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Mecanical Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam

Automatic Control , EngM 513 Jazan University Date:December -2009

Dr.Ayman Nada College of Engineering Time:50 Minutes

Instructions: Use A4 white sheets, staple your sheets from the left hand side,
advanced calculators are allowed, assume any missing data.

1. Draw the root locus for a system having the block diagram as shown in Figure (1),

(a) Find the value of maximum gain for stability,the crossing frequency , the break
away/in points (if found)
(b) Determine the value of the gain K for which this system is equivalent to a
second-order system with a damping factor equal to = 0:5.
(c) What is the e¤ect of adding a zero at s = 5 on the system , show the e¤ect
on the root locus plot.

Figure 1: Block diagram of closed loop control system

Mecanical Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Automatic Control , EngM 513 Jazan University Date:December -2009
Dr.Ayman Nada College of Engineering Time:50 Minutes

(a): The procedure for plotting the root loci is as follows:

1. Solve the characteristics equation for K

:= 1 + =0
(s 1)(s + 3)(s + 4)

K = (s 1)(s + 3)(s + 4)

s = +1 =
K ! 0) s= 3 ! open loop
s= 4
K ! 1 ) no zeros are f ound

2. Locate the open-loop poles and zeros on the complex plane.

Figure 2: Pole-Zero plot of the system

Mecanical Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Automatic Control , EngM 513 Jazan University Date:December -2009
Dr.Ayman Nada College of Engineering Time:50 Minutes

3. Root loci exist on the negative real axis between +1 and 3 and between 4 and

4. There are 3 asymptotes for the root loci. The angles of asymptotes are

q 180
'asy: = = 60 ; 60 ; 180
The intersection of the asymptotes and the real axis is obtained as:
+1 3 4
asy: = = 2

5. Determine the breakaway and break-in points. The characteristic equation for the
system is

K = (s 1)(s + 3)(s + 4)
dK d
= ( (s 1)(s + 3)(s + 4)) = 0
ds ds
= 3s2 12s 5 = 0
3s + 12s + 5 = 0

It is clear that the breakaway point at s = 0:472 and s = 3:52 does not lie on
the root locus on the real axis.

6. The points where root-locus branches cross the imaginary axis may be found by
substituting s = j! into the characteristic equation and solving the equation for !
and K as follows: Noting that the characteristic equation is

= s3 + 6s2 + 5s + K 12 = 0

j js7 !j! = (j!)3 + 6 (j!)2 + 5 (j!) + K 12 = 0

3 2
= j! 6! + j5! + K 12 = 0
= 6! + K 12 + j ! 3 + 5! = 0

Im = 0;
) ! 3 + 5! = 0
p p
) 0; 5; 5
Mecanical Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Automatic Control , EngM 513 Jazan University Date:December -2009
Dr.Ayman Nada College of Engineering Time:50 Minutes

Re = 0;
) 6! 2 + K 12 = 0

) K = +12 + 6! 2
K = +12 + 6 (5) = 42

Kmax = 42

Figure 3: Root locus of the system

Mecanical Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Automatic Control , EngM 513 Jazan University Date:December -2009
Dr.Ayman Nada College of Engineering Time:50 Minutes

(b): For = 0:5 ! an inclined line with = cos 1 ( ) = 60 , represent all the roots
with the damping factor of 0.5 is drawn. The point of intersection of that line with the
root loci of the system determine the value of K, as follows

Figure 4: Determining K for = 0:5

jKj = j(s 1)j j(s + 3)j j(s + 4)j

= A B C
= 1:60 2:65 3:62 = 15:349
Mecanical Engineering Department Mid-Term Exam
Automatic Control , EngM 513 Jazan University Date:December -2009
Dr.Ayman Nada College of Engineering Time:50 Minutes

(c): The e¤ect of adding a zero at s = 5 on the system ,

Figure 5: E¤ect of Adding zero

- Stablize the system for all values of K

- increase > damp out oscillations

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