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Name: ___________________________

Exercises #2
Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences

Fill in the blanks (10 points)

Read each given situation. Write the correct defense mechanism on the space provided.

1. Bill's friends and family believe that he has a drinking problem. When Bill is confronted by his loved ones, he claims
that his drinking is not problematic. Bill is ____________.

2. Claire complains about her job duties at work, rarely completes assigned tasks, and is regularly late for work.
When she is fired, she claims it was due to her co-worker badmouthing her instead of blaming it on her own poor
work performance. Claire has ________________.

3. Jess often experiences intense feelings of anger and frustration. In order to cope with these feeling, he enrolls in a
kickboxing class as an outlet for his emotions. Jess's action is (3) ______________.

4. Karen decides to go out and party the whole week before her midterm instead of study. She fails her midterm, and
tells her parents that she failed it due to being sick and not getting enough sleep. Karen possesses _______________.

5. David Walters recently lost his executive position in a large corporation. Rather than seek a new job, David finds
comfort and escape through drinking, as alcohol helps him forget the details of being fired. David is portraying

6. Louie, a teenage boy, got an accident with his bike he stops riding bike and never talks about it. Louie is showing

7. A young woman who is depressed about a pending divorce proceeding tells the nurse,” I just don’t want to talk
about the divorce. There’s nothing I can do about it anyway”. She is experiencing ___________________.

8. John is envious of his friend’s new car. The next time he and his friend are driving around town, John saw a car just
like it, driven by a stranger and said “I bet that girl is a spoiled brat”. John is having a ______________________.

9. Bryan enjoys smoking. When you express concern about your Bryan’s health and show him some articles about
the risks of smoking, he says, “That’s just government propaganda!”. Bryan is _______________________.

10. You don’t like your teacher. Each morning, when she comes in to class you act especially nice to her and even buy
her flowers on her birthday. You are having a __________________________.

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