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word category

eager adjective
pointedly adverb
rag noun
churn verb
fencing noun
epee noun
foil noun
bloom verb
root noun
spread verb
therefore adverb
determinism noun
unforeseen adjective
forewarn verb
ravage verb
ragtime noun
conglomeration noun
loose verb
loose adjective
lack noun
lack verb
oak noun
cedar noun
rather adverb
successfully adjetive
treat verb
lobster noun
damaging adjetive
appendage noun
acorn noun
higher adjetive
lower adjetive
issued verb
interviewed verb
horn noun
pitch noun
otherwise adverb
trip noun
borrowed verb
tasted verb
cared verb
unexpectendly adverb
purse verb
landlord noun
tenants noun
fairness noun
seasonable adjective
trap verb
remained verb
grow verb
poetry noun
Abundant adjective
Accumulate verb
Accurate adjective
Accustomed adjective
Acquire verb
Adamant adjective
Coerce verb
Deceive verb
Cognizant adjective
Feasible adjective
Cohesion noun
Decipher verb
Fundamental adjective
Coincide verb
Famine noun
Collapse verb
Declaration noun
Collide verb
Extract verb
Commitment noun
Gap noun
Community noun
Conceal verb
Garbled adjective
Concur verb
Generate verb
Conflict noun
Constrain verb
Contemplate verb
Hypothesis noun
Identical adjective
Jointly adverb
Knack noun
Ludicrous adjective
Maintain verb
Morose adjective
Negligent adjective
Nonchalant adjective
Obey verb
Origin noun
Paradigm noun
Proximity noun
Quarrel verb
Rigid adjective
Rotate verb
Safeguard verb
Sustain verb
Symbolic adjective
Technical adjective
Wages Noun
Staff noun
Anxious adjective
Achieve Verb
Near adverb
Taste noun
Arrangement noun
Timetable noun
Enterpreneur noun
Grant noun
Trade noun
Apprentices noun
Engagement noun
Split verb
Carpentry noun
profit noun
muddy adjetive
demand noun
weak adjetive
available adjetive
path noun
suburbs noun
dive verb
risky adjetive
board noun
meals noun
sophisticated ajdjetive
scan verb
limited adjetive
believe verb
role noun
lawyers noun
summary noun
Masterful Adjetive
Statesmanship Noun
Unswerving Adjetive
belief Noun
antislavery Adjetive
closest Adjetive
foremost Adjetive
settling Verb
undertook Verb
lumber Noun
take off Phrasal verb
wilds Adjetive
debt Noun
bankruptcy Noun
chief noun
engagement noun
careers noun
knowledge noun
enviroment noun
trades noun
chemist noun
scents noun
accomplish verb
unwise adjective
topic noun
joke noun
announcement noun
sum up verb
odor noun
 wanting to do or have something very much.
in a direct and unambiguous way, often indicating criticism or displeasure.
a piece of old cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece, used typically for cleaning things.
move about vigorously.
the sport of fighting with swords, especially foils, épées, or sabers, according to a set of rules, in order to score points against a
One of the three weapons used in the sport of fencing.
One of the three weapons used in the sport of fencing.
Produce flowers; be in flower.
the part of a plant that attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to t
open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length.
for that reason; consequently.
the doctrine that all events, including human action, are ultimately determined by causes external to the will. Some philosoph
not anticipated or predicted.
inform (someone) of a danger or possible problem.
cause severe and extensive damage to something.
music characterized by a syncopated melodic line and regularly accented accompaniment, evolved by black American musicia
a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection.
set free; release.
not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached.
the state of being without or not having enough of something.
be without or deficient in.
a large tree that can live for a very long time and producessmall hard fruits called acorns
 a tall tree with red wood and thin sharp leaves that do not fall off in the winter
to a fairly large degree
achieving the result that you want
to behave toward someone in a particular way
a shellfish that has a long body, eight legs, and two largeparts like arms called claws
causing physical harm to something so that it is broken, spoiled, or injured
something that is joined to something larger or more important, for example a small part of your body such as a hand or foot
the fruit of the oak, a smooth oval nut in a rough cuplike base.
at a more advanced level or involving a greater degree of knowledge
below another thing of the same kind
to announce something, or to give something to people officially
to ask someone, especially someone famous, questionsabout themselves, their work, or their ideas, in order to publish or bro
the object in a car or other vehicle that makes a loud warning noise when you press it
the high or low quality of a musical note synonyms and related words
as a way of showing how a sentence or clause is related to what has already been said:
a journey in which you go somewhere, usually for a short time, and come back again
take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it.
perceive or experience the flavor of.
feel concern or interest; attach importance to something.
in a way that was not expected or regarded as likely.
(with reference to the lips) pucker or contract, typically to express disapproval or irritation.
a person, especially a man, who rents land, a building, or an apartment to a tenant
a person who occupies land or property rented from a landlord.
impartial and just treatment or behavior without favoritism or discrimination.
usual for or appropriate to a particular season of the year.
catch (an animal) in a trap
continue to possess a particular quality or fulfill a particular role.
become larger or greater over a period of time; increase
poetic spirit or feeling:
Present in large quantities.
To gradually collect.
Correct; free from errors.
Used to something.
To come into possession of.
Refusing to change an opinion.
To force someone to do something against their will.
To trick or mislead.
Being aware or having knowledge of something.
Possible to do.
Uniting; becoming one.
To find the meaning of.
Of primary importance.
To occur at the same time.
A time when there is an extreme lack of food.
To fall down or break down.
An announcement.
To hit one another with a forceful impact.
To get or remove something.
Dedication to a cause or activity.
A space in between to objects.
A group of people who live or work together.
To hide.
Communication that is distorted and unclear.
To agree.
To produce.
A disagreement or fight.
To restrict or repress.
To consider thoughtfully.
An unproven idea that attempts to explain something.
Exactly the same.
A special talent or skill.
To continue at the same level.
Gloomy, depressed.
Lazy, neglectful.
Indifferent, unexcited.
To follow orders or instructions.
The source; where something began.
A typical example of something.
Nearness in time or space.
Disagreement or fight; to have an argument.
Stiff; unyielding.
To turn.
Something that serves as protection or ensures safety.
To keep going.
Serving as a symbol.
Relating to a specific subject or craft.
a particular amount of money that is paid
the group of people who work for an organization
worried and nervous
to succeed in finishing something or reaching an aim
not far away in distance
the flavour of something, or the ability of a person or animal to recognize different flavours
a plan for how something will happen
a detailed plan showing when events or activities will happen
someone who starts their own business
an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose
business activity
someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often for low payment
an agreement to marry someone
to (cause to) divide into two or more parts
the skill or work of making and repairing wooden objects
A profit is an amount of money that you gain when you are paid more for something than itcost you to make, get, or do it.
Something that is muddy contains mud or is covered in mud.
A demand is a firm request for something.
If you describe someone as weak, you mean that they are not very confident or determined
If something you want or need is available, you can find it or obtain it.
A path is a long strip of ground which people walk along to get from one place to another.
If you live in the suburbs, you live in an area of houses outside the centre of a large town or city.
If you dive into some water, you jump in head-first with your arms held straight above your head.
If an activity or action is risky, it is dangerous or likely to fail.
A board is a square piece of wood or stiff cardboard that you use for playing games such as chess.
A meal is an occasion when people sit down and eat, usually at a regular time.
Someone who is sophisticated is comfortable in social situations and knows about culture, fashion, and other matters that are
When you scan a place or group of people, you look at it carefully, usually because you are looking for something or someone
Something that is limited is not very great in amount, range, or degree.
If you believe that something is true, you think that it is true, but you are not sure.
If you have a role in a situation or in society, you have a particular position and function in it.
A lawyer is a person who is qualified to advise people about the law and represent them in court.
A summary of something is a short account of it, which gives the main points but not the details.
skilled at controlling people and situations
an experienced political leader that many people respect
during all of a period of time or an event
used for emphasizing how strong someone’s feelings continue to be in difficult situations
 a strong feeling that something is true or real
opposed to the practice or system of slavery.
similar to someone or something else but not exactly the same
most important or most well known
to go and live permanently in a particular place
In past, to agree to be responsible for a job or a project and do it
rough pieces of wood, or trees cut down for wood
 to become successful or popular very fast
a wild animal or plant lives or grows on its own in natural conditions and is not raised by humans
 an amount of money that you owe
a situation in which a person or businessbecomes bankrupt
a leader or ruler of a people or clan.
an agreement to marry someone
an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress.
 the range of one's information or understanding
a computer interface from which various tasks can be performed
he action of buying and selling goods and services.
a pharmacy which also sells toiletries and other medical goods; a drugstore.
a distinctive odor, especially when agreeable:
achieve or complete successfully.
(of a person or action) not wise or sensible; foolish.
is a particular subject that you discuss or write about.
something not to be taken seriously : a trifling matter
a public and typically formal statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention.
give a brief summary.
a distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one.
The man was eager to eat.
He pointedly refused to shake hands.
He wiped his hands on an oily rag.
The seas churned.
A foil is one of the three weapons used in the sport of fencing
Epee has a bigger guard compared to foil
The foil is the modern version of the original practice weapon for dueling sword.
A rose tree bloomed on a ruined wall.
cacti have deep and spreading roots
I spread a towel on the sand and sat down
he was injured and therefore unable to play
Such a view reconciles free will not with determinism but with the highly plausible thesis of universal event causation
insurance to protect yourself against unforeseen circumstances.
he had been forewarned of a coup plot.
fears that a war could ravage their country.
In their dancing, in their minstrelsy and then in ragtime , black Americans were insisting on setting European-style music free b
a loose conglomeration of pieces.
the hounds have been loosed.
A loose tooth.
the case was dismissed for lack of evidence.
the novel lacks imagination
Suddenly he thought of the forest, the oak tree and the chances that she might be there.
Conifers are evergreen trees and shrubs that include pines, spruces, firs, arborvitae, junipers, cedars and yews.
would you like some wine, or would you rather stick to sherry?
it was successfully implemented
she had been brutally treated
It takes about eight seconds for a pair of lobsters to copulate; it takes a lot longer to get them into the mood
new cars are less damaging to the environment
they treat Scotland as a mere appendage of England
Collect interesting bits of natural objects, such as bark, leaves, conkers and acorns to label and display at home
the higher it cost the better you expect.
My cellphone has low battery
licenses were issued indiscriminately to any company
I was interviewed today.
During the summer months, she plays co-principal horn and is a featured soloist with the Capitol City Band.
a car engine seems to change pitch downward as the vehicle passes you
if it were otherwise, we would be unable to acquire knowledge
We're going on a trip to Norway this summer
"he had borrowed a car from one of his colleagues"
"she had never tasted ice cream before"
"they don't care about human life"
"he died unexpectedly of a heart attack"
"he had justtook
been a glance
herofreflection and pursed
his digs because her lips disgustedly"
the landlord had objected to the noise"

"council-house tenants"
"part of my role is to ensure fairness to all parties"
"seasonable temperatures"
a rat trapped in a barn
"he had remained alert the whole time"
turnover grew to more than $100,000 within three years"
The pianist played the prelude with poetry.
Living close to a lake means we have an abundant supply of water.
Each fall, leaves accumulate in our driveway.
Make sure your address is accurate before submitting your online order.
Having 8AM classes means I’m accustomed to getting up early.
When my grandmother died, I acquired her cookbook collection.
The defendant was adamant that he was innocent.
The young boy was coerced into stealing by his friends.
He deceived me by pretending to be a millionaire.
Before mountain climbing, you need to be cognizant of the risks.
This study plan you made for me sounds feasible, even with my work schedule.
Water molecules show strong cohesion when they stick together.
The spy deciphered the secret code.
Learning scales is fundamental to being a good piano player.
This year Thanksgiving coincided with my birthday.
Millions of children in  Ethiopia died due to the famine there.
The old building finally collapsed, leaving nothing but a pile of rubble.
He made a declaration to the office that he was quitting.
The two cars collided on the freeway.
The dentist extracted one of my teeth.
Joining a school play is a big commitment. You’ll need to practice every evening.
Be careful to avoid the gap between the two steps.
The Chinese community in my city is hosting a New Year celebration next week.
The mountains concealed the ocean from view.
Our answering machine is so bad that people’s voices are always garbled.
He believes women should be paid as much as men, and I concur.
The fire generates heat, which keeps the room warm.
The conflict between the two families has been going on for generations.
You should move your plant to a bigger pot, otherwise you’ll constrain its roots.
I spend a lot of time contemplating what career I want to have.
You’ll need to conduct an experiment to test your hypothesis.
The twins were completely identical.
The newlyweds jointly opened up a bank account.
My brother has a real knack for solving tricky math problems.
His claims about me are absolutely ludicrous.
She has maintained the same weight since high school.
The boy was morose after hearing he didn’t make the football team.
The negligent babysitter invited her friends over while the children were upstairs.
I was hurt when my friend greeted me so nonchalantly.
My dog always obeys me when I ask her to sit.
The explorers are trying to find the origin of the Nile.
This work of art is a paradigm of the period; you’ll see many examples of it in the museum.
The twins hated to be apart, so they bought houses in close proximity to each other.
Nina and her boyfriend always quarrel over money.
The boys’ father was happy to see the base of the treehouse was rigid and sturdy.
Rotate the sculpture so I can see the other side.
A retirement fund is one way to safeguard your finances for the future.
I stopped trying to sustain the friendship after he made fun of how I looked.
A cross is symbolic of Christianity.
The laptop manual is full of technical terms only a computer expert can understand.
The job pays very low wages.
The staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase
I saw my sister's anxious face at the window.
She finally achieved her ambition to visit South America.
Is there a restaurant near here?
I love the taste of garlic.
All the travel arrangements have been taken care of.
Here is the timetable of events for the day.
He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.
You might be eligible for a grant.
The country's trade in manufactured goods has expanded in the last ten years.
Most of the work was done by apprentices.
They announced their engagement at the party on Saturday.
The teacher split the children (up) into three groups.
That staircase is a beautiful piece of carpentry.
I can seem them make a profit
Diving into muddy waters
It is good for a job to be demand so that you will always push yourself
Of course you should also think about your strengths and waek before makin such a decision.
Available to them and give them the best advice for finding work.
The carrer path you choose depend on ehat your priorities in the life.
Living in the suburbs
I dive into lakes and ponds on golf
We are snakes and crocodiles to think about, can be risky
I serve affects the mood of everyone on board
I can make tasty meals out of almost anything
Bank´s website wich has a really sophisticated security
scan each text and look for the specific infotmation
The kitchen space is limited and it get really hot
Sometimes i can´t believe how locky i am.
It´s a challenging role that requires patience.
I´m negoatiating contracts with lawyers and others.
If you had to summaries what you want from a job
Is today recognized for his masterful, statemaship and diplomacy
Is today recognized for his masterful, statemaship and diplomacy
Throughout his political career fe demostrated his unswerving belief in freedom
Throughout his political career fe demostrated his unswerving belief in freedom
Throughout his political career fe demostrated his unswerving belief in freedom
his unswerving belief in freedom of seepech, the antislavery cause
the word "unswerving" is closest in meaning to
is known as one of the foremost authorities on North American birds
After settling on his father´s
Audubon undertook numerous enterprices
a lumber and griest mill
or in the hands of a partner and take off on excursions
through the wilds to paint the natural life that he saw
He was jailed for debt
and forced to file for bankruptcy
the chief of the village
an engagement party
"he spent three years training for a business career"
answered to the best of my knowledge
a programming environment
"a move to ban all trade in ivory"
I'm a great chemist
the scent of roses.
I manege to accomplish ny goals effectively
unwise behavoir at word
with the topic and the situation
never joke around if you want to be taken seriously
seen this announcement in an international magazine
To sum up, neing an odor tester may not be
To sum up, neing an odor tester may not be


A lazy person who doesn’t do much exercise and spends a lot of time on the sofa watching television
To get to the point, to not include unnecessary detail
To be extremely hungry
to become very angry, scared or excited (can be negative or positive)
Someone who is energetic, lively or enthusiastic
To suddenly and completely stop using an addictive substance
To take a particular course of action, both literally and figuratively
To go to bed in order to sleep
To be alert, quick to understand and react to things
Something that is very easy
To wait patiently
To spend a lot of money on something
Not feeling very well, a little sick
To understand something that is complicated or shocking
To show indifference to something or a total lack of interest
Something is very close or near
Something that appears bad at first but ends up having good results
A humorous way of saying someone is stupid or is a bit mad
What you do is more important than what you say; someone’s words may not be trustworthy
When someone does something to make a bad situation worse
To make a bad situation worse
To be at a point in your life when you need to make an important decision
To be wrong or misguided about the reason for something
To talk about unimportant things because you’re avoiding a particular topic
To be eagerly waiting to hear about something
It’s better to do something late than not at all
To be in a difficult situation where both options are bad
To do too much or take something on that is too difficult
To decide to do something that is difficult or unpleasant, but necessary
To do something that helps you get rid of stress, energy or anger
To say that a set of instructions or task is simple or easy
Something that is very ordinary or basic, nothing special
Work that has been done badly, in a clumsy, lazy way
An informal way of asking someone to move to make room for you
Strongly-brewed English breakfast tea with milk
To refuse to think about or confront serious issues or situations
To work very hard on something, or to harass someone
To narrowly succeed in doing something
To state the truth about something even if it’s unpopular or unpleasant
To stop working on something
When something is inexpensive or good value for money
Information or rumours that have been passed on by many people and are no longer reliable
To hold a grudge/be angry about something that happened in the past, or to be arrogant and think too highly
To become silent or stop talking
To get nervous or to have second thoughts about doing something
To deliberately ignore someone
When something is very expensive
When something is very expensive
To show indifference to something or a total lack of interest
To get to the point, to not include unnecessary detail
My husband has turned into a couch potato since he lost his job.
To cut a long story short, she has to move back to the US until her new visa comes through.
I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
I freaked out when I saw The Rolling Stones perform. I’d wanted to see them my whole life!
You’re full of beans this evening! You must have had a good day at work
I gave up smoking by going cold turkey
Let’s not go down that road again! It always leads to an argument.
It’s been a long day so I’m going to hit the sack. Night night!
You really need to be on the ball in this job because it’s fast-paced with lots happening all the time.
My English exam was a piece of cake.
Sit tight! The nurse will be with you in just a moment.
We splashed out on new phones for the whole family.
Sarah’s not going to come out tonight. She’s had a busy week and is feeling under the weather.
I can’t wrap my head around why Megan would leave London for Rotherham!
I couldn’t care less if Harry comes out tonight or not! I don’t really like the guy.
Luckily the wedding is just a stone’s throw from our hotel so we can walk there.
Missing that plane turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I got to spend more time with my family.
He brought only shorts and t-shirts when he went to Sweden in the winter – I think he might be a sandwich short of a picnic!
Person A: “John keeps saying he wants to take me out for dinner, but then he never does!” Person B: “Actions speak louder th
When Sarah started laughing during the argument, it really added fuel to the fire!
As if breaking my arm isn’t bad enough, to add insult to injury I have to pay £1,000 in hospital fees as I didn’t have travel insur
I was at a crossroads when I was offered a job in the US, but my boyfriend wanted to stay in London.
He thinks the company’s problems can be solved just by firing the sales team, but he’s barking up the wrong tree.
Stop beating about the bush! Are you planning to quit university, or not?
Person A: “I have to tell you about what happened on our trip to Spain…”
Person A: “Sorry I missed your birthday! There’s a card in the post.” Person B: “Don’t worry. Better late than never!”
Person A: “If I go to the wedding mum will be upset, but if I don’t go then I’ll be letting down the rest of the family!” Person B:
Person B: “Sounds like a lot of work! Don’t bite off more than you can chew.”
You’re going to have to bite the bullet and tell your ex-(girlfriend) that you need the apartment back.
After my meeting with the boss, I went for a run to blow off steam.
To make the salad dressing, you just put oil, vinegar, honey and mustard into a bowl, mix them together and bob’s your uncle!
Despite the excellent reviews, we thought the restaurant was just bog-standard.
The original builders did such a bodge job of our kitchen that we had to get it completely redone.
Could you budge up a bit so I can sit down?
I’ll have a builder’s tea, please.
Martin just buries his head in the sand when it comes to his financial problems.
I was busting my chops all night to get that report finished!
The traffic was terrible so we only made the plane by the skin of our teeth!
I know he’s your brother, but let’s call a spade a spade: he’s pretty lazy.
It’s almost 9pm. I think we should call it a day and finish the report tomorrow.
It doesn’t look it, but our new sofa was (as) cheap as chips!
John and Maggie from the office haven’t actually announced they’re getting a divorce. It’s probably just Chinese whispers.
Whenever we mention his childhood, he gets really angry. He’s got a chip on his shoulder about it.
When Bill came into the room, Jenny just seemed to clam up. I think she likes him!
He’s getting cold feet about the wedding, but I told him that was perfectly normal.
I got the cold shoulder from Anna at the party. I guess she’s still annoyed with me.
That Italian meal cost a bomb! We won’t be going back there, unless we win the lottery!
The new bar in town was really fancy, but my drink cost an arm and a leg!
I couldn’t care less if Harry comes out tonight or not! I don’t really like the guy.
To cut a long story short, she has to move back to the US until her new visa comes through.
ort of a picnic!
speak louder than words.“

ave travel insurance!

mily!” Person B: “Sounds like you’re caught between a rock and a hard place.”

ob’s your uncle!

Mistake Real meaning

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