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Planning the inquiry

1. What is our purpose? Class/grade: Age group:

Transdisciplinary 1 Grade 1
Transdisciplinary Theme
To inquire into the following: School: The International School
School code:
How We Organize Ourselves
Title: Farm to Table
 The interconnectedness of human-made systems Teacher(s): Abad, Maria; Ahola-Weldon,
and communities Kristie; Antonis, Sophia; Barros, Carolina;
Bellamy, Cassie; Briglia, Robert; Fornell,
Tamara; Fowdy-Drouhard, Lara; Grimm,
Akiko; Jansen, Julie; Musselman, Peter; Nan,
Central Idea
Hu; Olson, Janet; Pack, Dan; Platt, David;
The food people eat goes through several steps from the Prince, Britt; Richards, Kamela; Tellez,
farm to our table. Ivonne; Widdows, Gloria; Wirsching,

Rubric for.pdf Teresa ; Woods, Robert

Proposed duration
Summative Assessment Tasks
number of hours: over number of weeks:
What are the possible ways of assessing students' understanding of the
central idea? What evidence, including student-initiated actions, will we (Week 7, 6 Weeks)
look for?

Steps from farm to table 2. What do we want to learn?

Performance Task
Key Concepts
Task: Each student will choose a product and demonstrate
the steps of how the food goes from the farm to the table. Key Concepts
What are the key concepts to be emphasized within this inquiry?
Students will create a flow chart like a comic strip or poster
or 3-D model showing the steps. The student will present  Change
the work to the class.  Connection
Assessment Tool: Rubric

Evidence: 1. Students will be able to identify where food Related Concepts

comes from. 2. Students will be able to explain the
difference between processed and non-processed foods. Distribution and process
They will spend time looking at food labels and discuss the
processing steps. 3. Students will understand that food Lines of Inquiry
often goes through many steps before we eat it. What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central
Possible Actions: Students may comment about the origin
of foods in their lunches and about whether or not they are  1. Where different foods come from, both locally
processed. Students may comment at home about and internationally.
processed food and about the countries different fruits and  2. The steps involve in getting food to our table.
vegetables come from.  3. How food can be processed and changed.

#2_1stGrade rubric.pdf
Teacher Questions
What teacher questions/provocations will drive these inquiries?

1. Where does our food comes from?

2. What are the steps our food goes through to get to our
3. What happens to the food when it gets processed?
Prompts: pizza from Pizza Monday, foods from lunch
boxes, Outdoor Garden
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011
Planning the inquiry
3. How might we know what we have learned? 4. How best might we learn?
Prior Knowledge Learning Activities
This column should be used in conjunction with "How best might we learn?" What are the learning experiences suggested by the teacher and/or
What are the possible ways of assessing students' prior knowledge and students to encourage the students to engage with the inquiries and
skills? What evidence will we look for? address the driving questions?

 Students will create a web of ideas about where  Students will visit the TIS garden and identify the
their family gets food (super market, mom and pop foods grown.
stores, coops, farmer's markets, CSAs, your
garden, hunting, fishing).  Students will take a field trip to a supermarket to
see what is available and where it comes from.
 Students will make a flow chart predicting how With this information, students can look at the food
food goes from the farm to the table. Students will pyramid to see all the foods we can buy locally to
make a chart of a processed food (like potato have a healthy diet, and what other foods we
chips) and a non-processed food (apple). Or, would have to get from somewhere else.
children will be given a piece of orange and some
orange juice. Children will predict the process and  Students will locate on a map the countries of
teacher will record answers. origin for the different foods found on the field trip.
Students will make drawings and place them on
Teachers will look for evidence of understanding of the key the map.
concepts of process and unprocessed foods. Also, the
teacher will look for evidence of understanding systems or  Students will make an international fruit salad with
steps, and international versus local. fruits from around the world to see the global
connection to the foods we eat.
Formative Assessment
What are the possible ways of assessing student learning in the context of
the lines of inquiry? What evidence will we look for?  At home, students will keep a diary of the foods
they eat. At school, students will keep a record of
Students will make a mobile of the steps to create a foods they eat. This information will be recorded
processed food and another mobile for a non-processed on a class chart with three categories: local/non-
food. Students will identify where the foods come from. local/origin(where did the food come from)
Students will compare and contrast the steps needed for Students will notice if they eat more or less
the processed versus non-processed food. processed food, local or non-local food.
Teacher will look for evidence of understanding
processed/unprocessed, as well as where the food comes
 Students will examine packaged foods to identify
the ingredients in the product.

 Students will place their lunch foods in the

corresponding categories of the food pyramid.
Students will identify the foods they are missing in
their lunch for a healthy diet. They will write a note
in their track language to their parents requesting
these foods in their lunch.

 Students will conduct experiments to learn the

difference between a fruit and a vegetable.
Students will make predictions if it is a fruit or
vegetable. Students will draw what they imagine is
inside the fruit or vegetable. After cutting the fruit
or vegetable, students will make an observational
drawing of it. Next, students will identify if it is a
fruit or vegetable.

 To learn how foods go through a process,

students will make butter from scratch.

 To learn how food is changed, students will make

mo-chi from scratch.

 Students will make a survey of where their family

buys food and then graph the results.

 Students will watch harvest videos on youtube to

see food delivery systems. Students will make flow
charts to illustrate the process.

 Students will cook a food from scratch(homemade,

using a recipe with the ingredients) in the
classroom, like ice cream or bread or soup.

English Specialist Connections:

 In English class, students will have key vocabulary

reinforced such as: local, non-local, international,
national, imported, exported, processed, fresh

 Students will integrate sequencing words: First,

Next, Then, After that, Finally in their writing and
re-telling of stories that connect to food and
cooking. For example, students will read Eric
Carle's Pancakes, Pancakes! that explains the
process of getting flour, milk, eggs from the farm
to make pancakes.

 Students will also write or tell the story of Tomie

DePaola's wordless book Pancakes for Breakfast.

Transdisciplinary Skills
PYP Transdisciplinary Skills

Thinking skills social skills, thinking skills,

communication, research
 Acquisition of skills
 Comprehension

Social skills

 Accepting

Communication skills

 Presenting

Research skills

 Collecting data
 Organizing data
 Presenting research

Learner Profile
IB Learner Profile

 Inquirers
 Knowledgeable
 Reflective

Focus Attitudes
Focus Attitudes

 Appreciation
 Cooperation
 Curiosity

5. What resources need to be gathered?

What people, places, audio-visual materials, related literature, music, art, computer software,
etc, will be available?

 La leche, de la vaca al envase. Editoral juventud (English version too)

 El gusto del mercado Mexicano. Por nancy maria Grande tabor (English version too)

 Alimentos y cultivo. Por Pam Robson

 La vida en la granja. maquinaria en la granja. Por Lynn M. Stone
 Portrait of a Farm Family. By Raymond bial
 Farm. By Ned Halley. Eyewitness Books
 La cocina y la comida en la historia de Amnerica. Weekly reader
 Vamos a recoger mananas y calabazas. Por Amy y Richard hutchings. Scholastic
 English books: Pancakes for Breakfast by Tomie DePaola, Pancakes, Pancakes! by Eric Carle, A-Z
books-- Making Pizza, Taste This, I Set the Table
Guest speaker who is a pig farmer.
Field trip to the New Seasons.
How will the classroom environment, local environment, and/or the community be used to
facilitate the inquiry?
Expert: shipping company owner Mr. Brazie
[Please begin typing here]
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011
Reflecting on the inquiry
6. To what extent did we achieve our purpose? 7. To what extent did we include the elements
of the PYP?
Assess the outcome of the inquiry by providing
evidence of students' understanding of the What were the learning experiences that
central idea. The reflections of all teachers enabled students to:
involved in the planning and teaching of the
inquiry should be included.  develop an understanding of the
In the summative assessment, most students concepts identified in "What do we want
started at the beginning of the process and then to learn?"
clearly showed the steps that the food goes through
to get to the kitchen table. However, this year some
of the students struggled to figure out how to do Change and connection:
the steps of the summative assessment. For
example with ice cream, most students would be  An example of an activity that illustrates the
able to identify the cow as the first step; other kids key concept of change was the "chocolate
would start with the ice cream cone. posters" activity. In this activity, we made
How you could improve on the assessment posters of the cocoa beans to chocolate. This
task(s) so that you would have a more activity help children to show step by step
accurate picture of each student's how the chocolate is made, and the
understanding of the central idea. ingredients to used.

 Ideas for next year:  A second example of an activity that allowed

students to understand the changes that
I liked the assessment, but next year we could foods undergo was the research of the steps
make a plate/dinner instead of a poster, improve it to processing. Students were surprised to
so they have to tell where the food came from. The learn that the steps used to involve just two:
plate could include: local, international, and milk comes from the cow to your mouth.
processed foods. Now, there are many intermediate steps, for
For example: Summative assessment: Students are example: pasteurizing, packing into cartons,
at a big feast. They must choose from an etc.
assortment of foods that include processed, local,
international foods. They will also write a menu and  An example of an activity that illustrates how
share the reasons for their choices. the students were able to make connections
in this unit was the "bread-making" activity.
 Emphasize the continents/map skills, clarify We made bread, and through this activity
local and international, differentiate between children learned volume, measurement, and
processed, not processed. leveling the flour which concepts are related
 Less focus on the actual process of making to math. And children learned adding wet to
processed food. dry, and kneading and punching down the
 Give own opinion of what is good for them. dough related to science.

 Class reflections:  Another great example of an activity that

allowed students to make connections was
-The poster did not show all of their learning, but learning about making pancakes.We learned
their oral response to assessment/questioning was about pancakes. Children understood that
impressive. process food is made and does not grow.
-I am not as happy this year with my students'
work.  demonstrate the learning and
-In my class, they chose a food, then made a application of particular
process (how to make it) not a focus on ingredients, transdisciplinary skills?
but what happens to
-Class dynamics make a big difference, I am very social skills, thinking skills, communication,
surprised and happy with the outcome in my room. research skills
-The depth of the entire process was missed; they Students demonstrated the learning of social skills
could explain the process, but missed its starting by evidencing their understanding of the ways that
point. In my case, I should give them much better, people work together (organize ourselves) to make
detailed instructions. sure that food is available. For example, students
-Outcome was impressive when specific guidelines understand that the farmer, the packager, the
were given. seller, all work together to make sure that food is
-Explaining processed food is a complicated, available.
challenging task for first graders. There are so Students demonstrated the learning of thinking
many steps that fit within in the term "go through a skills by evaluating the positive and negative
factory" aspects of some types of foods. For example,
-Confusion between processed food and cooked students identified that processed foods, while more
food convenient, are not always better. Another example
Some students struggled because they researched is that students have to critically think about the
more complex processed foods. For example, candy label of "organic" and whether or not that is actually
includes sugar, which is a processed food in and of better for people.
itself. For those students who are able to take on an Students demonstrated the learning of the
extra challenge, they could research more complex communication skills through their final project. In
items; others can stick with more elemental items. particular, this is the first major experience where
What was the evidence that connections were students have to target their presentations to a
made between the central idea and the specific audience (e.g. parent guests or fellow
transdisciplinary theme? students).
How We Organize Ourselves: Research skills presented through their final
 The interconnectedness of human-made Students organized their research results about the
systems and communities processed food and explained how it was processed
in sequence. They demonstrated the skills to
In class discussion, students talked about the organize multiple information in groups and tried to
systems for delivering food to communities and use some sequential words for explaining steps.
homes. Students use sequencing words (First,
Second, Third... Next, Then, After that, Finally) both  develop particular attributes of the
orally and in writing. learner profile and/or attitudes?
Students were creating/imagining their own
processed food: Miso-yogurt Attribute:
Students are comparing where their snack/lunch inquirer: The students are eager to find out where
items are coming from. their food comes from. Students seemed
particularly interested in WHY some foods are
processed and others are not. This lead some
students to really understand the origins of
processing food; for example, that food was
originally processed as a form of preservation.
Another natural connection to the inquiry is trying
to find why some of our foods come from far
distances. For example, why do the Japanese eat
more seafood or why do our mangoes come from
tropical locations?
open minded:The students are willing to try new
international foods. Students learn to respect the
personal food choices of others; for example, some
students only eat organic, or vegan, or because of
food allergies. Students also learn about cultural
foods and how to appreciate/respect these food
knowledgeable: The students know more about
where their food comes from domestically and
Knowledgeable: 1 The students know what was
healthy food, the natural food is more healthy. 2
The students know what was processed food. They
also learn that while all food begins at the same
place, some food becomes processed while others
stay original.
Attitudes: The students know waste food was bad
Curiosity: The students are curious to know
whether there are more processed or non-
proccessed food in the lunch boxes. Many of the
examples listed in the section above about inquiry
helped the students to foster their attitude of
Appreciation: The students learn to appreciate
local & international foods, less processed food,
organic food, and cultural foods. As students were
exposed to different types of foods, they learned to
appreciate the differences and how those
differences reflect different groups of people.
Students also learned to appreciate "food" in
general; for example, one of the students wanted to
throw some carrots out that were placed in her
lunch, but her classmates stopped her because they
knew about the amount of work that went together
to get that food to her lunchbox.
Cooperation: The student know it takes many
steps and peoples' cooperation for food to get to our
table. As students were developing their social skills
and learning about the cooperative process of
getting food to different groups of people, they
learned about the ways that people can work
together, more generally, to achieve a goal.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011
Reflecting on the inquiry
8. What student- initiated inquiries arose from 9. Teacher Notes
the learning? For next year:
Summative assessment: Students are at a big
Record a range of student-initiated inquiries feast. They must choose from an assortment of
and student questions and highlight any that foods that include processed, local, international
were incorporated into the teaching and foods. They will also write a menu and share the
learning. reasons for their choices.
How to make.. bread, cake, ice cream, chocolate? Reconsider re-arranging the order so we can visit
They keep asking where the food is made? the grocery stores not around
Why do people process food? What do they like? Thanksgiving/Christmas
(one likes dry fruit, one is fresh) The students are more aware of the food they eat.
Tools: What is a millstone? How does a butter churn The students start to study the package of the food
work? they eat often to see where it is from and made.
At this point teachers should go back to box 2 They are curious.
"What do we want to learn?" and highlight the English for next year:
teacher questions/provocations that were most Create a schedule of sharing materials earlier
effective in driving the inquiries. Use cookbooks to introduce table of contents, non-
1. Where does our food comes from? fiction captions
2. What are the steps our food goes through to Follow through with sharing our version of Pancakes
get to our table? for Breakfast
3. What happens to the food when it gets We need to reflect on and strengthen our
processed? connection to the transdisciplinary theme.
Prompts: pizza from Pizza Monday, foods from lunch
boxes, Outdoor Garden
The first two questions are excellent, the third
should be adapted to: What is the extra step that
processed food has?
What student-initiated actions arose from the
Record student-initiated actions taken by
individuals or groups showing their ability to
reflect, to choose and to act.
Students continue to ask where their food comes
from (they are obsessed with reading their stickers
on fruit)
Students learn to appreciate the healthier food.
Students know how complicated it is to bring to
food to our table and how processed food is made.
They use key vocabulary.
They use sequencing language orally and in their
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2011
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Last Updated: Wednesday, May 28, 2014, 10:43AM

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