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The Beginning of Your Journey 
You’re just starting out… and you have so many questions… 
💭 ​Where do I go? 
Should I go for dropshipping? Should I go for Facebook Ads? Or should I go for MLM? 
💭 ​What should I do? 
Should I continue working for an office job? Or should I quit my job? 
💭​ ​How do I start? 
Should I follow my passion? Or should I work for the money? 
Setting up an online business can be tedious if you don’t have clear steps. 
And believe me, it can get messy if you don’t know what you're doing. 
I want to help you cruise through setting up your online business. 
So here’s what I’m going to do. 
I’m going to lay out every step you need to take to set up your online business. 
Sounds good?  
You are about to start a journey into the online world and I am going to show the exact 
strategies that I personally use to make my first $USD online.  
In fact, I wish I knew this when I get started. I want you to have these skills as your arsenal too. 
Your decision to go through this blueprint may turn out to be the smartest decision you’re ever 

Three Ways To Make Money 
Using Funnel Design 
In the Internet Marketing Business, you might be thinking what types of offers that can help 
you to generate money online. 
Here’s we introduce ​3 ways of making money online​ through ​Funnel Design​: 

1. One time payment 

- You can charge your client based on a single project.  
- Once the project is completed and handed over to your client, you will get the 
one time payment. 
- For example, you charge $
​ 1000 USD​ on your client by completing a landing 
page design, and you will g
​ et paid $1000 USD​ once the project is completed. 
2. Recurring
- Let’s say you have a customer who is an agency company that provides 2
​ - 3 
projects​ for you ​every month​. The agency will consistently outsource projects 
to you to complete. 
- You just need to complete the designs to the agency without dealing with 
payment, hassle in finding new clients or dealing with the delivery of the 
- As a partner with an agency, you will get a f​ ixed amount of money​ every month, 
maybe about $
​ 5000 USD​ per month. 

3. Revenue Share
- This is similar to commission share, it is likely on how many percent you can get 
from a sale. It is a long run partner relationship by sharing revenue. 

- If you have clients that request you to design a landing page, your partner will 
help to complete the project for you, instead of doing it by yourself. And, you will 
get revenue too. 
- For example, if you have a project for $
​ 1000 USD​, and you have 2
​ 0% of revenue 
share, y​ ou will get ​$200 USD​ as ​your revenue​, and $
​ 800 USD​ for​ your partner​. 
- The revenue share can be more, depending on how much share that both 
parties actually agree. And of course, when your partner is growing, you will 
benefit as well. 
Now, you will have hundreds of questions such as what’s the best landing page builder or how 
we should start, you may continue to the next section on how we create a good landing page. 
Here's what we've promised -​ FREE template! 
Step 1: R
​ egister for your FREE 14-days trial account 
Link: ​ 
Step 2:​ I​ mport the FREE template and play around with it! 
Now, you can start to create your first landing page! 
Let’s start! 

The landing page actually carries one important purpose, which is to S
​ ubscribe to Gary’s 
Hustler Digest. 

Are you able to hook the visitors once they enter the page? Are you able to make them stay 
longer on your page? 
A headline is where everything begins — i​ nterest, attention, and understanding​. 
It’s what compels a visitor to stay and learn more about what you’re offering. 
Here’s what it needs to accomplish: 

  The headline should grab the reader’s attention 

  The headline should tell the reader what the product or service is all about 

  The secret of getting [results] 

  Do you suffer from [problem] at [occasion]? 

  Do you suffer from [problem]? 

  How I got [results] by making this unusual mistake. 

  What the [industry] experts don’t want you to know about solving [problem] 
The headline should be short. Never make it more than 20 words, and preferably limit it to 10. 
It’s also worth noting that if your headline complements an image that explains the product or 
service, then you don’t need to go into quite as much detail in the copy. 
Sure, the headline is responsible for capturing a visitor's attention. But then what?​ I​ s your 
subhead able to convey the message you intended to do? 
If the headline makes the visitor look, then the subheadline should make them stay. Together, 
these pieces of copy make up the one-two punch of a landing page’s power. 
Here’s what to keep in mind as you create yours: 

  Persuasive subheadline is positioned directly underneath the main headline 

  Subheadline should have some element of persuasiveness 



  If you’re a contractor. “​Getting Your Home Ready” 

  If you’re an engineer. “Connecting Solar Panels to Electrical Supply” 

  If you’re a personal trainer. “Fitness Errors and How to Remedy Them” 

  If you’re a banker. “Open a Savings Account” 

Subheadline can go slightly more depth and detail than the main headline. In that case, visitors 
will be more likely to click that “​Subscribe​” button than they would after reading the headline 
It’s also worth noting that the explanation doesn’t always have to come after the page’s most 
compelling statement. 
Visual content is an essential component of landing pages that work. 
In fact, the brain processes images​ 60,000​ times faster than text. This means that visitors will 
be affected by the images on your landing page immediately.  
As you select and place your images, take note that: 

  Pictures are large. For example, full page background image, ​sizes that work well are 
1600 x 1000 pixels and 1920 x 1200 pixels. Try to maintain a 4:3 (fullscreen) aspect 

  Upload pictures below 200kb so it loads faster  

  Pictures are relevant to your product or service  

  Use different pictures in every section. For example, include some humans or products in 
After all, if your images are the first thing a visitor processes, they have the potential to shape 
that visitor’s i​ mpression​ of your brand before they even read your copy and you need that 
impression to be a good one. 
It’s also important to remember that because many people will base their opinion of your brand 
on your landing page, you should view it as a chance to differentiate yourself from 

Your first reaction to this subheading might be: “Something about… ? Isn’t that pretty vague?” 
Yes. But this point is intentionally vague because the idea of “pain” leaves a lot of room for 
Here’s the psychology behind pain: Humans are wired to avoid pain. Every product or service can 
help to ​alleviate pain​ in some way. 
If you can cause someone to think about their pain, they will ​subconsciously seek relief​ from 
that pain, and thereby be more likely to convert. 
Here’s how to accomplish that on your landing page: 

  Mention what someone will lose, not just what they will gain 

  Implementing pain references in your testimonials 

  Get them to resonate with their past terrible experience 

  Pour salt onto the wound you've pointed out 

According to the theory of loss aversion, we are more likely to anticipate the pain of losing 
something than we are to feel the pleasure of gaining something of equal value.  
In other words, it feels good to get $50, but the pain that we feel from losing $50 is twice as 
intense as the pleasure we received from gaining the same sum. 
Be sure to relieve the pain. Your product or service is provided as an a​ ntidote to the pain​. ​Don’t 
present a problem without providing a solution! 

Just as humans are pain-avoiding machines, we are also p ​ leasure-seeking​ animals. Every 
human is motivated by the desire to gain pleasure, which comes from a variety forms. 
There are two main ways you can incorporate this into your landing page: 

  Show how pleasure is a by-product of having your product or service 

  Show how your product meets an emotional need beyond its functional role 

  Present your product in such a way that highlights how it brings emotional 

  Present your product in such a way that highlights how it brings psychological pleasure 
If you sell cross-training footwear, you’re not just selling something that goes on a customer’s 
foot. You’re selling respect, trendiness, security, vibrancy, and fulfillment. 
Some of the most persuasive landing pages that I’ve visited have multiple methods of contact 
like p
​ hone number, physical address, email address or contact form​. 
Some even have popups where a customer service representative asks me if they can be of 
help. These go a long way to help strengthen my trust in the company and to eliminate any 
friction in the conversion funnel. 
Here’s what to take note as you add contact information to your landing page: 

  Provide some assurance that you are a real company. Usually, this involves a physical 
address and a phone number 

  Live chats featured in a popup can be helpful, but not a must-have 

  Contact form with name & email address 

  Social media links like Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp 

It’s up to you to determine which options to give your visitors for getting in touch. The most 
important thing is that conversion is an easy process. The simpler you make it for visitors to 
contact you, the more likely they’ll be to ​take action​. 

To create a high converting landing page, this is the most important element of all is the call to 
No element listed in this article is as important as your call to action. After all, this is the 
element that the rest of the content on the page is designed to drive visitors’ attention to. 
Here are a few CTA must haves: 

  Use a button. People have been trained to expect the CTA to be a button 

  Use a contrasting color between button and background color 

  Incorporate graphics that draw the eye to your CTA 

  Maximum 2 different CTA 

  Big and Bold 

With this strong CTA, your landing page will definitely convert even better. 





And I want you to remember this, you are in charge of your life!  
You get to ​decide your own destiny​. 
That’s why, right now, you can start.. 
You can decide.  
You ​decide who you work with​.  
You ​decide when you work​.  
You ​decide if you have to go somewhere 
Right now start deciding. 
All you have to do is say.. 
I don’t want to be told what to do.  
I don’t want to work with people I don’t like.  
I don’t want to follow the complacent many. 
Click Here To Take Your Life By The Neck And Become Your Own Boss 
I want you to have what everyone wants.. 
The ability to D
​ ECIDE​. 
So stop w​ aiting till tomorrow because if you do you’ll be waiting a lifetime. 



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