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(Formerly Don Salustiano Aquino Memorial National High School)

4th Preliminary Exam
1. It is made up of one or more slices of bread with nutritious filling between them.
a. sandwich b. cake c. cookies d. loaf
2. Why is it important to consider the required temperature in preparing and storing sandwich?
a. To maintain its color
b. To make it more nutritious
c. To enhance its flavor and taste
d. To stop or to slow down the growth of food-poisoning bacteria
3. Which of the following shows creative sandwich presentation?
a. Ingredients used for sandwiches should be refrigerated
b. A portion scale should be used to control the amount of fillings used in each sandwich.
c. Sandwiches on display should be refrigerated.
d. Play with the rich color of ingredients in preparing fill.
4. Which of the following bread is considered as specialty bread?
a. Rye bread b. fita c. wheat bread d. loaf
5. It has a shaped mass of baked bread that is usually sliced before eating.
a. Rye bread b. fita c. wheat bread d. loaf
6. It is a bread made with leavening agent, that expand during baking and requires no leavening period beforehand.
a. Rye bread b. fita c. wheat bread d. loaf
7. It can be define as those having two slices of bread or two halves of the roll which have spread applied and are
filled with a cold filling.
a. closed cold sandwich b. cold open sandwich c. closed hot sandwich d. finger sandwich
8. this is not really a sandwich but a small pieces of toast or biscuit of fuff pastry sheets buttered and topped with
meat, fish , poultry and vegetables.
a. closed cold sandwich b. cold open sandwich c. closed hot sandwich d. canapés
9. These are not really sandwich but a snack or meal but since bread is used they are classified as sandwich.
a. closed cold sandwich b. cold open sandwich c. closed hot sandwich d. finger sandwich
10. It is kind of sandwich with single slices of bread with attractively arranged fillings on top with the garnishes.
These are larger version of canapé.
a. closed cold sandwich b. cold open sandwich c. closed hot sandwich d. finger sandwich
11. Preparing different shapes of sandwiches using cookie cutter is an example of ?
a. Storing sandwich
b. Safe and hygienic practices in preparing sandwiches
c. Creative presentation of sandwiches
d. Portion control of sandwiches
12. It is the most important components of sandwich which serves as structure that holds the ingredients.
a. Fillings b. spread c.bread. d. dressing
13. It acts as a sealant for the bread forming a moisture barrier between it and the filling.
a. Fillings b. spread c.bread. d. dressing
14. It provides the body of the sandwich and most of the flavor.
a. Fillings b. spread c.bread. d. dressing
15. To what category do lettuce, onions, tomatoes, bell peppers falls as fillings for sandwiches?
a. Cold cuts b. fish c. cheese d. vegetables
16. To which of the following spreads for sandwiches that are made of fat, milk and water belong?
a. Fruit preserve b. mayonnaise c. butter d. margarine
17. Why it is important to portion control the sandwiches and its ingredients?
a. To ensure the equal distribution of flavor
b. To balance the color
c. To balance its form and shape
d. To ensure equal portion of sandwiches prepared
18. Which of the following is not advisable to do in making sandwich?
a. Discard sandwiches not sold for 24 hours.
b. Sandwiches display should be refrigerated.
c. Store canned ingredients inside the refrigerator after opening.
d. Maintain the temperature of prepared sandwiches.
19. What should be done with the sandwiches that are not properly labeled when sold?
a. Consume them immediately
b. Throw away the leftover sandwich
c. Do not buy sandwiches that are not properly labeled.
20. What should be done with leftover ingredients removed from their original packaging?
a. They should be discarded immediately.
b. They should be packed in sealed container.
c. They should be packed again in the same packaging materials.
d. They should be properly labeled with the name of product, and their expiration date.
II.A.Identify the desirable and undesirable practices in hygienic handling of foods. Write D for desirable practices and
U for the undesirable ones. Write your answer on the space provided.

____ 1. Have a designated place for each kind of tool.

____ 2. Label storage cabinet for ease of locating.
____ 3. Put frequently used items far from the point of use.
____ 4. Store knives with sharp edges in an upward direction.
____ 5. Make sure that the areas used for storing equipment are clean and dry.
____ 6. At all times metal equipment should not be stacked on one another.
____ 7. Cutting boards should be stored horizontally to avoid moisture collection.
____ 8. Dry then wash properly before storing.
____ 9. Do not overcrowd the storage area.
____ 10. Secure electrical cords to prevent entanglement.
____ 11. Rusting is the result of keeping the equipment wet.
____ 12. Cleaning and maintenance of tools should be done periodically.
____ 13. Switch off the electrical plug of the oven before cleaning.
____ 14. Use cool water to sterilize tools and equipment.
____ 15. Failure to perform preventive maintenance will result to malfunctioning of
tools and equipment.
____ 16. Use gloves as substitute for hand washing.
____ 17. Rinsing of hands only is enough to cleanse our hands.
____ 18. Avoid smoking while preparing food to avoid ashes from dropping into the food.
B.Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is false.
____ 1. Sandwiches on display should be refrigerated.
____ 2. Sandwiches unsold within 24 hours should be kept in the refrigerator.
____ 3. Ingredients used for sandwiches inside the refrigerator should be covered.
____ 4. Store canned ingredients inside the refrigerator after opening
____ 5. Leftover ingredients removed from their original packaging should be properly labeled with the name of
product, and their expiration date.
____ 6. It is advisable to put tags or labels directly on the sandwiches.
____ 7. Wrap sandwiches in food safe packing before display to avoid contamination.
____ 8. Wash all salads products thoroughly under running water.
____ 9. Follow the storage instructions on the packaging
____ 10. Store cooked and uncooked foods separately
____ 11. When using mayonnaise, do not use home- mad mayonnaise incorporating uncooked egg.
____ 12. Accept product that are out of date
C.identify the following sandwiches. Write HS if the sandwich belongs to Hot sandwiches and CS if it belongs to
Cold sandwiches:

1. Hamburger
2. Canapés
3. Hotdog
4. Tea sandwich
5. Club house sandwich
6. Combination sandwich
7. Simple sandwich
8. Lunch box sandwich
9. Steak sandwich
10. Grilled sandwich

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