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LESSON 4: Coping With Challenges


The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature and other text types serve as means of enhancing the self; also how to use processing, assessing,
summarizing information, word derivation and formation strategies, appropriate word order, punctuation marks and interjections to enable him/her to participate actively in a
speech choir.

The learner actively participates in a speech choir through using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial
Expressions, Body Movements/ Gestures and Audience Contact.
EN9RC-Ig-17: Make a connection between the present text and previously read texts
EN9VC-If-19: Assess the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed
EN9VC-Ii-1.5/2.5: Draw generalizations and conclusions from the material viewed
EN9V-Ig-12.3: Note types of context clue (restatement, definition, synonyms, antonyms) used for a given word or expression.
EN9LT-Ig-2.2.3: Determine tone, mood, technique, and purpose of the author
EN9F-Ih-3.14: Use the appropriate and effective speech conventions expected of speech choir presentations.
 make connection between the present text and the previously read text
 assess the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the material viewed
 draw generalizations and conclusions from the material listened to
 use synonyms of words to clarify meanings
 explain how the tone of the poem helps clarify its meaning
 use contractions proficiently
 make use of lyric poem’s feature in an advertising campaign
 use effective ways of coping with challenges to enhance one’s self
 show appreciation for the significant human experiences highlighted and shared during the discussion
Activity 1. Twisters. Make a list of at least 10 challenges experienced by students like you. Rank them in their order of difficulty. Rank 1 the most challenging and 10 as the
least challenging. Ask them as to decide what the most effective method of coping with challenges is. Rank them in their order of effectiveness. Rank 1 the most effective and
10 as the least effective. Share your findings with the class.
Activity 2. Constant Recall. Work in groups of five, and think back the salient points, aspects, elements of poetry to be given attention to in unfolding its meaning. Clarify the
WHAT, WHY and HOW of these aspects. Point out which of these elements (subject, theme, poetic devices, sounds, tone, significant experience), you have yet: to touch on, to
explore, to understand, to master. Emphasize which ones you need to give more attention to and report your findings in class.
Activity 3. Make A SYNONYM Match Challenge. Fill each blank with a single letter to form these pairs of words into SYNONYMS. Use these pairs in your own sentences.
1. _ COLD _ HIDE
3. _ ALLY _ CORE
5. _ ROUND _ OIL
Activity 4. Meaningful Life. Reflect on these questions: To what can you compare life? Do words have the power to help a person get through hard/difficult times?
Activity 5. Small Group Differentiated Work. Work in 10 small groups. With your group mates, read the poem aloud, and perform your assigned task.
Group 1 Words, words, words: As you read the poem, list the words that you found difficult. Use a dictionary to find the synonyms and antonyms of each word. Share your
findings with the class.
Group 2 Meaningful significant experience: Answer the following guide questions based on the poem that you have read and then copy the illustration of the stairs as shown,
and fill it up with entries called for: 1. Who is the speaker / persona in the poem? 2. To what does the speaker compare her life? 3. What is the speaker doing? 4. What kind of
stairway is it? 5. What kind of stairway is the mother’s life not like? 6. What does the mother tell her son?
Group 3 Salient Points. Fill up the table with the lines being asked from the poem: Hardships; Responses to hardships; Mother’s advice to keep.
Group 4 Message for you. Answer the following questions and share your findings to the class. What poetic devices are used in the poem? Which one helps clarify the message
more? Which part do you like best? Why? What do you think might have motivated the mother to advice to her son? Is the message of the poem worthwhile? Prove your point.
How important is the poem’s message in your life? What have you learned from it?
Group 5 - Q&A (Qualities and Attitudes displayed) What approach to life do you think the persona intended to show in the poem? Make a list of them. Plot them in the chart.
Group 6 More Challenges. Talk about how the speaker / persona feels about the challenges in life. Explain her reaction to such challenges. Point out the lines or phrases that
shed light on these.
Group 7 A Key to… Choose from the list the tone used by the speaker / persona. Note the words that reflect the poet’s or speaker’s attitude toward the subject. Select a single
word (adjective) to identify the speaker’s tone.
Group 8 Extended Metaphor. Notice how the speaker or the “persona” makes many comparisons from the first to the end line of the poem. Make a list of these comparisons.
Describe what the image of the crystal stairway suggests.
Group 9 Drawing Conclusions. Discuss that which illustrates the persona’s state of mind at the end of the poem. Make a list of the choices offered to her. Consider the choice
she made. What can you conclude as to the kind of choice she made? Find evidence to support your conclusion.
Group 10 Types of Poetry Think back and recall the three (3) types of poetry. How do they differ? Which of them tells a story? Expresses vivid thoughts and feelings? Uses
dramatic technique like speaker, conflict and story? “Mother to Son” can be categorized under what type? Recall the other poems you’ve explored in class, and decide to what
type each belongs.
Activity 6. On Using CONTRACTIONS. Find a partner and mull on how the following quotation relates to the message of “MOTHER to SON” by Langston Hughes and
look for sample of poetic contractions (contractions used in a poem to suggest a different culture, language use, etc.) State the effect of these contractions to the tone and
message of the poem.
Activity 7.To use or not to use… In five minutes, correct each error in the use of contraction and possessive pronoun.
1. Who’se it ’s author?
2. Have you accepted they’re opinion about coping challenges.
3. Their here to demonstrate they’re understanding.
4. Its too late for you to go they’re.
5. They’re here to stay and its about time too.
Activity 8. Contractions Game. Form three groups and play this game. Write each of these verbs in the index cards or slips of papers. (will, could, is, have, do, does, did, can,
are, was etc.), and place the cards or slips of papers in a pile. Take turns in turning each verb into a contraction with the word NOT. Each player tells and spells the contraction
aloud, then uses it in a sentence. Players get 5 pts. for each correct and complete answer. Consider the group with the most number of points as the winner.
Activity 9. An Advice. Discuss how to work with a student who has been disappointed to the point of disillusionment because of a problem. What advice would you offer adults
who work with young people like this disillusioned adolescent. Prepare a brief oral report about it. Share your ideas with others. Give comments and suggestions.
Activity 10. Musically Yours. Scout for songs that express any or some of the following experiences: poverty, prejudice, loss of loved ones, failures, setbacks, hope,
perseverance, sound decisions, charity, courage, faith, determination. Play the tape or sing the song. Talk about its connection to the poem.
Activity 11. MAGIC 8. Work in groups of five and find out how familiar you are with the MAGIC 8 ways. Point out which of them you have experienced already as you faced
the challenges of everyday life and as the basis for self-improvement.
Activity 12. THE BEST INFO- AD. Imagine that you are a famous or influential person who is committed to promote how to cope with challenges through using all forms of
media and that you are the government official who will help in the promotion and information drive to educate and help teenagers like you in coping with challenges. Follow
these steps that your teacher will elaborate in preparing the Info-Ad: A. Setting Up, B. Gathering Information, C. Radio Script, D. Music / Jingle, E. Presentation

G-Promote how to cope with challenges through using all forms of media as well as to promote an information drive that will educate and help teenagers like you in coping with
R- Famous/Influential person/ government official
A-Teacher, students, netizens
S- Imagine that you are a famous or influential person who is committed to promote how to cope with challenges through using all forms of media and that you are the
government official who will help in the promotion and information drive to educate and help teenagers like you in coping with challenges.
P- The Best Info-Ad
S- Appeal, creativity, content, organization and development, production quality, editing, teamwork/collaboration
Rubrics for the Best Info-Ad

Prepared by: Checked by:


English 9 Teacher Junior High School Principal

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