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Assessment block C

Learner Name: _______GABRIELA M THIELEN_________

Write complex documents
Learner Workbook V1.6
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2
Candidate Details.............................................................................................................................3
Assessment – BSBWRT401: Write complex documents................................................................3
Competency Record to be completed by Assessor........................................................................4
Activity 1A – 1C..............................................................................................................................5
Activity 1D – 1E..............................................................................................................................5
Activity 1F......................................................................................................................................6
Activity 2A – 2B..............................................................................................................................6
Activity 2C......................................................................................................................................6
Activity 2D.....................................................................................................................................7
Activity 2E – 2F..............................................................................................................................7
Activity 3A – 3B..............................................................................................................................8
Activity 3C – 3D..............................................................................................................................8
Activity 4A – 4B..............................................................................................................................8
Activity 4C......................................................................................................................................9
Skills and Knowledge Activity.........................................................................................................9
Major Activity..............................................................................................................................10
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Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBWRT401: Write complex documents
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer for marking. This is your
assessment for BSBWRT401: Write complex documents.

Name: ___GABRIELA M THIELEN_______________________________________

Email: __________gmt_gabi@hotmail.com_____________________________


I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the
exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person.

Signed: ________GABRIELA THIELEN_____________________________

Date: __________08/08/2016____________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners
involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it
was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that
no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where
we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been
written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________
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Competency Record to be completed by Assessor

Assessments 1st attempt 2nd attempt 3rd attempt Assessor
Satisfactory Satisfactory Satisfactory Initials
ACTIVITIES Activity 1 Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐

Activity 2 Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐

Activity 3 Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐

Activity 4 Yes ☐ No ☐ Activity 3 Yes ☐ No ☐

Skills & Knowledge Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐

Major Activity Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐


The learner has been assessed as competent in the elements and performance criteria and the
evidence has been presented as Authentic, Valid, Reliable, Current and Sufficient. Please circle.


If not yet competent, date for re-assessment: ____________________________________

Comments from Trainer / Assessor:


Assessor Name: _______________________ Assessor Signature: _______________________

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Activity 1A – 1C
Estimated Time 45 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to determine the purposes of documents,
choose appropriate formats for documents and establish means of
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
Case Study activity and the assessment environment):

For all activities; If you don’t have a current workplace please answer about a
previous workplace or a workplace you are familiar with such as EIP.

1. What are your organisations procedures to use technology safely?

Allow no water to fall near electrical equipment and leads, ensure that the
equipment is well ventilated and always maintain it.
2. Why is ergonomics important in your work place?
  Ergonomics is important because its purpose is to keep everyone safe. It
avoids hazards and injuries.
3. How can you avoid Over Use Syndrome?
Vary my workload throughout the day and try to avoid uncomfortable
4. What procedures are in place to conserve energy in your work area
when you use technology?
Switch off lights when no one is around.

5. Case Study
Clare, your manager, has asked you to find out information about equipment to
replace damaged production equipment. You are required to use facts and
figures to ensure that a decision can be made about the replacement
equipment. This report is for management. (Note: If you would like to define
equipment, choose equipment that you would use in your workplace).

a. What is the purpose of this research?

To find out information about equipment to replace damaged production
b. What format would you use for the document?
I would use Microsoft Office.
c. You have two weeks to investigate the different options. Draw a time
line for the report. Make sure that you rely on consultation with other
workgroups as required. (You do not need to write the report)
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Activity 1D – 1E
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to determine requirements of documents
and determine categories and logical sequences of data, information and
knowledge to achieve document objectives.
Research Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

Choose one piece of equipment in your workplace or previous workplace. Your

workplace has asked you to write the safety process for using this equipment –
obtain access to the equipment’s manufacturer’s manual. (you do not need to
write the safety process)

1. What are the requirements of the document? You may need to include
First of all, I would need to check if there is a certain style I need to follow.
Because it is a document that explains the safety process of an equipment, I
would need to include some graphic images to make it easy for others to
understand. Highlighting the instructions and captioning clearly.

2. What categories and logical sequence of data, information and

knowledge would you use to achieve the documents objectives? Why?
I would place my documents in an order that reflects how I intend to use
them. I would try to arrange them in an order that the readers could
understand, making key points as well.

Activity 1F
Estimated Time 20 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to develop overview of structure and
content of documents.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

1. What is a tag? What does it do?

Tags are used to link the structure of a document and its content.
2. In your own words, explain how you would develop a good structure to
your document?
I would write a solid introduction about what the documents is, making sure
everything ties and flows together. Then, I would check my research again to
see if I got all the important topics. And last, I would check against
organisational requirements before I process my document.
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Activity 2A – 2B
Estimated Time 40 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review and organise available data,
information and knowledge according to proposed structure and content and
ensure data, information and knowledge is aggregated, interpreted and
summarised to prepare text that satisfies document purposes and objectives.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

1. Find all of the procedures in your workplace that will impact on the way
in which you perform your job. List at least 3 of the procedures.

 Observe the task/activities

 Review associated legislative requirements

 Record the sequence of basic job steps

2. How would you organise this information if you were going to train
another member of your team to perform your job role?

In order to train someone it is essential that the person has access to all of the
procedures of the organisation, and I would make sure he has access to all of
that information.

3. What logical sequencing and/or categories would you use? Why?

I would start with the safety procedures and then general procedures because
they are more relevant.

4. Aggregate and summarise the information so that you have a small

chart to guide your training of the worker.

 Observe the task/activities: t is important to observe the task/activity

being performed the preferred way to ensure safest method is

 Review associated legislative requirements: Some task/activities are

governed by legislative requirements. These must be considered when
developing a safe work procedure to ensure any legal requirements are

 Record the sequence of basic job steps: write down the steps that make
up the task/activity.
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Activity 2C
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to include graphics as appropriate.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

What graphics would you recommend to be used in Activity 2A - 2C? Why?

When conducting a presentation regarding the benefits of following the


Activity 2D
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to identify gaps in required data and
information, and collect additional material from relevant enterprise personnel.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

1. When will you become aware that additional information may be

required in your document?

Probably, only when I’m writing a draft of a document.

2. You have been asked to find training records for a report (in your
organisation or your previous organisation). Where would you find this
information? Write the position of the person who you would be able to
access this information?

Training records would be located in the main computers, which can be

logged in by the supervisor of the team. The manager can also have access to
it, however he needs the supervisor’s authorization.

Activity 2E – 2F
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to draft text according to document
requirements and genre and use language appropriate to the audience.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

Write an email draft asking a new contact for help to grow your business. (If you
don’t currently work for an organisation then choose an organisation you are
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familiar with such as EIP) Your audience will be middle level management of
which several have English as a second language.
The email should contain;
 Greeting
 Receiver’s name
 Sender’s name
 Subject
 Date
 The content of the message
 Sign-off
 Email address
 A confidentiality statement or disclaimer

From: Sam Myers

To: Amy Dustin

Date: 20/10/2016

Subject: Recommendation

Hello Amy,

My name is Sam and I was wondering if you have any recommendations of a

new contact for help to grow my business, since I am currently looking on
some expansion projects. Can you think of anyone that can be interested in
being a part of it?

Thank you,

Sam Myers

Activity 3A – 3B
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to review draft text to ensure document
objectives are achieved and requirements are met and check grammar, spelling
and style for accuracy and punctuation.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

Review draft of document completed in Activity 2E – 2F. Consider whether the

language is appropriate for the audience.
If you require assistance, ask another member of your team to review the
document. Ask them to mark the email in another colour pen.
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Activity 3C – 3D
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to ensure draft text is approved by relevant
enterprise personnel and incorporate revisions in final copy.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

Who in your organisation would need to approve this type of document (your
Update your email with amendments to text being made.
Print and attach both emails to this Learner Work Book. Make sure that you
save a draft of both emails.

In my organisation the manager can easily approve this type of document,

however we have the authority to send without their authorization, since
there is not much relevant information in there.

Activity 4A – 4B
Estimated Time 30 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to choose basic design elements for
documents appropriate to audience and purpose and use word processing
software to apply basic design elements to text.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

Open the amended email and add design elements to the email using the basic
design elements identified in this learner guide.
 Print and save the email.
 Print and attach email to this Learner Work Book


Activity 4C
Estimated Time 15 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to check documents to ensure all
requirements are met.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):

Review email so all organisational requirements have been met. Design a check
sheet (checklist) that you can use as a guide when revising documents.
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 Quality of material (effectiveness, relevance, etc.) General organization

(sequence of ideas)

 Division into paragraphs

 Transitions (within and between paragraphs)

 Variety of sentence structure

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Skills and Knowledge Activity

Estimated Time 60 Minutes
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of the
foundation skills, knowledge evidence and performance evidence.
Activity Complete the following individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific
activity and the assessment environment):
Complete the following individually and attach your completed work to your
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your
knowledge of:

 Plan, draft and finalise complex documents that require review and
analysis of a range of information sources
 Use business technology to apply formatting, and incorporate graphics
 Edit the draft text to ensure accuracy and clarity of information, obtain
feedback on the draft and revise the draft
 Apply the enterprise style guide/house style
 Reading skills
 Writing skills
 Oral communication skills
 Navigate the world of work
 Interact with others
 Get the work done
 Identify the enterprise style guide/house style
 Outline formatting styles and their impact on formatting, readability and
appearance of documents
 Explain rules and conventions for written English, as defined by general
and specialist sources.

Using a computer, demonstrate your knowledge and ability of the above criteria
by designing 3 posters for use within your workplace or a workplace you are
familiar with such as EIP. The posters should adhere to company style (i.e. logo,
font, colour scheme). Poster size A4.

1. For use in the office environment: a poster advising colleagues of

ergonomic information, such as seating position chair height, seat and
back adjustment, keyboard, screen and mouse position, lighting, noise
minimization, etc.
2. For use in the office printer room: poster explaining your company’s
policy and guidelines on resource conservation (describing ways of
conserving paper and energy).
3. For use in the reception area: a poster instructing visitors of your
company’s procedure on accepting visitors, for example, signing in,
reporting to a reception desk, wearing a pass etc.

You should bear in mind your intended audience and adjust your language and
style accordingly.
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Poster 1

The Basics Of Neutral

Working Postures

Shoulders and Arms:

 Keep the shoulders relaxed.

 Keep you’re your elbows close to your body.
 Keep work at about elbow height.

Head and Neck:

 Avoid situations that require twisting the neck

or bending it forward, backward or the side.


 Stand straight – avoid situations that require

bending, leaning to the side or twisting.
 A sit/stand stool will allow for changes in
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Major Activity
Estimate 60 – 120 Minutes
d Time
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to revise the unit.
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Activity This is a major activity – your instructor will let you know whether you will complete it
during class or in your own time.
Complete the following individually.

Attach your completed answers to the workbook.

You must individually, answer the following questions in full to show your competency of
each element:
 Plan documents
 Draft text
 Prepare final text
 Produce document

You have two options for this activity. Please choose either option A or B.

Option A

If you have completed a report in a previous unit you can use one of these
reports for this major activity. Below is a list of reports in this course.
 ‘Meeting report’ from Organise meetings unit (skills and Knowledge
 ‘Promotional event report’ from Promote products and services unit
(skills and Knowledge activity)
*must complete questions 1 to 9.

Option B

Individually, complete the following and present it as a portfolio; identify a

hazard in your workplace or a workplace that you are familiar with such as EIP.
Produce a report explaining the hazard and the possible cause/s for the hazard.
At the start of the report, write a list of the basic procedures that you
should follow for:
 Ergonomics
 Minimising over use syndrome
 Breaks

Now answer the questions 1 to 9: (answer for your chosen option, A or B)

1. What is the purpose of the document?

2. What format and means of communication will you use or did you use? Why?
3. What are the requirements of the document? Please attach your organisations
style sheet. If you don’t have a style sheet please use the EIP style sheet below.
4. What are the logical sequence or categories should you use in this report? Why?
5. What is the structure and contents of the document?
6. How will you review/did you review data, information and knowledge according
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to the structure and contents of the document?

7. Draft the report, review, add any additional information, obtain approval from
your trainer to process amendments. Three (3) drafts of the report must be
produced including:
 original draft (1)
 Reviewed draft with updates (2)
 Final draft with graphics (3)
8. What document requirements would you check to ensure all requirements are
met? Why?
9. Complete the checklist you designed in activity 4C of this learner workbook.
Where can you improve in practice? Why?

EIP style sheet for all reports

Design elements
Use size 12 Times new roman/Arial font for text body and double line
Bolded text
Bolded text may be used for key words and headings.
Titles and proper nouns must use capitals.
Must be simple, relevant to the text.
All headings to be bolded but not underlined. Avoid too many headings.
Key words to be underlined.
Sentences should be short. One idea per paragraph.

Important: You must write a report for this activity. Below are a list of pages in a
 Title page
 Executive Summary
 Table of contents
 Introduction
 Findings (Main Body) * detailing everything you would need to organise
 Conclusions
 Bibliography (reference list)

Simple report template
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If you are not sure how to write a report please check the how to write a report links
An examples of report:


1. What is the purpose of the document?

The CCAT Final Report is intended to help your organization determine its strengths and
opportunities for improvement. Based on anonymous responses from organizational leaders
includ- ing senior management and board members, the report is a snapshot of how the
organization is pro- gressing, based on the perceptions and experiences of insiders.

2. What format and means of communication will you use or did you use? Why?

Formal English, correct grammar and punctuation and in a pdf format so it looks more

3. What are the requirements of the document? Please attach your organisations style sheet. If
you don’t have a style sheet please use the EIP style sheet below.

The CCAT report can be used as a:

• Starting point for discussions

• Suggested checklist for changes

• Barometer for comparison to similar organizations
• Way to track organization growth and development
• Method for involving select board members in discussing organizational capacities

4. What is the logical sequence or categories should you use in this report? Why?

It is in numerical list.

5. What is the structure and contents of the document?

Core Capacities, Sub-capacities & Organizational Culture .........................................................5

Lifecycle Score & Recommendations.............................................................................................8
Lifecycle Score .................................................................................................................................10
Prioritized Capactiy Building Plan ..................................................................................................11
CCAT Results ...................................................................................................................................12
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The Theory Behind the CCAT: What Is Organizational Effectiveness? .......................................25

Nonprofit Lifecycle Score ................................................................................................................26
About TCC Group ............................................................................................................................27

6. How will you review/did you review data, information and knowledge according to the
structure and contents of the document?

I will review with my team members according to the procedures and policies of the organization.

7. Draft the report, review, add any additional information, obtain approval from your trainer
to process amendments. Three (3) drafts of the report must be produced including:
 original draft (1)
 Reviewed draft with updates (2)
 Final draft with graphics (3)


8. What document requirements would you check to ensure all requirements are met? Why?

 Quality of material (effectiveness, relevance, etc.)

 General organization (sequence of ideas)
 Division into paragraphs
 Transitions (within and between paragraphs)
 Variety of sentence structure

9. Complete the checklist you designed in activity 4C of this learner workbook. Where can you
improve in practice? Why?

I have nothing to improve.

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