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'- l.

I .:·· '

Building Schedule of Rates

•\ r


Dawson Grand Residencies Project
· No: 07, Braybr. . Place, Colombo 02. .

' I/
Price Rs. 625/- !
I '

. '



__ ....
Introductory Notes 1 - a
1. Excavation 9 - 1J,
2. Anti termite treatment 13
3. Earthwork 14- 16
4• ESJ.•thwork support 17- 19
5. Concrete 20- 46
6. Timber !ormwork 47- 53
7, Steel reinforcement, 53
. 8. Briokworlc·· 54- 61 •
g •. Hol:l.o"lf block masonry;- 62
10~-Randorn Rubble masonry 63
11. Pressed tili:lg 64.
12. Wall. tiling & Terrazzo tiles 65- 66
13. Roo:fin.g 67- 71
14. Roof plum~ing 72- T)
15. Caili.le; .74- 77
• 78- BJ
.16. lloors & Windows
.17: . :r.r.a'7S!~~e17, · 84- 89
1,8. ;,>in8 • 89- 95
19. Painting & Decorating 96-1Q3
20. Plumb:lng ·(PVC).' 104-116

21. Ext~ncl·drainae;e (EW p:1:pea) 117·
22; Plumb:l!Pg· (O.I pipes) 118-119
23. Ye.nholeo & Gu~ys 120-121·
24. senit?:X-y titti!Jgs 122-126
25. Gutters & Downpipes 127-130


• KE~awson Grand Residencies Project
No: 07 , Braybrook Place, Colombo 02.

• 11 MAY 2007

7.• 7.88
. ijecr.etary
,J/:~,/L.G.H.& C•
.Reviuion · o! tile B_uilding Sc-i1edule o! Rg.tee
. ,•
· ·. · · Tbe Cite.irinrtil, Tec~cal Co,nmittee ot the 1Jin1stry
o! Loc11l _.l9~~r111n;,:nt uppOihtud Q .iUb ~.011rn.ittoo 'to J."OVise
• ,tho Buildina .ici,edule of 'Ratua ·,o ·th~ D~partment of t .
~uildiq~· ;lt itti ,~ciot'1~· h4!ld <>n JO. 1.e6. · The Sub Co:n-
. mittoe ·wa11··~:;~nst~tuted Gs .. tollo1Ts1

;tr.• p. Ratnnyake . - En..;1nee:r1ng Consult/Wy.~.G.H&C

flr. 'l'. s. Niut liul:um1:11•nsn1ny - En ;1.naering Con:iµlt/L,G-.11.• & ·c.
Mr • . s.s,nan11e.ekornm - c. ;..s.Dept ot· ·liuildings,
·. llr. H.D.Chandrnsena
Lir. D.l'. Sel,leogodu
-- c •.,..i:s./s~c
Doputy Di;'ectol'/RDA;
Mr.·. a. V:.K.Lt.Ab<lYQe!kOre. - . Deputy rii:·•octor/IO'fAD
< O
'r; '•!• L ,,,::. ~;' O

(Replaced lt~t<>r :by Mr. 'I.J .k:,)1f{ •

. . . . ·,/ '""' ,•, . •,.

de, · Aeat. D~ector/ICTA·D)'... : ·

Mr. Mel ·- · Aost.Diroctor/ICTA.D · · -',':· :.
,; •. ~.Caldera - ,r.
r;n. ~ ineer/1,ly.• L. ii • .i.: C.


. necess.~y •. . ,"-.
b) .. And to 1ncludo nny additi.on•tl ito::IB ,,a conuidered· ra•..:e-:
aae.i•_y •

2. .•1'h,/ Commi~'t~e:: i'nvYted -·~.jJ~l;08ell tn t io~~

. . . .' .
trom Contra~.te>r,ii! al lieu. J:·.;t1niantlo:is or _tile build~ t4•odo ~ bllt j;,:c<:itf
'I ... th,ire w,~o.,n, 1•,,11po1iae f:•om nn:, ,,a:·'t:,,. '
-<; I
• .•·... ..

). '!'h•t ::om:nittuo hnd wee,:ly ,aeotin,;:: :·1·-J:n ~·.,,brul\.ry, but, .·.;.;;.

it wr.J .,;.ly n!tu:- Jun·'3G th•1t t:1P.1•e w1.:i tnir {p:·!J·-~r,na:,'./'i:
0.8 copioa or tht• ,.ti.n, r.,r;uirod by the c~ai.n1t~,.-v_::1t1:5.!\~
··' '' • •• -~.-{... ', ,-;-. <" '.,
• not rnndo uvuilnt:le .mt!::. t1,•·n, ;I!.' ... ,··._;,,::::, . ,,-.,.

·-: '
..• ~t ,:
. ·1_-·, '
' ~ ;· :-:. . -• 2 - \
4. In the process ot exnmination ot the ite::is. in the
BSR due consideration' we.a given to intormEition·-
available in:-
'. ''
1) The Specification prepared by the C.I.T.P,
···'.;'·;, -:,,._c:2)-· The current standard method ot measurement
,. ',. ,-_. ns per. Bureau o,:r Standnrda (Ceylon).
3) Schedule o! Rat~a · o! . tl'l,e Hi{;hways ])apartment:
· 4) 'l'he ·.Schedule ot- Rate'"J 'ot the, Mahawcli Develop-
ment Board.

· 5.. It ii{ ob:ierved that an ·increo:ie of 22i- on the
. by the
.· basic rn'tes is provided lit present~

Department ot buildincs, tor ito~s viz frelimi-

m,rie:i. Ov,n•heads ti: Proi'i ts.

6. lhis .lftb Co:nmittee 1•eco::unenda an increase ot

J5·,; on the be.sic rates or the revised. BSR.
(Plense see attached explanatory note)

Two copiea of the revised BSR compiled by the
Sub Co, .. mittee are submitted herewith.

'• .
l'. Hn tnayn:Ce '-· ·
Chui.· .. ~.ln
.;;ub ·.;ommi t tee.

,.I . •I. I : . I

~ -· . '/ ; .. I ., .......
,r· , ..~ . I. .{ / ,' t . '

I I ~

-· I f.
'1 •I '
·: ( .,, ... ·.·
!I . '.. . . I., .· . ,. ~

I ~• "' •
;I ,
.. ":
I • ·~ I

,. • . ii '
.. . .,

' -

The rr-ttes il'l this BSR nne.lycj.s 11.~·e the Buoic Rates.
This rate is compounded· o.~count ( 1). The market
price of the me. tJ,.a t mu!ce up the i tern of work, (2)
the cos\ of tro.n:,;port of such mate,:ials to the site, (J)
the wages o! the labour required in ce.rryin5 out the. work
and (4) the cont cf r.ny pJ.~·-'lt required.

In carrying out a "°orJ, be::ide:i the Dasie Cost, there are

other coats l1ave to lie incurred by the ·contractor, , ..
which costs cannot .be cons'itlerod as .. direct prod~ctive work~
These. costs ce.n.not be Ct!lculated in terms of materials a~d
labour. cost a.:ci. =e t•,i' e.n Cverheuds on e. job s.nd can
be g,:,ouped under t·~·o: .:iai11 sub heudn. Thus,

(1) .{·>b '2.'Lf.U'!:~.!1.ll1 - .

1'h!::.t vr..ry 1· nnd caused
directly to the indi,r::.dual job

----- ---. -
(2) Generai. o,•e:t'hP.ed s . -
o.n of.Cic<J, work shop
·,·,nich inc~ude costs of maintainin(S
•.ind ynrd in wii ich to do business
whether or not there io a job under way and such expena-
es continuous und m!lY bn shared by the job turnover.
·,, .... , .
rhe common it~mo that ~ek~ up these overheads are listed
'111 p.a~e {2) &. {)) o.C _the Cl._nn:J..ysis. '.Che Overhead i tern involv"."
.. d ·1n:a- job. :!.a·s~etl
. ------- as o pcrcentn;_;.?
-- --- ----~··-- --- --··
or t::u b1\sic cost ot
-- - "

'tii11'Job·~--Thesa·,nrcen';a ..;;eo he.VI? been arrived nt rrom record•

or expenditure inc:urred i~ s~ch e.ct.ivi~!<:s, ~vcr a ;>~~:Lod of, ·
_...________,__ __ - ... ,---~-

i-'rorn the det(l.ils ii, ra ;n; (2_)_\_("3) it will be seen thnt th,e
}"b ->-~-~rh.:ae·ds · is /;;-;;t 25;-.: of tll·~ b•::•ic cont o! .the v1ork.

- 10~ of the busic cast in nllowctl :·, :i profits otnd

------- -,.-
tv tnl ::1,!:·~ up of t:~ • ·1~~,:;ic c~> ~ t i~ 1~; (25; tor job
~ - 2

Thus. 1 l nill be seen thri t on th.'.l ~(wii: co~t o! n. vtork, a

Contractor is u llowed ;. miirk ',ii,; n! 35.~,. of which 25.'~ is
the cost o! servicing the contruc ~. ,n,d 10;o 11s Contractors C


It will bo seen that the 25% oiv11r:10odo is. r.mdc up

. )
Or 19%
us job vVt!rhe,odo rind 6,; ns 1 Geihfrul Qverhends.

'l'he job 0vurhe11ds ru•,, ov11rheads incu1·red r. t the site and·

. i
!ll'e U?plicable to all cl~eees ol Contrnctorv~
. .
Tho General Ov~rheHds however, w!:l depend qn tho oize of
the. Contructora Organiuat.:.on- Rnd the facili·tica maintained
u:t the Organisa ~ ion •
~l:ua any reduction in ;;h,i 1J'le:•homls ullowance
. ____·,
to n Contrac-
tor could be .only v,ithin this .6;;, 0.\1 Gc111Jr11l Overheads nnd ~-
thnt. any
re~uct ion vrill b)

- 'l'i1i:1 Conuni t tee :I.a o t the vpi:1io:1 the. t 1111' Con t1·nn tors
(11•reap_ectivo o'f ·size of thoi:.· 01·ganioatio11) ohould be
ullowed n · mi_:r_k· up o!
J5~ .on the basic coat as o:vorheads
rl~'l . pro tit 111 lownnce.

.Jl'i.,;inull:, Lh_is hl1niot:i:-:, hn.:l ~be rnurk. up 11a JO% (1_!1
1 •78) m~d on. 2·epresentution msdo, it w110 increuoed to 35,i'
1'.1_11. the yen1·a 1979-1·990) ~r.d latflr it we.a r~du-~~d to 25", Q
·~n:l 11-'.oin tc '2~,b etc., . We bulicve thu t thiu · wriJ- one p_!__,!he
:·_,,.,,:i of tl1u clctc1·ior{ition of th,·, ,:tn:a<lurd o! ·buildirii; work.

i :. _,1·<lor to ,,:rnu:-e _qu:,lfty r1nc; nt?·ict c•Jm;illancc v:ith ap,.,c:-·1-

-- • • ~ I

·:·J!:_·_:_t;.i,.>tu,. th•l ~orrunittoc l"'ccoiruncr.dD 35.'.; ,onr;: up on the

,..l ___ · ;i ~~. a,: tes .

. i,: ',


Analysis for Basic Rates

The Material and Labour component required for the
various items of work ·inc(l.~ding the minimal plant
required for is detailed in tha analysis of the
Basic Rates which have been included in the followi?lB

Basic Rate
The basic ~ate is analysed under the following headings:

Ca) Materials
The quantities of material required for the items
are computed from kno\lllldata and experience.
. . Their
total value is calculated on the basis o! cuz·rent
costs of pu.l'chase at sourc~s of supply. Unless
otherwise stated 1·1astage is allowed in the :iorms.

(b) Transport
This rc:..p"?lc.nt provides for. the cost of tre.:isport ·.
of material from sources o! supply to the sites of
v1ork. This component is usually added to the
material c,;,st-.

(c) Labour
·· The. le.bour wages are as approved by the Government
from to time and on the basis of an 8 hour
v1orking day.

(d) ~lant
This component provides·ror the minimum plant re-
quired !or the items of work. The cost of tools
and implements is provided for in the Overr.O?e.c!s

' (e) Basic Cost.

', 'fhe Basic Cost is the sum uf th•; costs of items
(a),(b),(c) ~ (d) above.

Overheads and Profit fe.cto:t'

Ove1•head costs include
. .
. costs that cannot be
consid~red as direct productive work on the job.
l'hese may be · gen~rally i;rvuped as .follows:

(a) Job Ove1·heuds .. thc.t vary with and are caused

directly by the individuttl jobs.and,
(b) General Overheads :thich inc.lude C·.>sts o!
maintaining an office, workshop and yard in
which to do business 1•1hether or not there is
a job under v1ay. Such expen!:feS are continuous

. . may be shared . by the job turnover.


The common items that make up the·overhead costs are

listed below. The cost o! the overhead items involved
on a job is asses·sed as a percentage of the Basic coat
of the job, In the case of the Construction AGencies
executi~ buildin& construction works the overheads.·
component may be listed as below:

. Job Over-heads (Site Overheads) % ot Basic Co st

1. l>UJ)8_EVision of WO:t'k (wa~es 9_! work 0

2. Sup~rvisivn of labour (1var:;es o! !}angers)@
3. ··temporary works:
la) ·. Access._li?.ad e.nd Ma~?ltenan~
(b )' Site·. buildings .. accomoda ti.on,) !o;
. of
port labour . . . . • . ,--
(c} Cen·tral sto1•e.s tiui_l<"'
(d) _l-';~~i.nB aml, p;otection ~ ·o..-.3-
(e) .Provision. of .wnter,. lie;hts etc,
---·-- _:.. ____ -. -···" . ----··-------····' -·-- ·-----~--- ··-·- --··- --···----·--
-~ -


(f) Clee.l'in:: t~nJ ti1.\yin-s up 0 .• 2 •

(ff •Jolloction of building mntP.ri:•ls
inc luliin,; c~men t ,cind stoel 0.40 ;1

4. 'llatchcrs for field st Jl'es and s,?curi ty

of sites, o.a
· 5,c_~o~) a.n_d .. ir~plemP.nts for miscellaneous
1vork .... ·,,. ~-9)
6. (a) settin::; out nnd m<?t.sui•oments 0.7
(b) l:>rovidin,3 sampler, for t.:sting 0.2
7. Transportation of supervisory staff 1.0
a. Job or.tice, furniture ,.,.stationary.,
supplies, v11tter, lights etc. 0.9
9. WaDes of jpb office stuff ·1.2
10. h'e.iiaportation of job office staff 0.4
11. (ii.) Borids. for :!.lid performance end
Fidelity Guarc.ntee -0.:..3-
(b) Insur~ 01' work and r,orkmen I S
compensation e.s-'
12. {a) Inter,st iri Capital Invest~en~.
. (b) Business Turnover Tax 3.0_
• >I
: 19.0/
_J ·
'-"'."'·~""!"- -

13. Head office and rent, li;;hts, telephone,
sta tion,31~y supplies ,v furniture etc,
for same
,. o. 6 ./
·14. tial,.e.ries of' Head uf i' ice lifanager,
En.:;ineers, Te~hnical Assistants,
Draµgtitsme·n, Clerks, ~tenos, Typists,
i>iinor staff and Drivers 1.2
15. Transportation an~_subsistance of
Head office staff 1.0
16, Inourance, · Interest :c-.nd Taxes on business 0;.4
17. Legal expe11ses and Consultancy fees 0.2
18. ·,Vorkahop & Yard rents, sheds, ~ar116 es &
19. Salaries of workshop&. Yard storekeepers,
Drivers, i,'oremen, r,:echa.nice S: Workmen 0.4
\ I
', -~:.QJ_
----- /
Preti to L; \· ;.

Ten p•J!'Cent c@of

thu l:laaic .COi!tS is allowed as
profit to the Contractor.

Overhetidrf and Profit Factor·

Combining the factors for overheads and the profit.a
factor :·;e get 35;; of the Basic Hate as the Overhead
. . and Profit factor IVhich is a.tao ca"iied the I ;,{ark-up'
on the i3asic hs.te. ie the Basic i{at·e 1.s multiplied
' tor 1. 35 to ol;ltain the IVorking rate\·
by the fo.c

This Basic ltate Analysis does not.include for the use


of heavy ,plant and equipment. This analysis provides

for a labour intensive method of work with a minimal
use of machinery. The machinery allowed in this
analysis is the concrete mixer, the vibrator and a
hoist in the case of a multi-storeyed building for the
lift o! materials to the various floors.
' •
·This·analysis is applicable fo;:, a building having a
maximum of four storeys
. . - ie
. ground
.. and three floors.

If a building has more than four floors or v,heri .the
Contract pe;ciod ill compressed to a few months, .tI1en
it will be necessary to allow !or the use of heavy
machinery such as. ·'tower cranes, mobile .. cranes, dumpers
loaders, batching plant for the mixing.of concrete,
bins !or the storage of concrete material etc. and
also !or ·the employment of contract ma,nugers and addi-
tional staff.
The cost of such items o! work will not be accommoda-
ted within the 351~ 'l4ark-up' and will have to be
provided for in separate items such as preliminaries
to the Contract , ·

' J
Conversion - Imperial to Metric

To _Convert To Rate Multiply
Hc1te per per by
------------------------- ----------------'!"9.-----

Cube o. 353

Square 0.1075

Sq.ft 10.7584

L.ft J.28

Cwt Kg 0.02



' ·,
'· '
,.llo;nmceo to i;,; m:..tle i!, tii-., :'" ;,,:: 1\,~· ::. : ~t in·
rc1.mect •)f wo.::-1; on u·,pcr· .::J.0Jr:; -

In ti1a an~lysic of tl:j vuriJus it6L,,: ~.:: ·:,·iJr~: in -.... ,,.~

.followin1; ·p.n.L;<.H;3 .th·.:. 1·{,t.. .H>· .;... tlfor to .·:;oi-1·::



•.ro t!1ese :rates th~ ;1crc~ntal;es ( ..o.f t!>~ t...i·vunci fl ... or

r~itei.; ) L-:idicnt,10. in ti·!P t:;ble telow s:1J~1L. be··
to obtain the rfato:. applic:ible to the 1st, ::nd ar.c.
Jrci floor::;. ?his ~.j.ft.., is li~ited to w..iri; on ti.e
ground a.mi 3 upper floors -:mly ~-

'::;round to G,:.:iund to ~r-Ju::.:. to !loor 2nd ,floor )rd.floor

• Cone!'~ t.e (Cube) 35; 5;; r·;~
9" Brickwork (Sqr) 5% • 7,,; 9;~
911 .Brick::~ork (Cube) 5,; 7;~ to:;:·.-
4i:i" Brickwork (Sqr) 5•'.-o T.;, 10,';
::iteel l,ein!: (a1·1t) 2";1;1 s.~ ;,,~;
l'la.stering (Sqr) 5% 10.~ 15;~ (Sar) Ji',; 6.-, 9,;
F1oor tilin.; (Sqr) 2•·•• 4;,;· 6;.i
Je.ll tiling (S(?r) 2% 4;; 6:~
r ,
Roof,Cali<1ut tiles (:.iQr) J~., 6;~ ).'11

: hoof Asbestos (:.iqr) 5,; ··-.

Cailin,5 work 30•
,o ,,; 1:,

-------... ------------------.--------------··-~--------


NOTE; ..
., ' ·'


1. Soils met with in excavation hav.~ ..been .clessitied

as follows:

1) Sott/Loose soil
2) Ordinary soil
3) Jiard/.l;u!nse aoil
4) 11\ud/i,et clay ·,
5) Sott-~isintegrated rock
(19 rock not requiring bl~~ting)
6) Hard - a) W~ere 'blasting is approved.
b) Where blasting is prohibited.

2. The.,Bis has been .prepared tor each. ot the

above categories as sho1vn in items Nos 3 - 9 •

J. Howeyer, in the preparation ot estimates for
purposes of calling tor Tenders, oxµ.y t'l'io:B.b.Q
item would be included in 'the B.O.Q a1{ agkinst
the B.S.R. item N~s. 3,4,5,6,7,8, & '9/< .Tlle ,· <
description of these two :S.O~Q. items would be ··
as follows:

(a) Excavation in any·material met with except

rock requiring blasting.
(b) Excavation in rock requiring blasting.

4. This class~tication has been adopted (where tenders

are called) to avoid any dispute that may arise as
to the exact nature or the soil that will be met
with when the actual excavation is carried out.
• The tenderer is expected to examine the site and
to form ~is own opinion ot the nature ot the soil
that is met with and rate his tender accordingly.

5. The cl(;lssificatidn of th~ ooils in Note 1

above and the analysis provided for the
different type oi' soil Vlill help the esti-
mator in arriving at the actual cost oi'
excave.tion, for which he will have to allov,
in his estimate •.

6. Under Hote 1(~)p Hard Rock, an analysis is

provided for removinr; Hard Rock met with in
foundation excavations where blasting is pro-
hibited or cannot be done, like in .built up
areas where blasting can cause damage to ad-
joining buildings.

7. In the excavation items Nos 3 to 9, the ·laboUll ·

norm allowed in the items is for e.n e,:qavation
up to a maximum'depth o! 5'0". For excavations
b.eyond the depth of ."5'1 0 11 an additional unsk:l:lled
. .
labourer. ·should be added !or every adciitional
depth of 5'0" -or part thereof for each cube ot
excavation'·beyori.d the original
.· . 5'0". depth •
:· ·····\
Rate /~mount '·
Item Duscription
1. .RemovinG top soil.J;o a depth
not exceeding 6 11 & depositinG as
directed v1ithin s:t:te.

Pei• Square
Con~ider an are~ of 10.00 sqrs.
ie 5.00 cubes of e~avution
10 days U/Sk labourer

Rate ?er 10.00 square

Rate per square


2. Excavation over site to reduce

level, in any material except
rock.requiring.blasting including
upto a distance not exceeding 30 1 0 11 •

Per cube
1 5/8 day U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube

•• ··c.•-..

,.. ~· ,._. ·-·- ,....... -: -. -

___________________________.__________ ________________________ _..;.

Item Description
' .· Rate Amount
)• Excavation in trenches for v1alls/
column pits in ooft/ioo'se_ soil
from O'O" to 5'0" deep and deposi-
ting excave.ted mater.inl to a dist-,-
ance not exceeding JO'O"·(Earth-
work support to be paid ,,
~ r e Jl.ecessary).

Per cub~ •

...1. day. U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube


4.. Excavation in t1•enches for walls/

column ordinary soil from
O'O".to 5'0".deep and depositing
excavated material not exceeding

Per c ~

2Y. days U/Sk labourer

hate per cube

,..~,,.---------:,:-.. ---------------------'"!"'-------------.-------~--..
' . .

. ... -
. ' _________________
,unount _ ":"
. . . -

5. Excavation .. in .trenches, .for-

wnlls/colunin pits in Hard/
dense soil up to a d~PJ.h ..of' ..
'f•'o,;· and' -dep·~~-iti~a excavated
material up to a distance not 1
:'; ''• . ,-,_ .

exceedine; 30'0". · ··'--· .,

: . f' .
Per .cube
J'h daya U/Sk laboµrer.

Rate oer .cube ..

---------------~--------------------------------------------- .

6. Excavation
in . trenches
!or. I
walls/ column·pits in Mud/wet
soil up to a dept~ of 5'0"
and depositing excava~ed material.
to distance not exceeding 30 1 0",
(Earthwork &.dewatering paid for.·
separately), · ·

'Per cube

J days U/Sk labourer · ·

Rate per cube 1·•.

Item liescription Rate Amount
' .
7. C:xcavation in t1·enches foi· walls/
column pit~ in soft d·istintegrat,~d
rock (not ·requirins blnsting) up
to a depth of 5'0" and depositing
excavated rnateriol to a di~tance
not exceec.lin15 30'0".

?er cube
2}2 days U/Sk labourer

Rate oer cube


a. Excavation in trenches for 1valls7
column pits in Hard rock requiring
blasting up to ,a .depth of 5 'O" and
depositing excavated material to a
distance not exceeding 30'0".

Per cube
!,la terials
0.75 lbs blasting powder
io 1ft !'use
1 lb jumper steel
Fuel & forge - 20% of material cost
1 day Sk lab~urer
2 days U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube


~ .,·- -·
Item .J!~l:l~.J:'.ipti<?n.. .. .. ... ,.,,.,.--~····
.... ·- ...... _

:'. i !
____________________ ·----------~---...;--.:.~----
·-t.; ·,.
~ .

,. .
., . : __ ,._. '... ... . . . . •, .. ...,. .. .• ... ' ....
- • • .• • '< C'

9. Benchin~ rock in foundation

in 3"- G11 step·s.,.
(Blast inf\ .. pr.ohibi tad)• · ·
Per 10 ~ouar& feet
Drilling, chippint; & wedging-
1;~ day Sk lapoUrer
Steel, fuel &_ .:ro1•ge -:" 251~ · of labour cost.
Collecting & Disposing,~
· 1),z day U/Sk labourer
?er 10 sq •.,ft

!i_ate per sq.ft

Anti-termite treatment on •
excavated foundation and compacted.
soil under floors •.
~er square
16 +bs D.D.T.powder ..
(Bili in 20 gals of water).
20 gals water

* duy U/Sk labourer

fuu:e per square

W~: .A;_l_t~:rpa,!;;_Ve f,U.xes:'
\ a) Copper Nephthenate (5% in 4 to
\ 8 gale of fuel oil)
b) Sodium Arsenate (10% in 12··to
20 gels) of water.
, C) Dieldrine (O.Jj~ in 19 gals of

W.l t er) , -~'.'."·\•. •. , .. ,.'.c:


------------------------------- : ------ ----.--------------------

Item Description Rate itmount
11 • Earthwork - Dack.f'illing &

Backfilling to trenches with

selected earth available at

Per cube
1 day U/Sk labourer·

Rate per cube


12, Back filling to trenches with

imuo~tcd materiel .

. ?er cuoe
1.00 cube earth delivered at site,
Allow 15,b compaction
FillinG & Compacting
· 1;4 U/Sk luboui•er

~ate per cube


. -- ---- -_... ----------------- ---:-- ----------

----.----- ----------- --·--
.. .

Item Description Rr,te Amount
---------------------,;..,;..;;_;;,;;;,;.;,;;,;....;.,;;.;--~-'".f-----...;··...-.. .----·--·---·-·-····----·-·----------~~
13. l.!'il lin.~ undei· floors ii1cluding
levelling, 1w.t0rinG ~:: coiopuctinG
in 3" layers with avtlilable;arid
selucted earth at site.

l'er cube
2 Days U/~k labourer

" Rate per cube

Fillin~ under floors including •

levelling, watering & compacting
in 3" layers with imported selected
~ t..h__•_________________
' _
. ·; ,. ., -~ ··r -~

Pe1• cube

f.oo delivered at site.

. . ! ':

allov, for '15,~ com!Hl.c tion

2 day.a U/Sk labourer

h!;Lte per cube

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...;. __ ... _..,r_..:, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , .• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Item Deeur·iptiun Rate ,;,mount

15. Cuttin,.5 turr .sods, londing to hand
carts and transportin,; upto JO yards,
layin1i and waterin;; fol'_ JO days.
(lloyol ty fo1• tu.l'f, pei;,;ini,!; O:nd trans-
;)Ort bevond 30 .yarcis paid separately),

. s.uttin_; i:urf sods, loading and
tr,1nsportini; to ai te and unloadinc;-

21,1 de.:,s U/ :3k laboure1;

Layin3 turf rods at site-
1/2 day U/Sk labourer
,;a terinc .for 30 days-
112 dars U/ Sk labourer
60 gale. ;·mter •

~ e per scuare

Rate do3o not include tor:

a.) hcy."-1 ty for turf
b) '.l'r11.nsport of turf
c) ?egs on sloping site
d) Water.

.. . .
· -Item . Description RuLe Amount •
16. Earthwork support (open planking}.
in trenches uo to a depth or 5'0".
Consider trench 15'0"·long
. .
J'O" wide and 5'0" depth
open planking to both races.

Total aren - 2/15'0" x 5'0"

.... 150 .sq.rt ' ·

Per 150 sq: rt

17.50 cu.ft class I I ti1nbe.r
~~ use·s)
Add 5%:on above for wedges.

Labour •
1. days ce.rpenter
.3 days U/Sk labourer

Total per 150 sq.ft

Rate.per square
·. ',.1:


Ite~ Description Hn_to. ,,mount
.. .
17. · Earthwork oo;,port (close ;i:t.c11l,ini;)
in trench~o up to 5 1 0 11 deoth.

Con:.iider trench 15 1 0 11 10113. J'O".

vtide and 5 • O" :1ei:;i1 t of plL:n.;:inc;
to o:ith fuces.

Tot;,11 uree .>f rili;Hi,in,:;

2/15 1 0 11 x 5 1 0 11 ie 150 sr!.ft'

?er 150 so.ft ~

J0.00 cu.!t claes II timber
' (4 uses)
Add 5% on above !.or \'ledges.

Ln.bour •
~ days carpenter
6 days U/Sk.lebourer

Total per 150 sq.ft

F:at,) ,er sguar~



Ite111 iieoc1;iption
_____________________ Rate ,.mount
;... _________ .J ___;. _____________________________ _
. . . . . .

1S, ,:;:c.1•tlr.-1orlt ::iu:,port (clo::e ,,1rukinJ)

in c!..::~p e.xc:.v1,tio11 ill t1•,111che::i up· to
15'0" cienth.

-~0:1::iidc~· trc! of len th ·ot 1::; '0"

~iGth 5'6" at top
:3' 6 11 at bottom
.i.'i1en ttrea su;ipo1·ted i:.i 2/ 15 1 ,: 15 •
ie 450 sq.ft. '

-Per 450 so.ft .

100.00 cu.ft class II timber
(4 µses)
Ada -5% on above !or wedges.


8 duys ci,.rpenter
<10 duy s U/:3k labou~·er

Total ?er 450 sq.ft

rtat·e pe1• souare




1. Mixing conci·ete using a concrete m1Xer 14/10 cu.!t.

capacity and manual louding are the basis on which
the norms a1•e worked.

2. A £ of one skilled and six w1skilled labou1•ers

produce J.oo cubes o! concre~e per day usinir"~ 14/10
cu.ft capa~ity concrete m1Xer. This is as per accep-
tc::". !Jroctice.

3. The production o! concrete is at the m1Xer site1

transporting m1Xed concrete and placing same in
position is paid !or separately •

In concrete items 26 to 39 both •inclusive, placing

o! concrete in columns, beams and !loor slabs.on
the ~round floor the labour oomp'onent allowed is !or
the placing o! concre·te beitween the ground floor and
the top of the 1st·tloor slab which area is called
the ground floo.r ar0a.. Similarly. the area between the
:cop. of the .. 1st !loor slab and· the top o! the 2nd floor
L·lab is called the 1st !loor area etc.
· :t.tem· · D13.scription
. .
Rate Amount

': ! , ,:•t.", I,.

••••• ~
.. -
•• - #
. . . .. . . , - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19, Mixing concrete 1; 316(1% 11 )

Per cube

13 c.-t (50 kg bags)cement

0,53 cubes sand
0.92 cubes Hi" metal . .
1/3 day b:ire o:t Dlixer
Water t110 gals)

1 day skilled labourer
6 days
. U/Sk labourer
,-, . --· ;- '"\

Re. te ,,e1• cube· •

-iiOTE: ... '

a) Water available'at aite,

b) If., water i's· rio.t available
allowances _sh6.u~d be ·mado tor'.
transport of'wo.ter.
c) Sand '- inal'ud~s 15~ !or bulk:::tii,;,
. .
.......,._.. __ ~·~..i.-...;i_.;;. __ ~~---.u.;&:.::.:.;.~--~-;.. _________ _;_~---~-~------~,·-~:.;.-

. ·Item. ; ' i,!>eEwription ; Rate Aiiiount

20. iliixin,:; c oncr.o,t~ ·1:~·?i~·J,~.(.\ 11 ) •

:i.>er cube
Material a
14 cwt (5Q.,k~~'bni}8) '
o.60 cubcs"sand.
o. ·:JO cube::i 1 11 metul '\
1/ J day hire of .mixor , . - ·
;,·a tei· ( '\.00 ·c;ala) .r:'1

Lo.bour. ,
• ' • • I • • ; ,,,-"
1 day. skilled laboui'er'. . ·'/·
6 days unskilled labowJ'j'C;,'
Rate pe,if'Oi;ll1t"·;•..

' ... '.


a)' ,;ater RVS:il.~ble n£!·a.ft'o/;

. • . . '.•'\ .. ' •' J
for traneport ,ofwa:e:z .: . '
c) :..and - In~lud~s 15.~ /:• bulki1,;~.

Item· · ·· · Description· lu1te .Amount

-----~--·-:----------------~- ·---·-···----------- ··--------------

. .

21. Mixing concrete 1:2:4(3/4"} ·

.: ,• .
Per cube

18 cwt ce~~nt (50 kg bags)

0.50 cubes sand .
0.88 cubes 3/4" metal
1/J day hire or mixer •
·,•/ater - (120 gals)
. ''
1 day skilled labourer
6 days U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube •

a) Water available at site . ,:. . . ;"::.f~

b) If water is no~ a•ail,able at

Site allOWIUlCe 111U8t :.·be ,made, ''" c!", '· ' '
tor transport or ·water.~
C) -Sand - includes 15t,r
fdr bul]d(ni;!: f.r;
. "• ~- ..
~· -·. -
___...;,_. .,...-____
.. .. .
:,,-1-'!'· .... \
. .. ~·
' ....., !
. .
. . . . __.....:;~;-~--------.;.
. ... . :, '• .
. .. .
. .___. ..~----..i--~
. .

. ~
. .

i....:· .. ·. .. ,· ••~.,:·
.··tie111~- ,-::. ·-,IJq~cription . Rate iw\iO\iilt
·-M ... s•••·~-•",•"''"•4.,•••••,,••,•••'•••

. . .

' .

. . ~-- . \:; ... '

!Jixing .. · 001.c1•ete 1,·1ui Jl)/411 )
l'e1• cube

23 cwt cemi.Jnt ( !SG ltG bBGs)

. 0.42 cubes aand
o.u~ cubes J/4'; mat11l
1/3 dc.y hire of mixor
;'1cite1• (150 1~11ls)

1 day-skilled laboure~
6 days U/Slc · 1uboure.i-

Rate per cube .. '~-:':

NO'.rE& .
:. \ .:t .l • ~ :
a) Water ava:LJ,able ·r;t -o:l.te·.· .
•• .• • • .... ·:· . . ':'l } ~... • : • :·: .,· : ,, •. . ..
b) If' wete.l' :ts· nat ·avca-llable. ·
·: .. .·' •..• . ~ .• ' .. :•· '.-.; ,·-::t:·.~: . ··.,i,.
.. allowance 1n1,1ot be'· rnado-, .• ...
·to:r ·

t1•an:iport ot: ,·1atG1·~ ·

o) ~~d- iri~lu}i~'s 15i tor bulkin,;.

Item •
.. . ....... I
. .

. •
. ...... ..
~ :-

23. l.iixinr3 concrete 11112CU4")

Per cube
31 cwt CM!Ollt (50 kg be.;s)
0.44 sand
0.96 cubes 3/4" metal
1/3 day hir& o! 111ixer·-.
· k.te%" (200 gala)

1 day skilled labourer
6 days U/~k labourer

Rate ner cube

~ater availnblc at site.

If. water is not e.Tailnble
allowMoe must be llllde tor
ti·anapo:rt: 0 f ·. ·w~ t io
C). 1::land - incl,udes tor
. ,. ,... ' •; ,,

. Item Descrip.tfon · ·' . ·, · . :r.ite ,.rw)unt
24. 2" thick cement concrete screed
in foundation at' depths not excce.d:..
ing 5 'O" •

r,:a terial.1

1/6 cubE, conc1·ete

Adel 1o;:; for' wusta;.:e

1/B day Sk labourer
1/2 day U/Sk laboµ.rer

Rate per sguaro

j;OTEj. For layine concrete at
d epths more than 5'0", add
.1/6 !lay unskilled labourex: !or
each additional 5'0 or purt
thereof pe.l.' squw·e.

.---,.-~--,------r-------~------------------------------....,. .______ _
lJescription 'Hate
--,---,-.. .--:e'-.-.. ..,.------~------.. .---------------------------------
25. 3" thick cer.ient
< .
'. .
in foundation at depths not ex-
c~edin,~ 5 'O"

i•er square

--1/4 cube concret.~
Ali.d 1<»' !or -stage '

1/8 day Sk laboura1·
3/4 day U/Sk labow•er

Rate per oguare

Por laying concrete at depths
more thWl 5•o~f. · ·~dd 1/4 day
.unskill~d labourer tor ~aoh
addi tionnl 5 'O" or· pai•t there -
-'· . ~-
o.t pel· squa1•e! · · ·

, .
' •.
·-------- ------------------------------------------------------
Item Descript~Jn Rate Amount
26. 6" thick cement concrute· floor
(maas concret§)•

Per square

0.50 <iu_bes concrete

Add 5~ tor waotage
lia.te-r (200 EB,1-&)

1/2 .daJ'.Sk Laboure~
1~ day U/tik libJurer

R,qte pe:r.• sg 11 :'!fl

a) ~~er'1le at sita •. ,
b) It water :l..c ~ot nv,..ilable
must b-, . 1nade tor
tranaport or wa toi-...
Item D~ecription hate ,,::iount
-----------------------------~-~-------- ----------------··----
27. Cern~nt c-.>ncrete in 4}i"x6" colu1nns
in i&~·ound i'loor.

Connide,• 24 i"lo. colurrtns ench

4',/'x6"x10'0" ie 0.45·_ cub~s.

Pill' 0.45 cube

0.45 cubes co11crete ·,
Add 10~ !or waat~e
1 day hire o! vibrator


1 day mnoon
1 da.y carpenter
3 dny i, U/Sk. l11bou1•er
1 day Sk labourer (Vibrator)

Ju~e Hessian -10 sq.ft
Wat~r - 170 6Bls
1 day U/Sk labourer
Total !or o.45 cubes or
2'1-0 l.!t of. -~'.oimnne.

hate per eube

Or .i\e.te per L,i't
ot column.
1 ) ?~r columns in 1st tloor add
3!;· to ground floor ro.te.

2) ?or columnii in 2nd !loo:- add

5;~ to P,rounri floor rate.

Contd •••

3) Fol' columns in Jrd Jloor add

'7}, to &i•ound floor rate.

4) Water available at oite.

5) I! wuter is not avuilnble
allowanc,:,,.· r.iust be made i"or
trP.nsport o! wnter.

---------------------- ---------------· ------------------



_______ " ______________________________________________________
:SI _
Item Description .ltate Amount
28. Cement ·concrote 1n 6"x6" c-.>lumna
in r;ro1md -!.l:a:o.o""r_.__________

Conoj.der 18 No. columno -6 11 xG"

10'0" hiS'i1 ie 0.45 cubes.

?er 0.45 cubes
0.45 cubes. conbrete
Add 10~ for wasto.e;e
1 duy hire o! vibrrttor

1 day mason
1 de.:,,. carp,-mter
1 day 1k lc~bouror (Vibl'R tor)
3 do.yo U/Sk labou1•er •

jute Heso1an - 80 aq.!t
\Va tar -140 gals
1~. days U/~k lnbuui·er
Total for 0.45 cubes

or 100 l.!t o! column

l<ate per cube

Or hate per L.rt o! column
1) For columns in 1st !loor ndd
3» to ;_;ro\Uld floor :'"- t'c.
2) For columns in 2nd floor add
5~ to groµnd !loor ~Bte.

Cpntd ••••
J) i•Jl'co1u1ans in Jrd floor add
7~; td :_>;round floor rate.

4) Juter uvuiluble ~t ~ite,.

5) If water ia not available
tillovm.nce mui:;t be mauc !or
trrm.,;port of ~rntcr.

__________ _.._ _____________________________________________ _

Item Description Rate. Amount
------------------·.------------ ------------------------------- -
29. Cement concrete in 9"x9" colur:ms
in ground !loor. . '..;:,: •..

Consider 8. lio. 9"x9it coiumrie,,_ .

10'8" hiG}l ie 0.45 cubes.

Per ·0.45 cubes

0.45 cubes ·concrete '
..dd 1 o:& ,J.or waste.~e
1 day hire or vibrator

Labour .
1 da.y mason
1 duy carpenter
1 day _;Jk labourer (Vibrntor)
3 days U/Sk labourer •

Ourinr; •
Jute llesoian - 60 aq.!t
,tater -100 gals
1/2 day U/Sk lnbour~l·
'l'otal pei• 0.45 cubes
or ;JO l. rt or column.

I< o.t e J? er .S.\!!?,!.

Or .-ate per o! column

+iO'l'J::i .
1 ) For. Columns ·in 1st !lo •1r add
3~ to {µ'ound floor rate,

2) For columns in 2nd floor ndd

.5~ to ground floor xo.te.

Cond •••

... -----~~.-,.
J) .-'or co lu:ruw in 3rd .(' loor udd
7l, to ·iµ-ound .f:loor rntnp

4) \Vuter ovoilublo at oite.·

5) I ! wnt~r is not availni.ole'
allowance· be r.111do f'or
transport ot water.


lte1n Description
. (

Rate Amount

)0 •. Cement concrete in 12"x12" columns

in (il'Ound floor

Coneider 5 l~o. columns 12"x12"

10•0" high..

Per 0.50 cubes

Llaterinls '
0.50 cubes concrete
i..dd 5% for wast11ge
40 sq.ft -Jute. Hencie.n
1 dny hire of vibrator
.,irl ter ( 100 ,;ola)

1 day.mason
1 day carp,:nter •
1 day Sk labourer (Vibrutor)
J days U/~k labourer

1!11 duys U/tik lnbourer (curinc)

·rota.l 1,er 0.50 cube or

50 l.ft or column

ltate per cube

.. ;,,.ate ner l.ft of co>lumn

1) For -columns in 1st floor add
3~ to cround floor rate.

2) For columns in 2nd floor ndd

5~.t~ ground floor rate.

Contd ••••

3) Por columns in 3rd floor add
7/o to cround floor ~nto.,.

4) Wator ·available- at· site.

5) If 7ta°tei0 is no·t ,HailablQ
allom1nce must be made !01•
transport of :vi;.ter.

·------------------------------.. -~.--------..--·

,.. •

ltate . Amount
Item Description
.. . .

.31. Cement_ concrete in 1 Jl2"x1 Jl·z"

column.a in ground floor

Consider 4 Uo. columns

13}~"x13}~" each 10 1 0 11 high
1.e,_0.51 cubes,

Per 0,51 cubes

0.51 cubes concrete
Add 5~ !or wastage
1 dny of vibrator-

1 day me.son I

1 day carpenter •
J days U/Sk labour
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)

Jute Hessian'45 sq.ft
Water - 100 gals
· 112 days U/Sk labourer

Total for 0.51 cubes

Or 40 I.ft of column

Rate per cube

or liate per l,tt column
. NOT:&1·
a) Water available at site.
b) If·· water is not available
allowances must be made for
transport of water.

Item __ ___________ _________________________________
:._ .
Rate. Amount

32. Cement concre":e in 6 11 x6 11 beam

unto 1n~.f1..c..2£-1.9_y3J:.._~.;;...~-

Consider 180 L.ft of beam

6 11 x6 11 i.o 0.45 cubes.

Per 0 •..12_~r.
o.45 ~ubes c?ncrete
Add 1o~;"rcr 1·:estac;e
1 day of vibrator

1 day mason
1 day carpenter
1 day (•ribrator)'
4 deys U/Sl~ lobo:•rer
Jute Hesoi~n 90 sq.ft.
Ue.ter 180 gnln
1}, dny!J U/£k labourer·
Tote:. p0r 0.45 cube
or 180 1.!t 0! coiurnn •

l/ - -
.. .... '"
....... *I ....

a} Water• ,,::,e.ila~JJ.e at site.
b) If ,·:O'::',:r :'. .Et not available
c.iJ.c,;,.r2nc ·3 l-ru.~··~ · 11·,./ mnde for,oz•t of water.
Item Description Rate Amount
33. Cem1~nt concrete in 9"x6" beo.m
upto 1st floor level,

Consider 120 L. ft· 9"x6" beam

i.e 0.45 cubes.
Per 0.4::, cubes
0.45 cubes concrete
Add 10% of waste.5e

1 day hire of vibrator

1· dny raason.
1 day cal:opcnter
1 d~y Sk labour?.r (vibratJr)
4 dnyu U/S,.: labourer •
Jute Hessio.n 75 sq.ft
Water 150 ~"1ls ..
1% days U/Sk iabow.•er
. Total per 0.45
or 120 L.ft of beam.

Hate per cube

_o~_:kate oer .L. r:t_<:,_f_ bP.a"l
_., J .'

a) ~ater available at stie.

b) If w~ter is not a~o.ilo.ble
alloV1ance ,. mast be mode for
transpc~.·t of water.
Description Rate Amount
34. Cement concrete in 9"x9" beam
upto 1st floor level.

Consider 80 1 0!' length of 9"x9"

beam i.e 0.45 cube3.

Per 0.45 cube

ii\a teriala

0.45 cubes concrete

Add 10~{ of wasta~e
1 day hire o! vibrator.

( .:- Labour .
1 day maoon
1 day carpenter
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)•
4 days U/Sk labourer

Jute Hessian 60 sq.i't
Water 120 eals
1Vz days U/Sk labourer

Total per 0.45 cubes

or 80 l.ft beams

Rate per cube

or Rate per l.ft o! beam

a) i'/ater ava.i2able at site.

b) If vratei• 111 not available
allov1cnce r.iust be made !or
tra.nspo::•t of v,a ter.
Item Deeoription ,.nte ..n1ou.nt

5" thick i,. CC floor slab in··
1st floor

Consider 5" t:hick slab

Volume of concrete 50.oo cu.ft

Per 50.00 cu.ft

50.oo·cu.ft concrete
Add 10;, for wastage
1 day hire of vibrator

1 day mason
1 day carpenter
1-~day .Sk labourer (vibrator)
4 days U/Sk: labourer •

Jute Hessian JO sq.ft
Water 90 gals
1~ days U/Sk labourer

~otal per 50 cu.ft

or 120 sq.rt

Rate .per ·

!Qllz .
a) Water available· at s·:l!te
b) If water is not available
.. must be made fo~
transport of water·.,
., ;

Item Description Rate Amount
J6. 611 ti,ick It.JC floor slab in
1st floor.

Consider 10' 0 11 x 10 1 0" panela

= 50 cu.ft

50.00 cu.ft concrete
Add 10;~ for wastage
' .
1 dey hire of ·. vibrator

1 day mason
1 day carpente:t·
1 day 8k labo~·er(vibrator)

4 days U/Sk lebourer
Jute Hessian :!5 sq.ft

Water 90 gal~
1h days U/Sk labourer

Per 50.00 011.!t

or 100.00 E.q.ft

·-.... Rate per square

a.) \'lo.tor nraila.ble at oite.
b,) If wllter is not available
allowance must be made tor of water.
Item Description Rate Amount
( .
37. Cement concrete in 4%"x6" lintels
in ground floor

Consider 240 l.!t i.e 45· cu.ft

45.00 cu.ft concrete
Add 1 o-;;; for 11as taa;e
·1 day hire or vibrator.

1 day mason
1· day ce.rpenter
1 day Sk laboui•er (vibrator)
4 days U/Sk labourer

Jute Hessian 1o' sq.ft
\Va~er 90 gals
1Yz day.a U/Sk labourer
per 0.45 cube
or 240 l.!t of lint~l

!la,.t,~ 1.rt of lintel

a) Water available at site.
b)' If water is not available
allowance must be made for
transport of water.
. 44
Item Description Amount

JS. Cem0nt concrete in 9"x9" lintels

in ,;round floor

Consider 80 L.ft of l·inte1. i.e

45 cu.ft concrete.
45.00 cu.ft cement con<?rete
Add 1o;b for wastage
1 dey hire of vi bra.tor

1 day me.son
1 day carpenter
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)
4 days U/Sk labourer

Jute Hessian 60 sq.ft
't/a.ter 90 gals
1}':Z days U/Sk labourer
:Per' 0.45 cube
or 80 l.ft of lintel

a) lio.ter available at site.
b) If water is not available
allowance must be made for
trensport of water.
Item .uescrip tion hute AIIIOUnt
39. Cement concrete :i,n 911 ::<1 ~" lintels
in around floor

i;on.:ider l•Jn:_;th 60'0'' of - lintel

= 45 cu.ft.

!.iat .. riel s
4-5 cu.ft c.Jnc~·ct~
Add 10~ fo~
1 day hiz-e of vibrator

1 de.y mason
1 de.y carpenter
1 day Sk labourer (vibrator)
4 days U/Sk l::,bourer

· Cui•ing
Jute Hessian 55 s<;.ft
l'a 90
1~ days U/Sk labourer

Per 0.45 cube

9r 60 L.ft of· lint.el

Rate per·L.ft of lintel

a) \illt~1· avuilable at aite.
b) If wuter is not available
a ~lc·,mnce must be made for
ti·ansport of \'11:'.ter.

Item Description Hate Amount

40. Ce1,1e11t concr,1tc in 12"x15"

lint,~l in ;;::.•ound floor

Co113 idc1• len ..:th of. 36' 0"

i.e 45 CU,ft

1,;e tel.' in ls
45.00 cu.It concr;,te
Add 10"/. for wusta.Ge°'.
· 1 da,r hire of vibr.:.tor
1 day mason
1 day carpenter
1 day Slr lnbour·er (vibrator)
, 4 o.ayfi U/Sk lebou~·er


Jute Hessian 40 sc;. ft
;"tater 90 juls
H, dnyfl U/Sk labourer
Per O. ,.5 cube
or 36 :L. ft of lintel

.nate per l.ft of lintel

. NO'.CS:
a) ·;rater available at site.
b) If we.ter is not available
o:1101"1:mce must be made for
tranop9rt of vmter.
I/ '•

. · 47
Item Description ..mount
I .
41. Sawn ti:nber· ,:01•::r::o:-k . to '1. 11 x)"
cement concrete c:.>lu:.m in ,;,·ound

Pei• souure ft.

Cont:ider column l•J!l :th or 5' O"
Contact are:.: - 15.0 1:c~.:rt

• Ca) loiAKTI,G ;.;vULD

1 ) tlat,1riuls
1s.15·sq.rt 1" tilick cl:1ss •
I I timber.
17.10 L.ft 2"z2'' class
timber in ,YO!cts.
16.12 L~ft 2"x1" class Ii
t::l.1111:>er battens.
1~ lb wire rw.ils. •

,2) Fabricati115
}~ day carpenter
n day U/Sk lnbJurer
Total cost

.i,.llowin.; 4 uses c..:st

or mould ~er use -

(b) Assembliru; (Per use)


12 Nos. 16 mm 18" lo~ bolts

(20 usos)
}2 litre mould -oil
35 ·L.:rt 4"x2" props (10 uses)
% day carpenter
i4 day U/~k lo.bou1•er
Co:;t of A:.s.: ..1blln1~
Pel' use. ====a=••••Saa•••
Co:1td. ••
(c) Dismantlin~ cleanint; &
ropnirins (per use)

~ day carpenter
~ day U/Sk labvurer

Cost o! dismantlinG
per use.

Total coat per use '

(For 15.0 sq.!t) i.e.(a + .b + c)

Rate per square

ite111 Description Hate Amo1..nt
. . . .. , t ' . . ;. . '

42. Snvtn tirnl;er forrm·.~,rk for concr,,te
beams in ground floor
~ons ider 9"x12" beam of 20' 0 11
long. Contact 6.l'ea. 55

A) wiic1D•, tbe mould

Ca) 60 sq.ft 1" timber ple.nks
(b) 24 l.ft 2"x1" battens
(c) 45 l.ft 2"x2" .:l.edgers '
(d) JO l.!t 4"x2" bear~rs ut- '

bottom of mould.
Ce) 2 lbs ,,ire nails

(a) 1~ day-ce.rpenter
{b) 2 day U/Sk labourers

Total cost of mould

.Assuming 4 uses
Cost per use
add 10';~ for repairs
Cost per use =---=--- ··-----c--

'B) Assambli115
Me. teri BJ:!!.
ca> 110 1. ft 4"x2" vert1ci:.1 props-.
. (b) .<lO l.ft 2"x2" bracin~ to
c 10 o~s)
mould and props.
·_cc) 50 l.ft 2 11 X2 11 oracin,; to a
set of props.
(d) 6.0 sq.ft 1" tirnber bl.!.se
plate to props.

C-:-nttl ••

(e) 22 Nos wedges •

Cost o! materials !or aose1~blin..;,
Assurnin;; an avera'.;c of p uses.
Coot of materials per uses.

Aud. 10% o! cost o! materials for

Tot~.l cost ot materials per use,
a>. Labour & Sundries '

a} ·; day carpenter
b) .2 day U/Sk labourer
c) 1/2 gal mould oil
d) 1/2 lbs nails

Cost pei• use =a:aci:a==•======

D) Dismantlinp; arid Cleaning
a) 1/2 day carpenter
b) 2 day U/Sk le.bC>urer

Cost ot labcur tor

dismantlin;,; per use, aa:aa::•======i====

Total cost tor maki~:G the mould

assembling aligning dismantling
and c loaning !'or 55 r;q. l't per use.
(A+ B + ·c + D)

Cos·t of !ormwork per,

Item D•;iscription Rate
43. ::i«wn timbc:;:, fo1•mwork for
underside of first flcor slab
Conoider a ::;l?.b of dismensions
20 1 0"x10 1 0"
Conto.ct areti = 2.0 sqrs.

A) Lie.~{in·, ';)anels
1) i,ia.terials '

a) 220 so.ft 1" thick ton.,"Ue

o.nd grooved timber p1a.n11:s. •

b) 121 L.!t 4":x:2" runners at

2 1 0 11 centres.
c) 4 lbs. ,lire nails.

2) Labour
a) 3 days carpe·nter •
b) 3 days U/Sk labourer

Total° cost of making panels.

i ..ssuming 4 uses cos_t pol'

Add 2~;
for repairs.
Total cost of panels pe1• use.

B) ·1.sseniblin5
a) 690 L.ft 4"x2" ve;.•ticnl
timber props.(!o Uses)
b) 66 L.ft 2":,;:2" 1:Jrucinc for props.
c) 122 ,-lo. wedses
d) 33 1" base plates for

Contd ••.

. s: 2.

Coat of ,no tc:r.'i:il:.1 for u.Jocmblin:_;. ·

;,.ssu:nill(; 6 Usei:; CO:Jt Q !' r.rttL'ri:°.lll.
for no:.:e:nblin.-_: Pe ...· u.ce.

Add 20% of nbove !'or repairs.

'.Cotol cos'.: of mnt<?riHlr~ for

assembli:-:g pe1· ur.e. --=----------==m

C) Labour .:~ ;Jundries for

;,.s semblin;;
a) 1 day carpenter
b) 4 days U/Sk labourer
c) 1 :;;al mould oil fo1•

d) 2 lbs wire n~ils.
Total coat per use
for assembling.

D) Dismantlin5 & Clea.niru;

Labour •
a)1/2 day cai•pentcr
b) 2 days U/Sk labourer

Total coet for dis1~antlin;

per use.
'rotal co3t for am,e11blint: ;)er
use !01• 200 sq.ft .( A+ihC+D)

Cost c:if formwo!'lc ?.>er

D•'1scription Rate ,-mount
4f. l,lil<i. steel/ 1'<>r steal reinforce-
ment to lintels slab beams .:or
columns bent to sht1pe laid in
position and tied ~;ith G,I. v1ire
us directed,


1 cvtt M.-0. / Tor steer.rods

including trnnsport to site,

(Allow for wasta5e 15;) •

1}z lbs 16 BWG bind:lng wire
Add 1.5% of steel cost for space~·s
or chairs.

Labour •
1 day blacksmith
1 day U/Sk labourer

Rate per cwt -


Item De~cription · Rate Amount
.. ·- ... ---------.----------------- ________. .,_ ________________________

45. Brick wo.rk in ce·ment sand

1:5 in foundation upto D.P.C

Per cube
1450 bricks
Add 51;; wastaJe
4.00 cwt cemllnt (50 kg bags)
o.2.5 cubes sand
· ·:1ater~ (150 gals)

. J days mason
4 days U/Sk labourer

Rate per cube"

--------------------.---------------------. ---------------------
46. Brick work cement & sand
1:8 in foundation up to

Per cube
14~0 bricks

Add 5% wastage
• .2 1/3 cwt oell\ent(50 kg bags)
3/8 cubes sand
,'later (150 gals)

3 days mason
. · 4 days U/Sk labourer

f,nte per cube

Item Descri:;>tion i',u to - .•:nount

47. .dricln1ork in cemr~nt ahc. sr.nci 1:5
in 4,;" thick wells in , :1•0 rmu floor
Pe::.• squure
550 b1•icks
Add 5,, for ,·m.otnge
1 • JO cr,t c ernent ( 50 k1; bnGs)
0.10 cubeo sand '
;;ater (50 c;als)

1Yz duys mason
2 days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolciing add 5;~



48. 9" thick brick wall cer,ient sand--.
1:5 in :;i•ound f1oor
. ; ... "ti
Per soua1·e

1090 ·briclts
(t A.dd 5~;; · for wastl\(!;e
J.OO cwt cc:nent {50 kg bar;s)
·0.20 cubes Bund"<··
·.~a ter ( 115· .;ala)

2X dnya mason
) .,..,.
..,;_ ae.ys 1J/:3k labourer
See; folding - Add ,. J;~
•,, 'Totel
.... i,n t . p~1· syuare
f:!:O::?~ C.~'v:.C.'
Item · Descr.iption . Amount·
____________ ____________ . _______ -~--- ---------------------------~
..; ,
. .

49 • Brickl·1ork 13)2" thick in cement

sand 1s5 in superstructure in
r;rvund floor
Per square
1630 bricks
.Add 51'• for wasta,:;e
4.50 01·,t cement (5J ke, bogs)
0.30 cubes eand
'/later (170 ~qls)
3}~ days mason
S1h days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding - Add 2%

Rate per souare

50.. 9" brick walls in cement send
1 :a in superstructure in ground
Per souare (ie 0.75 cubes)
1090 bricks
Add 5%,.!or wastage
. 1. 75 cwt cement. (50 kg bags)
0.30 cubes sand
"ifntor (115 gals)
2% days -mason
3 days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding - Add 3~
l'ott1l -
Rate per
Itc:n lJctteription .:HhJt\nt
~1. 4i'~" ti1ick b~·ick wall (\:·i.:-e r:ut)·
in cement ::ind snnd 1: 5 i_!l t;;round
(..,'ncin.:; to brickw.. 1•lc ;;wnsured
~ · square·

550 wirecut bricks I

Add 2.~ for wasto. 0 e

1.20 cwt c~ment (50 kG br'5S)
O.'oa cube se.nd
Water - JO gals


1}i deys mason
2 deys U/Sk lai:iow·er
Sci.ffoldi~ Add 51,
,, "lotal ,,,, .
,.: .' :::,•, . . ·;· ,··;_.·c :, .·.~-7":-~.-"'.'"'-=-c---==----

•• ate per sci~

.·i, ,.,


· - · ~ ···-·· . -
Itero Doacription ·
---·-- -- ---- ---- -----------------
h::te ,·1.inount.
52. 9 11 thick in ce:,1,,nt ui1J 1,c.nd
1 s5 with wire cut bricks
(:.i'acin.;; to brick:-10::-k measured

Pe:.• :;ouare
' .
• ~,o:10·11iro cut bricks
.r'.dd 4~~ !or we.stHt;e
2.50 cwt cement (50 Jc.; bugs)
0.18 cubes s.and·
Watctr ( 100 r;

2l'4 driys mason
Jf. ci.riys U/Sk labourer

~.u te oar s,!un~_.e

. '
..... -... .
--- ·------------ ------ ---·- -----------------------------------------

I tent . ____ _______ .., _____________________________
Def.lcript:!.on ,, ,,.
Rate Amount _

) . 1J;i" +.nick b,i<;k ·:1:,ll. (v1ire cut) '
in cument o.nci sc.:1d 1: 5 in Ground

(.i.<'acir.t; to brici: work meo.sured


16.30 w:irecut. l;.1'icl:s
Ao.d -2~i fo~· w:::.stage
t;..50 cwt gcment (50 k~ baGS)
0('030 cvtcc sund
W2.te:c 50 gciE

31~ s ma:.;c.n.
5}2 C.ayr;, U/S!< le.bourer
Scaffoldinc; - .il.dd 2%

_______ ,...._~------~---..·-'--... -:...·_;;.. ... ___·~-~------------------------------·

54. Extr~ over !or !acing includ-
i.1;; ·re.ii:cd !}Otnting 1/8"~ thick
:..n cement end sand 1:1 mixture
-· . -·:.=...--------
in ·rr.rou~:-:i.a. f1 '"~:r

0,50 cw·t cer.':;nt (50 kg bugs)
1.00 ci.:..ft sand
,-.;·is ., ... ~ .."
1/10 ' ,,·-. '··" -· "
ifn tei· 10 ~,·:ils

5 1ny::; r.,s.or;,:1
... J;:1 f:.ays TJ/ :3i: ltiboltrer

Ru te· per squnre

. .

Item Description Rnt·: · .Amount

55. 3" th:!.ck floor paved in lime
mortar 2;5 in ground !loo~
Per square
( Materials
350 bricks
1.20 cwt slaked lime
0.11 cubes sand
;'later (45 gals) '
1~ days mason
2}2 days U/Sk labourer

Rate ner sauare

56. 1>teps 1 '-1}211 x O' 6 11 in brick
in cement and sand. 1:5 with
Y.z" thick cement and sand 1:2
redering including necessary

· 1'er 10 L.rt
120 bricks
o. 50 cwt cement ( 50 leg bags)
0.05 cubes sand
'i{atcr (15. gala)
}~ day· me.son
~ day U/Sk labourer

Ruta per 10 l.ft

Rate per )._.rt
... __________________________________ _
Item Description Rate
. .Amount
57, JJrick di·ains in cement Rnd sand
1: 5, 9" 11iuc t:.nd 6"-9" uveraGe
depth ir.cluding cement rendering
1/2" 1: 2 to exposed faces
with 1 1 6" includi!ld neces-

0,80 cwt cem-mt (50 bags)

0,05 cubtiri sen&
::uter (20 [;aj__n)

1X clt.iys Tiit:.son

1;~ <i.uys U;'Si~ labourer per 10 l.ft

]:jric:c drains iu cemont and sand
1: 5, 9" ·,•tide and 6"-9" average.
depth including cement rendering
1/2" thick 1:2 to ccpooed faces
without ramp ir.cluding'fieicessa:ry
e:~cav,1,ti011 _____________

Per 10· J.~._ft

bi§l.J:.gJ_rJ. ':l
110 b!'i\'.'
0,70 cwt cc1~cnt (50 kg bags)
0,04 c.ubee :mr.d
Wete!' (15 c;2.J.s)
1 c1ny m:i 30n
1}~ de.yr· U/;:i!i: l1~bourer
Rat~ pr~ 10 1.ft
' ~ z.
--~-------------------":...------------------------·-------;.;.::...;;.;·_____ _
Item Description Hate · 1,mount ·
i ~ .

59-. 8 11 thick lioll017 blockw9rlc in

cement and annd mo1•tal" 1 : 5 in
ground floor(cnvitics unfilled)
Per snunre
10'0"x10 1 0" ar3o (size of ench
block 16"x8"x8") '--
112 Hollov, cement blocks,
Allow 5% for wastage
0.75 cwt ceTent (50 ks bugs)
0.06 cubes sand
1h 9-ays mason
2% days U/Sk labourer
Scaffolding - A~d 3%
Total - =1:=1:n:::sa:ma==•==1:z:z

Rate per square

60. 4" thick Hollow block masonry
in cement and sand mortei• 115 with ties unfilled.
Per square
10 1 0 11 x 10 1 0 11 ai•ea (si:e ·01' each
block 16 11 xB"x4")
112 Hollow cement blocks .
i,llow 5;.o for vmotage
0.40 cwt cement (50 kg bugs)
0.03 cubes send
1 d3:y me.son
2 days U/Sk labourer!foldi113 - J.dd 5~
Totnl -
, . .

Item Desoription · Rate .AlllOIUlt

61°. Random Hubble maaonry in oement
. mortar 1 : ?_Ln...,J.~nda tion
Per cube (14 11 thick)
1.30 oubes 6"-9" rubble
5.00 c1·1t cement (50 kg bags)
0.30 oubes sand
Water 100 gaJ.s
4 days me.soi:.
6 days U/Sk labourer

!ifl. t,, ner ~ube


' i

62. Random Rµbble maso~y in cement.

Jl!.2£.:!:~.r 1 :2 in suoe:t-structure
Per cube (14" thick)
1.30. cu'!>e 6"-9" rubble
5.00 cwt cement (50 kg bags)
(?.30 cubes sand
\Yater 100 gals

4111 days rr.ason
7 days U/S~ laoourer
Scaffoldir,e; Add 3%
~o.tal. -

Rate per oube-
. ; ,·:'"

---------------------------- ---------------------------------"
Item Description
------------..-..:..; ,;

... . ____ _,_. __________ _

Pressed floor tile bedded

in }z" cement mort 112 and
pointing in neat c ment in
··round floor
Per square
225 pressed "x8,~
Add ·5%· for wastage
1~ cwt cement (50 g .bags)

,I•' 0.07 cubes sand

~ lb wax polish
.%.. lb coloured· pi nt
· 2 lbs cotton waste


4 deys meaon
4 days U/Sk. labo r
% day U/Sk labour for poli"shing

-:__ ..
------------------------. ·--·---··----------~-------------------
Item Desc:ription Rate Amount
. --------------------·..-- ..·-·-·---·~---·. -----------------------------
64. Glezec'. tile:, f'ix,d to 1~..:.'.:lls
inc~.ucl.i113 bedding in cc_ment
mortar 1: 2 e:r.d raking · in ground
floor, -(G::,ecials ~ieusured aepara-
t l~ J.:LJ..:.._ _,_.----'


400 glezed tile~ 6"z6"

Add 10;/, "for wuc3t~1ge 0::1 cutting
2;; cwt c"'n:-:,nt f,O.Ed (50 k~ bags)
0.11 cubo:i sand
1 lb s~it~ cemtnt

4 d{!YO me:::0::1
4 days U/Sk lah our,; 1•
K dey U/Slt l!J.b'lurer for cl


, /

, ,

Item Description Rate Amount
~errazzo flool' tiles. on :," thick
---· ---· -------- -· .... ·--·--- -·
cement and sand 1s2 in ground

Per square
; /

100 12"x12" terre.:;zo tiles
Add 5f~ for wastage ·,
1X cwt cement (50 kg bags)
0.07 cubes- sand
Coloured pigment (2 lbs)
~ lb wax polish
2 lb cotton waste
. '
4 days mason •
3 days U/Sk labo~er ··
}!i day U/Sk labour,r (polishing.)


(. f,7
. I

Item Description Rate Amount

C •

66. Timber frumcworl: for culicut

pattern tile hip roof in single
storey building consiotinc.of
wall platc,bea~, ridce-plate,
raft~rs etc. (P~·eaervutive
tl•eutmcnt to be r.1easured sepc-

Per 6.00 square~ '

34.00 cu.ft~ti,:1lier
Add 10:Xi fo1· w11otuge
660 l.ft· 2"x1" recpers
,i.dd 5r. wosta30
8 lbs wil•e nnil:; 6 11 lon~
2 lbs Ylil'e nails 2" lone

7 dayo carpenter
.8 days, U/Sk labourer .
Totol per 6.oo squn~cs.

h:oto per square

Item Description . Hute ,;,mount
---------------- ----- -----------------------------------------··
. . .

67. i-toof coverin.; with cc.lieut

pattern clay tiles in oingle
§toreycd buildins
(Timbe1· frame v:orlc S: ridc;e
C,>Vel'il1/; menDU!'C<i nepnrutely)

Per·6.00 sounre
!,la teriuls
750 .tiles .,

3 do.ys ce.rp,~nter
3 days U/:5k labour,1r
Per 6.00 squares

llfi t c per og

68. Timber frnrneworic !or corruGnted
asbestos sheet roof in o in;;le
storeyed building
Per J.60 sors.
1 ~~ cu. ft tirnber purl ins
Add 1 o;~ for wustac;e · \

Z~ I duyo cnrpe~tcr

J!dnyn U/Sk lubourer
'l'otc.1 per }.Go tsquq.reo.

Item Description Rate Amount
-------------~ -----~.~-=-~ ----------.:----------~-----------
69. Roof covering with corrugated
aabestos sheets (timber frame
work and ridge covs~ing,measu-
red ~~~~tel~:~r>'-----~~--
' '
Pcr J.60 squares
420 sq.ft asbcatos corrugated
she1;,ts. '
72 Nos, roofing screws and
· washers.~
1 day carpenter
2 days U/Sk labotu•er ~·-) '

Per J,60 square

Ro.te pe:,:, square •

.70. One layer halt round clct.Y
tiles over corrugated asbestos I

!'_<?:Of...coverin12;, - - - - - - - - -

-Per souare
650 half 1•ound clay tiles

2 days U/Sk lubourer

• . 70 I

------------- ----------~---~---------------------------------~-
Item D scriptio.n Rate Amount
------------ -~-------------Ii----------·----------------.. -·---~-
71. A bestos close fittings ridging
! x.P.d complete with fOO!ing screws

len th
Me. .:irilll s
4 airs ridges 3'6" long
16 roo!in.:; screws or bolts

Labour ' \·,

% ~ay-:- carpenter
}~ day U/Sk labourer
P':l:>:- 13'4" ridging

,. Rate oer L.ft

-------------- ---------------------------~-------------------·--
.72-. Rid ,ine; covering w.1 th calicut
pat Tel·n ridge tile;'i bedded 1n
aqm~nt 1¥!'-, mortar; 1,114
:::T:::-;~ rt r1dsins
9 tiles
1/J qrrt cement (50 kg bass)
·o.o cubes sand
15 J bs sl_aked lime
1/2 lb colouring powder

J'.re.):ls. u:.
X deJy maa on
}( d I U/Sk labou.r
Pe~ 12 L.ft ridging
..... 71
------------- --- ·-··-- ---------
.... __ ______________________________

-·· Dci::c:!"'iption Rate Amount
73• 1'"x9" hie;h valanc.e . board
fixed with brass screws to
ends of r~fters ( !or tile

Per 100 L.ft

LJ..l!.t.e :i; ;i. nJ,~
·75.00 sq.ft 1" planks
Add 5;& for wastage ,
70 Nos. 1i'l!" brass screws ill:
3 day .. carpenter

Scaffolding Add 5% -\'

Total per 100 L.ft :rota1
Rate p1P-r L.ft •

7 4.
?•"x9" hir;h barge. board

f:!.xed with brass·screws at

2'0" centres to sides of
;Pe:r 100 L. ft

Mater :!.a la
75.00 sq.ft 1" thick ·plmlks
Add 5% for westage
50 Nos. 1%" brass screws
J daye·carpenter
3 days U/Sl: lnboUl'!lr
Scaffolding. - Add 5-;;
Total per 100 L.!t total -
I... •••••••••••••••••••••

Rate tor L.ft

Item Description Rate Amount
-.--------------........·---------~-----~-~-~-------------------... --.
15 • ROOJ!' PLUl.!BING
18 B.W.G.(1.2 mm) eulvanised iron
. sheet valley t:;utter 3'0" girth ovor-
all Bnce bent with end ·.lap~. not le11a
than 9." width 1i.clud1nJ 3/4" tongued
and grooved planks laid to slope and
profil~2n timber members.
· .Qsm.s..:!~~-· 1 ;i' 0 11
!J'!'terials - .
2 G.I sheet. (8'x4')
1/4 gal wood preservative
0.10 cwt cement l50 kg bugs)
0.05 cwt slaked lime
1.oo cu.ft sand
50.00 sq.ft plRnks

- ·-

a) Fixing boardinG and applying

wood preservutive-
1 de.y carpentor •
1 day U/Sk labourer
b) Mo:k-1 ....... ~-<'"···•:"::~.I shoete-
}i day tinker
Y. day U/Sk labourer
c) Euiluing eidea-
X·dny mason
% day U/Sk labourer

Total per 16.00 L.!t

Rate per L.rt

.'. 73
---------"!'t.. ..,.~-~.-·---------~.-~----------------------------
Rate Amount
Item· · Descript:f:on
--------------------.- ---~------------~----------~------------
.. -···' ..
- .. ,_ . ·····~· .,

76• 18 :2. ''I' f'! !~ . 2 mm) GOl vc.nised

iron flaahing 1 1 611 g:!,.rth overall
3 times bent with end no.t ..
less thnn 6", lead sol~ero9,, turned
and tucked up to not. less than 611
into chase cut in wnll o.nd pointed ,·
in cement mortar 1a2 lower end
dresoed over roo! covering not less
.tPan.....1!..0" _w!de. -·--------
Consider 1,:•0 11 L,ft
1 G.I sheet 8'0 11 x4'0"
0.05 cwt cement (50 kg bo.&s)
1.00 cu.ft sand
1 lb solde1•ing lead
Labour •

Cutting bendi11.3, sold~ring &

~ de.y tinker
1/S day mason (caulking)
J/ 4 day U/Sk labou1•er
Total per 15.00 L.ft

i .. . 74·
___________________ :... _______________________________________ .

Rate Amount
. Item DeDc,rJpt:lon . . ..
-~-~~~----~--+-------· ·-----~-----··-------------------.. -~---- .~-
. ; ..... _,;_.

!lnt nubest.c::: ceiling (Dhect

measur,:.~ .. ,,,t>..l'a1:~ly)'
Compris:; n,; of 4":>.:2 11 j oisi;:; and
2":x:::?" bec1r1:::i.·~ h, I timber

Per 1 • 9,?_ 3('lU:'.l.'e · ·- •..,

8.00 cu,i't· i; · ~learn 1
1 lb 2" nuili::
26 Nos. fibre/pL,:.:tic plUi;.l.l
25 lbs.- e;e,,n,nt
2a00 Cu,ft !S(:llC.

1/ J go.l l:t,~·ns.:i:

2}2 days c1,.ci·pente:c
;~ day ma.non
1;2 days U/Sk labourer
Total per 1.95 square
.. Jcc.ffoloin,:; ... Add
~~-pei· ::;ou.ure
. . 7s.

J:tem Deeo,:,:tption ...___________.. _______________________

__________________ Rate Amount _

7IJ• Horizontal ceiling lining using''

4'0"x4'0" !lat asbestos cer.ient
sheets fixed with and including
beading ~nd cove mouldings on
timber framework. (timber frame-
work & painting meaeured separa-

l'er 1.95 '

~---·,terial.J! -
210 sq.ft flat asbestos sheets
60 l.!t 2"x2" hnlmilla cove
mouldinas '
1·25 l.!t · 1%"~ h~millo.

l4 lb -X11 clout nails
8 doz 1%" brass screws


1~ days c arpente...-
2 days U/Sk labourer
Add 3~~
. .
Total -
. Total !or 1. 95 squares

Rate per

Rate Amount
. t


79. J/ 4" thick tongued and groovec!

Lunumidella ceiling boards fixed
hor:Lzo11tal on 4"x2" class I timber
joists at 2'0" centres with 11'"
b:i:-ass nails,
•• Consider room 15'0"x1J 1 0"
ie 1,95 sgrs,
Matari~):P.. ..
115 1. f.·~ 4 ":;<2" t :tmber j·oists
21,5 sq.ft 6":x:J/4" Lu.numidella
oeiling pI.,'1ks.
J lbE; cement
4.00 CU,;?·:; S2.lld . r
4 kg, · 1}='. 11 brass nakls

Lfak:l"'.'-C holes, fj.:~ips joists &
makins good- i •
1 day mason
.1 . day carpenter
J days U/Sk labourer
;lrix~u. n<>i bo,u,ds_
J da;,s curpenter
4 dal'S U/Rk labourer
Sca:f!olding Add 3%
Total - •••••••••••c c:atsa1
Total per 1,95 sqrs,

Rate per s~~-


Item Description Rate Amount

80. J/ 4"x6" wide tonguecl and

grooved Lunumidella ceiling
boards fixed to underside o!
root rafters, ( with
1~11 brass nails including level-
ling with timber strips where
Consider room 15 1 0 11 x12 1 0" • 1.80
220.00 sq.!t ceiling planks
40.00 l.!t 2"x1/4" timber strips
2.00 kg. J/4 11 · naila
4.00 kg 1~11 brass nails.

. ) days cai•ponter

6 dnys U/::ik labourer
3oarrold1~. - Add J~
Total per 1.80 sqra. Total•••••••••••••••••••

Rate per sgunre:

---------------·----···---··.;_ _________ ··-------------------------------
Item Description ·. l\ate Amount
------------·- -··-----------------------------------..----------
~ ' .

'81, Doo1• sin~;le hung 3' 3"x7'0" high

overall with frame havinu 11'-"
thick sash and Y.4"x2~" timber
frame. {gl~zt:i;i.g, ~.ollll]ongery &
paintine; measured Reparatel,y)

1'er 22.75 sguare_feet fJ' J~x7 1 0")

a) Frame -
n~ cu. ft 4"x3" t j mber
2 No. spll: stolles
6 No. fibre/plastic plugs
with 4" long br~ss 3crews.
2 llo, 5/8" mild steel dowels
4 11 long.
b) Sash-
14 sq.ft 1;~ 11 planks. •
5 sq.ft 1" planks:

~-1.l!: .
5 days carpenter
1~ days U/Sk laboure
• I

Total per 22.75 sq.ft
. 'j

Rate ocr sdunre foot

., ....
... ?9
Description ltnte
82. Door glazed and pe.i::.e~led double
hunr; 4 'O"x7 •0 11 'high overall w1 th
(rame inclu.din~ 1;'. 11 th~ck ·
nnd 3~"x21/," (glazin5, iron-
moni.;ery P.nd pai11tin6 measured
sena.1•ately), ·

' 11 x7'0")
Per 28.00 agu.n:,.-e fetl (4·•0
a) Frume-
1 2/3 cu • .f.t 4"x3" timber
2 No. spur 9tones
6 No. fibre/plastic plU6 with
4" 10?13 acrews
2 Ho:.;. 5/8 11 din mild steel
dowela 4" long. •

b) Snshea-
16 w: . f ~ 1 }l'' pla.nlcs I
7 sq.rt 1 11

6 d11ys c11rpenter
2 da~s U/tik labourer
Totnl for 2il.OO s,,.i't

Rnte n .:,:• souare.. :ro.ot.

Item Deocription
-- ---·--------------------------
Rate Amount
Plywood -door _sinGle hun,1
J' 1;2"x6 1 11;'2" overall with frrune
havin~ 1;~" thick and 3'.I"x2~~"
!rnme. {Iron~r.ion,:;e1•y and. pnintin.:;
measured seoarntely) ./

Per 21 • 75 s gua..•e feet ( .3' 1~:z'' x6 1 11~" )

o.) i"r11me - cu.~t 4":,i;J" timbor
2 ~~o. spur stonei;
6 lio fibre/plus tic plugs with
4" long_brnsu scro1Vs,
1 .No 6 1 9"x2 1 9" plywood sush

Labour •
J/4 day cru.•penter
3/8 day U/Sk labourer
J 1/4 duy mason (fixing rrr-'lle)
1/4 day U/Sk labourer (- do - )

Totnl ·por 21. 75 square !eef

., [in_ te ne.~ sounre i'not

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ---. - -
. - - -::;;:,., ---------------------------------
·--- Doeor~pt~on Rate .Amount

•.... e4.···-····Door--:-J:edged; "bra-crnd··trnd ·batteri-ed. ...... ,. '
,. " sing_l·e· hung 2 1 611 :x6 1 6 11 .overall, ·, · · '· · ·
with ··frame he.vine 7/a•~ ' tonsiied. . .
&: grooved planks and .3{~"x2W' frame.
(Ironmo21Gery and -pe,; mEiei~ur~d
I separately)

Per 16.25 so.ft (2' 6 11 x6 1 6 11 ) ....

Materials I .,
a) Framf,! .-
1.70 cu.rt 4 11 :r.:3" timber

·2 No spur stone(!
6 No fibre/plastic plugs
with 4" lone; brt!\SS screws
2 No 5/8" mild ~teel dowels
4" long.
b) Sash- •
21.00 sq.ft 1 11 thick planks
3 doz 1¥.. lon6 b:raefl sc're1-is.

21,' days carpenter
1 day.U/Sk. inbourer
~day-mason (rixin~ rrame)
'14 day .U/Sk -laboui•er (-do-)
~otal pe~ 16% sq.ft
., a-,,_
. \.
Item Description Rate Amount
65. Viir~dow. glazed 7'0"x4'0" nigh overall
with r~ame comprising 3 No openable
sashes and JW1 xa
frame and mulliQnS

(Glazing, iron.'llongery and painting .

measured seperatcly)

£!!£_.Window 7 1 0 11 x~ 1 0 11 (nashes)
ie per 28~00 sq.~t

a) Frame-
). 20 cu. ft .1. 11 ::c:; 11 timber
4 No fibre/plastic plugs with
4 11 long brass screws

b) S~shes-

9.25 sq.ft 3"x1~" timber


~n days U/Sk labourer

~ day mason (!ixin~ ~reme)
}2 dey U/S!< labourer (-do-)

Total per 2~.00 sq.ft

Ra.t_e_ oer._s:ouare root

.. - · - - - ~ ·-=---·

. .. .Itei.1·~- ... .. Deseription- fi:·te
. ...... .,, ,_............ ·- ~· ... .. .

~-------------------------------=.:..---------~::..~---~.;.---------~-- ~ · ·-, '-

, ,
·········---··-··· ..,

86. "" cl,iar "rd1eet pari~s

oxoee.d_ing 1 '0" but not e::coedin:.:
4 squui;e feet cut ·t:l.xe::. with . an~
timber be·adin;;a to ,:doors arid.

Cons ide1• saah 3' O" 4' 0 11 lli,;h with

:x11t" Gtyle and .4. tloo\,. 8111::n pan!!So
:Per 9.00 s0.i't
9.00 sq.rt tlassynnes
JO L.! t Y.z"xYz" ~eadin{!;
4 doz brass panel pins


JI.I day glazier
'% day U/Sk labourer
Total per 9.00 sq.ft

Rate uer aguaTe root

---------------------- ______ _a,:!,, _____________________________ _
Item Description ... mount
87. L,ONi\lOi, G.i.ffiY terio.l e
1;2 :>airs butt hinges.
2 doz 3/ 4" brass scrr1\·1s

:r. day carpenter
,_. do.y U/1:lk labot.irer

Per 1;2 pc.i:-s


;,,a tl3!'ials
1 ruir '.L'ee i1in,:;,1 o
1Yi doz 3/ 4" iron scrows

2 hrs carpenter
2 hrs U/Sk labourer

~; ........ ;tate oer pair

~ ·•
1">' -. ' . - .... ~-~. -.- "'.'".-.. .
Item . ·Description R11te ;.1aount
n ,. :• :; . '
. .
- • "'" • - • • • - M •
• ••
.. ·---
.. • •••·• ,._-,_••,• ~,.,.,, • ' \ '
. -···· ~ .
SA• Rim lock

:.i:.... tei'"iels
1 rim lock witl1 screws

2 hrs carpente_·
2 hrs· U/Sk labourer


HUte oer llo.

:,Iort ice lock •

1 !no~tic~ loc~ with screwu

n da..ycc.rpunter
Y, day U/Sk labourer

H.ut,~ per
.r~O •

_,.. ___ • .• 0 •. -.,..-, ---.-,

. €,6

! -----------------------------------------------~--------------·
Item Description Rate Amount
9\ CtlS·!mant stays.

4 cnoe:n·: nt 3tu.ys
16•1/2" b:..•usn screws

2 hl's carpenter
2 hrs U/Sk labourer

:rotul for • 4 no.

hut,:! per ~lo.

12, Door closer Ciydraulic)
i-.:u t ,~ .t· i ul s
1 door closer
8-3/ 4" br:.11.w screws

'2 hr.o ·..;·-1:~n.1.~n.ti'J!'

2 hrs U/Jk labourer

•' --------------------------------~------------------------------
Item De script ion··-· ..... · P.n t .... A:nount
--------------------------------------------------------------- ; r .. ,.

:lJ. ·rowe1•/S;:oloton braflu i.>oltu.


1 Towcr/akoloton bolt
10-1 /2" br1,ns ocrewr:

hr c1!rpcnt,~r
% hl' U/Sk l11bou,·cu•

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H - - - - - - -

~4. Harrel bolt 4"

i b1i1•rol bolt
8-1/2" b1•t,ss scrc·11s


Y., hr oarpentcr
Y., hr U/5k ln,·our~r

Ru.te per ~lo.

Item , Description Hate Amount
I --------------~---------------T------------------------------·
95. CosAment fastoner2,

. hiatericl r.

6 casement fasteners
24-1/2'' brn&c screws

Y. dny ce.rpenter ..
i <i.1ly U/ Jk lnbourer

Total per 6 ;fos,

Hat~ pe1• i~o.

------------.------------------------------!.----·-- -------------

36. ~p::-ing loudea !o.nlit';ht catches,

o br,,nn fanli1_;ht cntches -
2 do:z; li" brass scre·.vs


.a' dn
. J cr..rpenter

day U/Sl! labourer

• for 6 ,,os~
•· ,..

Ii.ate oer No.

~ ~ ~ ~ ·. . ·- .
~- - •• -· -· ·-· -· •• -~ h ·- -· ·- ·- • ., ,-,\ ·-· -- ~,. ·- ,.,_ , . • • •· , , ........ , ••• .,. -· -- ·- •.•••••••

.. ' . • '· ..• ?- . ' . ' (. :· .. -... ',- .· .• . ·-· ' ~ .....

.. It•m , .Pe~c'!:!':l,P~~~~---····· '"'·., ·-·· ··-·-··· ~~~e . Amount

97. I>raw rings

6 draw rings
1 doz 1/211 brass screws

1 hr carpenter
1 hr. U/Sk labourer '

Total !o~ 6 Nos.

Rate per No.

C<'•· ..... •
98. J/4 11 thick DPC, in cement sa11d
1:2 finished with 2 coats hot tar
and blinded with sand •.
Per square
2.25 cwt cement
0.11 cube sand
1>12'· gals bitumen
rirewood (10 lbs)
;Yater 10 gals

1)(.days ,nason
. .
211 days U/Sk labourer

hate pe:ri s,guare>,•.'

____________ :_ ___________7-q______________________________________ ,
' Itmm Dcsci·iptio11 Rate Amount
f --------------------------------~~------~--------------------·

99. '.i/8" thick plastering to wall

in 1 ime and sand 2: 5 including
flel;l.tin,:: with lir.1e putty.

l,irit~...=·iul f!

1. 30 _cv:t sluk_ed lime

.. 0.07 c1.bes sand
Wate:..· 10 gals

1 dny mason ..
H~ dnys U/Sk labourer
Scaffoldinc; - Add 3%

p.ute per square

--·----------··-------------------··----------------------------·· .
100. 5/8"· thic_k plastering to wall
in cem,~nt sand 1: 3 including
cement floa"--"t=i~n~g._~~~~~~-
Per souare
1,40 cvit ::ement ( 50 kg bags)
0.06 cube send
:later 10 gals
1 day rn::iaon
lii· du:,s U/Sk labourer
Sca.ffoldin,, - Add 3~~

Total -

l,ete per sg•1are

---------------------------~------ ~----------------·-----·-·--
Itom Doocript :!.on
"{,:;· ,'.:_ • ___ ; ,<""•. r.
. .. ;:(< ~c
~ (•_
: · -~·.;·r· t
.................................. ..-.;... ...,_......:.. ......... _ ··----- - .

~ 01 Jta" tii~i:1, ·i,1,ir.tlf~;inc to· aottit

ulnb in cemunt.
. .'. ·:· .·
tlnd .Ql'IJld
.. ,
11:, .irtolu . .
' ... •,-: .. '
. ; ,

fer sgpppe_ .......... .

1.19 torial:;
o.oo cwt cameut ('30 kl!! bass)
0.1, ~wi alakad lime
0.0.5 ~ubeo sand
IJs.ter 5 ·~ala ..


2'k. days ~son
2h. c\uys U/Sl.
1'0:-nl -

-------~------------- Ba.te- per ogr.

-----·-------....--·-- --- ----··--------- - .

... •
J/Stt thick p l&..s-lall'ih3 to
ud. eof'fi t of- ~n cement ..:
•an4 1:, includin, · .floa.t':l-n : wj tb
!.f~,. ·-· -
().80 cwt c.e111ent · · ( So t:f b!l8£1)
o.1·6 cwt sl a.11:.eo l J 111e
o.os C""-b.S sand
W\.ter 5 ga 1.s

2. 4&,¥13 me.oon
2. 4nris U/~k lri.\aou:rer
SesffoldiY1g - 1.dd J), ·
.- ~~~p~~=~;:~~ff~~~~a=c
Item DcDc::-:!.ption itnte Arno1111t

103. 5/3" thick to 1·;,,ll iii l:L1i1c
cc:nent. and sr.:..nd 111 I~ i'ini:.;hoG
semi-row:;h 1·1i th ,·,ooden flout.

Per square
0.80 cwt cer.v:11t ( ')0 ke; bags)
o.40 cwt slokeu .,

0.07 cubeo aru1a··r ·

V,'u tcL' 10 t~ulB ·,t
'•, '


1 day. m11oon .
1}~ days U/8k lub,Ju.·cr

Scu.rfoldinc - ,,dd .t.

Huto per sguo.r,c

104. 5/8" thick pln::turini; to mlll in
lime -cement and 3tllld 111: 5- fi:1ini10d
smooth wit,. limo putt 4 iluutin,;.

l,iateriols cYtt
eemont ( 50 ltB bass )
o.Go c·,,t
slaked lime
0.07 cubes oo.l'1d·
Wuter (10. gnla)

1~ dnyD maoon
1}~ daya U/Sk lil.bou.rer
dcu! fo;t'd ins - .i.,:d );o

Item Description. Rate Amount

- 105 .. 1/2••
th~olc : r e n d e r ~ ~ :Ln cement
C . - -

and ae.n;c1. ·,a>· t1n{aiied: ··amootp

r, I ••• ••

--··Per -square·:· ·: ··- .

. '·.,_
1.07 cwt cemant (5Q· ~6 bags) ,
0.05 cube sand ·: =~- r ! .

Wa:ter 10 gals',,. ,
. .. . . -·- ··- -· .-· . ·- ~- .- .

Labour . ,' .. ,,
. ..

1 clay mason /

1% days U/Slt 1abaurer

Rate per sg14are


106. 1/2" thick rendering in cement
and sand 112 in floora, finished
·---fer- square
.. ·r,tatc&riala
1.50 cwt cement cso. ks bass>
0.05 cubes sand
--- Water; 10·gals. -·
' 1 day· maao·n

~¥l ~~;,~,~}~!!?:~·rc~~r ' . I

Rate· ·per square

. I

; 1 :·
Item De-scription . Rate Nnount
107 3/4" thick rendnrln..; in cement
and Sfl~d 1: 3 fin1shec. r,;n;oth.

Pel' souare
1. 75 cwt cement (50 kg ougs)
-0.08 cube sand
:·inter 10 Gnls

Labour •
1Y. days mason
2 do.ya U/~Jc labourer
'l. du.~1 U/Slc le.boL,:rer (curinc;)

Rate oer oouare

. .
108 3/4" thick renderin.: in ce:nent
ancl s:!nC. 1.: 2 in floo!·~ fini~hr!d
Per sgua.1•e
2.25 c·wt cement (50 kg ba8s)
o.oa cubes sand
;-iater 10 e;uls

,;: nnys mason
2 day U/Sk ..
;~ d12y U/Sk la.boure:>(cu,·ill(;)
.. -- ·.- .
___________ :._-~ ,~:.. __ .... _________________________
Rate AIIIOUD.t _ - . ., ·-
.. , . ..

v ..~ ·••-·· ·-•-·•·

109. J/t,." t.nicl, 2·enderini; in cement and

s~1i1:! 1 : 2 i?l co lou1•ed' c'einent !'lo ors
,tigi(<:;3£...§.ill.Q..O:;.t~h:::.:.•·..;.f;;;,;,·;.;;.:·<.:.··'·.;:.._,·.;. ·'------------
2.25 cwt cement ,(5~
o.oa cubes sane:. '
5 lbs powdered pigment
'.'later 10 ,gale •

1}i m:ison

2 dey U/Sk :abourer,
¥,. doy U/S;: labourer (curing)


1..10 .• ~'!x6" skirtin3 in c_ement and· sand·
1 : 3 p:r.oj ec ted or !lush to \'lalle
finiah_ed with floati?l£j inc lµding
Jo~·mi.n.<~ .;r:_o...:o::..v;..;ea..;.•- - - - - - - - - -
Per 10. l.ft
!~~U'_r:'.~}l.L .. '
o. 10 q\·;t. .cement _(50 kg 'bagu)
0.003 cube ::,:,.nd
0.25 lbs pc·.vdered pigment
Labour ·
3/8 day ma.sen
5/16 U/Sk :J?.b-ou::-er

P:P.-te per souar;;

Note: ·,:l:\c:,•e ool.0U1?pd skirting
re'1ui::~d;- d~~et~
is not
provision tor
pO\"tt~::-rot1 pigment.
. 9G
Item Deucr:'.ption Rate Amount

.,, ,•vpn:•,:, end npply one coo.t o! ·
p.i·eservetivb (oil type) to
otructural timber includ_inc
touchiri,; up cut enda etc. n_ftcr
fi:d.11:"i;:•:..- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(oil type)'
J" brush (1/10 uce)

3/4 C.F.y painter
1/2 day U/Sk l.o.bourcr

Hntc per agunre

112• · i.'repro•c sui•fncc 0f steel truac
nntl upply two cont::,; of unti-
cor1•o·siv!? primer.

Con:Jide~· one oounre

2;~ l '.:r. ,u1t i-corl'ooi ve p.i•imer
0. 15 1 t::, ,nino1·nl turpentine or
1 ,lire b!·ueh
2" brUch ( 1/3 1.1.?.e)

,,, das puint,,:::-
1;2 dny U/S!; }.nbo•lrer
.. ~-~·.. ......,, ........ ,

. t,J .. ,:; ;; ,:~


Description .
Item I_ .• Rate A"ount
------------------------------------------------------· ------
113 coat of anti-coTrosive
primer and two coo.tll e:1,,mel :p:.dnt
on already shop primec.l :ind Lll·ectcd
nteel roof trusp.

0.20 lt.·. C'.nti-corroofvc primer
1 1/J ltr. enamel pcint •
O.:?.O ltr.~minerul tur;:,cntino or
2" brush (1/5 use)

2'h c.a;is po.inter .
1 duy U/:,k labo1·rer·''·
Sccrroldin.; - Add 3,(, •

~otnl ·-


. . . . ... , .- '. .. '.. . . . ·-. . . .. . .

Item Des.cripti >n Rate .. mount
: ·- . . , .. . . .
114 Pz-epn1·e c.nd apply ·.t;·,o coats primer
and finiohin.::; cout of enamel
• · to mild steel (angle/flat) 5ate •

Consider 50 ao.!t
;,1ate~ ials

1}'i lt::·. anti-corroaive prilJlel'.'

2/3 l tr. enr-.:nel puint
·0.20 ltI', rnin0re.l tur;1entine or
1/2 'i'!i~€! brUf.ih
2" brush (1/5 use)
1/ ~--~ a::.1..y
. . pu i

3/ 4 dny U/ Jk labo•1rer
fotnl per 50 cq.ft •

115 Pt~intin.; steel on new work with
2 ·cor,;;s of r.nti-corrosive oaint
Pe).' eoucro
. lllaterials
2/3 ltr. o.nti-carrosive puint
2 11 brush (1/5 use)
1% dE;ys_ painter

hnto per souare

_______________ ......... --·- ..... ___ ·------------------------------...---------
Item Rate Amount
------------------·-·----·. ----------------------~-----------cat------
... - ..., ·•· ..• ,~ ... ···- .. " .. ,.~.' .. , ·- - , -· ... , ..... , __,. ~- -·
.: -~ ~. '' 1' ~ ~
Y">·'· .; ... -1~· ~1-..rr ·clrr.oe:;:· Vierk with
- c:;..L,1.~ · · - · · · ~ ... I..•••

II '·p···· ·.. , ·
~ - -=-~--..:!:...::.:..:..h.
% gr:~l we oC ~,rcH!e,:.vf' t;ive
2" b.1 ·. . . :: t; ( ~ /'5 tt:-e)

----------------··--·--·-··----·---------------------------;_...._________ _
117. P.r·r-:pF~.. :·.):;_~ nnd ff.'.intin 1"3 \l'IOOd work
wi tr- p:·irn,ir ar?,1 2 coats enamel
Per i:,n\1P..::-,·,

3/.l., lt:·. pi:-im,•i·

2.50 ltr. &, paint (2 coats)
2" br•H:ih ( 1/ 10 use)
2 snnJ·s

. ,.
--------------.-----------·'".9"" ____ ·- ------~-:-------------------------
Item. Description Rate Amount
. ·/
118. White or colour wtshing two coats

Per 1o ll,..q£_¥..J! s
0.50 cwt boiled lime
2 lbs salt
1/2 lb yellow oclu•e
2 oze blue
6° brush (1/3 use)
\'/e.ter 10
2>'.1 days painter
2'h da;}')" U/Sll: labourers
Scaffolding - Add 3%

Total per 10.00 squares

TotAl - aamaaa••=••••••••

Rate per square

1hg. Whit~ or colourwashing in
two.storeyed building

Per 10 ssa~res
(As pere.bc.vo)
Add~ day pai.nter
~ day U/Sk labourers

Scaffolding - Add ·3%

... ',,: .. ......_,...

Item Dei;-crip'cicn Rate Amount

--------------·----··--:-'"'.:·~"7-~-~..,.--.-----""='·~---~---:-.""".-~~.:7-~-~-~-----... --.-

i20. Prepare and uppiy onecoafot

All:ali ree.istant prime~ and
two coats of emulsion paint to ... :... ··•.


Primer .so
ltr. primer
1.41,)···1 t~. emi..loion paint
Viste~· O.JC e;e.1~
6" bruzh ("I/ 1O use)
2 ee.r.;.d 1;2.j:.Jers

'I}~ du:r painter
ScuffoJc.:5.::.ts •· Add J% ·
'.l!otal •

121. Cerr.ent 't'laahing to vralls ot sin8le
_stol"r.-v.:icl hui.J d:!,ne: 2 cpa~t..a______
. '·
Per 1 O F.<r.>,iaTe
5/8 cwt c er-e.!l.t
1.:..6" c,,:i.r b:.."'llnh
We. i':e:c S ('..:;iJ.13

2 d.eys · !?:;...:.:1.nt.flr
·2 de.yr!· TJ/S'.( labourer
Sc'J.ffolclfr:;_; - Add 3%''/:
To"i:A.l pe:.' 10.00 sqra.
Total aaa•••sz•••••··•••••
I .
.fu'J;!;i per a guare \ ....:.

Item l>eacri pt:ton · Rate Amount
1 . . •

122. Painting walls with emulsion
paint (2 coats)

1st coat - 1/6 gal emulsion
2nd coat 1/7 8Bl emulsion paint
6" brush -(1/10 uso)
0.10 gals ,.,ater

3/4 day painter
Scaffoldin"g - Add 3~

To to.l

Rate per square


123. Prepare and apply one coat alkali.
resistant primer and two coats o!
emulsion paint to so!fit of slabs.
Consider 1.00 .sgrs.
Materials ·
.99 ltr. primer
1.50 ltr. omul,o:1.on. paint
6" ' ( 1/10 use)

1'i'. days painter
Scaffolding - Add 3%
Total -
\· .
Rate per square
~--· ·- _,,.., ....
· . ''"'"'" ---·-- 1.0'., ...... ····--· .... .

··- ·-·
. .. ... .. ··-
-~ .. . ' ~ , ... ,. .. '·
Rate ·Amount ·
------------------------·-,;.;..;...;_~~-~-..;..-.;:,;._,,.,. _______ ~-----------------·
-•· ·, - · ·~-,--,··· •r-' • • \

124• Varnishin 0 two coats with copal

varnish a!ter sandpaperinP:,.....• _ _
l'er square
0.40 gals .• (1,SO ltr,") varnish
3" brush (1/3 use) ..

1f2 de.y painte!'
1/2 day U/Sk labourer
&ll_c pe~ aguare


125. Wax polishing to timber-in
panels & floor~
Per sguE\.I'e
3/4 lb. wax polish
.1/2 do.z. sheets sandpaper
1/10 !loor brush
1/2 yards flannel cloth

3hrs. U/Sk labourer

Rate. per _i:igu£>.re

'< ..
Item .... Description· B.ate Amount
. . . . _,

'---------------------------------------- ......~-------------------
. . ,_ •.... :. . ,.. ·.r,.: - ···:: I . . :·,· . ·, : •
- - ·-· ..:.·. - . .


126~ ~- :·· ·-y ~-.,..•.. ,,, ' ' . . •.,.• ·

1/2" diameter PVC pipes fixed

to walls {specials paid separately)
Per 10 Loft
. {,,··,
13 L. ft pipes
3 clips and nails
2 grma soJ,.vent cement

1 hr. U/Sk labourer

• Total per 10. 00 L.ft

Rate p~r L.ft

-~----------- P . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _. , ,• • • - - 111

121• 3/411 d:l.a meter PVO pipes to

·1 • walls (apeoiala pa&d ••paratelY)
Per 10 L.ft
--· J
. Materials
13 L.ft pipes
J clips .and nails
J.gx-ms. solvent cement
1 hr. plumber
1 hr. U/Sk labourer

total per 10


....... ::-··.- ,4-·-

."' J:tem D~ac7-':l>Jt~on Rate
-----------...·.::..::-----·- ...·----------------.--------------·--------
·-·. -

:i.2s. 1" ras,t.c,r PVC pi.pea. ;f'1.xed

J;n ,.,..P-,.J_ :'J~~cia1A .pai.d aeparat91;y).

}?._~:r-- ·: g.r., ~..!~f.!..,.

.f! ~ '!;'\... i:~~· Ci
1 CO r.,; ~t. pi.pes
Add 5% fc>~ nastage
a -'1~, d:i.e. oocl:ots
32 &a:-;.c:::i-.,.. noJ.vcnt',... cemerlt
35 91~?q~a~~ nei1n

1/2 c";e.;•:-" r.,:'.nmbe:::t"

1 /2 rlei.:-, li/Sk 1a.'bourer

T,,i:al p::i:1:· ',CO L.:rt


. . .

.1%" e:i.n ~,::';,:,::, PVC !:I.JD!!.d to
JEll~--~~,;t.":!.!'tl..1!...P.a:l.d separate1;y)

Acld 5'.?; t:-:,- ,,_..,,_ .... ,.,.::~
6 - 1}i," ,. ::. • cocketa
.;.a ~r r~~' c:oJ.-,reo:it cement
r; 'l:l.pc ::md ns:I.J.e

- br,,..
!,£ __ ,!~·..
1·/ ..1. tlr'y \1,.t., ..,\bc:,r
3/ "'- <~ e.:t U/ 01,:'lttrer
Toi:e~~ 11i:,r 100 .l.:rt
Rate per /
- - - - - - - ~ · ·--··--- __ J
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I ----··· &

Item Description
. . ·. {
Rate ~unt
1Y.i"-. dia meter ·PVO pipes laid
to·walla (specials paid separately)
Per· 100 L.ft
100 Loft pipes
Add 5% for wastage
B - 1%" dia sockets
.. -~-~-6.,.4-
.... grm& solvent oemG~t
35 clips and nails

3/4 day plumber
3/4 ~a7 U/Sk labourer
~otal per 100 L.ft

Rate per L.ft
__...,...._______________________________________________________..,.. ! ........ .,.

'.1~1·., 2" dia me~er PVO pipes laid to

walls Cspqg,_iale paid a,paratelY)
. .
·Per 100 L.ft
100 L.ft pipes
Add 5%-for wastage
I. 8 - · 2" die., aocketo
35 clipsand nails.
112 grme oolveat cement
3/4 dcy pl:...:~or
3/4 d&Y U/Sk labourer
~otal per 100 L.ft

Rate per L.ft

.....,.__. ............__ ____ ____ ~ _.,;.._ _________________~---------------
·, · 'Item ·Description Rate
-- ~ ·· · ·· ..................

J" die rneter.,-· .··.:,·

·. . ... .
' ...... ' ' ·.

walls,. (:;J'Q.!ll~~l~ peid 'separately) '

• r, ;. :.;,,:;:.-...·• .. '.'., ::•:•' :":.~,';: • • ' • ! • '". ·•;'.· ·•· • • .. , •

per 1oo~::..'':.
100 L.!t ,:,_-·.., -.·'
Add 5~ for wastage .. {._,
8 - ) BOCkf:'tS
200 gl'ma. sol,re:n.t c.en1en~
35 olips a.nd screws.

Labou:~ "

1 day pl:imber
1 day U/Sk labourer
Total per 100 L.!t

- ------------------------------------------------------------
·.~,,•• Excavatio::1.:!or· lai;l...:.1g ~" to J"
•· dia m~ter PVC p:l.pes in ground
not. 1ese th3n 1 1 -6" deep, ~back '

!ill~compact:f:!!s.. •~~~~

. ler '100 L,4.1

2% daya U/S!t labourer
:i:v t ... l j.H.:.l' 1 OJ :...rt.

·"? .

... · . .: ... . ..... . .. . .. ·-- - ... ... -c..-.:-. -~--·---·----r


,. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Item_ Descr~ption Rate Amount

134. Chasing brickwork .for laying 1/2"

to 1~" dia PVC pipes and me.king
good average depth 2"- (Pipes and
specials paid separately)
Per 100 L • .ft
0.10 cwt cement
•. 0.01 cubes sand '

Labour ~
3 days mason
3 aays U/Sk labourer .
Total .for ;100 L • .ft

Rate por. L •.ft •

·.13;. Chasing brickwork .for laying
1}z" to 3" dia PVC pipes i~.
gr~und'or .floor o.nd making •
good. Average depth 3". (Pipes
_& specials measured separately)
Per 100 L.ft
0.20 c,Tt cement
0.03 cubes aand
)}i days mason
3)2 days U/Sk labourer
Total per 100 L.ft

Rate oer L.!t


,., -----------------------------------------------------------------
Item Descript:i.on Rate Amount
----------------.--------------~-::,_,!._~-~--;;.;__,,__~---------.;.;;:_____________ _
1·3& %" dia PVC specials viz-elbows/
benda' sockets.
Per 10 specials
10 - 1/2" elbows/bends/socket
20 grms solvent cement

. '
2 hrs plumber
Total per 10 ~o.

Rate per iio •


137 • ~" dia PVC specials viz elbowo/

Per 10. specials

10 - ·?f.11 din elqows/bends/.socketa
JO srm~ solvent oement

2 hrs. plumber
To tai pel' · 10 tlQ.

Rate per No.

------------~--.:~:.~~;,. __..;.;;._~--~-.:.;.---------------------
Detitiription Rate
..... ....__ __ --,-.
,,., ~ :-.- '·". -~·".. ~' f

1'.38 1" dia PVC specials v:i::z:..elbows/

~nda/ sockets.
Per 10 specie.lo·
10 -1" die. elbows/bends/ sockets
40 grma solvent cement ·

Labour '
2 hrs plumber

Total per 10 No.

Rate per No.

-----"'-~-~~~~-~:---:~~.-----""'.""':"'-~-~------~---------~---- _________.,._ --- --

-~ ..~ ....

139 1X" dia PVC viz-

Zer 10 specials
10 ,No. 11t" dia elbows/bends/
• •
. 60 ;:;rms solvent cement

2 li.J;,s plumber
~oto.1 i'or 10 llo.

Rnte per Ncr.

---------------~------'.9 ________ . ...;.;...:..-----------:0.~.~----------------
. ·-· ·-· -·~ ,~ ..~,,..~ ..,. ,"---. .,. . -
Des,cr.;!.-ption ·· .v····,
. · Rate . Amount
·,i •• •• •t - .:- ·· ...
.-- ,-, •• '

-·------------------~---.~"'."'.--.. ·------"""'--------:..-~-...i.--------·-..-...a•••••

140.• 1}2" die. ~VO -~P~Cials viz-elbows/


Per 10_£rneciaia
10 - 1%" ·o.ia elbows/bends/
80 grms solvent ceme~t

~ dA.V

Total for 10 No. specials

ful!:.<? per No.

. ·,141
.· .• 2" dia specials viz elbows/bends/
bJ:'__1_0 El'BP.C ialf!
.10 - 2 11 dia·-elbows/bends/sockets
140 grms -solvent cement

1/2 ,day plumber
Total for 10 No.specials

~ e per No •.

_ ________________________________ ..._______ _________________________
....., ·Item Description Rate Amount .
_...,_., .,. .

142. 2l:i'' dia PVC specials viz. elbows/

Per 10 specials
10 - Zl" dia elbows/bends/sockets
200 grms solvent cement
l!r" day plumqer
'rotal for 1 O Uo. specials.

Ro.te per Ho.

3" dia PVC specials viz elbows/
Per 10 specials
10 -.3" dio. elbows/bends/sockets
2~0 .·grins sol vent cement

}2 day plumber
'rotal for 10 Ho. specials

· Rate per No.

_Rat.e .,\mount .
. , .... ,~ .. ,~. -~·-.-,,..,, ,.......... --·~·-"···~h

144. })" dia :PVC specials viz.Tees.

Per 1J2...'..'.r~~~' ·
10 - %" ·tees
JO grms solvent cement

Y.., day plumber
Total fo~ 10 No. tees

~te per No.


145• . %" dia PVC specials viz.Tees ....

Per 10 Teef!_
M!l'-.t~~i.aJ~,-.. ·
10. No. ,t"
diP. tee
45 grms solvent cement

}:z day plumber

Total for 10 No. Tee

Item Description Rate lL111ount
[~ ... ····- ··-~ ... --
· :146.· 111 dia PVC specials .viz-Tees
Per 10 Tees .·'
10 .-1" dia Tees
60 a;rms sol ve;nt ce,nent
}2 d.lly
Total tor 10 No. Tees

Rate per No.

147. 1%" dia PVC specials viz Tees
Per 10 'lees
10 - 1%" dia Tees
90.grms solvent cement

rz ··day plumber
.- Total !or 10 No. Tees

Ro.te per No.

Item Desc1•iptio11 Rate Amount
•" .... ••,,-• ,••
, - - -. . . . . . . .
~ <,
...... .......
>,,,-_. ~·,•
-~· ..... -· -··
•• • •,.-.,,,•.... •'-. "~"---""~·,;,,
~,..,. ,. . .
•,s,,•-'>s,• •••,-<>,,-•''•'"•"••,•-'••.•,•~•C",•.-• ,, •
. . .. .
.. ' .... " -----· .. ·~ .,_ .... . ··-.. •... •·"' . ... ,.

: f,fa~:.. 1%"''diR PVC opecials viz Tees

Per 10 Tees
10 - 1~11 dia Tees
120 grms solvent cement

1 day p1.U:ir.ber

Total for 10 No.Tees

. ;·

Rate per No.

--------------------------------.'!'!"'------~~~..----------------------· . ~ ~ 7 . . --
149 .=... 2" dia l'VC specials viz Teas.
Per 10 Tees
Materials ··-. -r•;

10 - ·2 11 die. Tees
210 i;rms solvent cement

1 day plumber
Totel for 10 lie. Tees

R.a:i;_e per :10.

Item Description '··. Rate · ,.,.: Amount

150. 21h" dia PVC special's viz Tees
Per 10 Tees
10 - . 2',z" ciio. Tees
JOO 8X'mB solvent cement

· Labour
1Yz days plumber
Total per 10 No. Tees

Rate per No.

151. ~ dia PVC specials viz Toes
Per 10 Tees
~O ... J" die. Tees
360 grms solvent cement
:1% days plumber

Total for 10 No. Tees

Rate ner lio.

Item Description Rote Amount
.1.52. 4" diu ~lazed eart~env1are pipes
laid on 6" thick bedding, in cement
concrete 1:3:6(1%") including ex-
cavaticn 2 1 0 11 ·!'l.ept);l, back-
filling ·with selected excavated
materials and concrete haunchtng
!!L,1.o int s ,

Per 100 L-..ll
-·· .
50 - 4 11 ,,:;_a EW pipes
0.75 cubes cement concrete-
1 :3:6(1;/.~")
2 lbs ya'I:'n
O. 50 cwt ce,nent (jointing)
4.00 cubes e;cce.Yation

Laying concrete bedding -
1}~ day U/Sk labourer
Lay;_ng and t-asting pipes _,.
2 da~ir pluMber
2 c'l.a.;r.;U/Sk labourer

Heck filling-
. 2~ days U/Sk l?.bot•rer

Total fo; 100 L.ft


Item Description Rate. Amount ... ,
· 15_3; · 4,,-dill. c.;i:. soiJ./vent pipe .fixed
verticelJ.y to l'.,-alls jointed with
cern0nt caulti,1c;. (Specials measur-
Pel' h I O"_lprfi~h

J,1at m~:1:!!}..f-.

.,.0,d -
6 1 0" J,.f·t IJ." dia C.I. 'P,ipe
,..,, .,.,; 0.. WE'.3
,::··· 1 Or.• ' .\,.
5/16 lbs ~t,.~,1 · ·
1 - tlmbe.·2.. ,1u..s 6''x6"::2"
2 - ~,, i~on e~=ews
'' le O C l''re:.:~

1/4 day plum:ier

1/4 cay U/S:.t labourer
Scaffolding Add 5~
Total for 6 L.ft
Total -
Rp.te pe:::- L.ft


. ·-·---······-·-··· .... -. .. ____ ,__., ________ . 119 .• " ·······--·"'··----- ..

--------------------------------------------------------------!""'-~·. -,;._..;. ·. .
',": ~,.' f:1:-::.L,~.

.Iteln i:iescr.iption Rate . Amo.unt

·- . . - . '


f' !~ • .r-.-·· , .•- ·' .-· •·• · "; .i· r -- ·. · -

·~ ,: _; :.
die- c.I. pipes
• ; 'j ~".( \.-_;...
fixed· fo. '·walls-
·. .,- ' ,'. _- .

jointed with lead caulking.

(Suecials mernmred aeparate'l:yl ·
Per 6 1 0 11 length
Illa terials
. \ .,.. :
6 1 0'' L.ft 4" dia C.I. pipe·
(Add.10% wasta~e) '
• 6 lbs read
5/16 lbs ym:r;:i.
1 wood plug 6 11 x6 11 x2 11
2 - 3" i:ron screws
1/1t;i cwt !irewoo·d

1 / 4- day plumber
1/4 do.y l!/Sk labourer··

-l,dd ...10% tor sund.tia.lJ. in cement

Sca!.ro::.o.J.,':5 - Add 5%
_Total -

Re. to per L.! t

; .:
.'-,. ~~-----~-~-~-.'!"".~~-~~-'!""-,-.-"""'·-·-.-----------------~------------------· .
Item, Des_cription Rai?e Amount
. -·- ·-
--~'""'!~-----~----..:---·. . .--------..·--------------------------------·
. . . .:.,.__ . ~

155. 4" din cton.owere ·sulJ.e:: with 6 11 x6 11 x6"

gulley box incJ.miinG excavation, 4"
ceme~1t ccrcr.-ete 1~2:4(3/4") .base;
surrcm1dcd by. 4}t"~hiclt·
I ·,
cement and
., .
sand 1:5 o~tended 6 11 a.boYe top ot
guJ.J.~y box incJ.u.dine; making connec- ·
-~ ,"l- ..,. '
tion, "! /2 11 ccmont nntl. sand .1 s 2 render-
ing internally n."l.d cxpo~d -i'aces
fini:Jlieu sctcio'f,b. 11f.·;;J-rneat cement ..
1' i;::...d prc7idin6 G.I. grating
£!L.!£~_o!. gu\i21_~------~----.....--------~
er. m,-
, 'I>

4.00 cu.rt excavation
5.50 sq.ft 4~" brick.~ork
<;).80 Cttaft C~rr:~nt concrete
1 : 2 : 4 ( 3/ 4 ., )

1_. 00 sq. ft 1/ 2" ce1:1ent rendering 1 : 2

1 .. l, 11· o·. I • .;:re.ting.

Yz de.:, mao1n ·
h day U/Sl~ lnbcu:i:-er
• Item Description
. - ··-· ,.

.. -
Re.te Amount
------------------------------------------· ·----------------------
.. . .

15.6. Manhole 2'0":x2'0" internally with

invert depth not exc.eedi.n6 2'0".
including excavation, b:a~k!illing
. '
611 cement concrete 1 :214(3/411 ) base
with J/3" diameter mild 1Jteel rods
at 4" centres hothways, forming chan-
nels and benching in simil(U' concrete,
4%" \Valle in brick in cell\ent 1 :5, 1/211
thick cement and sand -fl 2 rendering, .
internally and exposed surfaces includ-
ing channels, and 211 thick RCC
removable cover slab 2'3"x2'3" inlet
and outlet connection all complete to
worl:inp: order.


35.00 cu.ft excavation
7.00 cu.ft aement concrete
1:214(3/4") in base & chunnels
33.00 sq.ft 4%" brickwork in cement 115
28.00 sq.ft }~" ce:nent renderin{; 1 :2
1 -- RCC cover slab.

lY.z days· mason
~h days U/Sk labourer
Rate per No.
(, 122
Item. D~sc;:ription Rate /\mount
,, .
- - - - - . - - : - - - - : ~ ~ - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -..._ .... _ ........... _ _ "'"._._ _ _ _ Q.I;, _ _ ~ _

·157. 22 11 x16 11 glazed fireclay ,,ash basin'

with 1/211 dia Chromium pl~ted pillar
tap, waste plug, Chromium plated
waste e.nd stay, i:ncliid1ng !ix- .
' .
ing wash basin on brackets. (Water
supply and waste water connection·
measured aeoarately)
. '

1 wash basin complete with brackets
• 1 ~ -~n tE!.p
iYa.ste plug and chain·
4 · wooden plugs
6 - · 1}:Z" bruss screl'la
2 lbs cement •
1/2 day mason
1 day U/Sk labourer

... ,
. ~ :·

.. . . •. , .• ····~ "'" •...• •· ... :..~' , .... " •. ••.. . -·. • • .. • ~., ... "· .., ... ,-~ -· •... .. . .. - • • . , .. -'· n· -.• .. , ... ..,., . ...., ..- , ••.. -~·~,-.,,._,,..,,,

.+Int.-,:e,.'m· e--s, c· ription aa·te'·'·- .......
..... ;', ___
--------------....."f"'-----------;____ ., . ____________-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . .


. 158 S:l.nk 24"x15"x7" overall v:I. treou,_1;v.

China with rubb_er plug and Chr.o,m:l.,um
plated chain ;vaste carried on iron ·
brackets painted and_ t:l.x!d to wails.
(Water supply and waste wa.~er connec-
t:l.on measux'ed aeparato1Y)

Per No.
........ _ _.. _. ____ ... _.
1 sink 24"x15"x7"
2 L iron brackets
2 lbs cement
2 tapered wooden blocks 2" th:!Dk
a - 1%" dia brass screws
1/2 day mason
1/2 day U/Sk labourer

Rate per No.

t. -·"------·:-: .::. . . -.-------~~-:":'"'"::":"".~-:~'"'.".':.*'::~":"'~-~----:-~-~~:--.--~-~~~-:-;~.~..
·- .. , _,_.,, •.. " ...... ~

Item Description Rate . .,Amount

Close~ pEldElstal. type .iri th .L/L

flushing cistern, !lush pipe
double plastic seut cover, 1/2"
dia stop cock, trap.'l;Jupp:i,ied.&:
fixed complete to workinG order
- Per I!Q..
I,ia.teri ala '
•·--~--M1 •- low
level suite complete
•· - - ..
1 - 1/2" ~d1a· stop cock
2 lbs cement
1/4 cu.rt· sand
2- 1Y.i" brass screws

1/4 day mason •

1 day plumber
1 day U/Sk labourer

Ra,!:_e po.r No.

- .

.•;!'lil'"""_________ ..................... ..r.. ....
c ..... ·.:..··--·;·;,.·~,;:,:.;:.;:.~~~-·.:::.;o:;...::.;-~.;;.:·~.:.::.:.~·,;,:.:::~~;:-;.~.::.;:_-:..:..:::~::·.::...:.:.:,____ r/
Ro.te' ·: &nount

160. Closet --iiqur:f-ting type vi:Lth trap.·

inclt~C:::.rre,-··iLLish J.cvo1·01Rtern fixed
comr,lt:t,~ w5.
'th :tlt:E:h pipe a.rid 1/2i1
diu et.op ccck, .a11 · complete· to
,,·o'""'~J·.,.,...·.c-;,.c·.~c..:.,. :. .:_. ··- - - ,:,-...- - - - - -
,, .... ·:-t.. :.,.~·;. ... : ... .!--J ..

1· aqt:!'l·::t:~ng i;u~1 with tru:p

--------,-- 2 gt•J.i: c. ... I. ci::;:~l;lrn 1-iitJl.-.1~".flush,
pi:;ic, r.'1a~r:•. m1d overflow pipe

1 clj_l)
5 Wt'O~°:C!' r.:·:uc:s
1 do~-.:,. 1~·2, 1 b;:•rlc.s oc:r.ov,;i
1 -%''! s·;;c~ ~c~k '
1/4 c-.,..,; cc~c::i.t
1/2 cu..ft r.?:.c,to.l
1/4 cu,ft sand •

1/2 dr,,.y mo.son
1 de.y plumber
1 dny D'/Sk latouie1;


•···.·· . Rate··· Aniount

·---·----~---------------------·····---------:...---..~--·---·-.:. -;;;- '.

.i61. Vitreou.s .Chiria,bidet·suite

;u:ed complete to )yorkins .order•
Per No.·
1 b:Ldet

, ... ··-'
1 day plumber ··-·· - - . -~---:- ·:~:..
1 do.y U/Slt~labourer ..·

;!.tq_te per No.

' ------------~--------------------------------------------

' 162. 4 No. Bowl type urinal with
trap and 2 i:;als capacity auto~
mntic flushinc cistern nnd
spreaders complete to.working

4 Ur:Lna1 · Do,.,la
1 - 2 sal. c:Lstern
8 rawl pl.ue;:,
1 sp.reo.d'lr
4 wooden plugs ( £or c:Lstern)
4 - 1%" brass acrcY1s
4 lbs cement
1/a cu.£ t sand

1/4 day lll!l.:;'.',, ·
1 day plumber
1 day U/Sk labourer
'.L'oto.l. per 4 No.

Rate per ~·to.
--------------------. ·---·---------...----------------
·;·f1-~a,Jc ., r,
,,,_ -~·... , ..
r- ..

163. 6" dia. huJ.f 1·9un<L.}!V.C. eaves gutter

fixed to timpe~. Yfil:~flC~i b?,,ard
includitiG gutter joj.ner and brackets
fixed e. t 18" centres. (Other specials Sf'j)(!.:r;:_fll~]LJ----------

?rla tar i al r-:,

£ - 6" die eo.veu gutter len_;ths
1 joiner ~
17 gutter brackets
34 - 3/ ~." brass screws
20 grms solve11t cement

Yz de.y plumher

h da;r U/Sk le.bouror
Scaffold int;

Total per'24,oo L.ft Totul

.::,or.- L,ft

'\-':!. .·.
•• ,,... ,.., ;,,,I~.• .. •

•JC,•~M ~ ••.~, • "·' .. ·

· 12s.
--------------------·"·-- .... ---·-------~,.,;.;·_-...:._·~-..:.:.-:...~~:~,..;...;,....;,_.:,..;. _____~------
Itain Desc:.""iption ' ··•·•.'_'.Rate Alllaunt
------------------- ..·-------------------------~----~-~----------·
~. '. . ':

Consider 1 No. c;uttei' head-

1 "i.'VC GU "i: :;dr h-.-e.d

2 i:;utter jr,i::i.era

2 gut~e:t· bJ.'ccl:,~·ts
-·---1-2-~;ns-·sol"'rcn. 1.:. cement

1/8 rL~y p:!.".:n'"c·::-
1/8 <'tn:, U/8k 113.bourer


6" <l~c. p-10 rn:t t:ees
£9.r-71-£:..:E-1 No .. G.1~~
f!l§..!.'l:t'i_ci_!. ;-.._

12 cr-.·rr.r.: :=Jc1-,:12:-:-,,t camont
4 -)/ /;l.' 1 b:t'u:..1:.~ :JC':;."'~\"~

lA1.2..0J~i: ·
1/3. c~a.~~ · J;J.u1nb·::'r
1/C ~,:·_.._.I · ii/;~·:: :tnhf>t.1rt.1r

Totnl -

:/. • r: nt•-1· No.
- ··-······-
-------------------~ .--------------------------------- ...------
It~m Deecription

Rate '
• \
·-------------~--------;;--..-----------·-----. .... _______________..,_;.;.--

l,IIOUllt \

166 •. - 6" dia PVC end caps -:

Consider 1 No. epd cop,
1 No. end cap
12 ;;rms solvent ce111ent
1/16 day plumber
,,.../16 day U/Sk labou:i:er" '..
- .. ,__ ._......._ ....
Sce.f!ol.di:Q8 - 41.dd 5i

total - ......... ....... ~

Rate per No.

3%" dia PVC rain water down •
pipes fixed to brick wnll with
wooden .nlugs buried in wall. .

(SpeciAis measure~ separately)
Conside:..· 24 lo~ rt pipe · leni;th
"2 _-;· :»i" dia pipe ·le~tba '
1 ·- 3l~" .joiner
~l 4 PVC straps
j 8 brass screws 1" long
30J;rms.so1:v,tnt cement
· 1/3 day plumber
1 / 3 day . U/ Sk l11'bourer

Sca!folding - .(dd 5;•

Total - .................
Rate _per 24~0' .,

Rate pe:- L1 ! t
Item Description Rate A

• ---------------------------------------------------------
v 168. J'h" gin PVC elbo\'1 ·
1 - 60°/30° elbow
32 gr:r.s solvent cement
1/16 day plumber
1/16 de.y U/Sk labourer '

Sca!:!oJ.d i!lG ~
Add 5~
Total -


J}z" d:1:!l..!.YC shoe

1 - 60° /80° ahoe
1, gttm~ ao1v~nt cement
1/16 tlays plumber
1/16 da,,

U/Sk labourer

E:i.te _ r>.~.r iio.


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