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Ioan 9:26 - Ei l-au intrebat: Ce ti=a facut, cum ti-a deschis ochii?

Geneza 3:6-7 – li s-au deschis ochii : Intrebare ? Ce ochi li s-au deschis ?

Cui a deschis Dumnezeu ochii ?

*Geneza 21:14-19 – Agar și Ismael

*Numeri 22:31 – Balaam a văzut pe Îngerul Domnului cu sabia scoasă

*2 Regi 6:17 – slujitorul lui Elisei și Sirienii, orbirea Sirienilor și deschiderea ochilor lor când au ajuns la

*Luca 24:31 – Cleopa și Luca nu L-au recunoscut pe Domnul Hristos

* vedem cu creierul si nu cu ochii

* când mergi printr-o mulțime, deodată auzi un anume cuvânt care te face să întorci capul (din atâtea
cuvinte care se rostesc în jurul tău) / cineva îți spune de un anume model de mașină și de a doua zi începi
să-l vezi peste tot (oare le-au cumpărat oamenii în ziua anterioară?) / un bărbat de la țară se trezește
imediat la lătratul câinelui, dar nu și după ce se mută la oraș
*în fiecare secundă suntem bombardați cu aprox. 2mil de stimuli, din care doar 134 pot fi lăsați să intre
(Sistemul Reticular de Activare – funcție de filtrare bazată pe importanța conștientă/incoștientă pe care o
dăm lucrurilor), doar de 7 suntem conștienți
* întâmplare despre selecția creierului cu cartea alba ( care pana la urma s-a dovedit ca are cotorul roșu) –
vedem doar ceea ce credem că este adevărat
*dacă vrem să facem o afacere/dacă credem că nu este nimeni potrivit pt noi/dacă credem că suntem niște
oameni nu prea fericiți – creierul se leagă de exterior prin ceea ce noi ne așteptăm (vedem în lume ori
bunătate, oportunități, etc, ori negativele)

*Matei 13:14-15 – ochi care nu văd, urechi care nu aud

*Ecles.2.14 înteleptul îsi are ochii în cap, iar nebunul umbla în întuneric.

 Aplicații: - viața religioasă – când studiem anumite subiecte (chiar și ca cel de astăzi)
Fapte 9:8 Saul s-a sculat de la pământ, şi măcar că ochii îi erau deschişi, nu vedea
nimic. L-au luat de mâini, şi l-au dus în Damasc.
Fariseii cu privire la Domnul Hristos
Iov – 42:5,6 – dar acum ochiul meu Te-a vazut
 : - viața de zi cu zi – când interacționăm cu oamenii (prima impresie/am auzit ceva
despre ei și ne așteptăm să fie așa)

*Ef.1.18 si sa va lumineze ochii inimii ca sa pricepeti care este nadejdea chemarii Lui, care este
bogatia slavei mostenirii Lui în sfinti

*Apoc. 3:18 – doctorie pt ochi ca sa vezi

Ps.119.18 Deschide-mi ochii, ca sa vad lucrurile minunate ale Legii Tale!

We See With our Brains - Not with Our Eyes

Late one night I was frantically searching for a this book I needed to skim for a meeting the next morning.  I remembered
bringing it home from my office to read and I also remembered the book being a paperback with a white cover.  After searching
through my book shelves, the stack of books on my desk, my car, the stack of books of my nightstand I was exhausting options.
I decided to recruit my husband to help in the search and so I told him I was looking for a white paperback book with this certain
title that I needed to read for a meeting tomorrow morning.  He came back 10 minutes later to tell me he checked everywhere
and could not find it.  I decided to give up the search and started to question my memory of bringing it home. I concluded that I
had left it at my office.  
The next morning I went to the meeting and the person I was meeting with brought me a  second copy of the book.  I was
grateful for the copy since my copy was MIA.  I took a look at the book and the cover was white as I had imagined, but when I
glanced at the spine I noticed it was red.  I threw the book in my bag and went on my merry way.
Later that evening when I returned home I was looking on my desk at the stack of books and my eyes immediately noticed the
copy of the missing book second from the top of the stack.  I was instantly drawn to the red spine and the title.  I yelled for my
husband to come down and look at my discovery.  He was amazed and immediately started to question if I had moved it there. 
He kept saying it could not have been there the night before because he had looked at the stack for it.  
I explained to him that this case of the missing book is not a mystery at all.  I had communicated to him that the book was
white.  As humans, we see with our brains, not with our eyes.  As a result, his brain and my brain were both looking for a white
book.  When the spine was red we did not even see the book at all because our brains filtered it out because it did not match
the description we believed to be true.  
So back to the moral of the story...we see with our brains, not with our eyes.  Our eyes are merely the lenses.  We see what we
believe to be true.  The book was physically there the entire time and I did not see it because I had a false belief that the spine
was white like the cover.  
How does this idea translate to our success and happiness in business and in life?  If we believe that there is a lack of business
in our marketplace, our brain will not allow us to see the opportunities right in front of our eyes.  If we are single and believe
there is not a good mate out there for us, we could know the person right now and not see the potential.  If we believe that on
the happiness scale of 1-10 we typically hover around a 5, we will not see the opportunities around us that would provide a
higher level of happiness.  
This entire experience really caused me to ask myself how many limiting beliefs I have that are causing me to be blind
successful opportunities in my path. 
Do not take the limiting beliefs of 2008 and prior into this new year.  Instead evaluate what you want, make sure your beliefs
align, and seek knowledge and resources to help you achieve what you really desire in life this year.  
For more info on the brain and how this happens, research the Reticular Activating System or RAS.  This speaker, James
Ray does a good job of explaining this in 6 minutes.  

2011-02-12 – tecuci, ora de rugaciune

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