìh7 Èd5 68. Ìg8 Èe5 69.
g4 fg4 51. Ìg4 Èf6 52. h5 c4Õ] 49. Ëc4 Ìc4 Èf5=; 67. Ìb1 Èd5) Èd6 68. Ìc6
Íc4 50. g4 fg4 [50... d5 51. g5 d4 52. ed4 c4 69. Èe3 Èc5 70. Ìe8 c3 71. Èd3 Èb4
cd4 53. Ìd1 Íb2 54. Ìc2 Èf7 55. h5 Èg7 72. Èc2 Èc4 73. Ìd7 Èb4 74. Èd3 Èb3
56. h6 Èh7 57. b6 d3 (57... Èg6 58. Èe1 d3 75. Ìf5 Èb4=; c) 61. Èd1!! e2 (61... c4
59. Ìb3 e3 60. Èf1 d2 61. Èe2=) 58. Ìb3 62. f7 Íf7 63. Ìf7 c3 64. Ìg6+») 62.
d2 59. Èe2 e3 60. Ìc2 Èg6 61. h7 (61. Èd2 e3 63. Èe1 c4 64. f7 Íf7 65. Ìf7
Ìb3=) Èh7 62. Ìf5 Èg7 63. Ìc2 Èf7 64. Èh7 66. Ìc4+»] de3? [55... Íc4! 56. Ìe4
f5 Èf8 65. f6 Èf7 66. Ìb3 Èg6 67. Ìc2 de3 57. Èe2 (57. Èf3 Íd6 58. h7 Èg7 59.
Èf7=] 51. Ìg4 Èf6 52. Ìc8 Ía5 [52... b6 Ìg6 Íb5 60. f5 Íd4 61. Èe3 Íf5 62. Ìf5
53. Ìb7 d5 54. Ìd5 Íd6 55. Ìc6 Èg6=] b5=) Íd6 58. Èe3 Íb5=] 56. Èe2 Íc4
53. h5 d5 54. h6 d4? [54... Èg6 55. Ìe6
57. h7 Èg7 58. Ìg6 Íd6 59. f5 Íb5 60. f6
Íc4 56. Ìd5 Íd6 57. b6 Èh6=] 55. Ìf5?!
[55. f5! de3 56. Èe1! (56. Èe2 Íc4 57. Èh8
Ìb7 Íd6 58. Ìa6 Íf5 59. b6 Íd6 60. Èe3
Èg6 61. Èf4 Èh6 62. Èe5 c4 63. Èd6 c3 1 1 1 Q
64. b7 c2 65. b8Ê c1Ê=) b6 57. Ìe6 Íb7 1y1 1 1h
(57... c4 58. Ìd5 c3 59. Ìe4 Íb3 60. h7
Èg7 61. f6+») 58. h7 Èg7 59. Ìg8 Íd6 1 1 Hf1
60. f6 Èh8 1tY 1 1
1 1fQ 1 1y1 1
1 1 1 1h 1 1 Y 1
Y T H 1 1 1a1 1
1hY 1 1
1 1y1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 Y 1 61. f7??° [61. Èe3! Íd6 (61... Íd4 62.
1 1 1 1 Èe4 Íe6 63. Èe5 Íf8 64. Ìf5 c4 65. Èd6
1 1 A 1 c3 66. Èe7+») 62. Èf4 c4 63. Èe5 e3 64.
Èd6 e2 65. f7+»] Íd4 62. Èe3 Íe6 63.
a) 61. Èe2 Íb5 62. f7 Íd4 63. Èe3 Íe6=; Èe4 Íg5 64. Èf5 Íf7 65. Ìf7 Èh7
b) 61. f7 Íf7 62. Ìf7 Èh7 63. Èe2 Èg7 1/2 : 1/2 Br. Tadi


34. !N B 02 15. g4! (15. Ìc3 f6 16. Ìd3¥; 16. Íd5¥)

Ìg4 (15... Ìg6 16. Ìc3 f6 17. g5 Íd7 18.
PLASKETT 2445 — gf6 Íf6 19. Íd5 Èg7 20. Íc7+») 16. Ëg1
R. VAGANIAN 2577 h5 17. f3+»; 11... Íc6 12. Íg7 Èg7 13.
Radebeul 2016 Ìd3¥] 12. Èb2 Ìg4 13. Ëe1 [13. Ìc4¥]
Ìh5 14. g4 Ìg6 15. h4 f6 16. h5 Ìf7 17. g5
1. e4 Íf6 2. Íc3 d5 3. e5 d4 4. ef6 dc3 5. [17. Ëe7¥] Ëd8 18. Ìd3 fg5 19. Ìg5 Íc6
fg7 cd2 6. Êd2 [6. Ìd2 Ìg7 7. Êf3!? Ñ 20. Ìe7 Íe7 21. Ëe7 Ëac8 22. Ìf5 Èf8
18/127] Êd2 7. Ìd2 Ìg7 8. 0-0-0 Ìf5 9. 23. Ëe3 Ëb8 24. Ìh7 Èg7 25. Ìd3 Èh6
Íe2 0»0?! 10. Íg3 Ìe6?! [Ä 10... Ìg6 11. 26. Ëe7 Ëf8 27. Ëc7 Ìg8 28. Ëg1 Ëf2 29.
f4 e6 12. h4 h6 13. f5 ef5 14. Ìd3¢] Ëcg7 1:0 Plaskett

eT 1 Eq1 35. B 02
1 1r1 1 — VL. FEDOSEEV 2670
1 1 1 1 Abu Dhabi 2016
1. e4 Íf6 2. e5 Íg8!? 3. d4 d6 4. Íf3 Ìg4
1 1 1 1 [4... de5 5. Íe5 Íd7 6. Ìd3 Ígf6 7. 0»0!¢]
1 1 1 G 5. Ìe2 [5. h3 Ìh5 (5... Ìf5 Ñ 5/112) 6. e6!?
fe6 7. g4 Ìg6 8. Íg5î] de5 6. Íe5 Ìe2 7.
hHhF HhH Êe2 Êd4 8. Êb5? N [8. Íd2 Íf6 9. Ídf3
1 Ad1f1d Êc5 10. 0»0 Íbd7 11. Ìe3 Êa5 12. b4î; 8.
Íc3 e6 9. 0»0 Íf6 10. Íb5 Êd8 11. Ëd1
11. Íh5! N [11. a3] Ìb2? [11... Ìg4 12. Êc8 12. Ìf4î] Íd7 9. Íd7
Íg7 Ìd1 13. Íf5 Ìh5 14. Íe7 a) 14... Èg7
15. Ìc3 f6 (15... Èh6 16. Íf5 Èg6 17. Íe3 e1 1qRtE
f5 18. Ìd3+») 16. Íd5 Ëf7 17. Íf4¥ Å YyYgYyYy
Ìc4; b) 14... Èh8
1 1 1 1
eT 1 E Q 1s1 1 1
YyY Gy1y 1 W 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1r
1 1 1 1 hHh1 HhH
1 1 1 1 DgF A 1d
hHhF HhH
9... 0-0-0! 10. Íc3 Ëd7 11. Ìe3 a6! [11...
1 A 1f1d Êg4 12. 0»0 e6 13. Ëfd1 Ëd1 14. Ëd1 Íf6

15. Ìa7=] 12. Êb3 [12. Ìd4 ab5 13. Ìe3 e5 Ëfd8 (21... Íd7 22. Êc3 f5 23. Íe2; 21...
b4¤] Êg4 13. 0»0 e6¤ 14. a3 [14. Ëfd1 Ëd1 Ëbd8 22. Íe4+») 22. e6 fe6 23. de6 Ëf8
15. Ëd1 Íf6¤] Íf6 15. h3 Êf5 16. a4 Ìc5 (23... Íe6 24. Êf6) 24. f5î] Íd7 22. Êd2
17. Ìc5 Êc5 18. a5 Ëhd8 19. Ëa4 Ëd4 20. Êc5 23. Ëg1 [23. f5! f6 (23... c3 24. bc3
Ëa3?! [20. Êa3 Êa3 21. Ëa3 Ëb4»+] Ëb4 Êa3 25. e5 de5 26. d6 Íc8 27. Ëg1; 23... b4
21. Êa2 Ëd2»+ 22. Êb1 Ëf4 23. Êe1 Ëc2 24. Ìa4 Íf6 25. Êg5 Èg7 26. e5 de5? 27.
24. Ëb3 Êc4 25. Ëa3 Ëb2 26. Ëa4 Ëb4 27.
Êf6 Èf6 28. Íe4) 24. Ëg1 Íe5 25. fg6 hg6
Ëa2 Íe4 28. Ëa3 Ëb2 29. Íd1 Ëe2
0:1 Br. Tadi
26. Êe2ï] Èh8 24. e5

36. B 06
E 1 E Q
1 1tTy1y
MI. MARIN 2576 —
GRANDA ZæYIGA 2699 1 Y 1y1
Helsingúr 2016 1yWhH 1
1. d4 g6 2. e4 Ìg7 3. Íf3 d6 4. c3 Íd7 5.
y1y1 H 1
Ìd3 e5 6. Íbd2 [6. 0»0 Ñ 5/120] Íe7!? H 1 1 G
e1rWq1 E HfS H H
YyYtTyRy 1 1d1 Da
1 Y 1y1 24... f5!Õ [24... de5 25. fe5 Íe5 26. Íe4
Êb6 27. Êc3 f6 28. d6 Í7c6 29. f4 Íd7 30.
1 1 Y 1 Íg5î] 25. ed6 Íg8 [25... Êd6 26. Íe2 Íf6
1 Hh1 1 27. Íc3 Ëbd8 28. Ëge1 Íed5 29. Ëe5 Íc3
1 Hf1g1 30. Êd6 Íd1 31. Êc5 Íd7 32. Êb5 Íf2 33.
Èg2 Íe5 34. Êe5 Èg8 35. Èf2 Ëd2 36.
hH G HhH Èg3 Ëc2 37. Êd5 Ëf7 38. Êd8 Èg7? 39.
D FsA 1d Êd1!! Ëb2 40. Êd4; 38... Ëf8=] 26. Ëge1
Ëb6 27. Ëe6 Ëd6 28. Íe2 Ígf6 [28... Ëe6
7. Íf1!? N [7. 0»0 0»0 8. Ëe1 h6 (8... f5 9. 29. de6 Êc6 30. Êd5¥] 29. Íc3 Ëb8 [29...
Ìc4 Èh8 10. Íg5) 9. Íf1 f5 10. ef5 gf5 11. Ëe6 30. de6 Êc6 31. Èg1 Êe6 32. Íb5¢]
de5 de5 12. Ìc4 Èh7 13. Íg5! hg5 14. Êh5 30. Ëde1 Èg8? [30... Ëbb6Õ] 31. Ëd6 Êd6
Ìh6 15. Ìg5 Ëf6 16. Ìf6 Íf6 17. Êf7 32. Ëe6 Êc5 33. Ëc6 Êa7 34. Èg1 Êb7 35.
Ìg7 18. Ëe5¢] ed4! [7... 0»0 8. Íg3 h6 9. Êd4 Èf7 36. Ìd1 b4 37. ab4 Êb4 38. Ìa4
0»0 f5 10. ef5 gf5 11. de5 de5 12. Íh5¥] 8. Êb2 39. Ëc7 Ëb7 40. d6+» Ëc7 41. dc7
cd4 c5 9. d5 [9. Ìe3 0»0 10. Íg3 Êb6î] b5 Íb6 42. Ìb5 [42. c8Ê Íc8 43. Êc4 Èg7
10. Íg3 [10. a4 c4 11. Ìe2 Íc5 12. ab5 c3 44. Êc8 Êc1 45. Èg2 Êf4¥] Êa1 43. Èg2
13. bc3 Íe4|] c4 11. Ìc2 Íc5 12. 0»0 [12. Êa8 [43... Êa5 44. Ìc4 Èg7 45. Íd5+»]
h3 0»0 13. 0»0 a5Õ] Ìg4 13. Ìe3 0»0 44. f3 Êb7 45. Êb6?! [45. Ìc4 Èg7 46.
[13... Ìb2 14. Ëb1 Ìg7 (14... c3 15. Êd4¥) Êd8 Íc8 47. Íe2+»] Êb6 46. c8Ê Èg7
15. Ëb5¢] 14. Ìd4 Ìf3 15. gf3 Ìe5!? [15...
Íc8 16. f4 Êh4 17. Ìg7 Èg7 18. Êd4 f6 19. [46... Êe3 47. Êc7 Èf8 48. Êd8 Èg7 49.
Êe3 Íb6 20. Èh1 Ëae8 21. Ëad1Õ Å Ëg1] Êf6 Èf6 50. Íd5] 47. Êc4 Êd6 48. Íe2
16. Êd2 Êb6 17. Ëad1 [17. f4? Íe4!»+; 17. Íh5 49. Êd4 Êd4 50. Íd4 Íf4 51. Èf2
Ìe5 de5 18. f4 ef4 19. Êf4 f5|] a5 [17... Èf6 52. Ìc4 h6 53. Íe2 Èe5 54. Ìf7 [54.
Ìd4!? 18. Êd4 a5Õ] 18. f4 [18. Ìe5!? de5 Íf4 Èf4 55. h3 g5 56. Ìe6 h5=] g5 55.
19. f4 ef4 20. Êf4 f5?! 21. d6 fe4 22. Êe3î] Íg3 g4? [55... Íh3 56. Èg2 Íf4 57. Èf1
Ìd4 19. Êd4 a4 20. a3 Ëab8 21. Èh1 [21. g4¥] 56. fg4 fg4

11 1 1 Ëc7 Èc7 27. Ëa6 Ëc8 28. Ìa5 Èb7 29.
Ëb6 Èa7 30. Ëd6 Íc2£] Íd1 25. Ëd6 Èb7
1 1 1f1 26. Ìg7 Ëg8 27. Ìd4 Íc3 28. Ëb6 Èc8 29.
1 1 1 Y
1 1 Q 1 1q1 1e1
1 1 Ty1 1 E 1y1y
1 1 1 G yD 1 1y1
1 1 A H 1y1 F 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
57. Ìh5!+» Íh5 [57... Íd3 58. Èe3+»]
1hT 1g1
58. Íh5 Èf5 59. Èg3 [59... Èg5 60. Íf4 h5 h1h1 1hH
61. Íg2 Èf5 62. Èh4 Èe4 63. Èh5 Èf3 64.
Íe1!] 1:0 Mi. Marin 1 A 1 1
29... Ëd8! [29... Ía2 30. Èb2 Íb4 31. Ìc7
37. B 06 Èc7 32. Ëf6 Ëf8 33. Íg5=; 29... b4 30.
WEI YI 2696 — Èb2 Íd1 31. Èc1 Íc3=] 30. Èb2 [30.
M. CARLSEN 2855 Ìc7? Èc7 31. Ëa6 Ëd1 32. Èb2 b4»+]
Íd5! 31. Ìc7 Èc7 32. Ëa6 Èb7 33. Ëa3
Bilbao 2016 Íe3 34. c4 [34. g3? Íd1 35. Èc1 Íc3»+]
1. d4 g6 2. e4 Ìg7 3. Íc3 d6 4. Ìe3 a6 5. f4 bc4 35. Íe5? [35. b4! Íd5 (35... Íg2 36.
b5 6. Íf3 Íd7 7. e5 Ìb7 8. Ìd3 c5 9. Ìe4 Ëc3Õ) 36. Ëa5!Õ] Ëd2 36. Èc3 Ëc2 37.
Ìe4 [9... Êc8 10. Ìb7 Êb7 11. dc5 de5 12. Èd4 [37. Èb4 Íd5 38. Èb5 (38. Èc5 c3!
Êd5 Êd5 13. Íd5 Ëc8 14. Íb6 Íb6 15. 39. Íc6 Ëd2!»+) c3»+] Íf5 38. Èd5 [38.
cb6 Íf6 16. 0-0-0 Íg4Õ] 10. Íe4 Íh6 11. Èe4 Ëe2 39. Èf4 c3 40. b4 c2 41. Ëc3 Íd4
dc5 de5 [11... Íg4!? Ñ 104/174] 12. c6 Íf6 42. Íd3 g5! 43. Èg5 Ëe3»+] c3 39. Èc5
13. Êd8 Ëd8 14. Íf6 ef6 15. c7 Ëc8 16.
Ìb6 Èd7 17. Ìa5 Íf5 18. 0-0-0 Èc6 1 1 1 1
1e1 1 E 1q1 1y1y
1 H 1yRy 1 1 1y1
y1q1 Yy1 1 A Gt1
Fy1 Yt1 1 1 1 1
1 1 H 1 DhY 1 1
1 1 1g1 h1e1 1hH
hHh1 1hH 1 1 1 1
1 Ad1 1d 39... Íd6! [39... Ëd2? 40. Íc6 Èc8 41. Ëa7!
Íg7 42. Ëe7! Íe6 43. Èc4 Íd8 44. Ía7
19. Ëd8 N [19. Ëd3 Íd6=; 19. fe5 fe5 20. Èb8 45. Èc3=] 40. Íc6 [40. Èd6 Ëd2]
Ëhe1 f6Õ] Íd6 20. fe5 fe5 21. Ëd1 Íc4 22. Íe4 [40... Èc7!»+; 40... Ëd2?? 41. Ëa7
Ìc3 Ëc7 [22... b4 23. Ìb4 e4 24. Íd4 Èc7 Èc8 42. Èb6] 41. Èb5 Èc7 42. Ëa7 Èd6
25. Ëh8 Ìh8 26. Ìc3 Ìe5=] 23. b3 Íe3 43. Ëa4? [43. Íb4 Ëg2 (43... Ëf2 44. Ëa6
24. Ìe5 [24. Ë1d6 Èb7 25. Ë8d7 Èc8 26. Èd7 45. Ëa7 Èe6 46. Ëc7 Ëg2 47. a4 Ëh2

48. a5 Ëh5 49. Èb6 Íd6) 44. Ëf7 c2 45. Ëf1 Íe4 ed4 14. Íd4 Íe4 15. Ìe4 Íc5 16.
(45. Íc2 Ëc2 46. Ëh7 Ëa2»+) Íc3 46. Ìc2 (16. Ìf3 Ëe1 17. Êe1 Ìd4 18. cd4
Èc4 Íb1! 47. Ëc1 (47. Ëe1 Ëg4»+) Ëg4 Íb3) Íe6 (16... b6 17. Ìf4) 17. Íb5 Ìd7=
48. Èb5 Íc3 49. Èa5 Ëb4»+] f5»+ 44. Å Ìc6] Íh7 N [11... ed4!? 12. cd4 Íb8! 13.
Èb6 Ëg2 45. Ëd4 Èe6 46. a4 Ëa2 [46... Íb3 Íc6 14. Ìd2 Íb4 15. Ìb4 ab4 16. a5
Ëb2! a) 47. Èc7 Ëb3? 48. Ëe4 fe4 49. Íd4 Ìe6 17. d5 Ìd7 18. Êc4 c6 19. Êb4 cd5
Èd5 50. Íb3 e3 51. Íc1 Èe4 52. a5 Èf3=; 20. ed5 Íd5 21. Êb7 (21. Ëe8 Êe8 22.
47... Èf6»+; b) 47. b4 Ëd2! 48. a5 (48. Ëc4 Êd6 Ìc6 23. Íbd4 Êe7|) Íf4 22. Ìb5
Èd5!) Íd6»+] 47. a5 Ëb2 48. Èc7!? [48. Ëe1 23. Ëe1 Ìe6 24. Ífd4 Ëb8 25. Íe6
b4 Ëd2! (48... c2? 49. Ëc4 Èd5 50. Ëd4=; fe6! 26. Êc6 Êg5 27. a6 Ëb5 28. a7 d5 29.
48... Íd6 49. Ëd3! c2 50. Ëc3 Èf6 51. a6
a8Ê Èh7 30. g4 Íh3 31. Èf1 Êh4 32.
f4¤) 49. a6 Íd6 50. a7 Íc8 51. Èb7 Ía7
52. Èa7 Ëd4 53. Íd4 Èd5 54. Íe2 Èc4 55. Êa7ì Íf4 33. Êg7 Èg7 34. Êd7=] 12.
Íc3 Èb4 56. Íd1 Èc4»+] Íc5! 49. Ëc4 Íc4 ed4 13. cd4

1 1 1 e1rWe1q1
1 A 1 1y 1yYt1yRt
1g1q1y1 1 Y 1yY
H T 1y1 Y 1 1 1
1d1 1 1 h1gHh1 1
1hY 1 1 1 1f1g1h
E 1 1 H Hs1 Hh1
1 1 1 1 D F D A
49... Ía6! [49... Íb3?? 50. a6¥] 50. Èb6 13... d5 [Ä 13... Íb8 14. Ìe3 Íc6 15. Êd2
Ëb3! 51. Èa6 Èd5 52. Ëb4 c2»+ 53. Íe7 Íb4 16. Ìb1 d5 17. ed5 (17. Íce5!? f6 18.
Èc5 54. Ëb3 c1Ê 55. Ëb6 Êc4 56. Èb7 ed5 fe5 19. Ìg6 Ëf8 20. de5 Êd5 21. Ìh6
Êe4 57. Íc6 Êd5! 58. Èc7 Êd6 59. Èb7 Êd2 22. Ìd2Õ) Íg5 18. Íg5 (18. Ìg5
Êd7 60. Èb8 f4 0:1 Kapnisis Ëe1 19. Êe1 hg5 20. Ìe4 Íd5=) hg5 19.
d6 cd6 20. Ìg6 (20. d5 g4|) fg6 21. Ìg5
Ëe1 22. Ëe1 Êf8 23. Ìe7 Êf5 24. Íd6
38. B 07 Êd5 25. Íb5§] 14. Íce5 [14. ed5!? Ëe1
T.�M. GEORGESCU 2449 15. Íe1 Ídf6 16. d6 cd6 17. Ìf4 d5 18.
— V. NEVEDNICHII 2562 Íd6! Íg5 19. Ëc1 Íh5 20. Ìh2 Ìd7 (20...
Ìh3 21. gh3 Íh3 22. Èf1 Í3f4 23. Êc8!
Romfnia (ch) 2016 Ëc8 24. Ëc8 Êc8 25. Íc8 Ìd4 26. b3¢) 21.
Íb7 Êe7 22. Íc5 (22. Êc5 Íh3 23. gh3
1. d4 g6 2. e4 Ìg7 3. Íf3 d6 4. Ìd3 Íd7 5.
0»0 e5 6. c3 Ígf6 7. Íbd2 0»0 8. Ëe1 h6 Êg5 24. Íg2 Ìd4|) Ìh3 (22... Ìd4 23.
[8... Ëe8 9. h3 b6!? 10. a4 a6 11. Íf1 (11. Íd7 Êd7 24. Ìb5 Êa7 25. Íd3¢) 23. gh3
b4!?) Ìb7 12. d5 c6 13. c4 b5|] 9. a4 a5 (23. Êe2!? Êe2 24. Ìe2 Ìc8 25. Íc2 Íe6
[9... Ëe8 10. a5 a6 11. d5 c6 12. c4 c5 13. 26. Ìf3 Íf6 27. Ìe5 Íg5 28. b4¢) Ìd4 24.
Íb1 Íh5 14. g3¢] 10. h3 [10. Ìc2 Ëe8 11. Èf1 Íh3 25. Íf3 Ìf2 26. Ìg6 fg6 27. Êg6
Íf1 b6 12. d5 Ìb7 13. b4 Ëc8 14. b5 Íc5 Íg7 28. Íd7! Ìd4 (28... Êd7? 29. Ëc7+»)
15. Íg3 Êe7Õ] Ëe8 11. Êc2 [11. Íf1 d5!? 29. Ìe5 Ìe5 30. Ífe5 Ëf8ì 31. Íf8 Êf8
a) 12. de5 Íe4 (12... Íe5 13. Íe5 Ëe5 14. 32. Èe1¢] Íe5 15. de5 Ìe6 [15... d4!? 16.
f4 Ëe8 15. e5 Íd7 16. e6î) 13. Ìf4 Ídc5 Ëd1 b6 17. Ìb5 c5 18. Ìe8 Êe8§] 16.
14. Ìc2 b6| Ñ 102/(78); b) 12. Íg3 de4 13. Ëd1¢

e1 We1q1 f5 [Ä 46. h5 gh5 47. Êf5 Èg7 48. Êg5 Èf8
49. f5+»] gf5 47. Êf5 Èg7 48. Êf6 Èg8 49.
1yY 1yRt Êg5 Èh7 50. Êf5 Èg7 51. h5 Ë7a6 52.
Êg5 Èh7 53. Êe7 Ëa7 54. Êf8 Ëa1 55. f4
1 1r1yY Ëg1 56. Èf3 Ëh1 57. Èg4 Ëg1 58. Èf5 Ëg7
Y 1yH 1 [Ä 58... Ëg8¥] 59. Êc8 [59. Êd6 Ëg8 60.
Èf6+»] Ëe7 60. Èe4 Ëg1? [Ä 60... Ëc7]
h1 1h1 1 61. Êc5! Ëe1 62. Èf5 Ëb7 63. Èf6 Ëeb1
1 1f1g1h 64. f5+» Èg8 65. Êe3 Ë1b6 66. e6 fe6 67.
fe6 Ëf7 68. Èe5 Ëfb7 69. Êg5 Èh7 70. Èf6
Hs1 Hh1 Èh8 71. Êh6 Èg8 72. Êg6 Èf8 73. Êh6
D Fd1 A Èg8 74. Êg5 Èh7 75. Êd5 Èg8 76. Êd3
Èh8 77. h6 Èg8 78. Êg6 Èh8 79. Êc2
16... Íg5 [Ä 16... de4 17. Ìe4 Êc8 18. Ìf4 Èg8 80. Êc8 Èh7 81. Êd8 Ëb5 82. Êd3
c6 19. Ëd6 Êc7 20. Ëad1 Ëad8 21. Íd4 Èg8 83. h7 Èh8 84. Êg6 Ëf7 85. Êf7 Ëf5
Íf8 22. Êd2 Êb6 23. Ìe3 Ëd6 24. ed6 86. Èe7 1:0 Va. Stoica
Êd8 25. Íe6 (25. Ìf3!? Êd6 26. Êa5 Êe7
27. b4¢ Å b5) Ëe6 26. Ìf3 Ìe5 27. d7 Ëe7 39. B 09
(27... Ëd6 28. Êd6 Ìd6 29. Ëd6 Íd7 30.
Ìg4 f5 31. Ëg6 Èf7 32. Ìf5¥) 28. Ìb6 I. IVANIêEVIK 2646 —
Êd7 29. Êh6¢] 17. Ìg5 hg5 18. ed5 Ìd5 V. ONISCHUK 2628
[18... Êd5 19. Ìb5 Êb3 20. Êb3 Ìb3 21. Zalakaros 2016
Ìe8 Ìd1 22. Ìf7 Èf7 23. Ëd1¥]
1. d4 d6 2. e4 Íf6 3. Íc3 g6 4. f4 Ìg7 5.
e1 We1q1 Íf3 0»0 6. e5 de5 7. fe5 Ífd7 [7... Íd5 Ñ
26/189] 8. h4 c5 9. h5 cd4 10. hg6
1yY 1yR
1 1 1y1 eTrW Eq1
Y 1rH Y Yy1tYyRy
h1 1 1 1 1 1 1h1
1 1f1g1h 1 1 H 1
Hs1 Hh1 1 Y 1 1
D 1d1 A 1 G 1g1
hHh1 1h1
19. Ìc4¥ c6 20. Ìd5 cd5 21. Êc5 g4 [21...
b6 22. Êb5 g4 23. Ëd5 Êc8 24. hg4 Êg4 D FsAf1d
25. Êb6¥] 22. Ëd5 gf3 [22... Êc8 23. Êc8
Ëac8 24. hg4 Ëc2 25. b3 b6 26. Ëad1+»] 10... dc3? N [10... hg6? 11. Êd4 Íe5 12. Êh4
23. Ëd8 Ëad8 24. Ëe1 Ëd2 25. Êb5 Ëe6 26. Íf3 13. gf3 f5 14. Êh7 Èf7 15. Ëh6+»; 10...
gf3+» b6 27. Ëe4 Ìf8 28. Ëc4!? [28. Èg2 Íe5 11. Íe5 hg6 12. Íf7 Ëf7 (12... Èf7 13.
Ìc5 29. Ëe2 Ëd4 30. Êb3 Èg7 31. Êc2 Íe4 Íc6 14. Ìc4 Èe8Õ) 13. Ìc4 e6 14.
Ëf4 32. Ëe4 Ëf5 33. Êe2+»] Ìc5 29. Ëc5 Íe4 Íc6Õ] 11. gf7 Ëf7 12. Ìc4 e6? [Ä
bc5 30. Êc5 Ëb2 31. Êa5 Èg7 [Ä 31... 12... Êb6 13. Ìf7 Èf7 14. Êd5 e6 15. Íg5
Ëbb6 32. f4 Ëa6] 32. f4 Ëc6 33. Èg2 Ëa2 (15. Êc4!? cb2 16. Ìb2 Êb2 17. Íg5+»;
34. Êd5 Ëcc2 35. Êd4 Ëd2 36. Êa7+» 15... Ía6Õ) Èe7 16. Íe6 Êe6 17. Ìg5
Èg8 37. Êa8 Èg7 38. Êa7 Èg8 39. h4 Íf6 18. Ìf6 Ìf6 19. Ëh7 Èf8 20. Êe6
Ëdb2 40. a5 Ëb4 41. Èg3 Ëa3 42. f3 Ëba4 Ìe6 21. ef6 cb2 22. Ëb1 Íd7 23. Ëb2 Íf6
43. Êe7 Ëa5 44. Êd8 Èh7 45. Êf6 Ëa7 46. 24. Ëhb7¢] 13. Ìe6 Êe8 14. Ìf7 Êf7 15.

Íg5 cb2 [15... Êc4 16. b3 Êc5 17. Ìf4¥] 24. Êc4 Ífd3 25. Ìc2 [25. Íe1 Ëc8¤] e4
16. Ìb2+» Êc4 17. Êh5 Íf8 26. Ìd3? [26. Íe1 Ëc8 27. Íd3 Íd3¤]
Íd3 27. Êe4 Ëe8 28. Êa4
eTr1 Tq1
Yy1 1 Ry E
1 1 1 1 Y 1 1yRy
1 1 H Gs 1 1 1y1
1w1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 s1 1 1 1
hFh1 1h1 H 1t1gH
D 1 A 1d H H H H
D F 1dA
18. Ëh4! Êc7 19. Íh7 Êa5 20. Èf1 Íbd7
21. Íf6 Ìf6 22. Ëg4 1:0 28... Êd5! 29. Íh4 Íf2! [30. Èf2 Ìd4»+;
Z. Stamenkovi 30. Ëf2 Ëe1 31. Ëf1 Ìd4»+] 0:1
40. B 10
LAGNO 2529 — 41. !N B 12
P. CARLSSON 2435 —
Russia 2016 H]FELSAUER 2342
1. c4 c6 2. e4 d5 3. ed5 cd5 4. cd5 Íf6 5. Praha 2016
Íc3 Íd5 6. Íf3 Íc6 7. Ìb5 g6 [7... e6 Ñ
88/63] 8. Êa4 Êd6 9. Íe4 Êe6 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. dc5 Íc6 5. a3!?
[5. Ìb5 Ñ 107/(36); 5. Íf3 Ñ 114/39] Íe5
e1r1qR E 6. b4 Íf6 [6... a5? 7. Ìb2 Íc6 (7... Íg6 8.
Íc3 e6 9. Ía4! Ìd7 10. Íb6 Ëb8 11. Íf3
Yy1 Yy1y Íf6 12. h4! h5 13. Ìd3 Íf4 14. Ìe5 Íd3
1t1w1y1 15. Êd3+») 8. b5! Ía7 9. b6 Íc6 10. Íc3!
e6 11. Íb5 Ìc5 12. Ìg7 Êb6 13. Íh3 e5
1f1t1 1 14. Ëb1!+»] 7. Ìb2 Íg6?! [7... Íc6 8.
s1 1g1 1 Íf3¢] 8. Íf3 e6
1 1 1g1 e1rWqR E
hH H HhH Yy1 1yYy
D F A 1d 1 1yTt1
10. Ífg5!? N [10. 0»0] Êd7 11. Íc5 Êc7 1 Hy1 1
[11... Êd6 12. Íge4 Êc7 13. Êd4¥] 12. H 1 1 1
0»0?! [12. Êd4 Íf6 13. Êc4Õ] Ìg7 13.
Ìc4 Êd8 14. Íb7 Ìb7 15. Êb5 0»0 16. H 1 1g1
Êb7 [16. Ìd5 Êc7§] Ídb4§ 17. Êb5 Fh1 HhH
Ëb8 18. Êa4 Íe5 19. Ìe2? [19. d3 h6£]
Íed3 20. Íf3 [20. a3 Íf4 21. Ìc4 Íbd3¤] Dg1sAf1d
e5 21. a3 Íf4 22. Ìd1 [22. Ìc4 Íbd3¤]
Íbd3 23. g3 Íc5 [23... e4! 24. Êe4 Ëe8 25. 9. h4! N [^Íg6] h5 [9... h6 10. c4 Ìe7 11.
Êa4 (25. Êc4 Ëc8) Íe2 26. Ìe2 Ëe2»+] h5 Íf8 12. Íc3¥; 9... Ìe7 10. h5 Íf8 11.

c4¥] 10. Ìd3! Íf4 11. Ìb5! Ìd7 12. Ìd7 f5 15. Èh1¢; 11... a6 12. Íc3¢) 12. h3 Ìf3
Êd7? [12... Íd7 13. g3 Íg6 14. c4! dc4 15. 13. Ìf3 g6 14. cd5 cd5 15. Ìg4¢] Êc7 [8...
Íbd2 b5 16. Íe4!ï] 13. Íe5 Êc7 [13... Êa5 9. c3 Êc7 10. b3 h6 11. Íh4 Ìh7 12.
Íg2?? 14. Èf1 Êc7 15. Èg2+»] 14. g3! f4¢; 8... Êd8 9. b3 Íg6 10. Íe1!? h5 11.
Íg6 15. Íg6 fg6 16. Êe2¥ [^g6, e6] Èf7 c3¢ Å Íc2-e3] 9. b3 [9. Ìe3 Ìg4 (Å Íf5;
[16... 0-0-0? 17. Êe6 Ëd7 18. 0»0+»; 16... 9... f6!? 10. ef6 gf6 11. Íh4 0-0-0 12. b4
Íe4? 17. Íc3! Êc6 (17... Íc3 18. Êe6 Êe7 Èb8 13. Íc5 Íc5 14. bc5 e5Õ) 10. Íh4
19. Êe7 Ìe7 20. Ìc3+») 18. Íe4 de4 19. Ìe2 11. Êe2 Íg6 12. Êh5 Íh4 13. Êh4
0-0-0¥] 17. Íd2 Ìe7 18. 0-0-0! Ëae8 19. h5!? 14. b3 c5 15. Íc5 Íc5 16. dc5 Ìc5 17.
Ëhe1 Ìd8 [19... Êd7 20. Íf3 Íg4 21. Êa4 Èf8 18. Ëad1 h4 19. c4 Ìe3 20. fe3
Íg5! Ìg5 22. hg5+»] 20. Íf3 Íg4 [20... h3|] Íc8!? [9... f6 10. ef6 gf6 11. Íh4
Íd7 21. Íd4 Íf8 22. Íb5 Êd7 23. Íd6 0-0-0 12. c4 dc4 13. bc4 Íe5 14. Íc5 Í7g6
Èg8 24. Íe8 Êe8 25. Ëd5+»] 15. Íf5 Ìc5 16. Êc2 Ìd4 17. Íd4 Ëd4 18.
f4 Íd7 19. g3 (19. Ìe3 Ëf4 20. Ìf4 Íf4 21.
1 Re1 E Êe4 Íe2 22. Êe2 Ëe8Õ) c5 20. Ìf3§; 9...
YyW 1qY Ìg4 10. c4 Íb6 (10... Íg6 Ñ 73/148) 11.
Íb6 ab6 12. h3 Ìf3 13. Ìf3 Ëd8 14. Ëe1
1 1y1y1 Ëd7 (14... Íg6 15. cd5 cd5 16. Ìe2¥; 14...
1 Hy1 1y Êd7 15. Ëe2¢) 15. a4 g6 16. Ìa3 Ìg7 17.
Ëc1 Êd8 18. c5¢; 9... Íg6!? 10. Íg5!? Íe7
H 1 1tH 11. f4 h6 12. Íf3 b5 13. Íb2 Ìe4 14. c3
Ëb8 15. Ìd3 c5! 16. Êe2 Êb7 17. Ëe1 Ìd3
H 1 1gH 18. Íd3 c4 19. Íf2 g6 20. Ëb1 Êa6 21.
Fh1sH 1 Íg4 Ìg7 Å h5Õ] 10. c4 Ìe7 N [10... Ícb6
11. Íc3 Ìe7 12. Ìf4¢]
1 AdD 1
21. Íg5! [^Íg4] Ìg5 22. hg5 Êe7 23.
e1t1q1 E
Êd2 Íh2 [23... d4 24. Ìd4 Ëd8 25. f3 e5 YyWtRyYy
26. fg4 Ëd4 27. Êf2 Èg8 28. Êd4 Êg5 29. 1y1y1 1
Êe3+»] 24. Ëh1 [24... Íf3 25. Êf4+»]
1:0 P. Carlsson 1 1yHr1
g1hH 1 1
42. B 12
1h1 1g1
L.�C. MIRON 2496 h1 1fHhH
— NI. LUKIK 2565
Cappelle-la-Grande 2016
D Fs1dA
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Ìf5 4. Íc3 Êb6!? 11. Ìb2 [11. Ìf4 0»0 12. Êd2 dc4 13. bc4
[4... e6] 5. Íf3 e6 6. Ìe2 Íd7 7. 0»0 Íe7 8. Ícb6 14. Íc3 Ìb4 15. a3 Ìc3 16. Êc3 c5
Ía4 [8. Íh4 h6! 9. a4 a5 10. Ëa3 Ìh7 11. 17. Êd2 Ìg4 (17... cd4 18. Íd4 Ìe4 19.
Ëb3 Êa7 12. f4 0-0-0 (12... g5?! 13. fg5 Ìc2 Íb5 Êc6 20. Ëfd1! Å 20... a6 21. Íd6 Ìg2
14. Êc2 Êd4 15. Ëf2 Êh4 16. Ëb7 Íc5 17. 22. Êe3¥) 18. d5 Ìf3 19. gf3 (19. d6 Êc8
g3 Êd4 18. Ëc7 Ëb8 19. Ìb5!¥) 13. Ìh5 20. Ìf3!? Íc4 21. Êc3 Ícb6 22. Ëfd1§) f6
g6 14. Ìg4 (14. Ìe2 f6|) Íb6Õ; 8. b3 20. ef6 e5 21. Ìg3 Ëf6 22. Ìd3 Ëaf8 23.
Ìg6 9. Ía4 Êd8 (9... Êc7 Ñ 75/102) 10. c4 Êc2 g6 24. Èh1 Íc8 25. Ëae1 Ë6f7 (25...
(10. Ìa3 Íf5 11. Ìf8 Íf8 12. c4 Ìh5=) Íd6 26. f4!¥) 26. h4î] 0»0 12. Ëc1 Êb8 13.
Íf5 11. a3!? (11. g4 Íh4 12. Íh4 Êh4 13. Êd2 Ëd8 [13... dc4 14. bc4 Ëd8 15. Êf4!
cd5 cd5 14. Ìf4 Êd8 15. Ìg3 Ëc8|) Ìh5 (15. Êe3 b5|) Ícb6 (15... b5 16. cb5 cb5
(11... Ìe7 12. g4 Íh4 13. Íh4 Ìh4 14. f4 17. Íc3 b4 18. Íd5!¥) 16. Íc3 f6 17. Ëcd1

Ëf8 18. Êe3! (18. Íe4 Ía4) fe5 19. Íe5 g6 28. Êf3 Êd7 29. g3 Ëd8 30. Ëad1 b5 31.
Íe5 20. de5 Êc7 21. Íe4 Ìe4 22. Êe4 Ìc5 ab5 Ëb5 32. h4 Êd5 33. Êd5 Ëbd5 [Ä 33...
23. Ìd4 Íd7 24. Êe3!? Ìd4 25. Ëd4 Íe5 Ëdd5£] 34. Ëa1! Ëb5 35. Ëe3 h5 36. Èf1
26. Ëfd1 Ëae8 27. Ëd6¢] 14. Ëfd1!? [14. cd5 Ìb4 [36... Ëd7 37. Èe2 Ìd8 38. Ëa4 Ìb6
cd5 (14... ed5 15. Êf4 Ìg6 16. Íh4¥) 15. 39. Ëd3 Ëbd5 40. f4 Å Èe3=] 37. Èe2 Ìa5
Íe1! h6 16. Íc3 a6 17. f4 Ía7 18. Ìd3 Ìd3 38. Ëd3 Ìb6 39. Ëa4 Ëa5 [39... Ëbd5 40.
19. Êd3 Íc6 20. Íc2¢] Ìg4 [14... dc4 15. Ëb4=] 40. Ëa5 Ìa5 41. Ëd1 [41. Ìa3 Ìc7
bc4 Ícb6 16. Íc3 c5 (16... Ìg4 17. Êf4 Ìf3 42. Èe3=] Ìb6 42. Èd3 Ëd5 43. b4 f6 44.
18. Êf3 c5 19. dc5 Íe5 20. Êg3 Íbd7 21. ef6 Èf7 45. f4 Èf6 46. Èe4 Èe7 47. Ëa1=
Íe4¢) 17. d5!? Íe5 18. Íe5 Êe5 19. Íb5 Ìc7 48. Ìc3 Ëb5 49. Ëa8 Ìd6 50. Ëa4
Êe4! 20. d6 Ìf8 21. Ìf3 Êh4 22. g3 Êh3 Èd7 51. Èd3 Ëf5 52. Ëa8 Ëf8 53. Ëf8 Ìf8
23. Êe2 Ía4 24. Ìe5! (24. Ìa1 Ëd7) f6 54. Ìd2 Èd6 55. Èe4 Ìg7 56. Ìc3 Èc7
(24... Ëd7 25. Ìf4î) 25. Ìa1 Ëab8 (25... Ëd7 57. Èd3 Èd6 58. Èe4 1/2 : 1/2
26. g4¥) 26. Ía7 Ìd6 27. Íb5 Ìf8 28. Ëd8 Va. Stoica
Ëd8 29. Ëd1 Ëd1 30. Êd1 Íb6 31. Íd6¢]
15. Êe3 [Ä 15. cd5 Ìf3 (15... ed5 16. Êf4 43.* B 12
Ìh5 17. g4 Ìg6 18. h4¥; 15... cd5 16. Êf4
Ìf5 17. Íh4¥) 16. Ìf3 cd5 17. Ìe2 b5 18. J. TOMCZAK 2588 —
D. NAVARA 2744
Íc5 Íc5 19. dc5 a6 20. f4¢]
Lublin 2016
eWtE 1q1 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Ìf5 4. Íf3 e6 5. Ìe2
Yy1tRyYy Íd7 6. 0»0 Ìg6 7. Íbd2 Íh6 8. Íb3 Ìe7
[8... Íf5 Ñ 127/43] 9. c3 [9. Ìh6 gh6 10.
1y1y1 1 Êd2 Êb6 N (10... h5 Ñ 124/(39)) 11. c3 a5
1 1yH 1 12. Íc1 c5 13. Íd3 h5 14. dc5 Íc5 15. Íc5
Ìc5 16. a4 0»0Õ A. Areshchenko 2661 —
g1hH 1r1 D. Navara 2728, Deutschland 2016] 0»0 [9...
1h1 Sg1 Íf5 10. g4 Íh4 11. Íh4 Ìh4 12. f4 f5 13. ef6
Êf6 14. Íd2=] 10. Ìh6 gh6 11. Íe1 N [11.
hF 1fHhH Êd2!? h5 12. Íc1 c5 13. Íd3=] c5 12.
1 Dd1 A Êd2?! [Ä 12. Íc5!? Íc5 (12... Ìc5 13. dc5
Íe5 14. Êd2) 13. dc5 Ìc5=] c4 13. Íc1
15... Ícb6! 16. Íb6 [16. Íc3 dc4 17. bc4 e1 W Eq1
Ìf3 18. Êf3 c5 19. dc5 Íe5 20. Êg3 Íbd7
21. Íe4 Íg6 22. Êc3 Ìf8Õ; 16. Íc5 dc4 Yy1tRy1y
17. Íd7 Ëd7 18. bc4 Êd8 19. h3 Ìf5 20. 1 1y1rY
Êb3 a5|] ab6 17. a4 Íf8 [17... dc4 18. Ìc4
b5!? 19. ab5 Ëa2 20. Ìc3 Íb6|] 18. h3 1 1yH 1
Ìh5 19. Íh2 [19. cd5 ed5 (19... Ëd5 20. g4 1yH 1 1
Ìg6 21. Íd2¢) 20. g4 Ìg6 21. Íd2 f5! 22.
h4!? Êc8 (22... Ìh4? 23. Êh3¥) 23. h5 Ìe8 1 H 1 1
24. Êg3 fg4 25. Ìg4 Ìd7 26. Ìf3 Ëa5 27.
Íf1 Ëe8! (27... Íe6 28. Íe3) 28. Íe3
hH SfHhH
Êd8Õ] Ìe2 20. Êe2 Íg6| 21. Íf3 [Ä 21. D G GdA
Ëa1 c5|] dc4 22. Ëc4 [22. Êc4!? Ëd5 (22...
Íf4 23. Íd2) 23. Íd2 Ìg5!; 23. Ëa1 Å 23... 13... f6! 14. ef6 Íf6 15. Ìf3 [15. Êh6? Êb6!
b5 24. ab5 Ëb5 25. g3] Ëd5£ 23. Ëa1 Êd8 16. b4 (16. Êd2 Íe4»+) e5 17. de5 Íe4
[23... Ëda5 Å Íf4£] 24. Ëcc1 [24. g3] Íh4 18. Êe3 Êe3 19. fe3 Ìg5»+] h5 16. Íe2
[24... b5!? 25. Êc2 ba4 26. Ëa4 h6= Å Íg4!£ 17. g3 [17. Íf4? Ëf4 18. Êf4 Ìd6
Ëda5] 25. Íh4 Ìh4 26. Êg4 Ìe7 27. Ëe1 19. Êd2 Ìh2 20. Èh1 Êh4»+] Ìg5 18.

Êd1 Êb6 19. b3 Êc7 20. h3 Íf6 21. Ìg2 1q1 R E
Íe4 22. Ìe4 de4 [22... Ìe4 23. h4 Ìh6î]
23. h4 Ìh6 24. Íg2 [Ä 24. bc4 Êc4 25. Yy1 YyYy
Íg2 Ëf3 26. Íef4 Ëc8£] Ëf3 25. bc4 Ëaf8
26. Êb3 [26. Íef4 Ìf4 27. Íf4 Ë8f4 28. 1t1 1 1
gf4 Êf4»+] Êf7 27. c5? [27. Êb2 e3¤] 1 1w1r1
1 1 Eq1 1y1 1 1
Yy1 1w1y 1 1 1g1
1 1y1rR hH F HhH
1 H 1 1y D 1s1dA
1 Hy1 H 14... e6?! [14... Ìd3 15. Ëe1 e5!£] 15. b3!
1sH 1eH Ìd3 16. bc4 Êf5 [16... Ìc4 17. Ëe1 f6 18.
Êa4 Èb8Õ] 17. Ëe1 Ìc5 18. Ìe3 Ìb4 19.
h1 1gHg1 Ìd2 Ìc5 20. Ìe3 Ìb4 21. Ìd2 Ìc5 22.
Ìe3 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi
D 1 1dA
27... e3!»+ 28. Íef4 Ìf4 29. Íf4 Ëf4 30. 45. B 18
gf4 e2 31. Ëfe1 Ìc2! 32. Êc2 Êg7 33. Èh2 SUTOVSKY 2622
Ëf4 0:1 Br. Tadi — MOTYLEV 2660
Poikovsky 2016
44. B 13
1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 de4 4. Íe4 Ìf5 5.
E. SAFARLI 2664 — Íg3 Ìg6 6. Íf3 Íd7 7. Ìd3 Ígf6 8. Ìg6
SERGEY KARJAKIN 2779 hg6 9. 0»0 e6 10. c4 Ìe7 11. Ìf4 [11. b3 Ñ
Shamkir 2016 27/215] 0»0 12. a4 N [12. Êe2] a5 13. Ëe1
Ëe8 14. Ëe3!?
1. c4 c6 2. e4 d5 3. ed5 cd5 4. d4 Íf6 5. Íc3
Íc6 6. Ìg5 Ìe6 7. Ìe2 [7. a3 Êd7 8. e1 We1q1
b4!?Õ] Êa5 8. Ìf3 [8. c5 Ñ 105/(97)] dc4
9. d5 0-0-0 10. Ìd2 Íd5 11. Íd5 Ëd5 1y1tRyY
1q1 R E Y 1 1 1
Yy1 YyYy h1hH F 1
1t1r1 1 1 1 DgG
W 1e1 1 H 1 HhH
1y1 1 1 D 1s1 A
1 1 1f1
hH F HhH 14... b5!? 15. ab5 [15. b3 ba4 16. ba4 Ìb4Õ]
cb5 16. d5 [16. cb5? Íd5¤] ed5 17. cd5 Íg4
D 1sA Gd 18. Ëe2 [18. d6 Íe3 19. de7 Íd1 20. ed8Ê
Ëed8 21. Ëd1 Íc5¤] Ìc5 19. Ëe8 Êe8 20.
12. Ìd5 N [12. Ìa5 Ëd1 13. Ëd1 Ía5 14. Íd4 Ídf6 21. Ëc1 Ëc8 22. d6 Ìd4 23.
Ìd5 Ìd5 15. Ëd5 e6!£] Êd5 13. Íf3 Ìf5 Êd4 Ëc1 24. Ìc1 Êe1 25. Íf1 Êc1 26. d7
14. 0»0 Íd7 27. Êd7 Êg5 28. Êe8 Èh7 29. Êf7

Êf6 30. Êa7? [30. Êf6 gf6 (30... Íf6 31. f6 Ñ 91/103] 9. e5 Íf7 10. d3 [10. d4] Ìa6
Íe3=) 31. f4! a4 32. h3 Íh6 33. Íe3=] 11. c4 e6 N [11... d6 12. e6 Íe5 13. Íc3 N
Êb2 31. h3 Íf6 32. Êa5 b4 33. Êg5 b3 34. (13. Íe5) a) 13... Ìc8 14. Ìf4 Íf3 15. Êf3
Êh4 Íh5 35. Íg3?! [Ä 35. Êc4 Êc2 (35... Ëb8 16. Êc6 Ëb2 17. Íb5 Ëb5 18. Êb5
Êb1 36. Èh2 b2 37. Íd2 Êf5 38. Êd4 Êc2 (18. cb5?! Ìa1 19. Ëa1 Ìe6£ Gharamian
39. Êe3 Íf6 40. Êf4¤) 36. Íe3 Êb1 37. 2627 — I.-A. Nataf 2531, France 2016) Ìa1
Èh2 b2»+; 36. Êb4!¤] Êa1 36. Èh2 Êe5 19. Ëa1 a1) 19... Ìe6 20. Ìh6 Ìd7 (20...
37. Êb4 b2 38. Èh1 Íf4 39. Èh2 g5 40. Ëe8? 21. Êb2+») 21. Êb7î; a2) 19... Êb6
Êb3 g6 [40... Íe2! 41. Êd3 Èh6 42. Êc2 20. Ëb1 Ìe6 21. Êb6 ab6 22. Ëb6=; b) 13...
Íd4 43. Êd3 Êb8 44. Êb1 Íe2»+] 41. Ëb8 14. Íe5 Ìe5 15. Ía4Õ Mi. Adams
Êb7 Êg7 42. Êb8 Êd4 43. Êb7 Èh6 44. 2744 — A. Giri 2798, Wijk aan Zee 2016]
Íe4 Íd3 45. Êe7 Êe5 46. Êe5 Íe5 47. 12. Íc3 g5 13. Ìe3
Íc3 Èg7 48. Èg3 Íd3 49. Èf3 Èf6 50. g3
Èe5 51. Èe3 Íb4 52. Íb1 [52. f4 gf4 53. e1 W Eq1
gf4 Èf5 54. Íb1 Íd5 55. Èd2 Íf4 56. Èc2
Íh3 57. Èb2 g5 58. Èc2=] Èd5 53. f4 Èc4 Y 1y1tRy
54. Íd2 Èc3 55. fg5 Íc2 56. Èe2 Íd4 57. r1y1y1 1
Èd1 Èd3 [57... Íf5!] 58. h4 Íf5! 59. h5
1 Y HyY
1 1 1 1 1h1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 GhFg1h
1 1 1y1 hH 1 Hh1
1 1 1tHh D 1sD A
1 1 1 1 13... h5! [13... g4 14. hg4 fg4 15. Íh2 g3
1 1q1 H 16. fg3 Íe5 (Kasimdzhanov 2703 — Rauf
Y G 1 1 Mamedov 2655, Almaty (blitz) 2016) 17.
Íe4 d6 18. Íg4¢] 14. h4 g4 15. Íg5 Íe5
1 1a1 1 16. Ìc5 Íg6!? [16... Ëe8?! 17. Ìd4 Íf7
18. Íf7 Èf7 19. Ìg7 Èg7¢ Sivuk 2509 —
59... Íe3 [59... Íg3! 60. hg6 Íe4 61. Íb1 Ed. Andreev 2441, Paleochora 2016] 17. g3
Íc3 62. Èe1 Íb1 63. g7 Íd2 64. g8Ê b1Ê [17. Ìf8 Êf8 18. g3 Êd6§] Ëe8 18. Êa4
65. Èf2 Êf1 66. Èg3 Íe4 67. Èh4 (67. Ìb7 19. Êb4 Ìa6 20. Êa3 Ìb7 21. Êb4
Èg4? Íf6! 68. gf6 Êg1»+) Êh1 68. Èg4 Ìa6 22. Êa3 Ìb7 23. Êb4 1/2 : 1/2
Íf6»+] 60. Èe1 Íc2 61. Èd1 Íe3 62. Br. Tadi
Èe1 Íc4 63. Íb1 Èc2 64. hg6 Èb1 65. g7
Èc2 66. g8Ê b1Ê 67. Èf2= Êb6 68. Èg2 47.*** B 31
Êc6 69. Èf2 Êc5 70. Èg2 Êc6 71. Èf2
Êc5 72. Èg2 Èd2 73. Êe6 Íe3 74. Èf3 O. EMINOV 2221 —
Êg5 75. Êd6 Êd5 1/2 : 1/2 D. çWIERCZ 2647
Z. Stamenkovi T«rkiye 2016
46.**** B 31 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 g6 4. Ìc6 bc6 5.
0»0 Ìg7 6. Ëe1 Íh6 7. h3 0»0 8. c3 f5 [8...
E. INARKIEV 2730 — f6 Ñ 91/103] 9. e5 Íf7 10. d4 cd4 11. cd4 c5
B. GELFAND 2734 [11... Ìb7 12. Íc3 c5 a) 13. d5 e6 N (13...
Magas (m/3) 2016 Ëc8) 14. Ìf4 Ëe8 15. Êd2 h6 16. h4 Êa5
17. Ëad1 Ëac8 18. a3 c4Õ Ma. BlaÕeka
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 g6 4. Ìc6 bc6 5. 2336 — Palac 2596, Zagreb 2016; b) 13. dc5
0»0 Ìg7 6. Ëe1 Íh6 7. c3 0»0 8. h3 f5 [8... Êc7 14. Ìf4 N (14. Ìe3) Êc5 15. Êd7 Ìf3

16. gf3 Êc4Õ Nepomniachtchi 2703 — G. Rublevsky 2692 — Daniil Dubov 2644,
Kamsky 2670, Russia 2016] 12. dc5 e6 N Russia 2016) Ëb8 (17... f6 18. Ìf4 Íc4 19.
[12... Ìb7 13. Íc3 e6 N (13... Êc7 Ñ 11... Ëe1 Ìd5 20. Íc4 Ìc4 21. Ëe7 Ìa2 22.
Ìb7) 14. Íd4 Ìe5 15. f4 Ìg7 16. Ìe3 g5 Ëc7 Ìd5 23. Íd4¥) 18. Ìe7 Íc8 19. Ìb4
17. fg5 f4 18. Ìf4 (18. Ìf2 Êg5 19. c6 Ìd4 Ëb4 20. cb4 Ìb2 21. Ëd1 Ìa3 22. Íd4
20. Êd4 Ìc6î P. Harikrishna 2763 — Rauf Íb6 23. Íe6 fe6 24. Ëd6¥; b) 16... Ëb8 17.
Mamedov 2655, Shamkir 2016) e5 19. c6 Íg5 Ìd7 18. Íe4 a5 19. Íc5 Ìe8¢] 13.
dc6 20. Íe6 Êd1 21. Ëad1 ef4 22. Íf8 Ëe1 f6 14. Íbd2 Íf7 15. Íb3 a5 16. Ìe3
Ëf8Õ] 13. Êd4 Ìb7 14. Íc3?! [Ä 14. Íbd2] a4 17. Ìb6! [17. Íc5 f5 18. g3 Ìf8 19. b4
g5 [14... Ëc8!? 15. b4 d6! 16. cd6 Ìf3 17. a3Õ] Ëe8 [17... ab3 18. Ìd8 Íd8 19. ab3
gf3 Êb6î] 15. Íb5? [15. b4 Êb8Õ] Ìf3 16. Ëb8 20. b4¢] 18. Íc5 g5 19. b3 g4 20. hg4
gf3 Êa5 17. Íc3 ab3 21. ab3 Ìg4 22. Íh4?! [Ä 22. Íh2
Ìf5 23. Íf1¢] f5 23. Ëa8 Ëa8 24. Íd7 f4
e1 1 Eq1 25. Íc5 Ëb8 26. Ìc7 Ëc8 27. Ìa5 Ëa8 28.
Y 1y1tRy Ìb4 [28. b4 Íd6 29. f3 Ìc8 (29... Ìh5 30.
Ìc7 Íc4 31. Íf5î) 30. Ëd1 Ìf8 (30... Íc4
1 1y1 1 31. Ëd8 Èf7 32. Íf5¥) 31. Íe4 Íc4 32.
W H HyY Ëd8 c5 33. Íf5 Ìb7 34. Íc5 Ëd8 35. Ìd8
Ìc5 36. bc5 Èf7=] Íg5 29. Íd3
1 S 1 1
1 G 1h1h e1 1 1q1
hH 1 H 1 1 1 1 Ry
D F D A 1y1 1 1
1 1 Y T
17... d6! 18. f4?! gf4 19. Ìf4 de5 20. Ëe5
Ëab8! 21. a3?! [21. Êe3 Ëb2¤] Ëb2»+ Fh1 YrG
22. Èh1 Ëc2 23. Íe4 [23. Íd5 ed5 24. Ëg1 1hHg1 1
Êc5»+] Êd8 [23... fe4? 24. Ëg1ï] 24.
Íd6 Êh4 [24... Êa8 25. Èh2 (25. Èg1 Ìe5 1 1 Hh1
26. Ìe5 Íg5»+) Íe5 26. Ìe5 Ìe5 27. 1 1 D A
Êe5 Ëf2»+] 25. Íf7 Ëf7 [25... Ëf2 26. Êe3
Êf4»+] 26. Èg2 [26. Êe3 Ëf2 27. Ìg5
Êh5 28. Ëe6 Ëf3»+] Ìe5 27. Ìe5 Êd4 29... e4! 30. Íf4 Ìe5 31. g3 [31. Íe2? Ìe2
[27... f4!»+] 28. Ìd4 Ëd7 29. Ìe5 Ëc5 30. 32. Ëe2 Ëa1»+; 31. Íh3 Ìh3 32. gh3
f4 Ëd3 31. Ëb1 Ëc2 32. Èg1 Èf7 33. Ëb7 Èf7§] Èf7 32. Ëc1?! [32. Ëb1!?] Ëa2?!
Èg6 0:1 Br. Tadi [32... Ìf4 33. gf4 Íh3 34. Èh2 (34. Èg2?
Íf4 35. Èh2 Íd3¤) Íf2£] 33. Ìc5 Ìf4
34. gf4 Íh3 35. Èh2 Íf4 36. Ëe1 Íd3 37.
48.* B 31 Ëe4 Íc5 38. Ëf4 Èe6 39. b4 [39. Ëg4
E. INARKIEV 2730 — Íb3=] Ía4 40. Ëe4 Èf6 41. Ëg4 Ëf2 42.
B. GELFAND 2734 Èg3 Ëc2= 43. Ëf4 Èe6 44. Íf3 Ëc3 45.
Ëe4 Èf6 46. Ëf4 Èe6 47. Èg4 Íb2 48. Ëe4
Magas (m/5) 2016 Èf6 49. Ëf4 Èe6 50. Íg5 Èd7 51. Ëf7 Èc8
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 g6 4. Ìc6 bc6 5. 52. c5 Íd3 53. Ëh7 Ëc4 54. Èf5 Ëb4 55.
0»0 Ìg7 6. Ëe1 Íh6 7. c3 0»0 8. h3 d5 [8... Íe6 Èb8 [55... Íc5 56. Ëh8 Èd7 57. Íc5
f5] 9. d3 c4!? N [9... f6 Ñ 69/(136)] 10. dc4 Èd6=] 56. Èf6 Ëc4 57. Ëh5 Íf4 58. Ëh8
de4 11. Êd8 Ëd8 12. Ëe4 e5 [12... Ëd1 13. Èb7 59. Íd8 Èa6 60. Íc6 Ëc5 61. Íb8
Ëe1 Ëe1 14. Íe1 Íf5 15. Ía3 Ìe6 16. Èb5 62. Íd7 Ëc6 63. Èf5 Íd5 64. Ëb8
Íf3 a) 16... Íd6 17. Ìg5 (17. Íd4 Ìd4 Íb6 65. Ëb6 Ëb6 66. Íb6 Èb6 67. Èe4
18. cd4 Íc4 19. Íc4 Ìc4 20. b3 Ìd5= S. 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi

49. B 32 25. Ëe5 Êf6 [25... fg3 26. fg3 Ëf6 27. Ëd5
Ìe3 28. Ëf1 Ìe6 29. Ëd3 Ëf1 30. Ìf1
J.�N. RIFF 2506 — Ìc5Õ] 26. Êd5 fg3 27. fg3 Êg6? [Ä 27...
PH. SCHLOSSER 2539 g6 28. 0»0 Ìg7 29. Ëe7 Ëbd8 30. Íe4 Êe7
France 2016 31. de7 Ëd5 32. ef8Ê Ìf8 33. g4 Ëe5! 34.
Íc3 Ìc5 35. Èg2 Ìe6¢]
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Êb6 5.
Íb3 Íf6 6. Ìd3 d5 7. ed5 Íd5 8. 0»0 e6 9. E 1 E Q
c4 Íf6 10. Íc3 Ìe7 11. Ìf4 [11. Êe2 Ñ
20/377] 0»0 12. Êe2 Íd4?! N [12... e5 13. 1 1 1 Yy
Ìe5 Ìg4 14. Êe1 Íe5 15. Êe5 Ìd6 16. 1 H 1wR
Êg5 h6 17. Êh4 Ìe6§] 13. Íd4 Êd4 14.
Ìe5 Êc5 [Ä 14... Êg4 15. Êe3 Ìd7 16. h3 Yh1sDr1
Êh4 17. Ìe2 Ìc6 18. Ìg3 Êh6 19. Êh6 1 1 1 H
gh6 20. Ëfd1¢] 15. Ëad1¥ Ëd8?
1 G 1 H
e1rE 1q1 H 1f1 1
Yy1 RyYy 1 1 A 1d
1 1yT 1
1 W F 1 28. g4! Ìc8 [28... Ìg4 29. Ëg1+»] 29. Íe4
Ìb7 30. h5 [30. Êd4+»] Êe4 31. Êe4 Ìe4
1h1 1 1 32. Ëe4 Ëfd8 33. Ëd4 Ìc1 34. d7 Ìb2 35.
Ëd5 Ëb7
1 Gf1 1
hH 1sHhH 1 E 1 Q
1 1d1dA 1e1h1 Yy
16. Ìf6! gf6 [16... Ìf6 17. Ìh7! Èh7 18. 1 1 1 1
Ëd8 Ìd8 19. Êd3 f5 20. Êd8 Êc4 21. f4¥] Yh1d1 1h
17. Ìh7! Èf8 [17... Èh7 18. Ëd8 Ìd8 19.
Êd3 Êf5 20. Êd8+»] 18. Íe4 Êe5 19. 1 1 1h1
Êg4 1:0 Z. Stamenkovi 1 1 1 1
50. B 33
R 1f1 1
1 1 A 1d
— SHIROV 2682
36. 0»0! g6?! [Ä 36... Ìa3] 37. h6 Ìa3 38.
Edmonton 2016 Ëf7 a4 39. Ëe5 Ëbb8 40. Ìc4 Ìf8 41. Èg2
a3 42. Ìa2 Ìd6 43. Ëe6 Ìf8 44. b6
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. 1:0 Br. Tadi
Íc3 e5 6. Ídb5 d6 7. Ìg5 a6 8. Ía3 b5 9.
Íd5 Ìe7 10. Ìf6 Ìf6 11. c3 Ìg5 12. Íc2
Ëb8 13. a4 ba4 14. Ícb4 Íb4 15. cb4 0»0 51. B 40
16. Ëa4 a5 17. h4 Ìh6 18. b5 Ìd7 19. Íc3
d5 20. ed5 e4!? N [20... Èh8 21. Ìe2 f5 22. BA. JOBAVA 2661 —
g3 Êb6 23. 0»0 Ëbd8 24. Èg2 Ìc8§ Ñ SE. BOGNER 2555
125/(46)] 21. Ìe2 [21. Ëe4 f5 22. Ëd4 Ëe8 Lakovica 2016
23. Ìe2 Ëb5 (23... Ìb5?! 24. Íb5 Ëb5 25.
b3¢) 24. 0»0 Ëb2=] f5 22. d6 Èh8 23. g3 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 a6 3. g3 b5 [3... Íc6 Ñ
f4?! [Ä 23... Ëf6 24. Ëd4Õ] 24. Ëe4 Ìf5 34/282] 4. a4 Ìb7! 5. d3 e6 6. Ìg2 d6 7.

0»0 Íd7 8. Ía3 Ígf6 9. Ìf4!? [9. Ìd2] Ëfd1 Íc5 28. Êc4 Ìe7 29. Ëa5¥] 20. Íf5
e5?! N [9... Êb6 10. e5 (10. Êe2!?; 10. c3) Ëe8
Íd5! 11. Ìd2 de5 12. ab5 ab5 13. c4 Íc7
14. cb5 Ìe7|] 10. Ìd2 Ìc6 W
e1 WqR E 1 1tRyYy
1 1t1yYy 1 Y T 1
y1rY T 1 1e1 Yg1
1yY Y 1 1 Hh1 1
h1 1h1 1 1 1 1 H
G 1h1gH 1 FsHfH
HhF HfH D 1 1dA
D 1s1dA 21. g4! g6 [21... Íf8! 22. g5 Í6d7 23. Ëa8
Êa8 24. Êb5¥] 22. Íh6 Èg7 23. g5 Íh5
11. b4! Ìe7 [11... ba4 12. bc5 Íc5 13. d4 [23... Íg8 24. Ëa8 Êa8 25. Êb5 Êa7 26.
Ícd7 (13... Íce4? 14. de5 de5 15. Íe5 Ìb7 Ìh3 Ëd8 27. Ìe3 ed4 28. Êb2 Ìg5 29.
16. c3!¥) 14. Êe2 Ìe7 15. d5 Ìb7 16. Ëfb1 Ìg5 (29. Ìd4? Ìf6) f6 30. Íg8 fg5 31.
Íc5 17. Íc4¢; 11... cb4 a) 12. Ìb4 ba4 Ìe6+»] 24. Ëa8 Êa8 25. Êb5 Êd8? [25...
(12... a5 13. ab5 ab4 14. bc6 ba3 15. cd7 Êd7 Ëd8 26. h4! Íf4 27. Ìf4 ef4 28. Ëc1+»]
16. Ëa2¢) 13. Íc4 Êc7 14. Ìa5¢; 14. Ía5¢; 26. Ìa5 1:0 Ba. Jobava
b) 12. ab5 ab5 13. Ìb4 Ëa4 14. Êd2¢; 14.
c3¢] 12. ab5 ab5 13. c4 Ëb8 [13... bc4 14. b5 52. B 41
Ìb7 15. Íc4¥; 13... cb4 14. Íb5 Ìb5 15.
cb5¥] 14. bc5 [14. cb5 Ìb5 15. Íb5 Ëb5 S. SEVIAN 2600 — SMIRIN 2687
16. Ëa5! Ëb8 (16... Ëa5 17. ba5 0»0 18. Rockville 2016
Êa4¥) 17. bc5 dc5 (17... Íc5 18. Ëc5 dc5
19. Íe5¥) 18. Ìc3¥] Íc5 [14... b4 15. cd6 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 e6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 a6 5. c4
Ìd6 16. Íc2 0»0 17. Íe3 Íc5 18. Íd5 Íf6 6. Íc3 Êc7 7. a3 b6 8. Ìe3 Ìb7 9. f3
Íd5 19. ed5 Ìd7 20. d4 ed4 21. Íd4¢] 15. d6 10. Ìe2 Ìe7 11. 0»0 Íbd7 12. Ëc1 Ëc8
cb5 [15. d4!? Íce4 16. de5 de5 17. Íe5 13. b4 Êb8 14. Èh1 h5!? N [14... 0»0 Ñ
Ìb7 18. Ìf4¥] Ìb5 16. Íb5 Ëb5 17. d4 103/102]
Ícd7 [17... Íce4 18. Êa4 Êd7 19. Ìh3+»;
17... Íb3 18. de5 de5 19. Íe5!! (19. Ëb1 We1q1 E
Íd2 20. Ëb5 Íf1 21. Êd8 Ìd8 22. Ëe5¥)
a) 19... Íd2 20. Íc6+»; b) 19... Êd2 20. 1r1tRyY
Ëa8 Ìd8 21. Íc4? Êd1 22. Ëd1+»; c) 19... yY YyT 1
0»0 20. Íc6 Êd7 21. Íe7 Êe7 22. Ìf4
Ëd8 (22... Ía1 23. Ìd6 Êd8 24. Ìf8 Êd1 1 1 1 1y
25. Ëd1 Èf8 26. Ëa1¥) 23. Ëa7 Êe8 24. HhGh1 1
Êe2 Íd4 25. Êa2+»; d) 19... Ía1 20.
Êa4 0»0 21. Íc6 Êd2 22. Íe7 Èh8 23. H G Fh1
Êb5+»] 18. Êe2 [18. Íh4!?¥] Êb8 19. 1 1f1hH
Íh4 0»0?! [19... g6ì 20. Ìh6 Ìf8 21.
Ìc1!? Ìe7 (21... Ìg7 22. Ìa3 0»0 23. 1 Ds1d1a
Ìd6+») 22. de5 de5 23. Ìh6 Ìf8 24. Ìg5
Ìg7 25. Ìf6 Ìf6 (25... Íf6 26. Ëa8 Êa8 15. Ía4 h4 16. Íb3 Ìd8 17. c5 b5 [17...
27. Êb5 Èf8 28. Ëb1+») 26. Ìh3 Ëb7 27. bc5 18. bc5 d5 19. Íd4 (19. Ëb1?! h3 20.

g3 de4£) Êa8 20. e5 (20. Êc2 h3 21. g3 53. !N B 48
0»0 22. c6 Ìc6 23. Íc6 Íe5 24. Íb6
Ìb6 25. Íe7 Èh8 26. Êc8 Ìe3 27. Êa8 LUIS GREGO — V. TASIK
Ëa8 28. Ëc8 Ëc8 29. Íc8 de4 30. f4 Íd3 corr. 2016
31. Íd6 Íf2 32. Ëf2 Ìf2 33. Íf7 Èg8 34.
Íg5 a5=) Íe5 21. Íb6 Ìb6 22. Êa4 Ífd7 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 e6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íc6 5.
23. cb6 0»0Õ; 17... h3!?] 18. Íd4 [18. Íc3 Êc7 6. Ìe3 a6 7. Êd2 Íf6 8. 0-0-0
Íc3 dc5 19. bc5 (19. Íc5 Íc5 20. Ìc5 Ìb4 9. f3 0»0 10. g4 b5 11. g5 Íh5 12.
Ìe7 21. Ìe7 Èe7Õ) Íe5Õ; 18. Íb2 d5 19. Íc6 dc6 13. f4 e5 14. f5 Íf4 [14... Ëe8 Ñ
Íd4 (19. ed5 Ìd5 20. Íd3 Ìc7î) Íe5Õ] 108/(58)] 15. a3 Ìe7 [15... Ìa5 16. Ìc5
Ìa8 [18... Êa8 19. Ìb5!? ab5 20. Íb5 Ëd8 17. Êe3 Ìc3 18. Ëd8 Êd8 19. Êc3¥]
Ìe7 21. cd6 Ëc1 22. Ìc1 Ìd8 23. Íc7 16. f6 [16. h4 Ëd8 17. Êf2 Ëd1 18. Íd1
Ìc7 24. dc7 0»0 25. Ìg5§] 19. Ìf4 h3 Ìb7Õ] gf6 17. gf6 Ìf6 18. Ëg1 Èh8 19.
20. g4 e5 21. Íf5 Êd6 Êd6 20. Ëd6 Ìe6 21. Ëc6 Ëfc8 22.
Ëc8 Ëc8 23. a4 b4 24. Íd5 Ìd5! [24...
Íd5?! 25. ed5 Ìd5 26. Ìa6¢] 25. ed5 b3
rWeRq1 E 26. c3 Íd5 27. Ìh6 [27. Ìa6 Ëa8 28. Ìb7
1 1t1yY Ëa5 29. Ìd5 (29. Èd2 Íe3 30. Èe3 Ëa4
31. Ìd5 Ìd8 32. Èd3 Ëf4Õ) Ëd5 30. Ìh6
y1 Y T 1 (30. Ìb6 Ìd8 31. Ìd8 Ëd8 32. Ëg4 Ëa8=;
1yH Yg1 30. Ëg3 Ëa5 31. Ëg4 Ìd8 32. Ëb4 Èg7=;
30. Ëg4 Ìe7 31. Ìh6 f5=) e4 31. Ëf1 Ìg5
gH 1hFh1 32. Ìg5 Ëg5=]
H 1 1h1y
1 1f1 H 1e1 1 Q
1 Ds1d1a 1 1 1y1y
y1 1 R F
21... Íe4! 22. Íc3? [22. Ìe3 g6 23. Íg7 1 1tY 1
Èf8 a) 24. Íe6 fe6 25. fe4 Èe8 26. Êb3
Ìe4 27. Èg1 Ìd5 28. Êc2 e4 29. Íc3 dc5 h1 1 1 1
30. Íe4 Ìe7 31. Íc5 Íc5 32. Êg6 (32. 1yH 1 1
Êb2 Ëg8 33. bc5 Êb7£) Èd7 33. bc5 Êe5
(33... Ëhg8 34. Êh5 Ëh8 35. Êg6=) 34. H 1 1 H
Êd3 Ëhg8£; b) 24. fe4 Èg7 25. Íc3 Íf6 1 A 1fD
26. Ìf3 (26. cd6? Ëc3 27. Ëc3 Íe4»+; 26.
Ìd3 dc5 27. bc5 Ëh4î) Íh7! 27. Êd2 (27. 27... Íb6! N [27... Ëc6 28. Ìg2 Ëd6 29.
cd6 Ìg5£) dc5 28. bc5 Ìa5Õ] Íc3 23. Ìf3 Íf4 30. a5 Ëd7¢; 27... a5 28. Ìa6 Ëc5
Íd6 [23. Êd6 Ìf6 24. Ëc3 (24. g5?! Íe2 29. Ìe2¢] 28. Ëg4! [28. Ìa6 Ëa8 29. Ìb5
25. gf6 Êd6 26. Íd6 Èd8»+) ef4 25. g5 Ía4 a) 30. Ëf1!? Íc5 31. Èb1 (31. Ëf6?
Ìg5 26. Ëe1 Èd8¤] Èf8 24. Ëc3 ef4 25. Ëa1 32. Èd2 Íe4»+) Ëd8 32. Ìc4 Ìg7
Íc8 Êc8 26. Êd6 Ìe7 27. Êf4 Íf6 28. 33. Ìe3 Íe4 34. Ìb3 Íd2 35. Ìd2 Ëd2Õ;
Ëcc1 Íg4»+ 29. c6 Íf6 30. c7 [30. a4 b) 30. Ìe3 Íb6 31. Èb1 (31. Ìb6 Ëb8 32.
Ëh5 31. ab5 ab5 32. Ëfd1 Íe8»+] Ëh5 Ìc4 Ëb6 33. Ìf7 h6=) Ëb8 32. Ìb6 Ëb6
[30... Íe8 31. a4 Ìd6 32. Êd4 Ëh5»+] 33. Ìc4 h6=; 28. a5 Íc4 29. Ëg4 Ía5 30.
31. Ëg1 Ìb7 32. Ëg5 Ëg5 33. Êg5 Íd5 Ìa6 Ëg8 31. Ëg8 Èg8=] a5! 29. Ìb5 Ëd8
[33... Ìd6»+] 34. Êe5 f6 35. Êg3 g5 36. 30. h3 [30. c4 Íd7 31. Ìd2 Íc5 32. Ìa5
Ìd3 Íf4 37. Ìe4 Ìe4 38. fe4 Èg7 39. Ëc6 Ëd6£; 31. Ìe3Õ; 30. Ìe3 h5; 30... Íd5Õ;
Íe2! 40. Êf2 Êg4 41. c8Ê Êe4 0:1 30. h4!? Ëg8 31. Ëg8 Èg8 a) 32. h5 Ìe7 33.
G. Arsovi Ìd2 Ìd8 34. c4 (34. h6 f5 35. c4 Íc8 36.

Ìc3 Èf7 37. Ìe5 Ìg5Õ) Íc8 35. c5 f5 36. 54. B 48
Ìc4 Èg7 37. Ìb3 Èf6 38. Ìc4 Íe7 39. b4
ab4 40. Ìb4 Íc6 41. Ìc3 Ìa5 42. Èb2 (42. S. MOVSESIAN 2666
Ìa5 Ía5 43. Ìd5 h6 44. Èd2 e4=) h6 43. — S. GANGULY 2676
Ìd5 Ìc3 44. Èc3 Íe7Õ; b) 32. c4 Ìh4 33. Pardubice 2016
Ìd2 Ìf2 34. Ìa5 h5Õ] Ëb8 31. Ìe2 [31. 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 e6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íc6 5.
Ëg1!? Ëc8 32. Ëg3 (32. Èb1 Ëc7 33. c4 Íc3 Êc7 6. Ìe3 a6 7. Ìd3 Íf6 8. 0»0 b5
Ëc8 34. Ëf1Õ) Íd5 33. Ëd3 Íf4 34. Ëd7 9. Íc6 Êc6 10. a3 Ìc5 11. Êf3 Ìe3?!
Ìg7 35. Ìg5 f6 36. Ìf4 ef4Õ] Ëg8 32. [11... Ìb7 12. Êg3 0»0 13. e5î] 12. Êe3?!
Ìd1 Ìg7 33. Ìg7 Ëg7 34. Ëg7 Èg7 35. [12. fe3! e5 (12... 0»0 13. Êh3 e5 14. Íd5!
Ìb3 f5 36. Ìc2 e4 37. b4 Èf6 38. ba5 Íc8 Íd5 15. ed5 Êh6 16. Êh6 gh6 17. Ëf6+»;
39. Ìb3 Èe5 40. a6 f4 41. Èd2 h6 42. Ìg8 12... d6 13. Êg3+») 13. Êg3 0»0 14. Ëf5
Ía7 [42... Èd6 43. c4 Èc5 44. Ìd5 Èd4 Ìb7 15. Ëaf1+»; 13. Íd5+»] d6 N [12...
45. Èe2 Ìb7 Ñ 10/447] 13. a4 b4

1t1 1 1 e1r1q1 E
1 1 1 1 1 1 1yYy
h1 1 1 Y y1wYyT 1
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1 1 1 1h hY 1h1 1
1 1a1 1 1 GfS 1
1 1 1 1 Hh1 HhH
a) 45... e3? 46. h4 Èc3 47. Ìg2 Èc4 48. D 1 1dA
Èf3 Èd4 49. Ìh3 Ía7 (49... Èd3 50. Ìf1
Èd2 51. Èf4 e2 52. Ìe2 Èe2 53. Èe5 Èe3 14. Íd5! Ëb8?! [14... Íd5 15. ed5 Êc5
54. Èd5 Èd3 55. Èc6 Èc4 56. Èb7+») 50. (15... Êd5? 16. Ìe4+») 16. de6 (16. Êc5
dc5 17. Ëae1 0»0 18. Ìc4 ed5 19. Ìd5¢)
Ìf1 Èe5 51. Ìd3 Íc6 52. Èg4 Ía7 53. Ìe6 17. Êe4 d5 18. Êe2 0»0 19. Ìa6¥]
Ìe2 Íc6 54. Ìf3 Ía7 55. Èh5+»; b) 45... 15. Êg5! Íd5 16. Êg7 Ëf8 17. ed5 Êd5
f3=] 43. Èe2 Íc8 44. c4 [44. h4 Ía7 a) 18. Ëfe1+» h5 19. Ëad1 Êc5 20. b3 Èe7
45. Èf2 Íc8 (45... e3? 46. Èf3 Íc8 47. 21. Ìc4 Êf5 [21... Ìd7 22. Ëd5 Ëg8 23.
Ìc4 Ía7 48. Ìb5 Íc8 49. Ìe2 Ía7 50. Êh7 Êc8 24. g3+»] 22. Ëd6! [22... Êf6
Ìd1+») 46. Èg2 Ía7 47. Èh3 f3 48. Èg3 23. Ëee6 Ìe6 24. Ëe6 Êe6 25. Ìe6 Èe6
(48. Ìc4? Èf4»+) Íc8 49. Ìc4 Ía7 50. 26. Êh6+»] 1:0 G. Arsovi
Ìf1 Íc8 51. Ìh3 Ía7 52. c4 Èd4 53. Èf4
f2=; b) 45. Ìf7 Íc8 46. c4 Èd4 47. Ìd5 55. B 50
Ía7 48. Ìb7 f3=] Èd4 45. Ìd5 f3 46. Èd2
[46. Èf1 Èe3 47. c5 Èf4 48. Ìb7 Ía7 49. MEGARANTO 2527 —
c6 Èg3 50. c7 e3 51. h4 e2 52. Èe1 Èg2 53.
h5 Íc8=] Ía7 47. Èd1 [47. Ìb7 e3 48. Tashkent 2016
Èe1 (48. Èd1 f2 49. Èe2 Èc4=) f2 49. 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. c3 Íf6 4. Ìd3 Íc6 5.
Èe2 Èc4=] Èe3 48. Èe1 Èf4 49. Ìb7 e3 Ìc2 g6 6. h3 Ìg7 7. 0»0 0»0 8. d4 d5 9.
50. c5 Èg3 51. Èf1 e2 52. Èe1 Èg2 53. h4 ed5 [9. e5 Íe4 (9... Íd7!?) 10. Ìe3 (10.
h5 [54. Ìd5 Íc8 55. c6 Ía7 56. c7 Íc8 57. Ëe1 cd4 Ñ 100/(116); 10... Êb6) Êb6Õ]
Ìb7 Ía7 58. a5 Íc8=] 1/2 : 1/2 Êd5 10. dc5 [10. Ìb3 c4 (10... Êh5!?) 11.
V. Tasi Ìc2 Ìf5Õ] Êc5 11. Íbd2 [11. Ìe3 Ñ

100/(116)] Ìf5 N [11... Ëd8] 12. Íb3 Êd5 42. Êg4 Èf6 43. Êh4 Èf7»+) 41. Êe7
[12... Ìc2 13. Êc2 Êf5=] 13. Ìf5 [13. (41. h4 Èg4 42. Êf3 Èh4»+) Èf4»+ (41...
Êd5 Íd5 14. Ìf5 gf5=] Êf5 14. Ífd4?! Èf5»+) 42. Êc7 e5 43. Êf7 Èe3 44. Êf3
[14. Íbd4 Êd7 15. Êe2=] Êd7 15. Ìg5 Èd2 45. Êf2 Êf2 46. Èf2 e4»+] Êf2 39.
[15. Êe2 Ëfe8 16. Ëd1 Ëad8 17. Ìe3=] Íf2 f5 40. Íd3 Èf7 41. a4 ba4 42. Íc5 a3
Íd5 16. Ëe1 Íe5 17. Ìh6?! [17. Íc5 Êd6 0:1 S. P. Sethuraman
18. Íd3 Íc4Õ; Ä 17. Êe2 Ëac8 18. Íd2]
Ìh6 18. Ëe5 Ëad8 [18... Ìg7 19. Ëe1 e5 56. B 50
20. Íf3 Ëfe8 21. c4Õ; 19... Ëad8£ Å e5]
19. Êf3! e6 20. Ëee1 Ìg7 21. Íc2 [21. M. CARLSEN 2855 —
Ëad1 Êc7 22. Íc2 Êc4!?; 22... h5!?; 22... SERGEY KARJAKIN 2773
a5!?] Êc7 [Ä 21... Êa4 22. Íe3 (22. Ëe4
Êa6£; 22. Êe4 Êa6£) Íe3 23. Êe3 Ëd5 Bilbao 2016
24. Íc5 Êc6 25. Íb3 a5 26. a4 Ëfd8£] 22. 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. c3 Íf6 4. Ìe2 g6 5.
Íe3 Íf4 23. Ëed1 0»0 Ìg7 6. Ìb5 Íc6 7. d4 Êb6 [7... Ìd7
Ñ 108/218] 8. Ìa4 cd4 [8... 0»0 9. d5 (9.
1 E Eq1 dc5 dc5 10. Êe2 Ëd8 11. h3 h6 12. Ía3
YyW 1yRy Ìe6Õ) Ía5Õ] 9. cd4 0»0 10. d5 Íb8 N
[10... Ía5 11. Ëe1 (11. Íc3) Ìg4 12. Íbd2
1 1y1y1 Ëfc8Õ] 11. Íc3 Ìg4 12. h3 Ìf3 13. Êf3
1 1 1 1 Íbd7 14. Ëb1 Ëfc8 15. Ìc2?! [15. Ìg5
Íe5 16. Êe2Õ; 15. Ìe3 Êd8 16. Êd1 a6
1 1 T 1 17. a3 (17. f4 b5 18. Ìc2 Íe8Õ) b5 18. Ìc2
Íb6 19. Ìd4Õ] Íe5 16. Êe2 Ífd7 17.
1gH Gs1h Ìg5 [17. Èh2 Êa6!|] h6 [17... Ìf6!? 18.
hH 1 Hh1 Ìf6 (18. Ìe3 Êa6!|) Íf6 19. Èh2 Êa6!
20. Êe1 Êa5 (20... g5!?) 21. f4 Íc4 22. Ëf3
D 1d1 A a6|] 18. Ìh4 g5 19. Ìg3 Êa6 20. Êd1 [20.
Êh5 Íg6]
23... h5! 24. Ëd8?! Ëd8 25. Ëd1 Ìe5! 26.
Íc1 [26. Ëd8 Êd8 27. Êe4 Êd6; 26. Ëd2 e1e1 1q1
Ëd2 27. Íd2 b5] b5! 27. Ëd8 Êd8 28. Êd1
Êg5 29. Èh1 Êf6 30. Èg1 Êg5 31. Èh1 Yy1tYyR
Ìc7 32. Íe2? [32. Íd3 Íd3 33. Êd3 Êe5; w1 Y 1 Y
32... a6!£] Íe2 33. Êe2 Êe5 34. g3
1 1hT Y
1 1q1 1 1 1h1 1
Y R 1y1 1 G 1 Fh
1 1y1y1 hHf1 Hh1
1y1 W 1y 1d1s1dA
1 1 1 1
20... Ëc4? [20... Íc4 21. Ìd3 Íc5 a) 22. Ìe2
1 H G Hh Ìc3 23. bc3 Êa2 24. Ëa1 (24. Ìg4 Íd2 25.
hH 1sH 1 Ëa1 Êb2 26. Ëe1 Íce4 27. Ìc8 Ëc8£) Êb3
25. Êd4Õ; b) 22. Ìc4 Êc4 23. Ëe1 b5Õ] 21.
1 1 1 1a Èh1! Ëac8 22. f4 gf4 23. Ìf4 Êb6! [23...
b5 24. Ìb3 Ë4c5 25. Íe2¥] 24. Êh5 [24.
34... h4!»+ 35. Êf3 hg3 36. Íg4 Êe1 37. Êd2!?] Íf6 25. Êf5 Êd8 26. Ìb3! Ëd4 27.
Èg2 gf2 38. Êf2 [38. Íh6 Èg7 39. Êf7 Ìe5 de5 28. Ëbd1 [28. Ëbc1!? Êd7 29.
Èh6 40. Êf8 Èg5 (40... Èh5 41. Êf3 Èg5 Êd7 Íd7 30. Íe2 Ëc1 31. Ëc1 Ëd2 32.

Ëc8 Èh7 33. Íg3¢] Êd7 29. Êf3 Ëb4? Ëc5¥] Êd5 20. Ëc7 h5 21. Êg3 Ëc8 [21...
[29... Ëd1 30. Ìd1¢] 30. Ëd2! Ëf8 [30... a5 Ìc6 22. e6! fe6 23. Ëc1 Ìa8 24. Ëa7¥] 22.
31. Ìc2! Å Ìd3] 31. g4 a5?! [31... Íh7 32. Ëec1¥ Ëc7 23. Ëc7 Ìc6 [23... Ëc8 24. e6
h4 Ëb6 33. Ëg1 Ëg6 34. Ëdg2¥] 32. Ëg2 fe6 25. Ëc8 Ìc8 26. Êc7 Ìb7 27. Êd8 Íf8
Íh7 33. h4 Ëb6 34. g5¥ Èh8 [34... Ëg6 35. 28. Êe7¥] 24. Êh4 Ëd8 [24... f6 25. ef6 ef6
Ëfg1¥] 35. Ëfg1 f5 [35... Ëg6 36. Ìa4 Êc8 26. Êe4 Êe4 27. Íe4 Ìe4 28. Ëd7+»] 25.
37. Ëh2! Êd8 38. Êf5 Êb6 39. Ìd1¥] g4 f6
1 1 E Q 1
E 1q1
1y1wY Rt 1 DtY R
E 1 1 Y y1r1 Yy1
Y 1hYyH 1y1wH Gy
1 1h1 H 1 Hy1hS
1fG 1s1 H 1 F 1h
hH 1 1d1 H 1 H 1
1 1 1 Da 1 1 1fA
36. Êh3!+» Ëb4 [36... h5 37. Ëf1+»] 37. 26. gh5! gh5 [26... fg5 27. Êg5 Íf8 28. h6
gh6 Ìh6 38. Êg3! Íf6 39. Êg6 Íg4 40. Ìh8 29. Êe7+»] 27. Êh5 fg5 28. Êg6 [28.
Ëg4 1:0 Kapnisis Êg5 Íe5 (28... Ëf8 29. Ìe2+») 29. de5
Ëd7 30. Ëc8 Ëd8 31. Ëd8 Êd8 32. Êg6+»]
57. B 50 Ìa8 [28... Íf8 29. Êc6 Íe6 30. Êb6 (30.
b4¥) Èf8 (30... Íd4 31. Ìd4 Êd4 32. Êe6
P. HARIKRISHNA 2737 — Èh8 33. Êe7+») 31. Èg2 Íd4 32. Ëc5
ALEXA. DONCHENKO 2568 Êd7 33. Êa6¥] 29. e6+» Íf8 30. Êf7 Èh8
Deutschland 2016 31. Ëe7 Ìd4 32. Ëc7 [32. Ìd4 Êd4 33.
Êh5 Èg8 34. Êg5 Èh8 35. Ëf7+»] Ìe5
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. c3 Íf6 4. Ìe2 g6 5. 33. Êh5 Èg8 34. Êg5 Èh8 35. Êh4 Èg8
0»0 Ìg7 6. Ìb5 Íbd7 7. Ëe1 a6 8. Ìf1 36. Êg4 Èh8 37. Ëc5 Êe6 38. Êh4
0»0 9. d4 Êc7 [9... cd4 Ñ 80/(184)] 10. h3 1:0 G. Arsovi
cd4 11. cd4 b5 12. a3 N [12. e5 Íd5 13. a4
ba4 14. ed6 ed6; 14... Êd6=] d5 13. e5 Íe4
14. Íbd2 Ìb7 [14... f5 15. Íb3 e6 16. Ëe2! 58. B 51
Íb6 17. Ëc2¢] 15. Íe4 de4 16. Íg5 Êb6
[16... Ëad8 17. Êg4 (17. e6 f6 18. Íf7 Íb6 WANG CHEN 2514 —
19. Íd8 Ëd8 20. b3 f5 21. Ìb2 Êd6 22. DING LIREN 2777
Êd2 Íd5§) Íb6 18. Êh4 h6 19. Íe4 Ëd4 China 2016
20. Íf6 ef6 21. Êd4 fe5 22. Êh4 h5 23.
Ìd2¢] 17. Êg4! Ëad8 [17... f5 18. ef6 Íf6 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. Ìb5 Íd7 4. 0»0 a6 5.
(18... ef6 19. Êe6 Êe6 20. Íe6 Ëfc8 21. Ìd7 Ìd7 6. Ëe1 [6. d4 Ñ 115/(60)] Ìg4 7.
a4¢) 19. Êe6 Êe6 20. Íe6 Ëfc8 21. f3! Ëa7 h3 Ìh5 8. d3 e6 9. Íbd2 Íe7 10. b3 N [10.
(21... ef3? 22. Íg7 Èg7 23. Ëe7+») 22. Íf1] Íc6 11. Ìb2 f6 12. Êe2 Ìe7 13. Êe3
Íg7 Èg7 23. Ìf4 Èf7 24. fe4 Ìe4 25. a4¢; e5 [13... 0»0 14. d4 b5 15. c3 Ìf7Õ] 14. c3
17... Íf6!? 18. Êg3 (18. ef6?! ef6£) Íh5 d5 15. d4 cd4 16. cd4 Íb4?! [16... 0»0 17.
19. Êc3 Ëac8 20. Êb4 Ìh6 21. Ìe3¢] 18. de5 fe5 18. ed5 Êd5 19. Íe5 (19. Ìe5? Íe5
Ìe3 Êc6 19. Ëac1 [19. a4!? Íf6 (19... ba4 20. Êe5 Êe5 21. Íe5 Ìb4¤) Ìc5 20. Íc6
20. Ëec1 Êb6 21. Ìc4+») 20. ef6 ef6 21. Ìe3 21. Íe7 Èh8 22. Íd5 Ìf2 23. Èh2
ab5 ab5 22. Ëec1 Êe8 23. Íh7! Èh7 24. Ìe1 24. Ëe1 Ëad8 25. Ëe5 Ìf7 26. Ëg5

Ëg8 27. Íe7 Ëd2 28. Ìc3 Ëd3 29. Ìb2 59. B 51
Ìg6 30. Íg8 Èg8=] 17. Ëac1 Ía2 S. GRIGORIANTS 2603
— HRCJEK 2609
e1 Wq1 E Magyarorszcg 2016
1y1 R Yy
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. Ìb5 Ìd7 4. c4 Íc6
y1 1 Y 1 [4... e6 Ñ 29/333] 5. Íc3 g6 6. Ìc6 Ìc6 7.
1 1yY 1r d4 cd4 8. Íd4 Ìg7 9. 0»0 Íf6 10. Ëe1 Ëc8
11. b3 0»0 12. Ìb2 a6 13. Êd3 Íd7 14.
1 Hh1 1 Ëad1 Íc5 N [14... Êa5] 15. Êb1 Ìd7 16.
1h1 Sg1h h3 Íe6 17. Íd5 b5 18. cb5 ab5?! [18... Íd4
19. Ìd4 Ìd4 20. Ëd4 ab5 21. Êb2¢]
tF G Hh1
1 D D A 1eW Eq1
1 1rYyRy
18. de5! Íc1 [18... fe5 19. Ìe5 Íc1 20. 1 Yt1y1
Ìg7 Ëg8 21. Ìd4 Ìg5 22. Íg5 Êg5 23.
Êg5 Ëg5 24. Ëc1 Ìg6 25. Ìf6 Ëh5 26. 1y1g1 1
e5§] 19. ef6! gf6 [19... Ìf6? 20. ed5 Èf8 1 Gh1 1
21. Ìf6 Êf6 22. Ëc1¥] 20. Ëc1 [20. ed5!?
0»0 21. Ëc1 Ëf7 22. Êd4 Ëg7 23. Ëe1¢] 1h1 1 1h
de4 21. Íd4 [21. Íe4 0»0 22. Íd4 Êd5 23. hF 1 Hh1
Íg3 Ìd8 24. Ígf5§] Ëc8 22. Ëe1 Ìg6?
[22... Êd5 23. Íe4 0»0 24. Íc3 Êd7 25. 1s1dD A
Íe6 Ëfe8 26. Íd5! a) 26... Ìd8 27. Íd8!
Êd5 (27... Ëe3? 28. Íf6+») 28. Êg3 Êg5 19. Íf5! gf5 [19... Ëe8 20. Íg7 Íg7 21.
29. Ëe8 Ìe8 30. Êd6 Ëc6! 31. Íc6 Ìc6 32. e5¥] 20. ef5 Ëc5 21. fe6? [21. Ëe3! a) 21...
Êe6 Èg7 33. g3 Ìd5=; b) 26... Êd5 27. Ìc6 22. fe6 a1) 22... fe6 23. Ìg7 Èg7 24.
Êh6 Ìf8 28. Êf6 Ëe6 29. Ëe6 Ëc6 30. Êh8 Ëg3 Èf7 (24... Èh8 25. Êh7! Èh7 26.
Èf7 31. Êf6=] 23. Íe4 Èf7? [23... 0»0 24. Ëd4+») 25. Êh7 Èe8 26. Íf4! Èd7 (26...
Íe6 Êd5 25. Íf8 Ëf8 26. Êf3 Êc6 27. Ëf4 27. Ëg8 Ëf8 28. Ëf8 Èf8 29. Êh8) 27.
Êg3¢] 24. Êf3 Êd5?! [24... Ëe8 25. Íf5 Ëgd3+»; a2) 22... Ìb2 23. ef7 Ëf7 (23...
Ëc6 26. Ëd1 Êc7 27. Ífd6+»] Èg7 24. Íf4! Ìd7 25. Êb2 Èf7 26. Íd5 e5
27. b4 Ëc4 28. f4+») 24. Êb2¥; a3) 22... f6
1e1 1 E 23. Êf5¥; b) 21... Ìb2 22. Êb2 f6 (22...
Íg7 23. Íe7 Èh8 24. Ëd6+») 23. fe6 Ìc6
1y1 Rq1y 24. Íf4¥] fe6 22. Ìg7 [22. Íe3 Ëg5 23.
Ìg7 Ëg7Õ] Èg7 23. Êb2 Èg8 24. Ëe3 [24.
y1 1 Yr1 Íe3 Ëg5 25. Èh2 e5=] Ëd5= [24... ed5 25.
1 1w1 1 Ëg3 Èf7 26. Ëf3 Èg8 27. Ëg3=] 25. Ëd5
ed5 26. Ëg3 Èf7 27. Ëf3 Èg8 28. Ëg3 Èf7
1 Gg1 1 29. Ëf3 Èg8 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovi
1h1 1s1h
F 1 Hh1 60. B 51
E. SAFARLI 2678 —
1 1 D A CH. ARAVINDH 2543
Biel (open) 2016
25. Íg5! Êg5 26. Ëe7! Èe7 27. Êb7+»
Èd6 28. Ìa3 Ëc5 29. Êc6 1:0 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 d6 4. 0»0 Ìd7
G. Arsovi 5. Ëe1 Íf6 6. c3 a6 7. Ìc4 Ìg4 8. d4 cd4 9.

cd4 e5 [9... Ëc8 Ñ 128/(63)] 10. de5 N [10. gf3 Ëe8 20. Ëhe1¢] 19. Êb4 [19. Êe2!?]
Ìe3; 10. d5] de5 [10... Íe5 11. Ìe2 Ìe7 Ìd6 [19... Íd6 20. Ëhe1 a5 21. Êc5 Ëc8
12. Íc3 Íf3 13. Ìf3 Ìf3 14. Êf3 0»0 15. 22. Êb6 Ëe8 23. Êd8 Ëcd8 24. Íc7 Ëe7
Ìf4¢] 11. Ìd5!¢ Êb6 [11... Ìb4 12. Ìc6 25. Íb5¢î] 20. Êb5 Êg5 21. Ëhe1 [21.
bc6 13. Êd8 Ëd8 14. Ìd2 Ìd2 (14... Ìd6 Êa6!?] Íe3
15. Ìa5 Ëb8 16. Íbd2¢) 15. Íbd2¢] 12.
Ìc6 bc6 [12... Êc6 13. Íe5 Ìd1 14. Íc6 e1 1 Eq1
bc6 15. Ëd1 Íe4 16. Ìe3 (16. Ëe1 0-0-0Õ)
Ëd8 17. Íc3¢; 17. Íd2¢] Y 1 1yY
1 R 1 Y
e1 1qR E 1s1g1 W
1 1 1yYy 1 1 Y 1
yWy1 T 1 1 1 Tf1
1 1 Y 1 hHh1 1hH
1 1h1r1 1a1dD 1
1 1 1g1
hH 1 HhH 22. h4! Êe5ì 23. Êa6 Ëab8 24. c3?! [24.
b3] Ëfd8 [24... Êf5?! 25. Êd3¢; 24... Ìa3
DgFsD A 25. Ëe3 (25. Êa3?? Êf5»+) Ëb2 26. Èc1
(26. Èa1? fe3 27. Êa3 e2»+) fe3 27. Êa3Õ;
13. Ìe3! Êb2 [13... Êc7 14. Íbd2 Ìe7 15. 24... Ìc5!?] 25. Íe3 fe3 26. Èa1?! [26.
h3 Ìh5 16. Ëc1¢; 13... Êb5 14. Íbd2 Ìb4 Êd3 Ìe7 27. Êe3 Ëd1 28. Ìd1 Êe3 29.
15. h3 Ìh5 16. g4 Ìg6 17. Êc2¢] 14. Íbd2 Ëe3 Ìh4=] Ìc5£ 27. Êc4 Ìb6 28. a4?!
Ëd8 [14... Íd7 15. h3 Ìf3 (15... Ìh5 16. g4 Ëdc8 29. Êb5 Êf6 30. Ëe2 Êh4¤ 31. Ìd5
Ìg6 17. Íc4 Êb8 18. Êa4¥) 16. Êf3 Êb4 Êh5 [31... Êf6!?] 32. Ìf3 Êh4 33. Ëd7
17. Ëac1 Êd6 18. Íc4 Êe6 19. Ëed1¥ Ìe7?! Èh8? [33... Êf4¤] 34. Ëf7 Ëc5 35. Êd7 [Ä
20. Íd6 Ìd6 21. Ëc6+»] 15. Êa4¥ Ìe7 35. Êb3] Ëc7 36. Êd6 Êa4 37. Èb1 Ëf7
16. Ëab1 Êa3 17. Êa3 Ìa3 18. Íc4 [18. 38. Êb8 Èh7 39. Êe5 g6 [39... Êd1!? 40.
Íe5 Ìe6 19. Íc6 Ëc8 20. Ëb6¥] Ìe7 19. Èa2 Êd7] 40. Ëe1 Êf4 41. Êf4 Ëf4 42.
Íce5 Ëc8 20. Ëb7 h6 [20... c5 21. Íg5 Ìh5 Èc2 g5 43. b4 Èg6 44. Èd3 Èf5 45. c4?!
(21... Ìe6 22. Íe6 fe6 23. Íc4 Íe4 24. [45. g4 Èe5 46. Ëf1£] g4 46. Ìb7 Ëd4 47.
Ìf4+») 22. Íc4¥] 21. h3 Ìe6 [21... Ìf3 Èc3 Èf4 48. c5 Ëd7 49. Ìc6 Ëc7 50. g3
22. gf3 c5 23. Ëd1+»] 22. Íd4+» Ìa2 23. Èf5? [51. Ëf1 Èe5 52. Ìb5=; 50... Èg5
Ëa1 Ìd6 24. Íef3 [24. Íec6+»] c5 25. 51. Ìb5 Ëc5!»+] 1/2 : 1/2
Íf5 1:0 G. Arsovi T. Paunovi

61. B 64 62. B 66
P. LMKé 2712 —
— SMIRIN 2676
Danzhou 2016
Poikovsky 2016
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. Íc3 Íc6 6. Ìg5 e6 7. Êd2 a6 8. 0-0-0 Ìe7
Íc3 Íc6 6. Ìg5 e6 7. Êd2 Ìe7 8. 0-0-0 9. f4 Íd4 10. Êd4 b5 11. Ìf6 gf6 12. e5 d5
0»0 9. f4 h6 10. Ìh4 e5 11. Íf5 Ìf5 12. ef5 13. f5 0»0 14. g4 N [14. Ìd3 Ñ 78/(219)] b4
ef4 13. Èb1 d5 14. Ìf6 Ìf6 15. Íd5 Ìe5 [14... fe5 15. Êe5 Ìf6 16. Êg3 Ìh4 17.
16. Ìc4 b5 17. Ìe2!? [17. Ìb3 Ñ 97/137] Êd3 Èh8Õ; 14... Ìb7 15. Èb1 Ëc8Õ] 15.
Íd4 N [17... Íe7] 18. Ìf3! Íf5 [18... Íf3 19. Íe2 Ìd7 16. Íg3 fe5 17. Êe5 Ìf6 18. Êe1

Ëe8 [18... ef5!? 19. Íf5 Ìf5 20. gf5 Èh8Õ] Èf8 49. Èb3 [49. Ìe2 Ëff2 50. Ëd2 Ìg5
19. Êf2 Ìh8 20. Íh5 Êg5 21. Èb1 ef5 22. 51. f6ì Ìf6 52. Ëc2 Ìg5¤] Ëb2 50. Èc4
Ìg2 Ëad8?! [22... Ìe6 23. gf5 Êf5 24. b3 51. Ëd7? [51. Ëd1 Ëc2 a) 52. Èb3 Ëb2
Êg3 Èf8 25. Íf4§] 23. Ìd5 Ìb5? [23... f4 53. Èa3 (53. Èc4 Ëb4 54. Èd3 Ëf2 55.
24. Êf4 Êf4 25. Íf4¢; 23... Èf8!?] Ìe2 Ëff4»+) Ëff2 54. Ëd7 Ëb4 55. Ìe2
Ëh2»+; b) 52. Èb5 b2 53. Ëf1 Ëc1 54. Ìe4
Ee1qR Ëf1 55. Ëb3 Ëe1 56. Ìc2 Ëe2 57. Ìb1 Ëe5
58. Èb6¤]
1 1 1y1y
y1 1 1 1 1 1 Q 1
1r1f1yWg 1 1d1y1
Y 1 1h1 1 1 R 1
1 1 1 1 Y 1 1h1
hHh1 S H h1a1 1 1
1a1d1 1d 1y1 Df1
E 1 1 1
24. Êf5? [24. h4! Êg6 25. gf5! Êh5 26.
Ëdg1! Ìg7 27. Ëg7! Èg7 28. Êd4 Èf8 29. 1 1 1e1
Êb4 Èg7 30. Ëg1 Èf6 31. Êd4 Èf5 32. c4!
(Å Ëf1) Ìc4 33. Êc4 Èf6 34. Ëf1 Èg7 35. 51... Ìg5? [51... Ëc2! 52. Èd3 (52. Èb3
Ëf7 Êf7 36. Ìf7 Ëc8 37. Êf1 Ëf8 38. Êa6 Ëb2 53. Èc4 Ëc1 54. Èd5 Ëd2»+) b2 53.
Èf7 39. a4+»; 26... Èf8] Êf5 25. gf5 Ìe2 Ëb7 Ëc3 54. Èe2 Ëe3»+] 52. f6! Ìf6 53.
26. Ëdg1 Èf8 27. Íf4 Ìb5§ 28. Ëg4 h5 Ìd5 Ëf4 54. Èb5 Ìh4 [Ä 54... Ìg5 55.
[28... Ëe5!? 29. Ìb3 Ëde8 30. Íd3 Ìd3 31. Ëg3 Ìh4 56. Ëh3 Ìe1£] 55. Èa5= Ìf2?!
cd3 Ëe2 32. Ëhg1 Ëb2 33. Èc1 Ëc8 34. [55... Ëf5] 56. Ëee7 Ìc5 57. Ëf7 Ëf7 58.
Ìc4 Èe7=] 29. Ëh4 [29. Ëg5!?] Ëe5 [29... Ëf7 Èe8 59. Ëf3 Èd7 60. Èb5 Èd6 61.
Ìe5!? 30. Ëh5 Èg7 31. f6 Èf6 32. a4 ba3 Ìb3 Ìd4 62. a5 Èe5 63. Ëh3 Ëf2 64. Èc6
33. c4 Ìc4 34. Ìc4 Ìf4=] 30. Ëh5 Ìf6 Ëf6 65. Èb7 Ëd6 66. Ëh5 Èf4 67. Ìa4
[30... Ìg7! 31. Ìb3 Ëd4 32. Íd3 Ìd3 33. Ëg6 68. Ìd7 Ëg7 69. Èc7 Ìe5 70. Èc6
cd3 Ëe2§] 31. Ìf3?! [31. Ìb3] Ëd4î 32. Ëg6 71. Èb5 Ëg7 72. Ìc6 Ëg5 73. Ëh4
Íd3? [32. Íg2 Ëd2 33. Íf4 Ëc5 34. Ìe4 Èg3 74. Ëa4 Ìc3 75. Èb6 Ìa5 76. Ëa5
Ìc6 35. Ìc6 Ëcc2 36. Ìa4 Ëb2 37. Èc1 Ëa5 77. Èa5 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
Ëd8£] Ìd3 33. cd3 Ëd3¤ 34. Ìd1 [34.
Ëh6!? Ìg7 35. Ëh3 Ëee3 36. Ëf1 Ëd2 37. 63. B 66
f6 Ìf6 38. Èc1 Ëed3 39. Ìg4 Ìb2 40. Èb1
Ëh3 41. Ìh3 Ëh2 42. Ìe6 f6¤] Ëd2 35. J.�K. DUDA 2671 —
Ëh6 [35. Ìc2 Ëc5 36. Ëc1 Ëg2»+; 35. Ëh3 GABUZYAN 2607
Ëf5 36. Ëb3 a5»+] Èg7? [35... Ëf5! 36. Martuni 2016
Ìc2 Ëff2 37. b3 Ëc2 38. Ëf6 Ëb2 39. Èc1
Ëfc2 40. Èd1 Ëg2 41. Ëc6 a5»+] 36. Ëh3 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Ëc5?! [36... Ëf5 37. Ìc2 Ëff2 38. Ëc1 Ìg5 Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 Íc6 7. Êd2 e6 8. 0-0-0 h6 9.
39. Ëg1 Èf6¤] 37. Ëb3 a5 38. Ëg1 Èf8 39. Ìf4 Ìd7 10. Íc6 Ìc6 11. Êe1 Êa5 12.
a3 Ëc4 40. a4 Ëh2 41. Ëgg3 Ëch4?! [41... Ìc4 Ëc8 [12... 0-0-0 Ñ 34/(257); 12... Ìe7
Ëd4 42. Ìc2 (42. Ëgd3 Ëb2 43. Èb2 Ëd3 Ñ 34/257] 13. Íd5 N [13. Ìb3] Êd8 [13...
44. Èc2 Ëd5 45. Ìf3 Ìg5¤) Ëdd2 43. Êe1 14. Íf6 gf6 15. Ëhe1 e5 16. Ìd2 f5|]
Ìe4¤] 42. Ëgd3 [42. Ëg4!?] Ëh1 [42... 14. Ìb3 Íd7 15. f3 Ìd5 [15... a5!? 16. a3
Ìd4!?] 43. Ëd6! Èe7 44. Ëd2 Ìg5 45. Ëd5 Íc5Õ] 16. ed5 e5 17. c3¢ b5 18. Èb1 a5 19.
Ë4h2 46. Èa2 Ìf6 47. Ìf3 Ëf1 48. Ëe3 Ìc2 Êc7 20. Ìe3 Ìe7 21. Êe2 Ëb8 [21...

b4 22. cb4 ab4 23. Ëc1¥] 22. g4 Íc5 23. 32. Ëe6 Ìf4 33. Ìf4 Ëf4 34. Íd4£; 29. f4
Ëc1 h5?! [23... a4] 24. h4 [24. gh5¥] g6 Ìc6£]

1q1 E 1e1 Eq1
1 W Ry1 1 1r1 Y
1 Y 1y1 1 YyRd1
YyThY 1y Yy1 1 Fy
1 1 1hH 1t1h1 1
1 H Fh1 1 H 1h1
hHf1s1 1 hHg1f1 1
1aD 1 1d 1a1 1 D
25. f4!¥ hg4 26. f5!? [26. Êg4¥] gf5 27. 29... Íe5! 30. Ëf6 gf6 31. Ìh6 Èf7 32. Ìf8
Ìf5 b4 [27... Íd7!?] 28. c4 a4 29. h5 a3 30. Ëf8 33. f4 Íg4 34. Ìg4 [34. Íd4!?] hg4 35.
b3 Ìf6 31. Ìg4 [31. Êg4!?+»; 31. h6!?+»] Ëg4 Ëh8¤ 36. b4 Ëh1 37. Èb2 ab4 38. Íb4
e4 [Ä 31... Êe7] 32. Ëcf1 Ìe5 33. Èc2 Íd7 Ëe1 39. Ëh4 Ëe4 40. Ëh7 Èe8 41. f5?! [41.
[33... Ía4!? 34. h6 (34. ba4? b3 35. ab3 Êb7 Ëh8 Èe7 42. Ëh7 Èd8 43. Ëh8¤] ef5 42.
36. Ìd7 Êd7|) Íc3 35. Êg2+»] 34. Ëf5 Ëh8 Èf7 43. Ëh7 Èe6 44. Íc2 Ìe8»+ 45.
[34. h6!?] Èe7 35. h6 Ëbg8 36. Ëg5 [36. Íd4 Èe5 46. Ëe7 Èd5 47. Ëb7 [47. Íf5
Ëhf1!? f6 37. Ëh5] Ëf8 37. Ìd7 Èd7 38. Ëe7 48. Íe7 Èe6] f4 48. Èc2 Ëe1 49. Ëb8
Êg4 [38. Ìd2!?] Èd8 39. Êe4 [39. Ëe5!? Ìg6 50. Èd2 Ëa1 51. Ëb5 Èe4 52. Ëb7
de5 40. d6 Êd7 (40... Êb7 41. Êg7+») 41. Ëa2 53. Èe1 f3 54. Ëe7 Èf4 55. Íf3 Èf3
Êe4 f6 42. h7+»] Ëe8 40. Êf5 Ìc3 41. 56. Ëe6 Ëa6 57. Ëf6 Èe3 0:1
Ëg3 Êd7 42. Êd7 Èd7 43. Ëf1+» Ëh7 44. T. Paunovi
Èd3 Ëe5 45. Ëgf3 Èe7 46. Ëf5 Ëf5 47. Ëf5
Ëh8 48. Ëh5 Èf6 49. Ìd4! Ìd4 50. Èd4 65. B 66
Èg6 51. Ëh2 f5 52. c5 dc5 53. Èc5 f4 54. d6
f3 55. d7 1:0 T. Paunovi VACHIER�LAGRAVE 2788 —
64. B 66 France 2016

BRUZéN BATISTA 2681 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Íc3 d6 4. d4 cd4 5.

— IVANCHUK 2710 Íd4 Íf6 6. Ìg5 e6 7. Êd2 a6 8. 0-0-0 Ìd7
9. f3 h6 10. Ìe3 b5 11. Íc6 Ìc6 12. Èb1
Varadero 2016 Êc7 13. Íe2 Ìb7 14. Íd4 e5 15. Íb3 d5
16. ed5 [16. Êa5 Ñ 122/61] Íd5 17. Ìd3
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. Ìb4 N [17... 0-0-0; 17... Íe3] 18. c3 Ìe7
Íc3 d6 6. Ìg5 e6 7. Êd2 a6 8. 0-0-0 h6 9. 19. Ëhe1 Ëd8 20. Êf2 Íe3 21. Êe3 0»0 22.
Ìe3 Êc7 10. f3 Ëb8 11. Èb1 Ìe7 12. g4 Êe5 [22. Íd4!? Ìf6 (22... ed4 23. Êe7 Ëd7
Íe5 13. h4 b5 14. Ìd3 Ífd7 15. g5 Íb6 16. 24. Ìh7 Èh7 25. Êf8 dc3 26. Ëd7 Êd7 27.
Êg2 h5 17. g6 N [17. f4 Ñ 59/235] fg6 18. Êb4¢) 23. Íf5 Ëfe8Õ] Êe5 [Ä 22... Ìd6
Íce2 0»0 19. Ëhg1 [19. Íf4!?] Ìf6 20. 23. Êf5 g6 24. Êf6 Ëde8§] 23. Ëe5 Ìd6
Íf4 Íbc4 21. Ìc1 Êf7 22. Ìe2 Ìd7 [22... 24. Ëh5 Ìf4 25. Ëh4 Ìe5 26. Èc2 [26.
d5!?; 22... Ìh4!?] 23. Íg6 [23. b3!?] Íg6 a4!?] Ìf6 27. Ëb4 Ìd5 28. Ëe1 Ëd6 29.
24. Êg6 Êg6 25. Ëg6 Ëbc8 [25... Ìh4 26. Íc5 Ëfd8 30. a4¢ Ìc6 31. ab5 ab5 32.
Íe6 Ìe6 27. Ëe6¢] 26. c3 [26. b3 Íe5 27. Ìe4?! [32. Ëe3 Ëd5 33. Íb3¢] Ëd2 33.
Ëg2¢] a5 27. Íc2?! Ìh4 28. Ëdg1 Ìf6 29. Èb3 Ìe8 34. f4 Èf8 [34... Ìe7!? 35. Íb7
Ìg5 [29. Ìc4 bc4 30. Ìg5 Ìe5 31. f4 Ìe8 Ìb4 36. Íd8 Ìc5 37. Íb7 Ìf2§] 35. Ìf3

Ìe7 36. Ëe5 Ìd6 [36... Ëc8!? 37. Ëd4 Ëd4 18. Ìc6 Ëa7 19. Êc3¥) 16. Ìg7 Èg7 17.
38. cd4 Ìd6 39. Ëe1 Ìf4=] 37. Íe4 Ìe5 Êc3 Íf6 18. Ëac1¢; b) 14... de5 15. Êe5
38. Íd2 Ìc7 [38... Ìf4 39. Ëf4 Ëd2=] 39. Êe5 16. Ìe5 Íd5 17. Ëae1¢] Ìh3 15. g4!?
Èc2 Ìa5 40. Ëe4 [40. Ëd4 Ëd4 41. cd4 [15. Ëd1 Ìg2 16. Èg2¢] Êh6 16. Ëd1 g5
Èe7§] Ìb6 41. f5?! [41. Ëe1] [16... Ìg2 17. Èg2 Êf4 (17... Êg5 18. h4
Êf4 19. c4¢) 18. c4¢] 17. Ìc1 Ìg2 18.
1 ErQ 1 Èg2 Êg6 19. h4?! [19. Íb6!? Ëab8 20.
Íc4 h5 21. h3¢] gh4 20. Êh4
1 1 1yY
R 1 1 Y e1 1 Eq1
1y1 1h1 1 1 YyRy
1 1d1 1 y1yY Tw1
1 H 1f1 1 1 1 1
HaG 1hH g1 1h1hS
1 1 1 1 1h1 1h1
41... Ìd7! 42. Ëe5 Ìc7 43. Ëd5 Ìh2= 44.
h1h1 1a1
Íb3 Èe7 45. Íd4 b4 46. cb4 Ìa4 47. Èd3 1 Fd1d1
Ëd5 48. Ìd5 Ìd7 49. b5 Ìc7 50. Ìc6 Ìc8
51. Èe4 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi 20... d5! 21. g5?! [21. ed5 cd5 (21... Êc2 22.
Ëd2 Êg6 23. dc6 Ëac8=) 22. c3 (22. Êg5!?
66. B 70 Êc2 23. Ëd2§) e6=] de4 22. f4 [22. fe4?
Íe4»+] e6 23. c4 Ëfd8 24. Ëde1 [24. Èh2
M. CARLSEN 2855 — e3! 25. Ëd8 Ëd8 26. gf6 e2 27. Ëe1 Ìf6 28.
HI. NAKAMURA 2787 Êg3 Ëd1 29. Ëe2 Ëc1¤; 24. Íb6!? Ëd1 25.
Ëd1 e3! 26. f5!? (26. Ìe3 Êe4! 27. Èh2
Bilbao 2016 Êe3 28. gf6 Êe2 29. Èh3 Êd1 30. Ía8
1. e4 c5 2. Íe2 d6 3. Íbc3 a6 4. g3 g6 5. Êd3¤) Êf5 27. gf6 Êc2 28. Ìd2 Êd1 29.
Ìg2 Ìg7 6. d4 cd4 7. Íd4 Íf6 8. 0»0 0»0 Ìe3 Êe2¤] Íe8¤ 25. Íc5 Íd6 26. Êf2 f5
9. b3 Íc6 [9... Íbd7 Ñ 7/388] 10. Íc6 bc6 [26... Ìc3!?] 27. Ìb2 Íf7 28. Ìg7 Èg7 29.
11. Ìb2 Êg3 [Ä 29. Ëe3] Ëd6 30. Ëd1 Ëad8 31.
Ëd6 Ëd6 32. Êc3 Èg8 33. Ëf2?! Êh5 [33...
e1rW Eq1 e5!? 34. fe5 Êg5+»] 34. Êh3 Êd1»+ 35.
Êe3 [35. Êg3 Íh8] e5! 36. Êg3 [36. fe5
1 1 YyRy Ëg6!] Ëg6 37. Èh2 ef4 [37... Êd4!?] 38.
Êf4 Êh5 39. Èg1 Êd1 40. Èh2 Êh5 41.
y1yY Ty1 Èg1 Íg5 42. Êb8 Èg7 43. Êe5 Èh6 44.
1 1 1 1 Êf4 Êd1 45. Èh2 Êd4 46. b4 Èg7 47. Êc7
Èh8 48. Êc8 Ëg8 49. Êf5 Íf3 50. Èh3
1 1h1 1 Êd6 0:1 T. Paunovi
1hG 1 H
hFh1 HfH 67. B 73
D 1s1dA S. MAZM 2627 — G. JONES 2650
Ajaccio 2016
11... Êa5 N [11... Íd7; 11... Ìg4] 12. Ía4
Ìg4 13. Êe1 Êh5 [13... Êe1 14. Ëfe1 Íd7 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
15. f4¢] 14. f3 [14. e5!? a) 14... Íd7 15. ed6 Íc3 g6 6. Ìe2 Ìg7 7. Ìe3 Íc6 8. 0»0 0»0
ed6 (15... Ìb2 16. de7 Ëfe8 17. Íb2 Ìe2 9. Êd2 d5 10. Ëfd1 [10. ed5 Ñ 43/(265)]

Íd4 11. Êd4 Íe4 12. Êd5 Íd6 13. Êb3 15. h4 N [15. g4; 15. Íe4] Êc7! 16. Íd5
Ìe6 14. Íd5 Íf5 15. Ìf3 Íe3 16. Êe3 [16. Ìb3 e4! 17. Ìd4 ef3 18. gf3 Ìd4 19.
Ëd4 Íf6=] cd5 17. Ìd5 Ìd5 18. Ëd5 e4!
e1 W Eq1 19. fe4 Ëe4 20. Êd2 [20. Ëd3 Ëae8 21.
Yy1 YyRy Ëh3 Ëg4 (21... h5!?§) 22. h5 Êb7 23.
Êc1 Ëg2=]
1 1r1y1
1 1g1 1 e1 1 1q1
1 1 1 1 Y W 1yRy
1 1 Sf1 1 1 1y1
hHh1 HhH 1 1d1 1
D 1d1 A 1 1e1 H
1 1 F 1
16... Ìd5 [16... Êa5!? 17. Íe7 Èh8 18. Íd5
(18. Ìb7?! Ëae8! 19. Íc6 Êc7 20. Êa7 Ìc4! hHhS 1h1
21. c3 Ëe6£) Ìb2 19. Ëab1 Ëae8 20. c3 Ìd5
21. Êd4 Èg8 22. Êd5=] 17. Ëd5 Êc7 18.
1a1 1 1d
c3 b6 19. Ëad1 Ëad8 20. g3 [20. Êd3 Ëd5 20... Ìb2! 21. Èb2 [21. Ëd7? Êb8! 22. Ìa7
21. Êd5 e6 (21... Ìe5 22. h4 e6=) 22. Êd7 Ëa7 23. Ëd8 Ëe8 24. Ëe8 (24. Ëb8? Ëb8 25.
Ëc8 23. g3 Ìe5=] Ëd5 N 21. Ëd5 e6= 22. Êd5 Ìg7»+) Êe8 25. Èb2 Êa8¤] Êb7
Ëd3 Ëd8 23. Êd2 Ìf6 24. Ëd8 Êd8 25. 22. Èa1 Ëe3 23. h5 Êe7 24. h6 Ëe8 25.
Êd8 Ìd8 26. Ìc6 Èf8 27. f4 Èe7 28. Èf2 Ëd1?! [25. g4 Ëe5 (25... Êf6 26. Êd4 Êd4
Èd6 29. Ìe8 Èe7 30. Ìc6 Èd6 31. Ìe8 27. Ëd4 Ë3e4 28. Ëhd1 f5=) 26. Êc3 (26.
Èe7 32. Ìc6 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi Êd4? Ëe1 27. Ëe1 Êe1 28. Êd1 Êc3 29.
Èb1 Ëb8 30. Èc1 Êe3 31. Êd2 Êa3 32.
68. B 76 Èd1 Êf3 33. Èc1 Êh1 34. Êd1 Êh6¤)
D. NAVARA 2735 f5=] Êf6?! [25... Ëe2] 26. Êd4 Êd4 27.
— EDOUARD 2641 Ë5d4= Ëe2 28. Ë4d2 Èf8 29. c4 Ëd2 30.
Ëd2 Ëe4 31. c5 Ëc4 32. Ëd5 Èe7 33. Èb2
France 2016 Èe6 34. Ëd6 Èe7 35. Ëd5 Èe6 36. Ëd6
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. Èe7 37. Ëc6 Èd7 38. Èb3 Èc6 39. Èc4 f5
Íc3 g6 6. Ìe3 Ìg7 7. f3 Íc6 8. Êd2 0»0 40. g3 g5 41. Èd4 f4 42. gf4 gf4 43. Èe4
9. 0-0-0 d5 10. Êe1 e5 11. Íc6 bc6 12. ed5 Èc5 44. Èf4 Èd4 45. Èf5 Èd5 46. Èf6
Íd5 13. Ìc4 Ìe6 14. Èb1 Ëe8 [14... Ëb8 Èd6 47. Èf7 Èd7 48. a3 a6 49. a4 a5 50.
Ñ 123/67] Èg7 Èe7 51. Èh8 Èf8 52. Èh7 Èf7 53.
Èh8 Èf8 54. h7 Èf7 1/2 : 1/2
T. Paunovi
e1 We1q1
Y 1 1yRy 69. B 78
1y1r1y1 PULTINEVICIUS 2325
1 1tY 1 — P. CARLSSON 2435
Pardubice 2016
1f1 1 1
1 G Fh1 1. e4 c5 2. Íc3 Íc6 3. Íge2 g6 4. d4 cd4 5.
Íd4 Ìg7 6. Ìe3 d6 7. Êd2 Íf6 8. f3 0»0
hHh1 1hH 9. 0-0-0 Ìd7 10. Ìc4 Ëc8 11. Ìb3 Íd4 12.
Ìd4 b5 13. a3!? [13. e5 Ñ 127/69, 70; 13.
1a1dS 1d Íd5 Ñ 127/71] a5 14. Èb1! b4 15. ab4 ab4

16. Íd5?! [16. Ía2! Êc7 a) 17. Íb4 Ëa8 g3 Ëa1! 30. Êa1 Ëa1 31. Ëa1 Êd4] Êc3!
18. Íd5 Íd5 19. Ìd5 (19. ed5 Ìd4 20. 27. Èb1 [27. Êc3 bc3 28. Èb1 Ëda5] Ëda5
Êd4 Ëfb8 21. g4 Êa5 22. Èc1 Ëb4 23. Êe3 0:1 P. Carlsson
Ìb5!»+) Ìd4 20. Êd4 Ëa4 21. Êc3 Êa7¤;
b) 17. Ëhe1! Ìe6! 18. Ìe6 fe6 19. Íb4 70. B 80
Ëa8§] Íd5 17. Ìg7 N [17. Ìd5] Èg7 18.
ed5 Êa5 19. Ëde1?? [19. Ëhe1! a) 19... Ëc5 NUNN 2597 — A. DENK 2256
20. Êd4 Èg8 21. Ëe7! Ëa8 22. Èc1 Ìa4 Radebeul 2016
23. Ìc4 (23. Ëde1 Ëf8 24. Ìa4 Êa4 25. c4
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
b3 26. Ë1e4 Ëfc8 27. Èd2 Ëc4 28. Ëe8 Ëe8
Íc3 a6 6. f3 e6 7. Ìe3 Êc7 8. Êd2 Íbd7 9.
29. Ëe8 Êe8 30. Êc4 h5 31. Êb3 Êe5=) g4 h6 10. h4 Íe5 11. Ëg1 g6 12. g5 hg5 13.
Ìb5 24. b3 Ìc4 25. bc4 Êa1 26. Êa1 Ëa1 hg5 Ífd7 14. 0-0-0 b5 15. f4 Íc4 16. Ìc4
27. Èd2 Ëd1 28. Èd1 Ëc4=; b) 19... Èg8! Êc4 17. b3 Êc7 18. f5 Íe5 [18... Íc5 19.
20. Êd4 (20. Ëe7?? Ëa8»+) Ëfe8Õ] b4 Ía4 20. Ía4 ba4 21. fg6 fg6 22. e5! d5
(22... de5 23. Íf3¥ï) 23. Ëdf1¥] 19. Ëh1
1e1 E 1 Ëh1 20. Ëh1 gf5 N [20... b4 21. Íce2 ef5
1 1rYyQy 22. ef5 Ìf5 23. Íf5 gf5 24. Èb1 Êb7 25.
Íg3 Êf3 26. Ìf4¥; 20... Ìd7 Ñ 37/277] 21.
1 Y 1y1 ef5 Ìb7?! [21... Êb7 22. Ëh8 ef5 23. Ìf4 a)
W 1h1 1 23... b4
Y 1 1 1 e1r1qR D
1f1 1h1 1w1 1y1
HhS 1hH y1 Y 1 1
1 1 TyH
1a1 D 1d Y G F 1
19... Ëc5!»+ 20. Êd4 [20. Ëe7 Ëa8 21. 1hG 1 1
Êd4 Èg8 22. Èc1 Êa1 23. Èd2 Êh1 24. h1hS 1 1
Ëd7 Êg2 25. Èd3 Êf3 26. Èd2 Êg2 27. 1 A 1 1
Èd3 Ëe8] Èg8 21. Ìc4 [21. Èc1 Ìa4 22.
Èd2 (22. Ìc4 Ëfc8 23. b3 Ìb5 24. Ëe7 24. Ídb5! ab5 25. Íd5 Ìe6 (25... Êa7 26.
Ìc4 25. bc4 Ëc4 26. Êb2 Ëc2 27. Êc2 Êa1 Íf6 Èe7 27. Ëf8! Èf8 28. Ìe5+») 26. Íf6
28. Èd2 Ëc2 29. Èc2 Êh1) Ìb3 23. cb3 Èe7 27. Ìe5 Êc6 28. Ìd4 Ëa2 29. Êd3 f4
Ëd5] Ìb5! 22. Ìb5 [22. Ìb3 Ëa8 23. Èc1 (29... Ëa3 30. Íh7 Ëb3 31. Êf1+») 30. g6!
Ìa4 24. Ìc4 b3 25. Ëe7 (25. c3 Ëac8 26. fg6 31. Êg6+»; b) 23... Ìd7 24. g6! 0-0-0 25.
Ìd3 Ëd5) Ìb5 26. cb3 Êa1 27. Èc2 Êh1] gf7 b4 (25... Íf7? 26. Ëh7+») 26. Íce2¥]
Ëa8! 23. Èc1 [23. c4 b3! 24. Èc1 Êb5 25. 22. Ëh8! [22. Ëh7?! Ëc8 23. Ícb5 (23. Èb2
Ëe4 Ëa4 26. Êd3 Ëac4 27. Ëc4 Ëc4 28. ef5Õ) ab5 24. g6 Ìe4 (24... Êc3 25. Êc3
Èd2 Êb4 29. Èe2 Ëc2 30. Èe3 Êc5 31. Ëc3 26. gf7 Íf7 27. fe6 Ëe3 28. ef7 Èd7
Èf4 Ëg2 32. Ëe1 e5! 33. de6 Êg5 34. Èe4 29. Ëh8 Ëe1 30. Èb2 Èe7 31. Íf5 Èf7
Êe5#] Êb5 24. b3 Ëd5 [24... Ëa2! a) 25. 32. Ëh7 Èe6 33. Ëb7 Èf5 34. Ëf7 Èe5 35.
Ëe7 Ëcc2 26. Èb1 Ëd2 27. Êe3 Ëa1! 28. Ëf8 Èd5=) 25. g7 Ìg7 26. Ëg7 Ìf5 27.
Èa1 Êa5 29. Èb1 Êa2 30. Èc1 Êc2#; b) Ëg8 Èd7 28. Ëc8 Êc8 29. Íb5 Êc6=;
25. c4 bc3 26. Ëe7 Ëd5 27. Êe4 (27. Êf6 22. Ëh4!?] ef5 [22... Êe7 23. g6 (23. a4 b4
Ëa1 28. Èc2 Êd3#) Êb3; c) 25. Êe4 f5 26. 24. Íce2+») Êf6 24. Ëg8+»] 23. Ídb5
Êe6 Èh8 27. c4 (27. Ëe2 Êd3!) Ëc4 28. [23. Íf5 0-0-0 24. Ëf8 Ëf8 25. Íd6 Èb8 26.
Èb1 Ëcc2] 25. Êb2 Êc6! 26. Ëe7? [26. Êd4 Íc6 27. Êc5 Ëd8 28. Ìf4+»] ab5 24.
Ëe3 Ëda5 27. Èd2 Ëa2 28. Êb1 Êc5! 29. Íb5 Êd7 25. Íd6 Èe7 26. Ìc5+» Èe6

27. Íb7 Êd2 [27... Êb7 28. Ëf8] 28. Èd2 Êd8 Èd6 34. Êd7 Èc5 35. Êe7 Èc4 36.
Íg6 29. Ëh7! Ëb8 [29... Ëa2 30. Ìf8 Íf8 Êe6 Èd3 37. Êh3 Èd2 38. Êg2 Èc1 39.
31. Íd8] 30. Ìf8 Ëb7 [30... Íf8 31. Ëh6] Êg1=]
31. Ìc5 f4 32. a4 Èd5 33. b4 Èe4 34. a5
Ëd7 35. Èc3 f3 36. a6 Íf4 37. a7 Íd5 38. D 1 1 1
Èc4 Ëd8 39. Ëf7 Íe3 40. Ìe3 Èe3 41. b5
f2 42. b6 Ëd4 43. Èb3 1:0
1 1gQ Y
T. Paunovi s1y1 1y1
71. B 81
1 1 Y 1
1 Yt1 1
SVIDLER 2759 —
H 1 1w1
Biel (m/3) 2016 Hh1 1 1
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
1a1 1 1
Íc3 a6 6. h3 e6 7. g4 h6 8. Ìg2 Ìe7 9. h4 31... Íd2! [31... Èd7?? 32. Êb7 Èd6 33.
[9. f4 Ñ 126/69] Íc6 10. g5 hg5 11. hg5 Ëd8 Èe6 34. Êc6+»; 31... Êd1? 32. Èa2
Ëh1 12. Ìh1 Íh7 13. Íc6 bc6 14. g6!? N Êc2! (32... Íd2? 33. a4 Èd6!? 34. Ëd8 Èe7
[14. Êh5] fg6 15. Êd3 e5 [15... Íf8 16. Ìe3 35. Êc6! Êb1 36. Èa3 Êa1 37. Èb4 Êb2
a5 17. 0-0-0§] 16. Êc4 Ìd7 17. Ìd2 [17. 38. Èa5 Èd8 39. Íc5! Êc3 40. Èa6 Êc4
Êg8?! Íf8 18. Ìe3 (18. Êg7?! Ìg5£) Ëb8 41. Èa7+») 33. Êf1 Èd7 34. Ëb7 Èd6 35.
19. 0-0-0 Ìe6 20. Êg7 Ëb7£] Ìg5 18. Êf8 Èd5 36. Êf7 Èc5=] 32. Èa2 [32. Èc1
0-0-0 Êf6 19. Ía4 [19. Ìg5 Íg5 (19... Êg5 Êe3 33. c3 (33. Èd1 Íf3»+) d3! 34. Êa4
20. Èb1 Êf6 21. Ía4 Ëb8 22. b3¢) 20. Êg8 Íb3 35. Èb1 Êg1 36. Èa2 Íc1 37. Èa1
Êf8 21. Êf8 Èf8 22. Ëd6 Ìe8 23. Ìg2 d2»+] Êd5 33. b3?! [33. Ëb3 Èd7 34. Êb7
Èe7 24. Ëd3 Íe6Õ] Ëb8 [19... Êf2!? a) 20. Èe6 35. Êg7 Èf5 36. Êf8 Èg4 37. Êh6
Êg8 Íf8 21. Ìg5 Ìg4 a1) 22. Êc4 Ìd1 Íb3 38. Êg6 Èf4 39. Êh6 Èf3 40. Êh3
23. Êc6 Èf7 24. Êb7 Èg8 25. Êd5 Èh8 Èf2 41. Êh2 Èe1 42. Êg1 Èe2 43. Êh2
26. Êd1 Íe6 27. Ìe7 (27. Ìd2 Ëf8¤) Ëe8 Èd1 44. cb3 d3»+] Êh1 34. a4 Êb1 35.
28. Ìd6 Ëd8 29. c3 Êf4 30. Èb1 Êf8¤; a2) Èa3 Êa1 36. Èb4 Êc3 37. Èa3 Íb1
22. Ìf3 Êf3 23. Íc3 Êf2 24. Êc4 Êc5 25. 0:1 T. Paunovi
Êc5 dc5£; b) 20. Ìg5 Íg5 21. Êg8 Êf8
22. Êf8 Èf8 23. Ëd6 Èe7 24. Ëg6 Íe6=] 72. B 82
20. Ìg5 Êg5 21. Èb1 Íf6 [21... Êf6 Ñ 19.
Ìg5] 22. a3 Êh4?! [22... Èe7 23. Êd3 Íe8 A. PIJPERS 2471 —
24. Êa6 Êf4 25. Êa7 Ëc8 26. Íc3¢] 23. O. WIECZOREK 2432
Êd3 d5 [23... Êf2 24. Êd6 Ëb5 25. Íc3¥]
Gallipoli 2016
24. Íc5¥ d4 25. Êa6 Êf2 26. Ëf1 Êg3 27.
Ìf3?! [27. Íd3!?; 27. Êa7! Ëd8 28. Íb7 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Ìh3 29. Ëc1 Ëd7 30. Êb8 Èe7 31. Ía5¥] Íc3 Íc6 6. Ìg5 Êb6 7. Íb3 e6 8. Ìf4
Êh3 28. Ëh1?! [28. Êd3 Ëb5 29. Íd7 Êd7 Íe5 9. Ìe3 Êc7 10. f4 Íc6 11. g4 a6 12.
30. Ìe2î; 28. Êc4 g5 29. Èa1 d3 30. Êd3 g5 Íd7 13. Êf3 b5 14. 0-0-0 b4 [14... Íb6
g4 31. Ìd1¢] Êf3 29. Ëh8 Èe7 30. Ëb8 Ñ 92/215] 15. Ía4 Ìb7 [15... Íe7!?] 16.
Íe4 [30... Êd1 31. Èa2 Êc2 32. Êa7 d3 Èb1?! [16. Ìd3!? Å Êf2; 16. Êf2! a) 16...
33. Ëb7 Êc4 34. Èb1 Êc2 35. Èa2=] 31. Ía5 17. Íb6 Íb3 18. ab3 Íb6 19. Ìb6
Íd7? [31. Íe4 Êh1 32. Èa2 Êe4 33. Èb1 Êc6 20. f5! (20. Ìd3) Ìe7 (20... Êe4 21.
Ìf5 (33... Êh1 34. Èa2 Êe4=) 34. Êa7 fe6 fe6 22. Ìc4 Êf5 23. Ëhe1 Êf2 24. Ëe6
Èf6 35. Êc5Õ; 31. Êa5 Êd1 (31... Êf1 32. Èd7 25. Ìf2 Ìe7 26. Èb1¥) 21. f6 gf6 22.
Èa2 Êc4 33. Íb3 Èe6=) 32. Èa2 Êc2 33. gf6 Ìd8 23. Ìd8 Ëd8 24. Ëg1¥; b) 16...

Ìe7 17. Èb1 0»0 18. h4¢ï; c) 16... Ëd8 Ìh1 (26... Íd5 27. Ëd5 Ìd5 28. Ìh6 Êh6
17. Ìd3¢] Íe7! 17. Íd4 N [17. Ëd4!? d5 18. 29. Ëd1!¥) 27. Êc4 Ìd5 28. Ëd5 Íd5 29.
Ëb4 de4 19. Êf2 Ìd5Õ; 17. Íd2] Êa5?! Êd5 Èf6 30. Ìc6!¥ï; c) 22... h5! 23. gh6
[17... Íc5?! 18. Íc5 dc5 19. Ìb5! Íc6 20. Ëh6 24. f5 ef5 25. ef5 Ëd8ì 26. Ìh6 Ìh1
Ìc6 Ìc6 21. Íc6 Êc6 22. f5¥; 17... Ëd8?! 27. Êh5! g6 28. Ëd8 Èd8 29. Êd1 Èe8¢]
a) 18. Ìb5!? Íf5 (18... h6 19. Ëhf1 Íc6 Ìe4!? [22... Ìc8 23. g6! Ìd7 (23... Íg6 24.
Êh5+») 24. f5 0-0-0 25. fe6+»] 23. Ìe6
1 EqR E Ìh1 [23... Ëd8 24. Ìd7 a) 24... Èf7 25.
1rWt1yY Ìc5! Êg6 (25... Ìc2 26. Èc1!+») 26.
y1tYy1 Y f5!+»; b) 24... Ëd7 25. Êd7 Èf7 26. Ëd6
Êd6 27. Êd6 Ìh1 28. Ìc5+»] 24. Ìd7
1f1 1 H [24. Ìc5?? Êc5 25. Ìd7 Èd8 26. Ìc6 Èc7
gY GhH 1 27. Êd7 Èb6 28. Êb7 Èa5 29. Êc7 Êb6
1 1 Fs1 30. Êe5 Íd5»+] Èf7 [24... Èd8 25. Ìc6
hHh1 1 H Èc7 26. Êd7 Èb8 27. f5+»] 25. Ìc5? [25.
Ëh1! Ëc8!? (25... Ëd8 26. Ìc5 Êg6 27.
1a1d1d1 Ëe1+»; 25... Êd6 26. Ìc5 Êd5 27. Ëe1
Íf5 28. Ìf5 Ëe8 29. Ìe3!+») 26. f5! (26.
20. Íe6! fe6 21. Êh5 Èe7 22. Ìd3 e5 23. f5 Ìc8?? Êc6) Ëc6 27. Êg4+» Å Êc4] Êg6
Ëc8 24. f6 gf6 25. Ëf6! Èd8 26. Ëf7¥ï) 19. 26. f5 Êg5 27. Ìe6 Èe8 28. Ìd7 [28. Ëh1!?
Ìd7 Ëd7 20. Ëhe1 Íe3 21. Êe3¢; b) 18. Ëd8! 29. Êf3 Êf6! (29... Íd5 30. Ìd4!+»)
Ìd3 Íc5 19. Íc5 dc5 20. Ìb5! ab5 21. 30. Ëd1 Íd5! 31. Ëd5 Ìc5 32. Ëd8 Êd8
Íb5 Êb6 22. Ëd8 Èd8 23. Ëd1 Íd5 (23... 33. Êc6 Èe7 34. Êc5 Èf6=] Èf7 29. Ìe6
Èc8 24. Íd6 Èb8 25. Íf7 Ëg8 26. Íe5¥) [29. Ëh1!? Ëd8! 30. Ìe6 Èe8 Ñ 28. Ëh1]
24. c4! Èc8 25. ed5 ed5 26. Êh3 Êe6 27. f5 Èe8 30. Êd3
Êd7 28. Êg3 Ìc6 29. Êe5 Êe7 30. Êe7
Ìe7 31. Ía7 Èb7 32. Íc6 Èc6 33. cd5 e1 1qR E
Èc7 34. Ëc1 Èb6 35. a4¥; 17... Íf5! 18.
Ìf2 Ìe7 19. b3 0»0Õ] 18. b3 Íc5 19. Íc5 1 1 T Yy
dc5 y1 1f1 1
e1 1qR E 1 F 1hW
1r1 TyYy Y 1 1 1
y1 1y1 1 1h1s1 1
W Y 1 H h1h1 1 H
Y GhH 1 1a1d1 1r
1h1 Fs1 30... Ìc6? [30... Ìd5?! 31. Ìd5 Ëd8 32.
h1h1 1 H Êe2 Ëd5 (32... Êf6 33. Ìe6 Ëd1 34. Êd1
Íd5 35. Ìd4! Êe7 36. Ìd5 Êd6 37. Êe2
1a1d1f1d Ìe7 38. Êc4+») 33. Ëd5 Êf6 34. Ëe5+»;
30... Íd5! 31. Ìd5 Ìc5 32. Ìa8 Ìa8 33.
20. Íe6!! [20. Íe2 Íf5 21. Íg3î] fe6 21. Êd7 Èf8 34. Êc8 Èf7 35. Êe6 Èf8=] 31.
Ìc4ï Êb6 22. Êh3 [22. Êg4 a) 22... Ìc8 Ìb6!+» Íf5 32. Ìd7 [32. Êc4!] Èf7 33.
23. f5! (23. Ëhf1 Ìd7 24. Ëf2¥) ef5 24. Ìc6?! [33. Ìf5!?; 33. Êc4! Èg6 34. Êc6]
Êg3!+»; b) 22... Ìe4 23. Ìe6 b1) 23... Ëb8?! [33... g6 34. Ìa8 Ìe7] 34. Êd5 [Ä
Ìh1? 24. Ìd7 Èf7 (24... Èd8 25. Ìc6 Èc7 34. Êc4 Èf6 35. Ëe1] Èf6 35. Ìa7?? [35.
26. Êd7 Èb8 27. f5!+») 25. Ìc5!+»; b2) Ëe1+»; 35. Ìd4+»] Ìd6? [35... Ìe7 36.
23... h5 24. gh6 Ëh6 25. Ìd7 Èf7 26. f5! Ëe1 Èg6 37. Ëg1¥; 35... Êf4! 36. Ìd7 Ëd8

37. Êe6 Èg5 38. Ëg1 Èh5 39. Êe2 Èh6 34. Ëe7!+» Íe7 35. de7 Ëb8 [35... Êd5 36.
40. Ìf5 Êf5 41. Ìe3 g5 42. h4 Ìe7 43. Êf3] 36. ef8Ê Èf8 37. Ëg1 1:0
Ìg5 Ìg5 44. Ëg5 Êg5 45. hg5 Èg5=] 36. T. Paunovi
Ìb8?? [36. Ìd7+»; 36. Ëf1+»; 36. Ìd4
Íd4 (36... Èe7? 37. Ëe1 Èd8 38. Êf7) 37. 74.** !N B 90
Êd6 Íe6 38. Ëf1 Êf5 39. Ëf5 Èf5 40. Ìd7
Ëbe8 41. Ìe8 Ëe8 42. Êa6+»] Ìb8»+ 37. V. ANAND 2770 —
Ëe1 g6 38. Êd7 Êf4 39. Êe6 Èg7 40. Ìe8 HI. NAKAMURA 2791
Ëf8 0:1 T. Paunovi Saint Louis 2016
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
73. B 85 Íc3 a6 6. h3 e5 7. Íde2 h5 8. Íd5 [8. Ìg5
A. ARESHCHENKO 2654 Ñ 127/(76)] Íd5 9. Êd5 Íc6 [9... Íd7 N
— A. FIER 2616 10. Íc3 Íf6 a) 11. Êd1 Ìe6 12. Ìg5 Ìe7
13. Ìf6 Ìf6 14. Ìe2 g6 15. 0»0 Ëc8 16.
Warszawa 2016 Íd5 Ìd5 (16... Ìg5 17. c3 0»0 18. a4 Èg7
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 e6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íc6 5. 19. a5 h4 20. Ëa4 Ëc5 21. b4 Ëc6 22. c4¢ V.
Íc3 Êc7 6. Ìe2 a6 7. 0»0 Íf6 8. Ìe3 Ìe7 Anand 2770 — V. Topalov 2761, Leuven
9. f4 d6 10. Êe1 0»0 11. Êg3 Íd4 12. Ìd4 (blitz) 2016) 17. Êd5 (17. ed5?! e4 18. c3
b5 13. a3 Ìb7 14. Èh1 Ìc6 15. Ëae1 Êb7 0»0£) Ëc2 18. Ìc4 0»0 19. Ìb3 Ëc6 20.
16. Ìd3 b4 17. Íd1 ba3 18. ba3 g6 19. Íf2 Ëac1Õ; b) 11. Êd3 Ìe7 12. Ìg5 Ìe6 13.
Ëfc8 N [19... Íh5 Ñ 61/249] 20. Êh3 Êd7 0-0-0 Êa5 14. a3 Ëc8 15. Ìf6 Ìf6 16. Íd5
21. Ìa1 Ìb5 22. e5 de5 23. fe5 Íd5 24. (V. Anand 2770 — Vachier-Lagrave 2789,
Íe4 Ìd3 25. cd3 [25. Ëf7!? Èf7 26. Êh7 Leuven (blitz) 2016) Ìg5 17. Èb1 h4Õ] 10.
Èe8 27. Êg8 Ìf8 28. Íd6 Èd8 29. Êf8 Êd1 Ìe6 11. Íc3
Èc7 30. Íc8 Ëc8 31. Êd6 Êd6 32. ed6
Èd7!? 33. cd3 Íf4§] h5 26. g4!? hg4 27. e1 WqR E
Êg4 Èg7? [27... Ëc2 28. h4 Ìa3 (28... Êd8 1y1 1yY
29. h5 Êf8 30. Íd6 Ìd6 31. ed6 Êd6 32.
Ìe5 Êf8 33. Êg5 Êd8 34. Êg3 Êf8=) 29. y1tYr1 1
h5 Èg7 30. Ëf6=] 28. Íd6! Ëf8 29. Ëf3¥ 1 1 Y 1y
Ìd6 30. ed6 f6 31. Ëe6 [Ä 31. Ëg3 Êf7 32.
Ëeg1 Ëh8 33. Êg6 Êg6 34. Ëg6 Èf7 35. 1 1h1 1
Ëg7 Èe8 (35... Èf8? 36. Ìd4+») 36. Ëf1 1 G 1 1h
e5 (36... Ëd8 37. Ìf6 Ëd6 38. Ìe5 Ëc6 39.
Ëb1+») 37. Ëb7+»] Ëae8 32. Ëg3! Êf7 hHh1 Hh1
33. Ëe4 Ëd8? [33... Ëc8 34. Ëg1¥; 33...
Ëh8!?] D FsAf1d
11... Íe7! N 12. Ìd3 d5 13. ed5 Íd5 14.
E E 1 0»0 Íb4 [14... Íc3 15. bc3 f5 (15... Ìe7
1 1 1wQ 16. Êf3 Ëb8 17. Ëb1 Êc7 18. a4 g6 19.
Ìe3¢) 16. Êe2 e4 17. Ìc4 Êc8 18. Ìb3¢]
y1 H Yy1 15. Êe2 [15. Ìe4 Êd1 16. Ëd1 f5 17. a3
1 1t1 1 (17. Ìb7 Ëb8 18. Ìd5 Ìd5 19. Íd5 Íc2
20. Ëb1 Ía3 21. Ëa1 Íc2=) fe4 18. ab4
1 1d1s1 Ìb4 19. Íe4 Ìf5=] Êc7 16. f4 [16. Ëe1
H 1h1 D Íd3 17. cd3 Ìe7 18. Êe5 Êe5 19. Ëe5
Ëd8 20. Ëe3 0»0§] Ìc5 [16... ef4 17. Ìf4
1 1 1 H Ìd6 18. Ìd6 Êd6 19. Ìf5 0-0-0 20. Ìe6
Êe6 21. Êf2 f6 22. Ëfe1¢] 17. Èh1 Íd3
F 1 1 1a [17... Ìd4 18. Íe4 (18. f5 Ìd7 19. Ìe3

0-0-0Õ) 0-0-0 19. fe5 Ìe5Õ] 18. cd3 Ìd4 76. B 90
19. f5 Ìd7 20. f6 g6 21. Íd5 Êd6 22. Íe7
Ëd8 23. a4 Ìc6 24. Ìe3 Ìe3 25. Íc6 F. CARUANA 2810 —
bc6= [25... Êc6?! 26. Êe3 Êd5 27. Ëae1î] VACHIER�LAGRAVE 2798
26. Êe3 Êd4 27. Ëae1 Êe3 28. Ëe3 0»0
29. Ëe5 Ëd3 30. Ëc5 [30... Ëb8 31. Ëc6 Dortmund 2016
Ëb2 32. Ëa6 Ëdd2=] 1/2 : 1/2
D. Pikula 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Íc3 a6 6. f3 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe6 8. Ìe3 Ìe7 9.
Êd2 0»0 10. 0-0-0 Íbd7 11. g4 b5 12. h4
75. B 90 [12. Ëg1 Ñ 127/79] Íb6 13. Êf2 Ëb8 14.
IG. KOVALENKO 2667 g5 N [14. Íc5; 14. Èb1] Ífd7 15. f4 ef4 16.
— G. GAJEWSKI 2605 Ìf4
Warszawa 2016 E
W Eq1
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. 1 1tRyYy
Íc3 a6 6. h3 e5 7. Íde2 h5 8. g3 Ìe6 9.
Ìg2 Ìe7 10. 0»0 Íbd7 11. a4 Ëc8 12. b3 yT Yr1 1
[12. Ìe3 Ñ 123/78] Íc5 13. Ìe3 0»0 14. 1y1 1 H
a5 Ìd7 15. f3 N [15. b4 Íe6 16. Íd5 Íd5
17. ed5 Íg5Õ] Ìc6 16. Íd5 [16. b4 Íe6 1 1hF H
17. f4 Íc7 18. Êd2 d5 19. fe5 Íe4 20. Íe4
de4Õ] Ìd5 [16... Íd5!? 17. ed5 Ìd7 18.
1gG 1 1
Êd2 f5Õ] 17. ed5 h4 18. g4 [18. f4 ef4 19. hHh1 S 1
gf4 Ëe8 20. Ìd4 Êd7|] Íh7 19. f4 [19.
c4 Ìg5 20. Ìf2 Íd7 21. Íc3 Íhf6|] ef4 1 Ad1f1d
20. Íf4 [20. Ìf4 Ëe8 21. c4 Ìg5Õ] Ëe8
21. Ìd4?! [21. Êd2 Ìg5 22. Ëae1 Íf6Õ] 16... Ëc8! 17. Íd5 [17. Ìd6 Ìd6 18. Ëd6
Ìf6£ 22. Íh5 Ìe5 23. b4 [23. Ìe5 Ëe5 24. Êc7 19. Ëd4 f6 20. gf6 (20. g6 hg6 21. h5
b4 (24. Êd2 Êg5£) Íd7 25. c4 Ëc4 26. Ëf7 g5Õ) Ëf6 21. Êg2 Íe5§] Íd5 18. ed5
Èf7 27. Êf1 Íhf6 28. Íf6 Íf6 29. Êc4Õ; Ìg4 19. Ìe2 Ìe2 20. Êe2 Ëe8 21. Êf3
25... Êg5£] Íd7 24. c3 Êc7 22. Íd4 Íb6 23. Ëhe1 Ìf8 24. Ëe8
Ëe8 25. Íf5 Êc4 [25... Íc4 26. Èb1 g6 27.
1eWe1q1 Íh6 Ìh6 28. gh6î] 26. b3 Êb4 27. c3 Ëc8
28. Ëd3 [28. Èc2 a5 29. Ëd3 a4Õ] Íd5 29.
1y1t1yYt Ìd2 Íb6 30. Èb1 Êc5 31. Ìe3 Êc7 32.
y1 Y 1 1 Êf4 [32. Íh6 gh6 33. gh6 Íd7 34. Êf5 Íe5
35. Ìd4 Ìh6! 36. Ìe5 de5 37. Ëd7 Êd7 38.
H 1hR 1g Êd7 Ëc3 39. Êd6 Ìf8 40. Êe5 (40. Êa6
H F 1hY b4§) Ëc6§; 32. Ìf4 Êc6 33. Êc6 Ëc6 34.
Ìd6 Ìd6 35. Íd6 Èf8=] Ëe8 33. h5 [33.
1 H 1 1h Íd6 Ëe3! 34. Êe3 Ìd6 35. Êe8 Ìf8 36.
1 1 1f1 Ëd8 Êc5 37. b4 Êf5 38. Èc1 Êf1 39. Èc2
Êf5=] Ëe6 [33... Ëe5 34. Ìd4 Ëe1 35. Èc2
D 1s1dA Íd5 36. Íh6! gh6 37. Êg3! Íb4 38. Èd2
Ìe7ì 39. gh6 Èf8 40. Èe1 Íd3 41. Êd3
24... Êg5! 25. Ëf5?! [25. Êf3 Ìd4 26. cd4 Êc6 42. Êh7 Êh1=] 34. Èc2 Êc6?! [34...
Êe3 27. Êe3 Ëe3£] Ìd4 26. cd4 Êe3 27. Íd7! 35. Íg3 (35. Íd4 Ëe8£; 35. h6 g6 36.
Èh2 g6 28. Ëf3 Êe7 29. Íf4 Íg5 30. Ëd3 Íd4 Ëe5£) Íe5 36. Ëd1 a5£] 35. Ìb6?!
Êf6 31. Êd2 Íe4»+ 32. Ìe4 Ëe4 33. Ëf1 [35. Íd4 Êg2 36. Êf2 Êf2 37. Ìf2 Ëe5 38.
Ëc4 34. g5 Êg5 35. Ëdf3 Ëed4 36. Êf2 Íc6 Ëe2 39. Ëd2 Ëd2 40. Èd2 Íd5 41.
Íe5 0:1 G. Arsovi a4Õ] Êb6 36. Ëf3 Êb7 37. Íe3 [37. Ëf2

Êe4 38. Êe4 Ëe4 39. Ëg2 g6¤] Ëe4 38. Êa3 a5 28. Êb3 (28. Êa5?! Íe4 29. fe4
Êg3 Ëe5 39. Êf4 Êe3£) Ëa8Õ] Ëfc8 22. Ëd2 [22. b3 Ñ
121/(71)] Íh5 23. Ëg1 Êh4 N [23... Êf6]
1 1 Rq1 24. Ìe2 Íf4 25. Ìd1 f5 [25... Íh3 26. Ëg3
Ëb8 27. c3¢] 26. ef5 Ìf5 27. Èa1¢ d5 [27...
1w1 1yYy Ìc2? 28. Ëc2 Ëc2 29. Ìc2 Ëc2 30. Êa4!
y1 Y 1 1 Ëc8 31. Êd7+»; 27... Íe6 28. c3 Íc5 29.
Ìc5 dc5 30. Ìa4 Ëg6 31. Ëg6 (31. Ëgd1 h6
1y1 E Hh 32. Ìb3 Èh7 33. Ìf7 Ëf6 34. Ìd5¢) hg6
1 1 S 1 32. Êa6 c4¢] 28. c3 Ëg6 29. Ëg6 hg6 [29...
Ìg6 30. Êa6 Ëe8 31. Êa4¥] 30. Ìf4 Êf4
1hH Gd1 31. Êd5¥ Èh7 32. Ìb3 a5 33. a4 Ëe8
h1a1 1 1 1 1e1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Yq
39... Ëg5!»+ 40. h6 gh6 41. Ëf2 Êd7 42.
Íf5 Êe6 0:1
1 1 1y1
Z. Arsovi
Y 1sYr1
77.* B 90 h1 1 W 1
A. GIRI 2769 — 1fH 1h1
Saint Louis 2016
A 1 1 1
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Íc3 a6 6. Ìe3 Íg4 7. Ìc1 Íf6 8. f3 e5 9. 34. Èa2? [34. Êb5! Ëe7 (34... Êd2 35. Êe8
Íb3 Ìe6 10. Ìe3 Ìe7 11. Êd2 0»0 12. Êc1 36. Èa2 Êb1 37. Èa3+») 35. Êe2
0-0-0 Íbd7 13. g4 b5 14. g5 b4 15. gf6 bc3 (35. Êc4 Êd2 36. Êh4 Êh6 37. Êe7 Êh2
16. Êc3 Íf6 17. Ía5 Ëc8 18. Íc6 Êe8 19. 38. Èa2¥) g5 36. Èa2 g4 37. fg4 Ìg4 38.
Íe7 Êe7 20. Êa5 Ëc6 21. Èb1 [21. Ëg1 Êg2¥] Ìe6!= 35. Êc6 Ìb3 36. Èb3 Ëb8!
Ëfc8 22. Ëg2 Ìh3 23. Ëgd2 Ìf1 24. Ëf1 37. Èc2 Ëb2 38. Èb2 Êd2 39. Èb3 Êh2
Êe6 25. Ëff2 h6 26. Èb1 Êh3 N (26... Èh7) 40. Êd5 Êe2 41. Êa5 Êd1 42. Èb2 Êd2
a) 27. Ëd3? 43. Èb3 Êd1 44. Èb2 Êd2 45. Èa3 Êc1
46. Èb4 Êb1 47. Èa3 1/2 : 1/2
1e1 1q1 G. Arsovi
1 1 1yY
y1eY T Y 78. B 90
S 1 Y 1
E. INARKIEV 2686 —
1 1h1 1 Z. ANDRIASIAN 2602
1 1dFh1w
Lakovica 2016
hHh1 D H
1a1 1 1 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Íc3 a6 6. Ìe3 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe7 8. f3 Ìe6 9.
a1) 27... Ëc2 28. Ëc2 Êf1 29. Ìc1 Êd3 30. Êd2 0»0 10. 0-0-0 a5 11. a4 Íc6 12. g4
Êd2 Êc2 31. Êc2 Ëc2 32. Èc2 Èf8£ V. Íb4 13. Èb1 Ëc8 14. g5 Íh5 15. Ëg1 f5
Topalov 2761 — Vachier-Lagrave 2819, [15... g6 Ñ 112/140] 16. gf6 Ëf6 17. Ìg5
Saint Louis 2016; a2) 27... d5! 28. ed5 Ëc2 Ëf3 18. Ìe7 Êe7 19. Êd6 Êd6 20. Ëd6
29. Ëc2 Êf1 30. Ìc1 Êd3 31. Êd2 Êf5 32. Íf4?! N [20... Ìb3 21. cb3 Íf6 22. Ìc4
d6 Ëc5 33. b3 (33. Êe2 Ëc6¤) Ëd5¤; b) 27. Èf8 23. Ëb6¢]

1e1 1q1 79. B 90
1y1 1 Yy VAVULIN 2507 —
G. OPARIN 2597
1 Dr1 1 Russia 2016
Y 1 Y 1
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
hT 1hT 1 Íc3 a6 6. Ìe3 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe6 8. f4 ef4 9.
1gG 1e1 Ìf4 Íc6 10. Êd2 d5 11. 0-0-0 Ìb4 12.
Êd3 Ìc3 13. Êc3 0»0 14. ed5 Íd5 15.
Hh1 1 H Êg3 Ëc8 [15... Ícb4 Ñ 81/(223)] 16. Ìd6
1a1 1fD Ëe8 17. Ìd3 N [17. Ìc4; 17. Íc5]

21. Ía5 [21. Ìb5?! Ìb3 22. cb3 Ífd3 23.

Ëd7 g6 24. Ëb7 Ëf2 25. Ìd3 Íd3 26. Ëd1 1y1 1yYy
Ëb2 27. Èa1 Ëc3 28. Ëd3 Ëd3 29. Èb2 y1tFr1 1
Ëd2 30. Èc3 Ëh2 31. Ëb5 h5=] Ëf2 22.
Íb7 Ëc2 [22... Íc2 23. Ëd8 Ëd8 24. Íd8 1 1t1 1
Íe3 25. Íe6 Íe6 26. Ìb5+»] 23. a5 Ëh2 1 1 1 1
24. a6+» Ìb3 [24... Ëh6 25. Ëd8 Ëd8 26.
Íd8+»] 25. a7 Íe6 26. Ëb6 Ìc2 [26... 1g1f1 S
Ëa8 27. Ëb4 Ìc2 28. Èc1 Ëa7 29. Ëg2 hHh1 1hH
Ëg2 30. Ìg2+»] 27. Èc1 Ëa8 28. Íd6 h5
[28... Ëa7? 29. Ëb8 Íf8 30. Ìc4 Èh8 31. 1 Ad1 1d
17... Êf6 [17... h5! 18. Ìc5 (18. h3? h4 19.
e1 1 1q1 Êh2 Íe3 20. Ëde1 Ìb3 21. ab3 Íb4»+;
18. h4 Ìg4£; 18. Ìa3 Êf6 19. Èb1 h4 20.
H 1 1 Y Êf3 Íe5 21. Êf6 Íf6£) h4 19. Êf2 Êg5 20.
D Gt1 1 Èb1 Íe5£] 18. Èb1 Ídb4 [Ä 18... h5 19.
Ëhe1 (19. Ëhf1 h4) Ídb4 20. Ìe4 Ìf5Õ] 19.
1 1 Y 1y Ëhf1 Êh6 20. Ìe4 Êh5 21. Ëde1 Ëcd8?
[21... Êb5 22. a3 f5 (22... Ìd5? 23. Ìf5+»)
T 1h1 1 23. Ìc6 Íc6 24. Íc5 Ìf7 25. Ëf5 Ìg6 26.
1 G 1 1 Ëf4¢; 21... Ìd5 22. Ìf5 Ëcd8 23. Ëe8 Ëe8
24. Íc1¢] 22. a3 Ìd5?! [22... Íd5 23. Íc5
Hr1 1 E Ìc8 24. Ëd1¥] 23. Íc5 [23. Íd2! Ìa2 (23...
1 A 1fD Ìe4 24. Íe4 Íd5 25. c4+») 24. Èa1 f5 25.
ab4 (25. Ìc6 Ëe1 26. Ëe1 Íc2 27. Èa2 Êf7
28. Êb3+») fe4 26. Íe4 Èh8 27. b3+»]
29. Ëb4 [29. Ëb8! Èh7 30. Ëa8 Íd4 31. b3!
Ìa2 24. Èc1 Ìc4 25. Ëf3?! [25. Íb7 Ìf1
Íb3 (31... Ìb3 32. Ëg2+») 32. Èb2 Ìe4 26. Íd8 Íd8 27. Ìb4 Ìb5 28. b3+»; 25.
33. Èb3 Ìa8 34. Èb4+»] Ëa7 30. Ëg2 ab4 Ìf1 26. Ëf1 Íb4 27. Íb7+»] Íd4 26.
Ëh1 31. Èc2 Ëf1 32. Íf5 [32. Íc4+»] Íf4 Ëfe3 [26. ab4 Íe2 27. Ëe2 Ìe2 28. Ëe3
33. Ëg5 Ëf2 34. Èb3 g6 [34... Ëf3 35. Ëb6 Êh6 29. Èb1¥] Íe2?! [26... f5 27. Íb7 fe4
Èh7 36. Íh4 Ëh3 37. Íg6+»] 35. Ëb6 (27... Ía2 28. Èb1 fe4 29. Íd8 Íf5 30.
Èh7 36. Íh4 Ëg7 37. Íd5 Íd3 38. Ëbg6 Êh3 Êh3 31. Ëh3 Íd6 32. Íc6¥) 28. Ìb4
Íc5 39. Èa3 Ëg6 40. Ëg6 Íe4 41. Ëe6 Íf5 29. Êh3! Êg5 30. Íd8 Ëd8 31. Ìd2¥]
Íd2 42. b4 Ëf1 43. Èa4 e4 44. Íf6 Èg7 45. 27. Ë3e2 [27. Ë1e2 Ìe2 28. ab4¥] Ía2 28.
Íe4 Íc4 46. Èb3 Íe3 47. Íd2 Íf5 48. Èb1 Ìe2 29. Íb7 [29. Èa2 b6 30. Íb7
Ëg6 1:0 D. Pikula Ëc8 31. Ìf3 Êb5 32. Ìb4 Ìf3 33. Êf3

Êc4 34. Èa1 Ëe1 35. Ìe1¢] Ëc8 30. Ìf3 20... e4! [20... Ëb2!? 21. Ìb3 e4! 22. Êc3
[30. Íc5 Ìc4 31. Íb3 Ìb3 32. Êb3 Íc3 33. (22. fe4 Ñ 20... e4) ef3 23. gf3 Ëb3 24. Êb3
bc3 Ëe4 34. Ëe4 Êd1 35. Èb2 Êd6¢] Êb5 Íd7§] 21. fe4 [21. Íe4 Íe4 22. fe4 Ëb2£]
Ëb2 22. Ìb3 Íg4£ 23. Êe2?! [23. Ëf1 Íh2
1e1e1q1 24. 0-0-0 Ëb3 25. cb3 Íf1 26. Ëf1 Ìg5£]
Íe3 24. Íf1 [24. Íc4 Íc4 25. Ìc4 Ëab8 26.
1g1 1yYy Ëd1 Êc5¤] Íc2 [24... Ìg5 25. Íe3 Ìe3 26.
y1 F 1 1 Êd3 Ìd4 27. Ëd1 Ìe5¤] 25. Ìc2 Êd4?!
[25... Ìh4! 26. g3 Ëc8! 27. Êe3 Êb7 28. gh4
1w1 1 1 (28. Ìd3 Ìd8!»+ Å Ìa5) Ëcc2 29. Íd2
1 1 1 1 Ëd2 30. Êd2 Ëd2 31. Èd2 Êb4 32. Èe3 Êc3
33. Èf4 Êh3¤] 26. Êd3 Êb4 27. Íd2 Ìg5
H 1 1fS 28. h4 [28. Èe2 Ëc8 29. Ëhb1 Ëc3 30. Ëa4!
tHh1r1hH Ëd3 31. Ëb4 Ëd2 32. Èf3 Ëb4 33. Ëb4 g6 34.
Ìb3 Ëd3 35. Èe2 Ëd2 36. Èf3=]
1a1 D 1
e1 1 1q1
31. Èa2? [31. Ìe5! Ëe5 32. Íd6 Íc3 33.
Èa1 Êc5 34. Íc8 Êc4 35. Ìd5! Ëd5 36. 1 1 1yYy
Êc3 Êc3 37. bc3 Ëd2 38. Èb2 Ìb5=] y1 Y 1 1
Ëc2»+ 32. Ìb4 Êc4 33. Èb1 Ëc1 34. Ëc1
Ìd3 35. Èa1 Êc1 36. Èa2 Êb1 37. Èb3 H 1h1 R
Êc2 0:1 G. Arsovi W 1h1 H
80. B 90
1 1s1 1
EfG 1h1
— J.�K. DUDA 2652 D 1 A 1d
Polska (ch) 2016 28... Ìh6? [28... Ëc8! 29. hg5 Ëcc2 30. Ëd1
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. Ëd2 31. Ëd2 Ëb1 32. Èf2 Ëh1 33. Êc2! g6
Íc3 a6 6. Ìe3 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe6 8. f3 Íbd7 34. Êb2 Êe4 35. Êb8 Èg7 36. Êb2=] 29.
9. Êd2 b5 10. a4 b4 11. Íd5 Ìd5 12. ed5 Ëc1? [29. Èe2! Ëc8 30. Ëhb1 f5 (30... Ëcc2
Íb6 13. Ìb6 Êb6 14. Ìc4 [14. a5 Ñ 31. Êc2! Ëc2 32. Ëb4 Ëd2 33. Èf1+») 31.
98/(183)] Ìe7 15. a5 Êc7 16. Êb4 0»0 17. Ëa4! fe4 32. Ëb4 ed3 33. Èd3 Ëbc2 34.
Íd2 N [17. Ëa4 Êd7 18. 0»0 Ëab8 19. Êa3 Íe4¥] Ëc8 30. Èd1 g6 31. Ëh3 Êa5 32.
Êb7§] Ëfb8 18. Êa3 Êb7 19. Êb3 Êa7 h5?! [32. g4 Êc5 33. g5 Ìg7 34. Ëf3 a5§]
[19... Êc7 20. Êa3 Êb7=] 20. Êd3 Êc5 33. Ëf3 a5?! [33... Ëb4! 34. Èe2 a5¤]
34. hg6 hg6 35. e5 Êg1 36. Êf1 Êd4 37.
Êf2? [37. Êd3 Êe5 38. Ëf7! Èf7 39. Êg6
eE 1 1q1 Èe7 40. Êh6 Ëc5Õ; 37... Êg1=] Êe5 38.
W 1 RyYy Ëf7 Ëbc2!»+ 39. Ëc2 Êa1 40. Èe2 Ëc2
0:1 D. Pikula
y1 Y T 1
H 1hY 1 81. B 90
1f1 1 1 P. LMKé 2712 —
Danzhou 2016
HhG 1hH
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
D 1 A 1d Íc3 a6 6. f3 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe6 8. Ìe3 Ìe7 9.

Êd2 h5 10. Ìe2 Íbd7 11. Íd5 Ìd5 12. ed5 Ëb8 Ëaa1 35. Íf3 Ëg1 36. Íg1 Êc6 37.
0»0 13. 0»0 Êb8 14. Èh1 Ìd8 15. f4 N Ëe4 Êe4 38. Êe4 Íe4 39. Ëd8 Èg7¤] hg2
[15. c4 b5! (15... Ìb6 Ñ 121/77) 16. c5 (16. 33. Èg2 Ëc8 34. Êf1 Ìg5 35. Ëf3 Íe4 36.
Ía5 Ìa5 17. Êa5 bc4 18. Ìc4 Êb2 19. Ëd3 [36. Èh1 Ëc1 (36... Íd2 37. Êh3 Êe7
Ëab1 Êc2 20. Ëbc1 Êf5 21. Êa3 e4Õ) dc5 38. Ëg3 Ìf6¤) 37. Êg2 d5¤] Êg4 [36...
17. Íc5 Ìb6 18. Íd7 Íd7|] Ëe8 16. c4 Ëc1 37. Êf3 Ëa1 38. Íe2 Íd2»+] 37. Èh1
Ëc1»+ 38. Êg2 Êh4 39. Ëf3 Ìe3 [39...
eW Re1q1 Íd2 40. Ëg3 Ëg1! 41. Êg1 Êe4 42. Ëg2
Ìe3»+] 40. Íe2 Íf2! 41. Ëf2 Ìf2 42. Íc1
1y1t1yY Ìg1 43. Êg3 Êd4 44. Êg1 Êd2 45. Íd3
y1 Y T 1 Êd3 46. Ëg5 Ëe2 0:1 G. Arsovi

1 1hY 1y 82. B 91
1h1 H 1 MI. ADAMS 2727 —
1g1 F 1 D. EGGLESTON 2376
hH Sf1hH Great Britain (ch) 2016
D 1 1d1a 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 Íf6 4. Íc3 cd4 5.
Íd4 a6 6. g3 e5 7. Íde2 Ìe7 8. Ìg2 0»0 9.
16... b5! 17. fe5 Íe5 18. cb5 ab5 19. Íd4 0»0 Ìe6 [9... b5 Ñ 127/84] 10. a4 Íbd7
[19. Ìg1 Íc4 20. Êd3 Ëe5 21. Íd4 Ëd5 22. [10... Íc6 11. Íd5 Ìd5 12. ed5¢] 11. Ìe3
Êc3 Íe5Õ] Íc4 20. Ìc4 bc4 21. Ìg1?! [11. h3] Íg4 12. Ìd2 Ígf6 [12... Êc7!?]
[21. Íf5 Íe4 22. Êd1 Ìf6 23. Êh5 Êb2 24. 13. a5 N [13. Íc1] Êc7 14. b3 Ëfc8 [14...
Ëab1 Êc2 25. Ëb7 Ëf8Õ] Êb7£ 22. Êc2?! Êc6 15. Ìe3; 14... Ëac8 15. Ëa2 Ëfe8|]
[22. Íc6 Íe4 23. Íd8 Ëad8 24. Êd4 Ëb8 15. Ëa2 b5 [15... h6!?] 16. ab6 Íb6 17. Êa1
25. Ëae1 f5!£] Íe4! [22... Êd5 23. Ëad1 Êb7 18. Ëd1 Ìd7 [18... Íbd7!? 19. h3 Íc5
Ëa6£] 23. Ëae1 Êd5 24. Ëf5 Êb7 25. Ëb5 (19... h6 20. g4!) 20. Ìg5!¢] 19. Ìg5 [19.
Êe7 26. Ëf1?! [26. Ëe2 Ëc8 27. Ëh5 g6 28. Ìe3 Ìc6Õ] Ëc6 [19... Ìc6 20. Ìf6 gf6 21.
Ëb5 f5£] g6 27. Íf3 [27. Êc4 Íd2 28. Êc6 g4!¢] 20. h3 [20. Ëd3!? h6 21. Ìe3 a5! 22.
Íf1 29. Êa8 Êh4 30. h3 Íg3 31. Èh2 Íe4 Ëa5 Ëa5 23. Êa5 Íc4 24. Êa1 Íe3 25. Ëe3
32. Íe2 d5!¤] Êe6 28. a4 h4 [Ä 28... Ìf6 Ìd8§] h6 21. Ìe3 [21. Ìc1!?] Êc8 [21...
29. Íd4 Êg4¤] 29. Íd4 Êd7 30. Êc4 Ëcc8 22. g4! Ìc6 (22... h5 23. g5 Íh7 24.
h4¥) 23. Íg3¥; 21... a5! 22. Íd5!? (22.
Ëa5?! Ëa5 23. Êa5 Íc4 24. Êa7 Êc8 25.
e1 Re1q1 Ëa1 Íe3 26. Êe3 Ìd8Õ) Íbd5 23. ed5
1 1w1y1 Ëca6 24. Íc3¢; 23... Ëcc8!?Õ] 22. Èh2
1 Y 1y1
1d1 1 1 e1wR 1q1
h1sGt1 Y 1 1r1yY
1 1 1 1 yTeY T Y
H 1 1hH 1 1 Y 1
1 1 1dFa 1 1h1 1
30... h3! 31. Ëf4 [31. gh3 Ìf6 32. Ëf4
1hG F Hh
Êh3¤; 31. g3 Ìf6 32. Íf3 Êg4 33. Ëb4 d1h1gHfA
d5¤] Íc5¤ [31... hg2 32. Èg2 Ëc8 33. Êb3
Íc5¤] 32. b3 [32. gh3 Ëa4 33. b4 Ëe1 34.
S 1d1 1
23. Ëd2?! [23. Ëd3!¢] h5 [23... a5 24. Íb5 37. Ëd6+»] 36. f5 d5 [36... Ìd7 37. fg6 fg6
Êb8 25. Íec3 a4 26. Ía4 Ía4 27. Ëa4 Ëa4 38. Êf1+»] 37. Èh1 gf5 [37... de4 38. fe6
28. ba4¢] 24. Ëd3 [24. Íd5!? Íbd5 25. ed5 ed3 39. ef7 Èf8 40. Êf3+»] 38. ed5 Ìd7
Ëc7 26. Ìb6?! Ëb7 27. Ìd8 Êd8 28. Ëa6 39. Êh5 Íd6 40. Ìf4 Êb4 [40... Ìe8 41.
Ëa6 29. Êa6 Êc7§; 26. f4!¢; 26. c4!; 24. Êh7 Èf8 42. Ëe3+»] 41. Êh7 1:0
f4! h4 25. g4?! Ìg4!; 25. gh4¢] Íe8? [24... Mi. Adams
h4 25. g4 Íh7 26. Êc1 a5 27. Êd2¥; 24...
a5! a) 25. Êd1 Ìe7 26. f4 (26. Íb5 Êb8 27. 83.* B 91
Íec3 h4 28. g4 d5!|) a4 27. Íd5 Íbd5 28.
ed5 Ëca6 29. fe5 de5 30. d6 Ìd8Õ; b) 25. L.�C. MIRON 2511 —
Ëd2!? a4 26. Íb5 Êb8 27. Íec3 ab3 28. K. DRAGUN 2584
cb3¢] 25. Êd1 a5 [25... h4 26. g4 a5 27. f4¥] Cappelle-la-Grande 2016
26. Íb5 [26. f4!?] Êb8
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
eW Rt1q1 Íc3 a6 6. g3 e5 7. Íde2 Ìe7 8. Ìg2 0»0 9.
0»0 b5 10. Íd5 Ìb7 [10... Íd5 11. Êd5
1 1r1yY Ëa7 (11... Êc7? 12. Êa8 Íc6 13. Íc3+»)
TeY 1 1 12. Ìe3 Ìe6 (12... Ëb7 13. Íc3 b4 14. Ía4
Êc7 15. b3 Ìd7 16. Ëfc1¢) 13. Êd2 Ëb7 14.
Yg1 Y 1y Íc3 (14. f4 Íd7 15. f5 Ìc4 16. Ëfd1 b4 17.
1 1h1 1 b3 Ìb5Õ) Íd7 15. Íd5 Íf6 (15... Ìd5 16.
Êd5 Êc7 17. Ëfd1 Íb6 18. Êd3 Ía4 19.
1h1dF Hh Ëab1 Ëc8 20. Ìh3¢) 16. Íe7 Êe7 17. Ëfd1
Íg4 (17... Ëd7 18. a4¢; 17... Ëd8 18. Êa5¢)
d1h1gHfA 18. Êd6 Íe3 19. Êe7 Ëe7 20. fe3 b4 21. Ìf1
1 1s1 1 a5 22. a3¢] 11. Íec3 Íbd7 12. Ìe3 [12. f4
Ëc8 13. Èh1 Íb6|; 12. a4 Íd5 13. Íd5
27. f4! Ìf6 [27... Ëc2!? 28. Êc2 Ìb5 29. e1 W Eq1
Ëd1 Íd7¥] 28. fe5 Ìe5 29. Íbd4 Ëc8
[29... h4?! 30. Íc6 hg3 31. Íg3 Ìc6 32. 1r1tRyYy
Ìd4+»] 30. Íf3 Ìe6 [30... Ìb5 31. Ëd2! y1 Y 1 1
(31. c4 Íc4 32. bc4 Ìc4§) Íf6 32. Íe5 1y1gY 1
de5 33. Ìg5 Íh7 (33... Íbd7 34. c4 Ìc6 h1 1h1 1
35. Íc3¥) 34. Ìe7!¥] 31. Íf4 [31. Íed4!?
Íd7 32. Íe6 (32. Íf5!?) fe6 33. Ìd4¢] 1 1 1 H
Ìf4 [31... Íd7!? 32. Íg5 h4!?; 32. Íe6 Ñ Hh1 HfH
31. Íed4] 32. gf4 [32. Ìf4!? a4 33. Íg5¥] D Fs1dA
a4 33. Íg5 ab3 34. Ëa8 Ía8 [34... bc2 35.
Ëb8 cd1Ê 36. Ëc8 Êa4ì (36... Êd3?? 37. a) 13... ba4 N 14. Ëa4 Ìd5 15. ed5 Ìg5 16.
Ëe8#) a) 37. Ëd8!? Íc4 38. Ëd4 Êb5 39. Ìg5 Êg5 17. b4!? (17. Êe2 Íc5 18. Ëa5
Ìf2 Èf8! (39... Ìd7 40. Ìf1! Êb2 41. Ëab8| V. Anand 2784 — A. Giri 2798,
Èg1!+») a1) 40. Ìf1!? Êb2 41. Èg1 Èe7! Z«rich (blitz) 2016) Íb6 18. Ëa2 Ëfc8 19.
(41... Íd2 42. Ë4d6+») 42. Íe6 Íd2 43. Êe2 (19. Ëe1 f5 20. f4 ef4 21. Êd4 Íd7 22.
Ëe8 Èe8 44. Íg7 Èf8 45. Ëd2 Êd2 46. Êf4 Êf4 23. gf4 Íf6=; 19. Êd3 Êg4! 20.
Íh5¢; a2) 40. f5! Èe7 (40... Ìd7 41. Ëc4 c3 Êc4 21. Êc4 Ëc4 22. Ëfa1 Ëc3 23. Ëa6
Êc4 42. Ëd7+») 41. fe6 Êg5 42. Ëe8 Èe8 Ëcc8=) g6 (19... Ëc4 20. f4 ef4 21. Ëa6¢;
43. ef7 Èf7 44. Ëc4+»; b) 37. Ëe8!? Êe8 19... Êd8 20. Ëfa1 Ëc4 21. Êd2 Å Ìf1) 20.
38. Ìb6 Êb8 39. Ìf2 Ìc4 (39... d5 40. Íe6 Ëfa1 (20. Ëa6 Ëa6 21. Êa6 Êd8 22. Ëc1
fe6 41. ed5 Êf4 42. Ìg3 Êc4 43. Ëd2+») Ëc3 23. Êb7 Íc4§) Ëc4 21. Êe1¢; b) 13...
40. Ëd4 Êc7 41. Ìg3 f6 42. Íf3 Êc5 43. Ìd5! 14. ed5 (14. Êd5 Íb6 15. Êb7 Ía4
Ëd2+»] 35. cb3 g6 [35... Íf6 36. Íe6 fe6 16. Ëd1 Ëb8 17. Êa6 Êc7|) b4 15. Ìd2 a5

16. c3 bc3 17. Ìc3 f5 18. b4 ab4 19. Ìb4 e4 e1 1 1q1
20. g4 (20. a5 Íe5 21. Êa4 Ìf6|) Íe5 21.
gf5 Íd3 22. Ëb1 Ìh4!| Å 23. Ìe4 Íf2 24. 1d1 1y1y
Ëf2 Êg5 25. Ìg2 Ìf2 26. Èf2 Ëa4 27. Êa4
Êf5 28. Èe2 Êb1 29. Ìe1 h6 30. Ìe4 Êb2
1 Y Ry1
31. Êc2 Êf6 32. Èd3 Êa1=] Ëc8!? [12... 1h1 1 1
Íd5 13. Íd5 Íf6 (13... Ìd5 14. Êd5 Íb6
15. Êd3¢) 14. a4!? (14. Ìb6 Ñ 127/84) Íd5 1 Yh1 1
15. ed5 f5 16. ab5 ab5 17. Êd3 Êd7 (17... 1 1 1 Hf
Êc8 18. Ëfe1 Êc4 19. Ëa8 Ìa8 20. Ëa1¢)
18. Ëfd1 Å 18... Ëa4 19. Ëa4 ba4 20. c4 Ìa6 1e1 H H
21. Ëa1 Ëb8 22. Êc2 Ëb3 23. Ìf1¢] 13. a4 1 1d1 A
Íd5 N [13... ba4 14. Ëa4 a) 14... Íc5 15.
Ëa2 Íd5 16. Íd5 Ìg5 17. Ìg5 (17. Ëe1) 27. Ëb6 [27. Ëd7! Ëd8 (27... Ëaa2 28. b6!
Êg5 18. c3¢ Å b4; b) 14... Íd5 15. Íd5 Ëf2 29. Ëf1¥) 28. Ëa7 Ëb2 29. Ìd7 h5 30.
Ìd5 16. ed5 a5 17. Ìd2¢] 14. Íd5 h4! (30. Ìc6 g5 31. Ìd5 Ëf8 32. Ëb7 g4|)
d5 31. ed5 Ìe7 32. Ìc6 Ìc5 33. Ëaa1 d3
1eW Eq1 34. Ëd3 Ìf2 35. Èg2 Ëd6 36. Èh3 Èg7 37.
1r1tRyYy Ëh1¢] Ëaa2 28. Ëd6 [28. Ëf1 Ìe7=] Ëf2
29. Ëa1 Ëab2 30. Ëb1= Ìg5 31. Ëb2 Ëb2
y1 Y 1 1 32. Ìf1 Ìe3 33. Èh1 g5 34. b6 g4 35. h3 h5
36. hg4 hg4 37. Ìa6 Èg7 38. b7 Ìf2 39.
1y1gY 1 Èg2 Ìe1 40. Èf1 Ìg3 41. Ëd4 Èf6 42. e5
h1 1h1 1 Ìe5 43. Ëg4 Ëb6 44. Ëa4 Èg5
1/2 : 1/2 Va. Stoica
1 1 F H
Hh1 HfH 84.* B 91
D 1s1dA J. HAMMER 2680
— RAGGER 2689
14... Ìd5! [14... Íf6 15. Íe7 Êe7 16. ab5
ab5 17. Êd3¢] 15. Êd5 Íb6 16. Ìb6 [16. Norge 2016
Êb7 Ía4 17. Êa6 Íb2 18. Êb5 Íc4 19. 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Ìa7 Ëc7 20. Ëfb1 Êe8 21. Êd5 Êa8=] Íc3 a6 6. g3 e5 7. Íde2 Ìe7 8. Ìg2 b5 9.
Êb6 17. ab5 ab5 18. c3 [18. Êb3 Ëc5 19. Íd5 Íbd7 10. Íec3 Íb6!? [10... Ìb7 Ñ
Ëfd1 Êb7 20. c3 (20. Ëa5 Ìd8=; 20. Ëa3 b4 125/72] 11. Íb6 N [11. Íe7 Êe7 12. Ìg5 N
21. Ëa4 Ëb8 22. Ëda1 Ëc7 23. h4 g6=) Ëb8 (12. Ìe3) h6 13. Ìf6 Êf6 14. a4 ba4 15.
21. Ëd3 Ìf8 22. Ëe3 g6 23. Ìf1 b4 24. c4 Ía4 Ía4 16. Ëa4 0»0 17. 0»0 Ìd7 18. Ëa5
Ìe7 25. Êd1 Ëa8=] b4! [18... Ëc5 19. Êb3 Ëfb8 19. b3 Ëb5 20. Êd2¢ A. Giri 2784 —
Ëb8 20. Ëfd1 b4 21. c4 Êc6 22. Ëa7 Ìd8 R. Wojtaszek 2723, Doha 2015] Êb6 12.
23. Ìf1 Ëa5 24. Ëa5 Ìa5 25. Ëd5 Êc7 a4 b4 13. a5?! [13. Íd5 Íd5 14. Êd5 Ìb7
(25... Ìb6 26. Ëb5¢) 26. c5¢] 19. cb4 [19. (14... Êb8!? 15. Ìe3 0»0 16. 0»0 Ìe6 17.
Êb3 Ëb8 20. c4 Ëa8=; 19. c4 Ëc5 20. Êd3 Êd2 a5=) 15. Êb3 a5=] Êc7 [13... Êc6!?
Ëa5=] Êb4 20. Ëa7 Ìd8 21. Ìh3 [21. Ëb7 14. Íd5 (14. Ía4 Ìg4 15. f3 Ìe6£; 14. Ía2
Ìb6 22. Ìh3 Ëc7=] Ëc2!? [Ä 21... Ëc7 22. Ëb8 15. 0»0 Ìe6£) Íd5 15. ed5 Êc7Õ] 14.
Ëc7 (22. Ëa6 Ëc2= Å 23. b3?! Ìb6î) Ìc7 Ía2 [14. Ía4 Ìg4 15. f3 Ìe6 16. Ìe3 0»0
23. Ëc1 Ìb6 24. b3 Ìd4 25. Ëc2 Êe1 26. 17. Íb6 Ëab8 18. 0»0 d5! 19. ed5 Ëfd8£]
Ìf1 Êd1 27. Ëc3 Êg4 28. h3 Êe6=] 22. Êa5 [14... Ëb8! 15. Ìd2 d5! 16. ed5 Ìg4
Ëb7 Êd4 23. Êd4 ed4 24. Ëd1 Ìf6 25. b4 17. f3 (17. Êc1 Êc4¤) Ìf5¤] 15. Ìd2 Êb6
[25. Ìf5 g6 26. e5 Ëc5=] g6 [Ä 25... Ëb2 16. Íb4 Ìg4! 17. Êb1 [17. f3 Ìe6 18. Êe2
26. b5 g5! 27. Ìd7 h5|] 26. b5 Ëa8 a5 19. Íd3 0»0 20. Ìe3 Êb5 21. 0»0 a4£]

0»0 18. 0»0 Ëfc8 19. Ëe1 a5 20. Íd3 Ìe6 85. B 92
21. b3
V. ONISCHUK 2615 —
e1e1 1q1 TER�SAHAKYAN 2605
1 1 RyYy Martuni 2016
W YrT 1 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Y 1 Y 1 Íc3 a6 6. Ìe2 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe7 8. Ìg5 0»0
9. Ìf6 Ìf6 10. Êd3 Ìe6 11. Ëd1 Ìe7 12.
1 1h1 1 Íd5 Ìd5 13. Êd5 Êc7 14. Ìg4 [14. c3 Ñ
1h1g1 H 111/(107)] g6 N [14... Íc6] 15. 0»0 h5 16.
Ìh3 [16. Ìe2 Íd7 17. c3 Íf6 18. Êd3
1hF HfH Ëac8=] Íc6 17. c3 Èg7 18. a4 Ëab8 19.
Ds1 D A Íd2 [19. a5!? b6£] b5 20. b4 [20. ab5 Ëb5
21. Êa2 Ëfb8 22. Êa6 (22. b4?! a5¤) Ëb2
21... Ìd8! 22. Ëa2 h6 23. h3 Êc6£ 24. Êa1 23. Íc4 Ë2b5£] Ëfd8 [20... ba4!? 21. Ëa1
[24. c4 a4 (24... Ìb6£) 25. Ëa4 Ëa4 26. ba4 (21. Êc4 Êb7 22. Ëa1 Êb5£) Ía7 22. Íc4
Êa4¢; 25. ba4] Ìb6 [24... a4! 25. Íb4 (25. Íb5 (22... Ëfd8!?) 23. Ëfc1 Ìg5 24. Ëc2Õ]
Ëa4 Ëa4 26. ba4 Êc2»+) ab3! 26. Ëa8 (26. 21. Ëa1 [Ä 21. a5 Ìf6 22. Êb3 Íe7 23. g3
Íc6 Ëa2 27. Íd8 Ëa1 28. Ëa1 b2! 29. Ëb1 d5 24. ed5 Íd5 25. Íe4¢; 23... h4|] Ìg5
Ëc2 30. Íe6 Ëd2 31. Íc7 Ëc2 32. Èh2 Ëc7 22. Íf3 Ìf6 23. Êd3 Íe7 24. ab5 ab5 25.
33. Ëb2 Èf8¤; 26. cb3 Êb7¤) Êa8 27. Êa8 Êe3
Ëa8 28. cb3 Ìb6¤; 28... Ëa3¤] 25. Ìa5 [25.
Ìe3 Ìe3 26. Ëe3 a4£] Ìa5 [25... Ìd4! 26. E E 1 1
Êb1 (26. Êd1 Ìc3 27. Ìc3 Ëa2 28. Íb4 1 W TyQ
Êc3 29. Ía2 Êc2¤; 26. c3 Ìc3 27. Ìc3
Ëa2 28. Êa2 Êc3¤) Ëa7! 27. c4 Ëca8 28. 1 Y Ry1
b4 Ìc4¤] 26. Ëa5 Ëa5 27. Êa5 Êc2 28. 1y1 Y 1y
Ëc1 Êd3 29. Ëc8 Ìc8 30. Êd8 Èh7 31.
Êc8 Êb3 32. Êf5 Èh8 33. Êc8 Íg8¤ 34. H 1h1 1
Ìf1 Êe6 35. Êc7 [35. Êc2 Íf6 36. Èg2 g6 1 H Sg1f
37. Ìc4 Êe7 38. Êa2 Èg7¤] Êe7 36. Êc6
g6 37. Èg2 Èg7 38. Ìe2 Íf6 39. Ìf3 Êd7 1 1 HhH
40. Êb6 Íe8 41. Ìg4 Êc7 42. Êb5 Íf6 43.
Ìf3 Êc2 44. Êb4 D 1 1dA
1 1 1 25... Ëb6 [25... d5! 26. Ëa7 Êb6 27. Êb6
Ëb6 a) 28. Íe5 Ìe5 29. Ëe7 Ìc3 (29... Èf6
1 1 1yQ 30. Ëd7 Ëd7 31. Ìd7 Èe7 32. Ìh3 Ìc3¤)
1 Y TyY 30. ed5 Ëd5¤; b) 28. Íd2 d4¤] 26. Ëfd1 d5
27. g3 Ëbd6 28. Ëa7 Êb8 [28... Êc6 29.
1 1 Y 1 Íe5 Ìe5 30. ed5 Ëd5 31. Ëd5 Ëd5 32. Ëe7
S 1h1 1 Ëd1 33. Ìf1=] 29. Ëda1 de4 30. Êe4 Ëd1
31. Ìf1 Ëa1 32. Ëa1 Íd5 33. Ëc1 Êc7=
1 1 1fHh 34. c4 Íb4 35. Êb1 Êb7 36. Íe5 Ìe5
1w1 Ha1 [36... bc4 37. Ëc4 Ìe5 38. Ëb4=] 37. Êb4
Ìd4 38. c5?! [38. cb5 Êf3 39. Êe1 h4 40.
1 1 1 1 Êe2 Êf6=] h4?! [38... Êf3! 39. Êe1 h4 40.
Ìg2 Êa3 41. gh4 Êb2 42. Êf1 Ìf2 43.
44... d5!»+ 45. ed5 e4 46. Ìg4 h5 47. Ìe6 Èh1 Ëh8 44. c6 Ëh4 45. Ëb1 Êd4 46. h3
e3 0:1 G. Arsovi Ìg3 47. Êb5 Ìe5£] 39. Êb5 [39. c6 Êc7

40. Ìg2 hg3 41. hg3 Êe5 42. Ëe1 Êf6 43. Íe4 31. Ìc2 Ìa5»+] 30. Ëf7 de4?? [30...
Ëf1 Êe5=] Êc7 [39... Êd5 40. Êc4 hg3 41. Êc4 31. Ëg7 Èh8 32. Ëc7 (32. Ëf7 Ëf8 33.
Êd5 gh2 42. Èh2 Ëd5 43. c6 Ìe5 44. Èg2 Ëf8 Ìf8 34. Êf7 Ìg7»+) Êd4 33. Êa6
Ìc7=] 40. Êb3 hg3 41. hg3 Êe5 42. Êf3 Ëf8¤] 31. Ëg7 Èh8
[42. c6 Ìf2 43. Èf2 Ëd2 44. Èg1 Êd4 45.
Èh1 Êf2 46. Êc3 f6 47. Êd2 Êd2 48. Ëc4! 1 1e1 Q
Êf2 49. Ìg2=] Ìc5 43. Ìc4 Ëd2 44. Ëf1
f5 45. Ìa6 Ëa2 46. Èg2 Èh6 47. Ìb7 1s1 1 Dy
Ëd2 48. g4 fg4 49. Êg4 Ëd4 50. Êg3 Ëf4 y1 1 T 1
51. Ìf3 Ëf5 52. Êe5 1/2 : 1/2
Z. Arsovi H 1 Y 1
R 1y1 1
86. B 92 1w1 1f1h
KOVCHAN 2576 — 1 1 HhA
IV. êARIK 2660
Biel (open) 2016
1 1 1 1
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. 32. Ìe4! 1:0 G. Arsovi
Íc3 a6 6. Ìe2 e5 7. Íb3 Ìe7 8. 0»0 0»0 9.
Ìe3 Ìe6 10. Êd2 Íbd7 11. a4 Ëc8 12. a5 87. B 93
Êc7 13. Ëfd1 Ëfe8 14. Êe1 Êc6 15. Ìf3
Íg4 [15... Ëa8 Ñ 42/(303)] 16. Ìa7 Ëa8 SMIRIN 2676 —
17. h3 Íh2 18. Èh2 Ëa7 19. Íd5?! N [19. A. KOROBOV 2656
Íd2 Ëaa8 (19... b5 20. ab6 Êb6 21. Ëdb1 Poikovsky 2016
Ìg5Õ) 20. Íf1 Ìg5 21. Íe3 Íf6 22. Ëd3
Ëac8=; 19. Ìg4 Ëaa8 20. Ìe6 fe6 21. Èg1 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Ëac8 22. Íc1 Ëf8Õ] Ìd5 20. Ëd5 Êc2 21. Íc3 a6 6. f4 Êc7 7. a4 g6 8. Ìe2 Ìg7 9.
Êe3 Ëaa8£ 22. Ëc1 [22. Ëdd1 Êc7 (22... 0»0 0»0 10. Èh1 [10. Íb3 Ñ 44/304] e6
Êb2?? 23. Ëd2+») 23. Ëac1 Êd8£] Êb2 11. f5 N [11. Ìe3] Íc6 12. fg6 [12. fe6 Ìe6
23. Ëc7 Íf6 24. Ëd2 Êa3 25. Ëb7 Ëab8 26. (12... fe6 Ñ 12... fg6) 13. Íe6 fe6 14. Ìc4
Êa7 [26. Ëb6 Ëb6 27. ab6 Êb4 28. Ëa2 d5! (14. Ìf4 Íe5=) Ëae8 15. Ìf4 Íd8 16.
29. Ëa6 (29. ed5 e4 30. Ìd1 Íd5¤) d4 30. Ìb3 Íf7Õ] hg6 [12... fg6!? 13. Íc6 Êc6
Êd3 Ìd8¤] Ëb7 27. Êb7 (13... bc6 14. Ìf4 e5 15. Ìc4 Èh8 16. Ìg5¢)
a) 14. Ìf3 a1) 14... Íd7 15. e5 Ëf3 (15... d5?
1 1e1q1 16. Íd5+») 16. Ëf3 Íe5 17. Ëf1 Ìd7§;
a2) 14... Êc5 15. a5 (15. Ìf4 Íe8 16. Ìg3
1s1 RyYy Ìd7Õ) Ìd7Õ; b) 14. Êd3 d5 b1) 15. Ìg5
y1 Y T 1 de4 16. Êd4 e5 17. Êc4 Ìe6 18. Êc6
bc6Õ; 15... Íe4; b2) 15. ed5 ed5|] 13. Íc6
H 1 Y 1 [13. Íb3 Ìd7 14. Ìg5 Íh7 15. Ìf4 Íe5
1 1h1 1 16. Êd2 Ìc6Õ] bc6 [13... Êc6 14. Ìf3
Íd7 15. Ìg5 Íe5 16. Ìe2 f6 17. Ìf4 Ìd7
Wg1 1f1h 18. Êd4 Ëfd8 19. Ëad1 Ìe8Õ] 14. Ìf4 e5
1 D HhA 15. Ìg5 Íh7 16. Ìe3 Ìe6 17. a5 f5 18.
Êd3 [18. ef5 gf5 19. Ía4 Êe7 20. Íb6 Ëa7
1 1 1 1 21. Íc4 Ëd7Õ] Íf6 19. Ìb6 Êe7 20. Êg3
Èf7!? [20... Êf7 21. ef5 gf5 22. Ëae1 f4 23.
27... d5! 28. Ëc2 [28. ed5? Ìb4»+; 28. Ìd1 Êg5 Íh7 24. Êh4 Êf6Õ] 21. ef5 gf5 22.
Ìb4 29. Ëe2 Íe4 30. Ëe3 Íf6 31. Êa6 Ìd3 e4 23. Ìe2 Ëh8 24. Ëad1 d5 25. Ía4
e4¤] Ìb4¤ 29. Ëc7 Êb3 [29... Ëf8 30. Ìd1 Íd7 26. Ìc7 Ëag8 27. Ìd6

1 1eE 13. Ìb3 Ìb7 14. f5 g5 15. Ìg3 Íc5 16. h4
g4 17. Íd5 [17. e5 de5 18. Ìe5 Êb6 19.
1 1tWqR Ìf6 Êf6 20. Êg4 Ëfd8§] Ìd5 18. Ìd5
[18. ed5 Íb3 19. Íb3 b4î] Ëac8 19. h5 [19.
y1yFr1 1 Ëhe1 Ía4 20. c3 h5Õ] Ía4! 20. c3? [20.
H 1y1y1 Ìe1 Èh7 21. Ëh4 (21. Ìb3 Íc5Õ) Íd5 22.
ed5 Êc4Õ] Êc3! 21. Ìe1 [21. bc3 Íc3 22.
g1 1y1 1 Èb2 Íe2 23. Íe2 Íd5»+] Êc7 [21... Êc5!
1 1 1 S 22. Ìb3 Êe5¤] 22. Íc6? [22. Ìb3 Íb6 23.
Ìc3 Êb7 24. Ëhe1 Íbd7¤]
1 1d1d1a 1e1 Eq1
1 W YyR
27... Êf6 [27... Êd6! 28. Êd6 Ìe5 29. Êe5
Íe5 30. Íc5 Ëh4£] 28. Ìf4?! [28. Êf2 y1gY T Y
Ìf8 29. Ìf8 Ëf8£] Ìf8 29. Êe3 Ìh6£ 30. 1y1f1h1h
Ìa6?! [30. g3 Ìf4 31. Êf4 Êh6£] Êh4 31.
h3 Ìf4? [31... Ëg4! 32. Ìh6 Ëh6 33. Ëd2 t1 1h1y1
f4 34. Êf2 Êg5 35. Ëe1 Ëg3»+] 32. Ëf4 1 1 1 1
Êg5 33. Ìf1?! [33. Êf2! e3 34. Êf1 Íf6
35. Ìe2 Èe7£] Íf6 34. Èg1 hH 1s1h1
11eE 1 1a1dF 1d
1 1 1q1 22... Íb2!»+ 23. Ëd4 [23. Èb2 Íd5»+]
1y1rT 1 Íc4 24. Ìc3 Êd7 25. Ëc4 bc4 26. Êc4
Èh8 [26... Íd5 27. ed5 Êf5»+] 27. Ëc1
H 1y1yW Ëc7 28. Ìf6 Ìf6 29. Ìf7 Ëc6 [29... Ëf7 30.
Êf7 Ëb7»+] 30. Êc6 Êc6 31. Ëc6 Ëf7 32.
g1 1yD 1 Ëa6 Ëf8 0:1 G. Arsovi
1 1 S 1h
Hh1 1h1 89. B 94
1 1d1fA S. AZAROV 2597 —
34... Ëh3! 35. Êh3 Êf4»+ 36. a6 Ëg3 37. Dayton 2016
Êh2 Êe3 38. Èh1 Ëg7 39. Ëa1 Ëh7 40.
Êh7 Íh7 41. Íb6 Íf6 42. Ëa3 [42. a7 Êh6 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
43. Èg1 Íg4»+] Êe1 0:1 Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 Íbd7 7. Ìc4 Êb6 8. 0»0
D. Pikula Êc5 [8... Êb2 Ñ 124/79] 9. Ìd5 e6 10. Ëe1
Íe5 N [10... Ìe7] 11. Ìf6 [11. f4 Ìe7 (11...
88. B 94 Íeg4!? 12. h3 h6 13. Ìh4 g5 14. fg5 hg5 15.
Ìg5 Ìh6 16. Ìh6 Íh6Õ) 12. fe5 (12. Ía4
R. HOVHANNISYAN 2640 Êc7 13. Ìb3 b5 14. fe5 de5 15. Íf3 ba4 16.
— V. ARTEMIEV 2653 Ìa4 Ìd7 17. Ìf6 gf6 18. Ìd7 Êd7 19.
Martuni 2016 Êd7 Èd7 20. Ëad1 Ìd6 21. Ëd2 Èe7Õ)
de5 13. Ìe3 ed4 14. Ìd4 Êc7 15. Ìb3
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. 0»0Õ] gf6 12. Ìb3 Ìd7 13. Ëe3 h5| 14.
Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 Íbd7 7. Ìc4 h6 8. Ìh4 g6 Ëg3 [14. Íce2 h4 15. h3 Êa7 16. Èh1 (16.
[8... b5 Ñ 83/232] 9. Êe2 Ìg7 10. 0-0-0 0»0 Ëc3 b5 17. a3 Êb7Õ) 0-0-0Õ] 0-0-0 15.
11. f4 Êc7 12. Èb1 N [12. f5; 12. Ìb3] b5 Íd5 [15. Íce2 Èb8|] ed5! 16. Ëc3 de4 17.

Êe1?! [17. Êd2 Èb8 18. Ëc5 dc5 19. Íf5 31. Ìd5¥ Gómez Garrido 2546 — Du.
c4 20. Ìa4 Ëg8 (20... b5 21. Êa5 Ìc5 22. Popovik 2523, Montcada i Reixac 2016) 28.
Ëd1î Èb7 23. Ìb5 ab5 24. Íd6 Ìd6 25. Íec5 Ìf3 29. Íd7 Èg6 30. Íbc5¢; b) 25...
Ëd6 Íc6 26. Êb5 Èc7 27. Êd5 Ëhe8 28. Ìe4! 26. Êe4 Êd1 27. Íc1 Ëa1 28. Èa1
Ëf6 Ìe6 29. Êh5 Ëd5Õ) 21. Èh1 b5 22. Êc1 29. Èa2 Êf1=] 0»0 15. a3 Ëb8
Êa5 Ìc5 23. Ëd1 Èb7 24. Ìb5 ab5 25.
Íd6 Ìd6 26. Ëd6 Íc6 27. Êb5 Èc7 28. Er1 Eq1
Êd5 f5 29. Êc5Õ] Èb8 18. Ëc5 dc5 19.
Íe2 c4 [19... Ìc6!? 20. Ëd1 Ìh6£] 20. 1 Wt1yR
Ìa4 Ìa4 21. Êa5 Ëd7 [Ä 21... Ìe7 22. y1 1 TyY
Êa4 Ëd2 23. Èf1 Ëhd8 24. Ëe1 Ìc5 25. h3
f5¤] 22. Êa4 Ìc5 23. c3? [23. h3 Ëhd8 24. 1y1 Y 1
Íc3 f5 25. Ëf1 h4£] Ëd2»+ 24. Íd4 [24. 1 1h1hF
Èf1 Ëhd8 25. Íd4 Ëb2»+]
HgG 1s1
Q 1 1 E Hh1 1 H
1y1 1y1 1 Ad1f1d
y1 1 Y 1
1 R T 1y 16. g5! hg5 17. Ìg5 Ìb7?! [17... Ëb6 18.
Èb1 Ëc6 19. h4î; 17... b4 18. ab4 Ëb4 19. h4
s1yGy1 1 (19. Ëd7 Ìd7 20. Ìf6 Ìe6 21. Ìg7 Èg7Õ)
Ìb7 20. Ëd7! Íd7 21. Ìe7 Ëb6 22. Ìf8
1 H 1 1 Íf8Õ; 21. h5§î] 18. Ìh3!¥ Ìc6? [18...
hH E HhH Ëfe8? 19. Ëhf1+»; 18... Ëbc8 19. Ìf6 Íf6
20. Ìc8 Ëc8 21. Êd3 Ìc6 22. Èb1¥] 19.
D 1 1 A Ìd7 Íd7 20. Ìe7+» Ëfe8 21. Ìd6 Êb6
22. Ìb8 Ëb8 23. Ëhf1 Ëf8 24. h4 a5 25. h5
24... e3! 25. Ëf1 [25. fe3 Ëg8 26. g3 Ìd4 27. a4 26. Íd2 b4 27. ab4 Êb4 28. hg6 fg6 29.
ed4 Íf3»+] e2 [25... Ëg8 26. g3 Ìd4 27. Êh3 Ëe8 30. Íd5 Êb5 31. Íc7 1:0
cd4 Íf3 28. Èg2 e2»+] 26. Íe2 Ëe2 27. b4 Z. Arsovi
Ìb6 28. Êd1 Ëa2 29. Êd6 Èa7 30. Êf6
Ëe8 31. h3 Íd3 32. Êf7 Ëee2 33. Êc4 Íf2
34. Èh2 Íe4 35. Êg8 Ìc7 0:1 91. B 94
Z. Arsovi
PIORUN 2655 —
J.�K. DUDA 2652
90.* B 94
Polska (ch) 2016
MART. KRAMER 2567 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Biel (open) 2016 Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 Íbd7 7. f4 Êc7 8. Êf3 b5 9.
0-0-0 Ìb7 10. Ìd3 g6 11. Íd5 Íd5 12. ed5
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. Ìg7 13. Íc6 Ìf6 14. h4 Ëc8 [14... h6 Ñ
Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 Íbd7 7. Êe2 h6 8. Ìh4 g6 115/81] 15. Ìe4 N [15. h5] h6 16. h5!? gh5
9. f4 e5 10. fe5 de5 11. 0-0-0 Êc7 12. Íb3 [16... hg5? 17. hg6 a) 17... gf4 18. Ëh8 Ìh8
b5 13. Êf3 [13. Íd5 Ñ 125/76] Ìg7 14. g4 N 19. Êf4 Ìf6 20. Ëf1! (Å g7) Íe5 21. gf7
[14. a3 0»0 15. Èb1 Ìb7 16. Ìd3 Ìc6 17. Íf7 22. Êg4+»; b) 17... Ëh1 18. Ëh1 Ìc6
g4 Ëab8 18. Ëhe1 N (18. Íd5) b4 19. ab4 19. dc6 fg6 20. Ìg6 Èd8 21. cd7 Êd7 22.
Ëb4 20. Ìa6 Ëa8 21. Ìf1 Êb7 22. h3 Íe4 fg5 Ìg5 23. Èd1¥] 17. Ëh5 hg5 18. fg5
23. Ëe4 Ëe4 24. Ëd7 Êd7 25. Íe4 a) 25... Ëg8 [18... Ìg7? 19. Ëh8 Ìh8 20. Ëf1+»;
f5?! 26. gf5 gf5 27. Ìc4 Èh7 (27... Èh8 18... Ëf8!? 19. Êh3 Ìg7 20. Ëh7 Ìc6 21.
28. Íf6 Ìf3 29. Íd7 Ìg2 30. Íbc5 Ìh3 dc6 (21. Ëg7? Ìd5! 22. Ëd5 Êc4 23. Êf3

Êa2¤) Íc5 22. Ìd5 e6 23. Ëg7 ed5 24. g6 ab3 Ëae8 22. Ëe8 Ëe8 23. g3= Ìf3 24. Ëf1
Êc6 25. Ëf7! Ëf7 26. gf7 Èe7 (26... Èf8? Ìe4 25. Ëe1 d5 26. c3 Èf7 27. Èd2 1/2 : 1/2
27. Ëf1!+») 27. Ëe1 Íe4 28. Êh4 Èe6 29. D. Ka{ovskà 2455 — êtohl 2486, Jesko
Êg4 Èe7=] 19. gf6 Íf6 20. Ëf1 Ëf8 21. 2016] 15. dc6
Ëh3 Íe4?! [21... Íd5! 22. Ìd5 Ìc6 23.
Ìf7 Èd8 24. Êe2 Ìe8 25. Ëhf3 Êc5 26. e1 1q1 E
Ìe6 Ëf3 27. gf3 Ìd7=] 22. Êe4 Ìc6 23.
Ëc3 Êd8?! [23... f5 24. Êf3 Êa5 25. dc6 1 W YyRy
Êa2 26. Ëa3 Êc4 27. Ëa6 b4 28. Êh5 Èd8 y1hY Ty1
29. Ëf5 Ëe8 30. Ëa7 Êc6 31. Êe2¢] 24. dc6
e6 25. g4 d5 26. Êd4 a5 27. a3 Êd6 28. Êb6 1y1 1 F
b4 29. ab4 ab4 30. Ëc5 Ëg8 31. Êb7¥ [31. 1 1 H 1
Ëa5! Ëf8 (31... Êd8 32. Êb4+») 32. Ëa6¥]
Êc7 32. Êb4 [32. Ëa5! Êb7 33. cb7 Ëb8 1 1f1s1
34. Ëc5! Èe7 35. Ëc7 Èd6 36. Ëff7+» Ëg4 hHh1 1hH
37. Ëfd7 Èe5 38. b3¥] Ëa8
1 AdD 1
e1 1q1e1
15... d5! 16. Ìf6 Ìf6 17. Êd5 Êf4 18. Èb1
1 W 1y1 0»0 19. Ìe4 [19. g3 Êb4 20. Êb3 Êc5 21.
1h1y1 1 Ìe4 Ëad8=] Êh2 20. Ìf3 Ëac8 21. Ëe3
Êc7 [21... e6!? 22. Êc5 Ëfd8 23. Ëed3Õ]
1 Dy1 1 22. Ëed3 Êb6 23. a3 h5 24. Êe4 Èg7 25.
S 1 1h1 Ëd7 Êc5 26. Ëb7 Ëfd8= 27. Ëdd7 [27.
Ëbd7 Ëd7 a) 28. Ëd7 a1) 28... Ìe5 29. Ëd5
1 1 1 1 Êg1 30. Ëd1 (30. Èa2 Ìd6Õ) Êc5=; a2)
Hh1 1 1 28... a5 29. c3 Êg1 30. Èa2 Êf2=; b) 28.
cd7 Ëd8 29. Êb7 a5 30. Ëd5 Êg1 31. Ëd1
1 A 1d1 Êc5 32. Ëd5 Êg1=] Ëd7 28. cd7 Êg1 29.
Èa2 Êc1 30. c3 Ëc3! 31. bc3 Êc3 32. Êb1
33. Êf4! Êf4 34. Ëf4 Èe7 35. b4 Ëgc8 36. Êd2 33. Èb3 Êc3 34. Èa2 Êd2 35. Èb3
c4 dc4 [36... Ëa4 37. cd5 Èd6 38. Ëc3 ed5 Êc3 1/2 : 1/2 D. Pikula
39. Èb2+»] 37. Ëfc4+» Ëa6 38. b5 Ëb6
39. Èc2 Èd6 40. Èc3 Ëbb8 41. Èb4 Èc7 93. B 96
42. Ëd4 Èb6 43. g5 Ëc7 44. Ëd7 Ëbc8 45.
Ëc7 Ëc7 46. Ëc3 1:0 G. Arsovi VALLEJO PONS 2700
— PALAC 2577
92.* B 94 Lakovica 2016
M. AL. ANTIPOV 2576 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
— RAGGER 2696 Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 e6 7. f4 h6 8. Ìh4 Êb6 9.
Lakovica 2016 a3 Ìe7 10. Ìf2 Êc7 11. Ìd3 Íbd7 [11...
b5 Ñ 127/(92)] 12. Êe2 b5 13. 0-0-0 Ìb7
1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. 14. g4 N [14. Èb1] g6 [14... Íc5 15. h4 d5
Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 Íbd7 7. f4 Êc7 8. Êf3 b5 16. e5 a) 16... Íd3 a1) 17. Ëd3 Íe4 (17...
9. 0-0-0 Ìb7 10. Ìd3 g6 11. Ëhe1 Ìg7 Íd7 18. Èb1 Íc5 19. Ëe3¢) 18. Íe4 de4
12. Íd5 Íd5 13. ed5 Íf6 [13... Ìf6 Ñ 19. Ëc3 Êd7Õ; a2) 17. cd3 Íd7 18. Èb1¢;
115/(81)] 14. Íc6 Ìc6 N [14... e6 15. f5 b) 16... Ífe4 17. Ìe4 Íe4 (17... de4 18.
0»0 16. fe6 fe6 17. Ëe6 Íd5 18. Êd5 Êc6 Ìe3 0-0-0 19. h5¢) 18. Íe4 de4 19. Ëh3
a) 19. Êc6 Ìc6 20. Ëd6 (20. g3 Ìe5=) Êc4 (19... Ëd8 20. Ëc3¢) 20. Êc4 bc4 21.
Ìg2=; b) 19. Êb3 N Êd5! 20. Ëe2 Êb3 21. h5¢]

e1 1q1 E Êf6 [26... Èc7 27. Ìe2! Êf6 28. Ìf3 Èd7
29. Ìc5 Èe7 30. Ìd6 Ëd6 31. Êb7 Èf8 32.
1rWtRy1 Êb8+»] 27. Êc6 Èb8 28. Ìe4 1:0
G. Arsovi
y1 YyTyY
1y1 1 1 94. B 97
1 GhHh1 E. NAJER 2687 —
Hh1sF H Dortmund 2016
1 Ad1 1d 1. e4 c5 2. Íf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Íc3 a6 6. Ìg5 e6 7. f4 h6 8. Ìh4 Êb6 9.
15. f5! e5 [15... Íc5?! 16. fg6 fg6 17. e5! de5 Êd2 Êb2 10. Ëb1 Êa3 11. e5 de5 12. fe5
18. Ìg6 Èf8 19. Íf3 Ìf3 20. Êf3 Èg7 21. Ífd7 13. Íe4 Êa2 14. Ëd1 Êd5 15. Êe3
Ìc5 Ìc5 22. Ìd3¥] 16. Íb3¢ g5 [16... Êe5 16. Ìe2 Ìc5 17. Ìg3 Êd5 [17... Ìd4
Íc5 17. Íc5 dc5 18. Íd5! Ìd5 (18... Íd5 Ñ 119/(77)] 18. c4 Ìd4 19. Ëd4 Êa5 20.
19. ed5 c4 20. Ìe4¥) 19. ed5 c4 20. Ìe4¥; Ëd2 0»0 21. Ìd6 f5 22. Ìf8 Íf8 23. Íd6
16... gf5 17. gf5 Íc5 18. Íc5 dc5 19. Íd5
Íbd7 24. g4 fg4 25. Ìg4 Êa1 N [25...
Ìd5 20. ed5 c4 21. Ìe4 0-0-0 22. Ìg2¢] 17.
h4 Ëg8 [17... gh4 18. Ìh4 Ëg8 19. Ëdg1î] Íe5] 26. Ëd1 [26. Ìd1 Êe5 27. Êe5
18. hg5 hg5 19. Èb1 Íc5 20. Ëh6¥ [20. Íe5 28. 0»0 a5 29. Ëe2 Ífg6§] Êe5 27.
Íc5 dc5 21. Íd5 Ìd5 22. ed5 c4 23. Ìe4 Ëd3?? [27. Èe2 Êe3 28. Èe3 Íe5 29.
Ìd6 24. Ìf3 0-0-0 25. Ëh6¥] 0-0-0 21. Íd5 Ìe2 Ìd7§]
Ìd5 [21... Íd5 22. ed5 Ëh8 23. Ëh8 Ëh8
24. Íc5 dc5 25. f6! (25. c4¥) Ìf6 26. Ìf5 e1r1 Tq1
Èb8 27. d6¥] 22. ed5 Ëh8 [22... e4 23. Íc5 1y1t1 Y
ed3 24. Íd3+»]
y1 Gy1 Y
1qE 1 E 1 1 W 1
1 W Ry1 1h1 1f1
y1 Y T D 1 1dS 1
1yThYhY 1 1 1 H
1 1 1h1 1 1 A 1d
Hg1f1 1
27... Íc5!»+ 28. 0»0 Íd3 29. Êd3 Ìd7
Hh1sF 1 30. Íb7 Ëb8 [30... Ìc6! 31. Ìf3 (31. Íd8
1a1d1 1 Ìe4 32. Ëf8 Èf8 33. Êd7 Êc5»+) Ìf3 32.
Êf3 Íg6»+] 31. Ìf3 Êc7 32. Íd6 Êc5
23. Íc5! dc5 24. d6!+» Ìd6 [24... Êd6 25. 33. Ëf2 a5 34. Íb7 Êb4 35. Êe4 Íh7 36.
Ëh8 Ëh8 26. Ìb5+»] 25. Ëf6 Êe7 26. Êe4 c5 Íg5 0:1 Z. Arsovi


95. C 04 32. Íd7 Ëd7 33. Êa4+»] Ìe8 32. f4+»

gf4 33. Êf4 Êb2 34. Ìf5 ef5 35. Ëe3 [35.
A. MIçTA 2589 — F. GRAF 2479 Íc4 Êb7 36. Íd6+»] Êb1 36. Ëd3 Êe1
37. Ëg3 [37... Èf6 38. Íg4 Èe6 39. Ëe3+»]
Deutschland 2016
1:0 G. Arsovi
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íd2 Íc6 4. Ígf3 Íf6 5.
e5 Íd7 6. Ìd3 Íb4 7. Ìe2 c5 8. c3 Íc6 9. 96. C 05
0»0 Ìe7 [9... cd4 Ñ 124/84] 10. Ëe1 Ëb8 N
[10... 0»0] 11. dc5 Íc5 [Ä 11... Íde5 12. K. KOLOLLI 2202 —
b4 Íg6 13. Êa4 a6 14. c4¢] 12. Íb3 Íb3 P. CARLSSON 2435
[12... b6 13. Íbd4 Ìb7 14. Íc6 Ìc6 15. Praha 2016
Íd4 Ìd7 16. c4¢] 13. ab3 a5
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íd2 Íf6 4. Ìd3 c5 5. c3
ErWq1 E cd4 6. cd4 de4 7. Íe4 Ìd7! [7... Ìb4 Ñ
79/(97)] 8. Íf3? Íe4! 9. Ìe4 Ìc6! 10. Ìc6
1y1 RyYy [10. Êd3 Ìb4! 11. Ìd2 Ìe4 12. Êe4 Ìd2
1t1y1 1 13. Íd2 Íc6 14. Íb3 0»0 15. 0»0 Êf6£
16. Íc5 Êd4 17. Êd4 Íd4 18. Ëfd1 (18.
Y 1yH 1 Ëad1 Íe2 19. Èh1 b6 20. Íb3 Ëfc8 21.
1 1 1 1 Ëd7 a5¤) e5 19. Íb7 Ëfb8 20. Íd6 Ëb2 21.
Íc4 Ëb5¤] Íc6 11. 0»0 Êd5! 12. Êb3?! N
1hH 1g1 [12. Ëe1 Ìd6£ ^d4; 12. Ìe3] Êb3 13. ab3
H 1fHhH e1 1qR E
D FsD A Yy1 1yYy
14. Ëa4! 0»0 15. Ìd3 f5 [15... Ìd7 16. Ëg4 1t1y1 1
g6 17. h4¥] 16. ef6 Ìf6 17. Êc2 h6 [17...
g6?! 18. Ìg6 hg6 19. Êg6 Ìg7 20. Íg5 1 1 1 1
Ëf6 21. Êh7 Èf8 22. Ëg4 Êe7 23. Êh4 Ëf5 1 H 1 1
24. Íh7 a) 24... Èg8 25. Ìg5 Ëg5 (25...
Êf7 26. Ìf6+») 26. Íg5+»; b) 24... Èe8 1h1 1g1
25. Êe7 Íe7 26. Ëg7+»] 18. Ìf4¥ b5 H 1 HhH
[18... Ëa8 19. Êd2 Ìd7 20. Ìc2 Ëf7 21.
Êd3¥] 19. Ìb8 ba4 20. Ìg3 ab3 21. Êb3¥ D F 1dA
Ëf7 22. Ìb1 g5 23. h3 Ìd7 24. Íh2! Ìg7
25. Êd1 [25. Êc2 e5 26. Êh7 Èf8 27. Íg4 13... f6! [13... Ìe7!? 14. Ìe3 (14. Íe5?!
Ìg4 28. hg4 Êd7 29. Êd3¥] Êb6 26. Êd2 Íd4 15. Ìe3 Íb3 16. Ëa7 Ëa7 17. Ìa7
Íe7 [26... a4 27. Íg4 h5 28. Íe5 Íe5 29. 0»0¤) Ìf6 15. Ëfd1 0-0-0 16. Ëac1 (16. d5
Ìe5¥] 27. Íg4 Íf5 28. Ìe5 a4 29. Ìg7 Ëd5 17. Ëd5 ed5 18. Ìa7 Ìb2 19. Ëa2 Ía7
Èg7 30. Íe5 Ëe7 31. Èh2 [31. Êc2 Èg8 20. Ëb2 Íc6¤) Èb8 17. g4 h6 18. h4 Ìe7£]

14. Ìe3 Ìe7?! [14... Ëd8! 15. Ëfd1 (15. d5? [19. Ëc1 Ëf2 20. Ëf2 Êf2 21. Èh1Õ; 19.
Ëd5 16. Ìa7 Èf7 17. Ìe3 Ìb4 18. Ëfd1 Ìa2 Ëf2 20. Ëf2 Êf2 21. Èh1Õ] Ëf4 [19...
Ëhd8¤ ^b3) Ëd5¤] 15. d5! ed5 16. Ëfd1 Ëe8£] 20. g3?? [20. Ìf4 Êf4 21. Êd7 Êc4
Èf7 17. Ëd5 Ëhd8 18. Ëd8?! [18. Ëb5 22. Êb7 Ëb8 23. Êd7£]
Ëd7£] Ëd8 19. Èf1 Ëd3 20. Íd2 [20. Ìa7
Ëb3 21. Íd4 Ëb2 22. Íc6 bc6¤] a6 21. Èe2 e1 1 1q1
Ëd5 22. Ëc1 f5! [Å Ìf6] 23. Íf3?! [23.
Íc4 Ìf6£] Ìf6 24. Ëc2 Ëb5¤ 25. Íd2 Ry1r1 Y
y1t1y1 Y
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1y1 1qYy 1f1 E W
y1t1 R 1 H 1 1 Hh
1e1 1y1 H 1 H F
1 1 1 1 D 1s1dA
1h1 F 1
HdGaHhH 20... Êh3! 21. gf4 Íd4 0:1
E. C rdova
1 1 1 1
98. !N C 10
25... f4! 26. Ìc5 [26. Ìf4 Íd4 27. Èd3 Íc2
28. Èc2 g5 29. Ìe3 g4»+; 26. Íe4 Ëe5! GRANDELIUS 2649
27. Íd6 Èe6 28. Íb7 Íd4»+] b6 27. Íe4 — K. STUPAK 2535
Ëc5! [27... Ëb3 28. Ìa3 Íd4 29. Èd1 Íc2 Lakovica 2016
30. Èc2 Ëa3 31. ba3 Ìe7»+] 28. Íc5 Íd4
[29. Èd3 Íc2 30. Ía6 Íe1 31. Èe2 Íg2 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 Íc6 4. Íf3 Íf6 5.
32. Èf3 Íe1 33. Èf4 Íd3»+] 0:1 e5 Íe4 6. Íe2 f6 7. Íg3 fe5 [7... Ìe7 Ñ
P. Carlsson 43/353] 8. Ìb5 ed4 9. Íe4 de4 10. Íd4
Êd5 11. c4 Ìb4 12. Ìd2 Êd4
97.* C 10
e1r1q1 E
A. PICHOT 2532 —
E. CéRDOVA 2602 YyY 1 Yy
San Salvador 2016 1t1y1 1
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 h6 4. e5!? [RR 4. 1f1 1 1
Ìd3 c5 (4... Íc6 Ñ 123/99) 5. ed5 ed5 6. RhWy1 1
dc5 Íc6 7. Ìf4 N (7. Ìb5) Ìc5 8. Íb5
Ìb6 9. Íe2 Íf6 10. Íd6 Èf8 11. Íc8 Ëc8 1 1 1 1
12. 0»0 g6 13. c3 Èg7 14. h3 (14. Êb3 Ëe8 hH F HhH
15. Ëad1 Íh5 16. Ìc1 Êh4 17. Íg3 Íf6
18. Ìf5 Ëcd8 19. Èh1 Íe5 20. f3 Íc4£ D 1sA 1d
Fe. Ferncndez 2410 — E. Córdova 2602,
Montcada i Reixac 2016) Íh5 15. Ìh2 Ëe8|] 13. Ìb4! N [13. Ìc6 bc6 14. Ìb4 Êc4Õ]
c5 5. dc5 Íc6 6. Íf3 Ìc5 7. Ìd3 a6 8. 0»0 Êb2 [13... Êd1 14. Ëd1 Ìd7 15. Ìc3 0-0-0
Íge7 9. a3 N [9. Ëe1] Ìa7 10. h3 0»0 11. 16. 0»0¢] 14. Ëb1 Êf6? [14... Êe5 15. Ìc6
Ìf4 f5 12. ef6 Ëf6 13. Ìg3 Íf5 14. Ìh2 bc6 16. Êa4 Ìd7 17. Êa3 c5! 18. Ìc5 Ìc6
Ìd7 15. Íe2 Ëf7!? 16. c4? [Ä 16. Ìf5 Ëf5 19. 0»0¢] 15. Ìc6 bc6 16. Êh5! g6 [16...
17. Íed4 Íd4 18. Íd4 Ìd4 19. Êd4 Ëc8Õ] Êf7 17. Êc5 Ìd7 18. 0»0+»] 17. Êa5 c5
dc4 17. Ìc4 Íh4! 18. Íh4 Êh4 19. Íf4? [17... Ìd7 18. 0»0 Ëc8 19. Ëbd1 e5 20.

f3!+»] 18. Êc5 Ìd7 19. 0»0¥ Ëc8 20. Ëbd1 Ìf4) 0»0 13. Ëe1 a5 14. Ìg5 Êc7 15. Ëad1
Ìa4 21. Ëd2 [21. Ëde1 Èf7 22. Ëe4 Ëhd8 a4 16. a3 Ëa5 17. Ìd2 Íe5 18. de5 Íd7
23. Ëfe1+»] e5 22. Êa7 Ìc6 23. Ëfd1 Êe6 19. f4 Ëd8 20. Ìe3¢ Svidler 2762 — G.
24. h3 [24. a4 Èf7 25. Ëc1 Ëhd8 26. Ëd8 Kamsky 2670, Russia 2016] Ígf6 8. Íg3
Ëd8 27. a5¥ Êc4? 28. Êc7 Èe6 (28... Ëd7 [8. Íed2 Ìe7 9. a4 (9. Íc4 Ñ 71/(287)) 0»0
29. Êd7+») 29. Êe7 Èf5 30. g4+»] Èf7 10. a5 N (10. Ëe1) b5 11. a6 Ëb8 12. Ëe1
[24... Êc4 25. Êa5 Êe6 26. Ëc1 Èf7 27. Ëb6 13. Íe5 Íe5 14. de5 a) 14... Êd5?!
Ëdc2¥] 25. a4?! [25. Ëc1¥] Êc4 26. Ìa3 15. Íf3 Íd7 16. Ëe4! (16. Êe2 Íc5 17.
[26. Ëb1 Ëhe8 27. Ëbb2 Èg8 28. Ëdc2 Êd5 Ëd1 Íd3 18. Ëd3 Êc4 19. Ìe3 Ìc5Õ V.
29. a5¢] Êa4 27. Êc5 Ëhe8 28. Ëc1 Ëe6 Iordgchescu 2581 — Csa. Horvcth 2519,
29. Êe3§ Ìb5 [29... Èg8 30. Ëc5 Ìb5 31. Italia 2016) b4 17. Ëd4 Êc5 18. Ìe3¥ Íe5
Ëdd5§] 30. Ëdc2 [30. Ëd5 Ìc6 31. Ëdc5§] 19. Ìh7! Èh8 (19... Èh7? 20. Ëh4+») 20.
c6 31. Ìb2?! [31. Ìc5! Ìd3 (31... Èg8 32. Íe5 Êe5 21. Ìf4 Êc5 22. Ìd3!¥; b) 14...
Ëc3 Êa5 33. Ëa3 Êd8 34. Ëa7+») 32.
Íd7 15. Êg4 Íc5Õ] g6 9. b3 [9. c4 Ìg7 10.
Ëb2¥] Êb4 32. Ëa1 Èg8 33. Ëa7 Êf8?
[33... Ìd3?! 34. Ëc5 Êb6 (34... Êb2? 35. d5 ed5 11. Ëe1 Èf8 12. b3 N (12. cd5 Ñ
Êh6+») 35. Ëd7¥; 33... Ëce8 34. Èh2 Êf8 122/92) Èg8 13. Ìa3 Íb6 14. Ìe7 Êd7 15.
35. Ëd2!§] 34. Êe4?! [34. Ìa3! Êf4 35. Ìf6 Ìf6 16. c5 Íc8 17. Íe5 Êd8 18. Êg4
Êb6 Ëce8 36. Êb7 Êh6 37. Êf7 Èh8 38. Ìg7Õ Ter-Sahakyan 2601 — Ba. Jobava
Ìf8!+»] Êf5 35. Êf5?! [35. Êe3! Ëce8 2661, Lakovica 2016] Ìg7 10. Ìa3 Ìf8 11.
(35... Êc2? 36. Êh6+») 36. Ëd2¥] gf5 36. Ìb2 Ìg7 12. c4 0»0 13. Êe2 Ìf3 14. Êf3 c6
Ëd2 c5 37. Ëd5 15. Ëfe1 Êa5 16. a3 N [16. Ìf1] Ëfd8 17.
Ëad1 Ëac8 18. b4 Êc7 19. Ìc1!¢ e5 20. Ìg5
1e1 1q1 Ëe8?! [20... h6 21. Ìf6 Ìf6 22. d5 (22. c5!?
ed4 23. Ìc4 Èg7 24. Íe4§) cd5 23. cd5 Ìg7
D 1 1 1y 24. h4!¢ f5?! 25. d6 (25. Ìf5 gf5 26. Íf5 Èh8
1 1e1 1 27. d6 Êc4 28. Íe7¥) Êc6 26. Êe2¥]
1rYdYy1 1e1e1q1
1 1 1 1 YyWt1yRy
1 1 1 1h 1y1 Ty1
F 1 Hh1 1 1 Y F
1 1 1 A HhH 1 1
37... Ìc4? [37... Ìc6! 38. Ëc5 (38. Ëe5 Ëg6 H 1f1sG
39. Ëc5 Ëg2 40. Èf1 Ëg6=) Ëg6 39. g3 1 1 HhH
(39. Ìe5 Ëg2 40. Èf1 Ëg6=) Ëb8=] 38.
Ëdd7 Ëa6 39. Ëab7+» Ëe8 40. Ìe5! Ëg6 1 1dD A
41. f4 1:0 G. Arsovi
21. d5! cd5 22. cd5 Êd6 23. Ìb5¥ a6 24.
99.*** C 10 Ìd7 [24. Ìf6 ab5 25. Ìg7 Èg7 26. Êg4
Èh8 27. Íe4¥] Íd7 25. Íe4 Êf8 26. Êh3!
D. NAVARA 2735 f5 27. d6 Êf7 28. Ìe7 h6 29. Íc5! Íc5 30.
— V. KUNIN 2595 bc5 Ëe7 31. de7 Êe7 32. Ëd6 Èh7 33. Êg3
Lakovica 2016 Êf7 34. Êd3 [34. Ëb1 Ëc5 35. h4¥] Ëc5 35.
Ëd7 Êf6 36. Ëb7 e4 37. Êb1 [37. Êe2 a5
1. d4 e6 2. e4 d5 3. Íc3 de4 4. Íe4 Ìd7 5. 38. Ëd1¥] Ëe5 38. a4 h5 39. Ëd1 Ëe7 40.
Íf3 Ìc6 6. Ìd3 Íd7 7. 0»0 [7. Êe2 Ìe4 Ëe7 Êe7 41. Êb6+» f4 42. Êa6 f3 [42... e3
(7... Ígf6 Ñ 91/237) 8. Ìe4 c6 9. c3 Ígf6 43. Êc4+»] 43. Êb5 fg2 44. Ëd7 Êf6 45.
10. Ìc2 g6 11. 0»0 Ìg7 12. Íe5 N (12. Êb7 1:0 G. Arsovi

100. C 11 e1 1q1 E
H. TIKKANEN 2535 — YyY Ry1y
Tr1yY 1
Sverige (ch) 2016
1 1 1 1w
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 Íf6 4. e5 Ífd7 5. f4 1hH 1 1
c5 6. Íf3 Ìe7 7. dc5 0»0 8. Ìe3 Íc5 9.
Êd2 Íc6 10. 0-0-0 b6 [10... a6 Ñ 128/99] 1h1fFg1
11. Êe1 f5 N [11... Ìb7; 11... Êc7] 12. ef6
Ìf6 13. f5 [13. Èb1 Êe7 14. Ìb5 Ìb7 15. h1 1 HhH
Ìc6 Ìc6 16. Ìd4¢] Êd6 14. Ìb5 [14. fe6 D 1s1dA
Ìe6 15. Èb1 Ìf7Õ] Íe7 15. fe6 a6?! [15...
Ìe6 16. Íd4 Ìf7 17. Èb1 a6 18. Ìe2 b5Õ] 13. d5! ed5 14. c5 [14. Ìe2!? dc4 (14... Ëg8
15. Íd4 Êg6 16. g3 dc4 17. Íc6 bc6 18.
e1r1 Eq1 Ìf3¥) 15. Íd4 Êe5 16. Íc6 bc6 17. Ìf3
1 1 T Yy 0»0 18. Ìc6 Ëad8 19. Êg4 Èh8 20. Ëae1¥]
Íd7 15. b4 Íe5 [15... a6 16. Ìf4¥] 16. Ìe2
yY WhR 1 Êg6 [16... Êf5 17. Íd4 Êe4 18. Êb3 Ìd7
19. f3 Êg6 20. Ëae1î] 17. Ìd4 [17. Íe5 fe5
1fTy1 1 18. b5 Ìd7 19. Êd5 0-0-0 20. Êe5! Ìf6 21.
1 1 1 1 Êf4 Ìa1 22. Ëa1 Ëhg8 23. g3 Ëde8 24.
b6¥] Êg7 18. a4 Ìd7 19. Ëe1 c6 20. Ëa3!
1 G Fg1 Ëg8 21. g3 Ìe6 22. b5¥ Íc4 [22... Èf8
hHh1 1hH 23. Ëb3 Ëe8 24. a5¥] 23. Ëb3 Êf8 [23...
Êg6 24. bc6 bc6 25. Ëb7¥] 24. bc6 bc6 25.
1 AdS 1d Êb1+» Ëc8 26. Ëb8 [26... Èd7 27. Êb7
Ëc7 28. Ëf8 Ëg3 29. hg3 Ëb7 30. Ëa8+»;
16. Ìd7! Íd7 [16... Ìd7 17. ed7 Íd7 (17... 26... Ëd8 27. Ìc4 dc4 28. Ìc3 Êh6 29.
Êd7 18. Ìd4¢) 18. Íe4 Êc6 19. Íf6 Íf6 Ìa5+»] 1:0 G. Arsovi
20. Ìg5¢] 17. ed7 Ìd7 18. Íe4 Êc7 19.
Íf6 Ëf6 20. Ìb6! Ëb6 21. Êe7 Ëe8 [21... 102.* !N C 15
Ëab8 22. Êe5 Êe5 23. Íe5 Ìf5 24. b3¥]
22. Êg5¥ [22. Êa3?! Ìf5 23. Ëd2 Ìe4 24. B. SAVCHENKO 2602
Íd4 Ëeb8 25. b3 Ëg6§] h6 23. Êd5 Ìe6 — U. BAJARANI 2516
24. Êa5 Ëeb8 25. b3 Êf4 26. Êd2 Êf8 27.
Èb2+» Ëb4 28. Êd6 Êc8 29. Ëhe1 Ìf5 Ianakkale 2016
30. Ëd2 Ëc4 31. Íd4 Ìh7 32. Ëe7 Ëcb4 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. a3 Ìc3 5.
33. Íc6 1:0 D. Pikula
bc3 de4 6. Êg4 Íf6 7. Êg7 Ëg8 8. Êh6
Ëg6 9. Êh4 Ëg4 10. Êh6 Ëg6 11. Êe3 Íc6
101. C 13 12. Íe2 Íe7 13. Íg3 Íed5 [13... Êd6?! N
14. c4 (14. Íe4 Íe4 15. Êe4 f5 16. Êh4î)
E. SAFARLI 2678 — Ìd7 (14... Êc6 15. a4 b6 16. a5 b5 17. cb5
C. VERNAY 2507 Êc2 18. Êa3¥ Ge. Antal 2562 — R. Torma
Biel (open) 2016 2455, Magyarorszcg 2016) 15. c5 Êc6 16.
Ëb1 b6 (16... a6 17. c4¥) 17. Ìb5 Êb7 18.
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 Íf6 4. Ìg5 de4 5. Ìe2¢; 13... Ìd7 Ñ 37/(324)] 14. Êd2 b6
Íe4 Íbd7 6. Íf3 Ìe7 7. Íf6 gf6?! [7... 15. Ìb5 Ìd7 16. Ìe2 Ìc6 17. c4! N [17.
Ìf6 Ñ 102/213] 8. Ìe3 Íb6 [Ä 8... f5¢] 9. Ìb2 Êd6! (17... b5) 18. c4 Íf4 19. Ìf1Õ]
Ìd3 N [9. c4] Êd5 10. 0»0 Ìd7 11. b3 Íe7 18. a4 h5 [18... e3 19. Êe3 Ìg2 20.
Ìc6 12. c4 Êh5 Ëg1 Ìb7 21. f3¢] 19. h4 Êd7 20. Êc3

0-0-0 [20... e3 21. Ìe3 0-0-0 (21... Ëg3?! 22. 103.**** C 18
fg3 Íe4 23. Êd3 Íg3 24. Ëh3¥) 22. a5î]
S. FELLER 2602 — EDOUARD 2647
1qE 1 1 France (ch) 2016
Y YwTy1 1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3
Yr1yTe1 Ìa5 6. b4 cd4 7. Êg4 Èf8 [7... Íe7 Ñ
98/217] 8. Íb5 Ìb6 9. Íf3 Íc6 10. Ìb2
1 1 1 1y Íge7 11. Íbd4 h5 12. Êf4 [12. Êh4 N a)
12... Íd4 13. Ìd4 Íc6 14. Êd8 Ìd8 15.
h1hHy1 H Ìb2 a5 16. b5 Íe7 17. a4 Íg6 (Rydstrom
1 S 1 G 2302 — J.-S. Christiansen 2410, Stavanger
2016) 18. Ìd3 Íf4 19. g3 Íd3 20. cd3¢;
1h1fHh1 b) 12... Íg6 13. Êd8 Ìd8 14. Íc6 (14.
D F A 1d c4?! Íce5 15. Íe5 Íe5 16. Íe6 Ìe6 17.
cd5 Íf3 18. gf3 Ìd5£ Rydstrom 2327 —
21. Ìg5! Êd4 22. Êd4 Ëd4 23. Íh5 Ífg8 H. Tikkanen 2522, Vaxj} 2016) bc6 15.
Ìd3 a5|; 12. Êg3 Íd4 13. Íd4 h4 N
[23... Íeg8 24. a5 Ëd7 25. Íg3 Íe7 26. ab6
(13... Ìd4) 14. Êe3 Êc7 15. Ìd3 Íf5 16.
ab6 27. Ëa3 Íf5 28. Íf5 ef5 29. 0»0¥] 24. Ìf5 ef5 17. 0-0-0 Ìe6 18. Ëd3 Ëc8Õ Be.
Íf4 Ëg7 25. Íh5 Ëg6 26. a5¥ [26. g4 a) Lindberg 2383 — H. Tikkanen 2522, Vaxj}
26... e3 27. f3 (27. Ëf1!?) Ëd2 28. Ìe3 2016] Íg6 13. Íc6 Íf4 [13... bc6 N 14.
Ëc2 29. Íg3¥; b) 26... a5 27. Ìe3 Ëd7 28. Êd2 Íh4 15. Íh4 Êh4 16. Ìd3 a5 17. 0»0
Íg3¥] Ëd7 27. ab6 cb6 [27... ab6 28. Íg3 g6 18. g3 Êe7 19. h4 Èg7 20. Êf4 Ìb7Õ E.
Íf6 29. Ëa3 Ñ 23... Íeg8] 28. g4 e5 [28... f6 Berg 2583 — J. Haug 2307, Oslo 2016] 14.
29. Ìe3 Íh6 30. Íf6 Ëf6 31. g5 Ëg6 32. h5 Íd8 Ìd8 15. g3 Íg6 16. h4 Ìd7 17. a4
Ëg8 33. gh6¥] 29. Ëh3 f6 30. Ìd2 f5 [30... Íe7 N [17... Ìe7] 18. b5 [18. Ìd3 g6 19.
Íh6 31. Ìh6 Ëh6 32. g5 fg5 33. hg5 Ëg6 0»0 Èg7=] Ìa5 19. Èd1 Ëc8 20. Ìd3
34. Ìg4+»] 31. Ëha3 [31. g5 Ìb7 (31... f4 Íf5 21. Èe2 Èe7 22. Ëhd1 Ëhd8 23. Íd4
32. Ìg4+») 32. Íg3 f4 33. Ìg4 fg3 34. Íd4 24. Ìd4 Ìc3 25. Ìc3 Ëc3= 26. Èe3
f6 27. Èd4 Ëdc8 28. Ëe1?! [28. Ëdb1 Ìe8
Ëg3 Ëgd6 35. Ìb4+»] Ìb7 32. 0-0-0 f4?!
29. Ëb4 fe5 30. Èe5 Ëc2! 31. Ìc2 Ëc2 32.
[32... fg4 33. Ìg5 Ëd1 34. Ìd1 Èb8 35. f4 Ëe2 33. Èd4 Ëe4 34. Èc3 Ëe3 35. Èd2
Ìg4¥] 33. g5+» Èb8 34. Ìg4 Ëd4 Ëg3 36. Ëc1 Èd6 (36... Ëg2=) 37. Ëc8
Ìg6=] Ìe8! 29. f4
Q 1 1t1
Yr1 T 1 1e1r1 1
Y 1 1e1 Yy1 Q Y
1 1 Y Hg 1 1yY 1
1hEyYfH 1h1yH 1y
D 1 1 1 h1 A H H
1hF H 1 1 Ef1 H
1 Ad1 1 1h1 1 1
D 1 D 1
35. Íf4! Ëc6 [35... Ëd2 36. Íg6 Ëd1 37.
Èd1 Íg6 38. h5+»] 36. Íg2 Ëcc4 37. Íe3 29... Ìg6!£ 30. Ëe2 [30. Ìg6?? Ë8c4#]
Ëc5 38. h5 b5 39. Ëc3 1:0 Ìe4 [30... Ìd3 31. cd3 Ëb3 32. Ëd2 Ëb4
Z. Arsovi 33. Èe3 Ëc3£] 31. Ëa2 Èf7 32. a5 Èg6 33.

Ëa4 Ìd3 34. cd3 Ëb3 35. ef6 Èf6 36. b6 Ìa6 [Ä 31. Ìe6 Ëbd4 (31... fe6 32. Íe6
ab6 37. ab6 Ëcc3 [37... Ëb6 38. Ëa3 Ëb4 Èe8 33. Íd8 Èd8 34. Ëb1! Ëd4 35. Ëb6
39. Èe3 Ëc1£] 38. Ëe3 Ëc1 39. Ëe5 Ëd1 Ëd5 36. Ëa6 Ëe5 37. Ëa7¥) 32. Ëb1!?; 32.
[39... g6 40. Ëe3 Ëb6 41. Ëe2 Ëb3¤] 40. Ìb3¥] Ëa8 32. Ìe2 Ëa5 33. Ìg4 Ìd5 34.
Ëe3 Ëb6 41. Ëa8 Ëc6 42. Ëf8 Èe7 43. Íd5 ed5 35. Ëd2 Ëaa4 36. Ëed1 Èg7
Ëb8? [43. Ëg8 Èf7 44. Ëd8 b5 45. f5 ef5
46. Ëd5=] 1 1 1 1
D 1 1 1 1 1 TyQ
1y1 Q Y 1 1 1 Y
1e1y1 1 1 1yH 1
1 1y1 1y eE Hy1f1
1 A H H 1 1 1 1h
1 1hD H 1 D Hh1
1 1 1 1 1 1d1 A
1 1e1 1 37. f3! e3 38. Ëd3 e2 39. Ëe1 Ëd4 40. Ëd4
Ëd4 41. Ëe2 Èg6 42. Ìd7 Ëb4 43. Èf2 h5
43... Èf6? [43... Ëc4! 44. Èe5 Ëb4 45. Ëg8 44. g3 h4 [44... Ëb7 45. e6 fe6 46. Ìe6 Èf6
(45. f5? Ëf1! 46. fe6 g6»+) d4 46. Ëe2 Èf7 47. f4+»] 45. gh4 Ëh4 46. Ìg4+» Ëh8
47. Ëd8 Ëd3 48. Ëd7 Èg6¤] 44. Ëf8 Èe7 47. Ëb2 f5 48. ef6 Èf6 49. Ëb6 Èg7 50.
45. Ëb8 Èf6 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovi Ëd6 Ëh6 51. Ëd7 Èf7 52. Ëd8 Ëb6 53. h4
Èf6 54. h5 Ëb1 55. Ëd7 Ëa1 56. Èg2 Ëe1
57. f4 Ëa1 58. Ëd6 Èf7 59. h6 Èg8 60.
104.* C 18 Ìe6 1:0 G. Arsovi
MOTYLEV 2660 —
IG. KOVALENKO 2667 105. C 42
Poikovsky 2016 W. SO 2770 — WEI YI 2696
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. e5 c5 5. a3 Bilbao 2016
Ìc3 6. bc3 Êa5 7. Ìd2 Êa4 8. Êg4 Èf8 9. 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íf6 3. Íe5 d6 4. Íf3 Íe4 5.
Íf3 [9. Êd1 Ñ 93/225] Íe7 10. h3 Íd7 N Íc3 Íc3 6. dc3 Íc6 7. Ìf4 Ìe7 8. Êd2
[10... Êc2 11. Ëc1 Êa4 N (11... Êg6) 12. Ìe6 9. 0-0-0 Êd7 10. h3!? [10. Èb1 Ñ
Ìd3 c4 13. Ìc2 Êa3 14. 0»0 Êa5 15. Ëa1 104/(229)] Ìf6
Êc7 16. Ìc1 Íbc6 17. Ìa3§ S. Berezjuk
2421 — Jegorovas 2265, Kaunas 2016] 11.
Ìd3 c4 12. Ìe2 Êc2 13. 0»0§ h6 14. Ëfe1 e1 1q1 E
Êe4?! [14... Êg6 15. Êf4 b6 16. Ìd1 Ìb7 YyYw1yYy
17. Ëc1 Êf5 18. Êh4î] 15. Êe4 de4 16.
Íh2¥ Íb6 17. a4 Ìd7 18. a5 Íbd5 19. 1tYrR 1
Ëeb1 Ìc6 20. Ìc4 a6 21. Ìb3 g5 22. Ëe1 1 1 1 1
Èg7 [22... Íf4 23. Ìf4 gf4 24. Íg4 Íg8
25. c4 h5 26. Íf6 Íf6 27. ef6¥] 23. c4 Íf4 1 1 F 1
24. Ìf4 gf4 25. Ëad1 Ëhd8 26. Íg4 Ëab8 1 H 1g1h
27. Íf6 b5 28. Íh5 [28. d5! Ìd7 (28... bc4?
29. dc6+»; 28... Ìa8 29. de6 Ëd1 30. Ëd1 hHhS Hh1
fe6 31. Ëd6¥) 29. cb5 Ìb5 30. de6 Ëd1 31.
Ìd1¥] Èf8 29. Íf4 bc4 30. Ìc4 Ëb4 31.
1 Ad1f1d
11. g4 N [11. Ìg5] h6 12. Ìg2 0-0-0 13. b3 106. C 45
Ëde8 14. Ëhe1 Èb8 15. Ìe3 a6 16. Íg1
g5?! [Ä 16... h5 17. g5 Ìd8Õ] 17. Íe2 h5 MART. BROWN 2252
[17... Ìe5 18. f4 gf4 19. Íf4 Ìf4 20. Ìf4 — MI. ADAMS 2727
h5 21. gh5 Ëh5Õ] 18. f3 Êe7 19. Íg3 d5 20. Great Britain (ch) 2016
Èb2 Ëd8?! [20... hg4 21. fg4 Ëd8 22. Íf5!? 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. d4 ed4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5.
Ìf5 23. Ìa7 Èa7 24. Ëe7 Íe7 25. gf5 c6¢; Íc6 bc6 6. e5 Êe7 7. Êe2 Íd5 8. c4 Íb6 9.
22. Êf2¢] Íc3 Êe6 10. Êe4 g6 11. Ìd3 [11. f4 Ñ
110/157] Ìg7 12. f4 0»0 13. 0»0 f5 [13...
Q E 1 E d6!?; 13... Ìa6 14. b3 d5Õ]
1yY Wy1 e1r1 Eq1
y1t1rR 1 Y Yy1 Ry
1 1y1 Yy Ty1w1y1
1 1 1h1 1 1 Hy1
1hH FhGh 1h1sH 1
hAhS 1f1 1 Gf1 1
1 1dD 1 hH 1 1hH
21. Íe2? [21. Íh5! d4 22. cd4 a) 22... Ëh5 D F 1dA
23. gh5 Íd4 24. c3¥; b) 22... Ìd4 23. Ìd4
Íd4 24. Êe3 Íb5 (24... Êa3 25. Èa3 Íc2 14. ef6?! [14. Êe2 d6 15. c5 Íd5 16. Íd5
26. Èb2 Íe3 27. Ëd8 Ëd8 28. Ëe3+») 25. cd5 17. ed6 cd6 18. c6 Êe2 19. Ìe2 Ëb8Õ]
a4¥; c) 22... Íd4 23. Íf6 Íb5 24. Êc1 Êf6 Êf6 15. Ìd2? N [15. f5? d5»+; 15. Ìe3
25. c3¥] Ëhe8 22. Íd4 Íd4 23. cd4 [23. Ìa6! (15... d5 16. Êf3 Ìf5 17. Ìf5 Êf5 18.
Ìd4 c5 24. Ìf6 Êf6 25. gh5 Ëh8 26. Êf2 cd5=) 16. f5 Ëae8 (16... gf5 17. Êf4 Êd6£)
d4 27. cd4 Ëd4 28. Ëd4 Êd4 29. Êd4 cd4 17. Êf4 gf5£; 15. Èh1 d5 (15... Ìa6!?) 16.
30. Ëe5 Ëh5 31. f4 Ìh3 32. Ìf3¢] Ëg8 24. cd5 Ìf5 17. Êf3 Ìd3 18. Êd3 cd5 19. Íd5?
Ìf1 Êd6 25. f4?! [25. gh5! a) 25... Êg3 26. Êd6»+; 15. Êe2] d5 16. Êe2 [16. cd5 Ìf5
Ìe2 Êh4 (26... Êh3? 27. Ëh1 Êg3 28. Ëdg1 17. Êf3 Êd4»+; 16. Êf3 Ìa6¤] Ìa6 17.
Êd6 29. Ìg5¥) 27. f4î; b) 25... Ìe7 26. Ìd3 Ëae1 [17. cd5 Êd4»+; 17. b3 Ëae8 18. Êf3
Ìh3 27. Ëh1 Êd7 28. Ëde1¢] hg4 26. fg5 dc4 19. bc4 Ìc4»+; 17. f5 Ìc4 18. fg6
Ìe7 27. hg4 Ìg4 28. Ìe2 Ìe2 29. Ëe2 f6 Êd4»+] Ìc4 18. Ìc4 Íc4 19. Ìc1 a5 [19...
30. gf6 [30. Ìf4? Êa3] Ìf6= 31. Ìf4 Êd7 Íd6 20. Êa6 Êd4 21. Ìe3 Êc4¤] 20. Êc2
32. Ëde1 Êg7 33. Èb1 Ìg5 34. Ìg5 Êg5 [Ä 20. Èh1] Ëae8 21. Êa4? [21. Èh1]
35. Êb4 Ëg6 36. Ëe5 Êh4 37. Ëe8 Ëgd6 38.
Ë1e7 Ëe8 39. Ëe8 Ëd8 40. Ëe6 b6 41. a4 a5 1 1eEq1
42. Êc3 Ëg8 43. Èa2 Êh7 44. Êc6 Ëd8 45. 1 Y 1 Ry
b4!? ab4 46. a5 Êd7 47. ab6 Êc6 48. Ëc6
cb6 49. Ëb6 Èc7 50. Ëb4 Ëh8 51. Ëb5 Èc6 1y1 Wy1
52. Ëc5 Èd6 53. Èb3 Ëh4 54. c3 Ëh8 55. Y 1y1 1
Èb4 Ëb8 56. Ëb5 Ëc8 57. Ëb6 Èd7 58.
Èb3 Èe7 59. Ëh6 Èd7 60. Èb4 Ëc4 61. s1t1 H 1
Èb3 Ëc8 62. Èc2 Ëg8 63. Ëh3 Èd6 64. 1 G 1 1
Èd3 Ëc8 65. Èe2 Èd7 66. Ëe3 Èd6 67.
Èf3 Ëf8 68. Èg4 Ëg8 69. Èf5 Ëf8 70. Èg4 hH 1 1hH
Ëg8 71. Èf4 Ëf8 72. Èg4 Ëg8 73. Èf4 Ëb8
1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi
1 F DdA
21... Êd4!»+ 22. Èh1 Ëe1 23. Ëe1 Êf2 24. [22... Êc1? 23. Ìf1 Íd7 24. e6! fe6 25.
Ëg1 [24. Êd1 Íb2»+; 24. Ëd1 Íb2 25. Ìg7! Èg7 26. Ëd7 Ëf7 27. Ëf7 Èf7 28.
Ìb2 Êb2»+; 25... Ëf4»+] Ìd4 25. Ëd1 Êh7+»; 22... f6 23. ef6 Ëd8 24. f7 Èf7
Ëe8 26. h3 Ëe1 27. Èh2 Êg1 28. Èg3 Íe3 25. Ìh5 a) 25... Èe6 26. Êd8 Êc1 27.
[28... Ìc3 29. Êc6 Íd6! (29... Ëd1? 30. Ìd1 Ìc6 (27... Ìf3? 28. Êe8 Èf5 29.
Êe8 Èg7 31. Êe7 Èh6 32. Êg5=) 30. Êd5 Êf7+») 28. Ìg7 Ìa4 29. Êf6 Èd7 30.
Èg7»+] 29. Ìe3 [29. Ëd4 Êg2 30. Èh4 Êf5 Èc6 31. Êf3 Èd7 32. Êf5=; b) 25...
Íf5#] Ëe3 30. Èh4 Ìf6 31. Èg4 Êg2# g6 26. Êf6 Èe8 27. Êe6 Èf8 28. Êf6=;
0:1 Mi. Adams 22... Íd7 23. Ëd7 (23. e6?! fe6 24. Ìg7?
Êe2!»+) Êe2 24. e6 (24. Ëd8 f6 25. ef6
107. C 45 Ëd8 26. f7 Èf7 27. Êd8 g5 28. Êc7 Êe7=)
Êe6 25. Êg5 Êg6 26. Êg6 hg6 27. Ëc7
MOTYLEV 2660 —
D. JAKOVENKO 2712 Ìf3 28. Ëc5 Ëd8 29. Èf1 Ëd1 30. Ìe1
Ëc1 31. Ëc8 Èh7 32. Ëc7 Ìd5! 33. Èe2
Poikovsky 2016 Ëc4 34. Ëa7 Ëc2 35. Èe3 Ëa2=]
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. d4 ed4 4. Íd4 Íf6 5. 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi
Íc6 bc6 6. e5 Êe7 7. Êe2 Íd5 8. c4 Íb6
9. Íc3 Êe6 10. Êe4 Ìb4 11. Ìd2 Ìa6 12. 108. C 50
b3 Ìc3 13. Ìc3 d5 14. Êh4 dc4 15. Ëc1
Êg6 16. g3 0»0 17. Ìe2 c5 [17... Ëad8 Ñ CH. BAUER 2620
118/90] 18. 0»0 Ìb7 19. bc4 — S. FELLER 2602
France (ch) 2016
e1 1 Eq1
YrY 1yYy 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìc4 Ìc5 4. d3 Íf6 5.
0»0 0»0 6. c3 d6 7. Ìg5 h6 8. Ìh4 Ìb6
T 1 1w1 [8... g5 Ñ 127/114] 9. a4 a6 10. Íbd2 Èh8
1 Y H 1 11. b4 g5 N [11... Êe7] 12. Ìg3 Íh7 13. a5
Ìa7 14. b5 ab5 15. Ìb5 Íe7 16. d4 ed4
1h1 1 S [16... f5!?] 17. Íd4 f5 18. f3 f4 19. Ìf2 Íg6
1 F 1 H 20. a6 ba6 21. Ìa6 Íe5 22. Êe2 Íf6 23.
Èh1 Èh7? [23... Ìb6]
h1 1fH H
1 D 1dA e1rW E 1
R Y 1 1q
19... Ëad8 N [19... Ëfe8] 20. Ëcd1 Ëd1 21.
Ëd1 Êc2 22. Ëd8 f1 Y T Y
1 1 T Y
1 D Eq1 1 GhY 1
YrY 1yYy 1 H 1h1
T 1 1 1 1 GsFhH
1 Y H 1 D 1 1d1a
1h1 1 S
1 F 1 H 24. Ìb7!! Ìb7 25. Íe6 Êb8 [25... Êe7 26.
Íf8 Êf8 27. Ìa7+»] 26. Ìa7 Ëa7 27. Íf8
h1w1fH H Èg8 28. Íe6 c5 [28... Ëa1 29. Ëa1 Ìc6 30.
1 1 1 A Íd4+»] 29. Êb5 Ífd7 30. Íc4 1:0
Br. Tadi

109. !N C 54 110. C 54
W. SO 2771 — V. ANAND 2770 — W. SO 2771
ARONIAN 2792 Saint Louis 2016
Saint Louis 2016 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìc4 Ìc5 4. 0»0 Íf6
5. d3 0»0 6. c3 d5 7. ed5 Íd5 8. a4 Íb6 [8...
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìc4 Ìc5 4. c3 Íf6 5. a5 9. Íbd2 h6 Ñ 125/(93)] 9. Ìb5 Íe7 [9...
d3 0»0 6. 0»0 h6 [6... d6 Ñ 127/115] 7. d4 a5 Ñ 125/93] 10. a5 [10. Íe5?! c6 11. Ìc4
[7. b4!?] Ìb6 8. de5 Íe4 9. Ìd5 [9. Êd5 Ìd6 12. Íf3 (12. Íf7 Ëf7 13. Ìf7 Èf7£)
Íf2!? 10. Ëf2 d6Õ] Íc4 13. dc4 Ìf5§] c6 11. ab6 cb5 12. Ëa7
Ëa7 13. ba7 Ìa7 14. Íe5 Ìf5
e1rW Eq1
YyYy1yY 1 W Eq1
Rt1 1 Y Ry1 TyYy
1 1fH 1 1 1 1 1
1 1t1 1 1y1 Gr1
1 H 1g1 1 1 1 1
hH 1 HhH 1 Hh1 1
DgFs1dA H 1 HhH
9... Íf2! N [9... Íc5] 10. Ëf2 d6 11. ed6
Êd6 12. Ìb3 Ìf2 13. Èf2 Êf6 14. Êd2?! 15. Ëe1 N [15. Ìe3] Ìb8 16. Ía3 [16. Íd2
[14. Ìe3!?; 14. Èg1!?] Ìe5 17. Ëe5 Ìd3=] b4 17. cb4 Êd5 18.
Íec4 [18. d4 Ëd8 19. Íf3 Íc6 20. b5 Íb4§]
e1r1 Eq1 Ìd3 19. Ëe7 Ìc4 20. Êd5 Ìd5= 21. Ëd7
Ìc6 22. Ëd1 Ìa4 23. Ëd3 Ìc7 24. b3 Ìc6
YyY 1yY 25. f3 Ëd8 26. Ëd8 Ìd8 27. b5 Ìd7 28.
Èf2 Ìe7 29. Èe2 Ìa3 30. Ìa3 Ìb5
1t1 W Y 1/2 : 1/2 A. olovi
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 111.* C 54
1fH 1g1 D. çWIERCZ 2656
— B.�D. DEAC 2501
hH S AhH Lakovica 2016
DgF 1 1 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìc4 Ìc5 4. c3 Íf6 5.
d3 a6 6. 0»0 Ìa7 7. Ìb3 d6 8. Ëe1 0»0 9.
14... g5? [14... Íe5! 15. Êd4 Ëe8 16. Ìf4
h3 Íe7 10. Íbd2 Íg6 11. Íf1 b5 [11... h6
Êf4! 17. Êf4 Íd3 18. Èg3 Íf4 19. Èf4 12. Íg3 a) 12... Ëe8 13. d4 Ìe6 14. Ìc2
Ëe2 20. Èg3 Ëb2¤] 15. Èg1 Ìg4 16. Êf2 (14. Ìe3 Ñ 92/315) c5 (14... c6 Ñ 46/409)
Ëfe8 17. Ìe3 [17. Íbd2!?Õ] Ìf3 18. Íd2 15. Ìe3 cd4 (15... ed4 16. cd4 Ìb6!?) 16.
Ëe3! 19. Êe3 Ìh5 20. Êh3 Ìe2 21. Ëe1 cd4 Êa5 17. a3 b5 18. Íf5¢; b) 12... Ìd7!?
Ëe8 22. Ìc4 Êd8! 23. Êh6 Ìc4 24. Ëe8 13. d4 Ëe8 14. Ìe3 (14. Ìc2 a5!? 15. a4
Êe8 25. Êg5 Èf8 26. Êc5 Èg8 27. Êg5 Ìc6) Ìc6 15. Ìc2 ed4 16. Ìd4 Ìd7 17. a4
Èf8 28. Êh6 Èg8 29. Êg5 1/2 : 1/2 a5 (17... Íe5 18. a5¢) 18. Ìb3 Íe5 19. Íh4
A. olovi Íc6 20. Ìa7 Ëa7 21. Íhf5 Ëa6 22. Êc2

Íe7Õ] 12. Íg3 Ìb7 [12... Ëe8 13. Íg5! d5 28. Êc5¥) 26. Ëg3 Ìc8 27. Í3h4¢] 18.
Ëf8 14. a4 Ìd7 15. d4 h6 16. Íf3 c5 17. Êh6 Êf6 19. Íh2 Íf4 20. Íg4 Êh6 21.
Ìe3¢; 12... c5 13. a4! Ìe6 14. ab5 ab5 15. Ígh6 Èh8 22. Íd6 [22. Íf7 Ëf7 23. Ìf7
Ìe3 Êd7 16. d4¢; 12... h6 13. a4 Ìd7 14. Íd3 24. Ëe2 Ëd8 25. ab5 ab5 26. c4 Íf4 27.
ab5 ab5 15. d4 Ìb6 16. Ëa8 Êa8 17. Ìe3 Ëd2 (27. Ëee1 Íg5|) Ìe4 28. Ëd6 Ëd6 29.
Êa7 18. Êc1¢] 13. a4 [13. d4 c5 14. a4 Ëe8 Íd6 Ìg2 30. cb5 Íg5 31. Èh2 Ìc7! 32.
15. de5 de5 16. Êd8 Ëed8 17. Ìe3 (17. ab5 Íe8 Ìb8 33. Ìh5 Ìb7 34. Ìg4 e4|] Íd3
ab5 18. Ìe3 c4=) c4 18. Ìa7 Ëa7 19. Ìc2 23. Ëe3 c4 24. Ëd3 cd3 25. Íb7 [25. a5!?
Ëaa8=; 13. Íh2 Ñ 70/(310)] Ìb6!? N [13... Ìa7 26. Íb7 b4 27. Íd6 bc3 28. bc3 Ëab8
Ëe8 14. Íh2 (14. Íf5 d5!|) a) 14... d5 15. 29. Ìc4 Ëb2 30. Ëf1 (30. Ídf7 Èg7 31.
Êf3 Íh4 16. Êe2 Íg6 (16... h6 17. Íg4¢) Íf5 Èf6 32. Í7h6 Ìf2 33. Èf1 Èg5 34.
17. Íg4 Íf4 18. Êf3 Íg4 19. hg4 c5 20. Íg4 Ìc5 35. Ìd3 Ëd8Õ) d2 31. Ëd1 Íg5
Ìf4 ef4 21. Êf4 Ìb8 22. e5 f6 23. d4 fe5 24. 32. h4 Ìc5 33. hg5 Ìd6 34. Íf7 Ëf7 35.
de5 g6 25. Ëe3¢; b) 14... Íd7 15. Êf3 Ëf8 Ìf7 Ìc7 (35... Èg7 36. g6 Ìc7 37. g3 Ìa5
16. Ìc2 (16. a5 Íc5 17. Ìa2 Èh8Õ) Íc5 38. f4 Ìc3 39. Èf2¥) 36. g3 Ìa5 37. Èf1
17. Êg4!? b1) 17... Ìc8 18. Íf5 ba4 (18... (37. f4 Ìb6 38. Èf1 ef4 39. gf4 Ìe3) Ìc3
Ía4 19. Íf3î) 19. h4î; b2) 17... Êh4 18. Êe2 38. Èe2¢] ba4!? [25... Ëab8 26. Íd6 ba4
Íe6 19. Íf5 Êf6 (19... Êd8 20. Êg4¢) 20. 27. Ìa4 Íg5! 28. h4 Ìc5 29. Íhf5 Ëfd8 30.
Ìe3!? Ìe3 21. fe3¢; 13... h6 14. Íf5 d5!? hg5 Ìd6 31. Ëd1 Ìf8 32. Ëd2 Èh7Õ] 26.
15. ed5 Ëe8! 16. d4 ed4 17. Ëe8 Êe8 18. Ìc4 [26. Ìa4 Ëab8 27. Ìc6!? Íf6 28. Íd6
Í3d4 Ìd5 19. Ìe3 Ìe4 20. Ìc2 Ìc2 21. Èh7 29. Íhf5 d2 30. Ëd1 Ìc5 31. Íb7 (31.
Êc2 Íd5=] 14. Íf5 [14. d4 h6 15. Ìc2 Ëe8 Ëd2? Ëfd8¤) Ëfc8! 32. Íc5 Ëc6 33. b4
16. Ìe3 ed4 a) 17. Ìd4 c5 18. Ìe3 d5| (V. a5=] Íg5 [26... Ëab8!? 27. Íd6 Ìc5 28.
Nevednichii 2546 — B.-D. Deac 2486, Alba Íhf7 Èg7 29. Íf5 Èf6 30. Í7h6 Ëb2 31.
Iulia 2016) 19. ed5 Íd5 20. Ìe4 Ëb8 21. Íg4 Èg5 32. Ìd3 a3 33. Íe5 Ëf5 34. ef5
ab5; b) 17. cd4 Ìe4 (17... Íe4? 18. Íe4 Ìe4 Ëf2 35. Èh1 Íf6 36. Íf3 Èf4 37. Íd4 Èg3
38. Ìa6 Íd5 39. Íe2 Èh4 40. Ëa2 Íe3 41.
19. Ìg5¥) 18. Íe4 Íe4 19. Ìh6 Íf2 20.
Íc1 Ëb2=] 27. Íd6 [27. Ìd5 Ëab8 28.
Èf2 gh6 21. Ëe8 Êe8 22. Êd2 Èg7Õ] c5
Íd6 Èg7 29. Íhf5 Èf6 30. h4 Íe6 31. Èf1
[14... Íe7 15. Í3h4 Íf5 16. Íf5 Ìc8 17. Ìa7 32. Íc4 Ëfc8 33. Ífd6 Ëd8 34. Íb7
Ìg5 Ìf5 18. ef5¢] 15. Ìg5 h6 (34. Ëa4? Ëd6) Ëg8!? 35. Ëa4 Íc7 36. g3
Íd5 37. Ëa6 Íb6 38. Íbd6 Ëgd8 39. Èe1
e1 W Eq1 Ëd7 40. Íf5 Èe6 41. Ífe3 Ëc7Õ] Ìc5 28.
1r1 1yY Íhf7?! [28. h4 Ìd6 29. hg5 d2 30. Èf1
Èh7 31. Èe2 Ëab8 32. Ëa4 Ëb2 33. Ëa6
yR Y TtY Ìc5 34. Íf7 Èg7 35. f4 Ëf7 36. Ìf7 Èf7
1yY YgF 37. g6 Èg7 38. f5 Ìe3 39. Ëa1 Ìg5 40.
Ëa7=] Íf7 29. Íf7
h1 1h1 1
1fHh1g1h e1 1 E Q
H 1 Hh1 1 1 1g1
D 1sD A y1 1 1 1
16. Ìh6!? [16. Ìe3 d5|] gh6 17. Êd2§
1 R Y 1
Íh7 [17... Íf4 18. g3 (18. Íh6 Èh7 19. y1f1h1 1
Íf7 Êe7Õ) Í6h5 (18... Í4h5? 19. Íh6 1 Hy1 1h
Èh8 20. Íg5+») 19. Íh6 Èg7 20. Íf5
Èh8 21. gf4 Íf4 22. Èh2 Ëg8 23. Ëg1 Êf6 H 1 Hh1
24. a5! Ìc7 25. Êe3! (25. Í3h4? c4 26.
Ìc2 d5î) Ëaf8 (25... c4 26. dc4 bc4 27. Ìc4
D 1 1 A
29... Ëf7 [Ä 29... Èg7 30. Íe5 Ìf2 31. Èf1 a5 8. Íbd2 0»0 9. Ëe1 Íe7 N [9... Ëe8] 10.
Ìe3 32. Íf3 Ëab8 33. Ìd3 (33. Ëa2 a3!¤) Íf1 Íg6 11. Íg3 c6 12. Ìa2 Ìa7 13. d4
Ëb2 34. Ëa4 Ëf2 35. Èe1 Ëg2 36. Ìe2 Ëb8 Ìg4
37. Ëb4 Ëc8£] 30. Ìf7 Ëf8 31. Ìh5 Ëf2
32. Èh2 Ëb2 33. Ëa4 Ìe3= 34. h4 Ëc2 35. e1 W Eq1
Ëa6 Ëc3 36. Ëa1 Ìf2 37. Èh3 d2 38. Ìf3
Ëc1 39. Ëa2 Ëh1 [39... Ìe3 40. Ëa3 Ëh1 Ry1 1yY
41. Èg4 Ìf4 42. g3 Ëg1 43. Ìe2 Èg7=] 1yY TtY
40. Èg4 Ëh4 41. Èf5 [41. Èg5 Ëh7 42. Èf6
Ìh4 43. Èe5 Ëe7 44. Èd6 Ëe8=] Ìe3 42. Y 1 Y 1
Èe5 Ëh1 43. Ëa3 Ëf1 [43... Ìb6 44. Ëd3 h1 Hh1r1
Ìa5=] 44. Ëd3 Èg7 45. Èe6!? [45. Èf5
d1Ê!=] Ëe1 [Ä 45... Èg6 Å 46. e5 Ëe1 47. 1 H 1gG
g3 (47. Ëd8 Ìf4=) Ìg5=] 46. Èf5 Ëf1 47. fH 1 HhH
Èe6 [47. e5 d1Ê=] Ëe1 [47... Èg6] 48.
Ëd5!? Èg6 49. Ìh5 Èg7 50. Ìf3 Èg6 51. D FsD A
Ìh5 Èg7 52. Ìg4!? Èg6 53. Ìf3 Ìf4
[53... Ìg5; 53... Ëa1] 54. Ìh5 Èg7?° [54... 14. h3!? Ìf3 15. Êf3!? ed4 16. Íf5 Íe5 17.
Èh6 55. Èf5 Ìe3 56. Ìf3 Ëc1=] 55. Èf5 Êd1 dc3 18. bc3§ Ìc5 19. Ìf4 Êd7 [Ä
Ëf1 [55... Ìe3 56. Ëd3! Èf8 57. e5¥] 56. 19... Ëe8] 20. Êc2 Ëae8 21. Ëad1 Èh8?!
Ìe2?! [56. Ìf3! Ìe3 57. Ëd3! Èf8 58. [Ä 21... Íh5] 22. Ìb1?! [22. Ìe3! Ñ 24.
e5¥] Ëf2 57. Ìf3 Ìe3!] Êe6 23. Ìa2 Êd7

1 1 1 1 1 1eE Q
1 1 1 Q 1y1w1yY
1 1 1 1 1yY T Y
1 1d1a1 Y R Tg1
1 1hR 1 h1 1hF 1
1 1 1f1 1 H 1 1h
1 Y Eh1 f1s1 Hh1
1 1 1 1 1 1dD A
57... Ìe3? [57... Ìc7! 58. e5 Ìa5 59. e6 24. Ìe3! Ìe3 [24... Êc7 25. Ìc5 dc5 26.
Ëf1=] 58. Ëd7 Èg8 59. e5¥ Ëf1 [Ä 59... f4¥] 25. Ëd6 Êc7 26. Ëe3 Íh5?! [Ä 26...
Èf8 60. e6 Ìc5] 60. Èg6+» Èf8 61. e6 Ëd8 27. f4 Íg6 28. e5 Íd5 29. Ìd5 cd5 30.
[61. Ëf7 Èg8 62. Ëb7+»] Ìc5 62. Ëf7 Ëd8 Ëd8 31. Êf2î] 27. Êd1 [27. g3 b5 28.
Èg8 63. e7 1:0 Va. Stoica f4 Íc4 29. Ìc4 bc4 30. e5¥] Íf4?! 28. g3!
Íh3? [28... Íe6 29. f4¥] 29. Èg2 Íf2
112. C 55 [29... Íg5 30. f4+»] 30. Èf2 Ëd8 31. Ëd4
Êb6 [31... b5 32. Êh5 Èh7 33. ab5 cb5 34.
SMIRIN 2676 — Ëd5¥] 32. Èg2 g6 33. Íh4 [33. Íh6 Èh7
MOTYLEV 2660 34. Íg4 Ëd4 35. cd4 Íg4 36. Êg4 Êd4 37.
Poikovsky 2016 Ëe2+»] h5 34. Íf3 Íg4 35. Ëe2 Èg7 36.
Êd2 c5 37. Ëd8 Ëd8 38. Êf4 Ëd7 39. Íe5
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìc4 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 5. Ëe7 [39... Íe5 40. Êe5 f6 41. Êf4+»] 40.
0»0 d6 6. c3 h6 7. a4 [7. Ëe1 Ñ 127/(117)] Íg4 1:0 Br. Tadi

113. C 65 114.** C 65
M. CARLSEN 2855 McSHANE 2687 —
— W. SO 2770 T.�M. GEORGESCU 2453
Bilbao 2016 London (rapid) 2015
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 5. 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 5.
Ìc6 dc6 6. Êe2 Êe7 [6... Ìd6 Ñ 110/(165)] Ìc6 dc6 6. Íbd2 0»0 7. Íc4 Íd7 8. Êe2
7. Íbd2 Ìg4 8. h3 Ìh5 9. a3!? N [9. Íc4] Ëe8 9. Ìd2 [9. h4!? b5 10. Íe3
Íd7 10. b4 Ìd6 11. Íc4 f6 12. Íe3 a5 13.
Íf5 Êf8 14. ba5 Ëa5 15. 0»0 Êf7 16. a4 e1rWe1q1
Íc5 Y Yt1yYy
1y1 1 1
1 1q1 E 1yR Y 1
1yY 1wYy 1 1h1 H
1yR Y 1 1 1hGg1
E T Yg1r hHh1sHh1
h1 1h1 1 D F A 1d
1 1h1g1h a) 10... Íf6 11. h5 h6 12. Íh4 Ìe3 13. Ìe3
a5 14. 0-0-0 b4 15. Êd2! Íh5 (15... Íg4 16.
1h1sHh1 Ìc5 Å f3î) 16. g4 Íf4 17. Íf5ï; b) 10...
D F 1dA Íb6 11. h5 h6 12. Íh4 Ìe7 13. Íef5 Ìh4
14. Íh4 c5 15. g4î Å Íf5; c) 10... Íf8 11.
Ìd2 c1) 11... Íe6 12. Íe5! Êf6 (12... Íd4
17. Êe1! b6? [17... Ëa4? 18. Ëa4 Ía4 19. 13. Íf7!¥) 13. Íc6 Êb2 14. 0»0 Íf4 15.
Êa5+» Íb6 20. Íd6 cd6 21. Êb6; 17... Êf3 Êf6 16. Ëab1 a6 17. Ìb4¢; c2) 11... f6
Ëa6 18. d4! (18. Íd2 0»0 19. Íc4 Íe6! 20. 12. h5 Íe6 13. Íf5 a5 14. 0-0-0 a4 15. a3 Å
Ícd6 cd6 21. Íd6 Êd7 22. Íf5 Ëfa8=; 20. g4î; c3) 11... a5! 12. a4 Ìb6 13. h5 h6 14.
Ìe3) Íe6 (18... ed4?! 19. g4! Ìg6 20. e5 g4!? Ìe3 15. Êe3 Ìg4 16. Ëg1 Ìf3 17.
Ìf5 21. ed6 Ìe6 22. dc7 0»0 23. Êb4¥; Êf3 Êd6 18. 0-0-0§] Ìd6 [9... b5 10. Íe3
18... Íd7 19. de5 Íe5 20. Íe5 Ìe5 21. Íb6!? 11. h4 a5 12. h5 h6 13. Íh4 Ìe7 14.
Ëb1¥) 19. de5 fe5 20. Íg5 (20. g4 Ìg6 21. Íef5 Ìh4 15. Íh4 Êd4!? 16. c3 Êd6 17.
Êc3 h5|) Íg5 21. Ìg5 0»0 22. Êc3¢; g4 Ëd8 18. g5 Êd3 19. gh6 Êe2 20. Èe2
17... Ëa8 a) 18. d4!? ed4 a1) 19. g4 Ìg6 20. gh6 21. Ìh6 Èh7 22. Ìg5 Ëg8=]
e5 Ìf5 21. ed6 Ìe6 22. dc7 0»0 23. Ìa3 b6
(23... Ëfe8!? 24. Ìc5 Ìg4 25. Êd1 Ìh3 26. e1rWe1q1
Ìd6! Êd5 27. Ìg3Õ) 24. Íd4 Ìd5 (24...
Ìc4 25. a5! Ìf1 26. Êf1 Ëa5 27. Íc6 Ëa3! YyYt1yYy
28. Ëa3 Êc7 29. Êc4 Èh8 30. Êd5=) 25. 1yR 1 1
Ìc5 bc5 26. c8Ê Ëfc8 27. Íf5 Ëc7! 28.
Êe3 Êe6 29. Êc5 Êe4 30. f3 Êf4§; a2) 1 1 Y 1
19. Í3d4 Ìg6 20. Íd6 cd6 21. Ìf4 Êe7 1g1h1 1
22. a5¢; b) 18. Íd2 Ía4 19. Íc4 Ìf8 20.
Íb2!? b5 21. Ía4 ba4 22. Ìa3¢; 20. Ía5¢] 1 1h1g1
18. Íd2! Ëa4 19. Íc4! Ìf8? [19... Ìe7 20.
Ìe3 Èd7 21. Ëa4 Ía4 22. f4 ef4 23. Ëf4§]
20. Ìe3 Èd7 21. Êc3! Íe4 [21... Ìg6? 22. D 1 A 1d
Íb6! cb6 23. Ìc5 Ëa1 24. Ëa1+»] 22. Íb6!
cb6 23. de4 Êc4 24. Êd2 Èc7 25. g4 Ìg6 10. g4 N [10. 0-0-0 Ñ 109/(187); 10. h4 Íf6!?
26. Ëfd1 1:0 Kapnisis 11. h5 h6 12. 0-0-0 b5 13. Íe3 Íg4 14. Íh4

Íe3 15. Ìe3 Ìe7 16. Íf5 Ìf5 17. ef5 a5 32. b3 c5) c5 32. Èe1¥] 18. g5! fg5 [18...
(17... Ìg5 18. Ëh3¢) 18. Êg4 Êd6 19. Èb1 Ìf5 19. gf6 Ìg6 20. fg7 Êg7 21. Íh4+»]
c5 (19... a4 20. d4!¢) 20. Êe4 a4 21. g4 a3|]
Íf8 11. Íe3 c5 [11... Íe6!? 12. Íf5 a5 13. e1 1eTq1
h4 a4 14. Íg5!? (14. Ëg1 b5 15. h5 c5 16. g5 Y Yw1 Yy
Íf4|) a3 (14... Íd4!? 15. Íd4 ed4 16. f4 f6
17. Íh3 c5 18. 0»0 c4 19. f5 c5 20. g5 Ìd7 1 Rr1 1
21. Êg2 cd3 22. cd3 c4|) 15. b3 a) 15...
Ìc5 16. Íe6 Ìe6 17. Êf3 (17. h5 h6 18.
1y1 YgYh
0-0-0¢) Ìf8 18. Èe2 c5 19. c4¢ V. Anand 1 1h1 1
2803 — A. Giri 2798, Bilbao 2015; b) 15...
Íf4 16. Êf3 c5 17. Ìf4 ef4 18. Íd6 Êd6 1 1hSg1
19. Èd2 c4|] 12. Íf5 b5 13. h4 Ìe6 [Ä hH F H 1
13... Íe6 14. h5 (14. 0-0-0 a5 15. Ëdg1 Íf4
16. Êe1 a4 17. h5 b4|; 14. Ëg1 Ëb8 15. h5 D 1 A D
c4 16. dc4 Êd7!? (F. Libiszewski 2515 —
Pashikian 2606, Al-Ain 2015) 17. cb5 Ëb5 19. Íg7+» h6 20. Íe8 Ìe7 21. Íe5 Êe8
18. b3 Ëb6§) a5 15. g5 (15. 0-0-0 f6 16. 22. f4 Êh5 23. Êf3 Êh4 24. Èe2 Èh7 25.
Ëdg1 h6 17. Í3h4 b4|) Íf4 (15... Ìf8?! Ëh1 g4 26. Êg2 Êf6 27. f5 Êe5 28. Ëh6
16. g6!) 16. Ìf4 Ìf5 (16... ef4 17. Íd6 Êd6 Èg8 29. Êg4 Êg7 30. Êg7 Èg7 31. fe6
18. Ëh4¢) 17. Ìe3!? Ìg4 18. 0-0-0 Êc8 1:0 Va. Stoica
(18... c4!? 19. dc4 bc4 20. Ëdg1 Êd7Õ) 19.
Ëdg1 g6 20. Ëh4 Ìh5 21. Ëh5 gh5 22. Íh4 115. C 65
Êe6 23. Êh5 Êh3! 24. Êd1!? (24. g6 hg6 F. CARUANA 2794 —
25. Ëg6=) Êh4 25. Ëh1 Êh1 26. Êh1 a4Õ] HI. NAKAMURA 2790
14. h5ï c4 [14... a5 15. Ëg1 c4 16. h6 g6 17. Moscow (ct) 2016
Íg7¥] 15. Ëg1 [15. 0-0-0! a) 15... cd3 16.
Êd3 a5 (16... Ìa2 17. Íd6 cd6 18. b3 a5 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 5.
19. Èb2 a4 20. Èa2 ab3 21. Èb3 Íe6 22. Ìc6 dc6 6. Íbd2 0»0 7. Êe2 Ëe8 8. Íc4
Ìb4¥) 17. Èb1 b4 (17... Êd7 18. Êe3!¥) Íd7 9. Ìd2 Ìd6 10. 0-0-0 b5 N [10... c5 Ñ
18. Ëhg1 Íd7 19. Íg5¥; b) 15... Êc8 16. 109/(187)] 11. Íe3 a5 12. Íf5 a4 [12... Íf6
Èb1 Êa6 17. b3 Íd7 (17... cb3 18. cb3 Íd7 13. g4 Ìe6 14. Èb1 b4|] 13. Ìg5 f6 [13...
19. d4¥) 18. g5 Íc5 19. g6! hg6 20. hg6 fg6 Íf6 14. g4] 14. Ìe3 Íc5 15. g4 Ìe6 16.
21. Í5h4 Ìf7 22. Íg5¥] cd3 16. cd3 [Ä 16. Èb1 b4 17. g5 b3? [17... a3 18. b3 Ìf5 19.
Êd3 a5 17. 0-0-0! Ìa2 18. Ìg5 Êc8 19. ef5 e4 20. de4 Íe4 21. Êc4 Èh8 22. Ìd4
Êb5 Ëb8 20. Êc6! h6 21. Ìe3 Êe6 22. Ëa5! (22... Êd7? 23. gf6 gf6 24. Íg5!+»)
Íd6 cd6 23. Ëd6 Êe7 24. Êc5 Íe6 25. 23. gf6 gf6 24. Ëhe1 Ëf5 25. Êc6 Ëf3 26.
Êa3 Ëec8 26. Ëc6!¢] Êd7?! [16... c5!? 17. Ëe4 Ëe4 27. Êe4 Ëf4 28. Êd5 Êg8!=]
h6 g6 18. Íg7 Ëe7 19. Ìg5 Êa5 20. Êd2
Êd2 21. Èd2 Ëd7 22. Ìf6 c4 23. Ëad1 Ìb4 e1 We1q1
24. Èc2 cd3 (24... Ëd3 25. Íe5¢) 25. Èb1 1 Y 1 Yy
Ìc4 (25... Ìe7 26. Íe6 Ìf6 27. Íc5¢) 26.
b3 Ëb7! 27. Íe5 Íd7|] 17. Êe3!¥ f6? 1yRrY 1
[17... Êd8 18. g5 Êd7 (18... Ìf5 19. ef5 1 T YgH
Êd7 20. Êe4 Ìc5 21. Ìe3 Ìd4 22. 0-0-0¥)
19. Íh6! Èh8 (19... gh6 20. gh6 Íg6 21. y1 1h1 1
Êg5 Êe7 22. hg6 fg6 23. Íe5 Êg5 24. Ëg5 1y1hFg1
c5 25. f4¥) 20. Ìc3 Ìh3 21. Íh4 b4 22.
Ìd2 gh6 23. gh6 Ìe7 24. Êg3 Íe6 25. Êh3 hHh1sH H
Ëg8 26. Ëg8 Ëg8 27. Íf3! Êd6 28. 0-0-0 a5
29. Êf5 f6 30. Ìe3 a4 31. Èd2! (31. Èb1 a3
1a1d1 1d
18. Ëhg1! ba2 19. Èa1 Ìf5 [19... g6 20. gf6 Íc4 12. dc4 Ìf5¤; 10. Ífe5 Ìd4 11. Ìc3
Êf6 (20... a3 21. b3 Êf6 22. d4 Íe4 23. Íh6 Ìc3 12. bc3 f6 13. Íb6 ab6§; 10. Ía5!?]
Èh8 24. de5 Êg7 25. Ìd4¥) 21. d4 Íe4 22. a5 [10... Ìf8!?] 11. h4 [11. 0-0-0 a4!?; 11...
Íh6 Èh8 23. de5 Êg7 a) 24. ed6 a3 25. c4 Ìe6Õ] Ìd4 [11... Ìe6 12. Íg5!î; 11... f6
(25. Ìd4? ab2 26. Ìb2 Êb2! 27. Èb2 a1Ê! 12. 0-0-0 Ìe6 13. Èb1 Êd7Õ; 11... Ìf8 12.
28. Ëa1 Ëeb8 29. Èc1 Ëa1#) Íc3|; b) 24. g4Õ] 12. 0-0-0 Ìe6 13. Èb1 f6
Ìd4 Ìe7 25. Êe4 Êh6 26. Êc6¥] 20. ef5
a3 [20... Ía6 21. d4¥] 21. b3 Ía6 [21... e4 e1 We1q1
22. de4 Ëe4 (22... Íe4 23. gf6 Íf6 24. Êc4
Èh8 25. Íg5+») 23. Ëd4! Êe7 24. Êc4 1yY 1 Yy
Èh8 25. Èa2+»; 21... Êe7 22. Èa2 e4 23. Ty1rY 1
de4 Íe4 24. Êc4 Êf7 25. gf6 Êc4 (25...
Íf6 26. Ëg7! Èg7 27. Ëg1 Èf8 28. Ìh6 Y 1 Y 1
Èe7 29. Ëe1+») 26. Ëg7 Èh8 27. bc4 Íc3
(27... c5 28. Ëd3+») 28. Èa1 Íd1 29. Ìd4
1 Rh1 H
c5 30. Íg5+»] 1 1hGg1
e1 We1q1 hHhFsHh1
1 Y 1 Yy 1a1d1 1d
t1yR Y 1 14. g4 [14. Ëdg1!? Ía4 15. Íd4 (15. Ìc1?!
1 1 YhH Êe7£; 15. Íd1!?) ed4 16. Íd1 c5 17. g4Õ;
14. Íf5!?] Ìe3 15. Êe3 Ìg4 16. Ëdg1 Ìf3
1 1 1 1 [16... f5?! 17. ef5 Íd5 18. Êe4 Íf6 19. Êc4
Yh1hFg1 Êd5 20. Ëg4 e4 21. Ëe4+»; 16... Íc4!? 17.
dc4 Ìf3 18. Êf3 Êd2 19. Êf6 Êe1! 20.
y1h1sH H Ëe1 gf6=] 17. Êf3 Èh8 18. Êg3 [18. h5
Êd6 19. Êg2 Ëe7 20. Ëh3 (20. f4!?) Ía4
A 1d1 D 21. Ëg3 Ëg8Õ] Ëe7 19. f4 Íc4 20. Ìc1 [20.
Ìc3 ef4 21. Êf4 Êd6! 22. Êf2 Íe5 23. h5
22. c3! Ìf8 [22... Íc5 23. Ìc5 Ìc5 24. d4 c5=] ef4 21. Ìf4 Íe5 22. Ìe5 [22. h5
ed4 25. Êc4 Êd5 26. gf6+»] 23. Íd2 fg5 Êd6=] fe5 23. Ëf1 Êd6 24. Ëf5 a4 25. a3
24. Ëg5 Íc5 25. Ëg3! e4 [25... Êd3 26. b5 26. Ëhf1 Ëg8 27. Èc1 [27. Ëf8 h6 28. h5
Êd3 Íd3 27. Íe4 Ëed8 28. Ìg5+»; 25... Ëf8 29. Ëf8 Èh7 30. Êf2 Êe6=] c5 28. h5
Íd7 26. Íe4 Êe7 27. Ëdg1 Êf7 28. Ìh6 b4 29. Êe3 h6 30. Ëg1 [30. Ëf8 Ëd7£] Ëe6
Êb3 29. Êa2 Êa2 30. Èa2 g6 31. Ìf8 Ëf8 [30... ba3 31. ba3 c4 32. dc4 Ëd8Õ] 31. Ëf7
32. fg6+»] 26. Ìc5 Ìc5 [26... ed3 27. ba3 32. ba3 c4 33. dc4 Ëf6 34. c5 Êd8 [34...
Êg4+»] 27. Íe4 Ìd6 28. Ëh3 Ìe5 29. d4 Êa6! 35. Ëf6 (35. Ëc7 Ëf1 36. Ëf1 Êf1
Ìf6 30. Ëg1 Ëb8 31. Èa2 Ìh4 32. Ëg4 37. Èb2 Ëb8 38. Èc3 Êa1»+) Êf6£] 35.
Êd5 [32... Ìf6 33. Êc4 Èh8 34. Êf7+»] Ëf1!? [35. Ëf6 Êf6£] Ëf7? [35... Ëf1! 36.
33. c4 1:0 Br. Tadi Ëf1 Êh4£] 36. Ëf7 c6 37. Èb2? [37. Ëa7!
Êh4 38. Ëa6Õ] Êd1! 38. Ëb7 Êh5 39.
116. C 65 Êg3 Êe8 40. Èc3 [40. Ëb4 Êe7 (40... g5!?)
41. Ëa4 Êc5¤] Êe6 41. Èb4 Êa2 [41...
D. HOWELL 2663 — g5! 42. Èa5 (42. Èa4? Êc4) g4 43. Èb6
MI. ADAMS 2727 Ëg7»+] 42. Èa5 Êc2 43. Êe5 Êd3 44.
Great Britain (ch) 2016 Èb6? [44. Ëb8! Ëb8 45. Êb8 Èh7 a) 46.
Êb4 Êd8 (46... h5 47. e5 Êd5 48. Èb6) 47.
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 Èa4 h5 48. e5 Êd5=; b) 46. e5 Êc3 (46...
5. Ìc6 dc6 6. Íbd2 0»0 7. Êe2 Ëe8 8. Êa3 47. Êb1 Èg8 48. Êb8=) 47. Èb6 Êa3
Íc4 Íd7 9. Ìd2 Íb6 N [RR 9... Ìd6 Ñ 48. Èc6 Êf3 49. Èd7 Êd5 50. Êd6 Êb7
129/115] 10. Íe3 [10. Íce5?! f6 11. Íc4 51. Êc7=] Êa3 45. Èc6 Êd3 46. Ëb8 [46.

Ëa7 a3 47. Êd5 Êh3»+; 46. Êd5 Êa6 47. Êb7 Èh5 73. Èe3 h2 74. Êh1 Êf4 75. Èe2
Ëb6 Êa8 48. Èb5 a3 49. Êe5 Èh7 50. Êf5 g4 76. Êd5 Èh4 77. Êd8 Èg3 0:1
g6»+] Ëb8 [46... Êa6 47. Ëb6 Êc4! (47... Mi. Adams
Êc8? 48. Èb5) 48. Èb7 Êf7»+] 47. Êb8
Èh7 48. Êe5 [48. e5 a3 49. e6 a2 50. Êa7 117.* C 65
Êe4»+] Êa6 [48... Êf1! 49. Èd7 a3 50.
Êd5 Êf2 51. c6 a2»+] 49. Èd5 [49. Èd7 F. CARUANA 2804 —
Êb7! (49... a3? 50. c6 a2 51. Êf5=) 50. Èd8 V. KRAMNIK 2812
a3»+] a3 50. Êf5 Èg8 51. c6 Leuven (rapid) 2016
1 1 1q1 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 5.
c3 0»0 6. 0»0 d6 7. Íbd2 Íe7 8. d4 ed4 9.
1 1 1 Y cd4 Ìb6 10. Ëe1 Ìg4 11. h3 Ìh5 12. a4 N
w1h1 1 Y [12. Êb3 Ñ 125/(97)] a6 13. Ìf1 Íc6 [13...
Ëe8 14. a5 Ìa7 15. Êb3 Íc6 16. d5 Íd4
1 1a1s1 17. Íd4 Ìd4 18. Êb7 Íd7 a) 19. Íc4 Íc5
1 1h1 1 20. Êc6 (V. Anand 2762 — V. Topalov
2780, Moscow (ct) 2016) Ìf2! 21. Èf2 Êh4
Y 1 1 1 22. g3 Íe4 23. Ëe4 Êe4 24. Íe3 Êf3 25.
1 1 1 1 Èg1 Êg3 26. Íg2 Êh3 27. Ëa3 Êg4ï; b)
19. Ëa3 Êh4 20. Ëae3 Ìe3 21. Ëe3 Íc5 22.
1 1 1 1 Êc6¥; 20... Íe5§] 14. a5!?

51... Êb5! [51... a2? 52. Êe6 Èh8 53. c7=] e1 W Eq1
52. Èd6 Êf5 53. ef5 a2 54. c7 a1Ê 55. c8Ê
Èh7 56. Èd5 [56. Êe6! Êf6! (56... Êd4?! 1yY 1yYy
57. Èe7 Êh4 58. Èf7 Êh5?? 59. Èf8+») yRtY T 1
57. Èd5 (57. Êf6 gf6 58. Èd5 Èg7 59. Èe4
Èf7 60. Èf4 Èe7 61. Èg4 Èd6 62. Èh5 H 1 1 1r
Èe5»+) Êg5! (57... h5? 58. Êf6 gf6 59. 1 Hh1 1
Èe4=) 58. Èe4! a) 58... h5 59. Èf3 Êg4
60. Èf2 h4 61. Êd5 Êg3 62. Èf1 Êg5 63. 1 1 1g1h
Èf2 Èh6 (63... h3 64. Êf3! h2 65. Êd1!=) H G Hh1
64. Êe6 Êf6 65. Èg2 Èg5 66. Êe3 Èf5=;
b) 58... Êg2 59. Èe3 h5 60. Êf7 Êg3 61. D FsDfA
Èe2 Êg4 62. Èf1 h4 63. f6 Êf3 64. Èg1
Êf6»+] Êa2 57. Èe5 [57. Èe4 Êg2 58. 14... Ìa7 [14... Ìd4 15. g4 Ìg6 16. Íd4
Èe3 h5 a) 59. f6!? Êg5 60. Èf2 Êf6 61. Íd4 17. f4 h6 18. b4 Íd7 19. Ìb2 Íc6 20.
Èg2 Êg5 62. Èf1 Êf4 63. Èg2 (63. Èe1 Êb3î; 14... Ìa5 15. g4 Ìg6 16. d5 Ìd2 17.
h4»+) Êg4 64. Êg4 hg4 65. Èg3 Èh6 66. Íd2 Íd4 18. f4 h6 19. Íc4 Íb5 20. Ìg2î;
Èg4 Èg6»+; b) 59. Êe8 Êg5 60. Èf2 Êf5 14... Ìf3!? 15. Íf3 Ìa5 16. Ëe3 Ìb6 17.
61. Èg2 (61. Èe2 h4»+) Êg6»+] h5 58. Ëa4§] 15. Ëa4 h6 [15... Íd4!? 16. Ëd4
Êc6 [58. Èf4 Êf2 59. Èg5 h4 60. Êc6 Êg3 Ìd4 17. g4 Ìf2 18. Èf2 Ìg6Õ] 16. Êc2
61. Èh5 h3»+] Êe2 59. Èf4 Êg4 60. Èe5 Ëe8 17. Ìd3 Ìg6 [17... Êd7 18. d5 Íe5 19.
[60. Èe3 Êf5»+] h4 61. Êc2 Êg5 62. Èe4 Íe5 Ëe5 20. Íc4 Ëee8 21. Ìe3¢] 18. b3
Êg4 63. Èe5 h3 64. Êf2 [64. f6 Êg6»+] Êd7 19. Ìb2 Íh5 20. d5 Íe5 21. Íe5 de5
Êh5 65. Êh2 Êh4 [65... g6!? 66. Èf4 Êf5? 22. Íf3 Íf4?! [22... Êd6 23. Êc3 Êf6 24.
67. Èg3=; 66... gf5!»+] 66. Êc2 Êg5 67. Ìf1¢] 23. Íe5 Êd6 24. Íg4?! [Ä 24. Êd2!
Êf2 [67. Êh2 Êe3 68. Èd5 Êd3 69. Èe5 Íh3 25. gh3 Ëe5 26. Ìe5 Êe5 27. Èg2¥]
Êf3 70. Êc2 Êg2 71. Êd1 Êg3 72. Èe6 Íd5? [Ä 24... h5 25. Íe3 Íd3 26. Êd3 c6
Êe3 73. Èf7 h2»+] g6 68. Èd4 Êf5 69. 27. Êc3 f6 28. dc6 Ëac8§] 25. Ëd1 Íf4 26.
Êh4 Èg7 70. Êg3 g5 71. Êc7 Èg6 72. Êc3 Íe6 [26... Êf8 27. Íf6! gf6 28. Êf6

Íh3 (28... Èh7 29. Êf4+»; 28... Ìf2 29. Ëf5 27. gf5 Íf4»+; 26. Êb3! Íf2 27. Èf2
Èh1 Èh7 30. Êf4¥) 29. gh3 Èh7 30. Êf3 gh6 28. Íh6 Èh8 29. Íf5 Êf4 30. Êe3=]
Å Ìf6, e5, Ëh4ï] 27. Ìc2 Êc5 [27... Êf8
28. Íh6 Èh7 29. Íf5¥] 28. Ëc4 Êg5 29. 1 1 Eq1
Ëd5 Êh4 30. Èh2! c6 [30... h5 31. Íh6
Èh8 32. g3 Êe7 33. Íf5 Êf8 34. Ëe5 Ëad8 YyW 1 Gy
35. Ëe6 fe6 36. Êg7 Êg7 37. Íg7¥] 31. g3 Ry1 1tF
Êe7 32. Íh6 Èh7 33. Íf5 cd5 [33... Êf8
34. Ëd7+»] 34. ed5! [34. Íe7 dc4 35. Íg6 1 1y1 1
fg6 (35... Ìd4 36. Êf3 fg6 37. e5+») 36. e5 1 Ht1h1
a) 36... Ìd4 37. Êf3! a1) 37... Ëf8 38. Ìg6!
Èg8 (38... Èg6 39. Êe4 Èf7 40. Ìd4+») 1 1s1g1h
39. Ìf5+»; a2) 37... Ìb2 38. Êh5 Èg8 39. hH 1 H 1
Ìg6+»; b) 36... Íd4 37. bc4¥] Êf6 35.
Ëh4 Èg8 36. Íh6! Èf8 37. Ìa3 Íc5 38. 1 1 D A
Ìc5 Ìc5 39. Êc5 Êe7
26... Íf2! 27. Èf2 Êh2 28. Èe3 [28. Èf1
e1 1eQ 1 Íh4»+] Êg2! 29. Êe2 [29. Íf5 Ëe8»+;
29. Êf5 Ëf5 30. Íf5 Ìc7»+; 29. Ëf1
1y1 WyY
y1 1 1rG 1 1 Eq1
Yy1 1 Gy
H Sh1 1 Ry1 1tF
1 1 1 D 1 1y1 1
1h1 1 Hh 1 H 1h1
1f1 H A 1 1sAg1h
1 1 1 1 hH 1 1w1
1 1 1d1
40. Íf5! 1:0 Br. Tadi
29... Íe5! 30. Êe2 Ëf3 31. Ëf3 Ìd4!»+]
Ëf3 30. Êf3 Ìd4! 31. Èd4 Êf3 32. Íf5
118.* C 65 Êf2 33. Ëe3 Êb2 34. Èc5 Êb6 35. Èd6
Êd8 36. Èc5 d4 0:1 Br. Tadi
— V. ANAND 2770
119.*** C 67
Leuven (rapid) 2016
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5 5. — R. PONOMARIOV 2706
c3 0»0 6. 0»0 d6 7. Íbd2 Íe7 8. d4 ed4 9. Dortmund 2016
cd4 Ìb6 10. Ëe1 Ìg4 11. h3 Ìh5 12.
Êb3 d5 13. e5 Íd7 14. Êd1 N [14. a4 Ñ 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. 0»0 Íe4
125/(97)] Ëe8 [14... Ìd4? 15. g4 Ìf2 16. 5. Ëe1 Íd6 6. Íe5 Ìe7 7. Ìf1 Íe5 8. Ëe5
Èf2 Ìg6 17. Ìd7 Êd7 18. Èg2¥; 14... f6 0»0 9. d4 Ìf6 10. Ëe1 Ëe8 11. Íc3 [11.
15. e6 Íb8 16. Íb3 Êd6 17. g4 Ìg6 18. c3 Ëe1 12. Êe1 Íe8 13. Ìf4 d5 14. Ìd3
Íh4 Íbc6 19. Ìc6 Êc6Õ F. Caruana g6 15. Íd2 Íg7 a) 16. Íf3 Ìf5 17. Ìf5
2794 — A. Giri 2793, Moscow (ct) 2016] 15. Íf5 18. Êe2 c6 (18... Êd7!?) 19. Ëe1 Íg7
g4 Ìg6 16. Íf1 c6 17. Ìd3 f6 [17... c5!?] 20. Íe5 N (20. Ìe5) Ìe5 21. Êe5 f6 22.
18. ef6 Íf6 19. Íg3 Ìd3 20. Êd3 Íg6 21. Êe7 Êe7 23. Ëe7 Ëe8 24. Ëe8 Íe8= L.
Ëe8 Êe8 22. Ìg5 Êf7 23. Ëe1 Ëf8 24. Íf5 Domtnguez Pmrez 2713 — V. Kramnik
Íe4! 25. Ìh6 Êc7! 26. Íg7? [26. Ìg7? 2812, Dortmund 2016; b) 16. Íf1!? b1)

16... Ìf5?! 17. Ìf5 Íf5 18. Íe3 Íe3 (18... b3 g5?! [Ä 28... Ìe5 29. Ìd1 f5 30. Èe2 g6
Íg7!?) 19. Êe3 Êd7 20. Ëe1 c6 N (20... h5) 31. Èd3 Èc7 32. Ëe2 Ìf6 33. Íc3 Èb6=]
21. Ìh6 Ìg7 22. Ìg7 Èg7 23. Êe7¢ M. 29. Èe1 Ìd4 30. Ëf3 [30. Ëd3!? Ìe5 31.
Carlsen 2855 — V. Kramnik 2812, Leuven Ìd1¢] Èe7 31. Ìd1 h6 32. Èd2 Ëb4 33.
(blitz) 2016; b2) 16... c6!?=] Ëe1 12. Êe1 Èd3¥ Ìa7 34. Ëf5 [34. Íc3!?¥] f6 35. Íc3
Ìc5 36. f4 Ëb8 37. fg5 [37. g4 Ìa3 38. h4
e1rW 1q1 Ìc1 39. hg5 hg5 40. fg5 fg5 41. Íe4 Ëg8
42. Íd6 Èd6 43. Ëf6 Èe5 44. Ëa6 Ëh8 45.
YyYy1yYy Ëa5 Ëh3 46. Èc2 Ìf4¢] fg5 38. Èc2 Ìg1
1 T R 1 [38... Ëf8 39. Ëf8 Èf8 40. Èd3+»] 39. Ìh5
Ìh2 [39... Ëf8 40. Ëf8 Èf8 41. h3 Ìh2 42.
1 1 1 1 g4 Èe7 43. Ìg6 Ìg3 (43... Èf6 44. Ìf5¥)
1 H 1 1 44. Èd3¥] 40. Ëf7! Èd8 41. Ìg4 Ëb7 [41...
Ìg3 42. Íe4 Èe8 (42... Ìe5 43. Ëd7 Èe8
1 G 1 1 44. Íd6 Ìd6 45. Ëd6+») 43. Ìh5 Ìe5 44.
hHh1 HhH c5 Ìe2 45. Ìg6 Èd8 46. cd6 Ìd6 47. Ìf5
(47. Íd6? Ëb6 48. Ëf8 Èe7 49. Ëe8 Èd6
D F SfA 50. Ëe2 Èd5¢) Ìf4 48. d6 Èe8 49. Ìg6
Ìd6 50. Íd6 Èd8 51. Ìf5 Èc7 52. Ëd7
12... b6?! N [12... Ìd4 13. Ìf4 Íe8 14. Èc6 53. Íc4 Ëb5 54. Ëd6 Èc7 (54... Èc5
Íd5 d6 15. Ìg5 f6 16. Ìe3 (16. Êe4?! 55. Ëh6 Ìc4 56. bc4+») 55. Ëf6 Ìf3 (55...
Ìe5£) Ìe5 (16... Ìb2 17. Ëb1 c6 18. Ìc4 Ëd5 56. Èc3 h5 57. Ëf7 Èd8 58. Ìe4 Ëb5
Ìe5 19. Íb6 d5 20. Ía8 dc4 21. Ëd1 Êe7 59. Ëa7+») 56. Èc3 h5 57. Ëf7 Èb8 58.
22. Ìa7 Ìg4 23. Ëc1 b5 24. Ìd4 Êd8 25. Ëf8 Èa7 (58... Èc7 59. Ëc8+») 59. Ìd3
Ìe5 fe5 26. Êe4 Ìd7 27. Ëd1 Êa8 28. Ëd7 Ìc6 60. Íe3 Ëe5 61. Èd4 Ëe8 62. Ëf5+»]
Íf6 29. Êe5 Íd7 30. Êe6 Èf8 31. Êd6
Èe8 32. Êe6 Èf8=) 17. f4 Ìb2 18. Ëb1 1 Q 1 1
Ìa3 19. Êa5 N (19. Ìc4; 19. Ëb3) Ìc5 20.
Ìc5 dc5 21. Êc5 Êd6Õ Andreikin 2733 — 1e1y1d1
D. Jakovenko 2712, Poikovsky 2016] 13. r1 Y 1 Y
Ìf4¢ Ìb7 14. Ìd6 cd6 15. Êe3 [15. Êd2!?
a6 16. Ëe1 b5 17. Íe4 Ìe7 18. Êf4¢] Êe7 Y 1h1 Y
[15... d5 16. Ëe1 g6 17. g3¢] 16. Êe7 Ìe7 1h1 1f1
17. g3! [17. Ëe1 Èf8 18. g3 Ëc8¢] Èf8
[17... Ëc8 18. Ìd3 Ìf3 19. Ëe1 Èf8 20. 1hG 1 H
Ìa6 Ëc7 21. Ëe3¢] 18. a4 [18. Ìg2!? Ìc6 1a1 1 R
19. Íd5 Ëe8¢] Ìc6 [18... Ëc8 19. Ìd3 (19.
a5 Ìf6=) g6 20. Íb5 a5 21. Ía3¢] 19. a5?! 1 1 1 1
[Ä 19. Íb5 g6 20. c3 d5 21. Íc7 Ëc8 22.
Ía6 Ìd8 23. f4¢] ba5 20. d5 Ìb7= 21. 42. c5? [Ä 42. Íe4 h5 (42... a4 43. c5 ab3
Ëa5 a6?! [Ä 21... Ìd8 22. Ëa4 Ìb6 23. 44. Èb2 Èc7 45. Ìd7+») 43. Ìf5 Ëc7 44.
Ìb5 Ëc8 24. Ìd7 Ëc5=] 22. Ëa3¢ Ìf6 Èd1 Ìg1 45. Íd6+»] Ìg3 [42... dc5?? 43.
23. Ía4 [23. Ëb3!? Ëa7 24. Ìc4 Èe7 25. d6+»] 43. Íe4 dc5? [Ä 43... Ëc7 44. Íg3
Èf1¢] Èe7 [23... Ìd8 24. c4 Ìc8 25. Ëb3 Ëc5 45. Èb2 Ìb5 46. Ìf3 (46. Íf5 Ëd5 47.
a5 26. Íc3¢] 24. c4 [24. Íb6 Ëb8 25. c3 Íh6 a4 48. Íf5 Èc7 49. ba4 Ìa4 50. Ëg7
Èd8 26. Ìh3 Ìc8 27. Íc4 Èc7¢] Èd8 Ìd1=) Ìd3 47. Èa3 (47. Ëf6?! Ëc2 48.
[24... Ìe5!? 25. b4 Ëb8 26. Ëb3 Ìd4 27. Èa3 Ëf2=) Ìb1 48. Ìe4 Ìe4 49. Íe4 Ëd5
Íc3 Ìc8=] 25. Ëe3 a5 [25... Ëb8! 26. b3 a5 50. Íf6 Ëd1 51. Ëd7 Èc8 52. Ëh7 Ëa1 53.
27. Ìd3 h5 28. Ìc2 g6=] 26. Ìe2 Ìa6 27. Èb2 Ëh1 54. Ëg7¢] 44. Íg3+» d6 45.
Èf1 Ëb8 [27... Ìd4!? 28. Ëe4 (28. Ëd3 Ëf8 [Ä 45. Ëf6 Èc7 46. Íe4 Ëb4 47. Íc5
Ìf6=) Ìe5 29. b3 Ëb8 30. Ìd1 Èc7=] 28. Ìb5 (47... dc5 48. d6 Èb7 49. d7 Ëd4 50.

Ëf8+») 48. Íe6 Èb6 49. Ìf5 Ìe2 50. 121.** C 67
Ëh6+»] Èe7 46. Ëa8 Ëb6? [Ä 46... Ìd3
47. Èd3 (47. Èc3 Ìg6¥) Ëb3 48. Èe4 Ëg3 VACHIER�LAGRAVE 2819
49. Ìe6 g4 50. Èf5 Ëf3 51. Èg4 Ëb3 52. — W. SO 2771
Èf5 Ëf3 53. Èe4 Ëb3 54. Ëa5 Èf6 55. Saint Louis 2016
Ëa7¥] 47. Èc3+» [47. Íf5 Èd7 48. Íh6
Èc7 49. Ìe6+»] Ìb7 [47... Ìd3 48. Ëa7 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. 0»0 Íe4
Èf8 49. Ëa5+»] 48. Íf5 Èf6 [48... Èd7 49. 5. d4 Íd6 6. Ìc6 dc6 7. de5 Íf5 8. Êd8
Ëh8 Èc7 50. Ëh7 Èb8 51. Ìf3+»] 49. Ëf8 Èd8 9. h3 Èe8 10. Íc3 h5 11. Ìg5 [11.
Èe5 50. Íe3 Èe4 51. Íc4 Ëa6 52. Ìf3# Ìf4 Ìe7 12. Ëad1 Ìe6 13. Íg5 Ëh6 14.
1:0 Petronijevi Ëfe1 Ìb4 15. g4 hg4 16. hg4 Íe7 17. f3 (17.
Íe6 Ñ 120/116) Ìc3 18. bc3 a) 18... Ìa2
19. Íe4 Ëh8 20. e6 Ìe6 21. Ìc7 Íd5 N
120. C 67 (21... b5) 22. Ìe5 Èf8 23. Íc5 b5 24. c4 bc4
WEI YI 2696 — A. GIRI 2785 25. Ëd4 Ëe8 26. Ëc4= Vachier-Lagrave
2788 — M. Carlsen 2851, Stavanger 2016;
Bilbao 2016 b) 18... Íd5 N 19. Ìd2 Íb6 20. Íe6 Ëe6
21. Èf2 Ëd8= Vachier-Lagrave 2819 —
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. 0»0 Íe4 Hi. Nakamura 2791, Saint Louis 2016] Ìe6
5. d4 Íd6 6. Ìc6 dc6 7. de5 Íf5 8. Êd8 12. Ëad1 Ìe7 13. b3 a5 [13... h4 14. Íe4 a5
Èd8 9. h3 h5 10. Íc3 Ìe7 [10... Èe8 Ñ Ñ 117/99] 14. Ëd3 Ëd8 15. Ëd8 N [15.
129/121] 11. Ìf4 Ìe6 12. Ëad1 N [12. Ëfd1] Ìd8 16. Ëd1 Ìg5 17. Íg5 Èe7 18.
Íg5] Èc8 13. Íg5 Ìg5 14. Ìg5 b6 15. g4 Íe2 [18. Íe6 Èe6! 19. f4 b6 20. Èf2 h4=]
hg4 16. hg4 Íh4 17. Ìh4 Ëh4 18. f3 Èb7 Íh4 19. g3 [19. Íf4 Ìf5Õ] Íg6 20. Íe6
19. Èg2 Ëah8 20. Ëh1 Ëh1 21. Ëh1 Ëh1
22. Èh1 c5 23. Èg2 Èc6 24. a4 a6 [24... 1 1 1 E
f6!?] 25. Èg3 b5 26. ab5 ab5 27. f4 b4 28.
Íe4 Ìa2 [28... Ìd5 29. Èf3 Ìa2 30. f5 1yY QyY
Ìb1 31. c4¥] 29. Íd2 [29. Èf3!? Å 29... 1y1g1t1
Èd5 30. Èe3 Ìb1 31. c4!¥] Èd5 [29... Ìe6
30. f5¥] 30. c3 bc3 31. bc3 g5?! [31... c4 32. Y 1 H 1y
Èf3 Ìb3=] 32. Èf3 Èe6? [32... c4 33. Èe3 1 1 1 1
Ìb3 34. Íe4 gf4 35. Èf4 Ìa4 36. Íg3¢]
1h1 1 Hh
1 1 1 1 h1h1gH 1
1 Y 1y1 1 1d1 A
1 1q1 1
20... fe6! [20... Èe6? 21. f4 c5 22. Èf2 Íe7
1 Y H Y 23. Íc3 Íf5 24. Íb5 Ëc8 25. Èf3î Å g4]
1 1 Hh1 21. f4 Ëf8 [21... h4 22. g4 Ëf8 23. Ëd4 c5 24.
Ëe4 b6=] 22. Ëd4 c5 23. Ëe4 Ëd8 24. Èf2
1 H 1a1 Ëd1 25. g4 hg4 26. hg4 b5 [26... Èf7 27. f5
r1 G 1 1 ef5 28. gf5 Íe7 29. Íg3 Ëd2 30. Ëe2 Ëe2
31. Èe2 g6=] 27. f5 Íh4 28. Íg3 Ëa1 29.
1 1 1 1 a4 Ëa2 30. ab5 Ëc2 31. Ëe2 Ëe2 [31... Ëc3
32. Ëe3 Ëc2=] 32. Èe2 c4! 33. bc4 a4 34.
33. c4!+» gf4 34. Èf4 f6 35. ef6 Èf6 36. g5 Èd3 Íf3 35. f6 Èf7 36. fg7 Íe5 37. Èc3 a3
Èg6 37. Èg4 Èh7 38. Èh5 Èg7 39. g6 c6 38. c5 Íd3! [Å a2] 39. Èb3 Íc5 40. Èa3
40. Èg5 Èg8 41. Èh6 [41... Èh8 42. g7 Èg7= 41. Èb4 Íd3 42. Èc4 Íe5 43. Èc5
Èg8 43. Íe4 Ìc4 44. Íf6 Èf7 45. g8Ê] Èh6 44. Íe2 c6 45. bc6 Íc6 46. Èc6 Èg5
1:0 Z. Stamenkovi 47. Èd6 Èg4 1/2 : 1/2 A. olovi

122. C 76 36. Íd6! Ëee8 37. Íe8? [37. Íe5!
AN. ESIPENKO 2471 — 1e1e1 1
Russia 2016
1 H 1 1
Y G 1qY
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 g6 4. c3 a6 5. Yh1 G Y
Ìa4 d6 6. d4 Ìd7 7. 0»0 Ìg7 8. Ëe1 Íge7
9. d5 Íb8 10. Ìd7 Íd7 11. c4 [11. Ìe3 Ñ h1 1 Y 1
56/367] 0»0 12. Íc3 h6 13. Ëb1 f5 14. b4 1 1 1 1h
Íf6 N [14... f4] 15. a4 [15. ef5 gf5 (15... Íf5 1 1 HhA
16. Ìb2¢) 16. a4 Êe8 17. a5 Êg6 18. Ëb3 1 1 1 1
Ëae8 19. Íh4 Êf7 20. f4¢] f4 16. c5 g5 17. h3
b6 18. Ìa3 Ëf7 19. Ëc1 Ìf8 20. cb6 cb6 21. a) 37... Ëe5 38. Íc8 Ëc5 39. Íe7+»; b)
b5 a5 22. Íb1 Ëg7 23. Ëc6!? [23. Êd3!?] 37... Èf6 38. Íec4 Èe7 39. Íc8 Ëc8 40.
Íc6 24. dc6 d5 25. ed5 Êd5 26. Êd5 Íd5 Íb6 Ëc7 41. Íd5+»; c) 37... Èg7 38. Íe8
Ëe8 39. Íc4 Ëc8 40. Íd6 Ëc7 41. Íe8+»;
e1 1 Rq1 d) 37... Èh5 38. Íe8 Ëe8 39. g4! fg3 40.
1 1 1 E fg3 g4 (40... Ëc8 41. g4 Èh4 42. Íf3#) 41.
hg4 Èg5 42. Íf7 Èg4 43. Íd6+»; e) 37...
Yh1 1 Y Èh7 38. Íd7! Ëh8! 39. Íf6 Èg7 40. Íd5
Yh1tY Y h5 41. f3 h4 42. Èg1 Ëcd8 43. cd8Ê Ëd8
44. Íe7 Èf6 45. Ídc8 Èe6 46. Èf1 Èd7
h1 1 Y 1 47. Èe2 Ëc8 48. Íc8 Èc8 49. Èd3 Èd7=]
Ëe8 38. Íe5 Èh7! 39. g4 Ëc8 40. Íd7 Ëc7
F 1 1g1h 41. Íb6 Èg7 42. Íd5 Ëd7 43. Íc3 Ëd4
1 1 Hh1 44. b6 Ëd6 0:1 Br. Tadi
1g1 D A 123. C 78
27. Ëe5?! [27. Ëd1! e4 (27... Ìa3 28. Ëd5
Ìb4 29. Íbd2¥) 28. Ëd5 ef3 29. gf3¥] A. ISTRGìESCU 2602
Ëd8 28. Ìf8 Èf8 29. Íd4 Ëe7 30. Ëf5?! — TOMICI 2310
[30. c7!? Íc7 31. Ëe7 Èe7 32. Íc6 Èd7 Alba Iulia 2016
33. Íd8 Èd8£] Èg7 [30... Èe8! 31. Íf3
Ëe6»+ Å Íe7] 31. Íd2 Ëe1 32. Èh2 Íe7 1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 Ìc5
33. Í2f3 Íf5 34. Íf5 Èg6?! [Ä 34... Èf6 5. c3 0»0 6. 0»0 d6 7. Íbd2 a6 8. Ìa4 b5
35. Íe1 (35. c7 Ëa8»+) Èf5»+] 35. c7 9. Ìc2 [9. Ìb3 Ìb6 10. Ëe1 Íe7¢ Ñ
Ëc8? [35... Ëa8!] 110/(189)] Ìb7 10. h3 [10. a4 Ëe8 11. b4
Ìb6 12. Ìb2 Íe7 13. c4!? Íg6! 14. Ìb3
1e1 1 1 Íf4 15. c5!? (15. Êc2 c5|) Íd3 16. Íg5
Íb2 (16... d5 17. Ìc3î) 17. Ìf7 Èh8 (17...
1 H 1 1 Èf8 18. Êb3¥) 18. Ìe8 Êe8 19. Êc2 dc5
20. bc5 Ía4 21. cb6 cb6 22. Êc7 (22. f4
Y 1 1qY ef4 23. e5 Êh5 24. Êf5 h6 25. h4 Êg4=)
Yh1 1gY Êd7Õ] Ìb6 [10... Ëe8 11. Ëe1 Íe7 12.
Íf1 Íg6 13. Íg3 c6 14. a4 Ìb6 15. d4¢; Ä
h1 1 Y 1 13... Ìb6 Ñ 10... Íb6] 11. Ëe1 [11. a4 a)
1 1 1g1h 11... d5 12. ed5 Íd5 (12... Êd5 13. b4¢) 13.
ab5 ab5 14. Ëa8 Ìa8 15. Ëe1 b4 16. Íe4
1 1 HhA bc3 17. bc3 h6 18. Ìd2¢; b) 11... Íe7 12. b4
1 1 E 1 Íg6 13. c4 bc4 14. Íc4 d5 15. Íb6 cb6 16.
Ëe1 Ëe8 17. d4 de4 18. Íe5 Íe5 19. de5

Ëe5 20. Ìb3 (20. Ìb2 Ëd5 21. Êe2 Ëd2 22. (21. Ìd2 Ìb7 22. h5 Íe7 23. Íh2 Íf6 24.
Ìf6 Ëe2=) Êd1 21. Ëd1 Ìd5! (21... Ëc8 Íg4 Íg4 25. Êg4 Èf8=) gh6 22. Íf5
22. Ìb2î) 22. Ìb2 Ìb3 23. Ìe5 Ìd1 24. Íe7!? (22... Íf6 23. Íh6 Èf8 24. Íg5 Ìb7
Ëd1 Ëe8=] Íe7 12. Íf1 Íg6 13. Íg3 Ëe8 25. Êf3 Íf4 26. g3 Í4h5 27. Íhf7 Ìc8 28.
Íh6 Êg7 29. Íf5 Ìf5 30. ef5 Èg8 31. Èg2
e1 We1q1 Ëa8 32. Ìb1 Êh6Õ) 23. Íh6 Èg7 24. Íf7
Íd5! (24... Íf6 25. Í7g5î) 25. Í3g5 Í7f6
1rY 1yYy 26. Êd2 (26. ed5? Ìd5 27. Íe5 de5 28. Íh7
yR Y Tt1 Êf7¤) Íf4 27. Íd6 Ëd8 28. Êf4 ef4 29.
Íe6 Èg8 30. Íc7 Ìc7 31. Íb5 Ìb6 32.
1y1 Y 1 Íd4 Ìd4 33. cd4 Ëd4 34. e5! Ìe4 35. Ìe4
1 1h1 1 Íe4 36. e6 Èf8 37. e7 Èe8 38. h5 Íg5 39.
h6 f3 40. Ëe5=] 19. Ìd3 [19. Ìg5 Íd7 20.
1 Hh1gGh h4 h6 21. Ìh6 gh6 22. Íf5 Íf6 23. Êd2
(23. Íh6 Èh7! 24. Êd2 Íf4 25. Íf7 Ìc8£)
hHf1 Hh1 Íf4 24. g3 (24. Íh6 Èh7 25. Íf7 Ìc8 26.
D FsD A Í3g5 Èg7 27. g3 Íh3 28. Èg2 Íg5 29.
Íg5 c4 30. b3 b4!£) Í6h5 (24... Í4h5?! 25.
14. a4 N [14. Ìe3 Ìe3 15. fe3 c5 16. Ëf1 Êh6 Ìc8 26. g4¥) 25. Íh2!? (25. Íh6
Êb6 (16... Êc7 17. Íg5!? Íf8 18. Ëf6 gf6 Èh7 26. gf4 Íf4 27. Íf5 f6|) Ìc8 26.
19. Íf3§ Å Íh4) 17. Êe2 d5 18. ed5 Ìd5 Íg4 Èh7 27. Ígh6 c4 28. gf4 Íf4 29. Èh1
19. Íd2 Ëad8 20. Ëf2 e4Õ; 14. d4 d5! a) 15. Ìf5 30. Íf5 Ëg8|] c4 20. Ìf1 Ëa8| 21.
Ìg5 h6! a1) 16. Ìf6 Êf6 17. ed5 ed4 18. b3 Ëa2 [21... Ìc8 22. bc4 bc4 23. Êe2 Ëa4
Íe4 Êf4! 19. Íd4 (19. g3 Êf5 20. Íd6 Ëe1 24. Ìg5 Íf4 25. Êb2 Ìa7 26. Ëb1 Êa5|]
21. Íe1 Êd5 22. Íb7 Êb7 23. cd4 Ëd8£) 22. Ëe2?! [22. Ìe3 Ìe3 23. Ëe3 Ìc8 24.
Ìd5 20. g3 Êe5 (Å c5) 21. b4 Ëe7£; a2) 16. Êb1 Êa7 25. bc4 bc4 26. Êb4 Ìd7 27. Ìc4
de5 hg5 17. ef6 Êf6 18. ed5 Ëe1 19. Êe1 Ëa4 28. Êb3 Íf4§] Ëa1î 23. Ëb2?! [23.
Íf4=; b) 15. Íe5 Íe5 16. de5 Íe4 17. Íe4 Ëe1 Íf4 24. Êc2 Ìc8 25. bc4 bc4 26. Ìf4
de4 18. Êd8 Ëad8 19. Ìf4 h6 20. h4 e3 21. Ëe1 27. Ìc1 Ëc1 28. Êc1 Êc5£]
Ìe3 Ëe5=] c5!? [14... d5 15. ab5 ab5 16.
Ëa8 Ìa8 17. d4 Íe4 18. Íe4 de4 19. Íe5 1 1 1q1
Íe5 20. de5 Êd1 21. Ëd1 Ìc6 22. Ìf4 h6 1rW 1yYy
23. h4 g5=] 15. ab5 ab5 16. Ëa8 Ìa8 17. d4
Êc7 [17... cd4!? 18. cd4 ed4 19. Íd4 Ìc5 R Y Tt1
(19... d5!? 20. Íb5 Êb8! 21. Íf5 de4 22. 1y1hY 1
Íbd6 Ëe5 23. Ìg5 Ëd5 24. Êa1 Ëa5 25.
Êd1 Ëd5=) 20. Ídf5 d5 21. Ìg5 Êb6 22. 1y1h1 1
Ìf6 Ìf2 23. Èh1 gf6 (23... Êf6 24. Ëf1
Êb6 25. Êf3 Ìg3 26. Íh6! Èh8 27. Íf7 1hH 1gGh
Èg8=) 24. Êh5 Èh8 25. Ëf1 Ëg8 26. Íh6 D 1 Hh1
Ìg3 27. Íf7 Èg7 28. e5ì Ìe5 29. Íe5
Íe5 30. Êh7 Èf8 31. Êh6 Èe7 32. Êh7 E Fs1fA
Èf8=] 18. d5 [Ä 18. Ìg5 Íd7 19. Íf5î
cd4 20. cd4 d5 21. Ìb3 de4 22. Í3h4! Íh4 23... b4 [23... cb3! 24. Ëb3 Êc5 25. Ëb2
(22... ed4 23. Êh5 Êe5 24. Íg6 Êf5 25. Êc3 26. Ëc2 Êa5 27. Êd3 Êa4¤] 24. bc4
Íh4 g6ì 26. Êh6 Êe5 27. Íg6 Êg7 28. [Ä 24. Êc2 bc3 25. Êc3 Ìd4! (25... cb3 26.
Íe7 Ëe7 29. Êg7 Èg7 30. Ìe7¢) 23. Êh5! Ëb3 Ëc1 27. Êc7 Ìc7 28. Ëb7 Íf4=) 26.
Íf8 (23... Íg6? 24. Ìf7 Èf7 25. Êh7+») Íd4 ed4 27. Êc2 c3 28. Ëb1 Ëb1 29. Êb1
24. Ìh4 ed4 25. Ìg3 Êd7 26. Êg4 g6ì 27. Êb6 (29... Íe5 30. Íf5 Êb6 31. Ìg5 Ífd7
Ìf7 Èf7 28. Íd6 Èg8 29. Êd7 Íd7 30. 32. Êd1Õ) 30. b4 Íe5 31. b5 (31. Ìg5
Íe8 Ìd5 31. Ìc7 Ìc5 32. Ìd6¢] Ìb7 Ífd7 32. Ìe7 g6) g6£] bc3 25. Ëb3 Êc5¤
[18... c4!? 19. Ìg5 Íd7 20. h4 h6 21. Ìh6!? 26. Íh1 [26. Êc2 Ëc1 27. Êc1 Êf2 28.

Èh1 Íh4¤] Íe4 27. Êc2 Íf2 28. Íf2 Ëc1 Êc2 Ëd6 21. Íd2¢) 18. Íc3 h6 19. Ìc5
29. Êc1 Êf2 30. Èh2 e4 31. c5 Ìc5 32. Êe7 20. Ìd6 Ëd6 21. Íe4 Ëd2 22. Ëd2
Ëb7 ef3»+ 33. Ëb8 Íf8 34. Êg5 Êg1 35. Ëd8=] 17. Íe5 fe5 18. Íd5 Ìd5 [18...
Èg3 Êf2 [35... Ìf2! 36. Èg4 (36. Èf3 Ìb6 Ìd6?! 19. Ìg5 Ëde8 20. Íc7!¥] 19. Ëd5
37. Ëb6 Êb6»+) h5 37. Èf3 (37. Èf5 g6 38. Êd5 20. Ëd5 Ëd5
Èf6 Êf1 39. Ëf8 Èf8 40. Êh6 Èe8 41. Êh8
Èd7) Ìb6! 38. Ëb6 Êb6»+] 36. Èh2 Êg1
37. Èg3 Êe3?!° [37... Ìf2!»+] 38. Êe3
1 1 Eq1
Ìe3 39. Ìd3 fg2 40. Èg2 g6 41. Èf3 Ìd4 1 Y R Yy
42. Èe2 Èg7 43. Ëb7 g5¤ 44. Ìb5 Íg6 45. y1 1 1 1
Èd3 Ìe5 46. Ìe8 Íh8!? [46... Íf4 47. Èc2
Íh3 48. Ëf7 Èh6 49. Ìd7 Èg6! 50. Ëh7 1y1eY 1
Èh7 51. Ìh3 Èg6 52. Èd3 Èh5»+] 47.
Èe4 Èf6 48. Ëc7 h5 49. Èf3 Ìd4! 50. Èe4 1 1 1 1
Ìc5 51. Ìa4 [51. Èd3 g4»+] Íg6 52. Ìd1 1h1 F 1h
g4 53. hg4 hg4 54. Ëb7 Íe7 [54... g3 55. Èf3
Ìf2 Å Íh4»+] 55. Ëb3 Èg5! 56. Ëc3 f5 57. hH 1sHh1
Èd3 Íd5 58. Ëb3 Íe3»+ 59. Ìe2 g3 60. 1 1 1 A
Ìf3 g2 0:1 Va. Stoica
21. Êc2! [21. g3 Ìc5=] c5 22. g3 Èh8
124. C 81 [22... g6 23. Êe4 Ëfd8 24. h4 Èg7 25. h5î]
23. h4 Ëfd8 24. Êe4 h6 25. Èg2 Ìf6 26.
Èh3 h5 27. a4 [27. Êf5 e4 28. Êe4 Ìb2 29.
— A. GIRI 2769
Êe6¥] Ëd3 [27... Èg8 28. Êf5 e4 29. Êe6
Saint Louis 2016 Èh8 30. Êa6 ba4 31. ba4 Ìb2 32. Ìg5!¥]
28. ab5 ab5 29. Êg6 e4 [29... Ëb3 30. Êh5
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 a6 4. Ìa4 Íf6 5. Èg8 31. g4+»] 30. Êh5 Èg8 31. Êf5
0»0 Íe4 6. d4 b5 7. Ìb3 d5 8. de5 Ìe6 9. Ìb2 32. Êe4 c4 [32... Ë3d5 33. Ìg5 Ë8d7
Êe2 Íc5 10. Ëd1 Íb3 11. cb3!? Ìe7 12. 34. Êe8 Èh7 35. Êe2+»] 33. bc4 bc4 34.
Íc3 0»0 13. Ìe3 Êd7 14. h3!? N [14. Ìg5 Êc4+» Ë3d5 35. g4 Èh8 36. g5 Ìd4 37.
Ñ 6/348; 14. Ëd2 Ñ 49/395] Ìd4 Ëd4 38. Êf7 Ë8d7 39. Êe8 Èh7 40.
Êh5 Èg8 41. g6 Ëe4 42. Êh7 Èf8 43. Êh8
e1 1 Eq1 Èe7 44. Êg7 Èe6 45. Êh8 Ëd3 46. Èh2
1 YwRyYy 1:0 Z. Stamenkovi

y1t1r1 1 125. C 84
1y1yH 1
1 1 1 1 AX. BACHMANN 2632
1hG Fg1h France 2016
hH 1sHh1 1. e4 Íc6 2. Íf3 e5 3. Ìb5 a6 4. Ìa4 Íf6 5.
D 1d1 A 0»0 Ìe7 6. d3 d6 7. c3 0»0 8. Íbd2 b5 9.
Ìc2 d5 10. Ëe1 d4 11. Íf1 [11. h3 Ñ
14... Ëad8?! [14... f6! 15. ef6 Ëf6 16. Íg5 119/113] Íd7 12. a4 N [12. Íg3] Ëb8 [12...
(16. Íe4 Ëg6 17. Íg3 Ëe8£) Ëf5 17. Íe6 b4 13. Ìb3 dc3 14. bc3 Ía5 15. cb4 Íb3
(17. Íce4 d4£) Êe6Õ] 15. Ëd2 f6 [15... (15... Ìb4 16. Ìg5Õ) 16. Êb3 Ëb8 17.
Êc8 16. Ëc1 (16. Ëad1 h6 17. Íd5 Ëd5 18. Ìd2 Ìb4 18. Ìb4 a5Õ] 13. ab5 ab5 14.
Ëd5 Ìd5 19. Ëd5 Íb4Õ) Êb7 17. Êd1¢] Ìb3 Ìf6 15. cd4 ed4 16. Ìf4 Íc5 17. Ëc1
16. Ëad1! Íe5?! [Ä 16... fe5 17. Íd5 Ìd6 Ìe7 18. Ìd5 [18. Ìg5 Íb3 19. Êb3 Ìg5
(17... Ìd5 18. Ëd5 Êd5 19. Ëd5 Ëd5 20. 20. Ëc6 Ìf4 21. g3 Ìd7Õ] Íb4 19. Íd4

ErW Eq1 Íbd2 Ëe8 10. Íf1 Ìf8 11. Íg3 b5 12. Ìb3
Ía5 13. Ìc2 c5 14. d4 cd4 15. cd4 ed4 [15...
1 Y RyYy Íc6 Ñ 57/350] 16. Íd4 Ìb7 17. Ìf4 Ëc8 N
[17... Íc4] 18. Ëc1 g5?! [18... g6Õ] 19.
1 1 1 1 Ìd2 Íc4 20. Ìc3 d5 [20... b4 21. Ìb4 Íb2
1yTf1 1 22. Êf3î]
T GhF 1 1eWeRq1
1 1h1 1 1r1 1y1
H 1 HhH y1 1 T Y
1 DsDgA 1y1y1 Y
19... Ëb6! 20. Êd2 [20. Íg3!? Íbd3 21. b4 1tGh1 1
(21. Ëc5!? Íc5 22. Ìe3Õ) Íb4 22. Ídf5
Ìf5 23. Íf5 Ëg6Õ] Íbd3 21. b4 Íf4 22. 1 F 1 G
bc5 Ìg5! 23. Êc2 [23. cb6 Íh3 24. gh3 hHf1 HhH
Ìd2 25. Íd2 Êg5 26. Èh1 Êd2 27. Ëcd1
Êf2 28. Ëf1 Êb2 29. b7 Ìh3 30. Ëg1 c5Õ] 1 DsD A
Ëg6 24. Ëcd1 Íd5 25. ed5 Êd5 26. Íb5
Êb7 27. Íd4 Ìf6 28. Íg3 h5 29. Êe4 h4 21. Ídf5!? b4 [21... Ëe6 22. e5 (22. Íh5
30. c6 Êb4 31. Ígf5 Íh5 23. Êh5 de4 24. Ìb3 a5 25. Ëcd1
Êe8Õ) Íe4 23. Íe4 de4 24. Ìb3 Êd1 25.
1r1 Eq1 Ëcd1¢] 22. Ìd4 de4 [22... Íe5 23. ed5 Êd5
1 Y 1yY 24. f3¢] 23. Ìa4 Ëe6 24. Ìb3 Ëec6 25. Êe2
Ía5 26. Ëc6 Ëc6 27. Ìc2 Ëe6 28. Ëd1
1h1 Re1 Êa8?! [28... Êc7 29. Ìb1 Å h4î] 29. h4!ï
1 1 1g1 Íh7 30. hg5 hg5 31. Êg4 Ìd5 32. Íh5 Êc6

W Gs1 Y 1Rq1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1y1t
1 1 HhH y1w1e1 1
1 1dD A T 1r1gYg
31... Ëg5! 32. Íe7?! [32. Ëb1 Ìf5 33. Ëb4 Y Fy1s1
Ìe4 34. Ëe4 h3 35. g3 Ëd8£] Ìe7 33. Êe7 1 1 1 1
Êe7 34. Ëe7 Ìh3 35. Ëd3 Ëa8! 36. Ëde3?
[36. Èf1 Ìg2 37. Èe2 Ëc8¤] Ëg2 37. Èh1 hHf1 Hh1
Ëa1 38. Ëe1 Ëe1 39. Ëe1 Ëg4 40. Ëe8 1 1d1 A
Èh7 41. Ëd8 Ìg2 42. Èg1 Ìd5! [43. Èf1
Ëd4»+] 0:1 Br. Tadi
33. Íf6! Ëf6 [33... Íf6 34. Êg5 Èh7 35.
Ìf6 Ëf6 36. Ëd5+»] 34. Ìf6 Íf6 35. Êg5
126. C 90 Èh8 36. Ëd5 [Ä 36. Íe3! Ìa2 37. Ëd8+»]
G. OPARIN 2597 — Íd5 37. Ìe4 Êf6 [37... Êe6 38. Êh4 Èg8
VL. FEDOSEEV 2665 39. Íe7!+»] 38. Êh5 Èg8 39. Ìd5 [Ä 39.
Russia 2016 Íe3 Ìc5 40. Íg4+»] Íc6 40. Êg4 Èh8
41. Íg3 Íe5 42. Êh5 Èg8 43. Íe4 Êe7
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 Íf6 4. d3 d6 5. [43... Êg7 44. g3¥] 44. f4 Íd3? [44... Íd7
0»0 Ìe7 6. c3 0»0 7. Ëe1 a6 8. Ìa4 h6 9. 45. Èh2¥] 45. Êh3!+» Êa7 [45... Íb2 46.

Íg5+»; 45... Íf4 46. Êg3+»] 46. Èh2 Íh5!? 23. Ídf1 Íf4 24. Êd2 Ìf8=] 23. c4
Êd4 47. Êf5 Êg7 48. Íg5 Íf2 49. Èg3 Íc5 [23... Ëc8] 24. Ìf6 [24. f3 Ëc8 25.
Ìc5 50. Ìf7 Èh8 51. Êc8 Ìf8 52. Èf2 Íb3¢] Ìf6= 25. Íb3 Ëc8 [25... Êb6!?]
Êb2 53. Èg3 Êc3 54. Êc3 bc3 55. Ìb3 26. Íc5 Ëc5 27. Êd3 Ëa5 [27... Ìg5!? 28.
1:0 Z. Stamenkovi Ëa1 Ìe3 29. Êe3 Ëc4 30. Ìb3 Ëc5 31. Ëa6
Ëc6=] 28. Ìb3 [28. g3 Ìg5=] Ìg5 [28...
127. C 95 Èg7!? 29. Ëd1 Ìg5=] 29. Ëd1 Êb6 [29...
Èg7 30. g3 Êa7=]
— BUHMANN 2653 r1 1 1q1
Dortmund 2016 1 1 1y1
1. e4 e5 2. Íf3 Íc6 3. Ìb5 a6 4. Ìa4 Íf6 5. W Y 1yY
0»0 Ìe7 6. Ëe1 b5 7. Ìb3 d6 8. c3 0»0 9.
h3 Íb8 10. d4 Íbd7 11. Íbd2 Ìb7 12. E 1 Y R
Ìc2 Ëe8 13. Íf1 Ìf8 14. Ìg5 h6 15. Ìh4 Yh1h1 1
g6 16. a4!? [16. de5; 16. Í1h2 Ñ 110/(205)]
Ìg7 17. d5 Êb8 1f1sG 1h
H 1 Hh1
eW 1e1q1 1 1d1 A
y1 Y TyY 30. c5! Êc5?! [Ä 30... Ëc5 31. Íc4 Êa6 32.
Íe5 Êd3 33. Íd3 Ëa5 34. f3 d5=] 31.
1y1hY 1 Íc4¢ Ëa7 [31... Ìe4 32. Êe2 (32. Êe4 d5
h1 1h1 F 33. Ëd5 Êd5 34. Êg6 fg6 35. Ía5 Êb3 36.
Íb3 Èf7=) Êb5 33. h4 d5 34. hg5 dc4 35.
1 H 1g1h Ëd8 Èh7 36. Ìc4 Êc6 37. Ìf7 Êc1 38.
Hf1 Hh1 Ëd1 Êc2 39. Ëd2 Êc1 40. Èh2¢] 32. Íd6
Èg7? [Ä 32... Ëd7 33. Êf3 Ìf4 34. Íf7
D 1sDgA Ëd1 35. Êd1 Èg7 36. Íd8 Êc1 37. Íe6
Èf6 38. Íf4 Êd1 39. Ìd1 ef4 40. f3 Ìc6¢]
18. Íe3 N [18. ab5 ab5 19. Ëa8 Ìa8=] c6 33. Êf3+» Êc6?! [33... f5 34. Êg3 Ëa6
[18... Ìc8?! 19. b4¢] 19. dc6 [19. ab5 ab5 35. Êd3 Êc6 36. Íe8 Èh7 37. Íc7 Ëa7
20. Ëa8 Ìa8 21. dc6 Ìc6 22. Íd2 Íh5=] 38. Ía8 fe4 39. Ìd5 Êa8 40. Ìe4 Êe8 41.
Ìc6 20. ab5 [20. Íd2 Êc7 21. Êf3 Íh5=] Êd6 Ëg7 42. Êb4+»] 34. Ìf7 Ëe7 35.
ab5 21. Ëa8 Ìa8 22. Íd2 b4?! [Ä 22... Ìa2 1:0 Petronijevi


128. D 02 Êb7 31. Íf5 Íf3! 32. gf3 Ìf4 33. ef4
Ëf8=] 31. Ëb6 Íc4 [31... Ìc7? 32. Ëb7
M. CARLSEN 2855 — A. GIRI 2785 Ëc8 33. Íe6 Êf7 34. Ëc7 Ëc7 35. Íc7+»]
Bilbao 2016 32. Ëd6 Íd6 33. Ìd6¥ Ëe3 34. Ìe5?! [34.
Êf4!? Ëe1 35. Èf2 Ëb1 (35... Êh1? 36.
1. d4 d5 2. Ìf4 Ìf5 3. e3 e6 4. Ìd3 Ìd3 5. Íf5+») 36. Íf5 Ëb2 37. Èe3 Êe8 38. Íe7
Êd3 c6 6. Íd2 Íf6 7. Ígf3 Ìe7 8. 0»0 Èh8 39. g4¥] Êg6 35. Êf4 Ëe1 36. Èf2
0»0 9. h3 Íbd7 10. a4 c5 11. a5 N [11. c3; Ëa1 37. Êd2
11. b3] c4 12. Êe2 b5 13. ab6 ab6 14. Íe5
Íe5 15. de5 Íd7 16. Êg4 Ëe8 17. h4!? f5 1 1 1q1
[17... Ëa1 18. Ëa1 Ìh4 19. e4 Ìe7 20. ed5 1 1 1 Yy
ed5 21. Ëd1 Ìc5 22. Íc4 h5 23. Êh3 dc4
24. Ëd7 Êc8=] 18. Êh3 Ëa1 19. Ëa1 c3 1 1 1w1
[19... Ìh4 20. g4 g5 (20... fg4 21. Êg4 Íf8
22. Ëd1 c3 23. bc3 Ìe7 24. c4 Êc8=) 21. 1 1yFy1
gf5!? gf4 22. ef4 ef5 23. Íf3 Ìe7 24. Ëa7 1 G 1 1
c3!? 25. bc3 Êc8 26. Êf5 (26. Íd4 Èh8 27.
Èg2 Íf8 28. Êf5 Êf5 29. Íf5 Íg6 30. Èf3 1 1 1h1
Ìc5) Íe5 27. Êe5 Êg4 28. Èf1 Êf3 29. 1 S Ah1
Ëe7 Ëe7 30. Êe7 Êd1 31. Èg2 Êg4=] 20.
bc3 Êc7 21. c4 Íe5?! [21... dc4 22. g4 Íe5 E 1 1 1
23. gf5 ef5 24. Êf5 Ìf6Õ] 22. Êg3 Ìd6
37... Ëa8? [37... f4 38. Ìf4 Êa6 39. Íe2 (39.
1 1e1q1 Èg3 Êg6) Êc4=; 37... Êa6!?] 38. Íf5+»
Êe6 [38... Êf5? 39. Êd5; 38... Ëe8 39. Êd5
1 W 1 Yy Êe6 40. Êe6 Ëe6 41. Ìg7] 39. Êg5 g6 40.
Y Ry1 1 Íh6 Èf8 41. Íg4 Èe8 42. Íf6 Èf7 43.
Íh7 Ëa4 [43... Ëa2 44. Èg1 Ëe2 45. Ìd4]
1 1yTy1 44. Êd8! Ëa2 45. Èg1 [45... Êe5 46. Êf8
1h1 F H Èe6 47. Êe8 Èd6 48. Êb8 Èe6 49. Íf8
Èf6 50. Íd7] 1:0 T. Paunovi
1 1 H S
1hG Hh1 129. D 08
D 1 1 A P. CRAMLING 2463 —
23. cd5 [23. c5! bc5 24. Ëa6¥ Å Ëd6] ed5 Sverige (ch) 2016
[23... Êc3!?] 24. Íb3 Êc2 25. Íd4 Êc8
[25... Êd3!?] 26. h5 Êd7 27. Ëb1 Ìc7 28. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. de5 d4 4. Íf3 Íc6 5. a3
f3 Êf7 29. Ëa1 Ìd6 30. Ëa6 Êh5? [30... Íge7 6. b4 Íg6 [6... Ìg4 Ñ 103/(250)] 7.

Ìb2 a5 8. b5 Íce5 9. Íe5 Íe5 10. e3 Ìe6 28. Íh3 Ëg8 29. a3 ba3 30. b4 [Ä 30. Ëa1]
11. Ìd4 Íc4 12. Êc2 Íd6 13. Ìd3 Êg5 Èh8 31. Ëa3? [31. Èg2¢; 31. Íf4!?]
14. f4 Êh4 [14... Êd5!?] 15. g3 Êh5 16.
Íc3 Ëd8?! [16... Íf5 17. 0»0 Ìd6!? a) 18. 1
Êg2 Íd4 19. Êb7 (19. ed4 0»0 20. f5 Ìb3 1 1t1y1y
21. Êb7 Ëfd8!? 22. Íe4 Êh6§) Íf3 20.
Êf3 Êf3 21. Ëf3 0-0-0§; b) 18. Ìf5! Ìf5 1y1y1 1
19. e4¥] 17. 0»0 Íf5 18. Ìf5! Êf5 19. e4 Y HyHy1
Êh5?! [19... Êg4 20. Íd5! Ìd5 21. ed5
Ìd6 22. Ëfe1 Èf8¥] H H 1 1
D 1 1 Hg
1 EqR E 1s1 H H
1yY 1yYy 1d1 1 A
1 1r1 1
Yh1 1 1w 31... Êh4! 32. Èg2 Êd4 33. ba5 Íe5 34. a6
[34. Ëa4 Êd3 (34... Íc4 35. Ëb7 Êc5 36.
1 FhH 1 Êc3 e5 37. Ëf7=) 35. Êd3 Íd3 36. a6 Ëb8
H G 1 H 37. Ëb8 Ëb8 38. a7 Ëa8 39. Ëa6=] Íc4 35.
Ëa2 [35. Ëa4 Êc5 36. Êc3 e5 37. Ëb7§]
1s1 1 H Êc5 [35... f4!? a) 36. Ëb7? fg3 37. hg3
D 1 1dA 1 1e1eQ
20. Íd5!+» Ìd5 21. ed5 Êd5?! N [21... 1d1 1y1y
Ëd5] 22. Ëfe1 Èd7 [22... Ìe7 23. Ìg7 Ëg8 h1y1y1 1
24. Ëe7! Èe7 25. Êc7 Ëd7 26. Ëe1] 23. 1 Hy1 1
Ëad1 Ìd6 24. Ìc5 [24. Ìb6!?] Êh5 25. b6 1tW 1 1
[25. Ëd6!? cd6 26. Ìb6 Ëc8 27. Êe4] Ëhe8
26. Ìd6 Ëe1 27. Ëe1 cd6 28. Êc7# 1 1 1 Hg
1:0 T. Paunovi d1s1 Ha1
1 1 1 1
130. D 11
37... Ëg3! 38. fg3 (38. Èg3 Ëg8 39. Èh2
JU WENJUN 2578 — Êg7»+) Íe3 39. Èh2 Íc2 40. Ëc2 Êd3»+;
A. MUZYCHUK 2545 b) 36. a7 fg3 37. hg3 Ëa8 38. Ëb3î] 36. Ëb7
Chengdu 2016 d4? [36... Êf8 37. a7 Ëa8 38. Êb1§î] 37.
Íf4 Êe5 38. Êc4 Êf4 39. Êc6?! [39. a7!
1. c4 c6 2. Íf3 d5 3. g3 g6 4. d4 Ìg7 5. Êd6 (39... Êe4 40. f3 Êd5 41. Êd5 ed5 42.
Íbd2 Íh6!? 6. Ìg2 Íf5 7. e3 0»0 8. 0»0 Ëab2 Ëa8 43. Ëf7 Ëge8 44. Ëfb7! Ëg8 45.
Íd7 9. Ëb1 N [9. b3] a5 10. b3 b5 [10... Ëe2+») 40. Ëf7 c5 41. Ëb2+»] Êe4 40.
Íd6!? 11. a4 Íf6 12. Ìa3 Ìg4 13. h3 Êe4 fe4 41. Ëf7 Ëgf8 [Ä 41... Ëg7] 42. Ëb7
Ìe6Õ] 11. Êc2 Ìa6 12. Ëd1 Ëc8 13. c5 Ëd8 [Ä 42... d3] 43. Ëc2+» e3 [43... d3 44.
Ëe8 14. Ìb2 Êc7 15. Ìh3 e6 16. e4 Íe7 Ëcc7! Ëfe8 45. Ëh7 Èg8 46. h4! d2 47.
17. e5 b4 18. Íf1 Íf5 [18... Ëa8!? 19. Ëe1 Ëbg7 Èf8 48. Ëd7 Èg8 49. Ëhe7] 44. fe3
Ìb5] 19. Ëe1 Ëf8 20. Ìc1 Ëce8 21. Ìf4¢ de3 45. a7 Èg8 [Å Ëd2; 45... Ëd2 46. Ëd2
Ìh6?! 22. Ìh6 Íh6 23. Íg5 [23. Êd2!? ed2 47. Ëb8] 46. Èh3 [46. Ëc4!?] Ëa8 47.
Èg7 24. Íe3¥] Ìf1 24. Èf1 Èg7 25. Èg1 Ëcc7 Ëf6 48. Ëg7 Èh8 49. Ëh7 Èg8 50.
Íf5 26. Ìf5 [26. Êd2!?] gf5 27. Ëe3 Êd8 Ëhg7 Èh8 51. Ëg4 [51. Ëb8 Èg7 52. Ëa8

e2 53. Ëg8 Èg8 54. a8Ê Ëf8 55. Êe4] Ëh6 49. Ëa7 [49. Ëb1 Èd4 Å c4] Ëd5 50. Ëb7
52. Èg2 Ëf6 53. Ëe4 1:0 Èc3 51. Ëb5 Ëd2! [Å c4] 0:1
T. Paunovi P. Carlsson

131. D 11 132. D 18
P. CARLSSON 2435 — E. NAJER 2687
Dortmund 2016
Praha 2016
1. Íf3 d5 2. d4 Íf6 3. c4 c6 4. Íc3 dc4 5. a4
1. d4 Íf6 2. g3 d5 3. Ìg2 c6 4. Íf3 Ìf5 5. Ìf5 6. e3 e6 7. Ìc4 Ìb4 8. 0»0 0»0 9. Íh4
0»0 Íbd7 6. b3 e6 7. Íbd2 h6! 8. Ìb2 Íbd7 10. h3 Ìg6 11. Íg6 hg6 12. Êb3
Ìe7 9. Íe5 0»0 10. c4 a5 11. Íd7 Êd7 12. Êb6 13. Ëd1 Ëad8 14. Ìd2 Ìa5 N [14... a5
f3 Ëfd8 N [12... c5; 12... b5; 12... Ìg6] 13. Ñ 81/315] 15. Ëac1 [15. Êb6 Íb6 16. Ìe2
e4 Ìg6 14. e5 Íe8 15. f4 a4 16. Ìc3? Íc7 Íc8 17. Íe4 Ìd2 18. Íd2î] c5?! [15... e5
17. c5 Íb5 18. Êf3? 16. d5 Êb3 (16... Íc5 17. Êb6 ab6 18. dc6
bc6 19. Ëb1 Ìb4=) 17. Ìb3 Íc5 18. Ìc4
e1 E 1q1 Ìc3 19. Ìc3 Íd5 (19... cd5 20. Ìa2§î) 20.
1y1wRyY Ìe5 Íb6! 21. Ìd6 Íc4 22. Ëc4 Ëfe8 23.
Ëcd4 (23. Ëc5 Ëe6=) Íe6 24. Ë4d2 Ëd7]
1y1y1rY 16. d5 Ìc3 17. Ìc3 Êb3 18. Ìb3 Íd5 19.
1tHyH 1 Ìd5 ed5 20. Ëd5 Íb6 21. Ëc5 Ía4 22. Ëc7
Íc3 23. Ë1c3 [23. bc3 Ëb8 24. Ëb1¢] Ëd1
y1 H H 1 24. Èh2 Ëd2 25. Ëb7 [25. Ëc2 Ëfd8 26.
1hF 1sH Èg3 Ëc2 27. Ëc2 Ëd3=] Ëf2 26. Èg3 Ëf6
[26... Ëd2!?] 27. Ëa7 Ëb8 28. h4 [28. b3¢]
h1 G 1fH Èh7 [28... g5!? 29. hg5 (29. h5 Èh7 30.
D 1 1dA Ëcc7 Ëb3§) Ëf5 30. Èg4 Ëbb5§] 29. Ëcc7
Ëb2 30. Ëf7 Ëf7 31. Ëf7 g5! 32. hg5 Ëb5 33.
18... Ìe4! 19. Êe3 [19. Íe4 de4 20. Êe3 e4 Èg6 34. Ëa7 Ëg5 35. Èf3 Ëb5 36. Èf4
Íc3 21. Êc3 Êd4 22. Êd4 Ëd4»+] Ìg2 Ëb6 37. Ëa2 Èf6? [37... Ëf6! 38. Èe5 (38.
20. Èg2 Ìc5! 21. dc5 d4 22. Ìd4 Íd4 23. Èg4 Ëe6 39. Ëe2 Ëa6=) Ëb6=]
Êe4 [23. Êd3 Êd5 24. Èh3 Êc5¤] Íb3!
24. Íb3 ab3 25. ab3 Ëa1 26. Ëa1 Êd2 27. 1 1 1 1
Èh3 Êc3¤ 28. Ëa7 Êb3 [28... Êc5! 29. 1 1 1 Y
Ëb7 Êc1 30. Êb4 Ëd2 31. Ëb8 Èh7 32.
Êe4 g6 33. Êb4 Êf1 34. Èg4 Êd1 35. Èh3 E 1 Q 1
Êh5#] 29. Êa4 Êa4?° [29... Êb1!] 30. 1 1 1 1
Ëa4 Ëd5 31. Ëc4?! [31. Ëb4! Ëc5 32. Ëb7¤]
Èh7 32. Èg4 Èg6 33. h3 h5 34. Èh4 f6 35. 1 1hA 1
ef6 gf6 36. g4 hg4 37. hg4 f5! 38. Ëc1 [38. 1 1 1 1
Ëb4! Ëc5 39. Ëb7¤] Ëd4 39. Èg3 Ëd3 40.
Èh4 Ëd4 [40... Ëf3! 41. Ëc4 Ëf1 42. Ëb4 d1 1 1h1
Ëg1 43. gf5 Èf5 44. Ëb7 Èf4 45. Ëf7 Èe5 1 1 1 1
46. Ëd7 Ëc1»+] 41. Èg3 e5! 42. gf5 Èf5
43. fe5 Èe5»+ 44. Èf3 Ëd3!? 45. Èf2 [45. 38. e5!+» Èe6 [38... Èg6 39. Ëa4 Å Ëd4]
Èe2 Èd4! 46. Ëb1 Ëe3 47. Èd2 Ëe7 48. 39. Ëa7 Ëb4 40. Èg5 Ëb5 41. g4 Èe5 42.
Ëc1 Ëh7 49. Èe2 Ëh2 50. Èf3 Ëb2 Å Ëb5] Ëg7 Èe4 43. Èh6 Èf4 44. g5 Èg4 45.
Èd5 46. Ëb1 Èc5 47. Ëb7 Èc4 48. Èe2 c5 Ëa7 1:0 T. Paunovi

133. D 22 36... Èh6! 37. Êe4 (37. Èh4? Êe5!»+) g5
38. Íd5 Êc5 39. Íe3 c3 40. Èf2 Íg6¤; b)
A. GIRI 2785 — 31. Èg3 Êf3 32. Èh4 Êe3 33. Íd3ì f6
M. CARLSEN 2855 (33... Êe4 34. Êd2 Êd4 35. Êc2 c4 36. bc4
Bilbao 2016 bc4 37. Íe1 Êf4 38. Íg2 Êe5 39. Êc1 c3
40. g5=) 34. g5 fg5 35. Èg4 Êe4 36. Èg5
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. Íf3 a6 4. e3 Ìg4 5. c4 37. bc4 bc4 38. Íe1 Êe1 39. Êg6 Èg8
Ìc4 e6 6. h3 Ìh5 7. Íc3 Íc6 8. 0»0 Íf6 9. 40. Êa6=] 30. Êg2 Êd6 31. Êe2?! [31.
b3 Ìd6 10. Ìb2 0»0 11. Ìe2 Êe7 12. Ëc1 Èh2 a) 31... g5 32. Êe4 Èh6 (32... g6 33.
Ëad8 [12... Ëfd8 Ñ 41/446] 13. Íe5 Íe5 Íd3 a5î) 33. Èg3 gf4 34. ef4 g5 35. Íd3
14. Ìh5 Íg6 15. Ìg6?! N [15. Ìf3] hg6 16. Êc7î; b) 31... Èg8 32. g5 (32. Êa8 Íf8 33.
Êf3 c6 17. Ëfd1 e5 18. de5 [18. Íe4 Íe4
Êg2 g5 34. Èg3 gf4 35. ef4 c4 36. bc4
19. Êe4 f5 20. Êc2 e4 21. Êc4 Êf7=] Ìe5
[18... Êe5 19. g3 Êe7 20. Ía4 Ëfe8=] 19. bc4¤) Êd8£] Êd5 [Ä 31... g5£] 32. Êg2
Ëd8 Ëd8 20. Ëd1 b5 21. g3 [21. Êc6?? Êd6 33. h4 Íc7 34. h5 gh5 35. gh5 Êe7
b4»+] [35... Êd5!?] 36. Êf3 Êd7 37. Íd1 Êd5 38.
Êe2 Êf5 39. Íf2 Íd5 40. Èg2 c4 41. bc4
11q1 E bc4 42. Èg3 c3 43. Êa6 c2 44. Êd3 Íe7
[44... Êd3 45. Íd3 Íe3 46. a4 Íc4 47.
1 1 WyY Íc1=] 45. Êc4 Êh5 46. Êc2 Íf5 47. Èg2
y1y1 Ty1 Êg6 48. Èh2 Êg3 49. Èh1 g6 50. Êe2 Íe3
51. Íe4 Êf4 52. Êh2 Êh2 53. Èh2= Íc4
1y1 R 1 54. Èg3 Èg7 55. a4 f5 56. Íg5 Èf6 57.
1 1 1 1 Èh4 Ía5 58. Íh7 Èg7 59. Íg5 Íc6 60.
Íe6 Èf6 61. Íg5 Èe5 62. Íh3
1hG HsHh 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
hF 1 H 1
134. D 25
1 1d1 A
A.�V. DAVID 2365
21... Ëd1 [21... Ëc8!? 22. Èg2 Êe6 23. — PETRISOR 2412
Ëd2 c5£] 22. Êd1 c5 23. Êd3 Èh7 24.
Íd1 Ìb2 25. Íb2 Êe6 26. g4 Êc6 27. Romfnia (ch) 2016
Êe2 Íe4 28. Êc2 Íg5 [28... Íd6!? 29.
1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. e3 b5 4. a4 b4 5. Ìc4
Íd3 c4 30. bc4 bc4 31. Íf4 Íe4£] 29. f4
Íe6 [29... Íf3!? 30. Èf2 (30. Èf1 Èg8 Íf6 6. Íf3 e6 7. 0»0 Ìe7 8. Íbd2 [8. Êe2
31. Êd1 g5 32. Êd8 Èh7 33. Êd3 g6 34. Ñ 126/127] Ìb7 9. Êe2 0»0 10. b3 [10. e4
e4 Êf6 35. Êf3 Êb2 36. fg5 Êb1 37. Èg2 c5 11. e5 Íd5|; 10. Ëd1 c5 11. dc5 Êc7 12.
Êa2 38. Èg3 Èg8¤) Íh4 a) 31. e4 Êc7 b3 Íbd7 13. c6 Êc6 (13... Ìc6 14. Ìb2¢ Å
32. Èg3 g5 33. Íd3 c4 34. bc4 bc4 35. e5 Ëac1) 14. Ìb2 Ëac8 15. Ëac1 Íc5 16. Ìb5
gf4 36. Íf4 Êd5 17. Íc4 (17. Ìe5 a6 18. Ìc4 Êc6=)
Êh5 18. Ía5 Ìd5|] c5 11. Ìb2 cd4 [11...
1 1 1 Íbd7 12. Ëfd1 Êa5 (12... Êc7 13. Ëac1
1 W 1yYq Ëfd8 14. Ìd3 a5 15. e4 Êf4 16. Ëe1 Ëac8
y1 1 1 1 17. Ìa6¢; 12... cd4 13. Ìd4¢) 13. Ìb5 a6
14. Ìd3 cd4 15. Ìd4 Ëfd8 16. Ëac1 Ëac8
1 1 H 1 17. Íc4 Êh5 18. Ífd2¢] 12. Íd4 [12. Ìd4
1y1 GhT Íc6=] Íbd7 [12... Íc6 13. Íc6 Ìc6 14.
1 1 1 Ah Ëfd1 Êa5 15. Ìb5¢] 13. Ëac1 Íc5 N [13...
h1s1 1 1 Ëc8; 13... Êb6] 14. Ëfd1 [14. Í2f3 Ífe4
15. Íe5 Êd6!? 16. f4 Ëac8 17. a5 (17. Ëfd1
1 1 1 1 Êb6 18. f5 Ìd5|) Ìh4!? Å 18. Ëfd1 Êe7

19. Ídf3 Ìf2 20. Èh1 Ìg3|] Êc7!? [14... Íd4 27. Ìd4+»] 25. Íc6 Ëd7 [25... Ëb7
Ëc8 15. Í2f3 Êb6 16. Íe5 Ëfd8 17. f4 26. Ëd5 Ëf7 27. f4+»] 26. Íe7 [26. Ëd7
g6Õ] 15. Í2f3 [15. e4 Êf4] Ífe4?! [15... Ìd7 27. Íe7 Èf7 28. Íf5+»] Ëe7 27. Ìd6
Ëfd8 16. Íg5 Êb6 17. e4 a5 18. Íf5!? ef5 Ëd8 28. Ëd4!+» Ëd6 29. Ëd6 Ëc7 30. f4
19. Íf7 Ëd1 20. Ëd1 Íce4 21. Íg5 Èh8 g6 31. e4 Èg7 32. f5 Íg5 33. f6 Èh6 34. e5
22. Íf7=] 16. Íb5?! [16. Íe6! Íe6 17. Íge4 35. Ëd4 Ìb7 36. Ëe4 Ìe4 37. e6 g5
Ìe6 Íc3 18. Ìc3 bc3 19. Ëd7 Ìf3 20. 38. e7 1:0 Va. Stoica
Êf3 Êc5 21. Ìf7¥] Êb6 17. Ìe5 [17.
Íe5 a6 18. Íd4 Ìf6 19. Íg4 Ìe7 20. f3 135. D 25
Íd6|] a6!? [17... Ëac8 18. a5 Êa5 19.
Ëa1 Êb6 20. Ía7 Ëa8 21. Íb5 Ëa1 22. MI. MARIN 2584 —
Ëa1 Ìf6=] 18. a5!? [18. Ìc7 Êc6 19. T.�M. GEORGESCU 2449
Íe5 Êe8 20. Íd6 Íd6 21. Ìd6 Ìd6 22. Romfnia (ch) 2016
Ëd6 a5 23. Ëcd1 Íe4 24. Ëd7 Íc3 25.
Êh5 Íd1 26. Ìd3 h6 27. Ëb7 Íb2 28. 1. d4 d5 2. c4 dc4 3. e3 b5 4. a4 b4 5. Ìc4 e6
Íf7 Ëf7 29. Ìg6 Êc6 30. Ìf7 Èf8 31. 6. Íf3 Íf6 7. 0»0 Ìe7 8. Íbd2 Ìb7 9.
Êb5 Êc1 32. Êf1 Êc8 33. Êb5=] Êc6?! Êe2 0»0 10. Íb3!? a5 [10... Íbd7!? 11.
[18... Êa5! 19. Ìc7 ab5 20. Ìa5 Ëa5 21. Ía5 Ìe4 Å 12. Íe5 Íe5 13. de5 Íd7 14.
Ìd3 Íb3 22. Ëc7 Íc3 23. Ëc3 (23. Êc2?! f3 c6! 15. Ëd1 Ìd5 16. Ìd5 cd5 17. Íc6
Íd1 24. Ëb7 Ëa1) bc3 24. Êc2 Ìd5 (24... Êe8 18. e4 Ìc5 19. Ìe3 de4 20. fe4 a6!
Ëa3 25. Êc3 Ëc8 26. Êe5 Ìd5 27. h4¢) (20... a5 21. Ìc5 Íc5 22. Êb5) 21. a5 b3|]
25. e4 (25. Êc3 Ëfa8 26. e4 b4 27. Êc7 11. Ìd2 [11. Ìd3 Êd5! (11... c5 12. dc5
Ë5a7 28. Êc2 Ëa2=) Ìc4 26. Ìc4 bc4 Íbd7 13. e4!¢) 12. Ëe1 Êb3 13. Ìc4 Ìa6=;
27. Êc3 Ëc8 28. h4 Ëb5! Å 29. Ëd7 Ìb4 11. Íe5!? Ífd7!? (11... Íbd7 12. Ëd1 Ñ 11.
30. Êc2 c3 31. Íe1 Íd2|] 19. Ífd4 [19. Ëd1) 12. Íd3 Ìc6 (12... Íb6 13. Ídc5¢)
Íc7! Íc3 20. Ìc3 Êc7 21. Ìb4¥] Êc8 13. Ìb5 Ìd5 14. Íd2 Ìb7 (14... c6 15. e4
20. Íc7 Ëa7? [20... Ìf6 21. Ía8 Ìe5 22. cb5 16. ed5 ed5 17. ab5 Íf6 18. Íb3¢) 15.
Íb6 Êb8 23. f4 (23. g3 Ìc7 24. Ìd3 Ìb6 e4!? (15. Ëd1 c6 16. Ìc4 c5) c6 16. Ìc4
25. ab6 Íd3 26. Êd3 Íc3Õ) Ìd6 (23... Íb6 17. Íc5 Êd4 18. Íb7 Êd7 19. Ía5
Ìc7?! 24. Êh5; 23... Ìf6 24. f5 Ìe5 25. Ëa5 20. b3 Ëd8 21. Ëa2 Êc7 22. Ëc2 Í8d7
Íf3 Íc3 26. Ëc3 Ìf3 27. gf3 Ìc3 28. fe6 23. Ìb2 Íc5 (23... Íe5 24. Ìb5 Íbd7 25.
fe6 29. Íd7¢) 24. Íf3 Ëd8 (24... Íc3 25. Íf3¢) 24. Íf3 Íb7!?|; 11. Ëd1!? Êc8
Ëc3 bc3 26. b4 Íe4 27. Íd7¥) 25. Ëd4 (11... Ìd5 12. Íe5 c6 13. Íd2 c5 14. e4
Íc3 26. Êe1¢] Ìc4 15. Ídc4 cd4 16. Ìe3 Ìc5 17. Ëac1¢;
11... Íbd7 12. Íe5! Êc8 13. Íd7 Êd7 14.
1w1 Eq1 f3 Ìc6 15. Íc5 Ìc5 16. dc5 Êe7 17. e4¢)
12. Ìd3 c5 13. e4 c4 14. Ìc4 Ìe4 15. Íe5
ErG RyYy (15. Ìf4 Êb7 16. Ëac1 Íbd7 17. Íe5
y1 1y1 1 Ìd5=) Êb7 16. Íc5!? Ìc5 17. dc5 Ìg2 18.
Ìg5§] Íbd7 12. Ëfc1 N [12. Ëfd1 Êb8!?
H T F 1 Å c5; 12. Ëac1] Íe4 13. Ìe1 c5 14. dc5 [14.
YfGt1 1 Ìd3 Êb8|] Ídc5 [14... Íec5!?] 15. Ífd4
Íb3 16. Íb3 Êb6 17. f3 Íd6 [17... Íc5=]
1h1 H 1 18. Ìd3 Ìd5 19. Íd4 [19. Íd2!? Ìf6 (19...
1 1sHhH f5 20. Ìf2 Êb7 21. e4 fe4 22. fe4 Ìc6 23.
Êg4¢) 20. Ìf2 Ìb2!? (20... Êb7 21. Íf1¢)
1 Dd1 A 21. e4 Êb7 22. ed5 Ìa1 23. Ëa1 Êd5 24.
Ìc2 (24. Íc4 Íc4 25. Ìc4 Êg5|) Ëac8
21. Íce6! fe6 22. Ìe6 Íe6 23. Ëc8 Ìc8 24. 25. Íb3Õ] e5 20. Íf5 [Ä 20. Íb5 Ëad8 21.
Êc4 Í4c5 [24... Ëd8 25. Ëc1 Íd2 26. Êc2 Ìg3 Ìg5 22. Ëe1 Íb5 23. ab5 (23. Ìb5?!

e4£) Ëfe8=] Íf5 21. Ìf5 g6 22. Ìd3 Ëfc8 25. d5 Íe5 26. Ëa7¥] Íb4 25. a3 Íd3 26. e5
23. Ëc8 [23. Ìf2 Ìb3£] Ëc8 24. Ìa6 Ëb8?! [26... Èh7!?] 27. Èh2?! [27. Èf1¥]
Èh7 28. Èg3 Ëf8 [28... Ëb3! 29. Ìg5 hg5
1e1 1q1 30. Èg4 Ëa3 31. Èg5 Ëa4 a) 32. e6 Ëd4! 33.
Ëd7 Ëd7 (33... Íc5 34. e7 Ëe4 35. Ëd5=)
1 1 Ry1y 34. ed7 Íe5
fW 1 1y1 1
1 1 1
Y 1rY 1 1 1h1 Yq
hY 1 1 1 y1 1 1 1
1 1 Hh1 1 1 T A
H 1s1hH 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1h
D 1 F A 1 1 Hh1
24... Ëa8 [24... Ëc5! 25. Ìd3 (25. Ìf2 1 1 1 1
e4»+) e4 26. Ìe4 Ìe4 27. fe4 Êe6¤]
1/2 : 1/2 Va. Stoica 35. d8Í a5 36. Èf4 a4 37. Íe6ì a3 38. Íd4
a2 39. Íb3 Íc4=; b) 32. Ëd7 Ëa2 33. f3
Ëg2 34. Èf5 Ëg3 35. Èe4 Íf2 36. Èe3
136. D 35 Íh3 37. e6 Èg6 38. d5 Íg5 39. e7 Ëf3 40.
Èe2 Èf7 41. d6 Ëf6 42. Ëd8 Ëe6 43. Èf1
Íh7 44. Ëa8 Ëf6=] 29. Ëc6 Ìf4 [Ä 29...
— S. GANGULY 2654
Ìe3 30. fe3 Íf2]
Edmonton 2016
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 d5 4. cd5 Íd5 5.
1 1 E 1
e4 Íc3 6. bc3 c5 7. Ëb1 Ìe7 8. Ìc4 0»0 9. 1 1 1 Yq
Íe2 N [9. Íf3 Ñ 9/451] Íc6 10. 0»0 b6 11. y1d1 1 Y
Ìe3 Ìb7 12. Íf4 [12. dc5? Íe5 13. Êa4
Ìe4 14. Ëbd1 Êc7¤] cd4 13. cd4 Ëc8?! 1 1 H 1
[13... Ía5 14. Ìd3 Ëc8=] 14. Íe6! fe6 15. 1 H R 1
Ìe6 Èh8 16. Ìc8 Êc8 17. Êa4 b5?! [17...
Ìd6 18. Ëbc1 Êa8 19. Ëfd1¢] H 1tF Ah
1w1 E Q 1 1 Hh1
Yr1 R Yy 1 1 1 1
1t1 1 1 30. Èf3! [30. Ìf4 Íf4 31. Ëd6 a5 32. Èh2
g5=] Íe1 [Ä 30... Ìg5 31. Èe2 Íf4 32.
1y1 1 1 Ìf4 Ëf4 33. Ëc4 Ëe4 34. Èd3 Ëe1 35. g3¥]
s1 Hh1 1 31. Èe4 Íg2 32. d5 Íe3 33. fe3 Ìg3 [33...
Ìg5 34. d6 Ëf1 35. Èd5 Ëe1 (35... Ëd1
1 1 F 1 36. Èe6 Ìe3 37. Èd7+») 36. e4 Èg6 37.
h1 1 HhH a4+»] 34. d6+» Ëe8?! [34... Èg6 35. a4]
35. d7 Ëd8 36. e6 Ìh4 37. Èd5 Èg8 38.
1d1 1dA Ëa6 [38. Ëc8? Èf8 39. Ëc4 Ìg5; 38. Ëc4!
Ìg5 39. Ëc8 Èf8 40. Èd6] Èf8 39. Ëa4
18. Ëb5! Ìa6 19. Ëfb1 [19. h3!?] Ìb5 20. Ìf6 [Ä 39... Ìg5] 40. Ëc4 Èe7 41. Ëc8
Êb5 h6 21. h3 a6 [21... Íd8!?] 22. Êb7 Ìg5 42. a4 Ìe3 43. a5 h5 44. Èc6
Êb7 23. Ëb7 Ìg5 24. Ëc7?! [24. Ìg5 hg5 1:0 T. Paunovi

137.* D 36 138. D 37
— B]NSCH 2545 — V. TOPALOV 2761
Radebeul 2016 Saint Louis 2016
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 d5 4. cd5 ed5 5. 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. Íc3 Ìe7 5.
Ìg5 Ìe7 6. Êc2 Íbd7 7. e3 c6 8. Ìd3 Ìf4 0»0 6. Êc2 c5 7. dc5 Ía6 8. Ëd1 [8. e3
Íh5 9. Ìe7 Êe7 10. Íge2 g6 11. 0»0 [11. Ñ 117/137] Íc5 9. cd5 Íd5!? N [9... ed5]
0-0-0 Íb6 12. Èb1 Íg7 13. Íf4 (13. Íg3 10. e4
Ñ 56/447) Ìf5 14. Èa1 0-0-0 N (14... Ìd3)
15. a4 Èb8 16. Ìf5 Íf5 17. Íd3 Íc4 18. b3 e1rW Eq1
Ícd6= Ch. Sandipan 2574 — Kasimdzha- Yy1 RyYy
nov 2704, Deutschland 2016] 0»0 12. Ëab1
[12. Ëae1 Ñ 123/134] Íb6 13. b4 a6 14. a4 1 1y1 1
Íg7 15. a5 Íd7 16. Ía4 f5 N [16... Íf6; 1 Tt1 1
16... Ëb8] 17. Ëfe1 Íf6 18. Íg3 [18. Íf4!?
g5 (18... Íge8 19. Íb6 Ëb8 20. b5!? ab5 21. 1 1hF 1
Ìb5 Íc7 22. Ìe2¢) 19. Íe2¢] Íge8 19. f3 1 G 1g1
Íd6 20. Íc5 Êg7 21. Ëbd1 Èh8 22. Íe2¢
Ìd7 23. Íf4 Ëae8 24. Ìf1 [24. h4!?¢] Ìc8 hHs1 HhH
25. Êc1?! g5! 26. Ífd3 Íh5 [Ä 26... g4] 1 1dAf1d
27. f4? [27. Íe5 g4 28. Ìe2¢] gf4 28. Íe5
[28. Íf4 Íf4 29. ef4 Ëe1 30. Ëe1 Êd4 31. 10... Íf4! [10... Íb4 11. Êb1 Êa5 12. a3
Êe3 Êe3 32. Ëe3 Íe4¤] fe3 29. Êe3 Íe4 Íc6 a) 13. Ìb5!? e5!? 14. Íe5 Ìf6 15. Ëd5
30. Ìe2 [30. Êc1!?] Ëg8 [30... f4 31. Êb3 (15. Íc4 Ìc3 16. bc3 Êc3 17. Ìd2 Êd3 18.
Íhf6¤] 31. Ìf3 Ëef8 [31... f4!?] 32. Ëf1 Êd3 Íd3 19. Èe2 Íd4 20. Èd3 Íb5 21.
[Ä 32. Ëe2 f4 33. Êc1 (33. Êb3?! Íhf6¤) Ìb4 Ëd8 22. Èe3 Ëd1 23. Ëd1 Ìe6 24.
Íhf6 34. Ëf1 Íg5£] f4 33. Êb3 Ía5 b6 25. Íc6 a5 26. Ìe7 Ìb3=) Íe5 16.
Ëc5 Íg6 17. Ìe3 b6 18. Ëc7!? Ìe5 19. a4
1r1 EeQ Êb4 20. Ëc4 Êd6 21. Ëc6 Êb8 22. Íd5
1y1 1 Wy Ìb7§; b) 13. Ìe2 Ía4 14. Ìd2 Íc3 15.
Ìc3 Êc7 16. Ëc1¢] 11. Ëd8 Ëd8 12. Íe5?!
y1y1 1 1 [12. g3 Ícd3 13. Ìd3 Íd3 14. Èf1 b6 15.
Èg2 Ìb7=] Ìf6 [12... f6!?] 13. Íb5 [13.
H GyG 1t Íg4 Ífd3 (13... Ìe7 14. Íe5=) 14. Ìd3
H HtY 1 Íd3 15. Èe2 Ìc3 16. Êc3 b6 17. Ëd1 Ìa6
18. Èf3 f5 19. ef5 ef5 20. Íe3 f4!Õ] b6! 14.
1s1 1f1 b4 Ìe5 15. bc5 a6 16. Íd6?! [16. Ía3?
1 1 1hH Ìd7 17. f3 Ëac8»+; 16. g3 ab5 17. gf4 Ìf4
18. Ìb5 bc5 19. 0»0 Ìb7î; 16. Íc3 Ìd4
1 1d1dA 17. g3 Íg6Õ] bc5?! [16... Ìd4! 17. e5 (17.
g3 Ìc5 18. gf4 Ìd6¤) bc5 18. g3 Íg6 19.
33... Íg5!¤ [33... Íd6!?; 33... Íhf6!?] 34. Ìe2 (19. Ìg2 Ëb8 20. 0»0 Íe5 21. Íc8
Ëd2 [34. Ìh5?? Íh3»+] Íf6 35. Ëb2 Ëdc8¤) Íe5 20. Íc8 Ëdc8 21. 0»0 Ëab8¤]
Ífe4 36. Êd1 [36. Ëe1!?] Êh6!? [36... Íf3 17. Íc4 Ìd4 18. g3 Íg6 19. Ìe2 Ìd7= 20.
37. Ëf3 Íg5»+] 37. Ícd3? [37. Ëe1 Íf3! 0»0 Ìb5 21. Ía5! Íe5 22. Ëd1 Ëab8 23.
38. Êf3 Íg5»+] Íh3! [38. Èh1 Íg3 39. Èg2 Ìe2?! [23... Ëdc8 24. f4 Íd7 25. Íb3
hg3 Íf2 40. Èg1 Íd1] 0:1 Íf6 26. Ìb5 (26. Ìf3 Ìa4=) ab5 27. Íd4
T. Paunovi cd4 28. Êb2 (28. Êd3 Ëc4î) Íe4 29. Ëd4

Íc3=; 23... Ìd7!?] 24. Êe2 Ëb5 25. Íb3 140. !N D 38
h6 26. Ëd2 [26. Êc2!?] Íc6 27. Êc4¢ e5
28. a4 Ëb4 29. Êa6 Ëb3 30. Êc6 Ëa3 31. SERGEY KARJAKIN 2773
Êa6 [31. f4!? ef4 32. gf4¢] Ëb8 32. a5 c4 — M. CARLSEN 2855
33. Êc4 Ëa5= 34. Èh3 Ëc5 35. Êe2 Ëcb5 Bilbao 2016
36. f4 Ëb4 37. Êd1 Ëb1 38. Êh5 Ë1b5 39.
Êe2 Ëb4 40. Êd1 Ëb1 41. Êh5 Ë1b5 42. 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. Íc3 Ìb4 5.
Êd1 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
Êa4 Íc6 6. e3 0»0 7. Êc2 Ëe8 8. Ìd2 a6
[8... Ìf8 Ñ 116/144] 9. a3 Ìd6 10. h3
Ìd7! N [10... h6] 11. cd5 [11. Ëd1 e5 12.
139. D 37 cd5 (12. de5?! Íe5 13. cd5 Íf3 14. gf3
Ëc8§) ed4 13. dc6 dc3 14. cd7 cd2 15. Ëd2
ANTéN GUIJARRO 2627 Êd7=] ed5 12. Ìd3 Ía7 13. Êb3?! [13.
— V. ANAND 2770 0»0 Íb5 14. Ía4 Íe4 15. Íc5 Ìc5 16.
León (m/3-rapid) 2016 dc5 Êf6Õ; 13... Êe7Õ] c6 14. Êb7 [14. a4
Ëb8£; 14. 0»0 Íe4£] Íb5 15. Íb5
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìe7 4. Íf3 Íf6 5.
Ìf4 0»0 6. e3 Íbd7 7. c5 c6 8. h3 b6 9. b4 e1 We1q1
a5 10. a3 h6 11. Êc1 [11. Ìd3 Ñ 128/146, 1s1r1yYy
147] Ìb7 12. Ìd3 Êc8 13. 0»0 Ìa6 14.
Ìa6 Êa6!? N [14... Ëa6] 15. Êb2 Ëfc8 y1yR T 1
[15... Êb7!?] 16. Ëfc1 Ìd8 17. Ëab1 ab4 1g1y1 1
18. ab4 Êb7 19. Íd2 Ìc7 [19... bc5 20. bc5
Êb2 21. Ëb2 Ëa3=] 20. Ìc7 Êc7 21. Íb3 1 H 1 1
bc5 22. bc5 e5î 23. Êc2 ed4 24. ed4 Íf8 H 1fHg1h
[24... Íh5!?] 25. Ëe1 Íe6 26. Êd2 Ëcb8
27. Ía1 H F Hh1
eE 1 1q1 D 1 A 1d
1 W 1yY 15... ab5 [15... cb5! 16. 0»0 (16. Ëc1? Ëe7!
17. 0»0 Ìe8»+; 16. Íe5 Ëe7 17. Íc6
1y1tT Y Ìc6 18. Êc6 Ëc7»+) Ìc7! (16... Ëe7?!
1 Hy1 1 17. Ìa5! Êe8 18. Ìb4 Ìb4 19. ab4 Ìf5 20.
Êa8 Êa8 21. Ìf5Õ) 17. Íe5 Ëb8 18. Êa7
1 H 1 1 (18. Êa6 Ëe6 19. Êa7 Ìb6¤) Ìb6 19.
1 G 1 1h Êa6 Ëa8 20. Êa8 Êa8 21. Íd7 Íd7 22.
Ìb5 Ëd8£] 16. Íe5 Ëb8 [16... Ìe5 17.
1 S Hh1 de5 Ëe5=] 17. Êa6 Ëa8 18. Êb7 Ëb8 19.
Êa6 Ëa8 1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis
Gd1 D A
27... Íe4 [27... Ëa3!£] 28. Íe4 de4 29. Íc2 141. D 38
Ëb1 30. Ëb1Õ Ëa2 31. Ëe1? [31. Êc3 Êf4; A. GIRI 2790 — HOU YIFAN 2663
31... Íf4] Êb8? [31... Íd4 32. Êd4 Ëc2 Shamkir 2016
33. Êe4 Ëc5£] 32. Êb4 Êa8 [32... Êf4!?]
33. Êb3 Ëa4 34. Êe3 Êa5? 35. Êe4? [35. 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. Íc3 Ìb4 5.
Ëb1!¥] Ëc4? [35... Êd2=] 36. Ëb1!¥ Êc7 Ìg5 h6 6. Ìf6 Êf6 7. Êb3 c5 8. cd5 ed5 9.
[36... Êc5 37. Ëb8 Íf8 38. Êe8 Êd6 39. a3 Ìc3 10. Êc3 Íd7 11. g3 0»0 12. Ìg2
Ëd8] 37. Ëa1! Êb7 38. Êd3+» Êb5 39. Ëe8 13. e3 [13. 0»0 Ñ 84/(347)] b6 14. 0»0
Ëa8 Íf8 40. Èh2 Ëc5 41. Ëf8! 1:0 Ìb7 15. Ëfc1 a5 N [15... c4; 15... Ëac8; 15...
Dembo Êe7] 16. dc5 Êc3 17. Ëc3 Íc5 18. Ëac1¢

Èf8 19. Íd4 Ëad8 20. Ìf1 Ëe7 21. Ìb5 g6 142. D 39
22. b4 ab4 23. ab4 Íe4 [23... Íe6!?] 24.
Ëc7 Íd6 25. Ëe7 Èe7 26. Ëc7 Èf8 27. W. SO 2770 — M. CARLSEN 2855
Ìd3 Ëb8 28. g4 Èe8 29. Ìb5 Èf8 30. Ìd7 Bilbao 2016
Ìc8 31. h3 Ìd7 32. Ëd7 Íe4 33. Íc6 Ëa8
34. Íe5 [34. Ëd5?! Ëa2 35. f4 Íf2 36. Èg2 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. Íc3 Ìb4 5.
Ìg5 h6 6. Ìf6 Êf6 7. e3 0»0 8. Ëc1 dc4 9.
Íg4 37. Èf3 Íf6=] Ëa1 35. Èg2 Ëa2 36. Ìc4 c5 10. 0»0 cd4 11. Íd4 Ìd7 12. Êb3
Ëf7 Èg8 37. h4 Ëb2 38. Ëf4 Èg7 39. Íc6 Íc6 13. Íc6 Ìc3 14. Êb7 [14. Ía7 Ñ
b5 40. Íd8 [40. Èg1!? Ëb1 41. Èh2 Ëb2 70/(392); 14. Êc3 Êc3? 15. Íe7 Èh8 16.
42. Èg2Â g5 43. hg5 hg5 44. Ëf5 Èh6 45. Ëc3 Ëfe8 17. Íd5 ed5 18. Ìd5+»; 14...
Èg1 Ëb1 46. Èh2 Ëb2 47. Èg2 Èg7 48. Ìc6] Ìc6 15. Êc6 Ìb2= 16. Ëc2 Ëac8
Íd4¢] Ëb4 41. Íe6 Èg8 42. Ëf8 [Ä 42.
Íc7] Èh7 43. Ëf7 Èh8 44. Ëf8 Èh7 45. 1e1 Eq1
Ëf7 Èh8 46. f3 Y 1 1yY
1 1 Q 1s1yW Y
1 1 1d1 1 1 1 1
1 1g1yY 1f1 1 1
1y1y1 1 1 1 H 1
E 1t1hH hRd1 HhH
1 1 Hh1 1 1 1dA
1 1 1a1 17. Êa4 N [17. Êb7] Ëc7 18. Ìd3 [18. Ëb1
1 1 1 1 Ìe5 19. g3 (19. f4?! Ìd6 20. Ìf1 Ìc5 21.
Èh1 Êe7 22. Ëbc1 Ëfc8 23. Ìd3 g6î) g6=]
46... Ëb2! 47. Èh3 Ëe2 [47... Íc3!?] 48. Ëc2 19. Ìc2 Ëc8 20. Ëd1 Êc3 21. Ìb3
Ëf8 Èh7 49. Ëf7 Èh8 50. Ëf8 Èh7 51. fe4 Êc5 [21... a5 22. g3 g6=] 22. g3 Ìf6 23.
Ëd7 Ëc7 24. Ëc7 Êc7 25. Êe8 Èh7 26. h4
Ëe3 52. Èh2 Ëe4 53. Ëf7 Èh8 54. Ëf8 Èh7
g6 27. Êa8 Èg7 28. Èg2 h5 29. Êe4 a5 30.
55. Ëf7 Èh8 56. Íc7 Èg8 57. Ëd7 Ëg4 58. Ìa4 Êc5 31. Êb7 Êb4 32. Êb4 ab4 33.
Èh3 Ëc4 59. Íd5 Èf8 60. Íf6 Ëc6! 61. Èf3 Ìc3 34. Èg2 Ìe1 35. Èf1 Ìc3 36.
Íg4 Ëb6 [61... Ëc3!? 62. Èg2 Ëc4 63. Èf3 Èg2 Ìe1 37. Èf1 Ìc3 38. Èg2
h5=] 62. Íh6 b4 63. Ëf7 Èe8 64. Ëf2 b3 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
65. Ëb2 Èe7= 66. Íg4 Èe6 67. Ëe2 Èf7
68. Ëb2 Èe6 69. Èg3 Ëb5 70. Íf2 Èf6 71. 143. D 44
Íe4 Èg7 72. Íg5 Èh6 73. Íf3 Ëb4 74.
Èf2 [74. Íd2 Èh5 75. Íb3=] Èh5 75. HI. NAKAMURA 2791
Èe3 Ëb8 76. Èe4 Ëb4 77. Èd5 Èg4 78. — A. GIRI 2769
Íe5 Èh5 79. Íf3 Èg4 80. Èc5 Ëb8 81. Saint Louis 2016
Íe5 Èh5 82. Íc6 Ëb7 83. Ía5 Ëb8 84.
Íc6 Ëb7 85. Íe5 Ëb8 86. Èc4 Ëc8 87. 1. Íf3 d5 2. d4 Íf6 3. c4 e6 4. Íc3 c6 5.
Ìg5 dc4 6. a4 Ìb4 7. e4 Êa5 [7... h6 Ñ
Èd4 Ëb8 88. Èc3 Ëb5 89. Íf3 Ëb8 90.
120/154] 8. Ìd2 c5 9. Ìc4 cd4 10. Íd4 0»0
Íd4 Èh4 91. Íb3 g5 92. Ëh2 Èg3 93. Ëh7 [10... Êc5 Ñ 53/(413)] 11. Íc2 Íc6 12.
g4 94. Íd2 Ëg8 95. Èd3 Èg2 96. Íc4 Ëf8 Íb4 Êb4 13. b3 Êe7 14. 0»0 Ëd8 15. Ëe1
97. Íd2 g3 98. Ëg7 Ëa8 99. Èe3 Ëa3 100. Íe5 16. Ìf1 Ìd7 N [16... b6] 17. Êe2 Ìc6
Èf4 Èg1 101. Íc4 g2 102. Ía3 Èf2 103. 18. Ìg5 [18. f4? Íd3 19. Ëed1 e5¤; 18.
Ëg2 Èg2 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi f3!?] h6 19. Ìh4 Íg6 20. Ìg3 Ëd7?! [20...

Êb4! 21. Êc4 (21. Êe3 Íh5=) Êc4 22. Rapport 2671 — Eljanov 2723, Biel 2015]
Ìc4 Íh5=] 21. f3 Ëad8 22. Êe3 a6 [22... 9. Ëg4 Êf3 10. Ëg7 Íf6 11. Ëg5 Êh1 [11...
Íh5!? 23. Ìf2 (23. Êa7?! Íg3 24. hg3 Íe4 Ñ 99/300] 12. Ìd2 [12. f4 Ìb4 13.
Íe5§) Íhf4 24. Ëad1 (24. Êa7 Êf6 25. Ëg2 (13. Ìd2 Êh2) Ìd7 14. Ìd2 0-0-0 15.
Êa5 Íd3 26. Ìd3 Ëd3§) e5|] 23. Ëab1¢ 0-0-0 Ëdg8] Ìd7 13. 0-0-0 Êh2 14. f4 N
Êb4 24. Ëec1 [24. Ìf2!?] e5 25. Ìe1 Êe7 [14. Ëg2 Êh4 15. f3 0-0-0 16. e4 Ìf4 (16...
[25... Êd4 26. Íd1¥] 26. Ía2 [26. b4!?] de4) 17. e5Õ; 14. f3]
Ëd4 27. Ìa5 Ë8d7 28. Ìc3 Ìe4 [Ä 28...
Íe4 29. fe4 Ëe4 30. Êg3 h5¢] 29. fe4 Ëe4 e1 1q1 E
30. Êa7¥ b5? [30... Íf4¥] 31. Êa6 Íg4 32.
h3 [32. Ëb2!?+»] Êc5 33. Èh1 Íf2 34. Yy1r1y1y
Èh2+» Êe3 35. Ëe1 Êf4 36. g3 Êf5 37. 1yRyT 1
Ìg2 Ëh4? [37... Ëe1] 38. Êa8 Èh7 39.
Êf3?? [39. gh4 Ëd3 40. Ëb2 Íh4 (40... Ëh3 1 1y1 D
41. Èg1) 41. Ëf1 Íg2 42. Êg2 Êf4 43. 1hH H 1
Èg1 Íh3 44. Êh3 Ëg3 45. Êg3 Êg3 46.
Ëg2 Êe3 47. Èh2] 1 G H 1
1 1 1 hHsF 1 W
1 1e1yYq 1 Ad1f1
1 1 1tY 14... Ëg8! 15. Ìd3 0-0-0 16. cd5 ed5 [Ä
1y1 Yw1 16... Ëg5 17. fg5 Íd5 18. Íe4 Ìe7] 17.
Íb5 [RR 17. Íd5 Íd5 (17... Ëg5 18. Íf6
h1 1 1 E Ëg1 19. Íd7 Èd7 20. Êb3 Ëd1 21. Èd1
1hF 1sHh Èc7 22. Êf7 Ëd7 23. Êf5§) 18. Ëd5 Ìg4
19. Ëf1 Èb8 20. Ëg5Õ] Ìb8?! [17... Ìe7!
g1 1 TfA 18. Ëe5 (18. Ía7 Èb8) Èb8! 19. Ëe7 cb5¤]
18. Êc5 b6 19. Ía7 [19. Íd6 Èc7 20. Êa3
1d1 D 1 Ëg5 21. Íf7! Ëgg8 22. Êd6 Èb7 23. Íd8
Ëd8 24. Êf6 Ìc7Õ] Èb7 20. Êe7 Êh6 21.
39... Ëh3 [39... Íg4 40. Èg1 Êf3 41. Ìf3 Íc6 Èc6?! [21... Ëde8 22. Êa3 Ìc6 23.
Ëh3 42. Ìg4 Ëg3 43. Èf2 Ëg4=] 40. Èg1 Êa6 Èc7 24. Èb1] 22. Èb1 [22. Êa3! Ìg4!
Êf3 41. Ìf3 Íd3? [41... Íg4 Ñ 39... Íg4] 23. Ëf1!! (23. Ëe1 Ëg5 24. fg5 Êg5 25. e4
42. Ëe3!¥ Ëg3 43. Èh2 Ëf3 44. Ëf3 ba4 Ìf4 26. Êa4 Èb7 27. Êa6 Èc7 28. Êa7
45. ba4 e4 46. Ëf5 Íh4 47. Ëfb5 Íf4 48. Èc6 29. Êa4=) Íe4
Ë5b4 Ëd3 49. Ëe4 g5?! [49... Ëf3!?] 50.
Ëf4! gf4 51. Ëf1 Íf3 52. Èh1 Èg6 53. R1e1 E
a5+» Èf5 54. a6 Íg5 55. a7 Ëh3 56. Èg1
Ëg3 57. Èf2 Íe4 58. Èe1 Ëg8 59. Ìd4 1 1 1y1y
Èg4 60. Ìe5 1:0 T. Paunovi Yq1 1 W
1 1y1 D
144.* D 45 1 HtHr1
WEI YI 2694 — S 1fH 1
hH F 1 1
Tashkent 2016
1 A 1d1
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. e3 Íf6 4. Íc3 e6 5. Íf3
Íbd7 6. Êc2 Ìd6 7. g4 Íg4 8. Ëg1 Êf6 a) 24. Ìe4 de4 25. Êa8 Èc7 26. Èb1 Ëg5
[8... Íh2 9. Íh2 Ìh2 10. Ëg7 Íf8 11. Ëg2 27. fg5 Êg5 (27... Êe6 28. Ëc1 Èd7 29. d5
Ìd6 12. e4 Íg6 13. Ìg5 Ìe7 14. Ìe3 N Êg6 30. Ìc3 Êg5 31. Êc6 Èe7 32. Ìb4
(14. Ìe7 Ñ 103/310) de4 15. 0-0-0 f5Õ R. Ìd6 33. Êc7 Èe8 34. Ìd6 Ëc8 35. Êb6

Êd5 36. Ìc5Õ) a1) 28. Ëf7 Ìd7 (28... Èf5 57. a4 ba4 58. Ëa4 Èg4 59. Ëa7 Ìh4
Ëd7? 29. Ëf1 Ëd8 30. Ìb4+») 29. d5 Êg6 60. Ëb7 Èf3 61. b5 Ëh5 62. b6 Ëb5 63. Èa3
30. Ìc3 Ëc8 31. Ìe5 (31. Ëg7 Êf5 32. Êc6 Ìd8 64. f5 Ëf5 65. Ìb4 Èe3 66. Ìc5 Ëf1
Èd8 33. Êb6 Èe8 34. Ëg8 Èf7 35. Ëg7 67. Ëb8 Ëa1 68. Èb2 Ëb1 69. Èa3 [69.
Èe8 36. Ëg8 Èf7 37. Ëc8 Êf1 38. Èc2 Èa2 Ìg5 (69... Ìh4 70. b7 Ìe1»+) 70. b7
Êd3=) Èd8 32. Ëf8 Èe7 33. Ëc8 Ìe5; a2) Èd2»+] Ìg5 70. d5 Èe2 71. Ìb4 Ìc1 72.
28. Ëc1 Èd7 29. Êc6 Èe7 30. Ìb4 Ìd6 31. Èa4 Ìd2 73. Ìd2 Èd2 74. b7 e3 0:1
Êc7 Èe8 32. Ìd6 Ëc8 33. Ìf4! Êd5 34. S. P. Sethuraman
Êe5=; b) 24. Ëd5 Íd2 25. Êa8 Èc7; c) 24.
Ëg8 Ëg8 25. Êa8 Èc7 26. Êd5 Íd2 27. 145. D 46
Êf7 Ìd7 28. Èd2 Ëg2; d) 24. Ìb4!! Íg5
d1) 25. Êa8 Èc7 26. Èb1 Ëc8! (26... Êc6
— D. SENGUPTA 2543
27. Ëc1 Êc1 28. Èc1 Íe4 29. Ìa6 Ìc8 30.
Ìc8 Èc8 31. Êc6 Ìc7 32. Êa8 Ìb8=) Tashkent 2016
27. f5!! (27. Ëc1 Èd8»+; 27. Êd5 Ìd7 1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Íc3 Íf6 4. Íf3 e6 5. e3
28. Ìa6 Ëge8!! 29. Ëc1 Ìc6 30. fg5 Êg6) Íbd7 6. Ìd3 dc4 7. Ìc4 b5 8. Ìd3 Ìd6 9.
Êc6ì (27... Èd8 28. Êd5 Ìd6 29. f6+») 0»0 Ìb7 10. a3 0»0 11. Êc2 h6 12. e4 e5
28. Ëc1 Êc1 29. Èc1 Ìf3Õ; d2) 25. fg5 13. h3 [13. de5 Ñ 104/(273)] Ëe8 [13... a6
Êg5 26. Èb1! (26. Êa8 Èc7 27. Èd2!! Ëc8 14. de5 Íe5 15. Íe5 Ìe5 16. Ìe3 Ëe8
28. Ëc1 Èd7 29. Ìb5 Èd8 30. Ëc8 Ìc8 31. (16... c5 17. Ìc5 Ëe8 18. Ëad1 Êc7 19.
Êb8¥) Èd7! 27. Êa4 Èe6 28. Êc6 Ìd6 Íd5) 17. f4 Ìc3 18. bc3 c5 19. e5 c4 20.
(28... Ëd6 29. Ìd6 Ìd6 30. e4 Èe7 31. e5 Ìf5] 14. de5 Íe5 15. Íe5 Ìe5 16. Ìe3
Ìe5 32. de5 Êe5 33. Êb6¥) 29. e4 f6 Ìd4?! [16... Êc7] 17. Ìd4 N [17. Ëfe1]
Êd4 18. Ëad1 Êb6 19. Ëfe1 Ëe7 20. Ëe3
E 1e1 [20. Èh2! Ëae8 (20... Ëd8 21. e5) 21. f4
1 1 1 1y Íd5 (21... a5 22. e5 Íd5 23. Íd5 cd5 24.
YsRqY 1 Êe2¥ Å Ìb1, Êd3) 22. Íd5 cd5 23. e5 f6
24. Ìh7 Èh8 25. Ìg6] Ëae8 21. Êe2 a5?
1 1y1 W [21... a6 22. e5 Íd5 23. Íd5 cd5 24. Êh5
F Hh1r1 (24. Êe1!? d4 25. Ëe2 Ìd5 26. f4 f6 27.
1 1f1 1 Ìg6 Ëd8 28. Ìd3 Ëde8 29. Êg3) d4 25.
Ëe2 g6 26. Êh6 Ëe5 27. Ëe5 Ëe5 28. Ìf1]
hH 1 1 1 22. e5 Íd7 [22... Íd5 23. Íd5 cd5 24. Ìb5
1a1 1d1 d4 25. Ëg3 Ëe5 26. Êg4 Ëg5 27. Ìe8 Ëg4
28. Ëg4¢; 24. f4!¢ ^b5] 23. Ìf5 Íe5 [23...
30. Èa1!! (30. e5 fe5 31. de5 Êe3! 32. Ìh7 Íf8 24. Íe4¥]
Èe5 33. Ìc3 d4 34. Êb6 Ìf3Õ; 30. ed5 Èf7
31. Ìd6 Ìd7) Èf7 31. Ìd6 de4 32. Ìe4¥î] 1 1e1q1
Èb7 23. Ëc1 Ìc7 24. Ëf5 Íe4 [24... Êg6
25. Êf6 Ìf5 26. Êf5 Êf5 27. Ìf5 h5£] 25. 1r1 EyY
Ìe4 de4 26. Ëf6 Ëg6 [Ä 26... Êf8 27. Êe4 Wy1 1 Y
Èb8 28. Êh7 Êg7¤] 27. Ëf7 Ëc6 28. Ëh7
[28. Êe4 Êg6 29. Êg6 hg6 30. e4] Ëc1 29. Yy1 Tf1
Ìc1 Êc6 30. Ëh2 Ëc8 31. Ëh7 Ìe6 [Ä 31... 1 1 1 1
Ìg4»+ Å Ìe2-d3] 32. b3 Èb8 33. Èb2
Ìf5 34. Ëf7 Ìe6 35. Ëh7 Ëg8 36. Ëg7 Ëe8 H G D 1h
37. Êb4 Ëh8 38. Êc3 Ëh2 39. Ìd2 Êc3 40. H 1sHh1
Èc3 b5 41. a3 Ìa5! 42. b4 Ìc7 43. Ëg6
Ìd5 44. Ëg5 Ìc4 45. Ëg1 Ìd3 46. Ëa1 1 1d1 A
Ìd6 47. Ëg1 Èc7 48. Ëg7 Èc6 49. Ëg1 Ëf2
50. Ëh1 Ëg2 51. Ëa1 Èd5 52. Ëh1 Ìe7 53. 24. Ìd7! Ëd7 25. Ëd7 Ìc8 26. Ëd6 Êc5
Ëa1 Ëh2 54. Ëg1 Èe6 55. Ëa1 Ëh8 56. Èb2 27. Íe4 Êa7 28. Ëh6 [28. Êh5] gh6 29.

Íf6 Èf8 30. Íe8 Íc4 31. Ëe4 Ìf5 32. Ëf4 Ìc4 b5 10. Ìe2 Êe7 [10... Ìb7 Ñ 128/158]
Ìg6 33. Íf6 Êe7 34. Êg4 Êe6 35. Êd1 11. a3 a6 12. Íg5 N [12. Ìd2] Ìb7 13. Ìf3
Êe7 36. Íd7 Èe8 37. Íf6 Èf8 38. b3! Íe5 Ëfc8 [13... h6 14. Íge4 c5Õ] 14. Ìd2 h6
[38... Ía3 39. Êd4] 39. Íe4 Èg7 40. Êd4 15. Íge4 Íe4
h5 41. b4 a4 42. Íf6 1:0
S. P. Sethuraman e1e1 1q1
146.* D 46
S. P. SETHURAMAN 2653 y1yRy1 Y
— SHIROV 2682 1y1 1 1
Edmonton 2016 1 Ht1 1
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Íc3 Íf6 4. e3 e6 5. Íf3
Íbd7 6. Ìd3 dc4 7. Ìc4 b5 8. Ìd3 Ìb7 9.
H G Hf1
a3 Ìd6 10. 0»0 0»0 11. Êc2 Ëc8 12. b4 c5 HsF HhH
13. bc5 Ìf3 14. cd6 Íd5 15. gf3 Êg5 [15... D 1 1dA
Íc3 Ñ 116/(150)] 16. Èh1 Êh5 17. Ìe2
Íc3 18. Ëg1 Íf6 [18... Ëfd8 N 19. e4 e5 20.
Ìe3 (20. Ìg5!?) Íe2 21. Êe2 ed4 22. Ìd4 16. Ìe4?! [16. Íe4 a) 16... Ìc7?! 17. Ìb4¥;
Íe5= J. Gustafsson 2629 — Anton Smirnov b) 16... Ìb8 17. b4 (17. Ìb4 c5 18. dc5 Ìd5
2479, Bangkok 2016] 19. Ìb2 Ía4 N [19... 19. Ëfd1 a5 20. Ìc3 Íc5=) e5 18. Ëad1¢;
Ífe4 20. Ëg2 Íe2 21. Êe4 g6 22. Ëe1 Íc3 c) 16... c5! 17. dc5 (17. Ìc3 cd4 18. ed4 Ìd5
23. Êe5¥; 19... Íce4] 20. Êd2 Ëfd8 21. e4 19. Ëfe1 Íb6£) Íc5 18. Íd6 Ìf3 19. gf3
Ëd6? [21... Íb2 22. Êb2 Êh4 23. e5 Íd5 (19. Íc8? Êg5 20. Íe7 Èh8 21. g3 Êg4»+)
24. Ëg4 Êh5 25. Ëc1 Ëc1 26. Êc1 f6 27. Êd6 20. Ìb4 a5£] Íf6 17. Ëfd1 c5 18. Ìb7
Êd2¥; 21... Êh4 22. e5 Íd5 23. Ëg4 Êh5ì Êb7£ 19. Ìe1 cd4 20. Ëd4 Ìe5 21. Ëd3
24. Ëag1 g6¥] Íe4 22. Ëc1 a5 23. Êd1 Íc5 24. Ëd2 a4 25.
Ëcc2 Ìf6 26. Êf3 b4 [Ä 26... Êf3 27. gf3
1e1 1q1 Íb3£] 27. ab4 [Ä 27. Êb7 Íb7 28. Íe4]
Êb4 28. Íd1?!
Y 1 1yYy
1 EyT 1 e1e1 1q1
1y1 1 1w 1 1 1yY
t1 Hh1 1 1 1yR Y
H 1 1h1 1 T 1 1
F SfH H yW 1 1 1
D 1 1 Da 1 1 Hs1
22. e5! [22... Êe5 23. Êh6+»] 1:0
T. Paunovi
1 1gF A
28... Íd3! 29. Ëc8 Ëc8 30. Êe2 Íe1 31.
147. D 46 Êe1 Ëc1 32. g3 Êb3 33. Êe2 Ìb2 34. Ëb2
LE QUANG LIEM 2718 [34. Èg2 a3»+] Êd1 [Ä 34... Ëd1 35. Èg2
— S. GANGULY 2654 Êd5 36. e4 Êd4»+] 35. Êd1 Ëd1 36. Èg2
Tashkent 2016 Ëd8 37. Ëa2 Ëa8 38. Èf3 g5 39. Èe4 g4 40.
Èf4 h5 41. Èg5 Ëa5 42. Èh6 Èf8 43. e4
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. Íc3 c6 5. e3 Èe7 44. e5 f5 45. Èg7 a3 46. Èg6 Èd7 47.
Íbd7 6. Êc2 Ìd6 7. Ìd3 0»0 8. 0»0 dc4 9. Èf6 Ëa6 48. Èf7 Ëa5 49. Èf6 Ëa4 50. Èf7

f4 51. Èf6 f3»+ 52. Èf7 Ëa6 53. Èf6 Ëa5 Êe2 Ìd6£ 17. Ìb5?! Èe7¤] gf6 14. Ìe4 N
54. Èf7 Ëa8 55. Èf6 Èc6 56. Èe6 Èc5 57. [14. Íd4?! fg5 15. Êe2 (15. Íe6? fe6 16.
Èf7 Èb4 58. Ëa1 a2 59. Èg6 Èb3 60. Èh5 Êh5 Èf8 17. f4 Íf6 18. fg5 Ëg8»+; 15.
Ëg8 61. Ëd1 Èc2 62. Ëe1 Èb2 63. e6 a1Ê Ëe1 Íc5 16. Ìc2 Ìf6¤) Íf6 16. Ëad1 Êb6
64. Ëa1 Èa1 65. e7 Èb2 66. e8Ê Ëe8 67. 17. a4 Ëd8¤]
Èg4 Èc3 68. Èf3 Èd4 69. Èf4 Ëf8 70.
Èg5 Ëf2 71. h4 Èe5 72. h5 Èe6 73. g4 Èf7 e1 Wq1 E
74. Èh6 Ëg2 75. g5 Ëg1 76. g6 Èg8 77. g7
Ëa1 0:1 T. Paunovi 1r1tRy1y
y1 1yY 1
148. D 54 1y1 1 F
A.�V. DAVID 2365 1 Yf1 1
— T. ANTON 2418
1 G 1g1
Romfnia (ch) 2016
hH 1 HhH
1. d4 Íf6 2. Íf3 e6 3. c4 d5 4. Íc3 Íbd7 5. D 1s1dA
Ìg5 Ìe7 6. e3 c6 7. Ìd3 dc4 8. Ìc4 b5 [8...
Íd5 Ñ 1/365] 9. Ìd3 Ìb7 10. 0»0 a6 11.
e4!? [11. a4 b4 (11... 0»0 12. Ëc1 Ëc8 13. 14... dc3?! [14... Ìe4 15. Íe4 fg5 16. Êd4
Êe2¢) 12. Íe4 (12. Ìf6 gf6! 13. Íe4 f5 14. 0»0 17. Ëad1 (17. Ífg5 Ìg5 18. Íg5 Êg5
Íed2 c5 15. e4 c4! 16. Ìb1! c3 17. bc3 bc3 19. Êd7 Ëfd8 20. Êb7 Êd5=) g4!? 18. Íe5
18. Êb3 cd2 19. Êb7 Íc5!|) Íe4 13. Ìe7 Íe5 19. Êe5 Êb8 20. Íf6 Èh8 21. Êg5
Íf2 14. Ìd8 Íd1 15. Ìg5 Íb2 16. Ìe2 Êc7! 22. Êh6 Êc2 23. Ëd7 Ìf6 24. Êf6
Íb6 17. a5 Í6a4 18. Ëfb1 c5 19. Ëa2 f6 20. Èg8 25. f3 Êg6=; 14... Êb6 15. Ìb7 Êb7
Ìf4 Ìc6! 21. Ëab2 Íb2 22. Ëb2 e5! 23. 16. Êd4 Ëg8ì 17. Ëfd1 Ëd8 18. Íe4 fg5
Ìg3 (23. de5 Ìb5 24. ef6 gf6 25. Ìb5 ab5 19. Ífg5 (19. Ëac1 Êb6 20. Êc3 g4 21.
26. Ìc7 Èd7 27. Ìb6 Ëhc8Õ) Ìb5 24. Íe5 Íe5 22. Êe5 Êb8 23. Íf6 Ìf6 24.
Ìd1 Ëc8 25. Ìc2 (25. de5 fe5 26. Íe5 Êf6 Ëg6=) Êb6! 20. Êb6 Íb6 21. Ëd8
0»0Õ) Èf7 26. Ìe1 Ëhd8 27. dc5 Ëc5 28. Ìd8 22. h4 (22. Íd6 Èd7 23. Ígf7 Ìf6î)
Ìb4 Ëc7 29. e4 Ëdc8 30. Íe1 Ëd7 31. Èf2 Èe7 23. Íh7 Ëh8 24. Íhf6 Ìc7 25. Ëc1
Ìc4! 32. Èe3 Ëb7 33. Ìa3 Ëb2 34. Ìb2 Ìe5 26. Ëc6 Ëc8=; 14... Íc5!? 15. Ìb7
Ìf1|; 11. Ìf6] c5 12. e5 cd4 [12... Íd5 13. Íb7 16. Íd4 fg5 17. Ëe1 Ëc8 18. Íe6 Êd1
Íe4 f6!? (13... 0»0 14. dc5! Ìg5 15. Íeg5 19. Íg7 Èf8 20. Ëad1 Èg7 21. Ëe7 Ëhd8
h6 16. Íe4 Íf4 17. Ìc2 Ìe4 18. Ìe4 Íc5 22. Ëd8 Íd8 23. Ëe8 b4 24. Íd1 f5 25. g3
19. Ìa8 Êa8 20. Êd2 Ícd3 21. Êe3 g5 22. Èf7 26. Ëh8 Èg7=] 15. Ìb7 Ëa7 [Ä 15...
h4¢) 14. ef6 gf6 (14... Í5f6?! 15. Êe2 Ìd5 cb2 16. Ëb1 fg5 (16... Ëb8 17. Ìc6+») 17.
16. dc5 Íc5 17. Íc5 Ìc5 18. Ìb5!¥) 15. Ìa8 Êa8 18. Ëb2 Êb8 19. Ëe1 Íb6 (19...
Ìh6 c4 16. Ífg5!? (16. Ìc2 Êb6 17. Ëe1 Ìf6 20. Ëc2 Íb6 21. Ëc6!¥) 20. a4¢] 16.
f5!? 18. Íeg5 e5 19. Ìg7 Ëg8 20. Ìe5 Ìe4¥ cb2 17. Ëb1 Ëc7 [17... fg5 18. Êd4
0-0-0Õ) Êb6 17. Êh5 Èd8 18. Íf7 Èc7 19. Ìf6 19. Êa7 Êb6 20. Êb6 Íb6 21. Íg5
Íh8 Êd4 20. Ìc2 Êb2 21. Ëac1 f5!? (21... Ìg5 22. Ëb2¥] 18. Ìh4 [18. Ìf4 Ëc4 19.
Ëh8 22. Êf7 Íe5 23. Êe6 Ëd8 24. Êf5 Íd2 Ëb4 20. Êf3 f5 21. Ìc6 0»0 22.
Íg6 25. Íg3 Êa2 26. h4î) 22. Íg5 Ìg5 23. Ëfd1+»] f5 [18... Íc5 19. Ìc2 f5 20. Ìg3¥]
Ìg5 Êh8 24. Ëfe1 Íc5Õ; 12... c4!? 13. 19. Ìe7 Êe7 [19... Èe7 20. Ìc2 Íb6 21.
Ìb1 (13. ef6 gf6 Å 14. Ìe4?! Ìe4 15. Íe4 Êe2! Ëc5 22. Ìb3+»] 20. Ìf5 Êa3 21.
fg5 16. d5 Íf6!¤) Íd5 14. Ìe7 Êe7 (14... Êd4 [21. Êe2 Êa2 22. Ëb2 Êc4 23. Ìd3
Íc3 15. bc3 Êe7 16. Íd2 Å Ìe4) 15. Íe4 Êf4 24. Ëa2+»] Ëg8 22. Ìh7+» Ëc4 23.
0»0 16. Ëe1 Íf4 17. Êd2 Íg6 18. g3 Ëfd8 Êe3 Ëc3 24. Êd2 Ëg7 25. Ëfd1 f5 26. Ìg6
19. Êe2 Íb6 20. h4 Íf8Õ] 13. ef6 [13. Íb5?! Èf8 27. Êh6 Èg8 28. Íg5 Íf8 29. Ìh7
ab5 (13... Ìf3? 14. Êf3 Íe5 15. Êa8¥) 14. Íh7 30. Íh7 Ëc1 31. Ëbc1 1:0
ef6 gf6 15. Ìd2 (15. Ìh6 Ëg8£) Êb6 16. Va. Stoica

149. D 58 1 1 1 1
BU XIANGZHI 2723 1 1 1 1
— IVANCHUK 2728 1 1yQ H
Danzhou 2016 1 1 1 D
1. Íf3 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 d5 4. d4 Ìe7 5. 1 1 H 1
Ìg5 h6 6. Ìh4 0»0 7. e3 b6 8. Ìd3 Ìb7 9.
0»0 Íbd7 10. Ëc1 c5 11. Êe2 Íe4 12. Ìe7 Y 1r1 G
Êe7 13. cd5 Íc3 14. Ëc3 Ìd5 15. e4 [15. 1 1 Ah1
Ìc4 Ñ 33/565] Ìb7 16. b4 N [16. Ëfc1]
Ëac8 [16... cb4? 17. Ëc7 Ëab8 18. Íe5 Ëfd8 E 1 1 1
19. Ìb5+»; 16... cd4!? 17. Ëc7 Ëab8 18.
Ìb5 Ëfd8 19. Ëd1 Êd6 20. Ëd7 Ëd7 21. 47. Ëg7! a2 48. Íh5!+» Èf5 49. h7 Ëf1 50.
Ìd7 Êd7 22. Ëd4 Êe7=] 17. dc5 bc5 18. b5 Èe3 Ëe1 [50... a1Ê 51. g4#] 51. Èd3 Ëd1
c4 [18... Íb6 19. Ëfc1 Ëfd8Õ] 19. Ëc4 [19. 52. Èe3 Ëe1 53. Èf3 Ëf1 54. Èg3 a1Ê 55.
Ìc4 Íb6 20. Ëfc1 Êb4 21. Íd4 Êd6 22. Ëg5 Èe4 56. Ëe5 1:0 G. Arsovi
Íb3 Êb4 23. Íd4 Êd6=] Ëc4 20. Ìc4
Êb4 21. Ëd1 Ëc8 22. Ëd7 [22. Íd2 Íc5 23. 150. D 60
Ëb1 Êa3 24. f3 Ía4§] Ëc4 23. h4 [23. Ëd8
Èh7 24. Ëd1] Êb5 24. Ëd8 Èh7 25. Èh2 DING LIREN 2755 — W. SO 2771
Ëb4 26. Êb5 Ëb5= 27. Íd4 Ëb4 28. f3 Saint Louis 2016
Èg6 29. Íb3 Ìc6 30. Ëc8 Ìb5 31. Ëc7
Ëa4 32. h5 Èf6 33. e5 Èf5 [33... Èe5?? 34. 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. Íc3 Íbd7 5.
Ëc5+»] 34. Èg3 g5 35. Íc1 a5 [35... Ìf1! Ìg5 h6 6. Ìh4 Ìe7 7. e3 0»0 8. Ìe2 dc4 9.
36. Ëf7 Èe5 37. Èf2 Ìc4 38. Ëh7 Ëb4 39. Ìc4 c5 10. 0»0 cd4 11. Íd4 [11. ed4 Ñ
Íb3 Ëa4 40. Íc1 Ëb4=] 36. Ëf7 Èe5 37. 39/548] Íb6 12. Ìb3 Íbd5 13. Íd5 Íd5
Ëh7 Ëh4 38. Ëh6 a4 39. a3 Ìc4 40. Èf2 [40. 14. Ìg3 Ìf6 N [14... Íf6] 15. Ëc1 Íb6
Ëh8 Èf6 41. Ëf8 Èg7 42. Ëc8 Ìd5 43. Ëc7 [15... Ìd7?! 16. e4 Íb6 17. Ìd6 Ìe7 18.
Èh6 44. Íd3 Ëh5 45. Íc5¢] Ëh1 41. Íe2 Ìc7 Êe8 19. Êg4¥] 16. Êe2?! [16. Êh5!
Ìd7 (16... Ìd4 17. Ëfd1) 17. Ìd6 Ëe8 (17...
1 1 1 1 Ìe7 18. Ìc7 Êe8 19. Ìe5¥) 18. Ëc7¥]
Ìd7 17. Íb5 a6 [17... Ìb5 18. Êb5 Ëc8=]
1 1 1 1 18. Íd6 Ìc6 19. Íb7? [19. Ëfd1 Êe7 20. e4
a) 20... Íc8 21. Íc4 (21. e5 Ìh4) Ëd8 22.
1 1y1 D Ëd8 Êd8 23. Ëd1 Êe7 24. Ía5¢; b) 20...
1 1 Q Yh Ëfd8!? 21. e5 Ìh4 22. Ìh4 Êh4 23. g3
Êb4¢] Ìb7 20. Ìc7 Êe7 21. Ìb6
y1r1 1 1
H 1 1h1 e1 1 Eq1
1 1gAh1 1r1 WyY
1 1 1 1e yF 1yR Y
41... Ëa1? [41... Ìe2! 42. Èe2 Ëa1 43. Ëg6
1 1 1 1
Ëa2 44. Èf1 Èf5 45. Ëg8 Ëa3=] 42. Ëg6! 1 1 1 1
Ìd3 [42... Ìe2 43. Ëg5 Èf6 44. Ëg6¥] 43. 1f1 H 1
Ëg5 Èf6 44. f4 [44. Ëg8 Ëa2 45. Èe3 Ëa3
46. Èd2!¥] Ëa3?! [44... Ëa2! 45. Èe3 Ëa3 hH 1sHhH
46. Èd2 Ìf5 47. g4 Ëd3 48. Èe1 Ìe4Õ]
45. Íg3 Ëa1 46. h6 a3
1 D 1dA
21... Ìg2! 22. Èg2 Êb7 23. Êf3 Êb6 24. Èd7 27. Êa8 e6 [27... Êe1 28. Èg2 Êe5
Ëc6 Êb7 25. Ëc2= Êf3 26. Èf3 Ëfc8 27. 29. Êa7 Êc7 30. Êd4+»] 28. Ìf6! ed5 29.
Ëfc1 Ëc2 28. Ëc2 Ëb8 29. Ëc6 a5 30. Ëc5 Êd8 Èe6 [29... Èc6 30. cd5 Èb5 31. Êe8
Ëa8 31. Ëb5 Ëa7 32. Ìc2 Èf8 33. a4 Èe7 Èa6 32. Êe6 Èb5 33. d6+»] 30. cd5 Èf7
34. b4 Ìc3 35. ba5 Ëa5 1/2 : 1/2 [30... Èf5 31. Ìg7 Êb6 32. Êf8 Èe4 33.
A. olovi d6+»] 31. h4 Íc4 32. Ìd4 Êd6 33. Êh8
h5 34. Êg7 Èe8 35. Êb7 Êd7 36. Êa8
151. !N D 75 Èe7 37. Ìc5 Èf6 38. Êf8 [38... Èe5 39.
Êf4 Èd5 40. Êd4+»] 1:0
A. KOROBOV 2656 G. Arsovi
Poikovsky 2016 152.* D 76
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 d5 4. cd5 Íd5 5. M. CARLSEN 2855
Ìg2 Ìg7 6. Íf3 0»0 7. 0»0 c5 8. e4 Íf6 9. — WEI YI 2696
e5 Íd5 10. dc5 Íc6 11. Êa4! N [11. Ía3; Bilbao 2016
11. Êe2] Êc7 [11... Íe5?? 12. Íe5 Ìe5 13.
Êe4+»] 12. Ëd1 Ìe6 13. Íc3 Íc3 14. 1. Íf3 d5 2. g3 g6 3. Ìg2 Ìg7 4. 0»0 Íf6
bc3¢ Ëfd8?! [14... Íe5 15. Íe5 Ìe5 16. 5. c4 0»0 6. cd5 Íd5 7. d4 Íb6 8. Íc3 Íc6
Ëb1 a) 16... Êc5 17. Ëb5 (17. Ìa3 Êc4 18. 9. d5 Ía5 10. e4 c6 11. Ìf4 Íac4 12. Êe2
Êc4 Ìc4 19. Ìe7 Ëfe8 20. Ëb7 a5 21. Ìd5 [RR 12. dc6 Êd1 13. Íd1 bc6 14. e5 Ìg4
Ìd5 22. Ëd5 Ìc3 23. Èg2¢) Êc3 18. Ìb2 15. Ëe1 Ìf3 N (15... Ëad8) 16. Ìf3 g5 17.
Êb2 19. Ëb2 Ìb2 20. Ìb7 Ëad8 21. Ëd8 Ìg5 Íe5 18. Ìe2 Íd5 19. Ëc1 a5 20. a3
Ëd8 22. Êa7¢; b) 16... Ëad8 17. Ëd8 Ëd8 Ëfc8 21. Ëc2 e6 22. Ìd2 Íg6 23. Íc3¢ A.
18. Ìe3¢] 15. Ìf4 Ía5 [15... Êa5 16. Êa5 Fier 2616 — Lioe Dede 2357, Fano 2016]
Ía5 17. Íd4 Ìd5 18. Ìd5 Ëd5 19. Íb3! cd5 13. ed5 Ìg4 14. h3 Ìf3 15. Ìf3 Íd6
a) 19... Íb3 20. ab3 Ëd1 (20... Ëc5 21. [15... Ëc8 Ñ 59/(491)] 16. Ëfe1 Ëe8 17.
Ëa7!+») 21. Ëd1 e6 22. Ëd7+»; b) 19... Ëac1 a6 18. b3 Ëc8 19. Êd2 Íd7 20. Ía4
Ëd1 20. Ëd1 Íc6 21. Ëd7¥] 16. Íg5 Êc5 N [20. g4!? Êa5 21. Íb1 Êd2 22. Íd2 Ëc1
17. Íe6 fe6 18. Ëd7¥ [18. Ëab1 Ëac8 19. 23. Ëc1 Ìd4¢; 20. Íe4] Ëc1 21. Êc1 [21.
Ìh3 Èf7 20. Ëe1¥] Ëd7 19. Êd7 Èf7 20. Ëc1 Ìe5 22. Ìe5 Íe5 23. Ìg2 Íd7 24.
Ëd1 Ìe5?! [20... Ëe8 21. h4 Íc4 22. Ìh3 b4¢] Ìd4 22. Êd2 Ìg7 23. h4 [23. g4!?¢]
Êc6 23. Êd4 b5 24. h5¥] h5 24. Íb2 [24. Ìg2!?] Íb5 25. Ëe3 Íd4
26. Ìg2
e1 1 1 1
Yy1sYq1y 1 We1q1
1 1y1y1 1y1tYyR
T W R 1 y1 1 1y1
1 1 F 1 1 1h1 1y
1 H 1 H 1 T F H
h1 1 HfH 1h1 D H
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1 1 1 A
21. Ëd5! ed5 22. Ìd5 Èf8 23. Êe6+» Èe8
[23... Êd5 24. Êd5 Ìf4 25. Êa5 Ìd6 26. 26... e5!? [26... Íf5 27. Ëe1 Íf6|] 27. de6
Êa4+»] 24. Ìe5 Èd8 25. c4 Êb4 26. Êg8 Íe6 28. Íc4 [28. Ìb7?? Ídc5»+; 28. Ëd3
[26. Ìf4 Íc4 27. Êg8 Èd7 28. Êa8+»] Íf4 29. Ëd7 Íe2 30. Èh2 Êf6 31. Íd1 b5

32. Ìd5 Ëe7 33. Ëd6! Êf5 34. Ëa6 Èh7!§] Êb3 Êb3 19. ab3 Íc5 20. Ìh3 h5 21. Ìg4
Íf4 29. Ëe8 Êe8 30. Êf4 b5 [30... Êe1!? hg4 22. Ìe3¥; b) 14... Íge5 15. Íf5 gf5 16.
31. Ìf1 b5 32. Íe3 Íe5=] 31. Íe3 Êe5 Ìf4 Êe2 17. Ëad1§] Íbd7 10. Íh4 N [10.
[31... Êe7=] 32. Êe5 Ìe5?! [32... Íe5=] Íc3 Ñ 71/483] Íb6 11. Êb3 Ìg4 12. Íc3
33. b4! Ìd6 34. Ìb7 Íb8 35. Íd5 Èf8 36. Ífd5 13. Íf3 Íc3 14. bc3 Êd5 15. Ìa3
Èg2 Èe8 37. f3 f5! 38. Èf2 [38. Èh3 Èd7 Ëfe8 16. Íe5 Êb3 17. ab3 Ìe2 18. Ëd2
39. g4 Èe6 (39... hg4 40. fg4 Èe6 41. g5¢) Ìe5 19. de5 Ìg4 20. c4 [20. f4 f6 21. ef6
40. gh5 gh5 41. f4 Íd7 42. Èg3 Íf8 43. ef6 22. Ìc5 Íd5! 23. Ìd5 (23. Ìd4 Èf7
Íe3 Ìb4 44. Ìc8 Èd6 45. Ìa6 (45. Íf5 24. Èf2 Ìf5Õ) cd5 24. Ëa7 Ëa7 25. Ìa7=]
Èc7=) Èc5 46. Ìc8 Ìe1 47. Èh3 Ìf2 48.
a5 21. Ìc5 Íd7 22. Ìd4 Ëa6 23. Ëda2
Íd1 Ìe1 49. Ìf5 Èd4=] Èd7 39. Íf4
Èc7 40. Ìd5 Ëea8 24. f4 Ìe6 25. Ìf1 b6 26. Ìe3 Èf8
27. Ëa4 c5! 28. Ìg2 Ëe8 29. Ìc6 Ëa7 30.
T 1 1 1 Ìb5 Ëc8 31. Ëd1 Ëac7 32. Ëa2 Èg7 33.
Ëad2 Íb8£ 34. Ëd8 Íc6 35. Ëc8 Ëc8 36.
1 Q 1 1 Ëd2 h5 37. Èg2 Ìf5 38. h3 f6 39. ef6 Èf6
y1 R 1y1 40. Ìa4
1y1f1y1y 1e1 1 1
H 1 G H 1 1 Y 1
1 1 1hH Yt1 Qy1
h1 1 A 1 Y Y 1r1y
1 1 1 1 f1h1 H 1
40... Ìf4! 41. gf4 Èd6 42. Ìf7 Íc6 43. a3 1h1 F Hh
Íe7= 44. Èe1 Èd7 45. Èd1 Èd6 46. Èd2 1 D 1a1
Èd7 47. Èd3 Èd6 48. Èc2 Èd7 49. Èb3
Èd6 50. a4 Íc6 51. ab5 ab5 52. Èc3 [52. 1 1 1 1
Ìg6 Íd4 53. Èc3 Íf3 54. Ìh5 Íh4=]
Íe7 53. Èd2 Íd5 54. Ìg6 Íb4 55. Ìh5 40... Íd8! 41. Ìd7 [41. Ëd1 Íe6 42. h4
Íd5 56. Ìe8 Íf4 57. Ìb5 Èe5 58. Ìf1 Ëd8¤] Ìd7 42. Ëd7 Èe6 43. Ëd1 [43. Ëa7?
Íg6 59. h5 Íh4 60. Èe2 Íf3 Ëb8»+ Å Íc6] Íf7 44. g4 hg4 45. hg4 Ëa8
1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis 46. Ìf2 Íd6¤ 47. Ëe1 Èf7 48. Ëh1 [48.
Ìh4 Ëa7 49. Èf3 a4 50. ba4 Íc4¤] a4 49.
153.* D 78 ba4 Ëa4 50. Ëh7 Èf8 51. Ëh8 Èg7 52. Ëb8
Íc4»+ 53. Èf3 Èf7 54. Ìh4 e5 [54... Ëa3
A. GIRI 2769 — SVIDLER 2751 55. Èf2 (55. Èe4 Ëb3 56. Ìg5 Íd6 57.
Saint Louis 2016 Èd5 Ëd3 58. Èc6 Íe4»+) Íe3 56. Ëb6
Íg4 57. Èe2 Íe3 58. Ëc6 Íd5»+] 55. f5
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c6 4. Íf3 Ìg7 5.
Ìg2 d5 6. Êb3 0»0 7. 0»0 dc4 8. Êc4 Ìf5 gf5 56. gf5 Íd6 57. Ëb6 Ëf4 [57... Íf5??
9. Ëd1 [9. Íc3 Íbd7 10. Êb3 Êb6 11. Êa3 58. Ëf6 Èe7 59. Ëf5 Ëh4 60. Ëe5 Èd6 61.
e5 N (11... Ëfe8 Ñ 116/(153)) 12. de5 Íg4 13. Ëe4=] 58. Èe2 Íf5 59. Ìg5 Íg3 60. Èe3
Ía4 Êa6 14. Íd4 a) 14... Ìe6 15. Íe6 fe6 Ëg4 61. Ìd8 Íf5 62. Èf3 Ëf4 63. Èe2 Íd4
a1) 16. Êb3 Ëae8 17. f4 (17. Íc3 Íge5 18. 64. Èe3 Íe6 65. Ëb7 Èg6 66. Ìa5 Ëa4 67.
Êc2 Íf6 19. h3 Èh8 20. b3 Íd5 21. Ìb2¢ Ìc3 Èf6 68. Èd3 Íf4 69. Èc2 Íd5 70.
M. Demidov 2514 — Praggnanandhaa Ìb2 c4 71. Ëd7 Èe6 72. Ëh7 c3 73. Ëh6
2429, Pardubice 2016) Êe2 18. Íc3 Êa6 Èf5 74. Ëh5 Èf6 75. Ìc3 Ëc4 76. Èd3 Ëc3
19. Íe4¥; a2) 16. f4 Êe2 17. Íc3 Êc2 18. 77. Èe4

1 1 1 1 Ëc4 Ìc6 17. Íc6 Íc6 18. Ìg7 Èg7 19.
Ìc6 bc6 20. Íb3 Ëfc8=; b2) 12... Êc7 13.
1 1 1 1 Íd2 Ëd8 14. Ëac1 Íc6 15. Ëfd1 Íg4!? 16.
Í2b3 (16. e3 Íd4 17. Ìd4 Ìc6=) Íd4 17.
1 1 Q 1 Íd4 Ëac8 18. e3 Íe5 19. Êb3 Íc6 20.
1 1tY 1d Êa3 (20. Íb5 Ía5=) Íd4 21. ed4 (21.
Ìd4 Ìc6=) e6 22. Êa7 Ëa8 23. Êb7 Êb7
1 1a1 1 24. Ìb7 Ëab8! 25. c6 Ìc6 26. Ìc6 Ëb2=]
1 E 1 1 12. c5 Êa6 13. a4!? [13. Íd2 Íd5=; 13.
Ëd1 Ìd7 Å Íc6] Íc6 14. Íb5 Íe8?! [14...
1 1 1 1 Ìf5 15. e4 Ìe6 16. Íc7 Êc4 17. Ía3 Êc2
1 1 1 1 18. Íc2 Ëac8 19. Íe6 fe6 20. Ëab1 Íd7 21.
Ìh3 Íc5 22. Ìa3 Íe5=; 14... Ëb8 15. Ìc3
77... Ëc4! 78. Èd5 Ëd4 79. Èc5 Ëd1 80. Ìg4 16. Êb2 Ëd7 17. Í1a3 Êa4!? 18. Íd6
Èc4 e4 81. Èc3 e3 82. Ëh2 Èf5 83. Èc2 ed6 19. Íc2 Êc4 20. Ìc6 Ëdd8 21. Ìg2 dc5
Ëd8 84. Ëh7 Èf4 0:1 G. Arsovi 22. Ëfc1 Êe6 23. Íe3 Êb6 24. Êc2 Êe6 25.
Ëa7 b5Õ] 15. Ìg7 Èg7 16. Êb2 Èg8 [16...
f6?! 17. a5! Ìe6 18. Ëc1!¥ Å e3, Ìf1] 17. a5
154. D 78 [17. Í1c3 Êa5 18. Íd5 Ìe6 19. e4 Ëac8 20.
LCZNIJKA 2668 — Ëac1! Ëd7 (20... Êa4?! 21. Ëa1 Êc4 22.
B.�D. DEAC 2501 Ëfc1 Ìd5 23. ed5 Êb4 24. Êb1¥) 21. Ëfd1
Ìg4 22. Ëd3 Êd8 23. h3¢] Ìd7 [Ä 17...
Lakovica 2016 Ìe6 18. Ëc1 Ëac8 19. Í1c3 (19. e3 Íe5! 20.
1. Íf3 Íf6 2. g3 d5 3. Ìg2 g6 4. d4 Ìg7 5. Êe5 Êb5 21. Ía3 Êa5 22. Ìb7 Ëc7 23.
c4 c6 6. 0»0 0»0 7. b3 dc4 8. bc4 c5 9. Ìb2 Íb1 Êb5 24. Ìf3 Ëdc8=) Íe5 (19... Ìc4
cd4 10. Íd4 Êb6 11. Êc2!? [11. Êb3 a) 20. Ía3¢) 20. Ía4 Íc6 21. Ìf1¢]
11... Ífd7 12. e3 a1) 12... Íc6 13. Íc3 Ía5
(13... Êb3 14. ab3 Íd4 15. ed4 Ìd4 16. e1 Et1q1
Ëfd1§) 14. Êc2 Íe5 (14... Íc4 15. Íd5¥) Yy1rYy1y
15. Íd5 Êd8 16. c5¢; a2) 12... e5!? 13. Íb5
Íc5 14. Êa3 Ìe6 15. Íd2 Ëd8 16. Ìc3 w1t1 1y1
Ëd3|; b) 11... Ía6 12. Íd2 Íd7 (12... Íc5 HgH 1 1
Ñ 121/(153)) 13. e3 Ídc5 14. Êa3 Íb4!?
(14... Êb4 15. Í2b3 Íd3 16. Êb4 Íab4 17. 1 1 1 1
Ìc3!¢; 14... e5 15. Íb5 Ëd8 16. Ìc3 Ëd3 1 1 1 H
17. Íb3 Ìf5 18. Ìa5 Êf6 19. Íc3¢) 15.
Ìc3 a5 16. Íe4 Íe4 17. Ìe4 Êc5 18. Ëfb1 S 1hHfH
Íd3!?|] Ëd8 N [11... Íc6 a) 12. Íc6 bc6
13. Íd2 Ìf5 14. Êb3 (14. e4?! Íe4£) Ëfd8 Dg1 1dA
15. Ëad1 (15. Ìc3) Íe4=; b) 12. c5 Êa6
(12... Êb4!? 13. Íc6 bc6 Å 14. Ìc6 Ëb8 18. Í1c3 [18. Ëc1! Ëab8 19. Í1c3 Ìe6 20.
15. Ìe5 Ìf5|) 13. Íd2 (13. Ëd1 Ìd7 14. Íe4¥] Ìe6 19. Ëfb1 Ëac8 20. Ëa4 [20. e3
Íd2 Íd4 15. Ìd4 Ìa4!? 16. Íb3 Ëac8 17. Ìc4 21. Ía3 Ìd3 22. Êb7 Êb7 23. Ëb7
Êb2 Ìc6=) Ëd8 14. Íc6 bc6 15. Íb3 Ìg4 Ía5 24. Ëa7 Íb3 25. Ëd1¢; 20. Ìf1!? Íe5
16. Ëfe1 Ëac8 (16... Êa4!?) 17. Ìe5|; 11... (20... Ìc4 21. Ëa4!) 21. Íe4 f6 22. e3 (22.
Ìd7!? a) 12. Íd2 Íc6 13. c5 (13. Í2b3 Ëa4 Ìd5 23. Íbc3 Ìf7 24. e3 Êc6 25. a6
Ëac8 14. Ëac1 Ëfd8=) Êb4 14. Íc6 Ìc6 ba6 26. Ëa6 Êc7 27. Êa3¢) Íf3 (22... Ìd5
15. Ëab1 Ëfd8=; b) 12. c5 b1) 12... Êa6 13. 23. Íbd6¥) 23. Èg2 Êc6 24. Êb4! Íd4 25.
Íd2 (13. a4 Íc6 14. Íb5 Ëac8=) Ìa4!? ed4 Êe4 26. f3 Êc2 27. Èg1 a6 28. g4!¥]
(13... Íc6 14. Êc4 Êc4 15. Íc4 Ëac8 16. Ëd7 [20... Íf6!? 21. f4 (21. Ìf1 Íe5!|; 21.
Ëfd1¢) 14. Êc4 Ífd7 15. Ëfc1 Êc4 16. Êa3 Íg4|) Ëd7 22. e4 Íd8 23. Ëc1¢] 21.

e3 [21. Ìf1! Íe5 22. Íe4 Íc4 23. Êc3¥] [9. Ìe2 Íbd7 10. 0»0 b6 11. cd5 ed5 12.
Íe5 22. Íd4 [22. Íe4 Ìc4 23. Êe5 Ìb5 Êc2 Ìb7Õ] Íbd7 10. Ìe2 e5! 11. 0»0 [11.
24. Ëaa1 Ìd3 25. Ëb4 Íg7 26. Ëd1 Êa5 Íe5 Íe5 12. de5 Íd7!?; 12... Íe4£] Ëe8
27. Êb2 Íe6 28. Ìf1 Ìe4 29. Ëd7 Ìc6 30. 12. Êd1 Êe7 13. Ìd2 Íe4£ 14. Ía4 ed4
Ëe7 Êc5 31. Êf6 Ëf8 32. Ëeb7 Ìb7 33. 15. ed4 Íd2 [15... Íec5!? 16. dc5 Êe2 17.
Ëb7 Êd5 34. Ëb5 Êd7 35. h4¢] Íd3 [22... Ëe1 Êd1 18. Ëad1 Ëe6£] 16. Êd2 Íf6 17.
Ëc5 23. Ìb7 Êd3 24. Íe4 Ëcc7 25. a6¢] Íb6 Íe4 18. Êe1?! [18. Êf4 g5 19. Êe3
Ëb8 20. Ìd3 g4 21. Íd2 Ìf5£]
Yy1eYy1y e1r1e1q1
w1 1r1y1 1y1 WyRy
H H 1 1 Gy1 1y1
d1 G 1 1 Y Hy1 1
1 GtH H 1 Ht1 1
S 1 HfH 1 1 1g1
1d1 1 A hH 1fHhH
D 1 SdA
23. Êb7?! [23. Ìb7! Ëb7 (23... Íb2 24.
Ìa6 Ía4 25. Ìc8 Ëd4 26. ed4 Íc3 27. 18... Ëb8! [18... Ëa7 19. h3 Ìe6 20. Êc1Õ]
Ëb8¥) 24. Êb7 Êb7 25. Ëb7 Íc5 26. Ëe7 19. Êa5 [19. h3? Íc5! (19... Ìd4!? 20. Íc8
Ía4 27. Ía4 Ìd5 28. Èf1¥] Íc5 24. Êa6 Êc5 21. Ëc1 Ìf2 22. Ëf2 Êf2 23. Êf2 Íf2
Ía6 25. Íe6 [Ä 25. Ícb5 Íd6 26. Íd6 ed6 24. Èf2 Ëbc8¤) 20. Íc8 (20. Êa5 Ìf5»+)
(26... Ëd6 27. Íe6 Ëe6 28. Ìh3 f5 29. e4¥) Êe2»+] Ìg4 20. Êb4 [20. Ëae1 Ìf3 21.
27. Ìf1 Íc5 28. Ëab4¢] Ëc3 26. Ìf1 fe6 Ìf3 Ìd4 22. Ìe4 de4 23. b4 Êh4¤] Íg5!
27. Ìa6 Íd6 28. Ìf1 Ëdc7= 29. a6 Ëc1 21. Ëae1 [21. Êc3 Ìf3 22. Ìf3 Íf3 23.
30. Ëab4 Ëb1 31. Ëb1 Èf7 32. h4 e5 33. Êf3 Ìd4»+; 21... Êf6»+] Ìf3 22. Ìf3
Èg2 Èf6 34. g4 h6 35. Èf3 e4 36. Èg3 g5 Íf3 23. gf3 Êg5 24. Èh1 Êf4 25. Èg2
37. Ìg2 Ëc6 38. Ëa1 Ëc5 39. Ëa4 Èe5 40. Ìe5»+ 26. Ëh1 Ìd4 [26... Êg5 27. Èf1
hg5 1/2 : 1/2 Va. Stoica (27. Èh3 Ìf6»+) Êh4 28. Ëg1 Ìd4»+]
27. h4 Ëe1 28. Êe1 Ìc5 29. Íd7 Ìb4 30.
Êc1 [30. Êe3 Êe3 31. fe3 Ëd8 32. Íe5
155.** D 80 Ëe8 33. f4 Ìd6»+] Êc1 31. Ëc1 Ëd8 32.
Íe5 Ìd6 33. Íd3 Ëa8 34. a3 Ëa4 35. h5
MANOLACHE 2492 — gh5 36. Ëe1 Èf8 37. Ëe2 Ëd4 38. Íc1 Ëd1
E. VOROBIOV 2586 39. Íb3 b6 40. a4 c5 41. Ëc2 c4 42. Íc1
Pontevedra 2016 Ìf4 43. Íe2 Ëd2 44. Ëd2 Ìd2 45. f4 Èe7
46. Èf3 Èd6 47. Íg3 Ìc1 0:1
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. e3 Ìg7 5. G. Arsovi
Êb3 e6 6. Êa3 a5 7. Íf3 c6 8. Êb3 N [8.
b3 Ía6 9. Ìe2 (9. c5 Ñ 80/473) Íb4 10. 156.** D 80
Êb2 c5 11. 0»0 Íc6 N (Ä 11... 0»0 12.
Ëd1 b6 13. a3 Íc6 14. Êc2 cd4 15. ed4 MAMEDYAROV 2764 —
Ìa6|) 12. Ëd1 cd4 13. ed4 0»0 14. Ìf4 B. SAVCHENKO 2633
Íh5 15. Ìe3 Íe7 16. Ëac1 Ìd7 17. cd5 T«rkiye 2016
ed5 18. Íe5¢ M. Kopylov 2410 — Ju.
Kramer 2354, Bargteheide 2016] 0»0 [8... 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Ìg5 Íe4 5.
Íbd7 9. Ìd2 1/2 : 1/2 B. Finegold 2501 — Ìh4 Íc3 6. bc3 dc4 7. e3 Ìe6 8. Ìe2 Ìg7
Aw. Liang 2408, Saint Louis 2016] 9. c5?! 9. Íh3 [9. Íf3 Ñ 110/(264)] c5 [9... f6 N

a) 10. Ëb1 Êc8 11. Íf4 Ìf7 12. Ìg4 f5 157.* D 80
13. Ìf3 c6 14. g4 e6 15. Ëg1 Íd7 16. Íh5
a1) 16... Ìh6? 17. gf5 ef5 18. d5 cd5 (M. TRAN TUAN MINH 2473
Al-Sayed 2524 — I. Khairullin 2629, Biel — K. ALEKSEENKO 2582
(open) 2016) 19. Êd4! Ëf8 (19... 0»0 20. Bhubaneswar 2016
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Ìg5 Íe4 5.
e1w1qE 1 Ìh4 Íc3 6. bc3 dc4 7. e3 Ìe6 8. Ìe2 Ìg7
Yy1t1r1y 9. Íh3 [9. Íf3 Ñ 110/(264)] Ìh3 10. gh3
1 1 1yR Êd7 N [10... 0»0; 10... Íd7] 11. Ìg3 [11.
Ìg4 e6 12. Ìf3 c5 13. Ëb1 Íc6 14. dc5
1 1y1y1g Ëb8 15. 0»0 Ìe5 16. Êa4 0»0 17. Êc4
1yS 1 F Êc7 18. Èg2 Ëfc8 (18... Ìh2? 19. Ìc6 bc6
1 H Hf1 20. f4+») 19. Êa4 Ìc3 20. Ëb3 Ìe5 21.
Ëfb1 h6 22. Ìg3¢ Tomashevsky 2722 —
h1 1 H H Nepomniachtchi 2703, Russia 2016] Íc6
1d1 A D 12. Ìc4 Êh3 13. Êf3 0»0 14. Ìd5 Íd8 15.
Êg2 [15. Ìb7?! Íb7 16. Êb7 Ëab8 17.
20. Êg7! gh5 21. Êh6 Íe5 22. Ìh5+»; a2) Êc7 Ëb2¤] Êc8 16. h4 c6 17. Ìb3 h5 18.
16... gh5 17. gf5 0»0 18. f6 Ìg6 19. fg7 Êe4 e6 19. Ëg1
Ëf3! 20. Ëg6 Ëe3 21. fe3 hg6Õ; b) 10. Íf4
Ìf7 11. Ìg4 f5 12. Ìf3 c6 13. g4 fg4 14. e1wT Eq1
Ìg4 0»0 15. 0»0 Êd6 16. Ìg3 Êf6 17. h4
Ía6 18. e4 e6Õ P. Sabuk 2363 — Va. Yy1 1yR
Shishkin 2459, Police 2016] 10. Íf4 Ìd7 1y1y1y1
11. Ìc4 cd4 12. cd4 Êa5 13. Êd2 Íc6 14.
Íd5 N [14. Ìe2] Ëc8 15. Ëc1 Êd2 16. 1 1 1 1y
Èd2¢ Ìe6 1 Hs1 H
1e1q1 E 1fH H F
Yy1 YyRy h1 1 H 1
1t1r1y1 D 1 A D
1 1g1 1 19... c5! 20. Èe2 [20. Ìd6 cd4! 21. cd4 Ëe8
1fH 1 F 22. Ìf4 Êd7 23. Ëc1 Íc6£] cd4 21. cd4
Êd7 [21... Êc6 22. Êc6 Íc6 23. Ëgc1 Ëfc8
1 1 H 1 24. Ëab1 Íe7Õ] 22. Ëac1 Íc6 23. Ëc5
h1 A HhH Ëfe8 24. Ìf4?! [24. Ëgc1 Ìf8 25. d5 ed5
(25... Ìc5? 26. dc6 Êe7 27. cb7+») 26.
1 D 1 1d Ëd5 Ëe4 27. Ëd7 Ëe7 28. Ëd6 Èg7=]
Ëac8 25. Ëh5 f5 26. Êf3? [26. Êg2 gh5 27.
17. Ëc3! Èd7 [17... Íd4 18. ed4 Ëc4 19. Ìh6 Íd4! (27... Ëc7? 28. Ìg7 Êg7 29.
Ëc4 Ìd5 20. Ëc7 e6 21. Èd3¥; 17... 0»0 Êh2¥) 28. ed4 Êb5 29. Èe1 Êb4 30. Èe2
18. Ìb3 Ìd5 19. Ìd5 e5 20. de5 Ìe5 21. Êb5=] gh5 27. Ìh6?! [27. Êh5 Ëe7 28.
Ëc4¢] 18. Ëb1 b6 19. Ëbc1¥ Ëhd8?! [19... Êf5 Ëce8 29. Ëg6 Êd4! 30. Ëe6 Êb2 31.
b5 20. Ìb3 Ëhd8 21. Èe1¥] 20. Íe7! Íe7 Èf1 Êb3! 32. ab3 Ëe6¤] Íe5!»+ 28. de5
[20... Ìc4 21. Íc8+»] 21. Ìb5+» Èd6 [28. Êf5 Êb5 29. Èd1 Êb3! 30. ab3 ef5 31.
22. Ëc7 [22. Ìg3 Èd5 23. Ëc7 Ëc7 24. Ëc7 Ëg7 Èh8 32. de5 Ëc6»+] Êb5 29. Èe1
Ñ 22. Ëc7] Ëc7 23. Ìg3 Èd5 24. Ëc7 Ìf6 Ëc1 30. Ìd1 Ëd8 31. Ëg7 Èh8 32. Ëg8
25. Ìc4 Èe4 26. Ìd3 Èd5 27. e4! Èd4 28. Ëg8 33. Ìg5 Êb4 34. Èf1 [34... Êg4»+]
f4 1:0 Z. Arsovi 0:1 G. Arsovi

158.* D 80 Ìf6 33. Ëf6 Êg7 34. Ëf7 Êg6 35. e7+»]
Ëg7 33. Ëd8! Ëd8 34. Ìf6 Ëdg8 35. e7
A. GOGANOV 2600 Êh5 36. Ìg7 Èg7 37. Êg2 1:0
— A. IPATOV 2648 G. Arsovi
Lakovica 2016
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Ìg5 Íe4 5.
159.* D 83
Ìh4 Íc3 6. bc3 dc4 7. e3 Ìe6 8. Ìe2 Ìg7 S. MATSENKO 2534 —
9. Íh3 [9. Íf3 Ñ 114/172] Ìh3 10. gh3 I. SALGADO LéPEZ 2651
Íd7 11. Ìc4 0»0 12. Êf3 N [12. 0»0 Íb6 T«rkiye 2016
13. Ìb3 N (13. Ìe2) Êd7 14. Êg4 e6 15.
Êf3 c6 16. Ëfe1 Íc8 17. e4 Íd6 18. Ìg3 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Ìf4 Ìg7 5.
Èh8 19. Êd3 Ëad8 20. Ëad1 Êe7 21. a4 e3 0»0 6. Ëc1 Ìe6 7. cd5 Íd5 8. Íd5 Êd5
Ëd7 22. Êe3 Ëfd8Õ K. Alekseenko 2554 [8... Ìd5 9. Íe2 N (9. Ìc7) c6 10. Íc3 Êa5
— E. Safarli 2663, Moscow 2016] c6 13. 11. Êd2 Ëd8 12. b4!? Êb4 13. Ìc7 (13.
0»0 Ìf6 14. Ìg3 Êa5 15. e4 e5 [Ä 15... Ëb1?! Êa5 14. Ëb7 e5¤) Ëd7 14. Ëb1 Êa3
Ìg7 16. Ëad1 (16. e5 Íb6 17. Ìb3 c5Õ) 15. Íd5 Ëd5 16. Ëb3 Êa4 17. Ëb4 Êa3 18.
Íb6 17. Ìb3 c5 18. Êe3 Ëac8Õ] 16. Ëad1 Ëb3 Êa4 19. Ëb4 Êa3 20. Ëb3 1/2 : 1/2
Èg7 17. Êe3 Ëae8 18. f4 [18. de5! Íe5 19. Bublei 2391 — M. Turov 2610, Moscow
Ìb3 Êb5 (19... Êa6 20. f4 Íc4 21. Êe2 2016] 9. a3 [9. b3 Ñ 128/(162)] Êa2 N [9...
Íb6 22. Êa6 ba6 23. e5 Ìe7 24. f5¥) 20. Ëc8; 9... Êa5] 10. Êd2 Ëc8 11. Íf3 [11. e4
Ëd4! Êc5 21. f4 Íc4 22. Ìc4 Ìd4 23. Êd4 c5 12. d5 Ìd7 13. e5 c4|] c5 12. Ìe5 Ìe5
Êd4 24. cd4 Ëe4 25. f5î] ed4 19. cd4 Íb6 13. Íe5?! [13. de5 Íd7 14. Ìe2 Ëc6 15. 0»0
20. Ìb3 Êf5 21. Ëde1! [21. e5 Ìe7 22. Ëb6 16. Ëc2 Ìb3 17. Ëcc1 Ìe6=] Íc6 14.
Êd3 Êd3 23. Ëd3 Ëd8Õ] Êh3 22. f5! gf5 Íc6 [14. Ëc5? Íe5 15. Ëe5 Êb1»+]
23. e5¢ Èh8 [23... Ìh4 24. Ìh4 Êh4 25.
Ëf4 Êd8 26. Ëf5 Íd5 27. Ìd5 cd5 28. e1e1 1q1
Èh1¢] 24. Èh1 Íd5 25. Ìd5 cd5 26. Ëf3
Ëg8 [26... Êg4 27. Êf2 Ìg5 28. Ëf5¢] 27. Yy1 Yy1y
Êf2 Ìd8? [27... Ìe7? 28. e6! f6 29. Ìh4 1g1r1y1
Êg4 30. Ëf5¥; 27... Ìg5 28. Ëf5 (28. e6 f6
29. Ëf5¢) Ìe7 29. Ëf7 Êe6 30. Êf5¢] 1 Y 1 1
1 Re1eQ 1 H 1 1
Yy1 1y1y H 1 H 1
1 1 1 1 wH S HhH
1 1yHy1 1 D Af1d
1 H 1 1 14... bc6! [14... Ëc6 15. dc5 b6 16. Ìe2 bc5
17. 0»0=] 15. Ëc5 [15. dc5?! Ëcb8 16. b4
1 1 1dFw (16. Ëc2 Ëb3¤) Êa3¤] Ëcb8£ 16. b4 Êa3
h1 1 S H 17. Ëa5 Êb3 [Ä 17... Êb4 18. Êb4 Ëb4 19.
Ìd3 Ìd5 20. 0»0 f5£] 18. Ìd3 Ìc4 19.
1 1 D 1a Èe2?! [19. Ìc2 Êb2 20. Ìd3 Êb4 21. Êb4
Ëb4 22. Èd2 Ìd5 23. f3 Ëb2 24. Ìc2 Ìb3
28. e6! f6 [28... fe6?? 29. Ìe5+»; 28... Êg4 25. Ëc1=] Ëb4 [Å Êd3] 20. Ëd1 Ëb5 21.
29. Ëf5 f6 30. Ìh4¥] 29. Ìh4 [29. Ìc7 Ëaa1 a5¤ 22. Êc1 [22. Èf1 a4 23. Êe2
Êh6 30. Ìd8 Ëd8 31. Ëf5 Ëde8 32. Ëf6 Ìd3 24. Ëd3 Êd5»+] Ìd3 23. Ëd3 Êd5
Ëg6 33. Ëg6 hg6 (33... Êg6 34. Êf3+») 34. 24. f3 Êd6 25. f4 Êd5 [25... Ëab8 26. Ëd2
Êf6 Êg7 35. Êg5+»; 29. e7 Ëe7 30. Ëe7 g5 27. Êf1 (27. g3 Êe6»+) Ëb2»+] 26.
Ìe7 31. Ìd6 Êh6 32. Ìe7+»] Êg4 30. Èf2 c5 27. Êc2 c4 28. Ëc3 Ëb4 29. Ëa2 e6
Ëf4 Êg6 31. Ëf5 h6 32. Ëd5+» [32. Ìf6 30. h3 Èg7 31. Êe2 a4»+ 32. Êc2 Èg8 33.

Êe2 Êb5 34. Èg3 Ëc8 35. Ëca3 Êc6 36. Ìc5 26. Íd2 Êa2£) Ëc4 25. Êb3 Ëc1 26.
Ëc3 Ëb3 37. Ëac2 Ëc3 [37... Êb6 38. Ëc4 Èh2 Êb3 27. Ëb3 Ìd6£] 24. Ëc3 Ìb4
Ëc4 39. Ëc4 a3»+] 38. Ëc3 Êb5 39. Êc2 [24... Êb4 25. Ëb3 Êc4 26. g3 Êc2£] 25.
Êa6 40. Êb2 Ëa8 41. Êa3 [41. Ëa3 Êd6 Ëc8 Ëc8 26. Ëc1 Ëc1 27. Êc1 Ìc5 28.
42. Êc3 g5»+] Ëb8 42. Êc5 Ëb3 43. Êc4 Êd2! Êe4 29. d6 Êa8 30. d7 Êd8 31. Êd5
Êc4 44. Ëc4 Ëe3 45. Èf2 Ëa3 46. d5 ed5 Èf8 32. Êe6
47. Ëd4 Èg7 48. Ëd5 Ëb3 49. Ëa5 a3 50.
Ëa6 h5 51. h4 Èf8 52. Ëa7 Èe8 53. f5 gf5 1 W Q 1
54. Ëa5 Ëb2 55. Èf3 a2 56. g3 Èd7 57. Ëa6
Èc7 58. Èf4 Èb7 59. Ëa3 Èb6 60. Ëa8 f6 Y 1h1 1y
61. Ëa3 Ëd2 62. Èe3 Ëg2 63. Èf4 Ëb2 64. Y 1sYy1
Ëa8 Ëc2 0:1 D. Pikula
1 R Y 1
160. D 85 1 1 1 H
— I. CHEPARINOV 2688 h1 1 Hh1
T«rkiye 2016 1 1 1 A
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. cd5 Íd5 5.
e4 Íc3 6. bc3 Ìg7 7. Êa4 Êd7 8. Êa3 b6 32... e4! 33. Íd2 e3! 34. fe3 [34. Íe4 e2 35.
9. Íf3 0»0 10. Ìd3 Íf6 e1Ê 36. Êe1 Êf6 37. Êe8 Èg7 38.
d8Ê Êf2 39. Èh2 Êf4 40. Èh3 Êf5=]
eTr1 Eq1 Êe7= 35. Êd5 Êe3 36. Èh2 Êg1 37. Èh3
Êh1 38. Èg3 Êe1 39. Èh3 Êh1 40. Èg3
Y YwYyRy Êe1 1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovi
Y 1 1y1
161. D 91
1 1 1 1
ELJANOV 2765 —
1 Hh1 1 F. CARUANA 2804
S Hf1g1 Shamkir 2016
h1 1 HhH 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Íf3 Ìg7 5.
D F A 1d Ìg5 Íe4 6. Ìf4 Íc3 7. bc3 c5 8. e3 0»0 9.
Ìe2 [9. cd5 Ñ 123/(162)] dc4 10. Ìc4 Íd7
10... e5!? N [10... c5 Ñ 125/154] 11. d5 [11. 11. 0»0 Íb6 12. Ìb3 c4 13. Ìc2 Íd5 14.
Ìb2 Íc6 12. d5 Ía5 13. c4 f5Õ] c6 12. c4 Êd2 Íf4 N [14... Êa5 15. Ìe4 Íf6 16.
Ía6 13. Ìe3 Ëe8 14. 0»0 Ìf8 15. Êb2 Ìb1 Ìg4Õ] 15. ef4 Ìe6 16. a4 [16. Ìe4!?
f6| [15... Êc7 16. a4 Íc5 17. Ìc2 a5 18. Ëb8 (16... Ìd5 17. Ìd5 Êd5 18. a4¢) 17. a4
Íd2 Ìa6Õ] 16. Ëfd1 [16. a4 Íc5 17. Ìc2 Êd6 18. Ëfe1 f5 19. Ìc2 Ìd5 20. Íe5
Ìa6 18. Íd2 cd5 19. ed5 f5Õ] Íc5 17. Ìc2 b6Õ] Ìd5 17. Íe5 e6 18. Ëfb1 Ëb8 19.
cd5 [17... Ìa6? 18. Ìc5! Ìc5 19. Ìa4+»] Êe3 a6 20. a5 b5 21. ab6 Ëb6Õ 22. g3 Ëb1
18. cd5 [18. ed5 Ìa6 19. Íd2 f5Õ] Ìa6 19. 23. Ëb1 Ìe5 24. Êe5 Êa8 [24... Êa5 25.
Ìc5 [19. a4 Ìe2 20. Ëd2 Ìf3 21. gf3 Êe3 Êa3 26. h4 h5 27. f5 ef5 28. Ìf5 a5
Ìd6Õ] Ìc5 20. Ìd3 [20. Êb3 Ëac8 21. (28... gf5 29. Êg5 Èh8=) 29. Ìc2=] 25. h4
Ìd3 Ìd3 22. Ëd3 Ìd6Õ] Ìd3 21. Ëd3 Ìh1 26. Èf1 h5 27. Èe1 a5 28. Ëa1 Êg2
Êa4 22. Ëe1 [Ä 22. Êe2 Ëac8 23. h4 Ìd6 29. Ëa5 Êg1 30. Èe2 Ìg2 31. Êe3 [31.
24. h5 Ëc2 25. Íd2 Èg7 (25... Ëa2? 26. Ëa2 Ìg6 a) 31... Êf1 32. Èd2 Êf2 33. Èc1 fg6
Êa2 27. hg6 hg6 28. Êg4 Èg7 29. Êd7+») 34. Êe6 (34. Ëa7 Ìb7 35. Êe6 Ëf7 36. Êg6
26. Êf3 Ëf8 27. a3Õ] Ëac8 23. h4 Ìd6 Èf8 37. Êh6 Èg8 38. Êg6=) Èh8 35. Êe5
[23... Ìb4 24. Ëe2 (24. Ëc1 Ëc1 25. Êc1 Èg8=; b) 31... fg6 32. Êe6 Èg7 33. Êe5

(33. Ëa7? Èh6»+) Èg8=] Ëb8 32. Ëa2 Ìe6 8. b3 dc4 N [Ä 8... Íe4 9. Íe4 de4 10.
Ìh3 [32... Ëb1 33. Ìb1 Êb1 34. Ëa6 Êc2 Íe2 f5 11. Íc3 Íd7 12. Ìe2 Ìf7|] 9. bc4
35. Èe1 (35. Êd2?? Ìf3»+) Êb1=] 33. a6 10. Íf3 b5 11. Ìe2! Ìc4 [11... Íbd7 12.
Èd2 Ìf5 34. Êe1 Êg2 35. Ìf5 ef5 d5 cd5 13. cd5 Ìf5 14. Íd4¢; 11... bc4 12.
e4 Íe8 13. Ía4! Íd6 14. Íc5¢] 12. Ìc4
E1q1 1 bc4 13. 0»0 Íd5 14. Ìe5 [14. Ía4!? Íf4
1 1 1y1 15. ef4 Íd7 16. Ëc4¢] Íd7 15. Ìg7 Èg7

1 1 1y1 e1 W E 1
1 1 1y1y 1 1tYyQy
1yH H H y1y1 1y1
1 H 1 H 1 1t1 1
d1 A Hw1 1yH 1 1
1 1 S 1 1 G Hg1h
36. Èc2? [36. Ëc2 Ëb6 37. Ëc1 Ëe6 (37... h1 1 Hh1
Ëb2 38. Ëc2=) 38. Êf1 Êf3 39. Ëb1 Ëa6 1 Ds1dA
40. Ëb2=] Êb7? [36... Êf3! 37. Èc1 (37.
Êe3 Êh1 38. Ëb2 Ëa8!»+) Ëb3 38. Ëc2 16. Ía4! Í5b6 [16... Í7b6 17. Íc5 Êd6
Ëa3! 39. Êe2 Êh1 40. Èd2 Ëa1»+] 37. 18. Íd2 Ëfb8 19. Íc4 Íc4 20. Ëc4 Ëb2 21.
Èd2 Êg2 38. Èc1? [38. Ëc2!= Ñ 36. Ëc2]
Ëc2¢] 17. Íb2 c5 18. Íc4 cd4 [18... Ëc8?!
Êf3!»+ 39. Ëc2
19. dc5 Ëc5 20. Êd4 e5 (20... Èg8 21. Íb6
Ëc1 22. Íd7+») 21. Íce5+»; 18... Íc4?!
E1q1 1 19. Ëc4 Êc7 20. dc5+»] 19. Êd4 Èg8 20.
1 1 1y1 Ía5¥ e6 21. e4 [21. Ëfd1 Êf6 22. Êd6¥]
Íf6 22. Êb4 Íbd7 23. Íc6 Êe8 [23... Êb6
1 1 1y1 24. Êd6 Ëa7 25. Ëb1 Êc7 26. e5¥] 24.
1 1 1y1y Ëfd1 Èg7 25. Êd4 Ëc8
1yH H H 1e1wE 1
1 H 1wH 1 1t1yQy
1d1 H 1 y1g1yTy1
1 A S 1 1 1 1 1
39... Ëa8! 40. Êe2 [40. Èb1 Ëa3»+] Êh1 1 Sh1 1
41. Èd2 Ëa1 42. Êe8 Èg7 43. Êe5 Èh7
44. Êe2 Ëb1! 45. f3 Ëg1 0:1 1 1 1g1h
G. Arsovi h1 1 Hh1
162. D 93 1 Dd1 A
F. BINDRICH 2590 — 26. g4! h6 27. h4 e5 28. Ífe5?! [28. Êd6!
E. VOROBIOV 2574 Íb8 29. Íce5+»] Íe5 29. Íe5 Ëc1? [29...
Jesko 2016 Êe6 30. g5 hg5 31. hg5 Íh5 32. Ëc8 Ëc8
33. Ëd3¢] 30. Ëc1 Èg8 31. f3 [31. Ëc6 Êe7
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Ìf4 Ìg7 5. 32. Ëa6+»] Êb8 32. Èg2 Ëd8 33. Êc3
e3 0»0 6. Ëc1 c6 7. h3 [7. Íf3 Ñ 106/(273)] Êd6 34. Ëc2 Êe6 35. Íc6 Ëd7 36. Êe5

Êe5 37. Íe5 Ëe7 38. Íc6 Ëb7 39. Èf2 Èf8 Ëc8=] 20. a4 Êb6| 21. Íg4 [21. Ìc3 Íd6
40. Èe3 Íe8 41. Íd4 Ëb4 42. Íe2 [42. 22. b3 f5Õ] Íg4 22. Ìg4 Ëad8 23. ab5 ab5
h5+»] Íd6 43. Íc3 Íb5 44. Íd5 Ëa4 45. 24. Ìf3 Ëfe8 25. Ìe3
Ëc8 Èg7 46. g5 hg5 47. hg5 Ëa3 48. Èf4
Íd4 49. Íf6 Íe6 50. Èg4 Íf8 51. Ëc2 1 Ee1q1
Íe6 52. f4+» Ëa4 53. Ëb2 Ëd4 54. Ëb8
Íf8 55. e5 Ëd1 [55... Ëa4 56. e6! fe6 57. 1t1 1yRy
Ëb7 Èh8 58. Ëf7+»] 56. Ëa8 Ëg1 57. Èf3 W 1 1y1
Ëf1 58. Èg3 Ëg1 59. Èf2 Ëc1 60. Íe8 Èg8
61. Ëa6 1:0 Z. Arsovi 1yYh1 1
1 1 1 1
163. D 98
1 1 Ff1
— O. KARPESHOV 2323 Hs1 HhH
Kazan 2016 D 1 1dA
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 d5 4. Íf3 Ìg7 5. 25... Ëe3! [25... Ëc8 26. Ëac1 Êc7Õ] 26.
Êb3 dc4 6. Êc4 0»0 7. e4 Íc6 8. Ìe2 Ìg4 fe3 c4§ 27. Ëfe1 [27. Êf2 Íc5 28. Ìe2
9. d5 Ía5 10. Êb4 Ìf3 11. Ìf3 b6 12. 0»0 f5§] Íc5 28. Ëad1 Ìe5 [28... Íd3 29. Ëd3
c5 13. Êa4 a6 N [13... Íd7 Ñ 45/585] 14. cd3 30. Êd3 Ìb2 31. Ëb1 Ëe8! 32. Ìe4
Êc2 b5 15. Íd1 [Ä 15. Ìg5 h6 16. Ìf4 Ëc8! 33. d6 (33. Ëb2? Ëc1 34. Èf2 Êf6»+)
Íd7 17. Ìe2 Êb6 18. Êd2 Èh7 19. Êe3¢] Ëc3 34. Êd5 Êe3 35. Èf1 Ëc5 36. Êd3
Íd7 16. Íe3 [16. Ìg5 h6 17. Ìf4 Íc4 18.
Êf4 37. Ìf3 Ìd4 38. d7 Ëd5£] 29. Ëe2
Ìe2 Íd6 19. a4 Êb6Õ]
Êd6 30. g3 Ëa8! 31. Ìg2 h5 32. Èh1 Èg7
e1 W Eq1 33. Ëf2 Ëa7 34. Ìf3

1 1tYyRy 1 1 1 1
y1 1 1y1 E 1 1yQ
TyYh1 1 1 W 1y1
1 1h1 1 1yThR 1y
1 1 Gf1 1y1 1 1
hHs1 HhH 1 1 HfH
D F 1dA Hs1 D H
16... e6! [16... c4 17. Ìd2 Íb7 18. Ìc3¢] 1 1d1 1a
17. Ìd2 [17. Ìg4 Ëe8 (17... Êb6!?) 18. de6
fe6 19. f4 Ìd4 20. Èh1 Íc6Õ; 17. de6 fe6 34... Ëa4! 35. Èg1 Ëb4¤ 36. Êc1 [36. Ëb1
18. Ìg4 Êb6 19. Ìd2 Ëae8Õ] ed5 18. ed5 Íd3 37. Ëff1 Êc5¤] Ëb3 37. Èg2 h4 38.
[18. Íd5 Íc6 19. Ìe3 Íd4 20. Ìd4 Ìd4 gh4 Ìh2»+ 39. Èh1 Ìg3 [39... Ìe5 40.
21. Ëad1 Íb6Õ] Íe5 19. Ìe2 Íb7 [19... Èg1 Êf6»+] 40. Ëg2 Ìh4 41. Ëf1 Êe5 42.
f5!? a) 20. f4 Íf7 (20... Íd7Õ) 21. Êc5 Êd2 Íd3 43. d6 Êd6 44. Êa5 Ìf6 45. Ìe4
Íb7 22. Êa3 Ëe8 23. Èh1 Ífd6§; b) 20. Êe6 46. Ìa8 Êh3 0:1
Êc5 f4 21. Íg4 Ëc8 22. Êa7 Ëa8 23. Êc5 G. Arsovi


164.** E 04 20. Íe6 Ìe6 21. Êc6 Êa3 22. Ëa1 Êd6 23.
Êd6 cd6 24. Ëa7 Íc3 25. e4 b5 26. d5 Ìg4
— BU XIANGZHI 2723 27. Íd4 b4 28. h3?! [28. Íc6 b3! 29. Íd8
b2 30. Ìf1 b1Ê 31. Ëb1 Ëb1 32. Èg2 Íe4
Danzhou 2016 33. Ìd3 Ìh3! 34. Èf3 (34. Èh3 Íf2 35.
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. g3 dc4 5. Èg2 Íd3 36. Íf7=) Íg5 35. Èe3 Ëe1 36.
Ìg2 Íc6 6. Êa4 Ìb4 7. Ìd2 Íd5 [7... Èd2 Ëe8=] Ìd1! 29. e5?! [29. Íc6 b3 30.
Ìd6 8. Ìc3 0»0 a) 9. Íbd2? N Ìd7 a1) 10. Ìf1 b2 31. Ìd3 Ìe2! 32. Ìc2 (32. Ìe2?
Êc4?! b5! 11. Êb5 (11. Êd3 b4»+; 11. Íe2»+) Ëa8 33. Ëb7 Ëa1 34. Ìb1=] b3
Êb3 b4»+) Íb4 12. Êb4 (12. Êc4 Íc2 13. 30. e6 fe6 [30... b2 31. ef7 Èh8 32. Íc6 (32.
Èf1 Ía1»+) Ìb4 13. Ìb4 Ëe8»+ Eljanov Íe6 Ëdc8 33. Ëd1 Íd1 34. Ìe4 Íc3 35.
2765 — P. Harikrishna 2763, Stavanger Ìd3 b1Ê 36. Ìb1 Ëb1 37. Èg2 Ëbb8 38.
(blitz) 2016; a2) 10. 0»0 Ëb8¤; b) 9. 0»0 Ñ Ëa6 Íd5 39. Ëd6 Íf6¤) Ëf8 33. Íb8 b1Ê
102/(362)] 8. Êb5 [8. Ìb4 Ídb4 9. Ía3 34. Íc6 Íe2 35. Èh2 g5¤] 31. Ëe6? [31.
Ëb8 10. 0»0 0»0 11. Êb5 b6 12. Êc4 Ìa6 Íe6! b2 32. Ëd1 Íd1 33. Ìe4 b1Ê 34. Ìb1
13. Íb5 Êd5 14. Êd5 Íd5 15. a4 Ía5 16. Ëb1 35. Íd8 Íe3 36. Èh2 Ëb2 37. Ëf7
Ëfe1 c6 17. Íc3 N (17. Ía3) Íc4 18. Íd5 Íd5=] Ìc2?! [31... b2? 32. Íf5 b1Ê 33.
cd5 19. b3 Ía5 20. b4 Íc4 21. e3 Íd6 22.
Íe5 Ëbc8 23. b5 Ìb7 24. a5 Ëc7 25. Ëeb1 Ëg7 Èf8 34. Ëf6 Èe8 35. Ëe7#; 31... Íb5!
Ëfc8 26. Ìf1 Íc4 27. ab6 ab6 28. Íd3= 32. Íb5 Ëb5 33. Ìf1 b2 34. Ìd3 b1Ê 35.
Zhou Weiqi 2635 — Bu Xiangzhi 2719, Ìb1 Ëb1»+] 32. Íb3 Ëb3 33. Ëee7 g5 34.
China 2016] Ìd2 9. Íbd2 c3 10. bc3 Íc3 Ëac7 Ìf5 35. Ëg7 Èh8 36. Ëgf7 Íe2 [36...
11. Êb2 [11. Êd3 Íd5 12. 0»0 0»0 13. e4 Ìd3¤] 37. Èh2 Íd4 38. g4 Ìd3 39. f4 [39.
(13. Ëfc1 Ñ 111/(252)) Íde7§] Ía4 12. Ëf6!? Èg8 40. Ëh6 Ëf8 41. Ëh5 Ëf2 42.
Êc2 Íb6 13. e3 N [13. Íb3] 0»0 14. 0»0 Ëg5 Èf8 43. Ëc8 Èe7 44. Ëgg8 Ëbb2 45.
Êe7 15. Ëac1 Ëd8 16. Íb3 Ëb8 17. Íc5 Ëce8 Èf6 46. Ëgf8 Èg7 47. Ëf2 (47. Ëg8?
Íd5 18. a3 h6 19. Ëfe1 Èh6 48. Ëh8 Ìh7»+) Ëf2£] gf4 40. Ëf4
Ëb2 41. Ëcf7 Íe2 42. Ëf2 Ëdb8 43. Ë7f6
ErE 1q1 Íc3
1t1y1 Y E 1 1 Q
1 Gt1 1 1 1 1 1
1 H 1 1 1 Y D Y
H 1 HgH 1 1h1 1
1s1 HfH 1 1 1h1
1 D D A 1 Tr1 1h
E 1 DfA
19... b6 [19... Ía5 20. Íe5 b6 21. e4 Íf6
(21... bc5? 22. ed5 cd4 23. Êa4¥) 22. Êb2§]
1 1 1 1
44. Ëh6? [Ä 44. Ëb2 Ëb2 45. Èg1 (45. 166. E 08
Èg3 Ìe4¤) Íe2 46. Èf2 Íf4 47. Èe3 Íg2
48. Èd3 Èg7 49. Ëd6¤] Èg7»+ 45. Ëhf6 A. GIRI 2785 —
[45. Ëb2 Ëb2 46. Ëd6 Ìe4»+] Íd1 46. SERGEY KARJAKIN 2773
Ëb2 Ëb2 47. Ëd6 Ìf1 48. Èg3 Ëg2 49. Bilbao 2016
Èf4 Ëf2 50. Èg5 Íc3 51. Ëg6 Èf7 52. d6
Íe4 53. Èh6 Ëd2 54. Ëg7 Èf8 55. g5 Íd6 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 Ìb4 4. Ìd2 Ìe7 5.
56. Èh7 Ìh3 57. g6 Ìe6 0:1 Ìg2 d5 6. Íf3 0»0 7. 0»0 c6 8. Êc2 Íbd7
Z. Stamenkovi 9. Ìf4 b6 10. cd5 cd5 11. Ëc1 Ìb7 12. Êb3
[12. Íc3 Ñ 69/(453)] Ëc8 13. Ëc8 Êc8 14.
Íc3 Íh5 [14... Ìc6 15. Ëc1 Êb7 16. Íb5
165. E 05 Ìb5 17. Êb5 Ëc8 18. Ëc8 Êc8] 15. Ìg5
W. SO 2771 — [15. Ìe3!? Êa8 16. a4 (16. Êa4 Ìc6 17.
HI. NAKAMURA 2791 Êc2 Íhf6=) Ëc8 17. a5 ba5 18. Ëa5 Íhf6
19. Íe5 a6=] Ìg5 16. Íg5
Saint Louis 2016
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. g3 Ìe7 5.
1w1 Eq1
Ìg2 0»0 6. 0»0 dc4 7. Íe5 Íc6 8. Íc6 bc6 Yr1t1yYy
9. Ía3 Ìa3 10. ba3 Ìa6 11. Êd2 [11. Ìc6 Y 1y1 1
Ñ 49/573] Ëb8 12. Êa5 Êc8 13. a4 Ëd8 14.
Ìa3 Ëd4 1 1y1 Gt
Ew1 1q1 1 H 1 1
Y Y 1yYy 1sG 1 H
r1y1yT 1 hH 1hHfH
S 1 1 1 D 1 1 A
h1yE 1 1 16... Êb8 N [16... Íhf6 17. e3 a6 18. Ëc1
Êc7 19. Ìf1 Ëc8 20. Íf3 Íe4 21. Ìd3
F 1 1 H Êd8=] 17. e3 [17. e4?! h6£] Íhf6 18. Ìf1
h1 1hHfH Ëc8 19. a4 h6 20. Íf3 Íe4 21. a5 Ìc6 22.
Ìa6 [22. ab6 Êb6 23. Êb6 ab6 24. Íe1
D 1 1dA Íc3 25. bc3 Èf8 26. Íc2 Íf6 27. Íb4
Ìe8=] ba5 23. Êc2 Ìb7 24. Ëa5 Ìa6 25.
15. Ëfb1!? N [15. Ëab1 Ëb6 16. Ìc5 Ëd7 Ëa6 Ëc7 26. Èg2 Êb4 27. Ëa4 Êb7 28.
(16... Ëd8 17. Ìb6 cb6 18. Êc3 Íd5; 16... Ëa3 Íb6 29. Íe5 Íc4 30. Íc4 Ëc4 31.
Ëd5!? 17. Ìd5 cd5 18. Ìb6 ab6 19. Êc3! Êe2 Íc3 32. bc3 Êe7= 33. Êa2 Ëc7 34.
Íe4 20. Êe3) 17. Ëfd1 Êd8!] Ëb6 16. Ìc5 Ëa5 g6 35. h4 h5 36. Êa3 Êa3 37. Ëa3 a5
Ëd7 17. Ëd1 h6? [17... Íd5! 18. e4 (18. 38. Ëa5 Ëc3 39. Ëa8 Èg7 40. Ëa5 Èg8 41.
Ìb6 cb6 19. Êd2 h6 20. e4 Íf6Õ) Íf6 19. Ëa8 Èg7 42. Ëa5 Èg8 43. Ëa8
Ëd7 Íd7 20. Ìb6 cb6 21. Êd2 Íc5=] 18. 1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi
Ëd7 Íd7 19. Ìb6 cb6 20. Êd2 c5 21. Ëd1
Íf6 22. Èf1 Èh7 23. Êc2?! [23. Êd8!¥] 167. E 08
Èg8? [23... g6! 24. Êc3 Èg7 25. h4 (25.
a5 b5) Êc7 26. g4 Êf4Õ] 24. Êd2 Èh7 HI. NAKAMURA 2787
25. Êd8! Êd8 26. Ëd8 c3 27. Èe1 Ìc4 — M. CARLSEN 2855
28. Èd1 Ìa2 29. Èc2 Ìc4 30. e3 b5 31. Bilbao 2016
Èc3+» a6 32. Ëa8 Íd5 33. Ìd5 ed5 34.
a5! b4 35. Èd2 Ìf1 36. Ëc8 c4 37. Ëb8 b3 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 d5 4. g3 Ìe7 5.
38. Èc3 1:0 A. olovi Ìg2 0»0 6. Êc2 c6 7. 0»0 b6 8. Ëd1 Ìb7

9. b3 Íbd7 10. Íc3 Ëc8 11. e4 c5 12. dc5 24. Ëb1Õ; b) 20... c3! 21. Íb6 (21. Êc3?!
[12. ed5 Ñ 91/431] dc4 13. b4 a5 14. a3 ab4 Ía4 22. Ëa4 Íe4 23. Ìe4 Ìg5£; 21. Íc3
15. ab4 bc5 16. b5 c4Õ) Êb6 22. Êc3 h6Õ] Ìf6 21. Íd5 Ìd5
22. ed5 e4 23. Ëab1 Ëd5 24. Íc4 Ëd4 25.
1eW Eq1 Íb6 Êb6 26. Ìe4 Ëd1 27. Ëd1 [27. Êd1
c4! 28. Êd7 Ëd8 29. Êc6 Ìd4 30. Êc4
1r1tRyYy Ìf2=] Êb5 28. Ìh7 Èf8 29. Ìf5 Ëd8 30.
1 1yT 1 Ëd8 Ìd8 31. Êd3 Êd3 32. Ìd3 Ìf6
1/2 : 1/2 Kapnisis
1hY 1 1
1y1h1 1 168. E 11
1 G 1gH C. LUPULESCU 2624
1s1 HfH — L.�C. MIRON 2511
D Fd1 A Romfnia (ch) 2016
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 Ìb4 4. Ìd2 Êe7
16... Êc7 [16... Ëa8!? a) 17. Ìb2 Ëa1 18. 5. Íc3 b6 6. e3 Ìb7 7. Ìd3 Ìc3 [7... 0»0
Ëa1 (18. Ìa1 Êa8!) Íe8!; b) 17. Ìf4 Ëa1 8. Êc2 (8. 0»0 c5 Ñ 23/573) c5 9. a3
18. Ëa1 Íh5 19. Ìe3 Íhf6 20. h3 Íb6=]
17. Ìf4 [17. Íd2!? Íb6 18. Ìb2Õ Å Ía4; eT 1 Eq1
17. Ëb1!?] e5 18. Ìg5 [18. b6!? Êb6 (18...
Êb8 19. Ìg5 Íb6 20. Êb2 Ìa8 21. Ëab1î)
19. Ìe5 Êe6 20. Ìf4 Íe4 21. Ëd7 Êd7 22. Y 1yT 1
Íe4 Êd3 23. Íe1¢] Íb6 1 Y 1 1
RhH 1 1
1e1 Eq1 H GfHg1
1rW RyYy HsF HhH
T 1 T 1 D 1 A 1d
1hY Y F a) 9... Ìc3 10. Ìc3 Ìf3 (10... cd4 11. Íd4
1y1h1 1 Ía6 12. b4¢; 10... h6 11. 0»0 d6 12. e4 cd4
13. Íd4 Íbd7 14. f3 Ëac8 15. Ìe2¢) 11.
1 G 1gH gf3 cd4 12. Ìd4 Íc6 (12... e5 13. Ìc3 Íc6
1s1 HfH 14. 0-0-0 Ëac8 15. Ëhg1î) 13. Ìc3 Ëac8 14.
0-0-0 d5 15. Èb1¢; b) 9... Ìa5!? 10. e4 (10.
D 1d1 A 0-0-0?! d5 11. cd5 ed5 12. Íe5 Íc6 13. Íc6
Ìc6 14. Èb1 c4¤) d5 11. e5 Ìc3 12. Ìc3
19. Íd2 N [19. Ëa7!? h6 20. Ìe3 Ëb8! (20... Íe4|; c) 9... cd4 10. ab4 dc3 11. Ìc3 Íc6
Ëa8?! 21. Ëb7! Êb7 22. Íe5 Ëfd8 23. 12. Ëa4 a5 13. ba5 ba5 14. 0»0 (14. Êe2
Ìd2¥) a) 21. Íe5?! Êe5 22. Ìf4 Êe6 23. d5|) Íb4 15. Êd2 Íd3 16. Êd3 d5 17.
Ìb8 Ëb8 24. e5 Ìg2 25. ef6 Ìf3! 26. fe7 Êd4 dc4 18. Ëfa1 Ëfd8 19. Êh4î] 8. Ìc3
Ëe8! 27. Èf1! Ìd1 28. Êd1Õ; b) 21. Íh4 Íe4 9. Ëc1 [9. Êc2 a) 9... f5!? 10. 0-0-0!?
Ìe4! 22. Ëc7 Ìc2 23. Ëc1 (23. Ëe7? Ìd1 0»0 11. Èb1 d6 12. Ìe1 Íd7 13. Ëg1 e5
24. Íd1 Ëfd8»+) Ìd8! 24. Ëa7 Ìd3Õ; c) (13... b5!?) 14. Íd2 (14. d5?! Ídc5 15. Ìe2
21. Íd2 Íg4 22. Íd5 Íe3 23. Íe3 Ìg5 24. Ìc8î) Íd2 15. Ìd2 Êh4 16. f3 e4|; b) 9...
Ídc4 Ìe3 25. Íe3 c4 26. Ìf1 Êc5Õ] Ëfd8 Íc3 10. Êc3 d6 11. 0-0-0 Íd7 12. e4 e5
20. Ìf6 [20. Ìf1?! Ëd4î; 20. Ía4!? a) 13. Ëhe1 c5 14. d5 (14. de5 Íe5 15. Ìc2
20... Ía4 21. Ëa4 c3! 22. Íb1 c4 (22... 0-0-0Õ) Íf6 15. Êd2 Ìc8 16. h3 Íh5|]
Ëd1 23. Êd1 Ëd8 24. Êc2¢) 23. Íc3 Ëd3 0»0 10. 0»0

eT 1 Eq1 32. Íe1 f5 33. ef5 Êf6 34. Ìd3 h5|] 24.
ab6 [24. Íd2!? ba5 25. b3] ab6 [24... Ëb6!?
YrYyWyYy 25. Êc2 Ëcb7 26. Ëa2 Ìg4 27. Íd2 h5|]
Y 1y1 1 25. Ëca3 Ìg4 26. Êe3 Ëbb7 [26... Ìf3 27.
Êf3 h6 28. Èg2 Íh7 29. Ìc2! Êf6 (29... b5
1 1 1 1 30. cb5 Ëb5 31. Ëa8 Íf8 32. Ìa4 Ëb2 33.
1hHt1 1 Ëe8+») 30. Êe2 Êg5 31. Ëa6 Íf6 32. Ìa4
Íh5 33. Èh1¥; 26... h6 27. Íd2 Íh7 28.
1 FfHg1 Ìe2 Ìd7 29. Íb1¢ Å Íc3] 27. Íd2 Ëa7
hH 1 HhH 28. Ìf1 Ëcb7 29. Ëa6 Êc7 30. Êa3 Ëa6 31.
Êa6 Ìc8 32. Íb1 Ëb8 33. Êa3 Ìb7?! [Ä
1 Ds1dA 33... Ìd7 34. b4¢] 34. Êb3 Ëa8 35. Ëa8
Ìa8 36. Íc3¥ Ìb7 37. Ía4 Íd7 38. Ìh3
10... Íc3 N [10... d6 11. Ìe1 Íd7 12. Íd2 Íb8 39. Êb6 Êb6 40. Íb6 Èf8 41. Ìc8
f5 13. b4 (13. f3 Íd2 14. Êd2 e5 15. Ìb1 a5 Ìa6 42. Ìa6 Ía6 43. Íc8 Íb4 44. Èf1
16. a3 e4|) c5 14. f3 Íd2 15. Êd2 e5 16. Íd3 45. b3 Íc1 46. Íd6 Íb3 47. Èe2 Ía5
Ëd1¢] 11. Ëc3 c5 12. e4 [12. d5 ed5 13. cd5 48. Èd3+» g6 49. Èc3 Èe7 50. Íc8 Èd7
f5!?Õ] d6 [12... cd4 13. Íd4 Ëd8 14. Ìb1 51. Íb6 Èd6 52. Ía4 f5 53. f3 fe4 54. fe4
(14. Êd2 Íc6 15. Ìc2 Íd4 16. Êd4 Êc5 Íb7 55. Íb2 Íd8 56. Íd3 Íf7 57. h4
17. Ëd1 Êd4 18. Ëd4 e5 19. Ëd6 Èf8 Å Íh6 58. Íf2 Íg8 59. Èb3 Íf6 60. Èa4
Èe7=) Íc6 15. Íb5!? d6 16. Ëg3! a6 (16... Íh5 61. g4 Íg3 62. g5 Íf1 63. Íg4 Íd2
Ìa6 17. a4 e5 18. Êd2 Ìb5 19. cb5 Íd4 20.
64. Íf6 Èe7 65. Èb5 Èd6 66. Íe8 Èd7
Ìa2 Ëac8 21. Ëc3¢) 17. Íc3 Êf6 18. b3
(18. Êb3 b5|; 18. Êh5 g6 19. Êh6 Êg7) 67. Íf6 Èd6 68. Íh7 Íe4 69. Íf8 Íc3 70.
g6 (18... b5 19. cb5 ab5 20. Íb5 Ìa6 21. Èa5 Íb1 71. h5 e4 72. Íg6 e3 73. Íf4
Íc7! Ìf1 22. Ía8 Ëa8 23. Èf1 Íb4 24. Ía3 74. h6 Íc4 75. Èa6 e2 76. Íe2 Íe5
Êc1! Êa1 25. Ëc3 g6 26. a4¥) 19. Êd3 (19. 77. h7 1:0 Va. Stoica
Êd2 b5!) Êe5 20. Ëd1 Êc5 21. a4 Ëd7 22.
Êd2¢] 13. d5 Íd7 14. Ëe1 Ëae8 15. Ìc2 169.* E 11
e5 [15... ed5 16. cd5 b5 a) 17. b4 Êf6 (17...
cb4 18. Ëc7 Ëb8 19. e5 Ëfc8 20. Ëc8 Ëc8 S. SHANKLAND 2661
21. e6î) 18. Ëce3 cb4 19. Êd4 Ëc8 20. Ìb3 — IV. êARIK 2660
Êd4 21. Íd4 Ëc5! 22. Íf5 a5 23. Íd6 Biel (open) 2016
Ëb8|; b) 17. Ëb3!? a6 18. a4 b4 19. Ëbe3
Íe5 20. Íe5 Êe5 21. b3 Êb2 22. Ìd3¢] 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 Ìb4 4. Ìd2 Êe7
16. a3¢ Ëc8 [16... Ëb8 17. Ìa4 Íf6 18. 5. Íc3 b6 6. e3 0»0 7. Ìd3 Ìb7 8. 0»0 a5
Íd2¢] 17. Êd2 [17. Ìa4 Ëc7 18. Íd2 Ìc8 [8... Ìc3 9. Ìc3 Íe4 10. Ìe4 Ìe4 11.
19. b4 Íf6 Å 20. Ìc6 Ìg4 21. Êc2 Íh5|] Íd2 Ìb7 12. e4 d6 13. f4 N (13. d5) f5!?
Ëc7 18. g3!? Ìa6 19. Ìd3 Ëb8 20. Êe2
14. ef5 Ëf5 15. Êg4 Êf7 16. Ëae1 Íd7Õ
[20. Íh4 g6 21. Íg2 b5 22. Íe3 bc4 23.
Kazhgaleyev 2582 — A. Grischuk 2747,
Ìc4 Ìb5|] Ëcb7 21. a4 Ëc7 22. Ëa1 [22.
Íh4 g6 23. Íg2 Ìc8 24. Íe3 Ëbb7 25. Ëa3 Almaty (blitz) 2016; 8... c5 Ñ 23/573] 9. a3
Íb8 26. Íc2 (26. a5 Ía6 27. ab6 Ëb6 28. Ìc3 10. Ìc3 Íe4 N [10... d6] 11. Ìe1 f5
Êd2 Ëcb7|) Ía6 27. Êd2 h5 28. f4 f6 29. 12. Íd2 Íg5 [12... d6 13. f3 Íd2 14. Ìd2
Ìf1¢] Ìc8 23. a5 [23. Íe1!? Íf6 24. Íc2 Íd7 15. Êc2¢] 13. f4 Íf7 [Ä 13... Íe4] 14.
h5 (24... Ìh3 25. b4) 25. h4 Ìg4 (25... Êd7 e4 Íh6 15. Êe2 d6?! 16. Íf3 [Ä 16. ef5
26. Íe3¢) 26. Êe3 (26. f3 Ìd7 27. b4 Íh7 Íf5 17. Íf3 Íc6 18. Ìc3¥] Íd7 17. Ìh4
Å g5) Íh7 27. Ëca3¢] Íf8 [Ä 23... ba5 24. [Ä 17. ef5] Êe8 18. Ëae1 Êh5 19. Ìg5
Ëa5 Ëcb7 25. Ëa2 Íf6 26. Êc2 (26. Íe1 Ëae8 20. Ìh6 Êh6 21. Íg5 Êg6?! [21...
Ìh3 27. Ëca3 h5|) h6 27. Íd2 Íh7 28. Íf6 22. ef5 ef5 23. Íe6 Íh5 24. d5 Ìc8 25.
Ìf1 Íg5 29. h4 Íh3 30. Èg2 g5 31. Íf3 g4 g3¢]

1 1eEq1 Êd2 Íc5=] Êe8 16. Íd4 Ìg2 17. Èg2
Íc5 18. Êe8 Ëfe8 19. Íb5 Ëec8 20. Ìf4 g5
1rYt1 Yy 21. Ìe3 Ìf6 [21... a6 22. Íd4 Ía4 23. Íc6
Ìf6 24. Ìd4 Èg7=] 22. Ëab1 Ìe7?!
Y Yy1w1
Y 1 1yG e1e1 1q1
1hHhH 1 Y 1 Ry1y
H 1f1 1 Y 1y1 1
H 1s1hH 1gT 1 Y
1 1 DdA 1 1 1 1
22. d5!¥ Íf6 [22... ed5 23. ef5 Ëe2 24. fg6
1 1 F H
Ëd2 25. Ëe7 d4 26. gh7 Èh8 27. Ìe2!¥] 23. hH 1hHaH
ef5 ef5 24. Íe6 Ëf7 25. Êc2 Íg4 26. h3
Íh6 27. Íd4 [27. g4!¥] Ëe1 [27... Ëff8 28. 1dD 1 1
Ëe8 Ëe8 29. Íf5 Íf5 30. Ìf5 Êh5 31. Ìe6
Èh8 32. Êc3¥] 28. Ëe1 Ëf8 29. Êf2 Ìc8 23. Ëc2?! [23. b4! Íe4 24. Ëc8 Ëc8 25. Ía7
30. Íb5 Êf7 31. Êh4 Ëe8 a) 25... Ëc2 26. a3 Íd2 (26... Íc3 27. Ëc1¥;
26... Ëa2 27. Ìb6 Ëa3 28. Íc6¥) 27. Ìd2
1r1e1q1 Ëd2 28. Èf1¥; b) 25... Ëa8 26. Ìb6 Íc3 27.
Ëb3 Íd5 28. Íc6¥] a5 24. Ëbc1 Ëd8 25.
1 Y 1wYy Ía3 Ía4 26. Íc4 [26. Ëc7 Ìc5 27. Ìc5
Y Y 1 T Íc5 28. Íc4 Ëab8 29. Íb6 (29. Ía5 Ëd2
30. Íc4 Ëe2 31. Èf3 Íd3!Õ) Íb3 30. ab3
Yg1h1y1 Ëb6 31. Ë1c5 Ëd5 (31... h6 32. Ëa5 Ëb3 33.
1h1 H S Ëaa7 Ëf8 34. Ëab7 Ëb7 35. Ëb7¥) 32. Ëd5
ed5 33. Ëc5 h6 34. Ëd5 Ëb3 35. Ëa5 Ëb2
H 1f1 1h 36. e3¥] b5 27. Íe5 Ìf6 28. Íc6 Ìb2 29.
H 1 1h1 Ëb2?! [29. Ëb1¥] Íb2 30. Íd8 Ëd8 31.
Ìg5 Ëd1? [31... Ëd5 32. Ìf6 Íc4 33. a4¥]
1 1 D A
11q1 1
32. Íc7!+» Ëe1 33. Êe1 Ìd7 34. Êe3 g5
35. fg5 f4 36. Êd4 Ìf5 37. gh6 Ìd3 38. 1 1 1y1y
Êd3 Êc7 39. Êd4 Êf7 40. Èf2 1:0 1 1y1 1
Z. Stamenkovi
Yy1 1 F
170. E 11 1 1 1 1
WEI YI 2694 — V. ANAND 2770 1 1 1 H
León (m/2-rapid) 2016 hT 1hHaH
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 Íf6 4. g3 Ìb4 5. 1 De1 1
Ìd2 Ìe7 6. Ìg2 0»0 7. 0»0 Íbd7 8. Êb3
c6 9. Ëc1 b6 [9... Íe4 Ñ 49/(581)] 10. Ìf4 32. Ëc7? [32. Ëd1 Íd1 33. Ìf6 (^Íd1)
Ìb7 11. cd5 Íd5 12. Íc3 c5 13. Íd5 Ìd5 b4 34. Èf1 Íc3 35. Ìc3 bc3 36. Èe1+»]
14. Êa4 N [14. Êd3] cd4 [14... a5 15. Êc2 Èg7= 33. Ëb7 Ëd5 34. h4 Íc4 35. e4 Íd6
Íf6 16. dc5 Ìc5 17. Íe5 Ìg2 18. Èg2 36. Ëa7 Íe4 37. Ëa5 1/2 : 1/2
Êd5 19. f3=] 15. Ìc7 [15. Êd4 Ìf6 16. Z. Stamenkovi

171.** !N E 12 15. Ìg5! Êd6 [15... Ìg5 16. Ìb5! Êe6 17.
Ëe1+»] 16. Ìb5! Êc7 17. Ëd8 Èd8 [17...
D. JAKOVENKO 2712 Êd8 18. Ìe7 Èe7 19. Êe4 Èf8 20. Ìc6+»]
— BOLOGAN 2654 18. Ëd1 Èe8 19. Êe4 f6 20. Ìf4 Êc8 21.
Poikovsky 2016 Ëd6 1:0 Br. Tadi
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 b6 4. Íc3 Ìb7 5.
a3 d5 6. cd5 Íd5 7. Êc2 Íc3 8. bc3 c5 9. e4 172. E 15
Íc6 10. Ìd3 Ëc8?! [10... Ìe7 11. 0»0
0»0 a) 12. Êe2? a1) 12... Ëc8 13. Ëd1 cd4 S. MARECO 2610 —
14. cd4 Íd4 15. Íd4 Êd4 16. Ìb2 Êc5 E. CéRDOVA 2610
17. Ìa6 N (17. Ëac1) Ìa6 18. Êa6 Êc4 San Salvador 2016
19. Êa7 Ìc5¤ Szebermnyi 2370 — Cs.
Bmrczes 2365, Magyarorszcg 2016; a2) 12... 1. d4 e6 2. c4 Íf6 3. Íf3 b6 4. g3 Ìa6 5.
cd4 13. cd4 Íd4 14. Íd4 Êd4 15. Ìb2 Êc2 Ìb7 6. Ìg2 Ìb4 [6... c5 Ñ 113/194] 7.
Êd6 16. Êg4 (16. Ëfd1 Ëfd8 17. e5 Êc6¤)
e5¤; b) 12. Ìb2 Ía5 13. Êe2 Ëc8 14. Ëad1 Ìd2 a5 8. 0»0 Ía6 9. Ìf4
Êc7 15. d5 (15. Íe5Õ; 15. Ëfe1 Ñ 61/449) c4
16. Ìb1 N (16. Ìc2) ed5 (16... e5 17. Íe1 e1 Wq1 E
Ëcd8 18. Íc2 b5Õ Suez-Panama 2032 — 1rYy1yYy
Almagro Llamas 2429, Gibraltar 2016) 17.
ed5 Ëcd8 18. Ëfe1 Ìf6 19. a4 Êc5 20. Êe4 tY 1yT 1
g6 21. Êf4 Ìg7£; 10... g6 Ñ 34/(612)] Y 1 1 1
1eWqR E RhH F 1
Yr1 1yYy 1 1 1gH
Yt1y1 1 hHs1hHfH
1 Y 1 1 Dg1 1dA
1 Hh1 1
9... Ìd6!? N [9... Ìe7] 10. Ìd6 cd6 11.
H Hf1g1 Íc3 d5 12. Íd2 0»0 13. Ëac1 Ëc8 14. Êd1
1s1 HhH [14. Êb3!?] Íc7 15. Ía4
D F A 1d 1eW Eq1
11. d5! N [11. Êe2] ed5 12. ed5 Êd5 13. 1rTy1yYy
0»0 Ìe7 14. Ëd1 Ëd8
Y 1yT 1
1 Eq1 E Y 1y1 1
Yr1 RyYy g1hH 1 1
Yt1 1 1 1 1 1 H
1 Yw1 1 hH GhHfH
1 1 1 1 1 Ds1dA
H Hf1g1 15... b5!? 16. cb5 Íb5 17. Ëc8 Êc8 18. e3
1s1 HhH Íd6 19. Íc5 Ìc6 20. Êc2 Êa8 21. b3 Ëb8
22. Ëc1 Ífe4 23. Íf3 [23. Íce4 Íe4 24.
D Fd1 A Íe4 de4 25. Êc5 h6=] Íc5 24. dc5 Íb5

25. Íe5 a4 26. b4 a3 27. Ëb1 Íc7 28. e4 23. f5! [23. Ìg6! a) 23... Íg6 24. f5 Êf6
Ìa4 29. Êc3 f6 30. Íg4 1/2 : 1/2 (24... Êd6 25. f6+») 25. Ëc7+»; b) 23...
E. C rdova hg6 24. f5 Êd7 (24... g5 25. f6+») 25. fg6
Êg7 26. Êg7 Èg7 27. Ëc7 Èg6 (27... Èg8
173. E 15 28. Ëb7+») 28. de5+»] Ëe7 24. Ìg2 e4 25.
Ìa3 Ëf7 26. fg6 Ëf1 27. Ìf1 Íg6 28. Ëf2
B. GELFAND 2734 — [28. Ìh3! Ìc8 29. Ëc6 Ìh3 30. Ëg6 hg6
E. INARKIEV 2730 31. Êg6 Èh8 32. Ìd6+»] Êd7 29. Ìh3
Magas (m/6) 2016 Êc6 30. Ìe7 e3 [30... Íe7 31. Ìe6+»] 31.
Ëf6 Êc1 [31... e2 32. Ìe6 Èh8 33. Ëf8 Ëf8
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íf3 b6 4. g3 Ìa6 5. b3 34. Êf8! Íf8 35. Ìf6] 32. Ëf1 Êc6 33. Ìf6
d5 6. Ìg2 Ìb4 7. Ìd2 Ìe7 8. cd5 ed5 9. 1:0 Br. Tadi
0»0 0»0 10. Íc3 Ëe8 11. Íe5 Ìb7 12.
Ìc1 Íbd7 13. Ìb2 Ìd6 14. f4 c5 [14... 174.* !N E 17
Íe4 Ñ 5/500] 15. e3 cd4 N [15... a6] 16. ed4
BUHMANN 2653 —
e1 We1q1 R. PONOMARIOV 2706
Yr1t1yYy Dortmund 2016
Y R T 1 1. Íf3 Íf6 2. c4 b6 3. g3 Ìb7 4. Ìg2 e6 5.
1 1yG 1 0»0 Ìe7 6. d4 0»0 7. d5 ed5 8. Íh4 c6 9.
cd5 Íd5 10. Íf5 Íc7 11. Íc3 d5 12. e4
1 H H 1 Ìf6 13. ed5 cd5 14. Ìf4 Íba6 15. Ëe1 Ìc8
[15... Êd7 16. Ìh3 Êd8 Ñ 125/175] 16.
1hG 1 H Íd6 [16. Íd4 Ìb7 17. Íf5 Ìc8Õ] Ìc3
hF 1 1fH [16... Ìe6 17. Íd5 Íd5 18. Ìd5 Ìd5 19.
Êd5 a) 19... Íc7? 20. Êc6 Íe6 21. Íf7
D 1s1dA Êe8 (21... Ëf7 22. Ëe6 Ëc8 23. Êa4 Êd5
24. Ëe2¥) 22. Íh6 gh6 23. Ëe6 Êc6 24.
16... Ìb4?! [16... Íe4 17. Íe4 de4 18. Êe2 Ëc6 Ìb2 25. Ëd1¥; b) 19... Ìb2 20. Ëad1
Íf6 19. g4 Êc8 20. g5 Ìa6 21. Êe3 Ìf1 Íc5 21. Ëe3 h6 22. Ëde1 Êf6 23. Íe8 Êd8
22. Ëf1 Ìe5 23. fe5 Íd5 24. Êe4 Ëd8Õ; 24. Ìd6 Ìc3 25. Ë1e2 Íe6 26. Ëe6 fe6 27.
16... Ëc8; 16... a6] 17. Ëc1 Ìc3 18. Ëc3 Ëe6 Èh8 28. Íc7 Ëc8 29. Ìf8 Êc7=] 17.
Íe4 19. Ëc2 Íf8? [19... f6 20. Íd3 Ëc8 21. bc3 Ìe6 18. a4 [18. Êh5
f5¢] 20. Êh5! g6 21. Êh6 f6 [21... Ëc8 22.
Ìe4 de4 23. Ëc4ï Å d5, f5] 22. Ìe4! fe5 e1 W Eq1
[22... de4 23. Íg4 Ëc8 24. Ëc8 Ìc8 25. f5! Y T 1yYy
Ìf5 26. Ëf5 gf5 27. Íf6 Èf7 28. d5+»] tY Gr1 1
1 1y1 1s
e1 WeTq1 1 1 F 1
Yr1 1 1y 1 H 1 H
Y 1 1yS h1 1 HfH
1 1yY 1 D 1 D A
1 HfH 1 a) 18... Êf6?! N 19. c4 Êg6 20. Êh4 (20.
1h1 1 H Êg6 hg6 21. Ëed1 dc4 22. Ìa8 Ëa8 23.
Ëac1 b5 24. a4 ba4 25. Íc4 Íd5 26. Ìd6¢)
hFd1 1 H Íc5 21. Ëad1 (21. Êe7?! Íd3 22. Ëe3
1 1 1dA Ëad8 23. Êc7 Íf4 24. gf4 Ëd7 25. Êc6
Ìf5= Sasikiran 2639 — Baklan 2618, Biel

(open) 2016) Íd3 22. Ëd3 Êd3 23. Êe7¢; 32. cd5 Íc3? [Ä 32... Íd4 33. Ëe3 e4»+]
b) 18... Íe8 19. Íe8 (19. Íf5 Ëc8 20. Ìe5 33. Ëb6 Íd5? [Ä 33... Íd3 34. Ëa1 Íf4
Ëc5 21. Íd4 Íac7=) Ëe8 20. c4 (20. Ëad1 35. d6 Íe4 36. Ëe1 Íd2¤]
Ëc8 21. Ìe4 h6 22. Ìh6 gh6 23. Êh6 de4
24. Ëd8 Ëcd8 25. Ëe4 Ëd1 26. Èg2 Ìd5 1 1e1q1
27. Êg5=) Íb4 21. cd5 g6 22. Êd1 Íd5 1 1 1 Yy
23. Ìe5 Ëc8 24. Êd2 Êe7=] Íc5 [18...
Êd7 19. c4 Ìg4 (19... Ìh3 20. Ìh3 Êh3 D 1 1 1
21. cd5¢) 20. Êd2¢; 18... h6!?] 19. h4?! [19.
a5 b5 20. Ëb1 Êd7 21. c4 dc4 22. Ìa8 Ëa8 1 TtYh1
23. Íc4 Êd1 24. Ëbd1 bc4 25. Ìc7¢] 1 1 H H
e1 W Eq1 1 1 1 1
Y T 1yYy 1 1 1 1
Y Gr1 1 1 1 D A
1 Ty1 1 34. Ëd6?? [Ä 34. Ëe5! Íb6 35. Ëe8 Èf7
h1 1 F H 36. Ëe5 Íd3 (36... Ícd7 37. Ëa5£) 37. Ëb5
Íc8 38. Èg2 Íf4 39. Èf3 Íh5£] Íf4»+
1 H 1 H 35. Ëa1 e4 36. Ëc6 e3 [37. Ëc5 e2 38. Ëcc1
Íd3 39. Ëe1 Èf7»+; 36... Íb3 37. Ëa7
1 1 Hf1 Íd4 38. f6 gf6 39. Ëf6 e3 40. Ëff7 Ífe6»+]
D 1sD A 0:1 Petronijevi

19... Êd7! N [19... a6 20. c4! dc4 21. Íc4 175. E 17

Ìc4 22. Êd8 Ëad8 23. Ìc7 Ëde8 24. Ëeb1 A. STEFANOVA 2507
(24. Ëe8 Ëe8 25. Ìb6 Íd3 26. a5¢) Ëe6 25. — POGONINA 2490
Ëb6 Ëb6 26. Ìb6 Íd3 27. Ëa3¢] 20. a5?!
[20. Íc4 dc4 21. Êd7 Ìd7 22. Ìc7 Ëac8 Mamaia 2016
23. Ìd6 Ëfe8 24. Ëe8 Ìe8 25. a5 b5 26. 1. Íf3 Íf6 2. g3 b6 3. Ìg2 Ìb7 4. 0»0 e6
Ëe1=] Ìg4 [20... b5!? 21. Ëb1 Ìg4 22. 5. c4 Ìe7 6. Íc3 0»0 7. Ëe1 d5 8. cd5 ed5
Êd2 (22. Ìf3 Ìf3 23. Êf3 g6) Ëad8 23. 9. d4 Íe4 10. Íe5 [10. Ìf4 Ñ 29/(526)]
Êe3=] 21. f3?! [Ä 21. Ìf3 Ìf3 22. Êf3 Íc3 11. bc3
b5=] Ìe6 22. g4?! [22. ab6 ab6 23. Ëa8
Ëa8 24. Ìf1£] Êc6?! [Ä 22... ba5 23. Íc4 eT W Eq1
(23. Ëa5 Êc6¤) dc4 24. Êd7 Ìd7 25. Ìc7
Íb3 26. Ëad1 Ìc6¤] 23. Ëb1? [Ä 23. ab6 YrY RyYy
ab6 24. Ëa8 Ëa8 25. Ìf1£] Ëad8 [Ä 23... Y 1 1 1
Ëfd8 24. ab6 ab6 25. Íf5 Ìf5 26. gf5
Íb5»+] 24. ab6 ab6»+ 25. Íf5 Ìf5 26. 1 1yG 1
gf5 Íb5 27. Ìe5 Ëfe8 [27... Íd7!? 28. Ìd4 1 H 1 1
Ëfe8»+] 28. f4 f6? [Ä 28... Íe4 29. Èh2 f6
30. Ìe4 fe5 31. Ìg2 Íc3 32. Ëc1 ef4»+] 1 H 1 H
29. c4!¤ fe5 30. Ìd5 [30. cb5? Êf6 31. fe5 h1 1hHfH
Ëe5 32. Ëe5 Êe5»+] Ëd5 31. Êd5? [Ä 31.
cd5 Êd7 32. fe5 Íc3 33. Êh5 a) 33... Íb1? D FsD A
34. e6! Êe7 (34... Êd8 35. Êf7 Èh8 36. e7
Êc8 37. f6 Êg4=) 35. d6 g6 36. fg6 hg6 37. 11... Íd7!? N [11... f6] 12. c4î Íe5 [12...
Êg6 Êg7 38. Êg7 Èg7 39. Ëb1 Ëe6 40. c6? 13. Íc6! Ìc6 14. cd5 Ìb7 15. d6¥] 13.
Ëb6=; b) 33... Í5e4! 34. e6 Êe7 35. Êf7 de5 c6 [13... Ìb4 14. Ìd2¢] 14. cd5 cd5 15.
Êf7 36. ef7 Èf7 37. Ëb6 Íd5¤] Êd5»+ Êb3 [15. Êa4!?] Êd7 16. Ëd1 Ëfd8 17.

Ìb2 Ìc5 18. Ëd2 [18. Ëd3!?] a5 [18... Êf5 e3 Íe4 N [11... Êa2] 12. Ìd3 [12. Ídb5
19. e3¢] 19. Ìa3?! [19. Ìd4 a4 20. Êb2¢; Êd1 13. Ëd1 a6 14. a3 Ìa5 (14... Ìc3?! 15.
20. Êd3¢] a4 20. Êb2 Êe7 21. Ìc5 bc5 22. Íc3 Íc3 16. bc3 Íc6 17. h4¥) 15. b4 Íg3
Ëad1 c4? [22... Ëab8!?] 23. Ìd5 Ìd5 24. 16. hg3 ab5 17. ba5 Èg7 18. Ìb5 Ëa5 19. a4
Ëd5 Ëd5 25. Ëd5¢ Ëc8 26. Êc3 h6 27. h4 Ía6=; 12. Êa4 Ìc3 13. bc3 e5 (13... Ìd7
[27. Ëb5!? Êd7 28. Ëb1¢] Êb7 28. Ëd2 14. Êb3 Ëc8 15. f3 Êb3 16. ab3 Ëc3 17.
[28. Ëd4 Êb5] Êb1 29. Èg2 Êe4 30. f3 Ëc3 Íc3 18. h4 Íd5 19. hg5 hg5 20. Ëh5 f6
Êb1 31. h5 [31. Ëb2 Êd1 (31... Êf5 32. 21. e4 Íf4 22. Ìf4 gf4 23. Ìc4¢) 14. Ìc4
Ëb4¥) 32. Êd2? c3 33. Êd1 cb2 34. a3 Ëc1 Êd6 15. Íf3 Íg3 16. hg3 Èg7 17. 0»0¢;
35. Êd8 Èh7 36. Êd3 g6 37. Êd7=; 32. 12. f3 Íc3 13. bc3 Ìa5 14. h4¢] Ìc3?!
g4¢] Êb5 32. Ëd4?! [32. g4!?] a3! 33. Ëd2 [12... e5!? 13. Íde2 (13. Êb3 Íc3 14. bc3
Êc5 34. Ëc2 Èh8 35. Ëc1 Èg8 36. Ëc2 Êg2 15. Ëf1 ed4 16. Êb4 Íc6 17. Êd6
Èh8 37. g4 Èg8 38. Ëc1 Ëc7 39. Ëc2 [39. Ìe6 18. cd4 Ëfd8 19. Êa3 Íd4! 20. ed4
Ëd1 Ëc8 40. Ëd7¥] Ëc8 40. Ëc1 Ëc7 41. Ëd4 21. Ìe5 Ëd5£; 13. 0»0!? Ìc3
Ëb1 Ëc8 42. Ëb4 Êa5 43. Èh3 Êa6 44.
Ëb1 Êa7 45. Èg2 [45. e3!?] Êa6 [45... eTr1 Eq1
Êc5!?] 46. Ëd1 Êa4 47. Ëd6 Êb5 48. Ëd2?! Yy1 1y1
[48. e6! fe6 49. Ëe6¥] Êb1 [48... Êc5] 1 1 1 Y
1e1 1q1 1 1wY Y
1 1 1yY 1 Gt1 1
1 RfH F
1 1 1 Y hH 1 HhH
1 1 H 1h 1 Ds1dA
1y1 1h1 14. Íb5! Ìa5 15. Ìe4 Êe4 16. Íd6 Ìg4
Y S 1h1 17. f3 Êe3 18. Ìf2 Ìf3 19. gf3 Êf4 20.
Êd5§) Ìc3 14. bc3 Ìf5Õ] 13. bc3 Íd7
h1 Dh1a1 [13... e5 14. Íb5¥] 14. Ìe4 [14. 0»0 Íg3
1w1 1 1 15. hg3 b6 16. Ìe2 Ëb8 17. c4¢] Êe4 15.
0»0¢ b6 16. Íb5 [16. Êe2!?] Íc5 17. Íd6
49. e6! fe6 50. Êe3 [50. Êe5¥] Ëe8 51. Êa3¥ Êg6 18. Êf3 Ìa6 [18... Ìd7!?] 19. c4 Ëad8
e5?! [51... Êb5 52. Êc3¥] 52. Êa4+» Ëc8 20. Ëcd1 Ëd7 21. Ëd4 f6 22. Ëfd1 Ëfd8 23.
53. Êa6 Êb8 54. Ëd7 e4 55. Êe6 Èh8 56. h4 e5 24. h5 Êh7? [24... Êg7 25. Ëd5 Êf8
Êe4 Ëe8 57. Êc4 Êb2 58. Èf2 Êf6 59. 26. Íe4 Ëd5 27. Ëd5 Ëd5 28. cd5 Íe4 29.
Ëd1 [59. Ëc7+»] Êb6 60. Èf1 Êb8 61. Êe4 Ìb5=]
Èg2 Êb2 62. Èh3 Êa3 63. Ëd7 Ëg8 64.
Ëd3 [64. Ëc7] Êa5 65. Èg2 Ëe8 66. Ëd4 1
E 1q1
Êa3 67. Ëe4 Ëd8 68. Êf7 Êa8 69. a4 Ëf8 Y 1e1 1w
70. Êg6 Êd8 71. Ëe6 Ëg8 72. Êe4 Ëf8 73.
Êe5 Èh7 74. Ëe7 Ëg8 75. a5 1:0 rY G Y Y
Dembo 1 T Y Yh
176. E 21 1hD 1 1
B. GELFAND 2734 — 1 1 HsF
h1 1 Hh1
Magas (m/2) 2016
1 1d1 A
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. Íf3 0»0 5.
Ìg5 h6 6. Ìh4 c5 7. Ëc1 cd4 8. Íd4 d5 9. 25. Êf6! ed4 26. Íf5+» de3 27. Ëd7 Ëd7
cd5 [9. Ìf6 Ñ 121/181] g5 10. Ìg3 Êd5 11. 28. Íh6 Êh6 29. Êh6 ef2 [29... e2 30. Êg6

Èf8 31. Ìd6 Ëd6 32. Êd6 Èf7 33. Êg6] [8... b6 Ñ 127/184] 9. Ìh4 e5 10. e3 Ëe8 11.
30. Ìf2 Ìc4 31. Ìc5 bc5 32. Êg5 Ëg7 33. Íe2 e4 N [11... Íf8] 12. 0-0-0 [12. f4!?] c6
Êc5 Ìf7 34. Êf5 [34. Êc8 Èh7 35. Êf5 13. Êd2 d5 [13... b5!?] 14. Íc3 dc4 15. Ìc4
Èg8 36. h6] Ìe8 [34... Ìa2 35. h6] 35. g4 [15. fe4 Íe4 16. Ìd8 Íd2 17. Ëd2 Ëd8
Ìd7 36. Êd5 1:0 T. Paunovi 18. Ìc4 Íb6Õ] Íb6 16. Ìb3 g5 17. Ìg3
Íbd5?! [17... Ìe6 18. Ìe6 Ëe6 19. h4 g4
177. E 23 20. Ìf4î] 18. h4 g4 19. Ìd5 cd5 20. Ìe5¥
Ìe6 [20... Ìf5!?; 20... Íh5!?] 21. fe4 [21.
ZHOU JIANCHAO 2620 Ìf6 Êf6 22. fe4 de4 23. Ëhf1¥] Íe4 22.
— BU XIANGZHI 2723 Íe4 de4 23. d5 Ìd7 24. Ìc3 Ìb5?! [24...
China 2016 Êb6 25. Ëhf1 Ëac8 26. Èb1¥] 25. Êd4 f6

1. c4 Íf6 2. Íc3 e6 3. d4 Ìb4 4. Êb3 c5 5. e1 We1q1

dc5 Íc6 6. Ìg5 h6 7. Ìf6 Êf6 8. Íf3 Ìc5
[8... Ìc3 Ñ 54/(528)] 9. e3 b6 10. Ìd3 N Yy1 1 1
[10. Ìe2] Ìb7 11. Íe4 Ìb4 [11... Êe7 12. 1 1 Y Y
Íc5 Êc5 13. 0»0 0»0=] 12. Èe2 Êe7 13.
a3 Ìc5 14. Íc5 Êc5 15. Êc3 0»0 16. Ëhd1 1r1h1 1
a5 [16... Êh5!?; 16... Ëac8!?] 17. Èf1 Ëfd8 1 Sy1yH
18. Ìe2 Íe7 [18... d5 19. cd5 ed5 (19...
Êc3?! 20. bc3 Ëd5 21. Ëd5 ed5 22. Ëb1¥) H F H 1
20. Ëac1 Êd6 21. Èg1¢] 19. Ëac1 d5 20.
cd5 [20. Êd2 Ëdc8 21. b4 ab4 22. ab4 Êc6
H 1 1h1
23. Èg1 dc4 24. Ìc4 Êe8=] Êc3 21. Ëc3 1 Ad1 1d
Íd5 22. Ëcc1 Ëac8= 23. Èe1 Èf8 24. Íd4
Ëc1 25. Ëc1 26. d6+» Ëe6 27. d7 Ìd3 28. Ëd3 ed3 29.
Êg4 [29. Êd3!?] Èf7 30. Êh5 Èe7 31.
1 E Q 1 Ìb4 Ëd6 32. Êd5 Êb6 33. Êd3 Èd7 34.
1r1 1yY Êf5 Ëe6 [34... Èe8 35. Êg6! Èe7 36. Èb1]
35. Ëd1 Èc8 36. Ìc5 [Ä 36. Èb1] Êb3 [Ä
Y 1y1 Y 36... Êc5 37. Êc5 Ëc6 38. Êc6 bc6 39. Ëd6
Y 1t1 1 Èc7 40. Ëf6 Ëg8 41. Ëh6 Ëg2] 37. Ëd6
Êc4 38. Èd2 Èc7 39. Êe6 [39. Êh7]
1 G 1 1 1:0 T. Paunovi
H 1 H 1
H 1fHhH 179. E 33
1 D A 1 NISIPEANU 2674 —
25... Íf4! 26. ef4 Ëd4 27. g3 Èe7 28. Ëc7 Dortmund 2016
Ëd7 29. Ëd7 Èd7 30. h4 Èd6 31. Èd2
1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. Êc2 d6 5.
Íf3 0»0 6. g3 Íc6 7. Ìg2 e5 8. d5 [8. de5
178. E 32 Ñ 45/(686)] Íe7 9. 0»0 a6 N [9... Ìf5; 9...
a5; 9... h6] 10. a3 Ìc5 11. Ìg5 Íe8 12. b4
E. INARKIEV 2730 — Ìa7 13. e4 h6 14. Ìe3 f5 15. Ìa7 Ëa7 16.
S. ZHIGALKO 2653 ef5 [16. Íd2 Íf6 (16... f4 17. c5 Íf6Õ) 17.
T«rkiye 2016 Ëae1 f4Õ] Ìf5 17. Êd2 Íf6 18. Íh4 Ìh7
19. f4 ef4 20. Ëf4?! [20. Êf4 Ëa8 21. Êd4
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. Êc2 0»0 Êd7 22. Ëae1 Ëae8 23. Ëe6î] g5 21. Ëf2
5. a3 Ìc3 6. Êc3 d6 7. Ìg5 Íbd7 8. f3 h6 gh4 22. Êd4 [22. Ëaf1!? Íg6 (22... Íd7 23.

Ëf8 Íf8 24. Íe4+»; 22... Íf5 23. Ìh3 hg3 25. ab5 Ëe6 26. Êe2 Ëg6 27. f3 Ìf5 28.
24. hg3 Íg3 25. Ëg2 Èh8 26. Ëg3¥) 23. Êf2 Ëe6 29. Êg3
Êd4 hg3 24. hg3 Ëa8 25. Ëf6 Êe7Õ] Ëa8
23. Ëf6 Íf5 24. Êg4 Èh8 25. Ëe6 [25. Ëf8 1 1 1q1
Êf8 26. Íe4 a5î] hg3 26. hg3 Ëg8 27. Êf4 1yE 1yY
Ëg3 28. Íe4 Ëg6 29. Ëf1 Êh4 [Ä 29...
Êg8] 30. Ëg6 Êf4 31. Ëf4 Ìg6 32. c5 Ëd8 1y1e1 Y
33. Íc3 Èg7 34. c6 b5 [Ä 34... b6 35. Ìf1 1h1y1rW
Ëa8] 35. a4 ba4
1 H 1 1
1 E 1 1 1 D HhS
1 Y 1 Q 1 1 1hH
y1hY 1rY 1 D 1f1a
1 1h1t1
29... Êe7! [29... Êg3 30. hg3 Ëce7 31. g4
yH 1 D 1 Ìg6 32. Ëe1¢] 30. Êf4 Ìg6 31. Èg1
1 G 1 1 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi

1 1 1f1 181. E 36
1 1 1 A W. SO 2770 —
36. b5! ab5 37. Íb5§ a3 38. Ëa4 Íe3 [Ä
38... Ëb8 39. Íc7 Ëb3] 39. Íc7 Èf6 40. Bilbao 2016
Ìf3 Ëc8 41. Ëa3 [41. Èf2!?] Ëc7 [41... 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. Êc2 0»0
Íc2 42. Ëa7 Íd4=] 42. Ëe3 Ëe7 43. Ëc3 5. a3 Ìc3 6. Êc3 d5 7. Íf3 dc4 8. Êc4 b6
Ìf5 44. Èf2 Ëa7 45. Èg3 [45. c7!? Ìc8 46. 9. Ìg5 Ìa6 10. Êa4 Êd7 11. Êc2 c5 12.
Ëc4 Ëa5] Èg5= 46. c7 Ìc8 47. Ëc6 h5 48. dc5 Ëc8 13. Ìf6 gf6 14. Ëd1 [14. Êe4 Ñ
Ëd6 h4 49. Èf2 Ëc7 50. Ëc6 Ëc6 51. dc6 120/186] Êe7 15. Êe4 N [15. e3; 15. g3]
1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
eTe1 1q1
180. E 35 Y 1 Wy1y
A. KOROBOV 2656 rY 1yY 1
1 H 1 1
Poikovsky 2016
1 1s1 1
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. Êc2 d5 5. H 1 1g1
cd5 ed5 6. Ìg5 h6 7. Ìf6 Êf6 8. a3 Ìc3 9.
Êc3 0»0 10. e3 Ìf5 11. Íe2 c6 12. Íg3 H 1hHhH
Íd7 13. Ìe2 Ìh7 [13... Ìg6 Ñ 62/557] 14. 1 1dAf1d
0»0 Êe6 N [14... Êd6; 14... Ëae8] 15. b4
Íf6 16. a4 Íe4 17. Êb2 a6 18. Ëfc1 Ëfc8 15... Êc5! 16. e3 [16. Êa8 Íc6 17. Êc8
19. Íe4 [19. b5 a) 19... ab5 20. ab5 Ëa1 21. Ìc8 18. e3 Êc2î] Ìf1 17. Èf1 Íc6 18. g3
Ëa1 cb5 (21... Ìg6!?) 22. Êb5 b6 23. Ìf3¢; Íe5 [18... Êb5 19. Èg2 Êb2 20. Êg4 Èf8
b) 19... cb5 20. ab5 a5=] Ìe4 20. Ëa3 Ëc7 21. Êf4 Èg7 22. Ëd7 Íe5 23. Ëb1! Êc3
[20... Êg6 21. Ìf1] 21. Ëac3 [21. b5 ab5 22. (23... Êb1? 24. Íe5+») 24. Íe5 Êe5 25.
ab5 Ëac8!? 23. Ëac3 Êg6 24. f3 Ìf5=] Êg4 Èf8 26. Êf3§î] 19. Èg2 Êc6 20. Êc6
Êg6 22. Ìf1 Ëe8 23. Èh1 Êg5 24. b5 ab5 Ëc6 21. Íe5 fe5 22. Ëd2 Ëac8 23. Ëhd1

Ëc2= 24. Èf3 Èg7 25. e4 a5 26. Èe3 Ë2c5 35. g4! Íe6 [35... f5!? 36. Èh3=] 36. Íg3
27. Ëb1 a4 28. b3 ab3 29. Ëb3 Ëa5 30. Ëd7 37. h5 Ëd4 38. Ëa7 Èg8 39. Ëe7 Íg5
Ëdd3 b5 31. Èd2 Ëc4 32. f3 Ëca4 33. [39... Íf4!? 40. Èh2 Ëd2 41. Íe4 (41. Íf5
Ëdc3 Ëd4 34. Èe3 Ëa3!? [34... Ëc4=; 34... Íh5 42. Ëb7 Íf4 43. Ëb6 g6 44. Íd6 Ëf2
Ëda4=] 35. Ëa3 b4 36. f4 ba3 37. Ëa3 Ëb4 45. Èg3 Ëd2£) Ëe2 42. Íd6 Ëf2 43. Èg3
[37... f5!? 38. ef5 ef5 39. Ëa7 Èg6 40. Ëe7 Ëb2 44. Íf5=] 40. f3= Ëd2 41. Èf1 Íf3
Ëe4 41. Èf3 Èf6 42. Ëh7 ef4 43. gf4 Èg6 42. Íf5 Íh2 43. Èe1 Íf3 44. Èf1 Íh2
44. Ëh8 Ëa4=] 38. fe5 Ëb5 39. Èf4 Ëb2 40. 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
h4 h6 41. g4 Ëh2 42. h5 Ëh1 43. Ëf3 Ëg1
44. Ëf2 Ëh1 45. Ëf3 Ëg1 46. Ëf2 183. !N E 46
1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi
W. SO 2770 —
182. E 43 SERGEY KARJAKIN 2773
Bilbao 2016
P. HARIKRISHNA 2755 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. e3 0»0 5.
China 2016 Íge2 d5 6. a3 Ìe7 7. cd5 ed5 8. Íf4 Ëe8
[8... c6 Ñ 126/180, 181] 9. Ìd3 Ìd6 10.
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. Íf3 b6 5. 0»0 Ìf4 11. ef4 Íc6 12. Ìe3 Íe7 13. Êc2
e3 Ìb7 6. Ìd3 0»0 7. 0»0 c5 8. Ìd2 cd4 9. g6 14. f3 h5
ed4 d5 10. cd5 Íd5 11. Êe2 Íd7 [11... Íc6
Ñ 6/673] 12. Ëac1 Ìd6 13. Ìa6 N [13. e1rWe1q1
Ìe4] Ìa6 14. Êa6 Íc3 [14... Í7f6 15.
Ëfe1 (15. Ìg5 Êc8 16. Êe2 Êb7=) h6=] YyY Ty1
15. Ëc3 [15. bc3 Íf6 16. Êe2 h6=] h6 [15... 1 1 Ty1
Íf6 16. Ìg5 h6 (16... Ìe7 17. Ëfc1 h6 18.
Ìf6 Ìf6 19. Êb5 Êd6=) 17. Ìf6 Êf6=] 1 1y1 1y
16. Ëfc1 Íf6 17. Ëc4 Íd5 18. Êb7 Êb8 1 H H 1
[18... a5!? 19. Íe5 Ìe5 20. de5 Ëb8 21.
Êc6 Íe7 22. Êd6 Íf5 23. Êd8 Ëfd8=] 19. H GfFh1
Êb8 Ëfb8= 20. Íe5 Ëd8 [20... f6!?] 21. h4 Hs1 1hH
h5 22. g3 f6 23. Íd3 Èf7 24. Èg2 Ëd7 25.
Ëc8 Ëc8 26. Ëc8 Íe7 27. Ëa8 Íc6 28. Ìe3 D 1 1dA
Ìc7 [28... Èg6!?] 29. Íc1 Ìb8 30. a4 [30.
b4 Ìd6] Ëb7 [30... Èg6!?] 31. Íd3 a5 32. 15. Êd2! N [15. Ìf2 Ìf5] Ìf5 16. Ìe2¢
Ìf4 Ìf4 33. Íf4 Íd4 34. Íh5 e5 [34... Êd7 17. Ëfe1 [17. h3 Èg7 18. g4 hg4 19. hg4
Íb3 35. Íf4 Íc5 36. g4 e5 37. Íd5 Ía4
38. b4=] e1 1e1 1
d1 1 1 1 1 1 Ty1
1e1 1qY 1 1y1r1
Y 1 Y 1 1 H Hh1
H G Fh1
Y 1 Y 1g H Sf1 1
h1 T 1 H D 1 1dA
1 1 1 H 19... Ëh8! a) 20. gf5? Íf5! (20... Êf5? 21.
H 1 Ha1 Ìd3 Êh5 22. Êg2+») 21. Íd1 (21. Ìd3?
Íe3 22. Êe3 Ëh1! 23. Èf2 Ëh2 24. Èe1
1 1 1 1 Ëe8»+) Ëae8 22. Ìd3 Íe3 23. Íe3

Êh3»+; b) 20. Ëf2 Ëh4 21. Ëg2 Ëah8 22. cd5 [9... ed5!?] 10. Íf3 Íc6 N [10... b6 Ñ
Ëe1Õ; 17. Ìf2!?] Ìe6 18. Ìf2 Íf5 19. 97/410] 11. Ìd3 e5 12. de5 Íe5 13. Íe5
Ìd3 [19. h3!?] Íd6 20. Ëe5 c6 [20... Íc4?! Ëe5 14. 0»0 Êc7 [14... Ìf5!?] 15. c4 Ëh5
21. Ìc4 dc4 22. Ëae1¥] 21. Ëae1 Ìf5 22. [15... dc4? 16. Ìd6+»] 16. f4 dc4 [16...
Ìh4 [Ä 22. Ìf1] Íh7 23. Ìe7 [23. Ìe2!?] Ìg4 17. Êb3 Ìf5 18. Ëfc1¢] 17. Ìc4 Êb6
Ìd3 [23... f6 24. Ìd6!? fe5 a) 25. fe5 Ìd3 26. [17... Ìg4 18. Êb3¢] 18. Êd2 [18. Êe1
Êd3 Êd6 (26... Êf5 27. Êf5 gf5 28. Íe2 Èf7 Ìd7 19. Ëb1 Êc7 20. Ìe2¢; 18. Ëe1!?]
29. h4 Íf8 30. Ìf8 Ëf8 31. Íf4 Ëh8 32. b4 Íe4 19. Êd4! Êd4 20. ed4 Ìd7 [20... Ìe6
a6=) 27. ed6 Ëe1 28. Èf2 Ëe6 29. Ía4 21. Ìe6 fe6 22. Ëfe1 Íf6 23. Ëe6 Ëd5 24.
Ëd6=; b) 25. de5 Ìd3 26. Êd3 Êf5 27. Êf5 Ìb2¥] 21. Ëfe1 Ëe8
gf5 28. Íe2 Ëad8 29. Ëd1 Íf8 30. Íd4 Íe6
31. Íf5 Íf4 32. g3 Íe6 33. f4§] 24. Ìd6 1 1e1q1
Ìf5 25. Ìb4 b6 26. a4 a5 27. Ìa3 Ëe6 [27...
Íf8!?] 28. h3 Ëae8 29. g4 Ëe5 30. fe5 [Ä 30. Yy1r1yYy
Ëe5 Ëe5 a) 31. de5 hg4 32. hg4 Ìe6 (32... 1 1 1 1
Ìg4 33. fg4 Êg4 34. Èf1 Êh3 35. Êg2¢) 33.
Ìd6 f5=; b) 31. fe5 hg4 32. hg4 Ìg4 33. fg4 1 1 1 1e
Êg4 34. Èf1 Êf3=] hg4 31. hg4 h1fHtH 1
1e1q1 F 1 1 1
1 1w1y1t 1 1 1hH
Yy1 1y1 D 1 D A
Y 1yHr1 22. d5!¥ Ëh6 [22... Ìa4? 23. Ìb4 b5 24.
h1 H 1h1 Ìa2+»] 23. a5 Ëf6 [23... b5 24. Ìd3 Íf6
25. Ëe8 Íe8 26. Ëc1+»] 24. g3 h5 25. Ìd3
F G 1h1 Íd6 26. Ëe8 Ìe8 27. Ëc1 [27. Ëb1+»]
H S 1 1 Ìb5 28. Ìb1+» [Å Ìd6] Ìd7 29. Ëc7
Ìg4 [29... Ìe8 30. Ìc2 a6 (30... Èf8 31.
1 1 D A Ëb7) 31. Ìd6 Ëd6 32. Ëc8 Èf8 33. Ìa4]
30. h4 Ìf5 31. Ìd6 Ìb1 32. Ìb4 Ëf5 33.
31... Ìg4! 32. fg4 Êg4 33. Èf1 Íg5 34. d6 Ëd5 34. d7 1:0 T. Paunovi
Êg2?! [34. Ëd1=] Êf5 35. Êf2 Íf3 [35...
Êd3!? 36. Ëe2 Íe6î] 36. Èe2?! [36. Ëd1=] 185. E 52
Íe1 37. Êf5 gf5 38. Èe1 f6 39. Ìd6 Èf7
40. Íe2 fe5 41. de5 Èe6 42. Èf2?! [42. Íf4 MCHEDLISHVILI 2604 —
Èd7 43. Èe2 Ëh8 44. Ìa3=] Èd7 43. Íf4 MAMEDYAROV 2764
Ëg8 [43... d4!? 44. Èe2 (44. Íg6 Ëg8 45.
Íf8 Èe8 46. Íe6 Ëg4£) Ëg8 45. Èd3 T«rkiye 2016
Ëg4£] 44. Ìa3 Ëe8 45. Ìd6 Ëg8 46. Ìa3
Ëe8 47. Ìc5 1/2 : 1/2 T. Paunovi 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. e3 0»0 5.
Ìd3 d5 6. Íf3 dc4 7. Ìc4 b6 8. 0»0 Ìb7 9.
Êe2 Íbd7 [9... c5 Ñ 103/384, E 55] 10.
184. E 51 Ëd1 Êe7 11. a3 Ìc3 12. bc3 Íe4 13. Ìb2
f5 N [13... e5; 13... Ëae8; 13... Íd6] 14. Ìb5
H. KONERU 2575 — [14. a4!?] Ídf6 15. Íd2 [15. Íe5!?] Íd2
TAN ZHONGYI 2495 [15... Íd6!?] 16. Ëd2 Íe4 17. Ëdd1 Íd6
Chengdu 2016 18. Ìd3 Êh4 19. f3 Ëf6 20. Êf2 Êh5 [20...
Êf2 21. Èf2 Ìd5 22. a4=] 21. c4 Ëh6 22.
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. e3 Íf6 5. a3 h3 Ëf8 23. Ìe2 Ëg6 24. Èh2 f4!? 25. e4 [Ä
Ìc3 6. bc3 c6 7. a4 0»0 8. Ìa3 Ëe8 9. cd5 25. ef4 Ëf4 26. Ëg1!?] Ëg3! 26. d5?! e5 27.

c5 bc5 28. Ëh1 Ìc8 [28... Êh4!?] 29. Èg1 Ëc7 24. Êd2 Êg5 25. f4 Êe7Õ] 21. Ìc4
Ìh3 30. Ëh2 Êg5 [30... Ëf6!?] 31. Èh1 Ëc4 22. Ìg3 Êg5 23. Ìf4 Êg6!? 24. Íe3
Ìg4 [31... Ìg2! 32. Ëg2 Ëb8 33. Ìc3 (33. Ëc6 25. Íd5 ed5 26. Ëe7 Ëd8 [26... Íf6 27.
Ëa2 Ëb3»+) Ëb3 34. Ìe1 Ëb2 35. Ëg3 fg3 Êb1 (27. Êd2 Ëfc8 28. Ëc1 Íh5 29. Ìe3
36. Êg3 Êh5 37. Êh4 Êh4 38. Ìh4 Ëe2 Ëe6 30. Ëe6 Êe6 31. Êd3 Êc6 32. Ìd2=)
39. Ëc1 Ëe3¤] 32. Ëf1 h5 33. Êe1?! [33. a6=] 27. Êa3
Êc5 Íe4 (33... h4!? 34. fg4 Íe4 35. Êc1
h3Õ) 34. Êc2=] Ìc8 34. Êc3? [34. Êa5 1
E 1q1
Ëf6 35. Êc7 (35. Êc3
Y 1tDyY
1r1 1q1 Ye1 1wY
Y Y 1 Y
1 T E 1 1 1y1 1
1 YhY Wy 1 H F 1
1 1hY 1 S H 1h1
H S 1hE h1 1 1hH
F 1f1hD D 1 1 A
1 1 1d1a
27... Íf8 [27... Ëdc8!? 28. Ìd2 (28. Ëd7?!
35... Ìh3! 36. gh3 Ëg6 37. Êc5 Ëg2 38. Êf5 29. Ëa7 Êf4£) Íf8 29. Ëae1 (29. Êa7
Êf2 Ëf2 39. Ëhf2 Êh4 40. Ìe5 Ëg3 41. Êc2 30. Ëe2 Ëc3 31. Ëae1 Ë3c7 32. Êb6
Ëh2 Íe4! 42. fe4 Êe7 43. Ëf4 Êe5»+) Êa2 33. Ìe3 Ëc2î) Ëe6 30. Ëa7 Êd3 31.
Ëh6 36. Êc5 h4»+; 34. Êa1¤] Íe4»+ 35. Êc1 Ëce8 32. Ëe6 Ëe6§] 28. Ëa7 [28.
Êe5 Êe5 [35... Íd6!?] 36. Ìe5 Ëg5 37.
Ëe3=] Íe6 29. Ìg3 Ëdc8 30. Ëa8 Êd3
Ìf4 Ëf4 38. fe4 Ëf1 [38... Ëe4!? 39. Ìh5
[30... Êc2!?] 31. Ëc8 Ëc8 32. Êb3 Ëc3 33.
Ìf5] 39. Ìf1 Èf7 40. Ìe2 [40. g3!?] Ìg4
Êd5 Êe3 34. Èf1 Êd3 [34... Íd4 35. Êe4
41. Ìd3 [41. g3 Ìe2 42. Ëe2 Ëg3 (42... c6!?
Êe4 36. fe4 Ëa3 37. Ëb1 Ëa2 38. Ëb6=]
43. dc6 c4 44. Èg2 Ëc5 45. Èf3 c3 46. Ëc2
35. Èg1 Êe3 36. Èf1 Êd3 1/2 : 1/2
Ëc6) 43. Ëc2 Èe7 44. Ëc5 Èd7] Èf6 42. T. Paunovi
Èg1 Èe5 43. Èf2 Èd4 44. Ìc2 Ëg6 45.
Ëh1 Ëb6 46. Èg3 Ëb2 47. Ëc1 g5 48. Ìa4
c4 49. Ëe1 Ëa2 0:1 T. Paunovi 187. E 61
186. E 54 — SVIDLER 2751
A. KOROBOV 2656 — Saint Louis 2016
Poikovsky 2016 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. g3 c5 4. d5 Ìg7 5. Ìg2
0»0 6. Íc3 d6 7. Íh3 a6 8. a4 [8. Íf4 Ñ
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 e6 3. Íc3 Ìb4 4. e3 0»0 5. 24/139] e6 N [8... Íbd7] 9. Íf4 ed5 [9... e5
Ìd3 c5 6. Íf3 d5 7. 0»0 cd4 8. ed4 dc4 9. 10. Íd3 Íbd7 11. e4 Íe8 12. 0»0 f5 13. ef5
Ìc4 b6 10. Êb3 Ìc3 11. bc3 Íc6 [11... gf5 14. Ìe3¢] 10. Ífd5 Íd5 11. Íd5 Íc6
Ìb7 Ñ 111/282] 12. Ìd3 Ìb7 13. Êb1 h6 12. 0»0 Ëe8 13. Ëa2 Ëb8 [13... Ìe6 14.
14. Ëe1 Ëc8 15. Ìd2 Ía5 N [15... Êd6] 16. Ìd2 Ëb8 15. b3 Êd7 (15... b5?! 16. ab5 ab5
Íe5 Íd7 [16... Ìd5?! 17. Ëe3ï; 16... Êd5 17. Ëa6 Ìd7 18. Ìc3¥) 16. a5¢] 14. b3¢
17. f3 Íd7 18. Íg4¢] 17. Íg4 [17. Íd7 b5?! [14... Ìg4 15. Ìf4 Íd4 16. Ëe1¢] 15.
Êd7 18. Ëe3 f5Õ] Êh4 [17... Íf6!?] 18. f3 ab5 ab5 16. cb5 Íd4 [16... Ëb5?! 17. Ìg5!
Íc4 19. Ìf4 [19. Ìc4 Ëc4 20. a4 (20. Êb5 Êd7 (17... Êg5 18. Íc7+») 18. Ìf6 Íb4
Ëc6 21. a4 a6Õ) a6Õ] Ìd5 20. Êc1 Ëc6 19. Ìg7 Íd5 (19... Èg7? 20. Êa1+») 20.
[20... f5 21. Íe5 Íce5 22. Ìe5 Íe5 23. Ëe5 Êa1 Íe7 21. Ëa7¥] 17. b6 Ìe6 18. e3 Íb5

19. Ìd2 Ìd5 20. Ìd5 Êb6 21. Êf3 Ëe7?! 188.* E 63
[21... Êc7 22. Ëc1 Êe7 23. Ëa6¢]
E 1q1 1 — G. JONES 2645
Reykjavtk 2016
1 1 EyRy
W Y 1y1 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. g3 0»0 5.
Ìg2 d6 6. Íf3 Íc6 7. 0»0 Ëb8 8. d5 [8. Ìf4
1tYf1 1 Ìg4 9. Ëc1 Ìf3 N (9... Íd7) 10. Ìf3 (10. ef3
d5 11. b3 e6Õ) e5 11. de5 Íe5 12. Ìe5 de5
1 1 1 1 13. Êd8 (13. Êa4 a6 14. Ëfd1 Êe8!=) Ëfd8
1h1 HsH 14. Ëfd1 Ìf8 15. a3 c6 16. b4 Íe8 17. e3
Ìe7= D. Ghosh 2552 — Zhao Jun 2613, Ho
d1 F H H Chi Minh City 2016] Ía5 9. Íd2
1 1 1dA
ErW Eq1
22. Ìa5! Êa7 23. Ìd8 Ëd8 24. Ëa7 Ëa7 YyY YyRy
25. Ìc4¥ [25. h4 Íc3 26. h5¥] Íc3 26.
Êc6 d5 27. Ìd3 Ëa3 28. Êb6 Ëc8 29. Èg2 1 Y Ty1
Ìf8 30. Ëc1 Ía2 31. Ëa1 Ìg7 32. Ëb1 T 1h1 1
Íb4 [32... Íc3 33. Ëc1 Ëaa8 34. Ìa6 Ëe8
35. Êc6¥] 33. Ìb5 Ìf8
1h1 1 1
1 G 1 H
1e1 Rq1 hH GhHfH
1 1 1y1y D Fs1dA
S 1 1y1
9... c6!? [9... c5 Ñ 85/466] 10. b4 [10. Ëb1
1fYy1 1 cd5 11. cd5 (11. Íd5 Íc6=) Ìf5 (11... b5!?)
T 1 1 1 12. e4 Ìd7 13. b4 Êc7 14. ba5 Êc3 15. Íb3
Ëbc8Õ] Íc4 11. Íc4 Íd5 12. Íd5 Ìa1
Eh1 H H 13. Íf4 N [13. Ìh6 Ìg7 14. Ìg7 Èg7 15.
1 1 HaH Íc3 Ìe6 16. Ía5 Êb6Õ] Ìg7 14. e4 e5 15.
Íd3 Ìe6 16. Êc2 Êc7 17. f4 ef4 18. Íf4
1d1 1 1 [18. Ìf4 Ëbd8 19. a3 Ëfe8Õ] Ìc4 19. Êc4
Êb6 20. Èh1 a5 21. Ìd2 ab4 22. Ìb4
34. e4! Ëaa8 [34... de4 35. Ëd1 Ëa2 36. Ëbd8 23. Ëd1 [23. a4 Êd4 24. Êb3 Êb2 25.
Êb7+»; 34... d4 35. Ìc4 Ëe8 36. Êc7 Ëe7 Êb2 Ìb2 26. Ëb1 Ìd4=] Ëfe8 24. h4 Êf2
37. Êc5+»] 35. Ìf1 Ëab8 36. Êa7 Ëa8 37. 25. Êb3 Êb2 26. Êb2 Ìb2 27. a4 Ìe5 28.
Êb7 Ëab8 38. Êa7 Ëa8 39. Êd7 c4 [39... Èh2 Ëa8 29. a5 Ëed8 30. Ìf1 Ëe8= 31.
Ëd8 40. Êg4 Ìg7 41. ed5 Íd5 42. Ìc4¥] Ìg2 Ëed8 32. Ëb1 Ìd4 33. Íe2 Ìe5
1/2 : 1/2 G. Arsovi
40. bc4 de4 41. Êb7 [41. c5 Ëd8 (41... Ìc5
42. Ìc4 Ëf8 43. Êb5+») 42. Êb7 Ëab8 43.
Êe4+»] Íc6 42. Ëe1 Ëab8 43. Êd7 Íe5 189.* E 63
44. Êd5 Ëc5 45. Êe4 Ëbc8 46. Ëc1 Ë8c7 S. VIDIT 2658 —
47. Ìe2 Ëc8 48. f4+» Íd7 49. Ëa1 Íf6 50. V. ONISCHUK 2615
Êf3 Ëe8 51. Ëa8 Ëe6 52. Êd3 Èg7 53. Ìf3 Martuni 2016
Ëd6 54. Êc3 h5 55. h3 Èg8 56. Êb4 Íd7
57. Ìd5 Ëb6 58. Êd2 Ëc7 59. f5 1:0 1. d4 d6 2. Íf3 g6 3. g3 Ìg7 4. Ìg2 Íf6 5.
D. Pikula 0»0 0»0 6. c4 Íc6 7. Íc3 e5 8. de5 de5 9.

Ìg5 Ìe6 10. Íd2 h6 11. Ìf6 Ìf6 12. Íde4 190.* E 63
N [12. Íd5 Ñ 6/737] Ìe7 [12... Ìc4?! 13.
Êa4 Ìe6 14. Ëfd1 Êe7 15. Íf6 Êf6 16. SVIDLER 2751 —
Ìc6 bc6 17. Êc6¥] 13. Êc1 Èg7 [13... Ìg5 HI. NAKAMURA 2791
14. e3 (14. Íg5 Êg5 15. Êg5 hg5 16. b3 f6
17. Ìc6 bc6 18. Íe4 Ëad8 19. Ëfd1 Èf7 20.
Saint Louis 2016
f3 Èe7 21. Íc5¢ M. Konopka 2416 — 1. c4 Íf6 2. Íc3 g6 3. Íf3 Ìg7 4. g3 0»0 5.
Ra¿tk 2447, Jesko 2016) a) 14... Ìc4?! 15. Ìg2 d6 6. 0»0 Íc6 7. d4 a6 8. Ëe1 Ëb8 9.
Ëd1 Êc8 (15... Êe7? 16. f4 ef4 17. ef4 Ìf6 Ëb1 b5 10. cb5 ab5 11. b4 e6 [11... e5 12.
18. Íf6 Êf6 19. Íe4+») 16. Íg5 hg5 17. de5 Íe5 13. Íe5 de5 14. Ìe3 N (14. Êc2)
Íe4 Ìe6 18. Íg5¥; b) 14... Ìe7 15. Ëd1 Ìf5 15. Ëc1 e4 16. Ìg5 Êe8 17. Ìf6 Ìf6
Êc8 16. Íd5¢] 14. Ëd1 Êe8 [14... Êc8 15. 18. Íd5 Ìe5 19. Íc7 Ìc7 20. Ëc7 e3 21. f4
Íd5 Ëb8 16. Íe7 Íe7 17. Êc3 f6 18. e3¢] Ëd8 22. Êb3 Ëd4 23. a3¥ V. Erdñs 2577 —
15. Íd5 Ëc8 [15... Íd4 16. Êd2 Ìd5 17. E. Wiewiora 2289, Katowice (rapid) 2016]
cd5 Íb5 18. Ëac1¢] 16. Íe7 [16. Íec3 a) 12. e4 Íe7 13. Ìf4 [13. Íd2 Ñ 69/503] h6 N
16... f5 17. Íe7 (17. b3 e4|) Êe7 18. Ìc6 [13... Ìb7] 14. h3 Ìb7 15. g4 g5 16. Ìg3
bc6 19. b3¢; b) 16... Ìd5 17. cd5 Íd4 18. e3 Íg6 [16... d5 17. e5 Íe4 18. Ëe3 Íg3 19.
Íb5Õ] Êe7 fg3 Ìc6 20. Ìf1 Ìd7 (20... f5 21. ef6 Ëf6
22. Íe5¢) 21. Ìd3¢] 17. Íd2 Íd7?! [17...
1e1 E 1 c6 18. Íb3 e5 (18... Íf4 19. Ìf4 gf4 20.
YyY WyQ Ëc1¢) 19. Ía5 Ìa8 (19... ed4? 20. Íe2!
Íe5 21. Íd4¥) 20. d5¢] 18. Íb3 [18. Íb5!
1t1r1yY Ìa6 (18... Ìe4?! 19. Ìe4 Ëb5 20. Ìg6 fg6
21. Ëe6+»; 18... Íf4 19. Ìf4 gf4 20. a4¥;
1 1 Y 1 18... Íb6 19. Ëc1 Êd7 20. Ìf1 Ìc6 21.
1h1g1 1 Íc7!¥; 18... Íe7 19. Êc2 Ìe4 20. Êe4 Ëb5
21. a4 Íf6 22. Êd3 Ëb8 23. b5¥) 19. Ía7
1 1 1 H Íe7 (19... Ìb7 20. Íb3 Ëa8 21. Íb5 Ëa2
hH 1hHfH 22. Ëc1¥) 20. d5¥] Ìa6?! [18... Íf4 19.
Ìf4 gf4 20. Êc1 (20. Íb5 Ìc6 21. a4 Ìb5
D Sd1 A 22. ab5 Ëb5Õ) f3! 21. Ìf3 Êh4 22. Ìg2
f5§] 19. Ía5 Ëb6
17. Íc3! Ìc4 [17... f5 Ñ 16. Íec3; 17... Êc5
18. b3 Ëfd8 19. Êb2¢] 18. b3 Ìa6 [18... Ìe6 1
W Eq1
19. Ìc6 bc6 20. Êe3 f6 21. Êa7¢] 19. Ìc6 1 Yt1yR
bc6 20. Êe3¢ Ëa8 21. Ëac1 Ëfe8 22. Ëc2
Ìc8 23. Íe4 Ìf5?! [23... Ìd7 24. Ëdc1 a5 rE Yy1tY
25. Íc5¢] 24. Ëc6 Ëad8 25. Ëdc1 Êb4 26.
Ë6c4 Êb6 27. Íc5 Ëd5 28. Êc3 Êd6 29. Gy1 1 Y
e4 Ëd1 30. Èg2 Ìg4 31. Ëd1 Êd1 32. H Hh1h1
Êd3! [32. Êe3?! Ìe2 33. Ëc1 Ìf3 34. Èh3
Ìg4=] Ëd8 33. Êd1 Ìd1?! [33... Ëd1 34. 1 G 1 Fh
Ëc2 Èf8 35. f3 Ìc8 36. Èf2¢] 34. Ëa4¥ g5 h1 1 Hf1
35. h3 h5 36. g4! h4?! [36... hg4 37. hg4
Ìg4 38. Ëa7 Ëc8 39. Èg3¥] 37. Ëa7 Ìe2 1d1sD A
38. Ëc7 Ëd1 39. Íd7+» Ìf1 [39... Ìd3 40.
Íe5 Ìe4 41. f3 Ìd5 (41... Ëd2 42. Èg1 20. a4! Íb8 21. ab5 Ìb5 22. Íb5 Ëb5 23.
Ìg6 43. a4+») 42. Ëc2+»] 40. Èh2 Ëd2 Ìf1 Ëb6 24. b5 c6 25. Íc4 Ëb5 26. Ëb5
41. Íe5 Èf6 [41... Ëf2 42. Èg1 Ëf4 43. [26. Ìd6 Ëb1 27. Êb1 Ìd4 28. Ëd1! (28.
Ëf7+»; 43. Íf7+»] 42. Íf7 Ëa2 43. e5 Ìf8 Èf8 29. Ëd1 c5§) c5 29. Ìc5 Ìc5 30.
Èg6 44. Íh8 Èh6 45. Íf7 Èg6 46. Íd6 Ëd8 Ëd8 31. Ía5 Ìd4¢] cb5 27. Íd6 b4|
Ëe2 47. Ëc1 1:0 G. Arsovi 28. e5 Íc6 29. Ìc4 Êb6 30. d5 Ìe5 [30...

Íce5 31. de6 fe6 32. Ìe6 Èh8 33. Ëe3 Ëd8 Êe2 25. Ìg6 b6 26. Ìf5 Ìf3 27. Êc3 [27.
34. Ìe5 Íe5 35. Ëe5 Ëd6 36. Êe1 Êd8 37. Ëc1 c5 28. a3 Êd3 29. Ìd3 Èg7£] Ëd8 28.
Èg2 Ìe5 (37... b3 38. Ëc5 Êa8 39. Èg1 Êe1? [28. Ëf1 Ëd2 29. Ìh3 (29. Êf6??
Ëa6 40. Ìb3 Ìd4 41. Ëb5 Ëf6 42. Ëf5 Ëf5 Êf1 30. Èf1 Ëd1#) Ìe4£] Êa2 29. Èh2
43. gf5 Êb8 44. Ìd5 Êg3 45. Ìg2 Êe5=) Êd2 30. Êf1 Êd1»+ 31. Ëd1 Ëd1
38. Êe5 Èh7 39. Êf5 Èg7 40. Êe5=] 31. 0:1 G. Arsovi
Ìe5 Íce5 32. de6 fe6 33. Ìe6 Èh8 34.
Ìf5= b3 35. Êd5 [35. Ëe5 Íe5 36. Êd5! 192.* !N E 73
Íf3 37. Êf3 Êd6 (37... b2 38. Êc3 Èg8 39.
Êc4=) 38. Êb7 Ëf5 39. gf5 Êd1 40. Èg2=] KELIRES 2466 — H. ZISKA 2539
b2 36. Ëb1 Êc7 37. Ìg6 Êc1 38. Èg2 Íg6
39. Êd4 Èg8 40. Êd5 Èh8 41. Êd4 Èg8 Luxembourg 2016
1/2 : 1/2 Z. Stamenkovi 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5.
Ìe2 0»0 6. Ìe3 e5 7. d5 Ía6 8. g4 Íc5 9.
191. E 67 Ìf3 a5 10. h4 c6 [10... Êd7 Ñ 77/(546)]
CSA. HORVCTH 2517 11. g5 Ífd7 12. dc6 [12. h5 cd5 (12... Êb6)
— R. RAPPORT 2693 13. cd5 (13. Íd5 Íb6Õ) b5! (13... a4) 14.
Íb5 Ìa6 15. a4 Ëb8Õ] bc6 13. Êd6 Êb6
Magyarorszcg 2016 14. 0-0-0 [14. Ëd1 N Ëe8 15. Íge2 Ìf8
1. d4 d6 2. Íf3 Íf6 3. c4 g6 4. g3 Ìg7 5. 16. Êd2 Êb4 17. b3 a4 18. Ía4 Ía4 19. ba4
Ìg2 0»0 6. Íc3 Íbd7 7. 0»0 e5 8. Êc2 Íb6 20. Êb4 Ìb4 21. Ìd2 Ìc5£ Chatal-
Ëe8 9. Ëd1 c6 10. de5 de5 11. Íg5 Êe7 bashev 2548 — E. Berg 2581, Maastricht
[11... Êa5 Ñ 23/645] 12. Íge4 Íc5 13. Ìg5 2016] Ëb8! N [14... Êb4] 15. Ëd2 [15. Êd2?
Ìf5 14. Êc1 Íce4 N [14... Ëad8] 15. Íe4 Íd3 16. Èc2 Í7c5 17. b3 (17. Ìc5 Íc5 18.
Ëad8 16. Ìf6 [16. e3 Ëd1 17. Êd1 Ëd8 18. Èb1 Ìe6¤) Êb4 18. Ìc5 Íc5¤; 15. Ía4?
Êb3 Ìe4 19. Ìe4 Ëd2 20. Ëd1=] Ìf6 17. Êb4 16. Ìc5 Íc5 17. Êc5 Êa4 18. Èb1
Íf6 Êf6 18. Êc3 h5 19. h4 Ìg4 20. Êe3 Ëb4¤]

1 Ee1q1 Er1 Eq1

Yy1 1y1 1 1t1yRy
1y1 Wy1 WyS 1y1
1 1 Y 1y Y T Y H
1h1 1rH 1h1h1 H
1 1 S H 1 G Ff1
hH 1hHf1 hH D H 1
D 1d1 A 1 A 1 Gd
20... e4! 21. Ëd8 [21. b3 Êb2 22. Ëe1 a5 23. 15... Ëe8! 16. Ía4 Êb4 17. Íc5 [17. Ìc5?!
a3 Ëd7£] Ëd8 22. Ìe4 [22. Ëb1 Êd4 23. Êc4 18. Íc3 Êc5 19. Ìg4 f5! (19... Ëb7
Êe4 Êe4 24. Ìe4 Ìe2 25. b3 Ëd2£] Ëe8£ 20. Ìd7 Êd6 21. Ëd6 Ìd7 22. Íf3 Ìf8 23.
[22... Êb2 23. Ëb1 Êe2 (23... Êa2 24. Ëb7 Ëd3 Ìc5£) 20. ef5 (20. gf6? Ìh6»+) Ìf8
Êe2 25. Êf4 Ìe6 26. Ìg6 fg6 27. Êf6 Ëd1 21. Êc5 Íc5 22. Íf3 Ëb4 23. Ëg1 e4 24.
28. Èh2 Ìd7 29. Ëb8 Ìe8 30. Êg6 Èf8 31. Íe1 Ìf5£] Ìf8! 18. Êc6 [18. Êd7 Ìd7 19.
Êf6=) 24. Êe2 Ìe2 25. Ëb7 Ëd1 26. Èg2 Íd7 Ëed8! (19... Êc4?! 20. Èb1 Ëed8 21.
Ëc1 27. Ëa7=] 23. Êd3 [23. Ëb1 Ìf5 24. f3 Íe2! Ìa3! 22. Íb8 Ëd2 23. Ìd2 Êd3 24.
Êe5 25. Èf2 Ëe6! 26. Êc3 (26. b3 Êf6 27. Èc1 Êf3 25. Ëe1 Ìb4 26. Íc6 Ìd2 27.
Èe1 Ìe4 28. fe4 Êe7£) Êc5 27. e3 Ìe4 Èd2 Êe4 28. Ëc1¢) 20. Íb8 Êc4 21. Èb1
28. Ëd1 Êe7 29. fe4 Ëe4£] Êb2 24. Ëb1 Êf1 22. Èc2 Êc4=] Íc5 [18... Êc4 a) 19.

Èd1? Íc5 20. Êe8 Íd3! 21. Ëc2 Íb2 22. 22. Èf2 Íe4=) Ëd4 19. Ìe2 Íc5 20. Ëd1
Èc1 Êf1 23. Èd2 Íc4 24. Ëc4 Êc4 25. Ëcd8§] 18. e5 [18. Ìc5?! bc5 a) 19. e5?!
Íe2 Ëb2»+; b) 19. Èb1? Íc5 20. Ìc5 (20. g5! 20. fg5 (20. g3 gf4 21. gf4 Ìh6¤) Ìe5£;
Êe8 Ñ 18... Íc5) Ìb7 21. Ìe2 Êe4»+; b) 19. g3 Ëb8 20. b3 Ìc3 21. Ëc3 a5§]
c) 19. Ëc2 Êf1 20. Èd2 Íc5! 21. Êe8 (21.
Ìc5? Ëd8»+) Êd3 22. Èc1 Êf1=] 19. 1eE 1q1
Êe8 Êc4 20. Èb1?? [20. Ëc2 Êf1 21. Èd2
Êd3 22. Èc1 Êf1=] Íe4»+ 21. Ëc2 [21. Y 1 1yRy
Ìe4 Êe4 22. Èa1 Ìf5»+] Yt1y1y1
Er1sRq1 1 T H 1
1 1 1y1y 1h1 H 1
1 1 1y1 1 G F 1
Y 1 Y H hH 1 1hH
1w1t1 H 1 D Af1d
1 1 Ff1 18... g5! [18... f6 19. ef6 Ìf6 20. g3 Íb4 21.
hHd1 H 1 Ìc5 bc5 22. a3 Íc6§] 19. g3 gf4 20. gf4 f6
21. ef6 Ìf6§ 22. Ìe2 [22. Ìc5 bc5 23.
1a1 1 Gd Ìh3 Èf7 24. 0»0 Ëd3 25. Ìg2 Íe7! 26.
21... Íc3! 22. Èc1 Êf1 [23. Èd2 Íb1#] Íe4 Íf5§] Íd4 23. b3 Íf5 24. Ìf2 Èf7
0:1 G. Arsovi 25. 0»0?! [25. Ëg1 Ëd7§] Ëd2£ 26. Ëfe1
[26. Èh1 Ëg8 (26... Ìc3 27. Ìh5 Èf6 28.
Ëc3 Ëa2£) 27. Ìc5 bc5 28. Ëfe1 Ìc3 29.
193.* E 81 Ëc3 Ëa2£] Ëg8 27. Èf1 Ìd4 28. Ìh5?!
EDOUARD 2639 — [28. Ëed1 Íe3 29. Ìe3 Ìe3 30. Ìh5 Èe7
SUNDAR M. SHYAM 2526 31. Ëd2 Ìd2 32. Ëc2 Ìf4£] Èf6 29. Ëe2
Biel (open) 2016 Ìf2?! [29... Ëd3 30. b4ì Ìc3 31. bc5 Ëh3
32. cb6 ab6 33. Ëec2 Ìd4 34. Ìd1 Íe3 35.
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 Ìe3 Ìe3 36. Ëg2 Ìc1 37. Ëg8 Ëh2£] 30.
0»0 6. Ìe3 c5 7. dc5 dc5 8. Êd8 Ëd8 9. Ëd2 Ìe3 31. Ëcd1= Ëg1 32. Èe2 Ëg2 33.
Ìc5 Íc6 10. Ìe3 [10. Íge2 Ñ 120/(194)] b6 Èe1 Ëg1 34. Èe2 Ëg2 35. Èe1 Ëg1
11. Ëc1 Íd7 12. Íh3 Íc5 13. Íf4 Ìa6 N 1/2 : 1/2 D. Pikula
[13... Ìb7 14. Ìe2 N (14. Ìc5) Íd4 15.
Èf2 f5 16. ef5 gf5 17. Ëhd1 Íe2 18. Ëd8 Ëd8
19. Èe2¢ Utegaliyev 2485 — Kuderinov 194. E 84
2489, Kazakhstan (ch) 2016; 13... e6] 14. D. KHISMATULLIN 2623
Ífd5 e6 15. Íc7 [Ä 15. Ìc5 a) 15... bc5 16. — A. GABRIELIAN 2520
Íc7 Ëab8 17. Ía6 Ëb2 18. Íc5 (18. a4
Íd4 19. Íd1 Ëa2 20. Íc5 Ìh6 21. Ëb1 Russia 2016
Ëd2§) Ìh6 19. Ëd1 Ìd2 20. Ëd2 Ëbd2 21.
Ìe2 Ëc2 22. Í5a4 Íe5 23. Èf2 Íc4 24. 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3
Ëb1¢; b) 15... ed5 16. cd5 Ìf1 17. Ëf1 Íe5 0»0 6. Ìe3 Íc6 7. Íge2 a6 8. Êd2 Ëb8 9.
18. Ìe3 Íd3 19. Èd2 Íc1 20. Ëc1§] Ëac8 Ëb1 Ìd7 10. b4 e6 [10... Êc8 Ñ 39/737] 11.
16. Ía6 Ía6 17. f4 [17. Ìe2 Íc5 18. 0»0 a4 a5 N [11... h5] 12. b5 Íb4 13. Íc1 e5 14.
Íd4 (18... Íd3 19. Ìd3 Ëd3 20. Èf2 Ìc3 de5 de5 15. Íd3¢ Íd3 16. Ìd3 Ìe6 17.
21. bc3 Íe5=) 19. b3 b5! 20. cb5 Ícb3 21. 0»0 [17. Íd5 b6 18. 0»0¢] Íd7 [17... c6
ab3 Ëc3 22. Èf2 Ëb3 23. Ëfd1 Ëb2 24. Èf1 18. c5 Êe7 19. Íe2 Ëbd8 20. Ëfd1¢] 18. c5
Ìf6=] Íc5 [17... Ìd4!? 18. Ìd4 (18. Èf2 Êe7 19. Ëfc1 c6?! [19... Íf6 20. Íd1 Ëfd8
Íc5 19. e5 Ìc3 20. bc3 Íe4 21. Èf3 Íd2 21. Íb2 Ëa8 22. Êc2 Íh5 23. g3¢]

E 1 Eq1 [10... Íh7] 11. cb5 ab5 12. Íb5 Ëa2 13.
Èb1 [13. Íec3 Ëa8 14. Ìe2 Íc5 15. Èc2
1y1tWyRy Ìb7 16. Ëa1 Ía6Õ] Ëa8 14. Ëc1?! [14.
Íec3 Íc5 15. Êc2 Ìb7Õ]
YhH Y 1 e1rW Eq1
h1 1h1 1 1 Yt1yR
1 GfFh1 1 Y Ty1
1 S 1hH 1g1hY 1y
1dD 1 A 1 1h1 1
20. Íd1! Êd8 [20... Ëa8 21. bc6 bc6 22.
1 1 Fh1
Ëb7 Ëfc8 23. Ìc4¥] 21. Íb2 Ëe8 22. Íc4¥ H Sg1hH
Ìc4 23. Ìc4 Ìf8 [23... Íf8 24. bc6 Êd2 25. 1aD 1f1d
Ìd2 bc6 26. Ëb6¥] 24. Ëd1 Íc5 [24... Ìc5
25. Ìc5 Íc5 26. Ìf7! Èf7 27. Êa2+»]
14... Íc5! 15. Êc2? [15. Ìc5 dc5 16. Ëc5 c6!
17. Ëc6 Ìd7 18. Ëd6 Íe8 (18... Èh7!?) 19.
E WeRq1 Ëd7 Êd7¤; 15. Êd1 Ìd7 16. Íec3 Êb8î]
1y1 1y1y Íd5! 16. Ìc5 [16. ed5 Ìf5»+] dc5 17.
Êc5 c6! 18. Ía3 [18. Íec3 Íc3 19. Íc3
1y1 1y1 Ìe6 20. Ìc4 Ìc4 21. Êc4 Ìh6 22. Ëcd1
YhT Y 1 Êe7»+] Íf4 19. Íc3 [19. Íf4 ef4 20. Ìc4
Ëb8 21. Ëc2 Êf6»+] Ìd7 [19... Ìe6! 20.
h1f1h1 1 Êc6 Êd2 (20... Êa5 21. Íc4 Ìc4 22. Ìc4
1 1 Fh1 Ëfb8»+) 21. Ëc2 Êe1 22. Ëc1 Êe3»+] 20.
Ìc4 Ëe8 21. Ëhd1 Ìf8»+ 22. Êf2 Êe7
1 S 1hH [22... Ìa3 23. ba3 Êe7»+] 23. g3 Íe6 [23...
Ëeb8 24. gf4 Êa3 25. Ëd2 Ìe6 26. Ìe6
1d1d1 A fe6»+] 24. f4 Ëeb8 25. Íc2 Êc5 [25... ef4
26. gf4 Íc5»+] 26. Êf1 [26. Êc5 Íc5 27.
25. Ìf7! Èf7 26. Êa2+» Íe6 27. Ëd8 Íe3 Ëa7¤] Êb6 0:1 Z. Arsovi
Ëbd8 28. bc6 bc6 29. Ëb7 [29. Ëb6 c5 30.
Ëb5+»] Ëe7 30. Ëe7 Ìe7 31. Êc4 Ëd1 32.
Èf2 c5 33. Êb3 Ëa1 34. Ìd2 Èf6 35. f4 196.* !N E 90
c4 36. fe5 Èg7 37. Êc4 Èf7 38. h3 [38. SVETUSHKIN 2561
Ìa5+»] Ëa3 39. Èg1 h5 40. Ìa5 Ìc5 41. — IV. êARIK 2651
Èf1 Ëa1 42. Ìe1 Ìe7 43. Èe2 Ìd8 44.
Êd5 Ëb1 45. Êa2 Ëc1 [46. Ìf2 Ëc6 47. Karlsruhe 2016
a5+»] 1:0 G. Arsovi
1. e4 g6 2. d4 Ìg7 3. Íf3 d6 4. c4 Íf6 5.
Íc3 0»0 6. h3 Íbd7 7. Ìe3 e5 8. d5 a5 9.
195. !N E 85 g4 Íc5 10. Íd2 c6 11. Ìe2 a4 [11... Ífd7
12. h4 a4 13. a3 N (13. g5; 13. h5) Íb6 14.
SAêA MARTINOVIK 2540 g5 f6 15. Ëg1 fg5 16. hg5 Ìd7 17. Êc2
— KOëUL 2594 Ëf4!? 18. 0-0-0 (18. Ìf4?! ef4 19. 0-0-0 cd5
Zagreb 2016 20. cd5 Ëc8 21. Èb1 Êe7§) Ëc8 19. Èb1
cd5 20. cd5 Êf8 21. Ëc1 Êe7 22. Êd1¢ An.
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5. f3 Heimann 2560 — Ch. Bauer 2644, Karlsruhe
0»0 6. Ìe3 e5 7. Íge2 Íbd7 8. Êd2 a6 9. 2016] 12. g5 Ífd7 13. h4 f6 [13... Êa5 Ñ
d5 h5 [9... Íe8 Ñ 30/718] 10. 0-0-0 b5! N 123/(191); 13... f5 14. f3 Êb6 15. Êc2¢]

e1rW Eq1 9. f3 c6 10. Ìf2 d5 11. ed5 cd5 12. c5 Íc6
13. 0»0 Ìf8 14. Ìb5 [14. Èh1 Ñ 115/194]
1y1t1 Ry Ìd7 15. Ìc6 [15. Íb3 Íe5 16. Ìd7 Êd7
17. Êd4 N (17. Ìd4) Ìg7 18. Ëad1 Íc4
1yY Yy1 19. Íd5 Êd5 20. Êd5 Íd5 21. Ëd5 Ìb2
1 ThY H 22. Ëd7 b6= 23. Ëe1 Ëe1 24. Ìe1 bc5 25.
Íc5 Íb6 26. Ëd3 Ëc8 27. Ìf2 Ìf6 28. g4
y1h1h1 H Ìe7 29. Íe4 Ëc1 30. Èg2 Ëc2 1/2 : 1/2
1 G F 1 Vczquez Igarza 2572 — Hi. Nakamura
2787, Gibraltar 2016] bc6 16. b4 a5 17. a3 ab4
hH GfH 1 18. ab4 Ëa1 19. Êa1 Íh5 20. Íce2 N [20.
D 1sA 1d Ëe1] Êb8 [20... Êc7 21. Êa6 Ìh6 22. Êb6
Ëc8 23. Ëa1¢] 21. Êa5 Êb7 22. Ëa1 Ëb8
14. Êc2! N [14. gf6 Íf6! (14... Ìf6?! 15.
h5î; 15. Íf3¢) 15. h5 (15. Êc2 Íg4£) E 1 Rq1
gh5!Õ] fg5 15. hg5 Íb6 16. 0-0-0 cd5 17. 1w1r1y1y
cd5 a3 18. b3 Ìd7 19. Èb1 Ëc8 20. Ëc1¢
Ëf4 21. Ëhg1 [21. Ìf4? ef4 22. Ìc4 Êg5»+ 1y1 1y1
Å Êe5] Êf8 [21... Íe4 22. Íde4 Ëe4 (22... S Hy1 1t
Ìf5 23. f3 Íd5 24. Êd2+») 23. Êe4 Ìf5
24. Ìg4! Ìe4 25. Íe4+»] 22. f3¥ Ìe8 23. H G 1 1
Êd1 h5 [23... Ëf7 24. Íb5¥] 24. gh6 Ìh6
25. Ëh1 Ëh4 [25... Ìg5 26. Êg1 Êf6 27.
1 1 1h1
Íb5+»] 26. Ëh4 Ìe3 27. Ëc2 Êf6 28. 1 1gFhH
Ëh1+» Êg5 29. Íc4 [29. Íb5 Êe7 30.
Ía3+»] Íc4 30. Ìc4 Íd7 31. Íb5 Ìc5 D 1 1 A
32. Ìf1 Íb6 33. Ëch2 Ìb5 34. Ìb5 Ìe3
23. g4! [23. b5 cb5 24. Ëc1 Ëc8 25. Êb6 Êb6
1e1 1q1 26. cb6 b4Õ] Íf6 [23... Íg7 24. Êa7 Êa7 25.
Ëa7 Ìe8 26. Ìe1 Íe6 27. Èf2 Ìg7 28.
1y1 1 1 Èe3¢] 24. Ìh4 Íg4!? [24... Ìg7 25. Ìg3
T Y 1y1 Ëe8 26. b5! cb5 27. Êb6 Êc8 (27... Êb6 28.
cb6 Ìc8 29. Ëa7+») 28. c6¥; 24... Íe8 25.
1f1hY W Ìg3 Êb4 26. Ìb8 Êb8 27. Êa7 Êd8 28.
1 1h1 1 Èg2¢] 25. fg4 Êb4? [25... Ìg4 26. Ìf6 Ìe2
27. Íe2 Êd7 28. Íg3¢] 26. Êb4 Ëb4
Yh1 Rh1
h1 1 1 D 1
1 Rq1
1a1s1 1d 1 1r1y1y
1y1 1y1
35. Ìd7! Íd7 36. Ëh8 Èg7 37. Ë1h7 Èf6
38. Ëc8 1:0 G. Arsovi 1 Hy1 1
E G 1hF
197.* E 92 1 1 1 1
M. RODSHTEIN 2698 1 1g1 H
— M. AL�SAYED 2524
Biel (open) 2016 D 1 1 A
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5. 27. Ìf6! Ëb8 28. Ëa5+» Ìg4 29. Íc6 Ëe8
Ìe2 0»0 6. Íf3 e5 7. Ìe3 ed4 8. Íd4 Ëe8 30. Íf4 [30. Íed4 Ìh3 31. Èf2+»] h5 31.

Íd5 Ëe1 32. Èf2 Ëe2 33. Èg3 Èh7 34. Íd4»+ 27. Ëa1 Ëfa8 [Ä 27... Íe2 28.
Íe5 Ëc2 35. Ëa8 Ìg7 36. Íg4 hg4 37. Èb2 Êe3 29. Íb3 Ìc4»+] 28. Ëa4 Ëa4
Ëc8 1:0 Z. Arsovi 29. Èb2 Íe2 [29... b6! 30. Êf2 (30. cb6?!
Êf8»+) bc5 31. Ëe1 Ëb4 32. Èc3 Ìa4»+]
198. E 92 30. Íb3 Ìc4 31. Êd2 Êd2 32. Íed2 Ìd5
33. Ëe1 Íf4 34. Èc3 [34. Ëe3 Íg2 35. Ëe5
E. CAN 2571 — c6¤] Íg2 35. Ëe5 Íf4 36. Ëe8 Èg7 37.
NIDJ. MAMEDOV 2588 Íd4 [37. Ëe7 Ìf7 38. Ëd7 Íd5¤] Ìf7 38.
T«rkiye 2016 Ëb8 Íd5 39. Èd3 Ëa3 40. Èe2 Íf4 41.
Èd1 Ëd3 42. Íc2 Ìd5»+ 43. Íb4 Ìf3 44.
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5. Èc1 Ëd4 45. Íc2 Íe2 46. Èd1 Ëd7 47.
Íf3 0»0 6. Ìe2 e5 7. d5 a5 8. Ìg5 Ía6 9. Èe1 Ìh5 48. Ëb7 Íf4 49. Íb4 Íg2
Íd2 Êe8 10. a3 Ìd7 11. b3 Èh8 12. Ëb1 0:1 Z. Arsovi
[12. 0»0 Ñ 94/439] Íg8 13. b4 ab4 14. ab4
f5 15. f3 Ìh6 16. Ìh6 Íh6 17. c5 N [17. 199. E 94
0»0] dc5 18. Ìa6 Ëa6 [18... cb4!? 19. Ìb7
(19. Ëb4 ba6 20. 0»0 Íf7£) bc3 20. Ìa8 QUINTILIANO PINTO 2443
Êa8 (20... cd2? 21. Êd2 Êa8 22. Êh6 fe4 — A. PICHOT 2550
23. 0»0¥) 21. Íc4 a) 21... fe4 22. 0»0 Êa7
23. Èh1 ef3 24. Ëf3 Ëf3 25. Êf3 Ìf5 a1) Buenos Aires 2016
26. Êc3 Íg4 27. Êf3 (27. h3 Ìb1 28. hg4 1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. e4 d6 5.
Êd4 29. Êb4 Êd1 30. Èh2 Êd5 31. Êf8 Íf3 0»0 6. Ìe2 Ía6 7. 0»0 e5 8. Ìe3
Êg8 32. Êf6=) Íf2 28. Èg1 Íh3=; a2)
26. Íe5 c2 27. Ëe1 Êc5§; b) 21... Êa2 Íg4 9. Ìg5 Êe8 10. Ëe1 ed4 11. Íd4
22. Íe3 fe4 23. Ëa1 Êb2 24. Ëb1 Êa3 25. Êe5 12. Íf3 Êc5 13. Ìh4 Íe5 [13... Ìe6
0»0 Êc5 26. Êe1 c2 27. Ëc1 Ìa4Õ; 24... Ñ 102/(415)] 14. Íe5 Ìe5 N [14... Êe5;
Êa2=] 19. bc5 Êe7! 20. Íb3 fe4 21. Íe4 14... de5] 15. Ëc1 Ìe6 16. a3 Êa5 17. Êd2
[21. fe4? Êh4 22. g3 Êh3»+] Ëfe8 [17... Ëae8 18. Ìg5 Ìg7 19. Ìe3 Ëd8
20. Ëed1 c6 21. Ìd4¢] 18. Ëed1 Ìg7 19.
1 1 E Q Êc2 f5?! [19... g5 20. Ìg3 Ìc3 21. Êc3
Êc3 22. Ëc3 Íc5 23. f3¢]
1yYrW 1y
e1 1 1yT e1 1e1q1
1 HhY 1 YyY 1 Ry
1 1g1 1 t1 Yr1y1
1g1 1h1 W 1 1y1
1 1 1hH 1h1h1 F
1d1sA 1d H G 1 1
21... Ìb5! 22. Êc1? [22. d6 Êh4 23. g3
Êh3 24. Ëb2 cd6 25. cd6 (25. Íd6 Ìc6¤) 1 Dd1 A
Íf7¤; 22. Íd4 Ìc4 23. Íe6 Ëfa8 24. Ëc1
(24. Êc1 Ìd5 25. Êh6 Ëe6¤) Íf5£] Êh4 20. Íb5!¥ fe4 21. b4 [21. Ìg5 Êb6 22. b4
23. Èd2 [23. g3 Êh3 24. Íf2 Êg2! 25. Êh6 Ñ 21. b4] Êb6 22. Ìg5 Ìf8 [22... Êc6 23.
Ëf3 26. Ëb2 Ëf2 (26... e4»+) 27. Êf8 Ëf8 28. Ìe3 Ëad8 24. Íd4 Êd7 25. c5¥; 25. Êe4¥]
Ëg2 Ìc4 29. Íc1 Ìd5»+] Ëa4 24. Êe1 Êf4 23. Íc3 c6 24. Íe4 Ìf5 25. c5! [25. Íf6
25. Èc3 Íf5 26. Íbd2 [26. Êd2 Íe3 27. Èh8 26. Êd2 Ëe6 (26... Ëe5 27. c5 dc5 28.
Ëhc1 Ëd8 28. d6 cd6 29. cd6 Ìc6»+] Êb2 Êc7 29. Íd7+») 27. g4 Ìe4 28. Êf4

d5 29. Íd7 Êc7 30. Êf7 Ëd6 31. cd5+»] [31. Ëc2! Ìa4 (31... Íh8 32. Ëc7 Êh5 33.
dc5 26. Íf6+» Èh8 Êd2¥) 32. Ëc8 Êb5 33. Íf2 Ìd1 34. Êd1
Êe2 35. Êe2 fe2 36. Ëc1¥] Íh8 32. Ìb3
e1 1eR Q [32. h4 gh3 33. Ìf3 Êg6 34. Èh2 Ìg4 35.
Êd1 Ìf3 36. Êf3 Ëf7 37. Êh1 Ëg7 38. Êf3
Yy1 1 1y (38. Ìf2? Íf7¤) Ëf7=] Êg6?! [32... Êh5
tWy1 Gy1 33. Êc7 Êg6 34. Íf2 Êh5 35. Íd1 (35.
Íd3 Êg6=) Íg6 36. Êb7 Ìa4 37. Êh7
1 Y 1rF Êh7 a) 38. Ìa4 Íf4! 39. gf4 ef4 40. Ìf2
H 1 1 1 (40. Ìf4 Êe4 41. Ìe3ì Ìg7 42. b7 Êb4
43. Ìf2 Êb7£) Êh3 41. Ìd4 Êh7=; b) 38.
H 1 1 1 Ëa4 Íf4! 39. gf4 ef4 40. Ìf4 Êh3 41. Ëa2
1s1fHhH f2! 42. Íf2 Êb3 43. Ëa6 Ìg7 44. Ìd6 Ìd4
45. Ëa8 Èg7 46. Ìg3 Ìb6=] 33. Íf2?!
1 Dd1 A [33. Ëc2! a) 33... Êe4 34. Ëc7 Êd3 (34...
Ìa4 35. Íf2 Êb4 36. Ìc4¥) 35. Ìc2 Êd5
27. Íe8! [27. Êc4 Ìe6 28. Ëd7! Ìg7 29. (35... Êe2 36. Ìh7 Èh7 37. Êc2¥) 36. Ìh7
Êh4+»] Ëe8 [27... Ìc2? 28. Ìf6 Ìg7 29. Èh7 37. Ëd7 Èg6 38. Ëd8¥; b) 33... Íf7
Ìg7 Èg8 30. Ìc4#] 28. Ìf6 Ìg7 29. Êb2 34. Ëc7 Êh5 (34... Êe4? 35. Íf2+») 35.
[29. Ìg7 Èg7 30. Êb2 Èh6 31. Ëc4+»] Êd2 Íd8 36. Íb2!¢] Êh5 34. Íd3 Ìe8?!
Êc7 30. Ìa6 ba6 31. Ëc5 Ëe6 32. Ìg7 [34... Êg6 35. Ëc2! Ñ 33. Ëc2; 34... Íg6! a)
1:0 D. Pikula 35. Ìc4 Ìa4 36. Ìa6 ba6 37. Êc8 (37. b7?
f2!»+) Ìb5 38. Êe6 Èh8 39. Êf6 Èg8=;
200. E 99 b) 35. Êc7 Ìf5 (35... Ìh6 36. Ìh6 Êh6 37.
Êc1 Êh5Õ) 36. Êc4 Ìd7Õ] 35. Êc8 Ìg6
A. INLIK 2547 —
Warszawa 2016 1y1 1 1e
1. d4 Íf6 2. c4 g6 3. Íc3 Ìg7 4. Íf3 0»0 5. yH Y 1r1
e4 d6 6. Ìe2 e5 7. 0»0 Íc6 8. d5 Íe7 9.
Íe1 Íd7 10. Ìe3 f5 11. f3 f4 12. Ìf2 g5 13. 1 1hY 1w
c5 Íc5 14. b4 Ía6 15. Íd3 h5 16. Ëc1 Íg6 h1 1h1y1
17. Íb5 Ìd7 18. a4 Ëf7 19. Ëc3 [19. Ía7
Ñ 94/(452)] Ìf8 20. Êc1 N [20. Èh1] Ëg7 1f1gFyH
21. Ìd1 g4 22. fg4 hg4 23. g3 f3 24. Ìe3 d1 1 1 H
[24. Íc7 Íc7 25. Ëc7 Ëc8 26. Ëc8 Ìc8 27.
a5 a6 28. Ìb6 Êe8Õ] Ëh7 25. Íc7 Íc7 26. 1 1 1 A
Ëc7 Ëc8 27. Ëc8 Ìc8 28. Ëf2 Ìd7 29. b5
a6 [29... Êb8 30. Ëc2 Ìe7 31. Íf2 Ìd8 32. 36. Íc5! dc5 37. d6+» Ìf7 38. d7 Ìb3 39.
h3! gh3 33. Ìf3¥] 30. b6 [30. ba6 ba6 31. d8Ê Ëf7 40. Ëf2 Íg6 41. Êg5 Êg5 42.
Ëb2 Êe8 32. Êc4 a5 33. Íf2 Íh8 34. Êc3 Ìg5 c4 43. Ìh6 Èh7 44. Ìf8 Íf8 45. Ëd2
Êh5 35. h3 gh3 36. Èh2î] Êe8 31. Ëa2?! 1:0 G. Arsovi


A BOCHAROV, D. [(1)] » Inarkiev, E. (20)

BOGNER, SE. [1] » Jobava, Ba. 51
ADAMS, MI. [4/(1)] » Brown, Mart. 106; Eggleston, BOLOGAN [2] » Jakovenko, D. 171; Smirin 8
D. 82; Giri, A. (46); Howell, D. 116; Jones, G. 6 B]NSCH [1] » Vaganian, R. 137
ALEKSANDROV, AL. [1] » Karpeshov, O. 163 BREUTIGAM [(1)] » Gutov, A. (6)
ALEKSEENKO, K. [1/(1)] » Safarli, E. (158); Tran BROWN, MART. [1] » Adams, Mi. 106
Tuan Minh 157 BRUZéN BATISTA [1] » Ivanchuk 64
ALMAGRO LLAMAS [(1)] » Suez-Panama (171) BU XIANGZHI [3/(1)] » Harikrishna, P. 164; Ivanchuk
AL-SAYED, M. [1/(1)] » Khairullin, I. (156); Rodshtein, 149; Zhou Jianchao 177; Zhou Weiqi (164)
M. 197 BUBLEI [(1)] » Turov, M. (159)
ANAND, V. [5/(5)] » Antón Guijarro 139; Giri, A. BUHMANN [3] » Caruana, F. 2; Ponomariov, R. 174;
(83), (114); Nakamura, Hi. 74; So, W. 110; Topalov, Vachier-Lagrave 127
V. (74), (117); Vachier-Lagrave (74), 118; Wei Yi
ANDREEV, ED. [(1)] » Sivuk (46) C
ANDREIKIN [1/(1)] » Jakovenko, D. (119); Smirin 61
ANDRIASIAN, Z. [1] » Inarkiev, E. 78 CAN, E. [1] » Mamedov, Nidj. 198
ANTAL, GE. [(1)] » Torma, R. (102) CARLSEN, M. [10/(2)] » Giri, A. 128, 133; Karjakin,
ANTIPOV, M. AL. [1] » Ragger 92 Sergey 56, 140; Kramnik, V. (119); Nakamura, Hi.
ANTON, T. [1] » David, A.-V. 148 66, 167; So, W. 113, 142; Vachier-Lagrave (121);
Wei Yi 37, 152
ANTéN GUIJARRO [1] » Anand, V. 139
CARLSSON, P. [5] » Hemant, Sh. 17; H}felsauer 41;
ARAVINDH, CH. [1] » Safarli, E. 60 Kololli, K. 96; Lewtak, Da. 131; Pultinevicius 69
ARESHCHENKO, A. [1/(1)] » Fier, A. 73; Navara, D. CARUANA, F. [7/(1)] » Buhmann 2; Eljanov 161;
(43) Giri, A. (118), 124; Kramnik, V. 117; Nakamura, Hi.
ARONIAN [4] » Giri, A. 11; So, W. 4, 109; Vachier- 30, 115; Vachier-Lagrave 76
-Lagrave 24 CHATALBASHEV [(1)] » Berg, E. (192)
ARTEMIEV, V. [1] » Hovhannisyan, R. 88 CHEPARINOV, I. [1] » Moiseenko, Alexander 160
AZAROV, S. [1] » Li Ruifeng 89 CHRISTIANSEN, J.-S. [(1)] » Rydstrom (103)
COLAS, J. [(1)] » Betaneli (6)
B CéRDOVA, E. [4/(1)] » Ferncndez, Fe. (97); Lenderman
23; Mareco, S. 172; Moiseenko, Alexander 31; Pichot,
BACHMANN, AX. [1] » Fressinet 125 A. 97
BAJARANI, U. [1] » Savchenko, B. 102 CORI TELLO, J. [1] » Vovk, A. 27
BAKLAN [1/(1)] » Sasikiran (174); Vachier-Lagrave CRAMLING, P. [1] » Tikkanen, H. 129
10 CVETKOVIK, SR. [2] » Damljanovik, B. 18; Yemelin,
BALOG, I. [1] » Istrg¡escu, A. 25 V. 14
BAUER, CH. [1/(1)] » Feller, S. 108; Heimann, An.
(196) D
BMRCZES, CS. [(1)] » Szebermnyi (171)
BEREZJUK, S. [(1)] » Jegorovas (104) DAMLJANOVIK, B. [1] » Cvetkovik, Sr. 18
BERG, E. [(2)] » Chatalbashev (192); Haug, J. (103) DAVID, A.-V. [2] » Anton, T. 148; Petrisor 134
BERKES, F. [(1)] » Harika, D. (27) DEAC, B.-D. [2/(1)] » Lcznijka 154; Nevednichii, V.
BETANELI [(1)] » Colas, J. (6) (111); çwiercz, D. 111
BINDRICH, F. [1] » Vorobiov, E. 162 DEMCHENKO, AN. [1] » Esipenko, An. 122
BLAëEKA, MA. [(1)] » Palac (47) DEMIDOV, M. [(1)] » Praggnanandhaa (153)

DENK, A. [1] » Nunn 70 GORYACHKINA [1] » Lagno 40
DING LIREN [3] » So, W. 150; Svidler 187; Wang GRAF, F. [1] » Miºta, A. 95
Chen 58 GRANDA ZæYIGA [1] » Marin, Mi. 36
DOMTNGUEZ PMREZ, L. [(1)] » Kramnik, V. (119) GRANDELIUS [1] » Stupak, K. 98
DONCHENKO, ALEXA. [1] » Harikrishna, P. 57 GREGO, LUIS [1] » Tasik, V. 53
DRAGUN, K. [1] » Miron, L.-C. 83 GRIGORIANTS, S. [1] » Hrcjek 59
DUBOV, DANIIL [1/(1)] » Gagunashvili 29; Rublevsky, GRISCHUK, A. [(1)] » Kazhgaleyev (169)
S. (48)
GUSTAFSSON, J. [(1)] » Smirnov, Anton (146)
DUDA, J.-K. [3] » Gabuzyan 63; Piorun 91; Tomczak,
J. 80 GUTOV, A. [(1)] » Breutigam (6)
LUKIK, NI. [1] » Miron, L.-C. 42
HAMMER, J. [1] » Ragger 84
EDOUARD [3] » Feller, S. 103; Navara, D. 68; Shyam, HARIKA, D. [(1)] » Berkes, F. (27)
Sundar M. 193 HARIKRISHNA, P. [3/(2)] » Bu Xiangzhi 164; Don-
EGGLESTON, D. [2] » Adams, Mi. 82; Fedoseev, Vl. chenko, Alexa. 57; Eljanov (164); Mamedov, Rauf
35 (47); Zhou Weiqi 182
ELJANOV [1/(2)] » Caruana, F. 161; Harikrishna, P. HAUG, J. [(1)] » Berg, E. (103)
(164); Rapport, R. (144) HEIMANN, AN. [(1)] » Bauer, Ch. (196)
EMINOV, O. [1] » çwiercz, D. 47 HEMANT, SH. [1] » Carlsson, P. 17
ERDäS, V. [(1)] » Wiewiora, E. (190) HILLARP PERSSON [1] » Tikkanen, H. 100
ESIPENKO, AN. [1] » Demchenko, An. 122 H]FELSAUER [1] » Carlsson, P. 41
HORVCTH, CSA. [1/(1)] » Iordgchescu, V. (99); Rap-
port, R. 191
HOU YIFAN [1] » Giri, A. 141
FEDOSEEV, VL. [2] » Eggleston, D. 35; Oparin, G. HOVHANNISYAN, R. [1] » Artemiev, V. 88
126 HOWELL, D. [1] » Adams, Mi. 116
FELLER, S. [2] » Bauer, Ch. 108; Edouard 103 HRCJEK [1] » Grigoriants, S. 59
FERNCNDEZ, FE. [(1)] » Córdova, E. (97)
FIER, A. [1/(1)] » Areshchenko, A. 73; Lioe Dede
(152) I
FINEGOLD, B. [(1)] » Liang, Aw. (155)
FLORES, DI. [(1)] » Montoro, G. (8) IDANI [(1)] » Mchedlishvili (30)
FRESSINET [1] » Bachmann, Ax. 125 INARKIEV, E. [7/(1)] » Andriasian, Z. 78; Bocharov,
D. (20); Gelfand, B. 9, 46, 48, 173, 176; Zhigalko, S.
G INLIK, A. [1] » Oleksiyenko 200
IORDGCHESCU, V. [(1)] » Horvcth, Csa. (99)
GABRIELIAN, A. [1] » Khismatullin, D. 194 IPATOV, A. [1] » Goganov, A. 158
GABUZYAN [1] » Duda, J.-K. 63 ISTRGìESCU, A. [3] » Balog, I. 25; Miron, L.-C. 26;
GAGUNASHVILI [1] » Dubov, Daniil 29 Tomici 123
GAJEWSKI, G. [1] » Kovalenko, Ig. 75 IVANCHUK [3] » Bruzón Batista 64; Bu Xiangzhi
GANGULY, S. [4] » Le Quang Liem 147; Movsesian, 149; Lmkó, P. 62
S. 54; Shankland, S. 136; Shirov 50 IVANIêEVIK, I. [2] » Onischuk, V. 39; Rakhmanov,
GELFAND, B. [5] » Inarkiev, E. 9, 46, 48, 173, 176 Ale. 28
GEORGESCU, T.-M. [3] » Marin, Mi. 135; Mcshane
114; Nevednichii, V. 38
GHARAMIAN [(1)] » Nataf, I.-A. (46) J
GHOSH, D. [(1)] » Zhao Jun (188)
GIRI, A. [10/(5)] » Adams, Mi. (46); Anand, V. (83), JAKOVENKO, D. [2/(1)] » Andreikin (119); Bologan
(114); Aronian 11; Carlsen, M. 128, 133; Caruana, F. 171; Motylev 107
(118), 124; Hou Yifan 141; Karjakin, Sergey 166; JEGOROVAS [(1)] » Berezjuk, S. (104)
Nakamura, Hi. 143; Svidler 153; Vachier-Lagrave JOBAVA, BA. [1/(1)] » Bogner, Se. 51; Ter-Sahakyan
77; Wei Yi 120; Wojtaszek, R. (84) (99)
GOGANOV, A. [1] » Ipatov, A. 158 JONES, G. [3] » Adams, Mi. 6; Mamedyarov 188;
GéMEZ GARRIDO [(1)] » Popovik, Du. (90) Mazm, S. 67
GONZCLEZ VIDAL, Y. [1] » Xiong, Jef. 16 JU WENJUN [1] » Muzychuk, A. 130

K MARTINOVIK, SAêA [1] » KoÕul 195
MATLAKOV [2] » Korobov, A. 180; Kovalenko, Ig.
KAMSKY, G. [(2)] » Nepomniachtchi (47); Svidler 21
(99) MATSENKO, S. [1] » Salgado López, I. 159
KA[OVSKù, D. [(1)] » êtohl (92) MAZM, S. [1] » Jones, G. 67
KARJAKIN, SERGEY [5] » Carlsen, M. 56, 140; Giri, MCHEDLISHVILI [1/(1)] » Idani (30); Mamedyarov
A. 166; Safarli, E. 44; So, W. 183 185
KARPESHOV, O. [1] » Aleksandrov, Al. 163 McSHANE [1] » Georgescu, T.-M. 114
KASIMDZHANOV [(2)] » Mamedov, Rauf (46); San- MEGARANTO [1] » Sethuraman, S. P. 55
dipan, Ch. (137) MIESBAUER [(1)] » Rohcjek (8)
KAZHGALEYEV [(1)] » Grischuk, A. (169) MIRON, L.-C. [4] » Dragun, K. 83; Lukik, Ni. 42;
KELIRES [1] » Ziska, H. 192 Istrg¡escu, A. 26; Lupulescu, C. 168
KHAIRULLIN, I. [(1)] » Al-Sayed, M. (156) MIçTA, A. [1] » Graf, F. 95
KHISMATULLIN, D. [1] » Gabrielian, A. 194 MOISEENKO, ALEXANDER [2] » Cheparinov, I. 160;
KOLOLLI, K. [1] » Carlsson, P. 96 Córdova, E. 31
KONERU, H. [1] » Tan Zhongyi 184 MONTORO, G. [(1)] » Flores, Di. (8)
KONOPKA, M. [(1)] » Ra¿tk (189) MOTYLEV [4] » Jakovenko, D. 107; Kovalenko, Ig.
KOPYLOV, M. [(1)] » Kramer, Ju. (155) 104; Smirin 112; Sutovsky 45
KOROBOV, A. [5] » Kovalenko, Ig. 32; Matlakov 180; MOVSESIAN, S. [1] » Ganguly, S. 54
Smirin 87; Sutovsky 151; Wojtaszek, R. 186 MUZYCHUK, A. [1] » Ju Wenjun 130
KOVALENKO, IG. [4] » Gajewski, G. 75; Korobov,
A. 32; Matlakov 21; Motylev 104
KOVCHAN [1] » êarik, Iv. 86 N
KOëUL [1] » Martinovik, Sa¿a 195
NAJER, E. [2] » Ponomariov, R. 132; Vachier-Lagrave
KRAMER, JU. [(1)] » Kopylov, M. (155)
KRAMER, MART. [1] » Shankland, S. 90
NAKAMURA, HI. [10/(2)] » Anand, V. 74; Carlsen,
KRAMNIK, V. [1/(2)] » Carlsen, M. (119); Caruana, F. M. 66, 167; Caruana, F. 30, 115; Giri, A. 143; So, W.
117; Domtnguez Pmrez, L. (119) 165, 181; Svidler 190; Topalov, V. 138; Vachier-
KUDERINOV [(1)] » Utegaliyev (193) -Lagrave (121); Vczquez Igarza (197)
KUNIN, V. [1] » Navara, D. 99 NATAF, I.-A. [(1)] » Gharamian (46)
NAVARA, D. [4/(2)] » Areshchenko, A. (43); Edouard
L 68; Kunin, V. 99; Rapport, R. 20; So, W. (12);
Tomczak, J. 43
LAGNO [1] » Goryachkina 40 NEPOMNIACHTCHI [1/(2)] » Kamsky, G. (47); Lmkó,
LCZNIJKA [1] » Deac, B.-D. 154 P. 81; Tomashevsky (157)
LMKé, P. [2] » Ivanchuk 62; Nepomniachtchi 81 NEVEDNICHII, V. [1/(1)] » Deac, B.-D. (111); Georg-
LENDERMAN [1] » Córdova, E. 23 escu, T.-M. 38
LE QUANG LIEM [1] » Ganguly, S. 147 NIKJEVIK, N. [1] » Tadik, Br. 22
LEWTAK, DA. [1] » Carlsson, P. 131 NIKOLENKO, O. [1] » Ponkratov 5
LIANG, AW. [(1)] » Finegold, B. (155) NISIPEANU [1] » Ponomariov, R. 179
LIBISZEWSKI, F. [(1)] » Pashikian (114) NUNN [1] » Denk, A. 70
LINDBERG, BE. [(1)] » Tikkanen, H. (103)
LIOE DEDE [(1)] » Fier, A. (152) O
LI RUIFENG [1] » Azarov, S. 89
LUPULESCU, C. [1] » Miron, L.-C. 168 OLEKSIYENKO [1] » Inlik, A. 200
ONISCHUK, V. [3] » Ivani¿evik, I. 39; Ter-Sahakyan
85; Vidit, S. 189
M OPARIN, G. [3] » Fedoseev, Vl. 126; Popov, Iv. 7;
Vavulin 79
MAGHSOODLOO [1] » Xiong, Jef. 15
MAMEDOV, NIDJ. [1] » Can, E. 198
MAMEDOV, RAUF [(2)] » Harikrishna, P. (47); Kasim- P
dzhanov (46)
MAMEDYAROV [3] » Jones, G. 188; Mchedlishvili PALAC [1/(1)] » BlaÕeka, Ma. (47); Vallejo Pons 93
185; Savchenko, B. 156 PASHIKIAN [(1)] » Libiszewski, F. (114)
MANOLACHE [1] » Vorobiov, E. 155 PETRISOR [1] » David, A.-V. 134
MARECO, S. [1] » Córdova, E. 172 PICHOT, A. [2] » Córdova, E. 97; Quintiliano Pinto
MARIN, MI. [2] » Georgescu, T.-M. 135; Granda 199
Zõyiga 36 PIJPERS, A. [1] » Wieczorek, O. 72

PIORUN [1] » Duda, J.-K. 91 SO, W. [14/(1)] » Anand, V. 110; Aronian 4, 109;
PLASKETT [1] » Vaganian, R. 34 Carlsen, M. 113, 142; Ding Liren 150; Karjakin,
POGONINA [1] » Stefanova, A. 175 Sergey 183; Nakamura, Hi. 165, 181; Navara, D.
PONKRATOV [1] » Nikolenko, O. 5 (12); Svidler 13; Topalov, V. 3, 12; Vachier-Lagrave
PONOMARIOV, R. [4] » Buhmann 174; Najer, E. 132; 121; Wei Yi 105
Nisipeanu 179; Vachier-Lagrave 119 STEFANOVA, A. [2] » Pogonina 175; Ushenina 1
POPOV, IV. [1] » Oparin, G. 7 êTOHL [(1)] » Ka{ovskÃ, D. (92)
POPOVIK, DU. [(1)] » Gómez Garrido (90) STUPAK, K. [1] » Grandelius 98
PRAGGNANANDHAA [(1)] » Demidov, M. (153) SUEZ-PANAMA [(1)] » Almagro Llamas (171)
PULTINEVICIUS [1] » Carlsson, P. 69 SUTOVSKY [3] » Korobov, A. 151; Motylev 45;
Wojtaszek, R. 19
SVETUSHKIN [1] » êarik, Iv. 196
Q SVIDLER [5/(1)] » Ding Liren 187; Giri, A. 153;
Kamsky, G. (99); Nakamura, Hi. 190; So, W. 13;
QUINTILIANO PINTO [1] » Pichot, A. 199
Vachier-Lagrave 71
çWIERCZ, D. [2] » Deac, B.-D. 111; Eminov, O. 47
R SZEBERMNYI [(1)] » Bmrczes, Cs. (171)

RAGGER [2] » Antipov, M. Al. 92; Hammer, J. 84

RAKHMANOV, ALE. [1] » Ivani¿evik, I. 28 T
RAPPORT, R. [2/(1)] » Eljanov (144); Horvcth, Csa.
191; Navara, D. 20 TADIK, BR. [2] » Nikjevik, N. 22; Sedlak, N. 33
RAêTK [(1)] » Konopka, M. (189) TAN ZHONGYI [1] » Koneru, H. 184
RIFF, J.-N. [1] » Schlosser, Ph. 49 TASIK, V. [1] » Grego, Luis 53
RODSHTEIN, M. [1] » Al-Sayed, M. 197 TER-SAHAKYAN [1/(1)] » Jobava, Ba. (99); Onischuk,
V. 85
ROHCJEK [(1)] » Miesbauer (8)
RUBLEVSKY, S. [(1)] » Dubov, Daniil (48) TIKKANEN, H. [2/(2)] » Cramling, P. 129; Hillarp
Persson 100; Lindberg, Be. (103); Rydstrom (103)
RYDSTROM [(2)] » Christiansen, J.-S. (103); Tikkanen,
TOMASHEVSKY [(1)] » Nepomniachtchi (157)
H. (103)
TOMCZAK, J. [2] » Duda, J.-K. 80; Navara, D. 43
TOMICI [1] » Istrg¡escu, A. 123
S TOPALOV, V. [3/(3)] » Anand, V. (74), (117); Naka-
mura, Hi. 138; So, W. 3, 12; Vachier-Lagrave (77)
SABUK, P. [(1)] » Shishkin, Va. (156) TORMA, R. [(1)] » Antal, Ge. (102)
SAFARLI, E. [3/(1)] » Alekseenko, K. (158); Aravindh, TRAN TUAN MINH [1] » Alekseenko, K. 157
Ch. 60; Karjakin, Sergey 44; Vernay, C. 101 TUROV, M. [(1)] » Bublei (159)
SALGADO LéPEZ, I. [2] » Matsenko, S. 159; Vachier-
-Lagrave 65
SANDIPAN, CH. [(1)] » Kasimdzhanov (137) U
êARIK, IV. [3] » Kovchan 86; Shankland, S. 169;
Svetushkin 196 USHENINA [1] » Stefanova, A. 1
SASIKIRAN [(1)] » Baklan (174) UTEGALIYEV [(1)] » Kuderinov (193)
SAVCHENKO, B. [2] » Bajarani, U. 102; Mamedya-
rov 156
SCHLOSSER, PH. [1] » Riff, J.-N. 49 V
SEDLAK, N. [1] » Tadik, Br. 33
SENGUPTA, D. [1] » Sethuraman, S. P. 145 VACHIER-LAGRAVE [11/(4)] » Anand, V. (74), 118;
SETHURAMAN, S. P. [4] » Megaranto 55; Sengupta, Aronian 24; Baklan 10; Buhmann 127; Carlsen, M.
D. 145; Shirov 146; Wei Yi 144 (121); Caruana, F. 76; Giri, A. 77; Najer, E. 94;
SEVIAN, S. [1] » Smirin 52 Nakamura, Hi. (121); Ponomariov, R. 119; Salgado
López, I. 65; So, W. 121; Svidler 71; Topalov, V. (77)
SHANKLAND, S. [3] » Ganguly, S. 136; Kramer,
Mart. 90; êarik, Iv. 169 VAGANIAN, R. [2] » B}nsch 137; Plaskett 34
SHIROV [2] » Ganguly, S. 50; Sethuraman, S. P. 146 VALLEJO PONS [1] » Palac 93
SHISHKIN, VA. [(1)] » Sabuk, P. (156) VAVULIN [1] » Oparin, G. 79
SHYAM, SUNDAR M. [1] » Edouard 193 VCZQUEZ IGARZA [(1)] » Nakamura, Hi. (197)
SIVUK [(1)] » Andreev, Ed. (46) VERNAY, C. [1] » Safarli, E. 101
SMIRIN [5] » Andreikin 61; Bologan 8; Korobov, A. VIDIT, S. [1] » Onischuk, V. 189
87; Motylev 112; Sevian, S. 52 VOROBIOV, E. [2] » Bindrich, F. 162; Manolache 155
SMIRNOV, ANTON [(1)] » Gustafsson, J. (146) VOVK, A. [1] » Cori Tello, J. 27

WANG CHEN [1] » Ding Liren 58 YEMELIN, V. [1] » Cvetkovik, Sr. 14
WEI YI [6] » Anand, V. 170; Carlsen, M. 37, 152; Giri, YEVSEEV, D. [(1)] » Zhurikhin (27)
A. 120; Sethuraman, S. P. 144; So, W. 105
WIECZOREK, O. [1] » Pijpers, A. 72
WIEWIORA, E. [(1)] » Erdñs, V. (190) Z
WOJTASZEK, R. [2/(1)] » Giri, A. (84); Korobov, A. ZHAO JUN [(1)] » Ghosh, D. (188)
186; Sutovsky 19
ZHIGALKO, S. [1] » Inarkiev, E. 178
ZHOU JIANCHAO [1] » Bu Xiangzhi 177
X ZHOU WEIQI [1/(1)] » Bu Xiangzhi (164); Harikrishna,
P. 182
XIONG, JEF. [2] » Gonzclez Vidal, Y. 16; Maghsoodloo ZHURIKHIN [(1)] » Yevseev, D. (27)
15 ZISKA, H. [1] » Kelires 192

1. KACZUR 2426 — 2. I. IVANIêEVIK 2650 3. NAJER 2681 —
Praha 2016 Crna Gora 2016 Russia 2016
Ia Ic Ig
1qE 1 E e1 1 1eR e1 1 1eQ
YyYw1 1 Yr1 1 1q YyWr1y1y
Tt1y1 1 Y YgW Y 1 1yR 1
R 1 1yY 1 YhTy1f 1 1 1y1
1 H 1 1 1 1 1 H 1fG 1 1
1sG H H 1 1 FhH 1 H 1 1d
h1 F Hf1 h1 S 1a1 hH 1sHhH
1dD 1 A 1 D D 1 1 1d1 A
1. ? +» 1. ? +» 1. ? +»
4. S. BEUKEMA 2380 — 5. A. INLIK 2547 — 6. ORTEGA AMARELLE
2325 GARCTA 2498
Bhubaneswar 2016 Warszawa 2016 Badalona 2016
Ig Ig Ig
1Et1q1 1
1e1q1 1 1 E Q
Y 1 1yYy Y W 1yY 1y1w1eRt
w1y1yR F Y 1yR F y1 1 1y1
1yHeG 1 T 1 G 1s 1 YhYy1y
1 H 1 1 h1 Hr1 1 h1h1h1 H
H 1 1sD 1 1 1 D 1 1 1dH
H 1 HhH tH 1 HhH Hs1g1a1
1 1d1 A 1 1 1dA 1 1g1d1
1. ? +» 1. ? +» 1... ? ¤
7. A. KOROBOV 2656 8. ALEK. SOROKIN 9. KHAZIEVA 2128 —
Poikovsky 2016 Praha 2016 Russia 2016
e1 1 1 1 1 E 1 1 1 Eq1 1
Yy1sYq1y Yr1 1q1 Y 1 1 R
1 1y1y1 Y 1yY Y r1 D 1 Y
T W R 1 1hW Y Yh 1 1 1y1
1 1 F 1 ShTh1h1 Y 1 1 1
1 H 1 H H 1 1h1 Gh1 1g1h
h1 1 HfH 1 1g1 1 1 1 Hh1
1 1d1 A 1a1d1f1 1 1 1 A
1. ? +» 1... ? »+ 1... ? »+

1. Íb5! Ìd2 2. Ëc6! [2. Ía7?! Ía7 3. Êb6
Êd6 4. Êb7 Èd7 5. Êa7 Ìc1 6. Ëc1§] bc6 1... f4! 2. gf4 [2. Íf2 g5¤] ef4 3. Íf4? [3.
3. Ía7 Èb8 [3... Èb7 4. Ìc6; 4. Êa4!+»] Ëf4 Ëf4 4. Ëf4 Ëf4 5. Íf4 Êg4»+; 3.
4. Íc6 Èc8 5. Ía7 Èb8 6. Êa3! 1:0 Íf2ì Ìe5¤] Êg4 4. Ëg3 Ëf4!»+
Br. Tadi Jo. Gonz lez Garc a
1. Ìg5! hg5 [1... Ëg5 2. hg5 Êe7 3. g6 Èg8
4. Êh6+»] 2. hg5 Êe7 [2... Ëg5 3. Íg5 Èg8 1. Ëd5! ed5 2. Ìd5 Èf8 3. Êe6 Èe8 4. Ìe5
4. f4+»] 3. Ëh1 1:0 Br. Tadi Èd8 [4... Ëd8 5. Êg8 Èd7 6. Ìe6 Èc6 7.
Êd8 Êe5 8. Ìd7 Èd6 9. Ìb5 Èe6 10.
Êa5+»] 5. c4 Êb4 6. Êg8 Èd7 7. Êa8 e6
3. NAJER — ARTY. TIMOFEEV [7... Êe1 8. Èg2 Êe5 9. Êa7+»] 8. Ìf6
1. Íf5! ef5 2. Ëh7! Èh7 3. Êh5 Èg7 4. Êf7 ed5 9. Êd8 Èe6 10. cd5 Èf7 11. h4 Íc4 12.
Èh6 [4... Èh8 5. Êf6 (5. Ëd7 Êd7 6. Êd7 Ìd4+» Br. Tadi
Ëad8 7. Êf5 Ëd1 8. Ìf1+») Ëg7 6. Ëd4 f4
7. Ëf4 Ìf5 8. Êf5+»] 5. Êf6 Ëg6 [5... Èh7 8. ALEK. SOROKIN —
6. Êf7 Èh6 7. Ëd7+»] 6. Êh4 Èg7 7. Êe7 ARAM HAKOBYAN
Èh6 8. Ëd7 Êc4 9. Êh7 Èg5 10. Ëd4
1:0 Br. Tadi 1... Èe7 [1... Íb5! 2. Êc5 (2. Ëd8? Ía3»+;
2. Êa4 Ëd1 3. Êd1 Ía3 4. Èa2 Ìc6»+)
4. S. BEUKEMA — P. GRANDADAM Ëd1 3. Èc2 bc5 4. Èd1 Ía3»+] 2. Íd4 ed4
3. Èc2 Ëd6 4. Êc5 bc5= Br. Tadi
1. Ìg7! Ìg7 2. Êf7 Èh8 3. Êf8! [3... Ìf8
4. Íf7#] 1:0 Br. Tadi

1. Ìg5? [1. Íg4! Ìd4 (1... Êe7 2. Íf6 Êf6 1... ba3? [1... Ìd3! 2. Íc4 (2. Ëd3 ba3 3.
3. Ìg7 Êg7 4. Ëg7 Èg7 5. Êe5+») 2. Ìg7 Ëd2 Ìb2»+) Ìc4 3. bc4 b3 4. Íd2 b2 5.
Ìg7 3. Íf6 Èf8 4. Ëg7 Èg7 (4... Ëc8 5. Êh8 Èf1 (5. Ëd5 Ëe8 6. Èf1 Ìc3»+) Ëc8 6.
Èe7 6. Êh4+») 5. Íe8+»] Ìg5 2. Êg5 f6 3. Èe2 Ëc4»+] 2. Ëa6 Ìb2 3. Íd2=
Êf6 [3. Êh5¥] Íc1Õ Br. Tadi Br. Tadi

1. AS. SOLOMON 2072 2. MINDLIN 2412 — 3. DING LIREN 2778 —
Jerusalem 2016 Jerusalem 2016 Wenzhou (m/1) 2016
Î 3/c3 Î 5/c2 ÍÌ 2/a1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Y 1 1y 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 YyH 1 1 1 1 1 1q1 1
1hYq1 1 1y1 1 1 1 1t1 A
h1 1 A 1 y1 Q 1 A Gy1 1 1
1 H 1 1 H 1 1h1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1h1 H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1... ? = 1... ? = 1. ? =

4. A. MUZYCHUK 2545 5. ALI MARANDI 2476 6. J. BORIêEK 2576 —

— H. KONERU 2575 — I. JANIK 2318 J. êKOBERNE 2572
Chengdu 2016 Celje 2016 Bled 2016
ÍÌ 4/g Ë 5/b Ë 5/g
1 1 1 1 1 1 1q1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1r1 1d1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1q1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1h1
1yG 1 1 Y 1 1 1a Yy1 1 1a
y1hA 1 1 hHe1 1 1 q1 1 1 1
H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E
1. ? +» 1. ? +» 1. ? =

7. J. êKOBERNE 2572 8. BOLOGAN 2654 — 9. IG. KOVALENKO

— KOëUL 2594 ANDREIKIN 2733 2667 — R.
Bled 2016 Poikovsky 2016 Poikovsky 2016
Ë 6/b Ë 6/d Ë 9/h
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 1 1
1d1 1 1 h1d1y1 1 1 1 1 1
1y1 1y1 1 1 1 Y 1 1 1y1
E 1 Hy1 H 1 1qY 1t1 G 1
1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 H Q Y A
1 A 1 1 e1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1a1 1 1 1e1
1. ? = 1... ? »+ 1... ? »+

1. AS. SOLOMON — [6. Èa5 Ìe8 7. Íf3 Èc6 8. Èb4 Èd5 9.
M. ISKHAKOV Íh4 Èe5 10. Èa5+»] Èa6 7. Íd8 Ìd5 8.
Èc3 Èa5 9. Èd4 Ìg2 10. Èe5 b4 11. c6
1... Èc4?? [1... c4! 2. g3 (2. Èe3 Èe5 3. a5 ba3 12. ba3 Èb6 13. Èd6 Ìf3 14. c7 Ìg4
Èd5 4. b6 ab6 5. ab6 Èc6 6. Èd4 Èb6 7. 15. Íc6 Èb5 16. Íd4 [16. Íe7 Èc4 17.
Èc4 Èc6=) Èc5 3. Èe4 Èb6 4. Èd4 Èa5 Íd5 Èb5 18. Íc3 Èa5 19. Èe7+»] Èb6
5. Èc4 Èa4 6. Èd5 Èb5 7. c4 Èb6 8. Èd6 17. Íc6 [17. Íe2+» Ñ 17. Íc6] Èb5 18.
Èb7=] 2. Èe4+» f5 3. Èe5 f4 4. Èf4 Èd5 Íd4 Èb6 19. Íe2 Ìh3 20. Íc3+» Èa5
[4... Èc3 5. a5+»] 5. g4 Èd6 6. c4 Èe6 7. 21. Èc6 Ìc8 22. Íe4 1:0
g5 Èd6 8. a5 1:0 Petronijevi
1. ba5?? [1. b5 a) 1... Ëa4 2. b6 Ëb4 3. Èg6
1... Èc4? [1... b4!! 2. f4 (2. ab4 Èc4=) b3!! Ëg4 (3... Èf8 4. Èf6 Èe8 5. Èe6+») 4.
3. f5 Èd3 4. f6 Èc2 5. f7 Èb2 6. f8Ê Èa2 7. Èf6 Ëb4 5. Èe6 a4 6. Èd6 Ëb3 7. Ëb8 Èf7
Êf7 Èa3 8. Êe6 b2 9. Êb6 b1Ê 10. Êb1=] 8. Èc6 Ëc3 9. Èb7 Èe7 10. Ëa8 a3 11. Ëa4
2. f4+» Èb3 3. f5 Èb2 4. f6 Èa3 5. f7 b4 6. Ëb3 12. Èa7 Èd8 13. b7+»; b) 1... Èf8 2.
f8Ê Èb3 7. Êf3 Èb2 8. Êe4 Èa3 9. Èg3 Ëa7 Èe8 3. Ëa5 Èd8 4. b6+»] Ëa4= 2.
b3 10. Èf2 b2 11. Êb1 Èb3 12. Èe3 a3 [13. Ëa7 Èf8 3. a6 Èe8 4. Ëa8 Èd7 5. a7 Èc7
Èd4 a2 14. Êd3 Èa4 15. Êc2 Èa3 16. 6. Ëg8 Ëa7 7. Ëg7 Èb8 8. Ëa7 Èa7
Êc3+»] 1:0 Petronijevi 1/2 : 1/2 Petronijevi


1. Íc6? [1. Ía2! Èe5 2. Èg4 Èe4 3. Èg3 1. Ëh4? [1. Ëa2! Èb4 2. Ëe2 Èa3 3. Ëe5
Èd3 4. Èf3! Èc2 5. Èe4!=] c3!»+ 2. Èg4 Èa4 4. Ëg5 Ëh1 5. Èg4 Ëh8 6. Èf4 b4 7.
Èd6! 3. Ía5 Èc5 [3... Íb4 4. Íb3 c2 5. Èe3 Ëg8 8. g7 Èb3 9. Ëg2=] b4 2. Ëg4
Íc1 Èd5 6. Èf3 Èd4 7. Íe2 Èd3!»+] 4. Ëh1 3. Èg5 Ëh8 4. g7 Ëg8 5. Èf6 Èa3 [6.
Èf3 Èb5! 5. Íb3 Èc4 6. Íc1 [6. Ía1 Èf7 Ëg7 7. Ëg7 b3»+] 0:1
Èd3! 7. Èg3 Èd2 8. Èf2 Èd1 9. Èf3 Èc1! Petronijevi
10. Íb3 Èc2 11. Íd4 Èd3 12. Íb3 c2»+]
c2 7. Èe4 Íb4 8. Íe2 Íc6 9. Èe3 Èb3! 10. 7. J. êKOBERNE — KOëUL
Íc1 Èc3 11. Íe2 Èb2 12. Èd3 Íb4 13.
Èd4 Ía2 14. Íf4 Èb1 15. Íe2 [15. Íd3 1. Èd3?? [1. Ëc5! Èe6 2. Ëe5 Èf6 3.
Íc1»+] Íc1 [15... Èa1»+] 16. Íc3 Èa1 Èc2=] Ëb3»+ 2. Èd4 Ëg3 3. Ëc5 [3. Ëb6
17. Èc4 Ía2 18. Íe2 Èb2 19. Èd4 Íc1 20. Ëb3 4. Èe5 g3 5. Èf5 Èd7 6. Èe4 b4»+]
Íf4 Íb3 21. Èd5 Èc3 22. Èe4 Íc5 [22... b4 4. Ëf5 b3 [4... Ëg1»+] 5. Ëb5 Èf6 [5...
Èd2»+] 23. Èf3 Èd2 24. Íe2 Íe6 25. Èd6»+] 6. Èe4 Ëc3 7. Èd4 Ëh3 8. Èe4
Èf2 Èd3 [25... Íc5 26. Èf3 Íb3»+] 26. Ëf3 9. Ëb6 Èe7 10. f5 Èd7 [10... Èf7»+]
Íc1 Èc3 27. Èe3 Èb2 [27... Íd4»+] 28. 11. f6 Èc7 12. Ëb4 Èd6 13. Ëb7 [13. f7
Íe2 Íc7 29. Èe4 Íb5 30. Íf4 Èa1 [30... Èe7 14. Èe5 g3 15. Ëb7 Èf8 16. Èe4
Íc3»+] 31. Íd3 Èb1 32. Èe3 Íc3 33. g2»+] Èc5 14. f7 Èc4 0:1
Èd2 Íe4 [34. Èe3 Íc5»+] 0:1 Petronijevi
1... Èh3?? [1... h3! 2. Èg1 Ëa1 3. Èh2
1. Íd3!+» [1. cb5? Èb5=] Ìe6 2. c5 [2. Èh4»+] 2. Ëc5!= [Å Ëa5] Ëa1 3. Èe2
Íb4 Èb6 3. Íd5 Èc6 4. cb5 Èd6 5. Íc3 Ëa2 4. Èf1 Ëa6 5. Ëg5 Ëa3 6. Ëe5 Ëa6 7.
Ìb3 6. Íe4+»] Ìb3 [2... Èc7 3. Íe5+»] b5 Ëd6 8. Ëc5 Ëd1 9. Èf2 Ëd2 10. Èf1
3. Íe5 Èb7 4. Èc3 Ìd5 5. Èb4 Ìc6 6. Íf7 Èg4 11. Ëc4 Èf3 12. Ëc3 Èf4 13. Ëc4 Èg5

14. Ëb4 h3 15. Èg1 Èf5 16. b6 Ëd8 17. Èd4 6. Íe2 Èc5 7. a5 Èd6 8. Ëe8 Èd7 9.
Èh2 Èe5 18. Èh3 Ëb8 19. Èg3 Ëb8 Ía5 10. Ëb4 Èe6 11. Ëa4 Íb7 12. Ëa3
1/2 : 1/2 Petronijevi Íd6 13. Ëe3=; b) 2... Èc2 3. a4 Íd6 4.
Íg2 f4 5. Èg4 Ëg1 6. Èf4 Ëg2 7. Ëe3=]
9. IG. KOVALENKO — Ëf2»+ 3. Íd4 Èc3 4. Íe6 Ëa2? [4... Èd2!
R. WOJTASZEK 5. Ëd7 Èe1 6. Íf4 Íe5 7. Ëd4 Ëf3 8. Èg2
1... Èb3? [1... Èd4 a) 2. Ëb7 Íd2 3. Ëd7 e2»+] 5. Íf4 Èd4 [5... Ëc2 6. Ëc5 Èd4 7.
Èc5 4. Ëd5 (4. Íd3 Èc4 5. Íe5 Èb3 6. Ëb7 Ëf5=] 6. Íe6 Èd5 7. Íf4 Èd4 8. Íe6 Èc3
Èc2 7. Ëc7 Èd1»+) Èc4 5. Ëf5 e2»+; b) 9. Íf4 Ëc2 10. Ëc5 Èd4 11. Ëf5= Íd2 12.
2. Íe2 Èe4 3. Ëc8 (3. a4 Íe5 4. Èh4 f4»+) Ëf8 Íf1 13. Èg4 Ëf2 14. Ëd8 Èc4 15. Ëc8
Íe5»+] 2. Íe2? [2. Ëe7! a) 2... Èb2 3. Èb3 16. Ëe8 Ëd2 17. Ëe5 Èa3 18. Íd5
Íd5 Èc2 4. a4 (4. Èg2 Ëe1 5. Èf3 Èd3 6. Ëg2 19. Èf3 Ëf2 20. Èg4 Íh2 21. Èg3 Íf1
Íe3 Íe3 7. Ëd7 Èc4 8. Èf4=) Èd3 5. Íf4 22. Èg4 1/2 : 1/2 Petronijevi

1st Pr. “e4-e5" 2014 2nd Pr. “e4-e5" 2014 1st Pr. Schach 2015
11 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 G 1
1 1 1a1 1 1 1 Yq Y 1 1 T
1 1 F 1 1g1 1 1 H F E 1
R 1h1 1 1 1 1dYh Q 1h1 1
1 D 1 1 1 1 1 1 h1 1 1 1
1 1h1 D 1y1 1 H 1 1 1 1
e1 1 1r1 E 1 1 H 1 1 1 1
Q 1 W 1 1 1 1a1 A 1 1 1r
1. ? +» 1. ? +» 1. ? +»


2nd Pr. Schach 2015 1st Pr. Baku Olympic ty 3rd Pr. Baku Olympic ty
2016 2016
1E 1 1 1 Q 1 1 1 1 1 Q
1 1 1hD W 1hH F 1 1f1 1
1 1h1qH 1 1 A Y w1 1 1hY
1 1 1 1 1 1 1h1 1 1 1 1g
1 1 1y1 1e1 1 1 1 A 1 1
1 1a1y1 1y1 1 1t 1 1 1 1
1 1 Y 1 1 1 1 1 1d1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1s1 1 E 1 1 1
1. ? += 1. ? += 1. ? +»


2nd Pr. Afek-64 JT 2016 5th Pr. Afek-64 JT 2016 2nd HM Afek-64 JT 2016
D1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 Q 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1a 1 1 1 1
1 1 1g1 Yy1 1 1 1 1h1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 1
1 R A 1 1t1 1 Q 1 1 1 1
1 1h1y1q 1 1 1 1 1f1 1 D
1 1 1 1 1h1 1 1 r1 E 1 1
1 1r1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1a1
1. ? +» 1. ? += 1. ? +»

1. P. KRUG Êa1 eg 5. Èh5=] 4. Êb3 [4. fe6? Êe3 5.
Èh5 Êe6] Êc7! 5. Ìc7 Íd4 6. Êe6! [6. f6?
1. Ëb4 [1. Ëe4? Èb1=] Ëb2 2. Ëb2 Ìe4 3. Íb3 7. Ìe5 Íc5!»+] Íe6 7. Ìe5 Íg7 8.
de4 Êe4 4. Èh8!! [4. Èg7? Ìc3! 5. Ëc3 f6 Íe6! [8... Íf5 9. Èg5; 8... Íe8 9. Èg5;
Êg4 6. Èf8 Êc8! 7. Èe7 Êc7! 8. Èe6 Êc8 8... Ëa6 9. Èg6!] 9. f7 Íg7 10. Èg5 Èh7
9. Èd6 Êf8 10. Èe5 Èb2=] Ìc3 5. Ëc3 11. f8Í!=
Êe8 6. Èg7 Êd7 7. Èh6 Êh3! 8. Èg5
Êg3! 9. Èf5 Êh3 10. Èf4 Êh6 11. Èe5
Èb2 [11... Êh5 12. Èd6 Èb2 13. Ëh3+»] 6. L. M. GONZCLEZ
12. Èe6 Èa2 13. d6+» 1. g7 [1. Ëc8? Êc8 2. g7 Èh7 3. Ìc8 Ëf1!
4. Ìb7 Ëf7 5. Ìe4 Èg8 6. Ìd5 Èh7 7.
2. M. MINSKI & R. STAUDTE Ìf7=] Èh7 2. Ìf5 Èg8 3. Ëc8 Êc8 4. Ìc8
1. Ëb5! [1. Íd4? Ëb1 2. Èg2 b2 3. Ëb5 Ëd1 Ëd1 5. Èe5 [5. Èe4? Ëe1 6. Èd5 Èf7] Ëe1
4. Ëb2 Ëd4=; 1. Ía5? Ëb1 2. Èg2 b2 3. 6. Èf6! [6. Èd6? Èf7 7. Ìb7 Ëe6 8. Èc5
Ëb5 Ëa1 4. Ëb2 Ëa5=] Ëb1 2. Èg2! [2. Ëe8 9. Ìc6 Ëd8 10. Ìd5 Èg6 11. Íf4 Èh7
Èf2? b2 3. Íe5 Ëh1! 4. Ëb2 Ëh2=] b2 3. 12. Ìe4 Èg8 13. Íh5 Èf7 14. Ìd5 Èg6=]
Íb8!! [3. Íe5? Ëe1=] g4 4. Ëb6 Èg8 5. Ëf1 7. Ìf5! [7. Èg6? Ëg1 8. Èh6 Ëg6 9.
Ëb7 Èh7 [5... Èh8 6. Íd7 Ëd1 7. Ëb8 Èh7 Èg6] Ëf2 8. Èe5 Ëe2 9. Ìe4! [9. Èd6?
8. Íf8+»] 6. Íd7! [6. Ëb5? Èh6=Â; 6. Èf7!=] Èf7 10. Èd4! Ëd2 11. Ìd3! [11.
h4? gh3 7. Èh2 Èh6 8. Ëb5 Èh7 9. Ëb6 Èc5? Ëd8=] Ëd1 12. Èc3! Ëc1 13. Ìc2!
Èg8 10. Ëb7 Èh7=] Ëd1 7. Íf6! Èh6 8. Ëg1 14. Ìb3+»
Íg4 Èh5 9. Ëb5 g5 10. h4! b1Ê 11. Ëg5#
3. E. FOMICHEV 1. Ëb1 Ìe2 [1... Ìc2 2. Ëf1 f2 (2... Èh2 3.
1. b7! Ëf1 2. Èb2! [2. Èa2?? Ìd5»+] Ëf2! Ëf3 Ìd1 4. Íh4!) 3. Èf3 Èh2 4. Íe5!+»]
3. Èc3! [3. Èb3?? Ìd5»+; 3. Èc1? Ëf1 4. 2. Íh4!! [2. Èe4? Èg3 3. Íf4 Ìc3 4. Ëg1
Èc2 Ìe4=; 3. Èb1? Ìe4] Ëf3 4. Èc4! Èh2 5. Ëg4 Ìd1 6. d4 Ìe1 7. Èe3 f2 8. Ëg2
Ëb3!! 5. Èb3 Ìd5 6. Èa3! Ìb7 7. Ìc7 Èh1 9. Ëf2 Ìf2 10. Èf2 Ìb3=] Ìe5! [2...
Èa6 8. Íd7! Ìf3 [8... Íe6 9. Íb8#] 9. Ìd3 3. Ëh1#] 3. Èe5 Ìd3 [3... f2 4. Ëh1
Íc5# Èg4 5. Íf5 Ìd3 6. Íe3 Èf3 7. Èd4+»] 4.
Ëd1! [4. Ëh1? Èg3 5. Èd4 Ìc2 6. Èe3 f2 7.
Íf3 Ìe4!! (7... Ìd3 8. Íd2 Èg2 9. Ëh5+»)
4. R. BECKER & M. GARCTA 8. Èe4 Èg2 9. Ëh2 Èg3 10. Ëh1 Èg2=; 4.
1. Ëc1 Ëc8! 2. Ëa1! [2. Ëb1? Èh7 3. Èe3 Ëb3? Ìc2 5. Ëc3 Èh4 6. Ëc2 Èg3=] Ìe2
Èh6! 4. Èf2 Ëc2 5. Èg3 Ëg2 6. Èf4 Èg7! [4... Ìc2 5. Ëc1 Èh4 6. Èf4!+»] 5. Ëh1
(6... Èg6? 7. Ëe1!=) 7. Èf5 f2 8. e7 Èf7 9. Èg4 6. Íf5 f2 7. Íe3 Èf3 [7... Èg3 8. Ëa1
e8Ê Èe8 10. Èe6 Èd8 11. Èd6 Èc8!»+] Èf3 9. Èd4 Ìb5 10. Ëb1 Ìa6 11. Ëb6 Ìe2
Èh7 3. Èe3 Èh6 4. Èf2 Ëc2 5. Èg3 Ëg2 6. 12. Ëf6+»] 8. Ëh3#
Èf4 Èg6 [6... Èg7 7. Èf5 f2 8. e7 Èf7 9.
e8Ê Èe8 10. Èe6 Èf8 11. Èf6 Èg8 12. 8. P. ARESTOV
Èg6 Èf8 13. Èf6 Èe8 14. Èe6 Èd8 15.
Èd6 Èc8 16. Èc6 Èb8 17. Ëb1 Èa7 18. 1. g6 Íd6! 2. g7 Íe8 3. g8Í! [3. g8Ê? Íf6]
Ëa1 Èb8 19. Ëb1=] 7. Ëe1! f2 8. e7! fe1Ê Èg5 4. Íe7 c5 5. Èg8! [5. Íd5? Íf6!»+]
9. e8Ê! Êe8= Íd6 6. Íd5 b5 7. Èf8 Èf5 8. Èe7 Èe5 9.
Íc7! [9. Íb6? Íc4»+] c4! [9... b4 10.
5. S. SLUMSTRUP NIELSEN Èd7 c4 11. Ía6 b3 12. cb3 cb3 13. Íc5 b2
14. Íd3+»] 10. Èd7 c3 11. Èd8!! [11.
1. Èg6 Ëc6 [1... Íf4 2. Èh6 Ëc6 3. Êd6+»] Èc6? b4 12. Íd5 b3 13. cb3 c2 14. Íb4!?
2. Ìd6 [2. f6? Êc7; 2. Ìf6? Ëf6 3. Èf6 c1Ê!»+] Èd4 12. Èd7! [12. Èe7? Íc8]
Êb6] Íf4 3. Èh6 Íe6! [3... Íe2 4. c8Ê Èe5 [12... b4 13. Èd6 b3 14. Íb5=] 13.
Ëc8 5. Ìe5 Êg7 6. Ìg7#; 3... Íd3 4. Êd3 Èd8! b4 [13... Èe4 14. Èd7 Èe5 15. Èd8=]

14. Ía6! Íb7! 15. Èe7! [15. Èc7? b3 16. Ìc4 5. Èg1 Ëd1 6. Èh2 Èg7 7. Êe5+»;
cb3 c2 17. Íb4 c1Ê!; 15. Èd7? b3 16. cb3 2... Èf8 3. Ëf7+»; 2... Èe8 3. Ìa4 Èd8 4.
c2 17. Íb4 Íc5!»+] b3 16. cb3 c2 17. Íb4! e7+»] 3. e7 Èe8 4. Ìa4 Ëd7 5. Ëg6!! [5.
c1Ê 18. Íd3= Ëg4? Ìe6 6. Ëd4 Èe7=; 5. Èf2?! Ìb3! 6.
Ìc6 (6. Ìd7 Èd7 7. Èe3 Èe8! 8. Èf4
9. J. POLCêEK & E. VLASCK Ìf7=) Ìa4 7. Ìd7 (7. Ìa4) Ìd7! 8. Èe3
Ìe6 9. Èe4 Ìf7=] Ìb3 6. Ìc6! [6. Ìd7?
1. Ëg8! Èe7 [1... Èg8 2. e7 Ìb3 3. e8Ê+»] Èd7 7. Ëg7 Èe8 8. Ëg3 Ìe6=] Ìd5 [6...
2. Ëg7 Èd8! [2... Èf6 3. e7 Ìb3 4. e8Ê Ìf7 7. Ëd6+»] 7. Ìd7 Èd7 8. Ëd6!+»



Battery play: 1, 5 Reciprocal zugzwang: 2

Fork: 8 Sacrificial play: 5, 7
Ideal stalemate: 4 Self block: 3, 7
Logical try: 4
Stalemate & Anti-stalemate: 1, 6, 9
Mate & Ideal mate: 2, 7
Model mate: 3 Struggle to secure promotion: 9
Pinning & Unpinning: 5, 6, 9 Systematic maneuver: 6
Positional draw: 4, 6, 7, 8 Underpromotion: 5, 8

The 25th Chicago Open
(126 players, 9 rounds)
1. V. Belous 7á, 2»4. Akobian, Durarbayli, Ju Wenjun 7, 5»8. Yu Yangyi, Nyzhnyk, Stukopin,
Moradiabadi 6á, 9»19. Shimanov, Zhou Jianchao, Zherebukh, T. L. Petrosian, Macieja,
Baryshpolets, Li Ruifeng, Jay. Ashwin, L. Harmon-Vellotti, J. Kleiman, Felecan 6, etc.


The 15th Asian Continental Championship
(91 players, 9 rounds)
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the
game with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. S. P. Sethuraman* (IND) 7, 2»9. Le Quang Liem* (VIE), Wei Yi* (CHN), Kazhgaleyev*
(KAZ), D. Sengupta* (IND), Lu Shanglei (CHN), Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son (VIE), S. Ganguly
(IND), T. Batchuluun (MGL) 6á, 10»13. J. Vakhidov (UZB), B. Adhiban (IND), A. Begmuratov
(UZB), Ghaem Maghami (IRI) 6, 14»25. Hafiz (INA), Mur. Karthikeyan (IND), Fang Yan
(CHN), S. Vidit (IND), Ch. Aravindh (IND), P. Kostenko (KAZ), Tin Jingyao (SIN), Mohammad
Minhaz Uddin (BAN), Wen Yang (CHN), Kasimdzhanov (UZB), Xu Yinglun (CHN), Bai Jinshi
(CHN) 5á, etc.
* Qualified for the next World Cup in Tbilisi 2017.


The 15th Asian Continental Women's Championship
(35 players, 9 rounds)
1. Kulkarni Bhakti* (IND) 7, 2»3. Saduakassova (KAZ), Sw. Soumya (IND) 6á, 4»6. Nguyen
Thi Mai Hung (VIE), Hoang Thi Bao Tram (VIE), Vo Thi Kim Phung (VIE) 6, 7»9.
Khademalsharieh (IRI), Munguntuul (MGL), Tokhirjonova (UZB) 5á, etc.
* Qualified for the next Women’s World Championship.


The 17th European Women's Championship
(112 players, 11 rounds)
14 players Qualified for the next Women’s World Championship.
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1»2. Ushenina (UKR), S. Vega Gutimrrez (ESP) 8á, 3»4. A. Stefanova (BUL), L. Mkrtchian
(ARM) 8, 5»10. E. Pahtz (GER), E. Atalik (TUR), A. Bodnaruk (RUS), J. Zawadzka (POL), L.
Javakhishvili (GEO), N. Khurtsidze (GEO) 7á, 11»23. A. Matnadze (ESP), Y. Shvayger (ISR),
Goryachkina (RUS), Arakhamia-Grant (SCO), Khukhashvili (GEO), Pogonina (RUS), Daulytn
(LTU), Szczepkowska-Horowska (POL), Lczcrnm Vajda (HUN), I. Bulmaga (ROU), S. Melia
(GEO), O. Girya (RUS), Jo. Houska (ENG) 7, 24»30. C.-A. Foiªor (ROU), M. Sokko (POL),
Hoolt (GER), Styazhkina (RUS), T. Gara (HUN), Peptan (ROU), O. Babiy (UKR) 6á, etc.


The 35th Zalakaros Chess Festival
(113 players, 9 rounds)
1. I. Ivani¿evik 7, 2»6. Le. Vajda, F. Berkes, V. Onischuk, Kravtsiv, Z. Efimenko 6á, 7»16. T.
Bcnusz, Aryan Chopra, Ale. Rakhmanov, D. Harika, P. Prohcszka (726265), R. Svane, B.-D.
Deac, Hnydiuk, Mil. Perunovik, Ben Artzi 6, etc.

SHAMKIR, V–VI 2016 cat. XX (2736)
The 3rd Vugar Gashimov Memorial

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 MAMEDYAROV g 2748 ó 1 1 á á 0 á 1 1 á 6 1»2
2 F. CARUANA g 2804 0 ó á á 1 á 1 á 1 1 6 1»2
3 A. GIRI g 2790 0 á ó 1 á 1 á 1 á á 5á 3
4 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2779 á á 0 ó á 1 á á á 1 5 4
5 RAUF MAMEDOV g 2655 á 0 á á ó á á á á 1 4á 5
6 P. HARIKRISHNA g 2763 1 á 0 0 á ó á 0 1 á 4 6»8
7 T. RADJABOV g 2726 á 0 á á á á ó á á á 4 6»8
8 E. SAFARLI g 2664 0 á 0 á á 1 á ó á á 4 6»8
9 ELJANOV g 2765 0 0 á á á 0 á á ó 1 3á 9
10 HOU YIFAN g 2663 á 0 á 0 0 á á á 0 ó 2á 10


1* 2* 3** 4**
MAMEDYAROV g 2746 á á 1 á 2á
F. CARUANA g 2804 á á 0 á 1á

* Rapid (10 minutes + 3 seconds increment per move)

** Blitz (5 minutes + 3 seconds increment per move)


The 46th Bosna Open
(135 players, 9 rounds)
1. D. Kadrik 7á, 2»6. Sa¿a Martinovik, Marin Bosiojik, KoÕul, Ante Brkik, E. Can 7, 7»11. D.
Kosik, Mus. En. Yilmaz, Miod. R. Savik, Ni. HodÕik, M. Dra¿ko 6á, 12»24. Du. Lekik, Pr.
Nikolik, B. Kurajica, A. Mrnlik, S. DraÕik, Zo. Jovanovik, M. Michaltjka, D. Nestorovik, A.
Mu¿ovik, S. Tica, Ni. Lukik, D. Sutkovik, Hal. Strinik 6, etc.


The 11th American Continental Championship
(81 players, 11 rounds)
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. E. Córdova* (PER) 9, 2»3. Lenderman* (USA), Ant. Kovalyov* (CAN) 8á, 4»8. S. Mareco
(ARG), A. Pichot (ARG), Moróvic Ferncndez (CHI), Di. Flores* (ARG), W. Cu Hor (GUA) 7á,
9»17. Erenburg (USA), Aw. Liang (USA), Y. Gonzclez Vidal (CUB), D. Arenas (COL), Pmrez
Gormaz (CHI), S. Barrientos (COL), Quintiliano Pinto (BRA), R. Scnchez Clvarez (CUB), Gi.
Leiva (PER) 7, 18»25. Oliva Castayeda (CUB), Ortiz Sucrez (CUB), B. Gonzclez Acosta (CRC),
S. Duran Vega (CRC), Gemy (BOL), C. Jucrez Flores (GUA), D. Arias (ESA), Madeira (BRA)
6á, etc.
Playoff (rapid):
Time Control: 15 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4 5
1 DI. FLORES g 2592 ó 1 0 1 1 3 1
2 S. MARECO g 2612 0 ó á 1 1 2á 2
3 A. PICHOT g 2532 1 á ó 0 á 2 3»4
4 MORéVIC FERNCNDEZ g 2572 0 0 1 ó 1 2 3»4
5 W. CU HOR f 2286 0 0 á 0 ó á 5

* Qualified for the next World Cup in Tbilisi 2017.

KAZAN, V–VI 2016
The 38th Nezhmetdinov Memorial
(131 players, 9 rounds)
1. Pridorozhni 8, 2»5. Dm. Kokarev, D. Bocharov, V. Baghdasaryan, Pa. Smirnov (4123425) 7,
6»13. Harutyunian, S. Yudin, I. Rozum (24104272), D. Lintchevski, Arty. Timofeev, Ponkratov,
Iljiushenok, A. Gubajdullin 6á, 14»23. Shomoev, N. Maiorov (13501720), G. Kamsky, D.
Khegay, Ra. Faizrakhmanov, Zh. Tsydypov, B. Kharchenko, Mohammad Nubairshah Shaikh,
Yagupov, G. Tunik 6, etc.

The 9th Mayors Cup
(205 players, 10 rounds)
1»3. Visakh N R, D. Ghosh, Gusain 8, 4»11. B. Grachev, Amonatov, Gleizerov, S. Dh. Swapnil,
Ch. Sandipan, Krishna C R G, A. Girish, Tarini Goyal 7á, 12»20. Shyaamnikhil P, Vik.
Kulkarni, R. Laxman, Sammed Jaykumar, Zia. Rahman, G. Aradhya, Erigaisi Arjun, Sangma, Aj.
Mithil 7, 21»37. Ulybin, K. Raghunandan, K. H. Grigoryan, Sh. Hemant, S. K. Ram, Sk. N.
Ahmed, R. Srinath, Muthaiah Al, Ani. Deshpande, Shar. Gagare, M. Kunal, T. S. Ravi, R. G.
Hegde, Mozharov, An. Gandhi, Hamdani, Ziatdinov 6á, etc.

PRAHA, VI 2016
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the
game with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.

1 2 3 4
R. RAPPORT g 2731 á á á 1 2á
D. NAVARA g 2744 á á á 0 1á

The 16th European Senior Championships
World Senior 50+
(43 players, 9 rounds)
1. Sturua (GEO) 7, 2»4. Bagaturov (GEO), R. Vaganian (ARM), Movsziszian (ARM) 6á, 5»8.
Kalegin (RUS), Legky (FRA), R. Akopov (ARM), Valgmae (EST) 6, 9»12. O. Yuferev (RUS),
M. Yachmenev (RUS), Osmolny (RUS), H. Yasin (TUR) 5á, 13»20. Vl. Pogosian (ARM),
Strutinskaia (RUS), Syrchikov (RUS), Ga. Khachatrian (ARM), Kasoshvili (GEO), Barle (SLO),
Alex. B. Sergeev (RUS), Vl. Hayrapetyan (ARM) 5, etc.

World Senior 65+

(52 players, 9 rounds)
1»3. Val. Bogdanov (UKR), Kupreichik (BLR), Bent Súrensen (DEN) 6á, 4»11. E. Sveshnikov
(RUS), Mishuchkov (RUS), Vasiukov (RUS), N. Gaprindashvili (GEO), Shvedchikov (RUS), Y.
Meshkov (RUS), Veremeichik (BLR), Gruzmann (GER) 6, 12»14. Kuyindzhi (RUS), Zilbert
(RUS), L. Kuznetsova (RUS) 5á, 15»24. Pashayan (ARM), Kolbak (DEN), Khmiadashvili
(GEO), Alekyan (ARM), N. Schouten (NED), Jar. MojÕi¿ (CZE), Archangelsky (RUS),
Khazankin (UKR), Zhelesny (RUS), Julhakyan (ARM) 5, etc.

The Krunoslav Hulak Memorial
(183 players, 9 rounds)
1»3. KoÕul, Palac, Tiviakov 7á, 4»8. Sa¿a Martinovik, A. êarik, M. Tratar, H. Stevik, L. Livaik
7, 9»16. R. Zeljik, Kokol, Bry. Smith, B. Lalik, O. Biti, Stanojoski, Rogulj, Cebalo 6á, 17»29.
O. Jovanik, R. Lonjar, Tomerlin, Bl. Kovajevik, L. Matanovik, I. ëaja, S. Tica, K. KneÕevik,
Cvitkovik, N. Frouth, I. Bender, ë. Matik, R. Veleski 6, etc.

PARIS, VI 2016
The Grand Chess Tour Rapid and Blitz
The Tour is a series of four Events in which players earn Grand Tour Points in accordance
with their final rank in each Event. At the conclusion of the Tour, the top two players based on
the final Grand Tour Point standings shall be awarded Tour Prizes.
Time Control: 25 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 HI. NAKAMURA g 2787 ó á á 1 á á 1 1 1 1 14* 1
2 M. CARLSEN g 2855 á ó 0 1 1 á 1 á 1 1 13 2
3 W. SO g 2770 á 1 ó 0 á á 1 1 á á 11 3»4
4 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2789 0 0 1 ó 1 á á á 1 1 11 3»4
5 V. KRAMNIK g 2812 á 0 á 0 ó á á 1 1 1 10 5
6 A. GIRI g 2782 á á á á á ó á 1 0 á 9 6»7
7 ARONIAN g 2792 0 0 0 á á á ó 1 1 1 9 6»7
8 FRESSINET g 2687 0 á 0 á 0 0 0 ó á 1 5 8
9 V. TOPALOV g 2761 0 0 á 0 0 1 0 á ó 0 4 19»10
10 F. CARUANA g 2804 0 0 á 0 0 á 0 0 1 ó 4 19»10

* 2 points for a win 1 for a draw

Time Control: 5 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 M. CARLSEN ó ó 1 1 áá 1 0 á 0 1 0 á 1 á 0 1 1 1 1 11á
2 HI. NAKAMURA 0 0 ó ó á 0 áá 1 á 1 1 1 á 1 á á 1 1 1 11á
3 VACHIER-LAGRAVE áá á 1 ó ó á 1 1 1 áá áá 0 á 0 1 1 á 11
4 ARONIAN 0 1 áá á 0 ó ó 1 1 áá áá 1 á áá áá 10
5 F. CARUANA á1 0á 0 0 0 0 ó ó 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 10
6 A. GIRI 0 1 0 0 áá áá 0 1 ó ó á 0 1 0 1 á 1 1 9
7 W. SO á 0 0 á áá áá 0 1 á 1 ó ó áá 0 1 áá 8á
8 V. TOPALOV á 1 0 á 1 á 0 á 0 0 0 1 áá ó ó á 1 0 á 8
9 V. KRAMNIK 0 0 á 0 1 0 áá 0 0 0 á 1 0 á 0 ó ó 1 0 5á
10 FRESSINET 0 0 0 0 0 á áá 0 0 0 0 áá 1 á 0 1 ó ó 5

Final Combined Standings:

1 HI. NAKAMURA 25á 13
2 M. CARLSEN 24á 10
4 W. SO 19á 7
5 ARONIAN 19 6
6 A. GIRI 18 5
7 V. KRAMNIK 15á 4
8 F. CARUANA 14 3
9 V. TOPALOV 12 2

The 20th Voronezh Chess Festival
(124 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Gordievsky, I. Rozum (24104272) 7á, 3»11. Alex. Fedorov, Matinian, V. Burmakin,
Vavulin, S. Golubov, An. Rychagov, Stukopin, Dm. Kokarev, Chigaev 6á, 12»21. D. Bocharov,
Ev. A. Levin, Ponkratov, P. Maletin, S. Sergienko, Zontakh, S. Pavlov (14114330), Paravyan, K.
Shevchenko, B. Kharchenko 6, etc.

VARADERO (Elite), VI 2016 cat. XVIII (2695)
The 51st Capablanca Memorial

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 IVANCHUK g 2710 ó ó áá áá 1á 1á 1 1 7 1
2 Y. KRYVORUCHKO g 2682 áá ó ó áá á1 áá á1 6 2
3 I. CHEPARINOV g 2687 áá áá ó ó áá áá áá 5 3»4
4 Z. ALMCSI g 2688 0á á0 áá ó ó áá 1 1 5 3»4
5 L. DOMTNGUEZ PMREZ g 2723 0á áá áá áá ó ó áá 4á 5
6 BRUZéN BATISTA g 2681 0 0 á0 áá 0 0 áá ó ó 2á 6

VARADERO (Premier), VI 2016 cat. XIV (2581)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 JEF. XIONG g 2627 ó á á á 1 á á 1 1 1 6á 1
2 ORTIZ SUCREZ g 2578 á ó 1 á á á á á 1 1 6 2»3
3 K. DRAGUN g 2599 á 0 ó á 1 á á 1 1 1 6 2»3
4 YU. QUESADA PMREZ g 2631 á á á ó á á 1 á á 1 5á 4
5 Y. GONZCLEZ VIDAL g 2555 0 á 0 á ó á 1 á á 1 4á 5
6 BACALLAO ALONSO g 2554 á á á á á ó 0 á 1 0 4 6»7
7 S. SEVIAN g 2603 á á á 0 0 1 ó 0 á 1 4 6»7
8 GéMEZ GARRIDO m 2546 0 á 0 á á á 1 ó 0 á 3á 8
9 A. ARRIBAS LéPEZ g 2544 0 0 0 á á 0 á 1 ó á 3 9
10 MORéVIC FERNCNDEZ g 2572 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 á á ó 2 10

VARADERO (open), VI 2016

(135 players, 10 rounds)
1»4. Ferncndez Guillmn, Espinosa Veloz, Almeida Quintana, Borges Matos 7á, 5»12. J. Cuenca
Jimmnez, Albornoz Cabrera, Clvarez Pedraza, O. Ruiz Scnchez, Marttnez Duany, M. Dtaz Pmrez,
J. Herncndez Scnchez, Delgado Ramos 7, 13»21. Gil Alba, Diaz Murgada, Miranda Mesa, Vera
Gonzclez-Quevedo, Berdayes Ason, Otero Acosta, Coto Mederos, Le. Marttnez Ramtrez, J.
Gascón Del Nogal 6á, etc.

The 11th Teplice Open
(180 players, 9 rounds)
1»7. S. Movsesian, E. Vorobiov, Beliavsky, E. Blomqvist, J. êtojek, Solodovnichenko, Kobo 7,
8»19. Danin, J. van Foreest, Ax. Bachmann, R. Berzinsh, Kantans, Zhao Xue, Postny, Merry,
Romanishin, Jernou¿ek, Du. Popovik, Tan Justin Hy 6á, 20»32. Reshef, P. êimcjek, Ja.
Carstensen, Plischki, Baglan, Vladim. Sergeev (14101076), Cs. Tmsik, J. Westerberg, Gorbatov,
M. Berkovich, W. Pajeken, Burcu, B. Kreyssig 6, etc.

IAåI, VI 2016
The 3rd Iasi Open
(75 players, 9 rounds)
1»5. Alexa. Zubarev (14104385), Frolyanov, T.-M. Georgescu, K«laots, A. Istrg¡escu 6á, 6»13.
N. Maiorov (13501720), Costachi, V. Nevednichii, Dan Bogdan, A. Macovei (13904680), K.
Sundararajan, Luc. Filip, B. Itkis 6, etc.


The 7th Forni di Sopra open
(64 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Nabaty, Sumets 7, 3»4. A. Fier, Re. Castellanos Rodrtguez 6á, 5»7. Fabio Bruno, F.
Bellia, Csa. Horvcth (700118), P. L. Basso, 9»11. Prasanna Raghuram Rao, D. Marttnez Marttn,
Lodici 6, etc.

LEéN (rapid), VI 2016
The 29th City of Leon Master Chess
Time Control: 20 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4
ANTéN GUIJARRO g 2627 á 0 1 0 1á
V. ANAND g 2770 á 1 0 1 2á

1 2 3 4
SANTOS LATASA m 2541 á 0 á á 1á
WEI YI g 2694 á 1 á á 2á


1 2 3 4
V. ANAND g 2770 1 á á á 2á
WEI YI g 2694 0 á á á 1á

LONDON, VI 2016 cat. XIV (2578)

The Checkmate Season II

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 R. RAPPORT g 2731 ó á á 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1
2 M. RODSHTEIN g 2687 á ó 0 á 1 1 1 1 á 1 6á 2
3 N. SHORT g 2646 á 1 ó 0 á 1 1 á 1 á 6 3
4 A. TARI g 2564 0 á 1 ó 1 á 0 á 1 á 5 4
5 SMERDON g 2524 0 0 á 0 ó á 1 1 1 á 4á 5
6 M. MUZYCHUK g 2546 0 0 0 á á ó á á 1 1 4 6
7 A. KOSTENIUK g 2556 0 0 0 1 0 á ó á á 1 3á 7»8
8 A. MUZYCHUK g 2551 0 0 á á 0 á á ó á 1 3á 7»8
9 E. PAHTZ m 2502 0 á 0 0 0 0 á á ó á 2 19»10
10 P. CRAMLING g 2474 0 0 á á á 0 0 0 á ó 2 19»10

The Grand Chess Tour Rapid and Blitz
The second stage of the 2016 Grand Chess Tour
Time Control: 25 minutes + 10 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 M. CARLSEN g 2855 ó á 1 1 0 á 1 1 0 1 12* 1
2 W. SO g 2770 á ó á á 1 á á 1 á á 11 2
3 V. ANAND g 2770 0 á ó á á 1 1 1 á 0 10 3»4
4 ARONIAN g 2792 0 á á ó 1 á 1 0 1 á 10 3»4
5 F. CARUANA g 2804 1 0 á 0 ó á á 1 0 1 9 5
6 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2789 á á 0 á á ó 0 á á 1 8 6»8
7 A. GIRI g 2782 0 á 0 0 á 1 ó á 1 á 8 6»8
8 V. TOPALOV g 2761 0 0 0 1 0 á á ó 1 1 8 6»8
9 HI. NAKAMURA g 2787 1 á á 0 1 á 0 0 ó 0 7 19»10
10 V. KRAMNIK g 2812 0 á 1 á 0 0 á 0 1 ó 7 19»10

* 2 points for a win 1 for a draw

Time Control: 5 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 M. CARLSEN ó ó áá á1 áá 1 á 1 á 0 1 0 1 á 0 1 1 11
2 ARONIAN áá ó ó á1 áá 1 á 0 á áá 1 0 áá 1á 10
3 V. ANAND á0 á0 ó ó á 1 áá áá 1 1 0 á áá á1 9á
4 HI. NAKAMURA áá áá á0 ó ó 0 á áá 1 0 á 1 1 á á1 9á
5 W. SO 0á 0á áá 1 á ó ó 0 0 1 á 1 á áá 1 1 9á
6 V. KRAMNIK 0á 1á áá áá 1 1 ó ó 0 0 1 0 á 1 á0 9
7 VACHIER-LAGRAVE 1 0 áá 0 0 0 1 0 á 1 1 ó ó 1 á áá áá 9
8 F. CARUANA 1 0 0 1 1á á0 0á 0 1 0á ó ó 1á 0 1 8á
9 A. GIRI á1 áá áá 0 á áá á 0 áá 0 á ó ó 0 1 8
10 V. TOPALOV 0 0 0á á0 á 0 0 0 á 1 áá 1 0 1 0 ó ó 6

Final Combined Standings:

1 M. CARLSEN 23 13
2 W. SO 20á 10
3 ARONIAN 20 8
4 V. ANAND 19á 7
5 F. CARUANA 17á 6
7 HI. NAKAMURA 16á 4
8 V. KRAMNIK 16 2á
9 A. GIRI 16 2á
10 V. TOPALOV 14 1

The 9th Karen Asrian Memorial
(62 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. A. Zhigalko, Z. Andriasian 7, 3»6. Vladis. Kovalev, Pashikian, Oleksiyenko, R. Hovhannisyan
6á, 7. A. Mikaelyan 6, 8»23. Babujian, Harutyunian, K. Stupak, Sha. Sargsyan, Gabuzyan,
Alexander Zubov, Ter-Sahakyan, N. Torosyan, Sivuk, H. G. Vardanian, Aram Hakobyan, H.
Martirosyan, Ma. Petrosyan, Kotanjian, T. Igonin, V. Baghdasaryan 5á, etc.
ALMATY (blitz), VI 2016
The Eurasian Blitz Chess Cup
(105 players, 22 rounds)
1»2. Amonatov, Nepomniachtchi 16, 3»4. Ba. Jobava, V. Artemiev 15á, 5»7. Sergey Karjakin,
Svidler, V. Onischuk 15, 8»14. Megaranto, Ig. Kovalenko, Alexander Moiseenko, Sjugirov,
Kasimdzhanov, R. Ponomariov, B. Gelfand 14, 15»17. Rauf Mamedov, Mamedyarov, Jumabayev
13á, 18»23. Arutinian, Wang Hao, A. Grischuk, Le Quang Liem, A. Volokitin, Vallejo Pons 13, etc.
The Silver Lake Open
(72 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Lajthajm, B. Damljanovik 7, 3»6. N. Nestorovik, Miod. R. Savik, G. Vujinik, B.
Abramovik 6á, 7»13. S. Atalik, S. Kasparov, Govedarica, U. Atakisi, Miro. Markovik (901504),
B. Lalik, Mih. Radovanovik 5á, etc.
The 3rd Porticcio Open
(106 players, 9 rounds)
1»6. A. Areshchenko, D. Naroditsky, De. Sengupta, S. Zhigalko, Edouard, G. Jones 7, 7»12.
Grandelius, E. Bacrot, M. Cornette, S. Mazm, Lcznijka, J.-C. Schr}der 6á, 13»22. Kuzubov,
Lalith Babu, F. Libiszewski, Christophe Bernard (600385), S. Sagar, P. Piscopo, G. Schnider, K.
Areshchenko, Dubessay, Ch. Debray 6, etc.

The 69th Russian Championship Higher League
(60 players, 9 rounds)
1. G. Oparin* 6á, 2»9. Vl. Fedoseev (24130737)*, Dm. Kokarev*, Riazantsev*, A. Goganov*,
Ponkratov, Zvjaginsev, Sjugirov, Sergey Volkov (4122763) 6, 10»17. Arty. Timofeev, Matlakov,
Lysyj, K. Alekseenko, U. Eliseev, I. Khairullin, D. Khismatullin, Pridorozhni 5á, etc.
* Qualified for the Russian Championship Superfinal

BLED, VI–VII 2016 cat. XV (2609)

The 20th Milan Vidmar Memorial

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 A. VOLOKITIN g 2624 ó á á 1 1 1 á 1 1 á 7 1
2 A. NAIDITSCH g 2657 á ó 0 á á 1 1 1 1 1 6á 2
3 NISIPEANU g 2668 á 1 ó á á 1 á á 1 á 6 3
4 I. IVANIêEVIK g 2643 0 á á ó á á á 1 1 1 5á 4
5 LENIJ g 2624 0 á á á ó á á 1 á á 4á 5
6 BELIAVSKY g 2603 0 0 0 á á ó á á 1 1 4 6
7 êEBENIK g 2530 á 0 á á á á ó 0 0 á 3 7»9
8 J. êKOBERNE g 2572 0 0 á 0 0 á 1 ó 0 1 3 7»9
9 KOëUL g 2594 0 0 0 0 á 0 1 1 ó á 3 7»9
10 J. BORIêEK g 2576 á 0 á 0 á 0 á 0 á ó 2á 10


The 24th Montcada Open
(117 players, 9 rounds)
1»3. E. Córdova, Sundar M. Shyam (5019141), Gómez Garrido 7, 4»9. J. Cori Tello, F. Peralta,
D. Vocaturo, C. Henrtquez Villagra, Sh. Himanshu, Swayams 6á, 10»18. J. Cuartas, K. H.
Grigoryan, Du. Popovik (927031), Del Rto De Angelis, Vera Sigueyas, K. Raghunandan, Cr.
Cruz, S. Buscara, B. Snehal 6, 19»32. D. Debashis, Cr. Rtos, Vehi Bach, Alonso Rosell, Asis
Gargatagli, Santos Ruiz, Prasanna Raghuram Rao, P. Iniyan, Narciso Dublan, D. Cori Tello,
Ortega Amarelle, Serarols Mabras, Cr. Ferncndez Dtaz, D. Garcta Ramos 5á, etc.

CHINA (zt), VI–VII 2016

The China Zonal 3.5
(39 players, 11 rounds)
1»4. Liu Guanchu, Dai Changren, Xu Yinglun, Zhou Jianchao 7á, 5. Zhang Ziji 7, 6»13. Lou
Yiping, Liu Yan, Bai Jinshi, Wan Yunguo, Xu Xiangyu, Zhu Yi, Xu Minghui, Zhao Yuanhe 6á,
14»16. Li Bo, Xu Yi, Wang Jue 6, etc.


The 50th Ilmar Raud Memorial
(56 players, 9 rounds)
1»4. Al. Aleksandrov, Neik¿ans, Me¿kovs, K«laots 6á, 5»9. Ehlvest, Kantans, J. Krupenski,
Seeman, Miezis 6, 10»17. N. Maiorov (13501720), Ladva, Sirosh, M. Kanep, I. Vovk, Shvyrjov,
Luukkonen, Abozenko 5á, etc.

VAXJ], VI–VII 2016 cat. X (2479)

The Visma Chess Tournament
1»2. T. Hirneise, Ovsejevitsch 6, 3»4. Ph. Lindgren, V. Kunin 5á, 5. H. Tikkanen 5, 6»7. Tan
Justin Hy, J. Westerberg 4, 8»9. D. H. Fernandez, Li. Johansson 3á, 10. J.-S. Christiansen 2


The 44th Annual World Open
(221 players, 9 rounds)
1»7. Ga. Papp (718602), Bologan, T. Gelashvili, G. Popilski, Shimanov, Durarbayli, Nyzhnyk 7,
8»18. G. Kamsky, Lenderman, Akobian, S. Sevian, Zherebukh, Alej. Ramirez (6500617), Gorovets,
Al. Shabalov, Ra. Preotu, N. Checa, W. Morrison 6á, 19»34. Ax. Bachmann, Kacheishvili, Ortiz

Sucrez, Li Ruifeng, S. Arun Prasad, J. Sarkar, Aw. Liang, Panjwani, Aldama Degurnay, Al.
Ostrovskiy, J. Colas, J. Kleiman, At. Shetty, Ke. Wang (2008424), Santarius, L. Rozman 6, etc.
Armageddon playoff: Ga. Papp » Bologan 1 : 0

CHENGDU, VII 2016 cat. XI (2511)

The Women's Grand Prix 2016

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 D. HARIKA g 2526 ó 1 á á á á á á á 1 1 á 7 1»2
2 H. KONERU g 2575 0 ó 0 á 1 á 1 1 1 á 1 á 7 1»2
3 A. MUZYCHUK g 2545 á 1 ó 0 á 1 á á á á á á 6 3»5
4 JU WENJUN g 2578 á á 1 ó á á 0 á á á á 1 6 3»5
5 A. STEFANOVA g 2512 á 0 á á ó á 1 á á 1 á á 6 3»5
6 KHOTENASHVILI g 2454 á á 0 á á ó á 1 0 á á 1 5á 6»8
7 ZHAO XUE g 2510 á 0 á 1 0 á ó á á á á 1 5á 6»8
8 M. MUZYCHUK g 2545 á 0 á á á 0 á ó á á 1 1 5á 6»8
9 O. GIRYA wg 2444 á 0 á á á 1 á á ó 0 á á 5 19»10
10 L. JAVAKHISHVILI m 2487 0 á á á 0 á á á 1 ó á á 5 19»10
11 TAN ZHONGYI wg 2495 0 0 á á á á á 0 á á ó á 4 11
12 P. CRAMLING g 2463 á á á 0 á 0 0 0 á á á ó 3á 12


The Polugaevsky Memorial
(126 players, 9 rounds)
1. M. Demidov 7á, 2»4. Utegaliyev, S. Yudin, I. Rozum (24104272) 7, 5»11. N. Konovalov
(4170962), V. Nozdrachev, Predke, A. Mokshanov, B. Murtazin, B. Ofitserian, Matinian 6á,
12»20. M. Oganian, Iskusnyh, Alexei Fedorov, Stukopin, L. Nozdrachev, Sanzhaev, S. Khanin,
Petr Palachev, Gochelashvili 6, etc.


The 10th Annual Philadelphia International
(64 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Ax. Bachmann, Shimanov 7, 3»6. G. Popilski, F. Corrales Jimmnez, K. Priyadharshan,
Mulyar 6á, 7»9. Zherebukh, John M. Burke, V. Mikhalevski 6, 10»19. Ga. Papp (718602), Ge.
Antal, Gorovets, Vera Gonzclez-Quevedo, S. Bora, Aldama Degurnay, P. Balakrishnan, Wang
Qibiao, H. Niemann, A. Hong 5á, etc.


The 36th Benasque Open
(413 players, 10 rounds)
1. Sasikiran 9, 2. Baryshpolets 8á, 3»6. Kuzubov, Iturrizaga Bonelli, Movsziszian, Vera
Sigueyas 8, 7»20. Santos Ruiz, D. Vocaturo, Re. Castellanos Rodrtguez, E. Córdova, G. N.
Gopal, Ubilava, V. Burmakin, J. Cori Tello, Baklan, S. P. Sethuraman, Batsiashvili, G.-C.
Ardelean, Zoler, López Mulet 7á, 21»44. Alvarado Dtaz, Fierro Baquero, R. Domingo Nõyez,
Pi. Barbot (663727), D. Forcmn Esteban, Neelotpal, V. Jansa, M. R}der, ê. êulskis, S. Melia, Ra.
DoleÕal (304735), Cr. Cruz, E. Tejedor Fuente, Aloma Vidal, Fer. Ferncndez, Mullon, K.
Jakubowski, Cruz Lledó, J. Sucrez Gómez, Westerinen, Espinosa Aranda, Manolache, Danailov,
J. Ramtrez Dtaz 7, etc.


The MetLife Warsaw Najdorf Chess Festival
(136 players, 9 rounds)
1. G. Gajewski 7á, 2. Smirin 7, 3»9. H. Melkumyan, I. Khairullin, Ab. Gupta, A. Fier, A. Inlik,
J. Tomczak, S. Zhigalko 6á, 10»21. Z. Efimenko, A. Areshchenko, Mat. Bartel, A. R. Salem,
Neik¿ans, Krasenkow, A. Miºta, Lalith Babu, Rozentalis, Oleksiyenko, De. Sengupta, I.
Ivani¿evik 6, 22»35. Ig. Kovalenko, Piorun, G. Nasuta, Alexa. Donchenko, Jumabayev, Aryan
Chopra, R. Svane, B. Sokko, Anton Smirnov (3208923), Lysyj, Me¿kovs, K. Dragun, G. Kamsky,
B. Bok, 5á, etc.

The International Championship Central Serbia
(110 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. D. Kadrik, F. Berkes 7, 3»9. Ki. Georgiev, I. Sredojevik, Miod. R. Savik, S. Atalik, Milan
Zajik, N. Jabarkapa, D. Kosik 6á, 10»14. Fang Yuxiang, U. Atakisi, S. Kasparov, D. Nestoro-
vik, Dej. Marjanovik 6, etc.

DANZHOU, VII 2016 cat. XX (2727)

The 7th Hainan Danzhou GM

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 NEPOMNIACHTCHI g 2725 ó 0 1 0 1 1 á 1 1 á 6 1
2 P. HARIKRISHNA g 2755 1 ó á á 0 1 á á á á 5 2»3
3 WANG YUE g 2730 0 á ó á á á á á 1 1 5 2»3
4 YU YANGYI g 2734 1 á á ó á 0 á á á á 4á 4»6
5 BU XIANGZHI g 2723 0 1 á á ó 0 1 á á á 4á 4»6
6 DING LIREN g 2778 0 0 á 1 1 ó á á á á 4á 4»6
7 IVANCHUK g 2728 á á á á 0 á ó á á á 4 7»9
8 P. LMKé g 2712 0 á á á á á á ó á á 4 7»9
9 HOU YIFAN g 2653 0 á 0 á á á á á ó 1 4 7»9
10 WANG HAO g 2734 á á 0 á á á á á 0 ó 3á 10

DORTMUND, VII 2016 cat. XX (2732)

The 44th Dortmund Sparkassen Chess�Meeting

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2798 ó á á 1 á 1 1 1 5á 1
2 L. DOMTNGUEZ PMREZ g 2713 á ó á á á 1 á á 4 2»4
3 V. KRAMNIK g 2812 á á ó á á á 1 á 4 2»4
4 F. CARUANA g 2810 0 á á ó á á 1 1 4 2»4
5 NISIPEANU g 2674 á á á á ó á á á 3á 5»6
6 R. PONOMARIOV g 2706 0 0 á á á ó 1 1 3á 5»6
7 NAJER g 2687 0 á 0 0 á 0 ó 1 2 7
8 BUHMANN g 2653 0 á á 0 á 0 0 ó 1á 8


The 5th Ideon Andron Open
(96 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. V. Nevednichii, N. Theodorou 7á, 3»11. An. Rychagov, Alb. David, G. Goumas,
Malikentzos, Kourkoulos-Arditis, H. Banikas, I. Bulmaga, Markidis, Ar. Papadopoulos 6á,
12»15. I. Stathopoulos, K.-S. Liodakis, Kesidis, M. Grigoriadis 6, etc.

POTI, VII 2016

The 11th Nana Aleksandria Cup
(66 players, 9 rounds)
1. Paravyan 7, 2»5. Alexander Zubov, A. Mikaelyan, Quparadze, V. Baghdasaryan 6á, 6»11.
B. Savchenko, Naghdiyev, Ho. Hayrapetyan, Harutjunyan, Alexa. A. Evdokimov, N. Tsomaia
6, 12»17. Za. Mammadov, Morchiashvili, Sa. V. Manukyan, Tutisani, Nar. Mammadova
(13403710), Gelazonia 5á, etc.


The 18th Sant Marti Open
(140 players, 9 rounds)
1. Sundar M. Shyam 8, 2. Ax. Bachmann 7á, 3. Oliva Castayeda 7, 4»10. Sh. Himanshu, Mur.
Karthikeyan, Gómez Garrido, F. Libiszewski, D. Debashis, Arizmendi Marttnez, Mh. Anurag
6á, 11»24. J. Cuartas, Ortiz Sucrez, Herrera Reyes, Swayams, Li Di, C. Henriquez Villagra,
Narciso Dublan, Mi. Muyoz, Harikrishnan A. Ra, Clvarez Pedraza, Ortega Amarelle, Valdms
Romero, Yogit, Parnali 6, etc.

Gelfand – Inarkiev Match
Armageddon game to decide colours for the match: E. Inarkiev » B. Gelfand 1 : 0
Classical games:

1 2 3 4 5 6
E. INARKIEV g 2730 á 0 á á á 0 4
B. GELFAND g 2734 á 1 á á á 1 8

* 2 points for a win 1 for a draw

Rapid games:

1 2 3 4 5 6
E. INARKIEV g 2730 0 á 0 0 á 1 2
B. GELFAND g 2734 1 á 1 1 á 0 4

BILBAO, VII 2016 cat. XXII (2778)

The IX Bilbao Masters Final

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 M. CARLSEN g 2855 ó ó 0á 1á 1á 1á á1 17* 1
2 HI. NAKAMURA g 2787 1á ó ó áá áá áá áá 12 2
3 WEI YI g 2696 0á áá ó ó áá áá á1 11 3»4
4 W. SO g 2770 0á áá áá ó ó áá á1 11 3»4
5 SERGEY KARJAKIN g 2773 0á áá áá áá ó ó áá 9 5
6 A. GIRI g 2785 á0 áá á0 á0 áá ó ó 7 6

* 3 points for a win and 1 for a draw


The 7th Vojvodina Open
(196 players, 9 rounds)
1. D. Pikula 7á, 2»10. V. Minko, V. Dobrov, Obodchuk, Vl. Dimitrov, S. Atalik, S. DraÕik,
Kumik, Nen. Todorovik, J. Lundin, 11»16. Al. Kovajevik, Fang Yuxiang, I. Adamov, I. Sredojevik,
D. Leskur, S. êarik 6á, etc.


The 10th Leiden Chess Tournament
(64 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Pruijssers, Ten Hertog 7, 3»6. Ch. Sandipan, Van Wely, R. Kevlishvili, A. Pijpers 6á,
7»12. Postny, Van Tellingen, Beerdsen, Vy. Ikonnikov, Sh. Sagar, Milo¿ Pavlovik 6, 13»16. F.
Slingerland, Sukandar, Cs. Horvcth (700118), Van Osch 5á, etc.


The Open Championship of FYROM
(65 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Panjevski, Stanojoski 7, 3»7. B. Zlatanovik, D. Stojanovski, A. êarik, N. Nikolovski,
Kajakovski 6á, 8»12. V. Bogdanovski, Nde. Saraji, T. Lazov, O. Danchevski, K. Peev 6, etc.


The 7th Vaujany Open
(63 players, 9 rounds)
1. J. van Foreest 8, 2. Chatalbashev 7, 3»6. Jó. Horvcth (700061), N. Brunner, Ka. Drozdowski,
Valles 6á, 7»13. Ch. Bauer, Joie, Di Nicolantonio, O. Mihók, D. Viennot, R. Skomorokhin, S.
Houard 6, etc.

UPPSALA, VII 2016 cat. X (2498)
The Swedish Championship
1. E. Blomqvist 7á, 2. Grandelius 5á, 3»4. J. Westerberg, Ax. Smith 5, 5»8. J. Hector, H.
Tikkanen, Hillarp Persson, Semcesen 4á, 9. P. Cramling 3, 10. Rydstrom 1


The African Championship
(30 players, 9 rounds)
The top three players qualified for the 2017 African Chess Confederation Grand Prix Circuit.
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. Abde. Hesham (EGY) 7, 2»5. Kayonde (ZAM), Ah. Adly (EGY), A. Arab (ALG), El Gindy
(EGY) 6á, 6»7. S. Shoker (EGY), Cawdery (RSA) 6, 8. Ameir (EGY) 5á, 9»12. Ssegwanyi
(UGA), P. Kawuma (UGA), Wanyama (UGA), Bouah (RSA) 5, etc.

MARTUNI, VII 2016 cat. XVI (2629)

The Lake Sevan tournament
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 S. VIDIT g 2658 ó á á 1 á á á á 1 1 6 1»2
2 V. ARTEMIEV g 2653 á ó 0 á á á 1 1 1 1 6 1»2
3 J.-K. DUDA g 2671 á 1 ó á á 1 1 0 0 1 5á 3
4 S. SEVIAN g 2595 0 á á ó 1 á 1 á 1 0 5 4»5
5 TER-SAHAKYAN g 2605 á á á 0 ó 1 á á á 1 5 4»5
6 ANTéN GUIJARRO g 2627 á á 0 á 0 ó á 1 á 1 4á 6
7 R. HOVHANNISYAN g 2640 á 0 0 0 á á ó á 1 1 4 7
8 PASHIKIAN g 2615 á 0 1 á á 0 á ó 0 á 3á 8
9 V. ONISCHUK g 2615 0 0 1 0 á á 0 1 ó 0 3 9
10 GABUZYAN g 2607 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 á 1 ó 2á 10


Ding Liren vs Grischuk Match
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.

1 2 3 4
A. GRISCHUK g 2747 1 á á á 2á
DING LIREN g 2778 0 á á á 1á


The 9th Paleochora Open
(228 players, 9 rounds)
1»4. S. Halkias, Bernadskiy, V. Nevednichii, Mo. Nikolov 7á, 5»10. Gharamian, An.
Rychagov, H. Banikas, V. Borovikov, Alexan. Kharitonov, Alb. David 7, 11»20. Kelires, Sivuk,
I. Bulmaga, Ed. Andreev (14103400), Nakar, Ar. Papadopoulos, A. Tomasi, I. Enchev, Th.
Kalogridakis, D. Pappelis 6á, 21»44. N. Theodorou, Mullon, Ja. Stopa, I. Stathopoulos, Alek.
Volodin, Frolyanov, Wirig, As. Eswaran, Tzouganakis, Enkhtuul, Naoum, Ad. Tukaeva, V.
Kotrotsos, M. Maki-Uuro, C. Adrian, K. Liodakis, Markidis, Azis, J. Erik, Le. Adrian, Tsekmes,
A. Jolovik, Mar. Gevorgyan, Ev. Petraki 6, etc.


The Astana Open
(72 players, 9 rounds)
1»3. Kuderinov, Al. Aleksandrov, A. Bezgodov 7, 4»6. S. Vokarev, Ar. Urazayev, Kozganbay,
Ay. Akhmetov 6á, 8»12. Utegaliyev, B. Assaubayeva, Alexa. Zubarev (14104385), Oshakbayev,
Demianjuk 6, etc.

The Primorsky Debut Open
(50 players, 9 rounds)
1. I. Rozum (24104272) 7, 2»5. G. Oparin, Pa. Smirnov (4123425), D. Bocharov, A. Goganov
6á, 6»11. Dm. Kokarev, Ts. Batchuluun, A. Emeliantsev, R. Yanchenko, Ra. Musaev, A.
Tugarin 6, 12»15. K. Sek, Obodenko, Val. Mironov, Vs. Ovchinnikov 5á, etc.


The 5th Sardaran Open
(64 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Amonatov, Ghaem Maghami 7, 3»6. Sumets, P. Darini, Idani, Mozharov 6á, 7»12. L.
Guliev, Tarlev, Ser. Klimov, Seyed Kh. Mousavi, E. Gasanov, A. Valizadeh 6, 13»17. M.
Gholami Orimi, Ma. Mosadeghpour, A. Omidi, Roozbayan, B. Razaghi 5á, etc.


The 27th Czech Open
(291 players, 9 rounds)
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. S. Movsesian 7á, 2»10. Lcznijka, Visakh N R, Vetoshko, G. N. Gopal, Nabaty, J. êtojek,
Vi. Zakhartsov, Ph. Schlosser, And. Kovalev 7, 11»18. S. Ganguly, Yuffa, Kravtsiv, R.
Cvek, Dmitry Kononenko, Anton Smirnov (3208923), B. Belyakov, D. Pardo Simón 6á,
19»45. M. JervenÃ, Mh. Anurag, Konguvel, PontÕil, Da. Gurevich, A. Boruchovsky, V.
Babula (301264), G. Gutman, P. Potapov, Alsina Leal, T. Hirneise, M. Demidov, Abhim.
Puranik, Zumsande, Ladva, D. Lintchevski, V. Plct, S. Bilguun, I. Malakhov, Mads Hansen
(1401610), M. R. Venkatesh, Al. Gavrilov (4104358), Abergel, Pra. Roy, Gusain, Gcbor F.
Nagy, Ma. Petr 6, etc.


The 10th Portoroz Open
(127 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Al. Kovajevik, Zeljik 7á, 3»6. Marin Bosiojik, Naumkin, Jerez Pmrez, Ch. Sielecki 7, 7»8.
Ni. Lukik, M. Tratar 6á, 9»22. B. Debevec, Titan, P. Urbanc, J. Bulik, Skreno, Mencinger, Mil.
Kolesar, Jusik, Deglmann, Pregarac, Beletik, Kokol, V. Slamar, Pe. Petrcn 6, etc.


The Xtracon Chess Open
(398 players, 10 rounds)
1»7. M. Bl«baum, Shirov, B. Amin, Carlstedt, Mi. Marin, J. Hammer, J.-M. Degraeve 8, 8»22.
Dreev, S. Mazm, J. Timman, Al. Rasmussen, D. Naroditsky, Si. Agdestein, V. Burmakin, T.
Ringoir, Fressinet, E. Vorobiov, R. Svane, Mads Andersen, Leenhouts, J. McPhillips, Ax.
Delorme 7á, 23»42. A. Vovk, S. Brunello, Granda Zõyiga, J.-Ch. Schr}der, Schandorff, Hj.
Grmtarsson, Kr. Holm, V. Sipila, Tarjan, M. Colpe, Haria, Percivaldi, B. Ochsner, Sowray, Flick,
M. Haubro, A. Rosenkilde, J. Brorsen, D. Júrgensen, To. Ivarsson 7, etc.


The Dutch Open
(58 players, 9 rounds)
1. Ch. Sandipan 7, 2»3. E. L’Ami, Khenkin 7, 4»9. Csa. Horvcth (700118), Vy. Ikonnikov,
Pruijssers, D. Debashis, D. Hausrath, W. Hendriks 6, 10»18. Reinderman, Beerdsen, Ivo Maris,
Mi. De Jong, N. Zwirs, Sh. Sagar, L. Milov, Geurink, Kollen 5, etc.


The 103rd British Chess Championships
(86 players, 11 rounds)
1. Mi. Adams 10, 2. D. Howell 8, 3»4. G. Jones, Tan Justin Hy 8, 5»8. Hebden, T. Fodor jr.,
Gormally, Emms 7, 9»15. N. Pert, Ch. Ward, Pe. Wells, Jo. Houska, Claridge-Hansen, Ch.

Duncan, Mart. Brown 7, 16»23. K. Arkell, Palliser, D. Eggleston, Pe. Batchelor, Kolbus, Ch.
Storey, Stev. Jones, J. Moreby 6, etc.

POIKOVSKY, VII–VIII 2016 cat. XVIII (2680)

The 17th Karpov Poikovsky tournament
Time Control: 100 minutes/40 moves + 50 minutes/20 moves. Then 15 minutes for the remaining
moves with 30 seconds cumulative increment for each move starting from the first move.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 A. KOROBOV g 2656 ó á 0 á á 1 á 1 1 1 6 1
2 R. WOJTASZEK g 2733 á ó á á á á á 1 á 1 5á 2
3 ANDREIKIN g 2733 1 á ó á á á á á á á 5 3»5
4 MATLAKOV g 2684 á á á ó á á á á á 1 5 3»5
5 D. JAKOVENKO g 2712 á á á á ó á á 0 1 1 5 3»5
6 SMIRIN g 2676 0 á á á á ó 1 á 0 1 4á 6»7
7 MOTYLEV g 2660 á á á á á 0 ó á 1 á 4á 6»7
8 SUTOVSKY g 2622 0 0 á á 1 á á ó á 0 3á 8
9 IG. KOVALENKO g 2667 0 á á á 0 1 0 á ó 0 3 9»10
10 BOLOGAN g 2654 0 0 á 0 0 0 á 1 1 ó 3 9»10


The 49th Biel Chess Festival
Time Control: 15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4
VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2798 1 0 1 á 2á
SVIDLER g 2759 0 1 0 á 1á

Classical games:
Time Control: 100 minutes/40 moves + 50 minutes/20 moves. Then 15 minutes for the remaining
moves with 30 seconds cumulative increment for each move starting from the first move. Draw
offer forbidden during the first 40th moves.

1 2 3 4
VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2798 1 2 2 1 6*
SVIDLER g 2759 1 0 0 1 2

* Classical games are scored 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.
Overall Score: Vachier-Lagrave » Svidler 8á : 3á

Time Control: 15 minutes + 5 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4
B. BOK g 2613 á á 1 á 2á
NICO GEORGIADIS m 2470 á á 0 á 1á

1 2 3 4
N. STUDER m 2462 0 1 á á 2
F. RAMBALDI g 2544 1 0 á á 2

Classical games:
Time Control: 100 minutes/40 moves + 50 minutes/20 moves. Then 15 minutes for the remaining
moves with 30 seconds cumulative increment for each move starting from the first move. Draw
offer forbidden during the first 40th moves.
* Classical games are scored 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.

1 2 3 4 5 6
B. BOK g 2613 2 2 1 1 0 2 8
NICO GEORGIADIS m 2470 0 0 1 1 2 0 4

Overall Score: B. Bok » Nico Georgiadis 10á : 5á

1 2 3 4 5 6
F. RAMBALDI g 2544 2 1 1 1 1 1 7
N. STUDER m 2462 0 1 1 1 1 1 5

Overall Score: F. Rambaldi » N. Studer 9 : 7


Time Control: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2798 ó á 1 á 1 á 3á 1»2
2 SVIDLER g 2759 á ó 0 1 1 1 3á 1»2
3 F. RAMBALDI g 2544 0 1 ó 1 0 á 2á 3»4
4 B. BOK g 2613 á 0 0 ó 1 1 2á 3»4
5 N. STUDER m 2462 0 0 1 0 ó 1 2 5
6 NICO GEORGIADIS m 2470 á 0 á 0 0 ó 1 6


Time Control: 3 minutes + 2 seconds increment per move

1 2
VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2798 1 1 2
SVIDLER g 2759 0 0 0

(112 players, 9 rounds)
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.
1. S. Shankland 7á, 2. E. Safarli 7, 3»8. Ch. Aravindh, Ax. Bachmann, A. R. Salem, Sasikiran,
Baklan, I. Khairullin 6á, 9»20. Iv. êarik, Kovchan, Vitiugov, Mart. Kramer, V. Erdñs, Th.
Henrichs, A. Brkik, Geo. Meier, Edouard, Alexa. Donchenko, Cs. Bclogh, M. Rodshtein 6,
21»34. Mat. Bartel, V. Kunin, Y. Gozzoli, B. Bellahcene, Mur. Karthikeyan, S. P. Sethuraman,
Jumabayev, Cd. Horvcth (708003), Swayams, Tal Baron, M. Tabatabaei, Aw. Liang, Siva
Mahadevan, J.-N. Riff 5á, etc.


The Calgary International
(31 players, 9 rounds)
1. Ra. Preotu 7, 2»4. G. Popilski, G. Kamsky, Troff 6, 5»9. Bodek, Panjwani, V. Mikhalevski,
Chiku-Ratte, Kazmaier 5, 10»12. Bruzón Batista, Kavutskiy, Haessel 5, etc.

The 7th Terre degli Elimi
(53 players, 9 rounds)
1»3. F. Levin, Jan Werle, T. Dijkhuis 6, 4»10. Gilevych, A. Rotstein, F. Sonis, S. Rocha, R.
Khusnutdinov, Shkapenko, Max. M«ller 6, 11»16. Nikolai Ninov, R. Chiaretti, Lagumina, Gae.
Grasso, A. Skurygin, M. Kovanova 5, etc.


The 25th International Tournament
(95 players, 9 rounds)
1»7. Z. Andriasian, Kelires, C. Lupulescu, K. H. Grigoryan, Mo. Nikolov, Codenotti, Ja. Geller
6, 8»13. Postny, Ant. Pavlidis, Predke, An. Tang (2059630), B.-D. Deac, I. Enchev 6, 14»25.
M.-E. Pfrligras, Kanakaris, Harutyunian, Osmak, I. Stathopoulos, N. Theodorou, Frolyanov, A.
Inlik, Charkhalashvili, Tsaknakis, I. Bulmaga, V. Minko 5, etc.


The ZMDI Open
(67 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. An. Demchenko, Iturrizaga Bonelli 7, 3»4. Z. Medvegy, Du. Popovik 6, 5»10. An.
Heimann, Gleizerov, Jon. Lampert, Hann. Stefcnsson, I. Faragó, Kistella 6, 11»19. Kantans,
Neef, B. Lutz, Br. Thorfinnsson, R. R}semann, J.-U. Maiwald, C. Hecht, Mir. Lazik, F. Zeller
5, etc.


The 29th Kiel Open
(84 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. Baramidze, Ar. Braun 8, 3»4. Z. Lanka, Pl«g 6, 5»11. Th. Ernst, Bene. Krause, Jahncke, J.
Krause, R. Junge, L. Voloshin, Th. Johansson (1708244) 6, etc.


The Pays de Charleroi Open
(61 players, 9 rounds)
1. Sumets 7, 2. G. van der Stricht 7, 3»6. Miezis, B. Carlier, Okhotnik, Naumkin 6, 7. M.
Gurevich 6, 8»17. N. Capone, J. Cappon, Q. Fontaine, De Villers, S. Hautot, Van Mechelen,
Boucquet, Le Quang Kim, Hoffmeister, Mart. M«ller (4649974) 5, etc.


The 5th Fano Summer Open
(56 players, 9 rounds)
1. A. Fier 8, 2. Urkedal 6, 3»10. Cuhendi, Romanishin, Mi. Nmmeth (720232), Klekowski, O.
Wieczorek, P. Weichhold, Pio. Nguyen, A. Kholopov 6, 11»18. Priasmoro, Lioe, L. Moroni jr.,
N. Getz, Szukics, M. Aulia, Ju. Gonzclez Dtaz, Villar Nieves 5, etc.


The 117th US Open
(389 players, 9 rounds)
1»2. G. Popilski, Al. Shabalov 8, 3»4. Li Ruifeng, F. Corrales Jimmnez 7, 5»17. Nyzhnyk,
Durarbayli, Lenderman, Zherebukh, Troff, Joel Benjamin, A. Chandra, Javakhadze, Kiewra,
Mulyar, Fedorowicz, Hilby, A. Grabinsky 7, 18»32. Gorovets, John Bryant, A. Fishbein, Ro.
Feng, Tiglon, Monokroussos, G. Menon, Zhang Chao, Griggs, N. Korba, G. Sam, Bov. Liu, Ma.
Davidovich, Ab. Banerjee, Ji. Metzger 6, etc.
Armageddon playoff:
Time Control: White 5 minutes, Black 3 minutes and gets draw odds
Al. Shabalov » G. Popilski 1 : 0

The 13th Plancoet Open
(85 players, 9 rounds)
1. S. Grishchenko 7, 2»6. N. Guliyev, J. Sprenger, S. Feller, Bailet, Ch. Monroy 6, 7»13. Luc.
Filip, E. Bogdanov, N. Maiorov (13501720), A. Mevel, H. Daurelle, Christophe Bernard
(600385), Najart 6, etc.


The 21st Creon Open
(67 players, 9 rounds)
1. S. Fedorchuk 7, 2»5. Satyapragyan, V. Burmakin, Konguvel, Vedmediuc 6, 6»12. A.
Dgebuadze, K. Sundararajan, A. Favarel, Fantinel, Ju. Song, D. Belenkaya, Boukhris-Ferrm 6, etc.


The 34th Andorra Open
(130 players, 9 rounds)
1. J. Cori Tello 7á, 2»5. Granda Zõyiga, Max. Lagarde, T. Bcnusz, Ar. Kogan 7, 6»13. A. Vovk,
A. Demuth, Aloma Vidal, Antolt Royo, S. Bekker-Jensen, Glud, J.-N. Riff, Y. Gozzoli 6á,
14»21. Pi. Barbot (663727), Jerez Pmrez, S. E. Collins, Adel Lahchaichi, P. Prohcszka (726265),
M. Bas Mas, M. Berkovich, Sowray 6, etc.

SAINT LOUIS, VIII 2016 cat. XXII (2779)

The 4th Sinquefield Cup
The third stage of the 2016 Grand Chess Tour
Time Control: 120 minutes for 40 moves + 60 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30 second
increment from move 41.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GCT
1 W. SO g 2771 ó á á á 1 á 1 á á á 5á 13
2 V. ANAND g 2770 á ó á á á 1 á á á á 5 7.75
3 ARONIAN g 2792 á á ó á á 0 1 á 1 á 5 7.75
4 F. CARUANA g 2807 á á á ó á á á á á 1 5 7.75
5 V. TOPALOV g 2761 0 á á á ó á á 1 1 á 5 7.75
6 VACHIER-LAGRAVE g 2819 á 0 1 á á ó á á á á 4á 4.5
7 HI. NAKAMURA g 2791 0 á 0 á á á ó 1 á 1 4á 4.5
8 DING LIREN g 2755 á á á á 0 á 0 ó 1 á 4 3
9 SVIDLER g 2751 á á 0 á 0 á á 0 ó 1 3á 2
10 A. GIRI g 2769 á á á 0 á á 0 á 0 ó 3 1

* GCT » Grand Chess Tour Points


The 9th Arad Open
(245 players, 9 rounds)
1. A. Istrg¡escu 7á, 2»9. V.-C. Jianu, I. Balog (728446), Costachi, T.-M. Georgescu, L.-C.
Miron, T.-K. Balla, Cioarg, R.-C. Toma 7, 10»23. M.-E. Bida, Radosl. Dimitrov, B. Abramovik,
I. Ionescu, Posedaru, Petriªor, S. Bargan, Y. Samani, Miroiu, J. Sohier, A. Ardeleanu, D.-D. Mar-
tian, D. Baratosi, Vrencian 6á, etc.

BUENOS AIRES, VIII 2016 cat. X (2485)

The 20th Copa Mercosur
1»2. Pmrez Ponsa, Salinas Herrera 6á, 3. Quintiliano Pinto 6, 4. Iermito 5, 5»6. Slipak, A. Pichot
4, 7»8. Krysa, Y. Santiago 3á, 9»10. Valerga, Rodrtguez Vila 3, etc.

The 20th Hogeschool Zeeland Tournament
(262 players, 9 rounds)
1. Van Wely 8, 2»4. Alb. David, S. Ernst, Zeng Chongsheng 7á, 5»7. Sasikiran, Oleksiyenko, Mu
Ke 7, 8»26. K. Landa, Wan Yunguo, Vy. Ikonnikov, D. Debashis, Aw. Liang, Berchtenbreiter,
M. R. Venkatesh, J. van Foreest, Sukandar, M. Timmermans, Leenhouts, D. Hausrath, S. Nitin,
Kabos, R. Kevlishvili, M. Bosboom, Praveen Kumar Chandrasekar, Perske, Breukelman 6á, etc.


The Riga Technical University Open
(184 players, 9 rounds)
1»5. Kravtsiv, H. Melkumyan, Neik¿ans, A. Goganov, J. êtojek (304760) 7, 6»13. Chigaev, D.
Naroditsky, D. Fridman, Mo. Ly, Ladva, Yuffa, Kantans, A. Mastrovasilis 6á, 14»33. Dastan, J.
Krupenski, Vladis. Kovalev, R. Hovhannisyan, Miezis, Bernadskiy, Mikh. Popov, Niki. Petrov,
D. Kollars, V. Korchmar, T. Kriebel, Va. Moiseenko, Ant. Smirnov (3208923), Aryan Chopra,
Uksini, Kveinys, Sw. Soumya, Me. Erdogdu, Alexei Saveliev, êtojkovc 6, etc.


The 4th Pontevedra Open
(159 players, 9 rounds)
1»5. E. Vorobiov, K. H. Grigoryan, Andrei Maksimenko, Konguvel, A. Hoffman 7, 6»18.
Santos Latasa, Manolache, Vl. Petkov (2901188), Oratovsky, K. Sundararajan, Satyapragyan, D.
Ccmpora, E. Reinhart, Garcta Trobat, D. Espiyeira Gonzalez, Calzetta Ruiz, Estremera Payos,
Cabezas Ayala 6á, etc.


The 55th World Junior & 34th Under 20 Girls Chess Championships
Time Control: 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game
with an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.

1. Jef. Xiong (USA) 10, 2. V. Artemiev (RUS) 9, 3»4. Sunilduth Lyna (IND), Xu Yi (CHN) 9,
5»9. Mur. Karthikeyan (IND), Ma. Mosadeghpour (IRI), Xu Yinglun (CHN), G. Nasuta (POL),
R. Svane (GER) 8, 10»13. Ch. Aravindh (IND), Maghsoodloo (IRI), Bo. Ivekovik (CRO),
Lorparizangeneh (IRI) 8, 14»27. Chr. Menezes (AUT), Shar. Gagare (IND), Praggnanandhaa
(IND), Yuan Qingyu (CHN), Srijit Paul (IND), Bersamina (PHI), Tran Tuan Minh (VIE), C.
Henriquez Villagra (CHI), De. Wagner (GER), Akash G (IND), S. Kh. Mousavi (IRI), Arjun
Kalyan (IND), Ary. Gholami (IRI), Dav. Martins (POR) 7, etc.

1. Saduakassova (KAZ) 9, 2»3. Nandhidhaa (IND), D. Dordzhieva (RUS) 9, 4»8. Rodrtguez

Rueda (COL), Frayna (PHI), Vaishali R (IND), Uuriintuya (MGL), Parnali (IND) 8, 9»13. Bivol
(RUS), Michelle Catherina (IND), M. Mahalakshmi (IND), Styazhkina (RUS), Du Yuxin (CHN)
8, 14»19. N. Buksa (UKR), K. Ivanova (RUS), Gu Tianlu (CHN), Alinasab (IRI), K. Priyanka
(IND), J. Gómez Barrera (CHI) 7, etc.

Dizajn • Дизайн • Design • Design • Design • Diseyo • Grafica • Design • КiIК • КIКК
Vladimir Vuksan, Milo¿ Majstorovik

Tehnijki urednik • Технический редактор • Technical editor •

Technischer Redakteur • Rmdacteur technique • Redactor tmcnico •
Redattore tecnico • Teknisk redakt}r • kiIIiiiiiiiine • arapskixxxi
Svetlana Ignjatovik, Vladimir Vuksan

JP "SluÕbeni glasnik", Beograd
Printed in Serbia 2016

CIP » Êàòàëîãèçàöè¼à ó ïóáëèêàöè¼è

Íàðîäíà áèáëèîòåêà Ñðáè¼å, Áåîãðàä

êAHOVSKI informator ú Øàõìàòíû¼
èíôîðìàòîð ú Chess informant ú
Schach-Informator ú Informateur d’mchecs ú
Informador ajedrecistico ú Informatore
scacchistico ú Schack-informator / odgovorni
urednik Branko Tadik. - 1966, br. 1 - . -
Beograd (Francuska 31) : êahovski
informator, 1966- (Beograd : SluÕbeni glasnik).
- 24 cm
Jetiri puta godi¿nje.
ISSN 0351-1375 ú êahovski informator
COBISS.SR-ID 15973890
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‘I have sometimes
felt that I could
learn more about the
Short Stories King’s Indian from
S trange as it may sound, it took many years before metic deficiencies aside, it has remained my favourite and gone – not always with a single Kramnik more awed than enam-
I realised that chess magazines could be collected.
Monthlies were ephemera – perishables, to be tossed
magazine ever since. For someone with such fond,
nostalgic yearnings, perusing the early issues, however,
regret – but I do sometimes
miss the quirky Tim Krabbé. game, effortlessly oured with his rows of
Deutsche Schachzei-
away like mouldy loaves of bread. As a consequence, I
can no longer recall with precision which publications
can be a slight disappointment. It is analogous to hear-
ing a popular tune from your youth on the radio and A t the risk of sounding
oleaginous, New In explained, than from tung, other obscurer
tomes piqued my inter-
comprised my formative reading. B.H. Wood’s Chess
was certainly among them, though, with its endless
suddenly realising it wasn’t quite as good as you had
remembered it. Perhaps I have become finicky in mid-
Chess is a superb chroni-
cle of an epoch – a vade an entire week of my est. I discovered that
Johannes Zukertort’s
adverts for books, sets and tawdry, acrylic ties. Little
did I know it had begun its life with highbrow anno-
dle-age. For example, while the quality of production
has never been shoddy, it was a far cry from today’s
mecum, if you will. It was
almost inevitable that your own study.’ analysis of the Italian
Game in – was it? – the
tations by the likes of Alekhine, and theoretical sur- slick professionalism. writer would hold a strongly Westminster Papers in
veys by Euwe. Later, when my team, Atherton, would
occasionally drive down to Wood’s veritable Aladdin’s
Cave of chess merchandise at Sutton Coldfield (a con-
T he contents have steadily improved too. I remem-
ber Bent Larsen, at my flat in London in 1991,
tossing away a copy of some short-lived publication,
personal identification with
it, because the lifespan of this Anglophone periodical,
with its emphasis on top international chess, more or
the 1870s was in some
respects superior to a certain well-known Yugoslav
encyclopaedia a century later. This came as a revela-
venient Midlands location) for matches in the National which had popped through my mailbox that morn- less coincides exactly with my time as a grandmaster. tion, for up until that point I had always assumed that
Club Championship, my emotional bond with his flag- ing, with the contemptuous remark ‘Another worth- Indeed, the very first issue contained a report by Ray chess knowledge invariably expanded. It usually does,
ship periodical strengthened. less magazine with unannotated games!’ The Dane was Keene on my victory in the British Championship. of course, but it can also occasionally contract.

I n comparison, the grand old dame, British Chess

Magazine, appeared a touch fusty.
far-sighted. Game-scores – once a prized commod-
ity – have fallen victim in the
And, for better or worse, I have rarely been out of the
pages for any prolonged period of time since. T hese days I could dispense with my entire pile
of openings monographs with barely a tinge of
However, with an acquisitiveness born era of gargantuan databases to
M y own literary contributions, though, were regret. They have about the same value as a sandwich,

of middle-age and increasing affluence, the economics of proliferation. initially brief and infrequent – an occasional but without the shelf-life. No – give me biographies,
I have since procured over a hundred Without lucid exposition to game annotation here or there – but under the benign games collections, histories, tournament books, but
volumes of this venerable journal, which accompany it, the naked record encouragement of the exalted editor, these gradually above all lovingly bound magazines. English is pre-

perhaps allows a better appraisal of its of moves has almost zero value. expanded into lengthier tournament reports. Only ferred, but any language that I can stumble my way
merit. Sadly, this once esteemed gazette In general, New In Chess has with the arrival of the larger page format, in January through will suffice. Incidentally Schaakbulletin – the
has barely crawled into the 21st century, been rather successful in secur- 2011, did the free-ranging and oft-provocative ‘Short precursor of this esteemed publication – was well
on life-support and with reputation ing the authorship of top play- Stories’ become a regular feature. I was proud to dis- worth a glance.
threadbare, but, for much of its long
existence, with its donnish prose, historical articles and
news from distant dominions, it was a very fine read.
ers. I have sometimes felt that I
could learn more about the King’s Indian from a single
Kramnik game, effortlessly explained, than from an
cover, from a massive online survey a while back, that
I am simultaneously the most popular and unpopular
writer in the magazine – although how much of the
T he latest addition to my groaning bookcases is
Cecil Purdy’s Australasian Chess Review or Chess
World of which I picked up numerous volumes when

O ne oddity surfacing from this trip down memory

lane was that for a time – perhaps a year or two –
I received a subscription to a Russian newspaper, which
entire week of my own study. But in those early days
one could often find bland, Informator-style, wordless
scores and, worse still, even Larsen’s reviled ‘nudes’.
latter is due to the multiple accounts/personalities of
Paul Truong I know not. Anyway, there are few things
worse than being ignored. Flatteringly, dozens of sub-
I was in Melbourne last year. The first World Corre-
spondence Champion had such an admirable way of
explaining games and expressing ideas with great clar-
I guess must have been ‘64’, because it also contained
draughts. There is not a chance in a million that anyone
in my family would have thought of this, so I can only
A s befitted a journal emanating from the Nether-
lands, it had (and to some degree retains) a Dutch
bias. This was, arguably, less a reflection of inherent
scribers, including not a few strong grandmasters, use
these two pages to diligently improve their English
vocabulary – a thorough, scholarly method of which
ity that it is no wonder that Bobby Fischer held him in
high regard. I was also amused to find two articles in
which, building upon Emanuel Lasker’s earlier criti-
assume it was either on the initiative of the left-leaning parochialism than recognition of the country’s deep the quinquesyllabic Russian theoretician, Polugaevsky, cisms, he argued forcefully against the absurdity of
Oxonian, Leonard Barden, who was in charge of junior chess culture and status as the most important venue for would undoubtedly have approved. stalemate being a draw. I was unaware of this antipo-
chess at that time, or, more likely, Bob Wade, who,
among countless other ill-paying jobs, had once written
elite events. Both as a protagonist and a renowned ana-
lyst, Jan Timman was always worth reading, although M agazines should be either fun or informative,
or preferably both – which is presumably why
dean antecedent when I proposed the identical rule
change in New In Chess 2012/6, page 75.
the chess column for the Kremlin-backed Daily Worker
(taking over from the Communist former British
Champion, William Winter). Presumably, the gener-
the harsh, cold scrutiny of engines inevitably takes the
gloss off the latter over time. I still especially enjoy his
explorations into the field of studies. Jan’s mantle as
Robert Hübner has a large collection of Asterix comics
in various languages. What better way to note the
nuances of a tongue than by following the exploits of
N ow that this column draws to an end, my appe-
tite has been whetted for a little reading. What
should it be? A bucolic stroll through the ovine pas-
ous idea was that when the inevitable dictatorship of the player-author has, however, effectively been taken up the plucky Gaul and his menhir-wielding chum? Actu- tures of New Zealand Chess perhaps? No, I will save
proletariat came, my expert knowledge of the language by Anish Giri, whose lighter, more humorous style cap- ally, the German papyrologist is primarily responsi- that for late December, when I fly to Auckland. I want
of Tolstoy would stand me in good stead. Regrettably, tures the zeitgeist of the social-media generation. From ble for instilling my love of chess periodicals. When something spicier for now. The International Chess
possessing neither a dictionary nor linguistic talent, I the stalwarts, the opinionated Hans Ree bristles with I played for Solingen in the Bundesliga back in the Magazine, maybe? Yes, the poison-tipped quill of
never progressed much beyond deciphering the names. erudition and self-assuredness, even if his polemical 1980s, I used to stay at his flat. What those weekends Wilhelm Steinitz should do just fine. Besides, I need to

I n the September of 1984, New In Chess presented

itself to the world. Yes, my dear innumerate employ-
manner tends to rub up a few people the wrong way. By
contrast, Genna Sosonko, with his mastery of the short,
lacked in culinary comfort were more than compen-
sated by witty conversation and earnest discussion. I
hone my skills for the next time I write about the dun-
derheads and buffoons who regrettably preside over
ers, that was 31 years ago, and not 30. Anyway, arith- biographical portrait, is silky smooth. Others have come also had free run of his excellent library. While I was our game. ■
36 A Short StorieS Short StorieS A 37

Sadler on Books

for a knight or bishop), the price from d2 and Black queen on b8, Black’s

Understand first,
day to day of the relative values. The The Art of dark-squared bishop was suddenly
absolute value forms the basis on Sacrifice in worth more to White than his own
which exchanges are made; the rela- Chess bishop – the relative value of the
tive value is the decisive factor for by Rudolf bishops had changed in this spe-

calculate later
positional play, for combinations and Spielmann cific position – and so White offered
especially for sacrifices. The simpler Russell the exchange of bishops after acting
the position, the more the absolute Enterprises 2015 to prevent it on the previous move.
New In Chess 2015#7

value carries weight. The more com- Great positional awareness from
plicated the position, the more does Vishy. Enjoy the rest of this stunning
the relative value gain in importance. game as well – Vishy’s been around
In the original position, the absolute 25.♕xe3 ♕b8. He therefore decided for so long, you forget sometimes
‘It’s been raining books on me this past month!’, a series of forced moves, the player value practically counts alone, the rel- on a preliminary move to stop Black how good he is!
either recovers the invested material ative value only arises in the course from exchanging the dark-squared 24...♗xg5 25.♘xg5 ♖c8 26.♖f1
MATTHEW SADLER tells us. And our reviewer’s with advantage or else even mates his of the game. The lead is given by the bishops with ...♗g5 h6 27.♘e6 ♔h7 28.f4 ♕a7+
opponent. The consequences of the absolute value for it is enduring as 23.♕d2 ♕b8 24.♗g5 29.♔h2 ♗e8 30.f5 gxf5 31.exf5
enthusiasm is not limited to the number of books sacrifice were foreseen from the first. against the relative value which is var- f6 32.♖e1 ♘c7 33.♖c1 ♗d7
Properly speaking, there is no sacri- iable and transient.’ This is the most
that reached him. Sd._.tM_ 34.♖c3 e4 35.♖g3 ♘xe6 36.dxe6

fice, only an advantageous business evocative explanation I have read of ♗e8 37.e7 ♗h5 38.♕xd6 1-0
deal.’ how sacrifices or unusual positional _._LlJ_J
ots to get through not a bad achievement for a book I like collecting such clear, succinct decisions seek to exploit or create a J_.j._J_ The second game is also a game of
this time! We start written 80 years ago! Many of his explanations for use during games. temporary disruption in the value of _J_Ij.b. Anand’s.
with Russell Enter- insights have stuck in my mind – I’ll One of the biggest challenges dur- pieces. It also underlines the risk that
prise’s reprint of the give a couple here. ing practical play is to keep track of such a decision entails: if the sacri-
classic work The The first and most important classi- your risk exposure. In the heat of the fice achieves nothing, then the abso- _B_._N_I .t._M_._
Art of Sacrifice by fication according to Spielmann is the moment – especially in tense, tight lute values of the pieces will reassert I_.q.iI_ _._.lJ_.
Rudolf Spielmann. To my shame, it’s difference between ‘sham’ sacrifices situations when you are desperate to themselves. _.r._.k. J_.j.j._
a book I’ve never actually got around make the most of your position – it’s Funnily enough, the first things I _J_.j._.
to reading before so I was very happy easy to start calculating sequences of thought about when I read this were What?? Dvoretsky quotes Anand’s
when this one landed on my door- committal decisions without quite a couple of examples quoted in Mark annotations ‘This seems illogical. You
step! It’s also a classic Mark Dvoretsky
recommends in one of his articles in ‘In such heated appreciating what you would be tak-
ing on. In such situations, I make an
Dvoretsky’s book For Friends and
Colleagues Volume II. First of all,
first avoid the bishop exchange and
then you force it yourself. There is no ._Ir._.i
his new book For Friends and Col-
leagues Volume II. Spielmann was situations, I make effort to take a step back and under-
stand in words – rather than in var-
this position from the stunning game
Anand-Carlsen, Linares 2007.
grand reason I can give, it is purely
a tactical thing. It seems less effec-
an effort to take
one of the strongest players in the iations – what I’m planning. For tive to exchange the bishops with the Linares 1992 (1st match game)
first half of the 20th century. Just like
a step back and
example, am I making a sham sac- knight on e1. But here Black wants to position after 22…♖h3
Tartakower, he was a little too light- rifice or a real sacrifice? If the latter
S_.d.tM_ play ...♖c8 and once Black manages to
weight to challenge the might of the
greats like Capablanca and Alekhine, understand in then I need to understand that I’m
raising the stakes, and that I’ll need J_.j._J_
swap off the rooks or to defend him-
self against direct threats, the advan-
Again Dvoretsky quotes Anand’s
remarks: ‘Black appears to have
but he was an interesting and crea-
tive player who – particularly in his words - rather than to raise my energy level to cope with
that. Am I ready for such a fight? The
tage is gone and you can offer a draw.
So it is very important to act quickly.
committed a whole list of positional
sins: allowing doubled f-pawns, giv-
youth – was famed for his bold attack-
ing play. The Art of Sacrifice is an
in variations - what more ready-made descriptions you
have at your fingertips, the easier it is _B_.bN_I
24.♗g5 relies on two things. One is
that 24...f6 is impossible because of
ing White an outside passed h-pawn
and exchanging his good bishop with
attempt to classify and categorise the
sacrifice in chess, using Spielmann’s
I’m planning.’ to describe your efforts in words and
thus understand what you are doing!
25.♘xe5 and wins. The second is that
after swapping, there are some very
...♗c4. Yet, he is better. Paradoxical?
Yes, but this does not mean that the
own games as examples. Another explanation that struck a Anand-Carlsen direct lines, as you will see, involving old positional rules have been sus-
I’ve read it through a couple of chord was Spielmann’s image for how Morelia/Linares 2007 ♕h6.’ pended for the course of this game.
times now and I love it. Spielmann’s and ‘real’ sacrifices. Sham sacrifices the value of pieces changes continu- position after 22…♘a8 After having read Spielmann, you Black’s play depends on two things:
approach is sober and realistic – he ‘involve losses of material only for a ally according to the position in front would say that with the knight on First of all, his long-term aim is to
acknowledges that a number of sacri- definable amount of time. In the case of you: ‘All chess units have, in the Anand considered 23.♘e1 here (with e1, Black’s dark-squared bishop exchange his d-pawn for White’s
fices may not be sound while stress- of real sacrifices, the amount of time language of the stock exchange, two the idea of ♘d3-c5, sacrificing the was worth less to White than his e-pawn by ...d5 and to exchange his
ing the practical difficulties that the required for recovering the material prices, the par value and the quoted knight for 2 enormous passed pawns) own dark-squared bishop, so White f6-pawn for White’s g-pawn either
defender faces – and rings true to is not clear. There a sham (tempo- rate. The par value represents the but felt that 23...♗g5 would give avoided the exchange. With the by ...f5 or by forcing White to play
these relatively modern ears. That’s rary) sacrifice involves no risk. After absolute (1 point for a pawn, 3 points Black some relief after 24.♕d2 ♗xe3 White knight on f3, White queen on g5. Then, he will be left with two con-

92 A Sadler on BookS Sadler on BookS A 93

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