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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 3

Name: Jude McGrotty

Group: __________________
Date: ________

AC 3.1 Examine how attitudes are formed (please provide three examples).

Example 1 attitude:

Believing that black people deserve less than white people and that they should have less rights.

How the above may be formed?

This attitude may be formed from a young age, by living in a household where the parental figures believe
this statement. This belief is usually passed down from generation to generation, but more and more
people caught in that cycle are beginning to grow out of it. Studies show that people who develop this
belief in adulthood are usually people who lack companionship and join this group so they can have
people who care about them.

Example 2 attitude:

Believing that all Muslim people are terrorists

How the above may be formed?

This attitude is usually developed at a young age too, being learned off parental figures, but this
stereotype has risen in popularity in recent times, beginning after the September 11 attacks in 2001,
which was a terrorist attack coordinated by Muslim extremists which took the lives of nearly 3,000
people. Many more Muslim attacks have happened since only pushing the stereotype further causing a
lot of discrimination against Muslim people.

Example 3 attitude:

Believing someone is less capable of normal tasks due to being female

How the above may be formed?

This attitude is also formed due to children being brought up to believe this, but this attitude stems from
ancient times when in most civilisation woman were treat unfairly compared to men as men ruled over
and were seen as much more important. Some countries in the world still practise this and people who
move from those countries to a country with equal rights, they may display this attitude regardless of
whether it is acceptable there or not.
AC 3.2 Describe THREE ways in which attitudes may be CHALLENGED.

Challenge attitude 1:

Attitudes may be challenged by setting up an appropriate education system for children to learn from a
young age that these views are wrong and that they should challenge these views themselves. This
system should start as soon as children enter school and should be covered regularly until school is
finished. Many schools have adapted systems like this into their education system and more children are
coming out of school with prejudice free beliefs.

Challenge attitude 2:

If people are subject to discrimination influenced by an attitude or witness this happening, they should
report it to the proper authorities to ensure that someone acting on an attitude3 will face correct
punishment. It will also discourage others from an attitude by making them reconsider when a criminal
charge is involved

Challenge attitude 3:

Raising awareness is also a way of challenging attitudes. If there are high funded awareness groups and
possible events to take place it would help people understand the topic a lot more and it could help them
stop believing in an attitude or make more people want to challenge an attitude
AC 4.1 Describe THREE ways in which prejudice may manifest itself (provide THREE examples).

Manifestation of prejudice:
Type of prejudice 1?

Believing all Muslims are terrorists


This theory has risen In recent times due to events like the September 11 th attacks and the Paris attacks
making people believe all Muslims are a cultural threat, making them subject to many unlawful acts
towards them and their property.

Manifestation of prejudice:
Type of prejudice 2?

That disabled people are less capable than people who arent disabled


Discrimination against disabled people is overall lowering and has been for awhile, but it still exists in the
world and is usually driven by over-simplistic categorisation and patronising stereotypes. Studies show
that there is usually less discrimination against someone who is physically disabled rather than
Manifestation of prejudice:
Type of prejudice 3?

That black people are always involved in crime and are dangerous


This stereotype is becoming better over time with less Police misconduct against black and less people
believing that black people are dangerous. The stereotype still exists though as many black people are
treated unfairly due to their race with many police officers treating black people as if they are committing
a crime even if they haven’t done anything
AC 4.2 Describe positive and negative consequences of THREE types of prejudice and

Prejudice/discrimination 1:

Positive consequences:

Negative consequences:
Prejudice/discrimination 2:

Positive consequences:

Negative consequences:
Prejudice/discrimination 3:

Positive consequences:

Negative consequences:
AC 4.3 Describe how discrimination can lead to disadvantage.

Discrimination may lead to disadvantage by:

Discrimination is treating someone in a different way due to their background, usually in a negative way.
It causes a disadvantage as it leads to people being treated unfairly.

Prejudice may lead someone to believe that being gay is wrong and a sin, making them act on this belief
by looking down on gay people and showing them less respect because of it. Some people could take it
quite personally as they may see it as disrespect to their religion and begin to discriminate.

This discrimination could involve insulting and harassing them or could lead to something worse like
assault or arson. A person could identify a gay person in the street and call them out and begin to insult
them for their sexuality. In more extreme cases a group of people could attack a gay person or set a gay
persons property on fire.

This kind of behaviour can make gay people extremely scared to be open about their sexuality as they
feel they could be subject to this kind of torment. They then would have to metaphorically wear a mask
and hide their proper self from the world which could make them really uncomfortable and hurt their
identity causing them to possible experience some kind of mental illness.

Also if this behaviour is inflicted on a gay person it could leave them with wear fear and trauma for the
rest of their life, as they would be scared to go out incase they got attacked again and they would
experience PTSD from the ordeal
Learner Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _________________

Assessor signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________

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