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3, 437–447, June 2011

Japanese Geotechnical Society


H. RAHARDJOi), V. A. SANTOSOii), E. C. LEONGiii), Y. S. NGiv) and C. J. HUAv)

In tropical and subtropical regions, shallow landslides often occur in residual soil slopes. Short-duration, high-in-
tensity rainfall will increase the pore-water pressure. As a result, the shear strength of the soil in the slopes decreases
and the stability of the slopes is aŠected. In this study, horizontal drains were installed in a residual soil slope in Singa-
pore in order to improve the stability of the slope. The slope was instrumented with tensiometers and piezometers to in-
vestigate the eŠectiveness of the horizontal drains as a slope stabilization method against rainfall-induced slope
failures. The variations in water table elevation and matric suction in the slope due to rainfall events were monitored.
In addition, numerical analyses of the seepage into the slope brought about by the rainfall were carried out, and the
results showed a reasonably good agreement with the data obtained from ˆeld measurements. The ˆeld measurement
results indicated that horizontal drains were indeed eŠective for lowering the water table and for increasing the stability
of the investigated slope. Therefore, horizontal drains are considered to be a useful and economical method for im-
proving the stability of residual soil slopes against rainfall.

Key words: horizontal drain, pore-water pressure, rainfall-induced slope failure, residual soil (IGC: E7/H9/K1)

replaced. Horizontal drains have been used extensively

INTRODUCTION for the stabilization of slopes in most countries around
Rainfall-induced slope failures are common problems the world, including Australia (Snowy Mountains Hydro-
in tropical and subtropical regions where the residual soil Electric Authority, 1983), Austria (Veder and Lackner,
has a deep groundwater table. Short-duration, high-in- 1984, 1985), Brazil (Costa Nunes, 1985), France (Pilot
tensity rainfall will increase the pore-water pressure and and Schluck, 1969; Cartier and Virollet, 1980; Amar et
result in a decrease in the shear strength of the soil, even- al., 1973), Great Britain (Hutchinson, 1977; Robinson,
tually aŠecting the slope stability. Slope failures due to 1967), the United States (Smith and StaŠord, 1957;
frequent and heavy rainfalls are commonly due to shal- Royster, 1977, 1980; Smith, 1980), and Hong Kong
low slides, as have been observed, for example, in Hong (Craig and Gray, 1985; McNicholl et al., 1986).
Kong (Brand, 1992), Malaysia (Liew et al., 2004), and The eŠectiveness of a horizontal drainage system is
Singapore (Pitts, 1985; Tan et al., 1987; Toll et al., 1999; governed by several factors, such as drain type, location,
Chatterjea, 1989; Lim et al., 1996; Rahardjo et al., 2001). number, length, and spacing (Kenney et al., 1977; Non-
Singapore is located in a tropical region where heavy rain- veiller, 1981; Lau and Kenney, 1984; Nakamura, 1988;
falls and high temperatures are conducive to rapid in situ Martin et al., 1994; Prellwitz, 1978), and the importance
chemical and mechanical weathering, which results in of the soil properties and the slope geometry as the con-
deep residual soil proˆles. Due to these climatic condi- trolling parameters cannot be disregarded. The two-
tions and geological features, slope instabilities are com- dimensional ˆnite element modeling of horizontal drains
mon in this region. To protect slopes against the possibili- has been conducted by Choi (1974, 1977), Nonveiller
ty of rainfall-induced failures, preventive measures are (1981), and Rahardjo et al. (2003), while the three-dimen-
necessary to ensure the safety of nearby buildings and/or sional ˆnite element modeling of such drains has been
public facilities. carried out by Choi (1977, 1983) and Nonveiller (1981).
The application of horizontal drains for the lowering The eŠects of rainfall on residual soil slopes have been
of groundwater levels is recognized as the most economi- studied by Chipp et al. (1982), Sweeney (1982), Pitts
cal method available. In practice, however, these drains (1985), Krahn et al. (1989), Fredlund and Rahardjo
must still be regularly maintained and frequently (1993), Lim et al. (1996), Rahardjo et al. (1998), Ng et al.

Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (
Project O‹cer, ditto.
Associate Professor, ditto.
Deputy Director and Professional Engineer, Building and Infrastructure Department, Housing and Development Board, Singapore.
Engineer, ditto.
The manuscript for this paper was received for review on March 18, 2010; approved on February 7, 2011.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before January 1, 2012 to the Japanese Geotechnical Society, 4-38-2, Sengoku,
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-0011, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.


(2003), Li et al. (2005), and Ng et al. (2008) through pore-

water pressure measurements using tensiometers and
The application of unsaturated soil mechanics for solv-
ing seepage and slope stability problems involving resid-
ual soil slopes with horizontal drains has not been fully
explored in previous studies. Negative pore-water pres-
sure, as a crucial part of the stability of residual soil
slopes, needs to be maintained in slopes under varying cli-
matic conditions and taken into account in the design. On
the other hand, rainwater inˆltrating the slope surface
contributes to the rise in the groundwater table and to the
increase in pore-water pressure. Therefore, it is im-
portant to install horizontal drains near the toe of the
Fig. 1. Cross section of the instrumented slope
slope to lower the groundwater table (Rahardjo et al.,
2003), and consequently, to lower the pore-water pres-
sure. The main focus of this study is to evaluate the role
of horizontal drains in increasing the stability of residual
soil slopes during heavy rainfall events through measure-
ments of the variations in matric suction in the slope and
numerical analyses.

The geology of Singapore can be classiˆed into three
main formations: (a) the sedimentary rock of the Jurong
Formation in the west, (b) the igneous rock of the Bukit
Timah granite in the northwest and center, and (c) the
semi-hardened alluvium or Old Alluvium in the east
(PWD, 1976). Residual soil from granitic and sedimenta-
ry rock occupies about two-thirds of Singapore Island.
The slope studied in this paper consists of residual soil
from the Jurong Formation. The Jurong Formation
residual soil covers about one-third of the total land area
of Singapore. It consists of grey to black interbedded
mudstone and sandstone, or a reddish sandstone and Fig. 2. Deviator stress and changes in water volume versus axial strain
mudstone conglomerate. Sediments in the form of shale curves for the sedimentary Jurong Formation residual soil
and conglomerates have been found in these areas as well
(PWD, 1976). As a result of tectonic movements, the for-
mation has been severely folded and faulted in the past. used for the installation of inclinometers and Casagrande
piezometers after sampling and SPTs. The ˆfth borehole
Site Description was used to obtain undisturbed samples for laboratory
The sedimentary rock of the Jurong Formation resid- testing. The soil observed in the borehole investigation
ual soil slope on Havelock Road has a slope height of around mid-slope consisted of ˆrm to hard yellowish
13.24 m and a slope angle of 249(Fig. 1). There is a brown, reddish brown, and white sandy silt with some
retaining wall, 1.1 m in height, at the toe of the slope. mica ‰akes and weathered rock fragments. The soil of the
The slope surface is very grassy and there are some trees slope was classiˆed as sandy silt, based on the Uniˆed Soil
on the right- and left-hand sides of the observed slope. Classiˆcation System (USCS), with a unit weight of 17.5
The investigated area was carefully chosen so that the in- kN/m3, an eŠective cohesion of 5 kN/m2, an eŠective
strumentation would not be aŠected by the presence of friction angle of 269, and an angle indicating the rate of
trees. There is no previous history of slope failure in this increase in shear strength relative to the matric suction,
area, including during the period of monitoring. Never- the qb angle, of 159 . The shear strength parameters were
theless, signiˆcantly high groundwater levels were detect- determined from multistage consolidated drained triaxial
ed during heavy rainfall through the piezometers installed tests at a constant net conˆning pressure and diŠerent
at the site. Therefore, rectiˆcation work using horizontal matric suctions (25, 50, and 100 kPa) for the sedimentary
drains was implemented to increase the factor of safety of Jurong Formation residual soil (Fig. 2). The shear
the slope due to its proximity to a residential area. strength envelope in Fig. 3 illustrates the decrease in q?
Five boreholes were drilled at the Havelock Road site. from 269, before the air-entry value of the soil (i.e., 15
Four boreholes were drilled in the monitored area and kPa), to 159, beyond the air-entry value, as the matric

Fig. 3. Shear strength of the sedimentary Jurong Formation residual

soil with respect to matric suction

Fig. 5. Layout of the instrumented slope

of the slope, respectively. Tensiometers were installed in

the slope to provide direct measurements of the matric
suction or the negative pore-water pressure in the soil,
particularly during and immediately following rainfall
Three Casagrande piezometers were installed for the
continuous monitoring of the groundwater table eleva-
tion. The piezometers were installed within the area of the
Fig. 4. Geotechnical parameters from the boreholes located at mid- horizontal drains. The installation depths of the piezome-
slope ters at the upper, middle, and lower sections of the slopes
were 14, 10, and 10 m, respectively, with reference to the
ground surface level. The piezometer tubes were protect-
suction increased from 0 to 100 kPa. The geotechnical ed by a lockable PVC pipe, 300 mm in diameter and 500
parameters of the residual soil from the borehole located mm in height, with a cap to prevent vandalism. The
at mid-slope are given in Fig. 4. The test results indicate Casagrande piezometers were intensively monitored us-
that the water content, the speciˆc gravity, the liquid ing an electric dip meter to measure the variation in
limit, and the plastic limit of the soil were 38–40z, 2.65, groundwater levels and to check the drain response. In
61z, and 38.8z, respectively. general, measurements were conducted two to three times
per week during dry and wet periods. At the same time,
Site Instrumentation and Data Collection pore-water pressure readings were also taken from the
Manual monitoring of the measuring devices in the tensiometers to monitor their response to the heavy rain-
slope was carried out from the end of May 2008 to the fall events. However, there was no monitoring of the sur-
middle of April 2009 in order to study the response of the face runoŠ from the slope.
residual soil slope to rainfall. The layout of the in- Rainfall data was collected from a rainfall gauge in-
strumentation at the Havelock Road site is presented in stalled at the Jalan Kukoh site, around 2 km from the
Fig. 5. The measuring devices installed in the slope con- Havelock Road site. An online monitoring system was es-
sist of jet-ˆll tensiometers, piezometers, and inclinome- tablished at Jalan Kukoh to record data in real time. The
ters to provide pore-water pressure, groundwater level rain gauge was connected to a data logger so that the rain-
data, and lateral deformation, respectively. A total of fall data in real time could be retrieved from a secured
nine tensiometers and three piezometers were installed in website and used in the seepage analyses.
three rows, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The lateral deforma-
tions of the slope were found to be insigniˆcant, i.e., less Horizontal Drainage Design
than 10 mm, due to the stiŠness of the residual soil, and One row of horizontal drains, 12–18 m in length and
therefore, will not be discussed in this paper. with a 59inclination, was installed near the toe of the
The nine tensiometers were installed in groups of three, slope to lower the groundwater level. Thirty-three PVC
placed at depths of 0.47, 1.04, and 1.98 m below ground pipes, 100 mm in diameter and containing perforations in
level and located at the upper, middle, and lower sections the upper half, were wrapped in a geo-ˆlter fabric and in-

stalled in the 100-m wide stretch of slope at a lateral spac- Figures 6 to 8 present the dynamics of the changes in
ing of 3 m. The geo-ˆlter wrapping was necessary to pre- pore-water pressure in response to the heavy rainfall that
vent clogging and to ensure the long-term performance of fell over the eleven months monitored by the tensiometers
the horizontal drains. Rahardjo et al. (2003) have sug- at diŠerent depths. Near the crest and the middle of the
gested that horizontal drainage systems be placed as low slope, highly negative pore-water pressure reached up to
as possible in a slope in order to lower the groundwater -80 kPa due to evaporation near the ground surface
table. In this case, there was a low retaining wall at the during the dry period, as seen in Fig. 6. During rainfall,
toe of the slope and the horizontal drains were installed the pore-water pressure rose instantly at shallow depths.
30 cm from the top of the retaining wall. Measurements from the days when an immediate increase
in pore-water pressure occurred indicate that the tensiom-
Monitoring Results eters responded well to the heavy rainfall events. General-
A set of data from an eleven-month period was com- ly, at a depth of 0.47 m below ground level, the measured
piled from the instrumentation at this site. Data on pore-water pressure in the slope approached zero due to
groundwater level movements were available back to Au- rainfall. Figure 6 shows that at depths of 0.54 and 1.21 m
gust 2006. The horizontal drains were installed from 12 below the ground level, positive pore-water pressure up
May to 7 June 2008, starting from the right-hand side of to 10 kPa developed in the crest of the slope after rain-
the slope and moving to the left-hand side. The horizon- fall. Figure 7 shows that at depths of 0.58 and 1.23 m be-
tal drains below the instrumented area were installed on low the ground level, positive pore-water pressure up to
30–31 May 2008. Following the installation of the 20 kPa developed in the middle of the slope after rainfall.
horizontal drains, tensiometer readings were immediately Meanwhile, at depths of 0.47 and 1.04 m below the
taken on 31 May 2008 and continuously monitored ground surface, near the toe of the slope ( see Fig. 8),
together with the piezometric levels throughout the there was an indication that the tensiometer positions
eleven-month period following the installation of the were so close to the horizontal drain elevations that the
drains. pore-water pressure tended to be positive for the ˆrst
Piezometric monitoring, before and after the installa- seven months. The negative pore-water pressure of less
tion of the drains, indicated that there was a drawdown than -20 kPa at a depth of 1.98 m, near the toe of the
of the groundwater table due to the installation of the
drains (Table 1). It was observed that the horizontal
drains could lower the groundwater table in the range of 1
to 4.6, 0.2 to 6.3, and 0.1 to 1.9 m on the crest, the mid-
dle, and the toe of the slope, respectively, from the initial-
ly high groundwater table between May 2008 (prior to the
construction of the drains) and April 2009. Flow rate
measurements of the horizontal drains were immediately
performed after their installation to ensure that the
horizontal drains worked as designed. It was observed
that some of the drains were discharging water and that
the ‰ow increased due to rainfall. The ‰ow rate of the
water monitored two weeks after the drain installation
was about 1.1–1.7×10-7 m/s. A regular schedule of
maintenance by hydroblasting was recommended to pre-
vent clogging along the horizontal drains, as clogging can
aŠect the drainage performance. Hydroblasting involves
the removal of sediment by a low-pressure, high-volume Fig. 6. Average pore-water pressure readings at various depths near
water jet, since high-pressure water jets will damage pipes the crest of the Havelock Road slope (31 May 2008 to 25 April
and add water into the ground. 2009)

Table 1. Groundwater movement monitored in the slope

Depth of groundwater table from the slope surface (m)

At the crest of the slope In the middle of the slope At the toe of the slope

16 January 2007 4.63 1.23 1.36 Before the horizontal drain installation

31 May 2008 6.14 3.26 0.95 During the horizontal drain installation
After the horizontal drain installation
9 October 2008 5.68 5.09 1.77 At the end of a heavy rainfall

31 January 2009 11.26 8.25 2.34 After the horizontal drain installation
During the dry period

Fig. 9. Pore-water pressure proˆles near the crest of the Havelock

Road slope during rainfall (21 August to 11 September 2008)

Fig. 7. Average pore-water pressure readings at various depths in the

middle of the Havelock Road slope (31 May 2008 to 25 April 2009)

Fig. 10. Pore-water pressure proˆles in the middle of the Havelock

Road slope during rainfall (21 August to 11 September 2008)

Fig. 8. Average pore-water pressure readings at various depths near

the toe of the Havelock Road slope (31 May 2008 to 25 April 2009)

slope, was due to the fact that the tensiometer position

was actually higher than the groundwater table.
However, the negative pore-water pressure near the
ground surface could be as high as -40 kPa due to
evaporation during the dry period from January to
February 2009. As soon as the rain fell, the pore-water
pressure at depths of 0.47 and 1.04 m below the ground
level became positive as the drains discharged water dur-
ing the rainfall, but the pore-water pressure at the depth
of 1.98 m remained negative.
Figures 9 to 11 show the pore-water pressure proˆles
measured by the tensiometers near the crest, the middle, Fig. 11. Pore-water pressure proˆles near the toe of the Havelock
and the toe of the slope on 21 August 2008. It can be seen Road slope during rainfall (21 August to 11 September 2008)
in Figs. 9 and 10 that the pore-water pressure near the
crest and the middle of the slope can be as low as -60
kPa and -50 kPa near the ground surface, respectively, decreased with depth. The pore-water pressure near the
during the dry period, as measured on 21 August 2008, ground surface was the ˆrst to be aŠected by the heavy
and tend to be more negative at deeper depths. The maxi- rainfall, followed by the pressure at greater depths. Ex-
mum changes in pore-water pressure occurred near the tended rainfalls caused a signiˆcant change in the nega-
ground surface, and the magnitude of these changes tive pore-water pressure towards the positive pore-water

pressure as observed by the tensiometers at each depth.

Figure 11 shows the apparent saturation that occurred
at depths of 0.47 and 1.04 m due to rainwater inˆltration
near the toe of the slope, indicating the presence of water
‰ow in the horizontal drainage system, which was slightly
below the tensiometer set at a depth of 0.47 m. The ten-
siometer equipped at a depth of 1.98 m remained unsatu-
rated, since its position was above the groundwater level.

The SEEP/W ˆnite element code (Geoslope Interna-
Fig. 12. Geometric and boundary conditions of the Havelock Road
tional Pte Ltd, 2004a) was used to simulate the unsaturat-
ed groundwater ‰ow and to determine the variation in
pore-water pressure with time. Meanwhile, the slope sta-
bility analysis was conducted using SLOPE/W (Geoslope
International Pte Ltd, 2004b).

Slope Modelling
A homogeneous slope, rising at 249to a height of 13.24
m, was used as the model for the numerical analyses. The
analyses were performed as two-dimensional plane strain
problems with 4-noded quadrilateral elements. The slope
conˆguration, horizontal drain location, ˆnite element
mesh conˆguration, and boundary conditions are shown
in Fig. 12.
The boundary of the slope model was set at three times
the height of the slope. The data from each step were
saved over the transient seepage analyses. In order to a- Fig. 13. Rainfall data and normalized ‰ow rate of the horizontal
void excessive accumulation of rainwater on the slope drains (starting on 21 August 2008)
surface, the non-ponding condition was selected. On the
ground surface, surface runoŠ would occur because in-
crements in pore-water pressure were prevented and the the wet season. The resulting pore-water pressure distri-
maximum computed pore-water pressure was limited to bution was calculated using SEEP/W and then employed
zero. to compute the factor of safety of the slope at various
Nodal ‰ux Q, equal to zero, was applied along the sides time steps in SLOPE/W using Bishop's simpliˆed
of the slope above the groundwater table and along the method of slices.
bottom of the slope geometry to simulate the no-‰ow
zone. The boundary along the sides of the slope geometry Soil Properties of Investigated Slope
below the groundwater table was assigned with the corre- Figures 14 and 15 show the soil-water characteristic
sponding total head, hw, of each side. The desired rainfall curves (SWCC) and the permeability function for the
intensity and its duration were applied to the surface of sedimentary Jurong Formation residual soil at the Have-
the slope as ‰ux boundary q. Thin-layer ˆnite elements, lock Road site. The drying SWCC data for the soil on
with a high permeability of 2×10-4 m/s, were employed Havelock Road was best-ˆtted by the Fredlund and Xing
to model the horizontal drains. The boundary conditions equation (1994) from
along the horizontal drains were set to Q=0 and reviewed
by the maximum pressure. During the iteration process in uw = C ( c ) (1)

{« Ø » $}
n m
u a- u w
SEEP/W, the pore-water pressure along the drain would ln e+
be adjusted back to zero if any of the nodes had positive a
pressure. where uw is the volumetric water content, us is the saturat-
A seepage analysis was performed on the slope for a ed volumetric water content, C(c) is the correction fac-
heavy rainfall event on 21 August 2008 and the results tor, (ua-uw) is the matric suction (kPa), and e is the natur-
were then compared with the results from the manual al number (2.71828 . . .). Leong and Rahardjo (1997)
monitoring of pore-water pressure in the slope. The total suggested that C(c)=1. Fitting parameters a=44.2508, n
amount of rainfall on 21 August 2008 was 296.8 mm with =2.37, and m=2.1 were related to the air-entry value
a maximum rainfall intensity of 92.4 mm/hr. The rainfall (AEV) of the soil (kPa), the slope of the SWCC, and the
pattern of 21 August 2008, as shown in Fig. 13, was residual water content, respectively.
selected for the numerical analysis because this rainfall The wetting SWCC was used in the numerical analyses
resulted in a high increase in pore-water pressure during since the curve represents increasing water content due to

rainfall or adsorption process. The wetting SWCC of the drying curve. The curve-ˆtting SWCC parameters of the
soil was estimated using the simpliˆed model by Feng and soil used in the seepage analyses were bw=6.57, c=2.37,
Fredlund (1999). The model assumes that the boundary and d=2.1. The measured saturated permeability, ksat, of
wetting curve and the boundary drying curve are parallel the sandy silt of the Havelock Road slope was 2.1×10-7
when the soil suction is plotted on a logarithmic scale. As m/s. The saturated permeability was determined by the
a result, only one point on the boundary wetting curve is rising head ˆeld permeability test method (Hvorslev,
required to calibrate the model. Parameter d controls the 1951). The wetting SWCC and the saturated coe‹cient of
slope of the curve in the Feng and Fredlund (1999) equa- the permeability tests were incorporated into a statistical
tion and can be set to the same value for both boundary model to indirectly predict the permeability function.
drying and wetting curves as
Seepage Analysis Results
w(c )= (2) The pore-water pressure and the total head contours
b w+ c d were generated using Surfer (Golden Software, Inc.,
Curve-ˆtting parameter bw, for the boundary wetting 1997), based on the data measured in the ˆeld by the ten-
curve, can be calculated as follows: siometers before and at the end of a heavy rainfall. The
pore-water pressure and the total head contours obtained
b w= (3) from the ˆeld measurements before and at the end of the
w u - u1 heavy rainfall are presented in Figs. 16, 18, 20, and 22. A
where wu is the water content on the boundary drying comparison of the pore-water pressure contours obtained
curve at zero soil suction, b, c, and d are curve-ˆtting from the numerical analyses and the pore-water pressure
parameters, c1 and w1 are the soil suction and the gravi- obtained from the ˆeld before and at the end of the heavy
metric water content of the additional point on the rainfall is shown in Figs. 17 and 21. A comparison of the
boundary wetting curve, respectively, and c and d are the total head contours obtained from the numerical analyses
curve-ˆtting parameters obtained by ˆtting the boundary and the total head contours based on the measured data

Fig. 16. Pore-water pressure contours (kPa) obtained from data meas-
Fig. 14. Soil-water characteristic curves ured in the ˆeld before rainfall

Fig. 17. Comparison of pore-water pressure contours (kPa) obtained

from numerical analyses and pore-water pressure data measured in
Fig. 15 Permeability function the ˆeld before rainfall

Fig. 18. Total head contours (m) obtained from data measured in the Fig. 21. Comparison of pore-water pressure contours (kPa) obtained
ˆeld before rainfall from numerical analyses and pore-water pressure data measured in
the ˆeld at the end of rainfall

Fig. 19. Comparison of total head contours obtained from numerical

analyses and total head measured in the ˆeld before rainfall Fig. 22. Total head contours (m) obtained from data measured in the
ˆeld at the end of rainfall

Fig. 20. Pore-water pressure contours (kPa) obtained from data meas-
ured in the ˆeld at the end of rainfall Fig. 23. Comparison of total head contours (m) obtained from nu-
merical analyses and total head measured in the ˆeld at the end of
obtained from the ˆeld before and at the end of the heavy
rainfall are shown in Figs. 19 and 23.
Generally, it can be seen that the pore-water pressure bility of the slope. Moisture migration occurred within
and the total head contours obtained from the ˆeld mea- the slope where water moved upward in the slope, as
surements and the numerical analysis results before and evaporation, and also across the slope, as presented in
at the end of the heavy rainfall are in reasonably good Figs. 18 and 19. Meanwhile, decreasing matric suction
agreement. Figures 16 and 17 show that there was the near the ground surface due to rainfall is shown in Figs.
presence of signiˆcant matric suction near the ground 20 and 21. The total head distributions in Figs. 22 and 23
surface during the dry period, which could aŠect the sta- illustrate that water was ‰owing along and percolating

Fig. 24. Comparison of pore-water pressure proˆles obtained from Fig. 26. Comparison of pore-water pressure proˆles obtained from
numerical analyses and pore-water pressure data measured in the numerical analyses and pore-water pressure data measured in the
ˆeld near the crest the of slope from the beginning (t=0) until the ˆeld near the toe of the slope from the beginning (t=0) until the
end (t=21 days) of rainfall end (t=21 days) of rainfall

than the position of the horizontal drain. In the numeri-

cal analyses, the initial proˆle of the pore-water pressure
was obtained by applying a small uniform inˆltration rate
to the slope model for a long duration prior to applying
the actual rainfall. As a result of establishing the initial
conditions for the numerical analyses, the groundwater
table dropped to the drain level in the upper part of the
slope, but rose near the toe of the slope. However, it ap-
pears that in the numerical analyses the pore-water pres-
sure near the toe of the slope built up faster than the ac-
tual pore-water pressure in the ˆeld which remained nega-
tive, causing the discrepancies.
Figure 13 shows the ‰ow rate of the horizontal drains
from the numerical analysis results normalized by the
Fig. 25. Comparison of pore-water pressure proˆles obtained from spacing of the horizontal drains. It can be seen that the
numerical analyses and pore-water pressure data measured in the
ˆeld in middle of the slope from the beginning (t=0) until the end (t
‰ow rate of the horizontal drains reached the maximum
=21 days) of rainfall rate at 4.2×10-7 m/s and was in the range of 1.6–4.2×
10-7 m/s during the rainfall event.

downward into the slope during the wet period. Slope Stability Analysis Using SLOPE/W
Comparisons of the pore-water pressure proˆles ob- In the analyses, the sandy silt layers were modeled with
tained from the numerical analyses and the ˆeld measure- and without horizontal drains having a unit weight of
ments near the crest, the middle, and the toe of the slope 17.5 kN/m3 and measured shear strength parameters,
are presented in Figs. 24 to 26, respectively. It can be seen namely, an eŠective cohesion of 5 kN/m2, an eŠective
from Figs. 24 and 25 that the numerical analyses were friction angle of 269, and a qb angle of 159 . By importing
able to simulate the process in the ˆeld with a reasonably the pore-water pressure distribution resulting from
good agreement. The pore-water pressure proˆles ob- SEEP/W, the factors of safety were computed for the
tained from the numerical analyses near the crest and in slope model with and without horizontal drains in
the middle of the slope were very close to the data meas- SLOPE/W using Bishop's simpliˆed method of slices.
ured in the ˆeld. Variations in the factor of safety, with respect to time
The numerical analysis results did not quite agree with during heavy rainfall, are shown in Fig. 27.
the data measured near the toe of the slope (Fig. 26). In Before the heavy rainfall started, the factor of safety
the numerical analyses, the initial pore-water pressure for the Jurong Formation residual soil slope without
proˆle near the toe of the slope did not match the ˆeld horizontal drains was computed to be 1.27. The factor of
data that had a negative pore-water pressure of about safety decreased gradually during the rainfall until it
-15 kPa at a depth of 1.98 m from the ground surface. reached 1.25 after 21 days of heavy rainfall. The factor of
In the ˆeld, the groundwater table was initially lower safety subsequently decreased until a minimum value of
than the horizontal drain position at a distance of 0.4 L 1.19 was computed at an elapsed time of 125 days. It is in-
(L=horizontal drain length) from the toe of the slope, teresting to note that the initial factor of safety, 1.27, was
while the groundwater table beyond that point was higher considered close to the recommended minimum factor of

This work has been gratefully supported by the Hous-
ing and Development Board and Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore.

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