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NCC 2022 Residential Energy Efficiency

Frequently asked questions
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is currently investigating possible changes to the residential energy efficiency
provisions in the 2022 version of the National Construction Code (NCC 2022). This document provides answers to frequently
asked questions about this work.

General 2. What changes to the residential energy efficiency

provisions are being considered in NCC 2022?
1. Why are changes to the residential energy efficiency
provisions being considered? The ABCB is exploring two possible options. The first
In mid-2018, the Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) involves raising the minimum level of thermal comfort of
requested that the ABCB undertake an initial review of residential buildings to the equivalent of 7 stars under the
the residential energy efficiency provisions in the NCC. Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) and
Subsequently, in early 2019, the Council of Australian implementing an overall energy use budget equivalent
Governments (COAG) Energy Council formally requested to net zero for the regulated elements of the home
that the BMF direct the ABCB to update the provisions (i.e. space conditioning, heated water systems, lighting and
in accordance with the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings pool and spa pumps). The second option also involves
(the Trajectory). raising the minimum level of thermal comfort to the
equivalent of 7 stars NatHERS. However, unlike the
The Trajectory was developed by COAG Energy Council as
first option, the second option will allow the regulated
a strategy for improving energy productivity and reducing
elements of the home to use a moderate amount of energy.
greenhouse gas emissions. Among other things,
it recommends ongoing changes to the energy efficiency Importantly, the two options will apply on a whole-of-
provisions in the NCC. home basis, which will allow some trading between
the energy efficiency of the different elements. This will
In consideration of COAG Energy Council’s request, in mid-2019,
provide practitioners with greater flexibility in how they
the BMF agreed to the development of enhanced energy
achieve compliance.
efficiency provisions for residential buildings, informed by
the Trajectory. The BMF directed the ABCB to focus The two options will be tested through the Regulation
on residential buildings given substantial changes Impact Statement (RIS) process, to determine which
to the provisions for commercial buildings had only is the most appropriate for adoption in NCC 2022.
recently been carried out in NCC 2019. Transitional arrangements may also be considered.
Further details on the changes being considered
for NCC 2022 can be found in the Energy efficiency:
NCC 2022 and beyond scoping study and outcomes report.
These documents are available on the ABCB website.

© Commonwealth of Australia and the States and Territories of Australia 2020, published by the Australian Building Codes Board.
The material in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution—4.0 International licence, with the exception
of third party materials and any trade marks. It is provided for general information only and without warranties of any kind.
More information on this CC BY licence is set out at the Creative Commons Website. For information regarding this publication,
3. The new Performance Requirements proposed in the The ABCB has also established a project-specific technical
Scoping Study are too complex. What is the reason for this? working group, which acts as a sub-committee of the BCC.
The new Performance Requirements reflect the fact that the The technical working group will be consulted on a regular
physics of building energy efficiency is relatively complex. basis (roughly monthly) throughout the development of the
Nevertheless, the ABCB intends to make the Performance new provisions.
Requirements as simple as possible. Documents may also be released for public consultation,
It should also be noted that only Performance Solutions such as occurred for the scoping study when the project
based on first-principles will need to directly demonstrate commenced in August 2019. The full suite of proposed
compliance with the new Performance Requirements. changes to NCC 2022, together with a Consultation RIS,
In the majority of instances, it is expected that practitioners will also be released for public consultation in early 2021.
will simply use the compliance pathways prescribed in A list of organisations represented on the BCC, PCC and
the NCC (i.e. the Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) Provisions technical working group are listed on the ABCB website.
and Verification Methods).
7. How will the new provisions apply to alterations
4. Energy efficiency is becoming too complex. How will and additions?
designers and builders be able to comply with the Each state and territory government is responsible for
new provisions? the administration of the NCC within their jurisdiction.
The ABCB intends to make the prescribed compliance Consequently, each state and territory’s building regulations
pathways (i.e. DTS Provisions and Verification Methods) stipulate the instances in which the NCC applies, including if
as straightforward as possible in NCC 2022. The ABCB and how the NCC applies to alterations and additions.
also intends to develop calculators and guides to assist Practitioners should seek advice on this matter from
practitioners in achieving compliance. their relevant state or territory building control authority.
5. Industry may not be ready for these changes. 8. What will the new provisions cost?
Will there be transitional arrangements? The cost of the new provisions will be estimated as part
The objective of this project is to develop new residential the economic analysis (or RIS) that the ABCB is required
energy efficiency provisions which may be implemented to undertake. This analysis will inform the ABCB’s
in NCC 2022. As part of this process, the ABCB will decision on whether the new provisions should be adopted
undertake a RIS to determine the impact of the new in NCC 2022 and whether transitional arrangements
provisions on the Australian economy. In consideration of may be required.
this analysis, the ABCB Board will determine the timing Importantly, the new provisions will include a number of
for implementing the new provisions, including any different compliance pathways. This will allow practitioners
possible transitional arrangements. to select the most cost-effective solution for a particular
6. How can I get involved in the development building project.
of the new provisions?
Consultation on the development of the new provisions will Building Fabric
occur in a number of ways. Practitioners can get involved 9. Will software accredited under NatHERS be able
in these processes either through their membership of to be used to comply with the new provisions?
relevant industry associations or as individuals. The current NatHERS-based compliance pathways
The ABCB’s national technical committees, the Building Codes for thermal comfort (i.e. clauses J0.2 of Volume One
Committee (BCC) and Plumbing Code Committee (PCC), and of Volume Two) are likely to be retained,
will be consulted at key points during the development of the although possibly at a higher stringency.
new provisions. The BCC and PCC comprise representatives The NatHERS Administrator is also proposing to expand
of each state and territory building administration, its software accreditation framework to include whole-of-
the Commonwealth and key national industry associations. home software tools that assess both the building fabric
When necessary, complex technical matters will be brought and services. As per all compliance options referenced in
to the BCC and PCC for advice. The BCC and PCC will also the NCC, the expanded NatHERS accreditation framework
be consulted prior to finalising the provisions for public will need to demonstrate its suitability for regulatory
consultation and publication. reference prior to it being referenced in the NCC.
The NatHERS Administrator is expecting to have a beta
version of at least one whole-of-home software tool
available for stakeholder testing in the second half of 2020.
10. It may not be possible to design 7-star NatHERS Appliances and Lighting
homes on small, narrow building lots. How can
15. There are already Minimum Energy Performance
compliance be achieved in this instance?
Standards (MEPS) for air-conditioning and lighting.
The ABCB will examine the extent to which the configuration
Why are additional energy efficiency provisions for
of allotments and other factors inhibit the building
air-conditioning and lighting being considered in NCC 2022?
fabric from achieving a high level of thermal comfort.
MEPS establishes the absolute minimum level of energy
With the new provisions applying on a whole-of-home basis,
efficiency of equipment and appliances manufactured
this may provide opportunity to address this issue
and sold in Australia. On the other hand, it is intended
if necessary. Alternate compliance pathways to NatHERS,
that the new NCC provisions will allow the installation
such as the DTS Provisions and Verification Methods,
of equipment and appliances with a range of efficiencies,
are also likely to be available to demonstrate compliance
provided the required overall level of efficiency of a home
with the thermal comfort Performance Requirement.
is achieved. This enables trading between the efficiency
11. Will it be possible to trade between the performance of equipment and appliances. For example, a less efficient
of the building fabric and services, i.e. offset poorer air-conditioning system may be chosen on the basis that
performing fabric with higher performing services? a more efficient heated water system is used.
The ABCB will examine if there is a need to allow some
16. Current lighting technology is very energy efficient.
trading between the building fabric and services as a
Is there any point in regulating lighting in the new provisions?
consequence of increasing the stringency of the thermal
It is acknowledged that current lighting technology is
comfort provisions. If any such trading is allowed, it may need
considerably more energy efficient than it was a few years ago.
to be limited due to the importance of the building fabric to
In developing the new provisions, economic analysis will
the thermal comfort of the home and in mitigating heat and
be undertaken to determine the extent to which it is feasible
cold stress. The building fabric also has a relatively long
to regulate lighting designs in homes.
lifespan and can be difficult to improve once constructed.
17. What affect will the new provisions have on the use
12. Will the new provisions require consideration
of gas appliances?
of thermal bridging?
It is intended that the new residential energy efficiency
The ABCB intends to include thermal bridging in the
provisions will be technology neutral. This is to allow space
new provisions, in the same way that it was included in the
and water heating appliances to be either gas or electric
new energy efficiency provisions for commercial buildings
provided the required overall level of efficiency of the home
in NCC 2019. This will result in the thermal bridging
is achieved.
requirements in AS/NZS 4859.2:2018 being applied to
To achieve technology neutrality, the ABCB is investigating
each of the compliance pathways. This will affect forms of
whether the Performance Requirement for the overall
construction with a high level of heat transfer (or thermal
efficiency of homes can be based on the societal ‘cost’
conductivity) and may require the installation of thermal
(or value) of energy. The societal cost of energy would take
breaks or additional insulation.
into account the cost to society of the demand on electricity
13. Building sealing is vital to energy efficiency. and gas networks and the greenhouse gas emissions
Will blower door testing be made mandatory of the energy source.
to ensure buildings are sealed correctly? The ABCB will also investigate whether the compliance
The ABCB will consider whether the new provisions need to pathways specified in the NCC (i.e. DTS Provisions and
include a more stringent level of building sealing to achieve Verification Methods) can also be developed on the basis
the required level of thermal comfort. Depending on this of this principle.
level of sealing, the appropriate means of demonstrating
compliance will also be examined.
Other documents relevant to NCC 2022 residential
14. Increasing energy efficiency may increase condensation. energy efficiency:
What is the ABCB going to do about this? The following documents are available from
The ABCB has a separate project examining condensation. the ABCB website to provide further background:
The condensation project involves the investigation of • NCC 2022 energy efficiency project: Rational and scope
whether there is a need for more detailed condensation • NCC 2022 energy efficiency project: Development process
mitigation provisions to those already introduced into
• Energy Efficiency NCC 2022 and beyond:
NCC 2019. This will include consideration of whether
Outcomes Report
the new energy efficiency provisions increase the risk
of condensation in homes.

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