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Disadvantage of tesla battery

1. The cost of installing tesla batteries are expensive.

In 2018, a Powerwall 2.0 battery (not including installation costs) cost $5,900. Additional

costs include hardware for $700, giving a total of $6,600. Installation can cost from $2,000 to
$8,000, according to EnergySage, a platform that researches and compares solar installation
prices and companies.

2. The maintenance cost of the Tesla battery powerwall.

Since the Tesla powerwall battery guarantees a 10 years warranty of unlimited cycles, we can
see that, after 10 years, the battery will slowly losing its performance. Eventually, the
customer will have to purchase a new powerwall to replace the old powerwall. This shows
that, after the 10 years warranty, the cost to maintain the battery will be a burden to some

3. Limited charging woes

Electric powered vehicles require charging stations, and for people to travel long distances
there needs to be a network of such stations located strategically. Also recharging of batteries
often takes about 3 hours, which nowhere matches efficiency of a gas refuel. And of course
there’s the charging equipment you need to carry along.

4. Heavy batteries in Tesla electric cars

Batteries are what makes these vehicles heavy. A battery pack of an average electric car can
weigh up to a 1,000 pounds or 450 kg (approx.) This a disadvantage because weight puts
pressure on batteries and they drain out faster.

5. Electricity isn’t Free

Electric cars can also be a hassle on your energy bill if you’re not considering the options
carefully. If you haven’t done your research into the electric car you want to purchase, then
you may be making an unwise investment. Sometimes electric cars require a huge charge in
order to function properly – which may reflect poorly on your electricity bill each month.
Advantage of tesla battery

1. Solar installations have come down in price dramatically over the past few years due
to decreasing production costs and government subsidies.

While the cost of installing a solar panel system to complement the Powerwall is expensive,
solar installations have come down in price dramatically over the past few years due to
decreasing production costs, more efficient installation processes as the result of increasing
economies of scale and generous government subsidies in some places. Tax breaks make a
solar installation more affordable for households, and solar companies often offer generous
incentives to homeowners that reduce upfront costs and can bring down per/kWh electricity
costs below grid prices due to net metering.

2. The increase in cultural capital produced.

The most important economic impact of Tesla's Powerwall system is the increase in cultural
capital it will produce. As with most other technological innovations in the last 150 years
from gas lighting to smartphones, the more affluent may be first adopters, but their interest
creates the possibility of economies of scale that puts new tech into the hands of the everyday

3. Tesla batteries are viable alternative to gas generators for backup electricity in times
of need.

emergency power supplies have gained in popularity following recent extreme weather
events like hurricanes Irene and Sandy as well as the massive snowfall that hit the East Coast
in the winter of 2014 to 2015. It is not the goal of the Powerwall – yet – to take homes
entirely off the power grid. Rather, it is a viable alternative to gas generators for backup
electricity in times of need.

4. Tesla provides a warranty of unlimited cycles for up to 10 years.

With the price for one tesla powerwall battery, a 10 years warranty is a fair deal, considering
that the yearly cost of one home without a powerwall is more expensive compared to yearly
cost of one home with a powerwall. For an example, if the yearly cost of electricity of one
family without a powerwall is $2792, while the yearly cost of a family with a powerwall is
$1919, then $2792 - $1919 = $873. So the family will save $873 yearly when using
powerwall compared to not using a powerwall. This means, for 10 years of powerwall
working guarantee, a family will save up to $8730 in 10 years.

5. Increased property

Multiple studies have shown that homes with solar panel systems are valued and sold at
prices above similar homes in their area. Early studies focused on established solar markets
such as California found that home values increase by four percent or more when homes are
equipped with solar panels. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a research laboratory
affiliated with the Department of Energy, continues to expand on that research as solar grows
across the U.S.

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