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13.1 Introduction

13.2 Role of Pumps in Irrigation Engineering

13.3 Classification of Pumps
13.3.1 Positive Displacement Pump
13.3.2 Rotodynamic Pump
13.4 Major Types of Rotodynamic Pumps
13.5 Parts of a Centrifugal Pump
13.6 Principles of Working of a Centrifugal Pump
13.6.1 Velocity Triangles at Inlet and Exit
13.6.2 Pressure Rise in Impeller
13.6.3 Work Done and Manometric Efficiency
13.7 Design Aspects of Centrifugal Pumps
13.8 Operation of Pumps
13.9 Pump Characteristics
13.9.1 ' specific Speed and Similitude Studies
13.9.2 Performance Curves
13.9.3 Net Positive Suction Head
13.10 Summary
13.11 Key Words
13.12 Answers to SAQs

While the flow in open channels is always under gravity, the flow in pipes flowing
full often depends on the use of some kind of pumping devices; and, hence the flow in
latter cases takes place under pressure. These pumping devices are required to mainly
overcome the difference in elevation between the entry and exit points of water in the
pipe line, and also to overcome secondarily fictional resistance to the flow caused by
the pipe walls. The first one (i.e.. the difference in elevation) is called the piezometric
head and the second is known as frictional head Such pumping dqvices work by
making use of mechanical energy basically obtained from external sources, namely,
electric energy. s

In this unit we discuss relevant aspects of design, operation and perfonnance of such
yuiiiping devices that are commonly used in irrigation practice; and also outline the
g~iidelinesregarding the choice of a pump for a particular purpose.

After completing this u ~ i tyou
, should be able to
choose the appropriate type of pump to suit the needs of a given practical
understand the principles of design of centrifugal and turbine pumps,
identify different parts of a pump, and
make use of the operation and performance characteristics of pump.
Water Lifting Devices
Imgation can be defined as an artificial application of water, in required quantities for
specified durations, to agricultural land for assured growth of plant life (i.e. crops). In
many cases the sources of water, such as, river, canal, tank or groundwater in aquifers,
are located at such elevations that it becomes difficult: and even impossible to transport
water who& by natural means from the source to the fields where the crops are grown.
It, therefore, becomes necessary that some kind of pumping device be employed whose
parameters depend on the rate at which water is required to be supplied, and the
difference in elevation to be negotiated; and, also, the distance between the source of
water and the field h a ~ t influence
s on the selection of pumps. In general, the
following five situations are cited where pumps are employed even when certain
portions of flow paths are covered by gravity:

i) L I irrigation
~ i.e., lifting water from rivers and canals in terrains where the
land to be irrigated lies alongside the canal but at a higher elevation,
ii) Lift imgation from tube wells or open wells,
iii) Lifting of water to an elevated tank, from which water is supplied by means
of pipes in ddp imgation systems,
iv) Supply of water under pressure in a sprinkler irrigation network, and
v) Drainage of water from a waterlogged area or an irrigated area.


Almost all pumps increase the pressure energy of the water, that is being lifted. This
energy is subsequently converted into potential energy, i.e., water gets lifted from a
lower level to a higher level. A pump can, therefore, be described as a mechanical
device, interposed in a pipe line, which converts the mechanical energy that it receives
from some external source into increased hydraulic energy of water flowing in the
pipeline. The most common external sources of energy are an electric motor, an oil
engine or a steam engine (listed in order of their decreasing usage): Non-conventional
sources of energy such as wind energy through wind mills and solar energy through
solar cells are comparatively new entrants in this arena.
Pumps may be classified into following two main types:

i) Positive Displacement Pumps (Rotary andReciprocating type)

ii) Rotodynamic Pumps (Centrifugal and deep-well Turbine pumps)
133.1 Positive Displacement Pump
In a positive displacement pump liquid is sucked in and then actually pushed or
displaced due to the thrust exerted on it by a moving member, resulting in the lifting of
the liquid to a higher elevation. The displacement of liquid can be brought about either
by a) rotary movement, or by b) reciprocating movement of the displacing meclianism.
.In the first case rotor of a rotary pump carries radially adjustable vanes, the outer tips of
which are constrained by a circular casing whose centre is not congruent with that of
the rotor. Various combinations of gears, lobes, etc., within a casing, are so arranged
that lobes or teeth attached to each rotor pass in sequence through the same pumping
space (Figure 13.1 (a) through (fj).
Either of the above conditions can give direct displacement with smooth and
non-pulsating flow. However, some internal contact of rotating parts is inevitable
which causes a minor turbulences. Rota~ypumps are usually used for liquids, such as,
oils with good lubricating properties which causes a minor turbulence.
Reciprocatingpump (i.e., the second type), in its simplest form, has a cylinder into
which a piston moves to alternately suck and push water (Figure 13.2(a)). Flow rate of
Centrifugal P~IIIPS

Figc~re13.1: Typical Rotary Pumps

Source : 'CentrifugalPumps'. H.H.Anderson; ~ r c r d e ~ d ~ e c h nPressLtd.,

ic~il Survey,England, 1980,

water in such pumps almost wholly depends on the speed of the pump. Forward and
backward motion of the piston is brought about by a prime mover like an electric
motor, an oil engine or a steam engine. Obviously the usual rotary motion of the
electric motor is to be first converted into a reciprocating motion by a suitable
mechanical device. Usually the speed of the electric motor is suitably brought down to
the working speed of the reciprocating motion of tlie piston. The cylinder is connected
to the suction and delivery pipes. At the start of both suction and delivery pipes a
non-return valve is fitted which permits the flow only from suction pipe into the
cylinder, and froin the cylinder into the delivery pipe. One can easily imagine that the
flow rate would be pulsating (Figure 13.2 (b)), and thus would not be uniform unless
special appurtenants are provided to even out the pulsations. Pressure rises that can be
achieved, are theoretically veiy large and limited only by the mechanical strength of the
cylinder and the pipe system, coilsidering the fact that water is almost incompressible.
To sum up, a reciprocating puiiip can be used to achieve large rise hl delivery pressure
heads, but the flow rates are restricted by the speeds of the pistol1 and tlie discharge is
relatively small and uneven. These disadvantages make the centrifugal pump
(a rotodynamic pump) a more preferred type in irrigation engineeriiig practice.
Important differences of operating characteristics of a reciprocating pump with those of
rotodynmic (centrifugal) pump is given in Table 13.1.
Water Lifting Devices

P. M S T W O R P L W E R

Tahle 13.1: Important Differences in Operatiag Characteristics of Centrifugal

and Reciprocating Pumps
Centrifugal Reciprocating
(i) Discharge, Q

Flow rate is completely steady and there Flow is pulsating d output rarely exceeds 200
practically no limit to the output. m3h.

(ii) Head, H

High heads can be obtained through multistages High heads can be obtained efficiently even at
running at high speeds; economical only in case low speeds and comparatively low rates of flow.
of relatively large outputs.

(iii) Speed. n, of the Pump ( o r its prime mover)

The usual range of speed is 1000 rpm to 3000 The usual range of speed is 100 to 300 rpm and
rpm. Direct coilpling to electric motors is this speed is seldom exceeded. A speed
possible. Step-up gearing is needed only'when reduction gear or pulley is required if the prime
the prime mover has low speed. Turbine-driven mover is an e W c motor. Therefore, direct'
pump can run even at 6000 rprn coupling of pump is possible with a slow speed
prime mover only.

* (iv) Eflcienq, q
Greatly affected by (QRI) ratio. Efficiency is Practically independent of (Q/H) ratio.
low for small (QRI), but approaches that of a Efficiency is inde-of liquid property like
reciprocating pump when (QM) i s large. viscosity.
Efficiency falls when water with suspended
matter is pumped.
I Centrifugal P u ~ i ~ p s
(v) Method o f Control
Various cases regarding operational parameters arise: (a) Speed, T I , is constant

Q Depends on H. Q is independent of H.

Reduction of Q is easily made by a throttling Q can be reduced by returning a part of it through

valve, although usually with a consequent loss a branch in suction involvinga loss of efficiency.
of efficiency, Q can be varied by varying the stroke, without
loss of efficiency, but a special design is

(b) Head, H, is constant

Q can be changed by va~yingthe s p e d and by Q can be changed by varying speed without loss
throttling. The latter method involves loss of of efficiency. A by-pass valve can be used to
efficiency. change Q, but this entails loss of efficiency.

I ( c ) Llischarge, Q. is constarrt

IH can be changed by altering the speed. l I adapts itself auton~aticallyto the prevailing
I backpressure without loss of efficiency.

Priming is normally required When started without back-pressure, they are

self priming to some extent.

--- -

A comparatively low starting torque is required; Starting torque is approximately equal to

direct coupling to an electric motor or oil engine running torque as large masses are to be
is p~sslble. accelerated

I (viii) Star* of Pzimp with Long Pipe Lines

Special measures are unnecessary since the static A large cushion chamber is required to store the
water head is accelerated to full velocity at a discharge until the contents of the pipe line have
discharge Q in accordance with the gauge been accelerated to full velocity.
pressure at Q = 0.

I fir) stop Valves

No stop valves should bt: fitted m the suction If a stop valve is to be fitted in the discharge line,
line, but non-return and stop valves should be it is essential that a safety valve rated for full
installed immediately after the delivery branch. discharge is fitted between the pump and the stop

(x) Floor Space Required, Weight, Dimensions

Owing to high speed, rotary motion, and Reciprocating masses and moving valves set a
continuous flow, it is possible to obtain high limit on the number of strokes per minute
output with light, co~npilctunits. resulting in large swept volumes for same
output; and, thus greater weights and dimensions
are encountered.
Note: In fhe subsequent articles discussiorz is confuted lo only rotodynmic pumps; as they are.nrost
coltiniorily used in irrigation practice arid the liquid hmidled is water.

13.3.2 Rotodynamic Pump

A centrifugal pump is the most common among the rotodynamic pumps. Unlike a
positive displacement pump, in which the liquid is simply pushed out of the pump, a
centrifugal pump changes the hydraulic energy such that the liquid is lifted to a higher
level. The basic principle on which a centrifugal pump yorks is that when a certain
mass of liquid is made to rotate by an external force, it is thrown ouf\;rards from the
axis of rotation and a centr@gal head is impressed on it. This enables the liquid to
rise to a higher level. If more liquid is made available at the centre of rotation, a
continuous supply of the liquid to the higher level may be ensured. The mechanism by
which a liquid is made to rotate consists of a revolving wheel with vanes which is
called an impeller. During the passage of the liquid through the impelaer, angular
Water Lifting Devices momentum changes, and this circumstance also results in the increase of the p m w e
heed of the liquid. .

The main advantage of a c e n f i g a l pump over a reciprocating pump is the former's

larger'dischaqing capacity. A centdkgal pump can also be used to pump turbid
(muddy) waters which may damage the valves of a reciprocating pump. A centdbgal
pump is usually connected dbctly on to an electric motor or an oil engine, while a
reciprocating pump needs a speed reduction mechanism, like a pulley and a belt drive.
These arc the few but significant advantages of a centrifugal pump over other pumps in
the practice of irrigation. Table 13.1 compares a reciprocating pump with a centrifugal
pumps, vis-a-vis, various important parameters.


Based on the general direction of flow of water within the passage of the impeller, the
rotodynamic pumps are classified into following thxe classes (Figure 13.3):
i) Radial flow (Centrifugal type),
A) Mixed flow (Centrifugal type), and
iii) Axial flow (Propeller type).




Values at Sprcitic Spords U.S.Custorary Units1

(Sinale Soctionl

& ! i t @ -f o
I I 1 I
3 (Y
.# iitiii t i .- u

Radial- Vano A n a Francis-Vono Area Mird-Flow Area Axial Flow

h a
Figfin 13.3: V a r l m In~peUerShapa and Comparllon of Pump P~~~ utSpdIle S p d
I ,

i) Radial Flow Pump
In a radial flow centrifugal pump water entering at the centre of the impeller, flows
Centrifugal Pumps

radially outwards through the impeller vanes. Generally, all the centrifugal pumps are
, provided with radial flow inlpellers.
ii) Mixed Flow Pump

In a mixed flow pump the impeller is so shaped that the flow passage takes a form that
is intermediate between radial and axial directions, and ultimately the flow emerges in
an outward direction. A mixed flow impeller is a modification of the radial impeller in
that the former is capable of discharging larger quantity of liquid at lesser heights with
respect to intel (or suction point) compared to radial impellers.
iii) Axial Flow Pump
In an axial flow pump, water, immediately after entering the vane assembly, flows
parallel to the axis of thc propeller (vane assembly) which is also the axis of the
rotating shaft.
Axial flow pumps are usually designed for very large discharges and coinparatively
lower heads. As there is hardly any ceirtifugal action, while the pump operates, they
are best described as propeller pumps or axial flow pumps. Figure 13.4(a) and 13.4 (b)
show the part of an illlpeller with radial and mixed flows, respectively; see also Figure '
13.3. Figure 13.4( c) shdws flow past a propeller of an axial pump. More details about
the effect of shape of impellers on the dynamics of water, energy conversion, etc., as
water passes through a revolving impeller of a pump, is explained in subsequent
portions of the unit.
One more classification of centrifugal pumps comprises following types:.
i) Single and Multistage Pump
In a singIe stage pump one impeller is mounted on a shaft to generate the required head
for pumping a given discharge. However, the same discharge can be supplied at a
higher head by two or more impellers mounted on the same shaft within the same pump
casing. In this case impellers are connected in series and the pump now becomes a
multistage centriftlgal pump.
ii) Single and Douhle Suction Pump
In a single suction centrifugal pump, stlction pipe connected to the centre of the casing,
provides water on one side of the impeller. In a double suction pump water enters the
impeller from both sides with two suction pipes. Tlle impeller is symmetical and
provides large inlet area. A double suctioil pipe arrangement has the advantage of
neutralizing the axial thrust on the impeller.
There are other classifications of centifugal pumps, such as:
a) ~orizontalor Vertical Shaft, and
I b) Multistage CentifugalNanes Diffuser Pump.


I The main and essential parts of a centrifugal pump are impeller, white casing, vortex
chamber, and guide vanes.
It is a wheel which is provided with a series of backward curved blades, also called
vanes. This wheel is mounted on a shaft which is coupled to an external source of
energy. This external source of energy is usually an electric motor or m oil engine, as
mentioned earlier. This external source imparts the required energy to the impeller for
rotation. Figure 13.4(a) shows an impeller assembled with backward-curved vanes
mounted on a shaft which is indicated t? rotate in a clockwise direction. The impeller
is encased in an air-tight chamber. The annular space between its shaft and the
impeller is generally called the eye of the pump. Suction pipe at its upper end is
connected to the eye of the pump (with 90' bend). The lower end of its suction pipe is
Water Lifting Devices connected to a foot valve-strainer assembly which always lies adequately submerged
below the water level in the sump. The strainer helps to prevent the debris (foreign
matter like leaves, rubbish etc.) from entering the pump. The foot valve opens only in
the upward direction and prevents movement of water back to the sump once the pump
stops working. This enables to keep the suction pipe and the pump casing always full
of water to avoide priming to be done often.
A delivery pipe is connected to die delivery flange of the pump (placed beyond the
chamber) with a delivery valve that controls the flow rate of the pump.

Figure 13.4: Con~ponentParts of a CenMkgd Pump

Figure 13.4(b) shows a cross-sectional view of a shrouded impeller, wherein the vanes
are provided with a metal shroud 011 both sides. The shrouded impeller is known to
provide better guidance to the liquid and is thus considered more efficient. especially
when the liquid punlped is from debris (refer also Figure 13.3 (d)).
Figure13.4 ( c) shows a cross-section of a semi open type impeller with a shroud only
on one side.
Figure 13.4(d) shows an open impeller suitable to pump liquids containing suspended
matter like sewage or water containing gritlsand. They are less liable to clog due to the
extraneous matter.






Figure 13.5: Volute Chan~berand Other Fmtures ofa Celrt~ikgalh n p
Water Lifting Devices Volute chamber and Vortex Chamber
The casing of a pump enclosing its impeller can have a spiral shape, as shown in
Figure 13.5 (a), such that the flow cross-sectional area around the periphery of the
impeller gradually increases right from the tongue, T, towards the delivery end. This
- increase in cross-sectional area results in causing a uniform velocity throughout the
casing as the magnitude of flow increases from the tongue towards the delivery side,
because more and more water is added from the periphery of the impeller. This
chamber of the casing is known as volute chamber.
Sometimes a circular chamber (shown as a dotted circle in Figure 13.5(b) is provided
between the volute chamber and the impeller, and is called vortex chamber. As the
water leaves the ir 3eller radially, while passing through the vortex chamber, part of its
velocity head getilcbnverted into pressure head. The water then after passing through
the volute chamber goes to the delivery end.
Figure 13.5 ( c) shows an assembly of a series of fixed curved guide vanes mounted on
a diffuser ring concentric with the impeller. The surrounding guide vanes provide a
gradually enlarging passage for the flow of liquid. This reduces the velocity of flow
and thus increases the pressure. The shape of the guide vane is so designed that the
water passes from the impeller into the guide vane passage smoothly. After passing
through the guide vanes the bater flows through the surrounding casing into the
delivery pipe. As the guide vanes are set and shaped for a fixed discharge, for other
discharges this pump is not efficient compared to a volute pump:
According to the number of impellers mounted on the same shaft, a pump is known as
a single stage (with one impeller) or a multistage (with two or more impellers mounted
on the same shaft in series and enclosed in the same casing pump). Figure 13.6(a)
shows a typical complete assembly of a single stage pump with horizontal shaft '

coupled to a drive motor, mounted on a base plate. There is provision of a single

Figure 13.6@) shows the cross-section of a typical assembly of a five-stage pump
mounted on a horizontal-shaft radial pump with bearings and other accessories such as
diffusers. Pumps employed in irrigation practice are usually with horizontal shafts.
However, for deep well pumps, a vertical shaft is more suitable from practical point of
view. Usually centrifugal pumps of small capacity have a single suction pipe
(Figure 13.4(a) and 13.4(b)). However, pumps with large capacity may have double
suction pipes.

Various parameters that characterise the workins of a centrifugal pump concern the
hydraulics of pumps. These are discussed under the following captions:
Static Head, Manometric Head and Total Head
Figure 13.7 depicts several elements, such CIS,the static head, manometric head and the
total head of a centrif~~galpump. Usually, when a centrifugal pump is used to lift water
£?om a sump to an elevated tank, the difference in static water levels between the sump
and the elevated tank is termed as the static head, Hs. Sometimes, it is also called static
lift. This, obviously, consists of the lift, hs, from the water level in the sump to the
centre line of the pump impeller, and, hd, the lift from the centre line of the pump to the
water level in the elevated tank. Thus, we can write

Or, Total static head, Hs = suction lift, (hs) +delivery lift (hd)
Manometric head, Hm,is the total energy head that must be developed by the pump to
meet the external requirements. In other words we can state that,
H m = (energy given to the liquid by the impeller) -(losses in the pump) ... (13.2)
Centrifugal Punlps.
Water Lifting Devices

Figure 13.6(b): Cross-seetionof a Typical Multi-stage Radial Pump with Vertical Difbscr, te.; Gulde W e d

Figure 13.7: Head on a Centdfugal Pump

Dynamics of Flow through the Pump

Let us consider the following five points (0,l through 4) along the path of water
through the pump-point O lying on the free surface of the sump the point 4 lying on the
free water surface of elevated tank (Figure 13.7) as specified below:
Point 0 - on thefree surfsurface
of water in the sump, (taken as datum) Centrifugal Pru~ips

Point 1 - on the suction side of the inlet to the pump

Point 2 - on the exit of the impeller
Point 3 - at the enby to the delivery pipe
Point 4 - on die fie sunface of water in the elevated tank
Applying Bernoulli's equation to a point (0), on the surface of water in the sump, and a
point (1) inside the suction pipe at the entcy to the pump, and taking the sump water
level as dahun, we have:

where,pJ is the suction pressure at the entry to the pump at point 1, Vs is the velocity in
the suction pipe, is the head loss due to friction and minor losses in the suction pipe,
and y is specific weight of water. Therefore, we can write:

It may be mdizedthat if the pump is located below the level of the liquid surface
Figure 13.7 then. the suction lift, hs, will be negative. The head
Equation (13.4) is known as the suction head.
By applying Bernoulli's equation between the enby point (1) and exit point (2) of the
impeller we obtain:

in which, P2 is the pressure of water at the exit of the impeller (i.e. at point (2)) and VI
is the M a h e veloeily of water,at pubt (2), and h ~isi the head loss in the impeller.

NPSHA = (ha'-hVap+ 2 , ) t available NPSH.
ha a 34'( 10.0m) atmospheric pressure absolute.
hVap a Vapour p r r s r u r e of water ( a b s o l u t e ) '

a t pumping temperature.
ZS o Water d e p t h ovrr Itqpeller eye.
Zi a Submergrnce of suction pipa.

Figure 13.8: Net P d t l v e Suctioi~Head (NPSH)

Water Lifting Devices Further, applying J3emoulli7sequation between point (2) and (3), we get:

in which, pd is the pressure in the delivery pipe at (3) h ~ isc the loss of head in the
pump casing, and Vdis the flow velocity in the delivery pipe. Suction piessureps and
delivery pmsurepdcm be measured by the pressure gauge fitted at point (1) on the
suction pipe and by the pressure gauge fitted at point (3), respectively. Adding
Equation (13.5) a d (13.6) we get the following relationship:

mead mip& by the impell. OII rater) =

] - [$ E]
;[ + a+h 2g + + ( h ~+i ~ L C )

It may be meed that the term ( h ~+i ~ L C )g i v e the total loss of head in the pump.
Further h = 0 if the gauges are fitted at the same level. Ustrally suction pipe has a
slightly la~gerdiameter than the delivery pips; however, the velocity heads - and
v;2 do not differ mu& from each other, i.e., we can say -
- e = 0.
V;?) - -
2s 2g 2g
Thus, the Equation (13.7) reduces to:
(Head imparted by the impeller to water) - (the total loss of head in the pump)

Left hand side of this equation is also known as manometric head. However, an
expression can be derived for the manometric head also by considering the kinematics
of flow over the impeller, as will be discussed later on.

Tangent to Impeller
a t outlet of Vane

Tangent to Impeller
a t inlet to Vane

FLpm 13.9: Veloelty TriPllgleles at Inlet and Outlet d a Vane

13.6.1 Velocity Triangles at Inlet and Exit

We have s m earlier Figure 13.4 and 13.5(a), that water enters the impeller at the
cenm and leaves at the periphery. Figure 13.9 shows a typical vane (i.e., blade) of an
impeller (shown hatched) whose tips at inlet and exit lie on concentric circles of radii
R and RI, respectively, with the centre of the impeller. Let the impdler
rotate in a clockwise direction at an angular velocity w .
Following symbols are used t;describe the velocity triangles at inlet and exitas water.
moves over the vane that is rotating:
i) U, Ur are tangential velocities of vane tips at entry and exit such that
U = wR, UI = wRI,respectively,
in which, w is the angular velocity of the impeller at entry in radianstsec.
ii) V is the absolute velocity of water, at entry and is assumed b be radial due to the
designed arrangement for such a11entry of water. Thus, the rt:lative velocity of
water at entry Vr is obtained by combining vectorially as showvn in the lnlet
triangle (Figure 13.9).
It may be seen that while Vis radial and is perpendicular to the tangent to the
wheel at mlet, Vr is at an angle of 9 to the wheel tangent.

iii) At the exit point of the vane, the tangential velocity of vane tip is LII = wR1, which
is tangential to the wheel at the exit point. It may be noted that obv.iously, UI > U.
Water leaves the vane at a relative velocity of Vrl. If one combines v-atonally V,r
with UI at exit the absolute velocity of water leaving the vane, Vl, is obtained as
shown in Figure 13.9. VI is seen to be at an angle P with the wheel taugent, and
Vrl at angle cp with the wheel tangent. Components of Vr along the tangsnt; and
the radial direction,~espectively,are known as the velocity of whirl VWIahd ,

velocity of flow V'I, respectively. It is easily seen that at the entry tip of the blade, .
V= Vfand Vw= 0 as the entry of water, in absolute terms, is assurned to be radial.
iv) Work done by the impeller per second is the product of torque it applies and the
angular velocity that is developed.
v) . Torque is given by change in moment of momentum or angular momentum of
fluid between inlet and exit.
vi) If m is the mass of water passing over the vanes in udt time we cian write:

I in which, Q is the volumetric flow rate. It can be shown that the work d'one by,the
impeller per second is given by the follow&g term;

, For radial entry we have, Vw, = 0

Thus, work done per second (under radial-entry conditions) = ye


Therefore, work dolie per second per unit weight of water .

This expression for work done per second per unit weight of walier can be introduced in
Equation (13.8) resulting in the following expression (in place of the head impsll-bed by
the impeller to water):

13.6.2 Pressure Rise in Impeller

With reference to Figure' 13.7, it may be reiterated that point ( 1) is at the entry to the
impeller (or at the pump-end of the suction pipe) and point (2) at the exit of the
Water Lifting Devices impeller, whereas point (3) refers to the exit of the pymp (or the commencement of the
-delivery pipe). Thus, the actual pressure rise in the impeller is given by (p2 -PI). Now,
we can rewrite Equation (13.5) as shown below (adding hLCon both sides):

One can recognise the left hand side of the Equation (13.13) as the manometric head
Hm(as defmed earlier), and hence we write:

With Vd = Vs(i.e., when the suction and deliverypipe diameters rae same), Equation
(13.14) can be explained as below:

Manometric head, Hm= actual pressure rise in the impeller

the pressure rise in the volute chamber

{ loss of head in the casing ( h ~ ~ ) }

[z Z]}
- -

'13.63. Woik Done and Manometric Efftciescy

We have defined manometric, Hw through Equation (13.12): (13.13) and (13.14).
T k ratib between manometric head that is developed and the work done by the
impeller (per section per unit weight of water) is known as Manometric Eficiency
(qtnmo), and it is given by the following equation:


Various design relations undervarious heads are presented as follows:
hrnber,Slrape, Curvature and Breadth of Blades
It is easy to recognise Equation (13.11) as also expressing theoretical head generawby
the pump. This equation shows that head generated depends, among other factors, on
the peripheral or tangential velocity (UI)at exit and the meridional velocity (velooity
of whirl), Vwl,at exit. It is to emphasise that Equation (13.1 1) was derived with an
implied assumption that there are infinite number of blades on the wheel. However, in
reality, the impeller wheel has finite number of blades, of small but finite thickness
each, which reduces the cross-sectional area available for flow of water. The actual
velocity of whirl, V w l ,is therefore less than its theoretical value. Hence, the actual
head developed with finite number of impellers is slightly less than the head calculated
using theoretical Eulcr relationship (Equation 13.11). 'Experiments made with
impellers of identical size, speed and vane angle, but with different number of vanes
have indicated that as the number of vanes was increased the actual head developed
approached the theoretical head. It has also been reported that the value of ratio of
actual head to the theoretical head varies from 0.6 to 0.8 as the number of vmes
increase &om 4 to 12, An approximate formula giving the number of vanes used in
practice for radial flow impeller is given by the following relationship:

q V= 6.5 -sin pm (13.16)

- dl


where dl and d2 are (how in Figure 13.1O(a)), inner and outer diameters, respectively,
of vanes and p , is thenlean of the vane angle at inlet and outlet of the vane
(Figure 13.10).
1) Radial flow Impeller solid line diameters
d l t o d l low specitic speed ( A1 B1 6 A2
))Mixed t l o w Impeller (A; 8: 8:- -
3) Mixed tlow Impeller (A;' B! 8; A; )
tor increased 9.

(b) Propeller Type LllpeUer

Shape and curvature of vanes of an impeller govern the flow pattern in the flow
passages and guide (diffuser) vanes. Flow pattern, in turn, depends on the rotational
speed of the wheel. Thus, the specific speed is the most convenient parameter in
identifjing the shape and curvature of the impeller. Shape and curvature vary from
radial, mixed and axial flow impellers with specific speeds increasing in that order.
Thus, the shape of the impeller passage depends on the basic quantities like discharge
Q, head H. and rotational speed of the impeller N, which define the speciiic speed (Ns).

For experimentation, Q and H are kept constant, while the speed (N) is altered with the
same inlet edge. Figure 13.10 (a) shows the radial flow impeller with characteristic
dimensions do, dl, d2 and b2 indicated. It is to be pointed out that with regard to the
theoretical head to be developed Ul-to be maintained depends on the
head (H) and is kept d2, the outer diameter of the vanes is
expressed as :

It is obvious that if the velocity of whirl at exit, Vwl,is to remain invariable with speed,
N, increasing, d2 must reduce to some value dz' (i.e.,Az Bz Az'Bz' shown dot-dash-
dot line in Figure 13.10(a)). As the impeller gets shorter there is the need, to improve
the suction performance of the pump, the impeller width at inlet is lengthened to A', B'I
\\later Lifting Devices Lf for a given head and speed. Q is to be increased, keeping I/,,constant, then do
increases to do' and 62 to 62' such that the blade gets a shape o f ~ BYy B2 A; (shown as
a'dashcd line in Figure 13.10 (a). This gives a mixed flow higher specific speed
Referring to Figure 13.10 (a), dsh denotes the diameter of the shaft and dl, the diameter
of the hub, where the diameter of the shaft depends on several mechanical factors like:
power, speed, pernlissible deflections, etc. However, the diameter of the hub, d l ,on
the inlet side is made as small as possible. Usually, the hub diameter is chosen
according to the following criterion :

The value of inlet diameter (do) is based on the values of axial velocity (Vo) which is
usually between 1.5 to 6 m/s and depends on the prevailing suction conditions. When
the discharge Qo (which includes leakage loss) is known the enfryarea (Ao) is obtained
from the following equation :

By adding the hub area
( ah = - t~ Ao, the inlet area Ato,
is obtained. Thus, we have:

The impeller outlet diameter d2 is obtained using Equation (13.18). The area of flow at
blade inlet location (Al) is given by the following relationship (also refer Figure 13.9):

A1 = ( Inlet coefficient of construction ) x (13.22)

However, the inlet construction coefficient depends on the following factors:

i) the distance between the two neighbouring blade tips at inlet, measured along the
ii) the blade tip angle at the inlet; and
iii) the blade thickness.
The breadth of impeller bi at inlet is therefore, given by:

The area of flow at the impeller outlet (A2) is given by:

A 2 = (outlet construction coefficient ) x

( d i S ~ ~
The outlet constn~ctioncoefficient depends on: i) the distance between the two
neighbouring blade tips measured along the periphery, at the outlet, ii) the blade angle
at the outlet, and iii) the blade thickness. The breadth b2 of the impeller at outlet is
given by the following relationship :

Thus, in the light of the foregoing discussion one can suinm.arise the main steps
involved in the method of &lculating the impeller dimensions, such as :
i) diameter (d2) at the outlet of the blade tip ( for given IJ and N ) through Equation
ii) diameter of the hub (4,)
through Equation (13.19), 1
. , 4
iii) diameter at inlet of the blade (do) tluough'Equation (13.21), Centrifugal Punlps

iv) breadth of the blade ( b l ) at inlet through Equation (13.23),

v) breadth of the blade (b2) at outlet through Equation (13.25)

Axial Thrust
In single entry impellers an axial thrust develops in the machine, since the suction
pressure acts on the surface of the back shroud facing the suction end while a
considerably higher pressure is experienced on the other side of the shroud by the water
leaving the impeller. Therefore, thrust bearing is provided for the shaft to bear this
thrust. In a double entry (double suction) pump, this problem is minimized by
balancing the axial forces owing to symmetry of water entry points.
Drive Motors 1 Engines
Diesel engines and electric motors are most commonly used prime movers for pumps
used in imgation and water supply. Diesel engines are used in pumping at places
where electric power is not availihle. Diesel engines are also used as stand by for
electric power. The most convel.,ent and also cost effective source of power for
imgation pump sets is three phase 440 V electric supply. In addition to lower cost,
clean, smooth, noiseless, continuous power can always be provided by electric power;
also its operating efficiency is generally unifo~ll~lv
high, and compared to diesel power,
electric power suppIy needs less attention and IS easy to switch on. Smoke is totally
absent and fire hazards are negligible. Both vertical and horizontal shaft settings make
it suitable for both open-well canal pumping system as well as deep-well system.


Operation and maintenance of a pump need due attention for ensuring long
trouble-free, and efficient service.
Starting of a Centrifugal Pump -Minimum Starting Speed
When a pump is started, there will be no flow of water until the pressure difference
. developed in the impeller is large enough to overcome the manometric head (Hm). If
the impeller is rotating with some speed (N) there is no flow taking place, water rotates
almost like a forced vortex with a centrifugal head of,

- uZ
The flow will comnlence only if,

U? - (l2
2H m
( ndz N/60 )2 - (ndl~/60)'
i.e., 2H m

(+))x(n$ @-"; =Hm ... (13.26)

gives the minimum speed (N) required for a pump to commence the flow.
Maintenance of a Pump
Some of the troubles commonly experienced during the operation of the ccatrifugal
pump are listed below:
a) Pump failing to start
Following reasons for the pump not starting can be listed, such as:

i) Probably the pump is not primed properly. Reprime the by opening the air
vent until steady unbroken stream of water (without air) issues out; 23
Water Lifting Devices ii) Total static head may be more than the-design head. Check the suctioil side
vacuunl gauge and pressure gauge properly. Check the head losses;
iii) Rotation of the wheel may be taking place in the wrong direction
iv) The impeller might have got clogged. Open and clean the impeller;
V) There may be a clogged strainer, leading to excessive suction head; and
vi) Speed may be lower than the minimum speed as pointed out above.
b) Pump starts but may not deliver water and raise its head
Following causes can be attended to:
i) Air may be leaking through suction line and stuffing box;
ii) Speed may be smaller than the required value;
iii) Delivery head may be higher. hence Q drops down;
iv) Suction lift may be too high:
v) Foot valve may not have enough submergence or may have clogged; and
vi) Bearings may be worn-out.


Characteristics of centrifugal pumps are parameters to compare and monitor their
performance under various conditions. These characteristics are discussed as given
below :

13.9.1 Specific Speed and Similitude Studies

Specific speed (Ns), as a parameter, has been defined through Equation (13.17). It
includes all the three important variables like discharge Q, head H, and the rotational
speed N of the pump. Specific speed. as may be easily verified, is a dimensioned term.
In more specific terms, it is defined as the speed (in rpin) of a geometrically similar
pump of such a size that under corresponding conditions that would deliver 1 litre of
water per second against a head of 1 metre. This concept can. however, be used to
predict or compare the behaviour of a pump. based on the studies on similar pumps of
different sizes. Herein, it may be noted that the numerical value~ofspecific speed
depends on the system of units chosen, e.g.. metric unit. U.S. customary units. etc. The
expression for Ns given in Equation (13: 17) earlier can be derived from first principles
as shown below :

Consider discharge, Q = Kxbz dz T/fl ... (13.27)

With reference to Figures 13.9 and 13 10. \ic know that h2. dz, Vf, denote breadth,
diameter and radial velocity of flow at the Impeller exit. Since h2 is proportional to d2
using appropriate constant of proportionality and it is easy to see that
VD a i.e., proportional ,we can state Equation (13.27) as :

= constant
Or? d; 47;
n dzN
Further, the peripheral velocity, U I ,= 7 , we have: ... (13.28)

But. also U , a a and hence dz a -

or. -47-
dl N
= co-t

Eliminating dz from Equation (13.28) and (13.29), and dropping the subscript 'm' we
Centrifugal Pumps

get :

=C (say) ... (13.30)

From the defmition of specific speed Ns = @ ,we can say that for Q = 1 (litlsec),
H =1 m,the quantity N = Ns = C
Table 13.2 that follows, gives the range of specific speeds for various types of

Table 13.2:.Range rrf Specific Spwd ( Ns )

Type of Pump bqwibr Range o f Ns

Slow speed radial flow 300-900


( ~ e d i yspeed
n radial flow 1 900- 1500 1
High speed radial (Francis Vane) flow 1500-2400

Mixed flow 2400-5000

Axial flow (propeller) 3400-15000

(Refer to Figure 13.3 for iden&ng impeller shape$

A pump is usually designed for a given speed, flow rate and head. But in practice the
operating conditions may not be the same for which the pump was designed. If the flow
through the pump is less than the designed value, then VI and Vl will gel reduced and
thus altering Vw and L'wl ; and hence. the head developed would be different from the
intended value (Equation (13.1 1)). Moreover, the losses in various heads would also
increase. Therefore, in order to predict a performance of a pump under varying field
conditions, the followiiig characteristic curves are usually prepared:
a) Main Chawcteristics
Figure 13.11 presents the typical main characteristics of centrifugal pump. Figure
13.11(a) giving manometic head Hnrvarying with discharge Q in (Vs) for different
speeds (rpm) i.e., for each constant speed, veation bf head with discharge is shown
(head initially rising and then falling sharply); Figure 13.11@) depicting curves that
show the variation of shaft horse power with discharge for various speeds (shaft horse
power is continuously rising with increasing discharge); and Figure 13.11 (c) showing
variation of overall efficiency with the increase in Q. All curves are almost parabolic in
(Figure 13.12)
b) Operating C'hnracten',~tic~~
Normally a pump is run at a constant speed. Head and efficiency for different
discharges (from shut off condition to full valve open) are plotted. The design head is
the head corresponding to the maximum efficiency condition.
c) Constant Eficiencv curve.^ (Figure 13.13)
Figure 13.13 is drawnusing the information from Figure 13.1l(a) which gives
variation of head Hm with Q for different constant speeds, with speed as a third
parmeter. lsoefficiencypoints are plotted on this plot using information from Figure
13.11( c). Thus. the curve of lnwimum efficiency is plotted through the valley
by iso-efficiency curves.
Water Lifting Devices '

- 960 r p m
-C-c 880
---- 800


Figure 13.11: Main Clraracteristlcs of Centrifugal P u l p s

Centdb@ Pumps

Figure 13.12: Operating Characteristics of Constant S p e d

Flyre 13.13: Constmlt Ellldency Curves

13.9.3 Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH)
Net positive suction head (NPSH)is the absolute pressure head at the pump inlet minus
the vapour pressure head (in absolute unite) corresponding to the local temperature,
plus the velocity head. Ifpa is the atmospheric pressure, then we say (pa/y ) is the
atmospheric pressure in terms of head of water. If hs is the suction lift, we can write
with reference to point (0) and (1) in Figure 13.7:
Water Ufting Devices

If p, is the vapour presswe in absolute units the dgebricaUy in the b i t m g qase
@a +pi) =p,;and the limiting value of hs (from Equation(l3.31) is giv& by:

This relationship transfows, by virtne of Equation (13.31) to

It 1s requlred to calculate the effect]\ e head and pou er of d r ~ v emotor for a
centrifugal pump to deliver a discharge of 100 11s. from a sump to an overhead
tanh. from the follo\ving data
Dif'ference of water levels in the sump and overhead tank =. 24.8 m
Suction lift = '2.8 m
Delivery head = 22.0 in
Head loss in suction pipe = 1.06m
Head loss in delivery pipe line = 5.41 m
Diameters of suction and delivery pipe = 250mm

Calculate thc dlmcnsions of a centrifugal puinp impeller with 7 blades. Suction
s ~ d is
e axial. a ~ the
~ ddischarge 1s 100 11s at a total head of 40 m. Prime mover is
electnc motor of 1470 rpni. with the efticiaicl of the pump L i n g 78%. Further,
assume the following data:
Shaft diameter = 4.0 cm
Volumetric efiiciency = 96 O/o
Velocity coefficient for inlet = 0.157
Velocity coefiicient for outlet = 0.120.


This unit highh&tsthe fact that pumping devices are required basically to negotiate the
difference in elevation between the source and the point where water is intended to be
The classification of pumps, in general, and major type of Rotodynamic pumps Centrifugal Pumps
(centrifugal type being one of them- i.e. radial flow type) are discussed.
Various essential parts of a centrifugal pump, analysis of velocity triangles, and
important parameteres to gauge the efficiency of the pump are also discussed. Basic
design aspects of the pump are summarised
Operation aspects and characteristics of the pump are presented with a view to have an
insight into the working of the pump for better trouble-free output.


Impeller : A wheel provided with a series of backward curved blades
called vanes.
Vanes : Curved blades of the impeller.
Eye of the Pump : Annular space between the shaft and the impeller of a pump.
Priming : Filling the suction pipe (upto the eye) of the pump set up (in a
non-self priming pump) to allow the pump to be operative- i.e.
sucking and delivering the water on the other side.
Foot Valve : It is a valve fixed at the start of the suction pipe (i.e. the end
immersed in water) to allow priming to be done.
Strainer : A screen enveloping the foot valve to keep off gravel etc. from
entering the suction pipe.



low velocity , O--

100/1000 = 2.0372 m/s
nd/4 ~ ~ 0 . 2 5 ~

Velocity head ,-
2'0372 - 0.21 15 m
Total head loss = 1.06 + 5.41 = 6.47 m
Effective head = 24.8 + 6.47 + 0.21 15
i.e., He = 31.4815 a 31.5 m

Power =
@He - 1OOOxO.l ~ 3 . 1 5( kg-m)
75 75
= 42.0 metric hp.

If an average value of efficiency of 75 % is assumed, horsepower of drive motor is

given by :
42 - 56 mhp
= 56 x 0.736 = 41.22 kW


i) Diameter of hub = 1.4 x diameter of shaft

= 1.4 x 4.0 = 5.6 cm
ii) Total pumping capacity =
Volumetric efficiency of pump
Velocity at &let = 0.157 -40'

Inlet c r o s d m = 0.10414.39 = 0.0236 m2

Idet cross-dog area of hub = -
x 0.056' = 0.0024 m2

Impeller eye diameter - ,/5mET


R x 0.182 x 1470
iii) PeripW velooity at inlet (U) = 60
U 14.00 m/s
(Herein we wsume dl = do to start with)
As water enters k l y we can assme v=V = 4.39 d 8

( whm, 1.21 is the assumed inlet coeff~ientof combwtion )

iv) Velocity at outlet V'I = 0.12 x 42 x 9.81 x 40

= 3.36 mls

Take Made angle at outlet as 3 0 O

(where, 1.07 is the assumed outlet conabuction coefficient)

Main dimensions: Hub diametur 5.6cm

Inlet eye diameter = 18.2 cm
Inlet width, bl 5.0-
Outletwidth, 62 = 3.5cm Centrifugal Pumps

I Check forthe number of blades, (2)by the formula as shown below :

= 10.6
Assumed number of blades (7) is not adequate. Adopt, therefore, 10 blades.

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