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2nd Periodical Exam in Science 7

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Fungi have a beneficial effects on other organisms and play big role in decomposition of dead materials and organic wastes. Which
of the following example of fungi that can be benefited on other organism?

A. Wood Ear Mushroom B. Meadow Mushroom C. Yeast D. All of the above

Which organisms reproduces by multiple fission?

A. Amoeba proteus B. Brown hydra C. Planaria D. Plasmodium vivax
Which organism is not capable of regeneration?
A. Planaria B. Starfish C. Snail D. Sponges
Which group of plant exhibits spore formation?
A. Conifers B. Grasses C. Flowering plants D. Mosses
It is a process by which a parent organism produces outgrowths or buds which gradually grow and develop and detach from their parent
as they become mature.
A. Binary Fission B. Budding C. Regeneration D. Spore Formation

Which type of asexual reproduction is exhibited by bacteria?

A. Binary Fission B. Budding C. Regeneration D. Spore Formation

Vegetative propagation is a type of asexual reproduction which does not involve seeds through stem cuttings or specialized structures of
plants. Which of the following is NOT an example of vegetative propagation?

A. Banana B. Ginger C. Roses D. None of the above

They are complex microscopic structures that can infect the cells of the other organisms.

A. Bacteria B. Protists C. Monerans D. Viruses

The green alga, Caulerpa, and mushrooms both have some characteristics similar to plants. What are these characteristics common to
both that are also found in plants?

I. Green color for foodmaking II. Stem-like parts III. Spores IV. Fruit-like parts
A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. II and IV
. Just like many living things, fungi have certain needs to survive. What are these needs?

I. Food II. Air and water III. Sunlight and soil IV. Water

A. I and II B. II and III C. I and III D. II and IV

. Fungi cannot make their own food. What is the effect of their food getting activities?
A. Decomposition of living things C. Trapping of solar energy
B. Production of starch D. Release of oxygen

. What characteristic differentiates fungi, algae and bacteria from the plants aside from their small size?
A. They do not have true roots, true leaves, true stems, fruits and flowers.
B. Most do not make their own food unlike plants.
C. They are at the base of the food chain while animals are at the top.
D. They cause diseases while plants and animals have many uses.
3. Which of the following determines the disease of bacteria named E.coli?
A. Gonorrhea B. Sore throat C. Pneumonia D. UTI
4. Bacteria can be classified according to the shape of their cells. Which shape referred as rod – shaped bacteria?
A. Coccus B. Bacillus C. Spirillum D. All of the above
5. Algal group contains photosynthetic protists like green algae. Which of the following refers to the brown pigment?
A. Carotene B. Fucoxanthin C. Phycoerythrin D. Xanthophyll

TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is wrong.
1. Fungi do not have true roots, stems and leave.
2. Fungi are usually grow at the tip of the hyphae.
3. The characteristics of fungi have a simple cell structure which is protected by a cell wall made up of cellulose.
4. The black bread mold is the source of the world’s famous antibiotic penicillin.
5. Monerans are considered eukaryotic and may be in the form of unicellular, filamentous and colony.
6. Viruses are considered as the borderline between living and non – living things.
7. Binary Fission occurs several successive cell divisions.
8. Hydra can possibly undergoing to fragmentation.
9. Planaria is undergoing through regeneration.
10. Fertilization is the most common type of sexual reproduction that occurs in almost all organism by fusion of gametes.
11. Self – pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of the same or different flower that belongs to the same plants.
12. The organism that lay their fertilized eggs outside the environment are called oviparous organism.
13. After the 16th cell stage, the occurrence of granulocytes.
14. Spirogyra and Paramecium undergoes the process of conjugation.
15. Paramecium can possibly reproduced asexually through spore formation.

Identification. Identify the following statement.

1. It is a microscopic organism which may exists in its single celled form or in a colony of cells.
2. They obtain food from dead or decaying materials.
3. He is the first scientist which discovered the penicillin.
4. These fungi can cause spoilage of foods.
5. It is a parasite that is known as a causative agent for malaria.
6. This type of asexual reproduction in plant does not involve seeds, rather it is through stem cuttings
7. It is the process of producing new organisms.
8. It is the process in which the body of the parent organism breaks up into several pieces. Then, the fragments develop into new organisms.
9. It is the male reproductive part of the plant.
10. It is the female reproductive part of the plant.
11. It is an organism that holds the embryo inside their womb for the entire duration of the embryonic stages to be completed.
12. It is a type of protist which moves by extending finger – like projections called pseudopodia.
13. It is an example of flagellate which moves with the help of one or more threadlike flagella.
14. It is a very strong cell wall that is protected in the bacteria.
15. A group of bacteria which considered photosynthetic because they contain chlorophyll and can manufacture their own food.

Matching Type. Write the letter only.

1. Malaria A. Balantidium coli
2. UTI B. Diplococcus pneumonia
3. Gonorrhea C. Entamoeba histolytica
4. Pneumonia D. Escherichia coli
5. Sore Throat E. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
6. Tubercolosis F. Naegleria fowleri
7. Upper respiratory tract infection G. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
8. Gambian sleeping diseases H. Paragonimus westermani
9. Amoebiasis I. Plasmodium falciparum
10. Balantidiasis J. Streptococcus pyogenes
K. Trypanosoma gambiense
V. Fill in the blanks. Read each statement carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer.

Points of Differences Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction

Number of Parent Organism 1. 6.

Genetic Composition of the offspring 2. 7.

Appearance of the offspring 3. 8.

Cells involved in reproduction 4. 9.

Advantages 5. 10.

Criteria of Life Living Characteristics of Viruses Non – living characteristics of Viruses

Cellular composition None 11.
Levels of organization None 12.
Chemical composition Mostly organic compounds None
Reproduction 13. None
Evolution Can evolve None
Respiration 14. None
Maintenance of internal homeostasis 15. None
Growth (increase in size) None Do not increase in size

1. Draw the classification of bacteria according to the shape of the cells. (6 pts)
2. List at least 4 economical, ecological and medical benefits of bacteria. (4 pts)
Answer Key

I. Multiple Choice 15. FALSE

1. A
2. D III. Identification
3. C 1. Microorganism
4. D 2. Heterotrophic
5. B 3. Alexander Fleming
6. A 4. Rhizopus
7. A 5. Plasmodium
8. D 6. Vegetative Propagation
9. D 7. Reproduction
10. A 8. Fragmentation
11. A 9. Stamen
12. A 10. Pistil
13. D 11. Viviparous Organism
14. B 12. Sarcodina
15. B 13. Euglena
14. Peptidoglycan
II. True or False 15. Cyanobacteria
2. TRUE IV. Matching Type
3. FALSE 1. I
4. FALSE 2. D
3. G
7. FALSE 4. B
8. FALSE 5. J
9. TRUE 6. E
10. TRUE 7. J
11. TRUE 8. K
12. TRUE
13. FALSE 9. C
14. TRUE 10. A

V. Fill in the blanks

Points of Differences Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction

Number of Parent Organism One parent Two parent organism

Genetic composition of the Identical with parent Combined from two parent
offspring organism

Appearance of the offspring Identical with parent Combination of parent’s

characteristics but not exactly alike
either of two parents.

Cells involved in reproduction Body cells Gametes or reproductive cells

Advantages Produces many organism in a Results to variation of organisms

short period of time that are able to survive with a
changing environment.
Saves energy
Criteria of Life Living Characteristics of Viruses Non – living characteristics of Viruses
Cellular composition None Non cellular, they are made up of nucleic
acids and protein
Levels of organization None Compound level – not capable of higher
level of organization
Chemical composition Mostly organic compounds None
Reproduction Can reproduce inside the living None
Evolution Can evolve None
Respiration Can respire utilizing the host None
environment as source of energy
Maintenance of internal homeostasis Can maintain balance inside the None
Growth (increase in size) None Do not increase in size


For item no. 1 and 2, please refer to the textbook on page 70.

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