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872228 872232
Analysis, design and construction of a piled raft foundation for Design of piles in weak carbonate rocks
a high-rise office building on pinnacled limestone Swarm, L H
Ng, T H Proc 8th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala
Proc 8th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-15 March 1985 VI, P4/82-86. Publ
Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-15 Alarch 1985 V1. P453-60. Publ Kuala Lumpur: Organising Committee, 1986
Kuala Lumpur: Organising Committee, 1986 The design of piling for a jetty in North Western Australia is
The foundation problems for the construction of two tower described. Pressuremeter tests were used during the site inves-
blocks and basement car parks on pinnacled karstic limestone tigation, and extensive use was made of the parameters
overlain by loose medium sand are described. A raft founda- obtained. Design parameters were finalised following a pile
tion was specified with piles resting on bedrock, or jet grouted load test.
columns where the limestone was shallow. The complex sup-
port conditions required the use of three dimensional finite 872233
element analysis to validate the design and determine the Analysis of the performance of piles in silica sands and
actual stresses on piles, columns and bedrock. carbonate formations
Bea, R G; Vahdani, S: Guttman, S I; Meith, R M:
Paulson, S F
Proc 18th Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 5-8
872229 May 1986 1"1. P551-560. Publ Richardson, Texas: OCT,
Driving of H-piles in limestone formation using diesel 1986
Sehested, K G; Wah, W W Mathematical modelling was undertaken to study the pile-soil
interaction for pile in silica and calcareous sands. The model
Proc 8th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala
used was PSAS (Pile-Soil-Analysis-Systewm), which was cali-
Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-15 t~,larch 1985 V1. P461-67. Publ
brated from pile loading tests. Static load response of a drilled
Kuala Lump,tr: Organising Committee. 1986
and grouted pile in a seafloor calcareous formation was
About 2300 steel H-piles were driven using diesel hammers parametrically analysed using the calibrated model. It was
into hard limestone overlain by 4.5-28m of weak alluvial and concluded that insightful interpretation of soil characteristics
disturbed soils at the site of a cement works. Initially, piles can result in good agreement between model and field test
displaced, tilted and bent as they hit the bedrock and the piling results, that pile-soil stiffness plays a major role in determining
frame was badly shaken. The causes were deduced to be slid- beating capacity, and that larger than normal factors of safety
ing as the pile hit the rock surface, insufficient lateral con- should be used for drilled and grouted piles in carbonate
straint from the soils and lack of adjustment of drop height foundations.
and driving speed of the hammers. The use of Oslo points on
the piles and careful driving overcame these problems. 872234
Lateral loading tests on large-diameter steel piles installed in
carbonate rocks and soils
Hagenaw, J: Chandrasekhar, C S; Waanders, A J
872230 Proc 18th Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 5-8
Foundations for Srimara Complex, Kuala Lumpur May 1986 V1, P561-568. Publ Richardson, Texas: OCT,
Yong, T G; Ting, W H; Toh, C T 1986
Proc 8th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-15 ~larch 1985 V1, P4/68-72. Publ Cyclic lateral loading tests were carried out on 4 pairs of piles,
Kuala Lumpur: Organising Committee, 1986 diameter 914-3353mm. driven into weak carbonate rock and
marine sediments. Measured deflections were greater than
This office block with basement car parking was built over those predicted by the load-deflection (p - y) curves con-
limestone which had weathered in slabs. Where adequate lime- structed using the usual methods. More accurate prediction of
stone was available at shallow depths, cast in place bored piles pile behaviour is possible using a suitable modification of the
were socketed into the rock. Where no adequate rock was method of constructing p - y curves for stiff clays.
found at depths to 60m, jet grouting was carried out around
the pile shaft to increase side resistance. Results of loading 872235
tests with and without jet grouting are presented, along with CAPWAP analyses increase ability to properly design piles in
measured movements of the anchored diaphragm wall. calcareous sands
Dutt, R N; Teferra, W
Proc 18th Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 5-8
May 1986 V1, P569-578. Publ Richardsop, Texas: OTC,
872231 1986
Design of bored piles in limestone in France
Bustamante, M; Gianselli, L; Pilot, G The present understanding of soil-pile behaviour in calcareous
Proc 8th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Kuala soils is reviewed, and a description is given of a study to evalu-
Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-15 3,1arch 1985 VI, P4~73-81. Publ ate the use of dynamic pile measurements to determine static
Kuala Lumpur: Organising Committee, 1986 pile capacity. Soil resistance during driving (SRD) was com-
puted from measured force and acceleration records from the
Design of deep foundations in limestone areas are made diffi- installation of a 75cm diameter drill conductor in the Gulf of
cult because of the heterogeneity, hardness and fissuring of the Suez, using the CAPWAP program. The computed SRD pro-
soils and bedrock. The French solution is to use the Menard file agreed well with static pile capacities predicted using soil
pressuremeter to determine mechanical properties of the soils, properties from a nearby site and assuming total capacity is
and to use values of beating capacity and skin friction deter- three times the outside skin friction resistance. The potential
mined from static loading tests on real piles in these forma- use of dynamic measurements to predict static performance is
tions in design calculations. demonstrated, but further confirmation is required.

1986 Pergamon Journals Ltd. Reproduction not permitted

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