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International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 620±626€

Numerical simulation of transonic bu€et ¯ows using various

turbulence closures
G. Barakos, D. Drikakis *,1
Department of Engineering, Queen Mary and West®eld College, University of London, London E1 4NS, UK

The paper presents a numerical investigation of bu€et ¯ows using various turbulence models, including linear and non-linear
low-Re eddy-viscosity models (EVM). The accuracy of the models is assessed against experimental data for transonic ¯ows around
the NACA-0012 aerofoil. The study shows that non-linear two-equation models in conjunction with functional cl coecient for the
calculation of the eddy-viscosity (henceforth labelled NL-cl ), provide satisfactory results for transonic bu€et ¯ows. The compu-
tations also reveal that the Spalart±Allmaras one-equation model provides comparable results to the NL-cl models, while larger
inaccuracies are introduced by linear and non-linear models based on constant cl coecient. Moreover, the bu€et onset boundaries
are similarly predicted by the one-equation and NL-cl models. The study has been performed using a second-order time accurate
implicit-unfactored method which solves in a coupled fashion the Navier±Stokes and turbulence transport equations. The spatial
discretisation of the equations is obtained by a Riemann solver in combination with a third-order upwind scheme. Ó 2000 Begell
House Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bu€et; Transonic ¯ows; Turbulence; Eddy-viscosity turbulence models

1. Introduction Transonic bu€et appears in many aeronautical applications

such as internal ¯ows in compressor passages, around turb-
Signi®cant e€orts to validate turbulence models in steady omachinery blades as well as in external ¯ows over aircraft
aerodynamic ¯ows have been spent over the past decade (e.g., wings. The aerodynamic performance in these applications
Haase et al., 1993; Bardina et al., 1997; Leschziner, 1998; depends strongly on the unsteady shock/boundary-layer in-
Barakos and Drikakis, 1998a, 2000b, amongst others). How- teraction. The latter may change position around the aerofoil
ever, much less information has been accumulated in connec- due to the self-excited shock oscillations. Accurate predictions
tion with the validation of turbulence models in unsteady of such ¯ow phenomena is of signi®cant technological im-
aerodynamic ¯ows featuring bu€et and/or dynamic-stall. portance and their simulation remains a challenging problem
Concerning dynamic-stall, recent studies (Barakos and Dri- due to the complex physics involved. The accuracy of the
kakis, 1999, 2000a) using a variety of low-Re linear and non- numerical predictions is dictated both by the accuracy/prop-
linear eddy-viscosity models (EVM), have been performed. erties of the numerical discretisation scheme as well as by the
These studies revealed that non-linear EVMs can indeed o€er accuracy of the turbulence model. The present work focuses on
better accuracy than algebraic and one-equation models, in investigating accuracy issues associated with the turbulence
predicting dynamic-stall both in subsonic and transonic model.
¯ows over pitching and oscillating aerofoils. On the other Experience from steady ¯ows using algebraic turbulence
hand, bu€et computations have so far been performed by models has shown that such modelling of turbulence does not
using, mainly, algebraic turbulence models (Edwards, 1996; provide satisfactory results in most cases. Linear low-Re two-
Girodroux-Lavigne and LeBalleur, 1988). Therefore, the pre- equation models (Launder and Sharma, 1974; Nagano and
sent study has been initiated in order to assess more advanced Kim, 1988) seem to o€er the best balance between accuracy
turbulence closures in transonic bu€et ¯ows around aerofoils. and computational cost, but are not able to capture e€ects
arising from normal-stress anisotropy and are less able to
predict separation in adverse pressure gradient and shock/
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44-20-7882-5194; fax: +44-20-8983- boundary-layer interaction (Liou and Shih, 1996; Marvin and
1007. Huang, 1996).
E-mail address: (D. Drikakis). At present non-linear models seem to be one of the prin-
Part of this work was carried out when the authors were at cipal routes for advanced modelling of turbulence beyond the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, UMIST, Manchester M60 linear EVM. Such models take into account streamline cur-
1QD, UK. vature and swirl, as well as history e€ects. So far, non-linear

0142-727X/00/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Begell House Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 2 - 7 2 7 X ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 5 3 - 9
G. Barakos, D. Drikakis / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 620±626 621

Notation Sij strain tensor, Sij  oui =oxj ‡ ouj =oxi

U velocity
aij Reynolds stress anisotropy tensor, ui mean velocity component in the xi -direction,
aij  u0i u0j =k ÿ …2=3†dij …i ˆ 1; 2†
c chord length of the aerofoil ÿqu0i u0j Reynolds-stress tensor
cl lift coecient xi cartesian coordinates …i ˆ 1; 2; x ˆ x1 ; z ˆ x2 †
cm quarter-chord moment coecient
e total energy of the ¯uid per unit volume Greeks
E, G, Ev , Gv inviscid and viscous ¯uxes, in curvilinear a angle of attack
coordinates  dissipation rate of k
~ E~v , G
~ G,
E, ~v inviscid and viscous ¯uxes, in Cartesian ~ isotropic dissipation rate of k, ~   ÿ ^,
coordinates ^  2…l=q†…o k =oxj †2
H source term due to turbulence modelling l coecient of dynamic viscosity
J Jacobian of transformation from Cartesian lT eddy-viscosity
to curvilinear coordinates q density
k turbulent kinetic energy, k ˆ u0i u0i =2 s time in the curvilinear coordinate system
M freestream Mach number sij total stress tensor
p pressure slij molecular stress tensor
Pr Prandtl number, Pr ˆ qlcp =k stij turbulent Reynolds stress tensor
Prt turbulent Prandtl number, Prt ˆ qlt cp =k ni ; f curvilinear coordinates p
t time X vorticity invariant, X  Xij Xij =2
Re Reynolds number, Re ˆ qUc=l Xij vorticity tensor, Xij  oui =oxj ÿ ouj =oxi
R~t near-wall Reynolds number,pR~ t ˆ qk =l~
 x speci®c turbulent dissipation rate, turbulent
S strain invariant, S  Sij Sij =2 frequency, x  =k

models have been validated for steady ¯ows, mainly two-di- part of the turbulent dissipation rate (in the case of the
mensional and incompressible, (e.g., Craft et al., 1996, Launder±Sharma model).
amongst others), while more recently experience has been ac- The matrix H ˆ J H~ has non-zero entries for the source
quired from applications to compressible ¯ows with shock/ terms of the turbulence model equations. J is the Jacobian of
boundary-layer interaction (e.g., Barakos and Drikakis, the transformation from Cartesian to curvilinear co-ordinate
2000b). system. E, G and R, S are the inviscid and viscous ¯uxes, re-
In the present work, various turbulence closures including spectively. The total energy per unit volume e is given by
algebraic, one-equation as well as linear and non-linear low-Re e ˆ qi ‡ …1=2†q…u2 ‡ w2 † ‡ qk, where i is the speci®c internal
two-equation models, are validated in transonic bu€et ¯ows. energy. The pressure is calculated by the ideal gas equation of
The assessment of the models is performed against experi- state.
mental results for bu€et around the NACA-0012 aerofoil at A third-order upwind scheme in conjunction with a char-
Reynolds number Re ˆ 107 , a range of Mach numbers between acteristic-based ¯ux averaging is used to calculate the inviscid
0:7 and 0:85, and for incidence angles between 0° and 5° ¯uxes at the cell faces (Eberle et al., 1992; Drikakis and Durst,
(McDevitt and Okuno, 1985). 1994). Limiters based on the squares of pressure derivatives
have been used in detecting shocks and contact discontinuities.
An implicit-unfactored solver (Barakos and Drikakis, 1998b,
2. Numerical method 1999) has been employed for the solution of the equations. A
sequence of approximations qm such that: limm>1 qm ! U n‡1 is
The numerical simulations have been carried out using an de®ned between two time steps n and n ‡ 1. Using implicit time
implicit CFD solver (Barakos and Drikakis, 1998b, 1999) de- discretization and after linearizing the ¯uxes around the sub-
veloped for unsteady and turbulent aerodynamic ¯ows. The iteration state m the following form is derived:
main feature of the method is the strong coupling of turbu- Dq
lence models with the Navier±Stokes equations, via an implicit ‡ …Aminv Dq†n ‡ …Cinv
Dq†f ÿ …Amvis Dq†n ÿ …Cvis
Dq†f ˆ RHS;
unfactored scheme and a Riemann solver, the latter being used
in conjunction with a third-order upwind interpolation scheme …3†
(Drikakis and Durst, 1994). where
The compressible Navier±Stokes equations for a two-  
dimensional curvilinear co-ordinate system …n; g†, in conjunc- qm ÿ U n
RHS ˆ ÿ ‡ Enm ‡ Gmf ÿ Rmn ÿ Sfm ÿ H m ; …4†
tion with the transport equations of the turbulence model, are Dt
written in matrix form as
Dq ˆ qm‡1 ÿ qm …5†
oU oE oG oR oS
‡ ‡ ˆ ‡ ‡ H: …1† and
ot on of on of
U is the six-component vector of the conservative variables oE oG oR oS
Ainv ˆ ; Cinv ˆ ; Avis ˆ ; Cvis ˆ : …6†
oU oU oU oU
 †T ;
U ˆ J …q; qu; qw; e; qk; q~ …2†
At each time step the ®nal system of algebraic equations is
where q is the density, u, w are the velocity components in the solved by a point Gauss±Seidel relaxation scheme. According
x- and z-directions, respectively, e the total energy per unit to the present method, the transport equations for the turbu-
volume, k the turbulent kinetic energy and ~ is the isotropic lence model are solved coupled with the ¯uid ¯ow equations.
622 G. Barakos, D. Drikakis / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 620±626

This strategy provides fast convergence and compact numeri- This cubic expansion has been utilized here to calculate the
cal implementation. components of the Reynolds-stress tensor ÿq ui uj . In the
For unsteady ¯ow simulations the discretisation of the time above, Sij and Xij are the strain and vorticity tensors, while S~
derivative is obtained by a second-order scheme (Barakos and and X ~ are their normalized invariants
Drikakis, 1999)
k q q
~  k Xij Xij =2;
1:5U n‡1 ÿ 2U n ‡ 0:5U nÿ1 S~  Sij Sij =2; X …14†
~ ~
 Ds  and the coecients ci take the values: c1 ˆ ÿ0:1; c2 ˆ 0:1;
ˆ ÿ Enn‡1 ‡ Fgn‡1 ÿ Rn‡1
n ÿ Sgn‡1 ÿ H n‡1 : …7† c3 ˆ 0:26; c4 ˆ ÿ10c2l . The eddy viscosity is calculated by
lT ˆ cl qfl …k 2 =~
†, where
In time accurate computations, the time marching must be
performed using the same time step in all cells of the compu- 0:3‰1 ÿ exp fÿ 0:36 exp …0:75g†gŠ
tational domain. This global time step is de®ned for a given cl ˆ ; …15†
1 ‡ 0:35g1:5
CFL number by
Ds 6 Dsmax 8 !1=2 !2 9
0 1 < R~t R~t =
fl ˆ 1 ÿ exp ÿ ÿ ; …16†
B CFL C : 90 400 ;
ˆ min @ J q A ; …8†
2 2 2 2
kmax ‡ 2…lcp =Pr† …nx ‡ nz ‡ fx ‡ fz †
where kmax is the maximum eigenvalue calculated using the ~X
g ˆ max S; ~ : …17†
solution from the previous time step.
Such functional form of cl was found to be bene®cial in ¯ows
far from equilibrium and similar conclusions have also been
3. Turbulence modelling reported by Liou and Shih (1996), Huang (1999) and Bardina
et al. (1997) for a variety of compressible ¯ows. The non-linear
In the present study, the following models have been em- eddy-viscosity model of So®alidis and Prinos (1997) is actually
ployed: the algebraic Baldwin and Lomax (1978) model, the the k±x version of the non-linear k± model of Craft et al.
one-equation model of Spalart and Allmaras (1992), the (1996).
Launder and Sharma (1974) and Nagano and Kim (1988)
linear k± models, as well as the k±x version (So®alidis and
Prinos, 1997) of the non-linear eddy-viscosity model of Craft
et al. (1996). 4. Simulation of transonic bu€et
In the case of linear EVM the stress tensor sij is modelled
using the Boussinesq approximation 4.1. Test cases

sij ˆ slij ‡ sR
ij ; …9† Computations were carried out for the experimental cases
of McDevitt and Okuno (1985). Their experiments have been
where performed for the NACA-0012 aerofoil at Mach numbers
oui ouj 2 ouk between 0:7 and 0:8, angles of incidence less than 5° and Rec
slij ˆ l ‡ ÿ l dij ; …10† number between 1 and 14 millions. McDevitt and Okuno
oxj oxi 3 oxk
identi®ed the incidence-angle and Mach number as the most
  important parameters for the bu€et onset. Their wind-tunnel
oui ouj 2 ouk 2
ij ˆ lT ‡ ÿ lT dij ÿ qk dij …11† results are particularly suitable for validating CFD codes
oxj oxi 3 oxk 3 because they are free of wall e€ects in contrast to previous
and lT is the eddy-viscosity. experimental studies (McDevitt et al., 1976).
Non-linear EVM use an expansion of the Reynolds stress McDevitt and Okuno (1985) organized their experiments in
components in terms of the mean strain-rate and rotation six sets and the corresponding parameters are shown in Table 1.
tensors For the sets numbered as 4, 5 and 6, bu€et was reported and,
ÿ  ÿ  consequently, these sets were considered in the present work.
Sij ˆ Ui;j ‡ Uj;i =2; Xij ˆ Ui;j ÿ Uj;i =2: …12† As has also been reported by Mateer et al. (1992), the e€ects of
In the case of the non-linear k± EVM of Craft et al. (1996) a boundary-layer tripping on the obtained results for Re about
cubic expansion for the anisotropy of the Reynolds stress 106 , is negligible. Therefore, in the present study computations
tensor, aij  ui uj =k ÿ …2=3†dij , is employed were carried out for Reynolds number Re ˆ 106 which pro-
  vides fully turbulent ¯ow (McDevitt and Okuno, 1985).
l l 1
aij ˆ ÿ T Sij ‡ c1 T Sik Skj ÿ Skl Skl dij
qk q~ 3
  Table 1
l ÿ  l 1 Nominal conditions for the experiments of McDevitt and Okuno
‡ c2 T Xik Skj ‡ Xjk Ski ‡ c3 T Xik Xjk ÿ Xlk Xlk dij
 q~ 3 (1985)
l kÿ  Set Incidence a (deg) Mach number Re (10ÿ6 )
‡ c4 T 2 Ski Xlj ‡ Skj Xli Skl
 1 2 0.75 1.2±13.9
  2 0 0.75 4.0±12.2
l k 2
‡ c5 T 2 Xil Xlm Smj ‡ Sil Xlm Xmj ÿ Slm Xmn Xnl dij 3 0 0.8 1.2.0±12.1
 3 4 1 0.8 1.0±10.3
lT k l k 5 2 0.775 1.0±9.9
‡ c6 Sij Skl Skl ‡ c7 T 2 Sij Xkl Xkl : …13† 6 4 0.725 1.0±9.3
2 q~

G. Barakos, D. Drikakis / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 620±626 623

4.2. Results the case of transonic bu€et, the self-excited shock oscillations
are also associated with shock/boundary-layer interaction and
Flow unsteadiness around a lifting surface may originate ¯ow separation. It is thus important for a turbulence model to
from the motion of the boundary or from unsteady free-stream
conditions. However, in the case of bu€et the induced un-
steadiness is due to ¯ow non-linearities associated with certain
combinations of Re, Mach number, and angle of incidence. In

Table 2
Details of the computational grids employed in the calculations; grid
G4 was selected for bu€et calculations
Grid i-direction k-direction Far-®eld location
G1 180 60 5c
G2 241 80 5c
G3 291 85 7c
G4 361 90 7c

Fig. 2. Bu€et onset for the NACA-0012 aerofoil (Rec ˆ 107 , M ˆ

0:775, a ˆ 4°). Solution obtained using the SA model (crosses) and the
non-linear k±x model (squares). The experimental data are from
McDevitt and Okuno (1985). SIO stands for shock-induced oscillation.

Fig. 1. Pressure coecient distribution around the NACA-0012

aerofoil: (a) grid size e€ects, (b) comparisons between linear turbulence
models (c) comparisons between non-linear turbulence models; The Fig. 3. Oscillating airloads for the NACA-0012 aerofoil: (a) lift coef-
experimental data are from McDevitt and Okuno (1985) …Re ˆ 107 , ®cient, (b) moment coecient, (c) lift coecient for a long time interval
M ˆ 0:775, a ˆ 4°†. using the NL k±x model …Re ˆ 107 , M ˆ 0:775, a ˆ 4°†.
624 G. Barakos, D. Drikakis / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 620±626

predict accurately the separation induced by the interaction of the past for steady compressible ¯ow computations (Bardina
the shock with the boundary layer and, subsequently, the et al., 1997; Huang, 1999). All linear k± models employed in
bu€et onset. this study predicted the shock position shifted downstream and
In the present study, several computational grids have been underestimated the length of separation region. The same was
employed to ensure grid-independent solutions and their de- also the case for the algebraic Baldwin±Lomax model
tails are given in Table 2. In addition, calculations have been (Fig. 1(b)).
performed for various dimensions of the computational do- In Fig. 2, comparison of numerical and experimental results
main to ensure independence of the solution from the far-®eld for the bu€et onset is presented. There is a well-de®ned region
boundary conditions. For bu€et predictions the grid G4 of Mach and incidence angle where bu€et occurs. Initially,
(Table 2) was used. four computations (Fig. 2) were performed at conditions below
In Fig. 1, the Cp distributions, for M ˆ 0:775 and a ˆ 4°, the experimentally reported bu€et onset and steady-state so-
using various closures and di€erent grids are compared with lutions were achieved (symbols in Fig. 2 labelled ``no SIO
the experimental results. For this Mach number and incidence (shock-induced oscillation)''). Afterwards, the incidence-angle
angle, the ¯ow has been found (McDevitt and Okuno, 1985) to was slowly increased to obtain unsteadiness and it was found
be steady and all turbulence models predicted steady ¯ow, as that after the initial peak of the Cl curve (Fig. 3) the compu-
well. As can be seen, none of the models was able to capture tations resulted either in periodic loads, thus indicating bu€et
exactly the experimental shock position. The non-linear (symbols in Fig. 2 labelled ``SIO''), or in steady-state ¯ow. In
models were used in conjunction with both functional cl (Eq. the latter case, the computations were repeated for a higher
(15)) and constant cl (cl ˆ 0:09) coecient. When the models incidence-angle until bu€et is captured. Once bu€et was pre-
were employed with a constant cl , were found to give results dicted, the incidence-angle was again decreased and the com-
(Fig. 1(c)) similar to the ones obtained by the linear k± and putation was repeated to check whether the experimental
algebraic models (Fig. 1(b)). The Launder±Sharma and Nag- boundary (solid line in Fig. 2) for bu€et onset could be closer
ano±Kim models provided similar predictions (plots are not approached. Computations were performed for a long time
shown here). The results obtained by using functional cl were interval to verify that almost periodic loads are obtained for
in better agreement with the experimental data. Computations the bu€et conditions (see Fig. 3(c)).
without the non-linear expansion revealed that the models For all combinations of Mach number and incidence angle
predictions were mainly dominated by their damping functions considered here, the linear k± models led to a steady solution
and functional cl , and it seems that the anisotropic stress ex- (Fig. 3(a), (b)), thus failing to predict bu€et. As can be seen in
pansion does not play any important role in this case. The Fig. 2, the computations predict the bu€et onset boundary
results using the Spalart±Allmaras model were comparable to slightly shifted to higher incidence angles and Mach number.
those obtained by the non-linear models using functional cl . This is similar to what Girodroux-Lavigne and LeBalleur
Similar conclusions about the e€ects of varying cl coecient (1988) have obtained. Edwards (1996), however, reported
on turbulence models performance have also been reported in results closer to the experimental data using an inverse

Fig. 4. Mach number ®eld around a NACA-0012 aerofoil at di€erent time instants during the bu€et development.
G. Barakos, D. Drikakis / Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow 21 (2000) 620±626 625

Future research needs to address not only modelling issues,

but also numerical issues such as the e€ects of discretization
schemes on bu€et predictions in transonic ¯ows.


The ®nancial support by EPSRC and MOD (GR/L18457)

is gratefully acknowledged.


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