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Building Name
Footing Number:
Node number

Length (l, dim. || Z axis ) = 700 mm
Breadth (b, dim. || X axis) = 600 mm
Height of pedestal = 1m Breadth 6.5 m
Input pedestal height
Weight of pedestal/column = 10.50 KN 0 if wt. of
pedestal/column is no
global to be considered.
FOOTING global
Foot length (L, dim. || Z axis) = 6.75 m Z Z
Foot Breadth (B, dim. || X axis) = 6.5 m
Z and X axis are
Thickness of footing (t) = 750 mm global assumed as two
Clear cover to Reinforcement = 75 mm X horizontal Global axis
Main bar dia of footing = 16 mm
Effective depth of footing = 667 mm Length 6.75 m Hence, input the
Selfweight of the footing = 822.66 KN dimensions of footing
Footing Dimensions easily by inputing
Area of Footing(A) = 43.88 m2 footing length paralle
Sect mod of foot about Z axis (Zz) = 47.53 m3 to global Z and footin
breadth parallel to
Sec mod of foot about X axis (Zx) = 49.36 m3 global X.

Grade of concrete fck = 20 N/mm2
Grade of steel fy = 415 N/mm2


Safe NET bearing pressure = 1650 KN/m2
Safe gross bearing pr. = 1702.25 KN/m2 (net pr. + depth of foot * soil unit wt)
Unfactored load case number = 215
Axial load from output (P1) = 721.07 KN
Moment about Z axis (Mz) = 200 KN-m
Moment about X axis (Mx) = 2000 KN-m
Depth of top of foot. from ground = 2m
Unit wt of soil = 19 KN/m3
Weight of soil retained above foot = 1651.29 KN
P = (P1+soil+pedestal+foot selfwt) = 3205.52 KN
Maximum bearing pressure = 117.79 KN/m2 P My Mx
± ±
Minimum bearing pressure = 28.33 KN/m2 A Zy Zx
Hence footing is safe against max gross bearing pr.

Factored load comb. no. 18 self wt of footing & so
wt is not considered i
Axial load:(Pu) = 100 KN Pu.
Moment about Z axis (Muz) = 100 KN-m
Moment about X axis (Mux) = 5 KN-m
Maximum effective soil pressure pe max
( Pu/Area+ Muz/Zz + Mux/Zx) = 4.48 KN/m2
Minimum effective soil pressure pe min
( Pu/Area - Muz/Zz - Mux/Zx) = 0.07 KN/m2
Design of footing is done using above maximum effective soil pressure




If this moment is very
Mu about X1 X1 = ( pe max x length2/2)= 20.52 KN-m per meter high try to reduce
Mulimit = 1228.80 KN-m per meter moment by changing

A st =
fy [ 
0 . 5f ck
1− 1−
4 . 6M u
f ck bd 2
] The section is singly reinforced
footing size.
Higher moment will
require higher steel a
section may be doubl
reinforced. This desig
Hence, Ast = 85.468 mm2 is done as singly
reinforced section.
Min Ast = 800.400 mm2 (0.12 % for slab, cl
Spacing = 251.20 mm (considering max of above two calculated values of Ast)
pt provided = 0.12 %
Hence provide 16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c parellel to length of footing ( || to Z)

Mu about N1 N1 = ( pe max x length2/2)= 19.51 KN-m per meter

Calc. Ast = 81.272 mm 2
The section is singly reinforced
Min Ast = 800.4 mm2 (0.12 % for slab, cl
Spacing = 251.20 mm (considering max of above two calculated values of Ast)
pt provided = 0.12 %
Hence provide 16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c parellel to breadth of footing ( || to X)
Arrangement of bottom reinforcement as per above design is shown below

16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c All drawings on this

sheet are updated
automatically as per
design changes and
need not be edited.

16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c

1 1

Footing Length 6750 mm Breadth 6500 mm

Sec 1-1

1367 600
L1 X1 X

a a

N1 N1
a a

L2 L2

2358 X1 X
L1 Breadth 6500 mm


Footing Length 6750 mm 2283




One way shear at critical section L1- L1
Distance of critical sec. from edge of footing = 2.36 m
Shear force Vs =pe max x 2.358 x 1m width of footing = 10.574 KN
Instead of calculati
Shear stress tv = Vs/bd = 0.016 N/mm2 accurate pressure
ordinate at L1-L1 w
tc = 0.26 N/mm2 have used "pemax"
tv < tc hence O.K. on conservative sid

One way shear at critical section L2- L2

Distance of critical sec. from edge of footing = 2.28 m
Shear force Vs =pe max x 2.283 x 1m width of footing = 10.238 KN
Shear stress tv = Vs/bd = 0.015 N/mm2
tc = 0.26 N/mm2
tv < tc hence O.K.


Ref. cl 34.2.4 and cl.31.6.3 of IS 456 : 2000
Allowable shear stress tv allowable = kstc
ks = ( 0.5 + bc) = 1.54 >1
Hence, ks= 1
tc = 0.25 (fck)
= 1.12 N/mm2
tv allowable = ks x τc = 1.12 N/mm2
Shear force Vs = 4.484 ( 6.75 x 6.5 - 1.367 x 1.267) = 188.99 KN
Length of critical section = 2 x ( 1367 + 1267) = 5268 mm
Area of the critical section (length of critical sec x eff. d ) = 3513756 mm2
Hence shear stress τv = 0.054 N/mm2
tv < allowable hence O.K.



Project name
Building name
global Z and X axis are
X assumed as two
Breadth 6.5 m horizontal Global ax is of
If this moment is very
high try to reduce
global Hence, input the mom ent by changing
global footing size.
Z Z dimensions of footing
easily by inputing Higher moment will
footing length parallel require higher steel and Instead of calculating Instead of calculating
global to global Z and footing sect ion may be doubly
accurate pressure
reinforced. This design accurate pressure
X breadth parallel t o ordinate at L1-L1 we ordinate at L2-L2 we
global X. Input pedestal height = Design of footing is is done as singly
have used "pemax" on
Length 6.75 m self wt of footing & soil wt done using above reinforced sect ion. have used "pemax" on

[  ]
0 if wt. of
pedestal/column is not is not considered in Pu. max imum effect iv e soil 0 . 5f ck 4 . 6M u conserv ative side. conservat iv e side.
Footing Dimensions to be considered. pressure A st = 1 − 1− bd
f y f ck bd 2

Length (l, Breadth Height of Weight of Foot Foot Thickness Clear Main Effective Self Area of Sect mod Sec mod Grade of Grade of Safe NET Safe gross Unfactored Axial Moment Moment Depth Unit wt Weight P = (P1+ Maximum Minimum Check if Factored Axial Moment Moment Maximum effective Minimum Mu about X1 Mulimit Check type Ast Min Ast = Spacing pt Bar Dia Mu about N1 Check type Ast Min Ast = Spacing pt Bar Dia Distance Shear Shear tc Check for Distance of Shear force Shear stress tc Check for ks = If ks >1 tc = Allowable Shear Length of Area of the Hence Check for two way
dim. || Z (b, dim. || Pedestal pedestal length (L, Breadth of footing cover to bar dia depth of weight of Footing of foot of foot concrete steel f y bearing bearing pr. load case load about Z about X of top of soil of soil soil + bearing bearing footing is load load: about Z about X soil pressure pe max effective soil X1 = ( pe max of section (0.12 % (considering provided /Spacing of N1 = ( pe of section (0.12 % (considering provided /Spacing of of critical force Vs stress tv one way critical sec. Vs =pe max x tv = Vs/bd one way ( 0.5 + bc) then Ks =1 0.25 shear stres tv force critical critical shear shear
axis ) X axis) dim. || Z (B, dim. || (t) Reinf of footing footing (A) about Z about X f ck pressure (net pr. + number from axis (Mz) axis (Mx) of foot. retained Pedestal pressure pressure safe comb. no. (Pu) axis (Muz) axis (Mux) = ( Pu/Area+ pressure pe min = x length2/2) singly / for slab, cl max of two Reinf. max x singly / for slab, max of two Reinf. Parallel sec. L1- =pe max = Vs/bd shear at L2- L2 from dist of L2-L2 shear at (fck)0.5 allowable = ks x τc Vs section section stress τv
axis) X axis) footing axis (Zz) axis (Zx) depth of foot output from above + foot against Muz/Zz + Mux/Zx) ( Pu/Area - doubly calculated Parallel to length2/2) doubly cl calculated to breadth of L1 from x dist of Critical edge of x 1m width of Critical else Ks=Ks
= (length of
* soil unit wt) (P1) ground footing self wt) M M max gross Muz/Zz - reinforced. values of Ast) length of reinforced. values of Ast) footing (|| to X) edge of L1-L1 x section L1-L1 footing footing section L2- critical sec
± y± x bearing pr Mux/Zx) foot. (|| to Z) footing 1m width L2 x eff. d )
A Zy Zx of footing

KN-m per KN-m per KN-m per

mm mm m KN m m mm mm mm mm KN m2 m3 m3 N/mm2 N/mm2 KN/m2 KN/m2 KN KN-m KN-m m KN/m3 KN KN KN/m2 KN/m2 KN KN-m KN-m KN/m2 KN/m2 meter meter mm2 mm2 mm % mm meter mm2 mm2 mm % m KN N/mm2 N/mm2 m KN N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 KN mm mm2 N/mm2
500 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1655.85 3199.58 117.65 28.20 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 21.90 1228.80 Singly reinf 91.23 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.46 11.023 0.017 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 190.12 4868 3246956 0.06 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.
700 600 0 0 6.75 6.5 750 75 16 667 822.66 43.88 47.53 49.36 20 415 1650 1702.25 215 721.07 200 2000 2 19 1651.29 3195.02 117.55 28.09 SAFE 18 100 100 5 4.48 0.07 20.52 1228.80 Singly reinf 85.47 800.40 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 19.51 Singly reinf 81.27 800.4 251.20 0.12 16@251c/c 2.36 10.574 0.016 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 2.28 10.238 0.015 0.26 tv < tc O.K. 1.54 1 1.12 1.12 188.99 5268 3513756 0.05 tv < allowable O.K.


All drawings on t his

sheet are updated
aut omatically as per
design changes and
need not be edited.
16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c

16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c

1 1

Footing Length 6750 mm Breadth 6500 mm


Sec 1-1

1167 600
L1 X1 X

a a

N1 N1
a a

L2 L2

2458 X1 X
L1 Breadth 6500 mm
Footing Length 6750 mm 2283



Building Name
Footing Number:
Node number

Length (l, dim. || Z axis ) = 700 mm
Breadth (b, dim. || X axis) = 600 mm global
Input pedestal height =
Height of pedestal = 1m Breadth 3 m X
0 if wt. of
Weight of pedestal/column = 10.50 KN pedestal/column is not
to be considered.

Foot length (L, dim. || Z axis) = 5m global
Foot Breadth (B, dim. || X axis) = 3m Z Z and X axis are
Thickness of footing (t) = 750 mm assumed as two
Clear cover to Reinforcement = 75 mm horizontal Global axis of
X building.
Main bar dia of footing = 16 mm
Effective depth of footing = 667 mm Length 5 m Hence, input the
Selfweight of the footing = 281.25 KN dimensions of footing
Footing Dimensions easily by inputing
Area of Footing(A) = 15.00 m2 footing length parallel
Sect mod of foot about Z axis (Zz) = 7.50 m3 to global Z and footing
breadth parallel to
Sec mod of foot about X axis (Zx) = 12.50 m3 global X.

Grade of concrete fck = 20 N/mm2
Grade of steel fy = 415 N/mm2


Safe NET bearing pressure = 1650 KN/m2
Safe gross bearing pr. = 1702.25 KN/m2 (net pr. + depth of foot * soil unit wt)
Unfactored load case number = 215 To perform successful
iteration do not input
Axial load from output (P1) = 10 KN in these cells. Atleast
Moment about Z axis (Mz) = input 0.1 to these cell
500 KN-m
when there is no
Moment about X axis (Mx) = 450 KN-m moment.
Depth of top of foot. from ground = 2m
Unit wt of soil = 19 KN/m3
Weight of soil retained above foot = 554.04 KN If min pressure is
P = (P1+soil+pedestal+foot selfwt) = 855.79 KN negative then to
recalculate pressure
Maximum bearing pressure = 159.72 KN/m2 P My Mx solver of sheet1.
Minimum bearing pressure = -45.61 KN/m2 ± ±
A Zy Zx
Recalculation of max pressure done below as min pressure is negative.
Recalculated max bearing press. = 170.76 KN/m2 Max bearing pressure is safe
Minimum bearing pressure = 0 KN/m2
Hide this two rows
DESIGN FORCES before print out if they
are highlighted.
Factored load comb. no. 18
Axial load:(Pu) = 150 KN
Moment about Z axis (Muz) = 150 KN-m
Moment about X axis (Mux) = 150 KN-m self wt of footing & so
wt is not to be
Maximum effective soil pressure pe max considered in Pu.
( Pu/Area+ Muz/Zz + Mux/Zx) = 42.00 KN/m2
Minimum effective soil pressure pe min If min pressure is
negative then to
( Pu/Area - Muz/Zz - Mux/Zx) = -22.00 KN/m2 recalculate pressure
Recalculation of maximum effective pressure done below as min pressure is negative. solver of sheet2.

negative then to
recalculate pressure
solver of sheet2.
Maximum effective soil pressure pe max 75.15 KN/m2
Minimum effective soil pressure pe min 0 KN/m2
Hide this two rows
before print out if the
are highlighted.


Hide this two rows

CALCULATION FOR BOTTOM STEEL before print out if the
Mu about X1 X1 = ( pe max x length2/2)= 173.68 KN-m per meter are highlighted.
Mulimit = 1228.80 KN-m per meter
A st =
fy [ 
0 . 5f ck
1− 1−
4 . 6M u
f ck bd 2
] The section is singly reinforced If this moment is ver
high try to reduce
moment by changin
footing size.
Hence, Ast = 738.53 mm2 Higher moment will
require higher steel
Min Ast = 800.40 mm2 (0.12 % for slab, cl section may be doub
Spacing = 251.20 mm (considering max of above two calculated values of Ast) reinforced. This desi
pt provided = 0.12 % is done as singly
reinforced section.
Hence provide 16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c parellel to length of footing ( || to Z) at bottom

Mu about N1 N1 = ( pe max x length2/2)= 54.10 KN-m per meter

Calc. Ast = 226.38 mm2
The section is singly reinforced
Min Ast = 800.40 mm2 (0.12 % for slab, cl
Spacing = 251.20 mm (considering max of above two calculated values of Ast)
pt provided = 0.12 %
Hence provide 16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c parellel to breadth of footing ( || to X) at bottom
Arrangement of bottom reinforcement as per above design is shown below
All drawings on this
16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c sheet are updated
automatically as per
design changes and
need not be edited.

16 mm dia bar @ 251 mm c/c

1 1

Footing Length 5000 mm Breadth 3000 mm

Sec 1-1

1367 600
L1 X1 X

a a

N1 N1
a a

L2 L2

1483 X1 X
L1 Breadth 3000 mm
Footing Length 5000 mm 533



One way shear at critical section L1- L1
Distance of critical sec. from edge of footing = 1.48 m
Shear force Vs =pe max x 1.483 x 1m width of footing = 111.44 KN Instead of calculating
accurate pressure
Shear stress tv = Vs/bd = 0.167 N/mm 2
ordinate at L1-L1 we
have used "pemax"
tc = 0.26 N/mm2 on conservative side.
tv < tc hence O.K.

One way shear at critical section L2- L2

Distance of critical sec. from edge of footing = 0.53 m
Shear force Vs =pe max x 0.533 x 1m width of footing = 40.05 KN
Shear stress tv = Vs/bd = 0.060 N/mm2
tc = 0.26 N/mm2
tv < tc hence O.K.


Ref. cl 34.2.4 and cl.31.6.3 of IS 456 : 2000
Allowable shear stress tv allowable = kstc
ks = ( 0.5 + bc) = 2.17 >1
Hence, ks= 1
tc = 0.25 (fck)0.5 = 1.12 N/mm2
tv allowable = ks x τc = 1.12 N/mm2
Shear force Vs = 42 ( 5 x 3 - 1.367 x 1.267) = 557.26 KN
Length of critical section = 2 x ( 1367 + 1267) = 5268 mm
Area of the critical section (length of critical sec x eff. d ) = 3513756 mm2
Hence shear stress τv = 0.159 N/mm2
tv < allowable hence O.K.

Analysis of pressure below footing under axial load and biaxial moments [Original Developer:

The footing slab area is divided into 20 x 20 = 400 elements.

UNITS are N and mm; AXES are x (or Z) horizontal & y (or X) vertically upwards; The origin is at the cg of area.
LOWER LEFT corner is assumed as the most compressed point of the area.
To achieve this the moment My ( or Mx) is input as negative automatically.
No input from previous sheet is required. Only activity is to run the solver fron tools menu. Out put will automaticaly update in footing design sheet.

Footing dimension:
Length = 5000 Neutral axis location
Width = 3000 5000

Input loading data:(anti clock +) Calculated values: Difference: %
Axial (or P) = 855790 Axial (or P) = 845299.72 10490.28 1.24 3000

Y axis (width of footing)

Mx (or Mz)= 500000000 Mx (or Mz)= 500010693.33 -10693.33 0
My (or Mx) = -450000000 My (or Mx) = -450007446.95 7446.95 0 2000

Trial parameters: Chart Plotting data
x-intercept xc = 3086.78 \ define the location x y
y-intercept yc = 1052.21 / of NA 3086.78 0
σ c max = 0.17 0 1052.21 -1000
-2500 1500
Intermediate results: 2500 1500 -2000

Eqn NA> y = 1052.21 - x * 0.34 2500 -1500

New origin 0 , 1052.21 -2500 -1500
New angle in rad = -0.33 -2500 1500 -4000
cos(phi) = 0.95 , sin(phi) = -0.32 old new
y' of lower left corner= -3222.33 x horizontal Z horizontal -5000
y vertical x vertical -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Mx Mz X axis (length of footing)

My Mx
Computation of Element stresses and stress resultants

Elem. no. Row fr bot Col fr left x y elem-area y' wrt NA stress elem-force Mx @ cg My @ cg
1 1 1 -2375 -1425 37500 -3111.01 0.16 6182.32 8809801.53 -14683002.55
2 1 2 -2125 -1425 37500 -3030.35 0.16 6022.02 8581383.52 -12796799.99
3 1 3 -1875 -1425 37500 -2949.68 0.16 5861.73 8352965.51 -10990744.09
4 1 4 -1625 -1425 37500 -2869.02 0.15 5701.44 8124547.5 -9264834.87
5 1 5 -1375 -1425 37500 -2788.36 0.15 5541.14 7896129.49 -7619072.32
6 1 6 -1125 -1425 37500 -2707.7 0.14 5380.85 7667711.48 -6053456.43
7 1 7 -875 -1425 37500 -2627.04 0.14 5220.56 7439293.47 -4567987.22
8 1 8 -625 -1425 37500 -2546.38 0.13 5060.26 7210875.46 -3162664.68
9 1 9 -375 -1425 37500 -2465.72 0.13 4899.97 6982457.45 -1837488.8
10 1 10 -125 -1425 37500 -2385.05 0.13 4739.68 6754039.44 -592459.6
11 1 11 125 -1425 37500 -2304.39 0.12 4579.38 6525621.43 572422.93
12 1 12 375 -1425 37500 -2223.73 0.12 4419.09 6297203.42 1657158.79
13 1 13 625 -1425 37500 -2143.07 0.11 4258.8 6068785.41 2661747.99
14 1 14 875 -1425 37500 -2062.41 0.11 4098.5 5840367.4 3586190.51
15 1 15 1125 -1425 37500 -1981.75 0.11 3938.21 5611949.39 4430486.36
16 1 16 1375 -1425 37500 -1901.09 0.1 3777.92 5383531.38 5194635.54
17 1 17 1625 -1425 37500 -1820.43 0.1 3617.62 5155113.37 5878638.05
18 1 18 1875 -1425 37500 -1739.76 0.09 3457.33 4926695.36 6482493.9
19 1 19 2125 -1425 37500 -1659.1 0.09 3297.04 4698277.35 7006203.07
20 1 20 2375 -1425 37500 -1578.44 0.08 3136.74 4469859.34 7449765.57
21 2 1 -2375 -1275 37500 -2969.03 0.16 5900.17 7522719.92 -14012909.66
22 2 2 -2125 -1275 37500 -2888.37 0.15 5739.88 7318345.92 -12197243.19
23 2 3 -1875 -1275 37500 -2807.71 0.15 5579.59 7113971.91 -10461723.39
24 2 4 -1625 -1275 37500 -2727.04 0.14 5419.29 6909597.9 -8806350.26
25 2 5 -1375 -1275 37500 -2646.38 0.14 5259 6705223.89 -7231123.8
26 2 6 -1125 -1275 37500 -2565.72 0.14 5098.71 6500849.88 -5736044.01
27 2 7 -875 -1275 37500 -2485.06 0.13 4938.41 6296475.87 -4321110.89
28 2 8 -625 -1275 37500 -2404.4 0.13 4778.12 6092101.86 -2986324.44
29 2 9 -375 -1275 37500 -2323.74 0.12 4617.83 5887727.85 -1731684.66
30 2 10 -125 -1275 37500 -2243.08 0.12 4457.53 5683353.84 -557191.55
31 2 11 125 -1275 37500 -2162.42 0.11 4297.24 5478979.84 537154.89
32 2 12 375 -1275 37500 -2081.75 0.11 4136.95 5274605.83 1551354.65
33 2 13 625 -1275 37500 -2001.09 0.11 3976.65 5070231.82 2485407.75
34 2 14 875 -1275 37500 -1920.43 0.1 3816.36 4865857.81 3339314.18
35 2 15 1125 -1275 37500 -1839.77 0.1 3656.07 4661483.8 4113073.94
36 2 16 1375 -1275 37500 -1759.11 0.09 3495.77 4457109.79 4806687.03
37 2 17 1625 -1275 37500 -1678.45 0.09 3335.48 4252735.78 5420153.45
38 2 18 1875 -1275 37500 -1597.79 0.08 3175.19 4048361.77 5953473.2
39 2 19 2125 -1275 37500 -1517.13 0.08 3014.89 3843987.76 6406646.27
40 2 20 2375 -1275 37500 -1436.46 0.08 2854.6 3639613.76 6779672.68
41 3 1 -2375 -1125 37500 -2827.05 0.15 5618.03 6320281.63 -13342816.78
42 3 2 -2125 -1125 37500 -2746.39 0.15 5457.73 6139951.62 -11597686.4
43 3 3 -1875 -1125 37500 -2665.73 0.14 5297.44 5959621.61 -9932702.69
44 3 4 -1625 -1125 37500 -2585.07 0.14 5137.15 5779291.61 -8347865.65
45 3 5 -1375 -1125 37500 -2504.41 0.13 4976.85 5598961.6 -6843175.29
46 3 6 -1125 -1125 37500 -2423.74 0.13 4816.56 5418631.59 -5418631.59
47 3 7 -875 -1125 37500 -2343.08 0.12 4656.27 5238301.58 -4074234.56
48 3 8 -625 -1125 37500 -2262.42 0.12 4495.97 5057971.58 -2809984.21
49 3 9 -375 -1125 37500 -2181.76 0.12 4335.68 4877641.57 -1625880.52
50 3 10 -125 -1125 37500 -2101.1 0.11 4175.39 4697311.56 -521923.51
51 3 11 125 -1125 37500 -2020.44 0.11 4015.09 4516981.55 501886.84
52 3 12 375 -1125 37500 -1939.78 0.1 3854.8 4336651.54 1445550.51
53 3 13 625 -1125 37500 -1859.12 0.1 3694.51 4156321.54 2309067.52
54 3 14 875 -1125 37500 -1778.45 0.09 3534.21 3975991.53 3092437.86
55 3 15 1125 -1125 37500 -1697.79 0.09 3373.92 3795661.52 3795661.52
56 3 16 1375 -1125 37500 -1617.13 0.09 3213.63 3615331.51 4418738.52
57 3 17 1625 -1125 37500 -1536.47 0.08 3053.33 3435001.51 4961668.84
58 3 18 1875 -1125 37500 -1455.81 0.08 2893.04 3254671.5 5424452.5
59 3 19 2125 -1125 37500 -1375.15 0.07 2732.75 3074341.49 5807089.48
60 3 20 2375 -1125 37500 -1294.49 0.07 2572.45 2894011.48 6109579.79
61 4 1 -2375 -975 37500 -2685.07 0.14 5335.88 5202486.65 -12672723.89
62 4 2 -2125 -975 37500 -2604.41 0.14 5175.59 5046200.64 -10998129.6
63 4 3 -1875 -975 37500 -2523.75 0.13 5015.3 4889914.64 -9403681.99
64 4 4 -1625 -975 37500 -2443.09 0.13 4855 4733628.63 -7889381.05
65 4 5 -1375 -975 37500 -2362.43 0.13 4694.71 4577342.62 -6455226.77
66 4 6 -1125 -975 37500 -2281.77 0.12 4534.42 4421056.61 -5101219.17
67 4 7 -875 -975 37500 -2201.1 0.12 4374.12 4264770.61 -3827358.24
68 4 8 -625 -975 37500 -2120.44 0.11 4213.83 4108484.6 -2633643.98
69 4 9 -375 -975 37500 -2039.78 0.11 4053.54 3952198.59 -1520076.38
70 4 10 -125 -975 37500 -1959.12 0.1 3893.24 3795912.59 -486655.46
71 4 11 125 -975 37500 -1878.46 0.1 3732.95 3639626.58 466618.79
72 4 12 375 -975 37500 -1797.8 0.1 3572.66 3483340.57 1339746.37
73 4 13 625 -975 37500 -1717.14 0.09 3412.36 3327054.57 2132727.29
74 4 14 875 -975 37500 -1636.48 0.09 3252.07 3170768.56 2845561.53
75 4 15 1125 -975 37500 -1555.81 0.08 3091.78 3014482.55 3478249.1
76 4 16 1375 -975 37500 -1475.15 0.08 2931.48 2858196.55 4030790
77 4 17 1625 -975 37500 -1394.49 0.07 2771.19 2701910.54 4503184.23
78 4 18 1875 -975 37500 -1313.83 0.07 2610.9 2545624.53 4895431.8
79 4 19 2125 -975 37500 -1233.17 0.07 2450.6 2389338.53 5207532.69
80 4 20 2375 -975 37500 -1152.51 0.06 2290.31 2233052.52 5439486.91
81 5 1 -2375 -825 37500 -2543.09 0.13 5053.74 4169334.98 -12002631
82 5 2 -2125 -825 37500 -2462.43 0.13 4893.45 4037092.97 -10398572.81
83 5 3 -1875 -825 37500 -2381.77 0.13 4733.15 3904850.97 -8874661.29
84 5 4 -1625 -825 37500 -2301.11 0.12 4572.86 3772608.96 -7430896.44
85 5 5 -1375 -825 37500 -2220.45 0.12 4412.57 3640366.96 -6067278.26
86 5 6 -1125 -825 37500 -2139.79 0.11 4252.27 3508124.95 -4783806.75
87 5 7 -875 -825 37500 -2059.13 0.11 4091.98 3375882.94 -3580481.91
88 5 8 -625 -825 37500 -1978.47 0.1 3931.69 3243640.94 -2457303.74
89 5 9 -375 -825 37500 -1897.8 0.1 3771.39 3111398.93 -1414272.24
90 5 10 -125 -825 37500 -1817.14 0.1 3611.1 2979156.93 -451387.41
91 5 11 125 -825 37500 -1736.48 0.09 3450.81 2846914.92 431350.75
92 5 12 375 -825 37500 -1655.82 0.09 3290.51 2714672.92 1233942.23
93 5 13 625 -825 37500 -1575.16 0.08 3130.22 2582430.91 1956387.05
94 5 14 875 -825 37500 -1494.5 0.08 2969.93 2450188.9 2598685.2
95 5 15 1125 -825 37500 -1413.84 0.07 2809.63 2317946.9 3160836.68
96 5 16 1375 -825 37500 -1333.18 0.07 2649.34 2185704.89 3642841.49
97 5 17 1625 -825 37500 -1252.51 0.07 2489.05 2053462.89 4044699.63
98 5 18 1875 -825 37500 -1171.85 0.06 2328.75 1921220.88 4366411.09
99 5 19 2125 -825 37500 -1091.19 0.06 2168.46 1788978.88 4607975.89
100 5 20 2375 -825 37500 -1010.53 0.05 2008.17 1656736.87 4769394.02
101 6 1 -2375 -675 37500 -2401.12 0.13 4771.59 3220826.62 -11332538.11
102 6 2 -2125 -675 37500 -2320.46 0.12 4611.3 3112628.62 -9799016.02
103 6 3 -1875 -675 37500 -2239.79 0.12 4451.01 3004430.61 -8345640.59
104 6 4 -1625 -675 37500 -2159.13 0.11 4290.71 2896232.61 -6972411.83
105 6 5 -1375 -675 37500 -2078.47 0.11 4130.42 2788034.6 -5679329.75
106 6 6 -1125 -675 37500 -1997.81 0.11 3970.13 2679836.6 -4466394.33
107 6 7 -875 -675 37500 -1917.15 0.1 3809.83 2571638.59 -3333605.58
108 6 8 -625 -675 37500 -1836.49 0.1 3649.54 2463440.59 -2280963.51
109 6 9 -375 -675 37500 -1755.83 0.09 3489.25 2355242.58 -1308468.1
110 6 10 -125 -675 37500 -1675.16 0.09 3328.95 2247044.58 -416119.37
111 6 11 125 -675 37500 -1594.5 0.08 3168.66 2138846.57 396082.7
112 6 12 375 -675 37500 -1513.84 0.08 3008.37 2030648.57 1128138.09
113 6 13 625 -675 37500 -1433.18 0.08 2848.07 1922450.57 1780046.82
114 6 14 875 -675 37500 -1352.52 0.07 2687.78 1814252.56 2351808.88
115 6 15 1125 -675 37500 -1271.86 0.07 2527.49 1706054.56 2843424.26
116 6 16 1375 -675 37500 -1191.2 0.06 2367.19 1597856.55 3254892.98
117 6 17 1625 -675 37500 -1110.54 0.06 2206.9 1489658.55 3586215.02
118 6 18 1875 -675 37500 -1029.87 0.05 2046.61 1381460.54 3837390.39
119 6 19 2125 -675 37500 -949.21 0.05 1886.31 1273262.54 4008419.1
120 6 20 2375 -675 37500 -868.55 0.05 1726.02 1165064.53 4099301.13
121 7 1 -2375 -525 37500 -2259.14 0.12 4489.45 2356961.58 -10662445.23
122 7 2 -2125 -525 37500 -2178.48 0.12 4329.16 2272807.57 -9199459.22
123 7 3 -1875 -525 37500 -2097.82 0.11 4168.86 2188653.57 -7816619.89
124 7 4 -1625 -525 37500 -2017.15 0.11 4008.57 2104499.57 -6513927.23
125 7 5 -1375 -525 37500 -1936.49 0.1 3848.28 2020345.56 -5291381.23
126 7 6 -1125 -525 37500 -1855.83 0.1 3687.98 1936191.56 -4148981.91
127 7 7 -875 -525 37500 -1775.17 0.09 3527.69 1852037.55 -3086729.26
128 7 8 -625 -525 37500 -1694.51 0.09 3367.4 1767883.55 -2104623.27
129 7 9 -375 -525 37500 -1613.85 0.09 3207.1 1683729.55 -1202663.96
130 7 10 -125 -525 37500 -1533.19 0.08 3046.81 1599575.54 -380851.32
131 7 11 125 -525 37500 -1452.53 0.08 2886.52 1515421.54 360814.65
132 7 12 375 -525 37500 -1371.86 0.07 2726.22 1431267.54 1022333.95
133 7 13 625 -525 37500 -1291.2 0.07 2565.93 1347113.53 1603706.59
134 7 14 875 -525 37500 -1210.54 0.06 2405.64 1262959.53 2104932.55
135 7 15 1125 -525 37500 -1129.88 0.06 2245.34 1178805.53 2526011.84
136 7 16 1375 -525 37500 -1049.22 0.06 2085.05 1094651.52 2866944.46
137 7 17 1625 -525 37500 -968.56 0.05 1924.76 1010497.52 3127730.41
138 7 18 1875 -525 37500 -887.9 0.05 1764.46 926343.51 3308369.69
139 7 19 2125 -525 37500 -807.24 0.04 1604.17 842189.51 3408862.31
140 7 20 2375 -525 37500 -726.57 0.04 1443.88 758035.51 3429208.25
141 8 1 -2375 -375 37500 -2117.16 0.11 4207.31 1577739.84 -9992352.34
142 8 2 -2125 -375 37500 -2036.5 0.11 4047.01 1517629.84 -8599902.43
143 8 3 -1875 -375 37500 -1955.84 0.1 3886.72 1457519.84 -7287599.19
144 8 4 -1625 -375 37500 -1875.18 0.1 3726.43 1397409.84 -6055442.62
145 8 5 -1375 -375 37500 -1794.52 0.1 3566.13 1337299.83 -4903432.72
146 8 6 -1125 -375 37500 -1713.85 0.09 3405.84 1277189.83 -3831569.49
147 8 7 -875 -375 37500 -1633.19 0.09 3245.55 1217079.83 -2839852.93
148 8 8 -625 -375 37500 -1552.53 0.08 3085.25 1156969.82 -1928283.04
149 8 9 -375 -375 37500 -1471.87 0.08 2924.96 1096859.82 -1096859.82
150 8 10 -125 -375 37500 -1391.21 0.07 2764.67 1036749.82 -345583.27
151 8 11 125 -375 37500 -1310.55 0.07 2604.37 976639.82 325546.61
152 8 12 375 -375 37500 -1229.89 0.07 2444.08 916529.81 916529.81
153 8 13 625 -375 37500 -1149.23 0.06 2283.79 856419.81 1427366.35
154 8 14 875 -375 37500 -1068.56 0.06 2123.49 796309.81 1858056.22
155 8 15 1125 -375 37500 -987.9 0.05 1963.2 736199.81 2208599.42
156 8 16 1375 -375 37500 -907.24 0.05 1802.91 676089.8 2478995.95
157 8 17 1625 -375 37500 -826.58 0.04 1642.61 615979.8 2669245.81
158 8 18 1875 -375 37500 -745.92 0.04 1482.32 555869.8 2779348.99
159 8 19 2125 -375 37500 -665.26 0.04 1322.03 495759.8 2809305.51
160 8 20 2375 -375 37500 -584.6 0.03 1161.73 435649.79 2759115.36
161 9 1 -2375 -225 37500 -1975.18 0.1 3925.16 883161.42 -9322259.45
162 9 2 -2125 -225 37500 -1894.52 0.1 3764.87 847095.42 -8000345.64
163 9 3 -1875 -225 37500 -1813.86 0.1 3604.58 811029.42 -6758578.49
164 9 4 -1625 -225 37500 -1733.2 0.09 3444.28 774963.42 -5596958.01
165 9 5 -1375 -225 37500 -1652.54 0.09 3283.99 738897.42 -4515484.21
166 9 6 -1125 -225 37500 -1571.88 0.08 3123.7 702831.41 -3514157.07
167 9 7 -875 -225 37500 -1491.21 0.08 2963.4 666765.41 -2592976.6
168 9 8 -625 -225 37500 -1410.55 0.07 2803.11 630699.41 -1751942.81
169 9 9 -375 -225 37500 -1329.89 0.07 2642.82 594633.41 -991055.68
170 9 10 -125 -225 37500 -1249.23 0.07 2482.52 558567.41 -310315.23
171 9 11 125 -225 37500 -1168.57 0.06 2322.23 522501.41 290278.56
172 9 12 375 -225 37500 -1087.91 0.06 2161.94 486435.4 810725.67
173 9 13 625 -225 37500 -1007.25 0.05 2001.64 450369.4 1251026.12
174 9 14 875 -225 37500 -926.59 0.05 1841.35 414303.4 1611179.89
175 9 15 1125 -225 37500 -845.92 0.04 1681.06 378237.4 1891187
176 9 16 1375 -225 37500 -765.26 0.04 1520.76 342171.4 2091047.43
177 9 17 1625 -225 37500 -684.6 0.04 1360.47 306105.4 2210761.2
178 9 18 1875 -225 37500 -603.94 0.03 1200.18 270039.4 2250328.29
179 9 19 2125 -225 37500 -523.28 0.03 1039.88 233973.39 2209748.72
180 9 20 2375 -225 37500 -442.62 0.02 879.59 197907.39 2089022.47
181 10 1 -2375 -75 37500 -1833.2 0.1 3643.02 273226.31 -8652166.57
182 10 2 -2125 -75 37500 -1752.54 0.09 3482.72 261204.31 -7400788.84
183 10 3 -1875 -75 37500 -1671.88 0.09 3322.43 249182.31 -6229557.79
184 10 4 -1625 -75 37500 -1591.22 0.08 3162.14 237160.31 -5138473.41
185 10 5 -1375 -75 37500 -1510.56 0.08 3001.84 225138.31 -4127535.69
186 10 6 -1125 -75 37500 -1429.9 0.08 2841.55 213116.31 -3196744.65
187 10 7 -875 -75 37500 -1349.24 0.07 2681.26 201094.31 -2346100.28
188 10 8 -625 -75 37500 -1268.58 0.07 2520.96 189072.31 -1575602.57
189 10 9 -375 -75 37500 -1187.91 0.06 2360.67 177050.31 -885251.54
190 10 10 -125 -75 37500 -1107.25 0.06 2200.38 165028.31 -275047.18
191 10 11 125 -75 37500 -1026.59 0.05 2040.08 153006.31 255010.51
192 10 12 375 -75 37500 -945.93 0.05 1879.79 140984.31 704921.53
193 10 13 625 -75 37500 -865.27 0.05 1719.5 128962.31 1074685.89
194 10 14 875 -75 37500 -784.61 0.04 1559.2 116940.31 1364303.57
195 10 15 1125 -75 37500 -703.95 0.04 1398.91 104918.31 1573774.58
196 10 16 1375 -75 37500 -623.29 0.03 1238.62 92896.3 1703098.92
197 10 17 1625 -75 37500 -542.62 0.03 1078.32 80874.3 1752276.59
198 10 18 1875 -75 37500 -461.96 0.02 918.03 68852.3 1721307.59
199 10 19 2125 -75 37500 -381.3 0.02 757.74 56830.3 1610191.92
200 10 20 2375 -75 37500 -300.64 0.02 597.44 44808.3 1418929.58
201 11 1 -2375 75 37500 -1691.23 0.09 3360.87 -252065.48 -7982073.68
202 11 2 -2125 75 37500 -1610.57 0.09 3200.58 -240043.48 -6801232.05
203 11 3 -1875 75 37500 -1529.9 0.08 3040.29 -228021.48 -5700537.09
204 11 4 -1625 75 37500 -1449.24 0.08 2879.99 -215999.48 -4679988.8
205 11 5 -1375 75 37500 -1368.58 0.07 2719.7 -203977.48 -3739587.18
206 11 6 -1125 75 37500 -1287.92 0.07 2559.41 -191955.48 -2879332.23
207 11 7 -875 75 37500 -1207.26 0.06 2399.11 -179933.48 -2099223.95
208 11 8 -625 75 37500 -1126.6 0.06 2238.82 -167911.48 -1399262.34
209 11 9 -375 75 37500 -1045.94 0.06 2078.53 -155889.48 -779447.4
210 11 10 -125 75 37500 -965.27 0.05 1918.23 -143867.48 -239779.13
211 11 11 125 75 37500 -884.61 0.05 1757.94 -131845.48 219742.47
212 11 12 375 75 37500 -803.95 0.04 1597.65 -119823.48 599117.39
213 11 13 625 75 37500 -723.29 0.04 1437.35 -107801.48 898345.65
214 11 14 875 75 37500 -642.63 0.03 1277.06 -95779.48 1117427.24
215 11 15 1125 75 37500 -561.97 0.03 1116.77 -83757.48 1256362.16
216 11 16 1375 75 37500 -481.31 0.03 956.47 -71735.48 1315150.41
217 11 17 1625 75 37500 -400.65 0.02 796.18 -59713.48 1293791.99
218 11 18 1875 75 37500 -319.98 0.02 635.89 -47691.48 1192286.89
219 11 19 2125 75 37500 -239.32 0.01 475.59 -35669.48 1010635.13
220 11 20 2375 75 37500 -158.66 0.01 315.3 -23647.47 748836.7
221 12 1 -2375 225 37500 -1549.25 0.08 3078.73 -692713.97 -7311980.79
222 12 2 -2125 225 37500 -1468.59 0.08 2918.44 -656647.97 -6201675.25
223 12 3 -1875 225 37500 -1387.93 0.07 2758.14 -620581.97 -5171516.39
224 12 4 -1625 225 37500 -1307.26 0.07 2597.85 -584515.97 -4221504.19
225 12 5 -1375 225 37500 -1226.6 0.07 2437.56 -548449.96 -3351638.67
226 12 6 -1125 225 37500 -1145.94 0.06 2277.26 -512383.96 -2561919.81
227 12 7 -875 225 37500 -1065.28 0.06 2116.97 -476317.96 -1852347.62
228 12 8 -625 225 37500 -984.62 0.05 1956.68 -440251.96 -1222922.11
229 12 9 -375 225 37500 -903.96 0.05 1796.38 -404185.96 -673643.26
230 12 10 -125 225 37500 -823.3 0.04 1636.09 -368119.96 -204511.09
231 12 11 125 225 37500 -742.64 0.04 1475.8 -332053.95 184474.42
232 12 12 375 225 37500 -661.97 0.04 1315.5 -295987.95 493313.25
233 12 13 625 225 37500 -581.31 0.03 1155.21 -259921.95 722005.42
234 12 14 875 225 37500 -500.65 0.03 994.92 -223855.95 870550.91
235 12 15 1125 225 37500 -419.99 0.02 834.62 -187789.95 938949.74
236 12 16 1375 225 37500 -339.33 0.02 674.33 -151723.95 927201.89
237 12 17 1625 225 37500 -258.67 0.01 514.04 -115657.94 835307.38
238 12 18 1875 225 37500 -178.01 0.01 353.74 -79591.94 663266.19
239 12 19 2125 225 37500 -97.35 0.01 193.45 -43525.94 411078.34
240 12 20 2375 225 37500 -16.68 0 33.16 -7459.94 78743.81
241 13 1 -2375 375 37500 -1407.27 0.07 2796.58 -1048719.14 -6641887.9
242 13 2 -2125 375 37500 -1326.61 0.07 2636.29 -988609.14 -5602118.46
243 13 3 -1875 375 37500 -1245.95 0.07 2476 -928499.14 -4642495.69
244 13 4 -1625 375 37500 -1165.29 0.06 2315.7 -868389.13 -3763019.58
245 13 5 -1375 375 37500 -1084.63 0.06 2155.41 -808279.13 -2963690.15
246 13 6 -1125 375 37500 -1003.96 0.05 1995.12 -748169.13 -2244507.39
247 13 7 -875 375 37500 -923.3 0.05 1834.82 -688059.13 -1605471.3
248 13 8 -625 375 37500 -842.64 0.04 1674.53 -627949.12 -1046581.87
249 13 9 -375 375 37500 -761.98 0.04 1514.24 -567839.12 -567839.12
250 13 10 -125 375 37500 -681.32 0.04 1353.94 -507729.12 -169243.04
251 13 11 125 375 37500 -600.66 0.03 1193.65 -447619.12 149206.37
252 13 12 375 375 37500 -520 0.03 1033.36 -387509.11 387509.11
253 13 13 625 375 37500 -439.34 0.02 873.06 -327399.11 545665.19
254 13 14 875 375 37500 -358.67 0.02 712.77 -267289.11 623674.59
255 13 15 1125 375 37500 -278.01 0.01 552.48 -207179.11 621537.32
256 13 16 1375 375 37500 -197.35 0.01 392.18 -147069.1 539253.38
257 13 17 1625 375 37500 -116.69 0.01 231.89 -86959.1 376822.77
258 13 18 1875 375 37500 -36.03 0 71.6 -26849.1 134245.49
259 13 19 2125 375 37500 44.63 0 0 0 0
260 13 20 2375 375 37500 125.29 -0.01 0 0 0
261 14 1 -2375 525 37500 -1265.29 0.07 2514.44 -1320081 -5971795.02
262 14 2 -2125 525 37500 -1184.63 0.06 2354.15 -1235927 -5002561.67
263 14 3 -1875 525 37500 -1103.97 0.06 2193.85 -1151773 -4113474.99
264 14 4 -1625 525 37500 -1023.31 0.05 2033.56 -1067618.99 -3304534.98
265 14 5 -1375 525 37500 -942.65 0.05 1873.27 -983464.99 -2575741.64
266 14 6 -1125 525 37500 -861.99 0.05 1712.97 -899310.99 -1927094.97
267 14 7 -875 525 37500 -781.32 0.04 1552.68 -815156.98 -1358594.97
268 14 8 -625 525 37500 -700.66 0.04 1392.39 -731002.98 -870241.64
269 14 9 -375 525 37500 -620 0.03 1232.09 -646848.97 -462034.98
270 14 10 -125 525 37500 -539.34 0.03 1071.8 -562694.97 -133974.99
271 14 11 125 525 37500 -458.68 0.02 911.51 -478540.97 113938.33
272 14 12 375 525 37500 -378.02 0.02 751.21 -394386.96 281704.97
273 14 13 625 525 37500 -297.36 0.02 590.92 -310232.96 369324.95
274 14 14 875 525 37500 -216.7 0.01 430.63 -226078.96 376798.26
275 14 15 1125 525 37500 -136.03 0.01 270.33 -141924.95 304124.9
276 14 16 1375 525 37500 -55.37 0 110.04 -57770.95 151304.87
277 14 17 1625 525 37500 25.29 0 0 0 0
278 14 18 1875 525 37500 105.95 -0.01 0 0 0
279 14 19 2125 525 37500 186.61 -0.01 0 0 0
280 14 20 2375 525 37500 267.27 -0.01 0 0 0
281 15 1 -2375 675 37500 -1123.31 0.06 2232.3 -1506799.55 -5301702.13
282 15 2 -2125 675 37500 -1042.65 0.06 2072 -1398601.55 -4403004.87
283 15 3 -1875 675 37500 -961.99 0.05 1911.71 -1290403.54 -3584454.29
284 15 4 -1625 675 37500 -881.33 0.05 1751.42 -1182205.54 -2846050.37
285 15 5 -1375 675 37500 -800.67 0.04 1591.12 -1074007.53 -2187793.12
286 15 6 -1125 675 37500 -720.01 0.04 1430.83 -965809.53 -1609682.55
287 15 7 -875 675 37500 -639.35 0.03 1270.54 -857611.52 -1111718.64
288 15 8 -625 675 37500 -558.69 0.03 1110.24 -749413.52 -693901.41
289 15 9 -375 675 37500 -478.02 0.03 949.95 -641215.52 -356230.84
290 15 10 -125 675 37500 -397.36 0.02 789.66 -533017.51 -98706.95
291 15 11 125 675 37500 -316.7 0.02 629.36 -424819.51 78670.28
292 15 12 375 675 37500 -236.04 0.01 469.07 -316621.5 175900.83
293 15 13 625 675 37500 -155.38 0.01 308.78 -208423.5 192984.72
294 15 14 875 675 37500 -74.72 0 148.48 -100225.49 129921.93
295 15 15 1125 675 37500 5.94 0 0 0 0
296 15 16 1375 675 37500 86.6 0 0 0 0
297 15 17 1625 675 37500 167.27 -0.01 0 0 0
298 15 18 1875 675 37500 247.93 -0.01 0 0 0
299 15 19 2125 675 37500 328.59 -0.02 0 0 0
300 15 20 2375 675 37500 409.25 -0.02 0 0 0
301 16 1 -2375 825 37500 -981.34 0.05 1950.15 -1608874.79 -4631609.24
302 16 2 -2125 825 37500 -900.68 0.05 1789.86 -1476632.78 -3803448.08
303 16 3 -1875 825 37500 -820.01 0.04 1629.56 -1344390.78 -3055433.59
304 16 4 -1625 825 37500 -739.35 0.04 1469.27 -1212148.77 -2387565.76
305 16 5 -1375 825 37500 -658.69 0.03 1308.98 -1079906.77 -1799844.61
306 16 6 -1125 825 37500 -578.03 0.03 1148.68 -947664.76 -1292270.13
307 16 7 -875 825 37500 -497.37 0.03 988.39 -815422.76 -864842.32
308 16 8 -625 825 37500 -416.71 0.02 828.1 -683180.75 -517561.17
309 16 9 -375 825 37500 -336.05 0.02 667.8 -550938.74 -250426.7
310 16 10 -125 825 37500 -255.38 0.01 507.51 -418696.74 -63438.9
311 16 11 125 825 37500 -174.72 0.01 347.22 -286454.73 43402.23
312 16 12 375 825 37500 -94.06 0 186.92 -154212.73 70096.69
313 16 13 625 825 37500 -13.4 0 26.63 -21970.72 16644.49
314 16 14 875 825 37500 67.26 0 0 0 0
315 16 15 1125 825 37500 147.92 -0.01 0 0 0
316 16 16 1375 825 37500 228.58 -0.01 0 0 0
317 16 17 1625 825 37500 309.24 -0.02 0 0 0
318 16 18 1875 825 37500 389.91 -0.02 0 0 0
319 16 19 2125 825 37500 470.57 -0.02 0 0 0
320 16 20 2375 825 37500 551.23 -0.03 0 0 0
321 17 1 -2375 975 37500 -839.36 0.04 1668.01 -1626306.71 -3961516.36
322 17 2 -2125 975 37500 -758.7 0.04 1507.71 -1470020.71 -3203891.29
323 17 3 -1875 975 37500 -678.04 0.04 1347.42 -1313734.7 -2526412.89
324 17 4 -1625 975 37500 -597.37 0.03 1187.13 -1157448.69 -1929081.16
325 17 5 -1375 975 37500 -516.71 0.03 1026.83 -1001162.69 -1411896.1
326 17 6 -1125 975 37500 -436.05 0.02 866.54 -844876.68 -974857.71
327 17 7 -875 975 37500 -355.39 0.02 706.25 -688590.67 -617965.99
328 17 8 -625 975 37500 -274.73 0.01 545.95 -532304.67 -341220.94
329 17 9 -375 975 37500 -194.07 0.01 385.66 -376018.66 -144622.56
330 17 10 -125 975 37500 -113.41 0.01 225.37 -219732.65 -28170.85
331 17 11 125 975 37500 -32.75 0 65.07 -63446.65 8134.19
332 17 12 375 975 37500 47.92 0 0 0 0
333 17 13 625 975 37500 128.58 -0.01 0 0 0
334 17 14 875 975 37500 209.24 -0.01 0 0 0
335 17 15 1125 975 37500 289.9 -0.02 0 0 0
336 17 16 1375 975 37500 370.56 -0.02 0 0 0
337 17 17 1625 975 37500 451.22 -0.02 0 0 0
338 17 18 1875 975 37500 531.88 -0.03 0 0 0
339 17 19 2125 975 37500 612.54 -0.03 0 0 0
340 17 20 2375 975 37500 693.21 -0.04 0 0 0
341 18 1 -2375 1125 37500 -697.38 0.04 1385.86 -1559095.33 -3291423.47
342 18 2 -2125 1125 37500 -616.72 0.03 1225.57 -1378765.32 -2604334.49
343 18 3 -1875 1125 37500 -536.06 0.03 1065.28 -1198435.31 -1997392.19
344 18 4 -1625 1125 37500 -455.4 0.02 904.98 -1018105.3 -1470596.55
345 18 5 -1375 1125 37500 -374.74 0.02 744.69 -837775.3 -1023947.58
346 18 6 -1125 1125 37500 -294.07 0.02 584.4 -657445.29 -657445.29
347 18 7 -875 1125 37500 -213.41 0.01 424.1 -477115.28 -371089.66
348 18 8 -625 1125 37500 -132.75 0.01 263.81 -296785.27 -164880.71
349 18 9 -375 1125 37500 -52.09 0 103.52 -116455.26 -38818.42
350 18 10 -125 1125 37500 28.57 0 0 0 0
351 18 11 125 1125 37500 109.23 -0.01 0 0 0
352 18 12 375 1125 37500 189.89 -0.01 0 0 0
353 18 13 625 1125 37500 270.55 -0.01 0 0 0
354 18 14 875 1125 37500 351.22 -0.02 0 0 0
355 18 15 1125 1125 37500 431.88 -0.02 0 0 0
356 18 16 1375 1125 37500 512.54 -0.03 0 0 0
357 18 17 1625 1125 37500 593.2 -0.03 0 0 0
358 18 18 1875 1125 37500 673.86 -0.04 0 0 0
359 18 19 2125 1125 37500 754.52 -0.04 0 0 0
360 18 20 2375 1125 37500 835.18 -0.04 0 0 0
361 19 1 -2375 1275 37500 -555.4 0.03 1103.72 -1407240.63 -2621330.58
362 19 2 -2125 1275 37500 -474.74 0.03 943.42 -1202866.62 -2004777.7
363 19 3 -1875 1275 37500 -394.08 0.02 783.13 -998492.61 -1468371.49
364 19 4 -1625 1275 37500 -313.42 0.02 622.84 -794118.6 -1012111.94
365 19 5 -1375 1275 37500 -232.76 0.01 462.54 -589744.59 -635999.07
366 19 6 -1125 1275 37500 -152.1 0.01 302.25 -385370.58 -340032.87
367 19 7 -875 1275 37500 -71.43 0 141.96 -180996.57 -124213.34
368 19 8 -625 1275 37500 9.23 0 0 0 0
369 19 9 -375 1275 37500 89.89 0 0 0 0
370 19 10 -125 1275 37500 170.55 -0.01 0 0 0
371 19 11 125 1275 37500 251.21 -0.01 0 0 0
372 19 12 375 1275 37500 331.87 -0.02 0 0 0
373 19 13 625 1275 37500 412.53 -0.02 0 0 0
374 19 14 875 1275 37500 493.19 -0.03 0 0 0
375 19 15 1125 1275 37500 573.86 -0.03 0 0 0
376 19 16 1375 1275 37500 654.52 -0.03 0 0 0
377 19 17 1625 1275 37500 735.18 -0.04 0 0 0
378 19 18 1875 1275 37500 815.84 -0.04 0 0 0
379 19 19 2125 1275 37500 896.5 -0.05 0 0 0
380 19 20 2375 1275 37500 977.16 -0.05 0 0 0
381 20 1 -2375 1425 37500 -413.42 0.02 821.57 -1170742.62 -1951237.69
382 20 2 -2125 1425 37500 -332.76 0.02 661.28 -942324.61 -1405220.9
383 20 3 -1875 1425 37500 -252.1 0.01 500.99 -713906.6 -939350.79
384 20 4 -1625 1425 37500 -171.44 0.01 340.69 -485488.59 -553627.34
385 20 5 -1375 1425 37500 -90.78 0 180.4 -257070.58 -248050.56
386 20 6 -1125 1425 37500 -10.12 0 20.11 -28652.57 -22620.45
387 20 7 -875 1425 37500 70.54 0 0 0 0
388 20 8 -625 1425 37500 151.2 -0.01 0 0 0
389 20 9 -375 1425 37500 231.87 -0.01 0 0 0
390 20 10 -125 1425 37500 312.53 -0.02 0 0 0
391 20 11 125 1425 37500 393.19 -0.02 0 0 0
392 20 12 375 1425 37500 473.85 -0.03 0 0 0
393 20 13 625 1425 37500 554.51 -0.03 0 0 0
394 20 14 875 1425 37500 635.17 -0.03 0 0 0
395 20 15 1125 1425 37500 715.83 -0.04 0 0 0
396 20 16 1375 1425 37500 796.49 -0.04 0 0 0
397 20 17 1625 1425 37500 877.16 -0.05 0 0 0
398 20 18 1875 1425 37500 957.82 -0.05 0 0 0
399 20 19 2125 1425 37500 1038.48 -0.06 0 0 0
400 20 20 2375 1425 37500 1119.14 -0.06 0 0 0
TOTAL 15000000 845299.72 500010693.33 -450007446.95
D. G. Bhagwat]

utral axis location

-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

axis (length of footing)

Analysis of pressure below footing under axial load and biaxial moments [Original Developer:

The footing slab area is divided into 20 x 20 = 400 elements.

UNITS are N and mm; AXES are x (or Z) horizontal & y (or X) vertically upwards; The origin is at the cg of area.
LOWER LEFT corner is assumed as the most compressed point of the area.
To achieve this the moment My ( or Mx) is input as negative automatically.
No input from previous sheet is required. Only activity is to run the solver fron tools menu. Out put will automaticaly update in footing design sheet.

Footing dimension:
Length = 5000 Neutral axis location
Width = 3000 5000

Input loading data:(anti clock +) Calculated values: Difference: %
Axial (or P) = 150000 Axial (or P) = 150001.59 -1.59 0 3000

Y axis (width of footing)

Mx (or Mz)= 150000000 Mx (or Mz)= 149999185.11 814.89 0
My (or Mx) = -150000000 My (or Mx) = -150002259.15 2259.15 0 2000

Trial parameters: Chart Plotting data
x-intercept xc = -1017.47 \ define the location x y
y-intercept yc = -331.89 / of NA -1017.47 0
σ c max = 0.08 0 -331.89 -1000
-2500 1500
Intermediate results: 2500 1500 -2000

Eqn NA> y = -331.89 - x * 0.33 2500 -1500

New origin 0 , -331.89 -2500 -1500
New angle in rad = -0.32 -2500 1500 -4000
cos(phi) = 0.95 , sin(phi) = -0.31 old new
y' of lower left corner= -1885.8 x horizontal Z horizontal -5000
y vertical x vertical -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Mx Mz X axis (length of footing)

My Mx
Computation of Element stresses and stress resultants

Elem. no. Row fr bot Col fr left x y elem-area y' wrt NA stress elem-force Mx @ cg My @ cg
1 1 1 -2375 -1425 37500 -1775.73 0.07 2653.49 3781220.71 -6302034.52
2 1 2 -2125 -1425 37500 -1698.2 0.07 2537.64 3616134.1 -5392480.67
3 1 3 -1875 -1425 37500 -1620.68 0.06 2421.79 3451047.49 -4540851.96
4 1 4 -1625 -1425 37500 -1543.15 0.06 2305.94 3285960.88 -3747148.37
5 1 5 -1375 -1425 37500 -1465.62 0.06 2190.09 3120874.27 -3011369.91
6 1 6 -1125 -1425 37500 -1388.09 0.06 2074.24 2955787.66 -2333516.57
7 1 7 -875 -1425 37500 -1310.57 0.05 1958.39 2790701.05 -1713588.36
8 1 8 -625 -1425 37500 -1233.04 0.05 1842.54 2625614.44 -1151585.28
9 1 9 -375 -1425 37500 -1155.51 0.05 1726.69 2460527.83 -647507.32
10 1 10 -125 -1425 37500 -1077.98 0.04 1610.84 2295441.22 -201354.49
11 1 11 125 -1425 37500 -1000.45 0.04 1494.99 2130354.61 186873.21
12 1 12 375 -1425 37500 -922.93 0.04 1379.14 1965268 517175.79
13 1 13 625 -1425 37500 -845.4 0.03 1263.29 1800181.39 789553.24
14 1 14 875 -1425 37500 -767.87 0.03 1147.43 1635094.78 1004005.57
15 1 15 1125 -1425 37500 -690.34 0.03 1031.58 1470008.17 1160532.76
16 1 16 1375 -1425 37500 -612.82 0.02 915.73 1304921.56 1259134.84
17 1 17 1625 -1425 37500 -535.29 0.02 799.88 1139834.95 1299811.78
18 1 18 1875 -1425 37500 -457.76 0.02 684.03 974748.34 1282563.6
19 1 19 2125 -1425 37500 -380.23 0.02 568.18 809661.73 1207390.3
20 1 20 2375 -1425 37500 -302.7 0.01 452.33 644575.12 1074291.86
21 2 1 -2375 -1275 37500 -1633.13 0.07 2440.39 3111500.4 -5795932.12
22 2 2 -2125 -1275 37500 -1555.6 0.06 2324.54 2963791.33 -4939652.21
23 2 3 -1875 -1275 37500 -1478.07 0.06 2208.69 2816082.26 -4141297.44
24 2 4 -1625 -1275 37500 -1400.54 0.06 2092.84 2668373.18 -3400867.78
25 2 5 -1375 -1275 37500 -1323.02 0.05 1976.99 2520664.11 -2718363.26
26 2 6 -1125 -1275 37500 -1245.49 0.05 1861.14 2372955.04 -2093783.86
27 2 7 -875 -1275 37500 -1167.96 0.05 1745.29 2225245.97 -1527129.59
28 2 8 -625 -1275 37500 -1090.43 0.04 1629.44 2077536.9 -1018400.44
29 2 9 -375 -1275 37500 -1012.9 0.04 1513.59 1929827.82 -567596.42
30 2 10 -125 -1275 37500 -935.38 0.04 1397.74 1782118.75 -174717.52
31 2 11 125 -1275 37500 -857.85 0.03 1281.89 1634409.68 160236.24
32 2 12 375 -1275 37500 -780.32 0.03 1166.04 1486700.61 437264.88
33 2 13 625 -1275 37500 -702.79 0.03 1050.19 1338991.53 656368.4
34 2 14 875 -1275 37500 -625.27 0.02 934.34 1191282.46 817546.79
35 2 15 1125 -1275 37500 -547.74 0.02 818.49 1043573.39 920800.05
36 2 16 1375 -1275 37500 -470.21 0.02 702.64 895864.32 966128.19
37 2 17 1625 -1275 37500 -392.68 0.02 586.79 748155.25 953531.2
38 2 18 1875 -1275 37500 -315.15 0.01 470.94 600446.17 883009.08
39 2 19 2125 -1275 37500 -237.63 0.01 355.09 452737.1 754561.84
40 2 20 2375 -1275 37500 -160.1 0.01 239.24 305028.03 568189.47
41 3 1 -2375 -1125 37500 -1490.52 0.06 2227.3 2505708.82 -5289829.72
42 3 2 -2125 -1125 37500 -1412.99 0.06 2111.45 2375377.28 -4486823.75
43 3 3 -1875 -1125 37500 -1335.47 0.05 1995.6 2245045.75 -3741742.91
44 3 4 -1625 -1125 37500 -1257.94 0.05 1879.75 2114714.21 -3054587.2
45 3 5 -1375 -1125 37500 -1180.41 0.05 1763.9 1984382.68 -2425356.61
46 3 6 -1125 -1125 37500 -1102.88 0.04 1648.05 1854051.14 -1854051.14
47 3 7 -875 -1125 37500 -1025.35 0.04 1532.2 1723719.61 -1340670.81
48 3 8 -625 -1125 37500 -947.83 0.04 1416.34 1593388.08 -885215.6
49 3 9 -375 -1125 37500 -870.3 0.03 1300.49 1463056.54 -487685.51
50 3 10 -125 -1125 37500 -792.77 0.03 1184.64 1332725.01 -148080.56
51 3 11 125 -1125 37500 -715.24 0.03 1068.79 1202393.47 133599.27
52 3 12 375 -1125 37500 -637.72 0.03 952.94 1072061.94 357353.98
53 3 13 625 -1125 37500 -560.19 0.02 837.09 941730.4 523183.56
54 3 14 875 -1125 37500 -482.66 0.02 721.24 811398.87 631088.01
55 3 15 1125 -1125 37500 -405.13 0.02 605.39 681067.34 681067.34
56 3 16 1375 -1125 37500 -327.61 0.01 489.54 550735.8 673121.54
57 3 17 1625 -1125 37500 -250.08 0.01 373.69 420404.27 607250.61
58 3 18 1875 -1125 37500 -172.55 0.01 257.84 290072.73 483454.56
59 3 19 2125 -1125 37500 -95.02 0 141.99 159741.2 301733.38
60 3 20 2375 -1125 37500 -17.49 0 26.14 29409.66 62087.07
61 4 1 -2375 -975 37500 -1347.92 0.05 2014.2 1963845.95 -4783727.32
62 4 2 -2125 -975 37500 -1270.39 0.05 1898.35 1850891.96 -4033995.29
63 4 3 -1875 -975 37500 -1192.86 0.05 1782.5 1737937.96 -3342188.39
64 4 4 -1625 -975 37500 -1115.33 0.04 1666.65 1624983.97 -2708306.61
65 4 5 -1375 -975 37500 -1037.81 0.04 1550.8 1512029.97 -2132349.96
66 4 6 -1125 -975 37500 -960.28 0.04 1434.95 1399075.97 -1614318.43
67 4 7 -875 -975 37500 -882.75 0.04 1319.1 1286121.98 -1154212.03
68 4 8 -625 -975 37500 -805.22 0.03 1203.25 1173167.98 -752030.76
69 4 9 -375 -975 37500 -727.69 0.03 1087.4 1060213.98 -407774.61
70 4 10 -125 -975 37500 -650.17 0.03 971.55 947259.99 -121443.59
71 4 11 125 -975 37500 -572.64 0.02 855.7 834305.99 106962.31
72 4 12 375 -975 37500 -495.11 0.02 739.85 721351.99 277443.07
73 4 13 625 -975 37500 -417.58 0.02 624 608398 389998.72
74 4 14 875 -975 37500 -340.06 0.01 508.15 495444 444629.23
75 4 15 1125 -975 37500 -262.53 0.01 392.3 382490.01 441334.62
76 4 16 1375 -975 37500 -185 0.01 276.45 269536.01 380114.88
77 4 17 1625 -975 37500 -107.47 0 160.6 156582.01 260970.02
78 4 18 1875 -975 37500 -29.94 0 44.75 43628.02 83900.03
79 4 19 2125 -975 37500 47.58 0 0 0 0
80 4 20 2375 -975 37500 125.11 0 0 0 0
81 5 1 -2375 -825 37500 -1205.31 0.05 1801.11 1485911.82 -4277624.93
82 5 2 -2125 -825 37500 -1127.78 0.04 1685.25 1390335.36 -3581166.83
83 5 3 -1875 -825 37500 -1050.26 0.04 1569.4 1294758.9 -2942633.86
84 5 4 -1625 -825 37500 -972.73 0.04 1453.55 1199182.44 -2362026.02
85 5 5 -1375 -825 37500 -895.2 0.04 1337.7 1103605.98 -1839343.31
86 5 6 -1125 -825 37500 -817.67 0.03 1221.85 1008029.52 -1374585.72
87 5 7 -875 -825 37500 -740.14 0.03 1106 912453.07 -967753.25
88 5 8 -625 -825 37500 -662.62 0.03 990.15 816876.61 -618845.91
89 5 9 -375 -825 37500 -585.09 0.02 874.3 721300.15 -327863.7
90 5 10 -125 -825 37500 -507.56 0.02 758.45 625723.69 -94806.62
91 5 11 125 -825 37500 -430.03 0.02 642.6 530147.23 80325.34
92 5 12 375 -825 37500 -352.51 0.01 526.75 434570.77 197532.17
93 5 13 625 -825 37500 -274.98 0.01 410.9 338994.32 256813.88
94 5 14 875 -825 37500 -197.45 0.01 295.05 243417.86 258170.45
95 5 15 1125 -825 37500 -119.92 0 179.2 147841.4 201601.91
96 5 16 1375 -825 37500 -42.4 0 63.35 52264.94 87108.23
97 5 17 1625 -825 37500 35.13 0 0 0 0
98 5 18 1875 -825 37500 112.66 0 0 0 0
99 5 19 2125 -825 37500 190.19 -0.01 0 0 0
100 5 20 2375 -825 37500 267.72 -0.01 0 0 0
101 6 1 -2375 -675 37500 -1062.71 0.04 1588.01 1071906.4 -3771522.53
102 6 2 -2125 -675 37500 -985.18 0.04 1472.16 993707.48 -3128338.37
103 6 3 -1875 -675 37500 -907.65 0.04 1356.31 915508.56 -2543079.34
104 6 4 -1625 -675 37500 -830.12 0.03 1240.46 837309.64 -2015745.43
105 6 5 -1375 -675 37500 -752.6 0.03 1124.61 759110.72 -1546336.65
106 6 6 -1125 -675 37500 -675.07 0.03 1008.76 680911.8 -1134853
107 6 7 -875 -675 37500 -597.54 0.02 892.91 602712.88 -781294.47
108 6 8 -625 -675 37500 -520.01 0.02 777.06 524513.96 -485661.07
109 6 9 -375 -675 37500 -442.48 0.02 661.21 446315.04 -247952.8
110 6 10 -125 -675 37500 -364.96 0.01 545.36 368116.12 -68169.65
111 6 11 125 -675 37500 -287.43 0.01 429.51 289917.2 53688.37
112 6 12 375 -675 37500 -209.9 0.01 313.66 211718.28 117621.27
113 6 13 625 -675 37500 -132.37 0.01 197.81 133519.36 123629.03
114 6 14 875 -675 37500 -54.85 0 81.96 55320.44 71711.68
115 6 15 1125 -675 37500 22.68 0 0 0 0
116 6 16 1375 -675 37500 100.21 0 0 0 0
117 6 17 1625 -675 37500 177.74 -0.01 0 0 0
118 6 18 1875 -675 37500 255.27 -0.01 0 0 0
119 6 19 2125 -675 37500 332.79 -0.01 0 0 0
120 6 20 2375 -675 37500 410.32 -0.02 0 0 0
121 7 1 -2375 -525 37500 -920.1 0.04 1374.91 721829.71 -3265420.13
122 7 2 -2125 -525 37500 -842.57 0.03 1259.06 661008.33 -2675509.91
123 7 3 -1875 -525 37500 -765.05 0.03 1143.21 600186.95 -2143524.82
124 7 4 -1625 -525 37500 -687.52 0.03 1027.36 539365.57 -1669464.85
125 7 5 -1375 -525 37500 -609.99 0.02 911.51 478544.18 -1253330
126 7 6 -1125 -525 37500 -532.46 0.02 795.66 417722.8 -895120.29
127 7 7 -875 -525 37500 -454.93 0.02 679.81 356901.42 -594835.7
128 7 8 -625 -525 37500 -377.41 0.02 563.96 296080.04 -352476.23
129 7 9 -375 -525 37500 -299.88 0.01 448.11 235258.65 -168041.89
130 7 10 -125 -525 37500 -222.35 0.01 332.26 174437.27 -41532.68
131 7 11 125 -525 37500 -144.82 0.01 216.41 113615.89 27051.4
132 7 12 375 -525 37500 -67.3 0 100.56 52794.5 37710.36
133 7 13 625 -525 37500 10.23 0 0 0 0
134 7 14 875 -525 37500 87.76 0 0 0 0
135 7 15 1125 -525 37500 165.29 -0.01 0 0 0
136 7 16 1375 -525 37500 242.81 -0.01 0 0 0
137 7 17 1625 -525 37500 320.34 -0.01 0 0 0
138 7 18 1875 -525 37500 397.87 -0.02 0 0 0
139 7 19 2125 -525 37500 475.4 -0.02 0 0 0
140 7 20 2375 -525 37500 552.93 -0.02 0 0 0
141 8 1 -2375 -375 37500 -777.5 0.03 1161.82 435681.75 -2759317.74
142 8 2 -2125 -375 37500 -699.97 0.03 1045.97 392237.9 -2222681.45
143 8 3 -1875 -375 37500 -622.44 0.02 930.12 348794.06 -1743970.29
144 8 4 -1625 -375 37500 -544.91 0.02 814.27 305350.21 -1323184.26
145 8 5 -1375 -375 37500 -467.39 0.02 698.42 261906.37 -960323.35
146 8 6 -1125 -375 37500 -389.86 0.02 582.57 218462.52 -655387.57
147 8 7 -875 -375 37500 -312.33 0.01 466.72 175018.68 -408376.92
148 8 8 -625 -375 37500 -234.8 0.01 350.87 131574.83 -219291.39
149 8 9 -375 -375 37500 -157.27 0.01 235.02 88130.99 -88130.99
150 8 10 -125 -375 37500 -79.75 0 119.17 44687.15 -14895.72
151 8 11 125 -375 37500 -2.22 0 3.32 1243.3 414.43
152 8 12 375 -375 37500 75.31 0 0 0 0
153 8 13 625 -375 37500 152.84 -0.01 0 0 0
154 8 14 875 -375 37500 230.36 -0.01 0 0 0
155 8 15 1125 -375 37500 307.89 -0.01 0 0 0
156 8 16 1375 -375 37500 385.42 -0.02 0 0 0
157 8 17 1625 -375 37500 462.95 -0.02 0 0 0
158 8 18 1875 -375 37500 540.48 -0.02 0 0 0
159 8 19 2125 -375 37500 618 -0.02 0 0 0
160 8 20 2375 -375 37500 695.53 -0.03 0 0 0
161 9 1 -2375 -225 37500 -634.89 0.03 948.72 213462.51 -2253215.34
162 9 2 -2125 -225 37500 -557.36 0.02 832.87 187396.2 -1769852.99
163 9 3 -1875 -225 37500 -479.84 0.02 717.02 161329.89 -1344415.77
164 9 4 -1625 -225 37500 -402.31 0.02 601.17 135263.59 -976903.67
165 9 5 -1375 -225 37500 -324.78 0.01 485.32 109197.28 -667316.7
166 9 6 -1125 -225 37500 -247.25 0.01 369.47 83130.97 -415654.86
167 9 7 -875 -225 37500 -169.72 0.01 253.62 57064.66 -221918.14
168 9 8 -625 -225 37500 -92.2 0 137.77 30998.36 -86106.55
169 9 9 -375 -225 37500 -14.67 0 21.92 4932.05 -8220.09
170 9 10 -125 -225 37500 62.86 0 0 0 0
171 9 11 125 -225 37500 140.39 -0.01 0 0 0
172 9 12 375 -225 37500 217.91 -0.01 0 0 0
173 9 13 625 -225 37500 295.44 -0.01 0 0 0
174 9 14 875 -225 37500 372.97 -0.01 0 0 0
175 9 15 1125 -225 37500 450.5 -0.02 0 0 0
176 9 16 1375 -225 37500 528.03 -0.02 0 0 0
177 9 17 1625 -225 37500 605.55 -0.02 0 0 0
178 9 18 1875 -225 37500 683.08 -0.03 0 0 0
179 9 19 2125 -225 37500 760.61 -0.03 0 0 0
180 9 20 2375 -225 37500 838.14 -0.03 0 0 0
181 10 1 -2375 -75 37500 -492.29 0.02 735.63 55171.99 -1747112.94
182 10 2 -2125 -75 37500 -414.76 0.02 619.78 46483.22 -1317024.53
183 10 3 -1875 -75 37500 -337.23 0.01 503.93 37794.45 -944861.24
184 10 4 -1625 -75 37500 -259.7 0.01 388.08 29105.68 -630623.08
185 10 5 -1375 -75 37500 -182.18 0.01 272.23 20416.91 -374310.05
186 10 6 -1125 -75 37500 -104.65 0 156.38 11728.14 -175922.14
187 10 7 -875 -75 37500 -27.12 0 40.52 3039.37 -35459.36
188 10 8 -625 -75 37500 50.41 0 0 0 0
189 10 9 -375 -75 37500 127.94 -0.01 0 0 0
190 10 10 -125 -75 37500 205.46 -0.01 0 0 0
191 10 11 125 -75 37500 282.99 -0.01 0 0 0
192 10 12 375 -75 37500 360.52 -0.01 0 0 0
193 10 13 625 -75 37500 438.05 -0.02 0 0 0
194 10 14 875 -75 37500 515.57 -0.02 0 0 0
195 10 15 1125 -75 37500 593.1 -0.02 0 0 0
196 10 16 1375 -75 37500 670.63 -0.03 0 0 0
197 10 17 1625 -75 37500 748.16 -0.03 0 0 0
198 10 18 1875 -75 37500 825.69 -0.03 0 0 0
199 10 19 2125 -75 37500 903.21 -0.04 0 0 0
200 10 20 2375 -75 37500 980.74 -0.04 0 0 0
201 11 1 -2375 75 37500 -349.68 0.01 522.53 -39189.81 -1241010.55
202 11 2 -2125 75 37500 -272.15 0.01 406.68 -30501.04 -864196.07
203 11 3 -1875 75 37500 -194.63 0.01 290.83 -21812.27 -545306.72
204 11 4 -1625 75 37500 -117.1 0 174.98 -13123.5 -284342.5
205 11 5 -1375 75 37500 -39.57 0 59.13 -4434.73 -81303.4
206 11 6 -1125 75 37500 37.96 0 0 0 0
207 11 7 -875 75 37500 115.49 0 0 0 0
208 11 8 -625 75 37500 193.01 -0.01 0 0 0
209 11 9 -375 75 37500 270.54 -0.01 0 0 0
210 11 10 -125 75 37500 348.07 -0.01 0 0 0
211 11 11 125 75 37500 425.6 -0.02 0 0 0
212 11 12 375 75 37500 503.12 -0.02 0 0 0
213 11 13 625 75 37500 580.65 -0.02 0 0 0
214 11 14 875 75 37500 658.18 -0.03 0 0 0
215 11 15 1125 75 37500 735.71 -0.03 0 0 0
216 11 16 1375 75 37500 813.24 -0.03 0 0 0
217 11 17 1625 75 37500 890.76 -0.04 0 0 0
218 11 18 1875 75 37500 968.29 -0.04 0 0 0
219 11 19 2125 75 37500 1045.82 -0.04 0 0 0
220 11 20 2375 75 37500 1123.35 -0.04 0 0 0
221 12 1 -2375 225 37500 -207.08 0.01 309.44 -69622.88 -734908.15
222 12 2 -2125 225 37500 -129.55 0.01 193.58 -43556.57 -411367.61
223 12 3 -1875 225 37500 -52.02 0 77.73 -17490.26 -145752.2
224 12 4 -1625 225 37500 25.51 0 0 0 0
225 12 5 -1375 225 37500 103.04 0 0 0 0
226 12 6 -1125 225 37500 180.56 -0.01 0 0 0
227 12 7 -875 225 37500 258.09 -0.01 0 0 0
228 12 8 -625 225 37500 335.62 -0.01 0 0 0
229 12 9 -375 225 37500 413.15 -0.02 0 0 0
230 12 10 -125 225 37500 490.67 -0.02 0 0 0
231 12 11 125 225 37500 568.2 -0.02 0 0 0
232 12 12 375 225 37500 645.73 -0.03 0 0 0
233 12 13 625 225 37500 723.26 -0.03 0 0 0
234 12 14 875 225 37500 800.78 -0.03 0 0 0
235 12 15 1125 225 37500 878.31 -0.03 0 0 0
236 12 16 1375 225 37500 955.84 -0.04 0 0 0
237 12 17 1625 225 37500 1033.37 -0.04 0 0 0
238 12 18 1875 225 37500 1110.9 -0.04 0 0 0
239 12 19 2125 225 37500 1188.42 -0.05 0 0 0
240 12 20 2375 225 37500 1265.95 -0.05 0 0 0
241 13 1 -2375 375 37500 -64.47 0 96.34 -36127.22 -228805.75
242 13 2 -2125 375 37500 13.06 0 0 0 0
243 13 3 -1875 375 37500 90.58 0 0 0 0
244 13 4 -1625 375 37500 168.11 -0.01 0 0 0
245 13 5 -1375 375 37500 245.64 -0.01 0 0 0
246 13 6 -1125 375 37500 323.17 -0.01 0 0 0
247 13 7 -875 375 37500 400.7 -0.02 0 0 0
248 13 8 -625 375 37500 478.22 -0.02 0 0 0
249 13 9 -375 375 37500 555.75 -0.02 0 0 0
250 13 10 -125 375 37500 633.28 -0.03 0 0 0
251 13 11 125 375 37500 710.81 -0.03 0 0 0
252 13 12 375 375 37500 788.33 -0.03 0 0 0
253 13 13 625 375 37500 865.86 -0.03 0 0 0
254 13 14 875 375 37500 943.39 -0.04 0 0 0
255 13 15 1125 375 37500 1020.92 -0.04 0 0 0
256 13 16 1375 375 37500 1098.45 -0.04 0 0 0
257 13 17 1625 375 37500 1175.97 -0.05 0 0 0
258 13 18 1875 375 37500 1253.5 -0.05 0 0 0
259 13 19 2125 375 37500 1331.03 -0.05 0 0 0
260 13 20 2375 375 37500 1408.56 -0.06 0 0 0
261 14 1 -2375 525 37500 78.13 0 0 0 0
262 14 2 -2125 525 37500 155.66 -0.01 0 0 0
263 14 3 -1875 525 37500 233.19 -0.01 0 0 0
264 14 4 -1625 525 37500 310.72 -0.01 0 0 0
265 14 5 -1375 525 37500 388.25 -0.02 0 0 0
266 14 6 -1125 525 37500 465.77 -0.02 0 0 0
267 14 7 -875 525 37500 543.3 -0.02 0 0 0
268 14 8 -625 525 37500 620.83 -0.02 0 0 0
269 14 9 -375 525 37500 698.36 -0.03 0 0 0
270 14 10 -125 525 37500 775.88 -0.03 0 0 0
271 14 11 125 525 37500 853.41 -0.03 0 0 0
272 14 12 375 525 37500 930.94 -0.04 0 0 0
273 14 13 625 525 37500 1008.47 -0.04 0 0 0
274 14 14 875 525 37500 1085.99 -0.04 0 0 0
275 14 15 1125 525 37500 1163.52 -0.05 0 0 0
276 14 16 1375 525 37500 1241.05 -0.05 0 0 0
277 14 17 1625 525 37500 1318.58 -0.05 0 0 0
278 14 18 1875 525 37500 1396.11 -0.06 0 0 0
279 14 19 2125 525 37500 1473.63 -0.06 0 0 0
280 14 20 2375 525 37500 1551.16 -0.06 0 0 0
281 15 1 -2375 675 37500 220.74 -0.01 0 0 0
282 15 2 -2125 675 37500 298.27 -0.01 0 0 0
283 15 3 -1875 675 37500 375.79 -0.01 0 0 0
284 15 4 -1625 675 37500 453.32 -0.02 0 0 0
285 15 5 -1375 675 37500 530.85 -0.02 0 0 0
286 15 6 -1125 675 37500 608.38 -0.02 0 0 0
287 15 7 -875 675 37500 685.91 -0.03 0 0 0
288 15 8 -625 675 37500 763.43 -0.03 0 0 0
289 15 9 -375 675 37500 840.96 -0.03 0 0 0
290 15 10 -125 675 37500 918.49 -0.04 0 0 0
291 15 11 125 675 37500 996.02 -0.04 0 0 0
292 15 12 375 675 37500 1073.54 -0.04 0 0 0
293 15 13 625 675 37500 1151.07 -0.05 0 0 0
294 15 14 875 675 37500 1228.6 -0.05 0 0 0
295 15 15 1125 675 37500 1306.13 -0.05 0 0 0
296 15 16 1375 675 37500 1383.66 -0.06 0 0 0
297 15 17 1625 675 37500 1461.18 -0.06 0 0 0
298 15 18 1875 675 37500 1538.71 -0.06 0 0 0
299 15 19 2125 675 37500 1616.24 -0.06 0 0 0
300 15 20 2375 675 37500 1693.77 -0.07 0 0 0
301 16 1 -2375 825 37500 363.34 -0.01 0 0 0
302 16 2 -2125 825 37500 440.87 -0.02 0 0 0
303 16 3 -1875 825 37500 518.4 -0.02 0 0 0
304 16 4 -1625 825 37500 595.93 -0.02 0 0 0
305 16 5 -1375 825 37500 673.46 -0.03 0 0 0
306 16 6 -1125 825 37500 750.98 -0.03 0 0 0
307 16 7 -875 825 37500 828.51 -0.03 0 0 0
308 16 8 -625 825 37500 906.04 -0.04 0 0 0
309 16 9 -375 825 37500 983.57 -0.04 0 0 0
310 16 10 -125 825 37500 1061.09 -0.04 0 0 0
311 16 11 125 825 37500 1138.62 -0.05 0 0 0
312 16 12 375 825 37500 1216.15 -0.05 0 0 0
313 16 13 625 825 37500 1293.68 -0.05 0 0 0
314 16 14 875 825 37500 1371.2 -0.05 0 0 0
315 16 15 1125 825 37500 1448.73 -0.06 0 0 0
316 16 16 1375 825 37500 1526.26 -0.06 0 0 0
317 16 17 1625 825 37500 1603.79 -0.06 0 0 0
318 16 18 1875 825 37500 1681.32 -0.07 0 0 0
319 16 19 2125 825 37500 1758.84 -0.07 0 0 0
320 16 20 2375 825 37500 1836.37 -0.07 0 0 0
321 17 1 -2375 975 37500 505.95 -0.02 0 0 0
322 17 2 -2125 975 37500 583.48 -0.02 0 0 0
323 17 3 -1875 975 37500 661 -0.03 0 0 0
324 17 4 -1625 975 37500 738.53 -0.03 0 0 0
325 17 5 -1375 975 37500 816.06 -0.03 0 0 0
326 17 6 -1125 975 37500 893.59 -0.04 0 0 0
327 17 7 -875 975 37500 971.12 -0.04 0 0 0
328 17 8 -625 975 37500 1048.64 -0.04 0 0 0
329 17 9 -375 975 37500 1126.17 -0.04 0 0 0
330 17 10 -125 975 37500 1203.7 -0.05 0 0 0
331 17 11 125 975 37500 1281.23 -0.05 0 0 0
332 17 12 375 975 37500 1358.75 -0.05 0 0 0
333 17 13 625 975 37500 1436.28 -0.06 0 0 0
334 17 14 875 975 37500 1513.81 -0.06 0 0 0
335 17 15 1125 975 37500 1591.34 -0.06 0 0 0
336 17 16 1375 975 37500 1668.87 -0.07 0 0 0
337 17 17 1625 975 37500 1746.39 -0.07 0 0 0
338 17 18 1875 975 37500 1823.92 -0.07 0 0 0
339 17 19 2125 975 37500 1901.45 -0.08 0 0 0
340 17 20 2375 975 37500 1978.98 -0.08 0 0 0
341 18 1 -2375 1125 37500 648.55 -0.03 0 0 0
342 18 2 -2125 1125 37500 726.08 -0.03 0 0 0
343 18 3 -1875 1125 37500 803.61 -0.03 0 0 0
344 18 4 -1625 1125 37500 881.14 -0.04 0 0 0
345 18 5 -1375 1125 37500 958.67 -0.04 0 0 0
346 18 6 -1125 1125 37500 1036.19 -0.04 0 0 0
347 18 7 -875 1125 37500 1113.72 -0.04 0 0 0
348 18 8 -625 1125 37500 1191.25 -0.05 0 0 0
349 18 9 -375 1125 37500 1268.78 -0.05 0 0 0
350 18 10 -125 1125 37500 1346.3 -0.05 0 0 0
351 18 11 125 1125 37500 1423.83 -0.06 0 0 0
352 18 12 375 1125 37500 1501.36 -0.06 0 0 0
353 18 13 625 1125 37500 1578.89 -0.06 0 0 0
354 18 14 875 1125 37500 1656.42 -0.07 0 0 0
355 18 15 1125 1125 37500 1733.94 -0.07 0 0 0
356 18 16 1375 1125 37500 1811.47 -0.07 0 0 0
357 18 17 1625 1125 37500 1889 -0.08 0 0 0
358 18 18 1875 1125 37500 1966.53 -0.08 0 0 0
359 18 19 2125 1125 37500 2044.05 -0.08 0 0 0
360 18 20 2375 1125 37500 2121.58 -0.08 0 0 0
361 19 1 -2375 1275 37500 791.16 -0.03 0 0 0
362 19 2 -2125 1275 37500 868.69 -0.03 0 0 0
363 19 3 -1875 1275 37500 946.21 -0.04 0 0 0
364 19 4 -1625 1275 37500 1023.74 -0.04 0 0 0
365 19 5 -1375 1275 37500 1101.27 -0.04 0 0 0
366 19 6 -1125 1275 37500 1178.8 -0.05 0 0 0
367 19 7 -875 1275 37500 1256.33 -0.05 0 0 0
368 19 8 -625 1275 37500 1333.85 -0.05 0 0 0
369 19 9 -375 1275 37500 1411.38 -0.06 0 0 0
370 19 10 -125 1275 37500 1488.91 -0.06 0 0 0
371 19 11 125 1275 37500 1566.44 -0.06 0 0 0
372 19 12 375 1275 37500 1643.96 -0.07 0 0 0
373 19 13 625 1275 37500 1721.49 -0.07 0 0 0
374 19 14 875 1275 37500 1799.02 -0.07 0 0 0
375 19 15 1125 1275 37500 1876.55 -0.07 0 0 0
376 19 16 1375 1275 37500 1954.08 -0.08 0 0 0
377 19 17 1625 1275 37500 2031.6 -0.08 0 0 0
378 19 18 1875 1275 37500 2109.13 -0.08 0 0 0
379 19 19 2125 1275 37500 2186.66 -0.09 0 0 0
380 19 20 2375 1275 37500 2264.19 -0.09 0 0 0
381 20 1 -2375 1425 37500 933.76 -0.04 0 0 0
382 20 2 -2125 1425 37500 1011.29 -0.04 0 0 0
383 20 3 -1875 1425 37500 1088.82 -0.04 0 0 0
384 20 4 -1625 1425 37500 1166.35 -0.05 0 0 0
385 20 5 -1375 1425 37500 1243.88 -0.05 0 0 0
386 20 6 -1125 1425 37500 1321.4 -0.05 0 0 0
387 20 7 -875 1425 37500 1398.93 -0.06 0 0 0
388 20 8 -625 1425 37500 1476.46 -0.06 0 0 0
389 20 9 -375 1425 37500 1553.99 -0.06 0 0 0
390 20 10 -125 1425 37500 1631.51 -0.07 0 0 0
391 20 11 125 1425 37500 1709.04 -0.07 0 0 0
392 20 12 375 1425 37500 1786.57 -0.07 0 0 0
393 20 13 625 1425 37500 1864.1 -0.07 0 0 0
394 20 14 875 1425 37500 1941.63 -0.08 0 0 0
395 20 15 1125 1425 37500 2019.15 -0.08 0 0 0
396 20 16 1375 1425 37500 2096.68 -0.08 0 0 0
397 20 17 1625 1425 37500 2174.21 -0.09 0 0 0
398 20 18 1875 1425 37500 2251.74 -0.09 0 0 0
399 20 19 2125 1425 37500 2329.26 -0.09 0 0 0
400 20 20 2375 1425 37500 2406.79 -0.1 0 0 0
TOTAL 15000000 150001.59 149999185.11 -150002259.15
D. G. Bhagwat]

utral axis location

-1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

axis (length of footing)

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