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Provision of IS:456-2000

Equivalent shear (41.4.3 PP75)

Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu /b

Vu = Shear due to external loads

Tu = torsional Moment

(1 ) τve = Ve / bd ( 40.1 pp) ≤ τcmax ( Table 20 pp.73)

( 2) Calculate τc ( Table -19 pp73)

Shear reinforcement

If ( a ) τve <τc Minimum shear reinforcement should be provided ( 40.3 pp72 )(41.4.3 PP75)

( b ) τc <τve ≤ τcmax Shear reinforcement should be designed ( 41.4.3 pp-75)

T u sv vu sv
A sv= +
b 1 d 1 ( 0.87 f y ) 2.5 d 1 ( 0.87 f y )

( c ) τve > τcmax Section is to be redesigned

But total transverse reinforcement should not be less than

( τ ve−τ c ) b s v
0.87 f y

Distribution of torsional shear reinforcement. ( ( a) pp48)

When a member is designed for torsion ( 41or B-6) torsional shear reinforcement should be provided as

The transverse reinforcement for torsion shall be rectangular closed stirrups placed perpendicular to
axis of the member . The spacing of the stirrups should not exceed least of x 1, ( x1+y1)/2 and 300 mm.
Where x1 and y1 are short and long dimensions of the stirrup respectively.

Equivalent Moment (41.4.2 PP75)

Me1 = Mu +Mt
Mt= Tu ( 1+D/b)/1.7

Longitudinal reinforcement

( a) If Mt ≤Mu

Percentage of reinforcement ( pt )=
fy [ √
50 f ck
1− 1−
4.6 M e 1
f ck b d 2 ]
Ast = pt xbd/100 Provide this reinforcement in tension zone

( a) If Mt >Mu

(I ) Percentage of reinforcement ( pt )=
fy [ √
50 f ck
1− 1−
4.6 M el
f ck b d 2 ]
Ast = pt xbd/100 Provide this reinforcement in flexural tension zone

(ii ) Me2 = Mt-Mu(41.4.2. PP75)

Percentage of reinforcement ( pt 2) =
fy [ √
50 f ck
1− 1−
4.6 M e 2
f ck b d 2 ]
Ast = pt xbd/100 Provide this reinforcement in flexural compression zone

Distribution of torsional longitudinal reinforcement. ( ( b) pp48)

Longitudinal reinforcement shall be places as close as is practicable to the corners of the section and in
all cases there shall be at least one longitudinal bar at each corner of the tie . When the cross sectional
dimension exceeds 450 mm additional longitudinal reinforcement shall be provided to satisfy the
requirement of minimum reinforcement and spacing given in pp47

Clause provision of side face reinforcement (( ( a) pp47)

If cross sectional dimension exceeds 450 mm ,Side face reinforcements shall be provided along two
faces . Total area of reinforcement shall not be less than 0.1 % of web area and shall be equally
distributed to both faces at a spacing not exceeding 300mm of web width which ever is less .
Example -1 Design a rectangular beam of size 300 mm x600 mm overall when it is subjected to a
factored moment of 75kNm , factored torsional moment of 30 kNm and a factored shear force of 60
kN. Use M20 concrete and Fe 500 steel.

Data Provided

Beam section 300 mm x600mm

Let effective cover d’= 50 mm

Effective depth d= 600-50=550mm

Moment Mu =75 kNm, Tersion Tu =30 kNm Shear Vu =60kN

M20 concrete fck =20 N/mm2

Fe 500 steel fy =500 N/mm2


Equivalent moment Me1 = Mu +Mt (41.4.2. PP75)

Mt= Tu ( 1+D/b)/1.7= 30 ( 1+600/300)/1.7=52.97 kNm

Me1 = 75 +52.97 = 127.94 kNm Say 128 kNm

Reinforcement percentage

50 f ck
( pt )= f
[ √
1− 1−
4.6 M e 1 50 × 20
f ck b d 2
500[ √
1− 1−
4.6 ×128 ×1000000
20 ×300 ×5502 ]

Ast = 0.356x300x550/100=587.58mm2

Lets provide 3-16mm φ , Ast = 3x201 =603mm 2 in tension zone

Moment Me2 =0 as Mu > Mt

Shear (41.4.3 PP75)

Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu /b = 60 + 1.6 x30/0.3=220kN

Nominal shear stress τve= Ve / bd = 220 x1000/( 300x550)=1.333N/mm 2

From Table 20 Maximum shear stress (τcmax) = 2.8 N/mm 2 ( Table 20 pp73)

Ast x100/bd = 603x100/( 300 x550)=0.3654

Shear strength (τc) = 0.36 +( 0.48-0.36) x(0.3654-0.25)/( 0.5-0.25)=0.4154 N/mm 2 ( table 19 pp73)

Condition τc< τve< τcmax

Shear reinforcement is to be designed( 41.4.3 pp-75)

Lets use 10 mm φ 2legged vertical stirrups Asv = 2x78.5 = 157mm 2

Distance d1= 600 -50-50= 500mm and b1= 300-50-50 =200 mm

T u sv vu sv
A sv= +
b 1 d 1 ( 0.87 f y ) 2.5 d 1 ( 0.87 f y )

30 ×1000000 × s v 60 ×1000 sv
157= +
500 ×200 ( 0.87 × 500 ) 2.5 ×500 ( 0.87 ×500 )

Spacing sv = 196.25 mm

Maximum spacing ( ( a) pp48)

C/c dimension of stirrup in short direction x1 = 200 +16/2+16/2+10/2+10/2= 226mm, and

C/c dimension of stirrup in longer direction y1 = 500+16/2+16/2+10/2+10/2= 526mm

Spacing should not exceed

(1) x1 =226mm

( 2) ( x1+y1)/4= (226+526)/4=188mm

( 3) 300mm

Lets provide spacing 180 mm c/c through out the length of the beam.

Minimum shear reinforcement ( 41.4.3 pp 75)

( τ ve −τ c ) b s v ( 1.333−0.4154 ) × 300× 180 2 2

= =106.87 mm <157 mm OK
0.87 f y 0.87 ×500

Side face reinforcement. ( b pp48) ( pp47)

At= 0.1 x b xD/100 = 0.1 x300 x600/100=180 mm 2

Area in one face 180/2=90 mm2

Provide 2- 8mm φ in each face spacing uniformly 200mm c/c

Max spacing 300 mm or b =300mm ok

E xample-2 A rectangular beam of size 300 mm x550 mm overall and it is subjected to a factored
moment of 40 kNm , factored torsional moment of 35kNm and a factored shear force of 50 kN. Using
M25 concrete and Fe 500 steel calculate the reinforcement required .

Date Provided

Beam section 300 mm x550mm

Let effective cover d’= 40 mm

Effective depth d= 550-40=510mm

Moment Mu =40 kNm, Tersion Tu =35kNm Shear Vu =50kN

M25 concrete fck =25 N/mm2

Fe 500 steel fy =500 N/mm2


Equivalent moment Me1 = Mu +Mt (41.4.2. PP75)

Mt= Tu ( 1+D/b)/1.7= 35 ( 1+550/300)/1.7=58.333 kNm

Me1 = 40 +58.333 = 98.333kNm .

Reinforcement percentage

50 f ck
( pt )= f
[ √
1− 1−
4.6 M e 1 50 × 20
f ck b d 2
[ √
1− 1−
4.6 ×128 ×1000000
20 ×300 ×5502 ]

Ast = 0.356x300x550/100=587.58mm2

Lets provide 3-20mm φ , Ast = 3x201 =603mm 2 in tension zone

Moment Me2 =0 as Mu > Mt

Shear (41.4.3 PP75)

Ve = Vu + 1.6 Tu /b = 60 + 1.6 x30/0.3=220kN

Nominal shear stress τve= Ve / bd = 220 x1000/( 300x550)=1.333N/mm 2

From Table 20 Maximum shear stress (τcmax) = 2.8 N/mm 2 ( Table 20 pp73)

Ast x100/bd = 603x100/( 300 x550)=0.3654

Shear strength (τc) = 0.36 +( 0.48-0.36) x(0.3654-0.25)/( 0.5-0.25)=0.4154 N/mm 2 ( table 19 pp73)

Condition τc< τve< τcmax

Shear reinforcement is to be designed( 41.4.3 pp-75)

Lets use 10 mm φ 2legged vertical stirrups Asv = 2x78.5 = 157mm 2

Distance d1= 600 -50-50= 500mm and b1= 300-50-50 =200 mm

T u sv vu sv
A sv= +
b 1 d 1 ( 0.87 f y ) 2.5 d 1 ( 0.87 f y )

30 ×1000000 × s v 60 x 1000 sv
157= +
500 ×200 ( 0.87 × 500 ) 2.5 ×500 ( 0.87 ×500 )

Spacing sv = 196.25 mm

Maximum spacing ( ( a) pp48)

C/c dimension of stirrup in short direction x1 = 200 +10/2+10/2= 210mm, and

C/c dimension of stirrup in longer direction y1 = 500+10/2+10/2= 210mm

Spacing should not exceed

(1) x1 =210mm

( 2) ( x1+y1)/4= (210+510)/4=180mm

( 3) 300mm

Lets provide spacing 180 mm c/c through out the length of the beam.

Minimum shear reinforcement ( 41.4.3 pp 75)

( τ ve −τ c ) b s v ( 1.333−0.4154 ) × 300× 180 2 2

= =106.87 mm <157 mm OK
0.87 f y 0.87 ×500
Side face reinforcement. ( b pp48) ( pp47)

At= 0.1 x b xd/100 = 0.1 x300 x600/100=180 mm 2

Area in one face 180/2=90 mm2

Provide 2- 8mm φ in each face spacing uniformly 200mm c/c

Max spacing 300 mm or b =300mm ok

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