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Festival Date Customs

Spring Festival
pasting scrolls, the character 'Fu', and paper-
1st - 15th of the
cuts pictures, displaying firecrackers and
春 first lunar
Chūnjié fireworks, paying New Year visits, and eating
节 month

Lantern Festival
15th day of the watching lanterns and fireworks, guessing
first lunar lantern riddles, performing folk dances, and
元宵节 Yuánxiāo jié
month eating yuanxiao.

Zhonghe Festival (Dragon Raising its Head)

2nd day of 2nd
Zhōng hé jié lunar month

Qingming Festival
April 4th or 5th
of the solar tomb sweeping, spring outings, and flying kites.
清明节 Qīngmíng jié

Dragon Boat Festival

dragon boat racing, eating zongzi, wearing a
5th day of the
端午 perfume pouch and tying five-colour silk thread,
Duānwǔ jié 5th lunar month
节 and hanging mugwort leaves and calamus.

Double Seventh Festival

7th day of
praying for skillful hands, appreciating the stars,
七 seventh lunar
Qīxì and eating noodles, jiaozi, and wontons.
夕 month

15th day of Spirit Festival

7th lunar (Ghost 中元节
yuán jié
month Festival)

Mid-autumn Festival
15th day of the appreciating and offering sacrifice to the
中秋节 Zhōngqiū jié 8th lunar month moonlight and eating moon cakes.
Chongyang Festival
eating Chongyang cake, drinking
9th day of the
chrysanthemum wine, climbing mountains and
重阳节 Chóngyáng jié 9th lunar month
appreciating beautiful chrysanthemums.

Dec. 21st, 22nd

having dumplings in northern areas and having
Winter Solstice 冬至; pinyin: Dōngzhì or 23rd in solar
sticky puddings in southern areas
8th day of the
Laba Festival
12th lunar eating laba rice porridge.
Làbā Jié ( 腊八节)

China is a country with a long history of about 5,000 years. In its ever-forward history
course there have developed a good number of traditional festivals which are of rich
varieties and long standing. The culture of festivals rooted deeply in the people, and it thus
shows its enormous vitality. In spite of the change of times, it has gradually become part of
the heritages of the colorful Chinese culture. A close relationship exists between many of
the traditional festivals and chronology, mathematics, the Chinese Calendar and
the twenty-four solar terms. The form which most of the festivals take today was
established around the time of the Han Dynasty (206BC - 220) Almost every festival
has its own unique origins and customs which reflect the traditional practices and
morality of the whole Chinese nation and its people. The grandest and most popular
festivals are 

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