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The corona virus pandemic has claimed thousands of lives, shaken governments and pummeled

markets. It has, however, failed to crush the indomitable spirit of a few brave people who have
been working in human hours, in conditions of extreme risk, to keep the rest of us safe. The few
brave who have been at the frontlines to cure corona virus patients include doctors, nurses and
other staff at hospitals. India's battle against Covid-19 is proving to be a harrowing time for the
police, who must negotiate anxious families, unruly crowds and an invisible virus. The police are
doing what they can to promote awareness. The work of police force has multiplied and
diversified. Crowd management is definitely a difficult task for them especially in huge
containment zones. As they hold up a critical piece of India’s battle against corona virus, it’s
taking a toll on the country’s overworked doctors and cops. Others receive less adoration but are
no less heroic. These include sanitation workers and train cleaners. So, despite being at the
frontlines, they are still at the bottom of our priorities. My deepest gratitude to all for your
selfless service in these critical times. We as citizens of this great nation, are proud of you. Jai

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