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QUESTION BANK (SA-1) 2015-16

1. Read the given extract and answer the following questions-
A.Then took the other, as just fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
i. What do the roads stand for here?
ii. What does the phrase ‘wanted wear’ mean here?
iii. ‘Then took the other’ says the poet. Why did the poet decide to take ‘the other’ road?
B. A chieftain, to the highlands bound,
Cries, ‘Boatman, do not tarry! And I will give thee a silver pound
To row us over the ferry’
i. Who does the chieftain refer to?
ii. Where does the speaker want the boatman to row them?
iii. What is the meaning of the word ‘tarry’?
C.‘I tell you what I’ll do. I will be philanthropic and let you have it for two hundred thousand.’
i) Who is the speaker and what has the speaker decided to do?
ii)What does the word ‘philanthropic’ mean in the above lines?
iii) What does ‘two hundred thousand’ refer to?
D. ‘Whatever the theme, the maiden sang
As if her song could have no ending.’
i. Whose song is being referred to here?
ii. Why can’t the poet understand the theme of the song?
iii. Name the poem and the poet.
E. ‘I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,
Among my skimming swallows;
I make the netted sunbeam dance
Against my sandy shallows.’
i. Who is ‘I’? Why has the poet called the narrator ‘I’?
ii. Name the poetic device used in line 2?
iii. What does ‘the netted sunbeam’ mean? How does it dance?
Answer the following questions in about 30-40 words each:
2. Describe the grandmother as a student.
3. How is the journey of brook similar to human life?
4. What are the probable themes of the song being sung by the solitary reaper?
5. Who do you think is wittier, smarter and has a better business sense – Gaston or Mrs. Al Smith? Give
examples from the text to illustrate them.

Answer the following in 80-100 words-

6. Suppose you are Sudha Murthy. Write a letter to your friend telling her how and why you taught your
grandmother to read?
7. After Duke’s death, Marcy was asked to write an article for the local newspaper. She decides to write on
the topic- ‘A dog is a man’s best friend’. Write it for her in about 150 words.
8. You are Gaston. You feel elated after having made a huge profit by duping Juliette. Write your feelings in
your diary in about 150 words.
9. ‘Anger is a vice that mars one’s sanity. In the context of the poem, ‘Lord Ullin’s Daughter’ justify the

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NOVEL- Three Men in a Boat
Answer the following in 80-100 words-
10. ‘Three Men in a Boat’ is not only a kind of travelogue but also a humorous and an adventurous tale with
a lot of satire where the author has exaggerated the normal situations of everyday life. Discuss by giving
suitable examples.
11. Write the character sketches of all the three friends and Montmorency from the novel.
12. Write the character sketch of Uncle Podger, Mrs. Poppet and Brigg’s boys describing the incident where
he tries to hang a picture. Give appropriate examples from the text.
13. What problems does the pungent cheese create for Tom? What does he do to get rid of them?
14. What is the general rule of life? How do people attach value to their experiences so as to shape their
character for a better life?
15. Describe the feelings of the narrator when he consulted the medical dictionary in the British Museum.
16. Why is Jerome highly critical of weather forecasts?
17. What happens when both Harris and J wait for the cab with their packed things?
18. What happened to Harris in the maze at Hampton Court Place?
19. Describe how J caused humour when a German singer Slossenn Boschen sang a ‘comic’ song.
20. Describe how J. and a young lady cousin lost their way once and reached late for supper.
21. Describe the incident related to Harris’ fascination with tombs and author’s dislike for them.
22. ‘Common place things of today are the dug up treasures of tomorrow.’ Justify this statement by giving
examples from the novel:
23. ‘We are the creatures of the sun and can’t live in isolation.” Why does the author feel so.
24.What does the author mean by the statement ‘A man has what he doesn’t want and another man wants
what he doesn’t have.’

25. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in each line. Identify and write the
error against correct blank number along with the correction:
Error Correct
Two youth doctors, Anilbhai and Lataben decided e.g. youth young
on return home from New York where (a) ________ __________
they were practicing in five years. They (b)_________ _________
Pitch their tents in Jhagadia town in Gujarat. (c)________ _________
It was upon keeping with the vow they (d) ________ _________
had taken as medical students.
26. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done-(a)friends/ I /
my / were / grandmother / and / good.
(b)left me/ in the city/ my parents/ with her/ when they / went / to live
(c) morning / wake / used to / up / the / in / she / me
(d ) and monotonous manner / morning prayers / sing song / she said her / in a
27.Study the given instructions and complete the following blanks by choosing the correct option
given below-
(a)Add some water to dry sugar in a pot.
(b)Heat the pan over a medium flame.
(c ) Stir for some time and add lemon juice.
Some water (a)____________ dry sugar in a pot. The pan (b) _________ It is stirred for some time and
lemon juice __________________.
28. Choose the most appropriate option from the ones given below to complete the following passage.
A curtain merely treated with insecticide (a) _______ help save your life. A recent study (b) _______ that
(c) ________ curtains treated with insecticide can reduce the incidence (d) _________ curtaineous leish
maniasis (CL) – a disease (e) _________ has fatal, debilitating (f) _________ and deforming consequences
in (g) _________ form of skin ulcers. The disease is caused (h) _________ leishmania parasite.

a) i) may ii) can iii) must iv) will

b) i) shows ii) conducts iii) stores iv) says
c) i) few ii) some iii) the iv) all

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d) i) for ii) its iii) at iv) of
e) i) that ii) who iii) which iv) whose
f) i) effects ii) result iii) protect iv) solution
g) i) the ii) a iii) its iv) their
h) i) through ii) by the iii) due iv) for
29. Read the following conversation and complete the passage given below:
Father: How was the interview?
Son: I have performed well. There were nearly a hundred candidates
Father: Are you confident that you’ll get the job?
Son: The board members were friendly. They will let me know the result nest week.
The father asked his son (a) __________. The son replied that (b) _________ nearly a hundred candidates.
The father wanted to know (c) ____________ he would get the job. The son replied that the board members
were friendly and said that (d) _________________________________________.
30. The following passage has not been edited. There is one word missing in each line. Write the missing
word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it. The first one has been
done for you. Follow the example.
A man to a school e.g Man went to
to his son admitted there a) ____ ____ ______
The Principal asked the boy he had b)_____ _____ ______
learnt something already. Before boy c) ______ ______ ____
could answer, father quickly d) _____ _____ ______
replied that his son learnt e) ____ ______ ______
how walk and talk. The undesirable f) _____ _____ ______
behaviour not liked by the Principal. g) _____ _____ ______
The son refused admission h) _____ _____ ______

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SECTION A (1 mark each)

1.In fig if ABCD is a quadrilateral in which AD= CB , AB=CD, and ∠ D= ∠ B, then ∠ CAB is equal
(A) ∠ ACD (B) ∠ CAD (C) ∠ ACD (D) ∠ BAD

2. How many total number of rational numbers are there between any two non equal rational numbers ?
3.If (x + 1) is a factor of kx3 + 2x2 - x - 1, find the value of k
4.If x34 + 34 is divided by (x - 1), find the remainder.

5. A point both of whose coordinates are negative will lie in

a. Third quadrant b. Fourth quadrant
c. First quadrant d. Second quadrant
6.Find the coordinates of points which lies on y-axis at a distance of 6 units from origin in the positive
direction of y-axis.
a. (0, 6) b. (6, 0)
c. (0, -6) d. (-6, 0)
7. The value of the supplement of the complement of 50 ° is :
a. 40° b. 130°
d. none of these
-c. 50°

SECTION B ( 2 marks each)

8. Express the following numbers in the form of p/q and reduce it to the lowest terms.
A) 0.7592 B) 0.96484 c) 12.34

9. . If f(x) = ax2 + bx + c, and f(1) = 2 and f(-1) = 7, then find the value of a + c

10. The bisector AD of ∆ ABC is perpendicular bisector to the opposite side BC at D. show that ∆ ABC is
11. The sides of a quadrilateral, taken in order are 27cm, 22cm, 15cm, and 8cm respectively. The angle

contained by the last two sides is a right angle. Find the area of the 25cm
12. If in the figure below AB = 15cm, BC=24cm, CA = 12cm and 15cm

BE = 25cm, find the area of the trapezium BDCE.

D A 12cm C
13. In the figure three coplanar lines intersect in a common point,
forming angles as shown. If a=45 , e = 50 0 then find angles b , c , d and f.

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14. If AB and PQ are parallel, compute the angle Y,

16. If AD and BD are bisectors of ∠CAB

CAB and ∠CBA respectively,

find value of ∠ADB.

17. If ∠ADB
ADB is a right angle, find the value of angle x.

CAB and ∠CBD

18. If AP and BP are bisectors of angles ∠CAB

respectively, find the angle ∠APB.

19. IF 3∠A = 4∠B = 6∠C

C calculate A,B ,C of triangle ABC

20. If the sides of a triangle are produced in order, prove that the sum of the exterior angles so formed is
to four right angles.


21. In given figure PQR is triangle and S is any point in its interior,
show that 1) SQ +SR < PQ +PR

22 . Prove that sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than twice
the median with respect to third side.

23. AD, BE ,and CF , the altitudes of ∆ABC are equal. Prove that ∆ABC is an
equilateral triangle.

24 . If two parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then prove that the bisectors of the interior angles

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a rectangle.

25 . The sides of the triangular field are 41m, 40m, 19m. Find the number of rose beds that can be prepared in
the field , if each rose bed on an average needs 900 cm 2 space.
26.The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 42 cm and its base is times each of equal sides. Find the area
height of triangle.

27.The field is in the shape of trapezium whose parallel sides are 35m and 20 m . The non parallel sides are
14 m and 13 m. Find the area of the field.
In right triangle ABC, right angled at C, M is the mid point of hypotenuse AB. C is joined to M and
produced to a point D such that DM = CM. Point D is joined to point B.
Show that (i) AMC BMD (ii) DBC is a right angle (iii)DBC ACB (iv) CM = 1/2 AB T

29. ABCD is the square. P is the midpoint of AD . BP and CP are joined R

Prove ∠ PCB = ∠ PBC

30. Show that difference of any two sides of a triangle is less than to third side. P Q

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1.Represent the following using a graph.

a)Uniform speed (b) Non-uniform speed (c)Stationary object.
2.A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin which falls behind him. State whether the motion of the person is
accelerated or non-accelerated.
3. Derive graphically the equation for the position – time relation for an object travelling a distance “s” in time
“t” under uniform acceleration.
4. A train staring from rest attains a velocity of 72 km/h in 5 minutes. Assuming the acceleration is uniform
find (a) the acceleration
(b) the distance travelled by the train for attaining this velocity.
5. When a horse suddenly starts running, a careless rider falls backwards. Explain why?
6.Two similar buses are moving with the same velocity on the road. One of them is empty and the other is
loaded with passengers. Which of the two will be stopped by the application of less force. Explain.
7.A bullet fired from a gun is more dangerous than an air molecule hitting a person though both bullet and air
molecule are moving with same velocity. Explain.
8.An apple attracts the earth and the earth also attracts the apple towards its centre. Then why only apple fall
towards the earth but earth is not moved towards the apple?
9.The gravitational force between two bodies is 200N. How should the distance between the objects be
changed so that the force between them becomes 100N?
10.When is an object said to be in free fall? What is meant by acceleration due to gravity? Derive an
expression for acceleration for an object falling freely.


Q1. The example of solid solution is

a.Alloy b.Air c. Soda water d. Lemonade.
Q2. We can separate the volatile component (solvent) from its non-volatile solute by the method of
a.Centrifugtion b. Evaporation
c. Sedimentation d.Chromatagraphy.
Q3.Smoke is an
a.Aerosol b. Sol c. Solid Sol d. Foam
Q4. The beads in the simple Fractionating column provides surface for the vapours to
a.Collect b. Deposit c. Condense d. Distill
Q5. Silicon is a
a.Metalloid b. Metals c.Non-Metal d. Alloy.
Q6.Define the latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization. Give one example? .
Q7. What is evaporation ? How does it differ from boiling ?Explain the various factors on which
evaporation depends?
Q8. What are the characteristics of particles of matter ?

Q9. Convert the following temperatures to the Celsius scale :

a.300k b. 573k
Q10. Convert the following temperatures to the Kelvin Scale.
a.25C b. 373C

Biology :

Q1. A farming System with minimal or no use of chemicals as fertilizers, pesticides etc and with a
maximum input of recycled farm wastes and bio agents is called
a.Mixed Farming b. In Organic Farming

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c. Organic Farming d. Inter –Cropping method
Q2.The Local Variety of Bee used for Commercial Honey Production is called
a.Apis cerana Indica b. Apis florae c. Apis dorsata d. Apis mellifera.
Q3. What factors are responsible for losses of grains during storage ?
Q4. Why is the plasma membrane called a selectively permeable membrane ?
Q5. Why are lysosomes known as suicide bags ?
Q6. How does an Amoeba obtain its food ?
Q7. Give 2 major differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes ?
Q8. Distinguish between xylem and phloem ?
Q9. Write any 2 differences between Cartilage and Bone ?
Q10. Differentiate Parenchyma, Collenchyma & Sclerenchyma ?

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1.Describe any three causes for the fall of Jacobin government of France.

2. Why were women disappointed by the constitution of 1791in France? What laws did the revolutionary
govt. introduced to improve the lives of women?

3. How was the French society organized? What privileges were enjoyed by the certain sections of the

4. What was the impact of the French Revolution on the world?

5.List five accomplishment of the National Assembly of France from 1789 to 1791.

6. How did common people react to Nazism?

7. How did Hitler use scientific principles to further his ideology? Why was it incorrect?

8. What are the peculiar thinking of Nazi rule in Germany?

9. Examine why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating hatred for Jews.

10. Who was Hitler? How did he systematically destroy democracy?

Political Science

1. How did Poland become a democracy? Name four countries surrounding Poland.
2. Differentiate between Democracy and Dictatorship by giving examples.
3. Why id democratic government better form of Government?
4. What is the significance of rule of law and respect for rights in a democratic country?
5. Describe the composition of the constituent Assembly.
6. How is Constitution a significant document?
7. Why is Preamble very important?


1.What do the scientific reports indicate about the modern farming mrthods? Mention any three facts.

2. Why are the wages for farm labourers less than the minimum wages set by the Government?

3. Describe the work of a farmer with only one hectare of land.

4. Why it is important to increase the area under irrigation?

5.” Unemployment has a detrimental impact on the overall growth of an economy”. Explain.

6. What are the causes of Unemployment in India?

7. How does unemployment affect the overall growth of an economy?

8. What is the difference between structural unemployment and seasonal unemployment ?

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1.What is the longitudinal and latitudinal extention of India?What is its importance?Give two points.

2.Why do we need a Standard Meridian for India?Explain.

3.Which Island group of India lies to its South West?

4.Why are the Himalayas called the young fold mountains?

5.What are distributaries?

6.Explain the plate movements.

7.Distinguish between perennial and non-perennial rivers.

8.Write a short note on the Indus river system.

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1. k´AQaaoilaiKt\ p`SnaanaaM ]%traiNa ilaKt ¹
1º KÊ caÊ CÊ DÊ Ja vaNa-oYau talavya vaNaa-Á ko saintÆ
2º ‘ja’ evaM ‘T’ vaNa-yaaoÁ kÁ vaNa-Á maUQa-nya AistÆ
3º‘k’ vaNa-sya ]ccaarNa sqaanaM ku~` BavaitÆ
4º ca\ ¸ t\ ¸ k\ [namaoM sao kaOna saa vaNa- kNz\ya hOÆ

6º ‘mahoSaÁ’ [sa pd maoM ‘Sa\’ vaNa- ka ]ccaarNa sqaana ilaKao

7º ‘kRpa’ maoM iksa vaNa- ka ]ccaarNa sqaana maUQaa- hO Æ

8º ja\ ¸d\¸Ba\ vaNaao-M maoM kaOna saa vaNa- dn%ya hO Æ

9º D\ ¸Ha¸ma\ vaNaao-M maoM ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ vaNa- naaisa@ya tqaa AaOYz\ya hO.

10º ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ vaNa- ka ]ccaarNa sqaana dntaoYz hO.

K´ vaNa- ivanyaasao ir@tsqaanaaina pUryant u¹

1. kt-vyama\ = k\ † r † t\ †A †va\ †ya\ † A †ma\

2. dRiYT:= d\ † ? † Ya\ † T\ † [ † Á

ga´ vaNa- saMyaaojanama\ iËyatamaÁ¹

1. va\ † [† Sa † r † ] † t\ † A = ………… t

2. ] † p\ † e† na\ † d\ † r\ † A † va\ † A †ja\ † r\ †Aa = ]………ja`a

2. AQaaoilaiKtoYau vaa@yaoYau roKa=\iktpdoYau sainQacCodma\ Aqavaa sainQaM kR%vaa ilaKt .

1. saccair~ma\ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ + ¹¹¹¹¹¹ AitSaaoBanama\ È

2. cand` † ]dyaÁ 〉 ……………… ra~aO Bavait.

3. maha †AaOYaiQaÁ 〉 ……………… vaOVÁ ddait.

4. yasya maanasaM Saud\QaM sa: Sauicairh .

5. dasyaamaIit p`it&a ya: mana: Anyaqaa kuÉto.

6. %yaagaat\ +Saaint: Bavait.

7. tt\ + Eau%vaa yaUqapit: ]@tvaana\.

8. sauK + AqaI- vaa %yajaot\ ivaVama\.

9.t~ t$cCayaayaama\ baailaka ]pivaSait È

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10 janaa: ivaivaQa: kayao-Yau tt\ + laInaa: saint È

3.AQaaoilaiKtoYau vaa@yaoYau roKa=\iktpdanaaM p`kRit p`%yayaaO saMyaaojya ivaBajya samauicatM ]%trM p`d%tivaklpoBya: ica%vaa ilaKt.

1. sauroSa: ³gama\ + @%vaa ´flaaina Aanayait.

2. dUrBaaYaNaona janaa: vaata-laapM ³ktu-ma\ ´samaqaa-: Bavaint.
3. maataiptraO ³p` + nama\ + lyap\´pu~: ivadoSaM gacCit.
4. yaUyama\ [-SvarM ³nama\ + @%vaa ´kaya-M ku$qa. imaYTannaaina ³Aa` + naI + lyap\´ [-SvarM Ap-yait .
6. raGava: SaIGa`ma\ ivaValayaM³ gama\ + tumauna\´ [cCit.
7. saIta Baaojanama\ (pca\ + @%vaa) Kadit.

(k) Qaatu p`%yayayaaogaona inaima-tma\ ]icatM pdM ilaKt. ¹

(i ) sa: flaaina …………………AapNama\ gacCit. ( ËI + tumauna\ )
(ii) %vaM jalaM ………………… ]pivaSait. ( pa + @%vaa )
(iii) raQaa …………… pu~M vadit. ( iva + hsa\+ lyap\
(K) AQaaoilaiKtvaa@yaoYau roKai=ktpdanaama\ p`kRitp`%yayaaO pRqak\ kR%vaa ilaKt.
(i) baalak: kivataM smaR%vaa gaayait.
(ii) rmaa maatrM p`Namya ivaValayaM gacCit.
(iii) %vama\ mama gaRhma\ ikma\ ktu-ma\ AagacCisa ?
4. Bavaana\ ip`yava`t: svaaima~aya rahulaaya svaBaiganyaa: Saan%yaa: ivavaahsya inaman~Nap~ma\ laoiKtuma\ [cCit. Bavaana\ [dM p~M kqaM laoiKYyaint [it
AvaQaaya- maHjaUYaayaa: ]icatana\ pdana\ naI%vaa [dM p~M sampUryatu .

navaI maumba[- ﴾eoraolaI﴿

1 )_________
ip`yaima~ rahula
2) _________ A~ kuSalaM t~astu .[dM p`IttdayakM vaR<aM 3) _________ saUcaiya%vaa Ahma\ AtIva Aanandma\ AnauBavaaima yat\ mama
4) _________ Saan%yaa: ivavaah: Aiga`mamaasasya dSamyaaM 5) _________ bauQavaasaro sauinaiScat: jaat:.6) _________
laxmaNapurad\ AagaimaYyait.AhM %vaaM p`omapUva-kM pUva-t: eva &apyaaima yaona %vama\ A~ i~idnaaina pUva-t: eva p`aPt: syaat\ . Bavata iptRByaaM sah A~
AvaSyamaova Aagantvyama\. BavataM isnagQaaM saMgaitma\ saahayyaM ca kamayao . AadrNaIyaaByaaM 7) _________ saadrM namaaonama:.
tva p~ao<arM p`tIxamaaNa:.
Bava%sa)d\ 8 ) _________
maHjaUYaa- ( Bavantma\, varyaa~a,Ca~avaasa:, ip`yava`t:, iptRByaama\, sap`omanama:,Baiganyaa:, tairkayaama\ )

P`aSna 5 Bavaana\ rahulaÁ Aist.Ca~avaasao vasana\ Ca~avasasya jaIvanasambaQaI vaata-ma\ AiQakR%ya maatrM p`it ilaiKto p~o ir@tsqaanaaina pUriya%vaa p~M
punaÁ ]%trpuistkayaaM ilaKt.
2)_________ A~ kuSalaM t~astu. maatÁ *yaÁ eva Bava%yaaÁ p~M p`aPtma\. Ahma\ p~M p`aPya
]%saukÁ Aisma. gaRho tu Ahma\ ekakI eva ekismana\ kxao vasaaima smaÊ prM Ca~avaasao A~ ekismana\ ivaSaalao 3﴿_________ ivaMSa%yaiQak
Ca~aÁ vasaint. yaVip imaila%vaa eva vastvyama\ prM koicat\ vairYzCa~aÁ 4´ _________kR%vaa maama\ ]phsaint. prM BavatI icantaM maa kuÉ.
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AhM 5)_________ baalakÁ Aisma. AadrNaIya iptRmahaodyasya [cCa Aist yat\ kainaicat\ 6)_________ Ca~avaasao AvaSyamaova
inavasanaIyama\. AtÁ tsyaOva Aa&aM palaiyaYyaaima. tsmaO mama p`NaamaÁ 7)_________ .
Bava%yaaÁ pu~Á
8 )_________
maHjaUYaa- ³hasyaalaapMÊ saadrM p`NaamaaÁÊ rahulaÁ¸ vaYaa-iNaÊ idllaItÁÊ inaBaI-kÁÊ kxaoÊ inavaodnaIyaÁ´

6 , ]icatma\ Sabd $paiNa ica%vaa ir@tsqaanaaina pUryat ¹

1. eYa: ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ vaiSaYzsya AaEamaÁ Aist . ³ mauina ´

2. SaIlaa ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ laoKma\ ilaKit . ³ laoKnaI´
3 . AaEamao ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ ihMsa: inaiYaQd: . ³ pSau´
4. ramaayaNasya ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ naama\ mahiYa-Á vaalmaIik: . ³ rcaiyatR´
5. ivaWasa: ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ vandnaama\ kuva-int . ³sarsvatI ´
6 .SaiSa: ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ p`kaSaM p`aPnaaoit .
³A´ BaanaaoÁ ³Aa´ Baanaunaa ³[´ Baanavao ³[- ´ BaanaUnaa
7 . ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ pit: eva ivaYNauÁ Aist .
³A´ laxmaIÁ ³Aa´ laxmaI ³[´ laxmyaa ³[-´ laxmyaaÁ
8 . ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ kxao bahva: Ca~a: pzint .
³A´ AsyaaÁ ³Aa´Asyaa ³[´ Aissmana\ ³[´Asyaama\
9 . ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ naama ikma\ Aist .
³A´ tva ³Aa´ %vayaa ³[´ tuByama\ ³[-´ %vama\
10 . pyaa-varNasya rxaa ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ prma\ kt-vyama\
³A´ mah\yama\ ³Aa´ maiya ³[´AsmaakM ³[-´ maama\
11. ……………… janakÁ ËuQyait. ³ pu~oNa Ê pu~oÊ pu~aya´
12 .ramaoNa sah saIta Aip …………… AgacCt\. ³ vanao Ê vanama\´
13. . …………… sah lata ËIDit. ³saItyaa Ê saItayaaÁ´
14 .naRpÁ ………… QanaM yacCit ³ iBaxaukM Ê iBaxauksya Ê iBaxaukaya´
15 .taina flaaina …………… saint ³ maQaurM Ê maQauraiNa Ê maQauroNa´

7 k
, aoYzko p`d%tQaatu$psya ]icat$pM ica%vaa ir@tsqaanasya pUit-Á iËyatama\ È ½×10 Ä5

1. %vama\ vaRQdma\ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ È

³A´ saovato ³Aa´ saovaya ³[´saovaoqaaÁ ³[- ´ saovaO
2 . saa ivapulama\ Qanama\ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ È
³A´ laBaot\ ³Aa´ laBaoya ³[´ laBaoqaaÁ ³[-´ laBaoqaama\
3 . yauvaama\ ikmaqa-ma\ ]Vanama\ na ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ È
³A´ gacCoyama\ ³Aa´ gacCotma\ ³[´ gacCotama\ ³[- ´ gacCot
4 . Ahma\ Aip pazSaalaama\ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ È
³A´ gacCtu (Aa´ gacCntu ³[´gacC ³[-´ gacCaina
5. yauvaama\ ikmaqa-ma\ ]Vanama\ na ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ È
³A´ gacCoyama\ ³Aa´ gacCotma\ ³[´ gacCotama\ ³[- ´ gacCot
6. Ahma\ Aip pazSaalaama\ ¹¹¹¹¹¹¹ È
³A´ gacCtu (Aa´ gacCntu ³[´gacC ³[-´ gacCaina

8 , AQaaoilaiKtSlaaokyaao: Baavaaqa-M maHjaUYaat: ]icatpdaina ica%vaa pUryat.

A´ Aadanasya p`danasya kt- vyasya ca kma-Na: È
ixap`maiËyamaaNasya kala: ipbait td`sama\ È È
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Baavaaqa-M ¹ AadanaM i´ …………… tqaa ca yat\ ikmaip kma- Bavait tt\ samayao ii´ …………… krNaIyama\ .yaid vayaM kaya-M

iii´ ………………kirYyaama: tda iv´ ……………… tsya rsaM ipbait , tsya ]pyaaoigata naaSayait È

Aa´ kITao|ip saumana: sa=\gaadaraohit sataM iSar: È

ASmaaip yaait dova%vama\ mahd\iBa: saup`itiYzt: È È

Baavaaqa- ¹ puYpO: sah tucCjaIva: i´ …………… Aip sajjanaanaaM iSar: Aaraohit Anaona p`karoNa maUKa-: Aip

ii´ …………… BaivatuM Sa@naaoit È yaqaa iii´ …………… janaO: maindro iv´ …………… ASma: Aip dova%vaM p`aPnaait È

maHjaUYaa- ixap`M ,ivaWana, kala: ,kIT: , p`danama\ , mahd\iBa: , SaIGa`tyaa ,


9, AQaaoilaiKt SlaaokyaaoÁ AnvayaM samauicatËmaoNa pUryat ¹

A´ sahsaa ivadQaIt na iËyaamaivavaokÁ prmaapdma\ pdma\ È

vaRNato ih ivamaRSyakairNaM gauNalaubQaaÁ svayamaova saMpdÁ È È

AnvayaÁ ¹ iËyaama\ sahsaa na i´ …………… È AivavaokÁ ii´ …………… pdma\ È

ih iii´ …………… gauNalaubQaa: sampd: iv) ………………eva vaRNato È

Aa´ Cayaamanyasya kuva-int itYzint svayamaatpo È
flaanyaip praqaa-ya vaRxaaÁ sa%puÉYaaÁ [va È

AnvayaÁ¹ vaRxaaÁ i´ …………… [va Anyasya ii )…………… kuva-int Ê svayaM iii´ …………… itYzit È

³toYaaM´ iv´ …………… Aip praqaa-ya ³ Bavaint´

maHjaUYaa- ivadQaIt, sa%puÉYaaÁ, prmaapdma\ ,Aatp,o svayama\, flaaina, Cayaama\ ivamaRSyakairNaM

10 , AQaaoilaiKtvaa@yaoYau roKai=ktpdanaama\ kRto ]icatma\ Aqa-M ica%vaa ilaKt.

i)Svaotkot:u ]QdtsvaBaava: ABavat\.´

( A) AiBamaanaI ³Aa´ gaiva-tSaIla: ³[´ kaomalasvaBaava:
ii) na@tma\ diQa maa BauHjaIt.
( A) p`Baato ³Aa´ saayaMkalao ³[´ ra~aO
iii) pHcaoind`yad`vyaaiNa KM vaayau: jyaaoit: Aapao BaU [it.
( A) AakaSa: ³Aa´ Antirxa: ³[´ patala:
iv) (Aa%magatma\ ) naih $pmaova.
( A) Aa%mavat\ ³Aa´ svamanasaI ³[´ svamaova gacCit

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11 .roKaMiktpdM AaQaR%ya p`Snainamaa-NaM iËyatama\¹
1´ pRiqavyaaM ~IiNa rtnaaina saint.
2´ Svoatkot: vaodanaaM AqyayanaM kraoit.
3´ BartÁ ramama\ AiBavaadiyatuma\ [cCit.
4´ ba`ah\maNa daird`yaat\ Aicatntyat\.

12. AQaaoilaiKt vaa@yaaina k`qaaËmaanausaarM ilaKt¹

1´ nakulaÁ kRYNasap-M vyaapaidtÁ KNDSaÁ kRtvaana\.
2´ saÁ kaopat\ nakulaM vyaapidtvaana\.
3´ tona saÁ AvaQaairtvaana\ yat\ nakulaona baalakÁ KaidtÁ.
4´ ba`ah\maNaÁ nakulaM r@tivailaPtMpadM dRYTvaana\
5´ A~anto ba`ah\maNaÁ EaaQdM gaRih%vaa ]pavaR%tÁ.
6´ ba`ah\maNaM dRYTvaa nakulaÁ tsya carNayaaoÁ Alauzt\.
7´ tona nakulaona baalasamaIpma\ ]psap-na\ kRYNasap-Á dRYTÁ.
8´ ba`ah\maNaÁ baalarxaayaaM nakulaM vyavasqaaPya gatÁ

13 .]icatQaatuÉpOÁ vaa@yaaina pUryat¹

1´ ikma\ AhM jalaM patuM ……………… . ³Sak\¹ laT\ lakar ´
2´ prIxaa kda ………………. ³BaU ¹ laRT\ lakarÁ ´
3´ maaoihtraja: calanaica~M…………… ³dRSa\¹ laT\ lakarÁ ´
4´ %vaM jalaM ……………. ³pa ¹ laRT lakarÁ ´
5´ ramasya WaO pu~aO lavakuSaaO …………… ³Asa\¹laD\ºlakarÁ ´

14.]icativa Bai@tyau%tM pdM ica%vaa ir@tsqaanaaina pUryat ¹

1´ naRp: ¹ iQak\………………QaUt-:. ³%vaama\Ê tonaÊ toYaama\ ´
2´ ett\ BaaojanaM ……………BauD\jayato ³kma\Ê kona\Ê kaO ´
3´ AhM i~MSat\ …………… pazyaaima. ³Ca~ma\Ê Ca~aO Ê Ca~ana\ ´
4´ Ca~aÁ p`atÁ………… p`it gacCint³ivaValayao Ê ivaValayaoBya:Ê ivaValayama\ ´

15. inamnailaiKt p`Snaana\ ekpdona ]%trt ¹

1´ Svaotkot:u kma\ ]po%ya vaodana\ Apzt\ Æ
2´ sahsaa ikM na ivadQaIt\Æ

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3´ maaQava: ku~ vasait smaÆ
4´ Aa$iNa: SvaotkotuM ikM AanaotuM AaidSat\ Æ

16. inamnailaiKt p`Snaana\ ekpdona ]%trt ¹

1´ savao-Yau dohoYau k: Aist ya: Ajar: Amar: ca Æ
2´ Svaotkotu: ivaVaM p`aPya ikM Amanyat\Æ
3´ maaQava: baalaksya rxaayaO kma\ ]payama\ Aicantyat\Æ

17. roKaMiktpdM AaQaR%ya p`Snainamaa-NaM iËyatama\¹

1´ ba`hmNa: pu~M pSyait.
2´ ba`ah\maNa daird`yaat\ Aicatntyat.
3´ Svaotkot:u AiBamaanaI AasaIt\.
4´ Aa$iNa: svapu~M piztuM Aacaaya-sya samaIpo p`oiYatvaana\.

18.AQaaoilaiKtana\ gaVaMSaana\ piz%vaa tdaQaairtanaama\ p`Snaanaama\ ]%traiNa inado-SaanausaarM ilaKt

ikntu baalaksya A~ rxak: naaist. tt\ ikM kraoima ? Bavatu icarkalapailatma\ [maM pu~inaiva-SaoYaM nakulaM baalarxaayaaM
vyasqaaPya gacCaima. tqaa kR%vaa gat: .ttstona nakulaona baalasamaIpM ]psap-na\ kRYNasap-: dRYT:. sa tM vyaapaV KNDSa:
kRtvaana\ .A~antro ba`ah\maNaao|ip Eaad\QaM gaRih%vaa gaRhma\ ]pavaRt:. ba`ah\maNaM dRYT\vaa nakula: r@tivailaPtmauKpad: tsya
carNayaao: Alauzt\. ivap`: tqaaivaQaM tM dRYT\vaa baalakao|naona Kaidt: [it AvaQaaya- kaopat\ nakulaM vyaapaidtvaana\ .
AnantrM yaavat\ ]psaR%ya Ap%yaM pSyait tavat\ baalak: sausqa: sap-Sca vyaapaidt: itYzit. tt: tma\ ]pkarkM nakulaM
maRtM inarIxya Aa%maanaM mauiYatM manyamaana: ba`ah\maNa: prM ivaYaadma\ AgacCt\.

ekpdona ]%trt –

1) k: prM ivaYaadM AgacCt\ ?

2) k: nakulaM vyaapaidtvaana\ ?

pUNa-vaa@yaona ]%trt-

1) ba`ah\maNa: ikM kR%vaa Eaadaqa-M gat: ?

2) r@tivailaPtmauKpadM dRYT\vaa ba`ah\maNa: ikma\ AvagacCt\\ ?

inado-Saanausaar ]%trt-

1) ‘ttstona’ [i%a pdsya sainQa ivacCodM ku$t.

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2) ‘Alauzt\’ Asya pdsya kt-RpdM ikM ?

3) ‘]pkarkM nakulaMM’ dRYT\vaa ba`ah\maNa: ikma\ AvagacCt\\ ?

4) ‘inarIxya’ [%yaismana\ pdo k: p`%yaya: A~ p`yau@t ?

19 AQaaoilaiKtM SlaaokM piz%vaa SlaaokaQaairtanaama\ p`Snaanaama\ ]%traiNa inado-SaanausaarM ilaKt
sahsaaivadQaIt na iËyaamaivavaok: prmaapdaM pdma\.
vaRNauto ih ivamaRSyakairNaM gauNalaubQaa svayamaova sampda..

ekpdona ]%trt -

1) saMpda kM vaRNauto ?

2) sahsaa kama\ na kuyaa-t\ ?

pUNa-vaa@yaona ]%trt-

1) sahsaa ikma\ na ivadQaIt\\ ?

2) prmaapdaM pdma\ ikma\ ?

inado-Saanausaar ]%trt-

1) ‘svayamaova’ [it pdsya sainQaivacCodM vaa ku$t.

2) ‘ iËyaama\’ [it pdsya ivalaaoma ikma\

20 .samaanaaqaI- Sabdanaama\ sah maolanama\ ku$R t-

1) vyaapaV ( 1 ) vaIxya (2) maariya%vaa ( 3 ) Avaga%ya

2) saMpda ( 1 ) A%yaiQakma\ (2) ivapd: ( 3 ) samp<aya:

3) sahsaa ( 1 ) Aksmaat\ (2) saahsa: ( 3 ) prak`ma:

4) mauiYatma\ ( 1 ) maairtma\ (2) vaiHcatma\ ( 3 ) pu~vat\

21 .AQaaoilaiKt vaa@yaoYau sqaUlapdaina AaQaR%ya p`Sna inamaa-NaM ku$R t -

1) danaat\ gaaOrvaM p`aPyato.
2) ba`ah\maNa: kaopat\ nakulaM vyaapaaidtvaana\.
3) tsya Baayaa- snaatuma\ gata.
4) samaRiQdiBa: sa%pu$Yaa: ]Qdta: na Bavaint.
22.GaTnaaËmaanausaarM AQaaoilaiKtaina vaa@yaaina puna: laoKnaIyaaina.
1) ivap`sya Baayaa- snaatMu gata.
2) nakula: sap-ma\ Amaaryat\.
3) b`aah\maNa: nakulaM baalarxaayaaM vyavasqaaPya EaaQdaqa-M gat:.
4) nakula: kRYNasap-M dRYTvaana\.\.
5) ivap`: baalakao|naona Kaidt: [it AvaQaaya- nakulaM vyaapaidtvaana\ .

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6) ba`ah\maNa: svaaBaaivak daird`yaat\ Aicantyat\ yat\ yaid sa%varM na gacCaima tda
Anya: kiScat\ EaaQdaqa-M vaRt: Bavaot\.
7) maaQava: ]jjaiyanyaama\ vasait sma.
8) ivap`: prM ivaYaadM AgacCt\.
23. AQaaoilaiKtana\ gaVaMSaana\ piz%vaa tdaQaairtanaama\ p`Snaanaama\ ]%traiNa inado-SaanausaarM ilaKt
Aist ]jjaiyanyaama\ maaQava: naama ivap`: .ekda tsya Baayaa- svabaalaap%yasya rxaaqa-M tma\ AvasqaaPya snaatuM gata. Aqa ba`ah\maNa ra&a EaaQdaqa-M
inamain~t: ba`ah\maNa: sahjadaird`yaat\ Aicantyat\ yaid sa%varM na gacCaima tda Anya: kiScat\ EaaQdaqa-M vaRt: Bavaot\.
Aadanasya p`danasya kt-vyasya ca kma-Na:.
ixap`maiËyamaaNasya kala: ipbait td`sama\ ..
ekpdona ]%trt –
1) AiËyamaaNasya kt-vyasya rsama\ k: ipbait.
2) ivap`sya naama ikM AasaIt\ ?
3) snaatuM ka gata ?
4) Aadanasya rsama\ k: ipbait.
pUNa-vaa@yaona ]%trt-
1) kala: ksya rsama\ ipbait ?
2) kona ikmaqa-M ca inamain~t: ?
inado-Saanausaar ]%trt-
1) ‘ba`ah\maNa:’ Sabdsya pyaa-ya: AnaucCodat\ ica%vaa ilaKt ?
2) ‘Bavaot\’ [%yasya pdsya kt-RpdM ikma\ ?
3) ‘SaIGa`ma\ ’ [it pdsya Aqa-ma\ AnaucCodat\ ica%vaa ilaKt ?
4) ‘gata’ [%yaismana\ pdo k: p`%yaya: A~ p`yau@t ?

24. AQaaoilaiKtM SlaaokM piz%vaa SlaaokaQaairtanaama\ p`Snaanaama\ ]%traiNa inado-SaanausaarM ilaKt

gaaOrvaM p`aPyato danaat\ na tu iva%tsya saMcayaat\.
isqait$ccaO: pyaaodanaaM pyaaoQaInaamaQa: isqait:..
ekpdona ]%trt -
1) gaaOrvaM ksmaat\ p`aPyato ?
2) pyaaoQaInaama\ isqait: kIdRSaI ?
pUNa-vaa@yaona ]%trt-
1) koYaama\ isqait:]ccaO: ?
inado-Saanausaar ]%trt-
1) ‘isqait$ccaO:’ A~ sainQa ivacCodM ikma\\ ?
2) Slaaokat\ WaO AvyayapdM ica%vaa ilaiKt.
3) ‘ saMHcayaat\’ A~ k: ivaBai@t p`yau@t: ?
4) ‘ tulyama\’ [it pdsya A~ k: Sabd: p`yau@t:?

25. AQaaoilaiKtanaama\ Slaaokanaama\ Anvayama\ ]icatpdËmaoNa pUriya%vaa puna: ]%trpuistkayaaM ilaKt

kaYzad\igna jaa-yato maqyamaanaad\ BaUimastaoyaM Knyamaanaa ddait.
saao%sahanaaM naas%yasaaQyaM naraNaaM maagaa-rbQaa: flaint..

Anvaya – maqyamaanaad\ 1) …………… Aigna: jaayato Knyamaanaa 2) ………………… taoyaM ddait.

3) …………… naraNaama\ AsaaQyama\ Aist.4) ……………… sava- ya%naa: flaint\.

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