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Acceptance Criteria of FEATURE-1028 :

Acceptance criteria: #1
Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And Edit Interaction codification created setting
And Duplicate Interaction codification with new settings
And Search the Interaction codification based on Name & Channel filter
Then I should see results based on filter applied with channel icon.

Test criteria:
1.1 As an admin/superadmin/supervisor, I should Search Interaction codification using channel filter
after creating Interaction codification for push digital Interactions.

Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And Search the Interaction codification based on Name & Channel filter
Then I should see results based on filter applied with channel icon.

1.2 As an admin/superadmin/supervisor, I should Search Interaction codification using channel filter

after editing Interaction codification for push digital Interactions.

Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And Edit Interaction codification for push digital Interactions created above.
And Search the Interaction codification based on Name & Channel filter
Then I should see results based on filter applied

1.3 As an admin/superadmin/supervisor, I should Search Interaction codification using channel filter

after duplicating Interaction codification for push digital Interactions.

Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And Duplicate Interaction codification for push digital Interactions created above.
And Search the Interaction codification based on Name & Channel filter
Then I should see results based on filter applied
Acceptance criteria: #2
Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And I should go to gate setting for that push digital skill
Then I should be able to add Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And I should be able to activate or deactivate

Test criteria:
2.1 As an admin/superadmin/supervisor, I should be able to add and activate created Interaction
codification for push digital interactions in respective gate setting.

Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And I should go to gate setting for that push digital skill
And I should go to options of that gate
Then I should be able to see codifications only related to selected channel in gate general setting
And I should be able to add Interaction codification
And I should be able to check the activate call coding.

2.2 As an admin/superadmin/supervisor, I should be able to add and deactivate created Interaction

codification for push digital interactions in respective gate setting.

Given I am admin/superadmin/supervisor
When I login to routing and go to Interaction codification
And Create Interaction codification for push digital Interactions
And I should go to gate setting for that push digital skill
And I should go to options of that gate
Then I should be able to see codifications only related to selected channel in gate general setting
And I should be able to add Interaction codification
And I should be able to uncheck the activate call coding.

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